#it's a sad one tho so be prepared whenever i finish it in 5 years
rasprasp · 4 months
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Hi, here
DUDE that is so awesome wtf tytyty😭😭
hunter my favorite emo edgelord shadow the hedgehog kinnie
@letdownthepainful LOOOOOOOK
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stuckinmindstudent · 8 months
Why I Like Him (part. 2)
So, in the last post i've told you how i become in one event committees with him. I remember when the meeting was held the first time, he dressed so well like someone who comes straight out from korean drama. My first thought is, "wow, he's so handsome" AHAHAHA. At that time i see him as someone who's good looking, but not had any romantic interest toward him. i really liked his fashion style. I think i never converse with him more than one-two words in the further meetings. He's also the type who's not talking too much. In the meeting, he always focused writing notes rather than participating. Months after that, my friends (including him) and i was going to some orphanages in our town, because we planned to hold a fellowship with them. At that time, we converse more than usual, about so many topics. But a senior of mine at that time talk to him "Mrs. A want to introduce you to someone she know. She's also a doctor, you know". Oh i forgot to tell you. At that time, he's already graduated from college and was undergoing his co-ass. And he replied to that question "yeah, i'm not looking for just a doctor". Idk why but i feel the meaning of his statement is that he's also want a doctor for his partner. Well, i'm not qualified :')
Later at night, he texted me, yeah just some organization related stuff. But after that, our conversation got a little more friendly. He joked and used emojis!!! It's so not like him. I always saw him as a stiff, cold person, so his texts made me think he's unexpectedly funny. Maybe that was the start. After that, whenever i got the chance to meet him, i always try to converse with him, exchanging silly jokes. When the event is held, around July, i've already finish my final project in college back then and was awaiting my graduation ceremony. At that time, i think i've started to like him, but i'm in the denial mode AHAHA.
We talk a lot of course about the event because there were so many things to be prepared and done. Every time i talk to him, i feel really happy but also at the same time convincing myself that i don't really like him. He's just nice to talk to. Our event venue and accommodation was one kilometer apart. One time, the cars already full of people, but there will be two people left who hasn't got a seat. And he talked to me "let's just go walk with me". After trying so hard to deny my feeling, i felt butterfly in my stomach when he say it AAAAAA. We didn't walk tho, because it turned out that there were 5 people left, so there's one car who pick us up to the accommodation. I always imagining what if we really walk together that night. What will we talk about, will it be awkward or fun? I never got the chance to know.
In the fourth day of the event, we argue about something, i think we both joking but i really was afraid that he was angry. I avoid him but i watch him from afar. Later at night, he texted me, ask me to bring his bag from the venue to the accommodation, because he got something to do. After i confirm that he's not actually angry, i feel so relieved, i was smiling. And i talk in my mind "Oh my God, what will i do? i think i fall for him".
The next day, and also the last day of the event, and also the last day i will met him (because after that i will go back to my hometown:')), i try to be near him, talk to him, joke with him, whenever i got the chance because i know i will never meet him again after that. Even after the event was finished, i try to get him to go with other committees to buy some ice, even though i know he's not a social type. I just want to talk to him longer. I even sit next to him. After i go home, i really feel sad because i will never meet him again.
The last time i like someone maybe has been 5 years ago, or longer. I already forget how it feels to fall in love, until i meet him. But life is so cruel. Why, just WHYY i realize i like someone, in the last day of my college time, when i possibly will not meet him again? Why we don't meet sooner? If he was in the same college with me, the same organization, lots of possible events we can know each other, why i just know him in my last year of college?
Hufft i'm sad. People say there's no such things as meeting the right person in the wrong time, they're just wrong people then. But, i don't want him to be the wrong person, i want him to be the one, AAAAAA i will continue this because i'm so sad.
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tc-obsessed · 4 years
That one story with H
I promised to talk about one of my moments with H in another post, and this is it.
 Please remember English its not my first language so I am sorry if something doesn’t make sense.
 Okay, so before 2019 ended, I was in charge of making some workshops as the vice-president of the student council, I just had to talk to some teachers and see when they were available for any day so they could make time to work on this protect and blah blah, so one of our favorite teachers would leave and we wanted to make him like a cute reunion out of class, so we waited to the next day the last day of class, and I invited everybody, like all of the students of all years, most of the teachers I knew back then and of course H.
  So I grabbed a lot of like games to play, cards, food and stuff, and went there waited for people to come and told them where it was and I waited until the last person so I would arrive last, the thing is one of my friends at the moment ( he actually confessed to me and we currently “dating” but he knows all about H and he knows I can’t have feeling for him) was coming with me but had to work so he came super late, and I was all alone with just one friend but she had to go with the second group that came so there I was, alone, waiting for more people to come, and I see H, H walking with other teacher, and even tho I knew he was coming I was so happy, I tried not to look so he could actually come to me, and he did, him and the other teacher walk towards me, we chatted a bit, he actually stayed with me alone and it was super cute, he asked if it was okay for me to go by myself so I just said yes, /I actually preferred him going without me because I didn’t want to walk with him and a lot of other students), so he said with other teacher they would wait with me anyways, when other people came he actually stayed behind and I felt super sad, the last group were really like 5 students, the other teacher, H and I, all of the sudden I get a phone call, it was that one friend I came with saying she had left because a girl came so she got lost and wanted me to go, so I did, and everybody stayed behind for me and my friend, the thing is that I go over the station I come back and he and the other teacher were the only ones there, so I just asked Where are the others?, and they had left to go to the meeting because one of their friends already got there, and they didn’t tell the teachers to follow, and i felt so bad.
  We get to the reunion, I hadn’t talk to H in all the way there, I wanted to talk so bad but I felt so nervous so I talked with my other teacher instead, but we get there, we see a big group, and we just sit together and I take one game out we play, its really fun, we flirt a little, the game is dixit, its really good, so we kind of laugh at everything we say, we were winning, and then the teacher that was leaving finally came and I decided he would play with me (we were too many so we played in pairs) and he sits right in the middle of us, I didn’t care I just really was happy that we even talked without that big gap of teacher/ student, but we still joke around, after that we ate and chatted, then we played mafia, and if you don’t know the game it depends of what card you get what you are and can do, so he had this one card he could like throw a kiss and then revive the dead, and I had just been killed and he looked at me and gave a kiss and I blushed and laughed and tried to act normal but I was too nervous, every time H does something, I swear, I give in.
  So the day was great, we had spent a few hours together, my male friend came and the sun was setting, I didn’t want to leave, so I said to H and other teachers if they wanted to play cards with us, (my two friends me and another classmate) H said yes and the other teacher, (the one leaving) sat next to us and we started to play, all of the sudden L, (l will be the one leaving) started to say that he would miss us, so I replied and we chatted, I am very comfortable around other teachers, and I joke a lot, so we had this inside joke whenever we ran into each other we would joke around saying I was stalking him or he was stalking me, so I said “I’ll miss stalking you” and he laughed and said “I’ll miss stalking you too” and all of the sudden he said like “you know that’s something that happens only in the movies (about a teacher liking a student)” and I laughed and said “technically you no longer are my teacher” it was pure sarcasm, and H just joined the conversation and said “We are your teacher until you finish college”, I just laughed and said that I was joking, but I felt so sad, like again, H was being my teacher, it’s so hard to take him out of that zone and he always pulls right back,  but at the same time that’s why I respect him so much.
  The sun was completely out, it was time to go when L said to H that he was stronger than him, so H said it back and started joking, all of the sudden they start to have  a friendly fight saying if they wouldn’t have it now, they would never do it. Of course they were NOT fighting for anything mentioned before, this was something they had been preparing for a long time and now they had the time.  And I need to mention that H outside of this professional area is such a goof ball, he acts like a kid and it’s so immature,  so they are fighting my female friend records them they finish it with a hug and I laugh, it’s so fucking weird and I was like ???? but it was fun. They stop and we left the park, and H says like, you should send me that video, so my friend says yes, and I was like okay I guess she will do it, we walk towards the station and we chat about his pet, about mine, and how my male friend actually lives really close to H (and this is a surprise because I have been there plenty of times and i have never seen him, but the week after he says that I say him walking his dog), and I leave with my friend and he goes with my current date.
  I get home, we start to talk about what happened, my friend D, says we were flirting so much I was again on cloud nine and I tried to go to sleep, and then, I received a text message from H asking about the video, and that story is another post.
So yeah, it’s pretty much me being super nervous and him being so childish I liked him even more. There’s more details to this, but like i get the cringe every ime i try to talk about it.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 3 FAQ!
Need to catch up? Heres all the previous FAQs 1 * 2 Heres the master post of all three books 1 * 2 * 3
Wow...you would think that with the whole pandemic that I’d get these chapters out faster. But alas this year got the best of me too. I’ve been a lil vulnerable in the tags with y’all and the check-in messages really touched me. So thank you very much to everyone that has checked up on me and enjoyed the chapters! I appreciate all of you :3 So lets roll out the questions!
Q: Who is Iwata based off? A: Iwata is based off my self-insert, which is also me. I know that sounds a lil narcissistic but it’s that real life reference that you’re a spitting image of your parent. Iwata was designed to look and act very similar to his mother based off that. What made him a little more original and not a copy of my self-insert is the tropes I added. I mirrored the trope of that of the relationship between Steven and his mom in Steven Universe; where he adored, then hated but then came to terms that he is not his mom but someone better. A whole journey of self-discovery and self-worth.
Q: The representation is amazing! How did you come up with these queer characters? A: Glad you liked them! Like I’ve said in previous FAQs and in the tags, all these characters were dreamt and I just build upon them in writing. So yes, most of my characters were created queer in my dreams but I make them more in depth by setting up how they discovered they’re queer. I did a bit of research on coming out stories and self-discovery epiphanies to have these characters more relatable so a fellow queer reader feels seen in a way. There’s already too much hetero works out there, I just want to gay it up in a respectful way. 
Q: The culture mixing is really good and consistent, how do you do it? A: For starters, I am latina. But the culture mixing stems from my knowledge about other cultures through language. I’ve been studying Japanese for almost a decade now and Chinese for about 4 years, so it’s no surprise that I’m referencing them in my work. Maybe what I depict isn’t what other half-Japanese half-Latinx families do, but it’s what I’d do if I started such a family. Plus there’s some overlap within those cultures and it makes it easy to put into writing.
Q: So. much. drama! Why is this book more dramatic than the previous two? A: Book 3 is were main on-going plot gets picked up more and shows signs of resolution. In book 2, it was to focus on not only Lili and the family dynamic but to remind the reader that life moved on with little resolve for the self-insert character. Iwata has a HUGE role in the resolution but in his own special way. And I’m not saying the answer is love...but it’s leaning there. 
Q: You reference specific food and snacks in this AU/ what are your favorite Cheetos? A: Like I said, I’m latina! Of course I write in the food of my home culture. Mainly the home cooked meals my mom would make for me and my siblings. It might not seem like much to the reader, but those simple meals add to the narrative of being home and traditions that help them embrace their mixed heritage. The reference of Cheetos are all over this AU because they’re my favorite hot chip. Naturally, my favorite Cheetos are the Hot con Límon with chamoy. 
Q: Love that there’s no canon character deaths in this book so far, but are there any major deaths planned? A: Just one but it’s not a tragic, hero fallen type death. It’s a natural death but it’s gonna be a tear jerker. That death won’t come until the WAY end of this AU, so I’m not gonna spoil anything yet.
Q: Can’t believe you predicted Dabi’s true identity. A: It was obvious tho. I didn’t really predict anything canon if you’re an anime only for BNHA. In this AU (without spoiling too much) there’s no Endeavor redemption and Dabi doesn’t cause that big drama on live TV. So if you’re an Endeavor hater like me, you’re gonna love what I have in store for them in the next book!
Q: I love Tenya being a dad and loving husband in this AU! Will we see more dad moments? A: Glad you like those snippets of dad Tenya! I love writing them for my own indulgence since there isn’t enough love for this character in the fandom. Plus I see a whole lot of consistent readers are Iida-stans and that makes me want to write more married fluff whenever I can.
Q: Beizu is best boi/Who is Beizu based off of? A: Beizu is the genius trope in this book. I made his character a more chill version of his mom but with that ‘who is my dad’ trope. Beizu is part of a trio that’s to mirror the agent trio of Ita, Jin and Mimi. The third member is yet to be revealed but they’re a BIG plot device in the coming book. But Beizu is one of my favorite OCs, maybe I’ll do a ranking of my OCs when everyone is introduced. 
Q: The villains and Hawks plot has me SHOOK! What’s going to happen to hero society when this case gets solved? A: Without spoiling it, the truth is going to expose the corrupt higher ups in hero society. The kids in the household has a part in taking down hero society as well but in their own, special way. Iwata has the biggest part in closing the case (but it’s spoiler if I say how), Lili and twins help tearing down minor things like education systems and laws. I will say though, the case gets resolved after the trio retires because Ita gets to return to America and found an heir to the company before they could draw to a conclusion. Which is a happy ending at the end of the storyline, no major deaths!
Q: Confirmed weddings? A: Yes :) because Lili and Iwata deserve good things and love. The twins have it easy in the coming book. Lili’s comes first and Iwata’s comes later than expected (can’t say why yet, gotta keep reading :3). I guess I can say that all of them get married but Lili’s and Iwata’s are the only queer ones. All the spouses that marry into the family take the Iida name, so Lili and Hanaka don’t change family names when they get married! Y’all already know those wedding chapters are gonna be lavish and take up most of the chapter, you’ll love them.
Q: But are the kids Joji stans? A: Oh jeez...they are the same way we like 80′s music. It’s pleasant to listen to but kinda cringe when you see your parents dance to it. I don’t really portray it, but the family digital library has all of Joji’s music in a playlist called ‘Sad hours Soundtrack’. If you ask Mr Muffins 2.0 who last listened to the playlist, they’ll snitch who and how many times it has been looped. That’s how Tenya knows who needs cheering up.
Q: I love the little references to their childhood, what else can you tell us about their pre-book childhood? A: As I said a few times in the tags, I cut a ton of stuff that isn’t relevant to the plot. Most of it was their childhood and how they manifested their quirks. Lili really liked to scream before she learned to talk, a very fast learner and at 3 years old got her engine quirk and later that year showed signs of a second quirk. Iwata was very quiet child, hardly cried or gets upset but latched on to mom a lot. His first words were in Spanish but struggled a bit with Japanese before entering kinder. Tensei was born first, then Hanaka followed 10 minutes later. Hanaka’s fire quirk manifested after the first breast feeding when she was getting burped by mom in the hospital. Mom likes to believe Tensei came out first to warn everybody that Hanaka can breathe fire. Tensei didn’t manifest his metal quirk until the age of 7, making him a very late bloomer. Though very different in personalities, Hanaka and Tensei get along and get very creative when it’s playtime. Up until the age of 5, mom would place Hanaka in kindling to get the BBQ grill or bonfire started. Hanaka has been known to randomly burst into flames as a baby, so Tensei had to sleep in a different crib for his safety. Tensei spent more time reading as a child because everyone was focused on managing Hanaka’s flames, thus making him a very studious boy.
Q: Not an AU question, but how are you doing?/ We don’t mind waiting for the chapters! Please take your time. A: I’ve been getting check ins and validation in my asks for the inconsistent schedule. Too many things came at me this year, both good and bad. I was doing well in speech and debate that I went to nationals and prepared myself for some serious competition, leaving no time to do chapters. Then I fell in and out of depressive episodes during lockdown where I’m from. In the summer my grandmother passed away from the virus in Mexico, then my beloved dog Mr Muffins passed away of old age. Those deaths hurt me and my family the most that I was having a hard time trying to cope plus trying to be responsible by adhering to CDC guidelines (I’m in the immune-comprised group). In my want to get over my grief, I trained and received my certificate in ordained ministry (yea I know that’s not the best first step, but I just needed to feel like I’ve achieved something being cooped up at home). I’ve very grateful that theres some readers that see the tags and check up on me. All your kind words gives me a little strength to write and finish every chapter at my pace.
Q: More art please? A: Yes :3 I have one coming up real soon! After the end of this book is where I’ll be releasing some art as a sort of place holder.
Q: Is the the estate drama eluding to the ending? A: Yup! And it will show up every now and then in the next book.
Q: This is a really good self insert AU! There’s complexity to your character and others...how do you write these interactions/relationships really close to actual ones? A: Thanks for the complement :3 When I first started this AU, I was in the middle of my semester of a creative writing course. Near the end of book 2 was when I finished the course work for it and by then you could see the progression in writing. ALSO, I’m a communications major as well! Writing these relationships and other social things were things that I remembered learning in my interpersonal communications class. I was a bit on fence on whether or not to start this AU because I didn’t think my writing skill was at all that good. With some encouragement from my classmates and friends, I pushed myself to write this whole AU out. I don’t plan on stopping until I finish the storyline, plus I hate leaving things unfinished.
And that wraps up this FAQ! Hopefully I got everyone’s questions since most were check-ins for me. But expect the last chapter for book 3 in the next few days. After Book 3, I’m going on a lil hiatus until the end of February. I have so many life events happening in the upcoming weeks that I’m gonna need time to recharge before resuming this AU. Y’all know I bounce back as promised, in the meantime, I have some art things queued to remind y’all that Book 4 is in the works. Only 2 more books to go! Thanks again for reading and I’ll talk you y’all again later in the tags~
-Love, Palma-sama
P.S. Heres the end of Book 3 for your connivence :3 other links are at the top of this post! 
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0225pm · 4 years
wow the quality of the video really sucks after it has been compressed but well i don’t have a choice!
anyway, i’m moving back to tumblr again mainly cus wordpress sucks and it’s not allowing me to post videos unless i buy their premium plan which is tbh a no cus idk why platforms for blogging should even charge you for the features that they were supposed to have???? also sadly, tumblr also only lets you post 1 video per post limit which is why i’ve put the pics and videos i took into in one but it’s better than not being able to post a video at all.
so it’s our monthsary!!!!
we’ve been officially together for 3 years and 5 months now and wow, i’ve only just realised what a long time that is 😂 honestly, if you want to count how long it has been since we first met each other, it’ll probably be about 8 years now. tho han sees it as 8 years but i see it as 3y5m cus idk who he was back then ya know what i mean? like i know the 3y5m him now than the him 8 years ago.
han sent me his live location as he does so every sat, and i was late. even tho he came all the way to my place i was still late :/ and i was so sorry 😭 i know there shouldn’t be any excuses for my lateness but i have my reasons, even if anyone thinks it isn’t valid :/ so i alr prepared right? like i mentally prepared and visualize what i wanna wear and etc. and so i went to take a shower and all. and then my mom all of a sudden asked me to do things like ordering food for her, clipping her nails, airfrying some sotong balls cus she was feeling peckish. initially she asked me to order food, which i then did but it was immediately cancelled due to the weather. it suddenly rained really heavily. and then while i was in her room drying my hair, she suddenly said she wanted sotong balls which i then went to airfry. and then when i alr did that and continued drying my hair, she then asked me to clip her nails and i was like “i’m going out ibu later farhan will be waiting for me alr” and she was like nvm la it will only take a while. so i did that and then i had to just rush cus i checked his live location and he was alr nearing tenaga area which is so damn close to my place alr. then i quickly picked out the outfit i wanted to wear. i mean come on, it’s our monthsary and i wanted to dress up right and i alr had this mental image of what i wanna wear right? so i took it out, wore it and then i realized that it was still a bit rainy??? like kinda drizzling so i figured he’ll be coming up first to wait till the rain totally stops but he texted me asking me to come down instead. and at this point i was sweating profusely. yeah, it was rainy but i was feeling so warm from rushing and doing so many things at once. oh ya, i was wearing this satin white shirt with shorts and that was my initial outfit like it looks laidback and casual and effortless but i decided to change cus i was perspiring and it felt so uncomfortable wearing a satin material when you’re perspiring like heck!! so i ended up wearing my fav tee with the same shorts and brought my hoodie along. it’s also my fav hoodie from uniqlo. i think their hoodie quality is bomz it’s not too thick or too thin and i wanna buy more but maybe wait till they have sales or something. so i ended up just looking super hobo as heck like it just looks like i didn’t even bother to dress up and i felt sad but i didn’t want han to be waiting even longer.
so when i went down he was alr sitting at the seats at the void deck and i can feel anger radiating within him lol like i knew he was mad and he still had his helmet on and his rain jacket on and all. and then he gave me different options of where to go for our lunch and then i just sat there pondering for a bit. and then i asked him if he wanted to put the jacket and pants at home but he didn’t want to so he took it off and then put it on the table and he took off his helmet as well. and then i asked him if we could eat at genki and he told me that genki was one of the options that he forgot to list so we decided on genki! his anger didn’t last long and as he stood up to head over to his bike i went to him and open up my arms cus i just wanted to hug him lolol then at first he tried to act all “ew” and moved away but he ended up hugging me anyway hehe and then don’t want to let go lol so bobo so cute. honestly i’m still shy??? around him wtf. like when i initiated the hug itself i felt so shy loooooollllll and when he didn’t wanna let go it made me blush wtf but ofc he can’t see cus we have to wear the stupid mask bc of stupid covid. i hate it wtf my face is so sensitive and it’s breaking out bc of having to wear the mask so my skin can’t breathe. like what’s the point of me not wearing makeup underneath the mask when i still break out anyway right zzz hais. ok sorry side track a bit but ya hahaha so then i told him i wanted to show him something!!! and then he was like “eh eh who said you let go” or was it “who said you can stop hugging” but it’s either one la hahaha then i took his hand and pull down my mask and then kissed his hand 😂 then i told him to look and i said “no transfer”!!!!!! hahahahaha cus i was wearing this lipstick and wtf man the formula is damn amazing really didn’t transfer anywhere at all. i even kissed my own hand and i even drank water but not transfer AT ALL. it was a gift i got from two years back i think hahaha for my bday from rai, a kylie kit and i haven’t worn it out before mainly bc the color didn’t suit my skintone cus the shade felt so light but when i wore it this time it felt like the shade was darker somehow? idk if i became pale from staying at home all the time or idk lol but i like the shade now 😌
oh at first i didn’t wanna go to tampines cus we always go to tampines hahaha and i guess i made a face and han teased me about it lol as much as it annoys me it’s a good kind of annoying? 😂 cus he’s so cute whenever he teases me in that way lolol but we ended up just heading to tampines anyway cus he wanted to save up on petrol also and i thought ok ya cus he has to work now and he has to go to and fro everyday so it’s better for him to save the petrol as well. i put on my hoodie and then we went to the usual parking spot at tampines. and then bc both of our masks were down i could actually kiss him hehe. and then from there we walked to the front entrance of the mall cus of this covid there’s only one in and out entrance but entering was a breeze tbh cus even tho there was a long line, we didn’t have to wait long.
then we went up to the escalator. and genki wasn’t crowded at all either so that was great!!! we did the safe entry thing, got our temperature taken and got our seats. then we ordered some food hehe. i was excited cus lol i love genki. not as much as i love my bf but if i have to choose an express sushi shop i would choose genki 😂 i wanted something soupy and filling so i got their beef udon since i alr had their duck udon the previous time we went there. and then i got a drink and chawanmushi as an appetizer. i love their chawanmushi as well and it’s something i will always get. i used to buy their clams miso soup but since it was taken out of the menu, i got their chawanmushi instead. and i was so happy when han decided to try the chawanmushi!!!!! i’ve always knew him as someone that wasn’t into eggs but he actually liked this one!! and he even ate the prawn and the naruto/japanese fish cake when i fed it to him omg 😭😭😭 i was legit so happy wtf hahahaha and then his fried squid came, also one of the hot foods i will always order but usually i’ll get it if i didn’t buy any of the udon. but since i alr got the udon i didn’t order it. and then his mini chicken teriyaki don came and lol the bowl was rly so mini ahahaha i wish i took a picture of it but i didn’t. but it was worth for the price of $4 i think since it was actually filled to the brim. there was even slices of tamago in it. he fed me a spoonful and it was nice!!! i’m gonna try that next time i go to genki if i’m feeling like eating rice 😂 i like udon cus of the chewy texture of the noodles and the soup. and then a plate of mentaiko fries came 🤤 there was A LOT of mentaiko on it it was so amazing and i was so surprise cus i didn’t order it but at the end of the day han said that he saw that i didn’t order the fries so he ordered it for me 🥺😍 so sweet hais and i really enjoyed it. i love genki’s mentaiko sauce it’s so damn goooooodddddd. so salty so nice. and then my udon came hehe and i devoured it. i fed han some too and gave him one of the fish cakes cus i think they made a mistake and put two pieces. the udon was so good i love it hahahaha. and then han ordered a seaweed roll, 2 more beef sushi and 1 mentaiko salmon for me hehe yes i know how to eat salmon now!!!! but it must be seared. i still can’t eat raw ones unless i rly dipped it in soy sauce or if it’s cut super thinly then maybe can try 😅
then after we finished eating, we went up to see if we can catch a movie. i wasn’t sure if we’re allowed to sit together so i asked him to ask first if we have to be separated and yay we don’t have to separate!!! so we decided to watch train to busan 2: peninsula. since we alr watched the first one together and there wasn’t much movies that were showing so we decided to catch the 5:10pm slot. it’s been so so so long since we last watched a movie tgt so this was nice. we didn’t get anything to eat since we just ate and i was still full but we had some time so we went to fairprice and got some candies. then farhan bought a root beer slushy which turns out to be scam!!! cus it’s just ice and it was practically solidified even after the movie was over it didn’t even melt much within 2 hours wtf. and then he also got a hotdog bun 😂
the movie was great. not as great as the first one cus the first one was definitely much more impactful but this one was not too bad. a bit too much “racing” scenes but i guess it’s to keep its audience on the toes. the storyline is a bit meh as well but i guess the suspense from some parts made up for it. it’s quite tragic though.
and then after the movie, i asked han if he still wanted pizza but when we saw the queue there was still a bunch of people waiting for their orders. even some foodpanda and grab delivery riders were waiting so i told him we’ll just order in and at first he was like we’ll see how but i ordered anyway. then we went out to head home and han finally lighted a cigarette. hahahaha he actually had to suppressed his desire to smoke cus we didn’t have time since i chose the earlier slot for the movie and im so proud of him for being able to suppress the feeling and yet not turning into a cranky momok.
while on the way back, he wanted to top up some petrol so we stopped by spc and then he wanted to top up his cashcard so we had to go one big round from the carpark to where he can top up his card but the machine is stupid!!! and he got upset cus he wasn’t able to top up his card. i think he still prefers the card with chip reader than the contactless ones. so then we decided to head to 7-11 so he can purchase one with chip but they ran out. so we decided to find another petrol station cus he said usually it’s being sold there too. so we did and this time round i guess i was being cranky cus the seat of his bike was eating into my skin and it hurts like heck so i told him to just top up the card since they don’t have the chip ones and he needed to top up anyway but then in front there was another petrol station and apparently they had a chip + contactless card there and i think they only accepted cash for it so he came out and then went in back and bought one there. and i was still cranky lol and i was perspiring so much both from my scalp to my body and it was drizzling too so all i wanted to do was head home so i got upset and i lashed it out on him when we made our way back cus he kept trying to make a joke out of the pain i felt and it just triggered me cus it’s like he doesn’t understand how much it hurts??
but it’s not his fault. cus i’m the one that chose to wear shorts even tho i know how much it hurts when i sit too long on the bike. and then he said he’ll cut the netting off but i was like no wtf. cus 1, we don’t meet everyday which sucks but ya we don’t and thus i’m not the one sitting on the back of his bike everyday so having to sit one day out of the week doesn’t bother me as much as having to sit on it everyday ya know what i mean? and 2, the parts that are still protected which is probably about 90-80% of the seat is still useable so it’ll be able to help protect the other areas from getting damage by the claws of cats.
and then when we got back, he wanted to pass his gummies to me but no one in this household eats gummies or candies. my mom can’t even eat sugary content cus of health, my dad isn’t a fan of gummies or candies he much prefers chips and chocolates and my brother too prefers chocolates or ice creams. i don’t like sugary content either but unless it comes from cakes or pastries or ice creams or chocolates so rly, no one is gonna eat it. and then he got mad at me and all i could hear was “you do to me can but when i’m doing it to you cannot” and i didn’t get what he meant by that tbh so i just kept quiet all the way till we’re home. i quickly took off my hoodie, changed into a more comfortable shorts went to take a piss and then went into my room. i sat down for awhile in front of the fan cus i was sweating so much and then i cooled down before i apologized to him and then asked him if he was still upset. i tried to get him to explain what he meant but couldn’t get anything out of him cus he just prefers to sweep it under the rug whereas i like to talk about it so i can see what i did wrong or which areas i have to improve or change so it can better our lives ya know but he’s not like that and i have to understand it so i just kept quiet and then i kissed him and stroked his face and hair a little.
and then he asked me if the pizza was here and i said ya hahaha it’s alr in the kitchen and whether he wants me to take it so he was like yes and as i was going to take the pizza he grabbed me and hugged me tight and i just instantly melted. it was genuinely hot lol i like this kinda shit hahahahaha but i’ve always felt afraid that i was gonna hurt him with my weight so i didn’t dare do anything that will shift my whole weight onto him but he didn’t care and he said it doesn’t hurt 🥺 haissss
honestly going home was all i was looking forward to. it’s not bc i’m horny lol or maybe that’s one of the reason but it’s mainly bc i just want to lay in his arms and just cuddle and give him kisses and also receive kisses. i’ve missed him all week long and we haven’t really been able to talk much since he’s working and he’s always tired when he gets home but it’s good that he’s working hard for his future and for our future.
and then the time for him to head home came. a truly saddening end of the day and he left a little later than usual but i’m just glad he got home safely and didn’t get lectured for being home a little late.
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Lee Felix
We’re finally on the home stretch, the end is near for this series!! thank you for the immense amount of support you guys are giving us it means the world xxx
-Major: Musical Theatre
-Minor: none, he has no time outside of rehearsals
-Sports: the same martial arts club as Woojin but he specialises in taekwondo, he’s the college’s star taekwondo player and even won them several medal in the nation championships he like a god on campus tbh,, also plays soccer but isn’t officially part of the team bc he has too many other commitments with his course though sometimes they do call him up if they’re in DIRE need of a player
-Clubs: film club, just bc he likes to watch films and listen to other people’s opinion of films tbh (and he can take naps if the film is boring lmao), is also the deputy of the musical theatre society so he has a lot of power of what musicals they covered
-Felix for the last time we’re NOT doing Wicked and if we ever did I point blank REFUSE to cast you as Glinda bc you are a “cute blonde”
-But pleeaaaaaaase I’ll do more vocal training!
-Felix NO, Glinda is a soprano and you struggle to hit even the alto notes most days
-Felix chose to do musical theatre bc it combines his love of singing and dancing and being completely over the top,, like have you ever seen a musical at least one character wasn’t kinda over the top
-When he was a kid his parents took him to see The Lion King and he was in awe of it that he decided that he wanted to be in musical theatre ever since then
-At first, he helped out backstage with props, makeup, costume etc. during his school years and it wasn’t until his first year of high school that the director encouraged him to actually audition
-Everyone was extremely shocked that the deep voiced backstage genius could actually sing extremely well,,, like who’d have thought that
-Whilst he wasn’t the best singer he still got cast in a supporting role and he had the time of his life,,, now he got to experience what the actors did when he put them through stuff and he even did his own damn makeup as well during rehearsals
-So yeah up until he graduated Felix went to star in other musicals put on by his school and by his last year he was finally made principal role and he was all big smiles when the cast list went up and he was beaming for days and went into rehearsals with a fully learned script that was all highlighted and sticky notes on the front with potential prop/costume/makeup ideas on he’s just a wholesome boy
-Tho nothing prepared him for the sheer STRESS of being the main character as well as helping out the younger kids, organising props and costumes AND choreographing (can confirm this is the worst and happened to me, it was HELL)
-So yeah, Felix loved musical theatre and was pretty much accepted straight away onto the college course bc of his bright personality and beautiful voice, not to mention he was pretty much an all rounder when it came to the industry so they were delighted to accept him
-However,,, felix missed the accommodation deadline so ended up messaging all the college facebook boards asking if anyone was looking for a flatmate or house share,,, it was chan who saw this and was like yes my son pls join me
-Chan and Felix have this weird father/son/best friend dynamic, like chan would always pack Felix with a lunchbox and water bc he knew that Felix would forget especially when he was rushing round bc he was nearly late for dance class but they also played video games and had wrestling matches in their dorm for ??? no reason ??
-One time Woojin walked in on them arm wrestling and he was like ??? is that how friendship is formed in Australia ??? how bizarre before helping himself to snacks as Felix lost and decided to flip Chan over taekwondo style and Woojin just watched as he munched on some Cheetos or something
-It was just a bit weird but they had come to accept it,,, besides Felix loved being looked after bc it meant he didn’t have to cook food or anything bc chan really enjoyed it lmao
-Felix’s favourite class by far was his dance class
-He was one of the star dancers of the group and loved to help out to choreograph routines for literally every dance number
-Like,, u need ballet for At The Ballet from A Chorus Line??? He’s got you covered. Jazz sequence for West Side Story? He got you COVERED
-He’s just a very talented boy,, though he admits that he may not be the best technically bc he hasn’t received formal dance training whilst at high school he just had the ability to pick up the dance quickly and wasn’t afraid to ask for help when he needed it
-Hell, he even dragged Minho after he finished class one day so he could get pointers on where  he could improve and Minho was like,,, fine but pls buy me coffee I’m DYING (yes Minho does have a coffee addiction,, it’s a problem tbh)
-Felix was an extremely talented kid but he got all shy whenever someone complimented his dancing, or his acting but ESPECIALLY his singing
-Bc even to this day,, he was still nervous about singing
-Like he knew he could sing,,, but in comparison to some of the other people on his course he wasn’t exactly the most confident in his singing ability
-He often went to the music practice rooms so he could practice his songs over and over again until his throat was sore and chan had to make him honey and lemon tea when he got back from practice
-Please protect this soft boy
-Also,,, you KNOW that the boys were his biggest fans whenever he was in shows
-His first project performance happened and he managed to get all of his friends tickets on the front row (how he did this was unknown to literally everyone bc it’s practically impossible)
-He was extremely nervous bc his friends had never seen him perform in a musical before and it was his FIRST college performance how could he not be nervous
-The project was a piece celebrating the different genres and songs from iconic musicals and Felix was the centre for the Rent portion
-(But can you just imagine Felix in Mark’s red and blue knitted sweater and wearing circle glasses whilst he dances to La Vie Boheme??? Okay it would be the best thing ever convince me otherwise)
-He needn’t have been worried bc as soon as he stood on stage and the music kicked in, he was Mark Cohen singing about the death of Bohemia and jumping around the stage like he was born to be there
-He doesn’t remember much of that performance bc he was whisked off stage to prepare for another song but he does remember how the audience (read: the boys) screamed his name as he ran off stage
-The rest of the show went incredibly well and as he came out for his bow, he saw Chan wiping a stray tear as Jeongin laughed at him and Felix had to stop himself from feeling the urge of crying bc his hyung was
-They waited for him as he collected all of his belongings from backstage, too lazy to wipe his makeup off figuring he could just do it home
-When he stepped into the auditorium, all 8 of them pulled him to a bone crushing hug for a good 5 minutes before he literally had to push them off him so he could BREATHE
-Chan pulled him for one more hug, mumbling into his neck about how proud he was of Felix and damn,,, Felix nearly started crying
-It wasn’t until Chan was prompted to let go off him so they could give him his flowers (Changbin claims he was coerced into it when he gave them to him but u know that he went and sought out the best flower shop the day before so they could get the flower bouquet ready for the next day uwu)
-Felix laughed when Changbin handed over the smile and just tapped his cheek, tilting it towards Changbin
-Changbin BLUSHED like hell before giving Felix a peck on the cheek
-Felix would like to go on record to say no he did not squeal happily when Seo Changbin kissed his cheek thank you that is a LIE
-Anyway all the other boys just hollered at them except Minho and Jeongin bc,,, affection??? No thank u
-After they had their little celebration, Chan and Woojin announced that they were taking them out for bbq bc of how well Felix performed and they all whooped in excitement, honestly thrilled that mum and dad were taking them out for food
-Jisung, walking to the bbq place: thank every deity under the sun I’ve not eaten a proper meal since I left home 4 months ago
-Minho: well, this might be your last
-Jisung: :O
-Minho: :)
-Legend has it that the 9 boys who entered the restaurant nearly fully cleared out the entire restaurant’s kitchen but it has yet to be confirmed, reports say, stay tuned in to see if it ever does (hint: it doesn’t)
-Your first meeting with Felix is very different and honestly, you wish to erase it from your memory
-You were part of the musical theatre department, focusing on the backstage aspect with particular focus on lighting and sound
-You knew of Felix, bc how could you not, but you never worked with him beyond getting prompts from the director as to when to light him or turn his mic on
-As much as Felix wanted to go and meet all the backstage crew when they were practicing all together it just wasn’t feasible bc he could not justify running to the sound box just to say hi right in the middle of practice
-And he didn’t have any time in between classes bc your classes were on at the same time as his
-The only time he got to at least have some form of greeting was when he waved at you so you could see what he looks like for your lighting cues
-Felix was sad bc he wanted to say hi and wish everyone good luck for the upcoming performance but he couldn’t as he was rushed off his feet with rehearsals and class bless his soul
-After the performance finished, some of the practical course students asked the backstage crew if they’d like to go to karaoke once they had tidied up
-Everyone agreed, tho u weren’t actually there bc you were in the lightbox above the stage but once you got there all your friends were like !!!!!! Y/N THEY INVITED US TO KARAOKE YOU HAVE TO COME
-You just rolled your eyes and let yourself be dragged towards the karaoke rooms
-At first, you were a bit awkward bc you had never hung out with the actual musical theatre kids as you mainly stuck with ur lighting crew buddies but you were willing to give them a chance
-The first few songs were a little bit serious and you were kinda bored so you went up to the machine and were like “let’s liven up the place a bit”
-Well it was at this point that Felix walked into the room, late bc he was going through some notes with the director, and saw you on top of the table screaming your lungs out to American Idiot whilst everyone screamed along with you
-Well Felix wasn’t one to ignore a party esp when Green Day was playing so he grabbed the other microphone from Jihyo’s hand and began to scream along with you
-You grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the table with you
-The two of you jammed out and nearly broke it but honestly,,, it was worth it bc you got to hear Felix’s beautiful laugh for yourself uwu
-When the song finished the two of you were just stood on the table panting and grinning wildly at each other before he hopped off and offered you his hand so you could get off the table my HEART
-Felix pulled you over to the sofa and introduced himself to you
-“I’m Felix, musical theatre student”
-“I’m Y/N, also a musical theatre student but not practical, I work backstage but you would probably find me in the lighting box or the sound booth”
-“OH I remember you, you did the lighting for the dance performance today right?” he asked excitedly
-“Yes I did” you couldn’t help but grin back at him,,, bc hello is smile is beautiful and contagious as hell!!!
-The two of you chatted as best as you could over the sound of Jihyo and Youngjae crooning another love song down the microphones
-You just shook your head, gesturing Felix over to the machine so he could pick a new song
-Well,,, he interrupted the love fest and the sound of Wonderwall bled through the speakers and you started crying in laughter as Felix introduced the song “so anyway here’s Wonderwall”
-The two of you did a very dramatic re-enactment of the song and Felix couldn’t help but smile when you were basically screaming down the microphone during the chorus
-Your friends just watched in part hate,,, bc hello its Wonderwall and part admiration bc how the hell could two people who have only just met do such an in-sync performance of a well hated song????
-Magic, Youngjae told Jaebum as they both watched in disgust as you threw yourselves across the room in some form of contemporary dance??? Youngjae definitely didn’t know what he was witnessing but he wasn’t sure he liked it
-So anyway the night ends with relatively few casualties, only one broken glass that Dowoon  managed to cut himself on and Jae somehow managed to lose his voice???? But other than that,,, it was a fun night
-As people parted ways, Felix noticed you walking the other way and he quickly ran after you throwing goodbyes to whoever was left
-You whipped around, not expecting Felix to be running after you
-Like,, wtf?
-You waited for Felix to catch up with you before you asked him why he ran after you
-“I just,,,, wanted to make sure you got home safely and besides I live this way too so I thought we could walk together!”
-You just smiled at his bright response and the two of you walked back to your accommodation talking about literally every topic under the sun
-He told you all about Australia and his flatmate Chan
-Don’t tell anyone but Chan is actually CB97 from 3RACHA
-You mean the underground rap group that is supposedly made up 3 college students
-The very same
-Let me into the lighting box and consider it done
-You have a deal Felix pleasure doing business with you
-(felix pulls through a few weeks later and the two of jam just a little too hard and seungmin is extremely embarrassed to say that he knew the two of you)
-As it turns out, you live in the same apartment block as Felix and he actually walked you to your flat just so he could make sure you got home safely n u were like,,,, mate it’s a bit too much but okay
-Felix began to walk away as you unlocked your door before you heard footsteps approach you and you quickly turned around, brandishing your keys in the assailants’ face
-The assailant, however, was Felix who just looked at you in shock before laughing
-“Well, least I know you’re capable of defending yourself haha”
-“You asshole oh my god you scared me what do you want from me?”
-“Your number”
-O H
-Felix was very straightforward huh, you thought as he took his phone out of his pocket and handed it you
-You punched in your number and handed it back to him
-All the while, Felix was just smiling at you bc HECK he found you cute
-Ever since that night you and Felix became fast friends and yes, you did let him into the lighting box and teach him how to operate the basics bc Felix was hella interested in all aspects of musical theatre not just being on the stage
-You admired that quality about him bc many of the other students just took lighting and sound for granted and just tapped their foot impatiently as you configured the mic pack to the sound booth before handing it to them
-Not Felix though
-He would make conversation with you and even let you secure his microphone properly and you won’t lie that you felt yourself getting a little flustered as you hooked the mic round his ears and as you pulled back to see if it needed adjusting he was just smiling softly at you
-Felix found you super cute when you were concentrating and he got distracted once as you were fixing the lights on stage than Jihyo had to literally smack the back of his head bc he was too focused on you lmao
-In his spare time he often begged you to let him see your notes for lighting and sound bc he was genuinely curious and wanted to see if he could figure out what all the codes were
-You just threw the script at him and told him to stop pestering you or else you would stop stocking up on timtams
-Felix never did pester you again, his love of timtams got the better of him
-So yeah,, you and Felix were hella close now
-You even found yourself going on “dates” (that’s what your friends called them, dismissing your protests claiming it was just a friends thing) with him
-And by dates, I mean the two of you went shopping together and had dinner afterwards, going to coffee shops and hell you even let Felix practice new makeup on you so he could improve his skills
-Felix,,, why the hell have you literally painted my whole damn face with cat features!
-We’re studying CATS okay let me LIVE
-I know for a fact you’re not bc literally yesterday you told me that your focus in class at the moment was Starlight Express and the last time I checked,,, that was about trains and people on roller skates not CATS
-You,,,, you’ve got me there I’m sorry
-Anyway,, before you knew it you found yourself falling hopelessly for Felix
-It didn’t help that you were preparing for the final musical of the year and you were practically assigned to work with Felix
-(You can bet your right sock that the rest of the lighting crew were in on this as they snickered whenever you were testing a new microphone with Felix and you began to blush, causing Felix to ask you if you were feeling okay and your crew were like GET IT Y/N)
-Little did you know that Felix was crushing on you as well bc well,,, everything you did was a distraction and he found himself thinking about you practically every day
-His class mates had noticed and told the lighting crew and they were like UGH FINALLY YOU NOTICED and they made a betting pool to see who would confess first
-Most bets were on Felix tbh, he was a loud outgoing kid so he probably had more guts do it than you
-Only a few lone members of the lighting crew stayed loyal to you bc they had a hunch you would confess at the end of the show
-Ah the show,,,
-It’s always stressful preparing for the show and Felix had ended up with the part of Enjolras in their production of Les Miserables
-The two of you were rushed off your feet bc the rehearsal process was actual HELL and it was hell both on stage and offstage
-Like Felix had to learn a whole new type of musical, with very little dance in it, and he was stressed bc he didn’t think he was doing a good job of portraying his character
-Whilst you,,, had the horrible task of designing lighting for an entire show (how you had ended up with that horrible task was beyond you but here you were, wishing for the show to be over so this hell would STOP)
-But alas,, the weeks running up the first performance were crazy and you barely had time to even text Felix bc half of your day was spent running through lighting with the crew and the other half was spent correcting your errors bc the director was a grouchy piece of work n nothing was perfect
-You missed spending time with Felix bc he could make you feel happy and relaxed with just a smile but every time you saw him offstage he seemed,,, a little off and distracted
-Just as you were about to go and ask if he was okay, you were whisked away by one of the sound people bc one of the mics weren’t working
-You never forgot the look on his face though
-Before you knew it, opening night was upon you and the theatre was in full work mode getting everything into position ready for when the audience came in
-Before the actors had arrived however, you snuck in backstage and dropped off a small bouquet of flowers onto Felix’s makeup station with a note that read “I’m sure you’ve got this Apollo”, a bottle of water and a timtam that had strict instructions to eat AFTER the show
-You giggled as you saw Felix wandering round with a small smile on his face, twiddling the note in his fingers unsure of who this was
-Throughout the performance your eyes were drawn to Felix almost like a magnet bc he was captivating as the leader of the revolution and tears actually started to trickle down your face as he sang Do You Hear the People Sing
-Like,,, you were so damn proud of how he was performing considering literally yesterday he was moping around
-As the show week progressed you left bigger bouquets of flowers with different encouraging notes and snacks on them and every day you saw Felix’s smile grow wider and his performance grow stronger
-As the final night rolled around you decided that today was the day
-You were going to confess your feelings to Felix
-You didn’t leave flowers this time, just a note that read
-If you want to know who I am, find me after the show. I’ll be the one with the bouquet of red roses love XXXX
-When Felix read this he was extremely nervous bc all week he had hoped for some sign as to who it was yet all of a sudden they were going to just reveal themselves?
-He didn’t know how he was going to react but secretly,,, he hoped it was you and if it wasn’t he wasn’t sure how he was going to react
-So anyway,, the show went on and by the end of it the whole audience was in tears
-When the actors came on for their individual bows you heard Felix’s friends literally roaring his name,, and was that Changbin holding a Felix banner and standing in his seat??
-When the bows for the technical team were happening you ended up locking eyes with Felix and he was just grinning at you, even as they moved around the theatre
-The final bow happened and you cracked your fingers, knowing it was time
-You bid the rest of your crew goodbye before picking up a bouquet of roses that were underneath the desk and they were like !!!!!! omg they’re going to do it?!?! And you just grinned, pressing a finger to your lips and sneaking out into the main auditorium
-You were slightly nervous bc heck,,, his best friends were here as well and they knew you and if they saw you they would not shut up
-They saw you anyway but Chan had literally choked Felix out to stop him from yelling at you and the rest of the boys were kinda scared so they just left you alone,, wondering if you were going to confess to Felix bc quite honestly,,,, they were sick of Felix’s pining over you lmao
-Before you knew it, the actors began spilling out into the auditorium and your heart began to beat rapidly, waiting for Felix to appear
-When he did you gasped a little bc honestly,, how dare he look so good with his blonde hair all curled and slight traces of makeup still around his eyes with a tired smile on his eyes
-You saw his eyes dart around the room, undoubtedly looking for the red roses you had told him about
-He eyes lit up and started to walk towards you so you decided to remove the flowers from your face
-Felix’s eyes literally widened and his pace picked up
-You just smiled before literally running to him and throwing yourself around his body and kissing him square on the lips
-W O W
-You didn’t plan on doing that but it worked I guess
-The whole auditorium burst into raucous applause, finally glad that the two of you had gotten together after literally almost a year of pining like wtf guys come on
-Chan wiped a tear before motioning to the other boys to go over to the two of you
-You had broken the kiss and were resting your heads together, giggling when the boys approached you uwu
-“So, Y/N you’re finally dating Felix hyung? Took you long enough” jeongin stated bluntly
-“yes we are dating” Felix said, kissing your temple softly and wrapping an arm around your waist and the other one cradling the bouquet of roses you gave him
-Oh god it’s a whole MESS dating this boy istg
-Like where to even begin
-For a start, he’s even more smiley and insufferable during class bc he’s like yeah I’m dating the cute lighting technician whilst u Jackie are dating??? Who again exactly? I lost count after you dumped Jaebum bc you found Mark more attractive but then Mark refused to date you bc ??? I forgot tbh
-He literally runs his mouth too much that you literally had to fly from your class to his so you could slap a damn over his mouth so he would shut up
-He didn’t mean to be mean but honestly,,,, he was just saying what the whole class was thinking n you were like babe, I know Jackie is like that but pls keep your mouth shut otherwise if Jackie comes for you I refuse to help you
-B A B E
-Oh yeah, felix definitely calls you babe more than your actual name which makes seungmin fake vomit into his work every time he hears felix call you that
-You just stick your tongue out and call Felix baby and right that’s it Seungmin is transferring college bc he’s SICK of all the affection going round atm
-Date nights are mainly just movie nights bc you and felix are so damn tired all the time after class and there’s nothing better than cuddling him after a long day of class
-Whilst the film is playing you like to lay on half on top of him so you can see his face as he lazily tells you about the ballet workshop he went to that morning
-You just loved listening to him talk and you also liked to rest your head on his chest, feeling relaxed by the steady lull of his heartbeat and the way his chest moved up and down
-More often than not you would fall asleep like this and Chan would find you there at 2am when he went to get a glass of water and he would throw another blanket over you, tucking you in so you didn’t get cold during the night
-(You never did bc Felix is the literal embodiment of the sun in two ways,,, his personality and his damn body heat)
-Also hear me out,, you would take felix to the lighting box on weekends and teach him new lighting methods and you loved watching him being a giddy child when he got it right that you would reward him with kisses whenever he did bc it made the both of you giggle
-Honestly,,, kissing felix? A blessing you weren’t quite sure you deserved though he assured you everyday that you did bc he was always kissing ur forehead, nose, cheeks u name it
-One thing you loved doing was gently tracing the freckles on his face before lightly peppering them with kisses
-It made Felix blush like CRAZY but he loved it bc it was you and you were being cute as heck
-Other date nights included karaoke with the boys and the two of you confusing all of them when you yelled that your song was playing when Wonderwall came on
-Woojin,,, are they being serious right now?
-You know Chan, I really wish I knew
-Study dates weren’t really a thing the two of you did bc you were on such a practical course with not much studying,, but you still liked to go to coffee shops and rehearse lines with him when he had a show coming up or accompanying him to the dance studio when he had a dance project due in
-You being Felix’s biggest fan? Confirmed.
-Going along to every single one of Felix’s taekwondo matches and yelling alongside Changbin as Felix flipped his opponent over??? OF COURSE
-Though, people always wondered which one of you was actually dating Felix until Felix ran over to you and kissed you on the lips and not Changbin lmao
-You always greeted Felix with a bouquet of red roses at the end of each of his performances and he still blushed bc he still couldn’t believe you confessed before he did
-So he decided to reverse the situation and surprised you with flowers during the bows of the last night of one his shows
-Like,,, he called the lighting crew down under the pretence of giving them praise but the ulterior motive,,,, he gave you flowers on stage and then kissed your cheek UWU
-The two of you were the powerhouse couple of the theatre department that everyone was envious of bc you just understood each other so well???? Not to mention between the two of you, you could literally run an entire theatre by yourselves and still have sold out shows
-Just wow,,, you were THAT couple
hi i would like a lee felix pls he’s cute as HECK and i just wanna compliment his freckles till the end of my days goodbye x
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kjammofficial · 4 years
OP from FB
So apart from watching youtube videos and sharing some reshared content on facebook, I haven't actually been socially active lately.
My messenger is blowing up and I haven't responded to a lot of messages. So, it's not that I'm not replying to you. I'm not replying to EVERYONE. Apart from asking some recommendations and replying to some pages who I need to get in touch with since I have a transaction with them. Other than that, anything else that's personal has just been lying around in my inbox.
Anyway, I've been pretty much out for the count, especially after what happened last time. I'm still pretty bummed out by it so I'm trying my best not to pass on my shit to anybody else. This is definitely going to be a looong ass extensive posts. Coz' here' what I thought, instead of making multiple posts about my shit, I'll just sum it up into one big pile of shit, right?!
First off, if you're selling something, right. Like, you're not a store, but a person just trying to make a living, selling your services, be sure to know how to treat people right. I was speaking with someone about getting some shit done and since I'm not familiar with the process, I had to ask, right? This mofo started laughing and proceed to tell me that I... "should come back and talk to him when I know what I was talking about." In this particular case, pricing. Holy shit the nerve of this dude. Okay, so I lost some money recently, that ain't no secret. But the audacity of this person, telling me, as if I ain't got nothing to pay for the shit I'm asking. You sir just lost 1 good possible customer. You seem to be doing well on your own anyway, but FUCK YOU anyway for looking down on me. I'm not a rich guy, but I know how to work around my finances and I CAN BUY SHIT THAT COSTS WAY MORE THAN WHAT YOU THINK, FUCKER! So yeah, I'll gladly tell more about this via PM if you're interested to know what this is so you too can avoid the person. The lesson here is, don't talk shit to potential customers. Whether you know or just think that they could probably afford shit or not, never straight up laugh at your customer. NEVER!
Alright, so that's enough screen time for that fucker. Next, sooooo.... I forgot what's supposed to be next. I think I was gonna write something about what happened. Oh, right. So, I recently lost my entire paycheck due to some issues around the house, right. This one's a bit too personal and even on private messages, I won't go into details about it. But, here's the thing that's annoying. You know how you prepare for your shit, and even though you're not good at planning. You desperately try to plan things out, just to make sure that you won't astronomically fuck things over by yourself, since you know how much you can get screwed over by your own. Right?! Well, la-dee-daah, look who screwed me over. Someone who didn't prepare for their own shit and now, for some reason, I had to deal with it. What did it cost me? 2 months worth of planning go poof, and 1 month of unpaid debt (cash loan). So, I'm still figuring out how to get back from that. I seem to have enough time until when my next paycheck comes, I haven't planned it yet though. Who knows what the fuck might screw me over by that time. I'll just have to sit it out and improvise.
Partially ditched my (closest) friends again, over a video game dispute. I mean, shiiiiiit I loooove me my video games. I can even say to some extent, it's all I have, next to them. And they just keep pissing me off for some stupid reasons. Like, yeah it was pretty dumb to be mad about it, but in my point of view, I was pretty certain they were aware. Like they were aware of how I am with games and probably not with any other games, but this game in particular. I'm not gonna state what game it is just for... whatever. I just don't understand... Okay so here's the thing, whenever I go dark, they eventually come to a point and ask "what's going on? Tell us what's wrong." So after you tell them what's wrong, you get that security that, these set of people are aware, they know how they should deal with your BS. Right?! Then here comes me throwing shade, and they just give up instantly. Like, I don't understand the point of me explaining to them what's wrong with me if they immediately, instantaneously give up, right?1 Like what's the point of telling a story, if after saying the lesson the reader just goes "let's do it again." I hate to say it but, while it is true that most of the time that we have "the talk" is between alcohol, but I gotta admit... it's sad when they just seem to pretend to listen. It's stupid how it started from video game dispute to not listening, right? Like I'm some kind of moody s/o or something. But that's how I feel, I mean, that's the best that I could explain how it feels. So, Idk, I'm not exactly writing this other than for my own pleasure so, eh... Not my problem if you can't translate.
Also, I've been unfollowing news outlets and skipping anything I scroll past that's political or covid related. I've actually been doing it ever since like April, but this time I'm almost hard committing to not getting involved. I mean, sometimes I get into flame wars in the comment section just for the heck of it. But I try to go into flame wars that I know I'm certain to win haha. Like, fr tho. I don't wanna get burned too much. But then again, I still also do my best to stay away from anything related at all.
As I'm writing this I actually paused a game I recently received as a gift. NieR:Automata™. I've been wanting to play this for a while now, especially when I found out that this is basically a bigger story-centered version of Stanley Parable did. I was like "oh shit, I gotta play this game." I'm not sure if I have been spoiled already when I saw reviews before, but hopefully, my description of the game here, doesn't ruin it for those who haven't played it yet too. Also, you have some dedication reading this post if you've made it this far. If you did, do send game recommendations. I like the ones that have an absurd number of multiple endings. I blame Stanley Parable for this, but I just really fancy the idea. Or at least a confusing one, like Control. I haven't played it yet but it's been out for a while. I know I wanted to play it since it was teased, but I never got the chance to grab the game yet, when it recently dropped in Steam. I was indeed spoiled about something about the ending, so, probably after NieR, my lists are as follows. (I'm not gonna make a bulleted list coz it'll be easily seen when anyone clicked "see more" and people be like "meh, just a bunch of lame gaming posts") So my lists is, for big title, I'm waiting for WD: Legion and CyberPunk 2077. Then comes Detroit become human, Control, Beyond: Two Souls. I have a bunch in mind that I wanna play but these are my focus for now. That's after I finished NieR.
Well, you've made it. You somehow read through this entire thing. I gotta say, I  actually had a lot of negative shit to posts. But I think my YouTube-ing, actually helped. I have been watching Smosh Pit. Holy guacamole Smosh is hella different than when I was first watching it back in 2010-2012. Anthony has long since left, and Ian has just been awkward to watch, sometimes. He looks like "when the boss tries to look quirky like the employees" whenever he's in a video, lol. But him and Anthony did establish the whole thing up, he probably got stuck to it after Anthony left. Since, you can't really just leave your legacy to a bunch of other people, right? Anyway, idk why I'm talking about that so.... You know the unfortunate thing is, after all this, nobody still really cares. Doesn't matter how much effort I put into socializing with people. After everything that I've gone through, once it's all said and done. At the end of the day, all I really have is myself. I think I've come to a point now that I've been doing self-love too much, that I've taken myself for granted. So, I'm just like "whatever" now. Nothing matters, we're all shitty people, we're all just a bunch of gas moving around, we're all gonna die, nobody's gonna know us as soon as 5 years after we died.
This is probably the only time I'm gonna say this on facebook or any of my other socials as I'm gonna try to hide it. I'm gonna do my own vlogging again. BUUUT it's not gonna be on anything that can be monetized. It's gonna be just my personal vlogs. I'll have it in my tumblr, what's my tumblr, that's for you to figure out. I've missed vlogging, and not the modern fancy ass vlogging that you see in YouTube. The vlogging I grew up with is literally just a video-blog/vlog, like a diary. So you take a video and you keep it somewhere. I didn't wanna upload it actually, I was gonna have it as a keepsake. But just for the heck of it, I'll put it in the internet so it's there forever. Unless tumblr gets taken down or do a friendster/myspace. So, yeah, I haven't posted anything yet, nor had taken a video. But as soon as I started rolling, I'll post it there and it'll just be a memory of me.
So yeah guys. Idk why you're reading this but thanks for your time anyway. Ya'll have a good one. I still don't feel like socializing but for my sanity's sake, I'll try to get back into responding into your messages. It's probably good for me too (I think). Byyeeeeeeeeeee~
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littlepiecesofwords · 4 years
5 Days but never 5 feet apart
I was in the hospital for five days. I felt sad not able to play in one of the stages in the league, but our team made it to semi finals. My coach said that when I get back I have to double time in practice and to keep up with my teammates. 
Everyday, Alexis, Blake and Sam will come visit me, sometimes when I’m still sleeping. Most of the time in the last 3 days I’m unconscious because of the virus that got in to my blood. I’m not sure what happened. It was called Dengue. Where it gets your platelet down, and hemoglobin down.
Some symptoms have stomach pain, headache, nauseous and high fever. And the Doctors told me because of my high pain tolerance I wasn’t able to feel any of the symptoms right after I exhausted myself. My platelets went down to 5 where they had to do blood transfusion and kept me on regular hydration. Pretty scary! 
But, as I always say, All is well! Now, I’m on my fifth day being in the hospital and feeling so much better. The Doctors told me I can go home tomorrow but I need to stay home for the next 3 days. I’m getting pretty bored. But I have to follow, I don’t want to see my Mom worried about me. I can hear her cry every time she sees me. She sings to me like how she does when I was a little.
If there’s anything I like about the sickness, that be I get to spend more time with my Mom, and Sam.
Day Two.
Sam visits me more then the other two. She looks tough most of the time, but when I’m sleeping I can hear her sobbing while holding my hand. 
A: Sam?
Sam: you’re awake, do you need something?
A: Water please
Sam: Okay, here...here.. slowly.. Your Mom went to see your Doctor for a while. 
A: Thank you. Sorry for worrying you. 
Sam: Yeah! you owe me big time! so you better get well soon and get out from here.. it feels weird being here.. The Jelly-O tastes good tho.. (started laughing)
A: Yeah! soon, ALL IS WELL! stop eating my J-O, I’m the patient not you..
Mrs. Amanda: I started hearing giggling inside Alex’s room. This was the second time he was awake, And I’m happy to hear his voice again, even it was another woman is making him laugh.
Amanda: Hey honey, you’re up.. Thank you Sam for watching him.
Alex; Mom, come here... (tapping on the side of the bed making room for Amanda) I love you Mom. I’m sorry you’re here and not home...
Amanda: (Holding Alex) Love you too honey. Don’t say that, I will be here and stay with you until you get better and go home. Are you not ashamed you’re acting like a baby in front of Sam?
A: (hugging Amanda and kissing her) NOPE! Nothing can compare to you Mom! and Sam knows that! I’m proud Mama’s boy! (started laughing)
Samantha: Seeing how Alex treated her Mom I remembered what Mimi said to me. And the room was filled with laughter, for an hour and then Alex started coughing... heavy coughs and there was blood. The virus strikes again.
A: Mom! Maaaaaaa, my stomach is hurting soooo bad (Alex crying and coughing) 
Samantha: There were blood on the sheets, and Alex was crying in pain, I never saw him his much pain all this time I know him... He kept screaming for Amanda... The Doctors finally came and checked on him, nurses holding him to his bed, they gave him medicines to ease the pain and then there he was again, unconscious. Amanda stepped out with the Doctors but I can hear them talking just outside the door.
Doctor: Mrs. Stockholm, his platelets are not increasing, and we’re afraid he might have internal bleeding. We will run some tests to make sure that there’s no internal injuries.
Amanda: Please do what you need to do.
Samantha: Moment later, Mr. Stockholm came. He hugged Amanda and she started crying in his chest. I can’t hear what they’re talking but I can see the frustrations in Amanda’s face. Amanda is frustrated not being able to help Alex at this time.
Amanda: Sam, did you brought your car? I’m going home to check on the other kids. I can give you a ride.
Sam: I’ll ride with you. 
Amanda and Sam got in to the parking space when Amanda started crying again. Sam came to her and hugged her for comfort.
Amanda: I am a Doctor by profession Sam, yet I can’t help my son. I can’t help my son...
Sam: Mrs. Stockholm calm down.,,
Samantha: I took the car key from Amanda and drove to their house, called Mimi to have our driver pick me up from the Stockholm residence. Today was intense. I never thought Amanda was a Doctor, is the the reason why she’s so calm when we were in the emergency room and when she talks to the Doctors they understands each other and finish each others’ sentences. Is that the reason why Alex wants to be a Pediatrician?
Day Three.
I had my blood transfusions to help my lack of platelets, and I gave my Mom another scare. I want to get over this as soon as I can, I asked Sam to talk to my teachers if they can give me homeworks to work on while in the hospital, and some gave me some works to do.
Sam: are you sure about this? what if you get stressed again?
A: yes, I’m getting bored and besides Mom said I can start doing something small whenever I feel a little better, right Mom?
Amanda: Uh Hmmm..
Sam: Okay, here’s from Ms. Cath, your calculus teacher....
A: STRESS! Skip!
Sam: (laughing) here’s from Mr. Prieto, your biology class...
A: STRESS! Skip!
Sam: last, here’s from coach Aaron, for PE class..
Samantha: Alex opened the notebook from PE Class and show notes written by his whole class wishing him to get well soon and fight the fight of life! someone said “Someone said you’ll be there for 5 Days! but I say, no 5 feet APART!” it doesn’t make any sense but it made Alex laughed so hard.
Amanda: Sam, can I talk to you for a minute?
Sam: yes, A, here’s a book from your english class that needs to be read...
Sam and Amanda stepped out of the room
Amanda: Sam, thank you for sticking with us through all of this, but I have to ask you a favor, do not spend too much time here and not giving time to your own life and studies. I love seeing Alex happy around you, but I’m also worried about you. Your ACAD, specially now you’re in your senior year. Don’t get me wrong honey, but when this is all over, you can spend much more time with Alex. I just want you to be at your best foot forward when you meet with college recruiters.
Sam: I understand Mrs. Stockholm, but...
Amanda: Call me Mom, Sam. I will not replace your Mom in your life, but it it will make you more comfortable communicating with me then call me Mom.
Sam: Mom, I will do well in school, I will focus. Will you update me with Alex’s conditions too?
Amanda: Yes Sweetheart, I will. After this, we’ll have family dinner at our house.
Sam: Look forward to that, is it okay that I talk to Alex alone?
Amanda: Sure sweetie, I’ll be heading to the doctors office to get some update.
Amanda went to the Doctors Office while Sam stepped back to Alex’s room.
Sam: Hey,
A: Hey, let me guess, Mom gave you the go signal to call her Mom?
Sam: (laughing) she did
A: I guess, we are officially brothers and sisters... (sarcastically laughing)
Sam: Eeewww... Hey A! I have to tell you something.. so listen
A: Okay big sister (and smiled)
Sam: Next week will be the college day for Circles, and I have to prepare for it...
A: STOP! STOP there! yes! what are you doing here? you should be in your home preparing for next week! Sam.... if there’s anything that is important that would be preparing for your future. Don’t get me wrong, I love having you around, but you’re really a bad nurse (started laughing) on serious note, please do well in preparations Sam. I’ll see you when I get out and beat this virus.
Sam: ALeeeeeeeeeeeexxx! (started crying)
A: I’m not yet dead, remember all is well. I’ll call you and message you whenever.
Amanda came back and saw Alex and Sam talking and laughing.
Sam: It’s time to go, I have school stuff to work on.. 
A: yeah! big sister!
Amanda: what just happened?
Both started laughing. Sam gave Alex a hugged. And walked towards Amanda. Gave Amanda a hugged and whispered.
Sam: Mom, promise me you will call me when you need someone to drive you home. I will come and drive you home. Thank you for showing me and making me fee loved by a mother. 
Amanda hugged Sam tightly and tears started pilling in her eyes. She winked it away and wiped her face. Kissed Sam’s forehead and walked her to the door.
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