#it's a ton less scary than I imagined
jjinpang · 6 months
it's easier than you'd think
the thing about art is it IS all practice. but once you "get it" you do just get it. And while a lot of it is just time and practice. as long as you believe in yourself and practice problem areas, you will get there. most of the time earlier than you think.
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
The fact I can never tell if the woy fandom has improved its media literacy when it comes to Lord Dominator or nah is so terrible jtncvcjsbsbmn
#i mean ykw i blame a lot on the fact that woy is OLD and like.. who even rewatches it a TON ton#let alone that closely#but like. the way it feels like ppl watched her every scene with their eyes closed (or fixated on nothing but her body) is insane 😭 yeurgh#she is literally so straightforward#some of the takes ppl have on her remind me of those#''UGH wander is so STUPID i wouldnt be surprised if his pacifism were literally selfish & malicious he's so shitty!!!!!!!!''#takes you'll see in like.. youtube comment sections or on the occasional tumblr post euurhghghghhh#like bruh these characters are VERY SINCERE but at least with wander u have the fact that his naivety is a total ruse#like i understand stuff like that tripping people up on stuff in some ways bc he's really really complex despite how simple his motives are#but dom is like.. she has really interesting complexities but not in a way where they're important to delve into to get the character#but naw people will actually be out here thinking that she lives to be sexualized 🤢 and likes men or is angsty or redeemable or hrGDHBVbfG#LIKE WHAT!!!!!!! WHAT!!! WHAT THE FUCK??! granted some of those are way less insane/bad than the others#*beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick*#but BROOO euwiahshdhqnshshajahds#her character is literally just.. ok take wander. replace his love for helping ppl w/ love for hurting ppl. delete he angst. THERE DONE.#THAT'S HER TYHAT IS LITERALLY HER AT HER CORE HER VERY CORE AHSHANABXSN. THEN JUST ADD HER PERSONAL QUIRKS/LIKES/SKILLS IN & THERE U GO#bully personality on steroids and crack and ten THOUSAND energy drinks. just the most maniacally fucked up guy imaginable#funny opinion: i thjink maybe the only woy fans who r good & sane when it comes to her..#r the ones who LOVE her for being Fucked Up & the ones who haate hate HATE her for beign Fucked Up.......... evry1 else is so scary /hj#ok that's silly.. but also fr everyone who 'loves' her for [insert gross shit here] or hates her for [insert blatantly false shit here] 😨#SCARY!!! but anyway ok that's enough negativity dhdjndn in writing all this i really feel assured that things actually ARE better now#like whether or not people actually get the character or not is whatever :o#(at worst it's just like.. a bummer bc u miss out on sm fascinating stuff irt the mains & the world's logic & character development & aAA)#we're finally free of the constant influx of stupid horrible sexist opinion pieces about Dominator !!!!!!!!!!#and of all the folks who marched up to frank & craig all ''YOUR SHOW SUCKS & IS BAD BC SHE CLEARLY ONLY EXISTS TO BE A LOVE INTEREST!!''#maybe i have enough insane ppl blocked to never see stuff like that but JSBFBDHSS nobody's wrong about her in a shit idiot way anymore 🙏🙏#now it's only ever like.. wrong in a way that is bad and kinda sucks but like whatever :O#btw this is all me speaking very very generally (sans the specific examples) & any tumblrs this could pertain to r inactive or long blocked#(& this wasnt even written w anything frm tumblr in mind 2 begin with; i've been reading somE TAKES on LD & Wander lately and mMmvj..)#(hence that v specific example of yt commentary on wander i gave earlier.... bad LD takes are wAy more common but MY GOD 💥 in 2023!?!😭)
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boytoyhalo · 10 months
actually i have thoughts about qfit coming out and the fucking courage that had to have taken him as someone who spent the past 10 years of his life on 2b2t
Idk how much people who have never played on 2b2t actually know about the culture and environment there but because it has no rules, theres a shit ton of casual (and not so casual) bigotry of all sorts. Im 100% sure fit has to cut a TON of shit out of his videos, because the first and only time I ever logged onto it it was less than 10 seconds before i saw a wall of bedrock swastikas and slurs being thrown around in the chat. and anti-gay slurs in particular are a big part of the common terminology there, at least according to the wiki and a few of my friends who used to frequent it. Actually, the reason I never watched fit before the QSMP despite being aware of and interested in his content is because I made a point to stay away from anything 2b2t related for my own mental health - the hate speech there is so notorious that I had been warned to do so, and that was reaffirmed the one time I tried to play on it
Basically, that server is a fucking nightmare to be gay on just in terms of the real life community - in-universe, i imagine that would be reflected tenfold. So for Fit to have spent so long surrounded by that kind of attitude towards gay people, presumably closeted and possibly not even aware of his own queerness... it makes sense that he's been as hesitant as he has been to verbalize his feelings for pac. He can do it just fine when it's played as a joke with Phil or Forever or whoever else, but to find yourself entering into a real queer relationship after spending so long surrounded by violent (and most likely deadly) anti-queerness is fucking SCARY. Even without factoring in the general trust issues that spending that long on an anarchy server gave him, there's no way he didn't internalize at least some of that attitude.
So the fact that after these 7 (8??? is it 8 now i cant be bothered to count) months on Quesadilla island, surrounded by queer people in queer relationships being treated completely normally and supported he feels safe enough to (kind of) come out as gay to his son.... idk I'm just feeling super soft over it rn. Obviously it's Ramon, it's his son, who's been talking about getting him a new husband, so he knows he's safe. But knowing that logically and FEELING that are two different things and it's huge for a man who's spent a third of his life on arguably the least queer friendly space in the entire minecraft community to be able to speak it out loud like that..... im so proud of my bald gay cubito guys
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harrowedsoup · 7 months
You know I’ll never get around to writing my own Nova Au fic for a ton of reasons but have some of my thoughts:
Gideon wears a full skull mask, I imagine it more like a helmet with just the bottom jaw missing, that’s also decorated with grease paint. She managed to also get the same sunglasses as canon which she’s popped out the lenses of to use in her mask, which before she’d had to modify to cover her eyes as much as possible.
Her need to fit in is what makes her cover her hair and eyes- neither red hair or gold eyes are exactly common and she has a really intense desire to fit in. This is also what makes her very silent. I know must people might disagree with me but I think that’s how Gideon’s shyness and awkwardness would manifest. She’s not completely silent as she’d still need to lead services but she tries to keep herself from talking if she can it. 
However, her Gideon-ness TM comes out whenever she speaks with Harrow, which tends to piss her off a little bit. She’s nowhere near as good at seeming uninterested/calm as Our Harrow and gets upset at herself when she ends up devolving into ‘your mom!’ insults.
I do think she’d keep up her silent act at Canaan. Unlike Our Gideon, Harrow Nova is so dedicated that Gideon wouldn’t be afraid of whatever she got up too so there is no reason to order her silent when Gideon can just order her to play nice (which she of course did immediately) BUT that doesn’t mean that Gideon trusts herself with strangers when she’s a awkward and shy mess. Her ‘vow of silence’ is temporary measure to make sure she doesn’t embarrass herself or the Ninth.
She’s a bit more successful at the whole ‘ Fear The Ninth, Don’t Pity Us’ thing that Our Harrow wanted to happen if only because Gideon is much taller, stronger physically and just hovers around very scary. I also imagine her necromancy is more raw power and less technical skill so she’s throwing around her weight like it’s nothing.
Harrow Nova, through, gets a bit less respect than Our Gideon because she’s like five feet tall. She also doesn’t play nice so she’s doesn’t get that part where Gideon spars with the others: if Nova pulls out her weapons against someone she’s fighting to win and she’s not backing down unless ordered or she’s physically unable too. Fighting isn’t a source of joy to her like Our Gideon, it’s the only thing that she has and it’s what kept her alive.
So while I think everyone thought Our Gideon was Harrow Boy Toy that she’d decided to take with her only to be shocked that she’s actually incredibly good, Harrow Nova is at first assumed to be a weak cavalier that the Ninth is known for (like Gideon was too) then that she’s something closer to a regular bodyguard just because of how on edge she is and how much she lacks normal cavalier etiquette.
Mostly she’s on edge because she trusts no one ever but Gideon wants to make friends but is also shy about it so she’s making Harrow be nice on her behalf.
That said if Gideon ever does make Harrow fight anyone it’s a damn blood bath. Nova doesn’t do etiquette of any kind when fighting. She’s going to use everything she has- she HAS to because she doesn’t have the build of Our Gideon. She’s going to cheat and cheat dirty. She’s going to bite off ears, head butt people and stab men in the dick.
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loudblonde · 2 years
Could I request anyone in the 141 with a non military/detective s/o who just finished a dangerous case. and like how they react to it idk 💀
thanks 👍💪
In honour of Sherlock Holmes becoming public domain, you dear Anon will get more than just one of the boys with a detective s/o. Male!Reader is vaguely if not outrightly stated to be a Holmes much like Sherlock Holmes, he is not BBC Sherlock.
Warnings: mentions of child porn, human trafficking, and torture. Canon typical violence.
Hurt/comfort and some fluff
All stories are under 500 words long, so they might just be drabbles.
Male reader,
~ Captain John Price ~
John Price was sitting in his office with the small radio turned on low, just filling out paperwork from work from his most recent mission with the team. It had been a success but he still had a ton of paperwork. John never quite paid much attention to the radio until a familiar name came up, (Y/N) Price. 
John abandoned all thoughts of paperwork as he turned the radio on. 
“-great news to announce that Detective (Y/N) Price has once again done the impossible after disappearing off the radar for two weeks, (Y/N) located and personally gathered information on a human trafficking ring, allegedly going undercover despite being a very well known man.” One of the hosts said. 
Price sucked in a deep breath and listened carefully, his mind filled with static as gore filled images of his husband getting brutally tortured and killed because he was discovered crossed his mind, Price knew the reality would be that, he knew that (Y/N) wouldn’t have made it out alive had it not been for his husbands sheer dumb fucking luck. 
“I know right, Kelley,” The other host said. “From what we know, Detective Price is a married man, he wears a gold wedding band, I sure wouldn’t wish to be married to someone who just disappears all of the sudden for weeks on end!” The hosts laughed together and John looked down in his hands.
They both had a tendency to disappear for work, rarely ever saw each other but when they did, between missions and cases, especially with (Y/N)’s freelance work, much like his older brother. 
Price reached over and grabbed his phone, dialing his husband's number. He placed the phone to his ear and listened as it dialed 3 times before it was picked up. “Hmmm, John it’s 3 in the night here.” His husband's groggy voice came through. 
Price smiled a bit as he turned the radio off. “I heard the news about your latest case.” 
(Y/N) chuckled, voice sounding rasped. “I wasn’t alone, despite what they say, my brother was with me and not Sher.” 
“Ah, so the oldest Holmes made it out of his fancy office to help, that is at least somewhat comforting.” He said. 
(Y/N) hummed for a moment. “It was scary, I won’t lie to you, I knew this kind of work was gonna take a lot but wow… I can’t imagine your mission being easy either.” 
“Hmm, no my mission wasn’t easy but we all made it through, minimal injuries and we recovered the intel.” Price said. “I have some saved up vacation time, why don’t we take a break, the both of us and go somewhere just the two of us?” 
(Y/N) smiled. “I would like that, just the two of us, it would be nice… I love you John, you know that, right?” 
John touched his necklace where the ring was. “I love you too, with all my heart.” 
< Simon “Ghost” Riley > 
Simon was sitting with the team watching some telly when the news came on, the picture of his husband looking stoic as ever came on as the reporter smiled. “Today the Brother Holmes were successful in taking down a child porno ring that extended as far into minor positions of our government. The brothers went undercover while posing as people who could give access to child porn, they worked closely with Scotland Yard in catching over 150 pedofiles in the UK alone. It has been reported that both their lives were at risk during it and that (Y/N) Holmes was almost killed several times during this investigation, though I am happy to tell you that any hospitalisation lasted less than 24 hours and that the young detective is not in any danger.” The reporter finished and ads started playing. 
Simon sat, staring blank at the screen, (Y/N) had mentioned a case that had been dangerous but he was never told his life had been in danger. Logically he knew that (Y/N) was a capable man who could not only keep up with his brothers and their crazy shit, but also knew his way around several fighting styles and weapons, Simon logically knew all that and still hearing his husband, one of few people who knew Simon’s face, who Simon trusted with all his life, had been in danger and almost killed… it made his blood boil. 
Simon stood up, spooking Soap who cursed after him, But Simon didn’t care, he couldn’t care, he was just making a beeline for his room and as soon as he got there he took out his phone and called one of few numbers even saved in it. Their house phone, a secure line.
“Holmes Residency, (Y/N) speaking.” A pained voice came out. 
“Are you okay?” Simon asked before anything else. 
“Ahhh, Simon, yes, just a few bruised ribs.” (Y/N) said and Simon could hear his smile. 
“He was also poisoned.” Came Mycroft ever so helpful. 
“And stabbed, twice, I have him on bedrest.” A much clearer Doctor Watson said. “Well, as much as you can keep a Holmes on bedrest.” 
Simon took a deep breath. “(Y/N)... you are single handedly going to make me go grey before Price.” He knew his comment would make (Y/N) chuckle. 
“I am fine Si and I love you too.” (Y/N) said as he chuckled. “I love you more than I could ever express to you…. I love you more then (favourite food/movie).” 
Simon smiled a bit. “I love you too… but be careful, I don’t want you getting killed… I can’t lose anymore people.” 
(Y/N)’s smile softened a bit. “Don’t worry Si, I won’t take a case until I am healed. Apparently there is a high reward for people who help out with catching criminals, who would have thought?” 
) John “Soap” McTavish (
John was sitting in the police room as (Y/N) finished up whatever he was doing. The mission had been too close to his own line of work for comfort. Laswell had gotten the 141 to bring out (Y/N) Holmes from a person who had kidnapped him. His own husband had been kidnapped and he didn’t even know. 
Sometimes John hated their line of work, it was cruel and left little contact with loved ones. 
“Relax Johnny.” Ghost said from beside him. Both still in full gear. “Nothing is gonna happen while we sit here.” 
John looked at Ghost and cracked a small smile. “Yeah I know, it’s just two weeks in a long time.” 
Ghost looked at him and slowly blinked. “Yes it is, but he is a Holmes, I thought that was a given or they were trained for that.” 
John shook his head. “No, no they aren’t, they are just civilians who everyone thinks are-” John stopped talking as (Y/N) stepped out of the room, looking worse for wear, but with a big smile on his face. 
John instantly stood and walked over, hugging (Y/N) close and a tad too tight. 
“John, my ribs.” (Y/N) groaned as he hugged back. 
“Oh right sorry.” John pulled away and took (Y/N)’s face in his hands. “Don’t ever do something like that again!” He said loudly. “I was worried sick when I heard you had been missing for 2 weeks!”
(Y/N)’s eyes softened. “I didn’t mean to get caught, but Sherlock managed to get away and get to safety, he ensured that I was kept alive.” 
John rested his forehead against (Y/N)’s. “Remind me to thank him when we see him.” John chuckled a bit, just happy to have his husband back in his arms. 
“Hmm, you can thank him at the wedding in 7 months. Him and Watson are finally tying the knot, I won the bet between everyone by the way.” (Y/N) said, smirking a bit. 
“I love you so much,” John said. 
[ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick ]
Kyle was just standing and talking with Soap as he saw his long time boyfriend (Y/N) walk up with a newspaper in hand. Kyle tilted his head slightly and stopped talking, causing Soap to turn and look at (Y/N). “Hey, why is a Holmes walking directly towards us? Is he even allowed on base?” Soap asked. 
Kyle shrugged. “He should be. Hey (Y/N)!” He called out as (Y/N) got closer. 
“Kyle!” (Y/N) said happily as he practically bounced over. “May I?” 
Kyle nodded and they hugged close. Kyle missed (Y/N) whenever he went away but he couldn’t exactly stop (Y/N) from taking on case after case, they paid far too well. 
(Y/N) showed Kyle the newspaper from that morning. “I just finished a case for the king of Sweden, didn't even know it was the Swedish king, he is very… eccentric but normal. He is just a person, it was nice.” 
“Soooo.” A certain Scottish man broke through their conversation. “How do you two know each other?” 
“(Y/N) meet Soap, Soap, this is my boyfriend, (Y/N) Holmes.” Kyle said. 
(Y/N) smiled brightly and shook Soap's hand. “I have heard a lot about you lot and the 141.” 
“Only good things I hope.” Soap said. 
“The best of things. Oh and Kyle, no reason to worry, a doctor that wasn’t my brother's close friend cleared me. I am not injured even though you will undoubtedly hear about a very large fall I had in tonight's news. I just wanted to tell you that before you hear it from someone that isn’t me.” He said. 
Kyle’s eyes widened. “(Y/N) you promised to be careful.” 
“I was… ish… okay maybe not as much as I should, but I was safe during the whole thing, no large injury or bed rest needed.” 
“No case for at least 3 days, please.” Kyle said. 
“... Okay, no case for a week. I love you, alright? I am always going to return home to you.” 
Kyle smiled at that. “Good. I love you too.”
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genshin-scenarios · 9 months
Hello! I’m not sure if you write for Freminet, but can I request something like,
how about Freminet with (gn or fem?) reader who is introverted/shy like him, and is uncomfortable with/doesn’t like kisses because of... whatever reason, really - or none !!
Uh, or any of the Fontaine siblings are nice…! Please don’t feel bothered to write this though. I wish you a lovely day!! :)
(I’m so sorry if this is lengthy and I hope this was okay/didn’t cross any boundaries!!! I’ve just read a ton of fics where they involve kissing and I think other gestures are sweet too! Like holding your hands on a cold day, or doing little things to show affection… etc!)
Alternate shows of affection (Freminet x GN!Reader)
A/N: Your request is fine, dw!! And I hope you'll like these! 🥹
On quiet days where both of you are lazing around indoors, Freminet's voice can be heard drifting out of his room, with you laying against his lap as you let his reading lull you to sleep.
It's soothing, and you can imagine the stories playing out in your mind as you shut your eyes. Freminet wears a little smile and continues reading even after you've fallen asleep, though his mind drifts to thoughts of what you'd be like as a character in a fairytale.
…Would that make him a prince of some sort? Just the thought is making him nervous — maybe he can just be a humble villager instead, or a less-stressful role.
He remembers the way your eyes lit up when he told you about his interests. He was honestly so relieved that you didn't think they were childish or odd, seeing as it felt like he was sharing a piece of himself with you.
And now, people can see clearly that Freminet's more lively around you, more willing to hold onto your shoulders as he gets excited or asking if you're free to look at something he's found.
After all, you're his safe place. He feels the same kind of solace as when he's at the bottom of the ocean, within a world that takes the weight off his shoulders and lets him swim like a dancer.
He can't help but wish to show you the same sights he's fallen in love with. If nothing else, Freminet wants to offer you his thoughtfulness. He can't drive away a storm with his weapon and bravado, but Freminet is more than able to pull you out of the thunder’s way and retreat to a safe spot.
It's less scary together, after all. And when he's not able to be present, Freminet likes to gift you clockwork mechas he's tinkered with for company or as a means of contact. The most recent addition was a music box shaped like a conch shell, which played a song you'd been humming during your last hangout.
Freminet shows his appreciation for you through acts and gifts that he crafts or finds by his own hand — and really, the biggest gift is seeing the sparkle in his eyes as he calls your name. A sight that's only ever caused by you.
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
hello!! yeah sorry I should have specified which au I was talking about
mhm I would love to know more about your dark color gang au! /gen
─ the pop in pop out-anon .
dark and chosen are probably on the run at the time, but they end up somehow running into the color gang WAY earlier than they would initially and end up raising them!
The color gang are already friends, but they're more likely than not an outernet stick rather than an internet stick? they don't exactly have any place to stay or parents either????
SC meanwhile is most likely a doodle that escaped from Alan's computer while he wasn't at his desk (still no clue how) but they didn't really know where they were when they were created, and all Alan really knew was that the file disappeared into nothing?
He mostly forgets about it though, since, well. It just kind of vanished. a file can't just do that. and the ALTERNATIVE is not great, because he still remembers dark and chosen.
anyway, the color gang ends up taking in SC as part of their group is the important part!!!
even though i've drawn them meeting because the kids were staying in dark and chosen's house, i actually do think they'd probably scout locations, because i imagine they have a lot of trouble with SC due to them being a hollowhead, and people don't exactly have a great view of hollowheads. you'd think they wouldn't take it out on kids but since TDL is still around and it's been less time since their reign of terror, sticks are a LOT more agitated about it
most likely they run into half the group while the other half (usually green, the other half of the group cycles though) is back holding down the base with SC
anyway Dark and Chosen are actually nice to the kids (because yeah. they get it. being on your own in a world that doesn't like you is scary, esp when you have 0 experience with life) but one of them realizes that they're hollowheads! both of them expect the kids to freak out and run off but actually they're pretty happy to see someone who won't immediately freak out upon seeing SC!
they bring the two over to SC (potentially because SC had been hurt or something) and they're immediately just 'ah, fuck, we can't just leave them here in the city,' so they decide to bring them back to their house!
of course the others insist on being brought along so despite some arguing they do eventually give in, thinking that they'll find somewhere else for them to stay and just let them visit SC every now and then. spoiler alert: this doesn't happen and the CG just ends up living there with them lol
chosen and dark essentially take the group under their wing in everything though, teaching the bunch of them and taking care of them and eventually coming to refer to the group as their honorary siblings due to their friendship with SC! they also take an interest in the crime side of things (much to Chosen's despair and Dark's delight) and they end up causing a lot of terror themselves!
Yellow and Red typically work with the virabots, with Yellow using some other tech as well since Dark encouraged them to work with technology a lot! Red generally does work with any semi-sentient robots though, since they really like doing that stuff!
Blue makes a lot of explosives and stuff! they've accidentally blown up a ton of stuff (including the house multiple times!) and generally is more destruction-based than the others, but they can do controlled destruction if they really have to! Chosen can be a little rough on Blue since they cause a lot of collateral damage, but they're pretty flexible!
Green generally is a melee kind of person who does more focused work or hangs out in the background! they're usually the planner or if a plan needs doing by a specific person, they usually take that over! they do more focused fighting in general!
also, i don't know if i've mentioned this, but Dark doesn't use the Virabands just for Virabots in this au! they actually made the Virabands for the kids!
Tumblr media
the virabands override admin permissions on a computer, preventing the sticks from coming to any harm involving a user trying to forcibly quit their programs or any sort of antivirus trying to get rid of them, and also preventing them from being 'tamed' similarly to Chosen!
this will be important later BUT!!!!!! i wanna talk about the gang's relationship with each other first!!! specifically the most interesting ones; yellow and SC!
first off, Yellow is very close with Dark, since they learned almost everything they know from them! they share interests so the two spend a lot of time together! they really value each other's company since they think a lot alike, and it makes things very hard when conflict starts to happen between them.
SC meanwhile is kind of under a lot of pressure! she's kind of considered the baby sibling of the group, and the others are really protective of her, but at the same time, she's under a lot of pressure to unlock her powers! Chosen and Dark are unintentionally kind of suffocating for him, and he can't really get away from them because they still view SC as their fragile little sibling.
SC still can't access their powers, but they can do a minimal amount of electricity if they really try or are particularly stressed. It's not really enough to hurt anyone, but it'll stun you.
SC loves everyone a lot, but finds them pretty overwhelming in general. Also their favorite sibling between the older two is Chosen because Chosen is chill about things and lets them sleep.
It's also worth mentioning that he does really want to seek out his creator! She feels like if she understood why she was made, it'd be easier to get her powers working. He ends up taking an interest in humans despite the other's discouragement, too.
ANYWAY! ALAN! Yes, Alan's here!
They get permission to go to user desktops from Chosen and Dark, so long as they bring things to defend themself with and also tell Chosen and Dark! (they do tend to ask what IP address they're going to, just to make sure, but they don't realize that the kids sometimes computer hop)
and eventually, they find themselves on Alan's computer! Alan isn't able to force quit SC's friends, so it's a lot less heated, but he does end up cornering a lot of them, before SC ends up finding the pencil, and Alan subsequently finds out SC can talk!
after that the whole thing kind of defuses because SC thinks the pencil is cool and Alan not only thinks that SC is great at art, but is also kind of shocked that they can talk! they end up getting along pretty well, and Alan lets them hang out as long as they promise to at least TRY to not break the computer. They're actually a little bit better than they are in canon, but they're still pretty bad about it lol
Alan does kind of become kind of a home away from home for SC in particular, and they end up visiting him a lot to just draw, talk about the things happening back home, help him learn how to draw-- all that stuff! they care about Alan a lot and Alan ends up treating them like an actual person, since it's a lot easier to recognize that they are when they talk about their life outside of the computer.
of course, this can't stay secret forever.
I think that eventually, Dark finds out the CG is at his computer, and tries to wreck his computer completely, even though the others are still on it. Dark's basically lost it on Alan because in their eyes he's manipulating them (and they know that he's capable of that considering they initially were on his side), and the CG is trying to stop them and have to go to Chosen, and it blows up into this whole thing
it's possible Dark actually ends up hurting the others, and SC in return ends up hurting Dark-- not to the degree of what happens in canon but it's just messy and painful for everyone, and the CG kind of have to spend time away from Dark while things cool down, and Chosen kind of has to sweep up the mess and explain everything that's happened, including WHY it was so upsetting
it's kind of messy for everyone to fix, but after realizing that the others trust Alan more after what happens Dark really realizes they completely fucked up, and tries to fix what they did, but it takes time.
they mostly move to Alan's computer for a while, but they eventually do reconcile!
that's all i've got for now but i do like this au a lot, it's one of my favorites thus far i think and i've been having a lot of fun with these guys ✌️
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prongsfish · 2 months
im post blocked
(ive been asking everyone because he's slowly becoming my favourite)
just now realising you asked this nearly a month ago i'm so sorry i don't know why i struggle with answering asks so much!! but anyways evan headcanons i will GLADLY give. my characterisation of him is less concrete than characters like barty or regulus but i think about him loads still i love him...
this is a classic ofc but i will always see him and pandora as twins!! i love siblings in media so much and i think it allows for suuupper interesting dynamics between them, even in canon
in muggle aus my go-to career for him is either a piercer or something in the medical science field. i can just picture him as this mildly off-putting medsci student who goes on to be a forensic pathologist or something, he's really intrigued by the human body and how it functions in various ways. could definitely also go the way of unlicensed surgeon or mad scientist who performs fucked up experiments on people but that sort of thing doesn't quite fit into every fic lmaoo
i've always thought of him as more of a piercings guy than a tattoo guy (which is the opposite to barty). he'd definitely have both but i associate him more with piercings if that makes sense? i imagine he'd have a labret, bridge, stretched lobes (~7/8"), stretched septum (~0g), eyebrows (normal and middle placements), and high nostrils. all symmetrical!! plus probably some other non-facial piercings
he'd love sci-fi, thriller, and horror (especially psychological) films. anything super tense and probably confusing
when he was a child he and pandora would trap and kill insects. they'd spend ages examining little bug bodies and dissecting them with sticks and stuff... as he grew older he became more and more interested in bigger animals. occasionally he would kill animals himself but more often he'd search for those already dead, especially roadkill. once he was finished with any given specimen he'd carefully remove, clean, and reconstruct their skeletons to give to pandora. she didn't like the organs stuff as much as he did but she loved collecting bones and taxidermy insects, in exchange one year for his birthday (10-14th, maybe) she spent ages searching to buy him a surgical set from an antique store
waaay scarier than barty. if you don't know them you might be more initially scared by barty but while barty is loud and crazy and violent and laughs at pain/danger, evan is creepy. he knows way a million and one ways to kill someone without leaving behind any evidence. he knows every single pressure point on the human body. someone mentions a medicine they've taken their whole life for the first time and when someone else asks what it is he can explain in minute detail exactly how it works to the point where not even the person who takes it knew even half of what he says. he's super quiet moving without even meaning to be so he scares the shit out of people all the time. he doesn't blink as often as he should but just often enough that you don't notice until you're paying attention. and this is all revealed gradually, whereas barty's most "scary" traits are purposefully the most surface level things about him
he loooves medical dramas. he's watched tons of them. he HATES the good doctor though, purely on principle because once someone said that must be his favourite because he's autistic. his actual favourite is house
he runs cold and NEVER wears shorts. lots of beanies and jackets
these were so random and i went on a few tangents but oh well i did like five other things between writing these so it's a bit of a mess LMAO
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cozy-autumn-moth · 7 months
💀 Scary Girl Headcanons 💀
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Personality & Interest Headcanons
-She’s pansexual though she finds it difficult to express love in general because her way of showing love is physical pain and that's a turn off for most people, though she doesn’t discriminate for any gender, race, or type of person because death doesn’t discriminate either.
-She owns tons of really ugly plushies, some of which she ended up making herself by ripping them apart and then stitching them back together so they end up as this Frankenstein Esque abomination in plush form.
-Loves Halloween a lot and has made home made costumes every single year. They freak out lots and lots of people and have made tons of children cry.
-If you couldn’t tell I feel like she’s fantastic at sewing and anything in that ballpark. I like to imagine she made her own dress.
-Likes to draw and has made her own really weird world with her super freaky OC’s that she probably kept around since she was extremely little. The lore and story is overtly complicated and the only person who is capable of even understanding or finding appeal in this is Lauren herself.
-She was totally obsessed with things like creepypastas and FNaF when she was younger. I feel like nowadays she still is very much into them but it got toned down a lot more as time went on and she found more horror related stuff to be obsessed with.
Family Life Headcanons
-She doesn’t actually live in a funeral home like she says in S2Ep4, but her family does own a family run funeral home which acts like their family business.
-At home she basically only lives with her single mother with her dad being out of the equation for the most part. Though on occasion some members of her decently big extended family visit for a few days if it's a holiday or something but they mostly meet at the Funeral Home more often than not.
-At work she is usually the family embalmer, which means she disinfects and dresses the bodies before putting them in their caskets, and has been practicing it for years. She finds it very fun and has had interest in it since she was able to properly think and walk.
-Her family holds a sacred form of respect for the process of death as a part of life and they see a funeral as a celebration of how someone lived and not a mourning regarding how someone died. Lauren is the outlier as one who is almost obsessed with the ways people die and feel pain and has taken incredible special interest in it as a whole, though I like to imagine that she has one elder family member who acts very similar to her and they bond a lot.
-Lauren genuinely does love her mother and expresses this love really weirdly, basically she makes really weird and creepy gifts or says some super suspicious stuff. Her mom is fine with it because in her head it’s just how Lauren operates, though she is mildly freaked out.
-Anyone who is closer to Lauren's age or younger legit hates her so she more or less has become more comfortable talking to her mom, aunts, uncles, and grandparents rather than people her own age even though the adults in her family find her just as weird but they tolerate it thinking she’ll grow at if it despite acting like this since she was very young.
-Lauren used to be bullied and isolated a lot at her elementary school and because of it her mom never properly enrolled her into school after like the third grade and so she was just homeschooled for the rest of her life.
-Joined a circus at one point in time for some inexplicable reason to the point where her family thought she was missing and there were just people trying to search for her. Anyway she did lots of weird things there and ended up blowing up a clown which was completely by accident, also she got really good with athletics and acrobatics so that’s cool.
Total Drama Experience Headcanons
-Was always the first to wake up in her team's cabin and totally got close to peoples faces just to spook them when they woke up.
-Since Damien was the person to give her the name of Scary Girl, which she actually loves a lot, she took it as a form of friendship and only harasses him as much as she does as a sign of affection and respect. She totally believes Damien is her best friend.
-Knows a lot more about the contestants and their lives not out of them telling her but because she just stalked them.
-The skull she got in episode four is now just in her room and the major reason why she even thought about giving it a makeover was out of compulsion from being her family's embalmer for so long.
-Once she got home she totally made a tier list based on how fun the contestants were to hurt or how good their screams were. It’s also basically just a ranking of the contestants from favorite to least favorite.
-Respected and liked Emma for how enthusiastic she was in wanting to hurt Chase.. She got sad when they ended up getting back together and then was very happy when they broke up again. Would love to beat the shit out of Chase with Emma someday.
-Least favorite contestants were Ripper and Millie and that’s by an incredibly wide margin, her feelings for Millie became mixed after the whole slide incident with Damien.
-When Lauren came back after season one and her mom watched the first season she realized her daughter’s behavior in full and obviously needed to say something but is so overly scared to upset her that she basically is like, “Lauren, not that it’s my place to judge and you totally don’t need to take my advice but maybe just tone down your scariness a little bit, it’s not your fault but maybe it will help”.
-Lauren and her mom definitely went to the store to buy some “normal clothes”. Her mom found it fun but Lauren probably hated every last selection her mom gave her and only wore them because she loved her mom so much and desperately wanted to be normal so she could be liked.
-Since she got eliminated super early the second time around she did a lot of introspection and basically came to the conclusion that she wasn’t going to let people influence the way she acts because to her it just isn’t worth it if she can’t be who she is in her own life and people aren’t even going to like her for it. She also realized that she couldn’t stand most of the cast members and by the end most of the contestants just made their way into the bottom tiers.
-Was probably forced to get a therapist when the second season finished, it’s up to you to figure out how well that experience is going for her.
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starry-blue-echoes · 11 months
Legally Stars: I just. Had. The craziest idea. Based on the release date of a certain game.
So it's 2002, a good amount of time after the mess in Italy. Jotaro wants to help the kids take a breather, but he isn't sure how. Then he sees an ad for a video game and he pauses.
Right there near the bottom of the poster is, of all characters, Donald Duck. He looks at it more closely and... yep, that's the Disney logo, along with some company called Squaresoft.
He isn't the biggest fan of video games, but Joseph did get the kids a PS2 last Christmas, and Ungalo is a huge fan of Disney. Jolyne less so, but she still likes the company and their movies.
He buys the game, but he's still doubtful. How good can this 'Kingdom Hearts' be?
(9 years later, Pucci is beaten into unconsciousness by a Bohemian Rhapsody-summoned, spiky-haired kid wielding a giant key.)
I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about Kingdom Hearts but the fucking snort I let out reading this holy shit-
I regret nothing about making Ungalo a Disney fan because it opens up avenues of sheer insane bullshit like this and makes everything extrodinarily funnier, and it also just hit me that growing up........ Ungalo and the other kids are probably going to use their Stands a TON, especially given the fact they're in an environment where they can freely do so and explore things, and now I rotating ideas of how that would affect them
Ungalo would of course occasionally use Bohemian Rahpsody on his favorites, but after that gets a TON of attention, he also probably begins to get an appreciation for more niche, unknown media. He learns to control his Stand on a much smaller scale but spends time wondering what would happen if he fully cut loose
Rikiel likes to practice with finer controls and while his Stand can't be played with as safely as his siblings, that doesn't stop them from trying to come up with games so he won't feel left out. One of their favorites is a sort of sight based hide and seek where Rikiel Stands in a single spot and has to try and spot their hiding places and direct the rods to them
and Donatello LOVES walking around places and seeing what the ground can tell him. He knows a ridiculous amount of random, untimately meaningless gossip and loves to regale his siblings with stories of what he's heard. He usually doesn't do anything more recent than the last few years to save himself the awkwardness of knowing the people Under World shows him, but it's still very entertaining nontheless
Naturally when Jolyne obtains her Stand, they IMMEDIATELY jump as the oppurtinity. They'd of course always done their best to include her before, but now that she can actually see their Stands and has one of her own the possibilities are endless
I like to imagine the brothers all make sure to be very calm and un-serious about Stone Free. They little sister had to go through enough stress and fear getting her Stand in the first place, she doesn't need to be treated like she was something dangerous just because she had a powerful Stand. In there eyes, she's still their Jolyne, only now she can turn into string
Jolyne takes a shine to cats cradles and embroidery, but she is also unfairley hard to catch in her brother's opinion. She becomes crazily flexible and anytime when they wrestle or play tag, she'll simply slip out of any holds she's put in and wrap around her opponent so they're the one caught instead
but shifting gears a bit, this ALSO got me thinking of everything Post-Golden Wind and also just Jotaro being a Cool Dad/Uncle. After Jotaro very violently curbstomps Diavolo, I'd imagine there's a moment of hesitancy from the Bucci Gang because yeah this man came out of nowhere and just beat the shit out of the BOSS who's been giving us a lot of trouble like it was nothing, but all their worries abate when all four of the kids tackle him with a hug
it's only later they realize No, Mr.Jotaro Is That Scary, He's Just Got A Soft Spot For The Kids And Maybe Giorno
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how do you write jahaera in the fathers clad in fire? Does it come natural? Or do you have certain idea of who she is and based on that you write her dialogue you write her response?
because i just innately feel characterization of her in the story is so authentic. This makes me wonder how the heck you guys achieved that with lack of material on jaehara?
how do you see her personality, her values, her interests? How do you think she would express affection and love?
I love this! Thanks so much for asking about Jae!
The kids are some of my favorite characters to write. Aside from being a high school history teacher, I'm a mom myself to two teenagers, a son and a daughter. I draw on my own experience with kids a lot when I write Jaehaera, and my personal and professional knowledge of children! Kids are hard to get right, especially traumatized kids. Children, I think, are one of George's weak spots and he writes without a clear idea of what is developmentally appropriate for kids at various ages (think about the scene in F&B when three year old Joffrey tries to stop Aemond from claiming Vhagar). That's something we wanted to avoid. We want our eight year old to feel eight, our fourteen year olds to feel fourteen. Most of all when I write the children I try to think about what would be an age appropriate responses in the situations they face, what sorts of things my own children were fascinated by when they were at these ages, the kinds of reactions they had to setbacks and successes, and the sorts of relationships they formed with adults and with other children. (more below the cut)
It was important for us that all of the kids have personalities of their own that, while informed by their trauma, are not entirely comprised of their trauma. While they're traumatized kids, they're still kids! Our Jae has a fascination with the spooky and the weird that we extrapolated from her dragon being named Morghul, which basically is "Death" in Valyrian. It's a lot of fun to imagine the various odd myths and creatures and odd stories that Jae would get fixated on. Experiencing the real life horrors didn't make Jae less fascinated by scary things, but she likes her horrors to remain otherworldly. Stories about Ice Spiders are fun and cool, stories about scary men with knives are not. We also picked up on Jae's likely neurodivergence from the books, which tell us she was quiet and didn't show emotion like other children. Of course, those are accounts of people who didn't know her or really care about her. Our Jae is a bit older, so she does speak, and we see her through the eyes of people who love her and know her (or Baela, who is interested in knowing her), so her quirks are just that, quirks. Aegon is very protective of her and hates when people insinuate that she's simple because she's actually quite smart, and when it comes to her hyperfixations, she reads a ton. Basically, for her characterization, we took what little crumbs were there, and ran with them, extrapolating from there to create our version of Jae who is serious, opinionated, protective, possessive, and fierce.
I love that you ask about how Jae shows affection because that's a big part of the next chapter. Jae is much more likely to show affection with actions rather than with words. As Jae is usually quite possessive (as you saw when Gaemon played with papa's lute), it's a big deal when she shares something that is special to her, especially the things that bring her comfort (a trait she shares with her dad, only Aegon is usually sharing food or drink rather than things!). And if you mess with someone she cares about, watch out! To illustrate, here's a small snip from the upcoming chapter, when Baela's sister Rhaena makes a surprise visit with her dragon, Morning:
“Why are there two of you?” Jaehaera asked. She was sat at a low table nearby, a large paper in front of her as well as several inkpots with various colored inks, drawing what looked to be a large spider. Aeg sat beside her with a paper of his own, although his drawing was of Dragonstone’s keep. At Jaehaera’s voice he looked up, his eyes darting from Baela to Rhaena. “Princess Jaehaera, Gaemon, this is my sister, Rhaena. She and I look alike because she’s my twin," Baela said. Jaehaera narrowed her eyes, clearly skeptical. Of course, Baela thought, her twin had been a brother, not her own mirror image. “Aegon,” Rhaena said, a plaintive note to her voice. “It’s me. It’s Rhaena. Come here, sweet boy.” Aeg stood from the table, his eyes fixed upon Rhaena. Baela knew the exact moment he noticed Morning upon her shoulder, for he shook his head. “Why is it here?” His voice trembled. “Baela you promised.” “She’s just a hatchling, Aeg,” Rhaena said. “Her name is Morning. Don’t you want to meet her?” Aeg backed up, tears filling his eyes. Before Baela could stop her, Rhaena took a step forward. “No,” shrieked Aeg. “No! No! Rhaena, no!” Jaehaera glanced at him, her eyes wide, then glared back at Rhaena. “He’s afraid of dragons, stupid.”
I'll tag in @aifsaath in case she has anything to add!
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IT IS TIME...to make an old-fashioned embarrassing text post like those days of yore before my old therapist started doing CBT.
So, I started an OK Cupid account. It’s kind of a big step, and also something I’ve been joking about for more than a year. Just any time something funny or self-deprecating (or vaguely dirty) came up I’d be like ‘putting that on the OKC profile!’ In the end my OKC profile is pretty tame. Maybe too tame really. I should probably rewrite my bio so I sound nerdier and more romantic or something.
ANYWAY. The point is, it’s scary, knowing that in order to be loved you must submit to the ordeal of being known or whatever, but I took a tiny step which feels like a huge step after ten eleven years of singlehood and touch starvedness. Now I just need someone to message me so I can take another small terrifying step and meet them. And so on and so on. It’s just fear all the way down with me when it comes to intimacy. IT’S FINE. I EMAILED A POSSIBLE THERAPIST THIS EVENING.
Last weekend I met with a friend who just graduated library school and talked to her about how to find a job and such. It was cathartic, and also heartening. I really do have a lot of practical skills from the work I’ve been doing for fifteen years now. She said I have experience with things they didn’t even really learn in grad school, that she’s had to learn on the job. That makes me feel a little better. I still worry about how glutted the librarian market is up here, but there really are a ton of library jobs to apply for in all different industries, so I’ll probably find something that will pay me enough and not murder me eventually.
(My Indeed email today had a listing for a Digital Archivist for the MFA but the pay only went up to $49K??? THAT’S LESS THAN THE TOO LITTLE I’M MAKING NOW. God I’d love to work at the MFA though. CAN YOU IMAGINE? Do I just apply anyway and then be like, just kidding, I want $70K, thanks.)
I’ve also been using they/them pronouns at work with select people. Mostly with my boss and within the Queer ERG channels. And I guess with my grand boss, who guessed it all on her own through a series of slightly hilarious events. I’m not demanding anything, and I still have they/she in my signature because I hate rocking boats and know that I’m femme a lot of the time so I know how people will see me and I don’t want to fight with everyone ever about it and yada yada. Maeve says that’s stupid. She’s probably right, but like. Maybe if I find a new therapist they can help me work through that. I’ve been taking up more space lately, but still not as much as a person probably should.
Like I said, baby steps.
Anyway, my boss saw me list myself as they/them in an ERG meeting this morning and during our one-on-one later she said she was proud of me for all of the hard, scary stuff I’ve been doing lately. (Which she knows about because we talk about work approximately half the time when we talk.) It feels silly to be proud of it all, because most people do this at like, 20, right? All of it. Being able to date, knowing who you are, knowing what kind of job you want. But because she’s a good person she reminded me that when I was 15 and 20 I wasn’t in places where it was safe to make some of these decisions, or even if it was, I didn’t have the support for them. So yeah, I’m proud of it all.
In the last twenty-five years I’ve gone from suicidal to ambivalent to apathetic to super depressed to figuring it out to figuring it out to figuring it out. I’m still figuring it out. But I have an excellent support system. I have people who love me and want to know the whole me. Want me to know the whole me. I have tools to help myself emotionally. I have hope.
I can lament over the lost time, or I can look ahead with a mind to make use of all the time I have left. I maybe got here a little bit after everyone else. I may still be working toward it, but I’m here and I’m working. I’m doing hard, scary things, and that’s what being alive is all about, right?
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30-Fic Rec Challenge
I did this last year.
Here’s my list for 30 recommended X-Files fanfic. I’ll try to not repeat on the authors. 
and they are, of course, all MSR.
1. Currently reading: Genius by Kipler. Summary: The story of a young girl who disappears and returns smarter than she was before.
2. A short fic you like: the truth or a Pomeranian by seek_its_opposite (@seek-its-opposite​) Summary: It occurs to them both too late that nice suburban couples don’t have dogs named after Melville characters.
3. A novel-length fic you like: Puppets by Madeleine Partous Summary: None provided by the author.
4. An AU fic that you like: By the Dim and Flaring Lamps by sunflowerseedsandscience  ( @sunflowerseedsandscience) Summary: Captain Fox Mulder, the abolitionist son of a Virginia plantation owner and slaveholder, has turned his back on his family and everything he's ever known in order to fight for the Union, rather than joining the ranks of the Confederacy alongside his fellow Virginians. He runs off to Pennsylvania to join a newly-formed regiment in the spring of 1863, and there, he meets and quickly befriends the enigmatic young Daniel Scully, a private under his command. Private Scully's steady shooting and bravery in battle have proven him to be a far more capable soldier than his age would suggest. But in the days immediately following Gettysburg, Mulder discovers that Private Scully is hiding a secret, one that could change their friendship- and Mulder's entire life- in ways he couldn't possibly imagine.              
5. A fic you like that has a person’s name in the title: The Divine Professor M. by Flynn Summary: "They exist as separate individuals .... but they aren't truly complete until they're together."
6. A fic that made you feel nostalgic: Energy and Light by Oracle Summary: our girls have vanished, each one on a different night. Each one by the light of a full moon. Is it just a coincidence? 
7. A fic that made you cried: 7 Days in May by prufrock's love Summary: It might be the end of the world. Fox Mulder had a psychic vampire on the loose, a six-year-old son in tow, a ton of emotional baggage, and an FBI budget, but at least he wasn't dead. Mulder felt things were looking up - romantically and apocalyptically.
8. A fic you like that’s written by an author that’s passed away: Past is Prologue by Brandon D. Ray Summary: An encounter with two strangers changes Dana Scully's life forever. Pre-XF.
9. A fic you like that has a title of less than three words: Ghosts by Anjou Summary: An early December 2002 tale, originally supposed to be a drabble, totally spun out of control. A post-series 'what if' where Mulder was irrevocably altered, replicants were the new reality, and the clock was ticking down to 2012.
10.A post-episode fic you like: A Less Certain World by Sarah Segretti Summary: A fragile and frightened Mulder, traumatized by the events of "Biogenesis," turns to an unexpected source for help.
11.A fic that you wish to be televise: The Boy on the Beach by cecily_sass ( (@cecilysass) Summary: One moment she was sitting in the chair. Her chin up, her expression ice. And the next moment she was gone.No one had to tell Mulder something had gone wrong. No one had to tell him the difference between having Scully and lacking Scully. In that distinction he was expert.
12.A cute fic: Home, home by onpaperfirst Summary: post-the truth, pre-iwtb, weirdo domesticitywhere seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day
13.A fic that made your heart raced: Miracle by Tesla Summary: None provided by the author.
14.A scary fic: then the bomb by all_these_ghosts (@all-these-ghosts) Summary: "Do you ever worry about the end of the world, Scully?" "Yes," she said. "But I don't think it's going to happen fast." She would remember that, later.
15.A fic you like that has the word love in the title: Love's Savage Sea Spray by MaybeAmanda & Foxsong & LaVa, Jacquie Summary: The dashing Lt. Fox Mulder saves the Lady Dana Scully from the  lustful clutches of the pirate Captain Skinner and other assorted meanies.
16. One of the first fics you remember really liking: Dumbo by Chimerical Chameleon Summary: Mulder's obsession...(it's not what you think it is)
17. A good casefile: In a Flash by TCS 1121 Summary: In a flash, life changes.
18. A fic you like that has a color in the title: Gold and Silver by dreamingofscully (@dreamingofscully) Summary: Scully does something spontaneous to honor her sister’s memory.
19. A fic you that you’ve read several times: No More Demons by Penny Daza Summary: Mulder and Scully find a way to keep the nightmares away. 20. A fic in your ‘to-read’ list: Love In All The Wrong Places by SisterSpooky1013 (@sisterspooky1013​ ) Summary: Mulder and Scully try their hand at online chat rooms, and each meet a compelling stranger who is perhaps no stranger after all.
21. A *classic* fic that you’ve not read but have been meaning to read: Memorial Day by Brandon D. Ray and shannono Summary: The Date is here ...
22. A fic you read as a WIP or the author did not finish: Speechless by Anjou Summary: A road trip with Mulder and Scully; a trip inside their heads and hearts.  While on assignment to A.D. Kersh on a seemingly innocuous case in Nebraska, Mulder and Scully reflect on their relationship and its progress. Slots into the US6 timeline post-Tithonus, and assumes a general level of knowledge of all preceding action and, unlike what we saw onscreen, there is sufficient time for Scully to have healed between cases.
23. A fic you’d recommend to a Phile who doesn’t read fic: 20 by syntax6 Summary: 20 years in the life of Mulder and Scully, one year at a time.
24. A dark fic: After the Colors Fade by Deborah L. Wells   Summary: Mulder must fulfill a desperate promise he made to Scully. Which could cost them both their lives.
25. A fic you like that has an element of time in the title: if I had to perish twice  by seek_its_opposite Summary: He thinks maybe they’re working backwards to something like new love.
26. A fic you like that was written before 2000: Tinfoil by Loch Ness Summary: None provided by the author.
27. A fic you read a while ago that stayed in your head: Objects Are Closer Than They Appear by Wayward Summary: Arcadia post-ep story
28. A fic that you wish was longer, or hope for sequels: Knock by Gnatalie Summary: "They were a perfect match, since neither of them was getting what they really wanted."
29. The last fic you finished: The Great Outdoors by agoodwoman Summary:Picking up a few weeks after Planes Trains and Automobiles left off, Mulder and Scully have met the luckiest man alive and faced off with Pfaster again. This story begins after Mulder and Scully decide to pack a bag and get out of her apartment. Except they don't spend another weekend in bed together - they deal with the demons from Pfaster and the wake of his turmoil in their lives. They also, of course, get sent on another assignment to The Great Outdoors.
30. A fic you want to recommend just because: The Fox Mulder Phonetic Alphabet by storybycorey (@storybycorey) Summary:The ABC’s, as told by Fox Mulder.
**Bonus: Light Don't Sleep by wonderland (@amplifyme) Summary: " ... I don't want this to end. I want to stay like this forever. Just the three of us, right here in this bed. Not a care in the world." REASON: I have a feeling not many people have read this. But it’s so cute.
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fractallogic · 3 months
Also I’m realizing that I need to step carefully about outdoorsy topics (and that REI is slightly triggering)
So imagine: friend goes “we should hike clear lake next weekend!!” and I’m googling and just awed by the pics I’m seeing, and it’s a five mile walk, basically, with well maintained trails and virtually no elevation gain, and she’s also like “AND hopefully Other Friend can come too, because she’s so fun to hike with” and I’m like oh hell yeah that would be GREAT
And so given that I think well, next weekend is actually the last weekend I’ll spend with scone on zoom, which will actually free up a lot of exploring-nature time, and I’ve kinda wanted to get back into hiking (just chill ones, though. I’m not talking about camping. Still don’t want to go camping when I have a perfectly good house at home.), and everyone always prattles on about Oregon’s natural beauty, blah blah blah, and actually scone also likes going on hikes but is even less experienced than I am (because he didn’t have a dad who would rather just turn into a moose and live in Yellowstone, or a mom who took her toddler on long hikes, and camping, and whatever, until I decided that I’d had enough of having to either pee all over my shoes or use those massive scary permanent port-a-potties)…
…so I was like you know what. This could be a fun new hobby to do. You pack water. You pack snacks. You pack a first aid kit and a compass and some sunscreen and a hat and you’re good to go!
It would be nice if I had something smaller than my normal backpack and more useful for hikes than my cross-body purse though. So idk REI always has sales, I should see what’s going on. Oh they have a nice SMALL daypack for much less than I was expecting, this is perfect, I’m going to get it.
And then because I wanted it in my hot little hands right that second, I went down to the local REI and also looked around, because sometimes it’s fun to do that
No, it turns out that I have absorbed as part of the experience of my mom dying that she started dying WHILE GODDAMN CAMPING and camping was a huge part of her life and then became a huge part of her life again with her new partner; she had a ton of outdoors equipment and loved REI; she would do multi-day bike races for charity across mountains; she would report to me that the basically camping MREs weren’t so bad, actually!; etc etc etc
Now also, there’s q, who I dated for YEARS and ended up being emotionally and sexually abusive and whose name I curse every time I feel broken about sex (which is a lot). HE was also very outdoorsy, worked in americorps during hurricane sandy, loved jeeping, camping, hiking, you name it; he eventually took a job working for saguaro national park where he’d leave the house at 3:30 AM and spray for buffelgrass and other invasive plants; he’s now doing some other kind of naturalist work outside of Austin and is married to a Texas state congressperson (who he met in Tucson and cheated on me with and HAPPILY and freely admitted that at the time, so of course I was the coldhearted bitch who kept him from being happy when I told him no, I did not appreciate that and I did not want to have an open relationship so he could continue dating her) (no I’m not still traumatized YOURE still traumatized)
HIS favorite store was ALSO REI and would regularly come back with buffs and sun shirts and whatever fun new gadgets he could find; he was SO GODDAMN ANNOYING to walk around the store with because ugh Shiloh you don’t even like being outside why would you need any of this, are you actually going to USE it (derogatory, not helpful)
So maybe this is what’s making my brain Funky and Off. I mean it’s been happening longer than just like Thursday afternoon, when my friend called and was like “let’s go hiking!”, but still. This doesn’t help. I keep poking at it like a bruise. This is part of the reason I think that emotionally immature parents video got to me, because I already had mom on the mind.
It’s just fucked all the way around.
But at least now I have tentative plans to go hiking next weekend AND I have a very cute purple backpack to hold my water and snacks. So. You know.
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The Black Bulls and what pokemon I would assign to them.
Part 2
Charmy gets a Snorlax.
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Snorlax is a normal type pokemon.
You've got a pokemon that isn't satisfied until it eats a heck ton of food paired with a wizard who loves feeding people.
Perfect match I'd say.
And after they've both eaten, Charmy can just flop on top of Snorlax and both can take a long nap.
There also both beings that are underestimated by those around them, which is a big mistake.
Grey gets a Sylveon.
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Sylveon is a fairy type pokemon.
And one of the evee evolutions.
Sylveon is a really sweet and kind pokemon and for someone as shy as Grey, I think they'd be good friends.
Also Slyveon evolves from learning a fairy move and developing a strong friendship.
Showing the bond between them as Grey would have had Slyveon since before they evolved.
And having a more confident pokemon that she trusts to have her back would help grow her confidence.
Gauche gets a Drowzee.
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They even look similiar...
Drowzee is a psychic type pokemon.
Like Gauche they both have bad reputations. Drowzee's coming from that they eat dreams, mostly the dreams of children.
This Drowzee isn't that bothered about what dreams he gets as long as they aren't bad ones.
Because they are nasty.
Several people have had to shoo him out of their rooms when they wake up and see him their.
Because that's creepy my dude.
But as Gauche gets closer to the others, as does Drowzee and a better system is made so he gets fed and everyone sleeps well.
Drowzee also remembers the dreams he's eaten and can show these memories.
Which could be seen as similiar to Gauche's mirror magic.
Secre gets a Phantump.
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Phantump is a ghost and grass type pokemon.
Phantump's are said to be created from the soul of a child who dies in the woods.
Giving it a scary reputation, one that keeps people away.
When Phantump only wants to make friends.
Paired with Secre, a girl who was disowned by her noble family because of her magic seeming useless to them.
Now a woman who's seen as cursed and using forbidden magic.
Seems fitting.
Secre doesn't show it often but she's a caring person who's grown close to Asta and the other members of the black bulls.
I think she and Phantump would have a close bond, especially if they had met before.
Which I'd want them to have done.
I imagine after Secre disappeared, Phantump would become sort of a legend.
A wandering ghost looking in the woods for it's friends.
Their reunion would be sweet.
Nacht gets a Houndoom.
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Houndoom is a dark and fire type pokemon.
And also a doggo.
Houndoom are known to be terrifying.
With people in ancient times hiding away when they hear the call of Houndoom's.
Very fitting pokemon for a guy who has made deals with devil's.
And given the nature of said devil's, having a loyal companion would be something Nacht would need.
Especially after his brothers death.
He wouldn't accept a pokemon that was anything less than strong, and Houndoom would take that as a challenge.
An intimidating pokemon for an intimadating wizard.
And finally, Yami gets a Krookodile.
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Krookodile is a ground and dark type pokemon.
Who is known for its intimadation, but can also be really laid back.
Much like Yami.
I can imagine him seeing a Sandile and just pointing like, you.
And obviously being mocked for it.
Krookodile, being the evolved form of Sandile showing how strong of a bond they have with Yami.
Krookodile is known as being the "Bully of sands" because of how much the guy just dominates in that environment.
Krookodile is also wicked strong and can glide through the air.
... Glide through air... Despite being a crocodile.
Seems like someone's surpassing their limits 👀.
But would still be underestimated due to having quite a lot of type disadvantages.
Much like how Yami and his squad are seen as the weakest one.
Just a very fitting match up.
I imagine Sandile, the pokemon that evolves into Krookodile, is the one who dragged Yami to shore when he first appeared at the Clover Kingdom.
And they've been inseparable ever since.
Also in the anime Krookodile wears sunglasses that look hella cool and so would Yami's Krookodile.
Part 1
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
Michael headcanons gimme here please meowe
So like, poor guy absolutely has CPTSD. I don’t think there’s any debate to be had about that. He’s been through a TON of trauma. Lost his sister, killed his brother, abandoned by his abusive dad- like shit man 💀 I’d have CPTSD too
That’s a stupid joke though given I do have CPTSD
He was a super shitty teen. He probably treated Elizabeth pretty shitty before she died too.
Because one parent was abusive and neglectful and the other MIA, he was basically made to be the babysitter, the third parent, and he hated it.
After everything that happened to his siblings he’s way mellowed out. He absolutely hates having kids look up to him, because it kind of terrifies him.
He could probably never be a father, not out of lack of ability or that he would be a shit dad, but solely because of his trauma from his dad. He would only be able to see his dad in himself.
Which he already does. He loathes looking in the mirror.
I like to imagine his hair is deliberately longer than his father’s to try to distinguish them. He spent his whole life hearing he’s just like his dad. Part of him really does believe it, but he doesn’t want to be anything like him. You’ll notice this is a recurring motif between my main AU and my rebirth AU, which both involve Michael’s actions as an extension of his father. In fact the exact phrase “I don’t want to be anything like you” shows up in the rebirth AU.
I like to make jokes about Michael smoking weed but honestly I see a lot of people draw/write him as a smoker and I’ve kind of adopted that headcanon
Post-scooping, he has an awful phobia of worms, snakes, wires, maggots, tentacles, and, most embarrassingly, spaghetti. Just the sight of any of it makes him sick.
He still lives in his family home, but it’s a complete mess. He has a lot of money from his dad’s business, but no use for it. It’s livable, but it’s not in good shape, and he doesn’t care to fix it.
He doesn’t usually go outside before dark. He stays inside with the windows drawn and lets all his old friends think he’s dead.
While he’s a pretty emotionally troubled and still very jaded and cold, he has a heart of gold underneath it all, and he loves his siblings more than anything. He has an odd way of showing it, but he cares a lot about people, especially the children.
If I say he’s a bottom will I be judged because he’s totally a bottom
Because of the scooping he is prone to random facial bleeding. It is somehow a much more disturbing thing to see because his blood is all dark and deoxygenated. Like you’d think a corpse guy having black nosebleeds would be less scary than normal blood. It’s still terrifying.
Despite his inhibitions, he’s actually pretty good with children. A bad role model, definitely, but a caring and protective figure, especially for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have one.
He is just so done with everything all the fucking time, constantly. 0 energy. Go girl give us nothing.
He gives me very specific gender vibes I can’t place. His gender is male but not and also it’s the fact that purple is his favorite color
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