#it's been over a year since i came to simblr JESUS
virsancte · 7 months
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i compiled a little before and after for the gen 4 characters from their high school designs & current for my own eyes, but might as well post them now that i'm back 2 legacy storytelling ik some of them aren't that familiar, i was going to play with them more in gen 3 but unfortunately my pc could not handle all my mods AND hsy so i ended up quickly abandoning a lot of ideas ;') i have some screenshots though, might post someday top to bottom: ellie (she/her), sola (they/them), dev (devin, he/him), averie (she/her), clementine (she/they)
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pink-chevalier · 4 years
Simblr Community Challenge
Created by @amelettes
Jesus, I got tagged left, right, and center with this challenge! I'll like to thank the people that tagged me who are @enniewritesathing @frizzyfruitydrink @natolesims @daisydezem @cyansimblr @mysandy0610 @simematography 
How long have you been playing The Sims?
I've been playing the sims for about six years now? I wish I could say that I had more experience with the previous games, but I don't! I can admit that I played the old games when I used to visit my cousin's house. He had some of the games on his computer or PlayStation? I really can't remember, but I do remember making sims and such when I would visit. When I heard that the sims 4 was coming out years later, I decided to buy it because I remembered all of the good experiences I had when going over to my cousin for a playdate. So, I owned the sims since it came out, which was 2014 or 2015? But, I've been playing since it came out!
How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one?
I've owned my Simblr for about three years now. To be honest, it's going to turn three on the 19th of this month! I want to do something special to celebrate, but I don't know what to do. Okay, back to the question at hand! I decided to make a Simblr because I would always text or tell my friends stories about my sims, even make up little dialogue for them when I was playing with them. I always thought of the sims as dolls that I can do whatever I want with them in my head. This is funny because when I was younger, I loved playing with my Barbies or whatever kind of dolls my mom would buy me. So, the sims became my perfect little dolls in which I can make them look however I want along with cutting their hair, which was a thing I did with my dolls when I wanted them to have a new hairstyle. Because of this and the little stories, I would tell my best friend that she said to me to make a Tumblr or a YouTube channel to play the sims.
Making this Tumblr was the best idea ever because I made some good friends, discovered amazing stories, and found out that other people share the same passion as I do when creating things. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed because I feel as if I don't post, I am failing at something, or disappointing some people; I don't know why I think this way. But, I'm learning to step out of that mindset and just focusing on posting when I can because my best friend reminded me that it's not my job. It's a hobby that is something I needed to hear and remember.
What type of Simblr are you?
Storyteller. I try to do challenges when I can to take a break from intense storytelling or whatever, but I tend to go back to my legacy because I like my sims there. 
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
Just the Sims 4. I promise myself I would test out the other sim series, but I haven’t had the time to do that because there’s like a million other things I need to do. 
I have no idea who to tag, but I just wanna say that if you’re reading this and haven’t done this challenge then please do so!
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Let’s Comparison
While there are eight brand new Sims-contestants under my belt since last time, only four of them have seen release, so I don’t feel like I can justify a new Let’s Statistic to further round off the year. However, I have made up a new spreadsheet for the contestants for BCs and MMBCs that I’VE run! So both in terms of by itself and of comparing the Sims I’ve made to those I’ve had made for me, I’d say this is worth a look.
Note: the longer ago a BC / MMBC took place, the less likely it is that I have necessary details about them; this applies to Ewart in particular, but is also likely to apply to Chambers and Kiss of Death due to their relative non-recency. Ergo, it is possible I am wrong about a certain percentage of these. If the creators of the Sims for those BCs I’m uncertain about have any clarifications on these points, please feel free to correct me!
So far, for my projects, I’ve received sixty contestants. Seven for the Ewart BC; twelve for the Chambers MMBC; fourteen for the Limerence MMBC; fourteen for Slaughter or Salvage; seven for my side of Mimikyu BC (including Hotaru Marowak); and six out of a possible eleven/twelve for UTAU MMBC. 
As things currently stand, I have made twenty-one more contestants than I have received, at eighty-one. 
Of these sixty, the Special Snowflake ratio is: twelve Special Snowflakes, twenty-six who nearly count, eleven who barely count, and eleven who do not count. 
Reef Seamount of Limerence is the only uncertainty in the last category, being potentially LGBTQ (due to entering for an NB DFAB person), but not confirmed as such to my knowledge. Besides him, four of the not-trans not-queer not-disabled Sims are a part of Ewart’s alumini; the rest are from Chambers. 
In terms of percentages and ratios, roughly 43.3% of my received contestants are in the Nearly sector, compared to 32.1% of my made contestants; compare the 20% to 35.8% in the Complete Snowflake sectors. The later into my Simblr development a BC took place, the more likely it is that a contestant will be a Snowflake. 
Eighteen of the fifty-nine use the male rig in-game, regardless of actual gender; forty-two use the female rig. I’ve heard it said in the past that there is a bias in the Simblr BC community towards submitting DFAC individuals for bachelors, bachelorets and bachelorettes alike, so I’m aware I’m nowhere near an outlier. It’s just interesting to actually see this principle in action.
Of the DMACs, ten are cis males; of the DFACs, twenty-one are cis females. This thirty-one cis Sims total accounts for 51.7% of my received contestants, or a 48.33% trans percentage. My sent/prepared contestants currently have a 66.7% trans percentage. 
The first non-cis Sim I was ever given for MM/BC purposes was Charlie Fuentes of Chambers, breaking an eighteen-cis-Sim streak. Out of the remaining forty, I’ve only gotten thirteen cis Sims since then. Keep it up, community!
Incidentally, the first nonbinary Sim I received was Lidon Butler of Limerence. 
There are two explicit uncertainties as to whether a Sim is cis or not: Emily Trophy of SoS, who is tentatively female until told otherwise, and Hotaru, who I HC is exploring this aspect.
I didn’t get into the practice of asking for the sexualities of my contestants until Limerence MMBC. Even then: I don’t recall many from that project, let alone from the two that came before it; since Vidcund doesn’t do trait establishment posts, it didn’t make sense for me to do this with Mimikyu and thus misalign our systems; and I haven’t had the chance to do so for UTAU contestants yet (though some have been given voluntarily). So the most common sexuality in my table is “[bacheloret], not otherwise specified”. ^^; 
The only Sim thus far to have joined the LGBTQ community they were not previously a part of post-project is Emily Gnubb of Chambers; having entered as a cis female for a cis male, she later started dating Alex Cian, a trans woman, in Valhalla.
Taking sexuality, gender, and the gender of the bacheloret the contestant went in for into account, forty-eight of the sixty Sims are explicitly confirmed to be LGTBQ; again, Reef is presumed to be due to Amelia’s identity. (By logical extension, no contestant for any project from Limerence on upwards is cishet! Yay!) 
Counting him, that makes for 81.7% - only about 9% lower than the maximum 90.1% among my own creations... On the other hand, though, their lowest of 80% is higher than my lowest of 71.6%. So make of that what you will. 
I have never killed a Sim specifically for being on the spectrum. Nor am I ever going to let that go, Internet.
Nineteen of the sixty contestants I’ve gotten are explicitly disabled - fourteen of which are tied to SoS. The four that are not tied to SoS are: Lidon, possessing BPD and possible dyscalculia; Hotaru, who has PTSD stemming from the death of her parents; Echo Birch of UTAU, whose loss or impairment of magical power is considered a disability in fairy circles within the context of my canon; and Puck Keaton of UTAU, who demonstrates suicidal and self-destructive tendencies due to chronic derealization, whether factual or psychosomatic.
There are a few more that may or may not be coded to be disabled, but for a vast majority of those (Fabala Thropp, Alexis Grovesnor, arguably Laurel Forest, etc.) I have no way of chasing up if the implications were meant to lead to results. So only three have gotten through to the Hidden category on the grounds of their being the most explicit through various means - Rose Quartz Ostkaka of Limerence through extended interaction, Harukaze Mukku of UTAU through knowledge of her backstory, and Poppy Afton of UTAU through knowing how its creator works. 
Technically Dottie Cleveland Creighton of UTAU straddles this, since it’s hard for anyone to tell what is disability and what is personality, but it crosses the line to ‘Mental’ because I’ve had this confirmed by Vid directly.
I would also like to note that, technically, all of the dead MMBC victims I’ve killed over the years ought to possess PTSD from their experiences. However, since it’s always been unclear as to whether that has actually manifested as a genuine thing - Post-Dying Stress Disorder, perhaps? - I choose to calculate disability ratios irrespective of that. 
Ergo, we have a total of 36.7% disabled Received, compared to a 61.7% disabled Given (keeping in mind I don’t know the mental faculties of Avdotya, Osano, or strictly even Doireann yet - I have Doireann under “Amnesia of varying degrees”, but it’s hard to say for sure given Doireann is so - well - cryptic). If I have the opportunity to do so in the future, I would like to significantly raise this ratio, though I have no idea how to do so without making a disability be an absolute requirement... we’ll see.
There are fifteen CAS-intended supernaturals out of sixty: five witches, three fairies, two Genies, two vampires, a ghost who died prior to production, a werewolf, and an imaginary friend. Three of those occults overlap with the Death-induced Ghost category (two witches and a fairy), which consists of twenty-three more individuals besides that - discounting Laurel, as even though ze is dead, ze is not yet a ghost. 
Much like Midnight, Xyq and SLIP, I count Marlene Ramano of Ewart as a Story Supernatural. Although not programmed with any particular status, I attempted to write her as having a great psychic potential hitherto unseen in any mortal Sim... though since she was voted off after the first challenge, I never had a chance to take this anywhere. Oh well.
As stated above, Echo is also a Story Supernatural, though this time it’s through word of creator rather than word of me. 
If we include Death-induced ghosts, the Sims you’ve all made have a much higher occult percentage than mine! 66.7% of those received compared to 38.3% of those sent out. But taking out Sims who became ghosts after the fact, the difference is still there but not nearly as great, becoming 28.3% to 24.7%.
I’ve received twenty-four Vanilla sims, five van/ban cusps (Ellis Sterling of Ewart, June Dandelion of Chambers due to dyed hair, Harukichi Ariados of Mimikyu, Echo, and Puck due to yellow eyes), ten Banilla, one ban/berry cusp (Gregory Chiltington of Chambers - for some reason my .sim file of him has him with a vanilla skin tone?), and nineteen Berry. This is almost proportionally identical to my own Vanilla-Banilla-Berry ratio.
I’ve gotten more Sims beginning with C than I’ve dished out: your ten to my nine! But I’ve sent out more S’s and A’s than you, having only gotten three of each and sent eleven and ten respectively. I haven’t gotten any Bs, Is, Qs, Us, or Xs onwards; then again, I still haven’t prepared any Gs, so Ginerva Ebonywood of SoS and Gregory have that going for them. I only have one D, O, V and W.
Also, we now have more MMBC ‘Poppy’s than anyone else except Katherines - Afton, Blaze, Citrus, and Reaves. What is it with the name Poppy that makes someone ripe for death?
Warning: I no longer possess the .sim file for Marlene, and I have no way of getting it back. Ergo, for the Trait section of this analysis, I am working with one Sim less than I should. Also, two of the new Sims, The Distortionist and Avdotya, don’t have set traits yet, plus Seth is still one short. This shouldn’t skew my numbers too much, but again, if there’s errors, I apologize.
With that said, of the ninety-seven in-game traits that I consistently allow people to use (discounting Unconventional and Panicky), you guys have successfully used eighty-eight of them. 
You’ve used twenty-five traits once, eleven twice, sixteen thrice, thirteen four times, eleven five times, one six times, six seven times, three eight times, one ten times, and one - you ready? - eleven times!! Jesus H Christ.
The eleven-use trait is Brave of all things; used five times in Chambers, three times in Limerence, once in SoS and twice in Mimikyu. In comparison, I’ve only used it three times, for Fatin, Percy, and Blackcurrant. 
The next most-used traits are Hopeless Romantic at ten (eight for me), and Friendly, Flirty and Hot-Headed at eight (seven, seven and eight for me respectively). Your seven-time users are Ambitious (three), Athletic (four), Brooding (six), Excitable (four), Night Owl (four), and Rebellious (five).
However, this principle also works in reverse. I’ve used Coward eight times, where you’ve only used it thrice for Reef, Lavandar Ink of SoS and Harukaze; and you’ve only used Snob once to my also-eight, for Lidon. (Yes, I’ve used four traits eight times. One more and I’ll have a Sim in and of itself XD) Also, do you know that until today with Aina, I’ve NEVER received a Proper Sim before?! ...I haven’t received a Mooch or Workaholic or Savvy Sculptor either, to be fair, but Proper especially stood out to me with its until-now-lack-of-use because it was my most used trait for a while.
The single-use traits Hydrophobic, Social Butterfly, Technophobe, and all three uses of Supernatural Fan are exclusive to the six known Ewart contestants. Great Kisser, Sailor, Slob, Supernatural Skeptic, and both uses of Angler, Evil, and Unflirty are confined to Chambers. Avant Garde, Disciplined, Dislikes Children, Gatherer, Lucky, and Snob are exclusive to Limerence; Born Seller, Bot Fan, Couch Potato, Loser, Photographer’s Eye, Unlucky, and Vehicle Enthusiast are exclusive to SoS. Only Dog Person is confined to my side of Mimikyu, and so far, Diva, Inappropriate, Natural Born Performer, and of course Proper are confined to UTAU.
I will try to be better. 
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