#it's bc none of those bitches have victorian manners
mars-ipan · 3 months
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fortune doodles bc i finally got to play him recently. he's got a little crush but dw he's being So Normal About It
#martzipan#fortune#it's really really funny actually. he's got the best manners in the party#which is to say like. any manners at all. considering this setting is victorian i am preparing for us to get kicked out of so many places#nobody in the party suspects a thing in terms of either his or my Secrets about who he is lmao#the guy he's into is an artist with /Long/ black hair. he's incredibly good at what he does#however he's a bit of a perfectionist and dislikes his art because he doesn't think it's good enough#and he's another completely original character who isn't based on any pre-existing character at all. they both are :)#anyways the dm and i were GONNA softlaunch the agreed-upon romance arc#but literally all of my party members went full Yaoi Mode and started shoving them together lmao#so um. when they were gonna go to an opera. and fortune mentioned Not Having Opera Clothes#he ended up. wearing an extra suit from the artist fella's wardrobe. and he's being SO casual about it#it's REALLY funny we were gonna be so chill and then fortune's party flustered him so hard i had to break out the Laugh#it's bc none of those bitches have victorian manners#literally mid-introductory chat another party member interrupted with 'ok enough romance we need answers'#to which fortune went 'I Don't Know What You're Talking About :))))' and took a step away#he's uh. not subtle. but he's doing his best to abide by the Social Rules. aside from his intense positivity#the thing about fortune is that despite how intensely he feels this attraction he would not let himself try to pursue it#so he will politely admire from afar. and his party members will give him a heart attack
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Hc inverse au! Fem Reader in Victorian era England and ynm characters are in our time.
You are a character in an anime and ynm are in real life
( he seems like the type to be into really dense, historical mangas)
He first read a manga featuring you when one of his students left their copy on their desk and he had to overview some students while they were using the presentation room.
He mostly just sat in the first row while the group of teens were recording hamlet for the theater class.
He didn't really took the story seriously so he started reading a lady who was trying to seduce a noble for a few pages, he was about to leave the manga given that he supposed it was a hentai but when you poisoned them with the wine cup he found it interesting
The main character had a set of very strong ideals that weren't so common in the historical context, be it strip nobles and royals from benefits, be a suffragette, or something similar .He ate the manga in five minutes
When he returns home (and leaves the item in lost objects, ofc) he checks online to buy the first volume to see if the background and sort are interesting along with every other volume and official light novel and Novella . He usually isn't home from very early to very late at night so it would be Louis most likely the one who receives the box with the books
"Brother, did you buy a box full of comics" Louis asks from the kitchen after he feels his older brother returning home
" oh? They already arrived? I thought they would be here next week" well Louis always was worries about how his brother didn't have any hobbies aside from teaching at the University so he was happy that he found something else to do with his life
He would ask for a sick day on a Monday or Friday so he could plan everything that was needed at his class that day and spend the weekend lazing around and reading the various volumes and the light novels. That day Louis and albert almost cried of happiness, that was the first time he took a sick day in all of his teaching years to take a break
The type of fan who creates theories that everything is symbolism, how they are ambidextrous to show that even if they intend good sometimes their methods are too extreme or how their hat was placed or the color of their clothes show their political affiliation. Nothing can be just a coincidence with him, everything means something
Is a big pain in the ass about historical inaccuracies, be it dress, manners or social hierarchy being off
" But listen this is the late Victorian era, where is their crinoline??/ They are supposed to be a Victorian dandy and the writer wants me to believe they would wear that? In that society?" williams turned on the lights to his younger brother room while walking in circles as if he was trying to calm down
" Williams it's 3 am. Please I want to sleep"
" Oh and don't let me get started when they crossdressed/dressed as lady northinburg, that tight lacing scene made me so angry" he was dragging his words, Louis guessed he was sleep drunk " how much I hate that, karolina or bernadette would kill those producers if they saw it" Louis simply opted to sleep while his brother was ranting about how the hairstyles were al wrong
When speaking of merchandising he appreciates his mature and elegant reputation so he would buy small things like cute stationery and notebooks and a few pens. Most of them either are about the main character, you, or have the anime title or something similar
A few students think that the professor brings some childish pens in case some student forgets one and he doesn't have to give them his mechanical pencil. He actually uses those pens when he is grading the exams. His notebook annotations look a lot cleaner and are more colorfully bc of the markers and pens
When and if your manga gets and anime he would be 100 percent bitching about how they skipped, if you are a minor character, scenes where you are introduced or you character gets development.
" Oh my goodness, they skipped to this ark? And 'the mask'? In that ark we get the development of many characters, yn, edward, Amélie, Alex. We are absolutely robed of their backgrounds and aspirations and how they are all connected"
" Brother be honest with yourself, you only wanted more animated yn, you follow their voice actor on twitter"
" That is not my point!"
he was watching it when he came late
Albert usually keeps company to his youngest brother until around 5-6 pm, then he leaves for work and returns around 12 am and eats dinner alone mostly.
When he returns from his job the house is more often than not totally dark so he makes his way to the kitchen and microwaves the leftovers and eats silently.
But one day it seems like Louis or williams forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed, he was about to turn it off but decided that watching something with the tv muted wouldn't wake his brothers up and kept watching.
He didn't pay much attention to it at the start but it became routine, he comes home, heats the food, sits down and watches that show so he grew quite fond of it
How much attention he pays to it depends on the type of plot it has, if it is light-hearted humor he would most likely not pay much attention but laugh when a joke came, one the other hand, if it's a more serious he would find it hard to take his eyes away from the screen
Second least likely to buy merchandising, if he buys it's mostly to wear home, a one size too big shirt for a pj (mostly for the comedy anime) or, if they aren't childish and look professional maybe a pocket watch like the one x character uses ( in the more serious one)
Won't buy the mangas if there are any because he is happy watching the animated version and already has to read a lot at work, but if he is gifted the volumes he will read them sparingly, maybe he will finish one volume every week and a half, unlike williams.
He spends most of his time home because of his illness and doesn't like to stress too much given that it makes the symptoms worse, he enjoys light hearted comedies or cooking in the victorian era or those typical time travelers who now have to live in different situations than those they are used to
He most likely found it after doing all the housework and being bored so he opted to browse the TV or netflix and fell on one specific serie
If it is a comedy he will listen to it while cleaning or cooking, he feels like he does everything faster and the housework is more enjoyable that way.
If it's a cooking related program he will watch as entertainment after doing everything and to get ideas what to cook, he is always surprised with the recipes that your character comes up with, be them savory ( things he will absolutely do the next day for lunch or dinner) or sweet ( things he will make more sparingly given he can't have too much sugar). I think of mangas and series like the duchess' 50 te recipes or shokugeki no soma
If it the third option he was interested on the alternatives to modern things, like how to make a more natural soap with animal fat and wood ash, or how to use certain plants to help a headache or stomach bug.
With merchandising he doesn't buy much, some kitchenware and some bowls mugs and maybe a tea set that isn't much of an eyesore. Overall he isn't all that crazy over that kind of things if there is a cooking book he will definitely buy it
He, like albert, doesn't care much about historical accuracy and if the events that happen are cohesive, he is there to have fun
He watched it because he heard his classmates talk about it and wanted to join them but was too scared to bother them if he didn't know anything. Baby has the social abilities of an anxious lobster
He comes home from college and looks the anime up in his phone and, like every broke college student, he watches it from an illegal streaming service.
He gets hooked up and stays all night watching it until his clock snaps him out of his trance and makes him drag his feet to his 7:30 am class
Fred tries and fails to talk to the group so, after the lesson, he drags himself to his room to be miserable alone. It's not until he reaches a certain chapter or episode where you say something that make him think, " if you wish to be loved you must face first your fear to be known" he keeps thinking about it, he didn't truly ever talk to the group, he cowarded before even trying.
The next week at that same lecture he approaches the group and tries to make some small talk
" Oh hey uhm i heard the past class that you liked (maga name)" he was this close to running to his desk and act as if nothing happened
" Yeah! You like it too?" The boy seemed to notice fred was nervous
" Yes! I really like it, what is you favorite character? Mine is yn" he certainly didn't have any favorite one before but after this he thinks your character is pretty good " they are really inspiring"
In terms of merch he is broke so there is none, If he had any money to spare he would buy notebooks and even those chibi statues or funko pops
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vitosscaletta · 4 years
>:) Personality + Background for Helena, Basics + Appearance for Erin
YES thank u... vampire time
What’s their alignment?
Probably neutral good ehehehe
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
Her number one passion is acting, it’s not really a hobby since she does it professionally (or is trying to lol).. She enjoys learning history though, especially the mid-18th century :^) Also music, corny movies, she’s also a huge sims fan >:)
As for her favorites uhhh her favorite band is My Chemical Romance DUH, fav movies are Shakespeare in Love, Valley of The Dolls (yeah ik it sucks),... Shark Tale.... aaaaand her favorite food is fries. Or it was, she can’t eat it anymore :(
What are they bad at?
Within the game’s mechanics and all that.. she’s not much good in a fight (thank u faelike background). She’s still significantly stronger than the average human of course, but very fragile for vampire standarts :/ Noodle arms bitch
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
None that I can think of
What are their goals and motivations?
Before her embrace it was to become a famous actress.. which isn’t possible anymore, she’s still craving that kind of lifestyle though. She grew up not being very well off and not being very popular either, so it’s kinda... wanting to be someone important? Like that Will Smith fish from shark tale :)
What are their manners like? Any habits?
She’s rather well-mannered, not exactly posh but she doesn’t do anything weird in public either.. usually.
What are they most afraid of?
irrelevance... something like that :/
Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She’s originally from San Francisco, grew up with a single mom and her younger sister. They weren’t very well off so her mom had to work a lot, it was pretty much just her and her sister :/ She wasn’t very popular either so she made only few friends in school, it was lonely :(
What’s their family like?
Her mom Jenny is a nice lady, very goal-oriented.. she was very popular in high school, which is how she met Helena’s dad. He’s originally from germany and comes from a long line of vampire hunters and religious zealots (Society of Leopold hoes..), doesn’t really know anything about it though. His family are just a bunch of weird catholics. They had two children, miss Helena & her little Sister, Elizabeth before he divorced his wife and fucked off 👋. He cut off all contact and doesn’t pay child support bc he’s a freak. Also Elizabeth is currently studying law somewhere, their mother insisted they make something of themselves >:(
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
She’s with the camarilla, mostly due to the fact that Christian is in it too. She came to them all starry-eyed because the other members were all sexy, powerful and rich vampires which is pretty much what she wants to be like lmao.. She works directly for Lacroix, kinda like the fledgling except with better pay, slightly less shitty jobs and a tiny bit more respect (only a tiny bit everyone still thinks she’s dumb af). She just has to run small errants lol. There’s no official rank or title though lol.
She’s not really loyal to them or anything and quickly becomes disillusioned by it all. Vampire society is fucked up... she kinda starts spending more time with the Hollywood anarchs because toreador solidarity, doesn’t join their cause though. The anarchs can’t stand her lmao. She’s really mostly independent...
How do they fit into their “story”?
She’s just your good ol’ regular La Croy foundations employee, she was initially my fledgling but I don’t want Christian (her sire) to die, I suppose she’s just like.. there.. idk its kind of a wip
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
She has that little apartment in downtown LA during the events of bloodlines :^) It’s a nice place, modern interior and all that... she does miss her old apartment with the victorian furniture though :(( Post bloodlines she probably leaves LA after the whole thing with Lacrosse lol... she’s friends with Ash now they can go on a road trip or something
How do they eventually die?
she doesn’t... shes a vampire >:)
What’s their full name?
Cassandra Erin Winters :~)
What does their name mean? Why were they named that?
Cassandra (from greek “to excel, to shine “) is a little nod to the seer Cassandra, who appears somewhere in her bloodline :^) In-universe it’s one of those names that appear throughout her family.. there are a bunch of important great-grandmothers, aunts and other relatives so her parents named her that to make it look like they’re an important dynasty or something. Rich people bs. Erin is an english derivative of the irish word for.. Ireland lmao. It was just one of those names that were popular in the early 80′s and her mother liked it, there’s no real reason behind it!
Do they have any nicknames?
jhdfjhfd Cammy by Damsel even though she helped them out 😒 also “Newbie” by her bf sdkjskjdf romance ❤
How old are they?
22 in 2004, I suppose she’s 37 in 2020 aka during the events of bloodlines 2
When’s their birthday?
December 13th, 1982
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance?
I had to take a whole quiz for this but she’s a Sagittarius 😌 I’d say it definitely does lol... she reads her horoscope almost daily
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities?
Vampire lol... specifically of clan Malkavikan. As for magical abilities yknow, typical vampire stuff, plus the voices & Malkavian insight and all that. Her abilities are Auspex and Obfuscate :^)
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor?
No class but her favorite weapon was the axe she found in the haunted hotel
What do they look like?
goddd.... small, pretty blonde, pale skin bc she’s dead, yellow-ish eyes (used to be blue)... big eyes, sliightly overplucked eyebrows bc it’s 2004 :( she’s still cute though
Do they have a face claim?
Mostly Bella Heathcote and Christina Ricci in one image I found on pinterest lol.. I never have faceclaims that are 100% what they look like :(
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup?
goddd jt was pretty much regular late 90s/early 2000s popular girl before her embrace.. short skirts, juicy tracksuits, tube tops, those awful tinted glasses, coats with fake fur. Her hair was often in those late 90′s updos with a few streaks hanging loose in the front... makeup is just regular looks from the time, lipgloss, frosty eyeshadow and all that 🤢 she’s a big fan of turtleneck sweaters though 😌
It’s still the same but a bit more fucked up post-embrace because she’s just like go crazy aaahh go stupid aaahhh and digs out some of her weirder clothes because half of these vampire bitches wear dumber clothes than her anyway... an old white lace dress that looks like it’s from the early 1900s or something like that... her standard outfits are still low-rise jeans with tank tops and those giant early 2000s shoes though, she just adds in a few weird looking clothes for fun sometimes
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression?
Honestly she looks like this emoji 😳 most of the time, Malkavian voices, weird doomsday visions and all that... She had a very cheerful attitude before her embrace and it still shows sometimes, most of the time it’s kinda weird though :(
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities?
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