#it's an alternate scene for the adopted donnie au
twicethetrouble · 1 year
i have twenty pages on a fic i impulse started yesterday! that's over 6k words. in a day and a half. which is more than i can normally write in two weeks let alone two days!! what the hell!
I'm pretty sure i just burned all my writing mojo for the next month on this and it's not even canonical to any ongoing aus!
anyways, i'm going back to it now. ive got one part left to write and then this fkers done. I should be drawing stuff (like propaganda for my aus), but instead i got hyperfocused on this dumb thing. Expect it posted at some point idk. I've lost control of my life.
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Basketball Blues (It's Alright Short Kings)
(Hey so I'm super confused by how this bracket and polling is actually working and I'm not sure if Out Of The Shadows and into The neon is even still in the running but. Have this because I can't draw. For anyone unfamiliar with this AU: 2012 boys died in their world and reincarnated into the Rise universe and were adopted by the Rise boys! Rise boys are addressed by the nicknames Raphie, Leon, Donald, and Angelo, 2012 boys are their regular shortened names.)
Eight bodies tumble out of the dark purple portal and onto the squeaky, shiny court floor. A chorus of voices whine from underneath the largest 9-and-a-half foot tall spiked turtle.
"DAD! YOU'RE CRUSHING US!" 10-year-old Raph shouts.
"Seriously bro," 33-year-old Leon groans, trying to shove his older brother off.
"Sorry," 34-year-old Raphie grunts, getting up and scooping up his 3-foot-tall son. "You okay little man?"
Raph coughs. "Once I get my breath back!"
"Donnie hit his head!" Mikey picks his brother up by the shoulders and shakes him. "Donnie! DONNIE!"
"As great of an idea as violently shaking someone with a potential brain injury is!" Donald shouts, grabbing his son away from his nephew, "Let's not do that. Donnie?"
Donnie's eyes are crossed. "Dad? Why're you surrounded by little stars?"
"Let me see him." Leon takes Donnie from Donald. "Leo, buddy? How're you?"
"I think I landed on my knee," Leo grunts, trying to stand up and falling. His eyes water. "Ow!"
"Uncle Raphie's gotcha!" He scoops little Leo up and puts him on his shoulder. "Okay, so was that a portal jacking, or are we in trouble?"
"Definitely not a portal jacking," Leon and Angelo say at the same time.
"Bro, if I was holding my probably concussed nephew right now, I'd so fistbump you for that awesome moment," Leon says.
"Spirit fistbump!" Angelo exclaims, bumping the air. "Alright, but now we gotta- WHOA!" His jaw drops and his eyes bug out of his head. "Guys... we're on a basketball court!"
"Uhhhhhh, Dad?" Mikey tugs on his dad's shell. "There's also like, a million other turtles here."
Everyone's eyes widen as they finally take in the scene.
It's not quite a million, but it is a lot of turtles. Mutant ninja turtles, some teens and some not, some with a striking resemblance to the quad of 10 year olds and some with even more striking resemblance to their fathers. There's also various rat mutants, some lizards-
"So... is this some kind of new Battle Nexus?" Leon looks around for Big Mama. "If she brought our boys into this-"
"DAD!" Raph smacks his dad's face to get his attention. "Those guys over there look like you!"
But Raphie's attention is laser-focused on a group of shorter red-bandana wearing turtles all arguing, all with the same cracks in their plastrons and the same round feet as his son. "Yeah. Lotsa doubles here."
"Ohmigosh, I was right! ALTERNATE UNIVERSES OF OURSELVES!" He jumps up and down, squealing!
"I knew that," Donnie says blearily from Leon's arms. "Turtle power..."
"Okay, so he's delirious," Leon declares. "Leo, can you hold your brother up while-"
A whistle blows, and a ball bounces over to the group. They all watch it slowly roll forward until it doinks against Raphie's toe.
"... LET'S PLAY!" Mikey grabs the ball and runs forward!
Angelo zooms in front of his son and holds up a hand, scooping him into the air with Mystic Power. Mikey yelps.
"We have no idea what this is!" Angelo scolds. "You and your brothers are staying right here while we figure it out!"
"Plus, and this is not your fault because you are children, but... you're all way too short to win," Donald says.
"HEY!" Raph uses Raphie's face as a launchpad and jumps at his uncle. "We're not babies! We can play better than you can!"
"HA! Burn," Leon chuckles, handing Donnie over to Leo.
"But pleaseeeee?" Mikey clasps his hands together and makes puppy-dog eyes.
Raph and Leo share a glance and copy, looking at their dads with watery wide eyes.
"Guh! Unfair!" Leon covers his eyes. "Don't look, don't look!"
Raphie slaps a hand over his eyes and Angelo yelps and turns his mask backwards.
"Aw, come on!" Raph drops the pout and grabs Donald's face. "We gotta play! Those guys look just like us, but I just know a lot of them never learned to play basketball! They probably grew up eating algae and worms and not being allowed to skateboard inside!"
"That's concerningly specific and I'm sure if we think about it too much it'll shatter our world perceptions," Donald says, grabbing Raph by the back of his shell and putting him back on the ground. "But, still no. I may not be great at the game, but I am almost eight feet tall."
"So that's cheating," Raph argues.
"Some of the others are also very tall."
"You can reach the baskets without even jumping!"
"Yeah we can." Raphie punches his palm. "Don't worry boys! We're gonna wipe the floor with the competition, get all of us home, and you guys can play a game with the Caseys and Auntie April!"
The four boys sit together, Donnie propped up by Leo and Mikey. Raph crosses his arms and pouts as their dads strut out onto the court.
"... Do you wanna go play pranks on the ones who looks like dads?" Mikey whispers. He holds up a water balloon. "You know. For revenge."
Raph grins and punches Mikey's shoulder. "You're my favorite brother now."
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
when does Angie's Donnie show up, his timeline-wise, in Donnie-verse?
Because, while reading I had a little thought: Dee's first attempt at a portal to 03 fails, the mystic components of the dimension are just... too different. He tries again, tired and agrivated, and does succeed in something, he finds himself shipped into a dimension more simular to his birth dimension then the one he'd grown up in.
And then — i don't know if i was on anon when i first rambled about this and i frankly don't care — we get the Angie and Dee scenes. Those two bonding.
But then, Dee knows that it's time to get back.
Except, problem, his device is just a tad bit busted, and it seems like Angie's dimension hasn't cracked the whole mystic fluctiation targeting issue either.
He sits down with Donnie in the lab and the two get to work, but during the first test something goes wrong, and the two shoot themselves into an alternate dimension.
And then they're discovered by Webs.
Dang it, this thought got away from me, what I was thinking is that he meets pre-Kraang Angie wheras Dee is post-kraang and barely a step away from getting back to his pops, when both Angie and Dee discover that there's... more than one Pops. More than one of such simular dimensions. A chance the reunion can go wrong.
I imagine the main four are all from about the same time frame (3-6 months post krang. some of the other universes they stop at are more or less than that, but the traveling four are from that time frame.) Both Adopted boys have reunited by then, the only reason Dee got displaced was b/c he was trying to come up with a more efficient way of dimension hoping that didn't rely on Mikey, and it sent him to a parallel universe and not the 03 dimension. (which is basically just one shift over. It is so close to his but not quite.)
But yeah, Dee and Angie get their bonding time. Dee and Donnie eventually figure out what's going on with the devise and how to intentionally send them to alternate parallel universes (at which point Donnie's like "hey, i should go with you to your dimension. you know, in case something goes wrong. Definitely not just b/c i want to see how different it is or anything.") and the two take off, but it doesn't quite work properly and they then meet Webs.
Between the three of them, they end up getting it to work properly, but by then they don't know what code to input to send them to Dee's universe, so Dee and Donnie (and now Webs b/c he refuses to be lift behind) have to jump through various parallel universes until they find the right one. (at some point they pick up Seer and more shenanigans ensue.)
but yeah, it would be pretty interesting to have both adopted aus meet pre-reunion, but then we wouldn't get the "Raphie being briefly father of four Donnies" content that i'm excited for lol.
Thank you!!
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Oh no! your poor laptop! But yep! Donnieverse came out of nowhere and has since taken over lol.
Thank yoU!!
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