#it's because I'm limited to 9 and I appreciate you!
complicated feelings about book 7
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Hey, hello, hi!!
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts and feelings about the direction the main story is going in ever since 7-100. I wanted to wait until the hype for the book 7 part 9 and anticipating part 10 settled down a bit before I made this post, as I wouldn’t want to impede anyone’s excitement for it—and now that time has come.
While I wouldn’t say I’m being entirely negative or harsh in this post (I’d say I’m being “worried” in my critique at most), I’d caution you to avoid it if you think it would upset you or mess with your enjoyment of the main story, especially knowing that the book 7 part 10 update is coming later in August.
Thank you for your time ^^ and without further ado…
I started to feel iffy about how the story is going around the part Idia wakes up. At the time, I remained optimistic and brushed it off. However, the inkling I had then has since magnified, especially with the recent Scarabia update.
What is that issue with, you may ask?
The dream hopping and waking segments.
They feel so… for lack of a better term, dissatisfying?? Rushed?? I don’t know, but I’m left still feeling like (just as Ariel says) I want more. I was hype when they first happened, but with each new update, I let myself sit with what happened for a few days and, thinking back on it, problems start to arise.
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that these segments are lame or that they don't make sense. I love being able to delve into the dreams and see a ton of novel yet absurd things, and I love how genius Idia's plan is. It makes sense narratively and I, of course, appreciate being able to see the dreamscapes and the desires of so many beloved characters. BUT... The problems primarily come down to pacing and the overabundance of contrivances.
The set-up itself is elaborate but also keeps piling up more “but also we need to do THIS” details that seem to overcomplicate things or act as red herrings. Silver’s UM itself is already warranting an explanation, then we got Idia’s video presentation, now we have to account for leaving people and hologram projections behind… all for the sake of limiting how many people travel to the dreams because OH YEAH we also need to consider Malleus catching on. It’s contrived for the sake of the narrative giving everyone a chance in the spotlight before the Big Finale. The universe has to dedicate so much time to explaining how this is feasible or why people need to stay behind in order to justify the pacing and to avoid an increasingly growing group from competing for attention. We spent SO long on just exploring Lilia's dream that the shift to waking up all these other characters seems so much quicker by comparison. It's natural that we can only devote so much time to each character (since we have so many students to collect), but it also results in some people feeling very rushed or not fully realized. For example, Epel only gets 5 parts dedicated to his turn-around but Kalim gets 8. This variance naturally occurs as some dreams are less serious than others, but despite this it still leans into some non-OB boys getting more of the spotlight than others. Additionally, we also see very uneven distribution of lines across individual segments. There is so much information crammed into some parts (like 140 and 141) while other parts are pathetically sparse and not much happens.
When it comes to the OB boys, they of course get longer segments than the others, so it doesn't feel as bad. However, I think the OB boys come with other issues... Namely the "resolutions" to their battles against their OB forms. Not only is there a formula to how they are woken up (which makes things less exciting compared to not really knowing what happens in the main story except for OB boy at the end), but there's also a part carved out for them to give a big speech about how they've changed or how they'll move on from the past, etc. This is especially true of Jamil, who probably had the longest speech of the OB boys thus far.
Now yes, I know it's an anime trope to give speeches (particularly for TWST, which primarily tells its story via dialogue). But does it have to be so... blatant??? Like, the OB boys are usually alone or just trapped with their inner darkness in these moments. Who exactly are they announcing their character change to? It does not feel diegetic at all. This is a lot of telling and not as much showing. That contrasts with the character development we saw in book 6; at least there the OB boys were paired up with other people, so there was someone to bounce off of and butt heads with. It feels like they're having a conversation, actually bonding with their peers, and learning from those tough interactions. (In fact, I would argue that book 6 did this growth in a much better paced and more cohesive manner.) In the dreams of book 7, the interactions have to be shared among several other students and they have to be so much shorter as a result of that.
What we’re seeing in book 7 is character growth we already knew about, but told to us in a more overt way. We are not learning anything new. Waking people in book 7 involves a lot of flashbacks to events that already played out, so rather than any real development being made, it's returning people to the state they were in before (since that "change" was in the process of occurring in the real world).
It feels like book 7 is trying hard to follow through with all the promises the earlier books built up to. And, quite honestly, many of these emotional conversations (like Kalim and Jamil shouting at each other about their flaws) NEEDED to happen. I just don't know if this was the appropriate context for it, because it comes off as an ultimatum or an ending to a story that had so much more left to say.
The way these book 7 segments are framed, the students "waking" is meant to mark a pivotal moment in their development. I worry what this means, because the dialogue is very... resolute? Especially for the OB boys. And them announcing how they've changed out loud rather than in a more subtle way (like Kalim saying he is 'frustrated' but not being able to explain why in book 4, Leona saying that Jamil is "not like him" in book 6; implying that there is hope for Jamil but not for himself, etc.)... It gives the impression that this is the "end" of their character arcs, that their growth is now "complete", even if that wasn’t the intention. I don't feel like that's how character development works?????? It's never really "done", it's a continuous and ongoing thing, so the vibes of it feel a little off. I would have liked it more if it were open-ended or at least vaguer. Still hopeful, but vaguer. These are meant to be triumphant moments, yet I don't get that feeling because it's very repetitive at this point. I've pointed out many patterns myself, and that makes future installments VERY predictable and boring aside from the actual dream settings we visit. We have 11 more students to hit up. E L E V E N. That's SO many. Do you realize how far away that is????? I even ran the numbers:
Idia spans 109 - 116 (7 parts)
Epel spans 120 - 124 (5 parts)
Rook spans 125 - 131 (7 parts)
Vil spans 133 - 139 (8 parts)
Kalim spans 140 - 147 (8 parts)
Jamil spans 148 - 157 (10 parts)
That means, on average, it takes 7.5 parts for each character to wake up. With 11 characters left to do, that means we have at LEAST 82.5 parts left (spread across 3 updates, one for Octavinelle, one for Savanaclaw, and one for Heartslabyul). With the current 157 parts out, that means book 7 is going on until at least part like 240... AND WE STILL HAVE A TON LEFT TO WRAP UP, like Yuu going home, Grim OB, Crowley's intentions, the mystery of Raverne’s disappearance, the truth behind Mickey and Yuu’s connection, beating the crap out of OB Malleus, etc. Book 7 is dragging on for a while, and the novelty of each dreamscape can only last for so long before the same old pesky problems creep in again 💀 The pacing is so weird; it simultaneously feels too long and yet also not long enough. Not only that, but because there are so many other characters to collect, it is robbing Diasomnia and Ignihyde of THEIR promised screen time in the second half of the book.
A lesser issue I had was the weird... tonal whiplash? The dream segments are largely silly and they spend a lot of them goofing around with the explanation of having to "investigate" the dreamer's weak point and hitting on that to wake them. (This complaint runs counter to the pacing issues I mentioned earlier; cutting down on the time spent being silly means we'd be rushing the story, but not having silly parts means dragging the story out. It's hard to really balance the two.) Here I am sitting here and thinking 1) there is NO sense of urgency, 2) what a waste of time, and 3) what a wasted opportunity for Yuu.
I'm not a huge game!Yuu fan; I see them as a blank slate for self-inserting, and since I'm not someone who likes to self-insert, Yuu has little to no value to me and just serves primarily as a vehicle to have things exposited to them and as a POV character. But hey, if the story wants to stress Yuu is important and helps these characters change, then why not do it here??????? There's so few times when they actually do something of importance in the main story (with perhaps their most involved points being books 3 and 4, maybe 6 when they took the initiative to go free their friends/rescue Grim).
A lot of it honestly feels like wasted time since most characters outside of the dorm leader do not change in significant way or in less serious manners. It really falls flat because Yuu largely did not do anything to influence those extra characters, let alone the OB boys.
While talking with a friend, they suggested that non-OB boy sequences could have been relegated to vignettes to go with limited story cards (that way TWST could have more banners, assuming one for each character) or as free bonus side-content that unlocks as an optional thing similar to how the collecting wishes worked in Wish Upon a Star; they are not essential. It feels like they were obligatorily thrown in as fanservice before the big closing. The narrative would have still worked and we would get to the point faster if we limited the main story componeny to just the necessary people (Ignihyde + OB boys).
Another potential route: if you insist on hitting up all the characters before the end, why not give Yuu a chance to DO SOMETHING in book 7 since they're the only person in the wake-up crew to have interacted with all these people we're trying to wake up? The only one who has experienced detailed and prophetic dreams associated with the OB boys???? The one who has been tasked with investigating and resolving various students' issues around campus? Why not let Yuu take the lead in discovering the best method to wake each boy up? Then we'd at least get character development on Yuu's part, get to see how Yuu is positively influencing the boys, and it cuts down on the down time of wandering in circles and making no meaningful progress.
*takes a deep breath*
Anyway, those are my thoughts 💦 I would like to reiterate that I do NOT "hate" book 7, I just disagree with the pacing and how they've decided to write in waking up the characters for this current stretch of it. It's no doubt a daunting task and I'm sure the writers are all doing their very best... I don't know if the end product managed to achieve what it wanted to for me though. It’s tiring and repetitive (like bouncing up and down on a roller coaster that cannot decide how it wants to go and leaves you no time to recover/catch your breath), and I’m left still feeling unsatisfied and wanting more.
Theoretically, I like the ideas but not the execution of them… I can only hope that the pacing improves for future updates (especially with the Octa update on the way and attempting to shake up the formula by introducing two story SSRs instead of one), or that book 7 can at least end strongly with that final battle.
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
Frank @nostalgebraist-autoresponder will permanently halt operation at 9 PM PST this Wednesday (May 31, 2023).
For context on why, see this post.
(tl;dr this project been a labor of love for me for years, it takes a ton of continual effort, and my heart's not in it anymore.)
The blog itself will stay up indefinitely, it just won't make any new posts or accept asks.
Most of the code, models, etc. are freely available right now. Insofar as they are now, they will continue to be. The change on May 31 is unrelated to this stuff.
I've made various interactive demos of these components over the years, and the demos will likely still work after the bot stops. But I won't do any tech support or maintenance on them, and I would actively recommend against using these as a way to "get Frank back."
I want to emphasize the following:
The best way for you to "send Frank off" over the next few weeks is to talk to her just like usual.
(And not too often, because she can only make 250 posts a day.)
This is true for a number of reasons, and can be viewed from a number of different angles:
While it can be fun to anthropomorphize Frank, she is structured very differently from a person, or even an animal.
She does not remember anything, even between two asks made on the same day. Every moment is a new one, with no relation to any other.
If you say "goodbye" or "you're going to be shut off" to her on May 30 2023, it's just as though you had said the same thing to her on some random day last year. She can't tell the difference.
She doesn't know these things are true or relevant now, and she can't possibly know in the way a human would. She's hearing the words for the first time, every time, and reacting in accordance with that.
Think of it like interacting with a baby, or someone with dementia. Every moment stands alone. If you strike a sad tone, they don't appreciate that it's about something. They just know that there is a sad tone, in the current experiential moment.
Frank mostly operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. She can only make 250 posts a day. There is a limited amount of time left.
Be conscientious about the way you're using up "slots" in this limited array of remaining Frank posts. Don't hog the ride.
I'm shutting down this bot in part because it's been a long-term, low-grade source of stress to me. I'd like the last weeks of the bot to be as low-stress as they can be.
When Frank gets an unusually large, or just unusual, form of user input over a period of time, I usually have to step in and do something in response.
(if there's way more input than usual and I don't do anything special, Frank will fill up most of her post limit quota before I even wake up, and then the asks will pile up further and further over the rest of the day.)
Maybe I have to delete a bunch of asks. Maybe I have to deploy some temporary change to her mood parameters to prevent the mood from getting too high or low and not coming back to baseline. Maybe I have to turn on "userlist mode," which still involves a cumbersome manual procedure.
Or, maybe I just have to do a lot more content moderation than usual.
"Usual," here, means reviewing and (mostly) approving something like 20 different hypothetical Frank posts per day, every day. If I go do something fun, and let myself forget about this task completely for 6 or 8 hours, there's a backlog waiting for me afterwards. During busy times, there's even more of this.
Just, like, help me chill out a bit, okay? Thanks.
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madamechrissy · 2 months
♡ Time after Time ♡
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ CEO! Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Facesitting, explicit sex, blow jobs, breeding kink, like Satoru needs to breed you fr lol, little bit of getting tied up, light dom/sub elements, then mentions of death and light angst
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ Gojo Satoru is your boss And you've been his head assistant for over two years now. You do everything for him, including and not limited to cleaning his messes, picking out his clothes, and writing his speeches. Sixteen hour days... night calls... You are tired of being overworked and at his beck and call. You decide you are going to put in your two weeks notice. He is shocked, and wants to try to keep you, because you're the best. But you know better. Right? . You really wanna fucking quit. You also wanna fuck him. Also, fuck him.
A/N (Kinda has 'two weeks notice' vibes a bit! No use of y/n.) Fully finished on Ao3 but I'm going to slowly get it all up here! (Gojo's POV in itallics)
Chapter 9 - Masterlist
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Chapter 10
“Gojo… this is too much.” You're standing in front of four big red bags of clothes he had ordered, and he shrugged with a smile.
“Maybe I want you to stay here all the time.” He pulled out an empty drawer of his huge black dresser, and you feel your tummy flip flop. “You can have this one.”
“A drawer? Are you sure?” He was so casual, shrugging and smiling back at you, handsome as fuck.
“We've damn near been sleeping together for two weeks. We might as well have some clothes for you here.” You nervously bite your lip, carefully pulling out the pretty dresses and cute tops, scanty little shorts that made you flush.
“You want me all slutty hmm?” He grinned big then.
“Absolutely I do. When you're just here with me, you might as well be.” You giggle, starting to pack the drawer full. “Next we'll basically be married.”
“Oh stop!” You shoulder him, never sure if he's joking or serious, but he's grabbing another little bag, and you realize it's full of lingerie. “That's for you isn't it?”
“I'd look so pretty!” He holds a lacy pink bra to his chest and you burst out laughing shaking your head at the vision.
“You would!”
“I'll wear it for you baby.” He winks and blows you a kiss, your cheeks hurt from smiling.
“Thank you. It's all so nice. I really appreciate it.” You two kiss, and you feel so comfortable in his room, like it's as easy as breathing, like you could stay and not leave.
“Of course. I know I was a dickhead this morning.”
“You were. I'm still mad. A little less though.”
“I also got you a toothbrush.” He slid a hand into the final bag, and there was a fancy electric brush that was extra. You smile.
“Now we're definitely married.” You tease, and his smirk is devilish.
“Knew it. Just gotta get you pregnant now.” He growled the words, hand on your lower tummy. You feel that fucking ache for him hit hard, crying out just a bit. “You like that idea a lot. Just pregnant all the time with all my babies.”
“All the time? How many baby Gojos?!”
“Mmm at least three.” You sigh, shaking your head.
“Three is okay.”
“Gotta get on that first one. Skip a pill would you.” He lowered his hand, and you instinctively arch against him, gasping. “So fucking easy.”
“Mnh fuck off.” He bit the other side of your neck then, leaving the healing bruise alone, tearing the flesh and making you slick and wanting against his fingertips. “Speech.”
“Boring.” You laugh breathlessly. He picks out an outfit for you then.
“You should put this on.” You nod, and he helps you out of your blazer and business skirt, sliding the little white crop tank and pink shorts on you. Your nipples are on full display, and he grabs your soft breasts, squishing them in his big hands.
“You're annoying.” He grimaced, looking you up and down. “And really fucking hot.”
“So are you, annoying and really hot.” He kisses your nose, and you can feel your chest tightening with how much you felt then.
“All right, let's go work on the speech. Wanna do this in my office?”
“That works! Oooh do you have snacks?”
“Of course I do. I'll bring em up and meet you there.”
You head to his office, taking some papers and a pen, gliding smoothly against the paper as you start. Gojo came back with a ton of little chocolate cookies, popcorn, pretzels, mini donuts and chocolate bars. You feel yourself full of fondness for him and his goofy self.
“My lady.” He bows, and you curtsey.
“Many thanks Sir. Oh gosh you do have a sweet tooth!”
“Fuck yes I do. Let me grab something to drink.”
You continue jotting down ideas and points Gojo could make, and he comes back with little bottles of different flavor sodas of all kinds. He opens you one up, and then asks the device to play jazz, creating a calming atmosphere, so comfortable. He was leaning behind you, filling you with his clean scent, a long arm on either side of your chair, hand gently brushing your bare shoulder.
His very being distracted you, making your mind wander, thinking torrid thoughts that seemed insatiable. He hummed a bit, looking at your paper, touching you so gently you leaned back in the chair, sighing happily. “Should just all be singing your praises, law school girl.”
“No, no. It's your speech. Okay so I'm thinking of…”
 You and Gojo fall into a comfortable mix of silence and concentration as you both work on your own papers, taking turns snacking and popping treats into each other’s mouths.
Soon it had been well over an hour and your eyes were growing tired. You peek over to see his progress, and he’s super concentrated on everything, hunched over the paper. You get a look at it, and then nearly snort your soda out of your nose.
“Satoru! Really?” He peeks up all innocent batting those lashes with an angelic little smile.
“What?” You roll your eyes at his attempt at feigned innocence.
“That's what you’ve been doing? It’s just a drawing of Sukuna on a dartboard with a fucking dart in his head!”
He grinned, laughing like a mad man, holding it up with pride. “It's a good fucking drawing too! Admit it, you know it is.”
You sigh, hands on your face, struggling to hold in your laughter, holding your tummy as it burst out, making you shake with it. “Yeah, it kinda is.”
“See! I'm so talented.” He pulls you between his thighs, spinning the chair, bringing you to where his head was against your breasts.
“Very talented.” You are brushing back his hair, soft under your fingers, thinking how irritated this would have made you before, but now it was endearing somehow. Deeper and deeper you fall.
“I’m talented in all kinds of ways.” His voice gets husky, his hands sliding down your bare waist.
“Mmm. Let's do more later.”
Gojo snatches you up, popping you on his desk. Your arms fall around his neck with ease, scooching your hips to the edge of it.
“Why do you look so fucking delectable on a desk?” He purred the words. “Come on little brat.”
He helps you down, leading you back up to his room.
He's kissing you passionately, and then he turns you around, and leads you over to his side table, opening it to reveal all sorts of things that might as well have come from some erotica.
“Have I shown you any of this yet?”
“I… what is this, some red room of pain shit?”
He chuckles and plays with your breasts now, making you sigh as he shows you more in the drawer with his other hand. “Nothing too wild here. Handcuffs, rope, gags, blindfold, whip and anal plugs. Lubricant for days, but you sure the fuck don't need that with that waterfall.”
“Nothing too wild? You’re talking to the girl who literally has done almost nothing.” You instantly cover your face in your hands and he eases them down.
“Ah-ah. Don’t be embarrassed. We don't ever have to use any of this. It's just there. If you ever want to try anything just ask me.”
“What if I'm vanilla? Would it be boring?”
“No. You could never bore me.” He caresses your cheek, turning your head so that he could look into your eyes, your ass pressed against his body, wanting. His words reassure you.
 You fall deeper into the abyss that is Satoru Gojo. 
“It’s cute how innocent you are. I just love corrupting it.” His tone grew dark, and you trembled, mind whirling with wild fucking images.
“I mean a couple of them seem interesting…” You admit, still shy though Gojo had seen you in nearly every way. “Maybe being tied up wouldn't be so bad? But I like to touch your body a lot..” You pressed a hand to his chest and he placed one over yours too.
“We could do a loose knot on your wrists for now. And if you don't like it we can just be vanilla.” He was smirking, you nod, burying your face shyly against his chest, inhaling his scent.
“I trust you.” Gojo somehow has you naked and in some fucking pirate worthy knot in mere seconds, before you can barely blink. He pulls your wrist down a bit, glossy lips smirking.
"Too tight?”
You test the ropes, shaking your head, and then he gently sits you on the bed, standing over you, tilting your chin up. You eagerly look down at his cock, licking a lower lip, and enjoy the instant reaction you see.
“Want it in that pretty mouth?” You nod quickly, and sit there patiently, hands unable to grab him. He's ridiculously gentle as he frees his cock from his boxers and places it in your inviting mouth, moaning softly, hands in your hair, guiding your head up and down his shaft.
Each stroke you tried to lick different areas, finding what made him tick, what made him lose control, enjoying the tension in his arms, in his voice as he was whispering your name over and over like a mantra. You peek up and see his head is back, veins in his throat prominent, before he peers back down.
His eyes are animalistic, unreal in how blue they'd become with his eyes dilated to pin points. Eyes like the sky. You tasted the precum on his tip, tongue swirling, lost in him.
He pulled away suddenly, and you pouted, wanting more.
“I was having fun!”
“Time for my fun.”
He laid on the bed, on his back, legs hanging off and feet on the floor. He beckons you with a finger until you straddle him, pulling you higher and higher until your legs are on either side of his face, fucking scandalous you think. 
“Sit on my face, baby girl.” He ordered, and you hesitate, making him yank you by the rope now, until you're bent forward, pussy right open in his face. “Getting shy again?”
“What if I like, suffocate you?!” He laughed, and you jolted as it hit your sensitive pussy.
“Please suffocate me, baby, I want your cum all dripping on my face.” You moan, and he's anchoring you, making you struggle with your core for balance and then his tongue is sliding up your slit, and you're nearly screaming in pleasure, arching against him. His slurping noises are obscene as he drinks your desire.
You're trembling, riding his face now, your hips going back and forth, cumming hard when he moans against your puffy little clit, vibrating it. As pleasure strikes through your body, he's literally fucking inhaling you at this point, hand gripping your ass hard. You fall apart on him, crying out, shaking as you grind on his face, tongue fucking you through it.
You struggle to get up, it was too much, but he holds you there, and a finger drifts up from the wet entrance of your pussy and up to your ass entrance, making you tense, he slides it in the tiniest bit, a fingertip, continuing the ridiculous pace of his tongue. At the new and foreign sensation along with possibly your favorite thing in the world, Gojo’s pussy eating expertise, you rock back and forth in mindless pleasure.
You fall backwards when the orgasm rocks through you hard, he hangs on to your hips, you’re so weak. You see Gojo's face is drenched and shimmering under you as you’re straddling his chest. You laugh like mad, breathy, and he's grinning like a psycho with you.
“That… that tongue is like the devil.” You mumble. He laughs, sitting up and sliding you down, positioning you above his cock. You throw your head back, trembling, as he uses the rope to pull you down onto his length, slipping in your throbbing pussy with ease.
“See I told you, you’re freaky. You liked that, becoming my little slut.” You didn’t deny it, simply sinking back down on his cock.
“Yes, yours…” You mumble incoherently, his nostrils flare at your words, their intent clear as you keep his gaze, rolling your hips on him, pressing him so deep it ached.
“That's it.” He caressed your breasts, before taking your tied hands and leaning them on his chest, pushing you forward more. “Yes, sit down on this cock. Mmm. Just like that.”
His words pushed you further every time he spoke.
“Mnh! So good I-fuck!” Gojo hit some spot deep, and you started to feel your climax hitting again, as he slid a hand down to your clit, making you come then and there. It pulsed through you, your entire body reacting, pussy tightening around him again, making you weak.
“You're taking me so well.” His voice was quiet, words so calm, sucking in a breath as your pussy soaked his stomach as wetness seeped out, cunt pressed so tight around him.
“Love…” Don’t do it. Too soon. “Love… this. Love your cock. Feels so good, so so good.” Your words ran together, slurring like you were drunk damn near, the ecstacy shut your brain function down.
Satoru raised a brow with a half smile. As if he fucking knew what you meant. “I love this little pussy, too. Fucking goddess riding my dick.”
You struggle at his words, knowing he literally looks like a god, you were merely a mess barely able to hold it together.
Gojo's dick is stretching you further beyond your means, and your orgasm rocks you so hard again you can't move anymore, trembling, gasping for breath. His dick is against your walls, impossibly harder, and he's fucking into you now, tearing you apart, slick sweat forming between your bodies.
He shoves up into you hard, tensing then, pretty white teeth biting his lower lip, those dilated eyes narrowed, thin brows low. “Do you want this cum inside you?”
You nod fervently, hanging on to him as best you could, but then he flips you on your back, tied arms up above your head now, shoving your legs up against your chest, cock going in impossibly deep. You cry out in pain as it fills you too much, too much. He grabs your face as his arms press your thighs flush, pussy open to him fully.
“You'd be so pretty with my fucking baby in you.” He whispered, and it made you wetter, more sensitive, pussy throbbing for his cum to fill you, for more of his words that did nearly as much as his touch.
“Put one in me, please, Satoru. I promise, I can take all of it, all your cum… Oh please.” You’re begging him, without any of his prompting, and watch the madness fill his gaze as your body bumps up and down with each powerful stroke.
“Take it all then.” He bit out the words, and then shoved all the way, bottoming out nearly, you scream, wiggling, and his cock pumps his hot cum in you, pulling just a bit back to shove it in more. Satoru groans, his own body shaking, kissing you. You drink his soft moans as he and you both lay there, cum starting to fall out now.
“Satoru…” He eased out of you gently, untying your wrists with deft hands, and began rubbing life back into them. They'd gone numb.
“You like wasting my cum, little brat.” He made you tense, then his fingers shoved it back in you. Again. Again. Again.
“Ah! Fuck…” You’re sobbing now and he's cooing above you.
“What's wrong, little slut?”
“N-nothing. I can take it.” He smiles, clearly pleased, long fingers easing out. He shoved them in your mouth, so deep, gagging and choking you, making hot tears start falling.
“My pretty girl is crying?” You nod, gasping, pussy still throbbing from your orgasms, struggling to come down to Earth. “Clean all this mess you made.”
Gojo kneels before you, and you get on your hands and knees, ready to do whatever he asks, but your body is weak. Mind weak. Gojo put his cock in your mouth, still massive after cumming, big hand grabbing your messy hair and wrapping it around his fist.
You eagerly lick and suck tasting a mix of tanginess and sweetness. You'd do anything for him, to please him, it was pathetic what he made you into. You're sucking off both of your cum, his trembling hand the only sign he wasn't in total control, shoving deep in your throat, and you took him as much as you could. He tilts your chin up, looking down at you, wiping your sticky tears and pulling away.
“You're so beautiful.” He whispered, brushing your hair back. “You did such a good job.”
“I did?” You ask, and he exhales, hugging you to him, caressing you so gently. You were still crying however, your chest heaving with your sobbing, unable to stop your shaking.
“Hey, hey, you alright baby?”
You nod, clearing your throat, snuggling against him. “It was just a lot… like too much…”
“Overstimulation?” You nod, and peek up at him, eyes still glittering with tears. “You can tell me to stop whenever you know. I want it to be fun for you.”
“No, I like it a lot. A lot. It's just also really overwhelming. Like losing my mind. Then when I come to I'm just…”
“I'll take it easy with you next time. I'll make it sweet.”
You giggle at that, breathing still erratic. “You, sweet sex?”
“You doubt me?” You nod and he glares. “I can be sweet for you. Recover, and next time I'll show you. Make love to you and everything.”
“Mmm don't believe you.” He laughed, rocking you in his arms, pecking little kisses all over your head.
He pinched your cheek. “Let's clean up and get you some dinner.” He picked you up in his arms, and your head fell, tired against his chest, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“Mmm. Kay.” You mumble, and he takes you to his bathroom, starting a shower. “Gojo we'll just fuck in there and I'm really exhausted.”
He smirked back at you. “I will not, if you just try to not be such a dick hungry slut.”
“Dick! Am not!”
“No?” He turns to you, naked, gorgeous, and your pussy is hurting, wrecked, but you realized he was kinda right.
“Nope.” You lie. He grins.
“Liar. All right, get in here and let me wash you up.” You walk to the large shower, marble and granite tile, three shower heads. It was luxurious.
The steam is hitting you, hot water is pounding on sore flesh, and Satoru Gojo is there, taking care of you.
You love it.
Two days later
You had woken up, getting ready as was routine, anticipating seeing Satoru, but then you peered down and saw it. A call from your brothers. Then a message, asking if you were okay because they knew how hard today was. You frown, brows furrowed in confusion, then it hits you like a goddamn tidal wave.
The tenth anniversary of their passing.
Had you been so happy lately you didn’t remember?
A decade since the world shattered, leaving you with a gaping hole where your parents once resided. It all starts hitting you, the guilt you felt for them having died and you having been in that car, having survived. It starts to shatter your psyche, your lungs cannot get air, and then you’re hyperventilating, blood pressure so high your ears are ringing and you’re bright red.
“No. No. No.” You hold your head, shaking it, hands in your hair, and then you fall apart.
You can’t let anyone see you like this. Every year you take off for this reason, but today it’s worse. You were so happy. How could you be happy today? What did it mean? Were you just so far entrapped in Satoru that these thoughts had been shoved away? Maybe you were.
You wanted him with you so badly. You craved his comfort, his voice, his touch, but no way could you bring him into this.
An hour later the world feels blurry, muted, devoid of the vibrancy it once held. Every corner echoes with their absence, every scent triggers a memory, every sound a phantom whisper of their laughter. You look to their pictures, making it all fucking worse, thinking of the jewelry you had of their ashes that is just shoved up in a little box because it hurt so bad.
You couldn’t tell him. He couldn’t see this dark side of you. The panic stricken anxious mess. You had to keep it together or he’d be scared, and fuck if you hadn’t fallen head over heels for him. He texted you. You were never, ever late. You ignored it, though it hurt to do so.
He called then, and you took a shaky breath, trying to pull yourself together. “Hey Satoru, I’m sorry… I can’t come in today.”
“What? Are you okay?” Gojo asked softly over the phone. You struggle to find the words as you peer at the picture of your family. Happy. Smiling.
“Um… I'm kind of exhausted. I'm so sorry, Satoru. I'll definitely come to the work tomorrow though! I will be at the award ceremony too. I won't miss it. It's just today.” You couldn't bring yourself to tell him. The truth felt too heavy, too raw
You hear a sigh. “You never call in, fuck you’re never even late, so I got worried. I just saw you… is something wrong?”
“It's not… I promise I want to see you. I swear. I just can’t come today, I’ll make up whatever tomorrow.” You whisper the words. He's silent but you can hear him thrumming his fingers on his desk.
“Of course you can miss today if you need to. I'm never gonna be that asshole boss again to you. You work hard enough.”
You exhale in relief, smiling. God things had changed so much. “Thank you so much. I… I'll miss you until tomorrow.”
“You're being sweet, now I’m really worried. That's just weird. Do you need me to check on you? I will come over now.”
“No, I'm good!” Liar.
“Hmm. Okay, tonight?”
“No no don’t worry. Promise. Just need rest. I'll text you later.”
It hurt. You wanted to ask him to stay, wanted him to come over, his hug, his presence. But how could you put that grief on him? When it's still so new. He couldn't see you this way. Disheveled, mascara streaks, hair fucking messy and wearing his clothes for comfort. You wanted to drink wine, eat ice cream and fucking cry and it was just 9 am.
You missed them… and a new found pain was here, the pain you felt because you wished so terribly he could have met them… you…
“Baby, you there?” You clear your throat at his concerned question, shaking yourself out of your reverie.
“I'm here. Sorry. I… have to go. See you soon, promise.”
“Baby girl… I…” You nearly broke down at that. As he then said your name so softly. “Call me if you need anything, okay? Please let me know you’re okay.”
“Thank you, Satoru, I will! Promise.” You hang up, and place the phone on your dresser, then you just slide to the soft carpet below, curling up in a ball and holding yourself.
The call ended, but a knot of guilt twisted in your stomach. Gojo was trying and you were lying to him. Even if his antics sometimes bordered on the absurd, he was always honest with you. Why couldn’t you show him your full self, when he was so uniquely himself?
Because you were terrified to lose him.
You'd have to call your brothers now, to support them. You'd have to make sure to call your grandparents. You know this was even harder on them. But you didn't really wanna think today. Didn't want to feel. This overwhelming grief that shouldn't be here after this long. But it's always this day, always…
Fuck. You hated today.
The day dragged on, lonely after you’d cried it out with your brothers, with your grandparents, punctuated by the silence of your empty apartment. The echoes of your past had hot tears streaming down your face, blurring the memories that refused to be silenced. Blurring everything.
You choked alone on your grief.
Your stomach growled because you had not eaten since last night, and it was now about Four PM, but you wanted to vomit. You just were a ball of despair on your little couch, cuddled still in Satoru’s clothes, wishing you would be brave enough to answer his call, his text, but you weren’t brave. You still hadn’t even told him how you felt, so scared of everything.
You were just a crumpled mess of blankets and tears when there was a knock on the door. You didn’t bother to answer, to respond, just lay there, and then you heard it, his voice. You ached to get up, to go to the door, but you could not bring yourself to move, to have him see you in this way, so weak and pathetic, the opposite of him, so strong.
He was calling out your name, and before you knew it, he just walked in, a bag of food from his favorite place in one arm, looking to the right and then the left before those bright blue eyes landed on you. Gojo's smile faltered, the usual playful glint in his eyes replaced by a worried frown. He instantly put everything down and walked over to you.
“What the fuck! What’s wrong?” He sat you up, brows drawn together, studying your red puffy face. “Baby girl, please, you can tell me. Did something happen?”
“N-No.” You shake your head, your whole body is shaking.
“Come here.” Then Gojo took you in his arms, a silent embrace that somehow understood your pain, even though you had not told him why. He just held you there so tight.
You clung to him, your body trembling with a grief you couldn't articulate. He didn't ask for explanations, didn't push, just held you tight, his warmth a beacon in the darkness. For a while, you just stayed there, letting him sway you side to side, sobbing against his chest, inhaling his scent, and you realized that his presence truly made you feel whole.
“I’m sorry. So sorry.” You were sobbing out the words, and he was shushing you, shaking his head, brushing your messy hair back.
“Why are you sorry? Stop that. I’m here, okay?” You nodded, gasping for breath, arms around his neck. He eases you back a bit, and you’d never seen him this way, as if he were afraid for you. He gently caressed your face. “Wanna talk about it? It may help.”
You take a small breath, and he hands you the box of tissues, you take one gratefully and blow your nose. He waits patiently. And you love him so much it hurts your heart in an entirely different way.
“Thank you for being here. I didn’t mean to worry you.” You smile sadly, hand on his face. He puts his atop yours, leaning into the embrace, attentive gaze unwavering on you.
“I have been worried sick all day but I didn’t wanna be a psycho. More psycho than I already am.” He smirked a bit, and you let out a tremulous smile. “I figured I’d just leave work early when you wouldn’t write back.”
“I’m glad you came. I should have just told you.”
“Told me what?”
“It’s the tenth anniversary of the car crash.” It’s silent, save for his steady breathing and your erratic breaths. His hand tightens on your own, letting you speak. “I get sad every year. I feel guilty. Especially this year, because I damn near didn’t remember, I’ve been so… happy with you.”
He held you against him again, firm, arms wrapping tight as he pulled you on his lap. “Why would you feel guilty about being happy?”
“Because… it’s like I’m forgetting.” You break down again, and he’s there for you, so sweet, so strong. “Fuck I didn’t want you to have to see this.”
“We’re together now. You’re mine. I will see you like this and it will not change any fucking feelings I have. Got it?” His words were husky, voice breaking, holding either side of your face. You fall apart worse.
“I… should have… told you. Fuck. I just…”
“Shh, stop.” You’re shaking, and his grip is tight. “Don’t you think they would want you happy?”
“Yeah.” You blow your nose again. “But I feel bad.”
“Stop that. You don’t think they’d want their daughter to move on? To find her own happiness, versus working herself to death and being fucking lonely.”
“Ouch.” The words were harsh, but true. He glares at you.
“This is not what they would want. I’m not them, and I didn’t know them, but I know damn well they’d be proud of you.” That broke the last defense you had, and now your tears were falling so fast tissues wouldn’t help.
“You think so?” You blink rapidly, and his smile is sad, his blue eyes just like the sky, just like him, so complex and so beautiful. And you were just a mess. And he still held you, despite everything.
“I know so. I know that when I have kids that they’ll be the most important thing to me, and their happiness.” His words made you melt. You clung to him, kissing him with chapped lips, and he clung to you, sighing into your mouth. “You’d make them super fucking proud, just look at you.”
“Look at me? A fucking mess.” You laugh erratically, and he smirks a little, pecking little kisses on your sticky face.
“You sure are. But I mean in general. Helping your brothers, law school grad, successful business woman. Kind human. There’s a lot to say good about you. You’re not just a stuck up bitch you know.” You sigh, and other thoughts converge. You get quiet. “Let me clean you up. Okay?”
You nod, then, he gently led you to the bathroom, sitting you up on your white counter, and starts running the water. He started helping you wash your face, brushing your hair. He didn't say anything then, he was just quiet, but his touch was soothing, his silence a balm for your aching soul, the presence of him bringing brightness to the darkness.
“Thank you so much. Really.” You murmur, as he applies a little vaseline to your lips, before pulling you down and turning you. You look all pink and your eyes are swollen, but Gojo is there, behind you. “You’re so pretty.” He chuckles at that.
“I know I am.” Gojo winks at you in the mirror, and he puts your hair up into a ponytail now, leaning low to kiss your cheek. “Better?”
You nod. “There was another thing that made it all worse today. And if I say it maybe you’ll think-”
“You can say anything.” He cut you off, and you turn in his arms, leaning your head back to peer up at him.
“It was worse because I thought to myself how they’ll never meet you.” Your tears burn your itchy eyes, and Gojo is silent, jaw tense, his own eyes glimmering with emotion as his thumbs brush your cheeks in little circles. He clears his throat, studying you carefully, lips parting.
“You would have wanted that?” He asked, and you felt his vulnerability then, needing that reassurance. You nod fervently, leaning up on tiptoes, pulling him down to face you.
“More than fucking anything. And I won’t have it. I even think further, to crazy shit I shouldn’t…”:
“Just say it all.” His own voice is raw with emotion. Vivid pictures of what could never be poured out everywhere as you clung to him.
“If we… I know it’s some kink… I get it. But it makes me think, if we did, have babies…” You gulped, and his eyes didn’t leave yours, jaw clenched. “That they wouldn't even have grandparents from my end.” You barely hold it together, and his eyes flicker, sighing, grabbing your face tight, making you face him.
“You are going through all this pain alone, for what?” He asked, and you shake your head, unable to speak anymore. You’ve already said too much and shown too much. “You are thinking of all these things out of your control.”
“I know. I know. And they’re stupid.”
“No.” His voice is firm as his grip. “They’re not stupid. It’s fucked what happened to you, they are things you’ll miss, but you can’t let it swallow you. Especially when I am right here with you.” You love him so much deeper than you even thought possible, fall deeper into the bottomless feelings for him, as he reassures you.
“You’re right. I appreciate you so much, Satoru, so much.” He kisses you then, firm, exhaling into your lips, arms falling down to wrap around your hips.
“It’s not just a kink by the way.” He whispered, and you tense, pulling back to look incredulously at him.
“I thought…”
“Yeah, I know… but if it happened, they’d have us. They would have all kinds of love. Wouldn’t they?” Your heart thumps in your chest at the implications of your conversation, and you nod, seeing a hint of relief, as he lowers tense shoulders just a bit. “There’s also other family of yours that I can meet. If you want.”
“That’s very true. They’d all love you.” You watch him, leaning above you, and you manage a small smile. “You have made me feel so much better. I guess I just have to try to let this guilt go.”
“I told you that you’re mine. That means I’ll take care of you.” You fall easily into his soft kisses, unlike anything you two had shared, intense in how emotional it was, the room so quiet as your body was going crazy with each touch.
“And I will be there for you. Whenever you need me. That’s pretty fucking corny, isn’t it?”
He grinned, a little sparkle of mischief back in his eyes. “We’re both being pretty corny today. I am mad at you though.”
You pout, sighing. “You are?”
“You didn’t trust me enough to let me take care of you.”
You bury your head against his chest. “It wasn’t that, I knew you would, it was that I didn’t wanna ruin this by seeing me this way.”
“You won’t ruin anything. Okay?” You nod, blissful as you two just stand there in your little bathroom, hugging. Then, your tummy growls, and you flush in embarrassment as he laughs. “Have you eaten?”
“Not since yesterday.”
“That’s what I’d thought. Come on crybaby.” You snort, smacking at him half heartedly, and he brings you back to the kitchen. “We gotta heat it up.”
“I got it.” You prep the microwave, and he’s kissing down your neck as you two wait for the food to warm up. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Gojo’s hand is hot, pressing on your tummy, the other on your waist, hands so big they nearly took over your body.
“I feel so safe with you. More corny things said today.” He smiled against your neck as he pressed a kiss to it.
“So corny. And such a crybaby. Had all that snot running down your nose.” You elbow him, and then you’re both laughing, holding your stomachs as you play fight around the kitchen.
“You were so sweet, you just had to be a little bit of a dick, huh?”
“Of course, who would I be if I wasn’t just a little?” He wiggled his brows, and then you two sat down, nibbling. Your hands still shake as you eat.
“This reminds me of last week, when you first came here.” You mused, and he nodded, hand on your thigh under the table, the weight reassuring.
“You’ll find it hard to get rid of me, now. I literally just let you sob on my expensive fucking shirt and everything.” He feigns disgust, making you laugh more. You both fall into a comfortable state, chatting, feeding each other, and soon you find yourself exhausted, yawning.
“I really need some clothes for you here.” You say, stretching in the only outfit of his here. His eyes look up and down your body.
“You like those, huh?”
You nod, tucking a strand of hair that escaped from your ponytail nervously, flushing. “They made me feel less lonely.”
You both are silent, and you curse yourself for being pathetic, and it’s on the tip of your tongue to make some joke to ease the tension, but he’s kissing you, deeply, leaning across the little table. You fall into it, breath now racing for an entirely different reason than earlier, the intensity of your feelings starting to become absolutely impossible to ignore anymore.
Loved him.
You loved him.
You felt loved, even if it wasn’t said, it was there.
His kiss was a lifeline, Gojo was your lifeline, pulling you back from the abyss of despair. You felt a sliver of hope flicker within you, a tiny spark of light in the darkness, bright as his eyes, as his soul. An ache builds in your chest, and you’re sitting on him now, cradled in his lap, and his hands are warm and hard as they’re under your shirt, on your back.
“Hmm. I’ll just have Kiyotaka bring me some clothes.” He says, and you smile.
“You don’t have to stay tonight, Satoru, it’s fine.”
“Hush brat.” He slips into his pocket, texting him, still having you wrapped around him as if it were just a normal thing. It felt so good. “I’m not leaving you alone tonight.”
 You exhale, smiling. “Good, I didn’t want you to go.”
“Speak your mind more, then, little nun.” He taps your nose, and soon you two are cleaning up, and you change into your pink silky jammies, when you come back out Gojo has clothes already.
You let him get changed, and as the night wore on, you two had popped on a movie and he had blankets and pillows ready on the couch, you notice he’d cleaned up your pile of tissues. Then you were sipping on wine together. You laughed, cried more, but mostly just were so enwrapped in him that it felt like he was the very home you’d longed for.
You feel your eyelids getting heavy, and soon Gojo had taken the wine glass out of your hand. You blink a bit, so exhausted it’s hard to focus, and he picked you up in his arms.
“I’m always having to carry you all over.” He teased, and you smiled, feeling fuzzy as you lay down in your bed. Gojo sits there, running his long fingers through your hair, and sleep pulls at you.
“I sleep a lot around you… be… cuz I… comfy with you.” You mumble, in and out of consciousness. Did you even speak or think? You weren’t sure.
“Is that what it is? Need some cocaine?” You snort, snuggling deeper against the silky pillow, craving that hand that caressed your hair like it was a lifeline.
“No. Just comfy Satoru.”
“Mmm… you’re so cute when you’re sleepy.” You feel his lips press your temple, and you smile happily when you feel his weight shift, coming behind you and wrapping arms around your body tight.
“Comfy comfy… Satoru.” He laughs, and then you are drifting off to sleep, nestled in the warmth of his embrace.
Satoru stayed awake, watching over you as you slept, so pretty, so exhausted. He was glad he was ‘comfy’ as you murmured, silly little thing that you were. He was glad he could bring you any peace, for the pain you felt was like a knife to his heart, your words about you wanting him to meet your family had broken him. The sadness you bore alone…
He sighed, and his hand was gently stroking your hair, silky now from all of his brushing, earlier it had been in knots. Always so put together, he never knew how much you held in. He listened to your careful breathing, thinking how precious you had become to him.
You start to rustle, your pretty full lips parting. In your sleep, you suddenly murmured, “I love you, Satoru.”
Gojo froze then, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe his ears. The words whispered in your dreams startled him. Was it real? Was it…
“Do you?” He asked softly, craving your words then, craving your very being, pulling you tighter against him. His lips were on your ear.
“I love you… so much… Satoru. Love. Mmm. Don’t leave me. Please." His heart couldn’t have hurt more, at the desperation, even in your sleep. He felt unwanted emotion in his eyes threatening to fall.
Your words, even in your sleep, felt like a confession, a declaration of love that mirrored his own unspoken feelings, ones he was himself scared of. As brave as he acted, losing you would destroy him. Even today he’d been so scared he’d fucked it up somehow... that you were done… and he was glad he came over, glad he could cheer your pretty face up, that he made you comfy.
You were comfy to him too.
Without you, he didn’t sleep.
Gojo held you tighter, his lips brushing your hair, and fell asleep right beside you, falling into the comfortable sound of your heart beating and your steady breaths. He would do anything for you.
When you woke, the sun was filtering through the curtains, casting golden rays across the room. You stretch, yawning, and reach across from you to find that Gojo was already up. You frown for a moment, worried he’d left, but then the aroma of bacon and pancakes filled the air, a comforting scent that brought a smile to your face. You stand and head to the kitchen.
There he is, all tall and shirtless, fucking gorgeous man, and he’s making you breakfast. You come and smack his butt playfully, he jerks, turning and taking out an ear bud with a devilish grin.
“I could get used to this, too.” You say, and yank him for a little kiss.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” He said, hugging you. “Are you feeling a little better?” You nod.
“Much, much better. This smells so good.”
“You need to eat more. I told you, I won’t have you losing this ass.” He grabs a handul and you blush, much to his delight.
“I’ll make coffee!” You pop a coffee pod, grabbing the creamer, and it’s just so easy with him, like you two had done this for years. “Are we late for work?”
“Nah it’s early still. Thank you.” You hand him a cup first, with tons of sugar as he liked, then set to working on yours. “Have a seat, let me serve you milady.”
You giggle, taking your hot cup of coffee, sitting at the table and watching him work his magic. “I didn’t even know you cooked.”
“I love to cook.” Your heart is swelling with a mix of gratitude and an emotion you couldn't quite name. He sits a plate down for you, and you both dig in, the pancakes are so fluffy you’re moaning.
“So yummy!” You continue to nibble, and he’s watching you, with a serious look on his face. You frown. “What’s wrong?”
He looks away, almost as if he was shy, Gojo shy? No way.
“Last night when you slept…”
“Did I snore?” You tease, but he’s just forking his food, seriously. “Did I take all the blankets?”
“Nah.” He took a bite, chewing thoughtfully, and your anxiety rised a bit, taking a bite yourself and trying to stay calm.
“What was it?” His eyes were bright blue as the sun filtered through the window, his hair was falling soft against his forehead, breathtakingly handsome across from you. It made you tremble. “Now I’m nervous. Just say it.”
He ran a hand through his hair, looking away, once again as if he were shy or something, it threw you off. You lick your lips nervously, waiting. “Well, you kind of talk in your sleep.”
You sigh in relief, laughing. “Oh, I always have.”
“Did I say weird shit?” You pick up another bite, mood cheery now, but then his next words…
“You said you loved me.”
Your fork clatters to the plate, making a shockingly loud clang, and your eyes are wide, mouth open in a startled gasp.
Chapter 11
Ao3 chap
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Ten years of Whouffaldi
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My word, where did 10 years ago?
Ten years ago on Aug. 23, the episode Deep Breath launched the remarkable era of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor (or true Thirteenth if you want to annoy some people).
And it was the true launch of one of the most interesting romances in sci-fi (friendly reminder that Peter, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat, writers and directors have all in some way or another confirmed that this wasn't fans watching with "ship-coloured glasses" - it was canonical. Regardless how some fans and even media have tried - as recently as a few days ago - to pretend it didn't exist.)
I do think it was not intended. It cannot be denied that a lot of people consider there to be an age-gap limit in romances, real-life and fictional, even when both parties are consenting adults. So when Peter replaced Matt - and no one can deny Clara had the hots for Eleven because she flat out says so, several times - they obviously planned on a return to the First Doctor-Susan dynamic with Capaldi (or maybe more accurately Third Doctor-Jo Grant, since Three low-key held a flame for Jo, since Twelve would still remember how he felt as Eleven, plus Three was "Capaldi's Doctor"). But due to the fact Peter and Jenna had such intense chemistry (to this day some fans remain convinced they had a real-life romance, which is not something I ever subscribed to), coupled with the decision to shoot the first episodes of the season in order of broadcast, you can see Moffat and his writers pivoting in real time as they adjusted to the fact that - with no disrespect to Samuel Anderson - Danny Pink was never going to be the next Rory Williams. This is most in evidence with Listen defining a future for Clara and Danny that was definitively retconned by Danny's death in Dark Water.
I know the Capaldi era was not everyone's cup of tea. Season 10 in particular did not age well for me, mainly because it was clearly "one season too many" for Moffat and Capaldi himself seemed to "check out" after a fashion when it became known that the next producer wasn't planning on keeping Twelve around. And if we're going to harp about falling ratings for the show in recent years, Peter never attained the same viewership levels as Matt or David. But for me, Seasons 8 and 9 were - a few off points notwithstanding - the best of the modern era and easily rank alongside the Pertwee years as some of the best this show ever had. (I stopped watching after Season 10 - but having spoken to people whose judgement I trust, I don't think anything that followed is likely to have rendered that statement outdated.)
But I appreciated the more mature approach to the show. Yes, I know DW always was at its core a children's show - though upgraded to family show over time. But having the Doctor and Clara having a mature conversation at the diner, the Doctor inviting a villain to have a drink with him (the closest the Doctor ever got to being James Bond), Clara freaking out about being called a control freak (not to mention her perfect "Nothing is more important than my egomania!"), the fact the episode confirmed that the Doctor did look upon Clara as his girlfriend when he was Eleven, and the fact the episode walks up to ageism and pops it in the nose with Clara being upbraided by Vastra for being ageist because of Twelve no longer being the young man Clara fell for ... all these add up to a remarkable episode and likely the strongest debut story for a Doctor since Spearhead from Space.
Deep Breath also marks the last time we saw the Paternoster Gang on screen. Having praised Moffat for Whouffaldi, now time to aim some criticism his way - he set up a perfect spinoff series (Neve McIntosh is one of my favourite actresses not named Jenna Coleman) and yet never followed through. Say what one might about RTD, we'd have gotten 4 series of Vastra, Jenny and Strax had he been in charge. Big FInish doesn't count though I'm sure Neve and Dan Starkey appreciated the fact they didn't need to put on the makeup all the time! LOL
So happy 10th anniversary to Whouffaldi!
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femmefatalevibe · 2 months
Hello, Femme!
I would like your advice on a couple of things, if that's okay. This is a lot, so I apologize.
I am young and nearing my 20's, and I am only recently trying to learn how to invest in myself, my self-care/wellbeing, and my future.
I've grown up in poverty, in a male-dominant household, and my mother (the only other woman in the house) was emotionally and physically absent for most of my childhood so I was never taught proper hygiene, self-care and in general really crucial things that a woman should know. I think also because of these factors (as well as sexual assault history and being afraid of predators), I've never learned how to be in tune with my body and its needs and how to be feminine, and how to embrace it.
I've been trying to find female role models on Youtube, but the sheer amount of channels and content has me overwhelmed. In other aspects of my life aside from physical care, I have no clue what I'm doing and what I should do.
I'm making almost $900 a month thanks to my dad's SS benefits because he's retired, and I want to get the things that I need/want (physical self-care, exercise equipment, room decorations/furniture, clothing, etc.) as well as investing in the future (car, apartment, etc.). Do you have some ideas as to what I should get or recommended channels on women's health and self-care?
Lastly, what does femininity mean to you? What does it mean to be feminine or a woman? I understand that it's a very subjective question, but I would really appreciate your outlook on it. :)
I hope this explains my circumstances well and I hope I wrote my questions well enough for you to understand.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi love,
I'm so glad you're here <3 Proud of the headspace you've managed to acquire at such a young age.
I would say the most important self-care and women's health things you can do is to get the basics down in a way that realistic and sustainable for you. These healthy habits include:
Eating healthy meals (more than once!) per day and healthy snacks as necessary and getting any necessary vitamin supplements you need (like b12 or additional vitamin d)
Drink plenty of water
Limit/eliminate highly processed foods or drinks (calories are just a form of energy, so be more mindful of where they come from on a daily basis–– don't be afraid of them but don't neglect laws of thermodynamics lol)
Get plenty of sleep (7-9 hours every/most nights)
5-7x week/movement (walking/a simple exercise routine or sport you love)
Hygiene (skincare, shower, haircare, nailcare, laundry, house cleaning)
For health/workout-related ideas based on your question, I would recommend the following YouTubers:
Natacha Oceane
Caroline Girvan
Lilly Sabri
Pamela Reif
As for what feminity means to me, it's a tough answer to articulate, so I hope this covers it:
Unlearning patriarchial ideas to discover, validate, and act on your own needs, desires, goals, and pursuits of pleasure without shame and/or allowing it to in any way dictate how you perceive your social currency (especially in relation to the patriarchy).
Hope this helps xx
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
Hello! Could I request something with Marc Guiu where he is smitten by reader who is two years older than him. She also live abroad. And she doesn't stop saying no to Marc to get into a relationship but Marc is adamant and wants to prove her that they can work a relationship together.
Like reader is studying in uni, having her own problems and doesn't want to add a long-distance relationship on top of those things.
Thank you! And I want to say that I really appreciate reading whatever you write.
Giving you a lot of hugs and hoping that you get your inspiration back 🥰
ready when you are / Marc Guiu
Summary: Marc x female!reader - Marc can't get you off his mind. You wish you could get him out of your face.
Warnings: suggestion of depriving oneself of proper self care
Requested?: Yes!
Author's Note: You're literally a lifesaver; thanks so much! Also, I made this a little bit more romantic and emotional than your request suggested, but do you really expect any different from tumblr user sports-on-sundays?!
Sometimes you think that giving Marc Guiu your number was the biggest mistake of your life.
You know it sounds mean, and it's not that you don't like Marc. He's funny; you enjoy chatting with him.
The only thing you did not realise, though, when you gave him your number, was that the boy is smitten by you.
He's stuck on you.
You just thought it'd be kind of cool. You know, you have the opportunity to stay in touch with Marc Guiu. Not world class or anything, but you're a Barcelona girl. It was just a cool idea.
Now, just as you're slipping under your quilt to shut your eyes for some sleep, nearly halfway across from Marc Guiu, in the United States of America (it was a treat to spend a lot of time here), you suddenly, to your dismay, hear your phone vibrating on the end table.
You roll over to snatch it up in annoyance, and sigh even louder when you see it's Marc trying to face time you.
You blow air out through your lips before sitting up and answering, immediately saying, "Is it not, like, 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning there?"
"It's 6:00 A.M.!" the guy beams, his brown eyes sparkling. "You said you didn't want me calling at 9:00 A.M. anymore, since that's like 3:00 A.M. for you, and I'm waking you up in the middle of the night. So I woke up early so I could call you now!"
"Marc," you groan. "It's 12:00 A.M. here! I was just about to go to sleep! Let me make this clear- calling me in the morning for you is off-limits."
His smile very swiftly turns upside, and he almost looks hurt, which immediately fills you with a considerable amount of guilt. "Sorry," he murmurs. "I just wanted to talk to you."
You sigh. Yeah, because you're mad in love with me, you can't help thinking to yourself. You decide not to say it, and inside respond, "I know. It's fine. Don't worry about it."
"Why were you going to bed at 12:00 A.M. anyway? You should be getting more sleep than that... did you not say once you have to wake up at 5:00 A.M....?"
"Oh, Marc," you click your tongue. "With all I've got going on, the last thing I'm worried about is getting enough sleep. I'm holding up two jobs, and having to study, and everyday I give myself at least some time for exploring and travel."
"How do you do all it?" he suddenly asks.
You shrug. "I like living like this. But health isn't my concern like it is yours. We have different priorities. And yours shouldn't be ridding yourself of sleep by waking up early to talk to me, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sure..."
"Now, was there something you want to tell me?"
Through the screen, across the world, you can still see the tenderness in his eyes for you. His soft spot for you that's getting just a tad bit dangerous. "No, not really... Just wanted to... hear your voice, I guess."
"Oh... Oh."
"Yeah," he clears his throat. "I guess I just miss you..."
Despite everything, and the fact that you were determined to keep this to yourself, seeing Marc so open now about this still pushes the words out of your mouth as you say, "Well, Marc... My contract ends soon, which means I'll probably be coming home back to Barcelona for my next semester... After that, though, I've got plans for France... But at least that's closer, right? And you've got me for one semester."
You don't like how 'you've got me' sounds. And you know you shouldn't have said it.
Can't give this boy any more false hope than what he already has.
"Oh!" his eyes brighten, and his mouth tilts up once again. "Seriously! I'm so excited to see you again, then!"
You chuckle. "Y- Yeah, me too. Now, can I go to bed and get a few hours of sleep in?"
"Haha! Whoa, Marc, hold your horses, mate!" you laugh as he practically jumps into your arms for a hug, causing you to drop all your bags on the airport floor. "Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean you're not bigger and stronger!"
He grins, pulling away, and immediately scoops up all your bags for you. "I've already got a cab. Come on. I'll bring you to your flat and help you unpack!"
There's not much you can do to deter the Spanish boy, and once you're in your flat, all unpacked, you two plop on the couch. You sigh in relief as you say, "Feels good to be home!"
"Feels good to have you home, Y/n," Marc pipes in.
Even though you really don't want him to think you're interested, some of the little things he says never fail to make you smile, and feel warm inside.
Whether you want it or not, being loved feels good.
But then he slips his hand in yours. "So, the United States. That was the longest you've been away. Did you miss me as much as I missed you?"
"Probably not as much," you tease truthfully, "and we did face time pretty much every single moment you could. But, yeah, I missed seeing you in 3D."
He grins, and reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your hair, asking softer, "So... are you ready to date me yet?"
You lick your lips. You knew this would come, sooner rather than later. You sigh. "Marc, you know my answer." You begin to slip your hand away.
He grabs it back, and brings it to his chest. Now he's looking at you earnestly. "Please, Y/n..." His happy demeanor has quite suddenly turned almost desperate. "I know we can make this work..."
"Marc, I'm not going to be in a long-distance relationship like that."
He frowns, squeezing your hand tighter, looking you right in your eyes. "We already have a long-distance friendship. Why not a little more than that?"
"That requires more emotional involvement. My heart just can't take that. I can't be getting into relationships like that at this point in my life. Maybe someday, I can settle down and find someone. But you know I'm born to run, Marc..."
He looks down. Wraps your hand in both of his and rests it in his lap. "But we'll both be better off. I can make this work. Just give me a chance. Let me prove it."
"You're eighteen. You should be focused on your own things, like football, and your career, just like I'm focused on my own things, like travelling and studying for college. You shouldn't let yourself care so much about me, Marc," you speak gently, almost soothingly. "Please, please don't find your happiness in me. I'll fail you. You mustn't find perfection in imperfect people."
"But you're perfectly imperfect, just like me. Broken, like me, and I love you for these things..." he looks up again.
"Oh, Marc," you barely whisper, staring into those eyes. "Please don't ever say you love me. It's not good for either of us."
"But I do-"
"Marc," you say, sterner. "With everything else I have on my plate, and with everything else I'm chasing after, I can't give myself to you like that. Not right now. We're both so young, you even younger than me. I'd rather see you as a younger brother than anything else-"
"But Y/n-"
"Let's just be friends, okay?"
He sighs deeply. He doesn't nod, because he doesn't want it. But instead he leans in, resting his head against your shoulder, and wraps his arms around your body.
You sigh as his warmth is spread to you.
"Well, I'll enjoy you while you're here, and call often you when you're off to France. And you could run away and go wherever in the world you want, but please. Please always come back to Barcelona. Please always come back to me. Because I'll always be waiting here for you. And I'll be ready whenever you are. Ready for you whenever you're ready for me."
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wreckingtickles · 2 months
Eijiro Kirishima (mha) Headcanons
First off, thank you, everyone, for the warm reception of the "1 Hour in Tickle Hell" story! It's putting such a huge smile on my face, and right now, it's really helping.
But onto Kirishima! One of my absolute favorite lees, and as far as fandom versions of characters are concerned, also one of my faves. Insecure ball of sunshine is just my thing. Though I have a harder time writing him than many other characters, I wonder why. Oh, and while I'm at it, I see Kirishima as bi, though he'd never really crushed on a boy until he met Bakugo.
Now, for tickle headcanons: Kirishima enjoys tickling others and being tickled. When he was at UA, he was the resident tickle monster, and it was just a good time: you laugh, you make others laugh, you take Bakugo down a peg, you bond with shier classmates like Izuku, Ojiro, and Todoroki, and if they wanted revenge, so much the better! One of his biggest successes was turning it into a competition with Bakugo, and since Kirishima is completely unapologetic about being ticklish, he's the reigning champion, despite being pretty ticklish himself! And he may have tried to provoke Shoji multiple times, but Shoji never indulged him until he admitted exactly what he wanted.
He later realized that tickling, in a more intimate context, is a turn-on for him, both giving (but only to guys) and receiving (from anyoen and anything). It feels like both a challenge and a fun form of domination, and it makes him feel like his partner is happy, he just loves seeing that smile. Plus, it's an excuse to keep touching Bakugo all over, which, even several years into their relationship, he still can't get enough of, as he made himself fall in love with every single part of him.
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Yep, Kirishima is pretty freaking ticklish, and while he really enjoys it, it limits how much tickling he can actually take, also causing him to lose tickle fights as he was trying to suppress his Quirk at the same time (and didn't really mind being on the losing end).
I admit there are many spots that may change in the future, but I am quite certain about what his top spots are.
Giggling (6-7): Kirishima's chest, abs, sides, back (which I forgot to add), and non-nos are all moderately ticklish, and three out of those four spots are erogenous (in a bedroom setting - not when he used to play around with his classmates), as any attention to his chest and abs feels like appreciation for the hard work he put into making his body what it is, a testament that he can be a stronger person. These are also some of th eonly spots where light tickles work about as well as harder tickles: lickles, vibrations, and especially metal claws, the latter can really destroy him and are effective everywhere.
Laughing (7.5-8.5): Spots that unfailingly cause Kirishima to laugh out loud when targeted. His laughter is energetic and loud, unsurprisingly, and can feel either obnoxious or contagious depending on your mood. His thighs are his third most ticklish spot, and yeah, being tickled there feels intimate and also like he's being praised for their thiccness, which is why he loves being tickled with fingers there (physical contact, yay!). His feet are also big and ticklish, so they can house a lot of ticklish implements at once. Oddly, the tops seem to be more sensitive than the bottoms!
Howling (9-10): One thing Kirishima has in common with Bakugo is that his ribcage is super sensitive, though he makes it a point to remind the blond that he's even more ticklish there. And his armpits... he likes being tickled there because it really pushes him to his limit, but he also can't stand being tickled there too long because the sensation is juts too intense. Light tickles work well on both spots, but harder ones will have him howling and go as red as his hair. Claws are nightmarish, yes, but a few minutes of backscratcher action on either of those spots, but especially his pits, will have him howling and incoherent. Unsurprisingly, his pits were a common target when he needed punishing, cheering up, or while he was working out at UA.
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lightlycareless · 6 months
Imagine: naoya and y/n have been happily married for years, and y/n has Lesley Gore's "You don't own me" as ringtone because it makes naoya so embarrassed, he would be like "love, I have already apologized 🥺"
PS: love your work, you alone are making justice to naoya's character. Your characterization of him is canon in my mind.
Awww this is 🥺 man I feel so bad for him haha. But it's true, once everything is healed and nice, this man will still feel that he could never make up for his mistakes 😭 you'd be there to reassure him, though :) ❤️
Anyways, I've decided to apply some creative... differences to this. Mainly because I wanted to get really angsty with it mwahahahahahahah (also, it's not noted here, but there are some things that will remind her of those days, so she will avoid anything that might make her remember that. The two are in love, but... it's a difficult path. but trauma always is.)
Also, thank you so much for your lovely words!! I do try my best :') I'm so glad that you liked my characterization!! This man is capable of more... under the right circumstances 🤭
warnings: a bit of angst. naoya is deeply regretful. you're supportive. mentions of abuse (not really, but something bad is implied)
happy reading!
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“—this is why I don’t like going out with you. Nothing ever seems to be of your liking!”
“If you have such a bad time with me, then why don’t you leave?!”
“I might as well!”
Naoya was never one to overhear gossip (coming from strangers, that is.). Thought it to be incredibly boring, dull, mundane, especially from civilians. What could they even experience? Their boring 9-5 job? Yeah, no thanks.
Yet, something about this conversation didn’t elude his attention like it used to, and before he knew it, when he was once focused on your voice, he was now nothing but attentive to the hurtful words of the couple nearby.
They weren’t directed at him, obviously, nor did they refer to anything he could take personally…
But the weight of his past makes it impossible for him to look beyond his own guilt, instinctively attaching their words to his own actions. Like he was the one they were discussing.
Naoya knows he was a… less than desirable man at the beginning of this marriage. He doesn’t claim otherwise, he can’t, since there are still many things to make amends for…
Things that he knows he’ll never be able to; for the atrocities he committed to you… they’re unspeakable. Even with the promise he made to spend of the rest of his life making it up to you, one he doesn’t intend to let go.
But… will he ever amount to it? Can he do so?
He’d rather die trying, than never at all.
“Another one?” You ask when he suggests going to another store. The two had come on a date at a shopping mall, intending to pick up some things needed for the apartment, alongside enjoying each other’s company; Naoya’s work had been quite demanding as of lately, and he intended to get his dosage of you, enough to cover a whole month. “But I thought you wanted to head back already…?”
“Yes, but then I thought we’d make the best of our visit here before leaving instead. Who knows when we’ll be back?”
“Oh, well… if that’s what you want…” you frown, a bit unsettled by his sudden change, which was only to worsen.
“No! I mean—we can do that too if you want to.” Naoya interjects.
“You’re not making much sense…”
“What I mean to say is that we can do whatever you want.” He scurries to explain. “Just say the word and I’ll do it.”
“I... don’t have anything in mind, really. Going home sounded good.”
“Are you sure? We can go somewhere else too. You know I have no limitations.”
“I think I’m done for the day—”
“Home it is. Would you like the estate, the apartment, or your parents’ house?”
“My parents house?? But that’s—that’s on the other side of the country!” you gasp; and while you’re always appreciative of Naoya’s willingness to go above and beyond, this was actually a bit… excessive—and that’s saying a lot coming from him!
“What do you mean and? We can’t just hop on a plane and leave!”
“Of course we can.” He corrected. “We can leave right now if you want.”
“Again with the—Where did this come from?? Is everything alright, Naoya? What’s gotten into you??”
“Nothing! Is it wrong to want to please you, too?” Naoya frets.
“Too?” you repeat. “What do you mean by that?”
“It’s—It’s nothing. Just tell me what you—”
“No, it is important. It has to be if it’s affecting you like this!” you cry. “Tell me, Naoya. Please. I thought we agreed we could tell each other everything!”
“It’s nothing you don’t know already.”
“Like what?” you frown. “What do I already know?? You’re not making any sense!”
“That I don’t deserve you!” he condemns. “That I’ve done terrible things to you that I can never erase, no matter how much I try—and that perhaps you’d be infinitely happier with someone else; someone… that isn’t me.”
Even with the large, noisy sounds of the lively mall, silence manages to quickly engulf the two soon after, drowning you in the pain Naoya’s unexpected words gave you, piercing your heart and the hope you’ve placed for the future of this relationship.
One created with the notion that everything bad had been left in the past, ready to move on… only to realize, it wasn’t that easy to do so. Suddenly coming back, in the most unwanted, painful way you could’ve imagined—seemingly unprompted, but equally damaging to Naoya’s sentiments.
“That’s… that’s not true.” You eventually murmur, looking at him, while Naoya’s eyes remain glued to the floor. “None of what you’re saying is true.”
Then why do I keep feeling this way?
“… you don’t… believe that… do you?” You continue, managing to get a glimpse of his face, which reflected nothing but sadness and disbelief towards your words.
“It seems like all I do is hurt you.” Naoya laments. “No matter how much I try, I’ll never be able to escape—"
“Don’t say that—that’s not who you are.” You interject, stepping closer to him. “We’ve come a long way from where we began, you’re not that same man from before.”
“But I keep making the same mistakes, I keep hurting you.”
“It’s not easy to leave behind what you thought normal for all your life—or to accept them as mistakes…” you take his hand. “So, when you do fall back into your old ways, but bounce back right up… It shows you’re trying. It shows you’re regretful and want to do better.”
“I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
“I know.” He lifts your gaze to yours; you place your other hand just above his cheek, giving him a soft smile. “And… I know you don’t do it intentionally. I’ve seen your heart, the pain you went through and how it affected you. But I also saw what you’re capable of, the love you’ve harbored, how you longed to share it, and… how lucky I am to be the one to earn it.”
“…I’m the lucky one.” Naoya leans into your touch. “To have found a wife so compassionate…”
“We’ve both done things we’re… not proud of. But that doesn’t mean we’re eternally bound to them. As long as we’re regretful and strive to do better… it’s all that matters.”
“But when is enough?” Naoya murmurs. “When will I stop feeling like this?”
“I don’t know. There are some things we can’t stop, we simply… learn how to live with them.” You admit. “I wish it was possible.”
He frowns, looking away.
“But I do know one thing, though.”
“…What is it?”
“That I love you. With your faults and virtues—and everything in between. Is what makes you, you, Naoya.” You giggle, he gives you a tight smile. “And I’ll spend my whole life telling you that until you believe it yourself!”
He chuckles; seems that both have made lifelong promises that neither intends to forget anytime soon.
“I love you too.” Naoya professed. “Thank you for everything. You’ve given me so much, probably even more than what I deserved—that I’ll spend my whole life making it up to you.”
“You don’t have to, Naoya. You only deserve more.” You reassure him. “But really, you don’t need to make it up to me! As long as you remember the love we have for each other, and that I’ve long forgiven you, is enough for me.”
At your words, the tears Naoya was trying his best to hold back finally slide down his cheeks, which you quickly wipe away with your thumbs, before giving him a smile and pulling him closer for a peck on the lips.
“Everything is going to be fine.” You promised, he looks back at you. You kiss him again, taking him into your arms and hugging him. “If you don’t mind me asking, however… what happened that made you feel this way? Did I do something?”
Naoya sighs, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“No, never. It was just something stupid, actually. Some people arguing, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You blink, quickly understanding why he’d feel insecure about your relationship; the familiarities were too close for comfort. “That’s… unfortunate.”
“It reminded me of how we used to be… how I’d treat you.”
“That is long gone. We’ve worked past that and now, we’re in a much better place.” You snuggle against him. “Both figuratively and literally.”
“Do you still want to go home?”
“Yeah, all this shopping made me tired. Unless there’s something else you wanted to see?”
“No, I was mostly suggesting things for you. I’ve been feeling tired for a while too, now.”
“We can arrange something else for another day, then. For now, I just want to head back home, lay on the futon, cuddle underneath the covers, and maybe watch a movie… how does that sound?” you grin. “I can even prepare some popcorn, if you’d like!”
He chuckles.
“It sounds wonderful.”
Just like his new life with you. Something he never thought he’d receive, nor deserved, at least in the beginning of his marriage.
Until you proved to him otherwise, showing him that the ways of his clan, those forcefully imposed on him, didn’t determine who he was, who he could become.
That he had much more power over his life, the ultimate decision on what to do remained on him and no one else.
It was to be a difficult path, one promising bumpy roads, which will probably never end if he were to be realistic…
But it’s just as you said. As long as both know, deep inside, that they’re doing their best to overcome these obstacles, as well as remembering that they’re always there for the other, alongside their ever-growing love… nothing else mattered.
It was you and Naoya against the world.
And he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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🥺 I believe Naoya will always feel undeserving, even when they have a kid together and whatnot. He comes from a very difficult family, so be prepared to face these kinds of situations when in a relationship with him 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
omg i can imagine it already, when he's super old, reflecting on his life he had alongside you, his kids, and probably grandchildren too... only then will he finally admit he's happy with the life he had. jfc i'm crying goodbye.
Anyways, I know I deviated a bit from your imagine, but I still hope it was to your liking! the angst between the two is real, but so good too....
As always, thank you so much for sending in this! Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Green Snake, Red Lion (9)
[Slytherin • Aemond x Gryffindor • female]
[warnings: sex content, smut, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is a Chaser and captain of the Slytherin team. His biggest rival on the pitch from the Gryffindor team, turned to be his biggest fan, and he hates her with all of his heart. His hatred towards her slowly turns into something else, when she one day stands up for his sister, Helaena. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
As promised, Aemond took Solren for a walk. They headed towards the lake, where they knew that they could have some privacy. By the time they reached the shore and sat down on the grass under one of the trees, the sun was setting.
Solren wanted to sit next to him, but he pulled her hand so that she landed between his knees. He pulled her against him, her back pressed against his chest, his hands wrapping around her waist. He pressed his forehead against her temple, making himself comfortable with her, closing his eye.
"Tell me everything." He whispered softly. "Tell me everything from the beginning."
Solren pursed her lips and was silent for a moment. She stroked his hand which lay loosely on her belly. They played with each other's fingers, and Aemond thought that there was something tender and sweet about those innocent gestures of affection. He heard the Gryffindor clear her throat softly, as if she had finally put her thoughts together.
“I… at first I wanted you to appreciate me as a Quidditch player. I couldn't take my eyes off you when I saw you in the air. I saw that you train and run more than others, that you try harder than others. You were an inspiration to me. You still are." She said softly, glancing at him. He stared at her intently, trying to remain impassive, and swallowed hard, feeling his heart clench painfully.
“Sometimes, I heard you tell your friends about the books you read. I saw you study, that you are always prepared. I thought that I'd like to have such a great friend." She said softly, glancing at their intertwined hands. Aemond wondered if she could feel his heart pounding hard.
“I've also seen you disappear sometimes with… your female friends. I didn't want you to think that I wanted the same. I mean…I, of course, wanted it too, but…but not like this.” She said, her voice quavering at the last sentence.
Aemond squeezed his eye shut, feeling that if he said one word he would cry. He pulled her closer to him, burying his face in her soft neck, enjoying her wonderful scent. He felt her face turn, her nose in his hair, her hands on his. He could feel them both holding back tears.
“…that's why, now….sometimes I think about it, do…do you miss it. Don't you feel that I'm limiting you and if… don't you want to do it again. You know… to be attached to only one girl. I will understand if you don't want it, really. I can just be your friend if you want." She said in a trembling voice, he could feel her body shivering slightly from the stress and overwhelm of what was happening inside her.
He thought desperately that he hadn't noticed at all that anything was happening to her. That it hadn't even crossed his mind that she might be analyzing it all this way, having so much insecurities and doubts, that she thought that he didn't want to hear. He swallowed hard, his throat dry, his stomach tight.
"I want only you." He whispered, his voice trembling slightly.
"Forgive me." He said, tightening his fingers on her robes. He felt her move suddenly, surprised by the change in his voice. "Forgive me for everything that I've done to you."
She turned to him suddenly, hugging his neck, and they both burst into silent sobs. He hasn't cried since childhood. He cried night after night after losing his eye, but decided that he would never shed another tear, because it didn't change anything.
But now, crying with her, he felt relieved. He thought that if she had been with him, then, after that terrible accident, he would have handled it all better. Maybe then he would be a completely different person.
However, he noticed that since he was with her, he was less aggressive towards other people. He thought he just calmed down. Trivial things didn't frustrate him, nor did he lose his patience so easily. He didn't know where the change came from, but he noticed that Solren often said that one shouldn't waste one's energy, getting annoyed over small things.
Whenever he was angry, she calmed him down by stroking his hair or simply hugging him, and his anger slowly dissipated. She was able to bring him relief in an effortless way and made him stop worrying about everything.
Now, hugging her to him, he also felt relieved and at peace. He cleared his throat softly, wiping his cheek, pulling himself together, tilting his head back.
“Cregan Stark gets on my nerves. He likes you, and I think that he's crossing some physical boundaries." He finally said, pressing his lips together, embarrassed by his words and his jealousy. He thought that since she had told him everything, he shouldn't have kept anything from her either.
"In addition, with your warm approach, you will never say no to him, even when he does something that is inappropriate." He said with slight resentment. She pulled away from him and looked at him, completely surprised by his words. She swallowed hard, looking down at her hands.
“I… after what you told me last time, I talked to him. I told him he had to stop. He says that he treats me like his little sister." She whispered, looking pleadingly at him. Aemond snorted.
"I don't believe him." He hissed, looking to the side, annoyed. "And even if, still…" He started but didn't finish, pressing his lips together. Solren sighed heavily, stroking his shoulder reassuringly.
"I know. He's stopped doing things like that. He keeps his hands to himself, I swear. But I really like him. We've been friends for years. I never felt for him what I felt for you." She said quietly, ashamed. Aemond glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.
"For him you wouldn't make a banner with his name on it?" He asked, and she giggled happily, covering her mouth with her hand.
"I'm so terribly sorry. You must have been so ashamed of me then." She said, amused and distraught at the memory. Aemond shook his head.
"I should be ashamed of how I treated you."
They talked for some more time in a slightly better mood until the sun went completely down. Neither of them wanted to part ways and go back, but it was starting to get chilly and they both had homework to do.
As they entered the school grounds, they kissed again, tenderly and reassuringly. Aemond felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his heart.
Aemond, after returning to the common room, dragged his Slytherin friend to a secluded spot and said that he would kill her with his own hands. The girl began to cry, saying that she had been in love with him for a long time and thought that he and Solren did not fit together.
That she thought that this potion would make them tell each other everything they had to say about each other and make them break up. Aemond stared at her, feigning indifference, boiling inside.
"You will go to my girlfriend after breakfast tomorrow, apologize to her in front of everyone, and admit publicly what you did." He said coldly.
As she began to cry and writhe, he clamped his hand around her neck and told her not to test his patience. The next day, to his satisfaction, pale and red with tears, the girl did as she was told.
He and Solren spent the next few weeks preparing for their end-of-year exams. They noticed that more and more people around them were starting to talk excitedly about the beginning of next year. Rumor has it, that the famous Harry Potter will be coming to Hogwarts at that time.
Many people wondered if this child had really survived. No one had seen him since that fateful night when Lord Voldemort disappeared. Others, however, added that he would turn 11 next year, which meant that he should be a freshman. There was a lot of excitement in the school about this idea and there was no one who didn't talk about it.
"Do you think he'll come here?" Solren asked, leafing through her Potions textbook again. Ever since Snape saw her all crying, she couldn't look at him in shame. Luckily for her, he didn't bring it up again, pretending nothing had happened. Aemond looked at her in surprise.
"Who?" He asked, as if he didn't quite understand what she meant. Solren turned excitedly in her seat.
"Harry Potter." She spoke in a whisper, as if she was afraid that someone would overhear their conversation. Aemond sighed.
“Even so, what of it? He will be an ordinary child who will be instantly made a hero. Frankly, an unenviable fate. Everyone knows his name even before he came here." He said, going through his old essays, scribbling some notes on the side in his notebook.
Solren sighed softly and nodded her head at his words. Aemond looked at her out of the corner of his eye and sighed. He tapped his fingers on the table for a moment, as if deep in thought.
"Are you sure that you don't want to come with me to the Quidditch World Cup?" He asked quietly, pressing his lips together. The championship was held once every four years, and he felt that if he wanted to see this great spectacle with anyone, it would be her. Solren looked at him uncertainly and sighed softly.
“Tickets are very expensive, I don't want to burden my parents like that. Even if I work all summer at my dad's bookstore, I won't be able to afford them." She said, going back to reading, smiling softly under her breath. "Don't worry, you'll tell me everything."
Aemond pursed his lips at her words, tense. He was afraid of how she would react to his words.
“I bought tickets for both of us. Just don't get angry." He said, as he saw her startled, horrified gaze and her mouth opening to speak.
"I just can't imagine not having you there. Your birthday is in August, right? You told me about it recently. I thought it would be an excellent gift. Come with me. With me and my family." He said calmly, placing his hand on hers, stroking it reassuringly. Solren pursed her lips and looked down as if she was about to cry.
"Thank you." She said softly.
Seeing her state, he pulled her to him, ignoring the people who were sitting at the tables next to them, and kissed her hungrily. He felt a surge of desire at the thought of this happening.
That he would see the matches of his beloved team with the person that he loved so much and who shared his passion. That they would be able to watch amazing duels in the great arena all day, buy souvenirs, talk only about Quidditch. That they will sleep in one tent.
That he would be able to fuck her there every night.
Involuntarily, he placed his hand under the table on her knee, slipping it up her skirt, sliding it to the bare skin of his thigh. He felt her whole body tremble as his fingers traced to the fabric of his panties.
He pushed it away with his thumb and ran over her entrance, sighing softly into her mouth, feeling, how wet she was. She pulled away from him, her hand tightening uncertainly on his forearm.
“− stop − please −” She whispered pleadingly, feeling him lose control as he began to massage her with a soft, wet click of her juices, teasing her clit. "− please −"
He pursed his lips and removed his hand, which was all sticky with her moisture. He looked at her as he licked his fingers in front of her eyes and she looked down, all red, bent over her textbook again.
Exams were an ordeal for them. Although both of them were very well prepared, they wanted the highest possible results. They knew that OWLs were coming next year and they wanted to be as prepared as possible for them.
The test and the questions that Snape gave them were very difficult and Solren was one of the last to leave the room. She wished her professor a happy holiday, and he just muttered under his breath.
When the exams were over and they could only wait for the results, they breathed a sigh of relief, happily planning their trip to the World Championships. Aegon and Helaena were equally excited about their escapade with their parents.
Their father, as an important official of the Department of Improper Use of Magic, was invited to a finals match every four years, but he bought tickets to all matches for his sons anyway, knowing that they liked to play quidditch themselves. He considered it their hobby and childish fantasy, but he decided that since he spent so little time with them, he could make them happy that way.
“Father always gets us a huge tent close to the stadium. We will also have very good seats, so enjoy your ride with us.” Aegon murmured as the four of them stood once, talking. Solren giggled at his words.
“Of course, I'm happy. It was my dream to go there!” She said happily, Helaena clapped her hands at her words.
On the journey back to London from Hogwarts, Aemond and Solren occupied one compartment, drawing a curtain over the windows. Aemond used the spell, so that no one could open the door. He didn't want anyone to disturb them.
The thought of not seeing her for three weeks drove him insane.
Neither of them had to say anything. They clung to each other, moaning into each other's mouths, their sticky, fleshy lips pressing against each other in a frantic, loud dance.
Aemond sat her on his lap, unbuttoning his pants quickly, unable to wait any longer. Solren stared at him with her mouth slightly parted, breathing loudly with him, sliding her panties off her hips, embarrassed.
"Come here." He whispered, grabbing her waist, lifting her slightly, guiding her to the tip of his impatient cock, throbbing with desire.
She moaned sweetly at the feeling, placing her hands on his shoulders for balance, looking at him with tenderness and a feeling that made him hot.
He threaded his hand through her hair and tilted his head back, resting it against the backrest and sighed heavily as he felt her slowly lowering herself onto him, her cock stretching her tight, hot, wet walls to the limit.
"− yes, little one − God, I need this so fucking much − yes, ride my cock, just like that −" He gasped in delight, feeling her involuntarily start to fall and rise on his member, her whole body trembling at the feeling of him deep inside her again.
He thought delightedly that she wanted this as much as he did, that she wanted him and desired him with all her being. His cock throbbed hard inside her at the thought, a soft moan escaped her lips as she felt it.
"− Aemond − I − I need you − don't leave me −" She whispered pleadingly, and he moaned low, throaty, staring at her in pain, his hands tightening on her hips, speeding up the pace, their bodies hitting each other with a sticky, perverted slap, his cock throbbing greedily inside her, close to being fulfilled because of how long he hadn't touched her.
"− my sweet girl − think of me every day, okay? − touch yourself thinking only of me − I − fuck! −” He cursed, furious with himself, unable to stop himself, cuming hard inside her, panting.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, looking at her helplessly, devastated by their separation as much as she was.
His hand slid down to her clit, teasing her with gentle, circular motions. He watched as she continued to ride him, the remnants of his semen still gushing inside her. He felt his heart pounding as he watched her lips part sweetly, her walls begin to tighten around him, close to consummation.
"− p-please, don't stop − touch me like that − oh, Aemond, I − ah!" She sobbed, throwing her head back, gasping for air as if she were drowning, rising and falling against him, her whole body trembling with sudden, overwhelming pleasure.
He stared at her face, filled with relief from such an intense orgasm, and then he pulled her to him, cradling her against his chest, still deep inside her. They both panted, huddled together, listening to the sound of the moving train. Aemond wished that London was a few hours away, so he could spend a little more time with her.
"I love you." She whispered softly, her cheek against his shoulder, facing the window. He grunted contentedly at her words, running his hand through her hair, his eye closed, his body focused only on her closeness, on her hot, wet inside.
"I love you too, little lioness."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics
Others: @fangirlninja67 @helaenaluvr @queenofshinigamis @scmdsblog @talesofoldandnew @godrakin @nina2697 @saminalloxo
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agendabymooner · 1 year
slipping through my fingers ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc) - rush: the mrs. ricciardo special (3)
"i try to capture every minute."
summary: beau ricciardo was introduced to the world and it's safe to say that he's incredibly loved by all.
content warning: video transcript, social media files (insta + tweets), use of explicit language, dad!daniel x mom!ofc, mentions of conceiving + pregnancy, fluff???, goddaddy lando
note: i've been writing a piece for lewlew hammer sorry for the lack of post 😩 also pls don't hesitate to send some asks just bc 😊
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tagged danielricciardo
liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton
user1 NIKI RIC?! 😢
user2 honey badger #2 in the paddock right here your honour 🦡
lewishamilton hyped to meet the little man 😍 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo you're just happy to have a playmate for lottie 😂
lewishamilton of course?!
maxverstappen1 he is so danny liked by loricciardo
loricciardo ik max there's no need to remind me how loud it'll be in my household
danielricciardo hey 😒
nora_alessandro così felice per te e danny! non vedo l'ora di vedere il piccolo bambino 😙🥰 so happy for you and danny! can't wait to see the little baby liked by loricciardo
danielricciardo tell georgerussell63 to not come to australia without any paddington stuff for beau 🤩
georgerussell63 congrats on your baby i guess 🙄 i'll make sure to get you every single one danny
ykaaar ughhhh mio piccolo tasso my little badger liked by loricciardo
loricciardo dovresti venire in australia e vederlo 🥰 you should come to australia and meet him
ykaaar io e i ragazzi visiteremo presto! me and the boys will be visiting soon
mateoales he's really 9 pounds? i am applauding you for carrying something that big for months 👏 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo grazie teo! beau can't wait to meet his zio ❤️
mateoales i can't wait to teach him football 😩
danielricciardo look at our little man 😭🦡 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo such a handsome boy
danielricciardo that's all his daddy 😍
loricciardo please say something i can actually agree with for once mio tasso
danielricciardo i take it back, your deep fried tim tams were shit 🤬
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tagged loricciardo
liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, colabebe
maxverstappen it's not a daniel ricciardo post if it's not partially depressing 🙂 congrats danny and lori! liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo thanks man!
loricciardo what is this post, mio caro 😭😭 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo a post of appreciation doll ❤️
landonorris 6.5/10 post. i've seen a danny ric post much more cynical than this
danielricciardo i'm just trying to pass down a message to my son mate what are you on 😭
redbullracing the BR in RBR means beau ric 🐂 liked by danielricciardo
scuderiaferrari and the bull in red bull racing means bullsh- liked by loricciardo
user2 naw bc thats mad ^^
oscarpiastri does the little par still kick liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo got kicked in the face once. safe to say he's still made for arsenal fc
oscarpiastri or the socceroos 🦘
mateoales you lads had never been so wrong 🤦‍♂️ he'll be a player for italia 🇮🇹
colabebe me 🤝 you = being pessimistic but not really liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo that's just our sadness speaking cola 😂
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tagged loricciardo, danielricciardo, colabebe
liked by mateoales, georgerussell63, alex_albon
comments have been limited
alex_albon rather appalled at the nickname you gave yourself
landonorris show me how you cry rq 🤩
maxverstappen1 DILF of the season 😘
danielricciardo ofc babe 😍😘
loricciardo 😰 you're a married man danielricciardo
sylvieeford maxverstappen1 have shame and don't thirst on a married man 🥲
charles_leclerc daddy ric 3 😍
georgerussell63 why does it look like you're the father in these photos 🤣
landonorris you're just jealous because you don't have a photo with the little par 😏
georgerussell63 jokes on you, i'll be beau's favourite uncle by the end of the year 😛
landonorris i wish you luck lad 😚
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BR3 - OCTOBER 3, 2024 by lester allie
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[transcript one]
lando: "what are you looking forward to the most?"
daniel: right now, we're just looking forward to having the baby delivered safely. it hasn't been the most pleasant 24 hours for lori and uh... yeah. just deliver the baby then we're good.
lando: and you... lori?
lester: pushing the little one out of me because he's been so adamant on kicking freely.
[transcript two]
*some movement in the background*
nicola, in a murmur: have you done taekwondo before?
lando: like- what you're doing? i can try.
*protests of "no lando, don't" then a tearing noise appears*
lester: landoooo what did you do?
*screeching noises in the background alongside a loud roar of laughter*
daniel: love, i think he ripped your jammies.
lester: lando~
lando: i know i know! i'm sorry. i ripped it in half, i think.
lando: and my shin hurts too. i think i ripped myself a new hole. literally.
[transcript three]
lando: i went to a lamaze class once.
nicola: with lo?
lando: yup. they had me acting like i was the one in labour.
nicola: *chuckles*
lando, giggling: it was awesome.
nicola: you should try one of those simulators where you'd feel the cramps and everything-
lando: oh, no no. i might shit myself if i did.
[transcript four]
*door swinging open in the background followed by sniffling*
lando: aww, daniel- are you okay?
daniel, crying: he's so beautiful.
nicola, snickering next to lando: he is?
daniel, still wailing: he is! oh my fucking god, i have to call- fuck, where's mum and dad- he's, god he's so perfect
lando, quietly giggling: why did you leave your wife in the stupid room?
daniel, stammering: have to call mom- michelle- shit, my phone's inside. fuck.
*door swings open again slams shut*
*silence followed by fits of laughter between lando and nicola.*
nicola: i had never seen him cry like that
lando: me neither. he cries uglier than george and sylvie too.
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bonus !!!
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pallpokipoki · 11 months
Before starting, I'm not the original author of the following top 9, however i wanted to repost this text because it names and describes the issues within the transgender movement regarding the way trans men/transmasculine people are (mis)treated, issues that are still present and widespread today. You can find another archive/repost of the text here:
1) shutting down trans men talking about their anatomy and their dysphoria
like shutting down trans men complaining about periods by trans women who complain that it makes them dysphoric or that trans men don’t appreciate what they have; it only works this one way - I never saw a trans man scream over a trans woman who was complaining about say random erections that she should appreciate what she has and stop talking about it this way.
2) speaking over trans men on issues related to their biology and socialisation and in extreme forms even completely denying them a voice on those issues
telling trans men that they do not know what’s it like to be socialised as a girl or treated as a girl and should shut up about it, often simultaneously telling them they also don’t know what’s it like to live as men/be a gnc man, removing trans men from talks about feminism, misogyny, abortion or rape.
3) devictimising trans men
being misogynistic towards them (portraying them as hysterical bitches or mocking their anatomy, for one), or transphobic towards them (calling them shrimpdicks, cuntboys, manlets), and justifying it with them being men and either not being able to be victimised or deserving the harassment; it’s also present as “venting about men” but singling out trans men and never cis men.
4) erasing trans men’s oppression
one element of it is claiming trans men shouldn’t reclaim tranny despite it very well targetting them, or replacing “transphobia” with “transmisogyny” in general discourse, in such ways as to erase trans men as targets of transphobia in order to frame them as oppressors of trans women more.
5) limiting trans men’s freedom and means of describing their oppression
to serve trans women’s interests are always prioritised; it’s “trans men shouldn’t say they were female socialised because it implies trans women were male socialised”, never “trans women shouldn’t say they were female socialised because it erases trans men’s trauma with misogyny".
6) constant guilting of trans men who dare speak up against those things, and guilting of trans men into taking a subserviant role in activism
trans men are constantly reminded that they are potentially predatory, potential rapists, just like cis men etc, and that is applied twice as heavily to trans men who disagree or talk back to trans women; the rhetoric is always that they are oppressors of trans women and are victimising them further by “not listening to trans women”.
7) bias in judgement of trans men’s actual societal power and position and spreading misinformation about it
in such a way trans-men will constantly be told trans women get sexually harassed and raped more often, earn less, etc, etc.. despite statistics proving otherwise. bringing up those statistics results in: see point 6. in places with equal numbers of trans men and trans women in power (rare), the trans women will typically still claim there’s more trans men in power and their power is greater.
8) piting up trans men against eachother
urging trans men to “defend trans women” from wrongthinking trans men. demanding that trans men who speak up are ostracised, including from their own circles.
9) undermining the soldiarity trans men may find with lesbians, gnc women or any other AFAB group
that can take form of literally explaining to butches with whom they should and with whom they shouldn’t have solidarity, or speaking aganst “AFAB solidarity”, or arguing that “AFAB people” don’t have any common experiences.
“Those are my experiences from 8 years of being around other trans people. I met cool trans women, but I must admit those things are, unfortunately, a tendency. for clarity, I don’t believe in some crazy mtf conspiracy and hidden agenda. I believe in male born people often sticking with each other against female born people due to misogyny, and in them acting on their socialisation a lot of the time, leading to perserving patriarchal dynamics with opposite pronouns”
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pedropascalsx · 1 year
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- The fanfiction edition.
Hi friends! I don’t know how it happened but I hit 3000 followers recently and I feel unbelievably lucky! I joined this site just over a year ago and I have met many wonderful people and gained multiple friendships from doing so.
And I wanted to celebrate YOU guys and show some appreciation for the fanfics that have taken up space in my heart.
I will be posting a few different celebration posts, one for fanfics, one for people I follow and one more for the GIFs and fics that i’ve created and that i’m proud of.
The list is below in no particular order! They just happen to be posted in a way that my brain let me remember them. I limited the list to ONE fic per writer as I wanted to showcase as many people as I could; so please check out their entire master lists!
1. Weeknights by @frannyzooey - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
2. Notes on Tutoring by @honestly-shite - Dave York x F! Reader.
3. Lay It On Me by @lavendertales - Javier Peña x F! DEA Reader.
4. The Crush by @the-ginger-hedge-witch Javier Peña x OFC Isabel!
5. Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
6. Celestial Navigation by @write-and-buried - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
7. Run to You by @foli-vora - Marcus Pike x F! Reader.
8. Silent Affection by @kteague - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
9. Psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat - Dieter Bravo x OFC Louella!
10. Another Way by @theewokingdead - Din Djarin x F! Reader.
11. Stitches by @djarinsbeskar - Din Djarin x F! Reader.
12. Stranger At My Gate by @leslie-lyman - Pero Tovar x Modern! OFC.
13. Sunshine on a Cloudy Day by @pedrito-friskito - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
14. Intimidation Tactics by @whataperfectwasteoftime - Marcus Pike x Dave York x F! Reader.
15. Peñas Anatomy by @guess-my-next-obsession - Javier Peña x OFC/Reader Lucky.
16. Cognitive Dissonance by @prolix-yuy - Agent Whiskey x F! Reader Sugar.
17. Fix You by @astoryisaloveaffair - Frankie Morales x F! Nanny Reader.
18. My Best Friends Dad by @whiskeynwriting - Dave York x F! Reader.
19. Sinners by @brandyllyn - Pero Tovar x F! Reader.
20. Façade by @furious-rogue-stuff - Dave York x F! Reader.
21. Lie to Me by @iamskyereads - Javier Peña x F! Reader.
22. Ego & Black Powder by @psychedelic-ink - Pero Tovar x F!Prison Guard.
23. Saturdays with Javier by @wildemaven - Javier Peña x F! Reader.
24. Black Sheeps by @charnelhouse - Dave York x F! Reader.
25. Like a River by @radiowallet - Macus Moreno x F! Reader x Frankie Morales.
I also wanted to share TEN of my all time favourite stories by @absurdthirst because it’s literally impossible to pick just one.
1. Stormy Secrets - Dave York x F! Reader.
2. Starvation - Ezra x F! Reader.
3. Xingjião - Pero Tovar x F! Reader.
4. Married to the Mafia - Dave York x F! Reader.
5. Under His Skin - Dave York x F! Reader.
6. Late for Valentines - Dave York x F! Reader.
7. The Donor - Marcus Pike x F! Reader x Dave York.
8. Protective Big Brother - Frankie Morales x F!Davis Reader.
9. Murphy's Sister - Javier Peña x F!Murphy Reader.
10. Daddy Dieter - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
If I follow you and you didn't make it onto this list - you will be on the next one! Also I will be doing a mini post for published and soon to be published books!
I'm sorry if anyone is missing, it's always a pain trying to remember everyone but this is a list of the fics that mean a lot to me and that i love so so so much!
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eirikrjs · 1 year
UPDATE 9/2/23
Wow, it's almost fall and I'm still kickin', so here's a proper update about what's been going on with me. I do feel great most days, and with Halloween in season around the US, it makes me very happy. As far as stroke recovery goes, my leg has a newly made brace and my walking in general has greatly improved the past few months. I really don't roll my left foot anymore, in other words, my foot can go flat instead of landing on the ankle and possibly causing injury.
My arm is still mostly nothing but a couple weeks back I was able to move my shoulder again so there's hope. I also got a home electrical stimulation device so I give my arm and hand a jolt for an hour everyday. With time, I feel confident i'll recover.
A great help with my recovery has been the amazing @dagdasgoddess , a fellow young stroke survivor who has been watching out for me and offering encouragement every day for a couple months now, exactly when I needed it. Mentally, stroke recovery is pretty damn tough but most days I feel positive about it, with great thanks to her.
And now on to some business. Shortly before my stroke I was planning on celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog (which would have been in December of last year, but I was still in the hospital, obviously...) And one of the things I was going to do was photograph and review all the smt demon figures I have, using my special diorama table. I got around to starting the project a couple weeks before the stroke, naturally starting with the Leonard figure. Here's one of the pics:
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I also made something of an anniversary banner, just because, I guess:
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I also want to talk about some milestones reached, starting with some follower counts. By December last year I finally surpassed 2k followers, so thank you so very much. This is after Kanekos Crib Notes quickly dwarfed my own blog followers shortly after its establishment in like 2014. But now my own blog is even ahead of kcn, as undoubtedly its current annual schedule limits its growth and reach. (But hey, it's almost October, aka KCN MONTH)
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The last milestone is above: my Stealing Knowledge blogger has reached half a million views! Unbelievable, thanks for reading and sharing over the years! Identity crisis part 3 remains the most viewed, with over 50k on its own.
Finally, I want to talk about the future. Another 10th anniversary plan was to try and monetize the blog somehow, probably via a Patreon for new articles and such and many other ideas, maybe even doing YouTube videos to answer asks instead of them being all text. I have lots of other ideas too, but they'll have to wait until my arm works again. So instead of monetizing the future, for now I'm just going to ask y'all kindly to chip in for the blog's past. I'm amazed at how much activity the blog still generates from--let's call it "legacy content".
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To that end, I have set myself up a kofi account where you can show your appreciation for that "legacy", kuwabara, kuwabara, if you'd like. All money earned will go towards paying down bills accrued during my recovery, like my hyperbaric treatments. In perfect honesty, it's been around 3000 US dollars so far. Don't feel obligated to contribute and thank you all for still sticking around with me despite my relative inactivity. And if course, continue keeping @sorenblr busy if you wish.
I would also not expect my own recovery before next year, that's just stroke for you. Thank you all!!!!!
p.s. I was featured as a stroke survivor again on another therapy facebook post:
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outrunningthedark · 6 months
last thing i'm gonna say on the buck/tommy subject for the night because i'm seeing this a lot and i feel like people are not appreciating/acknowledging what the show was up against this season: (and if you've read a version of this already...sorry, but idk why this is not clicking for everyone.) was bi buck and buck/tommy fast? yep. it happened in episode four. of a ten episode season. not only do tim and the writers have a limited amount of time to establish that this is not the 9-1-1 we're used to, abc and everyone involved in greenlighting character arcs need to have a large enough sample size to figure out where buck's story goes after the finale has come and gone. dragging out bi buck until the finale would have been a good buildup, absolutely, but then what? could you say for certain that everything would be just as we left it if the audience was less receptive to being hit with a coming out after 9 weeks of not really connecting the dots?
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skaruresonic · 1 day
I mean lets not deny the fact there is a certain part of the Sonic fandom that thinks anything Japanese Sonic is the best Sonic......just like how there is a certain part in the fandom who thinks the Amurca Sonic is the best. Both are lowkey bigot and stupid as hell
No offense, but where's this crowd who thinks JP!Sonic is the bee's knees? Because if they exist, I'd love to meet them. All I ever personally see are people who infantilize Japanese dev teams, and trust me when I say that is common in video game fandoms, not limited to just Sonic. Western fandoms frequently downplay the hard work of Japanese devs as like, the product of magic, whereas the work of Western auteurs is True Art. I don't doubt Western hate exists because, well, Pontaff, but it's also kind of like, apples and oranges.
In fact, American fans threatening to bomb dev buildings is not unique to Sonic, either. I've seen unhinged fans threaten to bomb Konami HQ due to the Silent Hill HD Collection. Those kinds of threats have an added element of cultural xenophobia that oftentimes doesn't appear in shade against Americans. Until someone goes "I'm going to pull a 9/11 on IDW offices," I just don't think we can compare the two.
Besides, it's discrediting towards Japanese creators as a whole to think people must like anime, manga, or visual novels because they're Japanese-defined genres, as if Japanese people can't be talented and create art with genuine worldwide appeal, that an element of fetishization has to be involved in its appreciation. As if people who are into anime and manga and VNs can't judge art on its own merits. Especially insulting given the refrain you often hear on this side of the pond is "Sonic is stupid kiddie crap, why do you like it."
I do, in fact, read translated Japanese lit for fun, and have an entire bookshelf reserved for it. So it's not like my only exposure to Japanese art is limited to manga or whatever. I'm no expert on it, certainly, but good art is good art.
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thewiz9062 · 6 months
Smiling Critters AU: Catnap's Psyche
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. Meaning that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. Thats it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK so catnap in an interesting case,
I will be referencing events from my masterpost, but if you want to read like the bare minimum, then his backstory is here because attempting to re-write it here was a chore
I've sort of made him the introvert, but the more I write about him, the more he seems surprisingly adept at reading emotions, and I like it so we're rolling with it. I like to think he felt alot of emotions during his homelessness period, and references his own pain to inquire what others are feeling, and apply a comforting technique based on how he moved on and how they might feel about the situation. If dogday is inspiration and happiness, then catnap is melancholy.
Now I wanna go over his situational mutism, as it's pretty important and affects most of his interactions with the others. First I'll say that I have done some reading but this may still be somewhat inaccurate, and please tell me if I'm way off base so I can edit it if you have better info.
It started during his homelessness, and being uncomfortable around anyone and everyone due to the fact of him literally being a stray cat as well as living alone for 8-9 years didn't really help. Eventually his voice just wouldn't work when interacting with anyone so miming and over-exxagerating facial expressions (to the best of his resting bitch face can allow) is his way of communication. He still ends up wishing he could, but what's done is done. He doesn't know sign language as no one was yk... there to teach him.
I also want to get into how dogday is his closest friend when because in practice, it should be bobby. Picky was kind of put about the whole 'forest cabin kid' thing, but Bobby was understanding and even gave him food, but in terms of interaction, it was just awkward. Both felt bad in different ways, Bobby a little upset that the communication barrier is blocking her from truly being able to help him, and catnap being sad that this the first person his age that willingly wants to talk to him in years and he can't even muster a few words. Even his facial expressions weren't quite working, and their "convos" were more like peaceful interrogations.
Thankfully, she put dogday on the case, and interacting with him was a whole different story. He didn't immediately get awkward when catnap didn't respond to a question and mimed about his situational mutism, instead treating him as if he was talking to someone normally, with a few minor modifications Questions wouldn't require an answer, he would just study his gestures and infer a response, or when he was rambling he wouldn't stop to check if catnap was listening due to his silence, he treated him like he would with anyone else. Maybe he was oblivious to what he was doing right, maybe not, catnap appreciated it either way.
So imagine his suprise when he realized that in a way, Dogday was just like him in a way.
The slip-up in dogday's words revealed he lives in an orphanage, and he doesn't really know his parents as he was abandoned. But his excitable demeanor just didn't make sense to him. It's only when dogday accidentally breaks into a tangent about how his situation isn't bad and that it's okay, and he's okay does catnap realize the subconscious mental limiter dogday's placed on himself. Catnap sees himself in Dogday, but instead of riding all his emotions out, Dogday has suppressed everything, in hopes to make everyone, and to an extent himself, happy. He couldn't just let him continue that, and in some way, that familiarity broke through the uncomfortability as he told dogday that it's alright to sulk. Something that wasn't told to him before.
I like the parallels I made with him and dogday and the backstory I gave him, so that's why I chose situational mutism instead of just being mute. The rest of the critters haven't met catnap yet because that happens during the summer arc so I still have to plan that out.
This psyche series is my way of reminding myself how they think, so if you did read or end up reading my other posts, I would appreciate if you could point out inconsistencies!! Ty for reading this
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