#it's been a week and i'm so deep into fe15 it's not funny
dreadark · 7 years
Shinon/Gatrie and python/Forsyth for the ask thing đź‘€
you know me too wellthese archer/knight pairs…
let’s do forsyth/python first
- who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunterforsyth has it in his head that being a hunter will help everyonepython actually goes and helps him with his dream, somehow managing to hide that he’s the very thing he’s hunting…eventually forsyth does capture somethingbut somehow it reminds him of his friend, so he ends up letting it goit didn’t even try to attack him, so it’s not bad, right…?forsyth’s pretty blunt, so he just asks python when he sees him the next dayand then everything’s fine yeahhe finds some other dream and drags python along i guess
…and now i have to put a read more bc i already wrote too much oops 
- who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanforsyth is just living his simple fisherman lifehe wants to do something more, but there aren’t exactly many opportunities for himso python sees him fishing one day, decides he’s cuteand just jumps out of the water and kisses him full on the moutha+ introduction python
- who’s the witch and who’s the familiarforsyth tries to summon a familiar (are they even summoned how do these usually work idk)and all he gets is this guy who just sleeps 70% of the time(forsyth didn’t even get it right; python was just curious and decided to hop over to see who was trying and failing so many summons lmao)…still, it’s the only one he’s managed, so he does his best to make python cooperatewith…limited success, at least
- who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictforsyth lives off coffee okpython notices just how much he comes there and “no wonder you’re so high strung”he also adds like a pile of sugar and some caramel and whipped cream and whateverpython is just like “how can you even stand to drink this, it’s so sweet?”(…really, it’s canon: hereforsyth loves sweet food and python hates itbut python loves bitter food…and forsyth still likes it, at leastthank u sov for giving this useless data i need for fics)
- who’s the professor and who’s the TApython would not be either of these if anything, someone forces him into being a TAbut he still refuses to do anythingforsyth still has to do all the workhe is so Done
alternatively, really lazy professor python who just dumps everything onto his new TA forsythforsyth doesn’t even realize how much it is and finishes it without complaint…he’s so dedication that python actually kinda feels bad and starts doing part of it himself
- who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)this one…i mean, forsyth’s the literal knight, sohe fusses over python a lot, like “i know i’m guarding you, but don’t just fall asleep wherever you want!”and well…he’s pretty blunt, so he makes it clear what he thinks of how good of a prince python is (that is to say, forsyth doesn’t think he’s good at all lmao)and python doesn’t really want to be a prince either…still, they grow pretty close over the years, close enough for python to ask forsyth to come with him when he runs awayforsyth tries to convince him not to, but when python is really set on something (which is very rare) there’s no convincing him
and the other way around…forsyth just doesn’t trust that python will keep him safe at allhe actually ends up saving python a bunch of times, then berating him like “you’re supposed to be protecting me”“well, i figured you had it under control”(python does save his life once though, getting pretty badly injured in the process–he’s reliable when he needs to beso then forsyth warms up to him more)
- who’s the teacher and who’s the single parenti…can’t imagine any of them with kids?so maybe…one of python’s cousins or something, they ask python to look after their kid for a weekend because they’re apparently going on a business trip or smthhe doesn’t want to but they seem kinda desperate so he eventually gives inthe kid seems quiet, so it can’t be too bad…and then they don’t come back everso now python’s stuck with this kid forsyth is like, a kindergarten teacher or smthand it’s just so obvious python has no clue what he’s doing when he shows up thereso he ends up helping him, and eventually…- who’s the writer and who’s the editorforsyth kinda likes writing about epic quests or dreams he hasnot professionally, reallyhe badgers python into reading it over for himpython just starts laughing lmao
……………….and here’s shinon/gatriethis is already so long and it’s half done wow
- who’s the werewolf and who’s the huntergatrie is just. such an incompetent hunternot like he’s bad at fighting, obviously…but he is not at all stealthyso shinon’s just hearing him lumbering through the forest, rolling his eyesat some point he gets bored of just running, and stands in plain sightbut gatrie’s actually surprisingly fast and catches him then (that 60% spd growth tho–)…but plot twist, gatrie wasn’t even hunting werewolves–just wolves that some girls said were howling really loudly or somethingand by this time it’s actually light out, so shinon’s human againgatrie lets him go ofc, and somehow they become friends
- who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanmer!shinon…he’d look so good……somehow he gets caught in gatrie’s traps through pure bad luck and gets injuredgatrie finds him and carries him home to treat him, apologizing shinon curses at him the entire way back lmaoonce he’s healed, shinon swears to never come back again…but he ends up there anyway
- who’s the witch and who’s the familiarhow did shinon get stuck with such an idiot of a familiar, he’ll never understand…but gatrie’s actually surprisingly powerfuland also really nice–usually it takes a bit to make a familiar obey you, but gatrie’s just really enthusiastic about everythingso shinon ends up liking him despite himself…so much he says he’ll release gatrie from his contract some time laterbut gatrie insists on staying…he finds shinon’s world (and shinon) a lot more interesting than where he’d been before, is all
- who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictreplace coffee with alcohol and barista with bartender and it makes more sensegatrie gets increasingly concerned over the frequency of shinon’s appearanceshe’s new there, and everyone’s just like “yeah that’s just shinon, he’s a drunk don’t mind him”but he can’t help itand he keeps trying to talk to shinon, since he’s always alone too…he even ends up taking him back home after a really bad nightwho new all shinon needed to do to make friends was get drunk a lot–
- who’s the professor and who’s the TAshinon is that asshole professor who’s super smart but can’t teach for shitgatrie’s really good at explaining things to other people, but it takes him a while to understand them himselfstill, he tries his best and does end up helping a bunch of students eventuallyshinon’s class hates him less, which makes shinon hate them less, so…it’s better that way for sure(is it obvious i don’t really know what a TA does yet)
- who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)prince shinon 👀the moment he sees gatrie’s assigned to be his bodyguard he avoids him as much as possibledoes everything he can to make gatrie hate him so much he just quitsbut gatrie just isn’t affected somehow(and maybe that’s what shinon wanted all along–someone who’d have him, flaws and all)shinon’s also…unnecessarily recklessnot in the sort of brash way, but in a “i don’t care about myself at all” gatrie saves him a bunch of times, until shinon’s recklessness actually gets gatrie hurtthen shinon promises to be more careful, for gatrie’s sake if not his own
- who’s the teacher and who’s the single parentthere iskiowleu know how this goes already 
- who’s the writer and who’s the editorshinon writes something super dark and edgy and just not fun to read at allgatrie sends it back with like “maybe make at least one character likable?” (bc or else no one would want to read it lmao)and also he likes happy endings and feel-good stories, that’s just how he isand shinon just writes back “fuck you” gatrie is trying
i just checked and this is over 1000 wordsii’m sorrybut not really
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