#it's about getting burned so badly the heat becomes cold
ashandaffection · 2 years
the ships i like
red and blue characters, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, friends to lovers, even better is friends to enemies to friends to lovers, basically, i need that slow burn 400k pining yearning loving someone so much someone so opposite to you that you feel like tearing through your skin AND their skin and hoping that you can burn off the physical barriers that separate your fucking conscious soul from their own like you want to crawl into their skin and organs and beating heart and lay your ephemeral self up to it and just lay there until you are no longer two separate beings but I want it so even though you want to be the same you love someone so much you want to be there forever with them i want it to also hurt because how can you really love someone exactly like yourself i want it to be reflective like a broken mirror is like a shattered window like you can see yourself in their eyes and what fear what you see but how can you run when it's yourself how can you run when you know that they want the same things that you do when you know they want to be held and they want to be loved all the same i want them to be opposites on different sides of the board and even so they move the chess pieces between them to get to one another whether that be through playing the game or sweeping the whole board aside i want them to be broken and imperfect and "let me fill the cracks in you with my own imperfect pieces" i want it to be "you are jagged and you make me bleed endlessly, oh how perfect that both you and i love the taste of iron and tears" i want them to hurt each other i want them to mend each other i want it to be snapping, biting, starving lone wolves meeting in the dead of winter knowing they could choose to fight and kill one another for the potential of sustinence, for the glimmer of hope that might come regardless of looming death, that to be unselfish means to perish but despite all rational thought or instinct instead choose to keep one another company through the promise of the unknown to provide comfort and "don't worry i'll be here beside you" through the void because despite the helpessness of it despite the option for selflishness all they choose each other all they choose is a fleeting moment of partnership though the cold, through the unforgiving, through the pain, through the loss, despite it all there's still an "i'm here. i'm still here. i will stay right here. your hands and knees and mouth are covered with blood but what choice did you have what choice did i have i am the same i understand i am right here."
yeah i like those ships
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smuttysabina · 2 months
Tropical Passions with Lisa
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(Lisa x Male Reader, 5.3k Words) Tags: Incest with your older sister Lalisa; A conflicted sibling relationship; A forceful start to the sex; Makeup sex; Creampies; Virgin sex; Getting deflowered by your hot older sister is fun; Blowjob; Intimate sex; Technically some cucking going on; Written in one sitting; Step-sibling sex is for cowards, make them blood related; A wholesome and loving conclusion
You had always hated your older sister Lalisa. She had constantly hogged your parents' and peers' attention, gorging herself on their praise while your own achievements had been duly ignored; and of course, she had been an unrepentant slut. It was a rare night that your sleep had not been uninterrupted by the sounds of Lisa fucking some lover of any gender, her bed creaking so badly she required a new one every year, how she managed to remain unimpregnated was beyond you. Naturally, growing up with such a whore of a sister had caused you to follow the complete opposite path, so while she had ascended to sex-drenched idol-hood, you had instead quietly completed school and gotten yourself a pure and sweet girlfriend. Not that you had done anything yet. Sex before marriage? Appalling! Public displays of affection? Disgusting! Mutual Masturbation? Nauseating! Hand holding, fingers locked? Perverse! Only the chastest of kisses, and wholesome hugs were allowable, and it brought you no small amount of joy that she wholeheartedly agreed with you. So it infuriated you to no end that you were unable to bring her along with you on yet another family vacation to some tropical retreat, no doubt your parents were overly worried about how she would react to your harlot of a sister, but you looked forward to seeing her again. You just had to make it through dealing with whatever mindless debaucheries your big sister Lisa had cooked up for this trip...
Awareness comes slowly to you, reality slowly bleeding into your dreams as you gradually become aware of your surroundings, your nerves tingling as they lazily report upon the myriad sensations assaulting them. The exquisite softness of the sheets encasing you, the gentle cold air of the AC caressing your face, the burning sensitivity of your staggering erection digging into the mattress, and the strange patch of warmth in the bed beside you. You start, flinching away from the person curled up mere inches from you, scooting to the edge of the mattress as they groan softly in protest. Lisa blearily raises her head up from her pillow, squinting at you in confusion before collapsing back onto it and letting out an indignant whine, wriggling to find a comfortable position before falling back asleep. Your heart hammering, you slip carefully out of bed, doing your best not to disturb your sister, all the while cursing your parents for forcing you to share a room with her, this was certainly not helping you two bond. The fact that there was only bed was a further annoyance, it was a huge one to be sure, but Lisa seemed to unconsciously seek out heat in her sleep and latch onto her target like a leech, so in reality you ended up far closer together than you would have liked. Which made dealing with your morning wood all the more awkward, since you were loath to masturbate, your member tended towards truly spectacular erections come the dawn, urging you to give in to your vile thoughts and pleasure it. Ignoring your disgustingly drooling penis was difficult at the best of times, but with the scent of a woman in your nostrils, no matter that she was your sister, made resisting your wicked meat nearly unbearable. Every morning you would cover it in an ice-cold washcloth, but even then it would defiantly stand strong for many minutes before ungraciously retreating. Needless to say, your testicles were in constant agony.
After dealing with your unwanted visitor, you check your phone, lovingly responding to your girlfriend's messages before learning that your parents once again had skipped off on some early morning jaunt and would only be back by evening. So, yet another day you would have to spend solely in the company of your whore sister, wonderfully. Though, to be fair to Lisa, you had yet to see her engage in her usual wanton behaviour, you did not doubt for a moment that she had been busy messing around while you were not looking. With a resigned sigh you order breakfast, spend the next hour idly munching upon it, waiting for your sister to finally get her lazy ass out of bed. Eventually she stirs, and yawning a good morning she stumbles into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as usual so you are forced to listen as she voids her bladder. Lisa plops down into the chair across from you with a smile, wearing little more than an overly large shirt and her underwear, an outfit which makes perfect sense considering the heated locale. Cheerfully devouring some fruit, she kindly asks if you had any ideas what you wanted to do today? After all, yesterday you two had such a great time at the aquarium, Lisa hadn't seen you that excited in years! In the face of such relentless enthusiasm you give in, and tentatively raise the idea of going snorkeling together? Beaming, your sister happily agrees.
You had always felt somewhat disgusted whenever your sister had worn something showy, a natural reaction for a sibling to have, but also one born out of disapproval of her loose living. Still, you grudgingly had to admit that Lisa looked absolutely stunning in her yellow bikini, no wonder so many men were desperately enthralled by her. Her tanned skin gorges upon the sunlight, the dappled reflection of the water only serving to enhance her beauty, even with the giant goggles and snorkel goofily attached to her face she still turned heads as you strode deeper into the surf together. She even held your hand as she guided you into the ocean, something you could barely tolerate, yet over the past few days, and against your better judgement, you had felt yourself warming up to your benighted sister, but just a little bit. You get a faceful of Lisa's ass as she smoothly switches from walking to swimming, and a slight tingling fills your groin; perhaps you should not grow too relaxed around this slut lest you be corrupted... But the next few hours pass in a delightfully wholesome fashion, the pair of you leisurely swimming along the reef and admiring the reefs and flourishing wildlife; it was almost enough to make you forget what a whore Lisa was.
It was only later that day though, that the old Lisa you knew so well started to shine through this charade she was putting on. You were relaxing in a small, shaded pool, secluded by shrubbery with your sister curled up intimately close to you, chatting idly about how the day had gone when she finally pops the question. Wearing the sly grin universal to older siblings everywhere, Lisa asks, "So, tell me about this girlfriend of yours, is she cute?" Blood rushes to your face immediately as you sputter at the sudden inquiry, which only makes your sister's smile grow ever more predatory. She squishes herself against your side, throwing an arm around your shoulder and cooing, "Don't be shy, show me a picture of her, c'mon!" Flustered, you haltingly pull up a picture of you beloved on your phone for Lisa to hem and haw at appreciatively, her eyes flicking all over the screen as she judges her in a thousand minute ways before nodding in approval, "She looks pretty enough, has she been treating you well?", Lisa gives you a knowing smirk, "How is she in bed?" A surge of outrage fills you as you angrily inform your dear sister that you and your girlfriend had not engaged in any such foul activities, nor would you be until you were happily! Lisa gawps at your outburst, cold fury crossing her face before giving way to worry, "Is it... not working for you two in bed," she places a hand on your thigh in support, mere inches away from a bulging pressure in your shorts, "Are you... unable to get it up with her?" You repay her honest concern with open scorn, grumbling angrily, you surge up out of the cozy pool and storm off back to your room, leaving Lisa yelling platitudes at your retreating back. Really, she really just did not understand!
Lisa watches her baby brother stomp away with hurt roiling in her stomach, what the fuck was wrong with him? Well, she partially knew, honestly how could she not feel more than a little guilty about being an awful older sister growing up? Being the village bicycle had satisfied her powerful sexual needs, but it had no doubt given her brother all sorts of unwanted pressure and attention. Of course, once she had become an idol, her sexual appetites had grown voracious, and no doubt embarrassing to her younger sibling back home, but she had always made sure to try and send gifts to cheer him up. Instead he seemed to loathe Lisa, and no matter how hard she tried to patch things up, things always fell apart, usually whenever he caught her slaking her desires with some new lover. But not on this trip! No, on this trip Lisa had been on her best behaviour, applying every ounce of her willpower to keep her lusts in check, engaging in only the most innocently enjoyable activities with her brother; displaying nary a glimpse of her usual sex life. In spite of that, he had been downright weird since he had gotten here, well, more so than usual. She had expected the customary puritanical song and dance, but with him having a girlfriend for a couple years now, she had hoped he would have opened up a little. But no, instead if anything he seemed even more repressed than normal, getting hard constantly and always on edge about everything. He was leaking so much at night Lisa could smell his precum staining the sheets in the morning, and she was honestly surprised his raging erection had not torn a hole in his boxers whenever he scrambled out of bed to use the restroom. Hell, he hadn't masturbated even once since they had gotten to this tropical paradise, most guys would have blown a few loads in the shower and dispelled the tension, if anything Lisa was not sure if he had cum even a week before the trip!
The constant reek of pent up semen in their room was starting to get to Lisa, she was already feeling twitchy, having deprived herself of sexual stimulation for so long, this was probably the most days she had gone without fucking in years. She really should take her own advice and at least masturbate, but the last thing she wanted was her brother sheepishly returning to apologize only to find her knuckle deep inside herself, so she endured. Still, something was obviously wrong in her little brother's relationship, and she was determined to fix it; after all, even as warped as she had become, she still felt responsible for him as his older sister. But first, Lisa needed some advice, and not from the other girls in Blackpink. Jisoo would give some well-meaning yet ultimately useless suggestions, Rose would offer up some complicated scheme that would really just be a front for sadism, and Jennie would simply message 'On my way', before showing up and traumatically fucking the life out of your brother in under half an hour after landing. No, Lisa needed to ask some of her more.... normal friends; well, relatively normal. Minutes later she was chatting avidly on the phone with Jihyo and Nayeon, both of whom were appalled by the situation their dear friend was in. Jihyo was apoplectic that Lisa's brother was not putting such potent loads to good use and impregnating his girlfriend, while Nayeon was practically drooling at the thought of being the first one to receive said load. But after a solid hour of intense conversation, the trio had produced a solution that would undoubtedly solve Lisa's darling brother's problems. It would merely require Lisa to break one of society's oldest taboos, but having broken so many already, what was one more?
You feel thoroughly wretched as you lay upon the massive king bed, your sister had been only showing you concern, and yet you had brutally rebuffed her kindness. Normally it was so easy to hate Lisa, you would only need to turn a corner while fetching ice and find her being publicly spitroasted by strangers like some sort of cheap whore, but this time at least there had been none of that. She had been the sweetest older sister a brother could ask for, constantly indulging him, taking him to see all the sights and lavishing him with love and attention; it made you uneasy. Surely Lisa was hiding something, some depraved scheme that she was enjoying while being outwardly wholesome, it had happened before, more than a few times actually. But this time she had seemed genuine, which only left you all the more conflicted, were you the one in the wrong this time? Your morose musings are halted only when Lisa enters the room, who quietly joins you on the bed, patting you reassuringly on the shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier today, why don't we have an early night okay? I'm sure things will be better in the morning." Mulishly, you nod in assent, and slowly join her for a simple dinner at the small table, which passes by in awkward silence. Lisa only speaks up as you get into bed, "Leave your shirt off, I think something is wrong with the AC, it feels really stuffy in here..." She's right, so with reticence you take it off, and snuggle in under the covers as Lisa joins you in bed. She gives your forehead a kiss, "I love you baby brother," before flicking off the light. Perhaps the morning would heal your rift?
Once again you awaken with an inconveniently large erection impaling the mattress, with a now-familiar hot spot behind you. Groggily, you attempt to wriggle out of bed to douse your morning's embarrassment once more, but find your way barred by an arm thrown around your chest. Your confusion only grows as you realize the heat from your sleeping sister was not from her laying nearby you, but rather because she was pressed up against you, with two hard points supported by surprising softness pushing into your back. Unable to process this development, you attempt to escape Lisa's clutches, but her arm holds you tight against her warm body, and your struggles only serve to wake her up. Your big sister stretches languidly against you, which only serves to emphasize what exactly her supple form feels like as it slides against your skin; you were not the only one going shirtless it seems. You feel a perverse fascination with the sensation of Lisa's breasts, and are distracted enough that when she casually pushes onto your back and slips atop you, you offer little resistance. She gives you a sleepy smile, her face mere inches away from your own, and gives you a kiss, "Good morning baby brother, it's time to make things better..." Displeasure wells up within you once more, and you tartly ask for her to get off you, and to put some clothes on. Lisa laughs gently at this and sits up, allowing the sheets to cascade down her smooth body, revealing her perky tits, the lighter skin making the dark of her erect nipples stand out all the more; and further down... Further down the bare skin of her thick pussy lips squishes against your gargantuan hardon, the warmth of her sex burning against your shaft. You stare up in shock at your older sister's nude body, as she patiently allows you to drink in the sight of her, before sliding her hands up your chest, "Are you ready for it? Just relax, and let your big sister do all the work."
Belated realization finally hits your brain hard enough to dispel the fog of arousal filling it, and you snarl in denial at Lisa, get the fuck off of you! But your sibling ignores your demands, and when you try to push her away she catches your hands and pins you down with surprising strength; as she frowns in annoyance, "Fuck, calm down! I am sick and tired of your weird chastity bullshit, it's not normal, so I'm going to take some responsibility as your older sister and fix things," Moving your hands above your head so she can keep them down with one of hers, she smoothly reaches down and pulls out your filthy dick, which drools disgustingly in excitement. Running a finger through the bubbling precum, Lisa seductively licks it clean, before giving you a sharp look, "Wait, when was the last time you came? Just how pent up are you?" Flushing with impotent fury and embarrassment, you answer truthfully, it had been two weeks since your treacherous manhood had last filled your sheets while you slept. Your sister shakes her head incredulously, "Yeah, that is fucking weird, you have a cute girlfriend, use her you moron; or just masturbate like a normal guy!" Lisa sighs, "Okay, let's do this, time to get your cherry popped little brother!" Regaining her usual cheer, your sibling ignores your struggles as you writhe and buck beneath her, her panties shoved into your mouth to stifle your continuous screams of outrage, as she slowly lines herself up. Your older sister gives you the sweetest smile, "I love you," before taking your virginity.
The sordid heat of Lisa's cunt engulfs your sensitive member, its soft folds slobbering all over your shaft as it devours every inch of you until her lower lips kiss your crotch. You groan in despair as your innocence is lost, you had intended that your first time be with your beloved on the night of your marriage, but instead your slut of a- Your body abruptly silences your internal raging as it floods your brain with pleasure, responding to the overwhelming and novel stimulation coming from your cock, it reacts naturally. You groan as your hips slam treacherously upwards, and the fattest load of your life explodes into your sister, richly rewarding her pussy for taking your virginity. Lisa lets out a soft gasp as you creampie her, she had barely even sat on your dick and you were already cumming in her; she smirks, virgins always finished so quickly. She opens her mouth to congratulate you, then pauses and glances down, where your balls continue to pulse; slowly, she slides herself back up your shaft as you gradually fill her pussy with your seed. Post-coital bliss wrestles with horrid guilt, as the catastrophic euphoria of your orgasm fades, remorse stabbing at you for so enjoying being forcibly assaulted by your own sister. Lisa meanwhile is ogling as she tentatively pokes at her sloppy holes, even filled to the brim she was barely leaking, "Fuck, just how much did you cum in me? If this was your girlfriend, she would be knocked up for sure; shit, this might be enough to be risky even for me!" She reaches down to pat your cheek affectionately, "But see, that wasn't so hard was it, didn't it feel so nice just letting it all out? So now that you're nice and drained we..." your older sister trails off as she glances down at your still rock-hard erection, "Oh."
Lisa lets out an astonished giggle as she teases you, "Wow, just how badly do you want to fuck your sister?" Then she stops, and gives you a quizzical look, "Wait, is that it? Is that why you've been so moody around me all this time?" You growl angrily up at her, and she winces as she remembers your gag, once removed however, you fervently deny her claims, while a creeping horror fills you as a little voice in your head agrees with her. But no matter what lies your mouth might say, your cock was entirely truthful as it lets out another leak of precum, beyond eager to be inside of your sister once more. An awkward silence falls as you both stare at your engorged manhood, before looking at one another for a time. Lisa's face crumples as she sobbingly embraces you, holding you tight as ugly tears course down her face, "Oh, you silly idiot, you should have told me! You've spent all these years watching everyone else have their turn with your big sister, but never you! Fuck, I should have known you would be jealous! I'm so sorry for being such a failure of a big sister!" Tentatively, you delicately bring you arms around Lisa, torn between shoving her off of you, or accepting that she may very well be right. Were you so violently against any hint of sexuality because you felt that your sister had spurned your unnoticeable advances while growing up; was that why you loathed her, out of fury at being denied? Your doubts shrink as Lisa kisses you once more, the wetness from her tears anointing your cheeks as her tongue pushes deep into your mouth, sloppily making out with you before pulling back. She gives you a loving smile, "Don't worry, your big sister will take responsibility for this, I'll fix things I promise!"
Beaming, your older sister sits on your cock once more, but this time Lisa was intent on not stopping until you were fully satisfied. You both moan as your member pushes through the goopy remains of your last load, and you share a knowing look; this well and truly was incest now, and it felt so right. Your sibling holds your hands as she rides you, eschewing her more showy techniques for a more primal slamming; your wildly bucking hips would have ruined any complex movements. Semen sprays everywhere as your ferocious sex expels it from Lisa's pussy, making an absolute mess as it drizzles over your skin. Your sister groans, "Fuck, no wonder you were pumping the sheets full of precum every morning, it must have been torture for you to be so close to me yet unable to relieve yourself," she gives you a wicked grin, "But now you can pump your sister full every morning instead!" The perverse thought of fucking your own sister for the rest of your trip fills you with excitement, and you swiftly grasp her petite waist to hold her steady as you pound away at her sopping cunt. Lisa's eyes roll back as she lets you have your way with her, her pussy spasming in anticipation of your next load, her hands hurriedly putting her hair into a messy bun to get it out of her face. Grunting, you creampie your older sister once more, slathering her folds with thick semen as she climaxes from the sordid pleasure of getting pumped full of cum by her baby brother. Shuddering, the pair of you makeout as your cock softens, but it is quick to surge back into full rigidity as Lisa idly rocks back and forth atop you, "Again?" she asks with a perceptive smirk.
You pump between Lisa's supple thighs with virginal passion as your sister simply lays back and takes it. Her legs wrap tightly around your waist as her hands roam your back and chest, spurring you on as you slam deep inside of her, "Oh fuck yes baby," Lisa gasps "It's your turn now, you've watched everyone else take their turn with your big sister, but she's all yours now!" You kiss her fiercely in response, as you unceasingly plow a furrow in your own sibling, your balls drenched with your congealed sexual fluids. Lisa shudders as she climaxes once more, her folds greedily massaging your shaft as you continue to fuck through her orgasm. You bite and suckle upon her neck as she holds you close, urging you on, "God, don't stop little brother, just keep fucking me until your drained! I don't care how nasty you want it, your big sister will do anything to satisfy you, I promise!" You take her up on that, as you feel your next load churning through your balls you abruptly pull out of the warm confines of your sister's pussy, before hurriedly scooting forward to shove your leaking cock into her face. Lisa knows exactly what to do, and opens her mouth in invitation as locks eyes with you, nodding encouragingly as you furiously stroke the cum out of your cock. Groaning, you jizz on your sister's face, the same face that was plastered on billboards and advertisements around the world, was now getting painted with fat ropes of your semen. Lisa doesn't blink, even when your salty load splashes against her eye, lovingly staring up at you as you cover her million-dollar face with your seed.
Lisa stops you from retreating, and with affectionate care cleans your cock off with her mouth, diligently sucking the dregs of your load out of you; before simply sucking on you for the fun of it. You quiver as your older sister gives you your first blowjob, her tongue skillfully caressing the underside of your member, as her naughty lips wrap tightly around your shaft. The sensation left you giddy, and Lisa's eye's narrow with satisfaction as she notes your obvious pleasure as she slurps up and down your length. But like any boy, you wanted to go deeper, and your sister was more than happy to oblige you. You moan loudly as Lisa deepthroats you, holding onto her bobbing head for support as you struggle to stay upright; gasping her name as she skillfully works your next load out of you. The pressure becomes unbearable, and you nearly collapse as you fill your older sister's mouth with your cum, streamers of semen even spewing directly into her stomach as she takes your spasming cock to the hilt; her salacious tongue hard at work coaxing your balls. Lisa doesn't even bother to wipe off the jizz drying on her face after you finish clogging her mouth with sperm, she can tell how much it arouses you.
You would have thought you would be satisfied by all that, but your bulging erection said otherwise. Giggling, Lisa merrily allows you to bend her over, hoisting her ass into the air and arching and spreading her cheeks to reveal your sloppy seconds leaking out of her gaping lower lips. Perverse pride permeates through you at the sight of your sister's cunt crammed full of your seed, how often had you seen someone else's load drooling out of your sister? But now she was yours, you had placed your own claim on her pussy, and you were eager to continue doing so. You shiver with barely controlled excitement as you grab her surprisingly curvy hips, you realized now how much your sister's perky ass aroused you, your cock head already glistens with precum when you push into the sloppy mess inside of Lisa. Who smirks as she feels you enter her, she can feel how eager you were to fuck her from behind just from how you penetrated her, and she knows exactly what her little brother wants, "Mhmm that's it, I bet you've been waiting to fuck me doggy this whole time, every guy does," her smile grows smug as she feels your dick stiffen, "I just love showing it off, I'm sure all your friends were blasting fat loads to my ass all the time..." she abruptly twists backwards and lovingly touches your cheek, "But now it's your turn to give your sister a good pounding, so don't hold back, okay? Lisa blows you a kiss, and moments later you are fervently fucking your older sister as if your life depended on it, who obligingly curls back down into her sharp arch to better pleasure her little brother's cock. You plow Lisa's perky butt, her cheeks slapping loudly against your skin as you work out yet another urge that had festered in your heart for years; this time, Lisa's ass was yours. Lust burns through you as you jackhammer your slut of a sister, the sheer eroticism of finally fulfilling your darkest fantasies driving you to orgasm faster than you anticipated. Howling your sister's name, your balls exert themselves once more and douse your sibling's cunt with sperm, who squeals in delight as she revels in the sensation of being filled, "Fuck yes! Fill your big sister up, cum in me, breed me!"
It was that last phrase that had you thrusting away again even before you had finished recovering from your climax, gritting your teeth as you force your tiring cock to rise to the occasion once more. Lisa looks back at you in bemusement, curious as to your sudden second wind, until she realizes, "Oh... does breeding me excite you that much," she giggles in delight, "You dirty pervert, it isn't enough to just fuck your older sister, you want to impregnate me as well?" Your increased pace is all the answer she needs, and Lisa ponders it for a moment before giving you an enormous and degenerate smile, "Why not? If you manage to knock me up, I'll keep it, it's the least your big sister can do... wait did you just cum in me again? Lisa laughs as she feels your cock spasming inside of her, "Fuck, you really want to put a baby in my belly don't you? At this rate even an idol like me might get fertilized!" Perversely, you feel yourself getting hard once more, your older sister was right, the thought of knocking her up aroused you immeasurably; but she stops you before you can continue fucking her, "Hey! Let it settle in me, how is the sperm supposed to reach me if you keep fucking it out of me? Why don't we switch holes for a little bit," Lisa smirks as she feels your manhood become nearly as stiff as it had been at the start, "Yes baby brother, you can use my asshole as much as you like!" You groan as urgently mount your older sister's tight asshole, you fucking love your sister, Lalisa!
Lisa purrs contently as she strokes her younger brother's hair as he sleeps soundly upon her tender breasts, his semen drying inside both of her holes. The familiar ache of her over-used body soothes her, she hadn't expected her sibling to have as voracious a sexual appetite as her, but she had certainly enjoyed it. But as his big sister, she still had some work to do while her dear boy peacefully slumbered, so humming quietly to herself, she gets to work. First she informs her friends of her success, Jihyo is already enthusiastically hoping her egg gets fertilized, while Nayeon is frothing at the mouth with jealousy for such a spectacular deflowering. Next she uses her brother's phone to send his girlfriend some select clips from the recording she had made of their coupling (Her brother could be so oblivious sometimes, how did he not notice her phone pointing at them the entire time!), cheerfully informing her what happened as well as telling her that she expected at least five nieces and nephews to spoil rotten. An hour later, his phone pings, and she enjoys a minute-long video of the "pure and innocent" girl squirting wildly to the sight of her boyfriend fucking his sister; no doubt she would be getting pumped full of cum within an hour of the couple reuniting. Finally, Lisa muses upon the enormity of what she had just done, she had forced herself upon her own brother, and engaged in depravedly incestous sex with him, oh and there was a very slight chance she might be carrying his baby as well. She was sopping wet at the thought of doing it again and again for the next week.
Lisa was looking forward to not leaving their room for the rest of the trip...
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
I really loved reading your Zuko Freezer Burn fic! I wanted to request one where Zuko doesn't believe reader could ever love him until she risks her life to save him. Smut in the end is appreciated
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Believe Me Now?
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader
Summary: After narrowly missing getting a scar to match Zuko's after he nearly engulfed the ship, the two of you have a heart to heart. Both of you letting your feelings and insecurities known. The sudden flood of vulnerability and reassurance leads to things getting intense.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut.
Zuko was currently in a private meeting with Iroh, trying to calculate the best route for the latest lead on the Avatar. You were sitting in the room the two of you shared on the ship. Cleaning the room, folding clothes among other things.​​ Even though you were a bit ignorant of all the little details of hunting the Avatar, you could see it slowly chipping away at Zuko. He was more ornery, the smallest things setting him off. It was evident that he was becoming impatient, longing for his old life. You resented this at times, why wasn’t the life you were building together enough to satisfy him? Of course it was only naturally from him to want that royal status back. That’s what made you the most insecure; the one thing he wanted more than anything was also the only thing you can’t give him. He bursted into the room, face red and sweat dripping down his forehead. 
“I’m so tired of being out maneuvered!” he groaned loudly, slamming the door shut. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said.
He sat on the bed, fists balled up and resting on his knees. You rubbed his back, trying your best to calm him down. This wasn’t working, if anything he was becoming more enraged. His mind was snowballing, unable to accept another defeat. Standing up again, making his way out of the room and to the fire room. Where coal was shoved into the furnaces, which powered the ship. Muttering and groaning about how slow we were traveling. Roughly throwing shovel fulls and then shooting fire to ignite them. There were barrels of blasting jelly, normally stored at a safe distance from the heat. Zuko however, shoving large amounts of coal while blasting practically white hot flames was becoming at risk. You were trying to warn him, yelling his name hoping to break him out of this fit. Even you were starting to feel the heat building in the room. 
“Zuko stop!” you scream, wanting to get closer but, the heat was burning your skin. You could barely see due to how bright the flames were. 
Not being able to stand his self destructive behavior, reaching through the hot sting and grabbing his shoulder. One of the barrels ends up catching fire, sending both of you stumbling back as it combusted. Flames began covering the room, slightly disoriented he grabs your arm and pulls you towards the exit. Soldiers were running in, trying their best to extinguish the blaze. The ship was badly damaged, to the extent of evacuating onto a sister ship nearby. Iroh was pissed at Zuko, especially after seeing the burns on your wrist and shoulder. His uncle was lecturing him the entire boat ride there. You were giving him the cold shoulder, fed up with his anger issues. A bottomless hole that no amount of reassurance and comfort could fill. You could tell he wasn’t listening to Iroh, more just sitting in deep thought. Hopefully regretting his action like the fool he is. 
“Are you okay?” he asks as the two of you settle into the new room. Sitting on the bed and thinking about his question for a second. Tears burning into your eyes, preventing you from answering. 
“Are you?” you asked. 
“Just because I lost my temper doesn’t mean-” he tries to explain. 
“No Zuko. I’m tired. You aren’t happy, I’m not making you happy. It seems like this mission is consuming you. I can’t take the way it makes me feel anymore. I want to be enough for- I want to be what you need but maybe I'm just not,” you said through your tears. 
“I don’t think that, I just want to give you the life you deserve. I want you to be my Fire Lady, to have a crown and be honored as the royalty you are. I feel like my banishment obliterated our entire future together, and it’s my fault,” he said, sitting next to you on the bed. 
“I can’t even believe you’d say that, I love you so much. Why do you think I followed you even after banishment? I chose you over everything because I love you, not being royalty or being honored by a kingdom that worships a man who did this to his own blood,” you said, running your finger tips over his scar. 
“But you deserve better,” he said. 
“No, I know you think that but you’re dumb for that,” you said, which seemed to lighten the mood a bit. He wrapped his arm around you and inspected your arm. 
“It’s really not bad, it doesn’t even hurt that bad,” you reassured him. 
He just smiled and started kissing up your arm. Making you giggle, his lips tickling your skin. The energy changes when he moves his mouth to your neck. Climbing on top of you, letting yourself fall back; giving him room to join you on the bed. It wasn’t like you hadn't been together before but this time was different. It felt really natural and organic, like you were both reaffirming how much you care about each other. Pulling at his armor, hoping he would take the hint and rip it off. He does, slowly shedding his outer layers. While he did so, you took his pony-tail out, letting the hair fall onto his face. The kissing becomes deeper, more needy and desperate.
Feeling him get hard while he was grinding against you was making you become inpatient. Your core begins to ache from the lack of contact. Taking his pants off and lifting your dress up. Reaching his hand down to feel how wet you were, dropping his forehead on your shoulder and groaning. His dick twitched against your thigh as he realized how turned on you were. You reach down and line him up with your entrance. Slowly pushing in, moving all his attention to you. Making eye contact, wanting to see your face as he stretched you around his cock. Kissing your nose and cheeks once he was fully inside. They two of you stayed still for a while, rocking your hips every now and again. 
There was something so much more intimate about just embracing each other. Enjoying the feelings of being full, watching his eyebrows furrow. Hearing him moan every time you squeeze your walls around him. Whispering affirmations into your ear, talking about how much he loved you. He began thrusting into you, wrapping one of arms around the back of your neck. Pulling you closer to him, becoming more sensitive as he started pounding harder.
'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.
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alnilaem · 7 months
Ok hear me out……
It’s the middle of summer, on what looks like to be the hottest day of the year, and the power has just gone out in Trouble and butcher!Simon’s building. Trouble gets a text from Simon inviting her over to help him finish the popsicles in his fridge before they melt. She shows up wearing just a tank top and a ratty old pair of gym shorts, and he answers the door shirtless and in only his boxers. She can’t help but notice just how thick his arms are, built from years of hard work, and the fleeting thought of having those arms wrapped around her make her face just a bit hotter. She catches him glancing at her legs when he thinks she’s not looking.
The two of them are sitting on opposite ends of his couch, though considering just how big Simon is and how small his couch is, the distance between them doesn’t account for much. Trouble can still feel the heat radiating off his body and smell the musky remnants of whatever deodorant or cologne he used that morning.
They sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying what little relief the cold popsicles grant them from the overwhelming heat. Simon has a window cracked, but there’s barely a breeze. If anything, the open window is just making it hotter by allowing whatever cool air was in Simons apartment to escape. Trouble begins to tell Simon about the job she’s recently interviewed for, and he’s just grunting out vague hums to show that he’s listening despite the heat making his brain work slower and taking away his desire to move even the smallest muscle, lest it create more body heat.
As she is telling her story, Simon looks over and sees a bead of sweat slowly rolling down Trouble’s neck and into the crevice of her collarbone. On impulse, he reaches over and swipes a finger, wiping away the drop of sweat, and Trouble looks up just in time to see him placing that same finger on his tongue. Tasting her sweat and looking like he’s savouring a delicacy. She stops mid sentence, shocked and unable to react.
Maybe it’s because the heat has melted her brain, but Trouble doesn’t seem to find herself disgusted. Instead, she becomes more aware of how her clothes seem to stick to her skin, how the sweetness of the popsicle she was just enjoying has now become saccharine on her tongue, and how it seems like the heat between her legs is even warmer than the sun burning in the sky.
The tension between them is palpable. Trouble darts out her tongue to clean her lips from the melted popsicle, and slowly swallows, aware of Simons eyes following her every movement. She sees his eyes linger on her lips, as he slowly sucks on the finger that wiped away her sweat. His eyes flicker shut and his mouth slowly opens in a silent moan. In that moment Trouble can’t decide which is more unbearable, the suffocating, stagnant air in the room, or just how badly she wants to fuck her next door neighbour.
And then they fuck 🫣
anon my volume is at 100% i am hearing you ALL THE WAY OUT. i dont even know what to add to this….. this is so GOOD. simon swiping a wash of her sweat and tasting it????? this is making me miss butcher simon cause i havent written him in a while but oh my goodness. i need to make them smash asap dont i 😔
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crucifiedfaerie · 11 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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musamora · 1 year
𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖘/𝖔 「𝔣𝔶𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯 𝔡𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔢𝔳𝔰𝔨𝔶」 ༉‧₊˚
from anonymous ⇢ "could you write some hc's about fyodor taking care of a sick s/o? love your work btw!"
content. gn!reader. illnesses (implied pneumonia and influenza), hurt/comfort, dizziness, badly translated russian, cute little headcanons. not proofread. 1.8k+ words.
author's note. thank you for the request! i've been in a bit of a writer's funk lately, so hopefully my little ramblings are good ٩(*•͈ ꇴ •͈*)و ̑̑❀
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synopsis. it had been the perfect day for enjoying the sunshine, only for you to succumb to the symptoms of an unknown illness. unluckily for you, fyodor is gone on a mission, so it's time to fend for yourself.
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You had been stuck home for weeks, only allowed to leave for groceries and emergencies. Fyodor was away on a dangerous mission inside the city and wanted to ensure that you were safe and sound at home. It was reassuring to receive letters from him since he was close by, but you had started to succumb to cabin fever.
But tomorrow was supposed to be the perfect day.
You took a cursory peek at the weather the night before, pleased to find local climate conditions suitable for finishing your chores while soaking up some sun. It had been either too hot or too rainy for you to leave the house, but tomorrow would provide the prime opportunity to embrace some fresh air.
But it was not meant to be.
"God," you hissed, stretching your disjointed limbs when the sun blinded you as it peeked between the shutters. Weather conditions were perfect, but it seemed your body raised another issue. Your muscles ached with each pop of your joints — strange, but you assumed you had slept wrong. And then your head began to throb. It was small at first but only increased in pressure and annoyance as the day continued. Your throat was the worst of it, an unfluctuating burning sensation aggravating your nerves every time you swallowed.
You originally wrote off these symptoms — the shift of weather probably had a negative effect on your body. It was nothing some good-ol’ fashioned pain medication couldn’t fight off. A minor cold or headache would be manageable as long as you didn’t strain yourself too much, and you refused to dampen such nice weather, so you trekked onward.
The beginning of your day started in the garden, your fingers fast at work toiling with weeds and watering plants. However, the elevated sensation of spasms crawled up the muscles of your arm, making your fingers twitch with every movement. You fussed, massaging your palm with your fingers, and decided that you had enough gardening for the day — there was no way you could continue in this condition. 
So instead, you embraced the brush of air-conditioning against your sweat-slicked skin, sliding the door shut unceremoniously as you trudged your way over to the kitchen counter. A mound of paperwork loomed ahead, awaiting examination and signatures. It seemed like Fyodor reveled in giving you these menial tasks, either to add or to evade your boredom. You shuffled through the top of the stack, carrying a bundle to sit next to the conditioning unit — otherwise, you’d be tempted to stick ice cubes against your skin to relieve the heat-based dizziness that stirred the neurons of your brain.
Tick. Tick.
The clock clicked onward, and you found your hands more cramped and your eyes more and more strained. Even paperwork had become an arduous task, your muscles twinging with pins and needles in the frigid air. So after you signed your name for what seemed like the thousandth time, you placed the pen and papers on the floor and called it a day. You weren’t getting anything else done in this position, and you honestly did not want to be awake for this day any longer.
It seemed to be one of those days, days when the world mocked your misery with its delightful weather, watching in humor as you stumbled over your own feet to crawl away from its intense gaze. You burrowed into the sheets like a rabbit, the cotton comforter cocooning around your body, substituting the presence of your missing lover. The scent of pine permeated from the sheets — you had sprayed the bed each morning with cologne whenever Fyodor was away — as your muscles unwound, eyes fluttering shut as a tiny smile graced your features.
But the nap did not help.
Instead of arising from your bed with a sense of refreshment and relief, the pounding of your skull ran tremors through your body. Your vision had split into blurred shards of light, hands shaking as you guided yourself into the bathroom. You placed a thermometer against your forehead after a quick rummage through your drawers, leaning against the wall as you waited for the beep. Your legs wobbled as you fought back sleep, wincing when the thermometer rang.
That was pretty damn high.
Body temperature was the most concerning aspect of your condition, and most of your other symptoms would leave if you had taken care of it, so you focused on that first. After waddling into the kitchen, you strained to reach for a cup inside the kitchen cabinet to fill with water. The entire process became more tedious than usual, and the water splashing against your hands only made your fingers cramp. You popped the medication cap open, downing the pills and chugging the water with conviction before slamming the cup onto the counter.
You stumbled your way into the living room., throwing yourself on the couch as your legs gave up underneath you. Your feet toyed with a blanket on the end, flicking it across your body as you struggled to find the proper ratio for the best cooling effect. It became an on-again, off-again struggle before you gave up, groaning into the scratchy decorative pillow under your head.
Each breath was a struggle, the pressure on your chest acting like a lead weight slowly sinking under the water. You braced yourself on your back, feeling the expansion and contraction of your chest with your hands, fearing that if you stopped tracking each breath, you would stop breathing entirely. 
The world went hazy, black dots crawling at the edges of your vision.
You moaned, clutching onto the pillow as you covered your ears to shield them from the obtrusive sound. The footsteps that began to enter the room paused before someone rushed to your side. That same person seemed to be talking to you — yes, you knew they had to be — a hand guiding you to sit straight and a gentle voice coaxing your eyes open. It was difficult to see who it was, but that velvety Russian accent made it easier.
"F-Fyodor," you mumbled, squinting at him through clouded eyes. He leaned your body against the back of the couch, kissing your forehead to feel for your temperature. His brow furrowed, eyes examining your body as it tremoured with chills. 
If he had known about this, he would’ve returned sooner.
"Я тут, Я тут. Ты не один, любимая . Я тут."
The moment he strides through the doorway and spots your doubled-over body on the couch, he’ll assess the situation and act with precision. He is an intelligent man, which makes his first instinct to address the issues he can and find the fastest way to cool you down. And knowing him, he would be able to identify your specific ailment with around 95% accuracy.
He may not be a medical professional, but he is well-read and has extensive knowledge of human biological makeup and anatomy. He would also have access to your medical records (whether you know it or not) — it makes it easier for him to look after you, but he’ll never tell you that. 
So his first priority is both bringing your temperature down and stabilizing you. He will refresh the sheets inside your bedroom (smirking at the familiar scent of cologne), laying you down with a cool rag on your forehead. Any time you wake up, you are guaranteed to have water situated inches away from your face. Despite your sore throat, he will not allow you to gargle any salt water. He doesn’t want you to get any more dehydrated.
"You need to drink, мышка. You won’t get better if you're dehydrated."
Your entire bedroom will have turned into a cozy den, allowing you to rest without going completely stir-crazy. A heating pad would lie beneath your back, and a humidifier would be adjusted near your face to clear out your lungs — that’s one of the things that worried him the moment he walked through the door. He was concerned you were slowly suffocating, which he knows is one of the worst ways to go.
He would also massage your sore muscles. Enjoy this treatment while it lasts because he wouldn’t normally do this when you were fully cognizant. He is a bit softer to you in this state because it reminds him of the fragility of the human body. He often forgets (more like doesn’t take into consideration) that his own body is weakened due to his anemia, so this is an excellent wake-up call.
You are going to have a rare chance to eat his food! Fyodor is usually too busy to make any meals, so you have the prime opportunity to enjoy some classic Russian dishes — delicious sour rassolnik and hearty solyanka soups, perfect for soothing your throat and filling your stomach.
After all of this, he would force you to take a bath — but at a lukewarm temperature to ensure you wouldn’t worsen your fever. He would want to get rid of any germs as soon as possible, so he’d make sure that every inch of your body is scrubbed down.
And if you aren’t married, he will not get in the tub with you. He is a traditional man (i.e., no sex until after marriage, etc.), and he is already pushing it by helping you bathe in the first place — because as much as this man secretly loves your body, he has to "maintain the sanctity of your relationship." Though the entire experience would make him think twice about waiting to get married.
If you are married, he might get in the tub with you if you insist. He finds that he can’t say no to you as efficiently when you’re in this much pain, and you both enjoy the feeling of being so close to one another. 
He would still sleep in the same bed as you, but he won’t do any sort of cuddling (not that he does it much in the first place). At most, he’ll hold your hand as you fall asleep, letting you know that he’s there. He’d also read to you if you were struggling with sleeping, ensuring that you get a proper night’s rest.
It is rare to see this man taking care of you in a non-discrete way, so revel in it while it lasts. He will maintain a calm composure throughout the duration of your sickness, but he is genuinely worried for your health. He hates seeing you in pain, and he will do anything to ease it.
For the following weeks, he would not allow you to exert yourself until you have fully recovered. If he sees you overworking yourself, you are immediately chastised and sent back to bed.
"Приле́чь, любимая моя. Ты нужда́ешься в о́тдыхе."
He makes sure to set up a system so that he’ll be notified whenever you’re sick, which could be from having a co-worker monitor you (though he doesn’t like the idea of anyone besides himself having eyes on you) or setting up a camera system in your home. He wants to be aware whenever you’re sick so that, at the very least, he can be prepared for when he arrives back home.
"Идти́ спать, мой Дорогая. Я буду здесь, когда ты проснешься."
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мышка = mouse я тут, я тут. ты не один, любимая. я тут. = i’m here, i’m here. you’re not alone, my love. i’m here. приле́чь, любимая моя. ты нужда́ешься в о́тдыхе. = lie down, my love. you need rest. идти́ спать, мой дорогая. я буду здесь, когда ты проснешься. = go to bed, my dear. i'll be here when you wake up.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @imhandicapableofmath @seisitive
© 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋 2023 — do not repost or modify my works for any reason. do not steal graphics w/o explicit permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
comet... I'm thinking...
this and this, right?
what if he was in heat? what if he did have a plug in? and that was just the perfect opportunity to get something close to relief, a little hump against his bass and an additional grind of the plug???
most importantly, who put it into him?
this requires a ficlet, me thinks
Breakfast time, Hypnone! My eyes have been bugging out of my head about this one since you sent it. 1.4k of uh...whatever this is.
Full moons are torture. Rain has gotten used to this by now.  Standing on stage under the burn of the stage lights feeling like he’s coming apart at the seams. He’s dripping with sweat. Feels beads of it running down his spine. He doesn’t know how many times he’s wiped his hands off on his thighs. Fingers slipping on strings, nearly fumbling notes. But he’s well practiced at this by now. Used to it. Planning a tour is hard enough without having to account for an afflicted water ghoul. So, this, while uncomfortable, has become the norm.
His gut aches as he plucks at his strings. Mind somewhere else. Already in a cold shower. Spread out on the hotel bed, exposed to whoever feels like taking a turn. This one is worse than usual. It’s harder.
Swiss and Mountain ganged up on him before their set. Crowding up to him in the dingy dressing room. Fingers wiggling beneath the waistband of his uniform pants. Mountain kissing him breathless while Swiss fingered him, stretching him out, getting him ready. Rain had keened into Mountain’s mouth, begged for a knot that never came. Instead of relief, he got a plug. The minute it was fully seated Mountain and Swiss were gone. Backing away. Mountain pressed a kiss between his horns and told him to be good as Swiss grinned madly at him. Wiggling his slick finger as he disappeared out of the door, a promise.
Rain doesn’t remember most of the show. Going through the motions. Veins molten. Body shuddering with each step. Any intense movement grinds the plug against his prostate. Makes his vision flicker. He’s never wanted to cum so badly in his life.  When Dew slides up behind him during Year Zero he leans back against him, arching, pressing their masks together. Dew nuzzles him, tweaks a nipple. Rain can feel the shake of his laughter—and then he’s gone. And Rain feels his absence like a wound.
Rain likes this game. The way he has to fight himself. The way his packmates look at him across the stage. Ravenous. All of them.
Loves how it feels to stand in front of thousands of people and know that none of them have any idea what’s really going on. There is something about all those eyes turned to him—it makes it all so much better.
Aeon lingers around him for longer than usual. Swiss grins at him, fingers the air like a promise. Aurora and Cumulus reach out for him when he walks between their platforms. Cirrus drags her fingers over his chest at the end of her keytar solo.
They want him.
He’s given up on being subtle by the time Square Hammer starts. When Dew leans, so does he, pressing his cock against the back of his bass. Dropping one hand behind him to press against the plug, grind it a little further in. Just enough to hit a spot that makes him feel like his bones have turned to liquid. He locks eyes with Dew, catching the barest hint of Dew’s smirk through his balaclava.
A little more and he could cum from this. In front of all these people. He almost does.
But then the moment is over. Dew straightens, so does he. The pressure eases, but the burn doesn’t.
That last song feels like it goes on forever. He throws his picks in handfuls. Not aiming. Not even looking at the crowd. He hopes they gang up on him in the dressing room. Shove him up against the flimsy door. Fuck him hard enough to break it down. Any of them, all of them. At this point he isn’t picky. He expects something as they walk backstage. Attention. Someone to sidle up to him, to press open mouth kisses to his neck. To talk to him. Instead, all he gets is a rough slap on the ass from Dew as he walks by. Hard enough to jam the plug into his prostate. Enough to make his knees buckle. He stumbles, doesn’t fall. Dew looks back at him and chuckles. 
And then, nothing.
An empty dressing room. A quiet ride to the hotel. Sitting makes it worse, so he slides down as far as he can in his seat. Eyes closed. Tries to think about anything other than how agonizing the last twenty minutes have been. Tries not to think about begging Swiss to fuck him right here, right now. He can’t fucking wait any longer. And then they’re at the hotel. Nice like they’ve all been this tour. And Swiss and Mountain are flanking him urging him into the elevator, down a long hallway, into a room with one queen sized bed.
“Touch me."
They’re the first words Rain has said in hours. Eyes darting between Mountain and Swiss.
“Bet you’ll cum right away,” Swiss says, dropping onto the bed, toeing his shoes off. He lays back with an exhausted sigh.
“Y-yeah,” Rain agrees. Looking toward Mountain. “Please.”
“No fun in that,” Swiss says, face turned toward the ceiling. Rain wants to argue. Wants to remind Swiss, pointlessly, that he’ll cum as many times as Swiss wants, but Mountain crosses the room and pulls Rain into a kiss before he can get the words out. It’s sweet at first, but quickly turns filthy. Mountain licking deep into Rain’s mouth, claiming, hands on each of his cheeks holding him in place while he plunders. Rain can only whine, lean into it, open wider.
Swiss sits up on his elbows to watch. Hitches himself up on the bed enough to lean against the headboard and get a hand on himself. Palming over the zipper of his jeans as Mountain pulls Rain’s clothes off piece by piece. Fingers gentle over his overheated skin, mouth latched to his throat.
Rain doesn’t realize he’s naked until he is, rutting his cock against Mountain’s thigh. Chasing an orgasm that rushes up too quickly. He doesn’t see it coming.
But Swiss does. Pushing off the bed and coming to stand behind Rain. He locks an arm around his waist and pulls him back. Wrenching him away from Mountain and the only meaningful stimulation he’s had in hours.
“Get on the bed,” Swiss whispers in his ear, teeth grazing over the shell of it. Fingers digging into his belly.
Rain stumbles when Swiss releases him, but manages to get there. Tossing himself onto the bed, bouncing in a nest of soft pillows. He watches Swiss pull Mountain in by the collar. Can see the slide of their tongues as they kiss. Hips slotting together. Mountain whines.
Rain feels like he’s going to implode.
It's cruel, he thinks. All of this. They could have ended this by now. Knotted him. Relieved him of his static brain and heavy limbs. Of the way his blood feels like lava. He’s been hard for so long he doesn’t think he remembers how it feels not to be.
“Please,” he tries, but the word cracks and fails. He tries again. Louder. Swiss and Mountain pause. Swiss pulls back. Rain wants to taste the string of spit that still connects them.
“He’s been good,” Mountain whispers. Dragging his fingers through Swiss’ hair, holding him close. Rain leans against the headboard, cock kicking against his belly. Pre drying in his happy trail.
Swiss hums. Nips at Mountain’s lip.
“He’s so pretty when he’s desperate, though. We promised we’d wait for—”
There’s the sudden sound of a keycard in their door. Rain swears he can feel the click of the lock in his bones. His stomach flips.
Swiss looks at him—really looks at him, finally. Dark eyes narrowing, zeroing in. Rain doesn’t see who slips through the door before Mountain and Swiss are blocking his view of it. One on either side of his thigh. Swiss reaching between his legs to wiggle the plug. Mountain sweeps some of Rain’s hair behind his ear. He cups Rain’s cheek, gentle. A stark contrast to how Swiss drags the plug almost all the way out and slams it back in.
The door opens again. Rain barely hears it over the blood pounding in his ears and his own whimpering. But he knows who’s here now. His addled brain finally catching up. He can smell his pack—all of them. Eyes on him, dragging over flushed shaking skin. Hungry.
“Gonna take such good care of you tonight, Raincloud.” Mountain whispers, bending to kiss him. He tastes like Swiss.
“Gonna ruin you,” Swiss promises.  
Rain hopes they do.
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step-on-me-khun · 2 years
Hello, I saw your requests open!
Can I please request Inui and his fem s/o starting to be intimate for the first time? Inui completely speechless & shocked by getting the best bj of his freaking life. Like, his soul left his body in bliss and he fell deeper in love after that cause, Wow.
I'm not a minor (23 yrs old) and ridiculously enamoured with your writing.
Thank you so much!
hello, and thanks for the request! tokrev requests are uncommon but I do love getting surprised by one. and thank you for the nice compliment 😭
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warning(s): lime, no minors please words: 2051 taglist: empty - ask to me added ❤
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It was easy to get lost and smitten whenever Inui smiled at you. His soft face and expression made you love him more and more, and there was no one as caring and as protective as Inui. There were times when you felt truly blessed.
When Inui held you, it was always soft and gentle, like you were something he prized more than anything. His kisses were like a warm summer breeze that made you feel giddy thinking about them. There was never a day he didn't tell you he loved you.
He may seem stoic and uninterested at times, but you knew that he wouldn't shy away from being affectionate in private. Sure, there were makeout sessions, but they would end before it got too heated, but you had hinted that you wanted more from him.
There was no need to rush into your relationship, and patience was something Inui had plenty of - scaring you away wasn't an option. When you were out in public, Inui didn't mind you clinging to his arm as long as you were happy and comfortable.
Inui wanted to walk you home, but you were keen on staying by his side. You didn't want to let go or go home.
"We're closer to yours," you comment quietly. "Can't I stay at yours? Just for tonight,"
"What's brought this on?" Inui asks.
"I just figured that staying over at your place would help me get used to, you know, staying over,"
"I get that, but isn't it too soon?"
"Seishu," you whisper, "we've been a thing for nearly half a year. I know you're looking out for me and being patient with me, but if we stay like this, we'll end up getting nowhere at all,"
He smiles softly, "I don't see any problem with you staying over,"
You felt excitement and nervousness all over staying together for one night. It didn't mind you where you slept. You wanted to see what Inui looked like first thing in the morning.
The freezing weather made your legs burn. Every step made you more tired. Oh, how badly you wanted to be warm.
You had been together since Inui left work when the sight of you made his day a little better. He didn't mind doing what you wanted, but you never wanted to do anything out of either of your comfort zones.
Both of you came to a halt as you reached his home, as Inui fumbled for his keys, his cold fingers struggling to grasp the metal.
Inui quickly opened the door, allowing you access indoors before him. You release his hand as you walk inside, rubbing your arms for warmth.
You silently stood there, remembering the room before you and how used you had become to it. After all, it was like a second home to you.
It wasn't late, but you would feel much better in your warm, comfortable bed. Just the thought of heading back outside made you shiver.
"I don't want you to sleep on the couch," Inui starts, "so you can take my bed,"
"You're not sleeping on the couch, not with how cold it is,"
"(Y/N)," Inui complains.
"Can we act like this is a normal relationship for now and forget to take our time? It's just for now," you innocently suggest.
"I just want to keep you safe, you know?"
"And I'm seriously grateful for that, Seishu," you cup his face and kiss his forehead, earning you a soft smile and sigh, like he knew how precious you were to him.
Inui wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you from the ground. You were almost at eye level.
While he held you, you wanted to wrap your legs around Inui to keep him close to you, but you didn't want to seem desperate.
You got fed up with waiting and with being patient. Although you did appreciate and love all the times Inui told you he loved you and all the soft kisses and hugs, you did wonder what his reaction would be to you initiating something beyond soft touches and kisses.
As your feet slowly reach the floor, your arms wrap tightly around his neck, fingers loosely playing with his hair.
"Is something wrong?" Inu asks, taking notice of your silence.
"I don't know how long I can wait for you," you whisper.
"I only want you to be safe and happy,"
"And that's fine," you loosen your arms a little and press your foreheads together, your eyes looking into his. "But at least let me show you how much you mean to me?"
"How do you plan on doing that?"
A soft, playful expression lit up your face. You bit your lower lip, pushing Inui roughly into the wall.
"We don't have to go all the way yet," you explain.
Inui's hand softly brushes the side of your face. "I'll let you take control then,"
Your hand reaches behind Inui, caressing his nape and bringing his head down, your noses bumping into each other.
"I love you so much," you admit, your hands moving the bottom of his shirt, lifting it enough for Inui to take it off. His blond hair becomes slightly messy as he lifts it over his head. As the shirt falls to the floor, you pull Inui into a kiss. If you were cold before, you weren't now.
"I love you, too," Inui says as you're lips separate briefly. The both of you were flustered, leaving a pink tint on your faces.
You knew what you wanted to do to Inui, and as your hands glide down his chest to the top of his pants, your lips connect again.
The kiss felt desperate but not enough to scare either of you away. If anything, you both needed each other. As both your tongues collided, fingers fiddled with the button of his pants before unzipping them.
You were a little nervous, and it seemed like Inui could tell. Inui's lips leave yours and instead find the sweet spot on your neck and pepper it with kisses.
"We can stop," he speaks softly.
"I don't think so," you say, kissing him roughly, then your lips move lower, kissing his cheek before smiling. "I love you too much to stop,"
Your eyes were glued to his as you moved to kiss his jaw and continued to move down - from his neck to his Adam's apple, grazing your teeth against it before moving to his collarbone.
Even if the room was quiet, Inui's heavy breathing broke it. They became heavier the lower you went. Kisses move from his chest to his stomach, Inu's hands resting flat on the wall.
As you reach the hems of his pants, Inui tilts his head, a little lost and overwhelmed.
You pepper his lower stomach with more kisses as you pull down his jeans and boxers. As you free his erection, the cold air hits him, Inui tenses up a little, and quiet groans escape his mouth.
How could Inui look so adorable right now? It was like he was silently begging you to do more. But you could tell he was hesitant to do anything to you. This man was just too sweet to you.
You rest your hands on his upper thigh, Inui's chin in the palm of his hand as he watches you inch closer and closer to his dick. The way he looked at you, he was needy. If you stopped now, his heart would stop.
As your eyes focus on his, you rest a hand on the base of his length, your tongue licking the head.
Inui forces his free hand shut as he watches you, letting the tension he had before go. It felt like total bliss to him. How could someone this beautiful be doing this to him?
You leave a trail of kisses down his dick, and as soon as you reach the base, you lick all the up to the tip.
Again, sweet groans escape Inui's lips, he bits down on the lower one, but it doesn't do much to suppress the sounds.
Your hand strokes his length a few times as your eyes remain glued to his.
If you were somewhat cold before, you weren't anymore.
The sight in front of him was almost too much to bear. Seeing you like this almost made his heart melt.
You steady your breath as you take him in your mouth, the warm and wet feeling of you making him hiss and shift. Moving slowly, you bob your head, closing your eyes as you concentrate.
It felt weird for you, but you could tell that Inui was feeling good. It was something you would get used to doing, anything to make him feel loved.
After a few more bobs of your head, you release his length, stroking it a few more times, gaining your breath, a few strings of saliva connecting your mouth and his tip. That sight alone almost made Inui groan louder. You smile sweetly as your eyes meet his again.
As you move away your hand, your courage rises, and you take the opportunity to bob a little faster on him.
Inui wasn't all that vocal, but his noises were enough.
You focus on pleasing him and controlling your breathing through your nose while opting to keep your eyes on his. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but it was what you wanted. And to see him fall apart so easily by you made you a little confident.
In your mind, you thought about all the other things you could do to him, all similar to what you were doing, that could make him react like this. It was possible that maybe later on, Inui would treat you the same way.
You free his dick again, taking a few seconds to breathe before taking him back into your mouth, sucking and licking in the tip while your hands stroke him off. Soon, you notice just how quick his breathing is. It seemed like he was getting close.
As you take him into your mouth again, you place your hands back on his thighs, nearly deepthroating as you bob on his dick.
Inui's groaning became a little louder, and his eyes lidded as he stared down at you, loving every second. It wasn't just Inui who enjoyed what you were doing to him. The whole time you stared up at him, you attempted to do that as innocently as possible. It might've been your first time going down on someone, but the expressions Seishu made, just made you adore him more.
"Please, don't stop," Inui cries, "I'm so close, angel. You're doing so well,"
Praise made you weak, and the way it rolled off his tongue made it all the hotter.
The hands on his thighs stopped him from trying to thrust into your mouth, and that was something he didn't want to do.
"Y/N," Inui whines, moving his hand beside him to your face, caressing it as softly as he reaches his climax.
As his seed spills into your mouth, you slowly release his dick, keeping eye contact with him. And as you move back, you notice Inui shaking a little. Maybe he was cold, or was it something else?
"Did I do something wrong?" You ask, cupping the hand still on your face, the other clenched slightly on your leg.
While you regain your breath, Inui calms down, moving his hand from your face. "No," Inui starts as you stand up, "if anything, that was almost too much,"
"Oh, okay," you respond, trying to look him in the eye and failing.
"If you're like that every time you go down on me, you might kill me," Inui exaggerates.
"Don't be silly," your hand finds his nape and tilts his head down, "seeing you react like that was like a little reward,"
As you stood there, you remembered how cold it was.
"I still don't mind sleeping on your-"
"I'm not letting you sleep there, not while it's this cold," Inui interrupts, sorting out his clothes. "We can keep each other warm,"
Inui smiles as he leads you to his room. You knew nothing else was to happen, but that didn't matter. The thing that mattered was getting warm.
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please don't steal or translate
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agoodroughandtumble · 7 months
Roronoa Zoro x Reader - Birthday Part 2
Status: Complete? Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader – I haven’t beta’d but I don’t think Reader is a particular gender (obviously comment if you think it needs changing) Summary: It’s Reader’s birthday Warning(s): 18+ Language, alcohol A/N: I couldn't decide whether I liked the open ending of Birthday so I wrote this
Zoro didn’t dare move, didn’t dare open his eyes. He could happily sink into the infinity of this moment as long as you sunk with him.
The silence was loud – abundant with all the words he could have, should have said. Abundant with the lie he had just laid at your feet. Of course you were still in his head – how could he possible let you leave? You were intrinsic to his very being – despite how much he hated it. Because he did. Wholeheartedly. Hate you. With every fibre of his being. He hated that you had buried yourself so deeply within him that even the lacklustre attempt at banishing you from his head still left you in complete control of his heart, hopes and soul.
Naïvety was not usually a word found in his lexicon but he was certainly aware of it now, heart racing, heat coursing through his veins as he naïvely hoped that you would still want him after everything he had said.
You pulled your head away from his; the lack of contact burning against his skin more than a thousand kisses could. And yet there was a contradictory ice running through his veins. His entire being was hanging on a thread pulled by your whim.
“Why are you doing this?”
Your words shot through him – as if he hadn’t already spanned the entire spectrum of humanity just to get this far. Words were never his friend at the best of times but now they seemed dead set on being his enemy. Laying his entire life in front of you, in that earring, had been easy – but articulating it? A piece of him was literally and figuratively in the palm of your hands. It wasn’t your fault, obviously, it was entirely his. The whole damn situation was his fault. The fact that he could do everything but tell you how he felt about you was entirely his fault. But why was he doing this? Surely you knew. You must know.
Your question echoed in his head. Because he didn’t want to love you, because he didn’t want to allow himself to be so completely out of control. Because he didn’t want you in his head – because he wanted so, so badly for those words to be true. For this gift to be enough, the end, him moving on – a token of a life almost lived. For you to understand what he was saying, only that was impossible. He didn’t know what he was saying. Did he want to pull you into him, to make love to you there and then? To show you how ferociously consuming you were? Did he want you to leave, to walk away so he could pick up the pieces of his broken heart in the solitude he had already become accustomed to?
“Zoro.” Your voice was annoyed, demanding. Eyes ice cold and focussed on him. “If you’re going to be a cryptic arsehole I’m going to bed.”
“Wait,” instinctively he grabbed your wrist.
You rolled your eyes, already fed up with the ‘conversation’. “For what?” You snapped, “What is this bullshit?” You thrust the earring back into his free hand, “All the mind games? You never speak to me and now this? Do you really think I’m that fucking easy?”
Zoro’s hand on your wrist was conflictingly comforting as you stared at him, chest heaving with the effort to retain some sort of composure. You could feel the heat of anger within you, biting down on your bottom lip so as not to explode. You didn’t want an argument, but you didn’t want whatever this was either. You didn’t want his love if it was so fucking traumatic, if it was such a repulsive feeling for him to have. Screaming it from the rooftops was certainly not what you had in mind, but it shouldn’t be this fucking hard for him to just admit that whatever it was, there was certainly something between the two of you.
A small smile found its way across your lips, the lack of an answer from him only solidifying your decision. Okay. Enough.
Your wrist wriggled out of his, “I did wait.” With a heavy sigh you retreated to your bed, hoping the sake would be an adequate excuse in the morning.
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certkidwhocantdomath · 8 months
Guys, it's time to come clean.. My headcanons have never been in full. Yeah, in my true headcanons Johnny was blinded instead of Kenshi(bc Johnny getting blinded instead is underrated) but I kept it out because I thought you guys wouldn't like it. Also, Johnny has his powers but instead of green it's red(bc Johnny with red powers is canon but very underrated). But I finally decided to come clean and put my headcanons in full.
Btw, I just face revealed in my banner! Guess which I am!
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Coldstar Headcanons, Part VII: The Truth
(That actually sounds like a badass title😆)
• Johnny is a descendant of Scandinavia and Greece and the sole surviving member the Karlatun Clan. (Canon doesn't have anything about the quote unquote "Mediterranean clan" Johnny descended from so I created a name myself)
• Johnny spoils Bi-Han. He loves to give him gifts, at least once a day. Such is the life of a celebrity. It can be anything, really. He also loves physical touch. I mean, he is a blind man. Johnny specifically loves it when Bi-Han guides him, with his hand on his shoulder or bicep. It makes him feel very present, especially with the complete loss of his sight. And that's something he cherishes.
• It's only when one of them is badly wounded, that Bi-Han says "I love you" to Johnny- when they are healed, Johnny beams from that point on. One of these moments was when Johnny was blinded by Mileena and stabbed by Shao(that's a story for another day I'm afraid).
• Ever since Johnny came to Outworld, he has been having prophetic dreams of Raiden wielding lightning, Kenshi blindfolded and levitating Sento ahead of him, Liu Kang and his cold hands, Bi-Han and a demonic shadow-like figure constantly looming over him, himself and burning hot fire. 
• Bi-Han is protective of Johnny but he's even more so in an unfamiliar place. After the Mileena incident, he will not let Johnny out of his sight and glares at anyone who tries to talk to him.
• Rather than Kenshi, Johnny is the one blinded by Mileena. It's because of Johnny's prophetic dreams that he decided to pull Mileena away from Kenshi, allowing himself to be blinded.
• After getting blinded, Johnny gained a unique "radar sense" that allows him to perceive the proximity and arrangement of objects around him. He cannot, however, discern pictures or video images, and he can only guess at colors based on the amount of heat they are absorbing or reflecting. (Johnny is basically MK's Daredevil)
• Rose(Johnny's mom) was the very woman who taught Johnny how to do that.
• After getting blinded, Johnny matured considerably, losing much of his earlier arrogance and shortsightedness. In the process, he becomes an overall well rounded and serious character, although his penchant for humor remains mostly intact.
• After gaining his powers, Johnny was sent to Seido for several months(this was before Bi-Han was courting Johnny, he started courting him the day he returned)much to the displeasure and anger of Bi-Han and Kenshi.
• Sometimes, Johnny's fellow kombatants forget Johnny is blind- leading to some funny moments similar to A:TLA when the Gaang forgets Toph is blind(perks of being a multifandom😎)
*out on a mission*
"There it is!" They heard Johnny exclaim from his cooling seat; aka Bi-Han's lap.
Kung Lao, Syzoth and Tomas perk up
Kung Lao looks around and sees nothing, he sends Johnny an unamused look
"That's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it." Johnny said with a smile and he waves a hand over his blindfold and gets comfy once more in Bi-Han's lap.
- -
*out on a mission in a desert*
Johnny accidentally knocks himself into Kung Lao
"Ow! Can't you watch where your-" Kung Lao stops himself the moment he realized who he was talking to,
"No." Was all Johnny said.
"Right, sorry." Kung Lao rubbed the back of his neck and looked behind Johnny to see Bi-Han giving a cold glare.
- -
*in the Lin Kuei mansion*
Kung Lao was drawing Syzoth, who was missing, with Johnny who was laying down and listening to soft music he was playing on his phone.
Raiden and Ashrah come in and Raiden happily says, "We found a printer to make our posters!"
Kung Lao replied with, "Hey, I thought making the missing Syzoth posters was my job. I've been working all day on my Syzoth!"
The Chakram wizard shows them a badly, but also cutely, done drawing of Syzoth.
"It's not bad," Kung Lao beams, "but also not good." Kung Lao deflates.
"C'mon, Ashrah your being too harsh!" Johnny began, "it looks just like him to me!"
"Thank you! I worked very-" than Kung Lao remembered who said that, "why do you have to do this?"
And can I just say, damn! I look cute in my banner!
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burins · 1 year
more JLI post dump! this'll be issues 6-10
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i know this reads different in 1987 but also i DO like it for dinah. also like of course she's friends with bruce
the rest of 6 is a lot of big-scale dr fate stuff which i know is DeMatteis' wheelhouse but which i also don't particularly care about.
7! we are now officially justice league international because the united nations choose to ratify the league. reagan is here! i warned you!
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the fact that clark has to talk to reagan regularly, in the course of superhero comics, is so much for me to contemplate.
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A) i think it's SO funny that bruce has a special earless cowl for going to space and wearing headphones. i realize this may just be an artistic mistake but i'm choosing to believe it's a deliberate costume choice
B) cold-war era comics!!!!!! really truly the geopolitics of superhero comics are fascinating to me. i have to do some digging to see what's been written on them
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i capped this whole panel but i really just want everyone to focus on beetle. this is how you know he's queer is that in each issue he invents a new, gayer way to sit
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ok in issue 8 the league are moving into their NY and Paris embassies. as you might expect. shenanigans ensue!!
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j'onn. ilu
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J'ONN!!! ILU!!!!!
unfortunately for the next few issues the scans they put into hoopla are preeeetty rough in terms of quality (and so are the scans on the other website i sometimes use) so some of the dialogue is a little hard to read.
batman seems to have punched guy into a personality transplant. instead of a miserable he-man reaganite he's become like, pollyanna. it's extremely funny and frankly, as much as i enjoy him being a heel, nice to read him not sounding like clint eastwood.
booster and beetle (at the paris embassy) go out to hit on women. #justbrothings. booster strikes out very very badly with a woman he later learns is their local liaison. whoops!!
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mister miracle crashes a helicopter through the NY building. also once again i love j'onn!!!!
we also learn about the (actually international) superteam the JLI are supplanting. sorry y'all. also very funny that we have this international superteam and then one year later we're going to get the wildly ill-fated new guardians. sometime i'll do a whole separate post on the new guardians except i don't really want to bc it would require me to reread that series,
everyone is being mindcontrolled by the manhunters! i will admit that i do NOT know the difference between these manhunters and j'onn's manhunter situation. i will presumably learn this at some point.
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guy is having a great time being personality-swapped and so am i
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it is also time for feminism jokes. alas.
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i DO love an ear joke though. more people should make fun of batman's ears they are objectively so so silly
we're also starting to get some good and ominous setup of a maxwell lord subplot. jli! it's not just jokes!
10: we're chasing the manhunters to space!
i'm learning so much about hawkman, a character i know nothing about. for instance. he is a cop???
also arisia is here. i have heard of her and her plotline. 😬 this issue comes out also several months before the writers finally let her and hal break up, but it's not a big plot point in the issue aside from one panel. uhhh csa/grooming cw if you go digging into that plotline? idk it's bad
cut to the manhunters BIRTHING CHAMBER?? this is explicitly how it's described. clark burns up the baby manhunters with his heat rays (fine! normal!) and the parent gets pissed and leaves.
i forgot to mention that this is the intro of gnort, who is a green lantern nepo baby.
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i love him.
cut back to earth, where scott and ted are having shenanigans!
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even editorial is bullying ted for his japes and jokes... he's my special little clown
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meowgician-ness · 2 years
starting 2023 with rosekiller<3
 insta voted on whether it'd be Jegulus or RoseKiller and here's the post! idk if anyone needs this but warning they smoke.
 “Not gonna give me one?” Evan jolted up and turned around quickly, relaxing when he realised that the other occupant of the balcony was just Barty.
  “Here,” taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he twirled it around his fingers before passing it to Barty, “It’s my last one,”
  Mumbling a thanks, Barty took the cigarette from Evan, his fingers brushing against Evan’s. He took a long drag before blowing out the smoke, a peaceful look in his eyes. 
  “So, why aren’t you inside?” Unconsciously, he leaned against Barty, relaxing against his body heat. 
  “You’re not there.” Passing back the cigarette, Barty continued staring at the smoke in the sky, oblivious to the pounding in Evan’s chest. 
  Without a word, Barty pushed away from the railing, and walked back, Evan almost falling over as a result. Quietly and slowly, he moved behind Evan to push him up gently against the railing before curling his fingers around the cold metal, his rings clinking against it. His chest to Evan’s back, he rested his chin against his shoulder, his hot breath tickling the skin on his neck and causing the hair there to stand up. “Is this okay, Evs?” 
  “Yes,” he breathed out, his thoughts sprinting in circles in his mind, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. Yes this is okay. It’s more than okay, it’s really fucking okay. Please don’t move away.
  “Evs,” the words were muffled by the collar of Evan’s sweater, his long lashes brushing against his collarbone as he closed his eyes, a tension leaving his shoulders. Humming in satisfaction, he wrapped his arms around Evan’s torso, his head rested in between his neck and shoulder. His hands were cold, sending chills down Evan’s spine when they came in contact with the exposed skin on his torso.
  Cold. Barty’s hands, the air around them, the railing that his left hand was still holding onto for support, yet he was hot. Burning hot as butterflies danced around his gut. His heart hammered against his chest and it was a wonder that Barty hadn't realised exactly how badly he was affecting Evan. Or maybe he did and just liked fucking with Evan. Shaky fingers still holding the cigarette, he brought it up to his lips, taking a long drag and trying hard to not think about how Barty had taken a drag out of it not too long ago. He failed. He can’t not think about how Barty and him just had an indirect kiss (not for the first time). Or how his perfect fingers wrapped around his waist, or Barty’s breath that tickled his neck. Or his lashes that brushed against his collarbone. Breathe Evan. Breathe. Fucking breathe.
  “TEN! NINE! EIGHT!” loud chanting broke him out of his thoughts, the countdown finally starting. Seven more seconds and today would become yesterday. Six more seconds and it’d be another year together with Regulus and Barty. Five more seconds and everyone would be done scrambling for their New Year’s kiss. Four more seconds and it’d mark another New Year celebration without feeling Barty’s lips. Three more seconds and the fireworks would start. Two more seconds and Barty would definitely wake up if he hadn’t already. One more second before Barty–
  One second ago Barty roughly directed Evan’s lips to his. Kissing him passionately and roughly in a way that was just so Barty. Two seconds ago he was turned around and pushed against the railing as Barty claimed his lips as his own. And Evan kissed back just as hungrily, fingers digging into his thin t-shirt, pulling him even closer and kissing him like he’d never get to ever again. His fingers slipped up and into his hair before tugging and pulling to kiss Barty even harder. Barty’s black nails dug into his skin, one hand on his torso and the other one holding his shoulder.
  Five minutes later and the kiss was a memory. 
  “First on my New Year’s Resolution : Kiss Evan Rosier. Second on my New Year’s Resolution : Make him my boyfriend,” Smirking at Evan’s flushed cheeks, he leaned down to peck his lips gently before looking up into his eyes, “What do you think? Wanna help me complete that list?”
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dont-touch-my-soup · 1 year
Dead End
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CW: injured character, vomiting, blood, references to past trauma
Something was wrong.
Kell wanted to fall asleep again. He was so tired.
But a voice inside of him was yelling in alarm.
Something was wrong.
Everything was wrong.
He tried to ignore it, but the voice kept getting louder.
A numb pain pulsated through his body. Not enough to really hurt, but enough to be noticeable. His body was trembling and he didn’t know if it was from heat or cold.
Concern slowly crept into Kell’s mind. He had to open his eyes. He had to figure out what was going on, but his head was just so cloudy.
He tried to swallow, and pain shot through his throat. 
Why was he so thirsty? His tongue was too big and there was a bitter taste lingering on his lips.
Something was wrong. 
He fought against the veil. He had to wake up, but no matter how hard he tried something pulled him back into the darkness until he fell asleep again.
When Kell woke up the next time it was quiet. Completely quiet. He listened into the silence for a while.
The dull pain had become sharp around the edges. It was the only thing keeping him from falling asleep again.
His eye lids felt like metal when he blinked his eyes open. The dim light was still too bright for his eyes and it took him a while to get used to it. His eyes kept on closing, and it took him every strength to open them again.
It was dark. There was only a small lamp illuminating the room. And he was alone. Whoever had taken him here was gone. But they had left the light on. They would probably come back any minute.
A blanket was covering him up to his throat. It was warm and softer than anything he had touched before.
Slowly he moved his arm to lift it, but his hand was too heavy. Why was it so heavy? For a while he fought with the piece of cloth and when he finally managed to shove it off, his heart was racing, and his arms were burning from exhaustion. He closed his eyes again, trying to get some strength back.
What was he about to do again? Stupid brain. Focus. He had to focus. One thing at a time. Thinking was hard. 
He shivered. Why were his arms suddenly so cold? They hadn’t been that cold before. He opened his eyes again and looked down.
His upper body wasn’t covered with the blanket anymore.
Right, he had pushed it down to his hips.
He was only wearing a white shirt; his arms were bare and … He blinked when he realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
White bandages were covering his body up to his left shoulder.
And suddenly he could see the blood. He remembered screaming. He remembered the sickening metallic smell. He remembered the pain. He remembered the dagger and the sound when it had pierced his body and  …
He hurried to lean to the side and started to heave. His throat burned like fire and he couldn’t breathe. There was no air. A wave of panic washed over him and threatened to drag him under. 
After endless seconds of coughing and dry-heaving he leaned back into the pillows. His heart beat wildly. Sharp pain behind his forehead, hot tears on his face.
There had been so much blood.
How was he still alive, breathing?
He tried to get a grip of his shaking body.
Maybe it would be smarter to gain back his strength as long as he could. But whoever had captured him, they would come back. Sooner or later. And who knew how that would turn out for him.
Cautiously he turned his head. He was lying on a sofa. Next to him was a delicate table. Tiny notes were carved in the dark wood. He reached for it. His fingertips lightly brushed against it and absentmindedly traced it with his finger as he hummed the melody.
When his finger reached the end of the table Kell looked up.
On the table was a mess of glasses, bottles, and bandages.
All these things were here because of him.
He had been injured pretty badly.
He vaguely remembered a face flowing over him, voices buzzing around him. They had saved him. But why?
It was a scary question.
It meant they wanted him alive. They wanted to use him. And Kell didn’t like to be used.
Kell quickly looked away from the table. The other furniture was looking even more expensive. Oil paintings in gold frameworks. He had always liked art. But then again he didn’t. Not anymore.
But the paintings were beautiful. They felt like home. One of the paintings pictured a sunrise and it felt weirdly familiar. The sun was so bright, warming his skin. He blinked. It was just a painting. It couldn’t warm him. But why was he so cold?
There was a fire burning low in a fireplace nearby. He shouldn’t be cold.
He let his gaze wander further. There was an armchair on his other side. A jacket was carelessly thrown over its back. The owner was nowhere in sight. Kell hoped they wouldn’t need their jacket for the moment. 
He turned his head a little further and finally his eyes found an exit: The door, next to the armchair stood slightly ajar.
Carefully Kell sat up. A nauseous feeling rose in his chest. His stomach was like a brick. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on his breathing. His pulse was throbbing in his ears. It took a few minutes until his surroundings stopped swirling around.
His hands were shaking as he pushed the blanket off the rest of his body.
It was taking too long. He was too slow.
He wasn’t wearing any shoes and the rest of his clothes weren’t looking familiar. But he couldn’t think about that right now. Carefully he lifted his body, and his feet sank into the thick carpet. This is what it would feel like to touch a cloud. Slowly he moved his right foot through the soft material. He had to show Jinn ...
Jinn wasn’t here. The thought felt like cold water and he froze. Whatever this place was, it wasn’t the theatre. Jinn wasn’t here. At least that’s what Kell hoped.
Or had they taken Jinn too? He looked up as if to find him but the only thing he saw was a wooden door.
Right. The door. He had to get to the door. It wasn’t that far. He could do that. He had done harder things before.
He took a deep breath, braced himself and stood up. Bright spots clouded his vision. Blindly he grabbed for something, anything to hold onto. His hands brushed some kind of fabric and he desperately held onto it.
The bright spots grew bigger and bigger, and then everything was white.
Pain shot through his knees, his arms, his chest and he gasped. For a moment he couldn’t breathe. He waited for a moment hunched over until the pain ebbed to a dull throbbing.
He listened into the distance, hoping no one had heard the heavy throb of his body crashing to the floor.
Carefully he touched his bandages. He hissed in pain when his hand made contact with them. He knew there would be blood. Still, he wasn’t prepared when he looked down at his shaking hand covered in red.
A jacket was laying on top of his legs, his hands still woven into it. Something solid and round pressed into his palm. It sparkled in the dim light and Kell realised it was a military emblem. Without thinking he slid his thumb over it, pressed it against the embossing. He knew this symbol, but his mind was still too slow to follow. Dread filled him but he still couldn’t connect the dots. He lifted his thumb. Part of the symbol was now imprinted on his thumb. He had seen this symbol before. His other hand instinctively touched his collarbone, where the same symbol was burned into his skin. Suddenly his fingers went numb. Panic flooded his body.
He breathed heavily. He had to get out of here. He had to get out of here as fast as he could. He had to … 
Kell clenched his teeth and pulled himself to his feet. Too fast. His sight got white again, pain shut through his side and nausea came in waves.
But he couldn’t rest. He had to keep going. Hunched over he made his way around the room, always a hand out for support. He safely reached the door and leaned on the white wood of the doorframe.
He pushed open the door, hoping for a way out but when a glimmer of light stretched into the room his heart sank.
A huge desk was dominating the room, which seemed to be a study. The room was dark and there was only one door – the one Kell had come through. A dead end.
Just as he wanted to turn around, he heard soft voices coming closer. 
The General. 
He was coming.
Thank you for reading! @whumpzone @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @whump-cravings @tears-and-lilies @imagination1reality0 @suspicious-whumping-egg @i-can-even-burn-salad @siren-of-agony @villainsvictim (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)  
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roblingoblin285 · 2 years
Day 47: Tied to a pole in the sun (May I Come In?)
Media/universe: May I Come In? (OCs)
two new aus in two days?? this one is vampire sage caretaker and human rob whumpee. also I didn't proofread this so good luck everyone
Sage paced helplessly in the shadow of the porch, eyes locked on where Rob was tied up in the yard. He was just a few feet away, but the sun was rising quickly and covered the ground all around him.
“I could-”
“No, Sage,” Rob said, out of breath. “It’s just one day. I’ll be alright.”
“It wouldn’t hurt that badly, I can be fast-”
“No,” he insisted. “It’s not worth it.”
Sage reluctantly agreed, opting to sit on the shady front porch and try to keep Rob entertained. The first hours were fine, but as the sun rose higher he was becoming more uncomfortable. Rob kept shifting against the chains that were holding him to the pole, and the metal pinched at his irritated skin almost constantly. Sweat beaded down his back and into his eyes, and the metal pole was at a near burning temperature now.
“Rob,” Sage said after a few silent minutes, listening to Rob’s ragged breathing. “It’s not safe, I need to get you down.”
“No,” he said again, head rolling forward. His neck bent painfully, but it was the only way to keep the sun out of his eyes. “To get the chains undone you’d have to stand here for at least a minute, and the heat would get to you even with a cover.”
Sage winced, subconsciously running a hand over an old burn scar on their hand. “Are you absolutely sure?”
“Yes, Sage. I’m sure.”
It was another eight hours before the sun finally fell behind the house, the front yard cast into darkness. Sage rushed out as soon as Rob let them, undoing the chains and guiding him to the ground gently. They lifted him easily, going back to the house and laying Rob down on a couch by the door.
“Here, kid.” Sage handed him a glass of cold water, helping him tip it into his mouth while laying a cool cloth on his forehead. “You’re badly sunburnt, and I’ll treat you for heat exhaustion over the next day or so.”
Rob nodded, wincing as he strained his sore neck. “Sounds good,” he said hoarsely, shutting his eyes and leaning further into the cool cushions below him.
“I should have gone out,” Sage said quietly, brushing his hair away from the wet cloth. “I would’ve been fine.”
“What if you weren’t?” Rob asked, opening his eyes again to look at Sage. “I wouldn’t have been able to help you if you passed out. You could’ve been seriously hurt.”
They sighed, setting the water glass down on a side table. “I think I have some aloe vera lotion somewhere, I’ll go grab it.”
“Thanks, Sage. I appreciate it.”
i heart helpless caretakers
thanks for reading! please comment/submit an ask if you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist. Asks and questions about characters or plot are always welcome! 365 day writing challenge taglist: @stabby-nunchucks @sapphobugz Fall From Grace (adjacent) taglist: @thekittyburger
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A tour of my former school and life
A long time ago when I was a different person, when I was a person at all I went to a deeply catholic school, tucked away in the arm of a dying river.
Along the winding central road where I once nearly gt run over by a car lacking in common sense or turn signals, where I almost wanted to be. Past the de-mountable where I took drama lessons, passing the time escaped from class listening to the cooling iron of the roof and thinking about how they told me I would burn. By that time I had built up a fear of socializing, I think now, that back then it protected more than it harmed, now it just pushes me away from those I could one day love.
On we walk to our destination our legs pumping under our overestimated weight, sweat beginning to form on our brows in the summer heat, summer is a dry death, burning like the hell they told us we were destined for, the halos of the saints who watch over us, guiding in one single path, no room for divergence, no room for happiness. But in the winter as pleasant as the escape from the warmth is, the cold strikes something undiagnosed in my bones, there is always pain but now they are stiffer they do not bend like they used to, even at this tender age I missed my youth, gone and disintegrated, forever out of reach, winter too brings time, the ability to be alone with my own thoughts and that, then at least was tantamount to torture. I joined the cricket team, hated sport but it got me away from my mind for four hours on Sundays that was something, anything.
Here we arrive at the shrine, hedge rows on either side, path extending down one way to the music rooms and tuck shop, yet more escape branching off even further down to the twin halves of the library that truly saved me from myself. Scuffed leather dress shoes scraping on concrete as we get closer, there is a darkness here, I am the only one that hangs around. It is a grotto, to a boy that once spend his aching time here, now dead he has become their martyr, it makes me sick bile rising to the back of my throat, the way they can turn their own murder into a victory, but another feeling begins to rise, that dead boy at least he gets peace, at least he had the courage, he can't care about the heresies they have committed against him for he is gone, the sickness returns, how can I envy a dead boy, how can I want so badly to lay cocooned in the earth beside him, I don't yet know back then how men can love each other, How I can love them, how I might not even be a man, barely even human.
End Of Part One
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dasleidenderanderen · 2 years
Neal and the fever
“Good morning”, Peter chipped, as Neal got into his car.
“Hm”, was the very eloquent answer he got.
Someone seemed to be having a grumpy day.
He watched as Neal settled himself in his seat, tugging his coat a little tighter around his slender frame. Outside it was freezing and the icy streets had been the reason for Peter being a little late. So probably Neal had been standing a bit longer in the cold than he would have liked. Shrugging Peter turned up the heating and slowly they started back on the streets and towards the office.
Today would be an important day. For month they had been working on a case, collecting data, evidence and on Neal’s part: conning people into getting them crucial information. And today there would be showdown. Today they would have the opportunity to get the whole pack of them red handed during a handing over.
If only the weather would not disturb their plan to badly…
Had he not been as deeply in thoughts about their mission, maybe he would have become aware of the frequency of Neal discretely clearing his throat. Or the fact, he had not been saying a single word since he stepped in the car.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was about three hours later, that they were siting in the back of their van, listening in to Neal playing a middle-man wanting to have a shady deal involving laundered money earned by drugs and human trafficking.
Peter moved his earbud a little. Somehow Neal’s voice did have an unusual tone. Changing the position did not solve it. Probably some kind of loose connection. He made a mental note to get a new one as soon as they finished.
And it was then, that Neal said the codeword.
Giving the signal to their SWAT-team on standby, Peter jumped from the car, Diana and Clinton right behind him.
The door had by then been broken down and most of the criminals were already secured, when Peter entered the warehouse.
After making sure, all was going as planed, and non of the felons had managed to escaped, he started looking for Neal.
It took him a few minutes until he found him a little offside, sitting on a wooden crate.
“Well done!”
Neal nodded, wincing a bit, as he did.
Peter felt his skin growing cold. Did he miss something?
“Are you hurt?” He was walking faster, crossing the distance dividing him from the younger man, while eyeing him closely.
Neal shook his head.
“No”, he said, with a voice more like a croak. He was starting to say more, but his breath caught in his throat and he had to stop to cough. It sounded painful.
“Are you sure?”, Peter asked, getting to one knee beside him, putting his hand against Neal’s shoulder, steadying him a little.
Neal took a careful breath and cleared his throat. “Yes, it’s just my throat. Has been bothering me for some time.”
Peter withstood the urge to his himself. And here he had been thinking his earplug was defect.
“Alright, how about I talk to a few people for a second and then we can make it out of here?”
“Sounds good”, Neal said, giving a small smile, that did not really reach his eyes.
Neal had not moved from his improvised seat, when Peter came back a few minutes later. But he had leant back, sitting now with his back against the wall. His eyes were closed.
“Ready to go?”, Peter asked.
“Hm?” Neal opened his eyes, squinting and blinking a few times.
Following some sudden inspiration, Peter reached out to touch his cheek.
“Fuck, Neal, your burning up!”
“Really?” Neal tentatively touched his forehead, obviously confused.
“Come on, let’s get you home, before you melt down that precious brain of yours.”
Neal carefully rose to his feet, lacking the natural elegance he usually sported.
As soon as he was upright, he suddenly pressed shut his eyes, blindly reaching to his side, as he swayed dangerously.
Peter hastily grabbed him by his arm, keeping him from loosing his balance.
“You need to sit down again?”
Neal slowly shook his head.
“Only a bit light-headed. Just give me a second.” He blinked, rubbing with his free hand at his squinting eyes. “Nhgh, my head is killing me”, he croaked, his face all pale.
Peter did not like this at all.
Pulling Neal’s arm around his shoulder, he started looking out for Clinton or Diana. Finally spotting the female agent not to fare from them, going through some papers.
“Hey Diana!”, he called to get her attention, making Neal unintentionally flinch.
The agent rose her head, looking around, her mouth forming a unspoken question as she got aware of Peter and Neal.
Putting down the papers in her hand, she quickly walked towards them.
“Is he hurt? Do we need an ambulance?”
Peter shook his head.
“No, but he’s sick. I’ll bring him home.”
Without another word of him, Diana got to Neal’s other side, taking his free arm. Keeping him stable, they shuffled their way through the maze of crates and people, earning themselves some worried glanced and questions as they went.
As soon as they were outside, someone had already organized for a car to be ready for them and not for the first time, Peter was proud for their team.
During all this, Neal had been awfully quiet, letting himself being leat outside and helped in the car.
He immediately leant back in his seat, closing his eyes.
Peter gave him another once-over, quietly talking a few words with Diana. She hurried away, coming back a few minutes later, a firm bag of plastic in her hand.
Peter thanked her, closing Neal’s door and got into the car himself.
He put the bag on Neal’s lap. Neal carefully opened his eyes, pulling up one of his eyebrows in question.
“Just to be safe”, Peter said, starting the engine.
Besides him Neal curled up in his seat and soon seemed to have fallen asleep.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Neal woke with a start, from some strange dream he could not remember. His throat was hurting, his head was hurting and every muscle in his body felt as if he had been doing a power workout. They were still in the car, somewhere on the highway. The clock of the car told him he had been asleep for not even fifteen minutes. “You awake?”, Peter asked, not taking his eyes from the street in front of them as he passed a slower car. “Mhm.”Neal felt the car first going to one site, than to the other, while the scenery around them swam with the movement and his brain seemed to slow to keep up with the change. He closed his eyes, trying to fight of the dizzying sensation. His fingers felt the plastic bag Diana had given him before. “How do you feel?” “Not so sure”, he ground out. He could hear the rustling of Peter’s cloths, as he quickly had a look at him. “We will soon be off the highway. Do you need me to pull over?” Neal thought about it. He felt a little sick, but he probably would be able to shake it off. “No, but maybe you can go a little slower.” Slowing down the car a little, Peter carefully changed to the right line. Neal kept his eyes closed, breathing through his nose, nodding off a few minutes later.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They were already back in the city, when Neal woke up with a start with some hot pressure in his stomach and throat. He hastily fumbled with the bag in his hands, his brain still feeling a little mushy. Not to soon he managed to find the opening, as a gag forced up some burning acid in his mouth, followed by something more solid and evil tasting. The taste and feeling was enough to coax another gag from him and quickly he held his head over the bag, as some of the coffee and egg he had for breakfast made an unwelcome reappearance. Next to him Peter cursed. “Just another block, and we will be there. Do you want me to stop?” “N..o”, Neal miserably retched, pressing his eyes shut, coughing up a half digested bite of toast. “Just .. keep going.” He panted, trying to calm his breathing, his body on autopilot. He gagged again, his shoulders rolling, bringing up a wetly belch but nothing else. It felt disgusting and his whole body was shaken by a shudder. “You’re doing fine”, Peter said, his voice full of sympathy. “Just get it out and you will feel better.” With his right hand he started to rub Neal’s back in slow circles, as he steered the car with his left hand only, stopping at the side of the road. Another gag made Neal curl in on himself, but nothing came up. He spat in the bag, trying to get rid of the hideous taste coating his tongue. “It’s alright”, Peter coaxed. “Just keep breathing.” Neal did his best fighting of another dry heave, breathing carefully. Finally he was able to lift his head. “That’s not June’s place.” His voice was even more strained than before. “No, but El would kill me if I just deposited you in your flat with the fever your running and the fact you nearly keeled over in that warehouse. Do you think you’re ready to go inside or do we need to wait a bit more?” “I think it’s safe for now.” Securing the nasty bag Neal opened his door. Peter already awaited him, having hurried around the car. Together they made it to the front yard, where they got rid of the bag in one of Peter’s trash cans. Neal was shaking with exhaustion, when finally they reached the door. Peter quickly opened it, bringing Neal to his couch, helping him to sit. He then vanished to get some supplies.
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