#it's a matter of turian dignity.
milkywayes · 27 days
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weapon effectiveness rating against archangel: gunship 6/10, glue trap 10/10
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perfectmisslawson · 2 years
random musings on mordin because i’m bored and i need to unleash some mordin love; mordin is not as morally grey as the game makes him out to be. when you recruit mordin, he’s portrayed as this shady, morally grey doctor. aria states ‘he’s just as likely to shoot you as he is to heal you.’ some person mentions how he shot someone just because they took some painkillers. they state how he’s keeping burning bodies in front of the clinic.
yet, i don’t find him to be that morally grey. in fact i think he is one of the nicest people in the game. mordin has a strict code of ethics: no experiments on intelligent species, torture is a violation of basic species dignity, adding insult to a merc’s injury is unnecessary, maelon’s experiments are cruel and out of line and that’s not worth the price of curing the genophage, he takes doctor patient trust very seriously, he opened a clinic on omega, helping people for free. he says himself one of the reasons he is a doctor is that he does like to help people. i personally believe the rumors are exaggerated. that person that stole painkillers possibly was making active threats, for instance. i don’t think he’ll just pull the trigger on some desperate person stealing some painkillers because they are in terrible pain. mordin is not that sort of person, and just shooting people without much regard for who you’re dealing with is also terrible business on omega. you really have to think twice about who you’re killing. why would anyone come to his clinic if he really shot people for minor things like that?
i also find mordin to be of the nicest crew members in conversation. note how mordin almost never takes provocation, always remains calm and respectful. there is no passive-aggressiveness from him - that’s why his bitter comment towards shepard in that deleted grunt confrontation sounds so out if character.
mordin takes a lot of risks to help people - like he did with eve. she could actually have killed him when he tried to help her.
he did modify the genophage, but he regrets it deeply right from the start of me2, that’s why he opened his clinic on omega. to cope with the guilt. and it’s important to remember he did it with good intention - he believed he’d save the galaxy from the brutality of the krogan. mordin, a rational scientist, actually turns to religion after he sees what damage he’s done, causing so many stillbirths. i think that’s an arc that really proves how bad he feels for what he’s done. and i also believe the reason why he is willing to leave the clinic and join shepard for a suicide mission is because he wants to atone for his past mistake.
i think mordin, despite of that huge past mistake - is one of the nicest characters in mass effect. he is INCREDIBLY empathetic with his patients, highly considerate towards their well being and feelings.
mordin is the kind of person that would realize jack is just a traumatized, scared person using aggression to cope with her fear - he would not take her insults and provocations and he’d treat her kindly, whereas other normandy crew members would be a dick to her in return.
he treats everyone with respect, regardless of whether they’re a bounty hunter, a krogan, a salarian, a turian, a criminal, a cerberus officer, a quarian, whatever. to mordin that doesn’t matter.
he’s incredibly open minded, polite, compassionate, kind.
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bluerose5 · 3 years
An Eye for an Eye
Relationship: Thane/Garrus (pre-relationship)
Word Count: 1,426
Summary: When Shepard goes to speak with Sidonis, Thane stays behind with Garrus. After he lets Sidonis go, they have a talk while they're alone.
Warnings: Pre-Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt & Comfort, Mentions of Drinking, Survivor Guilt, Implied/Referenced PTSD, Grief/Mourning
Read it here on AO3.
His finger was itching to pull the trigger.
As Shepard turned away from the conversation, there was a brief moment where Garrus had Sidonis in his sights. He was caught in his crosshairs, and all it would take was a slight flex of his finger for it to all be over with.
All of those sleepless nights, forcing down the screams from nightmares, waking up in a cold sweat...
It was frightening.
When Sidonis described how every day has passed since leaving Omega, Garrus swore that he was listening to an audio recording of his day-to-day routine. It was something he would expect to hear from a biography or a memoir, a private journal perhaps.
Staring at Sidonis from afar felt like looking at himself in a mirror.
A shattered, broken mirror.
Garrus felt a hand on his, so he lowered the rifle.
Not once did he take his eyes off of Sidonis, not until he was out of sight.
He took a deep breath, but it offered no comfort. His chest hurt, and his eyes burned. Yet nothing he did seemed to help.
Thane sat beside him on the maintenance walkway, staring down at the crowd below.
"You did the right thing," he said.
Carefully, Thane took the gun away from him and set it aside, ensuring that the safety was on. He settled in by Garrus’s side, sitting cross-legged while he waited for him to recover.
Garrus swallowed thickly.
"I don't know," he whispered. "It doesn't feel like a victory."
"Forgiveness rarely feels triumphant, no matter how fulfilling fiction makes it out to be. To forgive someone, they had to have wronged you in some way to begin with, and being on the receiving end of someone's wrongdoings isn't exactly a pleasant experience."
Thane leaned his weight back onto his hands. Garrus hesitated but eventually followed suit.
Their fingers brushed. At first, they shied away from such a touch, but the longer they sat and talked, the easier it was to avoid second-guessing themselves.
Thane's hand curled around his, so Garrus flipped his over, making it somewhat easier to tangle their fingers together.
Garrus's heart pounded within his chest.
"I know what it is like," Thane explained, "to experience loss and seek peace through vengeance."
Garrus listened, but each beat of his heart brought nothing but pulsating pain.
All he wanted was to fold under the pressure, to curl in on himself and scream until his throat was raw.
He didn't know how much they had meant to him —really meant to him— until they were gone.
Two years, all down the drain.
"They were my family," Garrus croaked. His dual tones were shattered, distorted by his grief. "They were my men. Lantar was there from the beginning. He was—"
Garrus stopped short before he could go too far, but that was the thing about Thane. Thane didn't need to hear the words to understand.
He squeezed Garrus’s hand.
"I know," he murmured. "I know."
For a moment, neither of them said a word. Garrus eventually leaned his head on Thane’s shoulder, but Thane didn't push him away. If anything, Thane pulled him closer, wrapping his arm around him in acceptance.
Garrus buried his face into Thane’s throat and released a low, mournful trill.
Thane’s grip on him tightened, but Garrus had to ask.
He had to know that he did the right thing, whatever that may be.
"You—" He cleared his throat. "You said you know what it’s like to seek peace through vengeance.”
"I did," he stated matter-of-factly, "or closure, at the very least. Maybe I wasn't even looking for peace. I simply had to make her killers pay for what they had done."
Garrus paused, taking a second to process that.
"Did it make you any happier?"
"Some sadistic part of me, deep down, probably enjoyed it at the time, but ultimately? No. Then again, I didn't factor my happiness into the equation. That was never going to influence the outcome."
"Perhaps it should have."
Strange, wasn't it? That Garrus felt so safe, so comforted, in the arms of an assassin.
"Last question."
"Did avenging her make any of the pain go away?" He didn't need to elaborate. Thane understood more than most the pain of loss, of grief. "Even a little?"
"No." There was no hesitation in his answer. "It's all still there, haunting my every step. I still see what remained of her when I close my eyes. Some days, it's easier to function if I don't focus on it for too long, but it's hard to ignore a gaping hole in one's soul."
Yeah, Garrus could understand that.
Even now, he could feel the blood on his hands. He could hear their last breaths rattling in their lungs. He could see their eyes go unfocused, staring off into the distance.
He could hear their spirits hiss, Why you?
Why did he get to survive? When all else failed, why was he the one who lived while everyone else suffered for his mistakes?
Seemed like Sidonis wasn’t the only one Garrus needed to forgive.
"What if I would have followed through?" Garrus asked, desperate to take his attention off of the voices whispering in his head. “I had a chance at the end there. It would have been so easy...”
He trailed off, uncertain.
Thane glanced down at him, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.
Garrus reached out to wipe them away before they could fall.
Thane leaned into his touch.
"Hard to say," Thane told him. "After all, every person I killed was a stranger who I had no attachment to, an enemy and nothing beyond that. But, this Sidonis... He was your friend and your enemy. How would it have felt if it was you carving the hole into your spirit yourself?"
To that, Garrus had no answer.
"Something to think about, at least."
For a while, they simply sat there together, watching the people stroll about Orbital Lounge, oblivious to the chaos that could have been.
"Well," Garrus sighed, "we better go meet back up with Shepard before she gets too worried."
He got to his feet and offered his hand, which Thane took without the slightest bit of hesitation. He might not have needed the assistance, but Garrus helped him up anyways.
As he pulled him to his feet, they stood chest-to-chest. Garrus marveled at how he towered over him. Then again, he towered over almost everyone on the squad.
Still, looking down at him, Garrus felt some of the pressure ease off of his heart. Pain lingered, but the partial relief was a welcome one regardless.
He didn't want this moment between them to end the second they left the lounge.
Thane had always been a tough shell to crack, but Shepard had been pushing him to start interacting more with the crew. Garrus hoped that, after today and what they had shared, they could forge a close friendship, if nothing else.
Without thinking, Garrus acted on an impulse, leaning his forehead against Thane's.
Thane stiffened, and Garrus was ready to retreat and apologize; however, before he had the chance to do so, Thane settled his hands upon Garrus’s waist. All of the tension that had built up in Thane's body was washed away as swiftly as it came.
Of course, Garrus grew flustered when confronted by such an easygoing acceptance, yet the intensity of Thane's gaze had him pinned into place.
Never had someone touched Garrus's waist so casually, especially in public.
It coaxed a soft, crooning noise from the back of Garrus’s throat. Something that he was quick to muffle as heat filled his face.
The hide under his plating was starting to take on a bluish tinge, more concentrated around his throat.
Given Thane’s extensive knowledge of alien anatomy for the sake of his career, Garrus could only assume that he knew well enough that a turian’s waist was a soft, sensitive spot. A weakness to exploit.
In more ways than one, so it seemed.
"So, uh—" Garrus stammered, trying to collect what shreds of dignity he still had intact. "You know, after this, I'm gonna need a drink."
Thane chuckled, a sound that spread warmth throughout Garrus’s body.
"Or several," Thane corrected. "And after I deal with this business with my son, I figure I'll be in the same boat. Want to join me in Life Support after?"
Garrus didn't need to be asked twice.
"I wouldn’t miss it for the world."
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katherineshep · 6 years
A love so strong yet so modest
Almost 1 2 3 AM and what's keeping me up? Thoughts about Garrus's actions and what it says about his personality and the nature of his relationships with Shepard.
Just think about it: in ME3 he spoke of his decision to join his life with Shepard's (and judging from the word he used, "One-Turian kind of woman", join forever).
This is not a decision one makes instantly, it's a decision that forms over time. I'd say months at least (if you ask me, I'm certain Garrus was low-key adoring Shepard since mid-ME1 and then he understood that this feeling had developed into love only when life took Shepard away from him). I'm sure Garrus had the happiest time with Shepard when their relationships changed from best friends to lovers because he already was head over heels for her. I think he hoped that the night before Suicide Mission was not just a blowing-off-steam encounter, and Shepard's dialogues when she had earlier come to Main Battery to persuade Garrus not to back up had showed that Garrus was really important to her (another note: I don't believe even for a tiny bit that Shep just wanted to make out with someone: maybe she partly did at the time of that recon stout joke, but at big part she really tried the borders of her relationships with Garrus and maybe she didn't even think that Garrus would take her words seriously). It's how those dialogues are written: at some dialogue after her bold offer, she says something like "If you don't feel comfortable at this, let's just forget about what I offered and carry on as friends again". And if I'm not wrong, there isn't even an option "that's a quick f-ck, let's just do it" - either you let Shepard confess that her offer could affect their relationships in a more intimate way, or you can only fully wrap all the "let's have sex" plot line. Garrus is the first one to be afraid of not ruining their friendship, but Shepard then comforts him, and makes a step back to give Garrus space for evaluating his comfort in this situation - and that's very careful of her, and obviously it's not a matter of stress-easing one-night stand anymore. And then, somehow, it turns out that both are willing to take their relationships to that level, both are hesitant and aware that it might be a disaster night, and thankfully Shepard is brave enough to push Garrus to action.
Now to the beginning of ME3: Shepard is grounded, Garrus has time to think it all over. Remember how gentle their last dialogue in Shepard's cabin was? How nervous he was, how much he valued what they had already had with Shepard before her offer? And damn if there wasn't fondness in Shepard's eyes and every inch of her face (I could actually prove this with screenshots). Okay, Shepard's feelings aside for now - for Garrus that night was a really big deal. He barely stood there, trying to make the talk less awkward, surely ready to run away if something (and if you are cruel enough to pick Shepard's dialogue option "No, we shouldn't do this", you will see Garrus mumbling something incoherently and dart to the door in huge embarrassment). Then, he opened up to Shepard - words like "So many things in my life went wrong" are meant for only the closest people. It is a moment of biggest vulnerability, and basically a core of Garrus's personality (I can explain extensively why it is so if you'll want to ask me). You wouldn't bring your vulnerable side to a one-night stand at all. You wouldn't tell a lover what terror the thought of failing a night with them plants in you, because that's just not needed. All their talk in Shepard's cabin is about feelings, not about physicality, about respect and vulnerability, understanding and intimacy.
So when Garrus and Shepard become separated, he's reconsidering and comes to a conclusion that no matter how much it all meant to him, no matter how much he really loves Shepard (and imagine him thinking about her in a naughty way while they're separated, having to deal with his desire!) - he must give her full freedom. Because - she might not remember their night together as great, or maybe she could meet someone else there, in Alliance. Or maybe her feelings lost their intensity (it can happen if there's a physical separation between the two in a couple). Or maybe Garrus thought that they had been both traumatized, Shepard with all the revival thing and he with his team loss, so from his point of view their romance escalated on the basis of despair and loneliness.
He tells Shepard that if she doesn't feel like reviving the romance between them, that's okay (and he really is now calm about it, though, I repeat, on their night he was really being overwhelmed with feelings). To calm a heart takes months, if not years - but in ME3 Garrus is ready for Shepard's refusal, and that at least means that he was thinking about "them" a lot. He gives her freedom, and if Shepard takes it, he doesn't lose respect to her (because to him Shepard had her reasons for that relationships course and he respects her enough to just let it go if she doesn't feel romantic about him); he supports her and their friendship is absolutely intact.
And if Shepard shows him "the protocol of reunions", he's so happy that he actually grins like the happiest person in the world. That scene is still not much of promise, but it continues the story of their mutual fondness of each other and it leads us to a Citadel date, the moment of truth.
This one, as I said, is remarkable. It's a proposal, let paraphrased. This moment demands a very serious promise from Shepard, promise of being together with Garrus for life. Not saying that Garrus himself in this moment is basically wearing his heart on his sleeve. Shepard is now in his plans for life, that's how he has already decided for himself. He's ready for this, he wants this. It is his promise, no matter what Shepard decides further.
And what's absolutely stunning, he accepts a refusal with calmness (though there is some sadness). He's been loving this woman for years now, and having all those feelings inside him, Garrus accepts Shepard's decision with respect and exceptional dignity.
Where did you get that big heart, man? How it isn't broken if Shepard, love of your life, turns you down?
...Will I ever be able to romance anyone else in ME after this man? Ever?
Guess the answer.
P.S.: Before you think I've tried all those options of turning him down - ha, not in the world, I aimed to romance Garrus since the middle of ME1 (right after my friends told me I'll be able to romance Garrus in ME2) and all my walkthrough was a pretty straightforward "yes" to Garrus Vakarian. But if you want to see Shep turning down Garrus, there is a video somewhere on YouTube.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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deadlymaelstrom · 5 years
5, 6 11, and 18?
Thanks for asking! More requests are here
5. Who’s Shepard’s best friend?
John’s best friends include Kaidan Alenko and Garrus Vakarian. Comrades, brothers-in-arms… they fought side-by-side on the battlefield. When Kaidan died on Virmire, it was something John never forgot. “He gave his life for the rest of the team. Without him, I couldn’t have stopped Saren. He died a hero, but… I still miss him these days.” John ended up naming his first child after him.
As with Garrus, the two would usually compete with each other. Sniping bottles on the Citadel and getting horribly drunk at the bar. Aside from brotherly bonds, John was like Garrus’s mentor--teaching him patience, morals and occasionally defy authority if necessary.
6. What makes their friendship special?
No matter who you are, where you came from or what race you hail from (i.e., human, turian, asari, quarian, krogan, etc.)–John made sure those under his care are protected and treated with dignity, respect and equality. If wronged, John will literally send them to the depths of hell.
11. Are Shepard’s parents still alive?
John never learned of his parents or why they abandoned him as a small child. He grew up on the streets of Vancouver, fighting and stealing whatever he could to survive. To be honest, after all he endured John could care less. If they are somehow still around, they’re basically dead to him; his crew is his family.
18. Share a headcanon about Shepard and their LI.
After the Reaper invasion, John married Ashley in a small, private ceremony. Not too long afterwards, they had four children of their own: three boys, one girl: Kaidan, David, Ethan and Carolyn.
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mheara-blog1 · 7 years
Firing Practice
*Lil oneshot of Garrus and Shepard, set once they have established their relationship* ....................... The Normandy 12.05am Garrus wandered through the CIC they had been docked at the Citadel for just over four hours and most of the crew had gone for some well deserved shore leave. He was invited by Tali and Liara to have lunch but he was waiting for his dark haired beauty to come down from her lofty hide away. She was determined to finish her paperwork before allowing herself to join in the crews frivolities, he had offered to help her but had the sense to run away when the book on her table had risen biotically. He heard the thump from inside the elevator, in hindsight he probably shouldn't have offered when smirking and unable to contain his laughter when he saw her surrounded in data pads and had her waist length hair piled on top of her head. She was also wearing a pair of glasses something Garrus had never seen before and he couldn't help but stare. His translator glitched a couple of times as he heard her shout something he thought was rude on his way out. So he returned to his never ending calibrations in hope that she would find him when she was finished. A few hours later however and she still hadn't appeared. He had gone searching for her, and when there was no reply at her cabin door he had sought out Joker. He entered the cockpit half expecting some lame crack from the pilot but he was nowhere to be found, Garrus' mandibles flared in annoyance, where had everyone gone? He wandered down to the canteen in hope that he would pass a member of crew on the way but there was nothing but silence. There was no choice left but to ask EDI. 'Hey uh EDI? Where is Commander Shepard?' He felt a little bit silly having to resort to asking the ship's computer but he really wanted to spend some time with her, she had been pretty tense lately. 'She left the Normandy at 1100 hours, she did not say where about on the Citadel she was going, nor did she take any other crew members with her.' 'Oh well thanks EDI.' He was a bit concerned but nothing to bad. He took from Shepard's example and jumped ship. ...*... Feeling the comforting weight of his sniper and assault rifles on his back meant he was fairly confident when he stepped onto the Presidium, he might be stopped for carrying what C-Sec consider a rather large artillery on his back but hopefully by dropping the Spectre's name the issue would in turn be dropped. Without realising it he had taken the path down to the shooting range, he might as well loose a few shots to keep his eye in while he was here. If Shepard didn't want to be found he wouldn't bother her. He was still a bit uneasy about the uh, situation they were in. She said she cared for him and Garrus didn't deny that for a moment, but he was still unsure about where he metaphorically stood. He knew about Shepard's past with Alenko and he didn't want to get in the way of anything, no matter how much it might hurt. ...*... Evelyn Shepard lay with a sniper rifle cocked in her arms, she had promised Garrus she would get better and not rely on her biotics so much. She was a sharp shot with a pistol or shotgun but give her a rifle and she would five times out of ten miss. Her long hair was plaited and draped down the curve of her back. She had worn her favourite N7 hoodie and a pair of jeans, she was determined not to be as easily recognisable as usual. She hoped that Garrus would get lost in his calibrations and once she felt confident enough when handling the blasted rifle she would casually call him and have him help her fine tune her skills. After all learning to shoot was very physically close teaching. She breathed out and released her shot. It hit the target just under the ribs. Not good enough she thought. She had been trying for about half an hour and her arms were beginning to die on her. She'll just finish off with a few pistol rounds to loosen up again and then she'll call Garrus for his assistance. Calling up a few more random targets on her omni-tool she stood up dusted herself off and began shooting. After a few minutes a Turian approached her. He was shorter than Garrus and had a darker colouring as well, his marking were painted in a dark green. He wore light armour and what Shepard considered as a cocky look on his face. He watched her with quiet interest for a few moments, Shepard didn't mind she was used to everyone watching her every move. What she did mind were the calculating looks he was giving her. She shot the last target with a hit in the throat, nodding to acknowledge the Turian she took off her earplugs. ...*... Garrus rounded the corner of one the booths only to find Shepard laying on the ground sniper rifle in hand. His heart quickened, he knew she promised to practise but he didn't believe that she actually would. He watched silently as she lined up her shot. She missed the heart by five inches or so and he could hear her frustrated sigh. He was tempted to go over but he saw another Turian approaching, he backed off a bit, not so much that he couldn't hear anything but enough to be unseen. He wondered what might happen ...*... 'I'm sorry I'll only be a few more minutes.' She said polietly. 'Oh don't mind me, please continue.' He leant against a wall, 'I was quite enjoying it.' Yeah I bet you were. Shepard thought. 'Say haven't I seen you somewhere before?' He crossed his arms. Oh here it comes, she thought, holstering her pistol she turned to face him. 'My name's Shepard, pleased to meet you' she lied through her teeth. She held out her hand, most species were aware of humans shaking hands when first encountered. He gripped her hand in a steely embrace, clearly trying to show his strength, Garrus would never do that, he doesn't need to. 'Ruso, Ruso Tyzuris, and I am very pleased to meet you.' Shepard grinned awkwardly, unsure where this was going. 'Say you wouldn't be the Commander Shepard?' His eyes took a predatory look. She coughed into her hand, 'Yes but I am off duty for the moment,' why is it that male turians are interested in me all of a sudden? They can't think that if I care for one I like them all? 'Well if you're off duty how about when you finish here we go get some drinks, I know a great place in the wards called Tulsa, I would love to hear some stories.' He said. Yeah I bet you would, and tell your mates a few of your own about the time you met Commander Shepard. She needed to get rid of this guy and quickly. She was feeling less and less comfortable by the minute, she had no doubt she could protect herself but she would like to go one day without having to change her clothing or claim spectre business when something goes wrong. Calling up a few more targets she drew her pistol. In the range there where a few Human shaped targets, some Batarians and even a Turian, she quickly disposed of the Human and Batarians with single shots to the head or chest but when it came to the Turian target she left her pistol drift downwards. Using her peripherals she watched Ruso's face as she shot the ankles and wrists. To the inexperienced eye they would see no difference to Ruso's features but Shepard had been around Garrus enough to see the little signs that made clear their emotions. The paling around the base of his neck showed that he was feeling a little uneasy. ...*... Garrus watched as Shepard shot the fake Turian's ankles and wrists. Very sensitive areas. He couldn't help but wince when he saw each shot land with deadly precision. For the first time he pitied the people who went up against her. A small bubble of anger had formed when Ruso had offered to buy a drink for her and it took all of his self control not to walk over and punch him in the face. But Shepard had done something better. ...*... She continued shooting, a bullet in each elbow and knee. Then the shoulders. And when she was sure she had Ruso's full attention she emptied the rest of her magazine into an area south of the chest. Ruso's eyes widened and he twitched with every shot. Once she had popped her heat sink she turned to him. 'So would you like to go get some drinks now?' She said sickly sweet, brushing a few errant hairs from her eyes. 'I-I uh, I forgot that I have to uh, meet a friend, I um forgot.' He stood transfixed his eyes on her pistol which she held loosely by her hip. 'Oh no, that's such a shame, I guess I'll just keep practising.' She put in a fresh magazine and fired a shot clean through the target's head. 'And I was so looking forward to them.' He backed away, 'yeah uh, sorry to uh, disappoint, see you around uh, Shepard.' And with his goodbye he left as slowly as his dignity allowed. Shepard shook her head and carried on completely unaware. …*... Garrus practically skipped up the steps, all doubt or worry he had went with every shot Shepard placed in the target. He strode past a few shops even peering in at the merchandise, nothing could pop the bubble of happiness that had replaced the foul taste of anger and jealousy. After about twenty minutes his omni-tool beeped at him. He looked down there was a message from Shepard. 13.09 Message from Shepard: Hey Vakarian my fav turian you around? X He replied a smile threatening it's way onto his features. 13.12 Message to Shepard: Maybe, depends where you are and what you need. X He wasn't sure about the little 'x' on the end but Shepard said you sent them to people you care about and having seen some of the messages she sent to Liara or Kaiden who didn't have the little 'x' he didn't mind. According to Shepard the more you put the more you care or something he didn't really understand, must be a human thing. 13.15 Message from Shepard: I'm on the range at the mo, and I wanted a lil company x 13.18 Message to Shepard: Sure, I'm on the Citadel now, looking for you actually. 13.21 Message from Shepard: no kiss? Awww. Im sorry just needed a bit of time to myself didn't mean to upset you. Garrus sat on a neary bench and mentally slapped himself. Damn humans and their weird customs, forget one letter and the whole dynamic changes! 13.27 Message to Shepard: No you didn't upset me, I was a bit worried. Sorry about the 'x' I forgot. 13.27 Message to Shepard: Dammit, x 13.31 Message from Shepard: That cheered me up :D wondering if you wanna get some drinks? Xx His heart skipped, two little 'x's? He rubbed his face with his talons, oh spirits when did I start getting excited over an 'x'? 13.35 Message to Shepard: Definitely need a drink xx 13.37 Message from Shepard: Great x I know just the place xx Garrus grinned, this day was getting better and better. 13.40 Message to Shepard: Oh do tell xxx 13.42 Message from Shepard: Ever heard of Tulsa? Xxx :P 13.46 Message to Shepard: Can't say I have where do you want to meet? Xxx Garrus looked around waiting for her reply. He watched a couple of Hanar drift by It was strange what this woman could do to him, with just some words. His omni-tool bleeped. 13.50 Message from Shepard: No need look behind you xxxx Garrus twisted in his seat, unable to see her he stood and turned around. Across the walkway he saw her jogging toward him. She beamed at him her plait bouncing behind her. She gave no indication of slowing down. Garrus became a little worried she could run quite fast. Without warning she threw her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. She hung there (being about six inches shorter than his six foot five.) Gingerly he wrapped his arms around her holding her close, not caring who saw them and ignoring the glances from people who did. 'Miss me?' She said. 'A little' he replied. She dropped to her feet and placed her hand in his. 'To the bar,' she announced. 'Where are your glasses?' He said cheekily. 'At the Normandy,' she replied tugging him along, 'maybe I'll wear them when you teach me how to shoot.' The way she said 'teach' and 'shoot' made a shiver run down his spine. 'You sure you want to have a drink?' She flashed a smile, 'oh yeah I have got some stories to tell.' .............................. -Please feel free to reblog or like-
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Cicero's reaction to Decalli 1, 9, 10
Because I am scheduling this for an hour before I leave because I don’t trust my WIFI.
1: Slapping my muses ass.9: Asking my muse out.10: Walking in on my muse changing.
1: Slapping my muses ass.
Music had drowned out the inner thoughts that corrupted the humans mind, elbows resting against the bar as his brother tried to talk over the tunes which ached his lungs. The never ending stench of past throw-up and current alcohol caused the freckled nose to wrinkle, golden eyes narrowing as pierced tongue tutted in remorse to his siblings painful puns and jokes. The vanguard only got more agonisingly amusing as the years went by; it was a shame the Infiltrator just cursed the fact he could not forget the humour he had used on earth.
Bass caused muscles to vibrate and hands constantly moved to massage the temples upon his head, black hair flopping to the left side of his head as he shook his head. Cicero despised everything about the destination - the crowded spaces, the constant drunken chatter from the mass of species which filled every corner, the risk of being vomited on every minute. WORSE! The risk of being hit on, every minute.
Running fingers through the slightly shaven part of his head, eyebrows skewed at the sight of the smirking Eridan who... always looked as though he was hiding something. Standing up straight from his bending over position, head began to turn only for feet to leave the ground, a valiant screech leaving his throat whilst fingers gripped into the disturbingly stick surface which was the bar.
Wide eyes and slack jaw gazed at the being which seemed to find it ACCEPTABLE!- to just slap somebodies ars-... oh. Oh!-.... oh... Maybe-... this time.. it did not.. matter. Maybe it could be shrugged off.. this time.
Freckled cheeks reddened with haste as incoherent stutters left scarred lips, a visible gulp leaving the taller as he couldn’t think of what to do, what to say, where or if he should have moved. Maybe they were mistake for somebody else! Maybe...Eridan MUST have paid him for such! Nobody really even acknowledged that the sniper existed. 
All air seemed to leave his lungs the longer he stared, they were... aesthetically... pleasing.... extremely so... But there was no points in getting hopes up, right?...
Oh, but he was going too.
9: Asking my muse out.
Golden eyes widened as he watched the Turian enter the tower - usually such a place was empty; t’was why the infiltrator made such his casual hang out destination. Books occupied almost every corner, pots of inks began staining the floor and paintbrushes played as a part of a deadly trap which had already previously caused the human to fall down the abundance of spiralled stairs before him.
Bared feet hastily kicked everything to the side, a huffed sigh as an open ink pot instantly painted his toes. Hardback sketch books hugged the metal walls, sniper pressed against the container and floor was quickly moved to be a safe area. No chances of falling down stairs now.Dark eyebrows skewed as they watched the dark Turian’s head pop out from the near end of the spiral staircase, scarred lips turning into a very subtle smile as hair was brushed back with his hand, no strands left to tickle his nose at a constant which usually seemed to be the case.The streaking scar which laid on the bridge of such scrunched up, deforming the savage line from the previous attack as well as the faint freckles; cold ink running between his toes. Subtle shakes of the foot only splattering it everywhere.
A quiet sigh left Cicero as confusion still lingered to why the taller was there - Again, nobody really bothered the human, they were silent and as introverted as they came; everybody just went to him with often compliments about his brother... or complaints, demands to drag him out of their bar before things got ugly. “I-..... E-Eridan is... in the bar, assuming that is... w-what you want, yes?~”
They spoke quietly as if too scared to disturb the peace he had created for himself, eyes still not able to get enough of the other; the inner artist in him studied every single aspect of their face - the markings, colours, shades, eyes, nose, smile. The different anatomy, form, the way they sat and how they moved when words blessed their ears- what were those words?-
“P-Pardon?... I must... I believe I have heard wrong... right? Go out?.. where?.... where do you wish for me to go?-....”
Like in the bar, cheeks reddened as words were explained, watching the hands move of the other, eyes again wide and beaming, reflecting the little light such a room held, a visible and now ever so slightly audible swallow. Last time he had been in a relationship.. well... he still struggled to see the wrong she had done - but Eridan always enjoyed to point out the bruises she had left upon his eye, the rather visible scar she had left upon his cheek which ringed fingers began to trace now. The vanguard often pointed out that she often slept with others behind his back, and even upon walking in on such, he was the one to blame.. and that he apologised and paid for the consequences with a necklace... he made a grave for her when she died...The shorter destroyed it with a single kick. 
“I-..... y-you........ I-.... No... But-... Eridan MUST have done-.... this isn’t a funny joke! heh!~ these jokes are running dry-... they ain’t... funny anymore-..... Jokes.....” Another audible gulp and pant between words as he felt breathless, cheeks heating up his face. “This-....... joke...... it-.... it isn’t a joke.... is it?..... I-.... Oh sweet jesus it isn’t-..... I am-.....”
Damaged fingers shook as they massaged the back of his neck, embarrassment causing limbs to shake but there was no place to run- he didn’t want to run!-... why did he not want to run?
“I am-... so sorry-....... I-...... please, excuse the.... previous words.... I-........ Yes.... Yes... okay!~”
10: Walking in on my muse changing.
Scarred fingers turned the dial to the shower off as the glass door was slid open, condensation quickly being rubbed off the mirror as he watched himself dry his hair off, fingers running over the clean shaven face to assure he had caught every piece. 
Wrapping a fresh towel securely around his waist, the human hummed quiet melodies as feet dragged across the damp tiles, mouth consistently trying to blow away the stuck strands of his from his forehead, mentally questioning why he didn’t often just shave the entity of his head rather than just the right side - it was always so much more easier to manage. Humming turned into almost silent singing as fingers traced over the clothes which he had laid out for himself against the bed sheets which, of course, came as a gift - childish, maybe, but the pattern was a nice gesture. Musical notes upon rustic paper. Eh. He liked it anyway. Nobody would see it so it did not matter.
No mirror lived in his bedroom, he didn’t ever desire to really check himself out upon waking up first, he often had showers early in the morning before even daring to look at his own reflection - but today had been rather harsh training and there was absolutely no wish to stay in such a grotesque matter, sweat gleaming and sticking, stinking up the room in mere seconds past the scent of intense deodorant which he tried to use to mask the stench. The towel around his crotch slipped down, already trying his things and shins, limbs hastily grabbed the boxers which had been folded for no other reason but light OCD. 
Bending down, the Sniper barely had enough time to get them past his knees before he heard the door open. Surely people knocked these days!Reflexes hastily kicked in as they were yanked up within the split second he deemed himself to have, towel which had been dropped upon the floor quickly covered up what little dignity he had left. There were things upon his body nobody got to see. 
But he could not even vocalise the words to tell whomever desired to just barge into the room, just choked noises as he started to take deep breathes - the singing came to an absolute halt and such would remain that way for a rather long time once more.Still having the towel tied around his waist to hide the markings which told something, hands didn’t dare let it go just in case as he timidly turned around. This was his room! his own space, his property! why couldn’t he form words to tell the person to leave?!
However, golden eyes met a Turian which he was... quiet pleased to see, just not in this situation. Usually, only cheeks were noted to be red in such occasions, but no. Cheeks turned the colour of wine and quickly such followed down his neck, to his shoulders and aspects of his stomach. The room definitely had gotten hot quickly... or was that just him? He begged such was not just him. Heart pounded as breathing came to a stop, a hand which freed itself from the white towel that had become a vital object to keep self-respect brushed back black locks from his face as nervous giggles finally escaped the choked up throat.
“D-Decalli!-” Was all they managed to say, causing the blush to practically glow, radiating the room.“H-How may I-... help you?.. You... have seemed to have... come at a poor time. Knocking... often works well in such situations in private places... Like.... designated Rooms.”
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