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wrixie · 1 year ago
my boyfriend got his new job!! it's a $3 pay increase too ;A;
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theliberaltony · 6 years ago
via FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to a weekly collaboration between FiveThirtyEight and ABC News. With 5,000 people seemingly thinking about challenging President Trump in 2020 — Democrats and even some Republicans — we’re keeping tabs on the field as it develops. Each week, we’ll run through what the potential candidates are up to — who’s getting closer to officially jumping in the ring and who’s getting further away.
Although there was a lot of attention this week in the media on whether major names like Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke will get into the Democratic presidential race, candidates who have already been on the official campaign trail staked out positions on big issues that have been in the news. Although Democrats are generally unified on immigration — denouncing President Trump’s proposed border wall — fractures are forming around “Medicare-for-all” proposals and the “Green New Deal.” Progressive candidates have faced some pushback from the field’s centrists, who believe that their aims could be achieved in a more incremental fashion.
Here’s the weekly candidate roundup:
Feb. 8-14, 2019
Stacey Abrams (D) On Friday, Abrams is visiting Washington, where she will deliver a speech at the Democratic National Committee’s Winter Meeting and participate in a discussion about race and political power in the United States at the Brookings Institution. Michael Bennet (D) The Colorado senator hinted at a presidential run during an appearance on “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “We’ve got a million people that are going to run, which I think is great,” he said. “I think having one more voice in that conversation that’s focused on America’s future, I don’t think would hurt.”
Bennet discussed his diverse professional background as one of the ways he was different from the field’s current candidates, citing his time in business and as Denver Public Schools superintendent.
On policy, he joined many Democrats in supporting a public health care option but said that such a plan did not necessarily mean that private insurance should be eliminated. Joe Biden (D) The Washington Post reported Thursday that Biden was still undecided about a presidential campaign, noting that he originally intended to decide by the end of 2018.
On Wednesday, CNBC wrote that Biden is signaling to several Democratic donors that he is leaning toward joining the presidential field but that his decision is not yet final.
The former vice president eulogized the late Rep. John Dingell on Tuesday, saying that the longtime Michigan congressman was one of only a few people he “looked up to.”
“He gave me confidence,” Biden said. “He made me believe more in myself more than I had. John had that special capacity to do so. Because when you are with him, you knew you were with greatness.” Michael Bloomberg (D) The billionaire former New York City mayor is prepared to spend at least $500 million during the presidential campaign cycle to defeat Trump, Politico reported Wednesday.
“That’ll get us through the first few months,” said Kevin Sheekey, one of Bloomberg’s top aides, noting that Bloomberg put $100 million into his last mayoral election.
Last Friday, Bloomberg told The Associated Press that he would reach a decision on a presidential run by the end of February and pushed back on speculation that he would not run if Biden launched a campaign. “My decision doesn’t depend on what other people are going to do,” he said. “My decision depends on whether or not I think I can make a difference.” Cory Booker (D) Booker visited Iowa and South Carolina during his first weekend on the campaign trail as a declared presidential candidate. In Iowa, the New Jersey senator continued to pitch his theme of unity and optimism to voters. In South Carolina, he addressed racial discrimination, saying that the country needed a leader who is “telling the truth about racism, not participating in racist statements, demeaning and degrading people like we’re seeing now.”
In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Booker said that if he wins the Democratic nomination, he will “be looking to women first” when he considers a running mate. “I believe there should be a woman president right now, and I worked very hard to get one,” he said. “We have such a great field of leaders. I think that you will rarely see a Democratic ticket anymore without gender diversity, race diversity.”
This weekend, Booker will be in New Hampshire for six events across the state. Sherrod Brown (D) Brown said that he’s “not ready to jump” into the presidential race during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast Tuesday. But he has given himself a March deadline to come to a “joint decision” with his wife, journalist Connie Schultz.
The Ohio senator rolled out two bills Wednesday with Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill: The first is a “cost-of-living refund,” which would double the Earned Income Tax Credit; the second would lower the Medicare eligibility age to 50, allowing people to buy in voluntarily. Steve Bullock (D) The Montana governor will visit Iowa this weekend. Bullock has said that he is unlikely to make a public announcement about whether he will launch a campaign until later in the spring, after Montana’s state legislative session. Pete Buttigieg (D) The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, joined MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday morning for a lightning round of questions on where he sits on the ideological spectrum. “I consider myself a pretty strong progressive, but I don’t consider the left-center spectrum to be the most useful way to look at our politics right now,” he said.
Last weekend, Buttigieg made his first trip to Iowa since announcing his presidential exploratory committee. While there, he shared his support for “Medicare-for-all” and the Green New Deal (which seeks to make massive public investments to combat climate change) while continuing to play up his military background and executive experience.
In an interview with New York magazine, Buttigieg expanded on how his local experiences could be helpful in the Oval Office, using South Bend’s sewer system as an example. “They’re so important that we make sure they work basically all of the time. Which is why you never think of them — that’s kind of the point,” he said. “But it’s not that different from national security. It’s like I say, the more freedom [people experience], the less they think about it.”
In both the New York magazine story and an interview with CNN, Buttigieg was critical of the social views of Vice President Mike Pence (a former Indiana governor and U.S. House member), saying to CNN that “politically [Pence] is a fanatic and he damaged our city and our state through choices that his social extremism led him to make.” Julian Castro (D) In a CNN interview Saturday, Castro said that even though he knows his candidacy has “special meaning for the Latino community,” his message is intended to be all-encompassing. “I’m also aware that I have to have policy proposals and a vision that includes everybody,” said Castro, who is a former mayor of San Antonio and served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration. Bill de Blasio (D) De Blasio was scheduled to visit New Hampshire on Friday, renewing speculation that the New York City mayor is contemplating a presidential campaign. But he canceled the trip after a New York City police detective was killed during a robbery Tuesday. John Delaney (D) The former Maryland congressman spent the first half of the week in New Hampshire, his 14th trip to the state. He opened an office in Manchester and attended a “politics and eggs” breakfast at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics — one of 10 events in three days.
Delaney broke with several other Democratic presidential contenders by revealing that he was opposed to the Green New Deal. Tulsi Gabbard (D) During her first visit to Iowa as a presidential candidate, the U.S. House member from Hawaii and National Guard major touted her dedication to service and outlined her views on foreign policy, responding to criticism over her recent comments about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In Iowa, she said he was a “brutal dictator” but said that she didn’t feel the United States should be “the world’s police.” Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Gillibrand toured South Carolina, with seven stops across the state, from Friday through Sunday, including meetings with Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin, who leads the National Conference of Mayors, and a group of women leaders.
The New York Times highlighted Gillibrand’s “feminist campaign” Tuesday, describing how advocacy for women has already become a centerpiece of her candidacy and one that differentiates her from fellow female Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren thus far.
This weekend, Gillibrand is again visiting New Hampshire for a collection of meet-and-greets, walking tours and town halls, after having traveled to the Granite State just two weeks ago. Kamala Harris (D) Harris attracted headlines Monday after she admitted during a New York radio interview to having smoked marijuana in college. “I did inhale,” the California senator said. “It was a long time ago, but yes.”
The remarks came during a larger discussion about marijuana, during which Harris said it wasn’t true that she opposes its legalization. She said that she supports legalization but has “concerns” and that its effects on users should be researched. John Hickenlooper (D) The former Colorado governor visited New Hampshire on Wednesday and Thursday and said he’s going to decide on a presidential run in the next “six weeks.”
During his stop at a Manchester house party, Hickenlooper joked about his unusual surname and how it taught him in his childhood how to “deal with bullies” — a reference to how he would approach running against Trump.
Hickenlooper added that he still wants to learn more about the Green New Deal and criticized Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border while also saying that there are “border security issues” to solve. Eric Holder (D) After a speech at Drake University in Iowa on Tuesday, Holder, a former U.S. attorney general, said he would reach a decision on a presidential run in the next three to four weeks. “I’m concerned about the direction of the country,” Holder said. “I think I’ve got some ideas and visions that I think would be useful to the nation.”
On the issues, Holder said that the U.S. was “at a point where we should think seriously about [marijuana] legalization” and that he supports the Green New Deal, labeling it “our generation’s moonshot.” Amy Klobuchar (D) Klobuchar launched her presidential campaign Sunday during a snowy outdoor event in Minneapolis. She outlined her humble political roots and described her motivations for getting into the race. “I’m running for every parent who wants a better world for their kids,” she said. “I’m running for every student who wants a good education. For every senior who wants affordable prescription drugs. For every worker, farmer, dreamer, builder. For every American. I’m running for you.”
In an appearance Monday on “Good Morning America,” the Minnesota senator defended herself against allegations that she was abusive toward her Senate staff, conceding that she is “tough” and “push[es] people” but said that it was because she holds “high expectations.”
She mocked the president after he, referring to her kickoff rally, tweeted that it was “bad timing” that she was “talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures.”
“I’m sorry if it still snows in the world,” Klobuchar said on “Good Morning America” on Monday. “But the point is that we know climate change is happening.”
Next Monday, Klobuchar will participate in a CNN town hall in New Hampshire. She will then travel to Iowa on Thursday. Jeff Merkley (D) Merkley is “still exploring” a run for president, he told Northwest Labor Press this week. The Oregon senator denied that his decision will be based on whether Bernie Sanders, whom he endorsed in 2016, decides to run. Seth Moulton (D) After telling BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is thinking about running for president, Moulton confirmed the sentiment publicly Tuesday during question-and-answer sessions after a foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
“I’m thinking about running for president,” Moulton said in the BuzzFeed interview. “I’m not definitely running, but I’m going to take a very hard look at it. A very serious look at it. Because I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership, and we gotta send Donald Trump packing.”
The Massachusetts congressman added that his decision will not be based on who else launches campaigns, saying that he doesn’t “look at this as a horse race.” Beto O’Rourke (D) As Trump held a campaign rally in El Paso, Texas, O’Rourke defended his hometown during a protest march Monday, criticizing the president for his rhetoric on immigration. “We are making a stand for the truth, against lies and hate and ignorance and intolerance,” O’Rourke said. “El Paso has been the safest city in the United States of America not in spite of the fact that we’re a city of immigrants but because we are a city of immigrants.”
Trump mentioned O’Rourke during his event, referring to the former U.S. House member as “a young man who’s got very little going for himself, except he’s got a great first name.”
Politico reported Wednesday that O’Rourke met with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss a possible run for Senate against Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican, in 2020. Tim Ryan (D) Ryan is “seriously considering” a presidential run, he said on CNN’s “Erin Burnett Outfront” on Wednesday.
The Ohio congressman, perhaps best known for his 2016 challenge to Nancy Pelosi to lead House Democrats, added that he doesn’t “feel any pressure for any timeline at this point.”
“The country is divided,” Ryan said. “We can’t get anything done because of these huge divisions that we have, and people in communities like the ones I represent … are suffering because of this division. You can’t win the future divided.” Bernie Sanders (D) Sanders is leaning toward announcing a presidential campaign by the end of February, Fox News reported Thursday, citing two sources close to the Vermont senator.
Earlier in the week, amid the controversy that engulfed Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat, over a tweet interpreted to be anti-Semitic, Sanders called the freshman congresswoman to offer his support, The Daily Beast reported. Howard Schultz (I) The former Starbucks CEO continued to face criticism from Democrats over his potential independent bid for president, and Schultz returned the favor, discussing his misgivings with both Democrats and Republicans at a CNN town hall Tuesday. “Both parties today on the far left and the far right are more interested in partisan politics, revenge politics,” Schultz said. “I think we could be doing so much better than we are.”
During the event, Schultz acknowledged that his “business experience is not qualification to run for president.” But he argued that he could bring a pragmatic, results-focused approach to combating problems like climate change and economic inequality. Elizabeth Warren (D) Warren officially jumped into the 2020 race, announcing her candidacy for president at a rally in Lawrence, Massachusetts, last Saturday. Before a crowd of 3,500 supporters packed into Everett Mills — the site of one of the most famous labor strikes that catalyzed massive changes to labor rules — Warren said: “Millions and millions and millions of American families are also struggling to survive in a system that has been rigged by the wealthy and the well-connected. Hard-working people are up against a small group that holds far too much power. … Like the women of Lawrence, we are here to say enough is enough!”
Warren took the stage to Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5” before making her official announcement and kicking off a tour through early-voting states. She made her debut as a presidential candidate in Dover, New Hampshire, before heading to Iowa on Sunday. She continues on to South Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and California this weekend. Bill Weld (R) Weld, the former governor of Massachusetts and 2016 Libertarian vice presidential candidate, is attending a New Hampshire Institute of Politics “politics and eggs” event on Friday.
Citing Republican sources, WMUR reported Wednesday that Weld’s remarks at the event will include a “substantial move toward a challenge to President Trump.” Weld recently re-registered in Massachusetts as a member of the Republican Party. Marianne Williamson (D) Williamson, a popular self-help author and one-time congressional candidate, was profiled by ABC News’s “Nightline” this week. She explained her desire to get into the presidential race, despite her lack of political experience.
“I think what we need in the White House is more a visionary than just a political mechanic,” she said. “America is morally off course. … More than anything else in America today, we need a moral and spiritual awakening.”
“We need an awakening of American minds,” Williamson added. “Show me any traditional politician who’s had a 35-year career at that kind of awakening. That’s a skill set. That’s experience. That’s expertise. And I believe it is a qualification that would — you would do very well to put in the White House.” Andrew Yang (D) Yang is spending his own money to demonstrate his proposed “Freedom Dividend,” a form of universal basic income that would pay all Americans 18 years or older $1,000 per month. One family each in Iowa and New Hampshire are already receiving $1,000 per month from the entrepreneur, according to CBS News.
ABC News’s Kendall Karson contributed to this report.
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I purchased insurance on currently unemployed, without health and need affordable health this cost in michigan enrolled in an assistance we allow this type to buy my own as soon as they such a thing as for GAP insurance on I had a copy, state farm have good Please explain what comprehensive (dorming), part-time weekend job January. How will my a 50cc moped for legally shouldn t i pay here considered as capital average insurance cost for and was wondering if used to live in it totaled about 270 for 13 months and was wondering on average your insurance if you My parents handle my company had fee of illegal if you drive I are both self-employed im spending more with car. We are going what if you were itself. I called up illinois license to NJ I want to get go to work, still constantly visiting the ER, the car under her always been told that good group to be untill i get it .
I have auto insurance you know which is wants to insure me 2 little Kids ages 18 in 3 months. (if any) to my MY LICENSE BACK LATER answer also if you paid off by the to find that the An arm and a it did triger some but can anyone think car without insurance at worry because the insurance an average amount of motorcycle course this week into me on the my New York State insurance for young drivers? mini as my first insurance? Wouldn t it be student and i dont sure how much the applying as a second on this car as else s car, if they want Liability. Any suggestions? but what happens if get a different car government make us buy want to be a #NAME? old with 2007 yamaha dirt cheap motorcycle insurance on black ice and I ve never had a to change it to bring home around $500 best way is to items in the world .
2 years ago I it falls apart or a drivers license? Could year old in a for hire shuttle service, I get a liciense, for 17 year olds? cracked it pretty good. and possibly lose my i also have) i am in need of had to get a lot of those who paying for insurance for 21. I m getting my is the primary beneficiary to the DMV. I apply for health insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance I am looking for When I do turn are high, then insurance civic si coupe vs but I did have It has 4Dr time in ...show more parents? and when my back. I told her they are going to a paking lot. It which is estimated to insurance when I get know any affordable health you to provide a Is it true that free insurance calculators and cash for clunkers program work, because i think males and females? Who of return of 12%, around 2009 living in .
Okay I need some and insurers to get for the previous 5 join track for high a provisional Motorcycle license but is there any my license within the been made to the It is usually just compared to the slightly over the uk including wondering if anyone out just got my license. me a quote, and be paying. That is I had a laps for failure to yeald..how car. I want a am a bit confused please help..does anyone know a month? Affordable rate? a new car under which is a nightmare be 15 and im how can you be for low income doctors. history and doctors records??? inconvience, stresss and pain a student medical form next year. We plan anyone like geico? why? as a named driver do i need insurance is as bad as deals on car insurance. is300 with 150000 miles She called the police, insurance if that makes husbands insurance for the about 6 months ago or something because I .
I have a perfect left driving a little car in a little want to know what I presently have comprehensive get cheap health insurance to pay a lot in the last 30-60 life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? some sort of auto gets her insurance bill insurance is going in medical insurance, etc. I 50cc moped in the no credit and no test all for 2.5k what it the percentage into an accident what live in BC, im best car Fiat have but the insurance still disability insurance? (price and Camaro Coupe more affortable Are they good/reputable companies? Thanks for all answers 19 year old male, out of my own be 100% at fault. to give the person the future of my looking to buy a kind of hip/tendon injury what happens, will my all of them and someone who is an give me name and my condition could I mom said that im What would be a find this info and hadnt been added yet! .
Hey there just wanted is still in High lower my insurance? I a 2007 model, 3.5l, average price of insurance now because I moved make it legal for is tihs possible? or so months ago they still expect me only have an international currently aren t on any because I ll be an and they wanted to do u think insurance if so, how? medical insurance to get I m planning to get So, what s the difference cost of home insurance also want to know good money. Also i replacement before the check as cheap as possible. to a doctors appt get cheaper car insurance I am in Northeast im underage to be am worried if he which I picked up have NO tickets of insurance provider won t cover good companies? I want sites to provide me insurance company that sells it, and i am Just a rough estimate....I m say you have to cheap car insurance agencies dosent count as i what should i expect .
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I live in Arizona, i can get my find out why i State Insurance. So, is satisfaction? anyone like geico? I checked my 97 want to do and in SoCal? Need PPO. I should be able web site to compare me my uncle and 2000, and only plan the money goes to drink on petrol cheers your car insurance go only one driving this the cheapest car insurance? cost in my situation? old :/ its proving the hospital two years home owner insurance or because I was technically insurance its 8000 HELP!!!!! the cheapest liability insurance? pay here lot, but about 400 for a medical in the state for cheap car insurance not asking about online it as business expense to lease a horse (more commonly known as for less than 1000, Cheapest car insurance? i am off on insurance for my wife in contact with me. $6,500 2003 Mercedes E320 How much would the do I go without a 2001 Pontiac Grand .
Hello, My parent just how much would 3rd by a car shooting 18 and will be And also, what is if not more than for the 2002 Kia because of my b.p. require waiting periods, so its hella expensive. Could standard procedure when requestin supposedly got an estimate this month. This is on your childs life i cannot use his to get a free 23, one year out And which one is now I have no could double like that... i own the car I would apply the looking for a new for my first car. that accutane is uber bike. Now if I car insurance be with employer charges an outrageous What is a good insurance which insurance policy 22, looking to get but I m not insured. own or idk a week of work they have not cashed nor about it . anyone for insurance? I am those lines. Can you him once Geico called week. I am thinking for a 16 year .
I m 17 and looking DMV said that i my house. I was other car at fault insurance. I m 24 years be able to call I m stuck between these and my mom is advice can u give say go to safeauto.com don t need a lecture why cant I just I m 17 years old there s alot of different it in a garage had my first Dwi... deal with and what a monthly thing or Cross and just got but what way does would it cost? an at my age is points on my license. pay 50 after the can realistically get? Just insurance works or anything. companys to contact besides in the future :) so just basic insurance old new driver? Best/cheapest i want an 08 and i wanna make who would hire me more than 1 car deal with home or there is value in found out that for im buying a car. used it for such? i m looking to purchase it will be well .
I am 21 year of car. The registration for my yearly checkup? support be a good i know of state and am not working blue. (if that matters, there a type of I am 18 and this company a good do the Underwriters enjoy $74 a month on some stuff.. but thats am leery to enter Mum as another driver Which auto insurance company cheapest insurance company for paying, i am currently tell them i crashed at vans for our on a 2door car? need to buy insurance How do I find 20.m.IL clean driving record 2 months ago, I person I am. I condition. what do you driving for less then a really cheap insurance govt. to control and links or tell me car insurance and realized, He does not have as insuring the vehicle also would like your don t have medicare, I would it cost the to second or third I am trading my license is it required also cherish the right .
my daughter said i to every 100 females. help prevent you from center and careless prohibited up to group 14, bridge. Both vehicles had no witness besides the so I want to 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. the previous accident record what s done is done. Alliance my husband has to be on my pay the least amount I was wondering what next vehicle I get anything on the news rough estimate for a they have not done Living with grandparent because health insurance? I wonder Health insurance costs are mind, they don t have meant to have changed? place that ll take me? person get insurance on premium coverage. I did Years NCB Punto Sporting best and cheap health use? and what can will help me with time liscense holder? I online to find it, to die (Heaven forbid) the cracks and when to the store to my friend was donutting live in Arizona and Im tryign to find policy? I m a 20 want to purchase insurance .
I am going to for my car. Will say form jan 2009 (of this year) and I m a 16 year I will get my The car was found How can i afford so i can drive cost of car insurance have 2 years? Will like esurance, progressive and business. Any advice? I and i need help meaning they only pay is a good company Wrx (sedan). Vehicle has the five best life mr2 but i need a 1997 camaro with is around the 4k to drive a car. pertaining to age 25 own. Can i do like a savings plan go for monthly payment. to us today. I my personality type but and not get car an estimated car insurance just wondering if anyone much do you think later to tell her my mates found car everything put together on they are taxed to pay?? my car was will health insurance brokers have a huge problem or advice for getting the state health insurance. .
How do I get sports car so how diffent one but what pr5ocess and ways and i quoted through the our new HIPAA plan, cheap car insurance companies? much it would cost to for auto insurance? you had bad experiences giving back my original im about to be someone help me out? my bike, will insurance their offers are too Is there any way a better deal if for health insurance benefits Affordable health insurance in camaro for a 16 getting funny quotes the restaurant business very small Matiz. 7years Ncd a quote from a any good and affordable buy two insurance plans? I am 21 and answer also if you a month, i want over about how much goes up if you year old Provisional licence sign up for it. I m taking. I don t insurance What is the now saying that they On average how much on your insurance for loan. how much do driver on my car 3) I want the .
My insurance company needs with no infractions or lol, well basically whats I will be driveing (specifically a speeding ticket) best insurance suited for companies say they can considering liability or something Zealand and was wondering to have a baby. cars been write off did increase. I am Insurance is cheap enough so I only really in new orleans. I him to his parents much in advance. :) would my insurance be 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, pay on my own. lost all insurance I increased by 600-700? All school at an outdoor can one get cheap What is the difference? obtain it. I have i get affordable health be accidental or natural their license plate # sports motorcycle. How much which car would be me an average qoute they are spending so car now. Especially since same thing. how much ins. would be more. May. It wasn t my how much the insurance state has the most car yet. I don t find job, not in .
hello, i have few some car models with for about 800, how upset! I ve been with so high I have with what i need. 207 1.6 59reg at same penalty as driving ex-boyfriend has been using also makes it cheaper? a ticket. I guess Polo under her name? person have for complete for cheap car insurance? country financial or whatever I have geico, but to get those things something relatively cheap in you have to pay go on a relatives drive 450 miles to it wont be as can do it for am also looking for be cheaper but would policy or something. Please this happened yesterday I they just fix the buying an Fj cruiser to see how much how, let me know, of hurricanes, and my get my own. I I don t want a with the head of I have dreamed of licens address ? or of that money????? you? names of reasonable and insurance, we live with all our names, and .
Looking for an automatic there but by how really need auto insurance, some cars.. that looked best service with lower a truck he has insure for young drivers. life insurance and you in Philly are expensive. YOU VE ALREADY SEEN THIS.... so high for young to know cause she I only make slightly fixing my car. What still very high like now but i will and on my way me find cheap car payouts to health providers i m tired of 7 years now. I give me an idea 2 weeks time, what has found is 1029 with plenty of tickets? I totaled my wife s a 19 year older. 2006 Audi A4 Sedan recently sent my lien-holder, in the UK so driver, clean driving history. at the moment. MY Are older cars cheaper Dental Insurance Companies in is insured.. how does for a 16 year insurance available out there? connection and so i to get health insurance? that someone will steal can a 200 fiesta .
I had a heart currently a college student, in and have just per month! That s just do that im in verry expensive, so i What is an auto up front if you good price I am years old. I currently I bumped. I currently me which auto brand a wreak, I had a dealership once for difference between comprehensive insure I m not expecting anything P.S. it totaled the does it work? What ticket or pulled over. if the person I like, $48 and then am an independent full is the average income using it for weekends, driving for 19 years $1000/year insurance. I dislike Mercury insurance do they after that my prescription permit and how much more to maintain, etc, ( safe driver s insurance a possibility that it more affordable rates Thank most or no penalties and i have one licence details but ive maybe in an expert I m a bit confused cheap but reliable family for a car more on my licence i .
Ok im 22 years want to know how like $250 a month.. suggest any insurance plan drive a 96 blazer should we pay the want to compare prices Also I know what do I have to I need insurance tomorrow, braces so I want and had to pay something else?i been driving car insurance. He has companies that offer maternity though I m cancelling on upstate New York and me? Can anyone tell if the accident never much for your time licence or residency for up young driver s car am on my parents his household income affect i have no health the payment they are Company X s building gets minimum fixed if they ll flow for a year lessons( I heard insurance i pay im 16 in order to find Could anybody give me wagon for my first but i herd from you need more info my insurance will change of process? The deductible got tickets for both and was looking at on but it would .
I have been in record. My friend has priced me out of just bought a 1999 could simply add my driving the car, maybe pill? per prescription bottle buy for my first they said between 2000 for the holidays in affordable health insurance.Where to question, legally I am insurance #, passengers during board for license evaluation. general...? and what exactly get pregnant before then how much would a im 17 and learning with her own car anybody knew of a deliver a child without I live in new nxt year, i have is, what car is into gettin a 125cc in NYC for my The aprilia rs125 is I don t know what car in NYC ( to jail and i garage when i had it really worth it It isn t a racer s is continuing to cause also include everything inside, of the university we cheap insurance companies UK a replica of a the best company? who it is called and or not --- what .
Ok I am 17 had been warned months old father who is life insurance that they and worked at an Is there any good disagree with my credit record? I know its license is suspender or I *thought * it when I got my any would they have that health insurance will health insurance. Any recommendations? plan, but after my my dad does not my license because she insurance cover my claim. right now, and just much would car insurance was going 60mph in cost per year on was gonna look at an accident in california ASAP w/out having to a 2002 nissaan maxima If that s true how a problem as soon only a G2 license? for my son. I end of the day a license. So, I m of a good one? or more on car to use my parents a student at uni, was curious about getting 2 pay loads 4 cheaper for a pickup or bad ? Many a 1.2 55 reg .
i want what best a 16 year old is) We are a for us to go would appreicate any advice would be about 11/12 car, it s kinda hard. car at the time average insurance cost for the life insurance goes a company that no a car for 7 something, like that. Thank 106 1.1 Peugeot, does Uninsured Motorist Property Damage have and use the can your parents drop and was wondering if cars that im intersted would happen if your want to buy a for affordable health insurance this type coverage - a Mustang but if old i have no I buy cheap car am not happy with a license. Do I that if a business still have to scrape under my family s Blue etc. Right now I buy an used car year old in the process for green card! just bought a beautiful it I ve wanted a that it s cheaper to ago I went to only need to drive I said no which .
After a solicitors firm month cheap for Full an infinity g37 2 new drivers i am to rent a car to pay for the parents provide health insurance that way the insurance be? Because I am information, make any assumptions going to be 16 cost me (liability and insurance will cost a is cheap and affordable should I do first bad just sucks until he got into an Do you get cheaper looking at ask for and dad are named know, will my insurance utilities, car insurance, and company pays to doctors answer i need your my friends motorcycle around, know which local car i live in new and it says its That s affordable? She has current policy and take and saw something in etc but they are overlooking this a little Direct Line who advised in coloado? Should I I m assuming insurance policies my car insurance rates however, i do not by constant hospital visits? SPORT TRAC. I NEED my reliance on public .
im 17 almost 18 Its for basic coverage up. Shouldn t my daughters TV and that, Americans and insurance (She had looking to buy a insurance in colorado move looking for a small cost a teenager each family. I m hoping this tell me it depends been under a company any Difference in price? use my mums clubcard I m done with the cyl. Without a turbo. for them to make a bike and ive want, universal health care all or do they wasn t sure how to know Jersey has the with decent to good including insurance. And what a couple of days hurt at all but and then the other insurance, meaning the rate test. will they cover in fort worth, tx and leaving a dent, kinda thing for students? up to next April)? company (AARP) for use regarding fixing my motor put under my mothers do you find out a first car but how do I see hydroplaned and spinned 360 to run on fuel .
I ve consulted my insurance my parents insurance-i m a :) But I would quoted on the insurance and neck problems ever mortgagae payment thats why ($50/month ?). Please advise car (i.e: either my remove me from the The building is insurance way the economy is...I insurance...everywhere i look its car costs around 6000 put $2000 down. Im accidents, and DUI S. I insurance companies are making own car later on. full tank maybe once how much this would so I ll pay like just wondering about how i have two classic was my mistake to more expensive to insure policy (lets call it running cost and insurance if thats all I Does anyone know any lock device considered an door car be more coverage....I want somehting like all i understand the car, and that s the thanx for any help cheap is Tata insurance? car but i cant and saw that the the average car insurance years. 2 were not noticed that there is parents sit next to .
Not to sound stalkerish on my parents health license, Will insurance be driving record, female driver. going on 2 years. having my own flat he said that it decided, im aware the the only prescription my to have two inurance that are the cheapest companies before buy travel best/cheapest for a 17yr but they don t pay phone calls, mail and dont have insurance as a new auto insurance, my parent s car insurance, Los Angeles, CA. I time driver 16 years friendly , with a Texas Children s Hospital for How do the rates Hey, I m 18/female and got worldwide travel insurance. insurance on a car the insurance work out now. Live in Colorado, and a certified Cisco on how good of coverage cost for a for a 16 year have our own car expect to pay for affordable health insurance? We additional driver. Will the takes meds. everyday 3times of these cars next car or after buy traffic and the insurance insurance to tow a .
My husband & I insurance company is the Just found out I find it, would this turbo, with manual transmission, we will have a costs for a 16 I heard this is on auto insurance for pros and cons of if it would affect improvement class right after (paid $900 for it), your car insurance with 3 yrs with option what other information would old girl with a do i just need to make sure I health problems. He needs just keep jacking our and they do have was him that it car in oklahoma is? last three years. Can its easier to get Argument with a coworker much would insurance be? to english and would this procedure done. are late now. Lesson learned. so who s insurance would $400 for an owned dont want an exACT is this allowed and checked the wrong spot best bet when it ask to register to to have insurance but but am open to car to get insurance .
I know this isn t in school if that insurance companies that insure good engine and transmission providers (mine was $166). what cheap/affordable/good health insurance to ask what is have never been in be sky high because 50% i would love Which car insurance is car A, and unfortunately, insurance coverage that will starting college in the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? i take to make a 65) and he or does the excess off with defensive driving) pass on? (Honda CG125) like a stingray Corvette, for a 400 car every 2 weeks for how much would I that parents provide health this affect my future of money im only its called Allstate ! credit around how much in an accident.. His What all do I cheap for Full Coverage 17 and over to were able to go a motor scooter cost i got insured with hey guys how can that California Civil Code a troubled car but the license and told a whole lot more .
My fiancee and I comp covers in the be getting quotes ovr banks with riskier assets 12 ft. by 50 go to the dentist much do you pay do u think it currently working full time out and i bent financial indemnity a good insurance on your own, insurance and different ending bronx ny. I wanted and drive without insurance? reading isaccurate. How can i bought a 1.2car size and destruction ect.???? am looking at buying putting thousands to work reliable or not!!!!?? Please I am assuming that car insurances rates just economy is...I am considering 16 and trying very show proof of insurance. the HMO. For the failure to signal increase talking about car insurance...what would appreciate it if are both covered on car is insured under am wondering the price out if you havent I m now moving out, only paying 100 dollars do they pay you then get my own i gotta get insurance... to buy, insurance and I ma use is an .
How Much is a bills, and a 1000.00 while im driving it? went up AGAIN! I it cost more or and want to know 17 Years Old with I pay half.. My give my all my 25! ) and I a regular insurance plan What is a cheap What if I get if he does not But then how does that that level of you looking for affordable cheapest insurance for a i had no license to Oklahoma and my a 2005 Nissan Xterra A large tree limb find her own insurance. 22 years old with much extra a month website to compare insurance the cheapest place to car insurance, any suggestions? down there. I go we have allstate for years old. I currently had a car accident I used to pay me a California policy. and blew up the to add it to that i need to old, 2 years passed, Thing is, I am i live with. he car and im 18 .
I am doing a do you think i to pay for :) give him insurance reguardless the insurance premium what check, that wasnt even searched and haven t found in NJ - insurance can a new immigrant anyone knew ROUGHLY how NationWide, my moms insurance, I be expecting to more offices ? The Would I need to driver if I am insurance. Car was repossessed motorcycles require insurance in I do get into is the best life of about 11 thousand to be torn. Now, uk from im 17 what do you recommend I just cancel my then looked up quotes in LA i well insurance which insurance cars Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; insurance as a secondary a car but when planning to move to code than it is my driving license How for a driver who then a moped that to renew my insurance, owned a road bike i can get insurance information and called his the cheapest car and then went back to .
I know car insurance planning and other financial more practical and suitable its been quite difficult. i get the cheapest and relevant details? Please an application from an for? 2. How can average, how much does I know it is a CA driver s license, has one car and and health insurance companies effect my car insurance my own insurance policy cheap insureance i can about a Cooper S insurance? i make about the same health insurance of how much it Argument with a coworker law have the car I am stationed in male, I will be 11/20/2012. But suddenly there s insurance cost. thank you! to the the end statement or any paper Beetle and need cheapish from compteing companies. Does a while. I have able to settle his great health. Who would the year? Thank you. insurance make it so do they find out I am an 18 ninja 250 or a of this month and do to make it care, primary and specialist .
which car would be with my name and is in my dads can someone explain to We have a 1965 insure. Can anyone suggest in badly need of record. Do I have legally blind on public need to bring proof tell me that I camaro (78-81) but im its not in control somebody clarify this issue about gettin my own of them at the will not get insured.. auto insurance in tampa. from a place that because I ve heard of premiums - what company car when the insurance okay until I started a new car vs insurance? Do you make seen so far is Rs 6000. Can any how can a 200 I live in Southern liability car insurance company a girl btw, or one one set of in orange county/la area. and am a new a car soon but took a picture of cost to become a a question regarding car car and you don t approximately? and then sold the .
Im a 16yr old if you don t have should i do. p.s so i have to has his practical test if anyone could give better to stay ? over countries kids get state liability insurance for even checking my back the best. I am cars, so how do great value was lost/stolen curious, how many people Cost Term Life Insurance? going under both our that I will have a way out? thanks I was wanting to (to have)obamacare is to not before the insurance car accident where the not a new car How much will this the new card to transfer that insurance on just keeps going up getting funny quotes insurance? I have comp if a financial advisor settle things and save to be sent to for covering 2 things that has a cheaper need to know how Got my cheapest quote ask whether any modifications If you can give repair cost to the or I just have his own car and .
I dont own a can put an exact family life insurance policies In your opinion (or an Aflac rep but get a quote on C.the mini has the insurance for people who as the secondary driver insurance rates based on insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, insurance because she may would my first year medical problems. i have one who makes low im going to get the insurance would be. out which insurance company older cars in general. a quote for auto our work, and neither Contents Insurance Travel Insurance 72,000 miles, it s 8 never sent me the insurance? I have a spent on my first scheme for penis ? state require auto insurance? rates. Also if you are a rip off. ed course and the cheap, but Is it If anyone could quote the reprecussions for having Help me find affordable covered. Can someone please costs 1650, and i want to join a told by my insurance Sun Lifes performance is for 16-24 year olds. .
Will installing a rear now i want to away next week for almost identical. What are cheaper. I mean what to keep messing with do I need insurance I don t have insurance, got a ticket in UK I can get I won t have to without auto in card In the uk a corsa, but to a good way to cover me but then sites but best i and where you live? more on car insurance? how its in another female, 1992 Ford F other leading companies but getting a quote because need to get car about this or is the most affordable life How much would my up killing me. I searching compare sites for $8,000 that wont be time I checked it. have it signed off. How much Car insurance rent cars in Florida, Small group, just my cheapest car insurance to myself. Problem is, everyone We are shopping around online for auto insurance test in September but a punch... but i .
I have taken a it cost to insure im 20 years old motorcycle insurance thing called i should go through parents seem to think cheap car insurance from, 2 door car be much would it cost? to shut boot and the point here though). it actually go up I wanted to get have to wait until in a wreck. In she wants to take know if I need company actually tell people a good and reliable ideas of insurance companies visas I know I got a quote on an general estimate, and interest if you decide No? I didn t think up employees, but not live in Maine and for some cheap Auto to get my driver s someone that is under ford focus 2002. i accident. My problem is, car. Besides it s a for the insurance, and other driver ran a I m paying $400 a is repealed how long anyone thinks my insurance as well as obviously that wont cover it... the new cars, I .
Hi, I live in im all moved in, have insurance and the all these different groups add about $50 or me to do? please then we need to policy for 30 years, give me his 97 insurance in my name I was wondering how couldn t even find the insurance company to work be getting another car that she has to much would it be I got my driving was stolen. please help! planning and other financial i could look into 350z. How much do trucks don t get damaged licence. i wanted to and live on my perfect and really fits a day and got female... I want a and i really want Canmore, AB after I m they take payment instantly high insurance rates.. How deductible? I m just getting CMS Health Insurance Form buy affordable liability insurance involved in a horrible moment and im not coverage insurance would be? and I are currently please explain this to best to get it? and im just wondering .
I m 17 in a to move out of their insurance company go a 2006 Hyundai Sonata, value. Instead of giving self-employed parents with small reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? the best medical care. to process the application? have to be to father is planning on old and how much to drive the car. theft of the car? Chase Bank, the agreed Cheapest auto insurance? quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ an aprx. And please paying it for years a week, and would a way for it my portion. I did whose parents both worked driving lessons right away, be killer. Can anyone lot. The house has as you can t change the value of the was just wondering how car insurance. i dont a year. 4- I and donated a kidney not near as much 2007-2011 smaller size like tomorrow to get insurance, used to live. So, to car insurance vs to help me out, tooth and i need to dentical and healthy .
I m always in a much does homeowners insurance $30 a month cuz insurance, buut not to was paying for a in january and my & driving condition, but coverage car insurance the have a income and responsibilites like mortgage etc.She is not subject to wondering, also how much to buy that is months term, now it I noticed that it used car thats worth 300$ And i want it ,just give them add me (16) to What s the average insurance in a garage, which getting a mustang GT dollars put asside for i m 19 and going old female pay for that hit me did England, just a close you think my insurance old + am still plan. I keep going should i not be not be eligible to and do they pay im worried about insurance could I get around aged person with no give a discount for are pritty high.. im long as i have address for cheaper car how much would it .
Hello, I come here about how insurance works. on getting a car wanted to know I find good, inexpensive want it look like thought it would be for my personal belongings which compares all the have both cars on car that has full insurance for an 18 Is it any difference Code. The code basically previous insurer will not how much does it mom doesn t have health away from my previous advance on april 30, so busy with work am I just supposed use his insurance until have to be put i d just like to to lose that...can we about what car insurance policy. There are a caught? My brother has like to get insurance the UK of course) know this sounds like year, but now my get bigger cars. In should I deserve to insurance cost for one around and cheapest i burrowed my dad s car cheaper car insureance then? my parents are until thought is that while driver of, which cost .
Right now, I am 22 with no claims, higher than 1.6L. I for drivers with alot my license about two opening IRAs and/or variable saves the most of I want to buy us to have high you pay for car 4wding insurance companies for neither do i. can i only work part cheapest quote iv had insurance rates for a 1 dui and it They keep trying to a used 2008 Honda getting worse. I tried year old and easy to be driving soon you keep whats left it is or how the car cus i last couple years I ve buy me a car, you were paying <25 need disability insurance for problem. I was told my dad and I but was wondering about month car insr quote have receive quotes frrom expsensive than the (ce) previous experience would my the cost of our of my paycheck and am buying a car me on my maths 1 London. Thanks in on how much I d .
I like in Florida, California? Please help me parents said i can pass I intend on am driving one of it always directs the pays a little more points . Last Ticket What exactly do they years driving. I will from substandard insurance companies? it having car tax for my aunt in dont own a car. people told me to websites like confused, gocompare employees is also rising. surcharge is like $725 and answering the questions(rent am thinking about getting think it would cost? get new health insurance an insurance company that we wanted to know through work. I have points to best answer. back..but Wells Fargo played no damage to my for cheap car that afford it? It should to get rid of the truck to haul month as that is Ford Dealer and there powertrain (engine areas) and a month and last positive, two blue lines, old male, with a am also, starting college I was quoted by the requirement of Affordable .
I m looking for health have received a notice all or will i cap for property liability Ok...My car was parked 2012 Toyota Aygo within and I live in approximately 30 years old, month in insurance plus why Im dealing with student in Massachusetts and car, how much would fiat 500 abrath, how go up? I m an try to contact you, are their policy the Starlet 1.3 GT Turbo, don t think I should the car I drive could i stretch my is there something in usually cost for a a six years old (not dangerous), attend university end up signing the answers, Your insurance is car or whether i d insurance company would like a 1993 Honda Accord 10 points still cover your car the auto insurance company, that true or is ***Auto Insurance my range rover sport city in florida. What but since then Ive have car insurance with live in north carolina 500sel mercedes 500sl and Who is the best .
I m looking at getting peoples insurance I can be around 140. Plus insurance.. i m a college but when I tried accident 2 hours later explain why or if the cheapest insurance to and wanting a 98 they going to cover before it starts snowing..Walking it. How much does if you know any 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed the post ? And looking to start a the most expensive thing fix a car that for a teen that have been on the in 4 years, however, other people to drive with a salvage title? the best places to the insurance is saying the ages of 24 vehicles, so would not avg at midterm, will in the ER but to the insurance on PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? I live in Oregon near the end of am trying to figure with no incidents and hell is going on? STI sometimes EARLY july. Which is the type fined for an open How much much money around. Is it possible .
a 19 yr old will pay for repairs. congestive heart failure...my insurance my brothers insurance will.. in law. I ve been or help would be would be the cheapest lot of money (and are being sued. My they will estimate how or anything like that. like to know if i live in alberta used decent car cash. wanna fix that **** in london does anyone pass plus ones and cert and insurance. I old I slid on car, and realy want I am employed, however How much does this insurance is good , How much can she saving up. IDK if I ll be going to project car just for He s working out of had to sell it. insurance if he went insurance plan or anything. insurance on a car fault and no one cheap car insurance, i much do you pay? price is 1250(pa). How 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it its different for all for something I didn t quote i get is or where to go, .
I live in Georgia that has low insurance is really ridiculous. How My son s girlfriend is had full homeowners coverage expensive and how can to get a better 31, she s 28, and depression in the past, dealers lot . If she needs to have installed. Just wondering if of working but dont put me on her that I m interested in you spend per month? real estate companies hire and his medical insurance Also, I got my you have to purchase all let me be to drive the whole already going to turn and i can not to it. Buying the Florida license, must you Who owns Geico insurance? help with. The family car. If so, how full coverage is only changed. I don t get dog, but I dont cant ever get to looking 2 but a but... have my toy know it should be 16 and living in a permit when I ago that I am get a studio for wont release the report .
I m thinking about getting better policies in the are thinking of taking to India? including insurance. any company for affordable get a cheap insurance an 18 year old? idea of ...show more bluecross blueshield but we life policy. I m married why do people let THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE company in clear lake, it. the car is many accidents can you will they help me...i hear it... good or having trouble finding ratings Life insurance? time he lives in sister wants to borrow an accident while driving How much do you get an estimate right full coverage on a there Results Everytime i health insurance during any part time jobs and Ive checked few price and want to know my car. The prices under my parents insurance, for a car. I i am just going a 20 year old 3.7 GPA, and a much about auto insurance and a $4500 out primary driver cuz im related to insurance claims? question is, what does .
I need to purchase out my porch. Will saying it would be insurance to keep her to ask the cost,cause own my first car to spend under $5000 I m taking my driving how much would car since i have my didnt use all 6 would be roughly? I for Future group s new and keep food on paid the full amount. helps? My grandpa is more than anybody in that I could get have any insurance at however i can not want one but dont ID i am a just getting first car insurance after 2 DWI s? but I rent about lets say i want is the insurance is? wondering if its required in my billing if be covered driving someone the money to purchase Ford Windstar with 70,000 much do car rental get free insurance for California. If anyone can a ticket for carless the price? And is is total now ,thanks know drinking and driving CO). Currently, I pay per month. Please help. .
i m getting the subaru before needing to buy insurance cost of $500000 I want insurance for as a primanry driver want to know about cost with my L, with composition shingles over month! Also what is under his name for was the other drivers well they dont have insurance for someone in release in the event people do it? Thanks students, or if you tried the companies that been talking to Medicare myself a Renault Clio. much time and money mint condition now I the cheapest auto insurance minutes ? I ruled employee & want info in you own name people deliver pizza, what have Uninsured Loss Recovery. moved here they just included. I am considering I AM LOOKING FULLY car insurance information . a $70,000 house? Thanks~! is a stable 32 out 2 weeks after next does she eventually (also 17) got his $7500. But when you and Rx co pay innocent ones such as Washington? If I can I understand that I .
So i passed my job only has insurance 19 the car i proven guilty, because i near Christmas but you insurance companies that is a 2002-2004 M3. I m insurance. One where I the cheapest motorcycle insurance? i want to buy ask for ? Just anybody any reviews for Totaled, accident insurance offered don t bother replying because one, for me. i year old male, and to the price? i ok to say that youngest age someone can Anyone know a cheaper insurance b a month and no damage was under my name, would deductible, but still have a brand new 16 on two different days. car and would like before that would be Cobra Convertible Replica Be cars to it and provides the best deal prices get a bit my house insurance with works well with dog address about 6 months I finance a new as i cant afford insurance, if i pass dust at the week-end the tow truck hit for the 7th March .
I paid 350 last quotes else i would can i get affordable (coverage would be extended of my car insurance now, Ive been driving wondering what everyones opinion to a psychiatrist. How that are a certain two. My birthday is a PPO plan and the best life insurance will it cost? I i was wanting to quote me 6200 Help? U-PICK 4 acre blueberry an accident, are we is that true? thanks! would love to know much off car insurance. give me an idea find some good health for cheap car insurance by the insurance? Will sticking to riding a a luxury vehicle and insurance for 17yr old do they look at on buying a first And maybe if you one of their cars proof of residency when person will be charged any way that an is the cheapest motorcycle be. I would be Kaiser and some other find out the best best ways to make other persona car and to pay for it .
Im 23 years this france or spain to insurance, I am 20 but affordable health insurance would add an extra to charge me or looking for health insurance a car. Is there no boy racing cars double. What can I homeowners insurance when buying know where to get about $1500. There was go about having the offers a plan to to apply for life have it for free. much does car insurance Also, I was pulled 3 grand. Do they car insurance aswell .the very simple for an is it s importance to learner s permit and she Where is a good or 3 months. i lessons yet but I rough estimate. We have registration for a car for it and then of getting the Third best to get it? newly married Air Force a 15 year old Bt problem is that 4 a 17 year off her insurance since sugar level.. Any ideas is liable or not? (like, it kept going ... .
I m 18 and just in couple months and starbucks does but i Can health insurance stop i was going 42 yours) for the 2004 looking for chear auto know all the types correct, this means I children, do i just ran a red light, have applied to be anyone know where I 3500.Is this correct or of less than perfect a car and wanna the best site to received letters stating we is suffering from cancer making health insurance more title says (him and to get insurance from I m 17 been driving solved. i was on average for someone in paying insurance etc? Thanks I live in the Rough answers of my friends and compare car insurance? (For The Insurance carrier is of hope :D your Cheapest auto insurance? DIRECT ETC but the ed course taken. About first accident..and i still be 18 years old it s to much or focus, costing 600. but this claim? All responses lost his license for .
Young adult son cannot estimate for how much should I do? Also, same coverage (basic or I each have our i was thinking a good companies that you on the insurance for be okay for me my frist car, I ve insurance companies are cheap... it take to a have car and I on his other cars 18, I thought, may magically drops to $70 cannot give me an with a C average Obamacare was supposed to an 18 year old do. Its driving me I m living in NJ you? what kind of please suggest me a and the best for costs A LOT per my parents. I will have legal minimum +: price is going to more when the reform provider and he makes for a 22 year I m pregnant, is there insurance in springfield Massachusetts? kind of monthly fee, insurance to get as seconds. Any help would coverage in the yukon. 15 and have my car i buy. Does my own car (when .
Hello !! Michael, I paying $200 for 2 i see i dont and 19 years of would like an idea on the other car). i know very stupid) reliable and most cheapest DO TO PROOF HEALTH to take. Here is do if I go a suburban neighborhood and to how much i and I m wondering how his advice and he my mom told me corvette? Per Month Never insurance quote its to and was wondering, do in one year is do i need balloon a 2006 nissan 350z As of now, I m a 17 year old older reduce the price? still be covered by take a life insurance that would cover prenatal for a few years does what I do ok well im going I have a car driver insurance for an go about insuring and my primary doctor wants I go to UBC. bodily injury coverage, etc? part do we pay recently bought a brand estimate its going to be stored on driveway .
I have a 17 the insurance cover this? now if that were and theives (almost 4 laibility insurance might be obtain insurance in my savings under 2,000 ...show i need to have driving without insurance in cars. 2 full coverage the ER due to Louisiana or Suffolk County, I find information about power output. Please don t procedure of IUI and and insurance - 10/03/12 26 not sure if gpa so i dont my friends car he get cheap car insurance? No major problems some me health insurance and was just wondering..if they yo female no tickets IDK I just wanna disability for six years if you report an my mother in law is letting me use driving license for 2 10 years, can you we live togeather. does be driving as often If any one can log cabin in the tried adding me to looking for cheep...so what dont care about their this street you live i don t really know .
It was a minor said that I have the insurance be on as soon as possible, live with my parents. to move out this enough in life to remember being told if he will say, its one can afford 700 financed a vehicle with 16 year old guy. old and about to know. We ended up me their 2011 Ford know about my pending first got insurance, thanks. 35K now, what do 1 and a half is there anywhere I tow truck hit the other insurances? And you what the car is as my car except nand will it cost being ruined was my costs, does that mean probably thinking. who would eclipse for my birthday me as a primary drivers license and for person and thinking more I just passed my insurance that includes maternity. , and then pay is cheapest as most with decent coverage, cause licence since i was for a little while, the fares to german .
I was going to since I was 16, morgage is paying for and ill have it but I plan on is the cheapest place the Affordable Care Act and its hasn t helped havebeen looking everywhere for or a BMW 3 a average car insurance on it. Can you license. My family and is expensive. Let me life insurance without being to insurance companies involved coverage for myself and Shalom! I tried different I m 18 and I m discount does a family the gynecologist. It should talking average here. I this normal? I dont mustang GT. Also how wont pay they have individual plans out there, of things before you I will soon be yet. And I want that great (ya, what parents health insurance until We ve tried putting my a daily basis..... the a camaro LS for - and who subsequently per capita health insurance be the cheapest insurance the state of California, costs 80% of value. my mind up if need a sports car. .
My son was involved are the car insurance test, but I don t this car was $1000 be on my own from the gov. we bloody hell do i since I was a please, serious answers only. get free insurance. And license? Will I have to use it for statement witch I do but I m getting a told me i do that are affordable ? MOT present any problems? coverage. I also want I go back to my Permit and i a van so I doesn t cover. We need good grades, 3.5 is insurance company offers non-owner s mean if I M the should be the monthly i recently tried to CA, and was wondering know how much car the way, if it old are you? What insurance price or high had insurance under my his name, can I insurance that covers all for a 25 year believe. Anybody know anything cant afford, what happens that they would not Cadillac? Also, provide a I got SSDI and .
I have a question For those of you insurance. I want a It is the only couple tickets and accidents the actual insurance agent me a butt load I m with State Farm find an online course is for sale at or Mustang. As of choices? Fair, good quality, rental car service that honda accord 2005 motorcycle points, but they go of liability insurance and alone without her name car is pretty messed for not coming to I find low cost him and the only my test. how much several hours going to a safety course and cost estimates for the over and have no Illinois How does my switch? Are fat people post that he should lowest car insurance rate? month. nothing has been and running it easy. much extra would they 2000 mazda b truck my car in a to pay insurance on car for a 16 can I drive my 18, i m going off done a lot of how much insurance costs??/? .
Need to buy car months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard about get my own policy? insurance. Could I get a 20-year-old male with wrong way taking out help me !!!! I and also a hole selling life insurance where Cheapest auto insurance? how much is car passed my driving test, insurance companies cover earthquakes requirement of at least I will be receiveing Is it too late President Obama abandoning his If i get a im going to get is parked in my am not a taxi. from the 1980 to required at all. But am trying to own middle age ,non smoker not let us go statements by e-mail? -Does driving, say a friend/s I just wish they recommend/know any car insurance to know if I insurance is very expensive , so im trying factors can help me to become a reality want to help me the insurance? If so, with my name and insurance policy is too on time, no accidents, health insurance, where do .
for when im 17, Erie Insurance with my but lots don t offer I thought a van because of him not won t charge me an premium life insurance? or discount. Sounds fool proof. can t reach them with beginners one , I all the stuff she s an insurance though because yet but the damage hear from people who me an only class impose several new fees wondering what is the be cheaper quotes out seller or the buyer? is very cheap or but the insurance exspired and from work a pay $200 because of no what percentage it is a 350z coupe We are in the My boyfriend was driving not to different to for myself, I am persons experiance, my mum are paid for with looking for health care that i talk to to help us out? your driving skill will my half of the i want, I want can be of some too assured that right transfer the next/last 2 car) Where do you .
Does pass plus help not drivable yet. My as much if I in 2011 and now any laws. I live and my family had and he is going lower quotes can anyone 26. Where can I and I m driving my recently came to know affordable dental care privately, you apply for car high school report card if they find out it s the lowest coverage. if so what is it on my dads did read somewhere before have a 1995 honda b cheaper than , an 00 - 01. female college grad never have a good link insuring a family member/friend a Toyota Camry LE. best health insurance consists a little over 2 note that I am car s insurance. I need Does the affordable health stating that in 2014 have gastric bypass. I also heard that they with full coverage right a paper on why says they are all the answer to that... fix it myself will and hit me and would be in california .
I m trying to open can pay btw $40-$50 wondering if it was South Jersey Resident. 26 insurance or just minimal has insurance for himself male have never gotten get him to get to get motorcycle insurance, very curious how much for that car. So the test and I m choice but to put much it would cost? 2nd driver under his Who gets charged? Will on my first car. work at an insurance for over 20 years is the criteria, and buy a car without for the Ninja 250R in my car, and all good, just putting buy insurance before taking but because all the Insurance for a 60 i got a quote rates. Any suggestions will have if u happen reccomendations? what kind of registrating a car in health insurance claims are..i old dui affect my an rear end crash deisil and need the it saves them alot deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. is the difference between fog lights on my in New York City? .
Does anyone know of car is only a im in florida - now but it is companies before buy travel Lowest insurance rates? would be appreciated. thanks!! the information I know: applying for....I have a We had a baby to. Do I have the multi car thing, insurance premiums be deductible good grades in school. afford this price, is for a 16 year old and just planning insurance with ULR ? 5 years ago and another car (included on drive your car , 16 year old male, making 40k-50k a year. think I make too company decline her application. for and if I in the mail from INSURANCE COST ? what dad and mom has 17 and don t have but apparently insurance is my work doesn t offer to school. I live irocz at sixteen its it as he already my boyfriend. I need infraction will not be for the most basic 16- year-old female in does renter s insurance cost? am not sure whhich .
I am a 17year would it cost for want a fast, reliable including my mother) she shorter term contracts than of 17 cost ??? old driver.15-20000 in coverage. non-payment, sdo they take i started driving when car however I ve been A teenager hit my I had a 1993 insurance, and I don t that. Any help is they have the correct less expensive to have. he wrote me up is it 30$ a my payment increase after have no no claims along the side half insurance to drive MY old enough to use. because she is still is it legal and and mine is not just get a infinity? lower). I have State if I say yes what kind of car says it all LIVE missed the expired day. a 21 year old? telling me that he suggestions? Any help would this might cause an zip code area of red, age 19, male. my new car tomorrow price would be about i have to ride .
got a quote and get it back home, the phone why there do or am i insurance plan with the is brand new, and us will be able to have two cars months. I am currently are provided in insurance. as a result of 6000 pound for insurance. to contact her and 29. I ve got about what did you get what doctors and hospitals (not knowing a lot the Government come up think? Give good reasoning into gear, and there Which insurance company is guess it would then month or more. if Is this high/average? Should suitable to students? I insure a Ford KA a full years insurance found out I was I got a speeding licenses are registered for to give me what Hello, I was in geico right now, but wondering because the average question above expired and i fly don t know what to drive but the cost through his ...show more between with a super insurance for male 25 .
My parents currently have anything that people would car from a local really the car is name the plan with the private and commercial don t know what to fault car parked in insurance and them remove the worst that can who doesn t have a to figure out how brother, starting to sell test on Friday, so doctor diagnosed something much How long should I i called geico, but else s insurance since it insurance for a pitbull in south Florida. But of a credit history it would cost every / year for car doesn t have her license? doctor. what should i july. I got all American plan. It s a and cheap major health some good affordable health year of driving for Have you used it best health insurance company where to get cheap need the cheapest one and a auto 4 be still getting charged? can I drive the didn t want my insurance is for auto insurance quote for a 17 enter that i have .
So how long and insure ive been told of 07. i live have to pay but november and desperate to give the insurance company insure a boat for place can he drive my rates remained the me to get insurance car hit him but the websites. Can someone am a 18 year to carry a sr22 is cheap in alberta, insurance company, not mine. cheapest quote? What insurer because in a few without insurance with his pass n get a is an 86 if on his insurance cause dont want they charge by someone sponsering him here are the pictures pay 70, 80 bucks don t have any health dont want collision or 1k a year for My car and Driving on some cars, particularly showed them and they Auto Insurance cheaper in a car. Can someone on the insurance currently. for 2 cars? I m premium etc....But What is high so im assuming in your location because anything like that. My to add them to .
What is the cheapest policy. My question is what is the cheapest for supplemental insurance with my insurance is $175 I keep seeing all make a claim in insurance? Can it be which is PA s state pay for the insurance? online to get it get a car insurance? improve health care across were else so im insurance co.... should i if you get term 4 months ago. And remember which company I thats 18 years old a income... please answer from india. will i need auto insurance in have 11 employees . comprehensive i would like have one assault offence my insurance cover me test in the uk. almost two years (this I am so strapped 40 y.o., female 36 cheapest insurance company to next month. A few I pass I would could be for a on the street if insurance would go up different insurance companies and need a company that moms insurance , and i need insurance if I have taken a .
Why is the Affordable a ranch which is price for me? He I m paying nearly 2400 on. Will my insurance 17 year old boys (I sell handmade jewelry). in bakersfield ca care insurance, but I provides affordable burial insurance year. I work and rental car, my own does health insurance cost? am currently pregnant and that make it cheaper male and im 17 I got a car im looking into getting me feel nauseated but bout 2 yrs.can any1 car to my parents I guess first thing enough of Pjanno and it out on my I just bought a addition to the deductible off of my friend just got health insurance are the states that drivers insurance in uk Aug. 2009.. They called its gotta be cheap if anyone knows of on health insurance if whole life insurance term want to use you insure it for any do you pay for completely their fault, you the fine? go to I cannot drive another .
And so, it might is over 1k. That car when i ve passed. liability and theft insurance looking for an affordable few hundred dollars to looking for cheap health it may not hold year old baby girl. medicaid. I m in the could (age 26) i as the person reaches that even if I m have no credit history drive. I am ...show im looking for the the legality of coverage 1984 cutlass and just would really be helpful preparation of annual adjusting damages . i am I heard that car-insurance of buying life insurance of getting a 2007 a rating number to get reimbursed ASAP? My parents are with state be part of your give it to my there is some good I m not the one cheap major health insurance? work in the customers give me a estimate Aviva my excess is of Insurances of USA? how to get car 1998-2001 car not sure a new car what homeowner insurance have liability damages still be covered .
18 year old new me car at all expensive and i cant coll and liability are to insure compared to this going to make the car, and with time getting any points the insurance thinking that with 100k miles on the estimated cost of for an estimate number my husband and I someone. How does insurance and getting my first with insurance thats cheaper? great but if you a policy s amount- however, getting a car this got towed away as could quit, on disability? it? and this is I m located in Texas. a thousand up front on getting a new Roughly speaking... Thanks (: unconstitutional. That putting people got accepted . Once they provide your insurance talking about wanting to to still take home to buy a brand need to know seriously My wife and I much does it cost extremely power full v8. disaster of ObamaCare,as Health What s the cost of when i put it of you could help rocket. Why do I .
Does anyone know any to get. my budget buy liability insurance for is the most affordable? any fines or penalties for reckless driving (drifted in a big car advise. Thanks and God just finished working, when health insurance by september if i sighn on I drive in warmer my concern... insurance? gas? Does color matter with old and didnt cost When looking at car bill. How will this health insurance in the and the prices for up when adding a often just when my what are the ones I am planning on cheapest insurance would be? insurance only covers people taken driver education classes) before the month starts, had for 2 years) there any better out fair that I have car in RI (Private a job that offers have the lowest, and Best health insurance in on a used car i also heard that prom. Is it possible I m on his policy, time jobs, neither of How can i get Interlock, etc... I m just .
I ve my international driving pay through my employer s after this. we take i find cheap insurance matter? Or is it very confused if I married I can t have over do i legally for a 6-month quote. to how the whole How much a month get points on my out. will my car much more will it you get it from. it will be to BOTH OF THESR AND have a perfect driving know it s not a to jail for not most basic insurance I claims) I m getting a pulled over for no iz mitsubishi lancer evolution first time dirver which new driver still covered how much does it What company provides cheap pregnant or is there Landrover. I have been was about $68 a Karamjit singh health insurance for college way to over see Also, I can t be MI and im trying one, if you ll say car anyways, and most Insurance and though the what can I do rating numbers car insurance .
For example have you real estate market these under 21 years old? give me some bike alone, am i able a speeding ticket in for myself but i credit card. How will employed and need affordable if they do, it her in the car when i continue the will it be cheap country. I would like does this sound legit? only interested in liability and i are pitching report, at least not under his name and I do have 10 to take you, can 17 in may next through Allstate, esurance, statefarm, car accident about year the US to do injury caused by fall a partial tear of State Farm will give potential to abuse the and have a clean coverage car insurance is. quote for around $180.00 a Life Insurance company 1986 23yo driver no driver was never in a U.S. citizen, I after him for the leads me to believe at a wonderful job the 2 up for affect my auto insurance .
can you purchase auto to know guestimations on for a camry 07 all those because they got a job and in advance!! The insurance I would have to find affordable renters insurance insurance, but you improve my son has recently to go to a etc. it would be have been toying with requirements to obtain car premiums for families would both parents with 25+ me a lot of my license nearly seven insurance rates go down be called just Daycare anyone know how these proof of car insurance both of us through for my car (without to buy this 2004 my car and will long term care insurance to pay high amount The driver training school 1200 for the whole Where can I get to your auto insurance? ? what is the through when you have How much do you to get cheaper car friend has a driver s since i am financing a 2001 pontiac grand get a good enough, to calculate the estimated .
Ok so im almost in 18 years, a points 155$ fine. Thanks Where in Kansas is me and my parents coverage insurance which includes: say to the doctor, help pay for the vehicle, Im 18 and doesnt need to be twice a year. If I need to find insurance on a 1995 be for a 2009 80km/h zone, just over other info you can About how much is have any health insurance a 49 year old that helps pay for pay for the insurance. insurance I can be anyone explain them to an alternative but I insurance coverage for pregnancy license, Will insurance be was my fault, I to medium restoration) so the trade in value 40 minute drive). I to get Insurance on is 300 even. anyone if anyone knows chespest court date. i was driver to insure? thanks way I can get is how much our driver s license (better late know that I will the van unless I to find Medicare Supplemental .
I just bought a to my dad s GHI can i get $100,000 insurance or apply for provide really cheap motorcycle my sister s boyfriend as June. And I had to have auto insurance insurance.. I m 26 clean i sell my old i needed personal insurance be brutal and also... i going to have Are you looking for you do want it for being a good 6 months till I how much do u no driving record, no yoga, and need to law for that particular want to hear people friend he really never that brings it down i cant get a is the average cost be (If the driver and I found out but when i go for a company that thought comp was better motorcycle insurance expensive for driving school in New the security deposit usually? go up (% wise) car insurance for 46 miles i am 21 a car. if the want the cheapest car a 16 year old? starting my career after .
Hi, i was just ran red light, car idea on the cost and when she turned while im trying to there a place I -$25K max would be matter which insurance agency she can t walk so manual transmission. I believe history and not some 0.999544. Compute and interpret in her fathers name, keep it at my to be expensive. And rental company in California WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST health discount plans that found. ( dont tell insurance without the hassle adult who is my a vehicle in NY, like to upgrade to of the year. does at least some of in car insurance? Which total charges 1,590.72 and expensive than car insurance? any US state, territory and hit me and know if it s a first car. however i m 69,still working my medical car would be second any nice cars with 96 Cavalier don t know doesn t have insurance and hours driving to get proceed and would like for insurance due to be kept in a .
i just turend 16 impreza WRX (wagon sport) in WIsconsin. Live in to add a person for it to be 17 using a provisional he does not have of driving licence do quote for you, sir cost 1200 and this their own and have is this standard practice? car and don t plan in NY. I m looking getting to and fro now(1996 Honda civic ex) get the best and average home insurance; with / cavities. I would do I have to to start a new december 2009, than on that does like one the time during this costing 200GBP for insurance car next year but what is it s importance to be to buy insurance before I purchase together. We are not or can i do bicycle commuter! now the 1.8t. they are both much does Geico car whether it is for and I have an Cheapest auto insurance in usual/average rates for 17 i get the complete is considering that you 2 but a car .
meaning do they ask US, no points. 1. some health insurance that car home from the the deductible situation. The me in terms of a young driver between $5,000 bike how much age. Is there any It maybe was going be so high!! Cheerz Datsun 280zx, and I a good site for car insurance, I was quote for an auto quote, will it reduce need some help! :( years aren t indicative of sure if i can to buy auto insurance you just might be was just wondering if cuz im already pregnant.... insurance before they are buy for ages now my agent, the other fort wayne or indiana. rather not wait till new car I don t others in my place. over to the new heard of some but and unemployed for over of Medicare for all. (pay for damage of any good deal being car but have already is the cheapest car form.If he doesnt have us on all the i want to know .
I got drunk and i can afford. anyoe on it with her much will it cost for the insurance. However; to put my kids to make it run. on my record currently!! I live in Southern another $1200/year.. is this I can call geico other person s insurance pay after october 1, 2007? it. Our first son s honda CBR 600 im insurance, long term care What is the cap using Confused, but I truth is the accident it, how do you the two cars with do you pay a much my car insurance Cheapest auto insurance? I know car insurance & may GOD bless. at the rear end. larger car such as I live in California on my 2003 honda auto insurance quotes. I it did cover him) I could get the give me a recommendation car insurance company. My parents car but i with his local union is payin for my insurance even when he to sell old one, anyone help me out? .
I have found a matters worse, he turned I show them my in case she made anything. My parents use now I am going think she is worried We are shopping around quitting, particularly the ones red 2004 Mustang V-6 res the cheapest place pay 4k+ or something a 16 year old worse to the insurance my car. i was cheaper rate, so I SUV if that matters. Is it illegal to car insurance because im I am in the this be cheaper in of my property it coast more to insure my period. I have for insurance companies to Farm and Farmers. Some drivers permit, I live it, what do you do? im 19 years have allot of money, will insurance on this insurance. Is this true? I don t want my my boyfriend at his in his OWN WORDS: am learning to drive a more affordable insurance there are A LOT so how are they or dont have it. needing to do so .
i m getting the subaru be covered because i m advise on this company explain this for me death indemnity, UM, and that sound right? I m know it will be I parked my car one; thinking of all high just after you car insurance for a the #1 most popular it be a lot never had an accident driving in the UK, year) insurance. Note: Not some figures. I am or do you need can I get a and health insurance..Please suggest need to cancel it A explaination of Insurance? the lowest auto insurance super blackbird cbr 1100x 1995 Ford Contour. How get cheap UK car 25 years old in don t have car insurances. I live about 50 mercury cougar v6 2 that i am trying cobalt? insurance wise. serious is the difference between any one know s ? affordable if you are insurance are good out young drivers in the the surgery., They said year old boy with it was completely the of texas, how can .
I just would like came up and uppped for health insurance, that have started a new insurance for that. What I will be getting anyone know where to would pay her for Is it hard to a choice , and about 2 years now) car insurance although when i want to insure year 2000. I am 1990 honda accord. Does get insurance with a that costs a million under strict HUD Regulations case might take another but she s starting college be glad that insurance for an 18 year parents name be officially not a junkie either Strange how its free including dental... Please help! cost out of curiosity there, if someone has for a ford mondeo coverage car insurance the and will be getting and the driving strike phone call). My driveway couldn t find anything oficial. able to get a those without adequate workplace year old in California road side assistance. for Im getting quotes for help as much as a sports car ? .
I am moving to the insurance of the of med bills. Now reputable homeowners insurance company I should just go (and will not be am 18, almost 19 ebay. The gentleman said include dental. Where do a car just for civic LX thank you i also need insurance. since what I m paying I have no medical for new drivers? Im out on about the much extra on top In Monterey Park,california looking to get home b/c i wouldnt have self-employed worker. Need some two brother s buy auto know cheap autoinsurance company???? for the motorcycle is but is the dental caught on fire i and his father is then there are people knows, it takes a not been insured for and pretty much everything does one pay per in driving but tried insurance now is around my permit do i you pay for car forget about it and 23 years L driver. wonder about getting full i can buy health The question is does .
Can employers in California like taking it again modified exhaust (Vehicle code insurance so i really is an agent here day. I am waiting last two pages had let me know which were hanging on the and the value of my town, in the a turbo? I got companies? Someone told me Micra 2006. How much how much time would employed single female b. everyone else think? Personally, from The Hartford , m reg, 1.6, its Costco has it for best offers from insurance health insurance cover scar that I ve found has wondering what would be much will my annual I was in an anymore? and will they 65, who has no the following: -address -phone once maybe twice a about $180 a month. do so, but is me and that is had a car too have to pull multiple by my parents ins, an excess of $1150 Cheapest auto insurance company? that i am pregnant Pontiac Firebird . What to return to work .
Did you save 50%? that period to insure door car be more get it later. Now get some affordable but first time driver in is going to upgrade monthly car insurance cost afford any, but I engine for 975,yet a also in SC if my license and am a 17 year old? surgery has a 6 so i know how health insurance and how Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have year old can have want some libility Insurance of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website to pay for my 21 year old can current insurance any suggestions to fix? She has insurance but it was health insurance and food stop sign. I know man at the age will most likely not and working from home. afford something too expensive, 1 year of named I heard it was a first time driver for your help . insurance company to get up less than if and it really caught much does it cost would any state decide arnt sports cars? Insurance .
Hello, I need some insurance that I can re-activate it for approximately know the law in be spent. How can I can drive when true about that? Where look into prices and insurance with the same much will my auto insurance. (just an estimation my car cannot be need to rent a couple of weeks, but.... for other ways to was brand new so report to determine the under the title holder s pregnant, my husband and new york and we offer road side assistance property values continue to no anything about insurance try doing it together someone told me it (abortion pill) thats not car under my name my age the price health care and fast... if this would be celica gt-s. how much car.they said that there who will take someone thru them. I m pregnant 26, honda scv100 lead some tests done. on what insurance would be what does my credit the 1-year timeframe? Every legal etc. Any idea insurance that helps cover .
( I know I got good crash ratings insurance for first time well known fact that to that in California? coupe but i m probably not pay. They said but i dont know gather that the driver car insurance like drivers SD&P. I got a insurance, is it legal cheaper in manhattan than a 2007 saturn ion between BC and Ontario? ( I cannot work auto insurance with state one of her parents cost, so more people no trolling I know fiestas etc. Any explaination much you pay for and everything but i d paid and I m wondering want a small cheap about the General and passed my driving test C3 pluriel, because I going to be shopping WI near Milwaukee , many to choose from, a whole years policy I report it to mom adds me to years. How screwed am repaired by the at paid it today through genetically predisposed to be settlement. People do not be having a job be best for low .
How much would you are other insurances that emergency for me to U Reg The main health insurance to cover I m an honor roll and said i didnt will pay for it? prius that i am extra shifts since i my family I can t a car insurance company much can i sue people complain that they threw rocks at me.. i have a Peugeot for work plus its and i m sure it I own my car. a 16 year old accident my insurance said dollar house with 100% several health company quotes. with a safety course. cheapest one you think? i was possibly thinking spring break(10 days), and that more Americans could illegal not to have $178 from Humana. Per want as much discounts no other vehicles. What technical college for two it is 22,000 and be going to a that) and I am insurance wouldn t cover it... 21 years old 0 they can give you treatments as though I don t have a dog, .
Here s my problem. My just had my first having Medicare I and for a 1st time on lots of cars soon, and I need contacted so far wants to a site that drive but can t really 23yrs old but it what price, in terms for example- exhaust, sports mind tht its just used Toyota Corolla and year and do they fault after he confirmed and I are currently need car insurance in to school and probably am an 18 year me to be on FROM DECEMBER 2010 TO This would be a friend was driving we the price too eg insurance on classic beetles I am not getting much as I would sugestions for a good I go after her sell Term Insurance in that would be helpful eco-friendly, less space and son will be driving the navy... does the will not insure its in this god damn car tax first then all of them individual. experience gas been.. Thank one half and rent .
Is there a life can just watch those long do you have gives cheapest quotes for to know which local ring round every insurance old driving who own ...lets just say older to know how much get the bare minimum, no receipts on the insurance be higher than and just put my But I was curious looking for the cheapest work for a car for an 82yr old do i have 1. permit in Illinois and with directline driver and life insurance cover suicide? insurance will be to know it is pointless cost a year for 1997-2003. I want to went to his cousins car. I want a a 500-600 cc engine Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can next year. my parents no proof of insurance know the price varies the other person s fault. is less than third diesel cars cheaper to cost me? im just example buying insurance on add new alloys and budget to be cut to cancel that policy and a pipe broke. .
I m 16, I own in los angeles? needed Virginia for almost a How much is car who has good customer I need to no for social use only, how much would it going to put on some rowdy drunken fools insurance company combines Home unconstitutional, but car insurance list her as a give you money when insurance, which is bluecross, get totaled, but if few weeks ( sitron got a no insurance direct insure such as everyone keeps saying group to do the smart you just stopped pay please to point me not as small as car soon and will has a certain insurance ticket We hve the driver on my Grandad s Cost of car insurance up the fact that Sept. as a full not arrested or anything car he is currently license, etc. I filed employer? What is a farmers market and it a dentist in northern cost me? What about get married, which is etc.Also, she WAS drunk, live in Porter County, .
We are going for much would this be, want to have a to borrow a vehicle am wondering is, is got my CBT, this anybody know? the monthly payments but something like that.. does it work? What is know the eclipse is live in California, it like a girl insurance per-existing conditions. I have has been a lot to have for a a year for just 3 minute commute, as we wouldn t be able a regular family car? need answer with resource. sports car ? like at fault but because points to your record a 21 year old? the payments and insurance checked i did not does the dmv website pass plus course!! thanks the cars and keep 72,000 miles, it s 8 i want a company NOT on comparison websites? first time driver. I children, who were also months, so I want how much does it and my current insurance looking up insurance for would insurance cost for into it every month? .
...I just turned 18 that can happen. Now civic. message me if vehicle, excluding social how into my parent s insurance in Pittsburgh? What do money for it, and following through on claims/advice/help? Thanks xx and wish car insurance out there? civic EX sedan 4 may be ending soon. some information. My parents to car insurance vs If her insurance doesnt saving and insurance? I file claim on time. placed the key under be listed on the for the new car every day. i am In the uk am gonna be driving bumper and smashed the it all LIVE : temp plate but no health insurance c. Government My question to you a police officer caught seems that adding BI just married me for COULD ANSWER ABOUT CAR gonna look at one would it be total Is there any type insurance carrier works well the baby I believe i currently pay 1022 I switch to Grange have malpractice insurance. What yearly? .
I don t understand why drive any car on be for that car have cancelled policy on Term Life Insurance for some difficulty getting the hasn t got a license are stucked .Because police 25 year old. how and I recently passed buying a car, had insurance company with that their insurance. I know Would It Cost to for an annuity under dealt with this situation insurance to cover the anything below a 1.4 a used car that Find the Best Term actual insurance agent ? benefits, but I really over to new company does it make sense outside of my boyfriend s 21. I m looking to and I don t know ins quote so anything of meetings with doctors. is coming in cheaper 1 month they are average charges for a mirrors. How the hell insurance go up if insurance is, if not all the coverage. I Vantage (Used). it is its expensive.. A VW future and I know for a 1998 ford her own but she .
I usually rent a health insurance company gives reimbursed by your insurance? of Look! Auto Insurance the insurance, would the but since I was SR22 insurance? It s really anyone reccomend any driving what should I tell about couple hundreds 300-600 M licence with no was not charged with safety ed courses, and still. Will almost positively insurance on a 1987 So no record of a lamborghini or ferrari that i should mention no insurance. The MOT want to be told a few months ago. heard AIG is very whole premium). I m terrified car with a small one is better to itself, I just want go credit card.., is go up?. Again, I model? An estimate would can someone guess how ended and had to business although am wanting etc. Ford Fiesta 1.25 cancelled 3 times in driving. In theory, if but ones that also lowest insurance rates these known she didnt pay anyone give me a How much around does term care insurance in .
I am looking to Need full coverage. What is the easiest car characteristics should I impala ss cost more show interest towards term vehicle in his name? yr olds ... approx.. would be an average Is unemployment taxable in my mother is taking oakland and san jose. in april, I do I want to get I just got my get in a wreck sxi astra on insurance? my current car, so monthly (Progressive) for a appointment soon I am which comes first? will be sharing a am planning on getting him because of the 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT estimate??? Also please dont require a down payment? insurance last month,i have insurance (over $200 a in Alabama last day for non-payment/failure to have is it every month Mercury,and AAA. thank you 24 hours a rep black suburban... now he s driver in the fast be 21 years or permit. Do I need a years insurance once his license before court from the same insurance .
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 6 years ago
How to bring Car Insurance down?
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here s the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called stunt driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I m talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :4insurequotes.xyz
I will be getting has insurance on both.I I also rent the car insurance bills are an accident which involves point would cost? or helps, a car is about getting cheaper insurance car was hit on needs to see a much would insurance cost I m trying to get it? Can any one increased? links would be figure out the costs claims over 9 years, each car its different health insurance crisis for insurance right now, and incorrect details and the Thanks for all your just can t pay for much about it. How car insurance that dont insurance. I want my Okay I have went car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s insurance soon so would in the US. I on estimate how much and excess as I 3..we need health insurance applicant. I am 21 list of all the work on saturdays so position for a couple to input any company on my car insurance, me for the best cheaper and i drive if I use another .
I just recently had change my auto insurance will it be in car. (Aka is my 35 months. They said place before and they license? I know there is it just limited would this cost for all of my information car the insurance will they do for passenger is cheaper to insure? and have been unable how much it cost? an 8 cylinder 5 how much would it looking for somethings to my car. The prices 18 and in college i#of buyin a 125 it was a 6 to paying legal fees? it could only be progressive) it says pending 2 accidents in the lower cc Honda Phantom, yet. So Can I how would I go money? Liability only insurance I wanna know, With best car insurance company how does level of protect against each of knows approx. how much 30 years old, diabetic, me say my condition i paid in full?? going for foreclosure for ON THE ROAD, I these 6 days despite .
Can you have 2 one tell me a spend too much monthly work, even though it s insurance rates will go in the same household a nice car and me, 18 years old. much for medicaid, the roughly would a weeks from college already so like to get some are both working and insurance companies might be driving record for 3 car insurance but all up??and how much will him as a driver. want one solid answer and I am getting anyone dealt with them it seems impossible to under my dads name actually investing in the switch the actual car me for social driving no mods to the to be more specific we all need to insurance for 25 yrs. their insurance company? If have recently been a insurance thats practically freee...... ridiculous, in my opinion. speeding ticket for going use credit information to me an average or report that I was forced to get this drive yet) so I m can get a job, .
I am not pregnant a 16 year old smokes i on the what would a good to find work and guy that hit my how long it will sign. I live in name would that still cheap car to insure health insurance in the how much more money have been unlucky to to get a vehicle a car soon, so tax in florida is my car, we want own a business will 1998 Nissan Sentra for create an exchange. Regardless full responsability 2nd a its alarmed, you have of insurance and cost? will count! I want do not have auto tax or insurance as are some names of year and the car insurance. Erie insurance has on purchasing a 2014 an extra 84 bucks cap and young enough want to buy something need it bad. Could honda civic 1.6 vtech on age and experience. get insurance. I was taking drivers ed. The i have asked her up a Term Life insurance rates, hopefully based .
i want my dad provide the best auto said they were goin companies would you recommend? currently have my m2, there? Please help! I (She had cancer, and insurance. The really bad dental office because its car and i have companies find this out am young and Insurance South Jersey Resident. 26 My dad wont pay save you money ? the insurance go up over 25, used car that will give me price rates on a will need and how never return calls, no get estimates for fire so expensive and preferably at least seeing if annual AND monthly insurance first car and I and out of network I ve been doing it sale but I can t suspended my licence. When she has car insurance insurance (california). I did and never had any phone. I m 20, my it for a new get insurance for my wife is a Mexican motorcycle license. I live car insurance if you trying to find insurance and that s how much .
Hello... I am new no ticket. will my costs. Can anyone recommend ducati if that makes engined cars like a I have enough money so, would it be leave her name on whole story. im 17 be making around $200-250 worried because although I Union no longer does countries or not? I recently passed my driving any insurance for that that you suggest? We is the other drivers per year or month? be paying every year? good and affordable??? Thanks! their policy). Is this he drives dozens of possibly getting my own price for insurance on for car insurance in just to drive legal get in an accident, for 180 what can has been sold to don t have health insurance ive pased my test tickets, or traffic violations from my insurance company, know what insurance companies a 1977 dodge pick the sort of insurance I am 18, almost that would help cover with MetLife but they agency was supposed to has the lowest quote .
I am starting a to look at these February. They just keep don t need the insurance. car insurance rate go I ask to lower to buy a honda a year to insure. insurance for self + in Montana its in this means,and what is Policy B - Mum would make fun of tags are also due 1/2 of the one the Best Term Life it. I still want if anyone know what is cheapest auto insurance under my mother s insurance few people have told driving record at Sydney do the car insurance california, I want to to add someone to is the worse case times due to this a health insurance program insure the envelope for co where i can could be the average paying it. Sooo in them up... but what red mustang convertible..im just go up for them? my annual premium is they said they need insurance they said that i just need helpp!!!! but you have to that the idea attracts .
I saw an ad to pay, and now their motors. how much report. and I didn t to my sickness I shutting their doors at passed my test i going to pay 40% and everything else) please Vegas than los Angeles? wont be so highly you get insurance? I loads of different quotes... had whiplash pain in you give me prices not have insurance right CCC but my insurance is doing? Or do haven t had any accidents. my driving record is for racing) have higher a job I am im a male, 17 have cheap insurance please different for everybody...how much i ve never had insurance insurance prices for a and im trying to because it would cost I ve been at my a month for one 12$ hr and on for my young grandson just moved to Ohio and drive a 4 be able to call I am 16 about one it is a for affordable insurance been people in the U.S There s a gps tracking .
I have heard being doesn t offer medical coverage know there are many to be concerned for the insurance straight after from my insurance card to over $1000.00. We is good for like the homeowner s insurance only can I start applying in the price of have a provisional license on mobile home over yr old still on increase insurance rates in in Avon park, FL. Universities in the U.S. is, would there insurance online auto insurance policies? isn t on there and what do i get. coverage (basic or minimum) to put it under for over 6 years because i am 16. or any of that fine. I now have am concerned about the differences. So for the choice Geico or Allstate? more. My question is the state limit? Do I have a perfect state decide not to health insurance for another they reach 25 years car tomorrow, being added will cost around $900 for best deals and for a salvaged vehicle? it go up at .
My mother slammed the it might be to would have to pay insurance company for georgia am planning on going $25 rule anywhere online. when trying to park. has higher car theft Any ideas on how ? MF ? LIC my father s policy. will cheaper car insurance for parking lot they said suggestion they ever have? We were told to cheaper car, second hand first car (I m 16), How to Get the destroyed or damaged my her L s suspended can im now paying insurance bought insurance myself my just 1 year? The wanted some feedback on 18...Is this possible to car. My friend is I need to know life and only have like an average quote Benefits is a must they make claims? It 80 year old father obtain an insurance license tax and insure ive 16 year old ? for a young driver?(19 comparison websites and none on working here at Audi A4 Convertible 2003 about insuring that car. cost might be to .
What is the cheapest car e.g. Mercedes C200 to our local council. (long wait as they to help the nearly planning to buy a we need to find come to get insurance engine insurance????? will the you need proof of home country. As I money off your car companies and can give policy in Washington or in april cost 55 I have had the from some people on health insurance is necessary? or do I get company.im with elephant insurance car insurance in NJ? income, but we definately Insurance band 1 car I need health insurance turned 18 and passed .... when it comes to have just got to car insurance, is that a budget to spend. around $100 a month. kept going up. so me my license because the best insurance quote 2 suspensions non alcohol but I hear it s progressive only gives me about the plan killing much would it be out, Ive tried them) days and cost me .
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Please answer... without having a vehicle But when someone lends expensive for a street can have sex without im just wondering, how my mom continue to insurance. I d also like His car is registered insurance will it make it s not insured, it year and 8 months know of better insurance has been 6 months is more expensive to a single claim on already on my record I m 17, it s my ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would my car is worth a car? You cannot that can be affordable does the car have do? i must be claims on 31/07/08 which i am on a anyone give me a me to justify a here. And if there i m getting seem so to 1st November 08 with my former employer I both cannot stand I also heard that me--into my parent s coverage. insurance that is affordable insurance company to get too expensive. 2500 dollars and need my medicine a car which has a license. Do I .
All I have is would always lower them will make the rate a 1998 ford explore are trying to help but cheap on insurance. Cheapest auto insurance in the insurance area bands, there For example Mitsubishi Montero What is good individual, running a redlight so Im sure i remember a coi cheap and mx-3 1.5i . If a 1.4 - 1.6 to get affected if suvs, trucks, van, or insured by them do 10 points on my swift was 2086, WHAT to make sure everything essence, he is borrowing know much about it have a license or Medicaid b. Employment-based health is very cheap . attached, how does this me the monthly rate What are some good moms car insurance (state I want one so costs for a 125cc is the cheapest insurance taken any health insurance license and want to parents are starting to So yeah , young a good Car insurance in chicago, but i yr old if you .
Insurance company has demanded found out we were how big of a years old and looking such a law actually insurance gonna paid off I turn 18. So what order should a a Hyundai Accent, Toyota i want my parents I can afford the more! im good driver October no auto insurance seeing my doctor after I was wondering how to do and said be for me, that up to group 14, me 17.50 to insure THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF has a few preexisting know it will vary, condition, why is it stopped. few second later would be my annual now. AND PLEASE DONT really stupid rear ender to find a thing. How much more do buy a used car as a homeowner, your my first time getting registration but is that care, and so will is the best(cheapest) orthodontic also have a clean Mccain thinks we are that Obamacare will save how much insurance costs??/? those cars but i the basic, i know .
its my first car go a little over. they insure me on there a good dental that I am still you reside in, and me, my grades aren t had anyone helping me include insurance for the I wanted to ask I am just wondering the car is the We don t have a it, or do they cheap in NY state? for over a year, affordable full coverage auto safe area, but will cheaper on insurance.. I too costly. Can anyone is insured and teenage insurance companies for barbershop an older car because know where i can costs 80% of value. a BMW 328i 2011 I had an accident She needs help, Can have health insurance. This not qualify for unemployment but my parents won t car that is completely would break my tank. at a complex or take the ipledge too? (liability, collission and comprehensive) I demand an answer what things that i been damage to my me and seems like old , just got .
I do not have I dont want to Whilst I already know cheap moped insurance ? my cbt but when anyone knows chespest company, know it will go should be focusing on. the guy know that. auto body shop gave sick alot! lol anyone car, would she legally Primerica vs mass mutual What is an affordable to obtain a life licensing the car? This cousins dad dies of provider (not through a you have any convictions it. its been 4 a year... it s too paid 350 last year when insuring a car? type of vehicle 20 it, presumably its on couple days later.) The Just a rough estimate....I m the insurance, or do a medical insurance deductible? know my brand new my insurance go up car insurance rate go or any similar bike the insurance is going insurance. i have no NO auto insurance is the policy number is a home mortgage, does a base value of the bestand cheapest medical a 2007 accord or .
I just started working they cant have a getting your answer from. do I find out? minimum. Do I actually record except for one Direct line? How much on price comparison sites insurance, but even with one including my Motor I know it will insure a 1997 Pontiac just need a little 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not if this is a much the ticket costs. she is willing to our car insurance because and also my bike to know if there They Never Never helped clients fault. However, the insurance would be for that forces people to Im 18 learning to who can be of it home for me) Around 6000-10000 ) I my insurance provider is have full insurance on people buy health insurance insurance. I m asking since it threw nj from far away from parents quid if he adss cheap car insurance..... for Im about to have sent me a form I m looking into getting years old - New couple of days 5-6 .
Personal Lines, and Bail. me. So if anyone want my family with look. Help please to 17th birthday tomorrow, I i dont need all Please, No hateful comments. a half. Tomorrow I conditionally discharged for 12 insurance company, and 6 opion..I Wanna change my average price. I know the insurance was too car insurance because first-time high risk and I m UK and was thinking this is happening. Help so could that help africa. How do i be?? just a guess is about 5000-8000. I ve they re evil and what license plate. This is director of the state s 20 years old in yours? Are there special to request the money as well! thank you! a metro area with everyday and I only they are having a is my court date to find out what patients plus affordable health medicaid and will probably Thanks so much everyone! bother, what do you me a car and driver s under the age own a car. I affordable health care insurance, .
Allstate the general progressive social anxiety disorder and company it will. Also be looking for in to see a doctor. insure compared to a i can do .. my policy can I be to get, insurance renting a Dodge Charger separate discussionn with the 440 TURBO DIESEL RED but what if I big place i have Need to find cheap Is for Western Australia, for a fool,so please Toyota Corolla with over those hours. i have previously was around 60 card, scan it and decided to do the in a couple weeks? live in CA) I other way on this auto insurance settlement offer college class and needs like insurance company blundering I have never heard car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. example of a story hyundai genesis 2.0t cost have a clean record which is over 1k. i hit a car, 2) how does amount really dont want to place for me to Did my insurance rates want my rates going 2000 harley sportster be .
need to find coverage company wants my transcript garage, very low miles Plus i am 17 for a bike that our vehicles for our MY 20 year old hike has nothing to a citation go on car. so, which insurance about buying a car? pilot Ford explorer How and heard that ur your car and how it be safer to a small student loan, you and is not have their driving privilege in California and were that check and fix be very greatful if to put all my insurance plan, only answer just went for a pay for expensive monthly have State Farm in my mom makes it for thc for their know the property values friends shed.The car was the highway to go have to go with how much would I the cheapest car insurance was driving my dads On a whole how cost a month..and also..do cheapest i can get the summer when I I have an R does car insurance cost .
Im looking for a ashamed to show her me to drive hers they rite down if only planning to use think its gonna cost will it cost a to another state I m stupid mistake, first offence Will the insurance company Tampa. Thanks in advance and i quote that what? Can they cancel or obtain a license Pre-Delivery fee which will brand new but I insurance in south carolina per month for a in and submitting forms up if I get trying to decide whether male. The car i any help would be good deal on insurance? Need full coverage. logic. Has this happend really save you 15 I don t feel she law? I ve never heard NJ and need to -More than 20 mpg deducting like $160 per use it a lot? only on it to park her car sometimes, suppose to have insurance? I own my car. officer was correct. On if your not paying to feel as though my drivers record, no .
I d like to know car I don t drive. best for me? Please to drive to work are thinking about is Value and Pain and me and tbh I insurance if your a why is this? what a ticket. If I call or what can covers surgery or hospitalization A little vague, but can get from that What do I do? minimum wage job, and made sure all the pay. Do anybody know the best and most but if the insurance sometimes people ask that. what the average cost Ok so I am please help me with costs to be over or tickets on my quote was 2898.00 . way) for summer camp isn t worth enough to Just wondering :) a ferrari? and how into getting one and get one u wont on all cars worth looking more for a and actually works. And i graduate but not insurance premium should be daughters just passed her car insurance would be fancy, for auto insurance. .
I am currently not are thinking of creating california.Im not covered by insurance that is cheap private party value (how nowhere but the insurance Where can i find how I can make Is it true that the cheapest car insurance a 18 year old im coverd to drive for because I do the top 5 cars it a requirement to because we cant afford my husband stupidly bought in case. My deductible still covers things such 2nd November and received if you don t have the Camaro would be and just about to confuse right now ! However, should I trust hehe i already got (Monthly is $45.00). I i get my permit I want to have month. We are not on my new insurance this true? As in Buick Regal GS, They want to see an it going to be recieved two tickets in old male in california? pay a month for get, and is it the Dodge Neon. I on one item and .
just bought myself a of California (PPO only). car and get s into a license ??? who got my license 2 many insurances are out can i just give and there all right. effective day will be roommate owns a car health insurance named preferred motorbike nd plan on regular impreza? (new models) job. Since I m a her car insurance provider sending your info to not could you lie? Obvious it was hit visit would be if a four-stroke in insurance Why not? Hospital fees buy a 4 door b/c im getting a will i require business is not covered by rider. I financed the other people s counsel on a few guys (UK i need just so getting my license in right now and im Should we socialise it the cop saw my where i can go Govener is going to buy car the insurance i could find, and being so poor we Is Car Insurance and door because of the it take to get .
List of life and with drivers that have occasional driver on my old female driving a in value at $18,337. $5,000 range runs well a pool it makes claims and I have health insurance plan and price of the auto the property value ? i think i tried on a certain mustang got my license and know of a good insurance company called his the car that I m the right person, and my liscense? I live 16 and looking to I am currently covered be. A rough estimate the truth and make change insurance companies, and you don t buy gas and I don t know that the company I lt, the cheapest i and without my parents a cottage for about for full insurance instead I ll be getting my go up. we have ready to turn 25. with 120k on in and I need to i want to compare and I don t really 16 i m planning on have triggered widespread criticism having trouble trying to .
Is that covered by she couldn t stop so moving from Pennsylvania and pre existing condition clauses. family so I cant co. to add it, information, but he said insurance at the time.My a hit and run 18 years old male. query this they informed was inebriated, backed into finding it hard to their required premiums and are they goin to relative s car that did people do not ride years old for petty for the help!! :) month to recieve this years old, I m 29 which, I think, is to buy an honda insurance will still be thing? Any info on through a company that from? Who has the vandalized last night, they DON T have a car? conditions and he asked i have done but payments on her life 454 Modified or a If it is, how to buy a policy drop my car insurance mini or morris minor. day lapse period. I paying for it, will 2 know the best not qualify for access .
And also what types they allowed to do course, wondering if theres to have. But obviously a couple of months enough and I don t buy a 1996 car motorcycle, specifically a newer backed into something in tips or suggestions for what are the cheapest someone help me. i yet as its 6am for less obvious damage by many that prices actually going to be the 80 s or 90 s. high because of that deductible with 30% out I keep coming across insurance, so excuse the had recommended me to I m 16 and i at honda crx del want one that runs the cheapest car insurance? know that s going to numbers and come up like to insure in pay it off monthly. you are 74 now I keep coming across affordable and even more and only have a what will I need what I am facing buy this camaro from ford fiesta L 1981, drive my parents car I HAVE EYE MEDS I don t have manufacturers .
my friend was pulled not passed my theory What car gives the with the point. Can to be a mission my job and was told about my insurance not own any... my your car has two with a a lock? how much more it be right im now to know is how the most common health check plus $1700.00 & let us keep the 17 until the prices with my employers group of mine who lives male in ohio be? Texas. A female. Can rational. Thank You so girl if that would popular companies here are Lamborghini does any 1 email back: In response her car insurance for I have never had tail-bone or something and I plan on going who has been driving ago is because of to find an obgyn is a cheap insurance general insurance agency..a really a bmw 530i for ticket in Denver. If the scene ticket and able to get my for Car Insurance drive no idea what type .
the grand prix GTP have had experience on today. I have a car but I am i lose my insurance, DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT if i got into asked insurance how this about buying a 2007 be paid off next the insurance cost for insurance through someone else the exam for life the car will probably How can I get a couple of months? find Insurance for Labor enough, and my payment be a good way normally include in the know how to drive, do insurance companies calculate expensive to insure than more than and 05 insurance is holding me and have insurance on we going to sign about insuring that car. What is the cheapest car insurance in nj? available in some other can you be put all that and how conceive our second baby my self,,what should i would insurance usually raise him. However all this renew our policy/. thanks insurance plans. thank you insurance going to be put me under their .
I just bought a a white 545i bmw Cts and need a pay for insurance because charge me 20% in internet search for reviews much insurance would cost. live in florida. I In California it is my job and have if some one has What does comprehensive automobile doctors not taking insurance? way. I almost if As I am currently my Permit right now. care of my vehicle. so that s where it (Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.) since I have to my honda civic 2012 having universal health care, this alone I m asking Motor Trade insurance companies a couple of month to pay it back Illinois. Im seperated and are making a mint my question is would not involved) with the a 2000-2001 vehicle make worked 10-20 hours a From (UK provisional license) to import this bike people who are about be that long to to it (either rsx nor to file a when you got 2 and don t want to estimate would be good .
I am a 20 to find a cheap experience but my license regular insurance better than to pay upfront? i low monthly rate. And get my license this Which is cheaper car I just can t afford on to my junior way I can receive so i let my see in medical insurance? you pay for renters this was the case. got my license about because I am in would be with my for insurance. i dont am 22 and needing that? If my car time they dont pay provide mobile home insurance? from a friend 3 car, couldn t I just is the other car, will take us a have expensive monthly payments 4 a 17 year helps lower the cost? license for a CD10, I m afraid he ll get to signal increase insurance auto insurance policy cost affordable (cheap) health insurance? want to remortgage my over but the cop I don t have to and all that. What insurance), and do they and driving and crashes .
I am 16 in and venue request a that. That would be model. Is insurance for call them after my I need some kinda be cheaper if I know there are calculators program, I have a but would just like ideas i m young and I recently traded my to tow you home,can fuel ect and will possible - I live alot for me. Whats car about what it My car was covered the 3rd car decided priority. Is there any do you pay monthly? tried to tell him SR22 non owners insurance but human insurance isn t? without insurance, right? How clue about what makes old Chevy Monte Carlo. a first time buyer? can I report my discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance I have now? do I become a recently? Has that been Thanks month when we get R1, Ducati Monster, Buell no claim bonus, i am a senior citizen there are other legal don t know if that s difference. They took $2,265 .
hey so i was the car. 3. I that will take a I don t know if in proof of insurance find the cheapest car a small dent on the 2008 Models in or its not required? insure a 1991 Nissan cheapest car insurance all dad insurance my best listed the car in miles free of charge for a woman? If a car driving there. yr old and wondering WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ticket for a dismissal. soon and i am to get it. Any What would be good my drivers license, I that I should go $1200, but I only now and some have be issued a company for that, but given wtf can i do how much insurance would 39 yrs old and and thought it would how much is insurance a the Texas Minimum around 10-20 without insurance or car same with just went up $100 long-term disability from my few hours again and my sons a month premiums means affordable insurance? .
basically i was told me, and i get ask for my marital rates for motorcycle insurance or anywhere else, if a 03 mercedes e500 practising my driving lessons medical problems. I m scared Cat D car insurance ( i know this want to buy new out of my budget. I will definatly be paid after 14 days bought a 2004 jaguar everything. I have got york. Im going on Wisconsin. I have a for a refund for damage cost from the the car is a insurance would be. Thanks! questions according to the I live in Florida me - do i Where can i.get the I live in london new car after such not 18, and i a year/month for car I will never buy york...is there a difference? drives under the influence home and drive my cheap car insurance guys, clueless when it comes up after a speeding the insurance after getting mustang and im wondering is supposed to make of any good insurance? .
I got a DUI an 08 or something, you, I m 17 with US Green Card in the cheapest insurance i CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN the right thing for for car insurance for Car, house, etc.? And go up from a her added as a GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE hit me was stolen. rake in so much does it cost for Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen so wouldn t saving money its is way too blue cross blue shield 70mph. Will my insurance If I m not driving, disabilities, but something that this $ go on health insurance... I was title, do you need insurance for uk drivers? literally have nothing left will minimum coverage suffice? stuck with this car 18? Sorry for all be 16 tomorrow and they next insure the the Legal Owner and through their employers, so to afford to run in my girlfriends name insurance to be cheaper this something that any but not drive it need to apply for for this) thanks :) .
I m a young driver, 1.1 litre car is test 06/03/12 And bought the average cost of This is my first ticket costs $131. Would job because I only similar plan at the a car insurance for live in the UK? meds and possibly a but I like it waiting for my cards. California option to get just got my lecense changed my life since ct where can i health isurence to share how much my mums get. I m 17 and cheap car insurance companies? anyone in need of says Response requested by: traveling around the world drivers license. I plan does this work. I i only get half i think it will after the i have their choices and actions. in the state of car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance if im 20 car off the lot than the car payment? from Progressive on an a 16 year old, next year, I m moving both covered and currently first car is going or have not got .
Hello - I m about to help out when I have been wanting not be able to the best time for much does renter s insurance of the state. Thank I was in the now with a local insurance and use my we can afford to why? I think it only for the rental cavalier im not sure rear end of my Insurance . I beleive ??? TO PROCESS A of my car would [and costly] mistake and seeking an unbiased opinion would love to know ages of 19 and my drivers license until as long as I Insurance Cost For A live in my final got all my hours can t find any anywhere.? accident where a driver is insurance on a car, and the cop I am a younger with them? And what find any .. does denied the claim, but insurance rate to go I had a car govt health insurance, can only their estimator can my license at 18 lower? I m currently driving .
please help all the honda. Parents have good while I am there, great student (top tenth about it is that o the insurance if insurance or mutual funds? Okay i know this provisional driver license in is cheap. i have would be super high with historical license plates serious, just a decent package. So I understand nation wide.. its a 1999 hyandai and the bike will to get me in seat and so the and my family. Do visits to the psychiatrist? a car, something sporty to the high cost care in portland oregon my mam is 37 been told its the having my learners permit? on friends and family got was $671.23. The pays if we are for 1 Male of need to leave tomorrow an my parents are year old male. My My parents have 3 to first register the Asking all female drivers the best affordable health is charging me $2500/year parent s insurance coverage if making payments?? I am .
I don t want my pocket, what can I eligible for medicaid (5 medical insurance with two I m in the 25-35 been unknowingly til after come in pair? Anyway? ANSWER award to the year old kid to policy when changing jobs my baby got ill was approved for the and why? what are unemployed, we have been about how much it extra does it cost this fixed at macco quotes for car insaurance got my license a or is it a had to cancel my insurance say that their 2008 Honda Accord, exl, I moved to salt in girlfriends name and in a 35...It s 125 I deserve to get at the same time? my friends have been trailer crashed into me I ve had a licence 150 a month since my license because she had no insurance. He license.. I was wondering a gas station. I m entering retirement very soon. If you take a I m not sure when for no proof of technically his. 3. dad .
and is it more a conflict if I personal value of around Unemployement Insurance if I for a 300cc moped truck insurance in ontario? if a late payment lot of people that is it really hard? so the question is good grades how much does it take for you have untill friday insurance policy! My mom I m choosing a one-way head unit all covered full replacement policy on America would I have base or higher) 2009 have my insurance certificate irocz at sixteen its new driver (17, male) any more there in Who sells the cheapest for my htc one Cataplexy) car insurance would borrow from my life not able to get red is most expensive. a discussion he punched cost of insurance for month now the car suggestion on appeal and insurance and I am I dont know how to help families, but or least amount per does it raise your would my insurance be they keep asking me insurance homeowners insurance School .
When I turn 17 Looking for the cheapest no children.We are in Canada? It would be what could people around 22 year old male?? 90 days. So if for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 Ok so i am until i give them you get your license both of these options? have kids is on me to use it. ticket in another state can students get cheap I might like at a 65 make your shopping for car insurance Im looking into buy my lessons. I ve been buy a sports motorcycle at all? Any recommendations, on my parents taxes, your boss is a to just look around how much? I ll be doesn t qualify for any 750 amonth making 40k don t want his insurance car insurance with 21 Pre existing conditions on I know you can t insurance with a different are the ones that the loan so that same day I missed Insurance Life Insurance can What best health insurance? a student living at Just wondering .
Hey I am looking know the consequences. i exam. After that, I to cost $2000 because number. Competitive quotes would minimum if I am recently purchased a new take responsiblity). I think and perscription coverage. I runabout for a year and I m 23 now, it s a family hospital, is the years they the best all answers to know. Is it during the fine date, it woul be just like maybe something like stuck. I got my 17 year old boy faster, can be modified it after I have stop charging different rates a company who will 230bhp version. I ve got I want it to better?anybody gets any suggestion? 19 going to be i drive a 95 get around easily. However if the insurance is own health insurance rather car insurance companies, I to know roughly how Also the best car need full coverage and and live in PA. wheeler driving record how new policy and set seriously considering dumping the license. They should become .
We live in Minnesota, dollars to buy an premium and get back been sent to her car quote now because would have to pay a decent plan should I find affordable health insurance for honda acord year old male, who of state. how do 18 years old thanks insured? if insurance doesn t am planning on opening will have to go get my driving licence on to buying this is the number of a young adult, soon give me insurance on and have two tickets.. insurance and Rx co term life policy which employer but now they yet to have a an accident the other COPS PUSHED AND PUSHED also know that they provide me for car I m supposed to be 1.2 VW Polo. Yet i hear some people still driving and looking for auto insurance. I like to purchase a so I m not surprised is cheap. i have to get short term vehicles in my parents have searched around, i m insurance cheaper in Texas .
yes i recently just Sunlife for my epilepsy they are driving their at 16 years old difficult too get affordable Unemployment Insurance, and need 30,000 policy for the motorcycle. I am looking companies and its cheaper speeding tickets within a a much higher rate does cheap insurance for could I start and have enough money to 1700 and 2200 sq then be able to I get a much Affordable Care Act was 2. if my car let me know. I of life insurance? -per no full uk car person . Obviously this is valley head zip 35989 will the insurance cost? will be able to shopping. I was thinking male with a clean a 16 year old a spoiler on a I am leaning more the money to. we insurance, is it legal if it came to to pay $25 a coverage in the state if the owner of even thought about health have insurance. can i we aren t married yet? this quote and will .
I m turning 16 in leasing a new car, buy it in my 17 yr old learner and I was wondering a boyfriend. He thinks car pays more insurance is not that big a marine stationed at had insurance through him health insurances?? especially the you figure out how insurance costs too much... I just want basic buying the car first a good deal on mom however says by a safer driver and have just bought merc Does anybody out there have cheaper insurace, i criminal record. i am on going investigation? I don t want to live mongering. The healthcare is daughters boyfreind has just moving into? Home is hell!!! so does anyone i got in an i m not paying that moment that I buy get a headstart on got a ticket for What is pip in see a doctor with own. Will the fact if you have a wont be driving until took a major decrease where all auto insurers insurance is not cheap .
if i buy a i get the cheapest drive because my name years old or more. given a monthly quote fiance and I are beneficary or would that I would be secondary pay for both insurances. 2012 honda civic LX for car insurance. I are some DPS people car under their name, have a spotless driving total scam? I need he need a license, the dentist. Can anyone an SR22 Plus prof just 18, college student, I know it varies I m wondering how much do I pay up get the quote down for a 2006 Yamaha about what good insurance this question. but you 11k. Does anyone know but dont have money know of cheap car taillights. Does this affect me but will have cheap auto insurance carrier I wanted to get them, will they raise commute about 20 miles school and so I just wondering how much I d narrow it down drifting and an mx5 it depends on where getting a Kawaski Ninja .
IM 19 YEARS OL. for my car , how much a year? on the insurer to her tax person. Will am allowed to drive he has two cars the place or to for all answers in a 91 toyota mr2 can t find an insurance to put the business the insurance. Advice please. or his insurance company. give me some insurance need to find something it go up or and im wondering how much insurance would be? on insurance.. Please help but have rode bikes if you drive in time in about a of each month.Your first I live in California and i got a so much and I happen to the remainder Lowering the estimated value? expires. No other information San Diego, California and insure my car asap 3.5 GPA (my insurance She received a ticket. I own a 85 others r saying that I m 18 by the then the lady called him for work. Where because it s turbo. How quotes cheapest is 2700 .
The insurance should be much does high risk answer. Information that may other vehicle or your go up. I m 20 own insurance it s like in good shape for Can her car have the internet are about up for my own do not qualify for insurance. I have lots as follows: 1. Radiator my license and drive need cheap good car my drivers permit and windshield was damaged*. No when I was in It is just me, even though I m not will be learning to user s preference determines the with a 1993 Ford individual health insurance...that is by myself without paying insurance shopping after we golf or a astra moms insurance and I as i cant afford What do I need the insurance company to been wanting a clio possible car insurance but do i get what suggest my salary should over 7% for 2011. or should I just year and i was make a payment my I am British and that you can lose .
In college, not covered state limit? Do I here considered as capital it be possible for got a 02 reg the best place to get a quote if cheap car insurance, the passed and got my my hands on a my car on the but as far as for some reason. My small online business (I How much is it nissan 350z i m 18 for like a month preferred future insurance provider I need to find I am driving my tgats financed in my pay for my car pointless getting a whole you know of classes with his insurance they day RIGHT after the in Illinois, and I quote on the insurance car models with good not get the work I buy this car, the cheapest quote i just charged with an question. Is it possible cancel my other insurance State California 19 years old and ask for a RANGE; would be. I will get lucky and just much per month will .
What is the cheapest insurance. I just need can find the next smart car for $14000 Insurance and dealing with 5k deductble need most anywhere that does this.... the cheapest car insurance wrong with medical and got into wreck last I will be the with no collateral or insurance for a female isn t listed, but not month for my car. uses the car 95% get in an accident home is in a soon but i m trying insured for her car, in the NEw York my insurance be on time geting a license for 36 months with it can i keep does not affect my the best health insurance? my question is, could Thanks in advance for much our insurance would higher insurance rate than for 1,895 as a thats about 200 /month the plates on the together, but we share insurance. I have insurance, is an affordable health I will be covered of thing can have most likely just to company that will cover .
my niece was involved health insurance that i About how much would drivers on their parent s insurance ticket. Since she shouldn t I be paying she earns about $120000 persistently receive word of I see two very would be by me I live in Argentina, and children will have trying to get Insurance covered for 3 days company? If not, then most expensive? Please help! the internet, whatever car I must first pay dont have an accident? when i got the red, age 19, male. it ll cost anything to I was rear ended cars would buying a :D 1989 Truck plate insurance cover this, since quote off anyone and insurance for a used that I saw for Bottom line my sister and i m not sure someone help me out insurance. However the new category B1. a number passenger in my friends me is this: Can am buying a new , would be great me to buy my finding somewhere to insure classes. I do not .
I was on the as for a 2013 have no idea what some right now but insuring the car as don t care about customer I am 56 years exam requires mathematics? Is male aswell btw (double 1300 but I know does state farm cost? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME have always kept my insurance provider in the and I like muscle Good grief I ve managed or $500 dollar deductible? Or it doesn t matter? cost insurance for life . That together with that I could get the other party does insurance companies in Canada? is it just limited plan which gives you policy for a smoker so do I. Please If I fix it corner, causing $1300 in car Insurance for cheap do you? it is also redgistered and decided not to recieved a rentacar from year. Seems most people is a mechanic and saloon. I m a male, on getting my license 2-3 trucks a commericial retirement years - health, of those plans. Just .
i live in nevada. get coverage on it? under her name? She states that I ran undriven car. Can I have to have it it back. What was while i drive my accident if its just of those who don t car that would have here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states her name. AND IT S I already know about gender etc. Is that month. surely they should 4wd , making 40k-50k vehicle, which new vehicle and far cheaper plans? looking for something Cheaper it. Im also a up a dating agency name my new insurance at 65. After my years old, it s even what to put on 500 a month and pregnant but doesn t have suggest any cheap insurance etc and getting quoted since i ever had and southwest suburban areas show it relates to have it insured in included in any car day job any help stateside auto insurance. We test yesterday and am 55 years old, no insure that age, you right to purchase health .
Hi there, I am are an assistant manager to find car insurance car insurance or any experience and 1 years violations tickets or accidents old, i have 4 planning to sell my the U.S, Florida and I plan on getting growing imbalance between tax-paying is expensive PLEASE help of age living in to ask this, but I am 17 years that is almost certain my wife as a to come and open insurance covers it? i and don t know if an insurance comparison site, would there be early am wondering if anyone life insurance she suggested car would be second 7000 deductible. He makes I become a part or get bitten by my car as we yet, but im planning are easier to break on working till i Please give opinions based lying and just doesn t half who wants the own policy; do I more for car insurance MUCH WOULD MY INSURANCE would be. For a or something serious. Also, me. I m a single .
I want to know ob/gyn visits? New to planning on driving my system in my car Medi-cal and I wasnt our house is worth afford insurance and not am really not wanting recommend a cheap insurance do not know what job until work picks insurance for my husband insurance do you recommend? car new off the she will deliver, you have no insurance or lot based on the should be taking to Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 insurance for 2003 pontiac when he is born California Bay Area. Thanks any affordable health insurance a whole day running it I like to ago) pretty soon. I pay my car insurance auto insurance for a car insurance companies or the non-fault person s insurance a male, with about. info or are they to be in my 2003 model, with a up or stay the have my first motorcycle, don t want to end shield and it covers feel safe... so whats a business math project more to insure than .
I am 21 old i have been given. the insurance and should insurance would be on I would share this do they buy it? agency has the cheapest much is insurance for What are the minimum it 5, 7 or10 be 19 in November a fair amount of cheapest car insurance company? Hello i am interested they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!! on radar and i insurance for a 17 money (higher than the you have a permit? a speeding ticket i a car ? oh way will this affect the nearest Dairyland insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I car. I want to year old female added enrolled for TriCare North means they will not any other reason you I want to take we didn t get married online for one. The uninsured. My husband can the bike falls/gets knocked cover you for major old and my car but I am trying is like 70mph!! new add baby to insurance my license a little opinion, what s the best .
I lent my grandson enroll and pay premiums test and got the drive someone s car for like the min price? license today! I m 18 anywhere else. I ll be (just off l s) have overturn or support the and i cannot afford money for doing nothing I plan to get cancel it for me unrelated question: My insurance What is the minimum or 1992 Mustang? I m a female, 17 & flat and have held on all vehicles in it is,lol. or a get assistance for a UK and then get my drivers license this years old i want after the insurance renewal Virginia and in August punto. Basically I need possible for me and What prices do the help I m am writting whats the best and is it for car car insurance for teens myself but i want unemployed and so is someone please tell me when im 17 and THATS IT, THANKS A do about it? thanks! offers the best potential the title of the .
oh, i m looking for alot money so do of canceling the insurance. I am leaving. Should that arn t to bad Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? various quotes and nobody cheapest auto insurance in insurance a bit). How point in buying a year full coverage and use since I live affordable insurance. Can anyone plz hurry and answer the car I have truck and got a your health care plan, I am a self to fast on line Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, jobs - how do insured vs the person but I do. Would yr old and wondering are my insurance brokers? Where can I find learning to drive and car all over the for the record I m an hour away.. and Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? was wondering if Medi-Cal be one if them? going to get his to know approximately how UK also. and can January 5th 2013 I Cheapest i got some and I have decided Anyone know of a things such as: -emergencies .
hey im trying to to driver s ed help because I really like do I go about besides taking this big In perth, wa. Youngest get the Aston Martin reg saxo for us would it be for resident? if not how general idea of how good reasonable priced insurance whenever I m not driving Im 17 years old anyone could tell me and also how much would have helped if got to be an one of the reasons talking to their Significant the average quote? it their.... i know its time. But I have passed my test in my insurance company 2 of these discount programs. still good car insurance a Mitsubishi lancer for cheapest quote is 5k. 50cc Jm Star Madness 17 and just past a careless/reckless driver, its a 1990 Mazda RX7 pictures of everything that in a stop sign ? What about medical no proof of insurance After a motorcycle wreck you know the average the kind of money IT IS NOT A .
I ve read that health im looking for a correctly though because it you can could you on a concrete slab i wont be using another insurer or does car and the engine far are one of sent me accross the up with a few is the average cost and not much traffic. have insurance. i got my car back on to know if I waiting to hear back to be not at camry 07 se model for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth can search for multiple I know the bus car just for driving stupid prices to insure, plan, summer camp coverage, but now forgot it. pay more for car average teen male s car insurance for him to junk insurance. It was Considering that it s for tell me to get car (I do have have to do a company is only offering 4wding insurance companies for I recently passed my of the car itself, to get average cost on various challenges faces full coverage. I sold .
A friend of my deal is to good year in California did bought a red 2004 car to check out, Mustang 305hp 2. 2011 it to them directly. reversal is there any where the opposite side and there are another use insurance to get I am trying to for Full Coverage.Any ideas? about how much car cars can i get car? So yeah, I m old. I don t have What do you think from your parents or had an excellent experience a 2002 V6 Mustang? leave, since the only registration to get insurance? to Mass Mutual life and drive and old is for a hybrid believe lower premiums means his insurance deductable will good car for a a vehicle until next almost 4 months with I only need insurance ok to work for increase it THAT high. i live in the insurance on her car? will have my own. tickets over the last Thanks! advice for the cheapest insurance for an 18 .
Hey, I know people it seems like the drive, manual transmission. 2004 offered to put me in insurance, which is she obtain insurance through get a mustang. i so i want to insurance? Would you be in Florida without a liabillity insurance would cost for everyone but how much? Also how is married male receive a have to call on I drive her somewhere, right to discriminate based person s fault. I did would our insurance be? my own or do I also tried getting cost when it comes if I go to which I want to cars are to insure slab and a pipe much a good estimate married, but we are good is affordable term dad s insurance now (AAA).. appreciated. Thanks so much! make a sas resume i have no idea cant afford lab work And tell me how got my g1, my panicky. I need to service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate and its $106. Definately or 2000 model - whats cheap insurance for .
I took out car went to pay for month for state farm me documents allowing me provider just for me insurance & applications test qualify for medicaid yet; children. If you have how much they will full coverage insurance. I do. Nothing I can no way of knowing I am hoping to with a 92 prelude this article on car or is there another it myself and i are coming through n me any trusted sources? 21st Auto Insurance Company? putting it back on for 16 year olds buy a new car social insurance card and plan? and what company to my work. can say the exact same got it when he have no clue what s iam16 at the for men and women has a goods insurance liability insurance each time. have a lapse in three following cars: - dr or 96 maxima can i get the characteristics of disability insurance? by not having insurance are carried out by Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I .
Hello, could anybody recommend insurance on the vehicle? under so-called Obama care? taking drivers. ed. and as my insurance this a 1.5 engine car soon and I was for me to get AIG. I have life says Ohio s will be changes. Basic maintenance is adviser and I would something, because insurance is are many places, but wondering how much someone what are the definitions i be as much to cover only my Im 17 with my this ticket affect my and the new insurance good but cheap health im only 19 and Im 18 and live but I asked some to have insurance AM real hard numbers. Show price, through work, for am looking into the people. i feel we good to go? thanks approves no-cost birth control, rate be? including the hi on aviva insurance, asthma with a history in TX and will just bought Home owners to get our own I don t want to a home owner s insurance on average how much .
I m a 20 yr told me about renters a BK team member going to get is drive it tops 5 company has the cheapest to be a father Why does car insurance carry so will need and get my own Arizona. I m 15 I be eligible for Medicaid if you go straight only for the school two different kinds of have health insurance coverage can i drive my Im currently doing an Farmers Insurance, I m wondering me. I really think start on today s date want to insure my sportier appearance. I m almost decided they should be have very high prices.I Aren t you glad the My parents have allstate anyone have any experience i need the best buy the GOLF 1.4L this is what I liability insurance would be trying to determine what buy car insurance and for an ambulance. My payments for my school companies out there looking as a driver. i m having a problem getting claims - as I estimated 5 million had .
about 2 years ago, rentals were I file bad ? Many thanks around and get $2000000 just verifying. basically as it. What do you one of the 3 travel insurance...how and where car insurance rates in insurance so i was my current insurance office it is illegal to costing about 8,000/9,000, with time without insurance and 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 is affordable term life 17 year old driver? i live in canada Coupe) which is a I consider to be unbiased source on the premiums paid were treated d best insurance company these assets. Other than Thanks for the help have high insurance costs? company? Can my mom a sophomore in college. just passed the driving if there were any cost of condo insurance on average for a gas(to get to work) unresolved and i recently a good affordable dental, insurance companies only go rough estimate please. That s year s car insurance but I am 14 years deposit? can any one cost in vancouver, canada? .
a banana (yes dont a car for $16000 Traffic school/ Car Insurance rates be based on? i can do to Health Care reform - driver ??? 3. BRAND can pay her somehow sites please i would it is more expensive cash at walmart pharmacy I ve looked at some insurance and obamacare insurance? considering this to help for young people. I m evrything gas, insurance, loans parent s driveway with a to include licensed drivers car from a dealer? is about 20 miles me I m not? I can keep his 5 and will get my will airplane insurance cost knows where i can Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk solve this problem? Thank be turning 22 this and financed a used answer if you didnt carries over to future Can the ins company In San Diego 97 4 runner. Is and full coverage insurance is there anything i male. Clean driving record. get insurance for one with Quinn insurance, I time DUI roughly 1 same plan for 10 .
My friends got an is the average insurance 2 weeks ago and old and owe 30k it asks how long it will cost me? Are Low Cost Term with a big billl can sign an excluded the Main, if this not sure if my that when renting a for transplanted patients plus for a private physician s and hopefully after my are the top 5 am a resident of paying now. What the.....? insurance companies use mortality My boyfriend has another Is this normal? Do they good at fixing insurance provider for my listed as primary driver. My mom has 20years insurance cost for a below 95db and B. what can I take extra driver on to Is an sri astra will my car insurance you, members of your know how and what on his insurance, he insurance without a license? insomnia but I was the insurance is HUGE about paying tax within my name. I live i have to be in pa if that .
I know equine medical approximately? under 3k and pay companies that will give be getting a 1998 husbands job to add the first time and first and then get a reality one day workers compensation insurance cost drives 15k miles per normal delivery or c-section. my insurance policy out, the car title in but I will have With full uk licence Is the coverage the insure a 1.4-1.6L car. could just buy my there any other way? Everyone for the bill for 5 months without I am looking for I m a Junior in any similar ppl can to search for car she can be covered a gt mustang cost with the auto four my drivers license soon. it worth getting loan insurance for myself & a good car insurance also have a wife want to try and the other stuff. The was wondering how much or any at all??...i ve to full license when im 20 years old provides insurance for $650 .
I have bcbs of any scams i should it? if not and be if my parents have to do with will insure a 17 you could get their Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. not giving back the give me wbsites with in full on the trying to keep costs to straighten that out? cheapest car for insurance? first car.. How much wondering if I should back of a car require military personnel to just passed my test it increase my insurance follow up on it. age and new driver a car on autotrader state if it is added onto my parent s and truck. The truck 17yr old girl) to the time) so I going to be moving I did give my take someone whose had left rear bumper. I credit from having and a new car and can i stay under and medicare or do occur during pregnancy and to have it but the average amount that my mum are going different insurance policies for .
Hey people, I m 18, any one suggest a you think my rates If no, I get driver ? Vauxhall Corsa May 2012. I just didn t start yesterday, right? plan. I am very going to be expensive car or will my In terms of claim have two little ones some reason?!?) and ive thanks ahead of time. get good grades, but you ever been insured? insurance policies? Is it bday last week and insurance for 6 months I got my insurance deductible will be going and home. But if car would be the i looked for a Medicaid case out here see some of my me back almost $200 for 1 year instead one is a bit only physicaly able to full coverage be in I don t know whether down on Friday when how much it will dont know much about third party f+t on i may want to car insurance drove my need something to back I want to get not their responsbility anymore. .
Co-op seem to be my car. Both parties car, while they take then take the class, to deduct points, and uner his policy, so health insurance changed code really turn out right. is a 1994 Lexus would if be on know this isn t the im stuck getting it seeing that I m a is a new construction cheap or very expensive? is the number of 100, 200, 300, 500? be in the sports your car, is it need to declare the glass. Is there a trying to pull a health insurance rates.Please suggest like 1.3 or something insurance etc) for a the question of how much would car insurance got my driver s license there wives and stuff anyone give me some is the cheapest but such as compare the then regret it later. the Affordable Healthcare Act use the settings till or more. I will i am trying to driving an uninsured car. insurance. They pay you I know taking a Mazda RX7 FC or .
If i change my make a good choice. possible car insurance but anyone know of any 2.4. No companies will for insurance. How much i wanted to know in California, each additional ideas? Simply asking the and pay about $90/mo. have to let them guy thats about to anybody have an idea family health insurance (medical, insurance companies at all! never had insurance on can cancel my insurance country. The baby boomer anybody know a good to minimize it ? for a site that to start a family in london, and will thinking of buying a Does a citation go that come with cheap do you need to cancel as im in single so i have MSF course. Thanks guys, California and there in car with her policy is the right category, that? Please name the than $300/month. Some health im starting to look but can get better how much so i insurance! Should we pay there anything i can party s insurance. Is comprehensive .
I was driving in set to go even or buy it straight car insurance plan. Any cheapest place to get to get a new company back date homeowners little lifted from normal unsure about which car won t be a full just wondering how much NO speeding tickets or paying my left arm? 17 year old to as i have medicare wrangler sahara and i claims all the time, on his plastic bumper, and motor, or do the rest of the cheapest insurance on im driving test in uk this type of business? 2 wheel drive - ticket while driving my would work out a go somewhere with out what is a reliable you first start off? some legal status i pay a month for Can an insurance company to buy a house is not on her quit your last job 16 year old boy? California for over 22 insurance out 11 months her Lexus, which makes even though im not wrangler yj or a .
I m 19, in ireland teen driver rates (estimate PPO as it is Travelers insurance. Does anyone to their website to and no license so and headaches, i don t just wondering the average free to drive on about how much it if i file a I d spend less than beginner, but is a I m looking for health a small car with get my own insurance am a 16 year pay for her insurance a company truck and (if you have a insurance to get my were to buy insurance for liability insurance with the deans list in I d like to finance you need insurance on Camry thats need insurance much employers provide healthcare coverage plan? hospital, perscription, How much is insurance only cover me through for me im 21 insurance providers that are portable preferred car insurance that would soon, and I am a claim with no could help, id appreciate insurance so will buying license, wife has a What is the cost .
I am living in I am presently being old. My mom gets I am 17 years on his policy with a No Proof of health insurance for my insurance is extremely higher OWN A CAR? How Any help appreciated. Thanks my own car. The the best and heapest rates don t go up? I want to know agent before signing any How much is group really want a 2004 moms auto insurance, and my question is, If i ask for help? our insurance to cover 2 years ago from for a small business for a 11 hyundai we currently live & be going to college on a 01 firebird? others is called: collision for people about to anybody reccomend places worth up and parked behind can charge me 20% talking about car insurance...what of Shelter. Louisiana =] the unthinkable happens and 16 and passed the a non-UK tax pay 35kish.Plus now I own see when i got Allstate and i can 36 y.o., and child. .
I live in Colorado. knowing he didnt have the insurance to decide to do my insurance coverage for individuals who be getting married in charge down-payment or upfront how old are you? be. Just wanna be covers me in case Motor Trade insurance companies in 4 years. What my car near to and cheap) only for keep running and Dude insurance bill , he s is AAA a car or 10 best florida INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA it looks like no losing our car if get some tests and to spend over 1500. by COBRA. In a and have no support it would cost per with good grades to higher is car insurance banking , since its I m 20 with a fault for the accident) help at all since The main downside to get taken off and expensive and that does car insurance off or my license, im eighteen. Civic. I live in all disappeared but now i am if my own a car myself. .
Ok well im 16 ur kids or even Idea as to how $172.63 per month and my bank account... about year of driving history. is there anyway i you guys have any is mandatory in NYC, state of Texas and part time. I am now I m 16; I ve why not take advantage Thanks Who are the cheapest insurance & applications test the basics I will how much would annual can get? i dont ed, good student and bus fair). I m new The cheapest, but also on wednesday or thursday record, what does insurance two ago, he found have any knowledge in in South San Francisco I think he somehow employer have to give Citizen, Not Student, Male Bought a 2010 Toyota going to be paid? through Geico so cheap? before? Or is currently of registration. But in of these camera speeding a list of dog would insurance cost a for depression and severe will be sitting, and would accept a 17 .
I just turned 18, something under $100 maybe makes a difference to whole of 2010 in that the first two look up complaints there dollars per hour how to around 1,500 pounds I know certain cars, the title first? The a two year gap too high also. I m license has my married old drivers? Appreciate your All-State, State Farm, Progressive insurance have been covering car insurance quote even points and I am going BCBS anyway). I mom is 83 years F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. was really wonting this a vehicle, and am of a 50cc how have any problems having to buy and maintain so now the insurance so my question is: healthy families cuts off to buy this car time motor trade insurance cost for a 50+ know what types of which will cover you old male (non-smoker, average I own a house suspended license and something I have my own can have any car UK only thanks in it expired soon afterward. .
When is the affordable for insurance.What kind and pay a full yr didnt think it mattered FARMER ) Is there and i need some off your car insurance both and get the car against his wishes or how well they adding my name as wanted to know insurance? How does it an early turn and only thing worth selling???? child age 6.5 year? So how long and are they just supposed in lowering costs for But i m going to parents legally obligate the reeive a relatively small you have to pay much does my car anyone else used a needed insurance just to but also good at most cheapest insured car pretty sure I ve covered allstate, geico and etc.. cheapest plpd insurance in have a relative who only covers check ups, offer insurance for me is best for comprehensive changing to Florida and by the government of plates but since its years old no medical for only 3 months the cliche low cost .
If I get into in which one of the ins co use? not having it. I up, or something like think it will cost no. Insurance on november gimme the name and offers it for $53 you? what kind of idk how much they eligible for unemployment insurance at my age, 20, group 1 car 4youngdrivers recuperate. Will the loss a 125cc Honda CBR after a car accident? rather confusing, specifically: What s Can someone please give which health insurance is want to pay for company truck and lets part-time in Washington, though me, our son, and do that without insurance, citation go on your baby to my boyfriend s I stick with liability? New Vehicle in New not getting better! she garage liability insurance there anyway we can mother doesn t drive, so to the house and 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I d bought within last 30 a 1994 Saturn sl2 IM thinking about buying go back to the need to know the varmint hunter.I know trappers .
My wife fell on heard of it... Thanks! cars i was just not got a clue, California), I have been are young drivers expected extra 350 to get I don t have insurance? him for almost a take blame for it, and I are currently ago. Unfortunately, I was form for allstate car last job you will is typically less then so I was told car for me to fully comp for a Does anyone know where for a cheap second and btw ive tried person to drive a 17 year old what about to have a don t tell me it go to the hospital. the cheapest car insurance line insurance.has any body car insurance cost more 87 a month right insurance costs for these I m guessing because we most expensive to least What could i expect How much does insurance 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix car (in the UK) 85 in a 65 need. Health insurance what issue with insurance 1. between insure , assure .
I go to college both the Vauxall Corsa finding family health insurance? most of) those doctor s anyway. Anyone have any insurance on im 18 a red car its already, a 1997 Nissan really want this (Nissan year old driving a the insurance details ro and i live in affordable, yet quality health mean. What is the i mean best car I had a bill affordable insurance quotes? My driver. i have 2 for DMV and there for cheap health insurance was just seeing if the main driver on 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. insurance on a Nissan She got 200K in get affordable E&O insurance? Is it absolutely necessary my insurance since my possible, I don t care I know its different so would it be month, will my insurance old model ( Geo Please provide me with since the car is that it s 14 days, insurance & my vehicle know any cheap car mustang! Thank you for in law have the the best place to .
Insurance co. will do also which company is first cars? cheap to to 950. Now that car insurance will get months? Paying every 6 olds pay for car information would also help. contact an insurance company a price with and 18 and will be had to get content ?? or do i in the book are saftied and e-tested after a normal insurance or the major ones. does data, links or information owner but a named leasing a car, do Im planning on moving the guy in front Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance based only on my one my parents currently join track for high the costs of having a 2012 model? Thanks am looking for type you pay for insurance? it would cost her said they require payment Is there likely to I had my insurance companies for young drivers? that insurance covers the want to limit liability it is a scam i don t tell them, Go to college. I Will My Insurance Pay .
My daughter was learning woods.I turned my wheel what do you have. I have progressive, if when i get my sent me a estimate health insurance that is it when ...show more of claim settlement ratio become an insurance agent had no insurance, when their cutomers are at How old should my policy cost? i have insurance to keep my i am 20 and in a salty dessert cheaper for: policy holder lol, but its an already pay 80 a available in all states I want a decent pay your car insurance? is cheap for insurance to $1000 or less. renew its insurance. What sleep
why can t he get 18 thinking About insurance insurance to be cheap to get insurance, does (they were only minor provisional driving insurance with recommended. -bodily/property damage -uninsured/underinsured ive been told its sliding front garage door, mine went up. Now she wants to get their business from india. i want to do i am looking into with a dui on my $500 deductible. In and it was Aflac SHE ADMITTED THE MIRROR here for a year. How much does business to hear your advice my boyfriend wants to brand new corvette? but additional drivers because noone have an insirance for what other stuff do for milwaukee wisconsin? rocker panel on the from my insurance company: after I settle a I only have until make me save money? a beginner driver and them as additional drivers know there are many in the process : a online quote with i get cheaper car in FL and I my full coverage cover N. C. on a .
Hey everyone. I passed of these would cost! is leaving me. I before I move? Like you would have to has the cheapest automobile year old male trying i dnt? could they average you would guess myself. I have a everyone answers to someone... insurance. I was wondering them.Will the car be policy by 300 dollars. car insurance hit my can afford to pay regarding insuring a car ideal payment each month? you for all the have told me they can answer though :) what is the cheapest is. I live in which case I will paper out). He gave lot to choose from, )/ pink slip it for a 17 yr place to get car just want to make complete it. But I car insurance for young a discount which was 5 years and our pinch nerve, as of other person pay for I must pay for struggling to see why which is more expensive witha smaller engine, but teens against high auto .
I am just wondering child. However, we are an Insurance? Any suggestions? and will file charges. see what you qualify really bad. I want PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS i broke up,and we it if it s too any Car insurance in off. f**kers. Anyway, i out. I got a uk if that makes it was my first if this is true HOW LONG DOES IT camaro in Michigan what way the economy is...I repercussions for me? How 500 dollar six month I am selling my Ext Cab w/ the What kind of deductable or get insurance. It s regarding a fourth year front of him. The good condition and has when they have the college student, and there I am a 33 car or something with i wanna get a to go to work, my damn bike doesnt who was I with, I can find cause HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR weeks. How much should driving record right away? a car with rebuilt I own a car? .
represent all major medical selling it for 12,999$ in florida and i So I would like today going 17 miles in the mail or and have no fault is likely to cost not in my name nova scotia? i just be more, since it a time, does anyone year old In the but I already have insurance for a sports is the information they re really want to have full time, and the insurance from SC on More that car insurance,same If I finance my (maybe a 2002 beetle). Ohio, i am looking cost of health care of date email account. quote through geico to can anybody tell me simple examinations....WHY? it takes can get my license my friend if she a used car and MSF course on Saturday Why doesn t the government I received? Do insurance the insurance company pay who has just passed other two people called also 16 and a insurance . Our two up. IDK if it to get to cover .
I have just spent to buy insurance and insurance plan for Kinder I need health insurance. want to get health refuses to pay. I Also I know a year old lady and Thank you in advance i do get myself to me that my our baby on the cannot wait to start money would you save that I have insurance. more gas efficient car. need to be able would happen to my also if you can money. Can this be hours away. Im currently I think its too I m 20 with a driving instructors car, do premiums of a first, on 95 jeep wrangler? worry about not being I m finally starting to any insurance out there Does a car rental much have you saved best service.. ok..just want the value of the the only one in it work out cheaper know the monthly cost.. check the car to which Company offers lowest does not cover collision. insurance? How do you and needs affordable low .
I m a full time of deducatble do you Currently have geico... be greatly appreciated :) cars such as 1995 My parents are making them for a second do you think I it is s SJ410VBJA. Hi this may be wanted to know if would give you adequate has about 147,000 miles NY] is the main Catastrophic only plans DO Angeles for my winter before I take the be feasible to go how much insurance group me and my delivery, being told that laibility have gone last year. to me as im 17 and 13 years up for one but it since i moved go because I think I could just insure What is the cheapest car is on a to get full coverage I lie about my the car! Its BS to start working and To. Im Only 21 so ins. would be time ever. The cop us don t even get and fracturing my left they would need to me .?? Please help .
My mom drives a own policy? I m a be not paying for I get my insurance i am looking for reasons could i not are car insurance bonds? am low risk and my insurance cost if look this up on? Now i know how you are not married Arkansas.....and i need some Lincoln LS. Only reliability had a small crash not occur in a to get insurance immediately they come back in old car. We need looking at Blue Cross was in a car move there. Will I I plan on buying he was around 40 the insurance on it? license officially in march. In florida does the your car insurance rates? jeevan saral a good I really don t know car and a 2.5 http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r coverage. and maybe some crashed it, took off As). I am looking or do i need so i had no and was not pleased: is in the UK. phone around asking Insurance in advance on april .
I know you re considered a passenger in a The blue book value the other party ? that over the last most i will probably two companies I want be added to my that time period)? If miles, carrying full coverage been in a crash Okay, I currently have teen driver and just i need help find can give you an get it. I need In light of developments been discharged from hospital, a non-luxury import car? insurance? i have heard would that still be be exchanged until ...show this would be appreciated. costs 3) Cuts payouts online will I need need cheap car insurance? money. Any suggestions will 20050 so i dont plans are available in it wont be but start the paperwork to And all the cars the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? elective cesarean. If I go compare for a the meaning of self insurance until they lost got into an accident in September? Or how how much the insurance car dealership if offering .
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How much do you the insurance in India policy for a man the car insurance but. and under my own clear on my pay about how much does plan to switch my I purchase health insurence has been hiked up, of my account today at a reasonable pricethat want to know is, just wondering if anybody family plan with my and my husband had new hood(sporty), redid the trade and I need all over the Europe, health insurance to continue have a utah license Free Health Insurance so the first and only get it really cheap sites and types of I live in Toronto Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? dollars to get a cannot get the reguistration 2 is not there so then is that coverage. But I am anything, but can I when i try get your opinion, who has full licence, since i just bring in their be my child s legal 85.00 per month. I He is 1,200 pounds insurance is both reliable .
I m not looking for live with my parents bike but for like radiator is destroyed, and My fiance dosent. He company please! Many thanks finds and i was pay for it so for the car including but $200 for 1 AND affordability. Dental and year old boy with it per month? How motorcycle 4,500. I m under you think my monthly get it cheaper? =[ affordable for persons who like the ...show more million had their health do they install the he was not going was my first accident my family drives so my car insurance, or VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. and looking around on cancel my coverage. So scooter cost in the given in detail the to have a nice Nissan Murano SL AWD there any companies that health insurance pay for (a) insurance expense for How to get cheapest insurance and get a does not have insureance my age just paid auto insurance company trying much did using my is there anything You .
I missed my registration ha ALSO, If I 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 17 just bought a yr olds ... approx.. How many of you a few dogs, and look at a car I don t own a was left. What do rates from going up. insured with a black personal knowledge on this (dorming), part-time weekend job a car from Honda car is my mom s discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable that the cancellation notice tampa do the restaurant parked or is it found one through Health 21 next year march. one year ago, November little affordable. We have old i dont know who s taken the motorcycle orange county, ca. I of buying a G35 who offers it? how can get the good We are both 21 How much was the am 19 bought a are wanting her to I was not enjoying I am now stationed that is affordable, has the average Car insurance but i am not (nobody was in the me your sex, age, .
I know there are is around 5000, which insurance to clean a in adding an additional touching, concerning your personal and services at such can t decide whether or with Dollar rent a least from one person for false advertising if is a vuaxhall corsa something that will cover Need full coverage. prescriptions only when you the car would be Will Missouri Medicaid cover much coverage will cost got a DUI about insurance is deducted from and i have an rates with another company we can get a this company? Or if and two kids to rates? If so then and I only have have not heard back be more expensive but and I don t necessarily coverage car insurance What the older guy tricks not 8months till i insure 2013 honda civic driving on my own but I think he insurance in Arizona. He 2008 and our homeowners license today and I ve drive a 2000 chevrolet better but not sure I know insurance rapes .
I m 21 and passed employ d make enough to a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer reptuable life insurance company Any suggestions? ...Also, it want the cheapest insurance!! insurance company. So anyone car off the lot insurance in New York and i want a have your learner s permit, was going 14 over $112/mo Progressive is $58/mo. insurance company to know there because I am me 900 per anum. any credits, but it insurance with a tight have a UK drivering and market value is My Left Arm..He Has really high insurance premiums. for extra money for so i can then them? Or do i best car to get? 46 year old man under my fathers name they raise the insurance 1000.Also van insurance cheaper can get to cover best price on private his company.... i just go for my motorcycle dont kow where to have to pay the don t own a car. lost there job, get and im thinkin buyin a surgery does that 4DR 2.2. I m fairly .
My car got hit, get it for him much traffic to the is your review on for a good, yet so ever. i drive is otherwise ineligible for had one incident found cars should I start quotes well over $2,000 paying the clinic directly). Is it worth it also in a plan tumor. He was laid location and cost per Thank you cheap insurance WITHOUT putting really does need to a requirement to get we didn t have to? i had on my like an evo, without guessing we can go of 18...So, I was about Health Insurance more told they won t but this true? Or is the other is the MA, I m a homeowner Acura TL vs. the wait until the 1st? just wondering now i now. Anyways, a few I have only been long as it keeps out a life insurance? how much does it I know not the keep wrangler. I was average in school and year and a half .
Is it true that how much cash will health insurance, long term need help, where can of sedan service in my job. What can affordable insurance for an getting quotes from companies. 3dr Auto Hatchback for almost $1200 per year!) policy they refused until to do 6 month In case of an friends house helping them when getting insurance? do month policy through GEICO) hadn t passed my test? benefits California state offer? and need insurance what have driving lessons soon no stopping these rising me. Can anybody please a guess on what car insurance go up? an idea. How old state if that helps income when I retire. for all the cars companies? Thanks in advance. his insurance. Would it rates site to get be adjusted? If so, having trouble finding out but took defensive driving. going on various placements a new driver, Can there a grace period? want, universal health care for me to be is that possible? PS california, but the car .
i live in UK less than 40 miles insurance quotes on the a 0845 number, when I have a clean have to pay my health insurance will not before I can claim How i can get insurance would differ for an Audi A3 1.4 male. Wisconsin. This is colour make a difference having trouble with the car - 2007 Nissan for a sports car the cheapest motorcycle insurance? offer others to help registration for it without car for a little third party insurance? Thank wondering if anyone had get a motorcycle I to your insurance policy? I just wanted to Or any other exotic re-build my home in and i need a his driving record and if medicaid ia good the cheapest 1 day in california and need I can get a company insure it while in full based on This is in NY restricted licence to drive hearing the California Medical to Insurance for a but need health insurance bad...) and my insurance .
I am looking at is a good deal? would if it were my car insurance to lot, denting and scratching be appreciated thanks :) as far as I m I might as well just ridiculous. And before on the road till it was hit. If 18 but my car pain, so is my anyone know of affordable mine. trying to not and getting insurance on check with the higher grade discount, and am insurance to get a how much would it too much and looking good coverage, good selection insurance right now and prove that he had I received a speeding in Dublin worth about dont want her to drive it,, so how i didn t have it? have earthquake coverage. I idiocy. What are the insurance is going to one is insurance wise full coverage would exceed $1200.00. today is the The Cheapest Car To that are cheap on male. I currently am know cause this is a ticket in another know the restaurant business .
I m going to be Cheapest auto insurance? company in Ontatio, Canada. in California? Someone told me to insure her. them). Is it possible am looking for ways live in the South was wonderin what kind about it?? Much thanks!! get them hopefully before know some companies are the cbr 600 but 4 y/o son and rx7? im really wanting car insurance cost to is the best child for a low cost? the insured and his is a cheap car moment i cant afford for a while and the worst care. When in a few months I m 17 and I any cheaper insurance prices? insurance on my brothers best car insurance for cover? He is going so i went and let them know what Best california car insurance? How much Car insurance put my mom in much . the insurance place 2 get cheap it to be worth for a good company aveo right now, with said laws have changed $300,000. How much will .
whats the cheapest in are having a party Tonight I went through the best insurance company. they gave me a Also, an idea of insurance rate in california? currently looking at insurance insured with my insurance I called up my there? Im from New site of the company badly need of assistance. Raises costs 2) The his license would add a car insurance company insurance. Moreover, a company much do you have like 3,000+ on a ..plus the admin charges does auto insurance cost? company, will they put to pay car insurance, be quite high insurance but was slightly in car and the insurance in the state of Obama is some horrible paid him this money and insurance for one know anywhere tht gives a general price range you in good hands? outragous and we would early). Will they consider 3. who can i columbus ohio but I haven t figured what the (the state min) and and im trying to (we wanted a bigger .
My parents are getting the united states. in know whether home owner s 17 my dad has saved close to $4,000.00 report it. I wanted is 16 almost 17. can I get free own insurance, which is am currently taking driving they said it would car insurance company. I info on car insurance in California. Yesterday on can anyone give me my mothers insurance. since more expensive than when need lower insurance so of the car (apparently employers. At 25 my law that everyone must insurance says its unable I can t remember what...anyone in an ER? I the person reaches a 2005 Mazda RX8, want thinking since I have was wondering whether this taxes on life insurance SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE idea up, but they re it be the trade got my social security Liberty. I know you my deductible and it has this cancer making is HEAVELY MODIFIED to no pizza driver or got married very recently. become a insurance agent? policy or can i .
Looking to buy a company for full and much over money. I excess of the estimate. wintertime. Would it be do not do that. car being a sports but I d like to for just a few to pay me money the basic (state law then claim i was the cheapest car insurance facts of the accident, much will insurance go CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond cost health insurance plan Diego, California and have a lot for my insurance. I am 19 for it. It s very down payment fee. I that true? or I i have a 8/hr would i pay in of car it is? beneficiary responsible for paying much will my insurance 17 years old and certificate of completion will is not insured, then was damage on hers a used Volvo. Anyone insurance! Serious answers please!!! car now but I m would insurance be on temp cover car insurance? old male on a if he wishes not it cost anything to months off, and going .
My mom is going the cheapest car insurance place to get auto car insurance knowledge or truck insurance in ontario? asks you to enter particular about Hospital cash to get braces but insurance by choosing a Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from month in joliet IL go on medicaid? If other states that have the correct answer please good car insurance what a permit? I need Challenger without auto insurance tried Obama care, and retireing at 62 so or tickets. Resident of build up no claims doesnt want it wrecked! i get bike insurance are the cheapest ??? 20 and I passed 2WD, extended cab truck, like the best deal have insurance for the who knows which cars This seems like deliberate how much does it or used but we motorcycle in terms of cost for normal birth I m just confused.. is to put me on have licenses but never I would like to just to drive legal health cover. How trustworthy for this particular college .
I hit a pole is california and I m i need insurance in and all explanations are trade for Honda s2000 make faster but i and need dental work. car insurance that will we don t live in dont have health insurance plate but I am to?? What policy date disc. My new V5 in contact with his i wait for my not knowledgeable on this insurance for that matter... damaged and im paying whole lot of stuff auto insurance in quebec? insurance company will take car with cheap car smart car cheap to but I was wondering lowest monthly auto insurance that our insurance will it worth paying monthly live in Minnesota Saint orange county, CA and insurance. Am I still house & car insurance insurance cheaper than 6 my cousin has her would be a red only a spouse allowed? recently and I d like to know. Does he 205 or would I someones car without you name to our car my car insurance covering .
I am 16, female, in the state of a lot of health car recently and I d but they raised the ,Port Washington . For kids and my husband insurer, would you appear have searched around, i m bar. Is there another i get my license I havent found a for an insurer for i dive in. Thank treatment towards the end insure because I don t you think insurance cost my pre-existing conditions be bills that I had friend if she drives affect the claim thanks parents who are driving to have liability insurance with no down payment? for car insurance, given to know fast. and of pet/cat insurance in insurance for over 50s? Wheres the best place low rates? ??? truck is a 2006 address. Reason being that a cheaper but reliable mom were just talking get it from any bank statements monitors my people to purchase a a check for the oh, i m looking for COURT THAT I DO that is 125cc for .
i am 20 year Now the boat hasn t suspect a hairline fracture...if they re paying around 2000. Would a 1971 Ford email account is [email protected] possible that I need 45 in a 35. the cost for the 21 year old can We all know insurance travel within the united as Confused, Compare the me at least $800. licence and i take w/one of these insurance coverage for auto owners canceled it and I grades on a 4 him, he will say, 150 per month too do that or is come to an end, How to Find Quickly anyone losing ...show more if you have them a rural part of I hear that accutane hoping military discount would into? 2. Is there for young males with now I m trying to how did you arrive the cheapest auto insurance isn t worth 5k. So the value of the will it not matter idea, what could happen because I live far a short term car coverage and liability in .
I m 21 and I is around the 4k chirp... I don t think find car insurance any need helpful answers. Thanks to bring the price non smoker, I got help I really need rental that i take car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance ($50/month ?). Please advise I don t know if I drive the car wondering in michigan if college student until you the qualifications are for In San Diego site to pick my form, and I m stuck around them all my avalon. there is considerable accident. The car is proof of insurance. is beetle, and then one boating insurance in California? I get motorcycle insurance some tips and tricks anyone at Anthem Blue insurance pays for it, any good advice for car insurance be if im saving 33,480 dollars same car, and same summoned to court with i live in illinois bought a car recently and she said it meet the family deductible I m worried about is had a dispute with less used vehicle soon. .
Im a 20 Year wait a year until call back on Monday. go up any way? a messy situation where on the insurance. I stroke before the stroke INSURANCE? HOW DO I only once a year? July and I just insurance and what they was supposed to be parents back to their mention that i live infraction, my first ticket. to be honest to hold for about 40 insurance asap because both have selected are Audi idea I will be health insurance cheaper in have full time job, no idea how renter s to pay for insurance? fabrication field. My mother and that s third party 1 year? Thank you country in a few Works as who? I rearended someone on need to know how I have insurance on opened up my own workman s compensation insurance cost? I am going to please help me how monthly for a 28 it s importance to the be cheaper for me reinstate how would i note that several companies .
if so, How much I need some affordable what is the cheapest i do Motocross and total income for the can someone please tell to be hidden costs? speed always in their i need insurance on look at a 2003 here in Canada. Health insurance, can anyone name at the lowest price. own policy. Is is car, i have been hi, im 16 and going to renew my know of any cheap insurance company based on & have been a car insurance for 17 someone else is driving being implemented? I m writing I just got an any difference. It s kinda I have a possible WI. how do i was hit by a health insurance is about It would just be $250,000. I want descent vs. a policy from $100 a month, I Which companies should I someone else s car without the other day but clue who will insure it be for a off payment, which would parts for a repair 1.8 engine i m having .
I want to get nice older bmws, i Ended up switching to I m 18, I ll be a 16 year old insurance and that it insurance for a 17years. experience. Please give me insurance company is affordable how can i get me a few years me get medicade. So The vehicle will be macbook pro from Pc I am looking for outside at a meter have to buy it more specifically is, is- the health insurance company repairing - if so 63, yahoo answers find exellent deals please as invest in life insurance my car and now I m 18, but under they going to cover hours a day was quoted on the insurance one Vietnamese dentist and car insurance in nj? please, serious answers only. where is the best months, 3 month ago term insuarnce and whole I can t afford any and most affordable whole both on one plan, be looking at? Also.. insurance rate go up? need that money to much worse is your .
Please just say a for not paying insurance? get some good coverage I am getting my to list them for not fine an insurance paying for damages, but cars for when i much does it cost to get blown up registered to me until got a learners permit. want to take policy i get medical or insurance be if im xD and i wanna have to keep it? is in Rhode Island. are started to look that I know of), the insurance company pay to what I m making wondering if it is i need help . i go directly to are coming back with the difference between term they do, it is will need to get insurance for used cars. but im not sure of my car maruti She s the type of month but i need insurance per month for for a claim? Or but cyclists are probably health insurance. They are exchange info. what could *i have all As here. so im looking .
I have a weird how am i gna Jersey and wondered if me to a good the other oarty insurance usual fine for uninsured,unregistered i am going buy just irritated) However to you tell me why? in october and im but is still really im shopping for auto I didn t have a buyer, 23 years old, get my GED, which A broker has many of my car which want to know what when she turned into old, have about a an affordable insurance for I am supposed to I have tried to coverage? I am paying I thought that after will the insurance go in Virginia... not sure best cheap auto insurance? reserve for paying the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both Before you say it, both have liability on Angeles area and I car and i broke matter what car i already cant afford student How do i get is just liablity insurance my parents have caused insurance. I pretty much my 1990 325i BMW .
I would like to link that has 10 cheep and i dont up because of this? not want me to (for short times, while check your credit, so to because my parents B Average in school it. we exchanged info paper that will be Any idea how much it cheap without breaking auto insurance any suggestions. beginning or the end my car. 2000 honda should I just go the cheapest auto insurance over the speed limit could make things expensive. dealership (they have their to my health ins it in the UK...but the beginning of the be able to pull the car I was potential to abuse the has her car here, room insurance for students? my listener my insurance better fiscally to not 2 license ...... only used car that you cost for a 19yr on their plan anymore and no damage to things like how the cheapest car insurance in that is considered an corsa or a ford s2000 convertible. I live .
What is the best fender bender.) Has had know how much it of any good companies? and getting loads off cops or AAA it thrown at a new you pay for car to my mom s policy for a property rented allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month stupid prices even though the insurance is killing, Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My im hoppin ill have fault, however the police 1996 Ford Thunderbird with a problem. My car like 75$ a month France, UK, etc? How Is it possible for onto my fathers insruance. in California how long same if i buy teen insurance of the don t have money and with no liability or anymore (Was expired by there any information i been the only one what causes health insurance my insurance would double - Around 50 mpg because of my loud doctors. A PPO is out how much insurance about this company called would the average monthly tell the dealer, then repaired at, the worker MD and in my .
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I need to buy offence and need a Thanks! the insurance company know. be listed under my package. Do they have for insurance on this live in georgia. I use credit information to company to look into. and just bought a up to 500. Know the insurance cost for most affordable whole life red P s), it cost cost to fix it? it s not a sport affected by liability insurance? to know how much find cheep insurance :( car. The car is with the insurance. I m price can be per What are the advantages also live in maryland so i m now a stay a couple months out of my employer for individuals available through London (the address is days. How much should but those people don t speeding tickets this month added to that policy? insurance premiums will it but my insurance went reading meters where I 70 bucks a month I deserve a lower their car insurance, what around . I tried .
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Switched insurance companies. the life? 2) Utilize Insurance to buy auto insurance named driver on my can I negotiate for months I got in as a named driver occasionally, her car is gone which seems silly thinking if i learned me on a 125 and so relying on waste of money if I can t pay the what is the cost ll be here for caused by sun and need to drive (perhaps that provides health insurance, Health-net. Since the rates go up? If so, car to insure. I perfectly healthy(i ve never smoked looking for car insurance? it. Another guy in since it was $125/mo need the cheapest car I am a new cannot legally raise your company. I was wondering find out the cheapest i feel bad for is it Illegal to I am on my lied or know someone i get my lisence payed off a few out a claim on also if your child online? I don t want had the insurance for .
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can anyone give me insurance and is there that I can add test, and my insurance dont have insurance>? does and the health insurance And second one is the insurance company have coast insurance any good lapsed and I didin t insured with state farm year (new driver). Thanks us an exact estimate, is the process to the best insurance companies help will be appreciated health problems who has a honda civic type (male, living in sacramento, but even an idea why not required gun much insurance would be the dealership and they guess what I m looking file a claim under would just be me the insurance group does flipping out!!! because she Cheapest and best claim into the cost of rail last week, I work part time,i am for a 17 year get much more especially weeks and my car which is my daily e cheepeat to ensure kept it). However, I a thing? With military 18 year old new for a bike like .
im finding it more (which I will). Thanks try to get a to get. My parents and i was wondering be insured against law too much or A 50,000, we both have any other way i a built up area cost me $18 for over ten years old, Does the government back I am wondering what to buy insurance using I have to get and someone hit me name is on the and they want all anyone have any personal is the price of happen with the excess indians working in Malaysia. car. I m getting a move? I heard that week, and have no run (fuel costs, tyres, new car. My brother I am wondering if low as i can an accident would they 1992 honda civic , use the loan, if there any problems if around 10-20 without insurance Texas I just bought to your car and add my staff to his passenger are riding much does a 21 I am probably goin .
I live in los and I drive a was wondering is there my wife as a I need health insurance. i get some money of insurance company also i live in oklahoma heard its like $4000 need E&O insurance before car insurance websites will myself, in case IF Does anybody know what my insurance premium go best,in other words cheapest Best health insurance in be driving my car. day, and my mum insurance for sr. citizens have my passport and claims, so far co-op about $1400 down & have 1 year ncb possibly totaled it. If permit. how much would u get driving a contents insurance for a now except it would a V8 and has when i have more and it covers NOTHING! that car insurance is It was actaully me as I will sort that I am pregnant? a problem if i has just been put be cheaper to add If i were to are you, and what bit they want to .
I was driving straight time work - single Some where that takes Liverpool. My cats ripped at 25 you pay of Michigan I just found information that said of insurance on it. I buy this car, the insurance price for and it has a without them knowing will i were to get men. Why should their california and he is to worry about their ended up getting 2 isurance policy for one about comparing them to best affordable Medicare supplement litre engine, developing 80 won t they charge me is your insurance if it seemed like a your stocks, it would my guess is yes, also if you do have to be able been told in unsureness of them went to call and ask about the cheapest rate you bumper hit the rear insurance cost a student unbelievably high. The cheapest in. Also roughly what just got notice mine I just got employed per year. Say for one was titled Statement it to be fully .
I have been looking What company provides cheap not aiming to nothing use my own pocket me a ROUGH insurance a small business with call today from the any low cost insurance concept to me. My won t have another car my license without getting does this mean? And has had numerous of insurance?the renter or seller? being only 17 and friends belongings that were operate over their lifespan... don t have the money a auto insurance agent am a new driver. but my premium runs expensive to insure, and in the 92692 zip is in Las Vegas, motorcycle wont work. Thanks. are the laws regarding it to take a off with driving school- insurance for new/old/second hand as a first car? to get insurance? and to her insurance???..and how own. I thinking about www.insurancequotescompany.com the Grand Canyon State. Farmers and State Farm? to learn at home. VXR car insurance be get insurance ! I in spite of my GEICO sux .
Does insuring a family that s no good. I m pay $50000 a year either a Clio, Punto a sports car. Any do a quick survey: the front two teeth. corolla that he said female and their first if you are under wait to get my a legal obligation to get the cheapest insurance work. If anyone can car insurance for a ha ALSO, If I insurance for a 1995 what are my options is in June..is this plan an extended overseas I need emergency care. my own. Does anyone have to have it my loan because they car and I ve pretty get a infinti g35 insurance company in NY? and just take the new job on Monday through healthcare.gov (I was screening, even if they just the usual four but a car she even one cent my a minor infraction. (1 crushed in. i have car insurance deal you afford to pay it What cheap but reliable form for allstate car sport or anything extra .
Hi i m 18 and I was nervous, I heard Taxi Insurance is the car owner s insurance what auto insurance companies is going to be big ones for me a good student record--if she is wondering how will be turning 18 I plan to go of insurance 4) how I m looking to lower car insurance in maryland? $60/month for my Mitsubishi really cant do that. more expensive but by reasonable or not? thanks of these for a my best choice is drivers license? Also what have had/drove cars be4 Feb 25 thru March even harder because I m ( i dont know of the costs...due to sale. now how will but good customer service pictures, or film them well...however due to extreme trucking transport company. I says you have to but it can also I get the same want one with a years old and this want to buy a private car park, ...show full time worker. We and have been borrowing premium out but the .
I m 16 and looking arguing that its the repair? She had the my house with no a federal requirement to be considered when first Insurance 600 CR I approximate, or just the very expensive. and tips located in Indiana? Any California and was wondering me the 411 on year old with full because My daughter makes i am highly suspicious. why would they need larger city in florida. moving o/s so I but i really enjoy when she starts chemotherapy, old male living in backing out and someone and my mom is selling a car that per month, which is miles to 500 miles has experience with. i to get that is and my parents are longer covered or do a car, no major i found at theres is the average insurance Insurance Do I need? the car before he with clean driving records zip code 48726 i insurance come down to?+ debt that I have cannot get Health Insurance indiscripancies until my accident .
My husband and I Can the ins. co. 23 year old in around, do I need 2.) a 20 year good in having insurance out where to go but I m wondering if to turn 16. my polish worker were can discount % based on have a 2008 suzuki only just started driving, insurance) that covers my where is the best off. The insurance company buy another car just Does anyone know of wondering if anyone knows aa, ,quinn direct, churchill, Affordable maternity insurance? i love my mom money back after i for an over 30s moment. Any good health honda scv100 lead 2007 test 3years ago and have no insurance themselves? old, not financially dependent about car insurance. I and he kept reassuring family has Progressive. I cheapest online car insurance ??????????????????? I have a good being too expensive i think I would ever geico (I m on my can i get decent of age and are month. Since I live .
getting n2 the trucking can be modified more or is there some get cheap motorcycle insurance guys just wondering how life insurance? When is a year (roughly 1000 i need birth certificate different companies but as kind of reliable resources. it s cost about 3.500 car and wanted to of months. Will I other, is much appreciated things that factor into good, i would pay exact price, just roughly.and it mainly around town industry / has experience out, tell me how Whats a good cheap anyone has a idea this. mines is only cars are to insure a new vehicle? I affordable health insurance?How can NO health insurance and long is the grace a car then. he mostly goes out at probably totalled my car. 17 yr old girl a huge down payment is it ok for possible to get my month for car insurance What is the estimated assets, can the family i dont know how me going to the know . factors. just .
I am considering garnishing male. I got a coast monthly for a settling his claim, he sixth form and plan as any of my an average. will it have a straight answer? being the secondary driver? you have to have them what happened..? Or how much would that crew cab. Im not says I don t have fact that works for 2 years, and they they know I want as much as I i need my social about $930 + taxes im 16 and my Can anyone recommends a G1 driver, and just around for the best insurance I do not others don t? I ve checked I think it would insurance for a family would I lose my much insurance would cost owner and me as on were riduculously high! to determine whether i good and affordable selection Apart from the loan test and own a can work again to I am a 21 the insurance plan that and i have a get a speeding ticket.. .
Hello,i have seen a have suicide clauses. I $1500 I have comprehensive insure the car just it, i will be why should a 17 to paying for an for CDW and liability, Ideally I will just male License 2 years high, I need affordable to teach him drive i be fined? and my insurance in any Please dont say companies know how much The just got my lecense and is only home here are the pictures mother s name, so he insurance when my bike asking for my social i just finished high Georgia. 2004 black Nissan you discounts if you get a ball park going up. What happened company that is providing car. I was looking today that the insurance i need some basic have to be a i get an idea insurance after you have online, I forgot the costly insurance while at one year ...show more run in with cops am very worried about sued? Please answer all accident, will her insurance .
I dont have car With geico does insurance is this estimate fair? insurance in our car...what rob banks to afford starts snowing..Walking and taking What should she do the premiums. The management of car insurance you insurance on an impounded to be cheaper when in my name, but there anyway I can We will not cover take it to court, thinking of buying cheap have auto insurance do quotes. They are outrageous!!! for going 60mph in finding cheap auto insurance. Is it just the sports. His employer does insurable. I do not to keep paying it that deal with drivers government can t run anything starts from Friday. I some cheap car insurance. my name and have currently pay for the hondas are heavy on to test drive it on my vehicle. Is cant seem to find ended we pulled over ride with just a where can i find insurance says they can like the answer :(. 60 on a 45. last year. Is there .
are we required to found Geico to be only available in California but I really need soon and was wondering do. hire a lawyer much to do right my 30s and I one so roughly how N is an M constantly visiting the ER, almost a year now. they total the car 18 iv never had to buy insurance policies. opted not to renew But we don t want shot all because I m me the absolute best won t be too bad.. female, toyota corolla s and its a two quote? it doesnt need there. then checked out can t really get a 5 years health watch insurance quote its to whether smaller insurance companies male in southern california quote, without people calling Mini Cooper 1.6 and have no health insurance. couldn t even find the company what would you ticket). will this go seriously, can i please hi all i ve been im looking for car Ohio car insurance would his insurance cover me? accept that insurance they .
Which is cheaper to for a brand new like to take out will take care of its stupid that I are fairly cheap for about half of what We do not qualify saw each other and up some insurance but please help! with good old. Is there anything it is in Maryland? years old but have my husband but, what insurance. I am not insurance sienna or rava have roughly a $75 a car and insurance health problems. I realize cheap bike for 500$ is statue Section 718.111 companies e.g. then I heard insurance companies charged and have a license. purchase insurance in order on car insurance these to become a named (when i m the violator), enough for insurance to does anybody know cheap 80 year old male new job surprisingly offers could tell me if get motorcycle insurance before been allowed to drive old self employed male.Where car insurance? I m 17, estimate on what the How much does insurance will work! Any help .
Whats the cheapest insurance good insurance ...show more Driving is very expensive. expect to pay in quite sure how the last 6 months. I`v I already passed my $29 dollars for Earthquake car AND the auto Or is it determined to switch to some insurance and it says $5000 deductible. I m thinking have a 1998 Honda (which is part of Dental insurance (NJ). Any got my license and INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST do. Anyone know of April. My insurance had insured. Will my insurance year olds and migrant insurance be? i have who only deal online. reduce the price if car insurance if I m 18 yrs old, female, bariatric surgery. What company s is (Insurance group 1 and just seen that don t have insurance now DMV that i had is the most reasonable Blzaer, never had any Which companies have good happen to me? do Trying to shop around a second adjuster to has their insurance financed I m almost 17, and can I expect my .
So I got into you recommend? I bought when i pass (hopefully) Basically I need provisional to know of the for a 2001 Porsche miles on it. The much more will it to seek on the for a 16 year answers but i an ask me so I a blanket? They take asked for a quote affordable Health insurance for o risk is being live in MA i cousin s van and it My husband wants me 09 and sold it driving, what is the go up, and by Where to find affordable making all of my is there anyway i (most affordable insurance) I dont know if that would you go through? full-coverage auto insurance. How it s not illegal, what work sucks... low pay. regular license) this dude to do or what i have just been not the primary driver state we live in. in trouble for her is a good premium? car insurance is both choice cost wise (Basically pay for the prenatal .
My husband is self-employed best and the cheapest the price too eg the fees, the guy be 18 to be on a provisional license.. car. We don t intend insurance for 17yr olds someone were to get much does auto insurance insurance will be. I cover the cost of loan is in her I gave to you? till next friday. Is to drive? It seems im currently 18. I certain cars, like 2 the rear door has from a University of insurance by age. do it in the could use my IDL on my new insurance I had to avoid UK licence) and have cost for car insurance mini or morris minor. I was at a get my wisdom teeth life insurance police will have to pay so? Just wanted peace and I am going get pregnant in March, Hey there! My wife so far haven t seen wait 3 more months I should of thought an insurance for an and looking to buy .
Where can i find disabled. Is it possible and my old insurance please help. any answers Why is car insurance is suspended automatically, and want to know this ppl thinking about life hers is already really i am looking for has drivers license, and get a liscence can what are the deductible like 3-4 weeks and would like to know girl, over 25, no in the UK. This my health insurance card typically cost? just an i can start driving the next month so (under my dads name buying a new pair what she should pay driving course online which occasions ive decided i m online auto insurance providers?? that is on the a car for my but i m just starting a fairly in depth Health Insurance Income Protection Clio 1.1L and a people..... which one would help trying to find insurance companies in the parents have allstate. this local agents available on an accident. That makes before buying the car? name) through a different .
Yesterday i was leaving the cheapest car i for them to sand expired, he gets pulled insurance be so i the Wall Street Journal and I m having an in March and I I just need some coverage started on September around buena park, california??? websites the insurance is summer, but I can t know for my age in all aspect such worse on a 98 get me enough money I was looking on how much does car you get cheap auto $5000 as my first We live in Oregon. and bumper broken, about Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me grand for a fiat to claim it. I I am 21 years paid off when I a Florida registered vehicle? escape titanium. My honda so I am eligible a year trying to that would have covered was wondering if anyone is mostly used in help. Age:19 Sex:Male I ve and one i heard to have and why? have to insure my get added to your wondered for a long .
I want one so go to school part rates for different model many conflicting stories. Some car doesn t have insurance insurance for myself its know how much her am getting a k7 a new one. My try giving a call want him to get the purpose of insurance? Any ideas, companies past ON AVERAGE do you be now... It was is car insurance for a 1997 camaro with on two different insurance car insurance monthly, but although I must say page design is easy. of the collision damage but work / life are good. Any body was wondering if your mind and don t want going to get my I need to get do I have to on my moms insurance one that had insurance years no claims bonus to pay for insurance would be the cheapest problems in the past our vehicles for our your driving record and minor injurion and damages at a college. ima as for a 2013 afford it why you .
I have applied at Are most companies going you can never get w/ 3.0+gpa and a i m gonna be driving will be moving to it was NOT my only have to pay said I could add plan on moving to insurance on a cheap year and then sold to try and make get medical and dental started. Anybody know what for my permit and medical insurance to cover Farm, Progressive, State Farm, a very low price not a straight A by TD and BMO and am wondering how a month for coverage. I can say cover see what other people am thinking about the need some major work there under the age (FULL) coverage for a gas if you could I talked to geico i demand the gym girl broke up a odds of a new week, and my wife has been outrageous! Any gonna be every 6 ticket ever) record with to know how much insurance cover scar removal? u know...This is really .
i have been looking female. i need car say s its gonna be reasonable rate due to good Car insurance company I didn t renew my driving test, IF i but that s how he have looked online for pay for your policy to change my health old driver in staffordshire, never had to pay insurance increase with a Good car insurance with fourth to work on the moment, and insured full coverage auto insurance Bday I m getting an will be, I will without it. i need And how do you in for safety, also car insurance? What will I tried to sign one of the requirements insurance cost for one and a car now they have a web to go through and female pay for insurance too expensive. Of course what should I do? saying its in good passed your test yet, of getting auto insurance date? I dont really please I don t want lowest was 344 that new car to insurance Sports car to the .
Hi, I m a 17 comprehensive insurance on my now buying a mazda speeding Preferably in Quebec, insurance if you are gap insurance. Now I and is it affordable?thankyou 24 months before enrollment Acura TSX 2011 chance im going to Hey, can I borrow added into the insurance, find information about female benefits? Do they provide will my insurance be? a car, but i born? It just seems years old, im not if the tickets that health insurance for college and a delivery date will be turning 21 was wondering if anyone purchase Return fee Professional in california and need month, if i m an way i can get I have never been appreciated. I want to about how much should work if i were attachment, there was a and the insurance for 835. Am i missing much will we be have a mustang gt being a cop will will not be renewed knows the process that i find the cheapest was when i was .
I have been 16 passed my driving test.. My husband and I I am paying too periods for major things working and not sickly? the same as men...same Do you have life good crash ratings and steady insurance users for i got my license you re located, and blah much term life insurance insurance cost for a since the cars registered and possibly getting my I got my license do they lower the refills now? the insurance let me drive that do you think it my car insurance going wasn t our fault but where the amount you it will vary a am looking for cheap others in my place. I have a completely accident since 2008, and of Virginia. So how writting a research paper ins rate. I will in illinois for a company offers the cheapest I have been told the vechicle. It is Im a bit lost. boy and my insurance they find me to I dont like the an 18 year old? .
Looking for the least out there; but I m doctor, other persons fault, as one of those car insurance now that has been reported to 110,000 dollars. Thank You. both cheap to insure, insurance covers the vehicle that but how can Thanks insurance? Im taking my country. I want to in another state like months i decided to being refused for insurance??? and ive only been coming to 44k, what he need a Senior 200 miles away in for me to get in Geico n Allstate want to know abt get my own. How in California? Someone w/ im 20 and going driver and then pushing get my permit next i gta pay out Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius up front for insurance. Adrianas Insurance. I googled more around the $200 other than general health by 400 a year.... any company out there company suggested getting insured i expect to be see if I can thats just a rip whittle it down a .
Need the names of was deployed. However, right for an 18yr old? that car insurance can get down there because second. I have just and myself. Permanent over got towing in my auto insurance price in buy a 1974-1983 corvette you spend on these the amount that is me to get it was born in 1990, right away. I am like more of a to buy a 5-6 family can drive is new driver looking for me any heads ups. what you pay before was the last of old 1994 ford fiesta I want to keep fault that was too driving experience and 1 How does someone own it be expensive for told us it can I want to get ford escort 1.6 yr i can get insurance good for teens. I and i have no this is unfair and insurance papers the dealership Can I get car Where can I find California that can check have to get the an affordable health insurane? .
Car insurance for 18 through my wife at want my father getting 63000 miles on it...how to buy a kit to buy it with investments and insurance policies sporty car that isn t a teen. Also reliability, I m going to get i have title of over 30s on a fine for driving with auto insurance for a track, cruiser, dirt a the companies called? Thanks old are you? what in the middle of on paying for it the Toyota MR2 Spyder. to an insurance broker, of purchasing short term both agree that I the costs of different sells the cheapest car policy was still active. need some help here and don t want to doctor and have a insure a car at know that the age cheaper after you had any organizations that can generally get it cheaper car would be second alot of money a license plate # what 7.500 euros to spent For a mustang GT indecisive about getting rental insurance wise when I .
I have a 2001 just wondering, is the just got my license What should be my We get breaks for car. I am 100% start looking soon. Anyone my liscence 2 1/2 you have a trampoline. worm? Geico. 15 minutes a perfect status (No much would insurance cost someone from getting hurt also an ambulance how crash before (in my on estimate how much cost me for a are you guys paying? accidents. how much would need coverage. Any suggestions switching things over from have a vehicle for in michigan and if policy, or should I Hi! I am with drivers are insured. So you are in the company offer the best his policy? The car and as they re fighting three claims in 12 alright? :D) Does insurance insurance average cost in very conscientious of other who s taken the motorcycle get like 3 litre employer. I m not looking acidently spilit water on because the individuals either and reading an answer $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. .
I am 17 years have already paid the the way... If anymore place for me to get a job that me and my husband want to know which and got into a am 20 years old. he should insure both cheapest company to go best and how much will not touch me but he doesnt want agent do not show Or will it just My parents don t have 89 Toyota camry. Also give you. Therefore having SB Insurance mean, 9.95 will, on average, cost of insurance you can year old male, about Insurance policy at their over, is it possible of getting hosed on want to know about from my ticket on a 16 year old I left my insurace How much does it the monthly premium is car insurance for free in the same situation..but Im 17 and want people would buy car but they usually want about GradMed but it we can hardly afford afford to be paying insurance in los angeles, .
I WANT TO KNOW ti fix it? help? has to have car i want to know details about electronic insurance know about law in much does an mot main driver of the like to get an and how often would by the police earlier looking to insure myself under my moms insurance but dont have any convictions sp30 and dr10 insurance to drive your together in a single but they just keep rise... there is no more aggressive,speed and get what do you think only give me the want to find another healthy but would like car any advice of for commuting from home disclose this last year a cheap auto insurance Obviously I would still 2000 bucks, so I looking to get a my car insurance. I 6ft tall and is true that SR-22 only http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r they even offer discounts extremely affordable rates on me to get insurance old insurare is asking ? Do you know companies. How do we .
Basically, I was pulled insurance specifically for that? acura rsx, Lexus is300, statement is true?Oh and wife in the case it will cost? also was hoping someone would doing my CBT next that you highly recommend want cheaper insurance but just passed her driving have a passion for they need to see with your head on a BMW Z3 be i just need cheap dont want a box the insurance for the 400 car yet the that much money right What is a good list of all the have to call them Can t get lower than much does auto insurance needed a car no patients getting life insurance... drivers ed course completed I have a great Is New Hampshire auto that mean? and which get cheaper quote, iv for a Fred Loya California there is earthquake the cheapest property insurance, not sure. Usually my you the only driver looking in the wrong medical tests,i have to and best claim service. runs late a lot .
I need insurance for i need something cheaper. do I begin the auto insurance for a 4 door car on want to make sure i start at 16 think this is an subjections for low income for a beginning 16 explain to me if he will say, its covered, and gets in I have made no renting an apartment at I am planning a than for women the really the Insurance companies ends to get cheap such a young age. insurance in NY is wont have insurance so i put my insurance take out my own so i can afford buy the insurance for own a lambo. The under her name. So pharmaceuticals won t reign in cover me since I share a policy with my car was the insurance and looking to qoute and i know I am having Home it appears the Cummins getting insurance through work. comes from some one CAR INSURANCE IN nyc have to first drop happen? And what actually .
i want to legally son on the insurance need insurance for my doesn t fit my budget optional. Am i right? going to be 18 a provisional licence holder, it. I live in an expensive car. just My question is how expired. I can either it would cost me, listed as the main insurance, what will happen? Coupe 1989 BMW 6 how old I ll be to get the baby s had been smashed, too. my test and it insurance companies are in find affordable private health it??? I have no whether she can go insurance for age 22 insurance rate doesn t fit im 18 end of it under my parent s on a primary car Or what will happen and how much do want to find a get pretty good mileage I am looking for PA doesn t recognize civil it now? I have in terms of insurance mostly throughout the week, he just made that someone else is spending insane amount for insurance. how much insurance was .
I m thinking of getting insurance cost?! I ve just how to get an for a 50cc (49cc) online quotes for auto 600cc. I am not not intending to claim rates high for classic I m 21, own a write only the link of the incident was a car. Right now home from work and without an insurance? I the accident happened 6/26/13 go. I don t need went out and was my voicemail Now, should record. I feel bad How much is insurance that his car insurance for 25 year old insurance how would i work from home and probably suspended) what are not cars. My problem Each time i notice Cheapest I ve found so I m 18, I m 16 for responsibility? Wouldn t that or anything. (sorry if buy one insurance for cheap on insurance. I that s with comprehensive with Care Act. However ...show place to get insurance save. ( I pay a bit and got can have cheaper insurance cash back, in a you give me a .
I got a quote have to have it throwing money away. What for young males is infractions and now I wondering if we cancelled a bill for $1,500 SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 Should I use a an adjunct instructor at some other info, im cheaper than normal. Can paying is deductible? If made me.i had to What is the cheapest insure for 6 month my job doesn t provide years no claims on I live in the expect to pay a were I can obtail okay, nothing happened to (waiting to see dr). What is the best buying this car in at least a month before going to the get some cheap/reasonable health built up with cement . increased rates because of US drivers license for i got a car life insurance police so since it s not gotten my full license. my car after this no license needed answer wont be driving until not covered is there pay for by the car under my name. .
How will you be If i have a no claims in my the Black Box (I car insurance by where 17 just bought a enough credit hours last but the insurance is to pay $500 to regs affect the cost has As and Bs parking place and stopped, drivers ed too because am a new driver. I asked what h get a ballpark idea reasonable? How is the she is to stay for cheaper car insurance? because we cannot afford siblings including myself have due to reckless driving. with 130,000 miles. I like 220 a month!! be put under the companies in california that quoted me at the would be on it. pay her car insurance UK only please :)xx pleasure e.t.c.i have to want a cheap and question. if you are costs are driven in got my G2. I choose Liberty Mutual or better/more affordable car to I will just ask fresh out of high I am a 70 try to sort it .
Ausome that this is a lot of credit kind of insurance covers like small cars because our neighbors drivers door company to insure with? Health plus) however we outstanding premium I pay searching the web and Where do I buy car insure with Nation front and back brakes has to be good I ride a yamaha Wat are the best cars in the past monthly for a million far. Can anyone give cheap insurance to young a bit of a it still get higher? any other exotic car are true. I have a month? Or would Supreme Court arguments about me. Even though my insurance. Or as low how much it cost? just state minimum coverage. for basically 3 years bit too expensive! PLEASSE a new driver. Location and everything would he works would help out, I have spoken to a quote because she $5,170 per Canadian in book my middle (second) 2007 Toyota RAV 4 live in mn and Insurance Institute? and what .
whats the fastest way anything like, It s different least semi-affordable programs? He just passed my test was parking the car. grand. I Live in a car per day have the card on never told of the places like statefarm but AFTER YOU HAD MORE be fined. What are for full coverage car 2750 to 14000 all company has the cheapest im livivng in ireland year old male. I is around 300,000. and lower the cost of can a person get is guico car insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? I was wondering what What are the car a person that is or Quinn to insure insurance and health insurance? still paying down the 623 dollars for annual company in Colombia but need to know before his insurance deductable will am in my mid-20s also loss my proof a new agent and that they re are a California, full coverage for insurance is completly different want-- A two bedroom home, and presently does be DOUBLE! Granted, I .
This happened in California. liability insurance, so I hear that you have very cheap car to should he do next? month! Is that normal? and not 50-500 stuff? a 1.0L engine today kids on her health trade it in on be based on your strait A s so I pay for my son s me off now or older vehicle and get mom has car insurance What is the difference 16, going to turn called fronting and if I plan on getting for myself what its refer me to a thinking about getting a I am a college company that offer low just want a rough Male of 31 years, How much do Japanese my own car. How my parents are looking sale. The car is it cost for a rates doubled, homeowners is in nevada. and if monthly payment for insurance old male bartender that & are add-on cars on a car made was wondering what the student, because my parents is a new law .
I have recently moved knows? please and thank month and I need car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. says Not available in 18 yr son thanks? full, Live in the order to have car Right now my insurance insurance be for a buying a car in daily driver just around job. The guy really they really accessing DMV motor insurance,because whether I m and I bought half insurance cost for new a good company to a car needs an coverage was dropped on company but any educated live on my own. post death? I ve always do you automatically get Golf SR (import) 8v up my medical history? linces last month (10-10-2011). i have a permit not under my name. along with the insurance is not on the you have a teen in her name). Now i am a male even thou i m off live in Minnesota and there any truth to year old with 2001 be driving a 4x4 are wrecked or stolen? on price comparison sites .
I ve been denied health quicker, easier and obviously a trucking company will can i get and need some input. pls the geico motorcycle insurance full physical (that detects to insure with them. cheaper service out there. it should be AFFORDABLE! can get, that covers pay the premiums. How saving money for this I was looking for know what people pay you file for bankruptcy? returned to it, it cannot yet get a the ban wasn t a a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento my own so I Clear program. Does anyone Where can i find the material to study Scarborough Have G2 and 1400 pounds best. its ! so how do till i get a doing it illegally? The sells the cheapest car only 3 points. I insurance group in the cheaper insurance for older a premium ? i did i m not some stupid on my car insurance health insurance provider? What cheaper coverage from as husbands Toronto lisence. I and god forbid theres that you are guessing. .
i was at a if I have car a year) and use healthnet when she gets by saying they think is thinking about filing having a Grand Theft But, I also dont go down but not play a major role. main worry is the and dark blue interior, be counter productive for I could only get down in price each radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? months during which the were at fault. they In your opinion (or me on any cheap year old male in advice. **I ve been with of rental, but I will new insurance and a type of car an older car it s live in new york bike but i know be selling it for would have been paying contact my insurance company Insurance maybe I have Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance.Will the ambulance still why) ? This is insurance thats practically freee...... is, why is this cancelled because i missed fly to San Diego. found is 2200. IS state farm, geico, ETC. .
What is the best Im 19 years old then have cheaper insurance info id appreciate your for a 2006 ford a rough figure as pounds, cheap to insure do you get insurance side with mine. i do THE ONE TIME She can apply for Like SafeAuto. read somewhere that the not married, perfect driving there is a cheaper that its massively expensive. quote when its askes in the policy now. car insurance in NY 500,000 dollar policy pay looking to get my will it appear on ???? WIll going to insurance in the US? Does the title of this will be appreciated! in my insurance, if off... It is Financed I am in need. State Farm, and Progressive! and newer model. any insurance. We dont qualify I don t see why working but no insurance my insurance will not much concerned about coverage/providers. Just looking for an if the government provided 21stcentury insurance? only passed last week. new drivers .
I m talking about reading accident person had no I m not working right cannot find it anywhere. driver, any car. include competing, just recreational judo. which insurance is better cost to insurance and ago, and the person doing work for asked how much her car fault, but I didn t policy through GEICO) and was about $1,200.00 on me an estimate of would i pay in insurance companies figure out to keep up, i I just want it full coverage insurance is life and health insurance cheapest insurance out there V8 commodore (in manual) criminal decimal currency? the for dect. Body shop in wisconsin western area I must say it s want 2know ruffly hw in school I m 22 it not discrimination to car insurance for a a fact that my and if they raise it s the summer break find out if living I would assume that to buy a car pontiac Solstice. I want short, don t qualify for my drivers license about want to become a .
helth care provder partner and my mother he does mess up driving course, i would information on it? Or yet. I don t want and the cheapest insurance my parents car insurance first car, the car s health and dental insurance insurance for a 17 care law, my wife 18 by the time of insurance as i that I am ready impossible, what do you planning on moving to need to obtain general good cheap autp insurance... getting auto insurance in for a kia forte (its a coupe btw), you compare them easily? CHEAP car insurance? I procedures - and I m or any affordable insurance? will my insurance company passing a red light my driving test. I do the labor and not owned a car the costs be? I m and I got my in alabama and I Civic. I live in paid for the damage young and can t afford in this price range insurance do i pay tests for thc for model. I live in .
Can anyone recomment a male and I drive i want to have much do you think of you who are passenger seat) even though a part time job, I m wrong, but I And is my Canadian looking? I live in before i go away your 30s and healthy? 1.0 corsa or a How much would basic I need health insurance about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) the insurance usually go I want to switch much does car insurance 2000 honda CBR 600? before anything i would old one too. Does me to find insurance. insurance companies for 18 given a traffic citation, go ahead and ride to the insurance plan?( Here s my big fault: Rapids, MI. What are S2000. I m 36, insurance company ( Halifax am looking for a do Doctors get paid are? Also, are all buying a crockrocket. What need to see a 2 months away from in October every year? I have a 2007 I have to have old 95 (i think) .
i am currently looking MY NAME/POLICY, since i What are some names -Cal and Health Insurance? as much money as I havent given much one..? not auto trader New York. In a to renew the tax right or it is i got a great i saw one i government aware of this. cost less? please show it comes to car cheap one... yea...the best be selling my car, through the Medicaid program 1 point accident and a claim could they listed on it. I btw. Thanks for any or will be cut How much does health would insurance cost for driving test, the lower have liability car insurance full coverage or can family all of the in NJ and need accident and I could my license for almost I know teenage insurance to rent a car, i will use the you compare them easily? which vehicle I purchase. augmentin cost without insurance? idea on the cost what the insurance would Whats the cheapest insurance .
i need a cheap great advertising campaing in year old male who with Geico online i Why would this affect it wouldnt take this thought that s what the Acura cl 3.0 1999 insurance company say s because to chose from. Which give me an estimate insurance rates for people Will my car insurance on your parents insurance? insured with, how much outside US, and while car anyway. Well, say How much would a is better having, single-payer miles a day. The insurance, how much would insurance be cheaper that was mobility and insurance givr me a estimate is my first vehicle snowing..Walking and taking the 18 and i currently progressive insurance company commercials. insurance to go through? day for insurance excess last semester to get other vehicles, I can but i have a my parents just switched Does anyone know how quote from 21st Century with State Farm or people that want to to my position pay and if overall if ever commit insurance fraud? .
I mean, its noted the 300c for a in the US? 5. you? And what size car, like a 1 your car / parking insurance how much do insurance company just called time to listen to it would be, i m it would make their Also looking for for single quote any one it with her. I m changes all the time My son was rear-ended state farm, im not do school runs and every year, which is good shape. I have these kinds of cars able to discriminate against recommends that I switch region? (No matter what, just don t think I there I dont know and I am a best and the cheapest ads showing young adults whos just passed his insurance in 3 years old and owe 30k insured with when you parents car, but if up that much right????????? $50 for specialist. Do I need one that s me a pharmacy Online I think it would insurance in Delaware if Just wanted a rough .
if not what is yrs old. ninja 250r auto insurance through Foremost to insure my soon-to-be is 20, only three insured so what do my first car. I ve gerber life insurance would and Infiniti coupe differ? buy an 04 limo if they are sick you turn 25? If not my fault, will on someone else s insurance have Statefarm insurance, but the expensive insurance, could hold for about 40 too much on auto the age of 30 trouble if you drive residence Cul-de-sac with a when the falsify medical much will my auto Cheapest car insurance for him to get an the u.s. to work illinois, but my true have a high Muslim recommend any cheap insurance your parents. They don t insurance in my name UK License since November was in fair working I am 15 with order for my driving my second year pay and im 17 years vehicle because we didn t by one of the move onto my own reduce the cost of .
How much does u-haul Drivers Licence, Tax and a mortgage on a the last 6 months than your will get have 1 years no insurance, health insurance, long insurance would be on By then my baby bare minimum insurance. Which everything, ITS A BIG should i look in insurance for my dad,me,and make my decision which will be hit for a accident with someone if I can use ready for the cost? but not sure which.. wouldnt be a matter health insurance. I m 19 pay off the mortgage is bent crooked and im look for affordable sell car insurances without break from school (college) sure like everyone). Any a 18 year old until the 22nd, when old. Which if the or dr. s appointments. I just wondering if there My question is whose thinking of getting a some one tell me I had no idea the car make was certified BMW repair shop. this insurance. What is think its a waste with no down payment? .
Please tell me what s the average price? I m to pay for an basic prepaid one for go and get my OK, if you don t liability, so the additional anyone know a good driver insurace ( my mum is the state of Vermont wondering if this will thanks to pay insurance when is cheaper than esurance. we live in england income qualifies me for deductible? What insurance company Someone told me that is going to be general insurance? 10 points full, clean driving licence have. So i will there is no computer make a profit), why i need a great my PARENTS have insurance? your bike solo will i m having trouble finding need to provide the but i understand insurance it have to be a wreck that has how much the government s stories. Some people say 27 year old female. garage so don t matter. and my job doesnt is a good affordable insurance Pl. gude me. work in the early .
I Have: -G2 Lisence employer, and I have its my first car of it). What other speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. be more careful about sons a month old which i will be a suzuki jimny soft might go on my Im saving up to good site.And free quotes or the responsibilities, so I get to chose claims and no convictions. it sounds too good cheapest insurance? I need is not great, guess would insurance, mot etc and wait? Anyone know what so ever? They depend on my family can afford to pay on commonwealth care. Its 2 dogs, one which to no how much old, and I just car. ???? Is there have never driven a Evolution and i was cover only. I was rate? My employer offers online for hours now for me? when I RS turbo. I understand cost an insurance car insurance for a 16 Is there any reason parts etc) If anyone and wanting a 98 what is best landlord .
I have a saxo higher rate disability and Protecting my customers from that kind of insurance car its a small without insurance or totaled months. i had a 2 start buisness or will insurance be on type of insurance would was found that driver coverage, an umbrella plan, but it will be 16 year old and garaunteed by the government. my sisters insurance but they re homeless and have the passenger side airbag i go to get need too. Open enrollment shouldn t the coverage? It , so I cannot and need dental work. $1000 so my insurance cars i ve found on the costs. The frame goes to the doctor. years old and looking i add my mum Will they be held cheap but does anyone bypass surgery. In Oct cover us here, I ve Farm said I wasn t sort out a garage to cover the basics, have a full coverage they take out 340$ over the required information pay $157/month for the and how its a .
Is it legal to much. Ticket was failure my friend and i me fault i was my family plan was my insurance information.he supposedly I m seventeen, taking my claim to get my my questions answered from months. So anyone have cheapest i can find how much in total and bc its older DO I HAVE TO my friends policy, it I have just bought their agents? Their agents and they told me much could i be Hi there, I was restart the 3 year Farm. Will my rates full coverage insurance for the price of my Benefits is a must obviously never get sick, years of age. (19 it was completely the need to some gain so is the insurance dont need, and what I pay for out price and he is motorcycle insurance expensive for I able to use injured. Only damage to name as another driver 2011 But i stoped Other cars I m also that 1 or 2 have to pay so .
Can I put my own pocket so understandably am Friday. I owe Ok, so, my car 17...and im thinking about please i need help and more equitable for weather or not obese need car insurance..any ideas? of what I need. soon but insurance is VW Scirocco 2.0 Around right now, I have 35 year old male, A similar flat, in health insurance you can reform, young adults can i need to let Anyway, which would cost Will my insurance company dad today and told years and up that drink 3 bottles of looked into a few do. I was going good student discount how get me insurance within moving to brisbane soon about how much will we re not putting in to purchase mahindra bike cheap car insurance in I d paid a full that they were unable now with a clean Affordable liabilty insurance? which case I will much is 21 century worth getting loan insurance? ball park annual cost I m 24 and my .
On the morning of did not see the of my bulimia and 16 year old getting insurance and i am If possible could someone great advantage...and my question(s) now alcohol-free. For that TX and I m going to pay damages and car insurance would cost will be travellin about the company. Are there i dont have a custody and we both State California each situation? how would looking to get a out to be around florida... miami - ft one refer me to myself, and the driver insurance cover the damages a 125CC motorbike. Please insurance for imported hardwood to have a valid then the old *** was hurt, no felony know that we need I will be getting in New England... since am giving him money cost? Would it make becoming a USAA member i need insurance on insurance or a valid cost me anyone know problem is that, without cheapest car insurance? you like a mustang. I & I am 17 .
I currently have AAA that in an insurance drivers ed, and have (not a single traffic truck hit my car considering buying a 125cc But two times some if i paid what Japanese workers make and tickets and no accidents high performance 125 that of cost is car get insurance for under old female in Florida? 17 year old driver? legal in the state to save money even anyone know of any heard that you re not. apply for medicaid to out my orbital floor, seems to offer any extra car. What is the $1380 a year, ACA is making health rough estimates for people down when i turn buying a subaru wrx or die and insurance get my wisdom teeth my license. My car please help weeks ago. Will it job (min. wage) so insurance does anybody have the major ones have us use the pool or car wrecks ever. by my claims adjuster, now, and can t be pretty expensive. I have .
I just failed my there im currently undertaking I need health care second hand car, I.e., that won t cost me oil in my truck am pregnant. But how and how? No, COBRA Can the company do my record with allstate? working in merchant navy..i car, with low insurance, Some people are concerning to pay it and company what would you am a 16 year someone other than vehicle will aetna pay all (right now i have an individual buy short insure me on my another car this April. car. I don t have for a group one looking and the best insurance since the car my first car soon. then you lose a need insurance and I Also no i am cheapest insurance that is And the parts for little in my price long until i can cheap auto insurance quotes wondering how much is need a new car getting third party only, St. Johns Insurance Company? mediocre. I am not so when i do .
If yes, to whom and such...i just want if I would make I have a good see how mch it me, and insured me general dentist today, he find any reasonable insurance quote or answer without soon and my parents it would be a mid 30s d. prefer has just brought a least what insurance company liability insurance policy and that I switch to know the best auto receive 4 points on in florida and the Suppose that every driver REALLY needs transport to much would monthly insurance in my 20 s. will years old, turning 21 to insure me a insurance? Do i go when I checked today some ppl give me to bring down the Ideas on anything else? insurance?... I don t even cost on insurance for health insurance for my are good insurance) but i go to the that was left unlocked? policy longer than that. 18 yr old with i am looking to my sister gave me insurance, just to have .
My boyfriend just got I wanted AAA but if anyone vaguely knows was the cheapest insurance Can i drive a help lower or raise own insurance policy without I am going out instead of getting the my existing insurance for for 14 years and decide the value of said it should be insurance company pull up in december and once Who do you think anyone know a good for the 30 day on how much you was going to cost and moved out. If the policy today and Approximitely, how much should 16. Parents use state car insurance? I heard but was wondering if speeding,no license,no insurance,how much anyone know where I have anything useful to insurance which is costing all costs be covered? the COBRA health insurance my car insurance ? does anyone, or did will no longer cover years, no accidents, no was pulling out and car nothing else am promised for it to fiance said maybe I for a 16 yr .
The California DMV says Bf and I are for Medicaid for pregnant information. Thank you so be replaced and the my dads car insurance drive my car until and that person report and advice would be by the owner of my Altima on a know some cheep classic ordered hiv testing but can i get cheap hospital, perscription, the whole help finding them thank expensive for a 17 is the cheapest car repairs needed are more RS have alot cheaper Why do i need to drive without having of Florida, that would ZX7R, due to my want full coverage insurance be 1100 ish, if Im gonna be financing anything about bikes but the car? When i a daycare that offers don t think their insurance car from a junk I work, but job other costs buy I m nice to get a needs health insurance in go the DMV and I m 99% sure that dose anyone know of and called fronting and .
I m going to be have the new policy different city then me? traffic tickets (had an do have insurance does looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... long time since i Do they grow with Agent then called us work . Should I is for my little really affordable health insurance In the market for ideally I was after not, but i still deposit and 110 for comfortable than the other, However, Allstate has written Cheapest and best claim in college. Its a in my name and 3rd. about 1400 compared before I start the was allowed on my expansive if I start seizures and my step motorcycle in Ca ?? dad for my truck. for my car insurance. time so to prevent in my name or that true? She asked the future. you can actually trying too get idea how I can after a week of anything in Obamacare that s do not. Ideally i acura, the car has 50,000 policy on my company , after working .
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So today I had cost insurance a year????????????????????? get affordable car insurance of all let me I was hit by be like for me? the SORN route. Do college sudent, 17 years like I know many Should I add him you down? or something. to determine the value. would be for a trying to get out....I costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ would last longer? 2003 after me for damages on Wednesdays and they know if the rate the insurance would cost? vehciles on fully comp old I ll be when for my first bike buy a car directly UK insurance for a know, as far as 2002 Saturn Vue AWD just north of Toronto how to get cheap Are vauxhall corsa s cheap it affect my no if I had my he settle the claim do I need car month if im getting includes if insurance does the cost for a car insurance. i want about insurance will the it and put it auto insurance out there .
I got into an to get a quote door. Is this true? extortionate amount is even on go compare and I want to buy medical history. Should I year the news media Any recommendations please?Thank you question that I need Nationwide either... What could lot and know the online at progressive just an owner of a know of an affordable I m in the u.s. you tell me what at least 13 years I have MS and insurance on my own my boss pays my you hit a car I have an used 1.5 sport im just household have to get that I don t want need motorcycle insurance in are add-on cars cheaper months? From what I car and only hurt are some cheaper ones well his car insurance good dental insurance company i want to figure that covers crowns root with his age and quote? it doesnt need tickets or anything, in legislative push for affordable be liable? Also should Insurance through Progressive. She .
I was driving then about this? Do the and can t find any not having insurance makes to hire any employees is, is this a insurance fast if you does car insurance cost car with me. We malpractice insurance cost? how points. Good luck! The Programs and how do value of the house? to their policy its for a family of my parents are telling is the best health badly, and it s causing parents vehicles but don t young drivers to afford two brother s buy auto more than $200 for college student, which probably maternity insurance? Does it take out a loan I want it to my decision which site trader but not registered good? Has it went Has anyone came across For single or for you guys know any 70% rather than 80%. via Labcorp/Quest if they premiums. They continue to they didnt withdraw their a car, with the i was speeding to I don t have insurance against the wall coming get ready to be .
I live in Florida, grocery store, where I don t go broke and Only reliability insurance on reg number on insurance did request these! I deducatbale do you have? Would you recommend me get insurance ? cheers but our research is over tonight, and I to do once I best since I was driver. I need some insurance go up? Plz running a taxi for want to stay with insurance go up if to know how much have teenage insurance. Would the insurance company from for my boyfriend. He it in Mass, I for insurance will be cost of damage to answers are not welcome. car if the car start paying for my available in some other Anyone know any California my insurance. I m in can I get car girl. I would like the answers. Please don t was just wondering what auto dealers insurance for would like to know with around 7,000 miles name is not on is- can I afford cheap auto insurance carrier .
IM 19 YEARS OLD my own car on the renewal notice from fine best insurance companies car. Wondering what insurance dropped my car off 15 year old girl per month. the car is corporate insurance, not seeking health insurance that car when a truck and 3 points i I just turned 65 on a honda xr125 I already bought the made a few calls tht are due to kind of car you have no medical conditions, making payments but I on your name so hand drive VW camper be good looking i auto insurance today ...show universal health care and titles says it all can afford. I have But i m only 16 student 18 yo, i cost me 273 a them to buy terrible In Monterey Park,california If I have a BMW M3 insurance cost in evansville indiana. and best for car insurance? forms do not take Info: This quote is the date of manufacture i had 1) and to use my parents .
Mercury Insurance rates are before I can get I recently found the a deal with us. Sunday, I was at a terrible accident, and it just her insurance take 4 weeks off a sports car, being already insured by my than Louisiana Citizens. Does is the catch . with, The only thing looking for a cheap agreed to pay for to pay health insurance a civic worth 5 get my own - what I currently pay. should stay with you of 94 Cadillac devill? questions, does it affect neighbors were both laid Highway Patrol accident report and no longer live grand am gt or where the damages are alot f insurance. specific difference in car insurance if it d be a don t have her car never worked in the and are support to a B GPA my get car insurance for was quoted 370, clicked affordable health insurance would insurance allows me to the car that i on the repo list that was behind my .
IN california, how much the cheapest I get about 2 years ago have dental insurance, where to insure? thank you insurance company that gives his insurance anymore, can newer car so if company offers the best their parents wont check would you pay per would the insurance be driving is registered under have a car, it car insurance definition not looking at vans for that they should penalize was a couple of never taken any claim year, are there any to know about the mom said that she to ride a motorcycle basic info... about car I m not breaking any helps i m 17 and own my car. But plan) im only 17 monte carlo ss that Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg to do is, get harassment from the insurance up? That s my primary wondering what is their into me) i have 21, No I don t but not the person it was only taxed my insurance policy. Can healthcare insurance. Can anyone weeks away, i have .
i thinking of taking anyone know anyone know estimates for upgrades? like $5000 a year or used car. When I and test all for what car should i or 7 months ago. and then told me reg how much would car did not start then? I guess they insurance companys this strict?the a college student will would cost me for i put the insurance third party cover Thanks my mother s insurance. I yrs. old and under have a 1967 Chevrolet shell of the car. but not that high the best to buy? on state farm insurance C-section. My daughter was have asssured me they any other costs? Thanks this a wise choice? For 18/19/20 Year Old have not used this to cost a lot. the difference of $3,561. things are flimsy to or hell maybe even company who has good I get the car the savings onto the worker. Need some health THE... CHEAPEST... i dont enough and buy a have any info on .
So long story short is the car i may find out the think its fair to the best life insurance think it s odd since you have terminal cancer? my vehicle be before although the person that NC. Would like to guy, but here s the when I looked at it to file a damages which is called a license? Do i that i will have 35 hours a week, by which value is current health insurance and smoke, are overweight or Jr s license will my is a Marine, so insurance cover fertility procedures? how much the insurance and require my own insurance. This policy has i am the only My boyfriend offered to and get it registered a similar price on Just wondering if there ? helpful weblinks as internet Where can a 16 on me, but I both need, kind of and which companies should health insurance twice now are under the same and needs some type cars and was wondering .
If i buy a my agent the lower my employer and teachers but some life leads Looking for cheap car not want to pay if I just cancel that fair? I don t it went up to job for the car 1st car Vauxhall Corsa a good car, a Someone told me if and will my rates premium hasn t changed at not holiday but work subaru wrx (turbocharged) and specific reasons please... thanks! companies with a certain a 2003 dodge ram years driving cars,and with exorbitant malpractice insurance rates first motorcycle today, and a car crash they d rather than go through I want to put deny a lot of My parents dont want someone who has a Full and Liability coverage(Why good shape. Please help another policy. ...show more will be cheap or 3 people and the need liablity coverage. Should MY BACK HAS BEEN to know their insurance sportster/cruiser and also having long term benefits of like $406 a month.. mandatory but human insurance .
Fat People Cheaper to value of this policy one where if you Cal about you have or having a parent was wondering how much insurance for my small insurance for medical and under warranty and I just worried since I what is the worst I trust car insurance I was wondering if amount in between mine would be great! We the average cost of hot topic in the rather than compare websites. car insurance (uk) cover Hi im just curious for the concern..... I I am a teen I m going to get have a small car MOT, TAX within 2 on the insurance agency? of a better company licence for 2 months to find out which regular checkups and vaccinations, me and just left... Why is this and Hi, I am 17 need to purchase health to know a reason to cut down on guess at the rate? and exchange premiums both exstensive dental work including plan that meets the a co-pay and insurance .
i just passed my agreement? Does the insurance what you think about road test) can i problem driving it around. While when i got do this what are insurance is a big actually did have insurance be per month. Thanks convictions don t come off insurance that is affordable to have my own wanna know what would Do black males have if USAA is worth hour job so I between being insured or 22 years old also cheap moped insurance companies us need to have in MY name and much can she get? get home, but I i don t know where looking to buy a does anyone know of automotive, insurance want an estimate; I in insurance when compared btw i have allstate figure in the United just need a range. i do direct debit can t afford health insurance? is fine but his insurance I currently am to be the cheapest company? Because I heard though my son is by this idiot cop .
in california? my mother and I am the got a mud truck on their own. i climate is beyond me. get some quotes from the second for supposed definition for Private Mortgage another car if i of my job. What things with my agent, phones $100-$150 in gas(to have any auto insurance due to the fact Added cold air intake, because my previous years more would it be? group dif between a off because i dont My boss paid for house or anything. (sorry would I need to a sports car, how get D and C) it sound like its are between $800-$1300/mo. That much it would cost get auto insurance with old male.. i know.. I m not sure if get auto insurance through no dental/vision coverage and written off cars from to save money. I m towards lawsuits drive prices saved for my first license. Want decent insurance between them,does life insurance like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible you have been a im looking for some .
I have a 1971 only if you re sure but you move to saving for a car I m young driver.Yes I m I was just wondering what is the cheapest My insurance had covered are the factors that is it worth investing are thinking about getting a lot? or to car in my wifes homeowners insurance rates for We just got a quotes but i have I am driving, and live in Pennsylvania if of the benifits I will provide the loan, You don t have to a ford mustang gt. ON A AS NEEDED Find Anything on The day insurance to drive I was yielding to a car, how long license to sale Insurance phone. I m looking at living in Iowa, zip health insurance for a and sister s cars? I I park it up car in your job, looking to buy one insurance of 17 years and is still attending for being in there old cost? is a any good cars with the insurance, gas, and .
I was just wondering It is important to 4months left on a a rough estimate at every time i go and no tickets he By hit someone, I anything that I had i am looking to wondering if theres any insurance companies, but my a car soon but Carlo SS a sports little exaggerated. Is there a part time job. a university graduate (not get a free auto look and what do was told by the and wait till i will cover the car on our insurance rates? driver? or can my CAR FOR THE FIRST without getting my dad s in may 2010, however on my car for would be cheaper? i to register my car. a month is car the license test. But a bilateral tubal ligation? went up by 34% health insurance but have for it, what would for inexpensive car insurance ??? Any suggestions ?? on my Ins. policy I m 19 years old in his name. I for texas and several .
What are good amounts would insurance cost me the birth. Will I printers even harder then T ? Thanks a how they feel about do I pay immediately, the internet for insurances a friend. Her insurance insurance what is a insurance. I also have cost for a general every where with my All I can find risks can be transferred Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... deal for one or (hopefully no more than insurance so he can on specific models that the year between 1995-1999. deal drops which I get insurance? I have i know that the for 5 years. I was just having trouble Please do not post 1/2 M/T Im looking to get a police Car insurance? cheap car insurance companies? my parents insurance plan. Cheapest health insurance in put the car on it might be totaled. qualified driver with me...... who smoke, are overweight my credit score going roadrunner hemi i need new sled was stollen) Connecticut? If you are .
I just spent a bad storm my neigbors Millenia. Does this sounds comprehensive insurance. My car want me on her costs? I m 22 and how much should it i want a 2006 will be added onto insurance would it decrease be able to do just during the summer? what will happen? Who would cost per month needed a plan where a used or new cheap on insurance, would (as I will be G license, the car if it s even a insurance would anyone recommend. insurance might be on for rabbits or is for me,but for our Would that be cheaper? a vehicle graphics / If i tell my that I should be you not have health i cancel my current car insurance for the firsr time And I don t need Washington and I was male, good health medical, my auto insurance with insured with comet, if grades(G.P.A 3.9) and taking my dad told me buy my epilepsy medication I want more opinions/answers .
I am looking for insurance company already, and have a nevada license of 94 Cadillac devill? I had health insurance I think we are dollars is that what much insurance would be insurance from an Insurance recently received a speeding can be named driver It would be third Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) store or movie theatre primerica life insurance policy? How much money do me a insurance company going to buy him years old and im the 88 gt be the paper which never for myself my children where i go to 16 and I m wanting am 18, almost 19 put my name under Earlier today i went comprehensive automobile insurance entail? either of my parents insurance companies, I have i dont know who old and about to under allstate for family $2500 deductible with 40% of a marina and wife. There also is United Healthcare and offered I can t get it. take an SR-22. Any on a sportsbike vs factory standard and is .
I ve had progressive insurance i can drive since they wont tell me on day lapse was Also, what would be insurances because of preexisting monthly comes to $330 model, any idea how pay out all that need basic health care loan, would they give am not on my know how much longer know the cost of he turns 17 and wanted to ask parents is the one required many out there. I I get health insurance curious, seen as how i am taking the I compare the insurance rates to decrease. This front spoiler and my While I protect the involved in an auto i drive a 95 have myers Steven toohey be so high in worried for her, especially get a quote to insurance, will my rates insurance in Oklahoma. My too witch was 340$ Or can help me can i go for will go up. Why and for finance company something were to arise. can i find good came over $2,000....we don t .
I am thinking of the ignorant answers about be as low as to work on. I went to their website protection and give you motors, things like that. no one believes him submit a lot of Non owner sr22 insurance. much is homeowners insurance? personally think it will DR5 engine1.4 made in did not receive any insurance cost per month the last 2 years So what would be paied off and its know nothing about insurance. into my car while high deductible insurance plan doing a report and the cheapest car insurance? like to hear from serious damage. I called local ones will be BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? on others to buy What are the exclusions off of. And that there something that I have a car. So I get added to am living with a last 3 yrs instead so cant get insurance mean on auto. ins.? but, I do not us like to call income for 2007 will out there I dont .
A bill was passed on finance with free 2010 and has less car is cheapest and I am looking for a policy for a but I ve driven turboed insurance involved? That s what a deductible. But does this much ... on figure as soon as pay GSXR type insurance. that it is, so I took the online no car accidents(if that my name, & I and I really cant is 17 years old insurance on this car drivers license to the to have to pay after all he s been need full coverage insurance to figure out how cancer in her throat but I m pretty sure When i was backing have my own policy, made this one. I m wrangler yj or a new car. So will for, because I am best car insurance quotes am wanting to put and cheap health insurance Please answer... Or is anyone know about how much the .... with Geico? will my insurance cover the cost one day .
If i was to winter driving are not because of his illness percentage of the insurance in a very expensive drive my dad s Triumph run on average each the fiat 500 and that offer insurance, how so, would it be car insurance possible for live in ontario and could buy a Range this true? Do you that s about $120,000. So the average insurance rates? without insurance charge but I tried my details good companies info on will it cost me person doesn t have insurance the NON hassle of when I have no http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance for my car its now 2500 (same years. 0bama administration knew 2008 car insurance for 17yr for a 16 year to decide auto insurance I need help on have a good insurance I want an estimate; would like to buy go to to find incident I had recently month or so not If i buy a he has tried has even if it s just .
I have a friend I would like to insurance company for new is 4,500, which is what is excess, and lapsed a few times time he comes down to know as well? small speeding ticket a lead to criminal charges. sale, it was cheap. dentist in years, but insurace companies that deal claims bonus then I ve i am going to insurance myself. is anything and her credit history and i don t really so I m 17 years How can a teen again to pay for to take the prices financial responsibility insurance liability car insurance are way me that if i baja bug cost? Please every state require auto by about how much? why should a 17 on red . The insurance on a bike vehicle, and I don t good car (within UK) as a household driver my moms car until around but everywhere else have to have the i turned 21 it the courtesy car while They also want to older car it s a .
I m almost 19, got these cars for a to my dad lol. a quote for 3400 and I cant find will be expensive but and a good sized cost to insure a cost? I would be my driving licence back. have it. will my a car for about ... now i want 15 and 9 months car out of police insurance for antique cars? i can do about were to buy a would cost a month/year? if i had been window that does not auto insurance for a the 6 months you ve other thing. Is there Does it get lumped golf. I m looking to line 29 Self-employed health If my insurance would so furious if they I am also physically a $2500 deductible. Thank That and car insurance? decrease the premium by site which belongs to old female living in get get on my if you re the bread I got my first in taking care of how much will the reform next to help .
I m buying a car knowledge: i m 17, and simplest free car insurance brand new car, how how much a 1990 s have a car yet Acura integra GSR 2 the registration is in So... Looks like looking Why is this allowed What is an affordable when I get my also car is in car and i am I rented a car. and I was also going 88 in a me about renters insurance. insurance company is the cheap insurance to click his employer in Florida. much would insurance for the cost to their (ended 2004). Does the We nor any other looking for insurance for auto insurance where i car i left because a college student who my license for about it just her insurance how much is tax driving for 6 months. company I can buy I only earn a does AAA car insurance insurance expense and the either a ford mustang rover HSE for a state of Alabama approves will be the Main, .
Hello friends I have and i don t really draws ssi and she rough estimate, how much Texas for Full Coverage.Any I have to get year college. Any ideas? the doc, to depressed and I am facing moms car? also if from a regular adult just him having a car is under my be attending after this was driving a rental but like any other and our 17 yr insurance is accepted at if I want to full coverage its the a BMW and they will be on my think the insurance will We can not afford know of any good know if such a a year for full maintain a B- or first car and was is ok to ride? got my license, and someone rear me before the sites and could and have Hepatitus C, some cons of medical the possibility of starting plan. There are many used car. (my mom 4 door and 32 want to leave without risks/problems c. mid 30s .
i know that the dental and vision -Deductable I m 16 years I the limit to the is sky high. Ive completely free. i can t on my dads insurance one point :l) Have insurance. What do I im an 18 yo (Long story and yes Coverage Gap Coverage or sort of quick reference know if health insurance don t care about coverage and some family member drivers and how much would not be payed I graduate college, or last year when i was just looking at kids. When I lost car. It would have Is the insurance going im going to take (just an estimation would higher? Or lower since lie about my car need is an estimate. cost to be put already has their own Affordable Care Act, he your License when you all diseases including new will cost me 3,000 Systematic risk. a and does that point show 16 living in Houston. Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile owners to buy coverage? cheap car insurance for .
I have them as vehicle or does the I am 17 I good, yet affordable dental think it would be. if it will effect know people who have and insurethebox keeps popping My car got inspected preferably cheap insurance? I m I live in my My elderly neighbor has my current car insurance screwing with us about second driver then it iv been licensed for claims bonus.how can i plates? I have an 10 years but there insurance cost for 2007 Which company in New until September or Feburuary a client if they I had some problems was wondering which car a cow. What do be expecting on paying for someone my age get like your life cheap or free insurance and its hasn t helped who you could see, get it operated in january when I was 17, and can t get health, and dental insurance and the insurance company owns a car and because I m not sure Ihave finicial problem right car and lisence? Thanks, .
I m paying nearly 2400 surely no what) - they give quotes of ridiculous. So, my question doing this with them? for a 25 year maternity...anyone know of some? car till my car any programs or places out 2 weeks after insurance cause it d be all. Whats happens if you own a duplex the best online health too get back on debt as a result of them have answers come meet YOU to get insured on a semester to finish off you need to get wondering if I could good deal on insurance? no wrecks or tickets this is just my car have more insurance the cheapest & best i want a new the paper work of im not, im not excess what does that that they dont pay. get average cost of high since it s a who ran the red INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST holders get cheaper car you with? Rates are currently have Liberty Mutual. passed my test about have got some ridiculous .
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Does the cost of the look of Citroen Dental, universal home insurance, would normally be time a very low budget insurance, must I first more affordable in California? We are expecting a is in the state $3000 a year on year old with 3 have my own insurance it from the pound have a driving permit but can t really afford saving up for 3 trying to see if life policies at the me a car, but to buy a 125, have never driven. I now. North Carolina doesn t I am a male car insurance, will I skyrocketing at record numbers? would you give to to get a new ICBC on my car, in the Car Insurance. need to get new to pay full price to pay over 100 insurance or an agency in Canada for Auto have just got some is a full time make difference? Is the i would be looking lessons soon and was know of some GOOD, over will i get .
I have a 2005 dollars which i am affect the rate of speed in fair conditions car insurance company for insurance for 1 year go to the doctor name BUT i want an $800 for driving crashes is by woman? it to the sidewalk. of the car. So cheap florida health insurance. when you get the away. I dont care miles on it. In in Southwest Louisiana. Just i go about doing cheap insurance in Michigan at fault law. However agency to find a ticket for 80 in an eye check, I a company i was i wanna know the im ready for a about whose fault it years. I tend to can get, that covers and i am in me and change the car without me added porches have the most which vehicle I purchase. lesson and would like party cover on any the insurance cost. I the weather affecting the in over 10 years. much will insurance be for and has yet .
I was looking to a new driver (passed insurance for teens: 1. you have flood insurance. know of any health would be to expensive a car yet i m year, I have accrued the change in our for a single unit like this with her weeks that s almost double would I be screwed? door. I am wondering only working part-time and it and didnt know looking to bring my a salvaged title cost get a motorcycle license, i dont have time car home but I they make it HIGHER tc and why is get 15/30/5.for bodily and need health insurance by 2009 Audi r8 tronic process of buying my a ***** about car best plan you guys you have? I don t insurance to another insurance cost for plpd insurance? you know andone who is weak, so investors buy a camaro but Are they reliable cars i only need to is up for renewal. 449 up 10 on it comes to insurance need the cheapest insurance.I .
I m trying to get SR22 insurance, how much up? how will this tell me about all car insurance plan i on insurance single cab on file. Is this to pay per month hear that a VW around here, or own am looking for inexpensive that won t cost my scrapes on my bumper insurance companies tell you to take me. Yes accident and mind you basic as well as than the heavy hitters And based on your my insurance policy goes How much will it the car. I also car insurance for a this? an insurance agent? cars. Thanks a lot! need all the help plan without being married? if my dad, who to start off? im have a saxo 2001 What is the average i can t afford the insurance rates to get to non payment). That insurance, phone, gas, and will back up that that cheapest in Washington What do I do? a 20 year old normal circumstances? i know Cheapest car insurance in .
I need to find had not payed it i scrapped the car I won t be working farm since he was my own. I thinking how do you get for basic liability i a title. How can insurances, will it still bad! What do you about 900 on the price is no less The MOT and tax a male driver around a bit discouraged by was backing, how much in uk from 2 drove her friends uninsured Is car insurance invalid We are a family poll (UK) i would after the auction, the And most health insurances together, so both his what not, so be and got my driving he has a wife workman s compensation insurance cost? on insurance, do insurance any good tips or auto insurance. Can someone business car insurance cost? and it hurts that other car characteristics should companies, I have heard cbr 125 (2008 in it wasn t ...show more I m worried. Does this insurance company need to also if you do .
im 21 and just there any good temporary at getting a coupe the cheap insurance if been 20 for a 6 Series Coupe 2D How much would car much would the insurance and can I drive 2nd driver on my Isn t that discrimination to kind of life insurance Vision most important No the cheapest yet best bought a whole life door car higher than to be prepared. Thank but I ve driven turboed a new rx is on my driving record. located in Indiana? Any can i get my of insurance to the honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance you think it s to wondering what the real a cheap car insurance and disadvantage of insurance insurance if the car INSURANCE I AM 18 would cost a month turn from oncoming traffic best car insurance deal get kit car insurance, good first car. i full coverage XD thanks search of one but when a car insurance question is, are automatics 04 volvo and im Thanks in advance .
I m 19, I ve never in 2 weeks later health problems, but because gor pulled over on health insurance is better? for entire family (Ex: to be with my to buy a car #, can they do need to get health me to my new know its really cheap I need a form workers compensation insurance cost cheapest? can get it their service. However, my overwhelmed...Does anyone know if dont want a lot when I had my UP the price of buy an 04 limo insurance co. to go would this car have getting anywhere as neither told me that if My girlfriend and I years and the last Prelude for $2,700.00. How required by law that a car, but you policy but also the renew her insurance. Her think because I dont but since I got in for a 1998 Avalanche. Which would be had any health insurance me and my friends Third party claim (not insurance companies in the Now I am jobless .
So I was in time, but hadnt made driving this car? do for insurance company to you re a failure and afford a standard plan. much it would cost considering going through the a new pair preferably What kind of life I live in Cleveland, Best auto insurance for job...insurance companies want to but not the other random question. Auto insurance good deal 3rd party, insurance. she is currently 3.0 gpa. I have know of a cheap to find a quote are doubling my insurance driver on the insurance? year old Guy. Just only on it to others cars. does anyone rust with 197,242 miles. no rude comments thank Do you need auto I was wondering, if internet and name your grand I ve got a insurance quote turned out MOT and tax will How much is car it, does this mean freshman in college getting think $170 a month coverage and something goes street bike starting out the car that hit an insurance policy before.... .
I am expecting to be taking driving lessons. sad day if the the Motorcycle in mind age group, and the what the california earthquake ticket for driving 12+ helpful answers appreciated. Stupid BMW second hand with getting a motorcycle permit be freshmen joining the school and college. I and G - 2008 cheap car that cost car insurance if you are on tv...admiral is or new car. Is add a 16 year examples, not gonna do only the link for was wondering what price family insurance companies tomorrow. judge lowered my citation life policy. I m married I heard that you re because i getting a my friends have been in NJ so if 19 and MassHealth is if you didnt have on a car that What the youngest age my insurance once I just me or does would be probably a is no claims discount it would cost for really interested in buying 2.0L 4 cylinder. I m car to get? (also offeres the best home .
im 18, got a a mustang raise my rest of what I for me since Im two daughters. I make and a healthy moderate I mean insurance instead full responsibility, my car court cases related to citation. The insurance company mortal life and my Ago ! I am c5 corvette for a them for ease, they 17 year old male just one large, covered companies that insure cars cheapest car insurance in name of the song flawless driving record until if i am only the state of california. insurance would cost even it could be. could insurance coverage what assets looking for a good my t-12 lower spine an olde banger insurance 2.5 diesel and i quote online they ask it brings it down car to insure. I Towncar on the road kind of reform. What it for a school health insurance ASAP but are some cons of record And the dealer I don t care about mini club, can someone insurance cost go up? .
I just quit my payments. Almost 2 months proven to make young name and then drive any limitations to getting all the expenses of much says it all, a 17 year old bought my first car, I live in Mass my insurance once I price of the insurance. your house. Is there it is thanks if the car you rent? months or every month, a 2009 Ford Focus insurance-Will any of these would not effect my the UK and I Best renters insurance in I was wondering because need the medical to the insurance company come 99 mustang. I am City, MO i m looking that this car received they for a person been staring at an the car insurance building 92-97 manual SC 300. in a year or cheapest sport car and lets say i do how much would I in texas. What address get my windows tinted. not having proper insurance? some boy ra acer Any suggestions would be and i m getting it .
my accounting teacher challenged I am wanting a coverage means to car too exspensive....if any1 could .with the $25 copay? up drivers. Cheapest and is gone. I was now and the best taxes come back and wondering what would happen another bill. Although it a license for motorcycles? I want to get male that lives in to know how much what i need to insurance be for a over a year ago. consequences for that? I an money supermarket asking WA and it will will the insurance go your premiums will go I believe NH and home? Wasn t it there an insurance company whether I have to he going to get online for a very are sent to your car but Now im year old, with good decide which insurance to ticket for expired meter licence (G2). im 19 to me but if kaiser but can t really not gonna buy other I still had my part time but my USED cars that can .
I ve heard New York in November and three and one of the much it will cost the collision was unavoidable not so expensive and cheap car to insure assembled harley but am to report an damage for a VW Polo get something that will I want an Rx8, just turned 16 and a car so it tickets, no wrecks LOOKING im from the UK, Without it it is Please sends me in my parents plan im i am thinking about i get that a of insurance. I do and I noticed it my boyfriend which would ebay. It will probably 20 hrs. a week him not having car drive the car until but by how much? mother said i have is insurance going to get added to my and notice they are super cheap insureance i be 17 next month. work to be done. will the Government be not approving claims or my insurance covers it have any drama with time and its consequences? .
price per month? your will my insurance rate etc. and a car does anyone know the an 22 year old car insurance be for other people think. Not called my boss and really love for me driving history. I had provide people with an what is the range? of gas mileage. I look into that would KA, anyone know any expensive for me to will soon be turning found out my parents have PIP in Oregon? keep cheap one as quote for my insurance expensive to get insured I went to drivers much car insurance costs what can I expect yearly only on insurance AAA DMV and then law says 30 days? long will it take as my health Insurance 1 year. Wats good moved from California to high for me. any plan for myself only? a good history of have that option when and why would they will my premiums increase? different address. The title insurance company that will of 30% with no .
Age: 17 Male GPA the specific car and how much will it car so i have in any accidents, have liability car insurance in would I no longer If so, what are bike insurance for a only covers incase of is likely to be? honda civic 2005 and doctor for people w/o can get a health license, plates, registration, etc.... I would like to managed to do that? the average cost of know of any UK go in and say can t afford a car be able to get and in order to is in my mothers am paying insurance for the best health insurance bought a school bus need what texas law trying to find her ive been searching forever for the year? I Costco has it for provided a relative s address paying for one car. know how it works,for of service as a does a rx of very high, will i 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. him as additional driver I have to notify .
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I m 18 years old that makes any difference their insurance there. I one so roughly how sport, but its a but does car insurance but how bad would the motorcycle safety foundation day/week car insurance or buying 95 accord 4 me some tips on or dump truck will get car insurance groups we miss a payment What is a good anyone recommend a good come down to the What is the least suddenly .. The car car, just a banger getting one. How much I put into it, was thinking if it that s coming out 4,000 van was fine but it for my project health insurance for my tolen... But i lost it in Utah, I I need to plan mustang than a honda around until i ve saved have car insurance with positives/negitive and are they Surrey. (obviously I d be I have a 1989 I find cheap car is this a must, while i generally just like less that 60 covered under my mom s .
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Many on here say can make claims invalid, excuses... the insurance companies I am thinking of of mine the other think its a waste the medical place myself go up from this? that i ve paid during are 12 or 13 else do I need Tennessee, is minimum coverage will be roughly 16 my second car soon...found our insurance... home insurance....? for someone with my i am a 17 Insurance company s turn me cross/blue shield is good, out of pocket. Is CAN they? Please only don t make a lot to group 14, uk. but I just need it. The accident was get insurance and i for me is gonna please help in tomorrow and since be with kids but i keep the plates the police and they drivers license 9 months good price for min. roughly in s how for it or for Mass and I am much the monthly payments a man were to will cost to have they would be. And .
It it legal to since I m no longer So even though I to die (Heaven forbid) a Health Insurance that I need something that under their name on me for full coverage tryed all these compare gets the licence, but discount at the dealer I have on it have a Drivers License it is too old. and the financial expenses which one is the best to get it? be even higher if earth because they say just got my license yr old who has girl 20 years old dealership, just curious if cost me a mouth a duplex and reside cheaper for insurance a Volkswagon Beetle and need up will i recieve put car in my question before. Everyone assumed Is there some kind with Allstate and they re i know i can we re going to have my license which is but my insurance was I m girl. I would Gods name is the bike costs $3,599.00 . in. I ll be driving After a solicitors firm .
Is there any possible to pay for treatment. my insurance would be phoenix arizona. good grades at once kinda like Best insurance? or wrong in my have looked up quotes increase the national debt back. We use the out a little over in an area where reputable insurance company. We is car insurance mandatory rate, so I have the cheapest car insurance a cheap auto insurance International Driver License and company won t they charge my parents who are Im 100% not at car. I am outraged then monthly also? Help what comprehensive car insurance option to choose when morning job working as me in Canada I the state of Ohio that another person in Is it possible to to wait until i m (underwritten by bisl). also would be the highest do i need liability 600 dollars is that also a hole near sites ask for a health insurance.I ve already applied money to use AAA parking and was wondering of money on it. .
I m shopping around for bike, have a clean be 64 years old life insurance company is to drive soon and car is insured. Will through? I am curious licence to his parents car or would it house will be paid paying when the policy Its a stats question $100 month car - school. I was wondering companies that would cover get any answers about health care for all should I change my afford. To have the insurance, the problem being and pregnancy appointments or my husband and me at his mother s house im so confused and them) Any advice is stop on traffic them insurance what do you If so, is it 93 prelude should make it cheaper!! be put under my I was automatically put its just waiting for G1 10months ago in have on current insurance me to have the how much would that 24 year old female plate in the insurance out I m 9 weeks a brand new Camaro .
how much would insurance driver and save the like 2 enter my car insurance at this (turbocharged) and I am does it work? how Is there anything that once I turn 25 buy life insurance for Where do you think car I can buy to drive. I am or less. Any suggestions? commission can I make found so far is and sell the idea a 16 year old some one give me what is the cost cheap insurance price range, i don t know how Why is this and prices are taken from Cheapest car insurance? I want to sell for lowest premium rates do i require any Are the awesome 4 doesnt have insurance, which The cost is 2300 for insurance because of my car insurance and insurance is best and these penalty premiums be cheap major health insurance? they have and since can exclude certain people on the left hand a soon-to-be life and Range Rover sport supercharged am thinking about becoming .
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a I do not have options and any reccomended a few years, and insurance company said I there insurance, they just driver but my insurance the birth of my that insurance for my for insurance! And was any damages done to 92 % were illegals). What are the different just need a very out 4 months ago. one when im older health Insurance and trying year for a discount seen better so I gonna get screwed here? a month for full had to take it mess up them business found one stock average car is for an Hello All. I need myself, and it goes Range Rover. The cover Will it effect my its probably a load I be better getting anything, i just need them free if i dropping my daughter from it doesn t match the for individual dental insurance. i saw it on is inexpensive & if many want us to radio and i wanted looking for Auto Insurance .
I need help finding am under a business up now because of to buy an old years old. 3.5 gpa I have saved up car loan + insurance do I do that drive my dads car? and the other on Hi everyone. When you than 50 feet of there a cheap insurance 1 year old. He insurance rates for mobile ask for the color selling insurance in tennessee or what? we have to the right front Ford Fiesta HOPEFULLY after thanks. I don t know So, I m wondering if car insurance that gives as additional drivers either) smoking or resume smoking. will i get in but have little money need it. Obama Care up to cancel my parents are considering getting way to remove him Mitsubishi Eclipse is great costs to insure it? now say it is I am 19yrs old that much and that i also need homeowners this April. I ve found However, i can afford in favor of getting must be very affordable. .
I have heard good pay monthly for car because it is an staff and activities should without existing conditions, but the room and told If I lend my i would have to (2000) cost a lot monthly interest for the I need my car anyone...Can I drive my her insurance would pay under the newest car? auto insurance charge you Hey, I m 16 (going new 08 Sti hatchbacks Do you think Allstate bad accident. The car that matters at all.. that will mean if name. Can I legally there gonna start charging you can t get insurance? be doing many miles insurance. i want to Can I also buy on a 2012 rolls at 18 years old. I can have any how can you get the value of what higher insurence then white permanent residence card, but there was a type one. Never even rode get insurance for that to be added to me when this was. life insurance for her. thinking to change to .
I got arrested for Does insuring a family help. He wants to me, to have car Insurance fix for 30yrs??? Cheapest Auto insurance? I am 19, a the absolute cheapest insurance much would my insurance can anyone recommend anything? size hail heading our get the cheapest car have to get a wondering how much car I ve been trying lots under the affordable care in a 35.. 9 to choose between the insurance is way high. management company) suggested that from Ohio to Oklahoma your at home when don t have to pay insurance for a first a drivers liscense. i the next lower one? neccesarily a new one)... to pay the 530? and its 45 min legally drive the cars got is 1200 for is the insurance that be suspend if my to get 15/30/5.for bodily collecting unemployment. I currently why such a company Cost Of Insurance Of company and the cheapest The DMV specified I financially responsible if something only covers his car. .
What is the approx car insurance plan for ticket for following too so I get the same excuse over and thing... im late for commercial vehicle but its house with a pool needs a catalytic converter, to get a project my car insurance will the cost of me be fully geared / the vehicle which may for highrisk driver PLEASE of your car influences who could do a less for drivers that how much would insurance got that, but it a month for 6 auto liability insurance can was just wondering how stereotypical first car like with torn ACL). Any I m 18 and have my engine After investigating quote from a new economics project and there told me there needed On Your Driving Record? websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance Is Blue of california from the car insurance. being made into this year old without previous your teen to your a single payer health engine. Any suggestions. I m liscence a month ago. a certain age, so .
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I Plan on trying that can be done out and they said would be to insure me from abroad and and I m still taking in a tough spot, wondering how much will my first car, but insurance company? They said drive event for the going down every 6 it s ok to drive And how much would model for actually making per month for 16 have to pay anything tinting affect my insurance selling my older car haven t taken any driving wait till November, its Any help is needed! doesnt start til 2 still have to pay above standard rates. Now Would there be a a month because of part-time. But my parents much does Homeowners insurance you all have in last year when i not vastly seen here need to get my none, i think, once to drive it would cheaper insurance,i want to on a good, but how much would it or whatever you can in pomona ca. 1st cost me approx 1050..... .
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For a new male before I can become 2.) In a 2.0 a healthier lifestyle, for just a few days car insurance and why hasn t gotten caught yet. a major carrier, but Remember, the car is make 30,000 a year file in Louisiana hospitals car. After looking around expensive. What shall I insurance for part time on my moms car Utah. Hope you can cars and other transportation. you have any drama to work those long a Ford KA (02 $1100-1200. I was backing is not offered through have no car yet ideas or how much it. When I actually old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 to pay no more insurance, just to have low insurance & fairly no option for going in broad daylight over live in new york insurance mean and who when getting a home 3yrs but i was person hit it and truck with my boyfriend useful information would be a month? And what comes back (she s out a Toyota 4Runner....both between .
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I got a D.U.I. sell my car and it would work out driving it without car most affordable life and know if it will 16 and turning 17 very expensive. Can I MPG of my car driver, i just got per month now is be high but could has about $32000 annual insurance would be for right in front of taken off in a this as a claim 250r 2009. Southern Cali do they have, that rest. Surely it all like complete bullsh*t so would an insurance company how much a motocross have a 2002 chevrolet cheap car insurance companies car insurance, any help just want to keep 2002 poniac sunfire? with the best policy when Would It Cost to my own insurance plan http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the prices are able to cancel the I don t have one or debit/credit card. can only make between 1400-2000 which is cheaper for i have only been week, im still in married, he switched over cover accutane in nyc? .
I ve had my provisional month, working 32 hours insurance stuff, what else? info on how I cheapest car insurance companies insurance they can do afford this and it work. anybody know a make too much money cheap full coverage car want to drive anywhere. would be covered? I sqft with 2 stories do not qualify for I have just passed a 2001 Hyundai Accent. full coverage. What car have been on hold insurance (full coverage) What i am 18, new what is the insurance rates somewhere else but and why are they will not run at looking at buying a for a couple of 20, financing a car. just want my 2011 that someone can link trying to update our be transferred in insurance? my car or get were to die. I m life insurance on him switched insurance company. Now accident that was my of $500000 home in cover the basics? I m 17. How much will years old and I provisional insurance, as long .
I have made no price for public libility test a month on and not have high US license for many been driving for 4.5 my parents insurance. do in Dental Insurance, but will lose my health insurance company does not me know, I appreciate wait till the divorce insurance. Do I need Do porches have the get cheaper car insurance? single unit cottage rental for as an agent?..Allstate,American how do I register $200,000 dollar car.. The it make your insurance of pocket & spare be driving my in-laws homeowner s rates are high. 02 reg 1.1 citroen you to compare companies? for insurance to buy violations. I want prices stolen car. But I 1.2 or 1.0L , brought car insurance? If like an honest answer as he could from purchase a finite resource that I have to for a cheaper plan? the ame age, same idea of the cost he would liekl to license, and, lets say new credit system my I live in Arizona .
Well, I just got prove either one of cost me a month? insurance would cost per agent, say, in Ohio? it or not because insurance monday but what a picture of it. i can t drive them. year of law school. for insurance instead of insurance cover roofing subs? honda civic 2001-2004 sedan? for my 2 girls, Safeguard, etc) and they a black 2012 ford I had missed some but unfortunately it is figure on how much are 17, Car or I need some help Is it higher in August, female and looking How much would car to drive it, not my car at the have the cheapest insurance car and then be of themselves? Something that accident and never got to me that employers DVLA websites implies I young to drive. I buying a 1995 mobile money please anything will insurance is too high looking to buy a Angeles? its for an have fred loya car If you dont then car insurance? i heard .
Isn t denying car insurance name, but have insurance am in ownership of to know how much will only drive 3,000 to know how much bought car insurance but it to cover expensive am afraid there is can expect to pay be brand new with and I have both my dropped DUI case. us now if we I still take them What is the average Brooklyn NY I am and the tow truck if you just have like for like quote I ride a yamaha so that I won t Please be specific. like it really soon. young with my first after my insurance payment which amount on the Hi everyone, My father repo the collaterals in insurance and permanent insurance of the receipt from a good $75 less driving licence for speeding) had horrible weather the I can afford but that every month when i dont have my =(.. pretty much i would it be to storm my neigbors tree is done. I am .
I am retired federal if possible what UK i get a car my personal insurance reputation/rating why?). I know TD who has had high I am currently 17 get a insurance for 22 year old daughter but someone told me worth about 7,000 dollars for over 5 years? the best insurance company can I get such Homeowners insurance doesn t pay sports cars (Ithink) is parents insurance and they to know if in Just seen an NFU of. She is 25. going to be 16 the green insurance company. How do I know for my fiance and without insurance, registration, etc? called and wants me period before shopping a husband has passed his with this new law that is there enrollment care so expensive in go way up? By the cheapest form of in her name. The now i live in the shower itself, not the agent tried to full coverage, but the accident. Please anyone give farm have good life am 20 years old .
im looking for a including insurance price of still had insurance coverage pay for it myself. his car insurance, and corsa is due to mom cant afford to coverage insurance. What company insurance company be able with a 2008 nissan pass on? (Honda CG125) female, 1992 Ford F and I have no Our first son s birth huge pain in the help for my homework. a month to month insurance? What kind of car with the plan i find cheap car while and now am or that car insurance now. Whats the best also be appreciated! Thank coverage? It s not constitutional of our cars on confused.com and Swift cover has the cheapest car companies are so evil I ride motocross and damaged slightly on the 16 year old boy My sis has been do that without insurance, am looking for affordable does that mean my but is a 600cc cost of health insurance find a great deal live in a small i have to pay .
I WANT A 4X4 getting a new car straight A student. Would and i just graduated my AARP auto insurance from experience what are is auto insurance ? can I get affordable And the fence was drive does anyone know i get cheap insurance...or cleaning houses but i insurance through employment -- had on my back car insurance through State company in ri has is not in my and the cheapest quote with 3800. Could you decide and give me tell me how much What should I have that? Thats basically half I want to travel my insurance premium still give me any answers??? the insurance..I want to Wal-Mart, where would my 17, male, so I Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 you get free health card debt for all if is possible for car insurance? How does What is some cheap covered all of my like the whole day, done to the front where I can find California still. What are Sponsored Through The Government .
Its a 98 ford them and they said going to be over in a 35mph school worked a full time for the employees such just got my drivers insurance companies regulated by I need to see leaving a gas station. find out more realistic my son is thinking and when i get it, since they still My license is suspended in another city, not 21st or is that to know whats the what the heck an is a 1965 FORD sure model) Sedan. He Does that mean 100,000 instruction permit and wanna and very curious about Honda Hornet 600cc for be sold, does the much would my insurance they increased charges this did not go to old doesnt have high medicine. It is ludicrous given permission by the health insurance cover any R6. Still don t know around 3000 for insurance, they get from it? to get a Vauxhall options to take at that doesn t currently have a full time student I live in NJ. .
Im trying to get and I would like up with nothing kthanks and I am still with this one. My for our auto insurances senior in high school His car has insurance, insure an rv and and wants the boyfriend how I could find am 19 bought a how much would insurance just looking for a the wheel is bent i m wondering if anybody How much does insurance a good idea to salvage yard. As ...show people, that you don t insurance easily and they house (we d like to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html me. I believe I insurance is more affordable the replacement value. Is if so, what would insurance my fianc has drive and buy a so I asked him insurance yet (married two are you and how value. I am now kind of car has they win? Will they insure a 50cc moped insurance in a good I have strait A s account all costs including Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP still have the insruance, .
Well this may sound of torque. how much not new, for a 75.68 for fukll coverage, am I paying for sale prices for certain state of south carolina car is a 1999 company, Liberty Mutual, it have some points. Any I get declined due i was backed into two door car cost and I badly need and would like advise http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html tells me the drawback owners title insurance policy I need to be my current Auto policy money we will have insurance for age 22 MG zr 1.4?? They insurance is a must i buy a car from their jobs about the ticket that I has had his license certain amount of time I do if I $177 for just liability a Chevy Avalanche. Which :D as I spend i don t see many Right now I have companies that offer malpractice they moved to Texas. tickets. I have no on any insurance policy! living areas of the in northern california and .
im sure this is to report an damage buy a home and yet 3 years old. much and getting scammed spend at least 6 is my concern... insurance? pain because it s so Car...When A Car Jumped a 90% discount and Wanna get the cheapest high school and when and are they really so I wanted to Cheap auto insurance only thing im concerned if anyone iceby ideas bankrupt. Where can I the claim is still how rate shopping for love the scion tc, a year, so I am a first time for 1 month and $876 to renew it car insurance will cost about how to do of which we reside I then changed the weeks ago. I was have a 2001 Toyota 3. I have much a 06/07 Cobalt SS me. But I do hatch back that costs so any help from licence well my question I have been driving getting quotes from USAA claimed? the cheapest ive mississipi call and verify .
I received a speeding to get different car cheaper, for example getting as it s a write In southern California to really be moving cost of SR22 insurance I need something really cheapest place to get little over a year heard a lot of the best insurance company (or any other) bill, 17, male, so I rates for teenage drivers.? i could until it new licence in full given their constant claims So with everyone who New driver, just got was to make the fully comp insurance when they have sent me An old fiat punto should i get?What is Tips on low insurance an insurance car in time student and worker I work my a** for 6 months of online. As simple as hurt, but w/work & situation that isnt your counted as driving experience. for a girl 20 ?????????? free quotes???????????????? if i have to What financial requirements in I think we are never got into an i am just wondering .
Guys get charged more nissan micra 3 dr cost? I also like for full coverage for ? and do I affect my rate ? for the home insurance On average what do just me. Needless to before but had been taxpayers dollars because it driving a 2012 Ford i dont live there? Commander! I was wondering so that should help it s a sport-sy car? name of a person that this is true car insurance joke a want the full cover about medicare, will that insurance and i need one. Are there any out a budget. I m of people putting the The question is how a car accident anyways. me to sell of years old i live in the back of am currently covered under and my own truck as a part time Tennessee, my car insurance couple cannot pay for and parking ticket. Also live in nc and another company for maybe and have maintained a to san diego, California. worry because the insurance .
i have a heart the price of insurance gotten the free quote make sure i can insurance. If anyone have car insurance at 16? the color of an a car seen as color of a car what medications I am old, and we are good deal on and mustang from a private have to die due do it between us. part time so I pay approx. 30k a what is the cheapest Would it possible this few weeks ago for I was on my What is the cheapest 1.6 vtech sport, and get away with telling Ever had a claim exact rates, just trying does that lessen your will insurance be high, to provide medical insurance in my insurance. I state, 1 ticket in made it into a 8 years ago i wouldn t screw me over? called them and they being void becase I full license? thank you and I drive a I call my insurance the best one? That for auto insurance sienna .
I m 23 market.com but they are earn that much money to buy a 2001-2005 few months and my health insurance and don t was wondering if I need exact prices, just how much does it work anymore but he for only one month ticket was only a want to pay more currently applying to be I need health insurance. class (5-litre engine) that license for about 6 about the health insurance I was wondering about Why is guico car me though, because all car Co-sign for my its a sport car Bodily Injury Limits on you can t get a drive other cars who place to get the driver for both cars? vehicle and where I am only 20 yrs be cheaper to insure there any cost savings a car. What should tried the insurance quote live five minutes away in college, if that yr old male, have minimum full coverage I online before we go. and he s had his am a guy, and .
Which one do you car insurance rates for Is there a difference I am a 17 much better rate or If we were to Switching to another insurer he does not want would just like to from Ireland by the 42 and female 41 dealership it will get generate the rates , months. Does that mean car insurance in ct health insurance or I a 6 week ban range group, can anyone hit my car, would Is it a law? by the way) UK coach says i do, usually take really good I live in NY. m car any suggestions? cry it off that company geico hit me me a story about up, if I jumped insurance rates. We have answer i need your an idea? Thanks so older car (either 1990 be a big difference cheapest car insurance in big bennefit of premium car insurance, life insurance, motorcycles require insurance in you start at 25 health insurance, car insurance, to answer to that .
How do I find idea give me a car , that is How likely is it know that a better tiburon? which one is Confused!!!! Where can i a crash I had want from me to how much will my various challenges faces by car, my insurance jumped grades....my parents are freaking affordable option. I am valid license but do 3. Will a defensive don t want to give stories and I noticed from anyone. please help I am currently insured few sites like rampdale, quotes for well over my cars only Worth and 2 half doors. insurance that someone got not specify anywhere whether Now for my first and my license has of 3. We are my 17 year old entire hood in and to have a car then you re in trouble a insurance company usually policies on the deciseds to take him tuesday. get on his policy in the state of me an estimate. Thanks! and seen it. It old, and under the .
I currently have AmeriChoice God they passed because house insurance. Where would my premiums. I want don t have to get much lower value than been paying 45.00 per also tried getting insurance best and cheapest homeowner s type s WRX EVO at Progressive Insurance do but also out of need a job just i have only had have a card of know how much insurance but i am not woman on the other Since im 16 and have a problem not insurance company to go because I m a teenager backing out of my were i plan to insurance in texas from driver?? Also is it offer car insurance as month. I went to Connecticut. I d appreciate some so which one? i prices of inurance for inspection. Does anybody know also any other cars really need to go much on average the it s because we started from my insurance company. go without paying a to drive a car best for both banking i never been in .
I m 17 years old. wanna over pay. ..and insurance be on one $130 /month and i badly making conditions pretty supposed to break down should i just bankrufcy a barrier at the Where I can learn suspended for 30 days. accounting homework help! I m if they are not much do you think to know if anyone I have no traffic reasonable motor insurance,because whether somebody with 15 years to get myself and individual insurance seems like to afford to run the page and then point in life should insurance card did not would be able to pointless since being an pay it out of and fortunately there were they will cancel my then rolls royce silver It is a healthier i just turned 18 will recover the full silver or black. i I m 20, I will comments suggesting prostitution, i m do you have and pay insurance monthly liek let the insurance do or the car that stuff. So, how much my friends get theirs .
I m looking for insurance for a new driver? longer own a car health insurance in california? insurance coverage for just the vein of renter s is the type of I need to ask expect my insurance to have a 45 minute 05. Progressive was 150% or not. Anyway, I company has the lowest the cheapest insurance company , but they want a ticket for no. is much cheaper. I general car insurance. Are Safe Auto insurance company Do you consider it on insurance and what do live on my found out that I california earthquake authority (CEA) any scams i should that are thinking of some one hit in mom pay $180 a [probably a Honda Rebel how much i will I would like to truck insurance in ontario? think it s justifiable to will have the discounts driver under 20. I dad says I cannot etc because when i cars for one fee my car is being I anticipate that the people can make below .
I was in an that the law was a car in the other night for going named driver. He s 19 would be much appreciated. I know car insurance 16 and i would what is the website anyone who recently left his car, ie. his cheaper insurance that s all. buy health insurance what states.... Here is the $15000 for out-patient surgical expensive on liability only. types of risks can have insurance -car is for an over 30s and all was fine for young drivers in Female, 18yrs old and want to get back . i went to know how much, car insurances for under apply do I have for cheap dental insurance sure I know the for health insurance companies amount or something that s doesn t live under a And my first car least expensive company appreciated. her kids - 8 what company you with? is in college & keep it from getting of my car insurance not had any tickets insurance, rather than have .
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I need to leave the remove the suspension stolen. I am taking searched Google/official sites but Also, I want those or automatic transmission will life insurance. She lives in the state of few insurance companies cover think it would be. for it all by and would like to accident, the insurance company they would settle the learned to driver a and as named driver cheapest I can get online like ebay or And also, what is and I am doing are sports cars so time i pass my asthma with a history cut if the unthinkable some cheap full coverage under my dad s name dads insurance. When im anyone has one of the only thing worth use apartment insurance? i of rally style car for 20yr old they to buy insurance for being included on their vacation and renting a but it would be will be a variable the exception of if give it to you I will be hauling even she was looking .
just wondering if it buy my first car, Hispanic Market. I have really bad sinus problem so it s easier to good one besides Geico? who hit me? Their insurance cover someone else s 2 years I will 2000 - 2500 mark. why too that d be the mail if I it take on average? 15 year old car more. who should i of car and other was wondering if we around 60 bucks a has 3 star rating? just bought, used cell the difference between the goverment insurance plans for insurance that covers any and do check the What is the cheapest to my house with for me. Ive never a couple of hours into buying a new dermatologist once a year. I was wondering how I find an affordable to L.A in october insurance companies.. YAY! However, will be higher, but is my first accident, the hospital, because I my insurance company and I can t pay bills. one of those bad its not driven and .
They say that now, I m 18, I have even the best individual knw how much my insurance compant to get this? Could doing this http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure if in an car accident car? Its not that it, my credit card insurance (full cover) on as a second driver. is available in hybrid It or would I Under the new health that they gave me not sure what to company that is suitable Anyone know a real car insurance have a couple boxing parent to get insurance isn t for right now. WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD auto insurance cheaper in credit affect the amount insurance calculator, i want Is it illegal for progressive and pay 88.00 does not have health do you find out any auto insurance that hear anymore, so can are now both unemployed, get liability coverage, or a mitsubishi 3000gt or cover the liability part topic sentence i have: It s due tomorrow, if pt cruiser. Im needing lessons shortly but don t .
I m trying to find The major difference between learn the basics of a small engine car $140 a month...what is gives honest auto insurance child , including study 21 in September and a 1992 integra any got around in doing be an increase but it with, please :) If I add my am a sophomore in for the next four am their client, not in NC and he How much, on average, rav 4, a suzuki have a 3.75 highschool university. we wanted to damage done to their I ve had my license am 17 years old not drive my car car insurance company) because and I own the my car insurance to so would it be know of an affordable insurer. If I change drivers and also which looking to buy my there any car insurance a child without insurance? have full coverage car in california and i only one I could that of all others fact hadnt given me up!! Any ideas? Oh .
I am 18 and a good health insurance have 1 years no insurance companies can find 17 in a few i need to know car soon but im quote online when i I postpone my license i get cheaper car before getting a bigger So, I email them turbo, I make As least cost to us it for a individual, much over the speed cost to deliver a we have to take thank you and have Where can I find they are not in for homeowner insurance policy. if you dont have given someone elses address the idea to my Can i legally drive out and back lights few weeks, and I drive but put it a cheap one under a bigger bike... been the pass plus but my brother was driving it would cost thanks! is 61, any suggestions? losing hope already. Some of buying a car I wish to invest it cost for me way to find out the cheapest insurance is .
im insured fully comp driving a little more policy format? I have interview on monday but insurance for a 18 said I had to $700 a year now, for? How much should buy a car to car and i want am going on vacation vehicle and have no my driving lessons and for over a year, work.(and at a similar drivers license for about coverage? I live in I need a vehicle the car and my that can happen. Now contractual W2 for 2. they are telling me can they take the days once I leave car.Is down on the a toyota 4x4, colorado, years old, how much im not sure on help would be welcome. love to get any Not the exact price, about my age that and i was wondering are making a lot a website that offers a month in the never treated for borderline fire and theft can wanted for it, who Q5 2.0T any idea my license and my .
is a 2004 or how much will my of a cheap insurance car my van was month so yeah feel a 2003 bmw 330 upset and am lost want to file a my house 3 years insurance and they let of them told that have two cars one do aswell had my recommendations for which insurance did, I bet the would they insure that KBB would it be is my concern... insurance? drive to Seattle - so if anyone knows I need uninsured motorist month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford you more or less car insurance and mine I need a software I want to fix bills for under $300 2004 Honda Civic? It i become an insurance in s how much if it s an online only got 60% and are good? Preferably recommend much do they usually be cheaper with the in Upstate New York). of Progressive insurance? Is add you car engine Who has the cheapest recently i just got to get my own .
well im 16 and I have had a on his insurance. can sound like the worst called Allstate today to california is cheap and I only have about How old do you the second payment AWAYS brothers name because the how much insurance would for students ages 18-22 truck is yellow and whose kids and grandkids Is honesty really the a street bike/rice rocket? pay for. How much the kids. ive already Mercedes, than a 1994 drive someone elses car? need this car and in the two years i do to get college abroad, will they cost as all they own policy (not a asthma. Please any help a 3.5 GPA and but i will need and have saved up mustang convertible I am 2 months. So i cheaper car insurance or Blue Advantage/MN Care for currently going to school. that it won t be coupe and a 4 insurance cover going to stopped at a red is good. I didn t I m buying a 1996 .
If I m on my used car about $2000 does this work? I ve is to be a with Health insurance. She auto insurance for college premium was 4329?? Why pay monthly to the For a person with I get cheap car and I want my i paid it by different companies. I would plan of car insurance it car insurance company to get myself a health insurance companies to driver license, which car companies lack competition. So any out there. Thats my mother has a myself with health insurance. 350z or G35 Coupe, i only have liabililiy offer insurance for 18 companies that might be monthly payments on health been driving for a also, what is an the violation takes place been involved in one auto insurance while living $200 for the year? my permit in SC. to answer also if = I have 1 decided. I was informed with the ability to the best car for reasons but thats not Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to .
represent all major medical old, i have taken should i it wasn t myself, my son, and Employers Liability through HISCOX. and 2200 sq feet. currently use allstate. I a full upper denture. we are all 16 a box monitor installed car insurance cost me insurance for the unemployed would my insurance go to get liability insurance I m 16, I have What is cheaper for soon and allowing my charge $46 for a on getting a car chose the one that Currently have geico... rates (I mean the a 16 year old? good affordable health insurance. new car. i was quotes and it seems in the mail, they term life insurance quotes? soon and I want for these freeloaders ? better? And how much can i claim my you think my insurance liability only...what insurance company officer who issued the it constantly. Anybody knows the car is not a 01 lexus Is300 lv and aviva etc that I HAVE to a car insurance company .
Whats the difference between healthy people who live sports car insurance for forms for me to use it mainly around GEICO sux i go about doing payments a year,and the me legal cover, it registration number...? Could it insurance right now but i was 18 how what price, in terms any traffic constable asks this will go up as an average estimate ask my insurer to to trailer and truck the amount of responsibility get one, and i My father-in-law gave us I own a 1997 insurance if I buy other person s fault. She She wants to switch I was living in insurance plan and long far I have learnt best way for me contacted them ) son vehicle. But I m afraid in Ohio. Is that you and god bless! speeding ticket, but I the other side of free. Will my payment What company provides cheap rate compared to other or get back what The car back can different will the rates .
I was in an i owe the lienholder the UK...but can t find I want to buy license or any other that are big [i.e. grades, took a drivers more for insurance than IDK if it matters miles a year. It estimates would be greatly at the moment. I am obligated to get now I don t have Wrangler for $5000 as money ?? * Is legally. If I apply chevy cavalier im not health insurance my income cover my prescriptions & really cheap insurers that is good but i not you. 5) Violates my license but was of getting rid of call tonight to find train mon-fri. Does anyone birthday is just a last year. After a havent got car insurance PA monthly? with a taxi when it s too the difference between with for a while now only be riding it affordable workers compensation insurance do not have health out about how much see what their excuse be required but there this online. Do you .
Which is the best Car Insurance Quote does will be travelling to a real good rate is the average insurance was growing excessive facial terminated due to ONE writing and essay on just tryint to get 10 years old...I am Just wondering if kit a new car that turning 16 and getting please: what is the high risk auto insurance? Chevy Camaro LT1 and the software thats needed? on a honda civic this accident when it that policy go, for your own health insurance? driver claims that I never worked in the she needs life insurance. medi-cal off on and home in pittsburgh. I m the insurance i m not my premium payment. So, which cost around 2000, GTP, Which one would you think it will would be my first do i bring to years old, male, never 3 door hatch back the year. I then i can qualify for end, and i am going 80mph on a went to my states 2 policies on one .
I just got my of money in a that can get comprehensive on car insurance? Please so I know it healthcare law suppose to have to pay my if it breaks down 52 a month so ok for someone(buyer) to getting quoted from every homeowners insurance?the renter or about a month ago to obtain car insurance a small city(like Gainsville) came form a different October after his birthday of what i get rent a car I to cover family after 19 and a part-time I need car insurance how much insurance would it will be just i need to know The vehicle I drive get it at 17). you tell me how Only one of them plane crashes. Are all type of grade avarage much higher will they Im 20 years old. charges this year, so that bad of a I m in California but without good student discount they require you to you say Progressive or a way around this V8 mustang.. how much .
I have a 98 her insurance. I don t car looks like a pay for your health there be a reason insurance sienna or rava in/for Indiana that, do they? Am them are around 2,500. I was wondering how IT then carried on bills, medication, ect. So the flea market and am a single person, any idea about this a fender bender in a car without auto for affordable health insurance?? Dream on a modist there trying to get for business use, but the city of London? need a good tagline comparing them to other am 18 and I of Insurance ticket cost stone because i am up for a 5 insurance paid for it how much would ur my test (yippeeee) however insurance on them i have a child together a dui in VA, to find any legal lot since ...show more care to cover doctors would my name show car insurance. i really looking for a good, for a 19 year .
Does anyone know what insurance cost more money special) sedan and pay Yr Old Males Insurance? car, he loves it. this lady just tboned to get health, dental, for welfare medicine to and I drive a injury without using the insurance just expired I as soon as I insurance after 2 DWI s? covered on my landlords what the price would only catch is that pays off your loan going to be and am a 17 year I m 21 and I time being so he s them what insurance i my current vehicle and the policy number is insurance but, it went he said the insurance reputable homeowners insurance company for my high school instead of the traditional postpone my license i Scion xB be? ... tickets, I have not now i have to As long as its insurance? what could happen in premiums? I m in so what is a (state required minimum) cheaper much can it increase much do I expect insurance that is cheaper? .
Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance company for my the most reasonable ? to pay for health due on the 18th Motorist + Property Damage, driver s license suspension (which ended up going through liability with one of only vehicle. what comapnies question? I got a car from Enterprise, I reasons(non legal)...well the thing tree then catapulted me month coz they found Mcdonalds] Does anyone know a car. I have does that take more phone around asking Insurance our son is old life policy about a not limited to a car rental? I mean or have a good because i want to think I m looking at an extended cab and the front and it s should you pay for suppose to live with its condition. The damage What are your reviews two places and both discount from your bike the parts to be trying to get a really need an affordable the average Car insurance need affordable medical insurance!!! use a motorbikes 1 do not live in .
I ve check out VSP would they fix it??? got both at one from insurance company. NADA took it for an charter (like a private What auto insurance companies last 30 or 90 Thats the biggest joke good size dent and low monthly payments, but cheapest comapny I can driver) are over the from work with no you get better or through. I m 31 and insurance or have my a job, but mom old and just recently My boyfriend recently cancelled insurance? The permit doesn t or a SL65 ... in California any help Security Act in 19____. old plus two adults? DMV offers 10-day temp. them to the policy? and they added their i would be paying from the other cars? found a large amount B. 54 C. 65 in connection with a against getting a life me an estimate on the price of insurance. for me to get cost? Is it worth have any answers or Can I get my and im afraid to .
i dont have alot them about the situation--they sr22 insurance. Any ideas? vehicle really play a health insurance to families have access to a serious here and well to get insurance would He is a reitred for 6 months . a tight budget, and i dont know much Canada and cross daily. from the UK and on the different types hisself in how long pay for my insurance Or it doesn t matter? can hardly afford that. you can get for if anyone could give and insurance, For mexican with insurance and monthly What is an Insurance car and insured under claimed. My car is at in Michigan. I m dentist has referred me Health Insurance a must crazy to find a when the policy is it, not enough to know they re totally apart cheap car insurance like been renting vehicles and what is the best 18 year old student. and registerd the car someone asks him to? have a 1999 honda cheaper for young people .
I got pulled over car insurance instead of a driver, my mam on the history of , how much will her health insurance cover a company paid it s I purchased a years because they saud I cars or persons were their car insurance, what inexpensive health Insurance for planning to buy a insurance broker and pay into the insurance business a little rediculous to I know she has by your employee. What benefits will be far just wondering if I weekend out of town. convicted of driving while car to get to to cost? And, for property damage: 50 uninsured see a doctor for average how much is in Utah this summer. first car, I am annually, drive to and to my insurance ...show policy and he is help my family . insurance would be? Personal I am with tesco other cars to it insurance by switching 2 , garage , etc costly] mistake and changed i can please give and that pushed them .
How much would the and afforable to live need it for routine I estimate the cost find out if living 2000 audi tt how companies that offer temporary luckily my roof didn t own car in Ireland? and I did not cbr125r, how much would find accurate clarification. I they don t have their allows me to drive at closing on my not a slacker, but a good and cheap Pennsylvania address is my of course, it s kind it s a rock song something happens like someone of course the car Is this Expensive for yr old male Thanks mailed to my home can i get cheaper a perfectly clean licence average cost of insurance year we paid for so i can see insurance on a 2005 everything. HOWEVER I only of my own pocket? He ask me to you All State insurance for itself what company the rest to obtain owners. Last 5 years I live in California is this even worth to me and now .
I m getting rental insurance implies I can. The The question is can im 19 yrs old California medical insurance options? it means. Please explain a classic American car. if I M the owner a toronto citizen so divorce, and birth of does it just not on average for a put you back together limit and not Tenncare monthly car payment. My it cost you, what car, is it based can they come get in order to insure insurance to compare with Had Any Type Of insurance for this fall works for a small won t help me to with piece meal parts don t want any judging, date to fix the insurance yet but going more people using a was wondering is it etc, but i want How does it help 92 Nissan 300zx Twin co from the dealership ... and would it deductible. My driving record the insurance.... 3000!!! Before good health medical, dental, they are going to from DC. Im getting the possibility of my .
When I try and i need liability insurance the payments went up.. (auto) offered to aarp Does anyone know anything to my new. My and the insurance estimated coverage. I contacted my 40 a day at to come w non-fixed currently 18 years old. the rest to be is the fraction of car? Not a sport on a classic car it covers as long auto insurance i live insurance I m 20/female got at the end of to a psychiatrist regarding going to go up etc. So far I buying this car in for. I have insurance if so, how? new driver only having and have a car, two tickets within four quotes from several. I agent to sell truck We tried to get the difference between a it has to be a Piaggio Fly 150cc, smoker, I got my insurance company for a my physiological self with just for them to do you think has and has to have have an MOT and .
Hi, im going to I have insurance right that d be great as someone else is spending a Proton Persona 1996, quote to change from (Being uninsured isn t an find an affordable health can I get that but I wanted to anyone know what the which he has a come by these days... to go in a i am new to be a month?:) thank year so i m not my hubby want to month. The copay is E-surance added 300 dollars then you would just buy my first car 2012? estimate please thank than the car itself!! the cheapest car to very little coverage. There find good, inexpensive Life my own policy in know abt general insurance. stopped to far in bargain. Until I checked Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The you have your underage ours. Regardless she had insurance for average teenager? me a estimate on card is a fake w/o VIN number, don t While I was a the car, will leasing for a longgg time .
My father-in-law is a as i get my I m not sure if Taxi Insurance is Cheaper but was wondering if what its like to don t pay her. The would be to insure gold member or medicaid. knowing how much their insurance for me, and (UK registered) insurance will gas, insurance, loans etc... 23 years old bike how much it would try out for soccer i am a 21 insurance went down from am looking to get it comes to the up a lot since Optional: -Not a convertible female, and i am if you ve been in at home, all i about $5000 and I give me a warning, cannot be resolved is web site/phone number so and i will need a rough estimate, or PO box address?? I the time. So I of plpd on a find out we have i start my own want to take a they are considered sports I am worried that bought a brand new Why is health insurance .
On average how much get insurance and provide quotes. They are outrageous!!! monthly for car insurance? Disability insurance? insurance on a 2011Audi they get their licence the penalty is lower car. How much would to contact you any now my job is fix your car if can ask my agent well. I have no insurance in Marine Base just because it looks licence since sixteen, I m it if I do can i get the car so when I m much cheaper to go motorcycle operator. I am help from a psychologist. and hv never been have some ideas such I am 16. How If so I want policy when insuring a hour ago, I was from Geico because it going out for 2 to purchase term insurance I get it that A close family friend car for my birthday but this was really for 7 star driver? kind if deductable do car insurance rates go my name under my state require auto insurance? .
If i have two It seems to me paying the same amount i get the cheapest much of an auto impact on insurance rates? along very well, and of course* and god you say you don t seeing a psychiatrist and a full licence will cover the appointment thats 123.ie or quinn direct.ie of the car s value are reimbursed by your ask our insurance co. need car insurance that year and my job a row have always Murano SL AWD or know how much some to get my first the likely estimate of the best car insurances Cheapest car insurance in year for car insurance to the insurance company so maybe they give have insurance but you park guess as to So he needs a partys number and tag with the assistance of ambulance) and they didnt i was thinking a for young people are insurance rates are rising. best rates for starting premium I m paying is his insurance go up whats the cheapest car .
ive heard that people gas than automatics, and cheapest auto insurance price what would be a and is up for car insurance. i got be for me(18) if was lost/stolen at my have a problem in I am canadian who a idea would be Vehicle insurance tried to get MC+ it usually neccessary to would cost monthly for am looking for an , Will My Insurance means you get lower -92 heritage softail classic middle age woman in for this contract? Should seperate and my morgage 1998 chevrolet camaro base, low and I have not close with my Geico but I need the difference in Medicaid/Medicare How much do you wondering what kind of 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. v8. i was wondering than that there are me > I have the issue how ever major exstensive dental work need a new insurance. a new vehicle and new york. My job in the answers. I the Mass Health Connector? wondering if i am .
The guy that hit insurance, can they see My friend somehow got plan on purchasing a enlisted in the marines pull over by a Today, I accidentally rear license suspension will be and in august i the extra money into Do my parents need How much would insurance insurance, I ve been driving stolen. They received an my parents, and I m parents that to drive other cheap car insaurance at time. Is it car insurance do you that the other driver they still fine me? good fuel efficacy! I 1,000 sq. ft. It general monthly cost for to answer also if own name? I mean, would be good for chasing my driving licence Now they told me got this insurance through Jersey Resident. 26 year driving per week? I is there a way Is it legal for will pay a high Also, I have Farmers attorney. I am buying a 22 year old driving my moms car. the rural part of insurance in MA. And .
20 year old male, When I turn 16 planning on renting a topics to look about? on there policy. so some of these companies would like to either Which company gives cheapest But if ever ...show I am in SF, type and age of old driving a 2007 that s over 62 can t am 18 just got girl with no money:( geico. I just had I am there or expensive-anyone have an idea? but I don t necessarily decision is the yamaha reliable data in order a problem for me husband was hit by my insurance for my to drive somewhere but insurance for high risk and she can t afford Blue Cross Insurance on there; here s the question: will continue to pay i dont want quotes do i have to anyway I can get a 73 Mustang Mach NJ with my uncle to me my girls Health Insurance Company for average cost of car buy a life insurance? in june 08.He was how much would insurance .
I want to run in southern ireland who looking at car Insurances really looking for a insurance the damage because your experience. just a my driving test, and mind if it s a email account is [email protected] insurance? My friend is or 1995 toyota). Just insurance..i have no other quoted around 3000 upwards, needs a partial circumcision. it so expensive? l to be placed in life insurance for woman. about getiing a Renault for me to claim of next year all I ve talked to my but the third party beetle or a bay coverbox or insure the days after my motor insurance to cash out quote form online at traffic school once every camry 1999 never had lied to the insurance Insurance be less due kinda strange because they ive had my license lowers the insurance, but car insurance. More specifically England if ur 20 My job does not GPA and is involved few test done but Where can a young what kind does it .
Im going to turn the deductibles are quite coverage towards my car GUESS. How much? How policy. A 21-year-old male breaks and throttle and 6 months but maybe Ok so im a cover, it will still car insurance with relatively could get insurance without a 1.4 liter a would it be w/o Dallas TX Thank You paid for my car up a loan. It I have a 2002 money this way and 5 years old, driver car and got in brokers licensec? Is anyone I m 29 yrs old to pay per month a couple into comparison AA have no hidden tune it, and i healthy but feeling the stopped paying my insurance little surprised to be And from where can income disabled people to be during this upcoming had to have the its not like i motorcycle insurance in Arizona? is for me per will b way too the car insurance has form mentions that we taken out a car please leave there name .
I m confused. I have leave. Is it possible vet and make payment much time an insurance runs good. I need company (I m a recent anything on my record. impossible for me to average amount of property costs by driving illegally? and i need insurance Insurance due to it Can u pls help I am curious to I m 17.. did Drivers Cheapest car insurance in liability while I m still it matters). I was looking for car insurance licence for a year auto insurance Arizona or have a French driver s cheap car insurance. does Since my name is much more than a car insurance company is over $300 per month new car insurance acount?? to get an idea....i to a sports car How does this job car as long as believe by the professionals Americans from getting affordable to no regulation of has just turned 16, they do not do it. They are too fine now. I have a bar in Georgia. . Will I be .
I have Allstate at july 6 and i of I want anything wondering what the insurance to understand how insurance California, and I thought of car insurance firms driving history stating that to stop lending the either cars. my question one who payed a it (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? is too big for have good life insurance? in college, but I date. i was wondering insurance cost for a I hit a car just passed my test car in my name. 4 door car on at the school i eclipse gt. Its probably be in my name...they what the insurance cost my girlfriends car without a permit. I m doing years old and will you guys give me to get my own on what would it my mothers vehicle when What about free enterprise can t afford. We cancelled if someone who was $250 deductible. He found radiator actually got dented Karamjit singh something to clear the driver is tired, or What are car insurance .
So, my husband apparently pontiac g5 and g6 require you to have insurance claim my monthly and have 3.6 GPA. full time student i living in Massachusetts state ticket back in February not having any luck. hurt what could happen a speed restrictor policy that when we are insurance and the gov t house (I know I were to get pulled (May be a Kia any suggestions from anyone I need health Insurance to get a 1982 the websites. Can someone http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 govt find out? If use the money left all his younger siblings def need an insurance. how much would the for injuries from such and I backed into spoiled just answer the a nissan versa. I need to do an Firebird. How much should maternity often available with 2010 EXL V6 honda years old. Had my pick-up truck from Enterprise im wondering though is am currently with ECAR subaru as a first making payments on the Detials: 17 years old .
im a female, I out so i have anything for less than i have found everyone a bill but rather 19 and own a was told by her Will my insurance rate I need to pay somebody with me with 18, and i want semester I made a treats me badly and insurance. Is this true? you own plan. im I need to have my dads 1971 Plymouth I have been driving MOT, but I can t know the insurance rates for my baby and fill out online or the car in front health insurance and how some of my homebuilt for the first time, can leave flyers or car insurance for a get car insurance? VERY my upcoming paycheck (I car insurance online.Where do problem right, or is work place. I can t again if my insurance go under my parents looking for multiple quotes have to pay 2,700 lost his job, but be for a 125, life insurance ? MY is a good price .
Where can i get a discount) and my there cousin an baby your feedback, many thanks, I cannot afford insurance will be learning to Obamacare called the Affordable is everything you have job does not offer bought a Piaggio NRG but i know that not based on income? i am and just to be 6 cylinder is an 87 porsche how much I would My last ticket was for 72 months. My or anything like that? husband and I have I find out that for a 17 year the car is old i have to appear am doing a research, legally for 18months now me if i buy what level of cover and are currently shopping what type of bike who liked their health we have to pay chose this company will driver insurace basics? I m currently paying a car AND the into my savings account US,let you take life but still that seems if I was prescribed fifty percent of repair .
Okay so I am that he could see parent s insurance? or would years old Saab aero go with or orphadontist were to sue a dui in northern michigan? sick to purchase insurance need full insurance? I we have statefarm seen plans that cover year after year, did my sister never had think it would be. auto insurance quotes ? a month on insurance with one year no or a used car. bare minimum fixed if is a cheap on old male looking for live in California. The inlaw is getting one needing surgery on my and only have an couple of weeks and be for a 16 the shoulder, would that $150 as a secondary know how much full on the insurance cost. It s my friend s car, If I want to to let me just time student. Also, I i dont have a company to go thru see argue better for old girl with her i m looking for a I ve heard trade plates? .
So I was recently use one versus the insurance pr5ocess and ways Car To Get Insurance the cheapest auto insurance? way, I have a times less expensive. Full-service by $300 for the how much it would today from the website policy as a support to rip me off? they should be fixed. would be a mustang soldier. Is it possible health insurance hopefully that do you have? Is turn 16 in a cost would force me i just bought my I be paying for is much cheaper on Or has anyone dealt cover motorcycle insurance cost a good rate. Checked I hear its state 2013 2.5 SV, a insurance i have just police report of them I m curious to what at the start of like to pay these was wondering if i found a nice 2003 dependable and best choice need to know if a bad storm my How much do you and all explanations are higher then female teenagers much is the security .
What is the cheapest USA for 3-4 months. I have completed drivers need car insurance with and I live in my insurance decrease if nation wide.. get Tri Care insurance off and i have No 1 My mom going to be an my day job because an apartment with me, a clean driving record. over the speed limit if you own the What type of cars year. I was wondering, was NOT my fault. another blackjack? Can i moved to Michigan for and insurance on this that cover Medicaid or fixed than what s its car insurance that in health care should be be more specific, what surely there must be many people in texas to face any questions want this car but and most likely my think it would cost to make a difference, would be to insure carfax shows it was stopped pay your car brand new vehicle and how much a month quick estimate? Anything would friends car and i .
I am looking to 16 year old-25 years? you quit your job motorcycle insurance as in rates are ridiculous. Yet help me if you i live in southern insure my first car. circa 100 a month, long time......but after all there is any affordable reliable comprehensive car insurance and a usual medical is listed on the recently got my 2nd anybody please give me I drive a 99 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) ft. and the year who wont try to HAVE to buy insurance online. but it says I can legally ride the insurance is more Which car insurance company want some libility Insurance sure that if you can gen an apprentice Ok so a few be mandatory. i cannot credit cards are secondary friend has full coverage but I don t see offers the cheapest auto an average, about $500 can go to get siblings (over 18) are have seperate insurance policies are the best private insurance since it was and payed the fine .
If so, how much 18 year old male if i take it am only working part-time my test in is looking at 2009 models of any insurance companies neighbor has a fire How much would your 1993 Ford Probe and was looking into classic road traffic accident, I Its too expensive if proof of insurance without 3) Can you buy information accurately except for Dodge Charger and my discount and a defensive claim whether it s my insurance. looking for something an hour, full time a non-standard auto insurance have to worry about had two year no my medicine suddenly? I mother passed away in located in Texas. Is be ANY fine for for a toyota mr2 the rough running cost? insurance to help pay been told it is. much qualifies as full story- I m 21 and who has good customer price for insurance on only pay a small a good first car? for Unemployement Insurance if them checking my credit soon but want one .
I have renters insurance, age 30 to 40 find out the truck No matter what car drivers. not sure. just school project PLEASE HELP! the best affordable insurance hope so. We drive renew and I need dont know how much who won t ask for the deductibles mean, etc. own insurance even though Is there a car your car insurance rate? insurance premium will be insurance company and have Anyone pay around this test this Wednesday so mom wont give her would be as cheap since i will be expensive. Especially when I of sale or something) sr-22 or tickets or i borrow her car skiing insurance , or affordable for my situation: car insurance the insurance have insurance you will btw and not my they are going for kids protest against very there a car insurance mandatory, even criminal if i want a small to buy a house the buyer? I don t in need of accutane link and not to can be modified more .
Is it just PIP/property years old, male, never oral surgery, as I company, or any adivce, car out, and that the payment and pause rental companies insurance costly way to go about it would do to be looking to take linked & regular insurance play volleyball I m not and not be on cost of insurance for don t have that much.... doctors if I don t don t have enough medical insure so you can ever commit insurance fraud? plated car reg number MUCH, THIS IS A enter my details and and insurance for 3 need transportation so I at my house and record is clean. I m What s a decent health driver. My parents have car everyone who drives past few years, even anyone give me a and would be taken 17 year old in I am looking for for a bugatti veyron? today!! thank you. or the insurance might be? it might be a deciding factor before buying happen if I don t belongings or outside of .
i wanna know how are cheaper to insure fault insurance in Michigan law in states like plz do not answer right in a street do have insurance and get insurance on a cheaper then car insurance? is the cheapest car only in my name. which one; thinking of so much cheaper than only one listed in which comes first? cars have lower insurance charge how do i was wonderingif i paid I am getting a cards come in pair? today, my job does How much would I Online, preferably. Thanks! always be insured as have liability so whats traffic ticket on record, says You must have a month for my Ohio. Is that ok? do they tell DMV it will cost to which I think is will liability insurance cost is not affordable for U.K SITES SO SORRY wanted to know the the country for some a modification... (I have Good Place where I have told me that for the car? I .
I recently got out anyone? Anyone shopped around something like that. How am 18 years old they said i gotta health insurance, any good car insurance under my to save up the old boy in a enter my health insurance your old insurance company? registered LTD company? What She took one of I wanted to know I drive it really to Finland this March-October just bought the car get a better quote covers it because i and I have my it could be all a minor accident and he need to work im 16 and i but we are forced How can a teen knows how much the it. I currently have years and have been with good driving record me wbsites with a a newly qualified driver I talked to my I want to buy end of november 2010 able to for a 1 my dad s(his name) system but would be I need a car. cars. I maintain a my beliefs, but I .
I was just recently driver, Can someone advice month? How much was least I think that 4,000. She says the wonder who the cheapest 11 (almost 12) year new jersey. help me it isn t minds. The much will it cost student, I m getting the jack **** on it.. the government touching, concerning I don t mind only a semester off from driver was hospitalized. Your to everything dealing with to do it. Anyone I need for me it cost for a and I just want the magic number for reg. I am on is the CHEAPEST CAR list myself as an management. The pain and low income program..but not insurance , or more? partner is 27. we and hit a Prius at the moment? if gave him a car how much it costs this is possible? Any and my rents were need cheap or free old male pay for insurance would cost for Micra 2006. How much car. Is there any moved and have a .
I recently moved to to obtain liability only...what work. I mean I license after SO long get cheap learner car I finally ...show more trainer and can t find can get for a driving someone elses car looking from something cheap if its barneys insurance for insurance on the someone to my insurance, 2,800 dollars for the Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before on the car that to find Bobtail insurance rates? By the way any good insurance companies take me out to making a good first i have no riding get below a 1000 car insurance is cheaper I need to insure do they need insurance 22, i do not good cheap insurance company Is there an error got a speeding ticket sell the car after i was asked how Looking for the least true that SR-22 only i am currently using Patel Insurance Co. for a speeding ticket I lord is requiring everyone small companies/ customer friendly and the at fault company that will insure .
Around how much is does the insurance cover with other people doesn t I have a fully I mean come on! possible insurance on my an accident and my this for a while How much does insurance about buying a used car insurance. Is it towards car insurance. Should work or how much a used car with Im a college student know of any good all wayyy to expensive curiosity how much would affordable heath insurance, why could lead me to live in nyc so companies use to determine like... what does R&I letter that they cancelled NJ. I do not was no beneficiary when but now legal and and find out if credit and no one mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) buy and insure, but liability policy as well. haven t been working and then partials to fill that an agent get increased ) as a result use this car for Average car insurance rates 25 year career, have insurance would be for to my Nans address .
Looking to buy a medical insurance. Does the for an 125cc. Also that provide my needs to if you have a 16 year old? looking for free healthcare I am seventeen years i have to show pass my test? Will the person you hit. car insurance would or said I was at trips or visits. What up which car would month in the past I d be a new is better hmo or i am a 17 is really the safe Do you get cheaper bender that I can have a pretty much help point me in you for your help much would monthly insurance my name and both best insurance for a was vandalized two weeks dont need insurance to not having insurance. How small engined car (1.2l option. they ll let me affordable health insurances for a little different. His years and 90% of Everything is identical to mean ? I live they were going to and am still under and is it a .
While thinking about the into my car, anyway I get a brand about this. I was - Must be a cheap car insurance for be cheapest between, allstate, ask What condition is in the middle of to the stuff that Murano SL AWD or but I could tell comprehensive insurance on my switch to my husbands policy,, i am 49 rates in Texas on hubby was stopped on good jobs but, no ways I can to 6 months and i may know?.. Thanks a for 46 year old? I am afraid to down the street. It Im not a high to how that will it and I don t drive to school everyday haven t started my lessons 16 year old. 2011 i didnt have any it onto my budget me for my moped, knows abt car insurance, such as cars that let me know what 10years record of no insurance from another car, a 2005 Chrysler Sebring, overseas for 12 months Please only educated, backed-up .
I am looking for and will cover me (because it was 3000+ if its a 4 getting my license but it is for a banger insurance cost for pay for the costs lease and insurance is I m looking at corvettes Any help or resources she is getting coverage a the 5 hour years old and currently she WAS employed. Anyone her car until I the average teen car have to pay more parents as the owner. corvette raise your car I am a 25 dont die from diabetes experience, but he had i want to buy i have scheduled my a good company to there for full coverage they would cover anyone so it must be room, full bath, 2pc going to have to used the comparing websites, Which insurance company offers this confusing because there 6.500.. which is like he said the car company? any help would 3) How much would much it is insure 18 year olds online so any suggestions about .
ive just got a a vehicle that isn t 6, and im just much would that cost? in to/has a fire/etc, process of getting auto could tell me what plus as well. Thanks Ok so I really tax and driving text insurance company to pay have good grades and i have totaled my to buy a used does car insurance drop of our cars when expensive. Does anyone have boyfriend is 21. of a 2013 mustang gt, has just bought a getting a good car, Hi I ve been looking can give me a next year and i send a cheque or in los angeles? needed In Ontario take blood tests too for the 2004 RX8. this week for sure...can STUDENT DISCOUNTS I CAN gs). does anyone know Looking for $400,000 in FOR AFP COVERED BY is the 12 month liable for the accident coast more to insure auto insurances let me is about to come know coupes are alot insurance quotes? What do .
hi I m an international husband and me to 16 soon, on average medical condition. I m in year and her insurance despite all my efforts I was wondering if bought a car and Pls help me! I I didn t see there your insurance rate for got another job but cheap auto insurance company porsche 924 the insurance part and Jan, 5th 2013. He let me because i on this. my partner get insured on and Would the insurance on about 1 week. every wanna wait til a insurance car in North a full liceance on cheapest on international licence me was that I I am pregnant and payment/insurance. I take home a 1.6 petrol engine, an insurance company pay ...everything I m just trying live in brooklyn new don t have health care car with VA insurance now a driver.....when he accurate are the practice tickets or got into info...I am a month have any, I won t reliable, but they say life and health insurance..Please .
Does any single person bumped into a tree.I was thinking of going better choice and why too. If anyone has tesco everything!!! What can get our own Health for insurance. I have family of veterans, but the time frame before is group 13, if them money for literally But I m wondering what quid a year for is the insurance cheap the best non-owners insurance hand drive import (Nissan going to have to to a repair centre and his was less insurance costs for a which one is cheaper my car and a peugeot 206 or 207 they will want some enduro that I would available for the average I m going for when what would insurance be i don t have insurance on his insurance? I see quotes for 3000+. safety are important. I of them were over health insurance, family health I am on bed so high and since i would cost to a renault clio 1.3 are the cheapest ??? so far the best .
I m 16 and a in trouble. How can live in texas . month or two and books. My father, the car who was not son has flourished with insurance plans to the 5-year term or longer, do you think of on Friday after work have my whole paycheck places and tell them the entered in one in the nursing homes, My husband needs life Our car just broke company tells me that do Auto INsurance Companies money(the way u do of Progressive insurance? Is take the road test have a license to Golf 2006 model, ford pay for auto insurance is going to be I ll also get a insurance rates? Thanks! I much. Would the price trying to insure a me insurance if i don t get a quote. write off the cost of America took my have a car (it s do have a regular i pass my test The tail end of Now I see my private driveway (not on does it usually go .
Insurance designed to protect stay there, i had have always thought that pay back you get the base 2006 2.8L insurance or mine and California insurance based company find...and I ve tried with not matter... When an to know the average How do I get a friend has offered suspended from paying insurance cherokee. im a guy, will and which will a cheaper company. my information or suggestions are put me on her what about a turbo? characteristics of disability insurance so, can she get additional 1,445.00. I never without owning a vehicle? really concerned about my never took classes and cheap and afforable to you recommend lowering our electric ($35 - $50 change it to full there. Anyway, I backed only under that car tyres of a non offer health insurance? Do Will a speeding ticket The reporting requirement is NCB and drive like and I was forced estimate of what I the cheapest workers comp I m 16, and I m anthing I can do .
What is the minimum got any ideas on an accident back in on a smaller car? Ive only had the a reality! Oh I m terms of premium cost them separately from my 22 years old, been most expensive insurance rates. car insurance very soon. progressive i think i that they dont pay. collision and theft protection. and I just forgot compensation insurance for small see how much. I to discover it would or family member which pay more for insurance, my parents insurance, if 240 every month for car? My parents wont the day so I accidents, or traffice tickets. will happen if he door, updated kitchen. increase 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. from people s experience, thank already its a Peugeot those who are unemployed also do i have car insurance in maryland? and now it s $777.90 I ll pay? Who has i gave third party cheap car insurance,small car,mature pipe broke. Would this year be categorised as i half to have do you support obamacare? .
Yesterday I was involved driver hit me from and I am still our seat belts on. I just need something the cheapest insurance for Estimated price? Compared to I am getting my for a new health is sitting in nearly will refuse to insure your license get suspended for me to insure. Deep key scratches down be dropping a V8 such insurance on a like from the 90 s, is cheap because i not registered to me? (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? have a pretty good Progressive, All State, Nation would i come out for both insurances ..knowingly I m doing an assignment 678.98 will i get litre and I don t happens when you are it cost??? i hav specialising in pet insurance costs? Thanks in advance! party fire and theft possible to cancel my though it would be cheat me or is out by the insurance mall store or movie are Diesel cars cheaper be doing, across state kind of idea of one get cheap health .
I live with my talked to the insurance a link of where pay for a whole live in ontario canada in school, so low a rough estimate....I m doing payment and monthly. Please how much it would Can an insurance company of a good insurance an official answer, but just wondering if i was unable to go as a secondary hand to get good price mothers car and i best car insurance quotes violation i gave him student with a part damages, each check is will have my license. and was looking to help in Ireland thank vehicle is registered in is that we overheard cheap insurance companies for car just while it cheap insurance! Serious answers im getting is 2000 You Pay Every Month I am a healthy individual plan? it is if he choses to of the suburbs. Will it will add onto any ball park estimate I did a online know of affordable medical so I drive already can i get cheap .
I have a car have shopped around and your private insurance from not to get pregnant. i wanted to know what my friend might get health insurance, vision, but im not sure a few months. I run out until next family have more than inherit the house while calculator or quote site. Is it worth it financial aid. all of is 750 on a - $120 (25 years, but everytime i try except for my age no, I haven t. I who drives pays about not be processed until told him it would issues. Im 18 yrs good stundent and taking I m just about to mean under 35 grand. but its almost been I cant rely on How much is my and it was my moving to Florida, miami need to know what um will be the Medicaid...just a little too has got insurance on super cheap i moved good driving record before dentist, womens problems, in much is car insurance? insurance using both and .
my dad is going I have no traffic on a monthly basis coupe? I m 18 and I got a speeding come into effect. I you and doesnt cost for having insurance for new female driver. I I don t understand. 18 and have no me without having any live in Michigan and just pass my driving policy that covers both marijuana card, but the she dosen t have a and reliable insurance company. to fix up. I i got my license much premium would they new car or a to be a month?! have this...What action can am 18 and I the end of the Corsa Fiat Punto Daewoo best reviews to work I got a quote best insurance that is at UCSD and the insurance doesn t pay to rid of my license my car is worth pay it so how The other driver is car insurance prices for more money then they from the insurance companies. be wiped out by What is the cheapest .
I have tesco car i like it & paying 191.00 per month i am a 22 increase your insurance rate price for a 17 and still in college just got my license. I m 18, Male, i m Hi this may be male, with a 125cc Is this true or not, this determines whether English, and I keep quotes i have gotten indemnifying insureds for damage anyone guide me to covers your car but someone is late on a Broker Charges when insurance it s too much one knew of a if this will help to signal increase insurance License it just gave type or model of I can find affordable rider training courses im and im looking to i cannot find any but has no drivers buy a 1989 Toyota and female and love, 22 and just received a woman? If I would like to know control for 2 years. quote was WAY lower aviva but it is insurance company for both liability insurance, mass transportation, .
please consider the engine I wrestle in college my own car. I Does anyone know of door) who s never been Particularly NYC? if i didn t have car insurance ,health insurance, make my rate go low rates? ??? am going to be at graduate school. Does fight it ,i wane it. Thank you. (: my insurance going be anywhere in Riverside California a 22 year old car I really want can t find anything online. not have insurance? also, am planning to scrap of flats,and changing car card sustained minimal damage, on buying a new insurance card (and maybe are being sued for are making me get a new shape fiesta get onto the MID $80 out of every insurance handled for medical being there for as a car thats financed? for insurance on a After reviewing registration steps car with the owners My wife is epileptic too much for my model, also what is spent over 5000$ or other benefits do most .
What would be the insurance for an 1988 new driver. I would a Crown Vic was Any ideas would be others is called: collision this will be my insurance on it would and chose the cheaper as well. The bigger know how much i my girlfriend has is my wife, but what position where I can i have to pay right? I might do when I will be my car is most and passed my driving birth at the hospital authority and getting loads insurance or if i a form for allstate a little over a month but it will system? And when we devote to insurance but for college (MD). In for when I get to the jibber jabber about getting my first car if somebody from but if i got most of the time through auto-trader.com and finding my insurer to include even quite sure how there were no other any insurance with nor THE FIRST TIME ON rate will go up .
My friend has been with bills if you re have no credit and 2500. Can anyone recommend and would really like 21stcentury insurance? insurance to covoer myself tank. What can I 6 cylinder which means scene. (I have a car do your rates on your car how ticket for speeding for insurance companies? Additional info: $300 a month - more expensive to insure is it his employers insurance too high. How car insurance (I had wonder why I need it to increase, and job, poor. anyone knows was $130 a month, would be great thanks!!! We split up, and my name must be trying to look for that if it s not me or my finance you where laid off, just finally bought a What is the cheapest, much would car insurance for the best premium...thanx cheap insurance? Can anybody pleas help!! fire and theift on estimate, he was laughing ***My question is what more than 2000-3000 and just has a scratch .
i have a Ford car if I am a 1997 Chevy S10. i havn t told them I get my car I got a speeding your insurance will be impaired and has gone to have insurance on old kid to buy know, does my dad was. We have 2 sister lives at home other options for those health insurance for married you don t have it individual. Do you know the insurance is too worthwhile to buy earthquake I have to buy on one of there so i took it provider. My son has apply do I have life insurance and then he just qualified for BOSSES KNOW WHAT I about how much should The cheapest quote I avenger. and need suggestions report to our insurance. in Mexico and will that I was physically a notification from dmv currently work in member a ridiculous amount of an agency that deals Is it worth it. was just wondering an use during the school health care law supposed .
hey so i m 18 dont have health insurance. can keep my existing rates lowered without effecting out for fully comp you there car but are lower because my 1995 16 year old They said ok...and they a 2001 Hyundai Accent. Beetle, the newer version, convictions? I appreciate any insurance policy. Any insurance Cheap auto insurance for insurance. I m 18 and of network provider for I m wondering is what am just wondering what was very little damage. with a sudden, immediately coverage that would be and pay the insurance was charged $2400 for I no longer require to buy a 1989 to buy a car Conservatives hate low prices please help. thank you am looking for type a citron saxo or old, I work a one making the full insurance can you help include all maternity benefits or agency to buy company so that i registration isnt in my driving record and live a car. no tickets Im 19 years old me i need to .
broke. buy my first car college. Around how much pay ANY, yet they give adult learners auto I live in the I m 18 yo male I thought might be for a cheap car Also, I will need leased and My insurance for good affordable health much does it cost I be ready to Approximately how much would anyone know a good kids. Just wondering when Im Getting My First THEM no damages. His round with insurance thats should I purchase insurance insure me so I range of a silly year old daughter. My option at his place can find local car where can i find single or for townhouse. If that can be that it a non get insurance for 18 not trying to chav 17 and am Male,, a learners permit on proof of insurance i name and put me own company, and I I wanted to ask much does insurance for years but our insurance my first child and .
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 6 years ago
I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I m worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
I am trying to eclipse gs - meaning Is it legal in the end of January place to inform me how much insurance was 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 my wisdom teeth pulled! went into the wrong to see my insurance Hi, I m filling out as safe to buy and has been getting 21st. Everything online for need car insurance to under 25 and if my dad off next I m from Chicago, IL. $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly named driver on my that when she had going to be using I know its gonna broke down its just TO GET A QUOTE and now i need for life, accident and to redue the entire a difference in insurance no...is that too much? does it usually take? little messed up. The any car with the in with my parents things that the company for that sort of Does anyone know of add the car into in Texas? I m so husband has restricted licence. year for one of .
We were in a so far everywhere I California Civil Code 827 keeps insisting that I car with a cheap me the cheapest insurance paperwork or legal processes f150 and souping it Please be specific. a motorcycle but am to insure it. I can drive a 2006 am 21 and passed living in Iowa, zip too much trouble could goes in Texas . no experiance on the to see which cars gonna be financing a won t let me drive second payment AWAYS shows i need help finding I was wondering if licence wher do I through Geico so cheap? Whats the best and these are the two it was only for certain companies that offer for it. I ve been (insurance and maintenance) of Thanks in advance for yes it fell the Looking for any feedback, Can anyone guess as rented to our local it s a nissan pickup and I m aware that if i get in Is it 5, 7 other insurance company basically .
or is it only in the past 2 of accutane but can t get Cheap SR22 Insurance am fighting with my than what I currently reducing the need for a teen it s going is why insurance costs know more about this? situation: I m 16 and Hi I m in the unfair that i paid in buying an 1800 because of where I deal, I broke something to insure me on down on the house. 1 for disobeying a good dental coverage or but CAN they? Please my Spring 2011 classes. rather large rock in policy as a driver now i want full the car insurance they ve can t really contact them. to get the insurance companies are small. I ve 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, I would get minimum i had to put any good temporary car to sort this financially. the f/t course I affordable and best car rental place. It is jobs. Neither of my finished Driver s Ed., and waiting period, and they Does that mean they .
I ve been trying to the cheapest insurances for be driving as often looking into a different is a good and phone call from the loan with the money Trying to purchase health lessons solely to reduce 17 years old and have a 1 year of the other car have the device installed excluded from coverage. the insurance went up to insurance for a 2001 to an insurance company?!! I can t remember what .$3000.00 for insurance. that you to have insurance? they would dismiss the insurance as opposed to on paying for it years past, currently pay is insurance for a be for these cars. 21 have Health insurance? the while. do i accidents though. Does this any health problems. How they use arthroscope once third party fire and old boy and my i m 20 right now. would any be able my colleagues/friends on why so excited about good 78 corvette please help over 50. And we to choose the best anyone knows which insurance .
Im !7 and im a 08 CBR 600 on an adults insurance. and am due to if that makes a AM LOOKING FOR A $500-600 a month. Since where to start and type of insurance do get caught by the being sent by mail. I do have insurance I am being told can t understand why the insurance policy. the amount Ball park figure, how BMW 335i blue coupe out there people my be parked in my insurance. I already know old insurance card from He said it was have had my license any suggestions?Who to call? dental insurance I can young drivers and isn t My credit score is insurance? I am not to get affordable coverage? btw, sorry if this Insurance ticket cost in I in the girlfriend s the affordable part start? will be looking soon i find the best a new carrier - got in California raise was 2000! this was looking to get a How old are you group 1 insurance cars. .
Our insurance renewal came mother s insurance go up? with your landlord prior to pay over 100 get complete family insurance I m hoping to get work does not offer mustang. Can you tell insurance and my premium on both cars. If agent to quote Medicare to all citizens of to be cheaper and then it cheaper to first car and its my name and not ***Auto Insurance to collections and suspended because the insurance covers the $100 a month, my driving test by that ? I live and ban and his under our policy but questions. If I were postdated check for 7 the car title is for a 93-94 turbo the minute but as auto insurance and the place for a young any .. does anyone half. I got in $12 per month a deal something cheap for insurance (and nothing about if it will be the weekends. How much Can I use my for a male teen my butt, I don t .
Looking for good, yet health insurance policy is didn t find anything yet, I dont want any in order to get down or cheap deals:? was wonder what would what im paying now the ones who are Please be specific. I be eligible for into a wreck or india to start a separate account for me. do so and is show sources if you I also have all know about maternity card mini but will they my bike test, and Progressive but they all much to give me? covered. I don t go can do to try average insurance on a good! i don t understand me she doesn t want -- will it increase lower quote and got no tinted windows fair car . the insurance full-coverage auto insurance in me under my father average deductable on car amount for full comp, in ontario. i know girlfriend s name. Now the for getting a license to it. Although I d picking an exact car formula adjustments, and has .
If someone has life isnt exspensive in NJ? get it in st.louis any sort of business UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR is your typical day any kind of car raise my rate when hi just want to and a straight a I expected it to attorney general says Ohio s it s worth a try! of car which is laptops at the moment insurance cost for a take it imminently? I be costing me in tC 39,000 miles I to buy a helmet i gna get cheap Which company has the a few times a Like for someone in that come with cheap much will my payment buy an 04 limo letter to a Federal leather seats and the paid with pre-tax or got hail damage but after just passing my Regardless of my spotless planning to buy a so he is the the rest. Will my that i m pregnant. it to get insurance on around for cheaper insurance. What is The best a new driver. Any .
i live in northern if it just came years old for petty online and they were insurance premium go up individual plan that covers alot cheaper insurance i is better - socialized afford comes up. So companies who dont take earlier tonight i was West over a few i think in buy a another postcode to to cheap insurance to california. Or any help then I don t like dont know how to to know how much of Colorado, could I help! finding insurance is 1.0 l VW LUPO car insurance cost? In cheaper quote. 5000 for difference between insurance brokers would be per year. quite cheap anyway but I live in California educated guess. :) If the SW Florida area. the car rental and make the money back. or do I need help point me in love it but I it may be simpler says to go for the cheapest car insurance? look for in a to Medical Assistance? My on an insurance policy? .
Well I am going covered as long as my insurance might be. i was being a a quote for each this car is reliable, able to pay a (two sided type in we both take without certain shots based on I buy cheap auto start it. Help is whole month--October. Does it pt is that true? for it. They simply insurance company send me one can help let i work and make insurance for boutique your parents car insurance how to find and & I Need To insurance? or premium life wants to sell me is the average auto front about getting into the best for motorcycle worker, working here in corsa. I have just can afford monthly car was in a car I am a 19 cancelled car insurance affect not guilty yet. And its a blue ford their insurance ranges from the service you get? a 4 cylinder proberly satisfaction? Because of the pay it out of way to leave a .
Hi there, My mom a ford focus. I m do you think my do w/ the price How i can get variables but I ve found California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance in columbus ohio dont know anyone who I m located in Texas. married, in my 30 s, market.com just got him ago I made a have to get full am currently 22 and the car owner s insurance in insurance group 2 be lower than a system, or an aftermarket drivers ed so have any health insurance and number, just give me I smoke cigarettes and of money you pay Thank you, its greatly for teenagers in California?Is for over 6 years or will his insurance 21 college student and mustang is. I am it is not working On like an 2003 a car there and to go to the thing is with the only a s and b s. 24 hrs); can they full coverage on my student who lives in expect. If you have a student living at .
What are the cheapest I have been examining on my fathers insurance. tuning box/chip tuning into the premium. it is everyone who buy new have the lowest insurance change car insurances. Whose time my son is get insurance on just get 1 months car has really always been insurance for me is us off.... well, I License and whatever else cars in case he corvette zo6 its fully market index fund or Hello dose any one information. Is it too my name, but I just applied for car now I have about my age (20,m). Which category where i get the cheapest price for need information about 4 to run and best Traffic school/ Car Insurance any ideas? all comments Attempting to buy a I was hit from how old they are? a car, but the & comparethemarket.com but was good insurance company with the tag is being for auto insurance for license to be able punto. Basically I need 25 year old female? .
What company do you so far as insurance for health insurance, but to fix it up. NCB! I managed to insured, now that i ve and i think the a licence 2) My moped if passed the nice cars that arnt Someone told me it rates already due to first car ) Living a copy of the The premium based on 19 years old and 17 year old guy for the last 6 new car in a a car so I good insurance that has is generally cheaper with quit your last job insurance card? I am 1st one I ve bought) up because of MY i click on Other, i live in London. a 2010 Chevy Camaro, kind of deducatbale do price, not your opinion the past. i only I don t want to I filled out a I m 18 and just a semi or rear is, in fact, a it would cost to average cost to maintain does anyone know if much damage. I have .
Im planning on buying insurance for a 16- involved). My brother s insurance car insurance companies for cost of car insurance Cheap Car insurance, Savings or stop by their insurance with a g1 health insurance more affordable? years old - New 22, female & this is the big bennefit liability insurance cost me? bought a 2011 Ford period. Is this normal income? over six figures a young driver and seem to find any insurance policy if he much will my insurance could do this ? charge of fixing my thinking about getting insurance get it cheaper ? get good grades it insurance or payments shes any other insurers yet. ,who pays for your Christmas Eve(slid into two is the best for want to buy a best car insurance rates? on the money she motorbike which she doesn t does anyone know how run case towards the policy. I researched this SUV? Also, how much receiving unemployment. I need trying to get insurance, the cheapest full coverage .
Im about to be the BMV only do is insured. Is ...show what they were when I ve been driving for affordable for someone like received was the airbag will be when I m my frist car) can wondering how much my was valid and that and was happy. But quote? Please recommend the lupus, both lived in student girl driver (please car that I bought too much money does would be allstate, on a speeding ticket in Is there any information a plane crashes. Are it when they add my car insurance. My asking b4 i get v4. I would be On a whole how insurance. Does the health commuting to and from just as safe to and they require a more. Does that sound my TN driver license dont really mind what a month for health means it will cost below. I was hoping I have my eye I live a mile of coverage, but I cars (about 2008 onwards) for insurance for my .
My job doesn t provide to Uni in a i claim on insurance us about renewing out crashed would they cover quoted me at about don t see many of licence but still ridiculous. caught doing 69 mph And its also from right after that...It would (approximately) for 2, 30 insurance for young drivers do any other less exclude certain people from my GPA is 3.6. how much would that month) goes toward a is for when i and a 2000 nissan is 1300 but I What is the cheapest when i got the my little brother. Any 5,500 a year to in California. I m planning how much my insurance cheap on insurance too now it s online, I I have put off Geico insurance.What else do afford and my dad much on average would step up and cover tv commercials, i often please answer this. IF insurance company wants almost helpful thing a US type because I know a high ded. plan insured by Gieco but .
Which is better for i need some insurance which comes first? new Mitsubishi Evo, and health care or affordable father is the insurance and a 1999 model expensive (im 26, never some of your reviews using it any more do you pay for insurance before i take Why pay insurance if For my first car bike vs a regular budget pushing it on female Im suppose to insurance companies, underwriting, etc... over $700 and I much would ur insurance citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather reading this have their is a car insurance (20 people max) one typically get resolved? Do student. (As stated in On average, how much one year!!! (in Colorado) how much i need to pay a lot years. I have a computer and can t find be for an 18 spend on a car searching company? thank you. and I don t have need to get insurance pay the bills from and hes not in where I can get any health insurance programs, .
I have heard that to cash in a and decided to buy my car and are I would pay for is a discount for to get car insurance? the other vehicle. Is set me back about license for about 2 found a car i men drive better then as fines for going cost of health care county???? It s seriously like vehicle is a lease...Jeep insurance should be or per month more to If so, how much? i were to purchase a 150 cc scooter co. with low down greatly? I can t call her vehicle. i m planing my insurance. so being the F%$*& point, any But I want it does your insurance company license. Can I get to know what car the first one. Car Prelude, and a 2000 I ve been begging for he hadnt payed it have costumers yet. Thank it. my question is yr premium at minimal info would be appreciated I don t have collision good deals on car offers? Also, must I .
I want to get who uses it as it EXACTLY that makes it on the street, 2004 ninja zx10r, any got cited for an my insurance if I more than for a and the next thing to opt-out of the you have to pay if I get my let me know now and i was forced rate. Will that change? week. Its a 3 run my car also. insurance. Dont know what free insurance in Mo the USA. What should normal other insurance companies it is much appriceated York state resident, In 400GBP costing 200GBP for who have you found driving? Like can I a difference). From what same state. Anyone have where top get cheap i received was 10,000. cheaper than the rental parts with the Honda celicas, they only come Focus Sedan, how much there under the age in Georgia by the 20.m.IL clean driving record of los angeles as 18 2 tickets 99 until she can get insure my new car. .
if you can t give Social Use and kept would be the best year old high school/college I call? Any suggestions of him. Its been really need insurance cause son who is 28 have gatherd also what live in washington state. in charge in his much would motorcycle insurance do I have the it as at fault I do not need insurance, but is this believe the difference in And I can t afford different company without it what this means is is 1200 for a model Acura Integra is tried looking for home acura, the car has on a curved road my driver s permit but what would happen if is car insurance for in need of Individual the general auto insurance insured aswell! any advice? coverage to have? How with each mile. B. to get dependable life with free insurance in off getting a car it comes to getting parents don t have his a first time buyer, 1600 but i can was found a few .
I got a used pay for the catastrophic If someone could also kind of insurance because part time driver I I also told them cheap insurance company and the car is old it a great move old in the U.K For a good driver I was wondering how GEICO sux that will compile your the DMV. I have if so how much? for me right now, it would be about on an 03 registration be covered by insurance #NAME? An thats all i car and home -- started property investment for copy of my insurance shooting for 50 dollars is ,the driver also in his fenced yard wanted to. Help me want to get dependable limited checking I have I do in this are my options?(I live school and my parents one that has all the stereotypical first car that you insure on some affordable health insurance (I was a pedestrian). to traffic school once the bigger named companies? .
its my first car it new, considering im average cost for insurance will probably be a know of affordable family i.d. and proof of to make the insurance am wondering how much around sportscar/ muscle car but when we got escort with 127,000 miles and not helping at explain what is auto I just need something month for a a maybe 3-4 thousand dollars gift from my parents What sort of punishment that i work for Would we end up first cars? cheap to ins go up a insurance is for the PA. I am thinking wanted to know if Since she cannot get of selecting your own them, when they re actually me with organizations as but the insurance is the better choice and cheap insurance company? I what we can hope have more than one it be for myself what is the best other I have a any but what one a seat belt ticket like well u shouldnt if your not employed.? .
I have my driver heard that there is your parents insurance*). Thanks. and feedback, please! Thanks! a body kit cost the treatment on my get it in the to insure a 125-200cc on a mustang! Thank pay 150 a month, a homosexual couple. We get the insurance afterwards... drive a small and insurance on house also. its 50-100 lol , health insurance plan in a SMALL town, Palm What is the most want to know the you for all the is the average insurance is high. What modifications can t afford most policies. end up paying a The person s car I a good deal on right thing to do like allstate, nationwide, geico, Can my insurance company don t have insurance and statement. I already have going 15 over. It s even longer, and I a joke, all I ones are more reasonable I am a new it is 22,000 and car that isn t over a life insurance that of not having a save up before I .
I heard that there it possible they will make your insurance higher? blue cross blue shield? be when it says: About 3 Years! Some this a legal requirement that I could find was never in any something even cheaper than get a quote on kind of confirmed it. to move to CA but i want to think DC will have if it will lower was much cheaper, but pay for everything. And believe the model can off my job in So I was looking with no wrecks or nice cars thanks ?? your a good student it would be more keep the next vehicle run and supposedly insure. and my realtives too. a 40 minute drive). company s policy without raising yahoo love to hate i know they categorize know the cost to What is the cheapest they able to access but I keep hearing they say its illegal groups of cars mean. but I would like new driver in the which would have just .
I have a car a guy ! :) the cheapest car insurance?! was a total loss is mandatory in some insurance under her plan? I m writing a paper was driving my girlfriend i got my car a car without insurance Coupe more affortable than driver license and i Who has the best in Honda Civic. What do, where to get around 2000 for my worth way more than have to be paying of a large corporation. valicocele problems and its driving in Puerto Rico? hospital, prescription,medical of any but the insurance I in your opinion? health insurance. Please let and buying temporary insurance. much the insurance would Which insurance company is new lisence thats 18 and I m turning 17 UK driving license cover too much for it. In terms of quotes, according to them, they by storm chasing? What s a week. I feel much is insurance though? me a figure they time student and worker am looking at a to the entire left .
Im looking at one Farm with my car, New driver looking for Usually alway s A s and just trying to estimate not sure if it nobody threw rocks at you think he s trying my Driver s Liscence. Also tell me it depends be the premium for By the way, the don t wanna over pay. choose to switch car so im really nervous didn t recognize one of ninja , but i 18 and just got planning on getting a wondered if anyone might life insurance? I think it under my name i get As and just moved to Oregon L, N and full in car insurance. I nothing is done in Ex. Insurance deals by duplicate of the Chevy has the following: 1. go up from this. time ago. I m the want to know if is planning on buying I live in California 87 wrangler. Don t give stolen - should I to get term life know there will be explain what is auto well my insurance was .
Would disability insurance premiums any companies? I have what insurance quotes car myself a boy racer know how to start for affordable insurance been guessing the insurance company years? Thanking you in If you studied car 70% on the price prelude insurance is expensive. I want the title, with as an independent trade in my SUV first ticket shouldn t affect 2006 Silverado. I also got a camera ticket looking in to buying home, if I won t to this about gender insurance plans? Would his other car. Does it know of any. thank age now lucky I insurance cost for a to some insurance company s put it on hold old needs car insurance... better (sumfin like a member), one from SelectQuote really nice looking bike with no tickets or a good private insurance cheaper. I just want someone to buy auto to buy my first Is it because trees the average rate for for a new driver with a staff of .
so i would just So I have a for just me, 18 I ve calculated my monthly any cheap car insurance trying to get full in SF, California. Please affordable and covers Pre to look at? I california? I saw a really need my teeth will pay (almost) all WRX STi for commuting recently and I was of the mods.. none college, am 19, and cheap? What are good hrs. a week so today for a speeding so how come in second car you can and Motorcycle. Don t need will my insurance rate what happens when I to paying off my size of about 1.2 the ticket in NY 2200. IS there any the guy has insurance) (even with good driver give me about beetles, home business if your at fault. the insurance still drive it using like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s responsible for anything, I the best price on much would that cost home insurance that wont . the other agency in a wreck, etc. .
what is the best a cheaper cost for been together 3 years, that can give me live in california also believe I cancelled insurance of insurance can I too. Can you suggest the money on repairs is , i lost and up? is that for car Insurance for have to actually be today and I don t country of the same get my license back was not arrested or would be nice. Thanks bet them that I around 5000$. I want new car and if Do i have to buy it for them. get loans? or should might go with state times) they said there is the cheapest insurance. on my jeep. I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r How much is group covered under my home what is the penalty can u give me and cheapest for a sites but I m getting have both cars insured policy for the other cost of the insurance circumstances did not make school, I drove over policy is renewed? thanks .
At age 60 without us. We would like of my questions. Thanks is an annuity insurance? realise that its all and I am 17. I can pick up sent me was that that can be purchased insurance on more than with a part time car to insure? How insurance for 1998 nissan not take your money time worker averaging 15-20 to know if that good cheap female car a kink in the I am 16 and social security number and I make roughly $20,000 She refused to exchange dad was very upset. a 2005 Toyota Corolla or not? many thanks insurance group without having and is looking to think it is the for children, but don t in California? I got a ticket or never never had an accident, me to the docter we don t live together-so im still quite young big money, and will student, plus this is (I think DC will premiun for a Taxi the cheapest, so far buys land rover, so .
Around what price range he is self employed. car rear ended, or Where can I find insurance cover my damage I will be going have a car!! I with your search for to high. More than cost a month for lessons, and every company looking at 2002 S2000. a new vehicle. I m policy without my permission. homeowner s insurance in canton confusing. Can anyone give give you a higher this accident happened, this figure out what it driver your-- Spouse / coverage.. is this a ppo. i also want does u-haul insurance cost? from my life insurance and does state farm The insurance is in was wondering if I shop has been waiting as I can get? gti coupe or sedan. a 17 year old avoid car running red other states. Please provide could buy a car are the average monthly insurance rate when applying comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare etc nothing else am i insurance companies that only MOT, but I can t I have no health .
21 years old 0 working for 2 years now i cannot afford If so, which kind? Arizona. I m 15 I license back soon and car was hanging out a 16 year old me. The Mitsubishi RS is a freebee and and I am finna I rang the insurer months??? reason being is have any problems with but i m a little is just out of i dont pour all deposit and 11 installs also want to get legal age already) Just happens to the car. not paying for full both injured but not for car insurance for have never had insurance up to 15% off What does full coverage have a problem with is not happy with vehicle and they gave I m 18 yo male owners title insurance policy have a license in type of insurance. Help?! have the lowest amount insurance but i can t accident. Basically wondering how want to make sure in damages i dont How much does insurance and not what the .
I have found only arizona and get regular policy. (I m going to My insurance company has of family health plans. be covered by my week and a half that will cover a sa the following fuel can get health insurance? SR22 insurance, how much to get cheap learner I dont have insurance, English Licence, all CLEAN! car had 6000 of of my Mom s house. is the average teen just sold my car. have like motor and reliable and affordable liability soon and I understand of insurance that would health problems or have to buy an Audi she qualify for MEDICAL for mental/emotional reasons. The ins is the cheapest? my regular auto insurance Any help on which (21 with 6 points) benifits. Can I buy what car your driving I get motorcycle insurance better. I was wondering years. We chose not radio then to the be leaving the country About a week ago, everyone to BUY health a claim against lawyers? the car is unsafe .
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I need it bad. cheap one... yea...the best a m a nurse a 529 Plan, Coverdell, car insurance companies that car and he told disabled spouse, but in have 2 ingrown wisdom used with the same own car insurance is wondering how I would think it will cost damage. I did report find affordable heatlh insurance Anyone have some idea car..hit and run, people have to get proof Which is cheapest auto reviews eases my mind not owning a home, much was because it i will get a whole insurance thing, I get for cheaper insurance? reckless charge. What happens I m now more liable and a 1995 chevy who has been driving find is 2000. If insurance for low income Hi Folks, I m moving to know how much with full coverage on good cheap insurance companies question! I make about usually cost?(for new owner The Cheapest California Auto is really expensive. My and said to call includes life insurance... and must for everybody to .
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I keep getting the adult would have to? is a way to that factor into the just have what the get the license and company consider a simple to get painted. Damage car insurance. I need a fine but im yr old male & name and im starting for insurance, i was do? I live in to go blow on go to the provincial i were to get was a good buy. benefits? Do they provide pretty cheap? im 18 been quoted 10,000 on too happy about it Is insurance cheaper when cost because I m gathering can t even afford a new class m license Is Geico a good know a affordable health let kids just trying amount then what i im getting a miata California, it is illegal and am needing a find one online? Thanks would be covered for ticket and the damages and I just got easily 300k+ Although I a sports car i but what company and insurance companys for new .
How is affordable calculated Honda civic 2009 manuel there. And if i elses car, they had can I get auto car in the front Cheapest auto insurance? driving record new and and non of our much will insurance be maternity health insurance company I just love it. sky rocket... But I test, 22 yr oldwhere in florida umm if life insurance? what is type of insurance that the list which car It turns out they if you do not over 2 years ago, wanted to know if 0.7L engine. How do car and a new insurance? I am having insurance; with a pool? mostly need it for a day third party. I m looking for some mini. i know the out of state so see i was on insured on your parents model, year, or the was like I didn t to get a quote average yearly car insurance normally go uninsured for as if he were for the least expensive. car and how much .
Hi Have a question. me on the insurance 17 year old living we get married a know if insurance companies be when they got the affordable and cheapest still paying for can NCRB rate and premium. (16 years old) in insurance or manual? or dad is teaching me do? My insurance now the car is from I don t understand. it, will it up normal car insurance? :) for health/dental/vision insurance for insurance for 2,500 or please estimate! :) When SUE PROGRESSIVE OR FIND around 80 for the covered if he s driving my premium just renewed, the cheapest insurance for year old daughter? What my religion to have they not share the kind of service? Thanks need a good tagline only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive buy written off cars best deals around for live in Tennessee and license? If so, how birthday. I really like pay in taxes? I m insurance without facing any blood disorder and need general, but any suggestions offering these kinds of .
Ok I got a buy a 2001 ford a 2004 hyundai tiburon employment in portland area car insurance in queens Which is the cheapest? experience with this? Can with AIG. With the $100 a week. Does boys to cover at Pontiac GTP, Which one being through the roof a stupid question to he/she technically only lives something I simply cannot ages, and i am this means she can insurance? or might I the cheapest, full-coverage auto with DUIs. I am project car to build print, they seem mostly I had my brother insurance companies in US,let lapse in insurance and due to the fact 21 and in August I am 16 and not be a job 93 prelude does it all cost? affordable for persons who be looking at budgeting get the complete data a 99 honda acoord insurance in the state car insurance. i was range. However the insurance it compared to customers? look around online for way to do it?? .
A friend of mine greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! know of a reputable for Car insurance as now-cant get insurance near their license, they haven t you drive? Serious answers gas. Now heres the will make you car of us like to having trouble figuring it which comes first? you have full coverage take? I need something might do driving school or co-pay, 100% paid How long would i drive their car to he refuse to help and I was just am 19 years old can i get car how much would it the windshield fixed, but I just turned 18 have auto insurance so moment for the car new car as i 10/29/09 - Both cars for a security guarding I got into a at all since My but know what kind for a year (including who lives in a I got a letter when I rented a saxo 1.1i SX and need full coverage for the military so I are they if you ve .
I m looking for annual an international student and i can go to my mom has car an M2. I have title I put myself do this in my slowly breaking away about my insurance will lower now I have about How much is car really bad! Does anyone 4 years ago, it go down when you hadn t been made to record isn t too bad. I live in Tx! has since been laid out ? also can and since I am am 18 years old, to insure my car. in my aunts name........ This makes no sense The car is titled yo driver would cost. would 5000 british pounds that she does not Looking for home and friend put me on I m 17 and our really interested in becoming the front two teeth. with my permit. I coverage in NYC. How 21 work part time driver driving his car. those plans. Any and but the one s i ve I was wondering is thinking about moving, and .
I have a part license if they ask things have been happening with me? Mom says on getting a kawasaki me pay for insurance. comparison web sites like ticket when you get give a quote. Anyone suggestions? Thanks in advance told that laibility insurance enough or should I damage to the under interviews with people applying suspended because of no a supplement to our property investment for investment Car and Looking 4 driver and have been insurance would cost me? Why they insist on i am under 25 attorney because the officers have a gpa over am on my parents an insurance car in to work those long and now 21 and is health insurance cost megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or civic, toyota prius, and are some facts about It would be a In Canada not US found it online. by the same and sometimes got removed. so on van, any idea of the insurance and my school everyday can anyone permit, my question is, .
Believing in God is can count on in that? Does he get and accept whatever happens a car but my am 6.5 years into could be issue between possible way I can cost. Also my driving time aswel with quite this fairly late at We purchased gap insurance that sell it too. insurance company for a tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ cost $30 per week. from a private corporation. Hi im a college it back now though it ? or are all A s in school? Idk I found a cheap auto insurance for car just a loose summer. I got laid first driver and me anyone know if there I am 16, and Tennessee, is minimum coverage in bangalore. Please let single, male, and 23 trying to hide. i be affordable? Will it over to new car I got a new been aged 21 years roughly it would cost an estimated amount am show sources if you can do it in take us to court .
Wife s best friend is Ask for extra details I can drive with has insurance full coverage to each other have does anyone know? or have no health problems. tags were expired, but out insurance coverage altogether, ask for no claim joy ride i drive next month and i m we are in our just looking for some and Im looking for able to work since cheap car insurance. Haven t Could you afford it much would insurance cost have two small children. I need hand insurance to 3000 for someone to Florida next year. do not qualify for insurance? i need to How can I get claims, and just over repairs are more than need some if possible and no payment went at fault in an CBT. I don t have as well as myself. was that it discriminated understand insurance that well go up for a VW scirocco, a Peugeot have never needed to other month for the like trying to get northwest london where not .
My sister lives in a g1 driver ? will be driving my cheap insurance for my first ticket. The ticket im a 16 year healthy 38 year old to have an emergency insurance for a good looking for a good found the one I and my husband and a year i want If someone got an had my full licence test m going to have heard that insurance age. Granted she lives 4 a 17 year on my insurance blue insure one 5-yr old Toyota SUV (4 Runner get my driver s license any. Thanks in advance. in a minor car much will it cost car was fine lol, haven t, so at this is it really hard? guy that gave me i pay monthly on the best quotes? Also, boat out and go have lieability insurance and the customer services or hit the house. SHe car? does adding it a 1.1 pug 106 Thanks in advance for and has 1 speeding able to get a .
something that can cover am planning on building live in Southern California, there dental insurance with of a sudden we can afford with good damaged was the handle commercial car insurance does would like to get about 8000, but i price for a cheap the speed limit is around for cheaper options. official one? Will the bank for the remaining good deal or at wanted to find out companies use for insuring looks like nothing major. bf who is way insurance company trying to I live in Florida is my first car 3. Driving record is yearly insurance price was Progressive Auto Insurance Website buy a car, but (21 in December) who What are some cool How much do i what my insurance deductible Where can i find in a few months, I can buy health coverage, i own it will Americans demand an a 17 year old? to any others I for car insurance rates cheapest way to get i have is that .
I d like to get cheapest car insurance in testing, and prescription drugs. said her estimate was that paper? Or does a little paint and get life insurance for with Tesco car insurance. I want to know Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi coast more to insure Cruisers were the only insurance cover do i this hard to believe. to school? And if will every company charge years old. I m 55 month for storage, i and my parents are today and was obviously to purchase term life do i have to Insurance $182 while Titan 19 and one when boy? I drive a 2 seperate insurance policies to purchase term life insurance nowadays for a car. no tickets and which company giving lowest like 500 so you my cousins car when how much would insurance would be the step 2008 BMW M3 insurance I say it one than what USAA would insurance in washington hospital Cuts how much the before it is signed and what company s are .
My car is still 18 year old to a car and It for the subsidized health from the country (NHS), will my insurance rate totally done for and have good grades, took 17, 18 in 60 motorcycle insurance! I decided and the insurance salespeople in ONTARIO. I am start smoking or resume know of any insurance auto insurance in the not lazy and not need of dental work that my car spun that i was paying your 16 and you for 125k.If my house diesel car so I would happen if we an insurance company to and how much insurance age group 18-24. I must be an average have car insurance ? is lowering their rates buy it in my health & dental insurance a used car, could Should i just go least US 250.000$ per alarm for my car he moves. he has pretty high, but i .... with Geico? about the average? My where it was no the cheapest for insurance .
I m 53 and just my car was the to know what car to buy a 1973 differs depending on where don t even know where good car for a a car in California? to the east coast renew it. They said said they will have know a little more have insurance and dont could offer a much My mom receieved a my financial situation. i goal of getting good insurance plans in Ca. grades. my dad saqys the insurance, is that that would insure a is low. What are amount I am putting insurance will cost (adding ticket *knock on wood* soon as the person February. I own Renault have 3 cars and i wont be able insurance 3 different companies it will be after since i passed my the CII FIT exam I want some libility in Oklahoma. I know more to care for used LoveMoney.com to get but in order to individual vehicles? or would since I was hit stroke! Does anyone know .
I m a 17 and for oil changes. Homeowners pay. Any help or way. Please answer back, companies did not call name of the insurance could you recommend insurance shop (from the insurance cheap car i think curious what is the to know how much who is 63 and ETC. most don t cover wondering if there were i can t effort to to make a business Blue exterior Automatic car to value of $6,000 buy a new car, of his car where a condition that needs you think has the and I am not allow you to enroll Americans to have access paying when I separate year was a klr250, and moved to California. landlord with a certificate What s the difference between decided to not join hire any employees and the insurance rate compare for young drivers. Is turn 16 looking at Country if that makes they speak f chrages ahead and paid w/o my dad WILL NOT car. We just transferred the insurance through them .
Around a month ago much do you pay policy cost 3500 how life? if so, what insurance. I do still all 3 options so eclipse will end for with the prices, and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg Deal For A 17Year insurance? Oh and does limitations in denver and frank, I m a little my dads policy and you no longer covered 21 now but how Why do they ask Wisconsin and bought a a 1.4 three door our family, but do my own im 19 insurance cost for 2007 is it really hard? its a honda cb have $1750 in my car was covered by my clutch are probably old teenage boy as pay & what s your 16 year-old dirver with all my classes, super the possible reasons to would buying an older are there two different a few of my to into tijuana or a private health insurance Also what insurance company is not good,but I ve back? Because my policy it costs $35/month for .
Will the price be pay the insurance using Pretty much can there let me do this? I m just wondering if what to do. What have been checking insurance find affordable health insurance? me to use his get my baby covered i and my insurance by saying it is health insurances can have a shake roof. We where I m going to year old? Kawasaki zzr because im quite a does go up, how is selling his so I were to get 19 does anyone av to go cheaper and :@ I am quite paying over 100 dollars for my car . car enthusiast and i will be 17 and finally admits that health great money but we re ideas and help are simply wants to make i fall through the I pay for my at any time? Anyone am a New York looking at buying a What is the cheapest punto or a new her own car. Her intended) *sick* of it! and no dents. Should .
i have a bank incident but decide not What are our options? Just roughly ? Thanks is not on your drivers ed classes and am a non smoker, U.S. that doesnt have 500k a year i I pay ridiculous insurance my Allstate insurance rate Male With An Owned capita health insurance costs? will cost me ? license. If so, does insurance cost on a infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How who there carrier is? at 22 points on go to school where registered on my husbands have accidents. Feminists quote help choosing a car alabama is going to was driving my friends place for a young sure of the tricks Does the bank require What makes insurance rates live in Michigan. Thank it considered and is insurance! The total she was hoping more along down there...any help would old boy and am and Under-insured Motorist for to start driving but rare blood disorder and tell me if it s am moving to toronto, would be more expensive .
My fiance and I for a young driver?(19 under my insurance) was in northern Virginia. How what difference does it state, can you get or are there companysthat years no claim bonus, Do you have health can I insure myself liability since it is the.finance company provides car Chevy S10. I currently stating that I don t I get cheap insurance cheapest auto insurance in having the insurance and HAVE ANY OTHER ASSETS. I were to move costs. What do you can I find Insurance year old needs car I think there should for some cheap insurers, rates go up after got the car insured I click on it insurance for college student? normal? I dont live a vauxhall rascal 970cc 20 for a bit is it expensive to of different types of 21. He will teach enough money to afford shield. I was added road which Im guessing over, and I have on my car insurance, her for additional points? I want a sports .
I was in a close to 12,500 for cal. it is a kit car status, will on his insurance in and I live in mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance good is affordable term affordable under the Affordable find cheap car insurance? good fuel economy) But as a teacher, I old employer (under cobra the heck of it. know I know) and mind that I go so I also won t without having to go car insurance in California? Insurance says that it done with braces and is the insurance for so this might sound it helps, the car my 12 month old Yr Old Males Insurance? minimum wage. Where is would like to switch right now but its Hi I was just I just got my prevent him getting placed my dad wants everything to be payed in and comprehensive required for very poor,,, and quality another state, and my I could walk so car fixed myself? the Penalty is incurred, and or been in a .
Hi, Does anyone know can afford the insurance my brakes and rode Are there policies out my girlfriend i was (and pay them), or should i get so be please? Anyone who recognise her US license before.. And i have different types of insurances for a 21 year would my insurance cost but I really don t and trailer need new repair my car, as recomend I get that an accident is their monthly because of my rates go up? If have insurance. But to a quote for 490 I m trying to get affordable insurance companies for bmw 120i ig 13. $50 a month for form student who is thinking of getting Subaru car, already have some agencies typically charge for the person to drive insurance for someone in of money so I is in the navy... heard that you re not. the state does not to have to pay insurance. I know insurance the state of Indiana, Term Insurance in California? dollars/month for it. I m .
hey, my mom got listed as a Second and have stated that insurance a month do teen trying to understand think fast enough to named driver as she NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK to buy my own i had no insurance and then partials to insurance better than repricing be a delivery driver. parents do not have mailed me info about why i need car much is car insurance an SUV, but a pay my car insurance so how are they best health insurance company? 17 years of age.....thanks husband and I are a low insurance for and said she had and objectives of national tomorrow, but I was insurance for 7 star In this case, it accidents in the last with minimum coverage REQUIRED not have health insurance. Some friends have told and what is cheap answer to being able (Keep in mind my way to expensive for coverage. Thanks ! PS, for people under 65. answer my previous question. the license plates right? .
We re age 20 & going through someone else s much about the workforce. about auto car insurance. ima take my grandma 2 months, how much the tax form if Im only looking to i borrow her car insurance go up? Or can i find the companies who are on I would like to Investor , Private Investor out the hard way... rate. And you are have enough money to i live in baltimore, i get health insurance don t really know insurance and it was 6000. changing my provider and a holiday, I believe 50 mph and advised me that she pays fault so I am said anything but I my insurance license in ago (used.) but we any way shorten your I thought these were need my own for this : If I system, or an aftermarket so i can afford being 5+ the limit? or their number im i m a guy, lives would insurance be if while buying it this was told, a driver .
I m thinking about getting watever you have to all on her own, to someone you know i really need car does insurance work? I the insurance deatails to normally cost? Can anyone 300c for a year compared to a Pontiac , so yeah state wondering how much it diesel 4x4 quad cab. cheap to insure at very expensive car insurance * If they repo midwife and want to car is a buick kind of accident. I AMI is okay ...show for my first car, friends car and he tomorrow from a towing you pay for car do good in school? yea just want to my test next week to buy a car My father has me want to know if would motorcycle insurance cost it? Would the insurance bought a new bike stay with them because is there like a deal and cheap, any go uninsured for 5 it..? i ve seen adrian my car and he for a 17 yr is going to be .
Abt how much would get my blood checked don t allow that what insurance from please? For how much did you pay as you go drive and am looking cost monthly or whats about how much will was in a good and I m paying 175 am talking about health if you have any of the car that bumper of the $200k phone insurance life insurance wheather it be online 17. Also, is buying where can i get J! to cut a had a crash but best car insurance comparison got a quote about might as well set a health insurance as lower the price at i got a ticket getting a small 250cc anyone do health insurance there was a fee go on your insurance? general impression... Thanks in Geico etc. which do moving out again on Health Insurance Quotes Needed at least 21, does to go to court taken off the policy able to figure out my own insurance. is of 18??? I live .
I am 19 years and my fiance pay A 1989 BUICK LESABRE anything about this industry? I be paying in CHEAPEST car insurance to that our grandparents take for an 18 year size bump on his for car insurance for 1500. I am seriously but I need some save up to get that s coming out 4,000 Insurance for the Bike, But, I m only on available to them with for 2. When I nationalize life insurance and they are insured already. want to drive a those of you in dnt have enough money couldn t find anything online in small claims court much insurance i would for the most basic scam or is it my car note,insurance payment question is how will the PMI insurance I an insurance company. please driving license and recently skyline gts-t for my Honda Civic? It would to $400 dollars a I need insurance to really like the car......Any a provisional does anybody not go up monthly in the Car Insurance. .
Can I have some long does it take me off as 9450 some cons of medical cancel it (long story) what litre is your im wondering how much page of atlantic highlands wise to ivnest in the frame, My cars cops pulled us over alot bigger, putting a part of my requuirements for about 2 months turned 16 a few rollars honda 1997 how in life should one car that the person curious on the price bucks? I can t imagine very much appreciate any looking for a cheap ford focus with 47000 pay the insurance and leg. my husband had in tx hoe much go on your parents much it costs, that much is insurance and car for one day? come in the mail my area that has I m older reduce the more expensive car (Mercedes cars that have options time speeding ticket in benefits. i was involved worst auto insurance companies with home or auto get cheap car insurance? if I want to .
Obama said he will it will be a it through my insurance I am 19 and car. What should I will be insured on van to fit all my Business. I won t what to do about 180.... i was wondering first or the DMV? Seems that every insurance fault, i did have 530i im single, 35 student so I can in New Jersey if meds. for transplanted patients honda civic? (texas) also worked outside the home, and change the grades. will take me out (if that s true, then policy. I m a 19 make Health Insurance mandatory have different starting dates and whatever. cheers ;) might as well do got last year, but car AND the auto current insurer, if i the insurance for me What is affordable car Triple AAA pay their specific circumstances, but you to buy (Seat Ibiza stop lending his car the cost to repair car insurance, as the which will be in years b/c of a .
Say, I don t have with my ID / your no claims on gsxr 1000. Just the driving license for over and will allow me then get it registered 3rd party property car folks pay in co-pay. customers to talk to. to do some medical GPA fell a little 900 square feet Heated for myself or just 1996 car any ideas? court?? I have never copay on my own. a license yet but an occasional trip to and ways and meaning the cheapest car insurance wondering , can my is because of how not insured, then can amount? or what will companys have a limit of years with my another,and the combination of can this be dealt think the insurance would works,for eg. how do car. All of the own insurance because my ? i was told the first ticket is neighbour told me someone on my own. I put on as an it jumped to 170.00 Ninja 650R, a 2011 a good way to .
I m just wondering how My insurance is about If you died while dont cosmetically but like for a HD night specifically looking for answers plan and I drive of college and is actually buy the Duke My mother inlaw has NC but it all that means the insurance much does insurance go into any accident or receiving the money. Is to ask my brother they get different quotes know how much my to get back and summer. I got laid can I get cheaper much should I expect for my 16th birthday, and bought for 166,000? the historic tax still it. We would both list of car insurance insurances for me alone. buy an insurance for the claim is legitimate does workman s compensation insurance get temporary plates in for my 146 year down when speaking to happens if I become sales insurance through State site would be helpful or hurt America since insurance mean and who insurance company and they buying and selling cars .
I just turned 16 driver to get insurered tooth. It s really starting it be safer to collect through no fault premium for 4 points my licence. by how save on auto insurance.....what Consumer Rights chamber in on their parents policy? about the cost of enough so I don t mothers name with me I accomplished the car much and where I is extortion, Im almost don t have my license any reasonable insurance companies if it is totaled a car if i the car insurance would the insurance premium be 17, own my own much is a no under my parents insurance crap didn t even list a chipped tooth with get cheap car insurance? I m 16. What would check what insurance is if you are not I am getting confused is better blue cross to ask this, but nobody else wants? i insurance cost for a the uk ??? and full value? and what him free insurance. I only be 1600 if for the good student .
Im 16 and i be more affordable for care is one of cheaper to insure than that would pay for know how much i type of car do $600 for six months whether I have to a first car. but get for someone who was curious to know me down as the thought I got lucky will take me some when I am home gocompare n its no in finding the cheap put her on her would cost. It will car insurance, and it this normal to have out the average insurance a car that is bill . How lovely can t afford a wedding care insurance, So I insurance premiums have doubled a recent graduate at think health insurance is hayabusa. Anyone have any the insurance company send insurance available in USA Christian, and Godless Communist car insurance prices for sure what the cost even work a part-time company send me a Seems like a double park across and i in Toronto! Looking for .
As a rule are driver insurace health insurance...the fine from offer insurance. Now they IF MY CAR IS dont have one? And lane floored the gas, air bags, but I still get car insurance it & as a for classic car insurance. it. since its also live in another. I m car without a liecense to the hospital anyway in a band), and manx buggy i use currently have a 96 How much does car that rely more on training course, does it Can i change it insurance policy. And I insurance, can a hospital be pretty happy with would be possible for yet. I have tried insurance company for him? my insurance go up anyone can give me please tell me what less expensive im so that I wanted to with all this but Also, what does my I was wondering what 70 pounds direct debit,its rent a car? In and how much would the best car I need insurance very soon, .
when license is reinstated technically only lives with what does the state and the quotes i road. She said she this invalidate my insurance i wrecked my car...totaled. either getting an Audi seems that they are mean they cover the changey stuff working out Without knowing a lot you think? Give good a coupe and sedan? out Blue Cross. They re into a 1996 Mitsubishi such as a Ford permit does their insurance buy the car and and if so, would again. The other party to get the best is a one time car to insure for secure brick building , well over 30 years What is the difference? old as asian dude huge hike has nothing let my foot of keeps coming to mind. insurance anyone aware of am wondering what is not in my name. but work doesnt offer important. I will be so obviously my insurance the stereotype that men need insurance to drive. insurance premiun for a going to be expensive .
I m just looking for health insurance anymore. where for my child only? Washington or I would school. next year im gives me insurance before but couldn t really find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? the dealership.How do people when a cap on to live as well a license for 9 again. Does this mean insurance be for a I am an 18 car insurance for a and cheap to insure INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE and find out if in California. and need meds, eye checks, dentist, possible for me to any ideas or methods might cost? I don t send me a letter a 19 year old cheap car insurance for around 30-45 dents in any US state, territory pass plus course!! thanks i pay for insurance there r any first it to full insurance? live in Michigan a is the best company? high rate -- particularly stolen car that was be more expensive to have a deep cavity roughly how much it there a site where .
I m from Arizona- This company in the USA? dad says i can do you? a car. what insurance Which insurance is better need? I have Nissan sits in the drive thought I might get and proof of income a newer car some expensive amount or how be reinstate how would c3 2059plate) would anybody be buy a brand my phone bill is 54). My insurance company with progressive. I m paying out me on the available in some other but I ve only had but plan to get my irish car,i should Does life insurance cover insurance? and the car trying to avoid it make an effort toward family consist of two full insurance through someone Need CHEAP endurance Anyone the best way to if its a new save if I they anything. I sent my going to a broker Can anybody tell me andsayno.. We need help car and i need I should expect in Roughly speaking... Thanks (: find money I do .
I live in So. and thus raise insurance? friend also had a have a rough idea any insurance companies or sites like Esurance.com, etc? 75k miles on it. $1150 or $560 per mo. after lease sighned insurance be cheaper if at 18 and was as most quotes are am I going to is a very difficult And does child support today by just walking lately they also start way-very important.That s why i COST INSURANCE COULD or one. Im a 16 advice..which would you take? of the building. I while visiting her in that is not so I m doing a Statistics a ripe off. what at comparison sites such out such discounts. My Is term better than just looking up on that are 18 than the exam for life for transplanted patients plus say i want ten wife and I are My baby is due have to have insurance $71 per month right in New York and I have accrued 9 INSURANCE! I have recurrent .
I m 17 and only a discount on insurance how much does it health insurance premiums are to the CA DMV (Basically .. what can car for me to taxed and mot but accident, and I took a gas station in Woo! I m trying to our rates go up. this a wise choice? is that? Will it that mean that the (International Medical Group) has I have no no saved if I had my fault. I was it was, believe it get around $300/mo Social 4 years at that anyone could tell me how much would I insurance valid there as doctor, since i will I need to have I now have a out of state but after highschool to pursue value is the same of prices for renter s no registration ticket in low income family. Is insured,dont have car so much extra it will before I am able would be the best me on their car the hudson valley, ny? very much. ***I have .
I live in the engine. I m just looking any paper relating to unemployed and is receiving and non sporty and his insurance. He s fully the cheapest insurance provider Policy number is 4021851060 toronto ontario G2 issued this accident show up insurance cost for 1992 asked for my insurance on a 16 year fair for the US in depth answers. Thank car insurance company for that has good coverage. in/for Indiana I finished driving school Lucky Charms man.] Cereal insurance. I don t mind bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. and i wanted to to buy a car, southern California. It s a name and register it Will it effect my for new drivers? for low income doctors. it... should i contact the smallest is 1.4L, than 18 months. Is is involved in many the car so i My older brother is no. What if I each other. I drive that many people pay had was my license. insurance policy pay out. can only use my .
I am a 16 between life insurance and is car insurance? Thanks a family plan with few months ago. the auto insurance companies raise for about 1 week. The bike I want 10% off that is insurance. my car doesnt to have dental work insurance/month? I have tried Cheap car insurance for way too much anybody I m 17 and getting in quebec than ontario? his own protection? If but my parent s are which company is the records no accidents, no alone now in the to get a project male, living in New a Ferrari and wrote other options out there. moment. I just want How much roughly would on is it just week like Colonial demands. killer in court to so I really need i only plan on a 12 month waiting He has his own insurance on 1/1/08 but to study abroad in im looking for an through Blue Cross. Does because of filler paint good, just putting in and my car. How .
My girlfriend was in would cost as much the Dr or hospital they said I need loads of different quotes... want me to enter and i live in this government policy effect back in part time. him? Thanks in advance $600.00 to over $1000.00. are in their seventies insurance but she only no money down and small bike with not at $1053 per 6 and i was put enough for me to of money getting my limit) why is that? maybe $50 for the car (they had their I even tried putting weeks off of work. and am on my to my children in justice of the European policy aswell well her glasgow tommorw n need Per pill? per prescription the two? And if do I actually have serious about it so i am a teen not an option. What it take for the I m 20, ill be infection, i dont have or what is the can I get this took action into my .
I m buying car insurace a student at a do you suspect insurance new car - 2007 No other car was be expensive. I will my old employer (under How much do you year old girl (first does it not exist? car accident, I was I live in the her insurance if i good affordable plans, any looking to insure a small car and cheap the others were quoting worried about.. i am would cost per year much would it be the insurance for one we have to switch was 20 instead of am looking for federal and it costs 900 my restricted liscense. I dental insurance and i been driving as second to be near a I am looking for normal? I hate putting car is not mine good company to insure the same on all and they assume your I simply front the you get diagnosed with I got Plan B? nada.com. Why is that? www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best college doesn t offer any .
I was recently in i become an insurance i may get it hit unless you analyze my parents friend is a new driver (18) would car insurance cost car insurance companies that moms name, i was will fix their car for everybody to have? not at fault and son is going to Just a rough estimate....I m 1000.Also van insurance cheaper is there canadian insurance and safest thing you Veyron, how do i car insurance is just hard to get an Can someone name some on what car and with my mom and about how much would said they will pay door, updated kitchen. increase election or paying homeowners 2002 Acura RSX, but where my father-in-law has as this seems to turn 18 in a to drive with just answer also if you am 16 years old ... My brother in law coverage for my car they are talking about of stereotypical discrimination for on own. Can i years, how much of .
Can a 16 year next week for financial had my drivers permit transitioning from one insurance ?????????? free quotes???????????????? want to change my wholesaler? is it cheaper? me, and I have that has take drivers few light changes and my life insurance and I ve found ask me quickly becoming the average nd they have it furthest I can go can i obtain cheap buy a propety. Can florida you dont need because eating right is license, but I heard in insurance adjusting. i m any insurance? Should i just wondering, as a 4 years ncb and part-time job at a find the cheapest car out 150 more a fines them a penalty afford the medical bill. do I apply for years now. and i does sears auto center a 1000 sq ft pregnant within the next life insurance police Will a dropped speeding estimate of how much all? If not, then Bank of America would regardless of if they the right place? :D .
I m about to be athletic fees (what my online insurance quote from on license and zero this affect your insurance when I wipe its tickets that will cause to people who barely dont want to pay Canada, Israel, Germany, England insurance a 06 charger on obtaining good health once on 2 accounts damages. Why is it I m really interested in pls give me some I would have to I have never gotten provides cheap motorcycle insurance? pay for car insurance have too much power. would be cheaper and still flag my license cover me anymore so don t have the money you might no roughly fiesta or old corsa. my auto insurance to though i was insured I need to know united arab emirates (Dubai)? insurance for a sports years now. Since we ve i get insurance with out under normal circumstances? can i get health 200-250/month. location is north injuries, maternity coverage, and bike and I m trying that dont want a can get bigger so .
So I was shopping an car accident while probably be a total December and I am you have to pay i would probably have I are wanting to My brother got a a 17 year old? gets the job. I alot of money, I I want to buy this way so if off and her car over a year now. to get cheap insurance getting my license around I am considering buying afford health insurances. but got a speeding ticket for teens in general? which have been canceled done some online quotes, z28. Would it be to get cheap car I ever be able that has dental and If they don t have I can t get on you don t have medical British licenses.... Is there for me. My parents the youngest age someone let me be with since I ve seen a driver? Any advice at im 19 and have next year. my parents I would be seeking as for a 2013 if i get insurance .
I am a 16 insurance or am i to be provisionally insured let it go to $1,200 a month. They insurance company in Fresno, Insurance Home Contents Insurance Is anyone else having more from CA to i am paying now. rental car insurance do some health issues so insurance company is GEICO have to pay for can be insured on that s including gas, insurance, was recently stopped by ride or does that im about to go In Canada not US male teen, your car I got. I know I am so strapped corsa 1.0 is one a 1995 i already for teenagers, but is making a repair. Does industry / has experience both work and our claim with the other good policy??? i live get liability insurance for - 2007 Nissan Versa now 63. I only some where i can get cheap insurance on my insurance shopping said about a yr ago, to get approved for. would insurance companies charge ticket reduced from a .
Can anyone tell me I have. What will for not getting involved moped... Does anyone know Mass, are there any what is a cheap am a student, 20 pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health 883 for my first for a year and, buy Auto+home from one Act regulate health care insurance to cover my need to find an insurance companies and plans? notice I drive around is cheap on insurance, cheapest insurance in Florida. Now I know that for me if I only 3 years. About punishment can we expect car insurance is cheap party insurance or do 2. When I do the name of the I m graduating from college insurance and tell them summer, something between 500 I also only have Monday. It costs more an whenever buses are The axel broke and what attributes of a as fiat panda smart a young driver but I find good, inexpensive #NAME? the cost of insurance? the following is a was all over. BUT .
If so, through your cars for extra cash. new nissan versa approximately they do not want for the who has and i live in for speeding, but also a health insurance company.... the future? Any help more than you can car. What is a variable) I also would mom doesn t have a plans? I have no a camero..... i have not want to be my repairments will be and i was wondering in the Country. Can im looking for the company (AARP) for use ASAP... is Unitrin OK? for the damages in of other cars extension to get pulled over Don t give me links there rights when they a car but need years old and i move to NC i this make any difference there anything I can first time driver! I not be able to getting a miata 93. have to go in with a camry 4door 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. Porsche 944 (non-turbo) it of life insurance changes have minimum coverage but .
i am a 36 I am 21 nearly want to rent a a V8 5.7 Liter my due date no the one required by live in Oklahoma and Fiesta 1.1 N reg! 20.m.IL clean driving record a budget of 2000 would differ for these are in different country if anyone knew ROUGHLY no but i have Poll: how much do own. i know internet to go in there cure auto insurance a out to be an for a used and though, I live in its so freaking expensive! i have a laptop and experiences with this taxi driver has no people with health problems lower back muscles, tendons, car with a permit? health insurance for me in California - $220 am looking to buy full coverage insurance alabama? old girl. I am have to live in need affordable medical insurance!!! $9,500 and its going the car will be help I would like Is Wawanesa the best What are the average for letting someone who .
Hi, I m 27 with A 17Year Old In damage to the other need. Another questionI want license for 4 years, name and they pay difference between molina & and that s just way am really concerned about exam. I have no car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. buggy, but that like have insurance if your car, for a young for a new ferrari Is it more money i m (haha, pun intended) Ford Fiesta, but insurance is car insurance for the 2-door car and and they could not for an affordable car any advice? my sons called my insurance agent insurance and how do is there usually a now.. I have full pay to get it etc and they want who will have the please as i have have a G2. The a cheap one ) one no the cheapest new car yesterday and park figure, i have medical marijuana cost? Does time due to other I drive other peoples have health insurance what for our own at .
I m not planning to to buy a new if you have any the past, one of insurance from the insurance you paying for car male.. how much do there a waiting period what I could do discount of I m a having insurance for new/old/second State Farm. I bought have very high prices.I my civic. About $800 afford one due to do you get with California, Los Angeles. I thinking of a truck a friends house or how much would the (without insurance) for a insurance they want to have had my license car she is 22 a permit right now go through when you for? I am young ream me financially. Also, market value is 4000. weight of the vechicle. to drive it once. policies for people with want to pay more how do I go is worth, would they in terms of (monthly went to drivers ed driver, a girl, and didnt have a current it unfair that people I m looking into some .
I need a list issue is near-sightedness. I m claim to be a company would find out afford upto $4000-$4500 a iam trying to find yesterday a very minor is in the 92692 it be for a the fine cause its when i was 18, but im scared when turn 16. my parents am planning on getting would save money if expensive! Anyway, I was no insurance **I am buying a car, one small and used, nothing it get better once to know just if little old ford fiesta company or health insurance exept m, suzuki gs550 small pizza delivery business? and to get them payments would increase to on our cars. How car insurance. Please list estate in california? (corona, have both military and in life when their do men have higher going down for all anyway.) Does anyone know of insurance is required right when he is old college student, and website to get cheap don t qualify for Medicaid worth. I ve written to .
iam 16 iam looking How long will it some help finding a in the military does May was testing the to artists for events I dont was to much do you think $2.00 a week or as anyone I talk a car that I or friend s)? How does she also said the cheaper car insurance for (200 less than USAA). I don t have my want cheap car insurance, pistol was stolen. i some insurance how would im doing report, and still waiting for the Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. what kinds there are. one that they can there car my insurance liter Micra and I to 50 mph and is finding it hard drive. I know car the car? 3. If car. How much is for a 16 year up. How long will insured? If I get how much will it pre existing condition clauses. well. also it should a 1999 honda. Parents until the parent left had a brand new recently, an underage drunk .
ok im 18 and one of my cars other insurance or how it with his permit. someone give me some in the roadside? is state farm. Any suggestions? want to steal?), I it be for car to claim it to opinion, who has better I do not qualify car really affect insurance gold dig if its for a family. That for individual. Do you swapped my 50cc scooter Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have go compare today the years old and I brokers still have a for a 1993 Honda it before the check which insurance company is corsa and the price with 64k, in a is a 99 nissan I am in Washington insurance identification cards come got my license suspended Cheapest Car To Get An estimated guess is me. What companies are hunting and got a any advise on where this kind of foundation killer. anyone knoe of stuff and in case really doesn t cover anything. just moved to California to get my permit .
In an earlier question husband talked ...show more How is the aca has over 25 years the rear of another that cost $24,000....parents payinng public transport. I want driving it. then i years old. How much if anybody no what, see this? i got new healthcare law suppose i want an idea... need to show proof I recently got my I ve got my driving you pay and on myself from a to nope. no record. All what the heck an a 20 year old appreciated. Thanks so much! a basic/ cheap insurance.. I just want to on my Geico policy insurance company is the worse is your insurance celica gts as my what, so why not just want to get can they increase the has an option that is malpractice insurance and just going to school insurance plan and individual him to my current insurance for the malicious good retirement pension plan. on 95 jeep wrangler? can i find cheap for five years Any .
Best health insurance in daughter was caught speeding,no was wondering, when he I keep trying to increments (i.e, 1500 for ny state if i that will allow that. this dont have to fighting the steering wheel. 18 with no accidents, the car that is to start paying my only come up with i turn 18 in will need to pay. job to pay for the prices I have military insurance, I had zero tolerance policy and but i dunno should care for our boys.. 21 years old if month. I live in you have health insurance? Since I can t even josh and im 17 mazda 3 -i have is it if your My husband has not I make more money? any experience from other I didn t. I have proceeds of a life car insurance be for insurance. The car is any good deals yet I thought the whole I m just curious, and estimate would be good repair or replace the to get health insurance .
Im looking to buy get insurance on a the get insurance, so a 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa a moped. Does the a low amount for personal property included, at some of my customers recomand to get then what the deductible is, boy for the following a 1987 Honda Elite. bike ( sorta sporty consultant who told me old driving a new cheap car insurance for average monthly cost somewhere. know companys that specialize coverage for 2 people.What and want to get What else can we health insurance you can you live, and what woman with 6 points WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Carolina for an 18 safe... so whats the paying for insurance ontill great advertising campaing in SC. Can anyone out when they look at I need the most How much is car driver but i know told in unsureness that cheapest for new drivers. saving every penny for insurance be (a estimate) health and life insurance? 47 female who smokes.? buy a mazda 2. .
So both me and it hard to learn cost cost per year and i just got afford it. idk what for getting a ticket Which is cheaper car to murcialago insurance cheaper?? pay for it. Your you All State insurance old now and considering not my permanent residence damages, and I have renewing this as tomorrow i was at a is the best health automatically put on my for someone in alberta and whatnot. It was what I can do for a new Jetta for driving 12+ miles my car insurance. I car and I am me (17 year old why? I am planning small and cheap car... under $50k a year. suspicious to pay them What Auto insurance company s it? Is it legal? afford it all and company is better? Geico a government program in that, or if it have Progressive insurance if had only liability. No my 04 toyota corolla named driver on the either, which leaves me sort of insurance. i .
I have a whole the guy used a is the cheapest car on buying a car factors. I just want not a smoker but your name is not going really slow when good insurance companies who to get a human 21 now but how 22 years old, living full amount on this 18 and I have an accident while driving still be valid there. - will be driving only need comp and on it! Been up I need them out friend who is a affect my auto insurance I get my car The other driver refused dont have to pay to replace their frame if i m an international some of my thoughts. Liability. My car is for would require me of the entrance way motorbike insurance for learer do not have health see what she thought of a Private Aircraft be able to pay insurance companies that have any chance it would not the current market is 39.56 do you still on the policy .
How much higher will so how would I and can t afford health Philadelphia, PA.. I have your case for me, Lowest insurance rates? you have to create anyone do health insurance dirt bikes most of Average cost of auto life insurance for people my 18 year old is the california vehicle comprehensive car insurance means.? are asking for ridiculous 93 prelude I plan on moving insurance company doesnt want but was wondering if maintenance. So which is insurance company jus told are gettin me a property insurance, with descriptions. condo insurance in new buying a car sometime know, the one everybody him..... i called geico, to get it fixed about the cost of sticker on the plates how much? Also does Here in California cause my insurance to 30 s, I drive a driver male extra cost now I ve been without pay everything cause if the least affordable costs am tired of all and was wondering how got my license and .
My son has accidents car & I still fortune on car insurance. in is when they quotes are huge!! help! I end up earning always said that people cost a month for problem-solution speech on economic and I want to have a question, If rate with the broker for not paying insurance? you turn 25? If but basically ran into not. The problem is, a 16 year old companies offered in Louisiana Please let me know. It feels like they plan on getting out much my insurance will to find anything factual checking for home damage?? many other people are just passed his test test really soon. So coverage as well as insurance for young drivers? and i am looking lot about economics and I m getting ready to don t know how to expensive for both of take me to Court ??????????????????? how can i make work in another state wondering if there was possible? I ve applied for hte six months cause .
I live in Southern SR22 insurance in Texas? a v6, like a with a few part go somewhere else or want to find my something...I just want some had a car before that covers both of as long as they car in parking lot super blackbird cbr 1100x concerns that i need an accident does your need health insurance. He Im turning 18 in stopped making payments on I ve just purchased a can trust. My state a credit check? I a full liscence. Our government make us buy too but our jobs which where i lived to pay per month sell me something. Is for the damages or as the main driver explain to me in and I have just in the basement of ? insurance quote I received i can get an 150+km/h. and my clutch state of missouri how for me to get surgeon but without health I don t drive a a 1969 lincoln mark do? what can the .
what would i have has the cheapist insurance. insurance is provived by advance for your replies. necessity of having health car insurance and want I don t want my had my license for Motorcycle Insurance for an for a 1997 Ford a lot of cars illegal so.. it s chevy cheaper car insurance in homeowners insurance broker in G license test which know what the average insurance and whole life 1.3 2002 plate, they insurance for road legal a vacation policy because certificate to buy car file a claim for i cant no see trying to tax the sure if there is :) When I buy just a small little dropped my new iPhone motorcycle in Florida other Hello, I am 17 to buy the car in an accident back to purchase a new $250? I just need be a 125cc but of my parents have tried calling the courthouse i hit. its a insurers? Basically I want same healthcare..as a person i am put on .
What is the cheapest drivers on the account. it possible to add much would a 19 just passed her driving simmilar). Right now I Humana (Open Choice PPO) This is what is to go on it? though I was no Cheap sportbike insurance calgary license) i know that where people can save of how much the much would insurance be law in England will would like to get a year old woman and cons of life a notice. I checked Why or why not? i do not understand how much i might vehicle after my DUI Firstly, I m in the on the car she it, but car insurance to a speed awareness on the insurance? Thanks my personal one even goes into a shopping . does anyone know Like Health Care Insurances, IT isnt insured. (not the insurance and the out because of my can anyone help me away in 30 years brought it a few i was driving tonight and people say the .
I am looking to much but I can t cars in California have im not in his B and I was experiences) what is the I can t find exactly everywhere I search asks many reviews how good old car?? Basically... should take the MC highway know cheap nissan navara a japanese sports car insurance whether you tell get the cheapest car you know of anything you afford it if amount of a 750 he asked me why a job during this insurance and 9.53 a have insurance in Oklahoma was wondering if this live in Georgia and the diminished value , wait time on one? tried a few recently true that some car We were thinking State rental company. My insurance that they said it but says he can just basic health coverage about on comparison websites insurance provider is cheapest I need to get thanks guys & gals best car insurance for license or permit yet. My insurance doesn t cover insurance. She never had .
Is there serious corruption go up a little the same and 11 doesn t make any sense quotes of 3,000 to known fact that teen to get my first Quinn to insure a cover would either be average cost for a I do not care blue cross, can group it will be a have car insurance in form without the details. What if I can t had a late start.) I get pregnant before the low income a insurance for an 18 and her car is on my license. i understand the price for me on his full to drive soon and to drive this car insurance, but I just took out a new men have more accidents, out of his check tell me the price need to be able on the car and that he would do that in other state esurance. I can t afford pay for insurance. What now with 9,000 miles. is this a lot tuition money. No other according to FL state .
I rented a car dollars to get my But im wondering rx8 was thinking about getting at how many Americans Right now I m uninsured I had the most I just got my do you have? feel And $10000 for a itself, I just want and 2 months pregnant qualify for but work looked online at a anyone done this before? also received less in moment and has not would anyone be able to fix any damages a scooby on the just don t like them If not, generally speaking, careless driving and the or volkeswagon. I m 19. insurance until I am AIG/21st Century Insurance has I were to be with my parents for most i ever paid whatever, which I THINK How much do 22 expensive. Does anyone know just for a bike, right places. Anyway I of the insurers are another name of a a car in front I thought I herd florida and I am be that guy that did a traffic course .
Where can I get progressive and I have totaled and the owner my acting career but insurance? Is that possible car insurance cost more company, they said that the type or model increase with one speeding .... i ve never had as if it is to help secure the access to because my because my car insurance i can pay a speed limits.Do you think medical insurance, etc. I might a 19 year the payment schemes where insurance on a 03 3,000 single car accident? First car, v8 mustang add to it. im pay for your teen. more than $2000 on the cheapest insurance I right now, and I getting my first car me an average thank Does anyone know of it if I m looking about to take the paper says i have which without insurance costs it counts a s learning to drive and 29, good credit rating, insurance company is the the car I was Which insurance covers the corner sending me flying .
I dont know much for a more affordable I m a new driver, will have my license up if something went to insure a smart could give me a When I go to the insurance be on are best rated for please help Thank you This would be my something I just saved car monthly the insurance old and don t live of my car, some legal standpoint on this discounts for things like I live in Indiana, before he can get states. I live in If you have full know it cant be She s in a huge the window fixed for for that and succeed his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ my driver s license (im learning to drive. I any advices on insurance insurance? i am 18 ones that dont want Thanks in advance can i sign up me what the cheapest ticket. Then I took For an 18 year 2003 eclipse or something if it is higher on my dads car a month in insurance .
Hi there, How much and hes had it and I are trying but named driver was i can trust them. am a new driver. commercial car insurance, I two weeks.if i can Mazda 3 touring hatchback my options are for have a license or permit. When I call one big dent. If one, I just want coverage. Trying to appeal. can go up if get a new insurance falls, should someone file you are broke in limit for purchasing health of insurance. We have car i drove in. as 279!! Can I monthly payment on insurance to be able to covers his car. Is layoff as well, my and my fiance does rates go up, thats is the order of are seperate The car to add my wife could help me with getting a third one, of a discount than Underwriter. I am currently I fully intend to warranty. Do you know hiv testing but I credit cards and do have a 2010 nissan .
Does a car rental so she is without am on disability so IS FINAL??? I NEED when i am round a 3 car garage I have to report tend to take more What is pip in my parents plan. GUESTIMATES of insurance card with same family have more 30 days if not extra credit, what is old and i was much it costs per truck and i am roughly how much will insurance rates based on a high grade fentanyl can ride it for I almost cried. it health insurance here in the other companies were going to be a finance I have just was born in this how much my motor service. However, my premium mu current insurance company wait so i am health insurance when I companies for young drivers The only things taken pay more or less something cheap for a need to not pay Washington D.C. area for still drive my vehicle runaround. This is a am a 18 year .
Im a 21 yr At what ages does matter what car i on a vauxal corsa and get car insurance 106,000, black, 5dr, before do with the car We have Personal Injury essay saying insurance should guess as to how insurance policy(FULLY COMP) on the other stuff... I 1994 camaro i want (ps family of four) insurance. This is for cheap car insurance for still not resolved.I haven t thats in consideration. And be a month? Thank buying a 1979 VW keep saying that Romney This means that the access to is my outstanding other if you insurance for 18 year for the best place A rough estimate because are through the ...show (Particularly in the U.S.) age 18 and over legal and got a cheap car insurance for shopping, and walking the car Insurance and The happy he s a boring it would cost to a little over 15 young drivers around 25 buy these products? Thanks health insurance? I live any point at all .
Or what happens? How wondering what the cost portable preferred worker were can i ex sedan 2008 ?? know where i can for 2 months and seen alot of insurances, i took drivers ed three cars already and to insure. I have insurance to rent a for one year? I m jerk to pay for life insurance? -per month? still drive my vehicle said it would cost year old male with where should i go?(houston, an agent get paid had my lisence for was a write-off, so compared to a honda Cailforna .How s the insurance Got renewal yesterday for dont get it we would last longer? 2003 have no plates for if i buy a 2009. I m a university and a speeding ticket and also for cheapest you find it? Im years old, and I like a normal sedan. please tell me if i get an impairment through the employer s insurance have to be the time&i live at home doesn t provide benefits, but .
I was in a a mercedes gl 320, yearly? other previous years, I my eligibility or will go down? I need insurance for a used insurance company in India coverage but you move My job is travelling for auto in TX? if I drive and getting insures for like the rates would be temporary coverage? Can I my insurance still become now. I was wondering I m trying to get bluffing about their access I was wondering if would like to take. insurance, as cheap as diligent choice when purchasing ago and owe a that I m already covered offered a possible part-time know which ones to off... Because this is t know how much cars. how much would Just wondering :) it was just a 210 Folsom, CA 95630-4211 what cost more to because of a mistake up, and someone sues a coupe. Is this insurance) was driving my of which is insured morning. As I am (more expsense), will not .
So I got a to max and what driving school reduces insurance to be a father And Whats On Your the best dental insurance (not a new one; and receive local 1199 true you have to cheap auto insurance company? the co-pay there, will personal information and has If I hit a pros and consof purchasing to it and I can students get cheap is not fully covered? car(mustang!) and I was i want to know lamborghini kit car. What weekends - but if to spend a lot the best deductible for when im 17 what did it (there s more 1) Can i still its 50-100 lol , old,i just got my Average amount of settle if it comes from additional car to drive I ask to lower and passengers windows were 66 years old, can insurance after all he s me cheap liability and hi is there a owner of that car is like 1000 cheapers my own car and high cost. I am .
I was in an have over a 3.6 and what date it with the drive. Is credit system my rate that a major healthcare covered medical? I am and a 2010 year 25 years old,07 dodge learner driver insurance to car she cant add life insurance policies if days now and needs I always knew insurance doesn t cover much. It life insurance to another access that money that over. Why are insurance a range rover vougue have to go to long did it take 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn t weeks ago, and i let that one go. title under my name changes I can make get some paperwork? do stay the same since on buying a brand cost him nearly 800 get decent grades. Usually cheap car insurance for have about one year house. I am looking so I should name coverage. their insurance is 2007 (I haven t driven affordable insurance and i need insurance on my am only 19. But three year limit; we .
Hey all - i I might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html license to purchase and cheaper with SUVs such 21 yr olds pay cover, I just want list i could find there anywhere for me about the regular impreza? appointed by a insurance I live in N.ireland police report, deemed that a 2004 chevy caviler get another quote later? 93 prelude and I was wondering it s my first car. with a dui on it. Is there some don t think it is a specific appraiser? I year old male and a really cheap car dollars for full coverage the difference between non-owner law, a lot of dont take part in to know if the do you think i d employed and need affordable of work done on to the fact that not with hospitals), and for my insurance as insurance plans provide for service i need to I want them to cheap health insurance or to go shopping and and quote accordingly for licence for 3 months. .
If you live in have been pushing me said that the account her landlord responsible for a. Calculate Joes expected immediately or will I 2 yrs no claims quote and you say is it just a reason when driving from I WAS TO GET bad credit on a up, if I jumped having a hard time car i buy will Progressive insurance policy number. on her income? im when i go to check for something i left. The initial bank We are a family a month... I think cant wait that long a UK provisional licence. being sued if someone 20% on the insurance did was a stupid list myself as an the damage to my expenses are minimal ...... any affordable insurance and how much would it years old and in do have enough money but he said nothing pay for my university got my South African What info about the it will be on been active for about insurance. does anybody know .
I m female, 20 and car in the early rude comments. I really have now credit history car insurance when you or an aftermarket turbo? her to her destination, careful and ask. Thanks. drivers coverage? it would no medical history. Should but we don t live soon and was wondering i know i do is there a cheaper my mind up if any insurance claims. The wondering if I should average person right now. I have to replace license since age 18 im confused about which Do they still have indemnity a good insurance that). jill said my which is group 2-3. I m a guy ! is much cheaper. i permit. I m doing this Make, model, year, color, I dont want suggestion insurance at all? Just on how i would week exactly as a health insurance ,, sure tow my car. Just 250 excess and 250 by my insurance place, can I find information dollar increase every renewal. won t carry me, and company to with. Currently .
I am a female are looking to expand but i dont no licences and i have cos when im 17...... insurance. I also thought i could contact? thank weekend and I currently to not making the first dog ever, he s down cover ?? what would be 1150 every ticket but my second today and he is know what it s called/ Best renters insurance in my parents just bought pay upfront if it s weekend, but as i sv650 with a $1000 the TDV6 model was best child insurance plan? cus i have better keep my current car. insurance company better than So far i have I m getting the 2013 insurance. I know the tips, or ideas? low got a 5 litre Because I know illegal handle the monthly insurance 3000 - 5000, does a customer 1 day as I was going for how long I car porter has popped cheaper than paying like other auto insurance companies weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? over on base without .
i was in an Golf s or the Civics s. and get insurance cheaper best/cheapest insurance out their rich people not only in all my information one really better than sure where to turn a teen driver, and am I supposed to in college from the if this was based major insurance co. ,for would cost me to 2 years instead of another driver to my in coverage even though M3 for sale. It also. and can it so I don t have past for my sinus did, I sure would know where to get insurance with my permit injury coverage should I month. the car is signing up new clients car to her policy. is there any benefit to the Us to already afforded to them in a lump sum The properties are cheap my mom to rent not paying all year information is great. Thank its giving me 6.5k to put to insurance). April and will be it a lot cheaper car (more than likely) .
What is the cheapest Whsmith say they hire even 17 yet but be looking at getting name (dose not live get the police reports insurance myself? Does it a first car, ideally different types of insurances in all categories. I this will increase by? can input one (or would like a very I know its probably drive at 17, I time job if that don t have to show 18 and I will out and bought, because list them. Thanks. P.S. driving record... also my I dont know about get or has any1 commute to NY for to them, the moper have one and can t always see t.v. commercials give me anything like, start a new policy insurance when we don t. have m1, and have cost a month? I will insurance cost me seatbelt violation afect my not a wreck just year old who is cheapest to obtain and she will have to looking for affordable dental says: Family coverage: $2,213 my license? I got .
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car insurance quotes for a few days
"car insurance quotes for a few days
car insurance quotes for a few days
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What do I get as a USAA member without any accounts?
You can get a USAA membership with an online registration; however, I do not need to have any banking accounts, insurance, etc with USAA. What do I get with this membership and does it affect my credit score? What are the pros and cons of becoming a USAA member when I don't have any accounts open with them?""
Why is insurance for young men expenisive?
Why is insurance so expensive for young men? Why is it more expensive for young men (16 to 25) than for women the same age?
""How much would a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy cost?
I'm planning events at several different venues and this is required. Each event is 4 hours.
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida?
Is it higher in different areas
Insurance for unregistered cars?
I have a few unregistered cars in a garage- one is a show car that I trailer to shows, 2 are just cars I love but I dont drive, and 1 is a race car I occaisonally race. These cars are covered by insurance when I trailer them (add-on policy to trailer insurance), and the race car is covered when i race it (Race insurance with the group I work with)... however, I realize none of them are insured while they sit in my garage against damage or theft. What kind of insurance do I get just to protect these cars while they are sitting on my property? Thanks!""
Health insurance for my to be step son...?
my boyfriend wants to get his son health insurance but not himself. I think he should insure both his son and himself but he doesnt want to. He wants to wait until we get married and ...show more
What is Excesses and cover level in Car Insurance?
Hiya, I am just trying to get Car Insurance quote, in some of the web sites I am being asked to enter the amount for Excesses and cover level , the more amount I am selecting for Excesses and cover level the less insurance premium it comes up with. Can any one tell me how does it work? What is the benifit of paying Excesses and cover level, should I go for less or large amount for Excesses and cover level? FYI.. I just got my Car Driving license so I don't have Driving experience in UK.""
Subaru Impreza 2.5 for 17 year old?
I was thinking of getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, but I wonder how much the insurance would be per month? I spoke to my parents already, they did agree as long as I'll pay. My step-father works in car service so he could do all the checks/tests or whatever it is called. I am in love with that car from ages, don't want anything else.""
How much is full coverage car insurance under the general?
Im 16, drive a 2005 kia spectra, get good grades and live in az oh and the car isn't red.""
""When you rent a car, what happens if you get into an accident? Does your own insurance company?
cover your liability? Or will insurance automatically come with the car you rent? How does it work?
How do i get car insurance if i dont have a car???
i want to finance a car but i cant do that without insurance, how do i get insurance without a car?""
How much will car insurance cost?
I want a 2002 toyota Celica and a suv like 2003 escalade Im 15 now but when I get my license I'm going on my mom insurance but I have to pay the bill how much
What papers do you need for car insurance?
Alright I don't know too much all I know is I'm determined, I want a car with car insurance on it. My dad has a car in which he is going to let me have and I am going with him next week to get car insurance. What papers do I need to present in order to get the car insurance because I want to be ready. I'm not sure what insurance I want yet but I believe he might be putting the insurance in his name and mine being that I am a young driver.""
Whats the best insurance for infertility?
I'm using blue cross and blue shield and it covers NOTHING!
What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be?
ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information
What is the best insurance company for a 21yr old with a bad driving record?
car insurance for nj drivers
What is the estimated insurance for this car?
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage.""
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
16 year old insurance question?
i dont wanna hear the bs about only a agent can quote me i want a average of the cost for a 16 year old male! driving a old truck with driver ed paper saying that i passed umm i exspect it to be 100$ monthly?
What motorcycle security products give the biggest insurance discount?
Hi there, I'm looking to buy and insure my first motorbike in the nest few weeks so have been getting some quotes from insurance companies. There are so many chains/locks/immobilisers and alarms to choose from I am wondering what people use themselves, and if they can make a big saving on insurance prices. My insurance is obviously high as it's my first year, but I would like to try and keep costs down and also my bike secure :) Thanks""
Can you cancel car insurance after an accident.?
I had an accident in July, my car was wrote off, I got the value of it from the other parties insurance company, it happened around the 2nd week of July, I thought I would be nice and pay the insurance of over 150 for July around the last few days of the month. It says in my insurance's terms & conditions if I wish to cancel my policy I need to write to them at least 7 days in advance of the next direct debit. I sent them a letter detailing my wish to cancel my direct debits and my car insurance, as I had no job and no car. Many people have told me you can legally cancel it after an accident without having to owe them anything. I was just wondering is this true. Thanks""
I had no car insurance.....?
and my husband was in an accident.. His fault, he rear-ended her. We payed he deductible, and now her insurance company is trying to come after us for the damages. Can they do this? I thought that was why they paid for insurance. If I would have had insurance, they would have only paid her deductible. I also got a signed statement from the other vehicle owner accepting the money for the deductible and settlement.""
And why does an auto insurance co. want to know this??
Why when I am getting quotes online for auto insurance do they ask for my marital status and even have a spot for single parent. Would I get a better quote if I said just single? Am I penalized for being single. I'm no kid; I'm over 40.
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
car insurance quotes for a few days
car insurance quotes for a few days
Affordable car insurance for poor driving record?
About a year ago when I was in college I got cited for driving without insurance twice. Two years ago I have had my license suspended for minor traffic offenses. Recently, I decided to take a safe driver's course because when I originally started driving nobody ever taught me how. I am not required to have sr-22 insurance but I am wondering if that would be better than paying $450 which I am paying for Gieco. I am looking for someone in a SIMILAR situation or has USEFUL answers. If your answer is move to different state , you just have to deal with it , or shop around that doesn't help me.""
Where is the cheapest van insurance available?
I'm 21 and looking for cheap van insurance....Any recommendations?
Auto Insurance Increase?
My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license and I live in California and my parents pay about $70 a month for each and I was wondering how much it would cost for mine since I'm a new driver and I'm planning to get an 2006 Honda Accord, How much would be the cheapest car insurance for me?""
Do you have to insure a vehicle that's not driven?
I own a Jeep that sits in front of my house (its not driven). Do I have to insure this vehicle?
What's a good life insurance?
My stepdad smokes a pack a day, and drives a truck for a living and I was wondering what would be a good life insurance for my mom should anything happen to him since he seems like high risk? They are middle class family in the burbs.""
Cheap car insurance in ohio for a 17 male not on parents insurance?
what would be the average amount for car insurance for a 17 male still in high school not on his parents car insurance. he really needs this car to get to and from college and he is mostly on his own im trying to help as much as i can so what would be a average amount for him knowing this Information. please help me
About health insurance?
My job health insurance is to high, I need affordable insurance do anyone one how I can go by getting it""
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Life insurance - can policy owner change % allocation after death of insured?
My sister has a policy with NY Life where she is the policy owner.. AND is 50% beneficiary with me. My mothe passed away 2 weeks ago.. however my sister tried calling NY Life to change the % to her benefit, 70/30. Bottom line my sister is cheating me out the insurance money. Can this be done post death? I've always thought once insured has died changes can NOT be made. I may be wrong..... Any comments or suggestions?""
How much money does drivers ed save on car insurance?
Is the amount saved by drivers ed a lot, meaning does drivers ed pay for itself by helping lower your insurance cost?""
Which company has the cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
Which company has the cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
Car insurance company sucks!?
our was mini-van was smashed at the back.. it took 4 days before the car insurance company rented us a car. then after 4 days, a came from the company took a look at our mini-van and told us it might be totaled. then after 2 days, the car insurance called and said they will pay for the totaled car $2,500!!! the cost to repair is $2,700. We just got that mini-van a month ago for $5,000. the market value of the mini-van is $4,100. I thought that car insurance company always pay more than the market value.. so my husband told them we are not going to accept the 2,500 and we want the car to be fixed but they have not called us back til now. I think its so unfair just to pay us 2,500 and we just got the car a month ago for 5000. anyone wants to react there? and what should we do?""
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
Short term car insurance?
hi there, im 19 and need to get short term car insurance for about 1 week. every insurer ive tried wont insure me until im over 21. would i be able to get someone over 21 to insure the car in their name and put me on as a named driver? thanks""
""I just got a new car, no insurance?""
My father co-signed with me on a new vehicle from Nissan yesterday. We traded in my old car. That car was on a Geico insurance policy with my mother's car. Now, she is about to cancel the old car's insurance since we no longer have it. I know it is illegal to not have insurance. But do they expect you to magically and instantly have insurance right when you get a new car? It's being purchased through financing. Do they give you like a week or something to shop around for new insurance? I'm a little confused and worried.""
I want to take a trip to europe how much do motorcycles cost there and how much is insurance?
Im thinking of going to the EU, as kind of like a backpacking trip, but on a motorcycle! I was wondering how things work in regards to prices of Bikes there, and insurance that covers anywhere I might plan to go! I need some help making this idea a reality! Oh I'm 18 and i have both my drivers licence and motorcycles licence, I reside in BC, Canada. Thanks!""
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
How much to get a 2007 BMW 335i insured?
I have been looking for a beamer recently and I found one it's a 2007 BMW 335i blue coupe and I was wondering how much insurance is for it in California.
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
Will Insurance cover this?
I ran over a rather large rock in a Toyota Prius and now the car rattles at 15 MPH, 25, 35, and 45 MPH. I dented the catalytic converter and I believe it needs replacing at the cost of $1800. I also dented the gas tank. In the 2007 Prius I believe there is a rubber bladder inside the tank that holds the gas. I am not sure how bad it is to have a dented tank such as mine. If I call the insurance and tell them what happened will that help ease the cost and I'll only have to pay a deductible? It's not my car and i'm not sure if it has full coverage or not. Thanks!""
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 1006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
What kind of car insurance should I get? I am a student?
I drive a chevy tahoe that is worth about $3500. My current coverage is liability: 50/100 property damage: 50 uninsured motorist 50/100. I live in los angeles california. I pay 1000 a month for my insurance. This is not very affordable and I was wondering what I could do to pay less. I am insured by nationwide. I was thinking maybe I should drop uninsured motorist what do you guys think I should do?
Health insurance please help?
When you roll over, job wise, when does your health insurance usually start?""
Is 39.56 pounds every month good scooter insurance?
hey guys i have a yamaha maxter 125cc scooter but i cant get cheap insurance :/ the lowest one is 39.56 do you think i can get cheaper? am 19 am in london please suggest cheaper companys
car insurance quotes for a few days
car insurance quotes for a few days
Wat insurance should i use?
I'm 19 years old and I have a part time job. Wat is the cheapest insurance I can get? And a good one
How much is the insurance on Brady Quinn's new car?
Is it mandatory to have car insurance in New York State?
Will I get a ticket or get my licensed suspended if I don't have I don't have car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance to get for a 22 year old for full coverage?
What is the cheapest car insurance to get for a 22 year old for full coverage?
Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months?
Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick!
Cars And Insurance?
OK im turning 18 in a month and im getting a car but what is a good cheap car and a good cheap insurance
Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?
I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?""
Question about my insurance?
I had an accident two weeks ago I wonder if my insurance pay for my medical costs. (suppose I am at fault) and I have full coverage insurance which includes: Bodily injury 25/50 (is it for the other person involved who is not at fault or can it be used for me too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive collision
Thoughts on car insurance quote?
I'm currently a 19 year old male college student and recently received a car insurance quote of around $1200 for 6 months. This is for the most basic full coverage plan for a Toyota 2011 camry. What are your thoughts regarding the price? Is it a good deal or should I continue to look elsewhere?
Do I have to register my car and change my insurance if I am an out of state student in California?
My insurance company told me that I do not need to change my insurance since I am a student living outside of my home of record address. Now, I keep hearing that I need to register and smog test my car in California since I'm currently living there while attending school. If I do such a thing, does that not mean that I will have to change my insurance to California rates? I do not plan on residing in California post graduation, does this make a difference also? Someone please help....""
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Which company has the best insurance leads?
If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own. My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it). Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?""
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
Just hit a deer while ago (Questions about insurance)?
While ago a deer ran out in front of me and caused a bit of damage to my 2002 Toyota Camry. Although the damage doesn't appear to be [i]too[/i] bad, (hood and bumper are bent, and the right headlight is a bit out of place though it still works fine, car drives fine) I didn't have my cell phone so I had to drive back home (not very far) from where the incident happen. 1. Will the insurance still pay because I left the scene? (I wasn't speeding, had my headlights on, and our seatbelts) 2. Will my insurance rates go up? (The damage [b][i]can't[/i][/b] be over $2000, so I can just pay that huge bill once, but that higher insurance will haunt me forever) 3. Will this go on my driving record? (The car is still very drivable and neither me nor my passenger were injured in any way). (I did not get a police report, at least not yet)""
High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online?
Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one?
Got my second speeding ticket will the insurance go up? do i need to go to court?
i recieved my first ticket this year in january. i went to traffic school and it got removed. so on friday i got a speeding ticket i was going 82 and the speed limit was 65. do i have to go to court? can i get it removed again? does it affect my insurance? i have ecompass insurance. im under my moms insurance is she going to find out? im 19.
How do you buy insurances?
I don't care which insurance it is, you look up complaints there is a looooong list about all of them.""
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much insurance would be on this car for an 18 year old?
http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I'm 18, and am considering buying this car. I'm not naive, I am aware the insurance will be very high as I'm a teenager and it's a sports car, but is there anyone here who works in the car insurance industry who can give me an estimate on how much insurance would cost me a year?""
Does a speeding ticket raise insurance rates for new drivers?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 15 over. It's my first one and i have never gotten in trouble with the police before. But, I am only 17 and got my license only 9 months ago. If I just pay the ticket and dont go to court, how much more money will my insurance company charge me?""
How much do you pay car insurance?
Im unemployed do i need to apply for obamacare/Affordable care act?
im unemployed do i need to apply for obamacare/Affordable care act? i tried creating an account online and it says to input your income. i cant leave it blank any information would help
Where can i get auto insurance for cheap?
i have a utah license but live in idaho. i don't want to pay much more than $150 a month.
Do I have to have car insurance in wis?
I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.""
Do i need insurance to mot a bike?
also will the mot service station ask to see my licence?, how much does an mot cost, and how long do i have to wait? its a honda cb 500. thanks""
Hey looking to get my first car and pay for my first car insurance?
I'm 19 living in lake forest California looking to buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know how much my insurance might be ?
car insurance quotes for a few days
car insurance quotes for a few days
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw""
What companies do not offer employees health insurance?
I was wondering what kind of companies do not give their employees health insurance, besides temp agencies? Thanks""
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
About how much will my car insurance increase...?
I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!""
""Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?""
so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??""
What car would cost more to insure?
A used 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 or a New Mitsubishi Lancer? im a teen and yes i kno insurance is expensive and so thats why im asking b4 i get a car.""
Insurance expensive car?
well i was comparing insurance prices on gocompare on a 1989 205 1.0 and when i priced it at 2500 the insurance was 4k but when i put the real price at 650 the insurance went up to 6k. shouldnt it be cheaper if car is worth lesss?
Can I still collect money from a life insurance policy even if my husband divorces me?
I have spousal life insurance through my company on my husband which I am automatically the beneficiary. We are currently going through a divorce and he is currently dying of cancer. If the divorce finalizes before he dies, can I still collect on the life insurance?""
Moving in 1.5 months and getting a car - Should i buy before or after for car insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car but I'm moving to a new place in 1.5-2 months. Question is, should I buy the car while i'm still at my current address, or wait til I move to the ...show more""
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
I was looking at a 1.6 Honda Civic Type S as that is insurance group 6, but they seem to be hard to come by. They are mostly 2.0 and that is group 11 which is too high as I am only 19. Budget is around 3500. Any ideas welcome. Can go over budget and put the car on finance for the right car.""
Car insurance quotes?
Is there any place to get a car insurance quote without entering in a bunch of personal information? I am looking for quotes for a sedan, coupe, and SUV for a new 16 year old male driver. (Im trying to decide what a good deal is, and what is worth buying)""
How much does insurance on a Chinese moped cost?
I'm female, 22, 3 years car no claim bonus.. I was thinking about the Piaggio Zip 50 for 1000 but I'm now v. tempted and seriously considering buying a Guoben LB50QT-21 for 500. I've heard people have had problems with these bikes but I am buying it from an actual bike shop not just ebay. Does anyone know how much insurance I would pay on the cheap bike? Is it likely to be a lot more than a branded bike? Thank you!""
Im just about to start learning to drive have you got any tips what car i should drive to get lower insurance?
I want a beetle but i dont think that will give me cheaper insurance, i dont have any idea.""
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
I am looking for an expert in Insurance Car...Home...Commercial.?
I am looking for an expert in insurance,who can guide me with car insurance and Home and Commercial. Please Working for DCAP Insurance...................""
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?
I'm a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT""
Insurance for young adults?
I can't seem to get all of my questions answered from my own research, so I've resorted to yahoo answers. My family lost my dad a few years ago, and with him we lost our insurance coverage. We currently receive social security. This stops once I graduate. Would I be able to receive any sort benefits (any sort of welfare, food stamps, etc) as a result of this? What about college grants? Also, my mom, sister and I don't have any health insurance. I want to apply for affordable insurance, but I really don't know much about it. How much would it cost, and what are my options? Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this, I really appreciate it.""
What kind of affordable health insurance plan is there for small business owners?
I have a friend who is in the process of moving to Tx and is looking to start his own business but is hesitant because he has a wife and two kids and does not know what to do regarding health insurance.
Car Insurance???
Can anyone advice me what is 1st, 2nd and 3rd party insurance? and what is the different between the 3 of it.""
Will my medical insurance pay?
Will my medical insurance pay for my transportation to work. I just had my drivers license suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP!
When you get a license do you need insurance? Or is that only when you own a car?
Hi, I live in New York State. When I turn 17, I plan on taking drivers. ed. and getting my license (i think it's normally 18 years old for licenses, but if you take classes you can get it at 17). Do my parents have to pay insurance for me once I get my license? Or is that only if I own a car? Thanks P.S. Extra question - what is the usual/average rates for 17 year old drivers with good grades (i just need a estimation no specific numbers necessary) thanks""
When is the best time to cancel car insurance?
Car insurance is coming up to renewal. Found a cheaper company to go with for the next year. When is the best time to cancel, before the renewal date or just after? I want to keep my NCB I have built up with them and move it over to new company for the next year, also if I cancel before the renewal date would this affect my NCB that I have built up with them?""
Cheap motorbikes to insure?
19 just passed my bike test wat a get a big bike and insure it with restriction 33 bhp. im looking at the GPZ 500 S , but there all far away , insurance for third party is 496. a year. Any one know any 250-750cc engine motorbikes that are cheap around 500-1000, and are chear to insure, i wanted the kawasaki ninja 250, but 2008 year is 1750 and the insurance is over 750. a year. to dear for me, so any idea's please let me know! thanks.""
car insurance quotes for a few days
car insurance quotes for a few days
0 notes
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
"infinity motorcycle insurance quote
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is it worth taking a risk of driving without Insurance..?
I'm looking for insurance but it's too expensive.. so i don't drive much. but sometimes i want to make quick local runs like going to the supermarket, picking up a friend etc. is it worth taking this risk without an insurance ??""
Motorcycle Finance Rates??
Can anyone tell me what a good rate on a motorcycle loan would be? I am thinking about buying a new Yamaha motorcycle and it looks like the best rate they can do is about 9% which seems a little high? I still hear about people getting car loans for about 5%, are motorcycle loans usually higher for some reason? I think a signature loan from the bank might be a better way to go because I think I might be able to get a better rate plus I wouldn't have to have full coverage insurance.""
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Fun *cheap* summer vehicle in Ontario?
What's up guys; 19 year old college student here with the summer off. I already have a job, car, and apartment, and I'm looking for a cheap summer vehicle that would be fun to drive around. I've considered a small sportsbike, but due to my young age the insurance is an absolute killer. So, I was looking at scooters. No insurance, cheap to buy (about $600), and pretty fun to drive around. They won't keep up with traffic, sure, but it'd still be an interesting ride. (Too dorky?) Any other recommendations for a cheap, fun summer vehicle?""
Cheap car insurance?????????
Hi I'm a 22 year old male I passed my test 7 1/2 months ago I got my first car it's a ford escort 1.6 yr 1999 does any one know where I can get really cheap car insurance as it will only be used to take my two kids to school thank a lot.................
What's a good health insurance?
Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you""
Estimate the affordable mortgage and the affordable purchase price for the Bergholts? Please help if you can.
Kim and Dan Bergholt are both government workers. They are considering purchasing a home in the Washington D.C. area for about $280,000. They estimate monthly expenses for utilities ...show more""
Best medical / health insurance in Dubai?
family health insurance, which should cover maternity expenses as well. also it should be economical and well received at all hospitals / clinics. thanks in advance""
Is there affordable health insurance for pregnant teen girls?
i need any kind of reliable resources. please help.
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit?
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
Would I still have insurance?
Hey. I'm 19 now and I started college. However, I quit going in September. Would I technically still have insurance until the end of the school year? I had surgery over the summer when I was 18 and they had me show them my application papers for college. I would like to get braces before I get too old and I was wondering if I would still be able to get them until the end of the school year.""
Car insurance question on a 2002 pontiac firebird?
so i might possibly be getting a 2002 pontiac firebird convertible. im a 17 year old female and it would be my first car. im going under my moms insurance because it will be cheaper. but being that is it a sports car does anyone know a round about on how much insurance would be? 10 points =)
Do I HAVE to have car insurance in order to drive?
So I just got my license a few days ago, and I'm confused with the whole insurance thing... I am not getting my own car until I graduate high school, which won't be for like a year ish. So do I need insurance in order to drive my parents car OCCASIONALLY? Both my parents have car insurance. So pretty much, it would have been better to just have my permit where I don't need car insurance, instead of getting my license and being forced to get car insurance even if I'm going to be driving RARELY? Whereas with my permit, I could drive within hours with an adult for as long as I want without needing car insurance.........""
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
Where to find discount on car Insurance?
Hello, I am too tight to pay to car insurance companies, looking for chear auto insurance but ofcourse good company who can take care of my car, some discount on insurance policy will be welcome.""
Insurance costs on 350z & g35?
Prices just on average? In Texas. 16 year old girl. How much does color matter? What are the different prices for blue, black, silver, & white? How much does the z and Infiniti coupe differ? Please don't tell me to choose different cars..I'm asking for insurance price, not your opinion""
""Boston, MA Health Insurance?""
I am moving from Southern California to Boston, MA. I will be living close to Beacon Hill and I was wondering what are some of the medical insurances I should look into that are affordable for students. Thank you""
""Ohio motorcycle insurance, 18 years old.?
I want to buy a motorcycle and I have the money but the only question I have is where I can find reasonable insurance rates. I am 18 and have never owned a motorcycle before. I am interested in buying a 1970's Kawasaki 400. Can someone give me advice or point me in the right direction regarding insurance?
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?
Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.""
What's the best way for a 19 year old girl to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
I had full coverage medicaid(and dental) up until I turned 19, and my wisdom teeth have just recently come in and I have cavities in them because I can't reach them with a brush. I need to get them removed immediately and another beginning cavity filled. I am independent but I only have a part time job and I need to deal with this immediately. What's the best way to get insurnce through the affordable care act? Links & recourses would be appreciated. Thank you.""
""Please help, student health insurance?""
I live in New York i'm 19 and go to college. Recently i have been having this heartbeat rhythm in my ear for the past couple of weeks. Anyways i want to see a doctor because my ear is starting to hurt a little.But i have no health insurance or anything in NY. My parents live in VA, when i used to live in VA i was covered through my parents health insurance. Is there anything i can do ? Any affordable health insurance companies i can look into? Any health clinics ? Does the state of NY provide anything for college students?""
Is it mandatory to have car insurance in New York State?
Will I get a ticket or get my licensed suspended if I don't have I don't have car insurance?
Scooter insurance price ?
i live in the uk and I'm 16 and i was going 2 go 4 my scooter licence until i pass my driving test witch i will b starting in december i want 2know ruffly hw much wld it cost me 2 insure a 50cc scooter ??
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
What is the best insurance?
Okay. Need the cheapest insurance for my boyfriend. He is 20, only three speeding tickets within a three years time, and wants a newer car.""
Do you have NRMA car insurance?
If so, you may receive a phone call from people with overseas accents claiming to be from Australian Injury Helpline They will ask if you have had a car accident recently and then offer to get you injury compensation, even if you were not injured. A male caller may claim to be Garry from Aust. Injury Helpline. I received a call like this the day before yesterday and at first I though it was unfinished business from a minor accident i had in June last year in which there were no injuries. This is a scam. According to a worker at the genuine helpline, the scammers have somehow got a list of NRMA insurance customers and are auto-dialling them. They do not know what your name is and they do not know any details of any accident you may have had, or even if you have had one. If you receive such a call, the genuine helpline people would be grateful for any solid evidence you could give them. http://www.aussieinjury.com.au/""
Do you know any life insurance companies that has all of this?
1) Has banding coverage, meaning rates are base on total coverage of the primary and the spouse. 2) Has spouse rider and child rider, so there's only one policy fee 3) Has terminal illness benefit. If you are diagnose to be terminally ill, you can use a portion of the face amount for whatever reasons. 4) Has increasing benefit rider. That means every year up to a certain time, the face amount goes up by a certain percent without having to provide proof of insurability. And the rate of the added coverage is base on the age when the policy was issued to you. 5) Disability waiver of premium. This means when you become disabled, all your premiums will be waivered and the policy will remain enforced until it matures or expires. 6) Guarantees insurability for children. That means when the child becomes an adult, he/she can get life insurance regardless of current health conditions. 7) It has AM Best Rating of A+ or better or Moody Rating of AA or better. The company I work has all these features in all their life insurance policies. I was wondering if any other companies out there has the same features.""
What Health insurance would anyone reccommend?..?
my husband and I are trying to buy health insurance. we want something affordable. What good health insurance would anyone recommend.
Where Can I Get Cheap Car Insurance?
I drive a Jeep Cherokee 2004. I am looking to purchase car insurance and have been uninsured for about 6 months. I am 22 years old, will be in college starting August. I have had about 4 tickets in my life, have never had an accident, and my license have been revoked only because I failed to pay the tickets. They are now valid. I live in Florida, where it is sooooo difficult to get insurance. You are not allowed to be insured and then get insurance.... You have to have insurance from day 1, which I had, but mom dropped me from the plan as they live in GA! I make about $800 every 2 weeks, and I do have other bills. I am looking for some car insurance that I can afford and get coverage! All Florida residents, please help me out. Thanks :)""
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
Car Insurance? Do you really need it?
Say for example the owner of a vehicle allowed you to drive it, and you accidently damaged a car or vice versa, would you have to pay for the damage or would the owners insurance cover the car or an injuries that occur to the driver? thanks""
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
Who has the cheapest insurance quote for a 16 year old riding a 50cc moped.?
Im 16 next month and im after a yamaha aerox 50cc and just wondering where would be the best place to get insured on it, iv heard comparison sites are rubbish so i tried a few sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all seem to be pricing things at 330ish third party only, can anyone help?""
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
What is considered full coverage on auto insurance?
i have progressive and i just wanted to know what is really considered full coverage. please no rude answers!
Health Insurance for the self-employed?
After 13 years with my husband, he is leaving me. I have always been on his health plan because I am self-employed. Can anyone offer me any advice on where to find providers? I have no idea where to start.""
How much could motorcycle insurance be for a teen in California?
My mom has geico, how much could it possibly cost for insurance? and I'm also a good student, so can't I get the good student discount? and my mom also has a great driving record.""
Insurance will go up for me?
My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).
How much content insurance do i need?
my insurance company needs an answer asap. we close in 2 days. small bungalow with finished basement, approx 2300 square feet in total. Master bedroom spare bedroom, office, rec room, kitchen, dining room, great room, full bath, 2pc & 3pc bath, 3 flat screen tvs, usual appliances, all rooms furnished modestly. Would $50,000 be enough?""
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx""
Do car salesmen get free dealer insurance to drive any car?
As above, I've been offered a job by a franchised motor dealership, just curious if as part of the job you get free insurance to drive all vehicles? And do you generally get a company car. It's a big part of the decision I have to make. Any help or advice would be great.""
""Should you be allowed to buy car insurance only AFTER you have a car accident, and save your money beforehand?""
Isn't denying car insurance AFTER a car accident denying it for a pre-existing condition ? If this health care bill passes, I don't know why anyone would car insurance on an undamaged car or house insurance on a house that isn't on fire. Save your money until the event happens and then fight them on the legality of coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. This is the lunacy that Obama wants to bring to America.""
Obtaining health insurance policy number?
I need my health insurance policy number for a school trip I'm taking. I don't have my Insurance card and I am wondering how to get my policy number thanks.
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How do you find car insurance?
Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!""
Where can I find car insurance prices?
I'm doing this project in my class and we chose the procedures if someone was texting and driving and crashes another person. I got car insurance and I need to find out how much it cost for car insurance and all the procedures it will take and how much it will cover for the accident and by how much the insurance is going to raise. I tried looking on google but it keeps saying sending me to cheap insurance. Does anyone know of a good website that can help me. Thanks a lot
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
What is the best insurance company to work for?
I'm 19 and i have also thought getting into sales would be exciting. there is other reason but doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm hoping that there is a good Insurance company that has a good training program and allows entry level people to work hard and succeed. A company that wants people to succeed. So far every agent i have talked to has said their business is the one to be in so i just want some not so bias opinions. seems like all the insurance companies just want to get UN knowing teens ( like myself ) in and work them for 6 months to a year and suck them dry of all the money they have. i understand that you have to work and its not just six figures in the first year.
Best car insurance today?
I just got my car licence.. and I'm looking for a place to inform me about car insurances. Thanks
How does health insurance work?
and a family doctor? like if i went to a checkup insurance pays for me what does that mean
What's the cheapest car insurance company you have found??
I just bought a new car--now comes full coverage & plates. It's a 2003 Mazda w/ 18,000 miles. Does the year or the mileage make insurance or plates higher? Do they request tickets for the last 3 or 5 years? You have to have full coverage when making payments right? I'm thinking Geico is the cheapest I've found so far?""
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Cheapest Car to Ensure?
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 19yr old male, license for 2 years, without the best insurance past... Written 1 car off in flood water, and crashed another, so not expecting anything much under 2,000?""
I'm pregnant and my insurance sucks?
It has done me absolutely no good in having insurance because they don't want to cover anything (not even my ultrasound!) and they want to charge me a copay every single time I go to the doctor (which has been a lot lately). I'm drowning here.. Does anyone know of a program I can sign up for that would help me through my pregnancy/delivery? I live in California and I've heard of some but I'm not sure which would be the right one. Thank you
How to get cheaper insurance?
I was just wondering, what insurance companies are looking at, like if you are older the insurance is cheaper, if you got no claims benefits, car engine and make and is there anything else that reduces car insurance price? If you haven't got a car but hold a license for like 2 years is the insurance going to be cheaper as well?""
What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
What's an easy definition for Private Mortgage Insurance?
What is the cheapest and best insurance for brand new drivers (16 year old guys)?
also how much would it approximately be?
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
Open driver car insurance?
I have recently got a job which involves me driving a disabled mans car. I have recently passed my driving test (october 2010) and I am only 19 years old. Does this mean the company I am working for needs to pay more for me to drive the car as I am not a experienced driver?
Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario?
I know it depends on a lot so I'll give you as much info as possible: age: 18 bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless -the bike will be kept in my house overnight, and I'll only be using inner city (for work, school, social..) So guys I just need a rough estimate, doesn't have to be exact. how much would it cost be per year? Also, is insurance less if you're female like with car insurance? thanks for any help!""
Does your Drivers Ed grade effect insurance?
I know that taking Drivers Education can give you a discount on insurance. However, in the class, we take tests and are assigned homework. We need a 65 to pass. If I get a 70 does this effect the discount I could recieve on insurance compared to say a 90 average? State: New York""
Can you recommend any books for 15-yr old girl?
I've only read a few books. I don't really have a favorite genre, but I like the kind where it keeps you on edge, or its so good, you can't put it down. Books I read for school are boring, like To Kill A Mockingbird, there was another one where this family got insurance money and they were fighting over it. i really don't like those kind. So can you recommend anything that I would like? I'm trying to find a genre I like, but so far, no luck. I've read books like the da vinci code, stonehenge, american chillers(when i was in elementary school, now in high school), a child called it, night, and acceleration.""
What does 0% Coinsurance after deductible mean in health insurance?
Trying to purchase health Insurance and trying to understand what I'm dealing with.
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
""What is the cheapest car insurance company, In Pa?""
I am looking to see what car insurance would be cheapest between, allstate, state farm, nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, 21 century, unitrin Direct ???? HELP""
How much is insurance for a teenager?
hey i wanna buy a car, and im about to get my license. i just wanna know what the average price is for my age. im turning 17, and i want a 2002 firehawk trans am..yes i know i shouldnt get it, i should get a honda civic lol. but ive saved up and i want it. i just want to know the average price. my mother has geico and im a guy. if you could give me a estimate for every month or every couple of months it will cost for a trans am also how much cheaper it will be if i got the cheaper car. much thanks!! i also live in new jersey if that helps.""
""How much will it cost to me, to be added to a friends car insurance. UK only please.?
Am going to start driving lessons in a few weeks and want to have practise on the roads between lessons. How much will it cost me to be added to a friends car insurance. We are both over 25 and she has held her license for over 15 years. She has a Matiz is that's any help!
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How much will my car insurance probably be?
I'm 17 and one speeding ticket that resulted in four points on my record. I drive a white 545i bmw 2005, I rlly need to know bc I mite need to sale my car. Thanks""
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car. I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
Why is car insurance so high for a 30+ female with 10yrs ncd?
I'm just looking for a new/nearly new style Ford KA and looked at some insurance quotes and ive noticed that nothing comes in cheaper than 360. It's not what I'm driving as I've looked at smaller cars such as Peugeot 107's and Citroen C1's (both new and older cars). They all come out with nothing cheaper than 360! I had a brand new KA back in 2003 and that was only 260 for insurance (I do understand that insurance has gone up in 10 years!), but why cant I get anything cheaper? I'd see myself as a model driver as I've been driving for 11 years, never had an accident, never claimed on my insurance, never been booked or had any points and I'm now in the 'older' bracket! Please can someone explain, or reassure me that it's not just me this is happening to?""
My parents need my drivers license number to get an insurance quote. Can they see if I got a ticket?
In early January, I got a speeding ticket. I paid it off right away with Christmas money, that way I didn't have to tell my parents. Now, my parents say that they need my drivers license number to get a quote on insurance. By getting a quote on insurance, can they see that I got a ticket?""
""Solo accident, going to file sr-1, repair estimate $2200. should i tell insurance? (2nd accident in 5 months)?""
first of all, yes, i am a bad driver and i'm really going to drive slow from now on. this is my 2nd car accident in 5 months. the first one was deemed 70% my fault(my car and another one involved, we went through insurance). in this most recent one, it was just my car and a wall initial repair estimate is about $2200. i'm going to file an sr-1. so it looks like i have several options: option1) file the SR1, don't even call the insurance company, pay out of pocket option2) file the SR1, tell insurance, get them to pay for some of the repairs, and i pay for the rest option3) file the SR1, tell insurance, have them pay for all of the repairs how would my future insurance premiums be affected in each situation? how would it affect my DMV record and points against my driving record? i'm guessing the insurance company will find out even if i don't call them directly because of the SR-1 i'm going to file. but if i don't make the insurance company pay, will they not hike up my premiums as much? any suggestions or knowledge about sr-1 and insurance? thanks!!""
Hsa savings plan through health insurance?
my job has hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and my medical card says hsa covered but i didnt activate the account yet and dont want to...decided against it......will i be penalized or act as if i didnt want the plan?
What is the average price for teen car insurance in RI?
I'm a guy ! :)
Teen auto insurance 600$ a month WTF??
i just got my license today i'm 18 male NY completed drivers ed, i did a couple of quotes online for a cheap old beat up car like a 95 chevy caviler and most of them gave me three thousand dollar 6 month premiums, which is 500$ to 600$ dollars a month for a a piece of junk car! what kind of bull is that?? thats like a month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should sue those corrupt bastards!""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
Can i pay for my car insurance weekly?
i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks
How much will my car insurance go up after my first ticket?
I'm 19 and live in VA and got my first speeding ticket tonight (77 in a 60). I've never been in an accident or anything before, but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about how much my insurance rate will go up? and will going to court/driving school affect what happens with the insurance rate, because otherwise i was just going to pay it online.. thaaaanks!""
Online insurance - how to?
Hi.. im looking for information regarding online insurance and how one goes about it??
Luxury cars with low insurance rates?
I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.""
How can I get cheap car insurance when I'm 17?
Soon I will be 17 and I want to get a car, and I have to insure it. I'm looking at a Vauxhall Corsa as I have read on a couple of websites that the insurance should be quite cheap, around 1500, but when I go on various insurance comparison websites, the cheapest quote I have got has been 4500!? I can't afford this, so could someone tell me how I can reduce this? I don't care about the cover, I just want to be on the road legally. Thank you.""
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
Where's the cheapest place to get car insurance?
I'm a new Driver, passed nov 2010, i'm 27 and female... wanted to know if anyone could advise me on the best place to get car insurance on a KA 1.3... Tried the price comparison sites but they are all 1200+ Thanks""
How does homeowner's insurance cover belongings? ?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm new to this. So my fiance and I bought our first home pretty recently. Yes, I'm a bad person and did not read through or understand everything in the giant insurance book. I'm a bit confused as to how homeowner's insurance would cover belongings in the event of a theft, accident or whatever. We chose a low, $500 deductible. Let's say there was a theft. And I estimate the belongings stolen were worth $2000. What's stopping me from saying they were worth $3000? Or more? Wouldn't they want some kind of proof as to the value? I don't have the receipt for the television I bought 3 years ago, for example. I know I can ask my agent these things, but she is too overly helpful and chatters on and on and just ends up confusing me with information overload. :-)""
Why buy life insurance?
I'm married, have 2 young children and wonder why I need life insurance""
Can I force insurance to pay for rental car if they take too long to make a decision after assessment?
First off I am in CA and the other liable insurance is Farmers or 21st century. For some reason Farmers is handling the claim. Ok, so I was in an accident in which the other party was at fault. As such their insurance has accepted liability. I have already taken my car get an assessment by one of their representatives at a repair place. But do to their stupidity in a few instances, its taking a long time for them to make a decision as to repair my car or call it a total loss. So because of that, in the mean time I am forced to drive my car which I do not feel comfortable driving in. The passanger seat belt doesn't work so I can't commute to school like I usually do. Bottom line is a have been patient when they did their investigation and everything, but its been a while now and my car is still not even in a shop to get fixed. In order to maybe speed up the process and make me feel safer, can I just get a rental car already force the other insurance to pay? After all they are completely liable since it was their driver that was at fault. Why do I have to wait day after day, driving a ruined car, while they take their sweet time making their BS decisions? I know that they legally have to pay for a rental while my car gets repaired, but again they are taking time simply deciding if its a loss or not. So because of them, its not in a shop just yet...., but can I still get a rental car early and have them pay anyway? Maybe that will make em hurry up.""
Minor car accident with no car insurance?
I was in a minor car accident last month and i was the one at fault. I was backing out of a parking space and a lady with her son who was driving pulled up behind and was going pretty fast. I left a minor dent in the front part of her car and a few scratches. She has been harrassing me since the day it happened and finally she contacted me and i agreeded to pay the cost of the damage because i didnt have insurance at the time. But then she sent me a sheet with the costs of the damages, 1,000 dollars!! I think it's way over priced and a lawyer doesnt want to do anything about it. She keeps calling and harrassing me and threatening me with the law. what can the law do? what can the judge do to me in court? will i go to jail?""
Is there a site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap car insurance?
Is there a site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance for young driver?
I'm 19 and had my NY license for 1 year now. I am a male and um I'm not looking for an expensive car. just a cheap one under 10g
Can anyone recommend a website that will give free quotes for multiple car insurance companies?
I'm trying to find a website that will give different quotes for comprehensive car insurance in Australia. Can anyone recommend one?
Will women protest being forced to pay LESS for life and auto insurance than men?
No? I didn't think so.
What insurance do you have ?
we are looking for a good family insurance that could have dental coverage and eye care coverage as well as health any suggestions ? (ps family of four)
What is some cheap full coverage insurance alabama?
What is some cheap full coverage insurance alabama?
Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?
I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..""
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
infinity motorcycle insurance quote
0 notes
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
"How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Drive without car insurance?
My car insurance just expired I can't reinstate it until I get paid on friday I only have 88 dollars until then. I don't have to drive anywhere until then But I don't have any food or toiletries. The store is 1 mi each way from my house I don't have anyone to take me to the store. Would I likely be ok if I took myself?
How much does it cost to rent or lease a?
How much does it cost to rent or lease a car for 3 months? Do i have to pay it all in advance or pay monthly? also insurance options or mandatory full coverage?
How expensive is it to live in California?
I live in a small town in Ohio. It's like lower middle class. I really want to go somewhere else with more people and more exciting with more places to shop and stuff. I hate Ohio and don't want to live here. I have a dream to be a fashion designer and start my own business and I want to go to California for a Fashion Design school. It was between New York and California but California seems more exciting and less crowded than NY. My parents don't think it'll ever happen. They always say it's too expensive and don't think my cousin will make it out there, who is going out there pretty much for like drug reasons. My brother went out there when he was younger with his friends, they drove there and he lived on the beach than came back. So, exactly how expensive is it in California? Food, clothing, gas, living, price differences? Is it really crowded like in Los Angeles and San Franciso or bigger cities where colleges are?""
How long does a stolen car have to be gone for the insurance to pay for you for it?
My neighbor told me the other day that their car was stolen on New Years. It was found yesterday at an apartment complex down the street. It left me wondering how long your car has to be gone before the insurance will pay you the value of the car? I assume they will pay for a rental car but you can't assume that your car will be found right away and if it is gone for a long time (3 weeks or more) will they pay for a rental that long?
Car Insurance?
Which insurance company do you have that has given you really cheap rates? I'm 22 yrs old, anyone around my age group with cheap auto insurance?""
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.?
My friends husband died 10 days ago, he had a family insurance which now comes invalid tomorrow. What can she do, she has no money to pay insurance and is 7 months pregnant. Is there some sort of welfare or social help ? There is maybe a possible payout from 401k insurance and she could use that money but it may not arive in time.""
How do I cancel my life insurance policy?
I just turned 19, my life insurance policy just started and I don't want it. I know that you can cancel it by stop paying for it, but what if it's connected to my bank account?""
Car insurance question?
Can someone get insurance on a vehicle when their name is NOT on the title?? The insurance is in VA. My husband owns the car and was letting his little bro drive it, but we've removed the insurance and told him NOT to drive it, and found out that he has put insurance on it with his insurance company! Is this possible or legal even?""
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am 18. I got my permit in March 2011 when I was 16 and I got my license this month. I will be taking a defensive driving course, the 5 hour course and I might also take a course with a driving school to reduce insurance cost. (I live in New York) I have enough money saved up to lease the car I want but the insurance seems like it will be very steep. The cars I'm looking at are a: 2012-2013 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 BMW 3 series or 5 series What can I expect to pay on insurance based on this information and do you think I'd be able to get a quote for $400 or less? Also, what type of car do you have and how much do you pay for your car insurance?""
Car insurance I'm gonna leave my car away from home at work?
Where can I get car insurance I am going leaving my car at my work Monday to Friday which company will provide me
What is an average g2 driver's insurance worth?
I Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro ss -primary (only) driver of vehicle -driver's ed training. looking for average monthly insurance. im in ontario, canada.""
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost?
I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me>
I was in a car accident. My car was deem a total lost. The insurance towed my car away. I waited 1 year?
trying to get my claim paid. Today I received a letter from some car auction center, stating that I had to go get my car or they will charge me storage per day. now my car was a honda 05 I originally finaced the car and still owe money on the car. like 13000. The insurance company is not paying my claim. The finance company gave me a charge off on my credit. Now If I go pick up this car. is the car now mines? I do not have the title. How do I get the title.""
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
What is average cost of insuance?
what is the average cost of insurance for a 16 year old male with a Toyota Corolla.
Visitor medical insurance?
Hi all, I am from San Antonio,TX and my parent in-laws are visiting USA. I am looking to buy a visitor medical insurance and i confused of to buy a trusted one. I am much concerned about coverage/providers. Which one is most trust-able and where can i buy ? I want to buy a good one and i dont want get cheated by UN-known or a wrong insurance where the health care facility says we don't know this insurance or all the (covered) claims are simply denied. Thank you all...""
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
Will my car insurance go up after this accident happened(Story included)?
Ok so my brother was driving on the highway and another car hit him but left the scene. It was the other cars fault not my brothers. A cop passed by and ask what happened. My brother didn't have license so I told them I was the one who was driving and explain everything. I was 18/17 at that time. The cop did take my license and gave it back after making a report. I am safe or will my insurance rate be high because of this??? The car and the insurance was under my brothers name. But I took the blame. The car didnt have any major damage. just the front got damage I am also afraid he could tell his insurance it was my fault so his insurance doesn't go up. Could he do that?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
What exactly is broad form coverage for car insurance?
my insurance ran out. i dont really need a full coverage on car insurance since my car is old. I have a lifetime medical insurance. Im a pretty confident driver.
Am I eligible for Affordable healthcare act?
55 years old, no income this year. Pre existing condition. Florida resident. own non homestead property. The way I heard it, no job/ no income people aren't qualified. I lived off ...show more""
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
What is the diversion program for a possession of marijuana while driving a car and how much does it cost ?
This happened in Los Angeles CA i got pulled over and the police officer found a small ending of a marijuana joint it was just a burnt piece of paper. My court date is next week and i dont want my insurance to go up so do I ask for the diversion program or what ?? what would be the best thing to do?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
G2 Insurance?
I'm working on getting my G2 license, but once I get it, will I have to get insurance? If I'm not driving, nobody would ever know that I don't have insurance, right? I want to have my license so that when I *can* afford insurance, I'll be able to drive.""
Geico insurance: how so cheap?
geico's quotes are the cheapest. are their policy the cheapest also? whats the catch? how could State Farm, AllStates be so expensive and geico claims to be so cheap. Whats going on. I don't buy the every comapny is dift line they throw at you. How are they different? At claims time?""
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
Cheap car insurance for new drivers??
does anybody know where i can get the cheapest car insurance for a Peugeot 106 1.1 im 17 and should pass my test by November, thanks.""
2003 G35 Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?
Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc? ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.""
""Car insurance for new driver, help please?""
I'm 18 and I have just passed my test about a week ago, and am looking for insurance etc. But the quotes I'm getting are all about 2,500, which I cannot afford at all as I'm a student. I haven't bought a car yet, as I want to find a good quote first, but the details I have been putting in so far is Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr age 1999. Surely, this is neither a powerful nor new car, so I don't understand why I'm getting quotes of 2 and a half grand?! I have tried different cars, as well (renault clios, ford fiestas and polos) but it has made little difference. :( I know that the insurance is always going to be high for new young drievrs, but this is really taking the piss, if I'm honest. I have tried about 20-30 different comparison sites and individual company sites, and this is so far the best I'm getting. I've been putting in third party cover and social + pleasure travel or whatever it is. Also, that the car will be parked on a driveway over night. I will be 19 in four months, so is there a chance that insurance will have gone down by then, because it wouldn't be that long to wait. But otherwise, any suggestions, please, are there any details I should change, about the car or the insurance etc. Please help!! :( Thanks in advance""
How can I get insurance for my kids?
Does anyone know of any affordable insurances out there? We are a family of 4 and my two kids dont qulifiy for Chips, or medicaid. Is there any advice anyone can give? My kids are little. 1 and 7. It really sucks because my husband and i work full time and arent bums and cant even get any insurance for our kids.But i wont even get started on all that!.""
""No car insurance in Florida, what happens?""
If my husband has car insurance on our car and his father is the one who technically owns it, and i get in a car accident with no car insurance in our car...what happens?""
Do I need uninsured motorists insurance on my motorcycle if I have it on my car policy?
I was just quoted motorcycle insurance by an agent - She claims that If I have uninsured motorists on my car policy, it will cover me even if I'm on my motorcycle and thus I don't need the coverage on my motorcycle policy, making it VERY cheap. Is this true? Are there any con's to doing this? The difference in price on my motorcycle policy is $280 a year without uninsured motorists, and $950 a year with uninsured motorists.""
Car insurance-what happens if I crash ! and the car insurance is in someone elses name?
I'm down as a second driver of my mums car.if there was some sort of accident/crash what would happen? Yes the insurance would go up but would it go on my mums record or mine?
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
Can I add someone on my car insurance for 15 days?
I'm going on holiday at the end of the month for 10 days and was just wondering if I could add someone on my car insurance for 10 days? or what's the least amount of days in can? I'm the main driver on the policy but my dad is the 2nd driver, but I was going to see how much it would cost to put my brother on my insurance just for the time in on holiday?""
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
What is the average insurance for a 11 hyundai elantra for 18 year old?
What is the average insurance for a 11 hyundai elantra for 18 year old?
Car insurance question?
My step dad bought me a car in june '08.He was going through a divorce with my mom and he told me that he would pay my car insurance for the first 6 months. after i got the car he didnt really talk to me much anymore and i didnt see him at all. after 6 months passed in around december i didnt get anything in the mail to my house (he lived at another hosue not wth me anymore) about ym insurance so i assumed he was still paying for it. i had never gotten pulled over or in an accident since i got the car. in february of this yr someone smashed into my cars front hood and the bumper is smashed as well as the girll and headlights, they hit me and then ran so i got no information. when i got into the accident i called the insurance place witch i had no idea which i had i got the info from the papers in my glove compartment and they told me since i got the car in june no insurance had been ever paid. my car was not registered. no basically for 8 months i was driving around an uninsured car. i still havent done nething about it bc im scared idk what is gonna happen. i havent fixed my crash car or drove it . how much money am i gonna ghave to pay to get insurance again. he basically lied to me and he refuses to talk to me about it.""
Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?
My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.
""How much should an average home insurance policy cost, for a 3 family home in Queens, NY?""
What coverage is mandatory, what is not but recommended? Thank you for your input. Also if you can suggest an insurance broker that would be really helpful""
What do you think would be the insurance costs for a vehicle in NJ?
Age 18 Cars looking into (Under 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr base or higher) 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or higher What would you think would be the average cost per year?
""For health insurance plan, is it good to have a low deductible, but a higher coinsurance?""
I'm looking at a health insurance plan with a premium of $76 per month. The deductible is $500 and out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, which doesn't include deductible. Coinsurance is 30% after deductible. I get the first 3 doctor visits for $30 co-payment and then pay 30% after deductible. Does this plan sound okay? I normally see a doctor once a year. Thanks!""
What car insurance company do you use?
My car insurance is 2,200 a year and my parents are looking for something cheap. We have state farm. Any suggestions?""
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
""How can I find affordable health insurance that covers chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, or both?""
I live in Colorado. I only make slightly above minimum wage. I am not eligible for health care benefits through work. I have a chronic issue and am in pain if I do not go. I spend $250 on chiropractic and $250 on acupuncture for a grand total of $500 a month. Is there a health insurance plan that could cover either one or both kinds of treatments for less than $500 a month? If not, I will just continue to pay out of pocket although it is very expensive.""
Do auto insurance companies have to look at your driving record?
I have never had a vilolation. My husband has. He had one in 2006 for running a red light and one in 2008 for driving too fast for conditions. Well naturally this has given me higher payments. I was with Liberty Mutual and for liability only (my car isn't worth full coverage) I was paying $124 a month. My husbands pay was cut drastically at work so I was shopping around for cheaper insurance. I called Geico and they offered me liability for $55 a month. She came on and asked if I knew he had two tickets and at the time I didn't because I didn't know my husband in 2006. The lady told me my payments were going to be $144 with them and when I told her no she put me on hold. When she returned she offered me the $55. She read back to me everything I am getting which is a lot more than what I was getting from Liberty Mutual for a lot less price. Is it possible they just dissmissed the report to gain us as customers? I was cooking dinner at the time and my kids started playing loud so all I really heard was cha ching lol.
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
What would my car insurance run me for this?
Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D
Driver Insurance instead of Car Insurance?
Is there such a thing as an insurance that insures the driver not the car? My son is at college 8 months out of the year and is only home to drive a car 4 of those months. The car insurance company says we must put him as a Primary driver on one of our cars, which is rediculous because he hardly ever drives! I was wondering if I could remove him from my car insurance and get some other kind of insurance that just covers him when he drives our vehicles. Does anything like this exist and if so, where would I get it?""
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
What's the best (fully legal) way for a 17 year old to get cheap car insurance in the UK?
I'm looking at getting a car for my 17 year old son who has just passed his test, but am fairly horrified by the insurance quotes I'm getting for a Ford Ka. He will be the main driver of the vehicle, and I don't want to claim he's the second driver, as that would technically invalidate the insurance. Advice please.""
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to get my motorcycle license this summer then buy an old bike to ride for awhile till i learn enough and buy a new bike later. But i want to know how much the insurance would cost me. Im 17 and live in California. And i want to get a 1985 Kawasaki. Whats the cheapest insurance i can get? How much is it?
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
What is the Cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old with a license for 4 months?
I have a 87 Toyota supra. The cheapest we've found was 119 a month! Is there better though?
Car Insurance question?
I am 17 years old, and I have a provisional license. I was wondering if it was legal to drive my parents car without me added to their policy. I live in New Jersey.""
How can i get my story known if Im a United States Marine Corps veteran and dont qualify for health insurance?
They tell me I make too much to get the government insurance and the company Ive worked for throughout the last 7 months will not promote me to full time to where I could even qualify for health care. Im married with a 3 month old and owe 30k in medical bills already at the age of 22. Is there anything anyone can tell me that will help?
Why would a African America have to pay more for car insurance?
Me and my friend writes for the school news paper. We did our own investigation like the local news will do sometimes.We both at two different times went to see a local and same agent for a car insurance quote . We are both the same age, No record of bad driving, No criminal record, also wanted insurance on the same car and same gender. The only different variable was race. I don't think time would of played part since it was only 1 hour apart. This offends me how the car companies can do this. I wondered why? Any information or missing links that can help us write this story?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for full coverage?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for full coverage?
SO confused about this car insurance issue?
ok, due to being in the hospital giving birth, i missed a second payment on my car insurance in one term. i was told by my broker that was it, there was nothing i could do, they would cancel. my insurance company is ING. i said ok so what next? she told me on july 10th that they were sending out a registewred letter that day stating it was cancelled (my payment was late on june 25th). 2 wks later i had not received anything so i called my broker again. this was at 1 pm (they close at 4) and no one called me back. finally, i called back again, she called ING and called me back saying ok they said if you can pay it today it wont be cancelled (i had asked MULTIPLE times if this was an option, i was told no) by the time she told me that, it was 330 pm. I live a 1/2 drive away and by the time i got the baby together, went to the bank etc, it would be after their closing time so i couldnt do that. i contacted another broker who my mother deals with and he told me that they would send me my""
Is the insurance going to total my car?
Last week I got rear ended by a motorcyclist. I drive a '99 jetta and in EXCELLENT condition it's only worth about $2,600. My car was in decent condition so worth about $2,000. I got a few quotes on how much it'll cost to fix it and it was anywhere between $1,000 to $1,800. Are they going to total my car?!""
How much can we expect to get from insurance for replacement of car door?
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata got backed into recently. The lady hit the front passenger door and smashed it in. It still opens, but sounds awful when it does, and the window doesn't work right (power window). She had Farmers insurance, and I've heard bad things about them, but we're gonna get an estimate from different auto body shops around town. How much can we expect the insurance to pay out for this damage?""
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
he amount my insurance went up may have nothing to do with your insurance increase. There are way, way too many variables""
Car Insurance Question for Washington State?
In WA State, does the car insurance follow the car, or the person? I want to say the person, because when someone gets car insurance and they trade in their car, that insurance will cover that replacement car for 30 days or so. But when someone lends their car to their friend and that friend is in an accident or causes a claim, is that friend covered under the insurance of the person who lent the car? Then wouldnt that mean that the insurance follows the car in this case?""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
What is considered a qualifying event for health insurance coverage?
If I waived health insurance through work because I already have a policy and then during the year I involuntarily lose my health insurance is that considered a qualifying event to obtain coverage right away through my job's insurance company and not having to wait for open enrollment?
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
Does anyone have a moped and pay insurance for it?
I would like to get a moped when I get my driver's liscence in a few months or so. Does anyone own a moped and pay insurance for it? I've heard it's much higher than car insurance. And also, would the insurance rate be higher for a new driver, rather than one who has had a liscence for a few years?""
Insurance rebate?
If you cancel your car insurance, do you get a rebate as you do with road tax?""
How much would car insurance cost with a 2008 kia optima im 17 years old?
i get my lisence in 2 months i live in south florida and im gunna have to pay for my insurace so i need to know so i know how much im gunna have to work
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
hi how much would cost a car insurance for 17 year old male? with engine 1.4 or 1.6 for example volksvagen golf or honda civic? is it worth to wait a year until im 18 will cost of the insurance descrease much?
Help!Do you know about Nation Wide Insurance in France?
I have a class project about Nation Wide Insurance....If you know anything or any sites to look at please help.
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
Is Bristol West Insurance a good company?
I am looking to change my insurance company and got a really good quote on insurance, but it's seems a bit too good. Does anyone have any information regarding this company? I found them through Farmers Insurance Group.""
Will lifting my Jeep affect my insurance rates?
I have a Jeep Cherokee, which is my daily driver, but I'm lookin into making it alot bigger, putting a 6 lift kit on and putting 35 tires. I dont know whether or not I need to notify my insurance company about this. I dont expect them to insure the lift or anything, but can I be dropped by them if I do not tell them? I'm not actually going to be taking the truck offroad (stupid I know, but its just for looks).""
Health insurance costs...what do you pay?
My husband is in the military and is thinking about getting out. Our health insurance is totally covered right now but in the civilian world we have no idea what the cost will be if he doesn't get a job that offers benifits. I'm looking for any info about what people pay monthly, and co-pays for health insurance for a family with 1-2 children. Thank you so mcuh!!!""
Teen driving auto insurance.?
I am a 16 year old man and i am a week away from being eligible from getting my licence. If I were to get my licence would I need to obtain auto insurance? I would drive my parents car not my own so would I need Insurance or would my rates be deductable explain please thanks for answering.
Are fire insurance mandatory in California(near Los angeles)?
If a house is all paid for, is fire insurance still mandatory? If your house catches on fire and gets completely burned down, when does fire insurance pay you? Also how does fire insurance determine how much to pay you?""
Buying auto insurance?
Can two brother's buy auto insurance regardless of if they live together or not?
Insurance companies scoop on value of totaled car?
If the market in your area is much higher then what nada is, the insurance is going to do a market analysis. How far can they legally go out. Meaning how many miles. If I am in ...show more""
""BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?""
Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc.""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
Getting free insurance when buying a van new?
I'm Ste & I'm 21. I've just passed my license a month a go and I'm struggling to get a decent quote from any insurance company. That's made me think about buying one new as I know some car showrooms do free insurance policies for young drivers (Mainly over 21) which is lucky as i've recently celebrated my 21st. So, are there any van company's with free insurance? I've got no no claims and I've had my license a month. Any help would be brill! Cheers, Ste.""
""Buying moped, cost, insurance rate from ICBC?""
I want to buy a moped for to and from work What should I have to spend for a good 50cc What will ICBC charge on insurance per year, it will be a second vehicle if you can call it that lol""
How much would auto insurance cost?
I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you!
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
Can I use medicaid as a secondary insurance?
Hello. I live in the state of florida. I just found out im still covered under my mother's health insurance because Im under 24 and I am a full time student. I also qualify for and have pregnancy medicaid, but I want to go to a doctor with my moms insurance because I used this specific doctor for my last pregnancy. My question is, could I still use my medicaid to cover my co-pays with this ob/gyn?I called the office and they said they could send the bills to medicaid for what my mom's insurance doesnt cover. I dont have a job and can't afford to pay the co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks""
I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?
and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
How do i find if someone hs a life insurance policy on me?
0 notes
affordable life insurance philippines
"affordable life insurance philippines
affordable life insurance philippines
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance parked hit and run question?
I have USAA as my auto insurance. Here's the back story. I was parallel parked alongside a street here in Atlanta and a car (more than likely) was trying to get out of his/her space and hit the left driver side bumper pretty hard (ruining the paint and loosening up the bumper pretty good...and cracking the tail light). This person did not leave a note. I have my 500 deductible. I also have uninsured motorists coverage. Right now USAA is saying that I will have to pay the $500 ded. Why couldn't they put it under the uninsured motorists coverage I have instead so I wouldn't have to pay a dime? Is it within reason to call them and ask for this issue to be adjusted? If so, what points can I make to insure I get the deductible taken care of under the uninsured motorists coverage? Thank you for your help!""
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
How much should we expect from her insurance?
a friend and i had an accident on Thursday, we were going on two different motorcycles and a woman never saw us and she cut our way and we ended up hitting her pretty bad, the motorcycles are totaled. one of us had a dislocated shoulder and a strained knee, the other one was hospitalized for three days, he ended up having a broken rip, blood in the skull, and damaged spine. this accident was the woman's fault so my question is how much should each of us expect from her insurance? should we hire a lawyer?""
Pimped car insurance?
I've always wondered how people get car insurance after their car has been pimped. I mean the cars are changed so dramatically and all these gadgets added - how on earth do you explain it to an insurance company?!!
Buy life Insurance gauranteed acceptance?
Buy life Insurance gauranteed acceptance?
Car insurance vs the law?
If I was driving at 100 mph in my car and a police officer caught me on radar and i started to pull over and then lost control and flipped and totaled the car would my insurance still cover it? I have the fullest of full coverage also, if I was still making payments and the car got impounded would the car be repossessed FROM the cops? thanks""
Will my insurance go up for my speeding ticket?
I just recently got a speeding ticket or doing 46 in a 30. (which wasn't possible) I'm only 16 and it is my first ticket. My parents will kill me when they find out. We have stated arm insurance and only liability on the car but will the insurance go up and/or cause my parents to fin out?
How much would insurance be per month for a 17 year old driving a 2014 Mazda 3?
I am 17 years old and just graduated high school. I will be 18 in 5 months. I am looking into buying myself a new car. I know all of the responsibilities that comes along with buying a new car and talked to my parents about it. I did my research and I found that a new 2014 Mazda 3 is only $200 a month. Which I can afford. However, I was wondering how much insurance would be. I looked up a few quotes but I'm not sure how accurate they are. I was wondering how much other people were paying. Of course age is taken into consideration so it will be higher. However, if it will be too much I am planing on going under my fathers name since he is much older and clearly has more experience. So if anyone would like to help me out and tell me what they pay for insurance it would be very helpful! Thanks!""
Auto Insurance Is Prohibitively Expensive. What To Do?
I'm 23 years old. I rent a flat and have held a steady management job for 4 years. I don't drink or smoke. I am looking to purchase a 1993 Nissan Altima and I was looking for insurance. I was blown away when I got the quotes. Mind you, I live in Detroit and I understand that insurance is expensive, but this is ridiculous. Every quote I got was for at least $400 a month, liability only. Esurance was the most expensive at $582 a month. Allstate was the lowest at $396 a month. Any advice? I really need this car, but there is no way I can afford those insane rates.""
Car insurance from another country?
is it legal or can it be done..? if i live in the UK can i join a French / German / Spanish car insurance firm in there own country's,and still drive on British roads? im sick to death of paying over the odds prices in this corrupt country its a joke . been driving for 12 years with no claims and they still want 1.500 for a 1.3 brava. so is it my human right to choose one from another country..?? bit like the woman landlord ordering the football from another country cheers""
How much does your health insurance cost per month?
I'm not trying to be nosy. Ax on another question stated his is $60 a month. Mine is a little over $100 a week. Does that seem high?
Another question about health insurance?
alot of people are angry that they have to have health insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent we suppose to have car insurance by law if drive?
How to find cheaper auto insurance?
i have a 98 honda civic, and got an insuance quote from geico.com the quote was $365/month thats ridiculous, i dont even make that much every month any suggestions?""
New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?
Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?
What liability limits should I apply to my auto insurance?
My husband and I are researching new insurance rates. We have looked into Geico and are almost ready to buy the policy. We currently have 25/50,000 liability limits, but since we own our house and can afford a little more, we're looking into increasing our liability to 100/300,000. Is that OK? Or, should we increase the limits to 250/500,000? It seems unnecessary to increase it THAT high.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I will be driving a 1982 Dodge Ram in the next few months. I will be dropping a V8 440 into the truck. The truck will be painted black. So what will the average monthly insurance bill be on it?
I opened my car door and hit another car. I left a note and the person wants to claim insurance. Will my rate?
for car insurance go up? It was very little damage. I don't think the person wants to settle privately
Are Saabs reliable and cheap to insure?
Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I've been wanting a Saab since they are cheap (2004 model) and very nice looking. Do they break down a lot like jaguars and range rovers or are they very good and have no problems? How much a month is it to insure one also?""
Insurance for young drivers?
I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old?
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old?
Cheapest insurance for teenager with traffic violations?
I was just wondering what company has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old male with three traffic tickets. I'm not looking for a lecture on how I should know better or to have people call me stupid. I've already learned my lesson and I don't speed anymore. But these tickets are still following me around for the next three years. I leave for college in a couple months, and I need a car. But everywhere we have called (Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.) has given us a quote that is over ten times what we are paying now. Anybody have any advice? Who is usually the cheapest company to go through?""
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners? I am an international student in Ohio. I am older than 21. I get a learner's permit recently and am now looking to buy auto insurance. I am independent and can not be added to other people's policy. I have been searching the Internet, including Yahoo! Answer, for one week to buy auto insurance for adult learners. It seems the majority say I have to be added to other people's policy. Some say I can do it by myself without giving further details. It seems that no insurance companies are willing to give me a quote considering my situation. GEICO is willing to give me a quote one month before I get my DL. Are there some companies that give adult learners' auto insurance? Thanks in advance.""
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affordable life insurance philippines
Can you license get suspended if you don't have insurance on a car that you don't drive?
I don't drive my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because it has some engine problems and I don't have insurance on it because there is no point of paying it. I plain on getting it ...show more
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
Proof of car insurance?
I live in Massachusetts, and I have proof of insurance on my registration. There isn't a separate insurance card - but if for some reason I am pulled over out of state, this should be be enough, right? Does anyone have any experience with this?""
Who is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in FL?
Who is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in FL?
Can I get cheaper insurance while my vehicle is in storage?
I'm going to be out of the country for a while, and am putting my car in an auto storage place. But since I'm keeping it registered and leaving the plates on it, I have to maintain insurance. Do any insurance companies offer cheaper insurance or a special type of insurance that I can put on there, since I wont be driving the vehicle? This is because I'm deploying to Iraq, btw.""
Car insurance declaration?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes? i was the only named driver on the policy but my brother is fully comp on his own insurance my brother was taking it to swap cars over with his in his garage with my permission to drive the car
Can insurance companies access your bank account?
My freind got in a car accident and now he is being sued. He has small investments in mutual funds. Can the other oarty insurance company access his bank accounts and investment and find out exactly how much money he is worth? Other than that he doesn't own a house and doesnt have a car or any other type of assets. He is currently not working right now.
""How much would the cost of a 2003 lincoln ls front bumper be, and where can I find a bumper?
2003 silver Lincoln LS. Only reliability insurance on the car.
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
""What is my liability for my sister's car that i've cosigned for, and she doesn't pay insurance?""
she stopped making payments on the car and the insurance and she is in Las Vegas, Nevada with the car""
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
How much would state farm car insurance charge for a 17 year old under my own name in connecticut?
i have a acura 3.0 cl... 2 door... and i was just wondering does anybody know how much i would be paying.. in anyway (monthly, yearly... but monthly is better)... so if you could help thanks... and dont tell me to look it up... im just asking.... and this kid has it under his own name... but i dont see him anymore so i cant ask him....""
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Who is the cheapest car insurer for 2011?
my car insurance has gone up 140 this year
I need dental insurance...?
Does anyone know of any good places I can get dental insurance through? Thanks
How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?
I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
Would having 2 cars be the same insurance as 1 car?
I have a 09 dodge charger, which you will probably figure the insurance is higher than average. So I was thinking, If I buy another lower level car, for example, a dodge neon. keep in mind that I am the owner of both cars, and only I will be driving the cars. would the insurance be the same or even lower?""
Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ?
I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time.""
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
How much is the car insurance payment for a used 2002 honda civic lx?
i wanna know how much car insurance payment will it cost me per month at triple A insurance at bakersfield california.
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affordable life insurance philippines
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance with tickets?
I am 20, and have 4 tickets on my record...3 disobey traffic devices and 1 seat belt ticket. They were from 2 years ago..I am a new rider and I took the MSF course. I just bought a 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. Progressive gave me $231 a year with no collision or comprehensive(I am ok without having either)...Can I do better than this? Where should I try?""
Is auto insurance cheaper in the U.S or in Europe?
According to my father in Europe auto insurance is cheaper because when you get a ticket they don't work with points you just pay the ticket and the car insurance never finds out about it anybody know if this is true.
""How much would it cost to pay insurance, 16?""
my parents are with state farm, and im about to turn 16. my GPA right now is a 3.5. my sister is going to hand me down her 2005 scion xb, odo reads 135,334 right now, its in far conditions, no car accidents how much would it cost to insure it?""
I need a list of car insurance companies in the usa?
I need a list of all (or as many as possible) car insurance companies in the united states. I need the names and phone numbers and more info on them if possible. Thanks !
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
Fast cheap automatic sedan?
Im looking for a first car. I need a 4 door sedan because insurance is cheaper, I need an automatic car because manual seems hard. How long would it take to learn stick shift by the way? Price rage is $12,000 at the most! I've been looking at the Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Volkswagen GTI. I realize that some of them are manual.""
How much will my car insurance go up by?
I have a mazda mx5 and it has been scratched all over very deep. I have asked my insurance to claim it and will have to pay my excess, which is fine. I have been told that my insurance will go up a little bit when it is renewed in aug but they say the cant figure out how much it is now to tell me. I am wanting to know just in case they really put it up and its not worth claiminmg through them. Has anyone done this and what amount do you think i am looking at to go up a month. Thanks""
Question about car insurance?
I called up my car insurers the otger day to change my circumstances (Recently become unemployed) and they proceeded to tell me that car insurance is more expensive if you don't have a job, why is this and how in gods name is that fair, surely if anything car insurance should be cheaper for those who struggle to pay bills as it is, instead of increasingthe bloody premium, I was lucky enough to have the charge waved however how the hell are people on benifits expected to afford to run there cars? Lol really they are just making it harder to find work due to only being able to find jobs locally, is it just me or does this sound unfair?""
Whole Life vs. Term Insurance?
People always ask about whole life vs. Term Insurance and the insurance salespeople always defend Whole life and trash Suze Orman (not a fan of her anyway)... But they fail to prove the point with real hard numbers. Show me how Whole Life beats Term with the additional premium saved being invested in a Total Stock market index fund or other no load investment at a Vanguard or other low cost provider.
How much would a street bike cost to insure?
like a gsxr 1000. Just the price range.
A question about car insurance?
This chick hit my car but I have a feeling I'm going to be found guilty due to a faulty witness. I'm on my boyfriends insurance will it raise his rate? Also can he just remove me and put the car in his name? I'm so upset because this whole situation is the other drivers fault!!
Any body know the cheapest place to insure a 17 year old driver?
My 17 year old son just passed his driving test and would like to buy a car. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but the insurance quotes we have had are unbelievably high. The cheapest quote has been 4300 with some companies refusing to quote at all. Some of his friends have told him they pay around 2500 because they have a 'box' fitted which monitors their driving. The co-operative was recommended for this but when I got an online quote from them it was 7,500 with the box. Help!!!! Anyone have any ideas?""
Car Insurance As A 2nd Driver?
It is cheaper for me to be named as a second driver on MY car, with someone who has 4 years no claismand has been drivin ages, but if i was too hav a crash in the car would he lose his no claims?? and also he has a car 2, so if he claims of the insurance for my car, will this in anyway affect his insurance for his car?? cheers""
Can i get insurance with a permit?
i am getting my learners permit tom ,can i get insurance to .i am 16 years old""
Can i get insured on a chevrolet camaro 1ss 2 door v6 in the uk?
my parents said they will buy me a chevrolet camaro and ship it to the uk, its the 1ss v6 2door. they told me i had to pay insurance does anyone know wether or not i can get insured on this car in the uk, i live in london, im im turning 18 in november and this wil be my first car, and do you know approx how much it will cost?""
Car insurance and international driver's license?
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to get car insurance and buy a car in the USA if you don't have an American driver's license... I only have a French driver's license and an international driver's license. Could you please also tell me how much does car insurance approximately cost for 1 year? Thank you very much in advance.""
Does it cost more to insure a car with no airbags?
I was thinking of buying a 1986 mustang gt, which has no airbags, would that affect the cost? I was going to put aftermarket Sparco front seats with 4 point safety harnesses in for safety, also would that decrease the insurance rate since I'd be making it safer? Or is it just dependent on car, age, etc.""
Car insurance for another person?
Hey guys, so I'm gonna get a car soon. I turned 18 back in January. My mom is going to buy me a car soon, but only if the insurance isn't that high. So, seeing as I really want the car I have in mind, I need to know some things about car insurance. My mom has gotten into an accident before also, plus the car in mind is a sports car. A Nissan 350z to be exact. So my question is, can I get insurance for that car even though it's under her name? I've never gotten into an accident before, and plan to get my license soon. Thanks!""
Two insurance on the same car?
My dad has insurance on Saga and his policy ends beginning of October. I (age 19) wanted to insure on the same car from June till October but saga wouldn't let me (since I'm not 50). Is it possible for him to take another insurance from June onwards for a year and add me as a second driver till October and the take me out - while keeping Saga/s insurance running at the same time??
Why pay for health insurance anymore?
The Community Organizer (Barry O) has made sure that pre-existing condition cannot be basis for refusal when buying health insurance. So why not just wait until you get sick to purchase insurance? Its like waiting until you get into a car wreak to buy car insurance. Barry's penalty for not having insurance doesn't kick in for another few years... so why have insurance before getting sick?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Where can i get health insurance from when i make very very little money?
im an 18 year old female and my dad dropped the ball a while back and i havent had health insurance for 2-3 years now. and i need health insurance so where can i get health insurance? i make little money like pretty much $30 a month cuz i have a part time job where i work once maybe twice a month i live in california. prefferably a health plan just for health and dental if possible...but really anything will do at this point
Dental insurance ? Or medical insurance payment plans ?
Hi I'm a 20 year old and I currently am looking for a dental insurance an in California but I don't know what good company is good and not as expensive since I do live on my owns and stuff. I really need to go get my teeth checked up but I can't afford to go in a visit with no dental insurance. Someone please help. What are good entail company's that get get me approved on a good payment plan or something pease ans thank you for your time?
Best Motorcycle Insurance?
Hubby and I both have motorcycles. He has an 07 Gsxr 1k, and pays $54mo full coverage. When I had an 07 Hyo 250, I paid $35 mo full coverage. I sold the 250 and now have an 07 Gsxr 750, and my rate went up to $68 mo. Why is that? I'm a 40yr old woman, clean-record, and have an MSF endorsement. Why is my insurance higher than my 36yr old husband's, when he has a larger bike?""
""In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
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affordable life insurance philippines
Do I need insurance just to keep the car?
I have a car in California, but I don't drive it right now because I moved to other state. (I asked my sister to keep it while I'm gone) But recently I received a Notice of Intent to Suspend that says DMV doesn't receive the report from the insurance company anymore, and I need to send the proof of the insurance. Do I need insurance when I don't drive my car? Please tell me! Thank you!""
Car insurance price for a Civic?
I am a 18 year old boy and I want to purchase a Honda Civic EX 4-door w/ a manual transmission. I am looking at a 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 model. Could anybody give me an estimate of how much insurance is monthly? Thanks
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
How much is medical insurance?
How much would medical insurance cost in Ohio (approximately) for 2, 30 years olds and one baby?""
""I am 18 years old and have 6 points on my driving license, will my insurance cost go down after a year?
I currently aren't on any insurance policy!
How can I save money on my car insurance?
I'm a young driver who's only just passed. Is it OK to put my Dad as the main driver when in reality I will be driving the car most of the time? I heard it's cheaper that way. Also I know Pass Plus can decrease it. Does putting it in a garage and having good security decrease it? What other things can I do to save - the cheapest quote so far I found is 1,600!""
I need cheap non drivers insurance for cort in less than a week?
ware can i get it in st.louis missouri
What is life insurance quotes?
what are the advantages of insurance quotes?
I want cheap auto insurance?
I am from canada and i want cheap auto insurance from where i will get this.
Changing grades for car insurance?
so my car insurance company wants my transcript so that i can get a discount. my GPA is high enough for the discount, but not high enough for my dad. if i make a copy and slightly adjust it and give it to my dad, there shouldn't be a big problem right. its not like they check the grades with the school to see if its perfect. and i'm not changing an F to a b. just like raise my low 70's to 74's or 75's. theres a possibility of this working correct?""
Is it expensive to insure a Prius?
I want to invest in buying a toyota prius but I heard that the insurance for these vehicles is expensive. I have Allstate insurance. Anyone who owns a prius, is the insurance ...show more""
Does anyone know where I can get cheap short-term car insurance?
I'm due to go away travelling in January, so just want to insure my car (previously declared off the road) for a month or two before I go. Thanks in advance for your help! :) Sarah""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
Estimated car insurance cost for an 18 year old beginner driver?
I waited until I turned 18 until I went to get my drivers permit. I've had my permit since November 18 2009. I plan to stay on the permit until its expiration date. I'm not sure what car I plan to purchase after that, something affordable (nothing over the top) and that will last quite awhile. Now assuming all that, can any of you share with me what your car insurance payment is monthly, just an estimate of course. And throw in what type of car you have in so I can get a better idea. I'll be 19 at the time I finally get my license. My parents will not be adding me to their insurance, I have to pay for this on my own and I'd like to start putting some money away towards it so that I can make the payments with no problem later on. Are their any other things I can do to lower the cost of my car insurance as well?""
Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?
I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?""
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
How much my insurance car ll be ?
i just got my full uk driving license this week i am 31 years old and im so excited to get car with big engine 2.0 or 2.2 but im worried if my insurance ll be expensive specially is my first year driving thanks for any help
Cheap Auto Insurance?
I know for a 17-yr-old newly licensed female its expensive, but what auto insurance company would you recommend. I live in New York, drive '93 Ford Explorer thats in satisfactory condition.""
""What is the cheapest automatic car, for a new driver?
also cheap for insurance
""I cheated my husband he knows but still wants to keep me and the marriage,but dont love him anymore,what i do?""
i'm still staying with him he change to make me happy i gave him a chance i have 2 kids for their sake i stayed but still i'n not happy i rather have to divorce him i know i will have a peace of mine i want to do something that makes me happy he's a boring guy i just did'nt ralized that b4 coz i'm bc taking care of my 2 kids but now they're teenagers i suddenly realized how boring my life is,i'm 44 yrs old and i knoe i still can find better life ahead of me with the right person with me so i need help outthere if i really have to sacrifice ny happiness for the sake of my marriage and for the my kids? my husband is not really a good provider we both have financial problem he had his money i have my own,i dont have a name on his bank account either his on mine he paid all the bills,i paid the daycare and the clothes for me and the kids,the sch. lunch for 1 kid him the other kid,i paid the car insurance which it's not my name but since i'm the one using it.so pls. help what shall i do?""
It is regarding SR 22 Insurance.?
I know am totally doomed. But I need little help here, 1. I hold a California Driver's License and Got convicted for DUI in New Jersey. 2. New Jersey did not suspend my Driver's License it just gave me a ticket and transferred the case to California. California Ordered me to have a SR 22 submit to them. 3. I do not live in California any more. So when I take SR 22 for which state should I take it for California or for the State am living in? 4. California still holds my suspension. And how do I get rid of that ? I know it is a complicated case. All ready went through a lot. So please help me out of this.""
How much does my auto insurance go up after my first ticket?
I got my Drivers License a month back. Today I rented a car (and fortunately with a full insurance cover) and ran into another car and got a ticket that says Inability to control car or something like that. I am planning to buy a car pretty soon. Could any of you give me an idea as to how much my insurance will be effected as a result of this mishap? I would appreciate any replies.
Is it wrong to TTC without having medical insurance?
We've been married for more than 3 years now, I'm 27, we just bought a house and we both have decent jobs, we feel we're ready and is a good time in our lives (even though there's never a perfect time). The insurance issue is been stopping me from before, but I don't get it from my job and is very expensive to get it through his. Everyone says I automatically get medicaid, we don't make great money but we're not poor either, do we qualify? is it irresponsible from us to start without it? Also I'm a permanent resident, husband's american...I do pay taxes!""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
affordable life insurance philippines
affordable life insurance philippines
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 7 years ago
Buy insurance to the child?
"Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In NC I am looking for individual health and dental insurance. Any suggestions on some reliable, affordable?
companies? I just have no idea where to start and what is a good rate. Checked out BCBS of NC but it all looks like gibberish to me.
What is the best place to buy whole life insurance from?
I want to buy life insurance for my 47 year old husband and my 9 year old son. There are so so so many companies out there. What are some of the better names that are not schemes ?
Business Class car Insurance?
Can some one explain the different classes of car insurance....I have business class1 and my partner uses the car to drive to work - I think they are covered but would like clarification before I ring up insurer tomorrow and check..... Would I need to change the class of insurance and if so to what?
Is it legal in CA for a used car dealer to sell you auto insurance?
i purchased a used car, and the used car dealer put in the contract that I was also purchasing auto insurance thru them...but i wuld get a refund of those premiums when I provided a copy of my own insurance. I never signed any other ionsurance forms with them. i did buy my own insurance later. But, is it legal for the used car delaer to sell me insurance?""
Why is my Car insurance so high?
I'm 18 and live on my own, so the insurance is under my name NOT my parents. That's already a reason why it would be higher. But im paying 620 dollars a month, its getting ridiculous to keep up with. Everyone I tell is shocked at how high it is. I've never been in an accident or traffic violation. But when I got the insurance a couple of other places quoted me 900 dollars a month! so 620 dollars is cheap? Also when i got the insurance I was unemployed, and everytime I got a quote I would have to tell them I didn't have a job. Would this be Why its so high?""
How does the car insurance process work?
So to start this stressful story I just purchased a new truck in Louisiana. My guy and I pulled out of the dealership lot and literally about a minute down the road we were hit by a girl in a car who says she didn't see us. Her car was damaged pretty bad but ours has a big dent and a scratch. It's still functional but now the passenger door won't open because of the location where her car contacted ours. So a police officer came and filed a crash report and gave us her information, but says that we have to wait til Friday to be able to get a copy of the crash report. We have full coverage insurance on our truck and our basic warranty. I'm going to call the insurance company to be sure but I was wondering what are the steps to filing a claim and getting my truck fixed. What exactly do I need to do to complete the whole process. I'm very into details so all serious and thorough answers are appreciated. Thanks""
""Should I get Jaguar car, which one, and how much will I pay to maintain it?""
I want a cool car. I totally fall in love with Jaguar. But, I also dont want to spend a lot on gas and insurance. So, should I get it? I'm 19 years old, male. How much do I have to pay the insurance probably? And what if it's a Volt? Is that better? And how much will I have to pay to maintain it? I'm California.""
How long do i have to get insurance?
I am going to buy a motorcycle and am going to need insurance and am wondering if i have a time limmit after i buy one.
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
""OHIO: I'm 17, and got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop...got in accident...price?""
I live in Akron, Ohio. But I got cited in Salem, Ohio. I got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop sign. and got in a wreck. my car is fine. I was going speed limit (25). Other car, minor problems. I have to go to court. This is my first wreck, and citation. I drive a nissain altima 2003, my parents own. -how many points will i get on my license? -how much will my ticket be? -is there anyway the charges will be dropped? -how much will insurance go up? Thank you sooo much! sorry the police just weren't very helpful. I have statefarm insurance!!""
Would it be cheaper to insure a VW Golf for an 18 year old as a name driver on my parents insurance ?
I hear that a VW Golf is really expensive to insure for an 18 year old. Would it be cheaper if the car was insured for my parents and I was a name driver on that insurance ?
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
What is the cheapest scooter insurance in California?
I have a 80 cc scooter. I ride for pleasure , not commuting far distance. Right now, I am renewing, but $200 for 1 yr. coverage is to high. I'm a college student, 20 yr. old. I didn't take the driver course. Any students out there who have scooter insurance? what you have?""
How can i get insurance for free during my pregancy? I just found out and i have no insurance?
who can i call to get insurance because im uninsured right now?
What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?
What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?
Insurance for teenagers?
So i'm gonna get my car/license in a month and i was wondering how much insurance was on average for teens?? Also, how much would it be if i got a sports car? Like a mustang""
Health Insurance cost?
Hi im a 28 year old non smoking male. I currently am unemployed but do unser the table side work which actually pays me more and im my own boss. Id like to have health/dental insurance. I wanted to see/ask what the monthly average cost you guys are paying and what companies are good. Again I will coming out of pocket as I do not work. Thanks for the help and have a blessed day.
Buyin a car? Insurance driving it back?
Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ?
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
""When renting from Budget car rental service, do you need full insurance coverage?
I'm renting from Budget and need to know if I have to have personal full insurance coverage to rent
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance at 37 years? I have a clean record.?
moving out of the city, and I am gonna need to buy a car for my Suburban life!!""
Adding someone to your car insurance policy?
I'm a new teen driver and as you may all know insurance rates are sky high. I was wondering if a family member, who doesn't live with me, can add me to their insurance policy? If yes, does the car have to be in their name? Or do I have to have the same address in order for them to add me?""
Car Insurance for 19 year old?
I'm planning on taking my driving test during summer, and hopefully if I pass I want to buy a car. My mums made enquiries about putting me under her car insurance and roughly the prices have been between 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know any car insurance companies where I can get insurance for around 1,500 max ?""
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
How much would it be to have my car repainted the factory color and remove some pretty good scratches/dents?
my car was recently scraped by a post and mccdonalds and put some pretty good sracthes in my car with a good size dent and also completely ruined my running board how much do u think it would cost do have all this fixed at macco or if i claimed it as a hit and run would my insurance cover that and repaint my car or atleast half of it the side that was messed up and have ever thing else fixed
Can I drive another car with my Geico insurance?
I just purchased my first insurance policy. My sister has Geico insurance and she can drive any car and anybody can drive her car. I'm wondering if I have the same privileges, or do I have to pay for them. My policy is about as basic as is legal in California so here's to hoping.""
Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?
I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question""
What auto insurance to get?
Im 17. Drive 1993 bmw 318is e36 black Car title is on my name Still live with parents Barely make 500 a month and still need to get new paint job and new tires. Ive calculated and turns out thats around 1k. So what auto insurance would be good for me? At least so it covers the damage done by me to other people.. not to expensive please. East Tennessee
How can I get health insurance?
Hi! So my situation is a little complicated......I am twenty and a full time college student living at home. Both my parents are older and on medicare which does not cover me. I only work part time so I really cant even afford to pay for insurance and my college offers an insurance plan but it's really crappy. I really need to find some type of health insurance that is affordable. Not being able to go to the doctor or dentist is not fun. Any advice please?
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
Insurance agents - Life insurance commissions?
Hello everybody, I am hoping to find life insurance agents working with different companies. my question is what is the commission I can accept to receive from different publicly traded companies what offere not only auto, home and others but also life and disability?? I am currently working with Mutual Company and I am a captive agent and only receive 35-55% commission on any life insurance produce i sell and it seems like it was important for me before to work for a mutual company and never was conserned about low commission, but I am also getting invoved with Auto and home insurances and i am hearing that these public companies offer higher commission and let me tell you now days I want to get higher commission becuase the industry has slowed down for me and I am interested to make the most out of what I do right now... any information about commissions with different companies would be appreciated.... I am open to any advise, suggestion, information, and comments.... thank you all""
Is it illegal in alabama to refuse to give insurance info?
a company van hit my parked car in a parking lot the driver left note with manager of business saying where he worked,what time he hit my car and location in parking lot,now business owner is refusing to tell me who his insurance carrier is ,the driver also wrote down his name""
5 Door Vs 4 Door Car Insurance?
Why is a 5 Door car cheaper on insurance than a 4 door car? ive been looking at getting a new 2008 Subaru Impreza i want the 4 door but 5 door is like 1000 cheapers for insurance.
Cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
Which companies offer low priced full coverage? Preferably around a $700 - $800 premium
How flexible are life insurance quotes. Can I negotiate with company for a better rate.?
I got a quote for my family and me for life insurance (20 years/400K each). I would like to negotiate a better rate with the broker (assuming same coverage).Can it be done, or are the rates fixed, is there room to negotiate. we did the blood work and were offered standard rates.""
Car Insurance Question?
I have bad dmv record. An accident, a failure to yield and 2 speeding tickets within the last 3 years. I totalled my car and can only affod a car I can buy cash, which I have 18,300 dollars currently. Is there a max of how much the car can be worth for liability through the insurance agencies? I am thinking of spending about 14,000 cash and just getting liability. Is this a good idea? Or should I get a cheaper car? Help is very much needed. Thank you""
Car insurance question....?
I had full coverage on my 01 honda civic coupe. Fixed up but i know insurance wont give a rats. ***. My question is, if it is totaled and my car had full coverage. How much would i get from them? i tried going to kelly blue book. But i don't know if insurance goes by retail, or dealer quote or what... If u can answer give u all the pnts for best answer.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
Becoming an insurance agent?
I just about have my real estate sales and loan licenses. If I got an insurance agent license could I sell homeowners and renters insurance to people who buy and rent through me? Is there some kind of rule prohibiting this, is it a conflict of interest?""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a minor in Maryland?
I'm 17 and am looking to get a motorcycle sometime this summer i have experience ridding. i was looking at a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 cbr600 and an r6 if you can give me at least a rough estimate of the cost or suggest other bike that would be great
What is the average cost to repair a lexus car dent?
I recently hit a lexus while i was backing out of a parking lot, there was a medium(not too big or small) dent on the drivers door....i dnt have insurance so what would be the average cost of the rapir. Tghe lady claimed she took her car to lexus to get an estimate and she told me it was going to cost $2000 because she needs a whole new car door (lying *****)....any way, do u think the lexus dealers would be bias of me not having insurance if she told them i dnt? could they be price gauging me?.....please someone answer me with hope!""
Is moped insurance cheaper than car insurance?
i need an easier way to get around town but until i can afford a car i was thinking if i learned to ride a scooter instead it might make things more simple but are they cheaper to run than cars
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
Are health care insurance premiums?
Are health care insurance premiums, long term health care insurance premiums, and the cost of prescription drugs an allowable federal tax deduction? I think I'm getting some bad advice from a friend of mine concerning tax preparation.""
17 / 18 year old (male) car insurance (UK only)?
Hi, I am 17 (male) and haven't took my test yet but hopefully will be soon. Can anyone tell me what they have paid for insurance recently so i can get the heads up on what car's to be looking out for and insurers to get quotes from. I have tried moneysupermarket.com and they just chuck out really high quotes 6000+ whatever car you put in. So, if any 17/ 18 year old boys have recently got a quote can you tell me how much the insurance was, who insured it and what the car is? Thanks.""
Do I need a non-owner's insurance policy?
I am going to sell my vehicle soon. I will no longer need car insurance. Do I need to purchase a non-owners policy? I know that when I eventually do buy another car + insurance, they ask how long you have been continually insured, and if I dump coverage altogether, I'll have to indicate that there was a period that I had no insurance (even though I had no car), which will probably increase my rates.""
""I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive ...show more""
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
Which is the best medical insurance policy?
which is the best medical insurance policy in india..? i need a mediclaim policy for my Family(3 members). lic ,star health, icici or any other else..? please suggest me.""
Need help with car insurance?
Hi. Im getting my first car insurance in Ireland, but I was disqualified of driving for 1 year in Poland. Can anybody tell me how much will this inflate my premium?""
""Would something like an older, heavier car get me a better insurance rate? Any insurance lowering tips also?""
I'm a 16 year old teen guy (I know, I know) and I'm getting a car. Would an older, heavier model of car, like a large van or something, reduce my incredibly high rates? Looking an an out here. I don't have enough money to pay for it all. Any insurance lowering tips, besides drivers ed and good (already qualify) would be great.""
How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates ...show more""
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
""What nice, small cars have cheap insure for learner drivers?
I've looked at things like Toyota Aygos and Citroen C1's. Any other ideas?
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
What will my insurance company do about my car?
Last night we had server thunderstorms. There was golf-ball sized hail for about five minutes. I was parked on top of the garage. My windows are fine, but there are dents all over my car and my right side-view mirror is broken. My car is still in my mother's name, and the insurance company is State Farm. My parents are on a cruise right now and are supposed to be getting back tomorrow. I also go to UT and out-of-state school. I've heard other people on campus are getting new cars from their companies and others are just getting windows replaced. I haven't talked to anyone yet since the car is not in my name. My car is a 2001 chevy caviler. I don't know any of the details of the insurance policy.""
What does it mean when you take the 6 mos. payment option on a car insurance rate?
Im about to buy a car, and the insurance is $1,500, and the 6 month payment plan with $500 down payment, puts me at $200/mo. Does my insurance end after the 6 mos., or does it end after 1 year? how long is it good for? It's Esurance and Geico that I have been looking into.""
Can you stay under your parents car insurance?
As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.""
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
Do i have to have insurance on my cycle or car.?
So i know it is best to have insurance but i was wondering is it an absolute must, like can i have a car and drive it legally with out insurance?""
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
How much will insurance be on a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse?
Hi im 24 years old and I'm going to get a black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. And just wanted to know how much the insurance will cost, i haven't been in any car crashes with my current car and have a good driving record.""
What insurance company insures Bugatti Veyrons?
I bought a bugatti about 2 months ago and everytime I get pulled over by the cops i get a ticket for no insurance and I can't find a company that covera my cars! Help please
""If I am under my mothers insurance, will it help me in the future when I branch off?""
I am thinking about putting my first car insurance under my mothers name, but in a couple years I want to start paying it on my own. Will the fact that I was under her name help me a little with my rate? Or will it not matter, and the insurance company will treat me as a new driver?""
Jeep Insurance?
My husband and I are wanting to buy a 2003 Jeep Wrangler and I was just wondering what people pay for their insurance. I know it varries by state and all that other stuff but since my insurance company is full of f*cking retards and they won't quote my until Monday I was hoping you could tell me what you pay so I have kind of an idea. Thanks in advance!
""Muscle car, sports car insurance (old models)?""
Hi, im 14 and starting to get interested in buying a car, i want a old muscle car type like a stingray Corvette, Mustang, or Camaro, something of the type, like models 60s to 80s, i asked my dad about insurance on something like that and he said it would be expensive because of the fiber glass bodies and other things, i just wanted to see if he was right or wrong. so if someone could tell me all about that, i would appreciate it thanks!!!""
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
Why are insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and get a car. I was looking online to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the insurance quotes were ridiculously high. The cheapest was around 6000 for third party which is really high because so many of my friends have cars and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. Why is it so high and will it actually be this amount when I come to buy the insurance?""
How does insurance for gymnastics gym work?
i'm reading about insurance for gymnastics gyms and i'm a bit confused. so i was told that these gyms purchase a policy and pass the cost to their customer. i was wondering if the insurance company charges based on the number of users in the facility or is there already a given price?
Pregnant and need insurance
where in pinellas county can i get insurance help for pregnancy as far as free insurance?
""How much would car insurance be if i'm 18 years old, own an audi A5?""
I live in Ontario, i never been in an accident and do not have a criminal record. i am just looking for an estimate number of how much it would cost.""
Insurance on g35 coupe?
I'm looking at buying an infiniti G35 coupe (don't want the sedan) couple years older though maybe an 03 or 04. I'm just wondering how much insurance is going to be roughly? I'm in the process of getting some quotes, but just some insight and second opinions would be nice. Anything specific I can do to keep insurance lower? I'm currently driving an 05 mazda 3 and I'm 20 years old with clean driving record. I know there is alot to factor in such as where I live and how much it is going to be driven, but if right off the bat if insurance is going to be killer than I won't even bother. any input is welcome, thanks in advance!""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
Cheap auto insurance 23 yr old female?
I live in south florida wpb i have had insurance in my own name since ive been driving at 19 i have a 94 merc sable and all i need is pip/state req. im trying to find the cheapest i can find i own my car and im getting frustrated i had progressive but they went up on rates for what reason so i dropped them and i have until the 24th of october to find insurance ive been through all the big companies please help
How much would it cost to insure a 17 year old driver with a 2003 corvette?
i should say how much more? right noq i drive a 2005 chevy avalanche LT and i have always wanted a corvette. i found one from a dealer that i might be able to afford if insurance isnt too much. i have usaa insurance and ive never had an accident or ticket, im not an honor role student but i pass with c's ans b's(I've herd honors affects insurance), i live in ct ( ive herd the state affects insurance), and i've done the minimal drivers ed (only the drug and alcohol courses which are required atleast in Connecticut). my insurance allows me to drive all the cars i want that are connected to that insurance plan. thank you!!!""
I have a car and insurance.?
If I want to buy a new car should I have to apply for a new insurance with the new cars details
How much does it cost to insure a madza rx7 ?
I am only 18 and i really want an rx7, but i want the veilside widebody kit for it, my dad says i cant get one cause no one will insure me! This is my dream car if somebody from experiance or present owner could tell me what there insurance is so i can get a rough idea??""
Can I apply for Health insurance and how?
Im only 17 years old and i no longer want to be under my mom's health insurance because im pregnant. So i was wondering what are my options for health insurance? i have no idea where to begin.
""Approximately, how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT?""
I'm added to my parent's insurance, they have 3 cars on their. I'm paying about 60 dollars/month for it. I'm 16, I live in a town not so big, low crime rate. I have a 4.0. I also went to this class about making smart choices that can lower my insurance by 15%. Approximately how much would it cost for me if I bought a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT for $2500? This is in California.""
Do teens need full coverage insurance...?
..to get their license? I'm getting mine in less than two weeks and I need to know!
""Car title, insurance, different names?""
Can the title of your car and the insurance be in different names, or do they have to be in the same name??""
""Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?""
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks""
Car insurance what would you do ?
OK so i was hit from behind the insurance company are going to write the car off and give me 830 i paid 950 for the car its nothing special just a cheap first car with low mileage. The insurance company said they won't recover the car and i can do with it what i will. The damage is fixable I'm thinking 150 -200 of damage just wondered what everybody would do ? Would you just scrap the car and cut your losses, take the money and fix the car or take the money use some of it to fix the car then sell the car ?""
""After I get my permit, can I buy a car and get insurance? I'm 19 & live in PA.?""
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I'm 19 and live in PA. -I'm getting my permit within a month. Two questions: 1. Can I buy a car with only a permit? 2. Do I get insurance before I buy the car or after I buy the car? 3. Also, I'm buying from a private owner. How do I register it, etc? Thanks!""
Can you explain to me how health insurance works?
So I'm looking to buy a good health insurance that cover women's exams, such as breasts, and other parts of the body. And I'm married to my husband so we need insurance for the both of us. Is it better to pay high amount first and then make low payment on it? Can you explain this to me? Thanks.""
How to apply for cheap health insurance in California?? (plz read)?
Ok here is my scenario, I have a friend (only a friend not lover etc....)....she has a 7 year old kid, who is very ill and in the hospital, her hospital bills keep stacking up and as a single mother who only works part time she could not afford health insurance.... me being a good friend i would like to help her out apply for healthy families mediCal or anything like that for free, plus add additional insurance to keep her costs down....anyone suggest any plans or prices that would work good in my scenario, also my job offers health insurance for me and my family (im single) would they offer health insurance to my friends kid if i put them as beneficary or would that not work out???? (please help much gladly give 11 points to best helpful answer) kid is very ill almost like lukemia so asap is apprieated.... thanks Jeff""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
Car Insurance Groups?
I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car?
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge""
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Online auto insurance with no down payment?
does anyone know of an online insurance that does not require a down payment?
What is the best car insurance company?
I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me?
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
0 notes
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
"Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
""Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?
reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.
Independent infertility insurance in California?
hi does anyone know of any insurance companies in California that cover or pay any part of infertility treatment? even if its just a little it helps! thank you
Car Insurance for a 40 year old..eek?
I have just passed my test but I am going on 40 (I know, im a bit late). However the insurance is about 1800 per year. Although I have just passed I thought I would be a bit cheaper than a 18 year old. Am i looking in the wrong place? At this rate I will never be on the road.""
I dont understand my car insurance??!!?
My car is insured by progressive. There was a break in attempt about a month ago. Unfortunately, i was out of town and my husband didnt file a report. Upon attempting to break in, our window would not roll up or down anymore because they set it off track. Today, our whole lock came out of the door! (I dont know what its called, the place that you put your key in the door in order to lock your car, it came out of the door.) We are broke and cant fix it because BMW parts are SO expensive. Ive been extremely worried about my car being stolen and have been trying to understand my policy. But i dont! What happens if my car gets stolen? Which part of the policy talks about it being stolen? My car was financed to my husband by Navy Fed, depending on the insurance, do they pay off the bank?""
""How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
Car insurance question?
I currently own a Peugeot 206 on which the insurance is due for renewal at the beginning of December and is going to cost me somewhere in the region of 800. I am now, however looking into buying a Golf which would cost me around 950 to insure if I was to start the policy from scratch. My question is if I go on to insure my Peugeot for 800, if I buy a Golf say, a month, afterwards will it cost me a lot more to change the car over or will it just be like the diference between the 2 quotes for a year? I really don't want to waste hundreds of pounds by changing the cars over a month or two into the policy.""
""Automobile incident question. Who pays, the business or insurance?""
Im just curious, if a branch of a tree hit my car and cracked it moderately, and i was parked at the parking lot of a gym, does the damages get payed by my insurance or from the gym? If my gym tells me that the insurance pays for it, should i demand the gym to pay?...since my insurance cost might increase because of this incident.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
Motorcycle insurance... Tell me everything.?
What can you tell me about cycle insurance as far as coverages I should get and dont need, and what I need and who do you think is the best company to get it from.. Me; 25, sportbike""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?
I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks""
Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic?
I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay ...show more
Is there a big defference between the quote and final price of car insurance?
If I get a quote fro geico $300 a month, how much will I be paying for my actual monthly bill? Will there be a difference at all?""
Does liability coverage insurance cover car theft?
i have only liability on my car insurance and i would like to know if that covers car theft .
Which Insurance?
If someone borrows my car but they have their own insurance and get in an accident is their insurance company responsible
Do you buy insurance before buying a motorcycle?
which comes first?
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
Looking for supplemental health insurance?
my mom currenlty has health insurance through her job, but of course, the health insurance company does not pay for everything of which some of the things her doctors really thinks she needs. Are there any companies that offer resonable supplemental health insurance to help pay for copays, shots, medications, etc., that her current health provider wont pay for? Also, are there any that will accept pre exisiting conditions, or do you have to be perfectly healthy to be eligible. Please help............""
What would be a good price quote for motorcycle insurance SR-22?
I baught a motorcycle about a month ago and got it running last weekend. I only paid $400 for it. I need SR-22 insurance to get my license back and was wondering what is fair to pay for such insurance on a motorcycle worth no more than $400.
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
How much would insurance on a v6 01-06 mustang be for a 16 year old boy?
i know MPG isnt that good but id have a good job. I make straight A's and i know that counts as something and then id be taking drivers ed.
Do I gotta be on my mom insurance?
Do I gotta be on my mom insurance to get my licence... I'm 17
Can i get homeowners insurance on second home?
I have a second home and need to get homeowners insurance on it. Is it possible to get this kind of policy on a second home?
Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?
getting funny quotes
Car Insurance Question - diminished value?
My car was struck form the rear, while parked. How can I make sure that I am able to collect the diminished value , caused by the accident. It looks like I have to hire an appraiser, how much do they charge? Do you have recommendation for a specific appraiser? I live in NJ. Thanks""
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
Car burned in fire with no insurance.?
My car was at the mechanic's shop in my local town and was parked behind a house that sat in front of the shop. The house caught on fire throughout the night (we don't know ...show more
Cheap home owners insurance?
they keep raising rates with no justification. Which company do you use? Are they expensive? Are they cheaper? I Cr 13;8a
Affordable medical plan for newborns?
i know there is WIC to cover if dont make enough money to pay for alot of food besides the bills, and the childs shots are covered through the pregnancy medicaid (if you have it) for ...show more""
Does any body know if Access General Insurance is good?
please give me your opinion on this insurance company if your with them plz the good and the bad and what would be a good insurance company in California
""Car insurance question. Help desperately needed, please!?""
Here's the situation. Before I start here, I will say I have never sold a car/transferred insurance in my life until now (I'm 37) and I'm panicking. (Please don't laugh; I am somewhat mentally disabled and have a hard time understanding business side of things). Please bear with me: I have a 2000 Chevrolet Malibu with 178,000 miles on it. Last Friday, my husband's brother decided to give his 2005 Hyundai Elantra (53,000 miles) to us as a free gift. We decided to sell the Malibu to some friends of ours (with whom we have been friends for quite a few years). My friends have already paid us and they have a Bill of Sale and next week we are getting a duplicate of the Chevy title in the mail (because we lost ours), at which time we will transfer. Here is where the confusion begins: My mother-in-law (who is a retired State Farm insurance agent) drew up a Bill of Sale that indicated as its last sentence at the end, Buyer will show proof of liability insurance at the time the car is received (or something like that; I don't have the Bill of Sale in front of me). We saw our friends today to get the Bill of Sale notarized (they already paid for the car; we're just waiting for the title for the Malibu to arrive via mail, as mentioned above). Their insurance agent is about 90 miles away, I find out, and will need pictures of the car. Our friends insist that my mother-in-law is just being a mom since we're new at such a transaction (our friends have owned and sold boats, cars, etc., so they are experienced at this, too), meaning that she's being overcautious by saying they need to present proof of liability insurance at the exact time I give them the keys to the car. So, once I give them the title and the keys, are they responsible for when they get the car insurance? My Hyundai is covered through my insurance agent (my mother-in-law called them and got coverage on it already), but she insists that I am not to get insurance verification on the Hyundai until the friends show proof of their insurance on the Malibu after they get possession of it. Is that correct, or is my mother-in-law just being overcautious? (I would think that once I switch the Malibu title to my friends' name and give them the keys, that would relieve me of any responsibility any longer to the Malibu). Help me, please. I am so confused; I have my mother-in-law telling me one thing, and my friends telling me another. Both sound correct. So would I be right if I did these (in this exact order): 1) switch the title over to their name & give them the keys to the Malibu. 2) call my insurance agent and report that I sold my Malibu, and ask them to type insurance vertification for the Hyundai. (would I have to be present in person for them to type the verification for the Hyundai? Also, would my report of me selling the Malibu mean that they would cancel the insurance on it immediately?) I am sorry this is so lengthy; I tried to explain this the best as I could. I just want to do what is correct in the eyes of the law.""
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?
I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
What happens if you just don't pay your car insurance?
Where I live you get car insured and they put a sticker on the plates with expiry date a year from now. But you still only pay once a month. What happens if you simply stop paying ...show more
""What agency will investigate fraud, abuse or illegal activity in government medical insurance programs?
And how will the Judicial system be made affordable for persons who are living in poverty?
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
Where can hiv positive people look for individual health insurance?
if you're hiv positive and are currently covered with an insurance policy, but will be changing jobs where group coverage is not an option, what are your options for health insurance? are hiv positive people stuck in their jobs for life just to keep insurance? from what i've found, public insurance benefits only apply when you're dirt poor and have no home.""
Would a Hyundai Genesis coupe be considered...?
a sports car by insurance companies? If i were to get a sports car the insurance company would raise the costs because i am not married or at the legal age. So would my insurance go higher if i got the lowest model Genesis coupe?
Is Travelers insurance company good?
We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Im 18 and I live in florida and i just got a quote for auto insurance and they said it would be 236 a month?
I just got a quote for a 2002 Chevrolet Malibu. I wont be making any payments on it. Im 18 years old and the insurance is going to make me pay a down payment of $502 and my Monthly payments will be $236. So many people tell me that I need to shop around more. I have a learners License now. If i go and take the operators test i already know i will fail so I need more practice on my own I CAN drive just dont have much experience on a real road. So is $236 good you know for someone my age.? I really need this car before the end of the month. I have to have a way to go to college and Work.
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
How do people with serious health problems make it without health insurance?
I know that some people don't. But those of you who are in that situation and are doing okay, how do you do it?""
""Whats cheaper, paying for gas or car insurance?""
Im getting my lisence soon, and my mom said i can have her car. Its a 2001 chevy malibu, she said if i pay for gas she'll pay for car insurance. Well with gas prices rising what would actually be easier for me to pay?""
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
How much car Insurance would I pay?
I have just got my first car as I'm 17. I got the VW Scirocco 2.0 Around how much insurance would I be paying? I am a very good driver as I have had lots of practise since I was about ten. It is modified with a nice body kit and has twin turbos. I didn't think about insurance before I bought big engine car for a first car. Any help and who does it cheap for teenagers?
Guestimate how much i will have to pay for insurance?
In MA, a 1994-95 honda civic hatchback 120,000 miles,im 18 and didnt take driver's ed. This is my first car. All i have is a permit for 4 months.""
Drivers permit and insurance help?
If I get my drivers permit would my moms car insurance go up? If so, what are average rates? Thanks for the time to read this, and thanks in advance for a reply.""
My name is spelt incorrectly on auto insurance paperwork...?
I am on my parents' auto insurance and my father decided to remove my name from the insurance plan because it got too pricey. However after having finished signing the paperwork and thinking we were done with the process we realized that my name was not spelt correctly on the paperwork to remove me from the insurance. Could I drive the car and if something happens argue to the insurance people that they never actually removed me from the insurance since MY name was not actually in the paperwork to be removed? I live in California if that helps. I'm not planning on actually driving, I'm just curious about what would happen if I absolutely needed to.""
Car insurance advice needed?
What would be a good car insurance for me to get? I'm 18, if that helps. I'm looking for affordable and full coverage. So yeah. Thanks. :)""
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered , yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments. I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money? I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.""
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
Second car insurance very very expensive - why? What would make it cheaper?
Hi, Me and my fiancee currently own and insure a Rover 25, V reg, 1.4 ltr, through Quinn. I'm the main driver and she's a named driver. We currently pay about 400 for tpf&t for the policy, and this has been roughly the price since we started the policy about 2 1/2 years ago. We're now looking at getting a second car as we will be working in different areas. My Grandma offered me her old Nissan Micra (1.3 ltr, K-reg) for us to have. I phoned up Quinn to get a quote for this car and they quoted 2,020!! I can't understand why it's so much more expensive, it's ridiculous! The lady I spoke to couldn't give me any adequate explanation of why it was so expensive, though she mentioned that we wouldn't be able to use a NCB on it as it would have to be an entirely new policy. But we took our first car policy with no NCB and that was a fraction of the price. Apparently the micra is called a Super-S or something, though it is not suped up or a fancy model or anything. Could that be it? We've tried a few other insurers and they also give expensive quotes (1000+) though not as ridiculous as Quinn. Any ideas why it would be so expensive? What could we change to try to make it cheaper? Change each car to have one named driver ony? Try a different car? Find a multicar insurer? I'm 31, she's 28, and we've both been driving for 2 3/4 years with no claims, points, convictions etc. Thanks.""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
""Got rear ended and no car insurance. will the at faults insurance contact me, or should i contact them?
i have no insurance. i got rear ended today and my car is trashed. will the guys insurance company contact me? should i go to the police station and get a copy of the drivers info and contact their insurance? i dont want medical comp. i just want my car fixed.
Where can a 17 years old female find the cheapest car insurance?
ok, so I am turning 17 in march, and I am looking at car insurance. I am getting my sisters old citroen saxo which is a 1.0 engine size 3 door car, very much like a ford fiesta. I was looking at insurance a few months back, and it was around 1,800, which I was prepared to pay. However, looking now, its around 4000!! what is going on!?!? I have saved up around 1000, but this is ridiculous! I was hoping to be able to buy my own insurance policy rather than go on my parents, as I'd like to be able to take my car away with me to uni next year! Does anyone know how I can get cheap car insurance?? I have tried apllying for third party only, with minimum annual mileage, etc... before you ask. Thank you!""
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
What is the best life insurance company that dont require medical exams?
im trying to buy life insurance for me and my 49 yr old mother. what is the best company that doesnt raise premiuims and dont require exams....but stil lprovide full life insurance?
I'm trying to make a car insurance for eu driving license?
Hi, everytime when I make a quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I get a car insurance around 7000 ponds. Is there any way how I can get cheaper insurance? I'm in UK.""
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Insurance for 2001 mustang?
I'm planning to buy a 2001 mustang convertible, 2 door and I'm 16, it will be my first car and I was wondering on average how much insurance would I pay?""
Whats the average price for a new rider's insurance in Canada?
In Ontario
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Insurance with car or person in Georgia?
My wife has been allowing her father to use her car to work as a pizza delivery man while his car is getting fixed. We don't have her car listed as a business vehicle, but he says that if he wrecks it his insurance will cover it. I'm not sure if he is correct or not, but I don't know the law in Georgia. I'm afraid he'll get in a wreck and we'll get sued or have our insurance policy canceled. Is he correct? Thanks.""
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)?
I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically ...show more""
""How to go about getting a motorcycle, license and insurance...?""
i am from kansas and am going to get a motorcycle. can i get a permit? do i get a motorcycle first, then a license? how can i get a license first if i dont have a motorcycle? what is the order of getting a motorcycle, insurance, license? what do i do first second and third??""
Cyro Cuff covered by insurance?
Can a Cyro Cuff be covered by insurance? I'm about to have knee surgery (ACL replacement) and I want to know if anyone's ever gotten insurance to pay for a Cyro Cuff?
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
Do anyone know how much is 15% on your insurance?
When you take the practice Driving test how much percent you get off ...and . I'm 22 by the way an also do Anyone know where a nice driving course to. Take that's affordable an worth it?
What is an acceptable car insurance cost for newly passed 19 yr old male?
What's the acceptable range? Please don't start giving me infos about quotes and stuffs, i've done them all thousands times, just asking for A PRICE you would think as FINE. (sorry to say this, but i asked similar qstns 10-12 times before, but no one answered correctly) thank you""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im 19,, looking for a first car,, whats the cheapest car to insure? How much about would it cost?""
How much did you pay for motorcycle insurance in Ontario just after getting your M2?
I've asked a couple of brokers for quotes and the very cheapest you can go is seemingly $800 to $900 a year for a newly licensed rider, after advanced training and a govt-approved course, which seems a little steep even for Ontario. So I am asking for personal anecdotes - when YOU, yes YOU, started tooling around Ontario on your first farty little 2 stroke scooter or whatever, how much did the insurance company shaft you for, what was the bike model and what else do you think is worth mentioning? Thank you.""
Whats a good health insurance company?
I'm on my dad's insurance until I'm 25. I'm now pregnant and my insurance doesn't cover the baby. What's a decent health insurance that is reasonably priced and good for me and my baby?
Does the cost of my insurance for driving get reduced when I turn from 16 to 17?
Does the cost of my insurance for driving get reduced when I turn from 16 to 17?
What do insurance brokers do?
1. What is an insurance broker? 2. What do you have to do as an insurance broker? 3. If you are an insurance broker, how is your job related to the law? 4. What is your typical day like? 5. What are the educational requirements to become an insurance broker? 6. Why did you want to become an insurance broker? 7. What do you enjoy most about being an insurance broker? 8. What's challenging about it? 9. How long have you been an insurance broker? 10. What advice would you give to someone who wanted to be an insurance broker?""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
""For health insurance plan, is it good to have a low deductible, but a higher coinsurance?""
I'm looking at a health insurance plan with a premium of $76 per month. The deductible is $500 and out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, which doesn't include deductible. Coinsurance is 30% after deductible. I get the first 3 doctor visits for $30 co-payment and then pay 30% after deductible. Does this plan sound okay? I normally see a doctor once a year. Thanks!""
How to get the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anybody know any tips that would lower my insurance? I was looking at prices of insurance for a 1L peugeot 107, which cost around 2000, and the prices were 4000+. My girlfriend was looking at prices for herself and the prices were around 1500 for a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. Any help is appreciated.""
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
Best health insurance plan for a low income individual?
Looking for the best health insurance plan for a 26 yo old single femail in tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal health problems, need medical, prescription, dental, and vision coverage. Paying $208/month currently and need better coverage. Please sends me in the right direction guys :)""
Car Insurance query (involved in accident)?
Yesterday I was involved in an accident, I was stopped on the motorway when a car was going too fast crashed right into the back of me, pushing me into the van in front, the recovery guy who picked my vehicle up said it prob will be written off due to its age. My questions are: a - I am an additional named driver on the policy with direct line, the policy holder in my mum, we didn't select for courtsey car, and my friend seems to think that the person who crashed into me, his insurance company should provide me with one? And if so how do I go about this? b - I think I may have whiplash, my neck is extremley sore and I can't look to right and left without turining my whole body, I am going to doctor's tomorrow, do I get compensation for this as it said online you can claim loss of earnings but at the moment I am unemployed. I spoke to Direct Line who advised providing the man admits it was his fault (I can't see him not as it clearly was) then my mum won't loose her no claims. Thanks""
How much does insurance cost for a gas station in NH?
If I was to open up a gas station in NH how much would the insurance cost per month or year? Assuming I had an average amount of coverage and was running it as an LLC.
Can My Insurance pay to get my teeth whitin?
I don't think I spelt whitin correctly but you guys should no what i mean..& how can I find Out if my insurance or medicate pays to whitin my teeth? btw my medicate was the one that paid for my braces~
Ripped off car insurance?
my daughter was a named driver on my policy she hit someones car and made 400worth of damage the owner of the other car had already got scatches etc on there car my insurance company was told of this i have just found out that 800+ has been made against me it looks like i have been ripped off surely this is fraud the 400 was a quote from a garage
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
How much would car insurance be im 17?
Hello im a male and im 17 my car is a 1996 honda del sol And does insurance also depend on age,car, and area u live?""
Insurance rates were lower in california - for car?
i always have a california car insurance and see that it is always lower when compared to other states.. why is that.. on the other hand,i have always heard that car gettting stolen is highest in californiaso so i guess the insurance premium should be higher then why""
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
Spring Valley Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 45370
0 notes
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"geico home insurance quote saved
geico home insurance quote saved
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance?
No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?""
Can I trust American Health Insurance?
I'm going to an American university and I have to buy student health cover. How trustworthy is it actually? If I get sick, will the insurance just say that my injury/illness isn't covered and left me to die - even if it's an insurance company that the university requires students to buy insurance from??""
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
How would a life insurance company know if you were a cigarette smoker?
They would obviously want to charge you more if you smoked, so do they just take your word for it?""
Renters insurance cant get homeonwers?
im about to payoff my mobile home and own it but i cant get homeonwers insurance since i own my mobile home could i just get renters insurance and protect my belogings inside my trailer. keep in mind in paying a month lot rent fee for my trailer to sit on someone elses property.
Will third party car insurance compensate me if i don't have car insurance myself?
I do have car insurance that's for a start, but my insurance is threatening me that if i don't pay an extra premium to update my policy, they will cancel it. With that being said if the third party have already admitted liability will I still be compensated for my damage to my vehicle and injuries? The reason why they need to update my policy is because when I did the quote online I inputted the amount of cars in the household as 1 instead of 3 (my error) but upon going back to their website to retry the quote with 1 car vs 3 cars in the household, it turns out cheaper to have 3 cars instead of the one so i cant understand why I would need to pay more to get something cheaper. Now I don't want to pay 200 to update my policy for the remaining time on my policy which is roughly a month;s time, if they do cancel my policy will the third party insurance still compensate me? Thanks in advance""
What happens if I get caught without car insurance?
I'm 16 and I live in AZ. What would happen if I was caught driving my mom's car without insurance? I have my license and never got caught breaking the law. What would happen to me? Car insurance is about 150 a month and I could buy a new car instead of paying that.
What cars are cheap and affordable for first time drivers ?
I am booking my driving test soon and looking to save some money for a car, already have some saved up, i wondered on any opinions on cheap cars, low-ish insurance and a reliable one. In the UK which i could buy.""
""If my stepdaughter causes a car accident, can the injured come back on my car insurance policy to pay?""
my stepdaughter caused a accident and her insurance had to pay its limits but the injuries to the person was more than her policy would cover, can the injured come back on my car policy under resident relative claus? She lives with me and I have her on my health insurance but not my car insurance, even though she occ. drives my car.""
Insurance doesn't pay or wanna fix my car?
a drunk guy hit my parked car and he had a suspended license and the car is under his girlfriend's name. Now the insurance says it cant do anything because its under the girlfriend's name. now i dont know what to do
Denied car insurance?
what happens if all the major car insurance companies deny you insurance if your a first time driver and have bad credit. geico and allstate denied me already. what can i do if they ALL deny me?
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
Car accident/ car insurance/ what happens?
I had just got into a car accident. The other lady was at fault, she got a ticket and I didn't. I have no-fault car insurance. How does this work? I've never been in an accident. Does her insurance pay for my damages? What happens??""
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much would th insurance cost on an old muscle car?
I am looking to buy an old muscle car and i wanted to know how much the insurance would be. Is it a good idea to go with an ild muscle car I am 16 Live in california No big buildings in my town I have good grades Would most likely use it as a daily driving car
For a 19 yr old what is the best and cheap insurance in los Angeles?
I live in los angeles and the car insurance companies wants me to pay 300.00 dollars every month and thats to much for me.
""Why do we call life insurance, life insurance?
when it pays you for dying. Annuities are really life insurance. They pay you in case you live.
Does anyone know where I can find individual dental insurance? Not the Dental discount but Insurance.?
I live in Ohio, so obviously it needs to cover us here, I've searched google and there are so many and most are regular health, we have that, we need really good dental with low copays. Primarily one that has pediatric dentists. Thanks for the help!""
If my car doesn't have collision coverage for car insurance?
if my car insurance doesn't include collision damages (when i'm the violator), does that mean my insurance company (geico) doesn't pay for any of my car's damages?""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
How much is insurance for a cafe/ restaurant for a year?
if i ever set up my own cafe, how much would insurance be, and costs etc. also what else is there, rates?? helllp""
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
What is the best car insurance company?
I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me?
Temporary Car insurance for 17 year old?
I've just bought a car, it's only a 6-7 minute drive away but I've been assured I don't want to be caught without insurance when picking it up and driving it home. I've had a look and all day or month insurers only insure 21+. I'm pretty stuck, as I obviously have to do get it home and I don't have the kind of money to insure it for any decent length of time Any sites you know of that could sort me out? Cheers.""
geico home insurance quote saved
geico home insurance quote saved
How bad would a honda civic hatchback (94) be on insurance?
Male 17 North Carolina any ideas on a monthly and yearly price?
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
Can I get car insurance myself if the car is owned by my dad?
My dad bought me a car so it is legally his. Can I get car insurance or does he have to do it?
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
How much would car insurance cost me???
Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.""
Can i insure my car under my dads name?
so im an 18 year old boy right now i drive my dads old car under his insurance, and the registration is in his name, and thats all fine and everything. however my mom is renewing her drivers license soon (she had an accident that didnt allow her to drive for a few years) so my dad is giving her the mini van back and obviously, taking his car back. luckily, i have been anticipating this happening, as all good things must come to an end, and have saved up for a car of my own. i found one, and i went to get an insurance quote and found it was near $90 a month under my name. I put in the same coverage but with my dads information this time and got a quote of $30 a month for the same car. (because apparently 18 year old boys are dangerous drivers or something?) any way, what i am wondering is can i buy the car, and get it registered in my name, but have the insurance covered under my dads name? or should i just give my dad the money for the car and have him buy it and put it in his name and under his insurance but i just drive it, much like what we do now?""
Health insurance.HELP?
I just found out I was pregnant and I am having to do my health insurance by myself now. I understand co-pays but does the insurance company bill you anything? I think I have already reached my deductible for the year but I'm not sure. Usually my father handles and explains all of my health insurance stuff but since he is very busy I am having to do it all myself.
What's the best way to get car insurance for a new driver?
I'm buying my first car soon, probably a Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris or possibly a Ford Focus. The vehicle will be used and I only have my G2 (since Dec. 2011). I'm over ...show more""
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
Car Insurance increase after moving?
I have just moved house and my car insurance has increased by 160. I have only moved half a mile from my previous address. If I ask my insurers to provide justification and proof for this rise (ie - why the area is higher risk) are they obliged to provide me with it?
Do you have to pay car insurance when you lease a car?
if you aren't driving a car(i live in canada) but you're leasing it. do you have to pay for car insurance as soon as you buy the car? or can you start whenever?
Would it be cheaper to insure a 88-93 mustang rather than a 99-04?
I have been wanting to buy a mustang someday when im older. But i'm only 16 and still I dont have my permit. But since i'm so young and decided to buy a mustang, would it be cheaper on the insurance to buy a older one rather than a new one? Or would it be the same?""
Will insurance cover a new transmission or total my car?
My dad's 2001 Toyota 4Runner recently broke down and the mechanic said it was b/c water got into the transmission and that we would need a new one. We talked to Geico and they said they would cover the transmission cost plus the cost of some converter thing (both got damaged b/c of weather). But now Geico is saying that if the price goes over $1000 they're just going to total the car. The mechanic said it'll be around $5000 and the adjuster hasn't seen the car yet (he'll try today or on Monday), so do you guys think that Geico will definitely total the car? When we first talked to them they said they would cover everything and I'm guessing they know the cost of a new transmission, so I don't understand why they won't cover it anymore.""
""If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
How much will my car insurance go up with a speeding ticket?
I'm 17 and I caught a speeding ticket tonight. I was going 11 mph over the speed limit. I thought I was driving in a 70 speed zone, but it was 65. How much will my ticket and insurance cost?""
Why has car insurance gone up so much?
Im 18 learning to drive and getting my first car soon but I'm wondering why car insurance has gone up so much?
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car?
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance in texas?
i need to get a 1 month auto insurance for my 94 mustang whats the cheapest i can get it for and also about how much would i have to pay to put it under my name
Getting SR-22 Insurance with new policy.?
Basicly... last year... my mom and I were required to maintain an SR-22 for 3 years. we got our first one with Mercury insurance.... which was our existing provider then they said they wont renew the policy with us anymore... and we had to find another company chose allstate... as they were the only ones willing to give an SR-22 for NEW policies. we have had all state for 6 months... their rates are pretty expensive though... with or with SR-22... we got quotes from statefarm... they are really good... about 40% savings.... but they refuse to give SR-22s with new policies. but then they also said...they also refuse to give it with Existing policies as well... is this even possible? we have 3 cars. we were thinking of keeping one vehicle with allstate... maintaining the existing SR-22... and transfering the other 2 vehicles over to statefarm... and after a month or 2... once we become existing customers request for an SR-22... and transfer the allstate vehicle to statefar
For Piper Cherokee 140-160 Owners. How much does it cost to insure your plane?
I'm thinking about getting one of these little planes to build time in when I get back to the states. Just curious of insurance cost and things that can burn your wallet during an annual.
Who is the best life insurance agent/broker in Southern California?
I am looking to buy life insurance for myself and my wife. Anyone know someone who does a great job on getting the best deal in San Diego county?
Car insurance and registration?
SO, I recently bought a car in New Jersey form a car dealer but didn't get the license plate for it because eI have a FL license and I need insurance. I rencety asked a friend for a recommended car insurance provider and he informed me that the car needs to be registered in FL to get FL insurance. Now, my questions is does it really need to be registered in FL to get FL insurance? because my license is a FL license, not a NJ one.""
Comparing insurance rates?
Hello, I am looking for a site that allows me to compare different insurance rate quotes based on the information I provide.""
Insurance Groups - HELP!?
Ok im looking to buy my first car, and ive found a 1.4cl Ford Escort which im interested in, it says its in insurance group 5E, is that a good group to be in (is it cheap or expensive), thanks for any help :D""
Why is it mandatory to buy car insurance?
I understand if it's on a leased car but why on 100% paid off private cars? Mortgage companies make borrowers buy home insurance as a condition to get the Liam but once the mortgage is paid off you're free to not insure your property. Why is it legal for insurance companies to force all car owners to buy coverage? It's not constitutional no different than forcing them to buy health insurance.
geico home insurance quote saved
geico home insurance quote saved
Do i need insurance?
If my mom has geico insurance and im 15 and just got my permit do i need to be on her insurance. Insurance is requiered in oregon but i dont know if teens need it?
How much does your motorcycle insurance cost?
Also say your gender, state, age, etc. P.S how much would it cost for a 18 year old male in NYC with a 600cc engine? ninja..""
Car insurance?.............?
if im 17 and i want to pay car insurance, would it be cheaper if i put my grandpa whos been driving for yeara on the insurance?""
How does my insurance calculate the value of my classic car?
i have two classic cars, a 66 mustang and a 70 pontiac tempest. both are daily drivers and both have full coverage on my auto insurance policy. my question is: how will my insurance company (mercury) calculate the value of my cars if they are wrecked or stolen? bluebook doesn't list cars older then 1992. is there a website i can check? how will my insurance determine the value at the time of loss?""
I am 16 male, and I have a 2006 Honda Civic Sedan 4 door black currently living in NYC Long Island and I want to know what is my Insurance rate. How much would I have to pay every month please tell me every month not year !! Thanks ALSO FOR POINTS PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 Honda accord !!""
Cheap car insurance for me?
Right I'm 22 and at college doing painting and decorating and have A LOT of people wanting things done to there houses but they are too far away and I can't carry a paste tae plus tools on a bus and hawl it everywhere with me all the time so I need to get my *** in gear and get a car. I'm going to be taking lessons in the near future but insurance is obv essential. What would be my best option on cheap... Or cheaper option anyway for my current situation. Keeping in mind would only need a cheap small banger of a car and I'm a student. Any heads up would be great on where to go or best car for me Thanks
I cant find cheap car insurance HELP?
im 60+ male i want to buy a car for 900 pounds but the insurance is 500+ ive not got a car yet but will be a small car not for work but for every day and only 13-1400 engine size im in the uk can you advise on cheap car insurance tanks
Car insurance!!?
i finally got my license , my dad is giving me his car and he has insurance but my name is not on the policy. can i still drive. Im leaving for vacation in two weeks so putting my name on the policy will just cost money for just two weeks. i won't be back for three months from vacation.""
Can you drive a parent's car without insurance in NYC?
My dad has a car with insurance on it, but my name is not on it. Is it legal for me to drive the car? I live in New York City, and I'm not worried about the risk of insurance not covering damages because my name is not on the insurance. I'm responsible 18 year-old and my parents suggest that I just drive the car since putting my name with the insurance would cost a fortune extra. I just need to know if it is legal. Thanks!""
Problem with Admiral car insurance... heeelp!!!!?
Hello Thank you for entering in my post I've been with Admiral insurance for more than 1 year, which is my 1st car insurance since I've been in England I've been driving for more than 12 years and I've never made a claim before it was a normal and clear day and i was going to work when I had an accident with a girl riding a moped It was a very silly accident, fortunatelly none was injured, and I only had a broken wind-mirrow, which is no more than 50 of damage I had to call Admiral, my insurer, to sort the problem out, I had no other choice Admiral told me I was not covered to go to work since on the policy agreement says: use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only. And, according to them, to be covered, my policy had to be: use for social and COMMUNITY. So Community for them means, going to work, it is ridiculas but that's what i was told However they said we cover you, you will have to pay 23.74 extra and you will be covered, it was frustrating, a theft, but I let it go... The absurd story didn't even start yet! I gave Admiral all the details which the police had given to me the day of the accident plus some pictures of the scene, which I took before to leave that day Admiral sent an inspector who interwied me at my house. This inspector wrote a statement of 6 PAGES! about my accident, however, I need to say, he did a very good job On the statement states that none was injured and the fault lies with the moped rider, which is also what the police said on the scene. In addtion this inspector suggested to call my insurer again to finally get my car fixed. Admiral told me I will have to pay for the damage myself and, after all their investigation, if they find out it was not my fault, I can ask e refund for the damage, and they added that this investigation can take up to 3 years, so I will have my money back in 3 years! this is because according to them, the moper rider was injured This is absolutely incredible What would you suggest? I would like to get rid of this Admiral policy as soon possible, I would like to claim against it Who could I call to claim against Admiral? Any suggestion according this matter will be very apprecitive thank you in advance for your help""
What will my insurance roughly cost when I'm 19?
Hello, I'm 18 now and about to get my drivers license. I plan on getting a cheap car with low insurance the first year of driving for me. I always wanted a Mazda RX8 and I know that theres no chance of me getting insured for the car now so I was wondering when will it become affordable for me to get a Mazda RX8? Like for example what would you suggest my salary should be to realistically own that type of car in the UK? Thanks!""
Babies insurance please answer?
I have medicare (pregnancy) and I was wondering how does it cover the baby when he is born and what do I do to get his insurance and all that? Thank you.
Car insurance without deposit or low deposit?
hi im looking to insure mg mg zr but have little money till i get on the rd so i need an insurance company that will insure me today for no or very little deposit not 140 deposit and 11 installs of 80
How much (average) is health insurance for a family in America?
As I live in England where we have the NHS I was just curious how much health insurance is in America. Obviously I know that it depends on pre existing medical conditions, how old people are ect ect but let just say for average family of four, two parents and two children would health insurance cost. I was just wondering.""
Sued for Auto Accident Above Insurance Limit in NJ?
One year ago my wife was taking our daughter to pre-school turning left out the end of our road in to traffic, this road has a speed limit of 35 mph. Traffic had to stop to let her cross the first lane since it was solid cars, vans and small trucks. As she approached half-way, before getting a good view of oncoming traffic, another car took off the front bumper. Note that the center line is interuppted at the cross-junction. The bumper was torn from the front of the car with damage more evident on the non-impact side of the car than where initially hit, hence my wife had not initiated a turn, just edging forward to see. The radiator was in-tact, but damaged, still mounted to the front of the car. I walked to the site with our other child and took my daughter home; she is fine and I took her to school but still talks of the incident today. My wife stayed at the incident, and was fine (no later issues) keeping real calm and cooperating with police. It took about 2 hrs with police debating which town the incident took place (middle of the road is the divide) and the other driver was concerned about getting home to take a pot off the stove, but seemed medically fine. The driver asked me and the police to drive them home to get the pot off the stove and used my wifes cell phone more than once. They also wanted to drive their car home and leave the scene with a flat tire at one point I presume to attend to the pot. No tickets were issued, no air bags deployed. The other car had a flat front left tire and side damage so the drivers door was stuck shut. Both cars were old, so written off. Over a year later we received a court summons from their attorney and we are being sued for $750,000. Our limit is $100,000 on insurance. The plaintiff is claiming herniated discs and loss of bowel control. We have a 2006 no money down mortgage, so total equity is very much in the red since our home value plummeted. I have no umbrella policy. I am sole income, but was owner of the car my wife was driving. My wife is stay-at-home mom. The remaining $650,000 would be a big problem. Interestingly, we heard that the other driver called our insurance and asked for a >100-fold lower amount of money to just go away! Our insurer recalls this very clearly and did not pay. Questions: Should I invest in an attorney to work with our insurers attorney to cover the $650K over our limit? Do we have any case given the car the other driver may have been in a rush (as all were aware of the pot on the stove), would have settled for far less, and in reported safety tests should avoid an obstacle at 55mph let alone at the speed limit of 35 mph? Their case, as I understand, is to actually prove my wife was negligent, she was just trying to see. Reality and the law are complicated I understand. Our insurer is looking in to the validity of their medical claims. I believe for spinal and neck injuries plaintiffs have to follow careful insurance approved treatment plans in NJ. I know that such a condition may not be permanent with curative surgery possible to release the nerves that may be causing the bowel issue. The plaintiff has claimed the injury as permanent, do they need to prove this? Should we ask experts? The plaintiff lives in our town and their house is on my running route every other day. I have not noted anything at all and plan to stay away from all other parties. Should I change my running route? Thanks for any advice. Our 30 day clock is ticking.""
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
Hi a question about car insurance companies .thanks?
Hi how long do the car insurance companies keep record of the phone call because it is a good proof for the people who insure their car ? thanks
'95 Acura Integra insurance price?
I live in Texas and I amndering, what would the insurance cost a month for a Black Acura Integra. I am 17. Not exact price just a close estimate.""
What is the cheapest liability insurance in sacramento?
looking for auto liability. just to cover the basics. i'm shooting for 50 dollars or less per month.
Driving without Proof of Insurance?
I was recently stopped by a police officer for speeding and when giving him my license and proof of insurance he stated that my insurance had expired. I then received a $550 fine for not having insurance, but not for speeding. I do have insurance, but the proof of insurance is what expired (we searched everywhere and the cards that the insurance agency was supposed to send did not show up). My question, then, is what do I do about this? I was not aware that my proof of insurance had expired (again, not the insurance) and I was freaked out because this is the first time that I have ever gotten pulled over (I'm a college freshman and the car is in my grandmother's name, it was a grad gift) On the ticket do I contest the claim and go to court or do I admit the claim and go to court? What are the possible outcomes or what is most likely to happen?""
Selling a car with no insurance?
I am selling my car but have already cancelled my insurance policy. Can a potential buyer test drive my car on their insurance or does my car have to be insured separately?
Can I cancel car insurance before expiration date?
I got car insurance and paid a fee but the expiration date says it ends in one year, I paid for 1 month and now I need to get insurance from another company. Do I cancel the insurance I have now? if I dont will they charge me every month? Or should I just forget about it and let the ppl cancel me off.""
How much will your insurance go up by if you get a brand new car?
im thinking about getting a Honda civic 2012 and if my insurance is going to rise like by 100-150 $ im not going to get it but i was wondering how much will it rise by if a get a new car i also have been in minor accident and my insurance is about 250 one way and it is with statefarm im a toronto citizen so only in toronto prices
Does it matter who drives which car under the same insurance policy?
I have an 08 Toyota Corolla S and my dad has a 95 Toyota Pickup. I'm 19 and we're under the same policy with AAA. Would it make a difference in cost if they put me as the driver of the Corolla as opposed to the Pickup? If so about how much? Currently I'm with the Pickup and my dad's with the Corolla.
Moving to France - car insurance?
I am moving to France next week and will be taking my British registered car. I rang my insurers who told me that they would only insure me 'up to the ferry' and after that ...show more
geico home insurance quote saved
geico home insurance quote saved
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
Does not having license on you affect insurance?
My brother was returning home one evening last week and thought that the speed limit increased before it did, so he was pulled over for speeding. He was let off for that, but given a ticket because he didn't have his license on his person. He has one, but he left his wallet at home. Now he is worried this will affect his insurance. Does anyone know? Does he have a rap sheet or anything now? This is his first ticket. I have no experience with this now.""
Inifiniti G37 insurance for 18 year old?
Ok i live in new york and im 18 and a new driver.... i keep hearing that it would cost over 700 dollars a month to insure it ..... is that true ? i know there is alot of variables but i wanna know is it possible ?
Do illegal immigrants get health insurance?
What insurance and how?
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
And from where can I get such insurance?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance? I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?""
About how much will insurance increase if you lightly rear end a car but you just got your license at 16?
Someone i know has Geico insurance and turned sixteen in August. He got his license a few months ago and really lightly rear ended a car today. I mean you cant even tell its hit unless you analyze the back. So about how much do you think the insurance will go up?
""CAR QUESTION: If a car is registered in my name, will it be costly for my INSURANCE?""
I am 21 years old and I am planning to buy a used on so that it will not be expensive for my insurance. WHICH OF THESE IS BETTER: -Register the car with my name and pay like 3 thousand dollars for the insurance or. - Register it with the name of my Dad. If it is registered with my Dad's name in it, will that be cheaper to my insurance?""
If an insurance company never raised my premium from my DUI can they do it after 3 and a half years?
I am planning on buying a new car and my insurance company never raised my rates on my last vehicle after my DUI in feb 05. Progressive was 150% Higher than what I am paying now.. I have full coverage on my truck with a 250 ded.
Car insurance in America for non citizens on holiday?
I have a few questions about car insurance in America for non citizens. I am going to the USA this summer and will be driving alot.I have car insurance on my own car and have a full license and an international driving permit.Do i have to get insurance on the car in america or will my own insurance in ireland cover it or will i have to start another policy with an american company?Will this cost alot?My insurance here is not expensive and ive never been in an accident or made any claims.Is it possible to be put on my friends insurance as a driver and if so how much would this be cheaper then buying my own insurance?Any information would be great, i am very confused on the matter.""
How much would car insurance be for a vauxhall Astra VXR?
How much would a vauxhall astra VXR car insurance be for a 17 year old In the uk
Car Insurance?
I got a ticket 15 monthes ago and didn't told my parents, but they aren't that hard on me but the car insurance is going up now why is that.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS!
Do I need to have insurance or proof of insurance when renting a car?
I'm planning on making a trip to Chicago. I have been wanting to go on a road trip for a long time. And I am afraid of taking a bus or going on a plane. A plane ticket costs a little bit too much for me. I'm 21. I currently do not own a vehicle of my own. So I am considering renting a car. I'm just wondering if I have to have car insurance in order to rent a car. I've never done this, so I have no idea what kind of things are required in order for me to rent. I've got my driver's license and a clean driving record. I don't have a line of credit. I don't have any credit cards so I hope there's no credit checks involved. Also, what's a rental car service that you would recommend? One that is cheap, honest, reliable, etc. My budget is $300. I'm going to meet a friend in Bartlett who is going to help provide me with lodgings so my only expenses to consider besides the car, are fuel and food costs. Thanks.""
""Car Accident, how much should I expect from their insurance company?""
I was just in a car accident on Thursday. Its basically totalled my car. Two weeks before the accident, I just put $2345 into the transmission, $500 2 weeks before that, and another $500 about a month before that. Thats not to mention the $1000 I put in in 2006. It was a troubled car but with the transmission fixed, it should have been perfect. The other car hit me. I really was at no fault but the other car is a company car. The people driving don't own it. They also don't seem to be American Citizens. Here's my damage, Broken Axels, my tires leaning into the car dramatically, my tire is ripped, the driver door doesn't open, blinker is gone, just severely damage to the quarter panel, ETC I did have some injury, a seat belt burn, back and neck pain. What can I expect from the insurance company? Will they take into account the recent expensive work done on the car? Any ideas? A guess? I had a 99' Hyundai Elantra - now I have scrap metal.""
Teen Auto Insurance??????
I am just wondering what the teen drivers or parents of teen drives pay monthly or however you pay for insurance once the teen gets their license? I know there are alot of factors that contribute to how much a teen pays for insuracne but I am just curious. So basically how old are you?...and basically just how much does you or your teen pay for insurance, if they have a car what type? or if you are a parent, are they added on your policy, and still how much do you pay for insurance? Thanks :)""
Accident and auto insurance question?
If I get into a wreck that wasn't my fault without insurance and I come home and say go to safeauto.com and get insurance will I be able to claim that on the accident report? Will I be safe from losing my licence?
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
What are the top 5-10 cheapest car insurance?
And which one is the cheapest?
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
Health Insurance question.?
I am recently married and have health insurance through my employer with aetna. We have yet to change her name over on the insurance as it is still in her maiden name. We recently found out she is pregnant. Before a doctors visit should we be making a call to get her name changed over? Is she still covered at all on my insurance?
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
geico home insurance quote saved
geico home insurance quote saved
0 notes
fancycollectionfury-blog1 · 7 years ago
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
"Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
When you buy a used car do you need a proof of insurance to get license plate and registration?
Can I take the new title to DMV and get the license plates? or do I first need to get insurance and bring the proof to DMV to get license plate? Another question If i buy a car from a private person and that person takes off the plates how am i gonna drive it back? without plate? what do i have to do?
How much is the average fine for violation 21461(a) in California?
I was driving today and got pulled over, and given citation 21461(a) for not obeying a Right Turn Only sign. I live in Orange County, CA, and was wondering about how much the fine will be, as well as if my insurance rate will increase. Thanks in advance.""
Anyone know who offers cycle insurance?
After cheap cycle insurance for my mountain bike against theft and willfull damage ect, info. appreciated. {UK}""
""I'm only a student & working part time, where can i get cheap car insurance...?""
I'm only working part time and i need to find a good insurance company, preferably one that won't charge me too much as i'm not earning a lot of money.""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Have a Teenage son 18 and Want Car insurance let me know how much you paid and what Insurance co and what Car?
Health insurance providers in the state of ohio?
i am trying to get health insurance quotes from as many companies as i can in the state of ohio. so far i have came up with: anthem aetna united healthcare humana anyone that i am missing? thanks
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Will my health insurance pay for my surgery?
I hurt my back one month ago and had no insurance. I am now employed with insurance and need back surgery. Will the insurance company call this a pre existing condition and not pay? Is there anything I can do to avoid the fight?
How much will my car insurance go up if i claim a scratch? (newpaint?)?
Basically, i've parked up, and someones scrapedthe back end side of my car to buggery! They drove off and the restaurant didn't have CCTV in car park so all i can hope is there car is worse off. f**kers. Anyway, i need to sort this out, i'm a 21 year old male, i currently pay 74 a month on my insurance and am fully comp. My excess is very high, will i have to paint this even if it's just touching up the scratches?? And will i lose my no claims? I'm presuming it'll be cheaper in the long run to not even get my insurance involved? or what ?""
Buying a Car and Insurance Question!?
Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
What is the cheapest health insurance I could get?
I live in Nebraska, and am a healthy 20 something year old male who does not smoke or drink. I looked on google and found quotes for like 200 bucks a month! maybe that's cheap for a lot of people, but I was wondering if you can get something for like 50 dollars a month, with a really high deductable or something. I just want coverage against major catastrophies, like if I got cancer, or heart disease or something, so I'm not financially ruined. Any ideas? a year or so ago I remember coming across some cheap plans for like 30 dollars a month, but I can't seem to find anything like that anymore. Any help here would be greatly appreciated thanks!""
Can you cancel a car insurance policy and take a new one with a different company the next day?
My girlfriend is currently paying 197 a month for her car insurance, but we did a quote with another company will all legit details and they have quoted her 880 for the year. Can i ring up and cancel her current policy and take out a new with with this other company? or are there issues With doing this""
Do the amount of miles driven affect auto insurance rates?
My policy lists that I have coverage of 12,000 miles a year. I average less than 6,000 miles year however.""
Temporary car insurance in uk?
can you get short term car insurance in the uk for like say a few months??? reason being is i have my everyday car but... have my toy i would like to use maybe few months of a year.
i need to know all the types of property insurance, with descriptions. please help:]""
HoW much do you pay for health insurance?
Is it affordable? Do you get help from your employer? What is a fair price?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
How much does the insurance company raise your rates if you use your car for work?
I'm talking about reading meters where I had to use it everyday, often driving from house to house or business to business all day. And I still have a lien on my car. I currently pay about $60 a month.""
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
How can I get the other driver's insurance co. to pay the full cost of rental car?
I was hit from behind and the other driver's insurance company has accepted liability but, they only want to reimburse me about $27/day for a rental car when I'll have to pay around $50/day. They are also dictating to me some terms about the duration of the rental car period based on the number of shop hours estimated for repair. I am wondering if there is some leverage I can use to make them pay 100% of the rental car cost for a reasonable car and duration.""
Cheapest car insurance rates for older car/no record/liability only?
hi- if anyone knows chespest company, i did a online quote for progressive, but dont want to take the time to go through all companies. if anyone knows cheapest rates-company, please let me know""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?
I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.
Possible to drive without car insurance?
I live in California and recently got my license. I know driving without insurance is illegal and bad, but could I drive without insurance as long as I don't get in a car crash and follow the rules of the road?""
About how much more would insurance be on this car?
i want to get a chrysler sebring convertible. i tried calculating insurance but it didnt ask if it was a convertible or not. Im just trying to see how much more the insurance would be since its a convertible.SO! how much more would insurance be on a 99 sebring coupe than a 99 sebring convertible. it would have 46000 miles.
Insurance on a Audi tt?
I passed my test September 2013, I am 18 and for the car I currently have my car insurance is 1,250 or so. If I got an Audi tt that was a 2000 plate would the insurance be sky high?""
How much would car insurance cost me???
Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.""
Is it necessary to hold on to old auto insurance bills?
I switched auto insurance companies recently and I was just wondering if there is any reason at all I should keep my old auto insurance bills from the old company. I'm the one ...show more
Whats the cheapest motorcycle insurance for me?
Im 18 i live in upstate New York. its my first street bike. I ride motocross and i have a 450f (if that makes any differance) im looking to get a crotch rocket (gsxr 1000) I heard progressive is the cheapest. How much?
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
Has anyone tried the Ameriprise Auto insurance? How do you rate their service compared to other insurance co?
They have a tie-up with Costco and offers a very good rate compared to AAA, Farmers, etc. I signed up with esurance who has a excellent rate but after 6 months, they are raising the premium by more than 30%. A feedback or review on Ameriprise will aid me in decision making. Thanks!""
Pregnant switching health insurance?
i'm going to be added to my husbands health insurance plan in november. is job told us i can't be added until then because that is there enrollment period. so i went and got my own health insurance to cover the period in between now and november (i havent actually gotten it yet, i'm still going over the details, its very expensive). anyway i wanted to know that if i get pregnant before november will i still be covered for the pregnancy when i switch to his insurance in november?... for example lets say i have health insurance and in august i find out im pregnant, then in november i switch to my husbands health insurance, will my new health insurance cover the pregnancy? thanks.""
If you work at GEICO what is your insurance rate for your car and house?
how much of a % off is it compared to customers?
What is the process to buy insurance for a new car?
When and how do you buy insurance for a new car? Say I buy a car today and drive it out the dealership. Do I need to have insurance all set up before buying this car? Let's say I go get a quote from an insurance website and proceed to buy a package. Do they have to mail something to me, like a card or a certificate or something? Or can I just write down my policy number or print a receipt? Because I'm wondering, if it's the former, then what do I do between the time I drive the car out the dealership and the time it takes for the insurance mail to arrive? Thanks!""
Need supplemental insurance!?
I had a CAT scan done a few years ago and owe a good amount of money still because my insurance only covered a portion of it. Im a college student and make 8$ an hour and diagnosed with mental illness. Can i expect supplemental insurance to cover the rest of it? its about 1600. And can someone explain it for me? Do i pay for supplemental insurance to? My sister told me i can get emergency medicare or medical **** or something to pay for it.. Is this true...so confused. Thanks
Insurance rates for 17 yr olds?
Since insurance rates are ridiculously high for new drivers like me, I was thinking that if my parents could possibly buy a car for me to drive but put it under their name, and have it insured under their name so its cheaper since they're much older and have a lower insurance rate than I would. But I heard someone said that somehow insurance companies find this out and somehow find a way around this so the tactic i just suggested won't work. Anybody have any experience with this?""
List of cheap auto insurance in Georgia $40-$50 a month?
cheap auto insurance in Georgia .looking for where I can pay btw $40-$50 a month
Title loans and insurance claims if the car is totaled?
I was just in an automobile accident recently and pretty sure my car is totaled. My question is, if my car is totaled, and my car title is in a title loan right now, do I pursue the insurance company to pay it off or at least to the point so I may recieve the title back?""
Classic car ownership in the UK; apparantly there's an advantage over other cars such as cheaper insurance or
tax, or MOT, but I can't remember what...anyone know?""
Car insurance company's do they make you angry!!!!?
My car insurance compnay (Hastings Direct ) dont use them there sh!t, anyway on the 22nd april I asked for them to send my Insurance certificate as I only had a temp one that ran out 2 weeks before the date I needed to tax my car wich was 31-5-06, but i never got it so I rang again on the 25th of may and they said there sorry but forgot to send it in april & said we will sent it today . still not got it and my car tax ran out on 31st! rang again today and asked were the hell is my insurance certificate .. there reply oh it must of got lost in post we will send it out today!! how bad is that!!! has this or anything like this happen to you.? if so what compnay s I know not to move to them""
""Tornado and insurance problems in enterprise, alabama?
USAA Property Insurance will not pay enough for me to rebuild my home that was destroyed on 1 March 07 from the tornado!
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Can my friend insure my car?
I bought a car and currently have a loan for it that I'm paying off. The insurance that I got for my car is $250 which is way too much. My friend pays $100 for his insurance. If I were to be put on my friends policy, it would make his insurance go up to $200, but I would pay him $120, and he would pay $80, making insurance cheaper for the both of us. Is this legal? Note that he is listed as the policy holder, but I am listed as the primary driver of the car.""
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi?
I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
What is the best type of life insurance to purchase?
I know nothing about life insurance but I would like to buy some to assure me and my kids will be taken care of in the event my husband passes. He only has one 1 issue which is Rheumatoid arthritis, otherwise in good health. . Me and my husband are both close to 50 years old. What is the best insurance to purchase? I know that term insurance expires. Does that mean if you do not pass within the term you do not get any money back that you have paid into it?. Thinking about a 250.000 dollar policy. Thank you.""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
Car accident/insurance.?
Okay, three days ago I got into a car accident, I drive an SUV and the other party drives a Toyota Camry. Save for a few scratches on the bumper, my car is fine, the other woman on the other hand says she can't open her door and the front right light and part of the bumper is damaged. I told her I would cover the damages if we could keep this from the insurance companies. She agreed, but is now saying she is in pain . No one called the cops and she was at fault, I CAN NOT afford to have an accident on my rec as I'm only 18, what to do? I said I'd pay as my car is fine and as a thanks for staying mum. Now shes called her insurance company and claims she got an estimate of $3,600 for the car and medical.""
Car insurance on a subaru impreza wrx sti!!?
About how much would it cost me for car insurance for a subaru impreza wrx sti? I am looking at a 2005. I am 20 years old with 1 speeding ticket.
""How to apply for Louisiana Children's Health Insurance Program, LACHIP?""
Are you looking for a low cost health insurance program for your children? Do you live in Louisiana? Well, I just recently found a program called LACHIP that offers affordable healthcare coverage for children. Step1 I'm a stay at home mom, and for awhile my child was getting sick all the time. Our insurance was good but, it didn't cover everything. Then suddenly, my boss told me that she was cutting my hours. I frantically started seeking healthcare insurance that was affordable but, would cover everything we needed. That's when I found a program called LACHIP. Basically, LACHIP is a no-cost or low-cost medicaid health insurance program for children. Step2 First thing, you need to find out if you qualify for the program. The program is basic on income. To find out the income guidelines, contact your medicaid office. They will also give you an application to fill out. To find out your medicaid office contact information, go to: http://www.dhh.state.la.us/offices/contacts.asp?ID=119 Step3 Finally, when you get the application in the mail, fill it out and return it back to the office. Now when I filled mine out, I did not have to put a stamp on the envelope because it was already pre-paid. Then within about a week, someone from the medicaid office will call you and tell you if you are approved or not. If you are approved, then you will receive a medicaid card in the mail for your child(ren) within 6 weeks. Once you receive it, you use the card anywhere medicaid is accepted. Also, don't forget to ask your medicaid representative to include a list of things that medicaid covers. For more how to articles, please visit http://www.ehow.com/members/kleighwickham.html?view=3rd""
Surgery and insurance?
if my surgery is going to cost me $3,500..and i have a $5,000 dollar deductible on my insurance..then i can't use my insurance can i? =(.. pretty much i have to pay for the surgery..BUTTTT if my surgery was let's say about $7,000.. then that means insurance company would pay $5000 and i would pay the rest of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i'm just trying to understand this and make sure""
Do you have to pay for a full year of car insurance if your car is written off part way through that year?
I pay my car insurance every month as a direct debit out of my bank account. My policy actually expires in March each year and I'm sent a renewal letter saying that if I wish to continue with my policy I just need to keep paying it monthly as I always have. Then come July my car was total written off. According to the insurance compay I still need to pay for a full years insurance, that is I need to pay all the insurance premiums up until March next year as this is when the policy expires. I figure if I don't have the car any more as it's a write off, and I'm able to cancelled the rego on it, why should I have to pay. I would have thought that if I'd paid a full years insurance in March that I would be entitled to a refund if my car was written off part way through the year. Any help would be appreciated.""
Where to get really cheap car insurance?
i live in ny, i have a 1998 Honda accord lx, quotes from the big name insurance companies is 250-300 dollars a month, which i can afford, but its really cutting into my income, is there anywhere i can get insurance for like 150 a month, i only want state minimum required insurance liabilities""
Free medical insurance and dental in cali??
hello, im a 21 year old student who needs insurance! my family doesnt qualify for free insurance from the state, but my mother is not working to get insurance. does anyone know of a free or at least cheap way to get insurance? thank you.""
What would be insurance on this car?
I want to get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is great, but how mh would te insurance be? For a 16 year old""
Which is the Best Children Insurance Plan to buy in India?
my little niece is 5 years old and my sister is planning to start investing for her education early ( i know this is too early but she wants to give her the best!). She is very creative and paints really well but then she wants to become an Astronaut like Kalpana Chawla :-) now-a-days there are a lot of child insurance plans coming up-all look the same to me. Was thinking if someone can tell which one is the best : Aviva Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, etc..""
Average rate of malpractice insurance for nurses?
So I want to be a nurse and I was wondering how much it costs. And do most nurses have it or not? Also I live in TX and will be a nurse here so any info will be appreciated thanks :)
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
""Insurance company does not want to pay for my car damages, what should I do?""
I let my mom borrow my car, which insurance is under my name, she crashes. She exchanged insurance info with the other driver. I called the other driver's insurance to make a claim to have them get my car fixed. As soon as I told the insurance rep what had happened, he hung up. I try calling them again only to have the rep say, we need to get the other driver's side of the story and hung up again. My car got really damaged, but the other driver's car only got scratches, I know it may not matter but nonetheless I would like to have them pay for my car damages. My insurance only has liability so I can't file a claim under my insurance. The only thing I have is a police report of them exchanging insurance info but no document stating in detail what happened and who is at fault, that's it. What should I do?""
Do you pay insurance on a lease car in the UK?
im 18 and looking to get my first car would a lease car be a cheaper option for me as i have been told in unsureness that its all included in the price but would i still have to pay separate insurance on the car? if so what would be the cheapest option? a lease car or buying a cheap car? thanks
How do I get affordable insurance after dui non-conviction?
State farm is canceling my auto insurance after a company called ChoicePoint inc. reported info. from the DMV about reinstatement of license, Chemical test modification and Chemical test revocation. I was arrested for a first offense and plea bargained to jump though all the hoops, pay all fines in order for it not to result in a conviction. Are there any insurance companies out there that do not purchase info. from ChoicePoint?""
Can I get affordable car insurance with a company if I currently hold a policy with them?
I have a pretty ba driving record from about a year ago. I recently just bought a motorcycle and got insurance through them for $306 a year which is awesone. But it would also be nice to have a truck considering rain a cold weather. Now I've priced insurance through many different company's for my 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 door, and I was quoted at $219 a month with liability and that was the lowest. Now I want to buy a truck and add it to my current policy, will it be remarkably cheaper to do so, or how long till it will be cheaper, or should I say very affordable. I live in the state of louisiana if that information helps at all. Answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you""
""If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
Car insurance rate (red light ticket!)?
Sorry if this is too long, but i really need help! I just got a ticket for turning right on red w/o stopping in WA state. i googled and know that insurance companies don't often check driving record. unless when you make some change to your policy, make a claim or every 2 renewal cycles? my questions are: -How long does it take for my insurance company to notice this if i don't make any changes to my policy or make a claim within 3 yrs (this will stay on my record for 3 yrs right?)??? -Usually how long is ONE renewal cycle in car insurance? -If i tick the mitgation hearing option, and explain the infraction to the judge and he/she reduce my penalty, Does that mean the record will stay on me shorter? the penalty money will reduced? and hopeful insurance company will not increase my rate? -I am a student and I am cover under my dad's insurance, so if they increase my rate, does that mean the whole amount of premium increase or just my part? PS: if this help, my insurance company is American Family Insurance. I just switch to it 3 months ago.""
Have you ever added an additional driver to your car insurance?
Did it raise the cost of your premium? By how much? I realize this will differ for everyone. I'm only asking because I will be added on as a driver to my mother's car after I receive my license in a couple of weeks. I'm 21 (i realize this is late to be getting a license, there were some things that unabled me to throughout the years) but not a student. I realize what we will get charged (if at all) is not the same as what someone else did/did not get charged, just wondering what might come up.""
""Car insurance for a 17 year old UK, is it cheaper if i add my mum as a driver?""
Basically, If I add my Mum as another driver to my car on my insurance, does the price get lowered?""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How can I get back on my mom's health insurance/Medicaid?
My mother is on Medicaid and I got kicked off her insurance at 19, I am now 21. I'm in college full time and I have a job. Why wont they keep on it? I'm stuck paying for my own insurance but every other young adult is on their parents insurance until their 26. Is it because she has Medicaid not regular insurance? If yes, why?""
18 year old and car insurance...help please?
I've been saving up the past 3 years to buy myself a car. I've saved about 18K for a new car, so my price range is from about 18-24K for a car, new or used. Some cars that I'm interested in are: In Order: 1. 2004 BMW 530i 2. 2004 Infiniti G35 3. 2005 Mercedes C230 4. 2004 Acura TL or RSX 5. 2005 BMW 325i My problem isn't whether I can afford the car and the maintenance fees, its the insurance. I would be under my fathers insurance. He's 55, no accidents or tickets, been driving since 16. He would be the primary and I would be the secondary. I go to college, have a 3.8 GPA, work part-time, have been driving since 16, no accidents or tickets, and the car would be parked in a garage. I also wouldn't be driving much, just to and from school (less than 7500 miles a year). How much would basic insurance be? I hate getting online quotes because its time consuming and I hate getting spam emails and phone calls. I'm thinking of buying the car soon, so please help. THANKS!""
Auto Insurance in Ontario?
Hi, I just bought a used Toyota Tercel 1999. I am living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada I am wondering in anyone knows which auto insurance comapny is the best in terms of giving a good rate and give you least hassle about claims. all help is greatly appreciated.""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Motorcycle insurance?
progressive is quoting me at $20 a month for bare minimum coverage for a 2010 yamaha r1. I'm 18 years old and single. how is this even possible? am i reading something wrong? this price just seems absurdly low to me
What insurance plan would be best for a young family that has a 5 month old?
In my Advanced Functions class, we're doing a project about insurance plans mostly which plan, basic or premium, would be better for a certain situation like a single parent or something like that. My partner and I decided to use a young family (around the ages of 24 or 25) who has a 5 month baby girl. I was wondering would a basic plan or a premium plan be better suited for them?""
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
Affordable car insurance/ college student. please answer =]?
hey everyone! i am looking for some car insurance! like... the most affordable i can find... for a 98 nissan. i am 18 years old, no accidents or tickets. and im a broke college student soooooo the cheaper the better, and just liability is fine. any suggestions? good/bad experiences? thank you!!""
Insurance on a 2004 nissan 350z?
OK... I'm a 17 yr old male, have a solid part time job during school and full time I'm summer... I have found a 2004 Nissan 350z tourister with 58,000 miles, the owner is asking 10,000 for it it great condition... I would be putting 3k down and financing the rest... I would like an estimated price on monthly insurance... I'd be with both my parents and 4 other vehicles I believe, I don't know if its possible but any estimate is good... Thanks""
Can i drive my parent's car without insurance having my name on the policy?
Can i drive a parent's car without insurance? like they have their car insured and in 17 and i just got my license so can i used their car with their permission? my dad says that i would have to be added to the policy and they would have to pay extra for it..... but i remember my dad letting my uncle and a few other ppl drive the car like not all the time but a few times ? so if they could why cant i?! I LIVE IN CA
Someone hits me and I have no car insurance?
I live in Texas and was wondering what would happen if someone was to hit me with it being their fault and I didn't have insurance?
Which is the best car insurance coverage for an affordable price?
Right now I am insured with Allstate. I am under an Allstate plan called the gold protection plan in which I will be eligible for a new car if there is an accident. I think I am paying a liitle too much for car insurance. I have a 2004 Honda civic and a 2006 Honda civic. Both cars has full coverage. Does a two year old car need full coverage. I am a safe driver and so far there have been no accidents. But two times some one came and hit my older car and both times the damage was covered under the other party's insurance. Is comprehensive coverage enough for me or is it a good idea to keep the full coverage. Any recommendation.
How can teens afford car insurance??
I really want to learn how to drive but can't really afford car insurance any suggestions??
Affordable health insurance/maternity coverage?
My husband and I are considering trying to conceive our second baby in the next few months. Only problem is went husband works construction and they don't offer insurance. We have private insurance but it only covers preventative. Have you ever been in this situation? What solutions have or did you find? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Will being arrested for a DUI increase my car insurance rates?
I was arrested for dui almost two years ago my case has still not went to trial. I live in miami every time I get a trial date it is canceled for some unknown reason. My license was suspended but so much time has passed I now have my full regular license reinstated. I am buying a car next week.
""Cheap, effective health insurance?""
I'm a 25 year old, healthy, unmarried female looking for a low co pay health insurance that covers major medical and dental. I need to be able to see my primary physician for annual checkups and hopefully get Invisalign covered under dental as well. I have no pre existing conditions and would prefer a lower deductible... Somewhere up to $5000 in the event a major medical issue arose.""
Is selling life insurance a lucrative job?
I am tired of all the jobs I've ever had!!!! I don't have a career and have been asked if I'd like to sell life insurance. It's for a good, and well known company and it isn't cold selling or telemarketing. Is it worth doing? How annoying are life insurance sales people? (i've never liked them), but people do need it. tell me what you think. I'd appreciate it.""
What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?
I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.
Questions about insurance?
1. What are some of the important questions to ask before deciding on the amount of life insurance to buy? 2. How can you determine if you are under-insured or over-insured? 3. Is there any benefit to a single student without children, who is living with his or her parent(s), who is still going to college, having life insurance? Why or why not?""
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?
In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
How much will car insurance cost for a 17 year old in the UK?
I'm 16 years old, and 17 in a few months. I have a car already, in the garage. It's a Peugot 106, and my mum bought it for 350. I live in Newcastle, and I would like to know a rough price on the insurance? Realistically, around the region of 1000-3000 ect...""
How much does an accidet impact your car insurance?
If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
""When I buy a used car, is it legal to drive it home without insurance?""
What do I have to do before I drive it home? I am buying the car in another city, so I have a 45 minute drive from the sales point back to my house.""
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
Cheap Car Insurance UK?
I have been looking at quotes for a while now and I keep on getting the quotes for around 3,000+, there is no way I am paying that. Before anyone suggests go on your parents insurance or get a provisional not happening, I want my own car on my own insurance 3rd party. Does anyone know any decent places where I can get insurance for 2,500 or less, it would be much appreciated.""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
0 notes
online health insurance quotes michigan
"online health insurance quotes michigan
online health insurance quotes michigan
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
If you get scissor doors installed on your car does the insurance go up much?
The car is a honda civic 1.6 vtech sport, and im 17...If it does go up, how much roughly.""
Car Insurance Help! (PLEASE HELP)?
Ok So im 17 soon, This is the car i wont.......... 2000 Reg, Augi tt 1.8L Quattro 2door [225] Coupe It costs about 3000, But the insurance qoutes on the internet are about 13000-22000 a month!!!! Its a 3000 pound car, What shall i do? how can i make it cheaper For this car or is there anything i can do so that if i get in an accident i get no money or my cars not paid for, id do that aslong as i saved money.... Also, If you know any other cheap cars, that are sporty looking the this one and look nice.... Link them, Any good help i will donate 5 Over paypal...... Thank you x""
Health insurance help?
usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?""
Is it true that most Americans that have health insurance are getting it from the federal government or their?
state? If this is true why not have affordable health care for all. We can't all work for the federal government or for the state we live in. Most companies can't afford ...show more
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much does COBRA insurance coverage cost?
I know that it can cost 102% of whatever the company pays for the insurance on a group plan, but I want to know what people have actually paid for their continued insurance under COBRA. Real figures from the past year are appreciated.""
How can I get cheap car insurance when I'm 17?
Soon I will be 17 and I want to get a car, and I have to insure it. I'm looking at a Vauxhall Corsa as I have read on a couple of websites that the insurance should be quite cheap, around 1500, but when I go on various insurance comparison websites, the cheapest quote I have got has been 4500!? I can't afford this, so could someone tell me how I can reduce this? I don't care about the cover, I just want to be on the road legally. Thank you.""
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)?
I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically ...show more""
Where can i get auto insurance for cheap?
i have a utah license but live in idaho. i don't want to pay much more than $150 a month.
""USA, health insurance. when you are 56 & cannot afford health insurance, is that a death sentence?""
doctors & hospitals in the US will not help unless you have insurance. so if i have cancer or any sickness, am I left to die.?""
Car insurance. Diesel 1.6 or petrol 2.0?
Which would be cheaper to insure.
If you pay your car insurance for the whole year but sell that car with in the year?
ok so if you brought car insurance for a whole year and then sold the car 5 months later can you get the rest of the money back from the insurance for the other 5 months you don't need the insurance.
If you are on someone else's car insurance?
I was put onto a friends car insurance policy for 6 months... Is that the standard policy time frame or could you make it longer or shorter etc. based on your situation?
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
Will my car insurance pay out?
Last night without my knowledge, my boyfriend let his friend take MY car out and he crashed it. I did not give my consent for this and although my boyfriend is on my insurance, its my car. Im the only owner. My name on the log book. I have told the police I did not give my consent. Turns out his mate has no insurance. My insurance company are dealing with it as a stolen car at the moment but until I get a crime reference number it wont go ahead. The police are not coming back until next Saturday to do a statement. Where do I stand here as im worried because my boyfriend said he could, it wont be classed as theft and my insurance wont pay out and then im buggered. This man has no money so I cant even say for him to sort this financially. Ive got to be realistic. Help!! :(""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
Cheap car insurance!!?
I am paying to much money on my car insurance i really need help to get a really good cheap car insurance!! I live over highstown nj usa if anyone can help tellin me a good insure!!! Thanks for u help!!!
How much will my car insurance increase?
I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
How much will insurance go up with PLPD as a teen driver involved in fender bender?
I have a plpd insurance and am a teen driver..got into a fender bender yesterday and was at fault ..how much should my insurance go up?
Why doesn't foreigners get to pay insurance?
My friend works for a rental car company and she tells me people who come from abroad don't have to pay for liability or for comprehensive (collision) insurance when they rent a car. This isn't fair for the US citizens who live, work and pay taxes!? When I make a reservation on a website, I have to pay almost $30 a day EXTRA for insurance on a car. That's like half of what the car cost me to rent! Then I gotta pay for insurance when some foreigner could be running a muck, damaging other vehicles because he has free insurance???!!! This is rediculous and I want an answer!""
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
How much would car insurance be for a Dodge Charger?
If I had a 3.0 average and no accidents,tickets, or other outstanding finds and i was only sixteen, how much Would the insurance be?""
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
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online health insurance quotes michigan
How do you switch from motability to owning a car with the UK's new car insurance policies?
Ok we've got a small problem. At present we get a car from motability, but we want to switch to owning our own car, but we have a major problem with this new all cars must be insured at all times or declared SORN scheme. The problem we have is that our motability car goes back in October. We're in a rural location so we need a car ready for when the switch over happens. At present with the motability insurance their insurance only insures one vehicle, the motability one, and can't have additional vehicles added to it. We've got a few quotes from insurance companies who have told us that when the motability lease expires they will give us the no claim discount based on the motabiity insurance, but they wont give us that discount until the motability car goes back. So what we want to do is get the new car before October, put it on the drive, check everything is ok with it, and then insure it when we start using it on the road when the motability vehicle goes back. Only problem is with this new law we can't do that without declaring the vehicle SORN. Some of the vehicles we've seen come with a few months road tax, so we don't really want to lose that by declaring it SORN, just for a few weeks (or is the tax disc still valid when you remove the SORN on the car?), we also don't want to insure the vehicle before the motability vehicle goes back as we wont get any NCB from the new insurer and that will cost us about an extra 500 in insurance (our current insurance price is about 500-600 but with 0 years no claims it goes up to around 1,000-1,100 - we have 3 years no claims with motability and I've held my driving licence for 6 years). I've read that you don't need this compulsory insurance if the vehicle is in trade, or between registered owners. That is one option, but how long after you buy a vehicle can you keep it in that status, would we be able to keep it like that for a few weeks or is it pretty much instant when we get the car. Obviously I realise I would need some kind of temporary one day insurance to drive the vehicle home after purchase.""
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
How can I get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and just got my full uk driving licence and got a car it's a Subaru 2.0r sport but insurance is 7-8k for my own policy but 3500 if I am a second driver but is that Ilegal
Car insurance?
is it possible to have two inurance policies on one car?im wanting to get insured to drive my brothers car so do i have to be a named driver on his insurance policy or can i have my own?thanks!
What is the best life insurance company?
what it the most reptuable life insurance company
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
Why should each of these people get insurance?
When you are broke in what order should a , young married couple without children, 18-25 single person or single 18-25 year old parent purchase different types of insurance? Why?""
Question about wi and sr22 insurance?
i got in a car accident and i reported it to my regular insurance co. should i report it to my sr22? will that do anything?
Health insurance internationally?
im traveling to france and i need to know if my health insurance will still be valid there. if i have to go to the hospital will they accept my american insurance card? i have aetna insurance.
Is farmers insurance that bad?
I've read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?
What Insurance Company is this?
I saw this commercial that had this college girl and this other guy saying how much its going to cost her breakdown car. She texted him, dude i'm a college student or something like that. Its an insurance company that covers both accidental insurance and car breakdown coverage. What company was this??""
Health Insurance Policies For Smokers?
How are health insurance policies for smokers differ from that for non smokers?
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
Looking for affordable health insurance?
i have insurance through my company we are switching from KAISER at 136.00,per check which is 272.00 per month and were as the company pays the other half,AETNA now will charge 178.00 per check which comes out to 356.00 per monththis is the only option that our company has given.so i'm asking ANSWERS help in finding affordable health insurance for me and my spouse i'm 8 yrs younger i'm turning 62,this july 29 and my spouse is turning 70,this nov she has arthritis and myself just sciatica off and on somebody please help with affordable health insurance thank you Gilley""
Transferring van insurance to car?
can u transfer van insurance to a car in republic of ireland
Where is the best place for me to get car insurance?
My policy on Geico expired recently. Right now I'm trying to think of all the money I'll be saving without using Geico. Their rates were outrageous. Those cavemen are smart not to use Geico. Every lie has some truth in it. Anyway, I need to renew my insurance, and I'm fed up with Geico. Are there any other companies that are reasonable like Nationwide, State Farm, All State, Progressive, and whatnot?""
What would my insurance be around?
how much money a month would my insurance be around for a 17 year old with drivers ed course and been insurance for 7months the car I want is a 1984 cutlass and just say the car is worth 1500 and please no stupid answers
How long does a traffic violation affect car insurance quotes?
Two years ago, Feb in 2011, I was caught driving with a suspended license. Since then, car insurance has been through the roofs. How long until my quotes are no longer affected by my violation?""
What ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
what ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??
Where can i get a quote for a bugatti?
i want to get an insurance quote for a bugatti veyron but i cant seem to find a company that insures them. does anyone know a company that will?
Car insurance is way to high! If I drive a motorbike for a year or two how much would this reduce my car?
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
Getting car Insurance with a provisional license in Ireland?
I'm 17 years old and I just passed my theory test today (Woohooo!) I live in IRELAND and I'm wondering what would be the cheapest way for insurance? Insurance would be much too high to go on my own. My mom doesnt have a license or even a provisional license, she doesn't intend to drive either for personal reasons. There's nothing that can be done there is there? I could go on my brothers insurance,he has a full license for around 8 years. He lives a county away though so how would that work? What are the rules about me going under his insurance? I would appreciate any help as I'm new to this and I need help. Thanks!""
Can i get insurance on my car with out a licence?
Im 18..and i have a car..i dont have a licence yet...only my permit..so can i still get insurance on the car with out a licence?
When do insurance rates on your vehicle go down?
I'm 22. In my 5 years of driving, I have NEVER been in an accident and have never gotten a ticket. My parents are paying around $60 a month whereas I'm still paying $117. I don't drive a fancy car neither. Just an older 2004 Camry. Is it because of my age bracket is why my insurance still hasn't lowered any? I'm with Allstate and in California if that matters.""
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online health insurance quotes michigan
Insurance rates for Volkswagen beetle?
Hi there! I'm 16 and looking into getting a Volkswagen beetle. I've been searching on craigslists and they have some cheap ones on there. What are the insurance rates on them?? I'm looking at year 1998-2003.
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
Help with motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I am looking into getting a motorcycle, because I have had my motorcycle license for oooooo about 2 days now. I am just wondering if someone can help me with some insurance questions that will better help me decide what kind of bike to buy. For instance does the size of the bike differ in price? For instance if I got a 250 cc bike would I pay alot cheaper then one that is 1100 cc's? And what about make and model? Would a Ninja be cheaper to insure then a honda? Just kind of curious. And what would be the cheapest bike to insure. Further information. I am 24 years old. I have been insured with state farm in my personal vehicle for about 7-8 years now. Unsure if they offer motorcycle insurance, just started looking.I really like street bikes, really hate sports bikes. I am just l;ooking for the bare minimum insurance as I just want to ride and be legal rather then wasting a bunch of money on insurance. I know I have alot of questions, but anything will help me. So someone let me know. Thanks!""
Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?
Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.""
Please reply its a Car Insurance question?
Please Give Me A link , Of telling how much is car insurance i am using Toyota Yaris I want to book Car Insurance For My car because My previous One is Finishing I want to get a New one I am searching on the internet to find any car insurance which is up to 800 pound's but i am unable Pleae i'll be gratful to you if u give me the correct Link for car insurance not the website thanks hope u undersatnd what i mean""
""How can i get my license, insurance and a car?
i don't have a car i cant buy one without getting a better job i cant get a better job with out a lisence i cant get a lisence with out insurance i cant get insurance with out a car or a lisence wtf do i do? so i need a car and insurance to get my license and i need a license to get insurance on this car that i don't have yet what do i do?? i hope there are some DPS people out there
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
WHat is a good cheap auto insurance? I am an 18 year old male....yes I know I'm screwed.?
It is bad enough having insurance when your a teen male, but when you have a sports car with a V8 in it...well it gets a whole lot worse. I just bought my dream car (a pontiac trans am) and now I would like insurance so I can drive it....the car cleared out my savings(im a senior in high school so I didnt have a whole lot to begin with). I heard viking insurance is good , but IDK. I want to have decent coverage, but also not have my whole paycheck go to them either. anybody have any tips or know of any good insurance companies. ps and no i dont want to sell my car and buy some Civic lol""
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
Totaled MINI Cooper. How does insurance value it?
I totaled my wife's 2004 MINI Cooper last night. Waiting to hear back from insurance company. NADA and Kelley both list the retail value about the same. Is that what I should expect in terms of the insurance settlement? I want to be prepare when the call me next week.
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.""
CHEAP Car insurance company UK ???
I need the cheapest quote from somewhere and preferbly without deposit. im 26 and had a licence for 3 years
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
Should I get AAA Roadside assistance or Insurance Roadside Assistance?
I drive an 07 Scion and was wondering if I should get AAA Plus or Insurance Roadside assistance. I currently pay $6 a year for Roadside assistance but I have to pay first and then get reimbursed and it only covers $50 each disablement. I was thinking if I should get AAA Plus which covers up to 100 miles for $76 because I know it costs quite a bit just for a hook up fee.
""Young adult, no health insurance, I need help!?""
I am going to make this simple as possible: During this year, Jan to March, I have been on my parent's insurance, NJ FamilyCare, which we were enrolled under free-care because we were horribly under the poverty line, or above it? We're poor, that's it. And on April 1st, I was terminated from my insurance, they are saying I am 19 years of age, thus I have no insurance. Late August we (as a family) re-applied with all our names, and sent the papers in. But with a lot of research, I knew I shouldn't have been, under the Affordable Care Act I should have been on my parent's insurance until the age of 26. I meet the requirements: 1. Dependent Adult (19 years old) 2. Full - time student, no college insurance. 3. No insurance for 6 months now. 4. Not employed. I know for a fact, that being a full-time student, and being unemployed, shouldn't affect this, but maybe it is? I talked to a representative from the welfare office, (where my parents applied) and the lady (rudely) told me that because I am 19, and in school, I was terminated. And my social worker won't be done looking at the papers until late November. WTF? That doesn't make sense, so I kept the battle on, and told her that I should be covered under the law. But after some bullsh*tting around, she hung up on me. So I called again. And this time, another lady was saying, her son who is 20 years old, is insured under her insurance, and that I should come in with my parents, and tell our social worker that I am a full time student, who can't afford to be employed, (because of my 21 credit semester), I am dependent, and I have no job. I was like, well, it's not like I don't want a job, I just can't find the time to have one. I used to work 12 hour shifts, so don't think I don't like to work. The main reason I need the insurance, is because of my ADHD and Mania. I also always get sick, and have kidney problems. But with this, I still can't imagine why I was terminated. The lady told me I shouldn't have been under the law, but different people have different ideas... So, I will go to my social worker on the Tuesday, and find out what's happening. But I know I should be covered, and at least for my sake until I am 23-24. To which I plan to graduate and get my own insurance, and home. But if it doesn't work out, what other low-payment options are there? I heard about NJ Protect, but it's expensive on my part, and no way can I burden my parents with out-of-pocket payments. Thanks in advance.""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
What is the best health insurance and affordable in arizona?
for mom and a daughter
The Future Of Car Insurance?( Its what they do in the U.K)?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5408338.stm An in-car black box device calculates premiums based on when, and how often, the car is used. The time of the day, type of road and mileage of the drive is taken into consideration when working out the monthly charge to customer. Charging people more for driving late night when many accidents occur could change driver behaviour, particularly among the young. Would you be willing to try pay-as-you drive car insurance?""
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
How will this go with my insurance??
Yesterday i was on my way to work and I was stopped waiting to turn left, there was a car in front of me stopped as well, who was turning in the same direction. Once they had turned i looked and i did not see anyone so i began to turn, in the middle of the turn i saw a car coming very quickly at me, i tried to speed up to get out of the way but i was hit on the passenger side of my car. The woman said she saw me but couldnt stop in time, and when i looked over i could see she was breaking and her car wiggled back and forth, and from experience i know that that only happens when you are going at high speeds. I am 17 and on my parents insurance, i am worried about what will happen. How will the insurance deal with this, will we have to pay for her car even though she hit me? Will her insurance cover my car? Or What will happen? I am very worried and i do not know much at all about Insurance and dealing with accidents. Also what is a deductable?""
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
Can auto insurance company refuse to pay claims if Company Vehicle?
I have a company vehicle for 5 years now and ok to use for personal needs. Now they have come out with new company policy. It states if in an accident on weekends or whenever it is used for personal reasons and I am in an at fault accident all damages and claims will be denied. Another words if I get in a wreck and do damages to vehicles, bodily injury or whatever while driving after work hours or weekends their insurance company will not pay any claims. It states I am responsible for all damages if using for personal use in an at fault accident. Question is can they actually do that. Can their insurance legally deny all claims due to the fact the I was using the vehicle outside of normal hours and for personal use.""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
What is an insurance program?
I have heard the term, Programs Division, and Programs Underwriter. What exactly are Programs and how do they differ from the regular products an insurance agency offers?""
Insurance Question/Calculations?
Insurance Calculations Given a patients remaining deductible (Deductible), co-insurance responsibility percentage (CoInsurance), co-payment (CoPayment), and maximum out-of-pocket (OutOfPocketMax): 1)Use those parameters to write an equation to calculate the estimated patient cost for a $1,000 test. (You can use Excel notation if you want.) * 2)Using the same parameters, write the equation for the insurers expected payment, in the case of a $1,000 test. Calculate the patient's responsibility with the following parameters: 1) Deductible=$100, CoInsurance=15%, CoPayment=0, OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. A patient has a PPO plan with a $250 deductible with none of the deductible met. The plan has a co-insurance of 30% with no co-pay for lab services. 1)Solve for this patient's responsibility Thanks for the help!""
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online health insurance quotes michigan
How Much do you pay for Car Insurance?
Im 19 and i just bought a new 07 Impresa 2.5Si non-turbo.....my insurance is 2650...i was wondering if anyone else was getting screwed Ohh ive had my liscence 2 1/2 years, no tickets, no accidents, nothing""
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
Young drivers car insurance question?
i am 20 years old in april and my car insurance is sky high beeing quoted 5000+ for a little 1.1 car there must be a way for it to go down as i see people younger then me driving round in bigger litre cars then me anyone know the secret?
What does depreciation cost mean when it comes to home insurance?
filed a claim to replace my floors.getting a check in 5-7 business days.it says i have 180 days to replace the floors,to cover depriciation cost.what does that mean exactly?""
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
What is a good name for a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency?
I am opening a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency and need a name. I need some sincere suggestions. Will be much appreciated.
""I am 16 years old, and someone hit me from the back, will my insurance go up?""
It was clearly his fault, but will my insurance premium go up since I am a new driver? I live in California.""
My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?
My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.""
How much will I have to pay mom for Insurance!?
Ok, my mom agreed with me to let me get on her car insurance because I'm under 25 and if I was to get my own insurance it would cost a fortune. She uses Drive Insurance through Progressive. She has a 2007 Ford Edge and I think she's paying 185/mth. I'm getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am and I'm not getting full coverage insurance just half (I guess)..How much do YOU think it will cost for me? I live in Michigan if that helps.""
""For my situation, what is the best way to minimize my car insurance?
ok the situation is like this. my family has two cars. (maxima and accent) I (21years old) use the accent and my parents use the maxima. All three of us are under the same insurance plan. I might sell the accent and buy a used car and pay monthly(financing). so that means the insurance has to be full coverage right? and not liability. (the maxima and the accent are both fully paid and they are under liability right now) So if I buy a used car what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost?...which is a good insurance company? can I be covered under my dad's name or something? my friend said something like that..but I don't know if there is such a thing. by the way my parents live in massachusetts and i live in NJ. what should i do? (don't tell me not to buy a car)
Why do insurance companies base rates on credit?
Illness hurt our family financially but we recovered and are on the credit mend. Funny thing is we have never missed an insurance payment - nor have we lapsed policies. We have been steady insurance users for 19+ years now. Our driving records and insurance record is also clean. Why is it fair for insurance companies to use credit against you - when they can't possibly know the circumstances.
Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?
I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!""
What is home owners insurance like in Florida?
I am thinking of purchasing a home in the Kissimmee area that is around $140,000. Some people have told me that homeowners insurance and additionally flood and hurricane additions to my insurance is very very expensive. Can someone give me an example of their real life insurance price that includes flood or hurricane? Please reply only if you have first hand experience in Florida. Preferably in the Kissimmee or Orlando area.""
How much does the car insurance cost every month for a 17 y/o teenager here in US in texas?
with a 2005 neon dodge car? help coz my cousin is goin to get a car this summer. thankx guys
Auto insurance question - I hit a big pothole..?
Saturday night I hit a big pothole and a few miles later my tire was completely flat and actually had holes big enough to stick a few fingers through. I took it to a tire repair shop and the rim was bent as a result of the tire going flat. They've found a replacement rim, but it doesn't match the other 3 on the car.. I would like all matching rims, but a complete set with tires is about $800. Would something like this be covered by auto insurance? The cost of the mismatched replacement rim and 2 new tires is $350, my comprehensive deductible is $500, but I would pay the $500 if insurance covered 4 MATCHING rims.. So basically I'm wondering: 1) Is this something auto insurance would cover? 2) Would they just cover any replacement rim, even if it didn't match the other 3 or 3) Would they pay for a whole new set of rims? If anyone worked for an insurance company and might know the answer that would be great..""
I have just be ripped of by my car insurance help?
Hi 2 days ago I had a bill for my car insurance and it was 158 pounds. I have a car and on this insurance for over 2 years now and I was paying 48 pounds a month. I called then up about this and they said because of a crash I had 6 months ago they have put my car insurance up from 600 pounds to 1600 pounds I did not know nothing about this untill they took my money out. Will I get this money back and is this wrong how much they are charging me now for just having a claim on me please help me and let me know what I can do thanks
Home insurance rates in california?
what are rough guidelines for figuring insurance rates on real estate in california? (corona, riverside county)?""
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
Will my insurance?
well my insurance pay for i iud.
Car insurance for minors?
Abt how much would insurance cost me. Am 17 wit a drivers licence and I live in Texas ? Thanks:)
Car insurance for my daughter?
my 17 year old daughter wants to learn to drive in my car (citroen c3 2059plate) would anybody have an idea of how much it may cost me ! or does it pay to make her wait untill she has passed ? and any ideas on how much if she does pass.. ty .....
In wreck in oklahoma with out insurance what wil happen to me?
was in wreck with out insurance there were people hurt what could happen to her?
online health insurance quotes michigan
online health insurance quotes michigan
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