#it's called Freezerburn btw
iralthegreat · 7 months
There's this one fic I'm waiting for to update and like I'm going feral waiting for it
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etinceelle · 1 year
do u ship any crack ships? i’ve heard ppl calling nuts n dolts a crack ship but to me it feels like there was defo some hinting at it in the show
love your art style btw!!💞💞💞
I don't see how Nuts and Dolts is a crack ship, it's literally one of the biggest ship with Ruby with Whiterose, + it's not that weird considering how they interact and are strongly connected x) If we had 1/3 of what Ruby & Penny had but for Whiterose, you can be sure that everyone would be losing their minds right now, so why would it be weird or not a potential romantic path for NND-
But anyway, it depends of what you consider crackship, to me it would be characters who never interacted or not that much/not canon or obviously not meant to be together ! So with that said I don't really see it as a crackship, but Freezerburn (Yang & Weiss) is really cute, I love their divorce energy xD I also love Ilia & Emerald for some reason, I feel like these two would get along pretty well !
As for a real crack ship I'd say Moose on Twitter converted me to Snowleopard (Kali, Ghira & Willow---) krkr
I'm not that much into ships of more than 2 persons (even if think Frozensteel is cute too (Ruby, Penny & Weiss). But man Snowleopard is so funny and also really cute and spicy thanks to Moose's drawings, idk I would love to draw them xD Their dynamic is great
Also thank you so much !! ♥
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pen-inks · 3 months
the gyatt of monte cristo has officially broken and all the pages fell out so I'll have to read it like I'm solving a secret puzzle. I named him Freezerburn, btw. Everyone, pray for Freezerburn the waterlogged, wavy page, broken spine, fat as fuck, chemical reeking, mold infested, kept in my freezer copy of tcomc💕💕💕
It's also my new gender it's called Freezerburngender.
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teruthecreator · 3 years
okay but. snowgrave au where, instead of berdly never waking up after the events in the cyber world and falling into a coma/falling down, berdly actually wakes up. and noelle looks relieved to see him up because if he’s awake then that must mean it was a dream, but when she looks at berdly she notices he’s...different. 
not physically different. he just has this look in his eyes that he’s never quite had before: distant. lost, in a sense. very...frozen. and he turns to her and that confusion and coldness doesn’t go away (as it usually would, since berdly would never let Anyone know he’s confused about Anything), so she asks: “berdly? are you...okay?” and berdly kind of laughs (but not in his usual, boisterous, overly-compensating laugh. it’s nervous and quiet and unlike anything that defines berdly as “berdly”) and replies, “yeah. i-i just...can’t quite. remember...how i got here.” 
the memory is the first part of it. not only does he not remember anything about the “dream” he had, but he doesn’t remember anything about that day. what they learned in school, how he got to the library. there’s even a moment where he seems to be searching for noelle’s name, but it’s only a moment and they move on from it. and it only gets worse from there. he starts showing up late to class because he forgot to set his alarm the night before, he forgets homework assignments, and his grades really start to suffer because--no matter how much studying him and noelle do--by the time the test comes to him he just...can’t remember a single thing on the page.
then there’s the personality shift. no longer the loud, obnoxious, competitive, quietly-insecure little bluebird he once was, berdly after snowgrave is a lot more reserved. quieter. more...afraid. he doesn’t raise his hand to answer questions in class (he wouldn’t know the answer, anyway) or go on tangents about video games during lunch. for the most part, he just...sits there. listens. doesn’t say really anything without being prodded by noelle. it gets to a point where even susie is worried about him and tries to “bully” him into his old self, but it goes horribly and she never mentions it to anyone afterwards. 
(she can’t quite forget how he looked when she cornered him, not having the intention of doing any actual harm. she just wanted to scare him. but he looked so...ready for it. like he had accepted his fate and was numb to it all. it made her feel awful. like an actual monster.)
he doesn’t play video games anymore. he doesn’t read comic books hidden underneath large textbooks anymore. he doesn’t volunteer at the church or library anymore. he just falls into this routine of being there and leaving. like a ghost. 
eventually, the effects turn physical. berdly starts to feel not just emotional numbness, but physical. the tips of his fingers are fuzzy--like the sensation has been drained out of them. he starts to do things to purposely cause pain, just to make sure he has feeling (nothing serious btw, just things like pricking his fingers with a pencil. sticking his hand on a lightbulb that’s been on for a while. stubbing his talons into rocks and the corners of doors). but it slowly begins to spread throughout his body. it doesn’t make him incapable of movement, it just...removes the serious sensations of life. making him a husk of what he once was, in every sense of the term. 
he doesn’t ever fall down, though. that would be too easy. instead, he walks around, a living reminder that the choices you made did matter, for once. 
i’m calling this the freezerburn au 
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shortkingvi · 3 years
Freezerburn wedding lets goo (for crack purpose)
in one scenario, it’s a drunken shotgun wedding; they’ve taken a weekend trip to deal with some grimm outside a town in vacuo, something pretty simple and something they get done a day early. when you’re done work a day early in an unfamiliar place, what do you do?? you get blackout drunk and accidentally marry your friend of course!!! they wake up in the same bed and immediately are like “ohhhhh fuck we hooked up” only to notice the rings on their fingers and then go “ohhhhh fuck we GOT MARRIED???” they stay together tho; the benefits of marriage outweigh the hassle of divorce so they’re kinda like 🤷
in another scenario, (TW: major character death), the final battle against salem is a lot worse than they thought it would be, and they’re the only two left from the original beacon squad; it hurts and it’s hard and there are days where neither of them want to get out of bed, but they know they have to press on. so they start to lean on each other, which turns into sleeping in the same house, which turns into sleeping in the same bed, which turns into a whispered “i don’t want to lose you too, ever. so let me do the one thing i know will let us be each other’s lives for as long as we both are on this earth (i am so sorry for this idk where the fuck this came from 😬)
anyways, back to lighthearted shit, yang keeps threatening to wear a hideous suit to the wedding just to piss weiss off; every time weiss nags her about something she’s like “i’m buying a green one now, green with an orange striped shirt underneath. kiss my ass schnee”
the def hook up at their reception; everyone is looking for them to cut the cake and they’re nowhere to be found. that is, until jaune walks past a coat closet and hears things and is like “NO ONE GO DOWN THAT HALLWAY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.” they’re late to cut the cake and... wait. is that yang’s handkerchief sticking out of weiss’ dress belt?
weiss very nervously brings up cutting her hair before the wedding; her father used to make her grow it because he deemed short hair “inappropriate for the schnee female heir” so she assumes yang wil react the same way. instead yang is like “yeah dude” (yang calls her dude even after they’re married btw) “you should definitely cut it! it would look dope!!” weiss shows up to the wedding rocking the sickest undercut and short hair combo remnant has ever seen. yang loves every last inch of it
they’re so fun to think abt!! that sad one was real real heavy but it struck me and i had to share. hope the rest made up for it!!
send me a ship for five wedding headcanons
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texanredrose · 6 years
Vent Post
Alright, I don’t typically do this, but I’ve hit my limit. Please understand, while I appreciate the love and support my stories have received, there is a trend that I have to address because it’s gotten to the point where it’s beyond ridiculous. After talking about it here, I honestly don’t want to have to bring it up again, and I expect no one to go harassing others over it. This isn’t directed at a single person and, for the most part, y’all have been wonderful; I truly couldn’t be more thankful.
However, if you’ve ever left a comment/review regarding Queens of Vale on another work of mine, especially if you didn’t ever leave a comment/review on Queens of Vale itself, and doubly so if you did that without actually reading the contents of the work in question? This is for you.
TL;DR: to everyone who loves Queens of Vale, I’m so sorry the next chapter hasn’t been posted yet. I would love nothing more than to return to it. But I also haven’t gone two weeks without someone using one of my other works to try to guilt trip me into posting it, and that kinda ticks me off.
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Text contents of the above picture: “YYBB does have a point. I would LOVE to go back to working on QoV- or Freezerburn fics in general, really- but the amount of comments in that vein I've received have made it a sore spot, to the point where I've considered deleting it from FFN and AO3 entirely just so I don't have to deal with it anymore. It's also a big reason why I don't post promptly from tumblr to AO3/FFN, because each time I do- even though I've completely stopped writing FB and QoV- I get at least one comment/review/PM like this. I thank you for at least addressing the contents of THIS fic, since a lot of the ones I've received don't do that. You've also at least reviewed QoV before which, again, is something most people DON'T do when they leave comments like this on my other fics.
None of my fics are forgotten or abandoned. I go back and reread them myself and work on updates for them all the time! The next update for QoV, for instance, has been nearly completed for the better part of a year now. But I write what strikes my fancy in the moment and constantly being treated like my hobby should be dictated by others is extremely discouraging. Ultimately, I'm going to do what makes me happiest, because until writing starts paying my bills, I've really no inclination to put undue pressure on myself by compromising my free time to meet arbitrary deadlines.
I DO appreciate that you love the story. A lot of people do and that's fine! I'm absolutely FLOORED by how many fell in love with it! But, if people stopped hounding me to update it (the current record is less than two weeks), it would've HAD an update by now, much like several other fics that I updated or wrote sequels that no one asked for.
I also apologize for the wall of text. This just happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back. (I usually delete the aforementioned comments/reviews- which is hard as hell to do on FFN btw- but silence isn't getting me anywhere, so it seems like a tumblr post is in order.)”
For well over a year, I’ve been receiving all manner of comments/reviews/PMs/asks regarding the next update for QoV. They’ve ranged from polite questions to outright demands. At first, I tried to take them with a grain of salt- for anyone who actually read the Author’s Note at the end of the last chapter, you’ll know that I had to rewrite chapters, and thus it would take time for the next update to come because I had other commitments- but as time wore on, I became discouraged from continuing it when the other, smaller things I’d written started getting reviews/comments addressing QoV instead.
I love the stories I’ve written. I love the characters I’ve written. I genuinely care about each and every one and try to put the same love and care into all of them. Can you imagine how frustrating it can be when someone who didn’t even bother to tell you they liked something only mentions it when you’ve offered up something different? And people trying to guilt me into it, like I owe anything to people who couldn’t give the five seconds it takes to type up “this is cute” or “I like this”?
Understand, I’ve been putting up with this for three years- you would be shocked by how many people combed through my previous works to comment about how “it’s too bad you don’t write [ship] because your writing is so good!” Like, examine that statement for a minute; if my writing’s that good, does it matter which ship I write? Judging by how many people have responded to even the most niche ships I’ve written for, I’m going to answer that: no, it absolutely doesn’t. It’s just a method of trying to make me doubt my own abilities and passion, to push me to write something I don’t want to write. 
Incidentally, my NOTP list? Entirely comprised of the suggestions other people have provided in reviews/comments like that. Because I don’t believe in rewarding bullies or praising bad behavior by bending to it, even for ships I honestly wouldn’t mind writing. So I’ve dealt with this, on a regular basis, all this time, in silence.
But enough is enough. The ones I’ve gotten recently? Couldn’t even be bothered to read the “this is a commission” literally at the top; the story’s written (mostly), I’m just posting at the customer’s request. 
Do you know how infuriating that is? Here I am, writing something that literally tells you what’s up, but you aren’t going to read it because... you want to read... something else? ??? Where is the logic? How can I even be sure you read any part of QoV- because, again, a lot of people doing this didn’t comment/review, so it’s not like I know for sure- and aren’t just doing it for some sort of smug satisfaction? Really, there’s no motivation here to even open the draft.
Y’all, I’m sorry for getting so long winded about this, but it has been building for a while. I’m a little annoyed, to put things lightly. And, yes, I have considered pulling the story from the internet entirely; I’ve gotten to that point before because if anyone thinks I’m scared of threats, they’ve got another thing coming. I’ll call your bluff and look you in the eye while I do it. I’ve tagged people before, telling them to save a local copy- that’s how close I’ve been to just washing my hands of it.
And the thing that hurts most of all is knowing that a lot of really good, kind people love the story, too. People who’ve been patient and understanding would love to see an update. Hell, I only even wrote it because Maka made the suggestion! Y’all are the only reason I haven’t deleted QoV and keep working on the draft. But if I post it, the people who’ve been hounding me will think their tactics worked, and they’ll either try to do it on another work of mine or to another writer entirely, and that’s the last thing I want.
So I’m just coming right out and saying it. Until I can go three weeks without someone using another fic of mine to demand an update, QoV will be abandoned. It sucks because I was so looking forward to this arc, which was going to set up some really epic scenes towards the end and focus pretty heavily on the relationship between Yang and Weiss, as well as their relationship with the rest of Patch. I was so looking forward to it, y’all don’t even know! Whenever I start reading over the draft, I get excited all over again!
I really wish it hadn’t come to this. I put out what I think is a lot of content- I’m already over 331k words for 2018, and there’s still more to come; I’m on track to exceed last year’s 340k words- but I’m doing this for fun. I love writing and telling stories, but I’m going to tell the stories I want to tell and I’m too damn stubborn for that to change any time soon.
I’ve always told y’all I’m an asshole. I’m sorry to be a dick but I’m not going to back down because a bunch of people who haven’t spent hours working on stories of their own think it’s okay to dictate how I should be doing it.
And I swear to God if someone waits three weeks and one day to do this shit again, y’all will know. Y’all will know immediately.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
We all are.
Yeah, we all are, you two. Well, not me. I find this kind of logical deconstruction fun.
I am so tired of being told that I have to be The Good Gay™ and take all the homophobia and harassment and beatings and everything with a smile on my face in order to be respected. That I have to be grateful when someone laughs in my face because they noticed me!
Okay, let me break this down quick:
1. Yeah, you do have to fight for it. Respect is not entitled to you, it is something you earn. You earn people’s respect by doing the right thing, by being cool headed and logical in debates, by enduring. You can’t just have respect handed to you: That devalues the concept. Yeah it sucks but welcome to life.
2. What homophobia? What Harassment? What beatings? I’ve never seen that around here and if it is as common as you say it is, then surely you can prove it. How do I not know you are just crying wolf for attention or trying to make yourself look like a victim to do whatever you want or maybe you were being a dick about something that is only tangently related to your sexuality at best? Without context and proof, why should anyone listen to you?
And if it’s not happening directly to you: Then don’t talk abut it as though it is personally happening to you. Especially if it’s not happening in your country since who knows what the other country is like and the way you talk groups all of humanity together which we are NOT a hivemind.
And what does being a “good gay” actually entail? because with you Invested, it could mean anything from “taking abuse” to “not screeching homophobia at everyone who doesn’t exactly agree with you.” Because I have seen you attack people for saying you are looking too deeply into stuff when you YOURSELF agreed you were looking too deeply or when a content creator just thinks shipping has gone out of hand (http://invested-in-your-future.tumblr.com/post/161686615570/wait-can-i-ask-what-the-issue-with-murderofbirds). And BTW: Being called a bigot in this world of ours is worse than being black or LGBT or whatever, especially since minorities are treated as not being ABLE to be bigots and that the “majority” should just take the abuse with a smile.
Because unless you are one of The Good Ones™ who always is nice no matter what kind of privileged bullshit Straights™ keep spewing, then you are literally a demon for daring to feel awful and to want to have equal rights.
Exactly that: equal rights. Equality. That just means that people should stop caring about you and treat your argument about your sexuality and race the same as everyone elses: Nonexistent. People stop giving a shit about what you are both ways and treat you as WHO you are. And considering this is the type of person who screams homophobia at everyone who disagrees with you (including members of your own community!)
And you talk about the “privileged bullshit Straights” when you used a similar statement to be sarcastic about the situation with the Good Gays, meaning that you are being malicious towards straight people the same way you perceive malice being directed at LGBT people, especially since the context of this post stells me you want every straight person to support whatever you do because you are LGBT: You are literally being a bigot the same way you say people are being towards you. A straight person calls you out for calling a series creator(s) homophobes for not pandering to you immediately and not supporting your attacks on them? Well, then they are a bigot and not being a Good Straight and is wrong.
You want equal rights? Okay then: You are a liar since you lied about JAC’s video being anti-LGBT when it was anti-shipping, you tried to portray Murderofbirds as being a homophobe when eh just dooesn’tw ant to get into the whole shipping debacle. (http://invested-in-your-future.tumblr.com/post/161686615570/wait-can-i-ask-what-the-issue-with-murderofbirds) as well as lied about them being involved in the BMBLB controversy. Which brings me to my next point: you act like BBLB is being homophobic when this exact same thing happened to Black Sun shippers so by your logic it would be equal because they did it to the biggest hetero and homo ships in the fandom. (http://invested-in-your-future.tumblr.com/post/162372941890/you-know-its-funny-people-keep-claiming-rt-is-so) You misinform people by saying the person is calling you a crazy feminist when they were just asking you why you have to act like everything is political and they don’t want politics in their media, which is good considering how blatant politics ruin media. You are a hypocrite in saying that there are homophobes in the fandom when the top ships in the fandom are LGBT (Bumblebee, Sea Monkeys, White Rose, Freezerburn, Lady bug, Monochrome, Nuts and Dolts) and you are seen as weird for not shipping LGBT, a big compliant in the fandom is no LGBT characters and the big names are LGBT. You act like you are entitled to representation and such even as you attack and insult whereas if someone criticizes you, they are labeled with one of the most dangerous labels in our society. None of this is because you are LGBT: I would say this all to a straight person. What is going is that you are just not a good person and it becomes associated with your sexuality because you force the two together.
Its kind of hilarious because it all stems from the very same heteronormative bullshit of “normalcy” - unless you conform to the privileged heteronormative society and say “thank you, kind sirs” for every hit, the Straights™ will go out of their way to shame you and claim you are not normal or you are dangerous.
Heterosexuality IS normal: it is literal the norm being about 75-80% of americans at most  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation#United_States / http://www.alternet.org/sex-amp-relationships/19-percent-americans-dont-consider-themselves-heterosexual)  and  around 5% at least (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/us-adults-overestimate-homosexual-population-much-tenfold) fact is: being heterosexual is normal. Not being hetero isn’t bad: it just means you’re not normal. And that’s not a bad thing for sake.
And homosexuals DO have more rights in some aspects than heterosexuals: If a baker doesn’t want to bake a cake for a heterosexual couple, no one would bat an eye. But if not for a homosexual couple, a controversy is created. If a straight person is stereotyped, it’s fine but you can’t be stereotyping gay people. This comes right down to phobia: homophobia has a lot of stigma behind it whole many people refuse to acknowledge heterophobia. Straight people are not the only privileged people on the planet.
And guess what? You, Invested, ARE dangerous. Not to straight people but to your own brethren. You keep talking this way, acting this way, speaking this way and thinking this way soon enough people will give up on trying for representation and equality because they will think the LGBT community is unpleasable and just not even bother anymore. And at time, real bigots will come in and take that one step further and start taking your rights away again. until the world you are talking about actually happens.  All because you keep asking to be treated specially and differently instead of equal.
Well you are goddamn right I am dangerous threat to society - I have ALL episodes of Orphan Black and L Word on DVD and I am not afraid to watch it!
... You’re an idiot. That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. And if you want t live in your little bubble for the rest of your life: Well, humanity won’t be missing much except for another bigot,
And now for...Dudeblade.
The “Normies” should be afraid of disgruntled minorities. They should be very afraid. Nothing is scarier than a person who wants equality, and has nothing to lose. This is why the Civil War happened people. The African Americans weren’t going get their equality by being The Good Black™ and taking all the shit that they took back then. Why should the LGBT+ Community be the same?
First off: These people are not like African americans back then: They have rights now. They have equality now. Now, they are asking to be treated like delicate angels who should have whatever they want. And they are going to fuck it all up for everyone. Stop defending these people, Dudeblade: you’re just making things worse.
And you’re right they didn’t get their equality in the Civil War. Ever heard of Jim Crow laws? Segregation? the Grandfather Clause? All happened after the Civil War and all limited the rights of africian americans. The time they got their rights was, shocker, the Civil Rights Movement in which they acted EXACTLY the way you mock. The only thing that extremeists got in that time were fear and their cultural counterparts: When the Black Panthers went to far, the KKK rose up as a result. Do you WANT an LGBT version of the KKK? because that is what will happen when things go too far.
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