#it's all like this heeelllppppp
eyesontheskyline · 2 months
Watching people going crazy for canon callbacks in evolution and every single one of them made me go '... that's not what happened?'
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xenomoroboros · 2 months
I just turned in my research paper for my enlgish class im taking for the fourth (4th) (count em four)th time bc i always procrastinate too much to pass it and this time if i don’t get at least a c this time. Im drowning myself in the lake
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Recently I've been so so horny. Needy like crazzyyyyy. And all I do is go on Tumblr and get more horny and talk to people and get more horny!!! And even making myself cum doesn't heeelllppppp!
So, as a lonely horny girl does, I went to tinder and found myself a date. I got all ready, shaved, moisturized, made sure I smelled good. Put pretty jewelry on, made more my hair felt silky soft so it's nice to pull.
I had been casually chatting with this man, David, for a little while. He spoke about kink, about how much he enjoyed rough play, daddy kink, degradation. He seemed educated and good at what he did, so I accepted the invitation and went over.
He spanked me so lightly I barely felt it! He didn't pull my hair even once!! Not once!! He put his hand on my neck, as if he'd choke me- AND DIDNT SQUEEZE.
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So my science teacher is Korean and since she likes BTS too we talk about BTS in class and stuff. And when I asked her about Jikook she said they were just friends and Korean guys act gay all the time. Heeelllppppp but then I kind of convinced her that they're in love. I just don't know what to believe 😔✊💜
Believe what you wanna believe thats the most important omo
Like me
I believe sleep paralysis makes us see things we cant see in our daily life and these creatures actually do exist
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biochemistea · 7 years
hiii I'm retaking just my math HL exams in 22 days (paper 1 is first and paper 2 and 3 are a day after that) and i've barely started studying. I have these 22 days 100% free to just focus on math hl, nothing else. but i need heeelllppppp because im so bad at organizing a study schedule plsss help me out what do you suggest I am ready to work my ass off and ace these retakes xx love your blog!
Hi! That’s awesome that you’re retaking the exams if you think it’s necessary :) If I were you, I would go through some of the harder stuff first that all connects together (so maybe spend two or three days methodically going through all of the calculus stuff and making sure you understand it). IB also seems to really love logarithm problems (if I’m being honest, I have no idea how they work, but I will definitely study it before the may exams). So study those for like a day.
 All of the statistics stuff is super easy and then becomes really easy points so long as you can remember all of the different things, so that might be worth prioritizing if you’re really in a pinch. 
The last thing that I think is really kind of hard is the chapter (or chapters) on complex numbers. But if you use cis(theta) in place of the cosine sin thing- just look up complex numbers cis, you’ll find it- then it should be a lot easier.
 All in all, don’t burn yourself out, this exam is supposed to be awful and I’m definitely in the same boat as you! Just do your best and keep studying up until the exam :)
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