#it's based off of my trauma response of developing an extreme fondness of people who aren't kind to me <3
utterentropy · 11 months
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You've heard of freakishly tall Soul now get ready for Cat Soul
This is what happens when a higher being allows me to have creative liberty, inevitably somehow, somewhere, somewhen, I will turn a character into a cat (and it's always the villains too!)
This AU is already like crazy canon-divergent where's the harm in Soul having feline qualities
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sordm5 · 6 years
Part 1 of the OC character sheet/questionnaire
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
He ended up favoring and assisting the NCR shortly after he left Goodsprings. That ended up in regret once he’d met and spoken to the people of Freeside, Westside, and The Strip. Also taking into account the people’s opinions on the aftermath of him helping the NCR take control of Primm, furthered by discovering how bureaucratic the NCR are, with little regard for the citizens in their allied regions.
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
3, 9, 6, 4, 7, 8, 3 (All my SPECIAL stats in NV are fairly high, so I reduced some of them for more customization in line with characterization.)
Give us a summary of their backstory.
[Moved to bottom]*
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?
For the first month after his head injury, he just went by “Courier”, since he wasn’t fully comfortable naming himself. At that period, he didn’t really have any sense of self, and didn’t know how to go about defining who he was since he had nothing to go off of. He preferred to simply avoid the entire subject when Doc Mitchell was interviewing him.
He only started going by his name when Johnson Nash had finally dug up a copy of his employment ID: Mason Shepherd McCoy. Even then, his name felt extremely foreign to him, and he flopped between accepting and rejecting it for a brief period. Those close to him ended up calling him “Mase”, for short, but still...he never quite shook off being called “Courier”.
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
Extreme bouts of paranoia due to his amnesia. He lost hope on ever recovering his memories after coming across a pre-war medical text on amnesia due to physical trauma resulting in brain damage. It’s hard for him to trust people because of this, and his inclination for helping people is an odd cycle of redemption-seeking and regret.
This leads to a tendency of running from both his problems and his responsibilities, which is an issue that hasn’t been solved.
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?
While the Lucky 38 was acting as a base, he may have gotten a little too used to bathing frequently (even if it was short-lived), and after that, his stay in Zion, where the water was remarkably free of radiation. Having the opportunity to get clean whenever he felt like it was a luxury he hadn’t realized he’d been missing out on.
Not a lot goes into keeping up appearances, though. He tries to keep his face clean-shaven and his hair fairly short. But...since he usually wears a ranger hat, he doesn’t mind when his hair gets a little messy.
What do they fear the most?
Something or someone from the past he can’t remember coming back to confront him. That and permanently losing people he cares for.
Their biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
Probably his occasional stoicism and constant lack of trust. He doesn’t see automatic distrust as a flaw, he sees it as a strategy for life (which eventually does prove useful), but it largely feeds into his inability to connect with people.
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
Also, Legion assassins disguised as traders and caravaneers became a very real threat and fear while he stayed in Zion. He’d thought they were easy enough to handle in the Mojave, being able to see them coming from miles away in their bright crimson costumes, and knowing when to steer clear. But back then he hadn’t dealt with the convincing deception of the Frumentarii, especially not when there was a target on his back, and an even bigger target on someone close to him.
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
A varying spectrum of neutral, depending. More accurately, he started off as neutral good, and became more chaotic neutral near the middle and end of his campaign.
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
Does collecting unique weaponry count as a hobby?
Other than that, he developed a fondness for his former job title - maybe some sort of imprinted nostalgia from his past. Even though he’s no longer formally employed by the Mojave Express, he still enjoys running low-pressure delivery jobs. He finds it calming, and it gives him purpose without any emotional responsibility.
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?
He’s read about Halloween, and seen pre-war decorations for it, which he thought sounded and looked incredibly fun. Later on, Joshua tells him about Christmas, and he finds it extremely fascinating. He doesn’t celebrate either...though he wouldn’t mind dressing up in a terrifying outfit and asking people for free sweets.
What’s their favorite season?
Anything but summer. Summers out west, the Mojave in particular, are absolutely unforgiving. He spent the larger part of the first summer he can remember in Zion, and was constantly tempted to lay face first in the water of The Narrows.
Do they have a temper or are they level headed?
Level-headed, but that stems from not being on the talkative side. Not talking leaves a lot of room for listening, speculating, and problem solving. However, he did have more of a temper in the beginning. Multiple instances of losing his composure to anger, followed by regret after calming back down, prompted him to learn how to control it better. 
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?
More prone to hiding his feelings. Not only does he not like sharing, but he doesn’t like to burden other people with his issues. He’s only open with those he’s spent a lot of time with, and even then he holds onto some reservations.
Are they a leader or a follower?
Neutral with slight leadership leanings. While wandering across the Mojave and various western territories, he got used to the concept of leadership just by exercising his will and freedom, and that feeling grew by taking companions along with him. It’s not an assertive type of leadership so much as it is learning self-assurance.
He doesn’t have a problem with taking orders (even prefers it sometimes), as long as he agrees with them to some extent. He had no objections to being in deference to Joshua’s leadership while in Zion, for example.
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?
While in the west, he was with a companion more often than not. During his long travel east, he kept to himself...due to a myriad of reasons, including trying to avoid being followed by potentially unwanted pursuers. Aside from the infrequent drunken bar stop, and some friendly conversationalists when roaming with different caravans, he was alone.
Before that, he spent the most time with ED-E, Arcade, and Joshua, in order of who he met first. 
ED-E was almost an instant companion once he’d made it to Primm, and, in a unique way, ED-E became a best friend. Even if ED-E gave no confirmation that he was listening to Mason’s rare, sporadic rants (he was mostly talking to himself, anyway), the eyebot’s presence still brought comfort. He refused to send ED-E away, even after meeting Arcade and hearing him complain about his general distaste for the bot.
The dynamic he shared with Arcade, however, was completely different. They fed off each other’s sarcastic quips, another feature that could bring out the expressive side of Mason, and kept themselves entertained with creative use of wording. But beyond amusing each other, under the banter was a general acceptance and understanding, and Mason found that to be invaluable.
After leaving the Mojave (more like fleeing), Mason meets Joshua via his job with the Happy Trails Caravan. After assisting Joshua in ridding Zion of the White Legs, Mason decides to stay - his decision fueled by his trepidation of returning to the Mojave, and by developing a misguided attachment to Joshua. He learns fairly quickly that the majority of those around Joshua seem to be magnetized to his intense personality, some even bordering on misplaced hero-worship, and though Mason’s aware he’s fallen in line with this behavior, he can’t bring himself to care. 
It’s almost a year before Mason reluctantly decides to leave Zion, and the west altogether, coming to the conclusion it’d be the best for himself and those around him. In that time, a mutual respect between himself and Joshua became a tentative friendship, which eventually became an actual friendship, and, more importantly, it became trust. Leaving Zion and the Mojave felt like leaving himself and starting from the bottom...all over again.
The years spent crossing the Wasteland, after leaving all he knew behind, changes Mason in an unprecedented way. He’s inclined to more reckless behavior, and cares less about the repercussions of his choices. He’s certain he doesn’t need anyone, and is hesitant to let people close beyond casual meetings. 
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?
Ultimately, all the reasons behind his choices are based on selfishness. Even leaving the west was built on the idea of escaping his responsibilities. There were some selfless reasons contributing to it, and those definitely pushed him over the edge, but he knows that those reasons wouldn’t have been enough on their own. Perhaps enough to leave Zion, but not the Mojave. 
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction)
Confidence, self-assurance, and some amount of outward leadership. When he’s around people who appear to lack fear, it relieves some of the pressure that weighs on him. He doesn’t like being the person who always has to make the decisions, though he aspires to lose his reservations over that very thing.
He doesn’t care for physicality beyond shallow acknowledgement that someone is good-looking to him. But there is no ‘one feature’ that he always finds attractive.
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
Does an agonizingly bare and plain display of trust count as flirting? 
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship?
He only completely trusted one person after he’d been shot and lost his memories. He fully accepted that whatever he felt wasn’t going to lead to anything, and he respected that. It was unspoken, even if both parties were aware of it, but that’s all it ever would be.
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?
While he doesn’t enjoy speaking to those he doesn’t know well, he will try to de-escalate tense situations with words nonetheless. If it comes to no other choice, he has no objections on defending himself.
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?
Ranged, preferring both bolt and lever action rifles. He’ll always choose to scout an area from a recon position and engage any enemies from afar, only after gathering information on the land and what weapons his targets are equipped with. If things get out of hand and the fight ends up close range, he’ll switch to either a pistol or 12 gauge, depending on what he has with him.
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?
One primary large rifle, and a secondary pistol or shotgun. Favorite weapons are: Paciencia, Medicine Stick, This Machine, Dinner Bell, That Gun, and Lil Devil. He changes his loadout frequently to remain light, and only carries two weapons with him at any given time.
Their most prized possession?
Perhaps not a prized possession, but he always has his Mojave Express ID with him, taped to the inside of an old delivery organizer. Maybe he’s gotten attached to it – maybe it’s insurance in case history repeats itself.
(I attempted to “draw” the delivery notebook and the ID.)
Their thoughts on power armor?
Impractical for his type of combat specialties. He sees power armor as an anti-radiation tool for certain circumstances, but he rarely applies the armor even then, since he can’t be bothered to burden the armor around while wandering or travelling. And...well...he thinks it looks silly.
Favorite armor/ outfit?
Anything resembling a duster or long coat, and he’s automatically into it. It doesn’t really go any deeper than that.
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?
Because of his preferred style of combat, he can’t afford to have shaking hands. The recoil between shots in a large rifle is long and offers too much of an opportunity for the enemy to get the upper hand. Each shot has to count, and any motion outside of involuntary bodily movement, like breathing, can lead to failure or death. He spent...a long time training his body to respond properly to using rifles.
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?
He was surprised it didn’t affect him beyond the initial adrenaline when he took part in his first shootout - when the Powder Gangers attacked Goodsprings. He didn’t feel remorse, and neither did anyone around him, which gave him pause. Perhaps it was an instinct from his old self to not dwell on lost lives for nameless faces, or maybe his brain was damaged beyond amnesia. 
So, no - killing doesn’t take a toll on him, but trying to analyze why it doesn’t affect him can sometimes keep him up into the wee hours of the night.
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)
He’s convinced he’s experienced death already. Shot in the head, buried in a shallow grave, followed by an immediate and total loss of self. If your past and memories define you, and those are all lost in the blink of an eye - is that not a sort of “death”? Coming to this conclusion brought him peace with the idea of dying.
He’s very much not okay with the idea of those he cares for dying, however. This is small part of his reasoning behind leaving the west.
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?
Zion was his home for nearly a year, and it’s the longest lasting home he can remember having. He’s had a few different “bases” - his room in Novac, the Lucky 38, (the back of a caravan wagon), (the side of a dusty road) - but nothing that truly classified as a “home” to him.
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?
A ghoul is just another person - a feral is just another target (bloody annoying targets that he’ll try to avoid, if he can).
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?
Scavenge for parts to make his own supplies and ammo, buy them when he’s desperate and running low.
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?
You don’t get a lot of options for bedding when you’re always on the move. When exhaustion finally gets the better of him, it’s not unheard of for him to fall asleep sitting straight up with a bottle of whiskey in hand. 
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)
He prefers Radio New Vegas, but the Mojave Radio plays a few good ones too. He can’t resist singing or humming along to Big Iron. Every. Time.
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?
Iguana bits have a certain quality about them that he can’t quite place. Iguana on a stick doesn’t compare, nor does a gecko kebab or squirrel bits. He’s attempted to replicate the recipe numerous times, even with his low survival skill and lack of culinary knowledge, but ultimately failed.
;-))))) (If he knew the truth, he’d probably grasp at his throat and make dramatic gagging noises, recoiling in horror, remembering all the times he enjoyed iguana bits.
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?
Water, booze, and Sunset Sarsaparilla. Whiskey is a long time favorite, though when he hits the east coast he starts picking up a palette for bourbon. Surprisingly enough, he can barely stand Nuka-Cola.
With no memories or defining character traits to speak of, the most difficult thing Mason struggled with was finding a purpose for himself. He’d felt useful helping the people of Goodsprings with their troubles, and it kept his mind from clouding with negative thoughts about his circumstances (he didn’t recognize the person he saw in the mirror; his voice didn’t sound as he expected; sometimes he felt younger than how he looked - sometimes older, etc.). But, after he had set off from Goodsprings, he felt empty.
At first, the prospect of finding his shooter didn’t much appeal to him, but eventually, a dull anger set in, and he found new purpose in tracking down the man who stole everything from him. He kept with his inclination of helping people in his journey across the Mojave, and though that quickly lost its novelty and no longer brought him comfort, he would do it anyway.
Things changed him throughout his time in the desert. He met interesting people, some of them becoming his friends, and he learned more about himself and the land around him. The prospect of craving revenge became more and more distant, and he learned to let go of his anger. But, unfortunately, he ended up unintentionally winding himself into the politics of the Mojave, and made quite the name for himself. This only worsened once he’d finally reached The Strip.
He let Benny live, and berated himself for being such an idiot after the ambush. Later, at Fortification Hill, Mason was ready to pull the trigger, but, at the last second, he’d stiffly turned away (he remembered lowly uttering, “Do what you want with him, I’m not your puppet,” to Caesar and his guard.) It was one of the biggest decisions he’d made, and he was aware of it.
With the Platinum Chip in hand and the second battle for Hoover Dam on the horizon, situations only became more tense. Yes Man, Caesar, and the NCR all persistently trying to whisper in his ear, with the latter of the three being the one he made most reputation with. A regret. He became determined to no longer unwittingly further anymore political agendas, but the pressure from the three factions was getting to him. He turned on his radio, made another big decision, and fled to Zion.
He didn’t think his problems from the Mojave would find him there - but, after a time, they do. Too many assassins and intelligencers. They’d had a purpose to be there before he’d arrived, one that was bigger than him. An unfortunate slip up in a fight, and then there were two targets the Legion were gunning for in Zion, rather than one. (”You’ve made the wrong friends, Courier Six,” a frumentarii hissed as a boot crushed Mason’s windpipe.)
It took him a long time to make the final decision to leave the west coast for good. Before, he’d only been fleeing from the political mess he wound up in, but it became worse than just a mess. He knew he was being hunted, and more, they knew he was allied to Joshua - that just added to the difficulties Joshua already faced with Legion spies and assassins, and also put all the tribes in Zion at a greater risk.
He couldn’t go back to the Mojave...so that really only left one choice.
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