#it's a matter of taste and appropriate depiction that I'm mulling over and leaning towards cutting down
proosh · 1 month
🧭♻️ for the wip asks?
🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
the project currently named "HADEAN" was originally "Aphelion", and was changed during outlining for stronger thematic ties as opposed to a more open reference to the initial source of inspiration >:3c
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
We'll have to see but it looks like a chunk of cavefic that I have in my brain is probably going to have to be excised just due to length and relevancy reasons. As much as I would like to apply the surplus of autistic minutia and commentary about certain subjects I've been researching, I don't think it would necessarily make the piece more solid as a piece of work/meta/etc. (sorry for being vague with this one, I don't want to spoil things too badly. but if you know what the last few books I've read are, you can probably make a few guesses lmao)
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