#it's been awhile since i had any but ig now i found my new go-to place to get it ^_^
daz4i · 8 months
a good fresh sushi will have me believing a better world is possible
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fictionfixations · 2 years
Aphmau. uhh... Thoughts?
So I've just. I remembered that I kinda wanted to know about what happened with aphmau from give-grian-rights' (no @ because i dont wanna bother em lol) profile thing cause i think in their pinned post there was something about aphmau
and like
so then i went back and searched 'aphmau' and like. so there was a document (< this is not mine)
so i read it. and just
bro wtf
no but why do like almost all the youtubers from peoples childhood just turn out really shitty?
and then uh. yknow i didnt know there was fuckin.. sib on sib?? i mightve missed it because its been awhile since then but like. what??
i mean okay, so I watched Aphmau when I was young, don't ask me how old I don't remember, but like.. so I joined around Season 1 or 2 of PDH, or Phoenix Drop High if I remember that right, I think maybe probably either towards the end of Season 1 or in the middle of Season 2? I can't remember but I remember waiting to watch it (I remember seeing that theres a new episode and clicking and then im not allowed to watch it because its not approved or whatever cause i had the i think restricted mode on lol ??) HAHA SPOILER WARNING FOR THE SERIES IG? its all from the memory of me though, who is really forgetful and watched it like years ago \/
uh. so. uhh i really dont remember what series is which -- the fuckin, that one season where they're like.. isolated. in the snow. in like a cabin (and theres that one ghost girl thing i think she was a ghost that fuckin kissed zane or something idk why that was so memorable?)
and like.. so ein is there and like. so yknow, children exposure to aphmau being like drugged or some shit (add on to this: I roleplayed with people on like Hypixel housing cause I found Aphmau fans and like.. i dont know man, the drugging was certainly a part of it with the whole green eyes and stuff)
bro i dont know why i thought that was normal?? i mean no one goes up to a child and says 'drugging people is bad' so i mean how was i to know??? and i was just like 'AWEE <3 <3 <3' I DONT KNOW MAN I LIKED BOTH SHIPS??? I WAS WEIRD I WANNA SAY I DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER BUT LIKE ?????/ i mean the whole thing made me cry a lot because it was sad and shit but like.. thinking back on the plot now, idk man it was kinda weird
bro the only controversy i knew she was in was like when she for some reason fired all the i think VAs of the characters?? she fired someone and it was all really controversial but i was like 'uh.. this is fine-? idk man i just wanted to watch minecraft roleplay'
and she just like kept dragging it out and i dont think it ever happened (but her content nowadays isnt something i like watching)
also i like.. i rewatched one of her series, one of her newer ones i think with hte demons and shit
My Inner Demons
okay so like.
that show had a lot of adult jokes?????/ idk man maybe it was just me but there was like an amount of sexual-ish stuff and its just ???????????? and i dont remember that when i was a kid but i was oblivious to everything but like.. why put adult jokes in kid show i mean i think it was a kid series i dont really know but her whole channel is like some family friendly show to watch?
i cant name any specific scenes because its been too long but like srsly i feel like it was one of those storylines from a fanfiction that is probably offensive no but like
its y/n x demon boys basically
so that show never really hit hard and wasnt all that memorable, but i am sticking to my claim of adult jokes, and i might be wrong but i swear there was like at least one thing also while we're on the topic of her shows, can I mention like.. the entirety of Mystreet and the fuckin.. WAF??? When Angels Fall or something (the only reason i remember that name is cause WAF.) i like half dont remember what was going on but like
okay so i think so Aaron was like this special type of werewolf thing that I can't actually remember and when he looked at people -
i cant remember
did they die?? IDKK
BUT SO LIke it was like some fairytale thing BUT IT WAS REAL-- wait no i think he got rid of peoples hybrid features cause i think in like.. the series with Ein and the cabin he like went all 'D:<' and then ein lost his fuckin ears and shit /?
but so like people were hunting em down because so they were wanted because of that and i dont know why. NO I THINK THEY WERE MIND CONTROLED WIHT THE THE emerald potion? forever potion?? IDK THEY MADE PEOPLES EYES GREEN AND MIND CONTROLLED THEM THEY WERE DRUGS (but the potion is like.. illegal? forbidden?? WELL NOT ANYMORE actually i think travis who i ThiNk is the white haired dude with like green eyes?? ' dad had like the book or something-- i really dont remember)
i ermember that they were probably mind controlled because katelyn or something, the blue haired girl had like green eyes i think and she was attacking aaron
and then i think everyone was fuckin.. dying? i dont know what the fuck happened but then like blah blah blah adn then aphmau fuckin i think goes white eyed and like. irene from MCD or Minecraft Diaries.
with wings
and then i think it ended there wtf im so lost.
its like one of those stories where youre the protagonist so then you end up going a little overboard with crazy ideas that make zero sense when you look at the full picture or some shit idk
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grxtsch · 3 years
lyin’ eyes
[jimmy page x reader]
summary: after relationship troubles, (y/n) decides to leave and hopefully forget all that’s happened. but when she reaches a place that holds many memories, a certain old friend who she shared those memories with was waiting for her to return.
notes: i don’t know what that summary is but i made it up on the spot so don’t even complain abt it :P
also i personally think that this is my best fic so far so yeah enjoy ig 😩🤚
edit: LMAO this was supposed to be based off of the song by the eagles but my brain had other ideas rip
warnings: cheating (idk if i need to warn u abt that but i’m being safe), swearing, fluff
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“(y/n) please wait!” a voice sounded from behind you as you dragged a suitcase filled with your clothes and other possessions to the front door.
“no chris, i’ve waited long enough at the damn restaurant and where were you?” you said, throwing your free hand up in the air. “you were fucking this bitch in our— no, your house.” you seethed back at your now ex-boyfriend, who stood with an expression of grief.
“in fact, i don’t want to wait at anymore restaurants for your stupid ass.” his grief soon turned into anger as you spun around on your heels and walked out the front door.
you could hear him shouting some profanities out of the open door, but you managed to block out his voice and instead focus on the sound of your shoes on pavement as you walked with your suitcase to wherever your feet would lead you.
you were completely done with his bullshit. coming home late claiming he was “working”, flirting with other girls when you two were out shopping, and, just like this night, leaving you stranded at some restaurant for some other chick. it wasn’t even the first time he’s done that. you were ready to leave him before this day had even started; you had spent a few days secretly putting all of your possessions into your handy suitcase, only putting away a couple things at a time so he wouldn’t notice the lack of your items in the house.
before you knew it, you were standing in front of a bar that you used to always go to with one of your dearest friends. “maybe he still comes here.” you thought as you made your way through the bar door and straight to a small booth in the far corner of the building. the same small booth that your friend and yourself had always sat at when you both would come here.
his name was james page, which he preferred jimmy, but you just used james instead to pick some fun at him. the two of you were the closest of friends, ever since your childhood where you fell off of your bike and he ran over to check to see if you were okay. he even went with you to your house just to make sure that you weren’t hurt. even as you both had gotten older, you would both help each other out with homework, watch movies together, and he even taught you some guitar chords and tricks.
the downfall of your friendship happened a while after he joined one of his first bands; the yardbirds. he would always be traveling, performing at different concert venues around the country, and even the world. at first you would just call him or he would call you on these tours, which worked well for awhile, until he got so busy with the band that he didn’t have any time to return your many missed calls.
you missed him dearly, thinking of him from time to time during the day. you often wondered what he was doing at the time when you thought of him, whether it was playing his guitar or just relaxing at wherever he may call home.
you stood up to go grab a beer, hoping to wash your thoughts away, when a very familiar sound reached your ears. it was his laughter. the same sweet laughter you grew fond of whenever you’d be around him. you didn’t know how much you longed to hear that sound again until that very moment, it almost held you in a trance until the beautiful sound melted away and the song that the jukebox was playing had replaced it.
“i was probably just imagining it.” you thought. running a hand through your hair to try and focus back on reality, you continued to the bar, a fairly large opening right in front of you that you could get to quickly. when you reached the bar, you heard a familiar voice say, “(y/n)! long time no see!” you looked up to see the bartender, florence. she has been the same bartender since you and jimmy started coming to this bar, usually just to hang out and talk about different things. you were still surprised that she still worked here, she’s not as young as she used to be, but you were glad that she was here and not some other new bartender.
“hey flo! how’s everything been recently?” you smiled lightly, not really in the mood to talk a lot, but willing to make small conversation with your old friend. “quite good dear! it’s been boring without yourself and jimmy constantly making a ruckus in here though, i kind of miss having to tell the manager about how you two broke the jukebox again!” florence joked, causing you to let out a small laugh. “yeah, those were the good old days, weren’t they?” she smiled. “they really were. anyway! how about a drink for you aye?”
“whiskey. any kind will do.” you replied, which flo nodded and went off to get your drink, coming back in record time with a glass about half way filled with the golden-brown alcohol. you smiled and said a quick “thank you” and carefully took the glass, bidding flo a farewell and she returning it.
you walked back over to your seat, the chat with florence clearing your mind of the earlier events and bringing your mood up a bit. she always had that effect on people, making them crack even a slight smile when they’re feeling blue. right as you were about to sit down, the voice that you never thought you’d hear again called out, “(y/n)? is that you?”
you set your glass down, mentally preparing to see him for the first time in a long, long time. holding your breath, you turn around and see him, the jimmy page, your old best friend. “james?” his hair was longer, barely reaching to his shoulder, and it was slicked back slightly, showing his beautiful green eyes. his smile was still the same, and you swore your heart did a backflip when he smiled at you and said “oh (y/n) i knew it was you! i couldn’t miss that gorgeous hair of yours anywhere.”
you were pretty sure that your face was bright red as you smiled bashfully. “oh thank you jim. and i see you grew yours out hm?” he chuckled, running his hand through his hair softly and said “yeah, i just thought why the hell not you know?” “mhm! i like it a lot, it suits you.” you said back, nudging his shoulder with your knuckle.
he grins and mumbles a quick “thanks”. he then looks back up at you and says “wanna sit and chat for awhile? catch up on all the times we missed?” you nod, motioning for him to sit at the opposite side of where your drink is, and he sat, you following his actions and sitting down as well. you grabbed your glass of whiskey and took a long sip of it, leaving only a small amount left in the bottom of the cup. jimmy’s eyes followed your hand as you set it back on the table, then his eyes flicked back up to meet yours, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“is everything alright? i haven’t seen you drink like that in, well, i’ve never seen you drink like that.” you sighed, drawing your finger around the rim of the cup gently. “if i’m being honest, no. a year after we, y’know, stopped talking, i found a guy and we got along quite well and started dating.” you noticed jimmy’s hand clenched into a fist, so you continued.
“everything was fine between us, until recently. he started going after other girls, even with me around him. he even asked me on a date just so i would stay, because i told him that if he doesn’t get his shit together then i’m just going to leave. we were supposed to meet at a restaurant, but of course he didn’t show up even when he’s the one who wanted me to go with him and not the other way around. so i went back to our former shared house and found him fucking some random chick that i’ve seen him flirt with before.” you stared at your drink, before grabbing it and finishing it off. as soon as you set the glass back, jimmy’s hand softly reached for yours and held it, caressing his thumb over your knuckles.
you rose your eyes up to meet jimmy’s, his eyes holding a soft, caring look, the same look that you’ve longed to see for many years. “it’s fine though, really. it’s not like i really loved him anyway..” you lied, thinking of when you first met chris, how happy he made you. but you realized that a certain someone, perhaps the someone sitting across from you, had made you happier than chris could’ve.
“(y/n) love, your lying eyes really give away that you did love him at one point, and it’ll take a while to try and un-love him, trust me.” a soft hand came in contact with your cheek, gently wiping a stray tear away that you didn’t notice had fallen. looking back up at jimmy, you smiled at him and brought your hand that wasn’t occupied and rested it against his. “i know jimmy, but i think i’ve already moved on from that asshole.”
his eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope, and he softly nodded, a small smile painting his face. he paused, then cautiously asked; “i know we’ve only talked for a few minutes, and you can refuse this offer, but how about we ditch this bar and go somewhere else?” you brought jimmy’s hand down to rest on the table, holding them both with your warm hands and nodded. “yeah, i’d like that.” he stood up from the seat, pulling you up with him.
“well then, what are we waiting for?”
tag list: @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @asetcrowley @reincarnated70sbaby @thebeatlesuniverse @princesspagey @jonesyjonesyjonesy
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mary-ann84 · 4 years
Lost Without You
Characters: Henry Cavill x you
Words: 1.772
Warnings: Heartbreak, Tears but with a Happy Ending. 
Biiig thank you to @wondersofdreaming for being my beta. 
The GIF I used belonged to @henrycavilledits
This story was inspired by the song ‘Lost Without You’ by Freya Ridings. I do not own any of characters besides the reader, who is a figment of my imagination. 
I am reposting this with an updated taglist.
Feedback is appreciated 
Tears in his eyes. His hands grabbing your arms, holding you tight.
Begging you to stay. Asking you to tell him why you are breaking up with him.
But you can’t. You have to.
Thinking that you are holding him back. That he is better off without you.
“I’m sorry Henry. I can’t.” Tears streaming down your face. “Please let me go.” You whisper with a broken voice.
He releases you. He has a devastating look on his face as he watches you turn around and walk out the door. Out of his life.
Now you are here, sitting in the audience of ‘The Graham Norton Show’ and you just found out that Henry is one of tonight's guests.
Your best friend dragged you here. You have been a mess since the break-up.
Pretending to be all right in front of your family and friends. That it didn’t affect you when they were talking about Henry.
There has been a lot of buzz around him lately with ‘The Witcher’ coming out, and when people would ask you how you are feeling, you just simply answered that you are happy for him.
Your best friend, however, knows you better than anyone. She is the one that called you out.
“Why the hell did you break up with him y/n? I want to know! He is miserable without you?”
“How do you know? He is probably perfectly fine without me.”
“Well, he’s not, y/n. He came to see me. He is downright miserable.”
You tell her everything. How your insecurities have gotten the better of you. About the comments on social media when your relationship became public. The whispers of women. “Why the hell is he with her?”
“She is not that pretty.” “She’s fat!”
"He can do so much better.”
“She is holding him back.”
By the time you were done, you had been a sobbing mess and she was holding you in her arms.
“Ow y/n, you know that is just them being jealous. He loves you. You need to talk to him. Let him know why you broke up with him.”
“It’s no use. He is off to film ‘The Witcher’ anyway. I don’t want to bother him.”
“But y/n?”
“No! Do you hear me? What’s done is done. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
She never brought it up after that. You really thought she dropped it. That was until now.
You gave her a look to tell her that she was in trouble, and you stood up to leave.
“You can’t go y/n. The show is about to start.”
“But I…”
“No buts. It’s ok, just, calm down. He won’t be able to see you. Not with us sitting all the way back here.”
So, you sit back down and pray you will survive this.
It’s not like you haven’t seen him at all. You have seen pictures, and you still follow him on IG.
But this is a different situation. This time he is here in the flesh.
You have to admit you are excited to see him, and your friend is right there is no way he can see you sitting all the way here.
So, you decide to relax and enjoy the show.
“And this man played a villain in ‘Mission: Impossible Fallout’, earth’s greatest hero as Superman and now he is battling monsters in the new fantasy series ‘The Witcher’. Please welcome, Henry Cavill!”
Henry steps on stage and your heart skips a beat.
He looks so good.
The conversation starts.
“Now Ruth, look at you and your beefcake sandwich.”
You see Henry laughing
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You miss that sound and the way he laughs with his whole body.
He laughed a lot when you were together. Whether it was something that you were watching or him beating you at whatever game you were playing.
But more often than not, you were the one that made him laugh. He said that that was one of the things he loves about you.
Then Henry starts talking about 'The Witcher'. He talks so passionately about it; it reminds you of the time when he told you he got the part.
You are at home when all of a sudden you hear some noise at the door, and you see Kal running towards it.
"Love are you home? Love!"
"I'm here honey. What's the emergency?"
He looks at you with the biggest smile on his face and walks towards you.
"I got the part y/n. I'm going to be Geralt of Rivia. I'm The Witcher!"
You scream and jump in his arms. "Oh my god, that's amazing! I knew you would get it. I am so proud of you."
"Thank you, sweetheart. Now let's celebrate!"
The thought brings tears to your eyes, but you keep your composure.
The conversation on the stage continues. You try to follow it as best as you can and focus on the other guests.
But every once in awhile, you find yourself looking at Henry.
And then all of a sudden you look straight into his eyes. Your heart stops.
Did he see me? No, he didn’t.
But the look in his eyes tells you differently. It's a look of recognition, surprise, shock.
You give him a small smile and you see him smiling back giving you a little nod.
This makes you feel warm all over and the rest of the show you notice that he keeps on looking in your direction.
You expected that he would give you a cold look but there is only warmth and love in his eyes.
It's the look he has given you when you were together. Whether that would be at home or out with family and friends.
The look that made your heart swell and burst with love for him. That makes you blush and have butterflies in your stomach. Sometimes it got to be too much, and you had to look away. That always made him smile.
How can he still look at me like that after what I did? He doesn't still love me, does he?
And then it hits you. He still loves you and you still love him.
You are so lost in your thoughts that you almost miss the performance of Robbie Williams.
By the time the show ends you are ready to go. You have to get out of here.
The realization that he still loves you and that you still love him is too much.
Your friend is taking her time putting on her coat.
While she was doing that you see a door open at the other end of the room and there is Henry. His eyes immediately find you. You see him walking towards you and that is when you say goodbye to your friend and leave.
You hear both of them call your name. But you can’t stay.
You practically run home, and by the time you get there, you are out of breath.
You try to find your keys in your purse, dropping them on the ground. You are unlocking your door when you hear a deep voice behind you calling your name.
It’s Henry.
How the hell did he get here so fast?
He stands in front of you, hands in his pockets.
"Can I come in? Please y/n we need to talk."
You feel like you have no choice. You owe him this at least. You let him in and walk to the living room. You stand in front of each other.
"Henry, I…"
"I know why you broke up with me y/n."
"Ok, so you know and..."
"And you should have told me about your insecurities. We could have talked about them. I could always come to you with mine, why did you feel you couldn't come to me with yours?"
"I don't know Henry, ok, it just got too much and… aah!"
"It was everything combined. The comments on social media. People saying that I am not good enough for you, not pretty enough, that I'm fat. That I was holding you back. And that they hoped that I didn’t come with you while you were filming ‘The Witcher’, that you should break up with me and find someone else!"
Your voice breaks and then everything from the past year just comes crashing down. You start to cry, and you cover your face with your hands.
You feel him taking you in his arms. He holds you till you calm down and stop crying.
"Look at me y/n."
You look straight into his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that have a somewhat sad look in them but still with loving warmth.
"I don't care what people have said. You are beautiful, sexy, smart, loving and you have a great sense of humor. You were always there for me when I needed you. Supported me in everything I did. I miss you. I miss your voice, your scent, your touch, your laugh, your brain. The way you touch me. How you scrunch up your nose when you are thinking about something really hard. I miss holding you in my arms, kissing each other. Having sex, making love and waking up in each other’s arms."
"And one more thing. I love you. Do you hear me y/n? I don't give a fuck what anybody else says. I LOVE YOU!"
By the time he is done talking, tears are streaming down his face and this time you embrace him.
You can’t deny it any longer. You love him as much as he loves you. You want to be with him.
And if he can come here and bare his soul to you, then at least you can do is to trust that you can do the same for him.
"Henry, I am so sorry that I broke up with you. I miss you too. I miss everything about you.
You look at him. 
"I'm sorry I believed them instead of believing in you, believing in us. I was a mess when I broke up with you. I have felt so alone, so lost without you. I love you too. I have never stopped loving you."
Henry smiles at you, puts his forehead against yours and whispers: "Then come back to me, sweetheart. I want us to be together again.
"I want that too."
“Let’s go home darling. I’m not the only one that misses you.”
And for the first time, in a long time, he kisses you. A long, warm, loving kiss. Full with passion, love and the promise that from now on you will be together forever.
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goatpaste · 4 years
shroom story? :0
 oh my god this sdgjkh sat in my inbox for days because i didnt have the energy to awnser it right away and then forgot. i think this was prompted because of this ask which still makes me laugh to think about 
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anyways shroom story, its sdjkgh a favorite story in my server and new friends
but like ough i was in the summer between middle and highschool so like ?? 14 i think maybe 15, i forget what age most people are round then
but probably 15, old enough that my parents could question me doing any sorta drug in a normal way. like not a concerning way but in a genuine way.
and my parents smoke weed, SO much fucking weed all the fucking time their a nightmare. and i was in the room next to them and often could smell it in my room at night.
but myself, i dont do any sorta drug, just not something iv been able to do or had a desire for ig sorta.
also more context, my mom stopped smoking and this was about the time she started her road to being a crazy vegan person and it started when she watched some video about how refined sugars and salts will give you cancer. so out went all sugar and refined salts in our house for the rest of the time i lived with them.
but once in awhile when i had a few bucks i still went out and got soda and a snack at the gas station, or we’de have sweets like graham crackers or dfjkgh like literally whatever was sweet like some caramel on bread. shit like that. and on weekends id scrounge the cabinets for snacks and hole up in my room and watch shows on my computer in my room.
and so one night i was doing that and idk, as some of you can probably guess, i found two little chocolates wrapped in tin foil. and ME fucking absolute DUMBASS didn’t think anything of it and went mmm choncholate for sammi! and promptly took it to my room along with some other things.
was watching my show, snacking fine until the chocolates. 
let me reiterate, i am a fucking MORON.
i bit into the first one and went, yuck! gross!....... maybe the other one taste better? bit into that one, didnt taste good. went, hmm theres something in there maybe i need to eat around it. not realizing it was like THE WHOLE CHOCOLAte i tried to eat around the center to find it still gross, gave up and threw the chocolates away.
and see i didnt think anything of it because one, im a fucking idiot. and two, my date was terribly lactose intolerant and kept dark chocolate in the house and its very bitter and i didnt like it, and at the time had assumed it was just dark chocolate.
went back to my shows for awhile
annnd then the shrooms kicked in.
and to be clear, im a dumbass and had NO idea what i had just done.
and i start to feel sometHING is wrong with me and like i cant describe how it made me feel except that when it started my brain decided “oh god im being punished for not exercising enough. i dont do enough cardio and im dying RIGHT NOW for it.”
so i went outside to the backyard where my parents work blowing glass and making weed pipes. and im like... mother.. i have to go outside right now i need to run around the block right now
and my mom straight up is like... are you on drugs???
and i ofc, somehow still dont click it together and go, “nononinon no no i dont do drugs!”
and return to my room to calm down and watch my show some more before i accept i MAY be high fjkghg
returning to the backyard both my parents are there and i tell them about the chocolate, they honestly think its a lil funny and my dad and is kinda like “ :O!! my fuckin shroom chocolate we were saving that!”
and they start like trying help me, asking me if i wanted to watch a movie in the living room until i come down and everything. and im telling them i want to be alone and go to sleep until  its over because i was miserable and a little stressed because OFC this didnt happen on my terms.
so i return to my room and try to lay down, but i remember like trying to close my eyes and just seeing fucking colors very much like a kaleidoscope. Annoyed i tried to push that from my vision
but when i would attempt to push away colors and find a dark patch in my like brain? there was a small puppet of me just like, doing the jig. And it was shaped like mister smarty pants from between the lions
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so i give up on sleeping and grab my blanket and pillow and go to the living room, leaning against the wall singing “im just a kid” on the way.
i asked my parents to put on some disney movie, they told me no because it fuck me up too bad. and then they turned on the lorax.
i remember that movie being SO blurry and i remember looking at my mom and going “this movie is too fucking orange >:(”
the rest of it was mostly fine, i went outside with my mom and ask if she could hear my poop through the window to the bathroom that was connected to the patio. she told me no
my father tried to get me to drink nyquil, i said no and layed on the floor and rolled away from him because i just remembered i really didnt like how it tasted.
then my parents told me i texted my friends “i ate something weird and im starting to feel weird???” sdjkgh and they told me i needed to clear everything up and make sure my friends didnt think i was high. the next day i went to my friends house and told them this exact story, and iv been telling this story since.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/genevealiu1 | 19k followers | currently on a journey as a junior doctor living in 🇦🇺🤎 | blm.card.co🖤 | sk💛
26 years of age
Born and raised in Glastonbury, England
Pisces sun? + libra moon?
Mother is Guyanese and works for a non-profit organization
Her father is Nigerian and works in property management
has one older brother who is a Prosthetist and resides in Nigeria with his pregnant fiancée
She can’t wait to be a auntie!!!
And a younger sister who is a medical laboratory technician
To say the least, their parents were happy that their children fell into the medical field. Based on their cultures it was a honor to have their children in these professions
Vieve grew up with a sassy demeanor and her parents have old videos on their camcorders to prove it lol, it never fails that the pair brings out the embarrassing vids during the holidays but vieve genuinely appreciates them 
Although thanksgiving is a RACIST American thing, vieve never misses the opportunity to share what she’s thankful for in life and counts all of it as blessings! But it’s still fuck the pilgrims
Has held a friendsgiving before, loves any moment where she can host gatherings or attend them! either is quite fine. She loves being around people
the only time she likes to look back on the past is to see how she and her family carried themselves then and how the evolved into who they are now, it’s interesting to see
Loves “how it started vs how it’s going” posts and might have participated in a few
Always knew from a young age that she wanted to help people in some way, she was always doing something to help around the house and especially her aging/sickly grandparents
Felt offended that many people around school that she thought were her friends would stab her in the back labeling her as this “fake saint” since she rather spend her time volunteering instead of going to house parties in hs
Don’t get it twisted, she still went to those too & had her fun but definitely felt like it was the same routine and nothing ever felt fulfilling at these functions after awhile
Well known with all the cliques around school but had her own group of friends that fit into many of those cliques but she never felt obligated to stick to one social group. If you were nice and cool with her, she was the same to you, if you weren’t? Depending on her mood, she’d ignore you/say things under her breath or be “fake nice” as a form of being the bigger person
Has a curly hair routine that she consistently follows (after struggling to find the right products to make them flourish) and gets annoyed with if her curls don’t turn out the way she knows they can, it’s always frustrating when things don’t turn out the way you want them to but isn’t afraid to at least try
Three times is the charm! Is one of her mottos
loves bright colors, flowy attire, big hats, brimmed hats, bucket hats, berets, etc...
Has faced racism/prejudices and bullying growing up in public spaces—mostly school/uni & some of those same hatred actions online now that she’s dating seb
Because of that there were times where she felt insecure but deff grew to forgive, heal, and rise above the hate, she knows her worth
Has never been happier in a relationship than she is with seb, he’s her “moody long-haired, soft-hearted bby”
they’re both complete fools for each other and vieve is more vocal about her being in love/finding her soulmate whereas seb doesn’t mind showing it rather than speaking it—even tho he’s on a podcast but we mind our business okay?!
Seb is thinking of moving to Australia with vieve, he’s ready to risk it all for this woman, HIS woman 🤩
canon: gives more than she should/taken advantage of/not reciprocating in relationships... ex) how she dated a guy that she did everything for! especially financially and also struggled to find her worth but once she did? Her aura shined brighter than before— Ik chill out there Rocco
Also believes in loving yourself first to attract what you need in this world and found that in her career and seb. I hope they’re endgame! Since they’re the only couple I rooted for this season? Except for tai & ciaran maybe? They’re probably not endgame but whatever
They still get nervous/shy around each other even tho they’ve been together for months now + are in a long distance relationship which is too cute! I think since they’re in this for the long game they can look back on moments and still feel the way they felt in that moment. You know if you get the chance or have already heard elderly people talk about their relationships and how they get all starry eyed? That’s vieve & seb, that shit gets me right in my feels ew
Vieve’s love language is quality time, it’s what she shows and likes along with acts of service from her partner
Makes the best jollof rice & her fav dish is Metemgee
Trying to be on a plant-based diet only but will have her cheat days on occasion—mostly when she’s drunk and forgets her diet plan lmao that’s me getting double cheeseburgers or anything with dairy drunk af
now living in Australia, she tried to like vegemite but...the it’s a no for her, respectfully ofc! She never wants to disrespect anyone
besides the food, the atmosphere is much nicer since she feels like she’s on a holiday almost everyday and that there’s much more to see and do when she has the time
Loves the beaches and is thinking about surfing lessons
yes she enjoys those doctor shows and can agree that most scenarios are not the same as rl ofc but great question!
Since she’s a junior doctor now, and on her way to graduation! She feels so accomplished and having this chance to complete what she’s wanted her whole life in a different place, makes her super emotional
All those stressful all-nighters will be worth it. She mostly did it on her own but is nothing but humble and Is thankful to those that have helped her along the way, what kind of person would she be if she didn’t mention them?
and when COVID hit, she was one of many already on the frontlines. Her studies became altered but this wouldn’t stop her for her mission on this earth, this was her purpose and she knew we would conquer it all—but definitely has empathy and gets angry with how it’s being handled from time to time
She’s been exposed to it first hand which aboustely worries her parents, seb, her friends, and friends from the villa
Keeps up to date when all medical news, has a whole app dedicated to health
Learning French with some of her free time and is doing well at it
It was only natural for her to become closer to elladine since their men are homies and have a podcast together
They’ve hung out a few times on a double dates before the boat vacation & once just as girls before vieve left to Australia
Vieve is always offering advice but knows that every relationship is different and what works for her and seb won’t work for elladine and Nicky, she loves them together and knows everyone has bumps in the road
feels there’s some sort of tension between her and Harry now? Which she found a little off putting since they were supposed to be friends but she realizes that Harry has a condition but it’s also not an excuse for him to treat her shitty sometimes which he does and feels like it comes out of nowhere most times but he always apologizes yet vieve is slowly getting tired of this unhealthy habits
So they’re talking less these days, which he notices!
She wants Harry to find his happiness too! If he hasn’t found it in mc first that is
has met Tim— he’s a great laugh and seems like a nice guy—they follow each other, talia and jake in person when she was out with seb—they were also super nice and congratulated them on their win, she went up to miles once on a night out—he’s still a arsehole, priya reached out to her via dm about her new boutique that she wanted her to model in someday, Hope was just as stunning in person along with Siobhan, Chelsea & mc s2 were also kind, and a couple of the guys also wished her and seb well
She’s also noticed some of the shit talking coming from Elisa, Allegra, Lucy, and mc s1 (subtle shade from mc, basically about how vieve reacted if mc decided to give Harry a go but that was only brought to her attention thru fans) online but again, vieve peeped it and felt majority of it didn’t require a response. She was too happy in life rn and she had a man and they don’t
Plans to get a komondor, thinks they’re super cute! — seb does not “if you love me, you’ll love our child.” “It’s a bloody mop dog! And I’m a cat dad, you know that!” “Don’t talk about him like that, he’s got feelings just like your cat babies!”
I feel like she’s a matcha & Frappuccino lover, tries to keep her drinks simple and feels guilty when she has to make adjustments but the heart wants what it wants
Mini Countryman owner, she also drives like a “granny” better safe than sorry! She hates fast drivers, there’s absolutely no need for it!
Minimal makeup: eyeshadow, moisturizer, & a nude lip and she’s good to go
Secretly obsessed with among us, second life, and SIMS!!!
Celeb crushes? Heath ledger, Tyler posey, KENDRICK SAMPSON, Jordan fisher, Algee smith, Donald Glover, Mack Wilds, Khleo Thomas, Robert Ri’chard, Tahj Mowry, & Hasan Minhaj
Listens to: DaniLeigh, ABIR, Mary J. Blige, TORI KELLY, Us the duo, 11:11, Jacob Latimore, fifth harmony, joya mooi, & Greentea Peng, etc...
Anthem: The Cheetah Girls — Cinderella
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galaxymagick · 4 years
201010 @leo_jungtw instalive
— what taek did today: woke up > had his vocal lesson at 1pm > went back home > ate his meal > drank coffee > rest (he listed them one by one... cute;- ;)    — today is a slack day for him  — he ate ramyeon and a little of rice today because he wants to 
— asked abt the ramyeon he ate, he said it's a secret   — asked about today's plan, he said his plan is to talk abt life with his acting teacher at 6  — taek laughed while reading a comment asking if he can speak english. he said he can understand it but doesn't know how to reply 
— when asked about the music he's playing, he starting said it's a secret, so 🌟 joked and say his playlist is a secret warehouse (bc he keep saying it's a secret to this and that). but later he revealed one of the song name
— what taek did yst:  exercise > went to company and practice > went to find hyogi at his shooting site > got coffee that was provided at hyogi's shooting site > ate with company's noona and hyungs
— have he met hakyeon yet: he said he hasn't, hakyeon has been busy. he didn't get to watch hakyeon's ig live on his discharge day as it happened when he's still working. 
— asked whether if he had tried malatang, he said he hasn't tried before so he doesn't know whether it's delicious or not 
— someone commented said she has not eaten malatang before, asked if he want to eat tgt, taek "do you want? to eat with me?"
— he questioned whether is malatang nice?  he said he  doesn't really like hotpot, but he started liking shabu shabu recently. previously he didn't really like shabu shabu, but it's delicious to him now. he said maybe he will like hotpot since he started liking shabu shabu
— someone commented the reason why he doesn't like hotpot might be because there isn't cabbage in it like shabu shabu, taek "oh right there's cabbage in shabu shabu, there isn't cabbage in hotpot? ㅇㅅㅇ"
— someone said s/he will treat taek malatang so let's go but taek replied "I don't think I can make it today, you can go together, holding hands" L O L
— (continuing his words) 
a 🌟replied "i'm in seoul come on" taek: "i'm in seoul come on, this sounds like cha hakyeon words?  the dp.. is cha hakyeon (too)? /laughs/ (the word) come on sounds like cha hakyeon (would use)" XD
— coffee prince avid fan taek actually went to the cafe that was the house of lee sunkyun's role in the drama last year. — he even taught fans where and how to go to the cafe
about netflix 
— he watch animation on netflix and recently he's watching sherlock holmes — asked whether he watched korean dramas on netflix, he said he doesn't really do that
— someone commented told taek not eat too much dessert, don't drink too much coffee, wear warmly and stay healthy. taek "do you know me? are you watching me?" he said he hasn't been drinking much coffee, he has only a cup of it
— 🌟: please show your face taek: I don't want to /laughs/ 
— 🌟: if you drink too much coffee.. taek: it's right... so I have been reducing it, as my stomach hurt a lot (if I drink a lot) I did endoscopy as I wasn't feeling well (back then), and so I decided to reduce my intake
— 🌟 : what's your nickname? taek: nickname? I don't have a nickname. daeguni? — about daeguni taek: daeguni... was made by ravi right. seem like all my nickname are made by kim ravi.
— about his name "taekwoon" and "jung taekwoon" taek: taekwoonie this name is really pretty right? I have never met anyone with the name taekwoon, there are only abt 2 people with the name "jung taekwoon"?
— taek's recent new challenge he wants to be able to sing wo straining his vocal even when he's reached 70 y/o, so he's learning a new technique which allow him be able to sing comfortably for a long time 
 — 🌟 : i will go for your perf even when i'm 60s taek: you better dont lie~
— 🌟 asked abt today's tmi taek: i will give you 2 tmi... I dont think I have any tmi to share.. 
 — abt his consumption for ramyeon: he only eat it occasionally. he would eat 1 or 2 bowl per month only 
taek: let's see each other for a long time let's walk tgt for a long time. you know how much starlights love you right? (comment) Idk~? I don't think I know? I don't think it's delivered well (comment) I think it still hasn't got through
— he was asked what made him happy recently, he said he's been trying to find simple and small things to make him happy. (thought for awhile) 
"oh I met hyogi and drank coffee with him, that made me happy" 
trans cr: @kimjyans
♫ Instalive playlist .. ♫
1. Maybe - half•alive 2. 못찾음 ㅠ * 3. No Right To Love You (Acoustic) - Rhys, Lewis 4. Preoccupied - Mac Demarco 5. Heart To Heart - Mac Demarco 6. Feelin's The Same Way -Norah Jones 7. If We Have Each Other -Alec Benjamin 8. Space Island (Moon.ver) -티어라이너 9. Perfect World (커피프린스 1호점 삽입곡)-Arco 1 10. Joining A Cult - Annika Norlin 11. Sea Of Silence (part II) - 막스밀리언헤커 12. U Owe Me - Stella Donnelly 13. Nobody - Mac Demarco
정정합니다ㅠ 막시밀리언 헤커 Maximilian Hecker **
*2. not found ㅠ **revisionㅠ Maximilian Hecker
cr: @starlight_sis
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twiddlebirdlet · 4 years
hello what’s happening now send help i’m so confused
More Anons:
“IMO on this whole thing, Chris does not follow any family other than Scott. And he does not follow any of his friends either. That means he keeps his private live off of his social media. So any woman he follows he is not going to be dating. If he’s interested in her he may DM and talk to her but he is not going to let it be known publicly by a follow. Have people not gotten that by now?“
“To all the anons Chris shared one of Carlys videos last week ao it's possible maybe his friends found her funny so decided to follow her, not everything has to mean he's dating someone!!“
“Why do people suddenly start talking about Carly?what happened 😂😂“
“If there is anything happening, I could see him dating Carly A.  He loves comedians.  He has said in the past the type of girls he is really attracted to are not the kind you'd expect.  At least she's not a brunette :)“
“I love your blog, it's the best.  But I'm curious in that it seems yours is the only blog talking about Carly.  Do you know something we don't, i.e., is there something going on between her and Chris?“
“I think Carly might be friends with Scott? I’ve been a fan of hers for a while and noticed pretty sure even before Chris had IG that she and Scott would interact. I’m not 100 percent but that’s the vibe I always got!“
“Nah....I think carly and chris might be dating. Like tara and his friends are super important to him. I feel only few people get that close“
“One of Chris’s Best Friends wives followed her after he reposted the Landscape video on his story. And she also posted an article about it prior. So they could be an organic follow from the video. I know Jason follows her but again it could be something simple. Carly comments on Scott’s stuff for over a year, and have interacted They definitely know each other from somewhere. But nothing points romantically “
“For everyone saying Chris's friends follow carly I've seen 3 of them follow her one who has been liking carlys posts since 2018, Tara who i think they followed each other some months ago and another mutal of Chris who has followed recently but let's not forget she was in Staten Island summer which was released earlier this year and it was quite a good movie so they may have followed because of that. Not everyone is a secret girlfriend! “
“Remember that Chris shared few days ago the video tik tok of Carly. Maybe it's because she saw this repost that Tara remembered that she likes her and follow her even if they already met before. It's only now that follow Alba came in the head of Chris. Sometimes we know people but we don't spend our time and think about to looking for their name for find their account and follow them.“
“wait who is carly you just mentioned(carly aquilino)? is she chris' friend or something? i heard that they follow each other on twitter and instagram. i remember chris making an instagram story a few weeks ago or something sharing a girls instagram video (the tiktok video) & that was carly right? i know that scott is chris brother and tara is their friend but who is billy? and what were the photo/video? i dont really know much about chris so when people say these things idk what they talk about“
“So Chris and Carly are dating????“
There’s no indication that there’s anything more than friends and family seeing Carly Aquilino’s shows, and possibly attending the same functions while either in New York City or Boston.
There’s nothing to see here right now.
I think what creeped out someone was that Carly follows Tara back, which would be harder to explain than just Tara following Carly. Like what was said before, Carly started following Tara awhile back, and was probably only recently accepted by Tara (when she was accepting follows, since her account is private).
My guess is that since Chris doesn’t follow any close friends or family, people are now examining who he does follow to see if they are following his friends and family, and this is such a case.
HOWEVER, just like I said, these kind of mutual follows have happened before, and it’s usually related to Chris introducing his friends and family to various artists backstage when seeing shows, taking them to events and functions, etc. This is most likely just another such case.
Again, nothing to see here right now.
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asks (26)
@spickerzocker​ said:
hey there! just a heads up that i tried to click on the "why i don't ship" explanation link in your faq and it says that there is no post with that url/it's generally broken. also your "a conversation about recovery" thing is beautiful and hurts in the best way and i love it. have a nice day!
Yes, I intentionally took that link down awhile ago, and last night I went and updated some of the tabs on my blog. Here are my basic thoughts:
I wrote that link years and years ago, while I was first navigating the internet and while I was still figuring out important things about my own identity and opinions. I ran my blog differently back then, but by the end of the first few months, I knew I was uncomfortable with shipping. 
As people began to interact with me and my work, I told them over and over again no, I don’t want to talk about that, and I don’t want to write about it, and it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think that was a common position to take at the time, so it wasn’t what people expected from me. 
During those years, I felt like I had to justify myself and give a valid explanation. I wrote that post explaining why I had that boundary, and I put it in a place where anyone could find it.
I said no when people asked, let them make jokes about it, and made jokes about it myself in response. As time went on I got more and more exasperated when I had to repeat myself. I wrote definite rules into my ask box, request tab, and FAQ. People still asked. I wrote it into my description. People still asked. 
The truth is yeah, there’s a pretty simple explanation for my discomfort. It makes sense. It’s easy to understand, and most folks think it’s a “good enough” reason to leave me alone. The difference between young-me and current-me is that I no longer feel the need to justify myself. 
None of y’all need to know why I set the boundaries that I set. My explanation isn’t relevant, and I’m not obligated to give it. I said no. That’s enough. 
I think a good number of folks remember my explanation from the past, and I don’t mind that at all. There may be a time where I talk about it again, in a more appropriate context, so I guess we’ll see.
That’s a lot of information in response to a very helpful ask. Thanks! The link is gone now, and I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the fic :)
Anonymous said:
U suck
Kenza sent this anon as a joke. She’s right, and I thank her. 
Anonymous said:
I'm a doctor and ive seen it all.....but the milk fic made me gag
@wingedskyes said:
Ah. Wait. I wasn't on anon....uhm. oh well. It's fine. I like milk and am not ashamed. 😆
I don’t think I received another message from you actually, but I too like milk and I’m glad we’re on the same page
@thelittleredheadedmusician said:
To add to the milk discussions: my best friend from home and best friend from college have each finished a gallon a milk by themselves within 2 days.
I do that too, every once in awhile. When the milk craving hits it’s a gallon a day
Anonymous said:
Hold on I have to google some things
Yeah this is funny
Anonymous said:
I have read that milk fic three separate times and every time I’m laughing just as hard as Tim and dick by the end it’s just so excellently executed and builds so perfectly that by the time dick cracks I’m ready to go too and I just lose it it’s amazing I love it
Awww anon I’m so pleased :)
@the-smartass-under-the-mountain said:
Just wanted to drop by and say your recent fic with Tim antagonizing Damian with increasingly outrageous milk concoctions had me giggling. It was so cute and refreshing to see Dick enjoying Tim's little prank. And Bruce's reaction to just... walk away was fantastic!
Thank you! I’m always so thrilled when y’all think the jokes hit
@njtheboywonder​ said:
I havnt really enjoyed a fic in years, but i stopped to read ur fanfic with tim drinking milk just to fuck w dami amd it made me smile. Thanks, for writing it.
Oh that warms my heart <3
@bruciewayneisbatman​ said:
Tim Is totally the guy who would drink ridiculous amounts of dalgona coffee to annoy damian, according to that fic.
Had to google that one, but I guess so huh
Anonymous said:
(diff anon) but that birthday fic was so good oml and you have opened my eyes as to the batfam in quarantine this is such a Concept
We’re all here dying..... together...
Anonymous said:
Happy birthday! 🎉 or belated! 🎂 thank you for being in the fandom. 😊
Anonymous said:
To anon! Sorry. I forgot to add that! Anyway, thanks to them we get a lovely fic. I hope you have many more birthdays! 😊
Message for you anon
Anonymous said:
Your writing gives off good vibes
Hear that guys I “passed my vibe check.” Is that what the youth say these days? I am an elder now and I do not know
Anonymous said:
finding your blog while being relatively new to batman fandom is such a bliss. your batfam content especially is *chef's kiss* amazing.
Thank you my darling :) I’m glad you’re here
Anonymous said:
Best line in a fic? Hard to pick just one, but this particular one from "Just Desserts" by fyeahbatmanandrobin on Tumblr is one of my faves: “Anyone else would be hard-pressed to provide the particular brand of excitement you bring to my life, Dami.”
@noisypaintersong​ said:
For the line thing: "I don't doubt it. Bruce Wayne, the unexpectedly normal guy wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a superhero wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a fake socialite wrapped in a businessman wrapped in a secretive billionaire." He paused. "…You're the seven-layer burrito of Gotham," he pondered. - Barry to Bruce in 'Of Friends and Foes' by Paganpunk2 on FFN. It's one of the funniest things I've read someone say to Bruce LOL
@kirakats​ submitted:
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Anonymous said:
“I do know that according to everyone else, there is no chance, no future, no universe where I stay a hero.” Describes my frustration with the way DC treats Damian so accurately. Let the kid be a hero dammit.
Thanks! That’s really helpful. I’ve got a decent answer to my question now. 
@kurawastaken​ submitted:
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So this is Kenza retaliating against me for the milk fic. I very much hate tomatoes and specifically ketchup. This photo (1) is a nightmare and (2) fulfills its intended purpose.
Anonymous said:
I love your blog!!!
And I love you 
Anonymous said:
quick question: how do you think jason reconciles with the fam?? i think in the comics they kinda just reboot and now he’s on better terms. but like what conversations happened, yknow??? (you’re doin great work by the way, it rips out my heart but it’s great)
This is an amazing question, and I’ll be thinking about it for the next bit, I think. That would be a really interesting topic to explore in depth
@angel-gidget​ said:
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!
Oh thank you for the hug <3
Anonymous said:
I hadn’t been aware of that Memphis petition, but I live in Memphis too (Altho I know you said you just grew up there so you may not be living here currently haha) so ig I just wanted to say thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I’ve been in Texas for six years now, ever since I started school, but I’m still in and out of Memphis for family purposes. Love the trash heap of my birth 
@damianwaynerocks​ said:
hey! any chance you know of any other dc heroes around damian’s age?
Sure! You could try Billy Batson, Jon Kent, or Maya Ducard
Anonymous said:
hi! i don't know if it's okay to leave anons like these but ive been feeling down because my country has passed a bill that deprives us of lots of human rights freedom and i want you to know that i just found your blog through the damian/bruce + justice fic and it comforted me. im slowly going thru your works and so far they are all comforting. i love your stuff, thank you.
Philippines? I’ve heard some things, and I’m real sorry y’all’re going through that. I don’t know that there’s anything I could say about that to help, but I hope you’re finding joy somewhere
@awesomeness-ofgaybitches​ said:
Tumblr hates you. The links in your bio and to your fic masterlist don't work on mobile. I'm sorry.
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Eighteen
Where Did We Go | Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2102
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :) (picture credit to jenna on ig)
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“Where do we even start?” Y/N asked.
We were standing just inside our shared closet, looking at all the clothes that were hanging up. Today was the day that we had set aside for packing the majority of our things up for tour, which always started with our clothes since they took the most space in our suitcases. It also just so happened to be the most daunting part.
“Well, we have the lists,” I said, holding them up for emphasis. “Should we just find all the stuff we need, pile it up, and then fold?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Let’s start with your stuff.”
Y/N took the lists from me and sat down just outside the closet. I stepped further in and started to look through my clothes, already deciding what I wanted to bring and what I should leave behind. Y/N started to read off items on the list, which I grabbed and then tossed to her.
“Hey, careful!”
I turned to look at her, only to realize the tank top I had just grabbed had ended up hanging off of her head. She was laughing as she pulled it off of her head and added it to the ever growing pile behind her.
“Sorry,” I smiled. “Wasn’t looking.”
“It’s ok.”
This pattern went on until we had finally collected all the things on my list. The pile of clothes behind Y/N went up to my knees, already making me dread having to fold it later. Still, I knew it would be nothing compared to what Y/N ended up bringing since she didn’t have the same habit of wearing clothes for days straight like I did.
“Let’s get this stuff into the bedroom,” Y/N said, starting to get off the ground. I quickly walked over to her and helped her up. “Thanks.”
Together, the two of us began to carry small armfuls of clothes over to my side of the bed. The pile quickly grew again until all of my clothes were sitting on the ground. I immediately collapsed onto the bed after dropping the last few pants off.
“Ty,” Y/N smiled. “What are you doing?”
“Taking a break.”
“We don’t have time for breaks. It’s already noon and we haven’t even picked out my clothes yet. At this rate, we’re not going to be done until midnight.”
“Please,” I said, sticking out my bottom lip. “Can we just relax for five minutes?”
“Fine, but that’s it,” she said, taking a seat on the bed next to me before falling back into my arms.
“I’ll count.”
“No you won’t,” she laughed. “I’m setting a timer, otherwise we’ll be here for hours and you’ll still claim we have a minute left.”
“I will not,” I mumbled into her neck.
“Yes you will.”
“Isn’t this relaxing?”
“Yes, but somebody has another world tour starting in less than a week that we need to get ready for.”
“I’ll postpone it.”
“Ty,” she laughed. “That isn’t an option.”
“Sure it is. I’m famous.”
“I’m not going to let you postpone a world tour just because you want to cuddle with me.”
“At least I tried.”
We made quiet conversation for the rest of the five minutes. When the timer finally went off, Y/N practically had to drag me off the bed and back into the closet.
“Come on, Ty, you don’t even have to do the hard stuff right now. All you have to do is sit and read words off a list.”
“That is hard.”
“Why are you so whiny today?” she laughed as she started to look through a drawer. I smiled to myself as I sat down and leaned against the wall.
“Today is the first free day that I’ve had in almost two weeks and we have to spend it packing. That’s why I’m so whiny.”
“Hey, at least we get to spend time together. It’s better than you being out at meetings all day.”
“Ok, point taken.”
“We don’t have any award shows this time around, do we? I want to make sure I pack something nice if we do.”
“I don’t think so. If we do, you can just wear a nice sweatshirt or something.”
“No, you can wear a nice sweatshirt because you’re Tyler Joseph,” she said as she pulled down a couple tops. “I have to wear something nice because I’m just Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“Just Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
“You mean the most stunning, hilarious, loving, supportive, and amazing girl in the entire world?”
“Shut up,” she giggled.
“I mean, look at you! You’re beautiful.”
My compliment was answered with Y/N balling up a t-shirt and tossing it at me. I ducked out of the way, laughing the entire time.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to throw clothing at one another’s heads?”
“There’s an exception when they’re being a dork,” she smiled.
“Oh, of course. How did I never realize before?”
“Can you just tell me what else I need?”
I read off the next few things on the list, which Y/N quickly found and picked out, occasionally asking for my opinion on what she should bring. By the time that we had made it through the entire page, there was a second enormous pile of clothing sitting behind me, just slightly bigger than my pile had been. Once again, we started to carry clothes out to the bedroom, this time putting them on Y/N’s side of the bed.
“Alright, we need to grab our suitcases from downstairs,” Y/N said.
“Race you?” I grinned.
Y/N’s mouth quickly grew into a smile. Before she had a chance to answer, I yelled out “3, 2, 1, go!” and we were both taking off down the stairs, trying to be the first one to make it to the guest bedroom. I jumped over the last couple steps, landing with a thud, which gained me just enough of a lead to slide into the room before her. She immediately collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily.
“I shouldn’t have agreed to that,” she sighed. “I just can’t seem to win any races against you.”
“It’s alright,” I said, holding a hand out to her to help her up. “I still love you.”
I gave her a quick kiss before opening the closet. All of our suitcases were lined up along the top, each in varying sizes and shapes for the various tours that we went on. Thankfully, this was only a North American leg of the tour, meaning we could afford to pack a little heavy since we wouldn’t be doing any flying. Y/N stood next to me as I pulled down a couple of the bigger suitcases that we had.
“Do you think these will be big enough?” she asked. “We had a lot of clothes.”
“Yeah, they should be fine as long as we pack tight enough. I used this one for Australia and it wasn’t a big deal.”
“That was only a month though.”
“Do you really think we need the huge ones?”
Y/N pursed her lips, thinking it over for a moment.
“I guess not. Worst case scenario, we stick the folded clothes into a new suitcase.”
“Alright, let’s get these upstairs.”
Y/N and I each grabbed our respective suitcases and carefully carried them up the stairs, being sure not to bump them into the walls. There were a couple marks downstairs already from times that one of us had been paying not quite enough attention to where we were going.
Once my suitcase was unzipped and ready to go, I started to sort through my pile of clothes, separating things by tops and bottoms and whether or not I wore it during the show. Y/N, on the other hand, was already starting to fold up her things and put them into her bag as she went.
“Are you going to be able to find anything in your suitcase?” I laughed.
“Probably not, but isn’t that half the fun of getting dressed on tour?”
“Not when you’re frantically trying to find the shirt that you need to wear on stage ten minutes before you’re supposed to be in the right place.”
“Don’t you usually double check all of that stuff way before the show starts?”
“We’re supposed to, but I just forgot that day. Of course that was also the day that my white tank top suddenly went missing.”
“Oh right, I remember you texting me about that,” Y/N smiled. “Carter got mad because my phone wouldn’t stop vibrating while we were trying to play video games.”
“I was panicking!”
“I know you were, love.”
I shook my head as I tossed another shirt into my non-show shirt pile, which was steadily growing.
“Oh! You know what I forgot?” Y/N said.
“A sleep shirt. Do you mind if I grab one of the ones you aren’t bringing?”
“Go for it.”
Y/N walked into the bathroom and came back a short time later with a shirt in her hand.
“Which one did you grab?”
She held it up for me to see. On it were the words “Worthington Christian High School Basketball”, printed in bold, colorful lettering across the front. It was a shirt that I hadn’t worn - or even seen - in years.
“Where did you find that?” I laughed.
“It was in your t-shirt drawer! I stumbled across it when I was folding your shirts the other day. Do you not remember wearing it all the time in high school?”
“I guess not.”
“I swear you wore it at least once a week.”
“Of course I did.”
Y/N tossed it onto her pile of clothes and went back to folding. Shortly after, I finished sorting everything and stood up so that I could start to fold and actually put things into my suitcase.
We made conversation as we continued to pack, mostly talking about things we wanted to do on tour and things we wanted to see in various states when we had some free time. It felt weird to think about leaving again so soon, but I was reassured by the fact that Y/N would be right there next to me this time. I didn’t get nearly as homesick when she was with me.
As we started to near the end of our packing, my mind started to bounce around with a question that I had been meaning to ask Y/N for a few days. My original plan had been to ask her last week, but after our argument, it went forgotten for awhile.
“Hey, so I’ve been thinking,” I started, reaching up to rub at my neck, “what if we went out on a nice date after my rehearsal tomorrow? It’s been awhile since we actually went out and did something like that.”
Y/N finished folding the shirt in front of her and paused, her eyebrows every so slightly furrowed. I rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting for an answer.
“I mean, obviously I want to, but aren’t you concerned about fans coming up and interrupting us? I mean, we can’t even go to the grocery store without someone asking for a picture, much less out on the town in the middle of Columbus. I always assumed that’s why we had dates here.”
“We don’t necessarily have to go out in Columbus. I just thought we could go do something fun. Maybe even something we used to do a lot like, you know…” My mind was racing trying to think of a good idea. “Stargazing, or something.”
“Stargazing,” Y/N repeated. Her mouth was slowly curling up into a smile. “I think that would be a really good idea. The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow too, so it will be perfect.”
“Then it’s a date.”
“Do I really have to wear something nice to sit in the back of a car though?”
“No, the most important thing is that I’m spending time with you.”
“Cheesy,” she laughed.
“It’s how I feel.”
“I know.”
I tried to hide the smile on my face as I tucked another pair of pants into my suitcase. My hands were already shaking with excitement at the thought of going stargazing with Y/N. It had been a long time since we had gone up there, mostly because of bad weather or not being home, and I was looking forward to it.
It was going to be perfect.
*     *     *     *     *
@tylersheavydirtysoul​ @faceofcontvsions​ @ohprettyweeper​ @shaytwentyonep​ @tyler-josephs-floof​ @angelicopioid​ @topownsmyheart​ @harishaanne​ @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah​ @somethingboutyou1​ @boiled-onionrings​ @heythereitm3​ @gaysludge​ @breadbinishigh​ @5secondsofmoxley​ @patdsinner33​ @littlerachelbee​ @royal-avengers​
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
Notebook, television, shotgun!
this got long so rm’d
Notebook; How do you and your F/O(s) get your thoughts and feeling out, if not with words?
Lance is better at using his words than I am. Like, I mean, I can craft with words, but like, actually say them? oh man that’s a whole fuck. Well, actually, I guess it depends on the emotion behind the thoughts. Because I mean, I’m still mostly just ASKDJSKHDS when it’s a happy emotion but he can tell by the occasional babbling what feeling I’m trying to convey :P But when it comes to something like... frustration/sadness? Oh my god I am so emotionally constipated that I’ve BARELY been working on talking through my emotions and it’s hard so sometimes it winds up being something like typing/writing it out, even if he’s just right in front of me, and he’s okay with that, because he know how hard it’s been my entire god damn life to express myself and other issues there. He knows, and we’ve just. learned that it’s easier if I’m getting choked up to let me use the pen, so to speak
When I’m angry though.... I’m very vocal about that kldsjfkfjdk the amount of times he’s tried to calm me down before my medication..... please get this man a reward for being such a saint.
when it comes to him though, like... He secludes away for any sort of negative emotion. He’s already a pretty private person as it is, and he feels like he has responsibility to set a good example as someone who’ll wind up leading the clan, and... That’s a lot already. So when stress comes to head, he’ll go off somewhere by himself. He’ll often text me/let me know that he needs time by himself, because if he doesn’t, I’ll be blowing up the phone (mostly for my usual talky shenanigans, but if I’m aware that he’s somewhere not feeling well, then... I will still be trying to open up) Depending on what kind of bad it is, I’ll take a page out of his book and go spend time with him, let him know I’m there by actually being there. Because he’s always been there for me. It’s my turn to be there for him.
But for good/positive emotions.... He’ll smile, he’ll open up a bit more, he’ll become more relaxed/talkative? if that makes sense? like, less formal/professional speech. I mean he still very much has that tone regardless bc it’s just. part of who he is now, but like. He’ll express it, he’ll try to verbalize it, if it’s romantic he WILL verbalize it. Love involves a lot of affection and actions and words; making sure that I know that I’m loved as many ways as possible. I just. don’t know how to words it? Like he’ll tell me, he’ll give me affection, he knows because we’ve talked about it and figured it out, the ways that my brain feels lacking.... and I will admit that I kind of haven’t paid attention to how he communicates care for others. But... looking at his Pokemon, I definitely think spending time and being patient with hurt people, talking to them, trying to remind them that he’s there and that things are okay now... like. I’m veering off entirely from the original point of the question. but that’s okay cuz it’s my blog and i get to make the rules. Like... even with Silver in the Masters event! He talks with Silver, mentions that it’s been awhile since they’ve “talked like this”, presumably spending time together, being patient and helpful...
oh my god i can’t believe I forgot helpfulness. 
anyways uhhh i need to leave room for the other questions fjksjhd so i’m gonna cut it off here now.
Television; How do you and your F/O(s) keep up with what’s happening in the world?
I.... don’t. I’m too burnt out. He, on the other hand, reads/watches the news, reports, etc. If it’s something that he’s going to get involved with [either as champion or with the pokemon g-men], he researches it. Sometimes he’ll let me know about something that he found interesting or think I would find interesting but.... I basically wind up with the same thing plastered over my twitter timeline 2000x and after that you just. kind of stop caring. I don’t know how my husband does it. bigger heart ig?
Shotgun; Which of you is the most aggressive when it comes to inconvenience and confrontation? Have you ever got physically violent with another party?
I... oh. this is loaded in maaaaaany different ways. So, like. On a personal, no outer world risk level, I’m... very. very aggressive. not as much as I used to be since getting on mood stabilizers [thank stars] but. i’m still. Aggressive. But I also don’t do confrontations because i’m a crybaby and my history of confrontations involved... less than good reasons and dismissive reactions, so I tend to just. avoid it as well. LOL;;;  My husband, on the other hand, isn’t aggressive about small annoyances like that? and he’s pretty good about confrontations! so i have him tell people to stop being noisy and giving me headaches. When it’s not threatening the safety of others, he’s very calm and direct in his confrontations and handles situations pretty well, imo...
Now, uh, for the latter half...! I have not gotten violent with people, but i’ve also only every been that angry that I was afraid I was going to throw something like.... once or twice in my life, and I made sure I went on what wound up a LONG ASS WALK for like an hour with the subject of my anger so I could yell at them about what happened. I mean, I’ve thought violent thoughts about people, and there is one who I wish the utmost ill upon that would make other forms of torture look tame, but I’ve also never been in a state where I could do anything about it.........
My husband has had to uh, apprehend people with a Hyper Beam or two though. But it was for their own good! god how different my life could have been if he could have come in and saved me from all that... I know he wouldn’t’ve stood for all of that... esp if I thought it was unfair, and he’s got the stronger set of morals between the two of us. He honestly only does it if he ever really has to. And, unfortunately, with some thieves and evil organizations, force is necessary. He does try to reason with Archie when he gets possessed by the (blue?) orb, but unfortunately he’s so far gone that it doesn’t work, so force becomes necessary. And Team Rocket... well, they’re team rocket, they’ve done worse things to Pokemon than a Hyper Beam. They’ll live. 
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sheenawellbrock · 5 years
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IG/TWITTER: @sheenarosea
Last day of being pregnant (currently experiencing contractions as I post this) 2nd child and first time experiencing the full 3rd trimester in all its glory; from the 22lbs weight gain and new found stretch marks😒 I can say I’m so blessed and thankful to have make it to term! This pregnancy has been the scariest and most pleasant at the same time. I’ve been in fear of getting pregnant again because of the introduction to motherhood I had with giving birth to Hali’a through preterm labor and delivery and that truly traumatized me to the point of contemplating if I ever want to have any more children. Having gone through the NICU experience as a first time mom wasn’t even a thought so imagine my reaction when I found out I was pregnant again 2 years later with our son. I cried/begged/pleaded with god a lot and celebrated every week my drs and and faith kept me pregnant. I was very anal in the sense of adverting from any fact or myth that correlated with anything to do with preterm labor through my choices, actions, and diet. I remember not even being comfortable or announcing I was pregnant until I surpassed my 6 month mark and that’s when I eased up a bit and enjoyed the remainder of my pregnancy. As much as I love holding you inside me son and watching you grow I’m so happy we’re meeting tomorrow because mommy is tired of being pregnant af. Well I’m going to bed now since I have my 2 year old to tend to + prep for my birth in 18 hours lol this is probably the most sleep I’ll be getting for awhile. #pregnancydiaires #pregnancyrant #baby2 #csectionmama #nicumama #motherof2
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sparklemichele · 6 years
In His Eyes- Part 2
Florian Munteanu X Reader
Part One Here
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HI it’s me Florian.
His DM read. No shit Sherlock.
 Hi Florian.
 You didn’t know what else to say. You were getting nervous.
 You still out with your friends?
 You replied you were home now and in the bed. You cringed when you sent the DM. Why did you tell him you were in the bed? That was so lame.
 I hope I was not to forward earlier. I really want to get to know you. I could not let you slip away.
 You smiled, but you were still hesitant about this whole situation. You continued to entertain Florian through the DM’s and let him get to know you a little and you got to know him. After about twenty minutes of back and forth messaging you bid him good night. Florian asked if he could DM you tomorrow. You thought that was sweet and thoughtful. You told him yes. He messaged you goodnight and you did the same. You called your best friend Anna and told her about the conversation. She was supportive, but you felt her worry and hesitation. You could not blame her as you felt hesitation yourself.  You felt it was to good to be true.
“Just take it one day at a time. You have to decide what you want. If you want this to be just a one off or an actual relationship, then guide yourself from what you decide. To be honest I can’t tell what he wants.”
“Me either.” You agreed.
“What do you want?”
“He seems really nice. I would like to get to know him more.”
“If he just wants to get his dick wet?”
“Well it’s been awhile for me. He’s not bad to break the dry spell with.”
“Lord if that’s not the truth. I was on his Instagram earlier….girl…”
“I know!!” You exclaimed.
“Well be careful and don’t pay attention to what Renee said earlier. Just know that I am here for you.”
“Thank you.”
As you laid down to sleep you hoped Florian was looking for more than just sex. You went back and read through the messages trying to see if there were any indications he was. You didn’t see any. You fell into a hopeful sleep.
You would be lying if you would say you was not looking forward to his DM. You found yourself quickly checking every notification and becoming disappointed when it was not him. As the day crept on you started to subscribe to the belief that he was a flake. You sighed as you let yourself into your house after a long work day. You should not have gotten your hopes up.
 Florian did not know when a good time would be to send you another DM. He wanted to send you a DM as soon as he opened his eyes this morning but did not want to scare you off. He found himself looking at your IG account and your public Facebook account last night after you both chatted. He wanted to learn everything he could about you. He smiled at your “throw back Thursday” pictures and your pictures with your family and friends. You had a big family. He notices you had three brothers. He frowned to himself as he thought how he would get along with them and your father. Florian shook his head. He has not even been on a date with you yet and was already figuring out how to get along with your family. He decided he was going to ask for your phone number and ask you out on a date today. He didn’t care what people were going to say or what they thought he had to see you again. He opened his phone and sent you a DM.
You were pouring yourself a cocktail when you got the notification of a DM. You did not rush to the phone as you did all throughout the day. You took a sip of your cocktail first and then checked your DM. It was Florian and you smiled forgetting all the anticipation and slight anger you had all day. He asked how your day was and asked if it was okay if he got your phone number. You weren’t even going to front and act like you were going to pretend and not give it to him. You quickly typed your seven digits and sent it to him.  Within seconds your phone rung. Thank God it was not a Facetime call.
His voice was so smooth, thick and sexy. You remained as calm as you could as you held a conversation with him. By the end of the phone call you were two cocktails in and was going on a date with him Friday night. You immediately called Anna to share the news.
Florian had kept in touch with you either through DM’s, phone calls or text message up until he knocked on your door Friday night. You had encouraged yourself all week and was on cloud nine until you opened the door to the 6’4 fine, ass specimen and all your self confidence and encouragement to yourself went out the window.  There was no way he could be into you. Why was he really here? You let him in and nearly melted when you got a whiff of his cologne.
“You look beautiful.” He looked you up and down as he took you in slowly.  Your jeans fitted you perfectly and you had on a cute light, pink sweater.
“Thank you.” You offered a strain smile as you were becoming a nervous wreck.
“Can we sit? We have some time to kill before the reservation.”
“Sure.” You escorted him to your couch. You sat as far at the end from him as you could. Florian scooted closer to you and tried to make conversation with you. You answered back with short answers. Florian could tell something was off.
“What’s wrong?” He asked scooting closer to you.
“Are you pulling a pig or not?” There you asked it. You got it off your chest.
“What?” Florian looked confused.
“It’s when guys bet with friends that they can pull a fat chick.”
“That’s awful and no that is not what I am doing here.” Florian looked genuinely hurt by the accusation. “I am here to get to know you Y/N. Don’t let my physique fool you. I am not some shallow, self-absorb, actor, bodybuilder. I will be honest with you that you are not my usual type that I go out with but there was something about you. I just knew I would miss out on something special if I let you get away. Can you just trust me?”  
You nodded yes and scooted closer to Florian where your knee touched his knee. Florian leaned over and caressed your cheek.
“I would have been a fool to let you walk out that restaurant with saying anything to you.” He whispered. You looked at his lips and instinctively licked your lips. Florian eyes had followed the movement of your tongue. You didn’t protest when he leaned in and tenderly placed his lips with yours. It had been awhile since you were kissed and the feeling you were having was sending shivers through your body. Florian grabbed onto you tight as his tongue danced in your mouth. You let out a string of moans as you tasted him.
Florian grabbed you by your waist and started to pull you on to his lap. You resisted.
“Florian, no. I’m too heavy.” Florian shook his head no.
“No, you are not. I lift heavier every day. You weigh nothing.” Florian told you as he pulled you on his lap.
You were uncomfortable at first but as Florian rained kisses down your neck and collarbone you relaxed against his massive frame. Florian lips reached yours once again and this time the kiss was intensified, and you felt him rise.
“We need to stop.” Florian pulled away from you. You tried your best to collect your breath. “I don’t want to sleep with you just yet. If we keep this up it will be the direction we will be heading toward tonight. That’s not what I want…just now.”
You felt his cock jump and knew the struggle he must have felt holding back. You could not help but to grind on it and was rewarded with a moan from Florian.
“Don’t.” He told you hoarsely as he lifted you off his lap. You found yourself pouting as Florian stood up from the couch. As you felt the wetness between your thighs you knew you were game if all he wanted was a one off. It seemed Florian had other ideas as he reached out for you. You took his hand and stood up from the couch.
“You ready for dinner.” He asked as he headed for the door.
“Yes, I’m ready.” You smiled as you jumped with joy inside that he was aiming for more than just sex. As the cool air hit your face as you both stepped outside you braced yourself for the attention you were bound to get from onlookers as you and Florian went on your date. Bring it! You thought to yourself feeling more confident.  
 Part Three Soon
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/OFFICIALRAHIMJARVIS | 130k followers | pro🏌🏿, & yes i was on that dating show...don’t obsess over other people, obsess over water, stay hydrated friends!
22 (23) years old
From Birmingham, England
Pisces sun? + Virgo moon + Cancer rising
Parents are both Afro-Antiguan and Barbudans + migrated to The UK once they were pregnant with their first child
They’ve been married for over 20 years
He gets his height from both of his parents
His mother keeps her hair buzzed short, cooks the best Antiguan food + loves creole seasoning, she’s 5’11, & works as a bank teller
His father is 6’5, works as a substance a*use counselor & does not believe in tough love as a way of showing you care about your children. He learned that the hard way growing up
Ibrahim is a pro golfer & dislikes tiger woods, “he’s a proper arsehole, typical American yeah?”
Got into the craft thanks to his maternal grandfather who was also into golf along with other sports & taught him all he needed to know. At first Ibrahim didn’t like it, found it rather boring & would rather stick to video gaming but his grandfather wanted to break his grandchildren out of staying in the house all the time
It kept him fit and also relieved any anxiety Ibrahim had in life and he had a good amount
He’s got an incredible swing, thanks to his long arms
He’s 6’3
Has three older brothers: Jesse (27) , Keithroy (25), and Reuben (24)
He loves working out and spotting other people, feels likes it’s a team effort & he’s a team player
Drinks gallons of water on a daily and nothing else, it’s even better if he puts fruit in it
Always eating fruit, for breakfast/with or after his dinner. Rather eat fruits than vegetables...yes he’s an adult but he can’t stand broccoli or radishes
Canon: hates seeing other people test their fruit to see if it’s ripe or not. But it’s fine when he does it himself, he just thinks about all the germs that are on other peoples hands when they’re doing so; it physically makes him sick & irritated if he ends up touching the fruit that’s mushy/lumpy
He’s a big fan of comics. Always has been since he’s a kid and has a huge collection of them, his oldest ones are packed away in a couple of crates (in his loft room that he uses as a extra storage room) since he no longer has space in his room. Yes he has no shame (and shouldn’t) of having them on display even tho his oldest brothers clown him for it
Massive fan of black panther & was hyped when it first came to theaters. Saw it three times in one day
Was heartbroken when Chadwick Boseman p*ssed
He’s awkward at expressing himself & sometimes it makes him feel misunderstood & it’s frustrating
Hates people that come up with these ideas of him instead of allowing him to collect his thoughts and speak them the right way
Yet he can be the type of person that wants to ignore issues and hope they go away
He wishes people had enough patience like he did with others in the world
He seeks advice from his dad, since he’s a counselor & everything yet it’s slightly different?
Can be a sweetie & very romantic in relationships
Will do the most (he won’t see it that way) & drop $ on you if he wants to...buying things, trying & failing to DIY, doing wealthy ppl shit, expensive trips— canon: taking his girl to Spain? Was it? Or Italy? I don’t remember... the whole 9
Had 1 gf before the villa. He broke up with her for being too flashy with his things & found that she wouldn’t have liked him if he didn’t have a bit of money
His parents live with him. “They’re basically my roommates until or if they find a house they like.” He didn’t go overboard once he got his first paycheck, he didn’t need a mansion but he did go big enough, industrial style but homey with some minor modern touches for his dream home—he didn’t want it to feel cold or penthouse-like
Isn’t too flashy on the socials but will post something every now & then if he feels the need to show it
Doesn’t post much of his face, mostly what he’s doing in the moment...lots of golfing pics!
Dresses like a dad but it works for him. Loves a good snug polo & plaid trousers/regular that are cut above the ankle, “those are highwaters innit?!” “No mum, it’s the style.” Rolled up jeans, tall white socks & some patterned, baggy sweaters, fancy hats, picks oxfords over sneakers, etc...
Definitely takes the time to iron/steam/press his underwear & socks
Enjoys getting his hair braided, isn’t tender-headed at all (must be nice)
Only grows his hair out during the fall/winter seasons or cuts/gets a shape up
When he posts about his tournaments or time at the golf course, he can always count on Bobby to comment the usual... @/returnofdamckenzie: do you ever have moments where you Reenact troy bolton on the lovely green grass? @/officialrahimjarvis: Idk whether to block u or have a laugh mate, yes i had to look him up!
Dated Jo for about 5 months after the villa until she broke up with him, finding that their lifestyles were too hectic for them to continue, at least that was her public statement to the fans but they really grew apart & the “love” was no longer there
Ibrahim seemed to be more upset about it than Jo in the beginning resulting in snappy replies for awhile, which again stems from him not knowing how to express himself
She checked up on him A LOT, almost as if they never broke up but Ibrahim felt like he needed his space now. They talked it out the best they could over dinner and got closure but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He just didn’t think it was needed to be calling each other everyday to see how they were both holding up. If they were done, then that’s what they should be
Jo didn’t see it that way. She still cared for Ibrahim, that didn’t mean that they had to stop talking in her view. She wanted to know how he was coping, and was known for “sticking her foot in her mouth” so that was also a flaw in their relationship
She would say certain things that touched on how she was feeling but didn’t express them at the right times & then there was Ibrahim who didn’t know HOW to say the things he felt which left jo to assume things
Ibrahim was back to the single life and he hated it. He wanted someone he could come back home to, someone that wanted to be with him for the long run. A part of him feels like Jo wasn’t planning to be with him for the long run in the first place and in a way that was okay? Sometimes you don’t know where you’re going in relationships but there should be some sort of goal? Maybe? At least that’s what he thought. Yeah they had fun but he wanted more someday
He was still young he didn’t need to be hung up about it right? Sike. He didn’t know how to take things lightly. That wasn’t how he was built. And to get comments about his ex relationship and have fans dragging him about his choices in the villa A YEAR later!!! Was disheartening
Shannon seemed to be doing well. He thought they would still be friends, at least that’s what she showed before she left the villa. Before he got her dumped. They talked a couple of times since then, jo personally wasn’t a fan of that—Shannon didn’t care but it was clear there was some tension still there
Until he contacted her just to realize she probably had his number blocked but her IG was public and she had a new man & was traveling about
His dad and Reuben were the only ones rooting for them
He had no choice but to be happy for her. Who was he to come in between that? Not that he wanted to but it’s a natural reaction to wonder after a fresh breakup, “what if?”
Talks to Priya every so often now. He seems to find comfort in her, it’s the same for her on her end
His mother has a feeling Priya is the one her son will end up with. Even if she is older...Keithroy also liked her the best
While Jesse seemed to be the only one who supported his relationship with jo
I honestly thought he would have liked Hannah in the beginning but idk if it was him or Gary that said she was too unrealistic when it came to love? I think they both said something along those lines which is odd since it seems Ibrahim has no problem treating his girl like a princess
Probably only has one special dish that he can cook the best & it’s gumbo. otherwise hes out of the kitchen or having his personal chef cook for the family
Goes live on twitch—when he has time, playing many games with the boys from the villa, which pleases the fans
Talks to them all as much as he can
Noah seems to be the first to always text back since Bobby is the one who’ll start off responding in minutes then forget to text back cause he’s off doing handstands or booping people on the nose or some shit, Gary always ends up busy doing something with his nan or for Lottie—but Noah’s always around
They seem to be the closest outside the villa, they mesh well & hang out the most when they can
he likes having his sound on & LOUD when he texts! There’s something so satisfying about hearing the clicking of texting to him
Watches a lot of sports on the Telly, it doesn’t have to be just golf. Usually watching that sport sends him right to sleep while the others keep him active/vocal...yes he’s a tv yeller
Holds sports parties at his home & invites all of his family & mates, he HATES having to clean up afterwards. If it wasn’t for his mum he would save the cleaning until the next day yet he doesn’t mind cleaning his car twice a week
Continues to make his violet man drink & wouldn’t be opposed to someone giving him a endorsement deal for it
Is the “I love everybody!” Drunk
Enjoys yard work over cleaning the house
Has his own customized golf cart that he keeps in his garage
He likes driving that more than his Buick suv tbh
Wants kids some day, not too many, not too little just right— he’ll probably have two but for rn his Doberman pinscher is his bby
Either ends up with Priya with slight insecurities that she’s too good for him or he falls in love with a tennis player, either way I’m fine with both
Crushes/his type? : Jojo Levesque, SERENA WILLIAMS, China McClain, Brie Larson, Victoria Pedretti, Nathalie Emmanuel, & Keke Palmer
Listens to: Aminé, Big Sean, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz, Pink $weats, B Young, Ali Gatie, Russ, Raveena, Jessie Reyez, Rayana Jay, Cosima, TianaMajor9 etc...
Anthem = Lucky Daye, “Buying Time”
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vcngttpt-a · 5 years
ALL OF THEM. @mun meme ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@deceptivetreat || mun q&a                      
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||you are. the bane. of my existence. 
☯ Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
hmm ig i’ll go with canon for this one because i have many ocs, but uh i really wanna write for seto from fragile dreams. i used to have an ask blog for him back in the day but that died quickly seeing as how dead the fandom is so- but i do love him with all my heart and i would love to be able to someday write him or something
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
rick riordan, marissa meyer and michelle rowen. i’ve read their books throughout middle school and high school and i still find myself going back to reread their books because i just love how their words flow as well as how engaging their plots are. i honestly hope i can reach rick riordan levels of skill whenever i get around to finishing my own novel!
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
one would have to be an old rp friend that we sadly don’t talk to anymore since she was the first one i started writing with a lot more back in high school as well as the one who would give me advice on how to improve and just be patient with me when i go stuck with writing our threads and also mikey (@snw-cnvs) since he also supports me outside of rp’ing to get me to write actually fiction drabbles. i just wish i could finish them lmao
♥ What’s your favorite ship with your muse?
all of my ships with mikey no i’m joking lolol i really love my ship with haneul because i’ve had him for two years now and he’s grown a lot because of his ship. he’s someone whose never believed that love was real and sure their relationship is a little rocky, but they both don’t really have the proper understanding for love until waaaay later. i also really love how whenever he’s with obe, he’s able to pull out this different side of haneul, someone whose so overconfident and quick to words, becomes at a loss for words and questioning himself a lot. i just love them best otp 
♡ Would you ever write a poly ship?
sure, i’d be down for it as long as our muses have the right chemistry as well as if i know both muns pretty well and if they’re also comfortable with it.
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
♢ What’s an AU that you think just won’t work with your muse?
any au that causes too much of a shift in my muses’ personality. i’m usually willing to try any au but if it becomes too much that my muse basically becomes a different person i don’t like it. 
♔ What’s your opinion on teacher/student verses? Do you have any of these as threads?
eeeeh i dont really care, but i work at a school so the thought makes me like uncomfy because i don’t wanna think about work lolol but its also like fiction and i’m able to tell the difference between fiction and reality so yea. also no i don’t have any threads like that
♕ Do you like magic!anons? Why or why not?
not really. it became too much of a thing to deal with back in the day. i just like the simple things
⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why?
nighttime because i’m fuckin nocturnal even tho i have a day job rip my sleep schedule and ever growing eye bags
★ What type of historical AU would you like to do one day?
Victorian era, or the prohibition era don’t ask me why i like them i don’t even know myself i just know i wouldn’t mind
☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day?
all of them. i’m a huge slut for fantasy in general. its one of the best things i love the most. 
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
haneul: no, he’s not into those things, but also he was home schooled until he went to college
eiji: he used to play soccer in high school so yea
reese: do magic tournaments count? cause if so then yes
sage: no, i was the loser who hung out at the library with friends to sit around and read books and manga 
☾ Do you like writing smut? Why or why not?
okay, if it wasn’t obvious i used to rp back in middle school through high school and on tumblr and i have done my fair share of the sin once i turned 18. nowadays i’m pretty much like eh, but ig i could try again if the need arises, but it also depends on my mood ig? i’d have to write it with someone i’m completely comfortable writing with but also even then it’s gotten to the point i’m more like ig we can just fade to black yea? 
tbh i feel i got all the urges to write sin outta me when i was on my old en blog lmao i had so many smut threads on there i’m ashamed 
☽ Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
yes god i love being able to break my muses because it’s so fun. like yea it also hurts because that’s my kid i’m hurting but i’m okay with that. it’s just something that adds realness to them because the world sure as fuck ain’t rainbow and sunshine
☼ What’s an FC that you’re dying to use? Why?
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i have these icons that i squirreled away for awhile now and i really wanna use them but my brain is too dead to figure out who he could work for. like he was my first thought for reese but he didn’t really give off the right reese vibes so maybe i’ll dig around my oc bin and see who looks the closest to him 
or i cave and just make a brand new oc for him
☀ What’s an FC that you desperately want to play with? Why?
i’m not really picky about what fc write with tbh 
☁ What’s an FC that you refuse to play with? Why?
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not really refuse to play - more like i’m eh with. if only because en used to be my main chara for a long time like, i was so deep into the magical boy lore that a good chunk of my headcanons became canon. but also it just…leaves a bad taste in my mouth even more so since the drama that happened in that fandom left me filled with fear and hesitance to rp for a good chunk like before. it just brings back bad memories and i thought i was moving past it when i was thinking about using him for reese but alas. some memories don’t leave
maybe one day i’ll either get to write en again or i can use his face as fc but we’ll see
☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day?
haneul: he loves the rain and he’ll spend it either under an umbrella or just sitting there in the rain just letting it wash away his thoughts and fears for a little bit 
eiji: he’d spend it indoors playing a video game or playing with seto
reese: he’d prob be dumb and splash in the puddles because he likes to enjoy the little things. other times he’ll just ignore it and stay indoors either hanging with friends or studying and practicing his magic for his school’s next tournament 
sage: i like to spend it just lookin out my window with my kitty on my chest. i love the sound of it against the sidewalk and streets. 
☃ If your muse was cartoonized, what would their FC be? Why?
uh idk how to answer this tbh 
☺ What’s a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
toshi @ haneul *stares at @snw-cnvs* and also reese @ momo *stares at @deceptivetreat* but also i just want everyone to bother my boys i love them so much. 
☹ What’s a character that you refuse to play with? Why?
idk i’m pretty open for any character
☢ Are there any ships that you would like to write for one day? Any that you wouldn’t?
uh dunno. i’m open for any ships that have the right chemistry tbh just not haneul since he’s already taken
☣ What’s one thing that will make you drop a thread?
useless drama and or if i can’t seem to figure out where the thread is going for our muses. like if they don’t clash well i don’t wanna give tryin to grasp at straws. but i’m always down to try again unless it ends up the same than welp
♨ What’s a muse that you wished had lasted, but didn’t?
aaaah my supernatural brothers!!! i love them so much but they didn’t last and i’m not sure if i’m goin to add them on here or leave them in the void. 
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not?
i’m gonna sound old but i don’t know what that is hold on. *googles* oh okay yea no. that seems like too much pressure to do and i have too much anxiety to do that i’m sorry. 
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
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yes. because i have so many icons it’s not even funny, but also before i got my  hair cut she looked the most like me and also i thought it’d be fun to be able to tell the difference between me and my boys 
see, back in the day i was the loser who would make ooc posts that included my muses and it was easy to have mun fc so you could do that and it was a lot fun, but it’s somethin i won’t so nowadays.
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
haneul: mirror part II
any of weiss’ songs work for him tbvh
eiji: rpg
reese: havent found one that works for him yet, so come back later
✂ Do you like to format your posts? Why or why not?
yes it’s all for the aesthetic 
✆ Other than RPing, what’s a hobby of yours?
i love to write and draw. lmao sometimes i don’t write drafts so i can write more of my novel or little drabbles that’s for friends. 
✉ Do you RP on any other platforms?
❤ Have you or are you currently in love?
❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
uh nope can’t say there has been.
ツ Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
haneul, eiji, lifty and shifty, and en
han and eiji because they’re both my ocs and it’s so much fun to see them develop and grow their characters more. 
en because i was able to write a lot of different aus, headcanons, and just develop a canon character until he pretty much just became my own character
lifty and shifty were my roots. i started in the htf fandom and had so much fun writing those lil shits. it was just my go fuckin crazy shit. i still have their icons and their old blog is still up and i do kinda miss them some days.
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
i used to have an oc named harley who was a living doll and i haha came to hate him because i made him around the same time i created haneul and i always loved haneul because i put a lot of effort into him and not much in harley and i got annoyed and jealous that back then everyone seemed to love harley more him. so i pretty much tossed him to the curve adfhsdkfjh
sorry harley but you were also hard to write because you were too sweet and cliche for me 
✘ People come in a group. If I were to look on your blog, who would I see you interacting with the most?
@snw-cnvs and @deceptivetreat
ღ Do you have a personal blog? Do you share it with your followers or do you keep it private?
nah i haven’t used tumblr in years until now. i do have one but i don’t use it so idc it’s called @shouyoutheworld but again i don’t use it it’s…v old
▼ Do you keep your character in character even if they are one of the worst people in the world?
yes. what’s the point of writing and creating said character if you’re gonna sugar coat them?
▽ Why did you create this muse?
haneul: i wanted an oc who was really jaded and brat. i wanted to see him grow into something more even if its difficult 
eiji: i pretty much wanted a muse that i could dump all my useless game infos on
reese: i wanted a witch oc who had a rival that they both hated their guts for and eventually fall in love I’M SO RR Y THAT’S REALLY WHY HE WAS MADE FORGIVE ME BUT NOW I DEVELOPED HIM A LOT MORE FOR RP’ING PURPOSES BUT Y’KN OW
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this-lioness · 5 years
So like... it’s been a really weird fucking couple of days.
I thought about password protecting this, ‘cause not everybody needs to know everybody else’s shit, but I’ll try to summarize in a way that doesn’t incriminate anyone.  Not that I think anybody cares.  This is gonna be super fucking long, so hold onto your butts.
Husband and I belong to a smallish but close circle of friends.  We all largely met one another through one another, if that makes sense.  Like, Person A and Person B meet Persons C and D, then A and B meet E, who has a lot in common with D, and they become friends, and then C’s roommate F starts tagging along to stuff, and now we’re all bowling together or some shit like that.  So when someone in the group meets someone new, and gets along with them, it’s a pretty sure thing that sooner or later they’re just going to be part of the group eventually.
This has worked out really well for us. But... there have been some exceptions.
Case in point, Husband and I met and became friends with a local dude who we thought would integrate well with the group, invited him to our local NYE party, and it seemed like he was starting to blend with everyone.  But then the dude started flaking out, and the fact that at 30-something years old he was still floating from retail job to retail job, didn’t really bathe or keep himself groomed very well, was telling weird, vague lies about completely unnecessary stuff, and we were kinda like... yeah... maybe we don’t want him super involved after all.
But like, you don’t know until you try, right?
A few years ago Husband and I were tabling a local geeky convention of some kind, and we ran into this chick -- we’ll call her Selina -- who was cosplaying there with her best friend -- we’ll call him Logan.  Logan and Selina, with me so far?  They seemed nice enough, typically geeky folks that we had a good deal in common with.  We became Facebook friends with them both.
Something to note about Selina: She was married.  She was also an avid cosplayer and pretty talented makeup artist.  She posted lots of pics of herself in costume on her IG.
Something to note about Logan: In spite of the fact that Selina was married, it was painfully, excruciatingly obvious that Logan was in love Selina.  Like head-over-heels, constantly making “vaguebook” posts pining away for someone nameless who he yearned for deeply, etc.  Like... nobody ever acknowledged that it was Selina that he was in love with, because she was married and she clearly had no feelings for him, but e v e r y b o d y knew.  You couldn’t NOT know.
Not too long after we met them and connected with them on social media, one of our good, dear friends (let’s call him Jay) messaged me privately and said, “Hey, what do you know about Selina?”
Long story short, Selina was really into roleplaying.  Jay mentioned he wanted to give it a shot, and wanted to check to make sure she wasn’t, like, crazypants.  We still didn’t really know Selina all that well, but we told Jay that she seemed cool, and there was no reason to think she was crazypants.
Jay was like, “Cool,” and so Jay and Selina began roleplaying together.
Now, I myself am an avid roleplayer.  I actually offered to roleplay with Selina, but Selina kind of... blew me off?  It turned out I’m a much more long-form narrative roleplayer than she is, and -- if we’re being honest -- probably a better writer than her overall, and I think she wasn’t into that.
Since I’m being so honest, I think she also turned her nose up at the fact that I had a vagina.
Something we came to learn about Selina, the longer we knew her: She loooooooved attention from dudes.  She was a not-particularly-fit-or-attractive chick who used cosplay as a means of surrounding herself with praise and male attention. Which, good for you, you do you, but that’s kind of a thing I don’t care to associate with.
So as time went on, Marc and I kind of... not distanced ourselves from her, but sort of side-stepped away from her into the “Nah, we’re cool” camp, if you know what I mean.  Marc wasn’t one of her drooling admirers, so Selina kind of didn’t give a fuck about him.
In 2016, Marc and I announced that we wanted to do a group cosplay for Baltimore ComiCon.  We wanted to do steampunk Marvel characters.  I was going to be Scarlet Witch, Marc was going to be Colossus.  Our friend Jay was going to be Cyclops, and his wife Julie (our other very good friend) was going to be Psylocke.  Selina and Logan decided they wanted to join in as well, and we met them there in Baltimore, but we weren’t really there with them.  We walked around with them in costume for part of the con, then we all went our separate ways.
Shortly before the convention, Jay’s wife Julie brought to our attention the fact that she and Jay were having some problems, and that Selina was at the center of them.  Jay’s roleplaying with Selina, and the amount of time they spent talking one-on-one with one another, had become problematic.
I’m going to leave it at that, because I’m sure you can kinda suss out what was happening.  Suffice it to say that although it took Jay awhile to realize how his actions were hurting Julie, eventually he realized that he needed to distance himself from Selina for the good of his marriage.  Jay and Julie worked this all out between themselves and all was well again.  There was a bit of awkwardness at the convention, but then we all went our separate ways again and things seemed like they were normalized.
However, the whole thing made us side-eye Selina even harder.
A short while later, Selina divorced her husband.
Now I’m going to introduce you to Karl.
Karl was long-time best friends with Jay, and was good friends with all of us, being part of “the group”.  Karl was in a committed monogamous relationship with Karol, and had been for some time.  We were all really glad about this, because we liked Karol a ton, and frankly Karl was kind of an awkward man-child with a lot of issues, and we all felt that Karol was good for him, and helping him mature.
Throughout all of this Karl had also become friendly with Selina.
One day Karl announces to all of us that he has broken up with Karol for reasons that made no sense to any of us.  We were all very confused and upset, but tried to be supportive of both of them.
Yeah, well, it turned out that Karl had been fucking around with Selina behind Karol’s back.  He broke up with Karol, blaming it all on her, because he wanted to fuck Selina full time, and didn’t want to look like the bad guy.
When “the group” found out we all turned on Karl and were like, “NOPE,” and basically everybody stopped talking to him.  Selina eventually broke up with him, claiming that she had no idea he was in a committed relationship during this time (which is bullshit, because she could clearly see on social media that HE WAS, but whatever), but of course in cutting Karl out we all cut Selina out as well.
Some time passed.  For reasons none of us really understood, in spite of everything he’d done Karol was still in love with Karl, and they continued to live together: initially just as roommates, but apparently rekindling some kind of relationship with one another as well.
Earlier this year, very suddenly and unexpectedly, Jay died.
This came as an absolutely gutting blow to the entire group.  In the wake of his death, we all sort of let Karl back into the fold.  He seemed incredibly repentful, and he knew it was going to be a long road to regain our trust and respect, but he was contrite.
It has been a very hard year for everyone involved, for reasons that I may get into another time.
At the time that Jay died, Selina -- on her cosplaying Instagram account -- posted a budoir-style T&A pic of herself in costume, and at the bottom added, “RIP Jay”.
I’m going to say this again, as judiciously as I can: If this is your thing, good for you, you do you, but in my opinion that was beyond fucking tasteless, and fuck her.
Well.  Earlier this week, Selina killed herself.
This sent a small shockwave back through the immediate group, although it settled again quickly.  Karl is the only one left who had any even remotely positive feelings about Selina, and I’m not 100% sure how he’s taking it. He seems OK, and until he says otherwise we kinda’ have to just accept that.  If he’s mourning her, he’s fortunately got sense enough not to do it where Jay’s widow Julie can see it, so... thank goodness for that, at least.
You may remember Selina’s BFF and unrequited love, Logan.  Let’s get back to him.
Well, Logan has spent the past week melting the fuck down.  I don’t even follow the dude anymore, myself, but out of morbid curiosity I’ve checked his FB page.
Holy shit.
This is not just... mourning.  He has gone way off the deep end, calling he and Selina soulmates, as if -- in spite of the fact that she never reciprocated his feelings (publicly, anyway) -- she was as madly, head-over-heels in love with him as he was with her.  He’s also doing this in full view of Selina’s recent ex-husband, with whom Selina was still friendly, and with whom he is supposedly friends.  God bless her ex-husband for watching this unfold and not driving over and stabbing this guy to death.
Logan even went so far as to talk about the cast of characters from a roleplay he and Selina had been doing together, which included a number of “in character” children born of their two characters, and saying they were AS REAL TO THEM as real live biological children are to actual flesh-and-blood parents.
Can you fucking imagine being one of his actual kids and watching him mourn these fictional children who did not actually exist, who your Dad concocted with some chick he was obsessed with, and basically saying that these FAKE KIDS mean as much to him as you do?
Like, he actually concluded the post saying (to Selina), “Please watch over our babies until Papa can come home.” Watching this unfold has been COOCOO-NUTS BANANAS.  I have never wanted to say, “DUDE,” so much to someone before.
I don’t know why I’m writing all this, except to say I really wanted to get it all off my chest.  Part of me subscribes to the whole “don’t speak ill of the dead” thing, and like... look.  I feel for Selina’s friends and family.  I feel for her, because clearly she was troubled, and I’m sorry that she felt this was the only way out of a dark place.  But also, killing yourself doesn’t retroactively erase the shitty things you did when you were alive.  And she did a bunch of shitty things. And yeah, I know I’m probably a shittier person for saying that, but whatever.
Anyway. Like I said.  It’s been a wild fucking year. :|
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