#it's a small gym a little rundown but it's still in good shape
enniewritesathing · 2 years
...since I am p much gonna reboot The Montage... maybe I should redesign the gym while I’m at it.
((and can someone make some focus mitts? please and thank lol))
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Uk what fuck it. You want reboot scooby doo? Let me give my two cents.
Fred and Velma go to the gym together. They work out to be prepared when they inevitably end up with arms full of friends. Velma always ends up being the brunt of a lot of weight and once Fred offers, having gone to the gym since highschool working to stay in shape to carry a certain scaredy stoner and his Huge great dane, she begrudgingly accepts and it ends up being a really good experience they get to share together.
Shaggy doesn’t work out, couldn’t even fathom the thought, but he still somehow always has the strength to grab Velma of Daphne and carry them away from the danger. Maybe clinging to Scooby for dear life is all the workout he needs. Instead, while Velma and Fred are at the gym, he shares a joint with Daphne and they play dress up, planning all the outfits shaggy pulls out for his grand schemes to mislead the villains they come across. They giggle and twirl and relish in a silliness they can only understand with each other, before eventually picking up and preparing some food for the others to be ready when they return.
Velma reads out loud to Shaggy. He get’s anxious and more often than not can work himself into a panic with overthinking. He especially enjoys her reading to him while high. The articles she reads to him become captivating as he relaxes and can ask questions about the material that ordinarily he’d be too insecure to ask. Velma loves this time they spend together and gets excited about being able to passionately explain her current hyper fixations to him knowing that he’s enjoying himself just as much as she is.
Velma and Daphne spend a great deal of time learning new skills together. It started one night when Daphne was able to pick a lock with her bobby pin to save the gang from being stuck in a crappy jail cell all night in some rundown fake western town. Velma had admitted that despite the cliche she’d always been curious and Daphne jumped at the opportunity to teach her something new. Now every month they choose one activity, be it a language or an instrument or even something as silly as a dance, and they learn one of those things together. It turns out they study well together, with Velma being good at absorbing and learning material off the bat, she’s better able to explain it and learn it with Daphne, who’s more of a visual and ‘Doer’ kinda learner. Velma learns that sometimes having a basic understanding of something isn’t enough to give you that skill, and Daphne learns that having a basic understanding of certain skills can make them easier to carry out.
Daphne and Fred like to banter and wrestle instead of falling in to the stereotypes laid out for them. It starts when Daphne tackles Fred out of the way during a battle with another masked freak. He’s impressed by her strength and starts to instigate more physical teasing with her. They become the rough housers of their little group and while Velma and Shaggy have No Interest in something so physical, it doesn’t stop them from taking sides to cheer their friends on, or simply look on fondly from the back of the van.
Fred and Shaggy like to cuddle. That’s their thing. Shaggy spent almost his whole life tall and lanky and with little to no friends besides Scooby. Even if someone Did stick around enough to cuddle, they almost always made Shaggy be the one doing all the comforting, something about him being too tall and bony to be comfortable enough to hold. When Shaggy confesses that fact jokingly while sprawled out in the back of the van, he thought the gang wasn’t listening to his ramblings as usual when they’re on the road for so long, but that night as they can afford the luxury of a small motel, Fred pulls him tight to his chest on the small old bed they share and strongly secures his arms across Shaggy’s waist, claiming that the boy just so happens to be the perfect size for cuddling. Ever since that night Shaggy and Fred have no issues as each other’s comfort person.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Scooby Gang that exists in my head and I’m sure everyone else has just as wonderful and heart warming headcanons as well. It’s not hard to make a new and improved media, just try literally Anything Else than whatever the fuck Velma is trying to achieve.
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dcbbw · 4 years
Would you ever 📝 AU Romance. Riley having a pregnancy scare or how would Liam would react?
@gkittylove99!!! THIS ASK! THIS.ASK. I have to thank my pre-readers and idea bouncers @sirbeepsalot, @burnsoslow, and @ao719. And to all the folks I sent random snippets to, thank you for not thinking I was crazy!
Warnings for this full-blown fic: Slightly NSFW, Frank discussion of pregnancy termination
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I awaken to feel Liam’s weight pressed against my back. His palms cover the backs of my hands as his cock sits in my center, throbbing and twitching.
“Are you awake yet?” His breath, warm and stale, tickles the back of my neck.
I respond by arching my hips upwards; I feel his groin  grind against me as he alternates his thrusts between teasingly slow and hard and rough. His teeth scrape my skin between groans of: “Throw that pussy at me,” and “You like how this dick feels?”
The head of his cock is pressed against my spot and I cry out as I release over his shaft; the pillow muffles it. Shortly thereafter, I feel his orgasm splashing against my still clenching walls. He pulls out and rolls over onto his back.
We start every morning with some form of sex. Sometimes it’s oral for me, a blowjob in front of the bedroom mirror for him, or intercourse. It’s always vanilla; we save the kinky for the nighttime.
I stay laying on my stomach; I have been tired lately. And unfocused. I think I need vitamins, maybe an iron supplement. Liam’s voice rouses me, and I turn my head to look at him.
“You need to get up, Riley. It’s time for your shower.”
“I don’t feel good,” I say.
He raises an eyebrow. “Do you have a cold?”
I shake my head. “I just don’t feel good.”
He gives me an odd look before speaking. “I’ll make you some tea and arrange to telework today.”
And then he rises naked from the bed, leaving me alone in the room.
One Week Later
It’s Wednesday, and I am in the office. Chase and Penelope have gone to make the Starbucks run before staff meeting. I didn’t order anything; I am still queasy and it’s strongest in the morning. I feel even more rundown, and there is some heartburn. I am booting up my laptop when my desk phone rings. It’s Lynn, my boss.
“Hey! Come back here and talk to me,” she requests in her signature cheery tone.
I tell her to give me two minutes and hang up. The phone rings again. “Need me to bring you anything?” I answer, sure it’s her again. But it’s Liam.
“Don’t order a car this evening. My car will pick you up at 4:30.”
I stare stupidly at my screen. “Why?”
“You’ll find out.” And the call is disconnected.
I feel uncertainty twist my already roiling stomach as I head into Lynn’s cubicle. She looks up at me, a bright smile on her face. Her hair is in loose waves and falls just past her shoulders; her skin is clear with a rosy glow.
“You look great!” I compliment her. “How do you feel?”
Lynn is entering her fifth month of pregnancy. It’s her fourth; she’s carrying twins.
“Thanks! I feel like I’m hauling around a pod of whales. Sperm whales,” she giggles at her pun.
I offer her a weak smile as I sit in the only empty chair in her cubicle. She frowns slightly. “Was that HR offensive?” She waves her hand dismissively. “I don’t know and too fat to care.”
I shake my head slightly. “You’re fine.”
She begins to dig into a styrofoam container that holds her breakfast: corned beef hash, sausage links, grits, potatoes, toast, and sunny-side up eggs. The sights and smells turn my stomach even more. As she eats, Lynn prattles about her weekend, possibly hiring a new person to help Coco in IT, and maybe putting together an employee handbook.
I say nothing because if I open my mouth, the water and yogurt I had earlier may come up. Noticing my silence, Lynn looks up me; her eyes are critical as she studies me.
“Riley, are you okay? You look … listless.”
“I’m fine!” I force myself to respond cheerfully. “Just a little tired.”
One of her hands rests lightly against her burgeoning belly; the other firmly grips her fork as she drags it through hash, grits, and egg yolk. “Go home. Get some rest for the remainder of the week.”
“I’m fine,” I protest.
“Then go home and get even better. Answer a couple of emails, take a call and you won’t have to use your leave.” She speaks around mouthfuls of food.
My eyes fall to her belly. “Do you have names for the babies yet?”
“Peanut butter and Jelly.” She sees my surprised expression. “There’s a story there, but it’s definitely NSFW. I’m not dealing with HR today.”
She waves her hand at me in a “shoo” motion. “Go home! See you Monday.”
I rise from the chair and make my way slowly back to my desk. I shut down the laptop. I pick up my desk phone and call Liam.
“What?” His tone is curt. I wonder if he’s busy or doesn’t want to hear from me.
“I’m leaving work now. I’m off until Monday.”
A pause before he speaks. I hear papers being shuffled and him typing on his keyboard. “Call the car, go to the penthouse. Shower. Don’t answer the door for anyone, don’t be a Nosy Parker, and I’ll be there shortly.”
And he hangs up.
Once inside the penthouse, I wander around before I shower. It’s rare Liam leaves me alone here; I find it feels strange without his presence. The quiet sounds different, the sun slants through the windows at an altered angle. The stovetop and counters gleam in the bright kitchen; usually both are filled with pots and pans and food in various stages of preparation. I open the refrigerator; there is a platter of homemade meatballs, perfectly rolled and shaped and filled with onions and peppers, ready to be cooked for our dinner tonight. I wonder what else we’ll have.
As I cross back through the living room, I look up at the staircase; only when Liam requests me in his study do I venture into the upper level of the penthouse. There’s a study, home gym, full bathroom, guest room, and the only ingress/egress to the outdoor space upstairs.
I keep walking until I reach the bedroom. I pass Liam’s chest of drawers and frown; one of the drawers isn’t fully closed. I set my phone on top of the furniture and place my palm against the gleaming wood to push it close, but I hesitate. I wonder what’s inside. I look around, even though I know I am the only person in the house.
I’m going to be a Nosy Parker.
I pull the drawer open cautiously and peer inside: neatly folded stacks of boxer shorts in white and black greet me. Next to them are wife beaters, also in white and black, and short-sleeved undershirts in white. There is a wooden tray on the right-hand side of the drawer; it’s mostly cufflinks and tie clips, but I see two photographs, face down. I look at them curiously; just as my fingers reach out to touch them, my phone rings.
I jump and let out a small yell before pushing the drawer shut and looking at my caller ID. I don’t recognize the number; I toss the phone onto the bed before stripping and entering the shower. By the time Liam arrives home, I am wearing his robe and wrapped in a blanket on the living room sofa. There is a talk show on the television. He stands in the doorway looking at me, carrying a brown paper bag. It smells delicious.
And I am now starving.
His eyes look me over as he passes me the food; it’s a grilled cheese sandwich and cup of tomato soup with basil. I look at him gratefully before I bite ravenously into the gooey, melted cheese and hot buttered bread. The cheese melts against my tongue; a droplet of butter rolls from my lower lip down my chin.
Liam sits next to me; he turns the television off.
“You’re feeling better?”
I am drinking savory soup directly from the container. “I’m still tired, but my nausea has passed.”
He nods thoughtfully. “You haven’t used your supplies this month, Riley.”
The sandwich is at my lips, but my mouth does not open. I’m trying to calculate the last time I had my period. Liam watches me for a few seconds before speaking.
“You’re 10 days late, Riley.”
I stare at him, struggling to come to terms with what this meant. Or could mean. Even the most regular women were sometimes late due to hormones or something.
But I was sick in the mornings. I was fatigued constantly.
The image of Lynn’s hand on her pregnant belly flashes through my mind.
I set my food down; my mouth is suddenly dry. “What … what if I am?”
“Pregnant?” Liam asks as he stands, then makes his way to the television set. He stands there, arms folded across his chest. His burgundy tie is blood against the crisp, white shirt he wears.
I nod slowly.
“You’ll get rid of it.” His tone is calm, matter-of-fact.
A coldness spreads from my belly to chill my entire body. I feel goosebumps rise on my skin. “No,” I whisper. “IF I am, it’s my body!”
“But my child. I don’t want children, Riley.”
“Then you should’ve taken better precautions!” I yell as I stand and get in his face. The robe falls open. I am naked beneath it, but Liam isn’t looking at my body.
“YOU said you were on birth control!” His voices thunders throughout the apartment. He takes a deep breath as he composes himself.
“However, I should have ensured that no … accidents could occur. I’ll be rectifying that situation.”
My eyes search his. He returns my gaze, his eyes steady. How could he be so callous, so cold towards a possible life he helped create?
“I’m not getting rid of our baby. This isn’t something you can throw money at to make it go away, Liam!”
He looks at me incredulously. “It’s a BABY! I will ALWAYS BE THROWING MONEY AT IT!” He shakes his head. “Best to make a one-time payment and be done with it.” He looks at me with hard, dark eyes. “And you either get rid of it or give it up. Those are your only options, Riley. You can’t have us both.”
He steps around me, headed for the stairway that leads upstairs. “Finish your food before it gets cold.”
The heels of his shoes tap against hardwood as he jogs up the stairs. And I am alone.
All alone.
I look around and my glance falls on my lunch. I gather it and take it into the kitchen; I watch red liquid splash against the stainless steel of the sink as I pour the soup out. I wrap the sandwich in its paper, put it back inside its bag, and ball the whole thing up before tossing it in the trash.
Back in the living room, I straighten the sofa cushions and fold my blanket; I carry the blanket with me to the bedroom. I place it back inside the closet; I look at my clothing. Clothing that Liam bought. My fingertips run across the various fabrics: silk, wool, cotton; it causes the hangers to tinkle against each other.
I am standing at the window, the robe belted tightly around my waist, when I hear Liam’s voice behind me. He says I have a doctor’s appointment Friday morning to determine if I am indeed pregnant. I say nothing as my eyes stay fixed on sunlight glinting off the East River, barely visible behind buildings of stone and steel.
I feel him behind me; I smell his cologne and hear his breathing. I feel tears prick my eyes.
“Why do you hate me so much?” I whisper.
“I don’t,” he answers softly.
His arms come around my waist and I feel his face drop into my hair. Then he steps away. “Dinner in an hour.”
“I’m not hungry.”
His footsteps pause. “You should eat.” And then he is gone.
That night, we do not have sex, but we do the next morning. We then spend the remainder of the day avoiding each other and not speaking.
I sit on his ridiculously oversized bed, chin resting on my knees, wondering what I will do if I am pregnant. I have my job; I have the alimony from Maxwell. I would need to find a bigger apartment, a two-bedroom at least.
I would not ask Liam for any child support, nor would I accept it if offered.
Friday morning, we are sitting in a doctor’s office. I fill out paperwork and give the receptionist my insurance information. Liam sits in a chair, an ankle resting on a thigh while he reads a magazine. When my name is called, he walks with me into the examination room.
The nurse is cheerful; she asks me questions that I answer in a dull tone.
No, I have never been pregnant before.
My period is now two weeks late.
The nausea is worse in the morning. I also have heartburn.
No pain.
Liam’s eyes stay fixed on me.
The nurse draws blood; I go to the bathroom to pee in a cup. And we wait.
The doctor comes in 20 minutes later. I am not pregnant. But she wants to do an ultrasound. I feel relief, sadness, and fear. I look at Liam, but his expression is stoic, giving nothing away. I agree to the ultrasound.
There is cool gel. Pictures of my insides show up on a screen. There are white spots on my right side.
I have gallstones; that is why I am nauseous and have heartburn and fatigue.
My surgery is scheduled for a month from Monday.
Liam asks if there is anything that can help relieve my discomfort for the next month. He inquires about foods and drinks to avoid. But he doesn’t look at the doctor when he asks his questions.
He is squatting in front of me, his thumb brushing my cheek while his eyes hold mine captive.
The doctor answers as she scribbles on paper: Ibuprofen to help with pain, and I need to limit my dairy, fats, grease, and fried foods.
At the reception desk, Liam pays the co-pay costs. The receptionist smiles at him. “Dr. Marion will see you Wednesday. Did you receive your paperwork?”
Liam nods, and tells her he will return it no later than Monday before he takes my hand as we walk to the elevator. I want to pull away because I don’t think he would be holding my hand if I were pregnant.
He won.
But I let my hand stay wrapped with his.
“Who’s Dr. Marion?” I ask.
“My urologist.”
“Is it a routine visit?”
I feel my stomach sour even though I haven’t eaten anything.
The elevator car arrives, and we board. He pushes the button to take us to the lobby. His eyes stay fixed on the metal doors as we begin our descent downstairs.
“I’m getting a vasectomy.”
And he says nothing else.
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @jared2612 @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @hopefulmoonobject @amomentofsinclairity @ao719 @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @janezillow @marietrinmimi @annekebbphotography @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @indiacater @forthebrokenheartedthings @kingliam2019 @bebepac @zaffrenotes @liyanin @liamxs-world @choiceslife @ac27dj @the-soot-sprite @gnatbrain @sanchita012 @anotherbeingsworld @atha68 @hopelessromanticmonie @amandablink @cmestrella @iaminlovewithtrr @cinnamonspongecake @lifeaskim @starrystarrytrouble @liamandneca @liamrhysstalker2020 @alyssalauren @queenrileyrose @ladyangel70 @yourmajesty09 @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @ritachacha @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @cordonianroyalty @superharriet
   #tw discussion of pregnancy termination #tw slightly ns*w #dcbbw answers #UnRomance AU ask #liam x riley #this isn’t Cordonia
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Chapters: 4/9 Fandom: IT Rating: M Warnings: Mention of past child // psychological abuse, Fight Club!au, mentions of suicide attempt.  Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, learning to love yourself
Tag list: @richietoaster, @beproudtozier, @that-weird-girls-blog, @s-onora, @s-s-georgie, @bellarosewrites, @iamcupcakefrosting, @reddieonwheels, @ghostnebula, @madidraw @madi-main, @gazebobullshit, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @airbenderking, @ambitiousskychild
By the time Eddie was 13, he was allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and several cooking oils. By 15, he had never swum in gym class and never went to a friend’s birthday party or had one of his own. By 16, Eddie knew that he liked looking at boys rather than looking at girls, though that didn’t seem to matter at the time. By 18, he had graduated high school and that was the end of his social life. And by 21, Eddie’s life had been torn to pieces.
He was a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy and now left without a mother, without a home, and without a clue. On top of being told he should go to group therapy, his caseworker had also suggested doing something to blow off some steam. Join a book club or go to the gym. Or maybe join a need-to-know based fight club. Either or.
Chapters one, two, three
As it turned out, Eddie didn’t have much to lose after all.
He tried to think of a couple of things that would make it into a good excuse not to go to the gym, but he kept coming up empty. He did need to start working out and getting healthy. Sure, his mom pumped him up with supplements and protein, but that didn’t make him healthy. He was walking everywhere nowadays, so his legs were getting a good hit, but what about his arms?
Sure, he had to carry the heavy boxes at the store and lifted a few of them while restocking, but he knew he could do better. It wasn’t like he was getting thrown into the ring after all. He would hit a few machines and lift a few weights. Nothing worth bragging about.
After coming home from work, he hung around the house for a little bit, having nothing else really to do. Ben and Beverly were going to see a movie and while they had invited him to tag along, he declined, claiming he had something he had to take care of. The two had done everything they could to not make him feel like he was the third wheel, but sometimes two people just needed to be alone, whether they were a couple or not.
Mrs. Hanscom was working late, so he had the house to himself for a little while. He lasted about twenty minutes before he threw in the towel and changed from his work shirt and jeans into a plain tee-shirt and shorts. He locked the door behind him and made his way into town, down Main street and up to the gym.
He looked through the window, finding it somewhat empty for the night. He guessed even gym rats had something else to do on a Friday night. There were only a couple of guys inside and after a few minutes of just standing there, he finally entered.
Richie was off in the morning, doing a handful of genetic stretches on the mat. Eddie didn’t want to think of how often, or lack thereof, the mat was wiped down just like the rest of the machines.
Eddie liked to keep it clean, as it was something they would do every week back when he was living with his mother. Sonia Kaspbrak wasn’t one with OCD, but it was a chance for them to bond together. Wiping everything down with Lysol was a great way to get rid of any common germs and Eddie had learned from a very early age how to disinfect and keep order.
“Eds!” Richie called out upon spotting him.
“It’s Eddie.” He retorted, already wondering if he had made the right decision.
“Eds is short for Eddie.”
“And Eddie is already short for Edward.”
“Richie is short for Richard. Wanna know something even shorter?”
“If you say your dick, I’m leaving.”
Richie gasped, placing his hand over his chest as he faked shock and dismay. “Edward! How could you? Why would I ever lie about my penis like that?”
“Beep, Beep, Richie.” Eddie stared at him, blank and unimpressed. “Can we get this over with?”
“Don’t sound so depressed, Eds. You’re spending your night with a certified hottie.” Adjusting his headband, he brought Eddie over to the machine. He gave a quick rundown of what it was called and how to use it. “This is a rower. Like a boat, all right? Hold onto that, keep your legs straight, you’re gonna lean back and well, row.”
“Doesn’t sound too bad.”
Richie chuckled, slapping his shoulder before adjusting the weight.
The machine turned out to be a nightmare as it required a hell of a lot more muscles than Eddie thought he was capable of using. Even in a lighter setting, he felt like he was straining himself just to be able to keep up. He did a couple of sets or reps, whatever Richie called them before Richie moved him onto the next machine.
He hadn’t brought water or anything to keep him hydrated so he had to stick with the tiny paper cups from the water cooler in the corner. He tried not to think about how many times that water was changed out. He was too parched to taste the bland, staleness of old water.
When the first hour passed they took a small break. They sat against the mirrors, watching the other guys who came to work out do their sets. “So, any chance of you becoming a gym rat like the rest of us?” Richie asked him, resting his chin on his bent knees.
Eddie was very doubtful that he’d ever willingly want to work out. Ever would willingly want to sweat into his clothes and strain his muscles until he was left tired and aching.
He remembered his mother shaking her head whenever the Olympics would come around and they’d sit by the television and watch all the competitions. Sonia would comment about how they would work so hard just for one chance at winning.
“All of that hard work for nothing,” she would comment whenever they lost. Eddie, the innocent one, who always tried to be optimistic, reminded her about the winners. “They might have won but how long will that last? Trust me, Eddie-Bear. They will lose that shapely body soon enough and get addicted to opioids just like every other former star.”
She turned the television off after that. Very rarely did they watch anything that contained athletes or anything other than game shows and children’s programming. It’s a mystery Eddie turned out even half okay after having a woman like that as his only companion for so long.
He wondered what his mother would be thinking if she knew where he was. If she knew her precious little boy was sweating and working out on machines that hadn’t been cleaned and drinking water almost from the tap.
“How much is it?” Eddie questioned, deciding to throw caution to the wind.
It wound up only costing Eddie fifteen bucks a month to join. He found that to be pretty decent on account of it being a small private gym.
A small group of women came in and greeted Richie as Eddie was signing up. They flashed their teeth at him and Richie commented, calling them pearly white and magnificent. Eddie brushes his teeth every morning and every night, always flossing in between and using that terrible tasting mouthwash whenever he could. Dental hygiene was important and taking care of his mouth was one thing Eddie took pride in even after leaving his mother’s house.
Once his membership was started, Eddie hung around for a few minutes after, using the hand weights that were in the corner. He found himself watching as Richie went around the room, helping out those who needed it. He had a way about him that even if you had just met him, he’d find a way to get under your skin. Whether or not it was in a good way all depended on Richie but that was his style.
They left together after another half hour. Eddie was tired and he knew he would be sore in the morning.
“Now that you joined maybe we could become gym buddies?” Richie had suggested, playfully bumping their shoulders together as they walked down the street.
They did become gym buddies, much to Eddie’s dismay. His body aches for days after the first trip and he had become very comfortable with standing in the freezers of the grocery store on days when he felt extra sore.
Richie didn’t go easy on him but he also knew not to test his limits. They found a routine that worked for them both and on days when Richie couldn’t make it or their schedules just couldn’t line up, Ben and Beverly were more than happy to tag along with him.
It may not have been his intention of becoming a gym rat but he found himself going two to three times a week. Any night when he wasn’t in the mood to just sit back and watch tv or read a book or do a puzzle.
He also went out to the farm to watch a fight now and then. He still didn’t understand it that much, the rapid appeal of going head to head with another person, but it was another excuse to get out of the house and socialize.
Eddie found himself doing a lot of things he wouldn’t have thought he would do before coming. He was eating new foods all the time, trying different things.
He was making his own choices, going out to buy his clothes with Beverly in tow. She didn’t choose anything for him but gave her the best intel since she had a thing for fashion.
He found his sense of style for the first time. He found his sense of reality for the first time. Making his own choices and doing things he wanted to do without worrying if he would get in trouble or he would make his mommy angry.
It hadn’t been what Eddie expected when he first arrived in Bangor. Trying to move on from the life he once lived wasn’t easy but the alternative wasn’t much better.
He had spoken up about it during one of the group meetings. He was half listening, not even sure what the topic was but nobody else commented. It was obvious the director was feeling a bit dejected and thought well, why not?
“We try to find a middle ground. Between the life, we lived before breaking away and the life we’ve been thrown into now that we're out of that situation. It’s not easy. May not even be possible but, it’s worth trying right?”
“That’s right, Mr. Kaspbrak. That’s exactly right.”
“Look at you making an impression in the group,” Beverly mentioned as they left.
Eddie didn’t want a pat on the back for coming up with something that made sense or for just being honest. He knew everybody had been through something similar and he wasn’t going to pretend like he had done or said anything poetic. If they didn’t find something to hold onto, something to shape their life around, then what was the point of having a life, to begin with?
“Are you seeing Richie tonight?” Beverly asked.
He was but not for the gym. The old theatre was playing some old-time movies and Richie thought it would be good for Eddie to see them. He had blown a gasket when he found out Eddie hadn’t seen Titanic and Back to the Future so they had begun to have designated movie nights.
Sometimes they would invite Ben and Beverly and on other nights it would be a rude group thing. The sorry lot of Bangor Maine had welcomed Eddie in without a second thought and they planned on spending the remaining days of their summer before Bill and Stan went back to school out of state enjoying every part of this.
They had shown him all different types of movies, from black and white classics to modern horror. They were widening his horizon film-wise and he found that it was a great way to spend his night.
On this particular night, it was just Richie and himself, watching the classic film Singin’ in the Rain. Richie insisted he wasn’t a dancer in any way but he has a passion for Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor.
The movie itself was rather grand and Eddie wondered why his mother hadn’t allowed him to watch it. Perhaps the dancing ladies were a bit too much but he found it to be enjoyable.
They found their way to the diner afterward, sitting in the far corner away from sight. Richie ordered waffles even though it was nearly eleven pm, asking for syrup, and whipped cream, and peanut butter all on top.
Richie was rambling on about the film they had just seen and then suggesting a few others along the way. “I certainly can’t believe you’ve never seen Star Wars man. Not even like on tv or something during the holidays?”
“I wasn’t given a lot of screen time, Rich.” Eddie reminded him.
He had opened up to Richie slowly over the weeks of them knowing each other. Ben hadn’t said much about his predicament other than his mother was overly protected and shielded him from the world. Eddie had been the one to tell Richie just how bad it had been in between their weekly gym meetups and regular hangouts.
Richie took it in stride, never once showing that he felt sorry for Eddie. He treated him just like every other person, apologizing only when a “your mom” joke slipped through his lips because old habits were hard to break.
“Seriously, dude. We’re watching it. You’re gonna come over to my place and I’m making you sit through it all.”
“Aren’t there like, six of them?”
“Technically nine bit the prequels aren't that important unless you want backstory and the newer ones are garbage. An only good thing to come out of them is the eye candy.” He placed his hand dramatically over his chest. “Oscar Isaac? Oh, be still my beating vagina.”
The waitress came over then, placing their food down between them.
“Did you just quote Mamma Mia 2?”
Richie slammed his fist down on the table, something that the waitress seemed completely unfazed by. “You haven’t seen Star Wars but you’ve seen Mamma Mia 2?!”
“And the first one. Mrs. Hanscom showed them to me.”
“You, Edward, have hurt me today. I don’t know how I’m gonna cope.” He announced and then proceeds to dig into his waffle.
Eddie ate his food, which consists of a simple grilled cheese. They had gotten popcorn at the theatre and he didn’t want to start pigging out just because he was working out more. He watched Richie gorge himself on the sloppy, crunchy waffle and found himself realizing he had never eaten a normal pancake or waffle.
Everything had been gluten-free, sugar-free. He never tried whipped cream or peanut butter. Due to his birthday being around the time of thanksgiving his mom would make him a fruit cake or sometimes a gelatin cake. He didn’t even know what real birthday cake tasted like.
“Can I ask you a weird question?” He asked suddenly. “Can I have a bite?”
“A bite?” Richie asked, his mouth still full from his bite.
“I’ve never had a waffle. I’ve never had peanut butter.”
Richie swallowed hard, shaking his head in despair. “Fuck, Eds. Your mom messed you up good, didn’t she?” He slid the plate over, knowing better than offering Eddie his fork to eat off of. “Knock yourself off.”
Eddie grabbed his fork and knife to cut off a small piece. It looked soggy and heavy, completely covered in the sticky substances. He took the bite slowly, chewing it down carefully. It was hard to describe; the ooey-gooey, nutty flavor mixed with the maple of the syrup and the creaminess of the whipped cream.
Richie was watching him intensely, ready to jump into action in the rare chance his mom wasn’t lying and he needed to inject him with an EpiPen just in case.
“Well?” He asked after a moment.
“Holy shit,” Eddie replied.
“Is that a good holy shit or bad holy shit?”
“A very good holy shit. Holy shit!”
“I know right? Delicious.”
“Disgustingly delicious.”
“Do you want your own?” Richie asked, already half turning down he could get their waitresses' attention.
“No.” Eddie decided. “I want Reece’s cup.”
“Yeah? We can get you one of those.”
And they did. After leaving the diner they went down to the nearest 7/11 and bought Eddie Reece’s cup and other assortments of candy that he had been deprived of his entire life.
They spent the rest of the night driving around, eating candy, and just laughing about the stupid shit going on in their town. It was nearly one am when Richie dropped Eddie off at home.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot Spaghetti,” Richie asked, shifting in the darkness of the car. He turned on the lights above them, giving them a chance to see one another.
“Why do you think Ben and Beverly aren’t together?” He asked carefully. “It’s obvious they like one another. Even I can see that.”
“You’re not the only one,” Richie chuckled dryly. “I think they’re scared. They don’t wanna lose what they had, you know? Good friendships are hard to come by.”
“What would you do?”
“In their situation?” Richie shifted once more, turning his body slightly, uncomfortable against the restraints of the seatbelt. “Oh boy. Well. Hmm.”
He laughed again, awkward this time around. He looked to Eddie, reaching up to adjust his glasses slightly.
“You kind of told me your own sob story, so I guess it’s only fair I tell you to mind.” He admitted, turning his face so he looked at Eddie somewhat properly. “Look. You know I’m gay right?” He asked then.
Eddie had more or less guessed it along the way. Richie had been very upfront with the flirting, but he also was like that with people of all sexes. Very open and bubbly. Eddie found it somewhat off-putting in the beginning. Eddie, who was so somber and quiet, who had been trained and conditioned to be this quiet, gentle soul like his mother wanted him to be was a very large contrast to Richie’s outwardly and blunt personality.
He had grown used to it over time, thanks to the spare chances they had been given to be around one another. It was still a lot for Eddie to get used to, but after the endless comments about certain male celebrities, it led Eddie to believe Richie leaned more towards one side than the other.
“I don’t make it very subtle,” Richie admitted, another quiet laugh slipping through his lips.
“Back when I was in high school, there was this guy. His name was Connor. We met at the arcade and we sort of . . . we became friends. Like, fast friends. And like Bev and Ben, we spent all our time together. Anyway, I sort of always knew I liked Han more than Leia, so it didn’t take long for me to become head over heels for him. We wound up going to prom together as friends. We hung around the bleachers and all I kept thinking about was wanting to dance with him, you know? Not even just slow dance but just get out there and move our bodies. To just dance with another guy! Later on, we went outside to smoke and on the way back in I stopped him. I just looked at him and couldn’t stop myself. I kissed him there in the hallway. And you know, for a split second I could have sworn he kissed me back.”
“But he didn’t?”
Richie shook his head, his tongue slipping across his dry lips nervously. “Someone spotted us. Soon everybody was gathering in the hallway to see what the queers were doing. He pushed me away and a fight started. He tried to choke me right there, surrounded by everybody until the teachers pulled him off me. He said some not so nice things.”
“What happened after?”
“I had to survive without my best friend. And I guess I didn’t know-how. Being called a faggot is one thing, but hearing how sick you are. Knowing the one person you care about most in the world thought you were better off dead. It’s hard to imagine otherwise. I decided to prove him right.”
“That’s how I wound up at the gym. After tossing myself off a bridge and living to tell the tale, my parents put me through all sorts of therapy. One of them happened to be physical. I decided after that I wasn’t going to hide anymore. I’d be the real me, whether people liked it or not. I dialed it down a bit. I was an annoying little shit who used to do voices and stuff.”
“You still do that.”
Eddie could count on both hands how many times he would slip into some character while they were working out. Eddie first thought it was a way to egg him on and give him a bit of a push but he soon realized it was just Richie’s personality.
Richie didn’t seem like the type that would have done something like that. Had put himself in harm's way because of the sadness he kept. Eddie knew that it was something of a well-known fact. That some of the cheeriest people can be so dead inside. That the loudest voice could be the quietest call for help.
It made Eddie angry to know that someone Richie had held so dearly could treat him so badly. Could have turned on him for his issues. It didn’t make sense to him and all he could think about was wanting to know why.
“Thank you for telling me this,” Eddie told him.
Richie adjusted his glasses again, putting on a far genuine smile as he glanced back over to him. “So now that you know my villain origin story can I ask something about you?”
“What would you do?”
Eddie didn’t have an answer. It could have been easy to say just go for it but the reality was Eddie didn’t know if he would even make that leap. He got out of the car then, shrugging in response as he bid Richie a good night.
Eddie went to bed, surrounded by his sweet treats, falling asleep to the thoughts of Richie’s laughter and wondering what he would do in that position.
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baldtaelovemaze · 6 years
Till death shoots us apart (2)
Yoongi X Reader X Hoseok ft. got7
Warnings: mentions of death, illegal things, sex, and violence
Words: 3k
To free herself from her abusive husband she must pay the biggest debt of them all. Murder his rival but what happens if she falls for the man she is supposed to kill?
previous part.
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Finally, you reached the back door and walked out. The sound of your heels and could be heard tapping the pavement of the Brooklyn streets. Soon after you heard the steps of someone else.
You smirked.
Got him.
Not long after that thought passed your mind, you were pinned to the brick wall by your shoulders. You looked up and came face to face with a panting Yoongi. His raven hair covered his lust filled eyes.
"Just where do you think you're going with that pretty little mouth of yours, missy?" He grumbled from depths of his throat.
You smirked in satisfaction, bottom lip stuck between your teeth, you stood nose high with no Intentions of breaking eye contact.
You observed him. The way he would undress you with just the help of his eyes, the way his chest would rise and fall and most importantly the way his neck would glisten with sweat. Your eyes lingered on his neck for longer than you'd like to admit.
He was indeed, truly attractive.
"Why do you wanna know ?" You cocked your head to the side, exposing your neck in return. You simpered when you saw his brown orbs bounce down to your throat then back to your eyes.
"You think you can just look at me like you did, talk to me like you did and then leave?" He chuckled with a shake of his head. Past his raven hair, his eyes burned holes in yours.
"Who do you think I am?" The sound of his deep voice -so deep it almost sounded like he was growling made you want to press your knees together, anything to create some kind of friction to your core.
That thought alone caught you off guard. How was he making your knees go weak with little to no effort?
Not even Hoseok had managed to get your aroused in such little time in your early stages of dating.
Focus y/n , you can't give in.
Crossing your arms, you switch your weight to your left foot. The night was windy but you knew for a fact that the wind wasn't the only reason goosebumps formed on your skin.
"I don't care about who you are." You ran your tongue over your red painted lips, moisturizing them in the process.
The moon illuminated his visage with a blue tinge. His brows creased and you watched as he sniggered.
"I'll make you scream my name that way you'll care about me till the day you die." He puckered his lips, aiming for yours but with the help of your arms reaching between your two bodies and pushing him off, he missed.
You grabbed him by the collar and leaned in to whisper in his ear, making sure that your lips grazed his earlobe.
"Unfortunately for you, I am not a little whore with no morals. You could of least asked my name, right?"
His breath hitched and the raven-haired man remained silent.
"705 upper James street. That's where I work tomorrow." With that, you let go of him and walked passed him all while swaying your hips seductively. His orbs burned holes through your posterior but you didn't dare look back.
Now all you had to do was hope that the man would show up because if he did I'd be game over for him. You'd have him right where you wanted him. ______ 8AM was the time.
This early in the morning you'd usually still be sleeping alone in your shared bed with Hoseok probably somewhere cheating on you or recovering from his hangover in the living-room but on this windy Monday in Brooklyn, you were changing the diaper of a ten-month-old baby in a rundown daycare.
You always loved children and wanted some of your own one day but when Hoseok grew irresponsible, you quickly abandoned your dreams of motherhood.
This was the perfect fake job to soften the mobster's heart. By now you knew that they were all the same, hard on the outside and very soft on the inside. He had to have a soft spot for babies....right?
After bribing the daycare by paying off their debts, Hoseok had managed to get you this job in less than a day. He knew where you worked but not where you lived and you planned on keeping it that way. No matter how many times the clingy man would beg for you to tell him, you refused.
He would probably show up in the middle of the night -extra drunk and horny, wanting your attention and in all honesty, feeling his fingers on your skin made you want to rip his head off at times. Knowing he had been with multiple other women while in a committed relationship with you disgusted you and made you ask yourself why deep down in your heart you still loved him.
You shook vigorously your head as if that would make all the frustrating thoughts of him fall right out of your mind.
It didn't.
"Y/ n, there's somebody here for you." you faintly heard you coworker shout from the front door.
Your smile grew too wide as you gently picked up the baby from the changing table a put him down where he crawled happily with the rest of the babies. You made your way to the door carefully, making sure not to step on a baby's hand or foot -or just a baby in general.
There he was, leaning on the door. The black coat he wore engulfed his pale body in warmth. No doubt in mind that he was probably hiding a gun somewhere. Perhaps in the back pocket of his ripped denim jean?
He wasn't the tallest of men but his presence was definitely intimidating.
"So y/n is the name, huh ?" He grumbled, still leaned against the doorframe.
You grin, body slightly bent and pressed against the counter waiting for him to get to you.
He finally moves, Steps lazy and slow, he isn't smiling.
"You know ... you're the first girl I had to put this much effort into." he exhales, scratching the back of his neck with his lanky fingers.
"Wow, then I don't want to know what kind of girls you've been with." You grimace. "Letting you fuck without even knowing my name? Pathetic." you prop your elbows on the counter and rest your head in your palms. You glance up through your lashes, playful smile on your lips. "what do you want?"
His brows jump and this time he's pushed back his hair with the help of gel so they're on full display.
"You're literally the one that told me to come here?"
"Nah ah, hold your horses' buddy," You hold out your index just inches away from his nose "I just kinda mentioned you where I worked. I  never specifically asked you to come. So I am asking again, what do you want?"
He throws his head back, laughing out loud before regaining his stoic expression. "Wow, this girl..." he tuts "You must truly not know who I am?"
"Yes, and I also don't care ." You pipe, amused. Irritating him must have been the funniest thing you'd seen in a while.
His thin lips would pucker into a pout, he’d sigh or grumble something, he’d look up at the sky just to avoid making eye contact : that was Min Yoongi in a flustered state and you'd only seen little of it but it was a no-brainer that getting him this way was now one of your favorite things.
"Let's see how you'll sass me when your mouth would be filled with my c-"
"HEY!" blood rushes to your cheeks as you dart your eyes around the room to see if any of your coworkers had heard anything from his sinful mouth "First of all, we are in public and second of all, the  CHILDREN." You squeak out.
He finally smiles.
"Anyways since you're insisting ..." he extends his arm, looking at his short nails in utter boredom -he had the habit of biting them off when alone. "fine I'll go on a date with you, just because I pity you." His gums showed when he smiled cheekily, loving the way your face morphed in confusion.
You burst out laughing "I know this is probably the first time you've asked a lady out since before you were too busy being a man whore but no need to put words in my mouth, sir."
The corners of his lips can't help but lift themselves into a small grin, eyes taking in how beautiful you look barefaced and pressed against the counter comfortably. "Did you just call me a whore?"
You burst out laughing again.
"Say that again and I won't just be putting words in your mouth-"
You choke on your spit, eyes bulging and once again looking over your shoulder to make sure no one heard. "Hdhshshs STOP WITH THE sexual JOKES mmthanks"  you made sure to shout every word but 'sexual' as you grabbed your jacket then his arm and led the both of you out the door.
"W-wait can you just leave work like that ?" Brows furrowed in worry, Yoongi looks over his shoulder, the distance between your two bodies and the daycare continuously increasing with each step you took. "A-ah yes, I was actually just filling in for a coworker but she's arrived now "You lie and grimace over how obvious it sounds that it isn't true but you're quick to change the subject. "Now, what about this date?"
"Quack Quack !" You chased the duck alongside the pond playfully.
You used to do this all the time with your brother before you met Hoseok
"You know, when I said date I wasn't imagining this" he lets out lazily, slouching himself deeper into the park's bench.
You stop mid-track, chest heaving with your hands in your back pockets, you walk over to him.” I haven't known you for more than two days but I can already tell moving or doing anything with your body other than sex of course" you mumbled that last part "isn't your cup of tea " you finish with a sigh.
"You're not completely wrong about that but you're also not completely right "he mutters, hinting at his gangster life he thinks you're oblivious to. The mafia world was truly ruthless when it came to physical stuff. You had to be in good shape in order to fight and defend yourself better which meant he worked either by going to the gym and running on a treadmill or running from bullets in a drug-échange-went-wrong scenario.
You cock your head to the side, acting confused as if you had no idea what he was trying to say. The man smiles briefly. "you know, I think you're the first women I spent this much time without doing anything sexual." He stated a matter of faculty.
"T-thank you ... I guess?" You carefully sit beside him making sure to leave some space between your two bodies.
"Now that I've come to think about it, I don't actually know your name." You lie. Even if you lied you still felt embarrassed about not asking his name sooner-of course you knew it but hello you had a game to play here- your cheeks turn crimson at the thought of you practically scolding him for not asking for your name last night.
He lets out a deep chuckle, a mischievous smile spreads across his visage." I think you should earn the right to know my name" the tension between you two was thick -thicker than his sniper Jungkook ass. You force yourself to not think about the amount of time you spent looking at jungkook back in the club when he’d get up. 
But this wasn't a Jungkook story, no it wasn’t.
 You were defying  Yoongi with your eyes and he was doing the same. You rose a brow and he did the same. You lifted your chin and guess what? He did the same! 
You finally broke the eye contact "Wow, you're serious?" A sigh escapes your lips.
This fucking bitch.
"Okay, whatever. Let's go somewhere fun, nameless stranger" You bounce off the seat, quickly intertwining your fingers in his and pulling him up.
Butterflies erupt in his stomach for the first time.
Its so sudden and he can't comprehend the feeling so he gasps for air, thinking that id help somehow and you're quick to turn your head around worried, only to see his cheeks flushed. The weather has considerably dropped so you don't think any further, regaining your consistent steps.
"It's here " you look back, a sly smile on your mouth. You had dragged him here by foot even though he had a car because you insisted that the windy Brooklyn air would aid him, considering what had happened moments before.
Of course, he complained all the way till you arrived in front of a building He looked back at you, eyebrows screwed together in confusion.
"Laser Quest?"
"Laser Quest!" You sang out cheerfully.
The man was a mobster Guns Laser quest equals guns too. But no deaths just fun. The goal of the game was to shoot as many people in order to win.
You knew Yoongi would love this sort of game. You could tell by the way he was smiling after the worker explained the rules of the game to him.
He struggled and you watched him.
Five minutes had passed and the man was still struggling to strap his vest on.
That surprised you 
All the bulletproof vests he must have worn yet, he can’t put on a laser quest vest ?? Boi if u don't.
"Suga, come here I'll help you ."
You place yourself in front of the man taller than you by only a few inches.
His eyes bounce up from the tricky straps to you. Gaze immediately hardening.  You had just called him by his the name he used underground. 
In his mind, you were oblivious to his double life but calling him that proved him wrong You did it on purpose because playing with fire thrilled you. It sent you a wave of adrenaline which pumped into your veins a spread over your body like a sick disease.
Your life depends on the next words you’d choose.
"Since your not telling me your name I thought calling you Suga would be nice. You're pale and your smile is sweet so the name suits you the most " your smile was innocent, tugging on the straps of his vest playfully. You flutter your lashes.
His expression softens but he remains unreadable as he studies your features. You couldn't decipher what he was thinking no matter how hard you tired.
Fuck, why did I say that? What was I thinking? Now out of all-
  He pecks you on the lips, catching you off guard, you fling your eyelids open, sucking in a breath.
"Can you please help me with my vest ?" He pipes sweet and innocent.
You don’t budge, too lost in the feeling of his lips on your to even acknowledge that he’d just asked you something.
 It was the first man who had kissed you other than Hoseok.
It was small but you still felt it, the peng of guilt in your heart. Perhaps, your body still believes you belong to Hoseok. His touch is the only thing you are truly familiar with.  You had to be real with yourself, you might have left that man but it wouldn't be an easy task forgetting the feelings stored deep in your heart that hammered against your chest wildly.
Despite all the emotions you felt for the redhead, it didn't stop the flutter, the adrenaline that rushed in after Yoongi placed his lips on yours.
You cleared your throat almost aggressively "D-don't k-kiss me without my permission" you stuttered, Strapping him up too tightly on purpose. With one final tug, you finished, stepping back and beelining for the door where the game was held behind.
It was better than expected. It was fun. He was fun. When he unsurprisingly won the game, picked you up bridal style and started spinning you around. That was fun. When he smiled at you and thanked you because he was genuinely having a good time... That was adorable. It made your heart stutter.  Especially when after winning the game he asked for a kiss on the cheek and just when you were about to kiss him he unexpectedly turned around just in time to collide his lips with yours That was nice...
Snap out of it y/ n! Don't forget why you're here!
Reminded yourself again -you had a feeling you were going to be doing that a lot.
You're here to seduce him. You're just doing this to earn his trust don’t forget it.
In moments like these when your heart would go soft, you thought of your brother. Your sick brother waiting for you to come back for him and run off with him to a better life. That put you right back in your place. The genuine smiles you gave Yoongi earlier would now become fake.
"Now do I have the right to know your name, Suga?" A smile graced his soft features and the little wrinkles near his eyes made this mobster even more adorable. You picked on the extra cheese that fell from your pizza as you waited for an answer.
The restaurant area near the arcade was filled with the laughs of children, teenagers and the frustrated groans of the parents that lost their kids in the crowd.
Lips parted, he was about to speak but he was soon interrupted by the chime of his phone. 
He sighed, annoyed when checking the caller iD.
He chose to ignore it, not wanting to spare you his attention longer than he already had. You waved it off, taking about four more bites of your pizza until it had completely disappeared
 You were tempted to get up and buy some more but heck you have more important things to do - "Soooo...?" you started losing patience.
"Well-" His phone rung
This time he picked up. "Why are you calling me? Didn't I say this was my day of-" he was cut short by the person on the other side of the line. He listened attentively, nodding and humming every once in a while.
He hung up, standing abruptly from his chair, he sent you an apologetic smile.
"I-i need to go I'm sorry.”He dug into his pocket to retrieve money and soon after slapped two 50 dollar bills on the table “take an uber or something.” he managed to spit out before disappearing into the crowd.
That's how the date ended. He left you at Laser Quest alone and ran off to whatever businesses he had to urgently attend to.
Shortly after, you left too.
The day after, 1PM.
You got out of your shitty Toyota Corolla with a huff, ready for your second day of work. To your luck, you worked the third shift so you slept in this morning.
The little bell chimed as you got into the daycare.
"Y/n!"  at the counter stood Yoongi.
Eyes filled with relief, he leaped towards you, lacing your fingers with his.
You stood unfazed, still sour over how the date had ended. 
He smiled, tight-lipped. "I've been here since 7am waiting for you. I'm sorry about how I left yesterday. Something urgent came up."
You softened, looking up at his orbs who screamed for forgiveness.
"I needed to see you again" There it was again. The stutter of your chest. The untamed butterflies.
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nicholerestrada · 6 years
Here’s How to Clean Sneakers Depending on the Material
There’s nothing quite like a fresh pair of sneakers, right? The problem is that all it takes is one wear to dull their new-shoe shine, especially if your kicks are white. After a few runs or treks to the gym, or, heaven forbid, some unexpected rain, it’s pretty much all over.
But as far as I’m concerned, sneakers are an investment worth taking care of. That goes not just for running sneakers or the pair you only wear to fitness classes. I’m talking any sneakers you have in your rotation, whether you wear them with jeans or a pair of leggings. That’s why I’m excited to share some effective ways to keep your new sneakers looking new without damaging the material or functionality.
To get the rundown on how to clean sneakers, we reached out to Victor Ornelas, director of brand management at Fleet Feet. Since his job involves tons of hands-on experience with the shoes he sells, he seemed like the perfect expert to tell us how to keep our kicks looking good.
While the techniques for cleaning sneakers don’t differ that much from fabric to fabric, there are some specific methods that work better depending on the material, Ornelas says. Here, we break down exactly how to clean sneakers depending on what they’re made from.
First, an important note: You should avoid putting your sneakers in the washing machine.
Putting sneakers in the washing machine will likely affect the structure and the integrity of the foam, which can negatively impact the shoe’s ability in provide consistent cushioning or a responsive feel, says Ornelas. That’s especially an issue when it comes to running shoes.
Some foams are more sensitive than others to water and high temperatures, he says. (Most shoe brands list the materials the midsoles are made from in the product description on their website.) Generally, any shoe made with EVA, a rubbery plastic that’s used to create soft and flexible foam, should always be hand washed. The material is prone to absorbing water, which can mess with how the sneaker’s cushioning works. Foams constructed from TPU, which is also a rubbery plastic but is known to be more durable, may hold up better in the machine and shouldn’t absorb water, but spot cleaning is always the least risky way to clean sneakers. Doing so will extend the life of your sneakers, Ornelas says.
If you must wash your shoes—say, an unfortunate run-in with muddy terrain makes it your only option to salvage them—avoid agitators, he adds. “Agitators can be a little rough and if they thrash your shoes around too much, it can affect the shape of the shoe as a whole,” he says. Washing machines without agitators are gentler and allow more room for shoes to move freely.
Ornelas recommends wiping off as much mud as you can before putting sneaks in a washing machine. Also, wash the laces separately from the shoes. You can put them in a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag to prevent tangling, he adds. Use a small amount of mild detergent, throw a few towels in the machine with your shoes, and set the washer to the delicate cycle (which should always mean cold water and a gentle spin cycle). Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry, he says. Never ever put them in the dryer; the high temperatures will break down most materials.
Here’s how to properly spot clean the different materials most sneakers are made of. (And by the way, lots of sneakers are made from more than one kind of material, so it’s possible that you’ll have to use different methods for cleaning the same sneaker.)
1. Mesh
“Nylon mesh is great for runners because it’s a breathable fabric, but the netting catches all the dirt and dust you kick up when exercising,” says Ornelas. He suggests using a dry brush to remove any excess dirt and then mixing together one part baking soda and one part vinegar and letting it sit on the dirty spot for about 15 minutes. Gently scrub for a minute or two, and then wipe clean with a soft wet rag. Let the shoe air dry.
A brush is the easiest and most effective way to clean running shoes in general, says Ornelas. “The bristles are gentle enough to uphold the integrity of the fabric, but sturdy enough to scrape off stuck-on dirt,” he says. You can find brushes specifically made for cleaning sneakers, made of a variety of materials like boar hair, horsehair, and synthetic blends, says Ornelas. Or, simply use an old toothbrush or buy a small vegetable brush on Amazon. Generally, if your shoe is on the softer side, opt for soft bristles (like what you’d find in a vegetable brush), and if your shoe is stiffer, use a brush that can apply more pressure (like a synthetic blend or boar hair).
2. Synthetic leather
Soak a rag in warm water and mild laundry detergent and wipe down the dirty areas, Ornelas says. Then, gently scrub the area with a brush for a minute or two. Wipe clean with a soft wet rag to remove any remaining detergent, and let air dry. “You will notice the smudges lift easily, as stains don’t soak into synthetic leather like they do with nylon mesh,” says Ornelas.
If your shoes are white, you can even try using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser—a cleaning pad made out of melamine foam—on any hard parts of the shoe, he adds. “The product is gentle, yet effective for removing stains. All you need to do is wet the pad and start wiping the dirty areas of the shoe,” he says. To be safe, only use this product on white shoes to avoid rubbing off any color.
3. Knit
Be as gentle as possible with knit shoes, says Ornelas. “Knits are soft and pliable, which makes them more fragile than the other fabrics,” he explains. Avoid brushing, which can be a little too rough for knit. “For knit running shoes, we recommend using a soft cloth. This will take a little more muscle to get out stains, but is just as effective,” he says.
Be wary with laundry detergent, Ornelas says, as the chemicals can sometimes be too harsh on the fabric. “Instead, use a bar of mild bath soap. Soak a cloth in cold water and gently rub on the soap,” he says. Once the stains have lifted, wipe off any remaining soap with a wet towel and let air dry.
4. Canvas
Canvas sneakers are durable, but they get dirty easily, says Ornelas. To clean these shoes, he suggests a toothbrush and a cleaning paste made out of equal parts baking soda and warm water. Dip the toothbrush into the mixture and scrub the canvas until it’s clean. Let the shoes dry with the mixture still on, and then wipe away any hardened baking soda pieces with a damp cloth, he says.
“While it’s always better to wash sneakers by hand to preserve the integrity of the shoe, canvas is more sturdy than a lot of other fabrics and can withstand a gentle run through the washing machine,” he adds. Again, make sure you run the machine on the delicate cycle, and only use cold water and a small amount of mild laundry detergent. Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry.
And don’t forget, the insides need to be cleaned sometimes, too.
Ornelas recommends warm water and mild laundry detergent to clean the insides of sneakers. Soak a brush in the solution and scrub until clean. Then, wipe down gently with a wet rag and let the shoe air dry.
If the insides of your sneakers get damp after an intense workout or a run in the rain, take out the insoles and stuff your shoes with paper towels to soak up excess moisture before starting the cleaning process. “If the interior of the shoe is too wet, it will take longer to dry and can leave a mildew smell or grow bacteria,” he explains. Not exactly what you want if you’re planning to wear them for a long time.
Source link
Source: https://hashtaghighways.com/2019/02/18/heres-how-to-clean-sneakers-depending-on-the-material/
from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/heres-how-to-clean-sneakers-depending-on-the-material/
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michaeljtraylor · 6 years
Here’s How to Clean Sneakers Depending on the Material
There’s nothing quite like a fresh pair of sneakers, right? The problem is that all it takes is one wear to dull their new-shoe shine, especially if your kicks are white. After a few runs or treks to the gym, or, heaven forbid, some unexpected rain, it’s pretty much all over.
But as far as I’m concerned, sneakers are an investment worth taking care of. That goes not just for running sneakers or the pair you only wear to fitness classes. I’m talking any sneakers you have in your rotation, whether you wear them with jeans or a pair of leggings. That’s why I’m excited to share some effective ways to keep your new sneakers looking new without damaging the material or functionality.
To get the rundown on how to clean sneakers, we reached out to Victor Ornelas, director of brand management at Fleet Feet. Since his job involves tons of hands-on experience with the shoes he sells, he seemed like the perfect expert to tell us how to keep our kicks looking good.
While the techniques for cleaning sneakers don’t differ that much from fabric to fabric, there are some specific methods that work better depending on the material, Ornelas says. Here, we break down exactly how to clean sneakers depending on what they’re made from.
First, an important note: You should avoid putting your sneakers in the washing machine.
Putting sneakers in the washing machine will likely affect the structure and the integrity of the foam, which can negatively impact the shoe’s ability in provide consistent cushioning or a responsive feel, says Ornelas. That’s especially an issue when it comes to running shoes.
Some foams are more sensitive than others to water and high temperatures, he says. (Most shoe brands list the materials the midsoles are made from in the product description on their website.) Generally, any shoe made with EVA, a rubbery plastic that’s used to create soft and flexible foam, should always be hand washed. The material is prone to absorbing water, which can mess with how the sneaker’s cushioning works. Foams constructed from TPU, which is also a rubbery plastic but is known to be more durable, may hold up better in the machine and shouldn’t absorb water, but spot cleaning is always the least risky way to clean sneakers. Doing so will extend the life of your sneakers, Ornelas says.
If you must wash your shoes—say, an unfortunate run-in with muddy terrain makes it your only option to salvage them—avoid agitators, he adds. “Agitators can be a little rough and if they thrash your shoes around too much, it can affect the shape of the shoe as a whole,” he says. Washing machines without agitators are gentler and allow more room for shoes to move freely.
Ornelas recommends wiping off as much mud as you can before putting sneaks in a washing machine. Also, wash the laces separately from the shoes. You can put them in a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag to prevent tangling, he adds. Use a small amount of mild detergent, throw a few towels in the machine with your shoes, and set the washer to the delicate cycle (which should always mean cold water and a gentle spin cycle). Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry, he says. Never ever put them in the dryer; the high temperatures will break down most materials.
Here’s how to properly spot clean the different materials most sneakers are made of. (And by the way, lots of sneakers are made from more than one kind of material, so it’s possible that you’ll have to use different methods for cleaning the same sneaker.)
1. Mesh
“Nylon mesh is great for runners because it’s a breathable fabric, but the netting catches all the dirt and dust you kick up when exercising,” says Ornelas. He suggests using a dry brush to remove any excess dirt and then mixing together one part baking soda and one part vinegar and letting it sit on the dirty spot for about 15 minutes. Gently scrub for a minute or two, and then wipe clean with a soft wet rag. Let the shoe air dry.
A brush is the easiest and most effective way to clean running shoes in general, says Ornelas. “The bristles are gentle enough to uphold the integrity of the fabric, but sturdy enough to scrape off stuck-on dirt,” he says. You can find brushes specifically made for cleaning sneakers, made of a variety of materials like boar hair, horsehair, and synthetic blends, says Ornelas. Or, simply use an old toothbrush or buy a small vegetable brush on Amazon. Generally, if your shoe is on the softer side, opt for soft bristles (like what you’d find in a vegetable brush), and if your shoe is stiffer, use a brush that can apply more pressure (like a synthetic blend or boar hair).
2. Synthetic leather
Soak a rag in warm water and mild laundry detergent and wipe down the dirty areas, Ornelas says. Then, gently scrub the area with a brush for a minute or two. Wipe clean with a soft wet rag to remove any remaining detergent, and let air dry. “You will notice the smudges lift easily, as stains don’t soak into synthetic leather like they do with nylon mesh,” says Ornelas.
If your shoes are white, you can even try using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser—a cleaning pad made out of melamine foam—on any hard parts of the shoe, he adds. “The product is gentle, yet effective for removing stains. All you need to do is wet the pad and start wiping the dirty areas of the shoe,” he says. To be safe, only use this product on white shoes to avoid rubbing off any color.
3. Knit
Be as gentle as possible with knit shoes, says Ornelas. “Knits are soft and pliable, which makes them more fragile than the other fabrics,” he explains. Avoid brushing, which can be a little too rough for knit. “For knit running shoes, we recommend using a soft cloth. This will take a little more muscle to get out stains, but is just as effective,” he says.
Be wary with laundry detergent, Ornelas says, as the chemicals can sometimes be too harsh on the fabric. “Instead, use a bar of mild bath soap. Soak a cloth in cold water and gently rub on the soap,” he says. Once the stains have lifted, wipe off any remaining soap with a wet towel and let air dry.
4. Canvas
Canvas sneakers are durable, but they get dirty easily, says Ornelas. To clean these shoes, he suggests a toothbrush and a cleaning paste made out of equal parts baking soda and warm water. Dip the toothbrush into the mixture and scrub the canvas until it’s clean. Let the shoes dry with the mixture still on, and then wipe away any hardened baking soda pieces with a damp cloth, he says.
“While it’s always better to wash sneakers by hand to preserve the integrity of the shoe, canvas is more sturdy than a lot of other fabrics and can withstand a gentle run through the washing machine,” he adds. Again, make sure you run the machine on the delicate cycle, and only use cold water and a small amount of mild laundry detergent. Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry.
And don’t forget, the insides need to be cleaned sometimes, too.
Ornelas recommends warm water and mild laundry detergent to clean the insides of sneakers. Soak a brush in the solution and scrub until clean. Then, wipe down gently with a wet rag and let the shoe air dry.
If the insides of your sneakers get damp after an intense workout or a run in the rain, take out the insoles and stuff your shoes with paper towels to soak up excess moisture before starting the cleaning process. “If the interior of the shoe is too wet, it will take longer to dry and can leave a mildew smell or grow bacteria,” he explains. Not exactly what you want if you’re planning to wear them for a long time.
Source link
from RSSUnify feed https://hashtaghighways.com/2019/02/18/heres-how-to-clean-sneakers-depending-on-the-material/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/182900267519
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garkomedia1 · 6 years
Here’s How to Clean Sneakers Depending on the Material
There’s nothing quite like a fresh pair of sneakers, right? The problem is that all it takes is one wear to dull their new-shoe shine, especially if your kicks are white. After a few runs or treks to the gym, or, heaven forbid, some unexpected rain, it’s pretty much all over.
But as far as I’m concerned, sneakers are an investment worth taking care of. That goes not just for running sneakers or the pair you only wear to fitness classes. I’m talking any sneakers you have in your rotation, whether you wear them with jeans or a pair of leggings. That’s why I’m excited to share some effective ways to keep your new sneakers looking new without damaging the material or functionality.
To get the rundown on how to clean sneakers, we reached out to Victor Ornelas, director of brand management at Fleet Feet. Since his job involves tons of hands-on experience with the shoes he sells, he seemed like the perfect expert to tell us how to keep our kicks looking good.
While the techniques for cleaning sneakers don’t differ that much from fabric to fabric, there are some specific methods that work better depending on the material, Ornelas says. Here, we break down exactly how to clean sneakers depending on what they’re made from.
First, an important note: You should avoid putting your sneakers in the washing machine.
Putting sneakers in the washing machine will likely affect the structure and the integrity of the foam, which can negatively impact the shoe’s ability in provide consistent cushioning or a responsive feel, says Ornelas. That’s especially an issue when it comes to running shoes.
Some foams are more sensitive than others to water and high temperatures, he says. (Most shoe brands list the materials the midsoles are made from in the product description on their website.) Generally, any shoe made with EVA, a rubbery plastic that’s used to create soft and flexible foam, should always be hand washed. The material is prone to absorbing water, which can mess with how the sneaker’s cushioning works. Foams constructed from TPU, which is also a rubbery plastic but is known to be more durable, may hold up better in the machine and shouldn’t absorb water, but spot cleaning is always the least risky way to clean sneakers. Doing so will extend the life of your sneakers, Ornelas says.
If you must wash your shoes—say, an unfortunate run-in with muddy terrain makes it your only option to salvage them—avoid agitators, he adds. “Agitators can be a little rough and if they thrash your shoes around too much, it can affect the shape of the shoe as a whole,” he says. Washing machines without agitators are gentler and allow more room for shoes to move freely.
Ornelas recommends wiping off as much mud as you can before putting sneaks in a washing machine. Also, wash the laces separately from the shoes. You can put them in a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag to prevent tangling, he adds. Use a small amount of mild detergent, throw a few towels in the machine with your shoes, and set the washer to the delicate cycle (which should always mean cold water and a gentle spin cycle). Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry, he says. Never ever put them in the dryer; the high temperatures will break down most materials.
Here’s how to properly spot clean the different materials most sneakers are made of. (And by the way, lots of sneakers are made from more than one kind of material, so it’s possible that you’ll have to use different methods for cleaning the same sneaker.)
1. Mesh
“Nylon mesh is great for runners because it’s a breathable fabric, but the netting catches all the dirt and dust you kick up when exercising,” says Ornelas. He suggests using a dry brush to remove any excess dirt and then mixing together one part baking soda and one part vinegar and letting it sit on the dirty spot for about 15 minutes. Gently scrub for a minute or two, and then wipe clean with a soft wet rag. Let the shoe air dry.
A brush is the easiest and most effective way to clean running shoes in general, says Ornelas. “The bristles are gentle enough to uphold the integrity of the fabric, but sturdy enough to scrape off stuck-on dirt,” he says. You can find brushes specifically made for cleaning sneakers, made of a variety of materials like boar hair, horsehair, and synthetic blends, says Ornelas. Or, simply use an old toothbrush or buy a small vegetable brush on Amazon. Generally, if your shoe is on the softer side, opt for soft bristles (like what you’d find in a vegetable brush), and if your shoe is stiffer, use a brush that can apply more pressure (like a synthetic blend or boar hair).
2. Synthetic leather
Soak a rag in warm water and mild laundry detergent and wipe down the dirty areas, Ornelas says. Then, gently scrub the area with a brush for a minute or two. Wipe clean with a soft wet rag to remove any remaining detergent, and let air dry. “You will notice the smudges lift easily, as stains don’t soak into synthetic leather like they do with nylon mesh,” says Ornelas.
If your shoes are white, you can even try using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser—a cleaning pad made out of melamine foam—on any hard parts of the shoe, he adds. “The product is gentle, yet effective for removing stains. All you need to do is wet the pad and start wiping the dirty areas of the shoe,” he says. To be safe, only use this product on white shoes to avoid rubbing off any color.
3. Knit
Be as gentle as possible with knit shoes, says Ornelas. “Knits are soft and pliable, which makes them more fragile than the other fabrics,” he explains. Avoid brushing, which can be a little too rough for knit. “For knit running shoes, we recommend using a soft cloth. This will take a little more muscle to get out stains, but is just as effective,” he says.
Be wary with laundry detergent, Ornelas says, as the chemicals can sometimes be too harsh on the fabric. “Instead, use a bar of mild bath soap. Soak a cloth in cold water and gently rub on the soap,” he says. Once the stains have lifted, wipe off any remaining soap with a wet towel and let air dry.
4. Canvas
Canvas sneakers are durable, but they get dirty easily, says Ornelas. To clean these shoes, he suggests a toothbrush and a cleaning paste made out of equal parts baking soda and warm water. Dip the toothbrush into the mixture and scrub the canvas until it’s clean. Let the shoes dry with the mixture still on, and then wipe away any hardened baking soda pieces with a damp cloth, he says.
“While it’s always better to wash sneakers by hand to preserve the integrity of the shoe, canvas is more sturdy than a lot of other fabrics and can withstand a gentle run through the washing machine,” he adds. Again, make sure you run the machine on the delicate cycle, and only use cold water and a small amount of mild laundry detergent. Once the cycle is complete, let the shoes air dry.
And don’t forget, the insides need to be cleaned sometimes, too.
Ornelas recommends warm water and mild laundry detergent to clean the insides of sneakers. Soak a brush in the solution and scrub until clean. Then, wipe down gently with a wet rag and let the shoe air dry.
If the insides of your sneakers get damp after an intense workout or a run in the rain, take out the insoles and stuff your shoes with paper towels to soak up excess moisture before starting the cleaning process. “If the interior of the shoe is too wet, it will take longer to dry and can leave a mildew smell or grow bacteria,” he explains. Not exactly what you want if you’re planning to wear them for a long time.
Source link
from RSSUnify feed https://hashtaghighways.com/2019/02/18/heres-how-to-clean-sneakers-depending-on-the-material/
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