#it's a good game and i love the devs and everyone involved sm
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shadyvoidhologram · 9 months ago
I got myself Hades 2 bc i wanted to allow myself a bit of happiness and DAMN IF IT WORKED I FEEL LIKE A KID ON CHRISTMAS EVE HELL YEAH-
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rieindiegames · 2 years ago
2022 An Introspection and A Look Ahead – Rie Indie Games
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Happy New Year everyone!!! It’s that time of year again when I gasp, reflect, and prepare to surge forward another year! One of my resolutions is to have a more consistent presence on social media, so let’s start off the year with this! Since most of this post will be personal and long, I’ll place it under the read more.
First, I still have the same New Year Resolutions for 2023 as I did last year with two new additions! Those are: 1) Stream 2) Consistent social media presence 3) Successful and productive Dev Year 4) Take care of my health 5) Consume enjoyable content
Streaming!? You!?
Yes! Me! Those who are especially close to me, know I rarely like to game or enjoy content by myself these days. I derive a lot of my enjoyment from media in my downtime by experiencing it with others. I think that’s because as a developer; I spend a LOT of time alone at my desk doing things for hours on end that rarely involve others. And because of the nature of what I do for work at my 9-5, I have minimal contact with others.
It’s unfortunately easy for me to be consumed in my world and go for long periods alone. One of my biggest resolutions in 2022 was to work on that. Especially since it got to where I could count on my hands the number of times I contacted or saw loved ones. Even those who lived a 5-minute walk away from me. To any of you concerned, don’t worry. That aspect of me improved! I spent a lot of time with those who’d been silent supporting me, and my personal relationships benefited from it in a way that means more to me than I could write here. So, I wasn’t at my desk as persistently as I had been in 2020 and 2021, where, if you ask my close friends, lol… They noticed.
How does any of that come back to streaming? Well, I’d like to give more of myself to those I care about and keep that as an integral part of my life. Those who support my works and creative efforts are in that category too! I’ve always done small personal streams on Discord, but there are people who follow me who aren’t on discord, and I’ve always been interested in streaming content and process on a streamlined site for it.
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So, segue, yeah, I have a twitch channel with branded graphics, emotes, and badges! And to break it in, I’m doing this! The date for the first stream is FEBRUARY 4TH, 2023 at 8AM PST! As for what we’ll be doing, I’ll let viewers vote. I like the idea of doing a “spin the wheel” type choice after adding a few recommended games to it.
Social Media and Consistency
This resolution will be the trickiest for me. I’m not “good” at social media, lol. I get so shy when it comes to shilling myself. However, perhaps I’ve had the wrong mindset about that? From other creators I’ve seen on SM platforms, it’s less about shilling and more about interacting with fans and just…having fun with it? For the longest, I’ve approached indie game development as this thing that should function like AAA gaming spaces in certain aspects. And I’ve thought that due to what I studied back in university. Tease me, okay, but I’ve had the late realization that no, that is not at all what anyone’s here for, lol! (And if you are, don’t be cheeky in the comments and tell me now. Shoo! Unless you’re trolling me. Then sure. Come.)
People engaged with me because they like my content, they like me, and they’re genuinely supporting me. I don’t have to be uptight and professional, as all the engagement comes from the joy of being here in this process together and the adventure of it. There is no need to agonize over the quality of social media posts. I can just have fun with it! Which…come on, that sounds so simple! But don’t you think the simple realizations in life at the ones that make you face palm!? Like, oh, you don’t like the film you’re watching? Well, you can turn it off and do something else! Like, oh, you don’t like that meal you received? You can send it back to the kitchen and order something else. Or not eat it!? GASP!!! I’m exaggerating now, lol. But recall the HDB principle! For those of you unfamiliar, I have this meme below saved on my PC that goes:
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Now you know! HDB means Hit Da Bricks to me!!! If it sucks, leave! It’s 100% a meme, but I think the advice in it is solid depending on the situation as it reminds me of another post from the comic artist Randall Munroe?
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Anyway, that’s enough being sentimental over that. What it comes down to is engagement and having fun. Genuinely and honestly. I don’t need to hum and haw so much, and I think that’s come out in my posts more recently.
Successful and productive Dev Year? IseKai Release?
Yes, please! I’m so ready to have it out! Why does the last 10% take 90% of the time? Turns out that saying was true. This is the release year. Come hell or high water. IseKai will be out this year. I’ve learned a lot during ICT’s development. About myself. About my skill set. The brand I would like to have going forward for my creative works. Unfortunately, when you think about that stuff, it’s a lot. Like… a LOT, especially when so much of it is new.
But the indie otome space is also incredibly niche and, honestly, hard on newer devs. There’s a whole mess of my thoughts I could share here, but I think it’s better to expend that effort elsewhere. I have a ton of worries and anxieties about releasing my first product. However, doesn’t everyone? That’s a natural part of the process. I won’t know what impact I’ve had until the entire game is just out there. There’s no sense in worrying about things that may not even happen or spending so much time in my head about it.
Do I have plans for after IseKai’s release?
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Well, let’s talk about that once we’re there! Getting there is already consuming enough of me, lol. Will I still make games? Absolutely. You cannot be rid of me.
What does a successful and productive year look like? IseKai is released, I take a break to wind down with my loved ones, and then I’m back on the dev grind! Anything related to that falls into the aforementioned category.
Do I have any specific intentions going forward with my works? Totally! I’d really love to settle into being known for releasing products with narratives that are romantic, suspenseful, mature, thrilling, and enjoyable. That’s what I envision going forward. As a fun aside, I’d love to contribute more well-rounded yandere love interest media to the otome sphere. I’d like them to get less of a bad rap in my circle, haha.
Take care of my health
This one is a doozy… For those of you who don’t know, I had several health problems, two of which required surgery, in 2022. Many of these had been with me for a while and were exacerbated do to some stressful family drama I went through that started at the end of 2020, and worsened to its worst point in 2022. I really went through the wringer. My parent’s health took a sharp dive. Several of my siblings had life crises that I don’t feel comfortable detailing. Not a single one of my family members hasn’t had covid-19. And my husband could finally move in with me. Stress attacked me from pretty much every angle. I was hospitalized a few times. I’m still struggling with migraines, anemia, and vision problems, but things are gradually, slowly, improving.
All of those things are private for me. And since I’m taking all the steps to address those, I’m happy to leave it there.
Consume more content I enjoy
This is big too, lol. I was so busy doing pretty much everything that didn’t particularly pertain to downtime I could thoroughly enjoy. Since I always felt behind, it was like a never-ending game of catchup within my community, the broader gaming circle, and among my peers. I love discovering new games, devs, and projects but I want to take more time with it going forward! It’s a special thing to me, and I want to signpost more about everything I adore!
And that’s all! Wow! That was a lot to write. Hopefully, it’s faster to read. Once again, happy new year everyone!!! I adore you all, and thank you once again for all your support and love!
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gb-patch · 4 years ago
Ask Answers: January 28th, 2021 (Part 2)
Here we’ve got asks that aren’t to ask a question but are just really nice messages. Thank you all for sending us such kind comments ;v;. It’s seriously heartwarming to see so many people having good experiences with the game. I don’t even know what to say to such sweet responses.
We’ll keep doing our best and thank you again to each and every one of you for giving Our Life a chance ❤!
Hello! I've been following this account and have been following the development of 'Our Life' for a few months now, and I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication you have put into the game. It astonishes me how much choice you have during the sequence of Our Life and am excited to play the full version now, I am downloading it as I write this message. I've had a great time seeing the demo transition into to the full game and just wanted to write two words. Thank you.
Anhhhhffbgdfbhujk!!! Congratulations on the release, I’m playing the game right now! Thank you all for your hard work and I can’t wait for the Step 3 DLC to come out, I’ll probably wait for the Step 3 DLC to come out to experience everything, but until then, I still have a lot to play. Thank you once again!
finished my first playthrough just now. it just felt so wholesome ??? 100/10 would do it again. i laughed. i cried. i got angry. i felt second-hand embrassment— i got so into it i was left in literal tears after getting my first ending. the art, the storyline, the music, and COVE HOLDEN– UGH IT WAS LITERAL PERFECTION ❤ THE WAIT WAS WORTH IT. THANK YOU FOR MAKING SUCH AN AMAZING GAME 🥺😭 this made my 2020 better, i can't wait for step 4 in 2021 ❤❤
So I was following you guys on itchio for years and uhh did I stay up til 6 am on a school night to finish the game? Yes. Did I sob my eyes out during step 3 as a 20 year old having doubts about life and adulthood? Absolutely. I can't form proper sentences right now due to lack of sleep but just wanted to say thank you for making it. I honestly feel lighter and I feel like it changed my views on future to be more optimistic... I can't wait to replay it! Thanks again!
I love how Our Life turned out!! I keep replaying it and can't stop squeaking and giggling!! Thank You for creating it ♥
okay i have actually fallen in love with cove and cannot WAIT to marry him 😭
Hi! I played through 'Our Life' yesterday and  I just wanna say how refreshing it was to be able to have Cove be 'high initiative' and also have so many opportunities to initiate affection from the player character! As a pretty flirtatious/affectionate person myself, I notice that a lot of VNs don't give players that agency, and affection can be kinda 'carrot on a stick' if that makes sense. You guys did an awesome job! I look forward to seeing if there are more of those moments in Step 3 & 4 :)
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the option to choose Cove's level of initiative in step 3! As much I love the option to choose I personally enjoy have the romanced character take the lead without my input so when I got to step 3 and had to option to make it so that Cove initiated affection without as much input from me I was really happy! You guys seriously added so much freedom in terms of choices, it's almost baffling that the only thing you have to pay for is optional DLC!
I absolutely loved everything about the game and I really want congratulate the team for making the game such a satisfying experience.
I look forward to step 4
* and sorry for my bad English
Just finished my first play through and I loved it! I've been looking forward to the game and it definitely was worth the wait. Thank you all for your hard work and can't wait for the extra dlc!
Till then, hope you guys gets some well deserved rest🤗
Love you guys, thank you so much for your hard work. :)
Ok, so I just finished Our Life and, wow. I have never cried at a video game before, ever. Thank you so, so much! Its one of my favorites.
this isn't a question, but i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed our life 🥺 i've been patiently looking forward to the full game for a few months now, and i couldn't be happier with it! i've only played through it once so far but the outcomes of the choices i made were all so soft and wholesome 💗 i can tell that everyone who was involved really worked hard and you all did an incredible job! i can't wait to see what else is in store 👍
i’d just like to say how addictive our life is!!! i constantly played it during quarantine and now playing the full release is so amazing to me!! i love that i’m still discovering dialogue bits with different personalities and actions!!! i have to admit that i’ve been wishing the day to pass faster all day during school so i could go home and play again. mentally i’m not the healthiest and our life being released has boosted it up so much, thank you for creating such an amazing game!!!!!
Hey, I just wanna say I played our life two times and it still give me the same feelings. I was really looking forward to this game before it came out and I kept on replaying the demo. This game is such an amazing experience and I feel so happy playing it. I am not really a person good with words unfortunately but I do honestly love this more than anything in the world. Thank you for making it and I hope that you will continue to make more games like our life. This game really makes me happy and I can't thank you enough
Just wanted to say that Our Life really made me feel seen as an 18 year old trans man who's been struggling with change as of late and I can't thank you guys enough for it. I just finished the main story and currently released DLC's and gosh, I can really only say... woah. Just, woah. The messages are somehow exactly what I needed to hear right now, and they brought me a lot of comfort in this really weird and confusing time in my life. Can't wait to see what comes next in this lovely story <3
I am honestly in love with Our Life. The graphics, the soundtrack its just *chef's kiss* It was so worth the wait for it. I can't wait for step 4. Keep up the good work GB Patch!
good people i have just finished Our Life and let me say, it was beautiful. rarely have such non-fantastical moments (and even some fantastical moments) brought me to tears like this game has, and i don't even have the dlc (yet). i don't know how you did it but it felt like i was playing a slice of life anime. i had waited with baited breath to play this since i played the demo and my expectations were not just met but surpassed. from the bottom of my heart thank you for this game
I found the game by chance and I am so so glad I did. It’s so inclusive and made me feel so incredibly seen. Seeing that my gender identity and sexuality were possible just meant the absolute world to me. I’ve never seen something like this and it just made me so incredibly happy. Thank you for the absolutely amazing game and I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Hello! I downloaded Our life earlier this week and I'm only now getting the chance to play it (Very busy and stressful week) I'm so excited to play and I wanna say thank you for making this adorable game!
I just finished my first playthrough of Our Life and I can't even express how much I love it. Cove is absolutely precious and has killed me several times, and the art and soundtrack is beautiful. I love all the small different choices. I'm very interested in the Derek and Baxter DLCs and the rest, can't wait!!!!!!
thank you for "Our Life Beginnings & Always" it has to be one of the best visual novels i ever have played and i just dont want it to end (i know it will, but damn it! i want to have a wedding night, have children and die of old age with cole! XD) when i play it it always makes me tear up (in a good way) and i am most definetly going to buy all the dlc that you make! thank you for this lovely game and all the work that went into it! (ps: i also loved "lake of voices" )
You guys are incredibly talented and im very proud of you all! You've really outdone yourselves w/ OL and i cant wait to see whats next to come for you all :)
i really love that you can be trans in Our Life! not a lot of games do that so i just wanted to say thank you!
Guuyyss!! I just wanna say! Thank you sm for the headscarf option in the MC creator! I especially loved that little detail where MC quickly slips the headscarf on before greeting Cove, I've never felt so immersed :'D Not that the rest of the game wasn't immersive btw, but since I wear my hijab most of the time that little addition really felt like something I would do! So thank you for that <3
I've been watching "Our Life: Beginnings & Always" development for quite some time, and I gotta say its wild to see it finally release. Its so unique in the way relationships work- even character creation. I've cried multiple times over this game while playing. I can't thank y'all enough for a game with these kind of mechanics, and representation. its rare I get to feel im really playing as myself in games like these. Everyones outdone themselves. this'll certainly be one I keep coming back to.
I've been following the development of Our Life from way back when the first demo dropped and it still blows my mind how many choices and customizations there are (love that update for the MC's bedroom btw!) and the fact that the game remembers them - it really feels like your very own coming of age story! I was so immersed I cried at the end :') Can't believe I experienced this game for free lol. I can't wait for future DLCs and Step 4! Good luck with all your upcoming projects dev team!!
Just wanted to say I love Our Life and I'm thankful it exists. Thank you so much! I love the little world you created and all the people in it. Especially Cove! This game makes me so happy!
Just poping in to say hi and that ilu guys ^^, remember to take care of yourselves!
Hi!! I just wanna thank you for creating such an amazing game. Our Life is one of the few dating sims I’ve found that let’s me be a male mc, it’s really hard to find dating sims that let me be gay. Our Life is my new favorite dating sim to just sit down and playthrough whenever I’m having a bad day so I just wanted to let y’all know how much I appreciate all you’ve done. 🤍
Fan from australia here
Just wanted to reach out and let you know how important this game has been to me. I came across it at a really rough time ( that I’m still going through ) and it’s been one of the things that’s driven me to get up and out of bed sometimes.
This game and cove both hold a very special place in my heart and I can’t wait to see more of him in the DLC and Step 4
Much love ♥️
I know this isnt exactly the main focus of the game, but i really love how we can customise the mc personality wise! This is the first time i've played a game like this where the mc actually does and says exactly what I would do and say in certain situations and its such a breath of fresh air!! It's also so cool how the other characters can pick up on it!!
Cove Holden saved 2020 (my 2020 anyways) I would die for him
Sorry for this being out of the blue, but after playing through Our Life I wanted to thank you for the experience. I don’t know if I’ve ever played a game that has made me cry happy tears TWICE lol. It’s beautiful, scenic, inclusive, and absolutely amazing..have a great rest of 2020 and I honestly cannot wait for the rest of it :,) (ps. The ending song is stuck in my head)
I think you guys might've ruined visual novels for me forever. I'm not sure I'll be able to play another without comparing it to Our Life and I know if I do that I'll be disappointed every time because of how amazing it is. I bought the DLCs before playing the base game it's one of the best impulsive purchases I've ever made
Thank you so much for making our life! It's my favorite visual novel ever and I just can't articulate how much being able to just be honest with my responses instead of going for whatever would make the love interest happy means to me? I reccomended it to evry friend I have that plays visual novels because this is the best one I've ever played!
Just wanted to say that I absolutely adore this game! The childhood friends tropes is my favorite thing and this game delivers! Cove is the sweetest thing, infact all the boys are good boys. Super excited for all upcoming dlcs!
Hi, I just want to thank you for making such an amazing game like Our Life. Tbh, I was following the game’s development for a while, but me and my family moved away from my childhood town just a few days before release, so I really connected to this game. You all did amazing!
hey just wanted to know that i completely loved ol: b&a and it was so good and love cove more than i’ve liked any fictional character, it’s now my comfort media. thank you so much
hi i just wanna say i really enjoyed all of the representation in our life b&a! there were characters with a lot of different body shapes, pic characters, lgbtq+ characters, and you get to choose your own pronouns and sexuality!!! so tysm!!
This isn't a question, I just wanted to say that Our Life is incredible. Ever since I finished it, I've been looking for other visual novels to play so I don't play OL so often that I start memorizing the lines before all the DLC comes out, but I keep coming back to it. It's really one of a kind, I think you all ruined other visual novels for me because I haven't enjoyed another VN like I have this one since I read it ❤.
i think our life b&a is the first game where i felt like cove loved me, not the character i play as which is really nice for someone with kinda low self esteem so THANK YOU
I’ve been playing Our Life practically nonstop since yesterday. I just want everyone who worked on it to know how much the LGBTQ inclusivity means to me. As a closeted trans ace guy in an unsupportive household, I can’t emphasize how much of a comfort this game has been to me. Everything about it is so wholesome and heartfelt. I’m excited to see what other games you make in the future 💙
- A demibiromantic ace transgender man who may or may not have cried over the option to be myself in a game for the first time ever
Csn i just say i really appreciate how you handled MC deciding to use they/them at different stages. Mainly because alot of games don't pay much attention to the body the mc was assigned at birth if they player chooses nonbinary like it does with male/female. And it was just nice to be able to play an mc who just thought gender was kinda 'meh' for them but still felt good about the body they were born with (like myself). I guesd it boils down I'm really appreciative of the hard work it must've taken for you to make all those options possible & still have them matter.
I just wanted to thank you all for Our Life. My mental health hasn't been in a good place recently and it has become my favorite form of escapism/way to cheer up. It's idyllic setting and fantastic characters are such a good way to wind down, I love it. Also, I've been dreading 2021 due to classes starting and general stress, but the DLC and your next project have given me something to actually look forward to :). I'm so excited for them and now I actually have a reason to be happy that it's 2021. Sorry if this message is a bit weird, I just wanted to thank the team for their hard work and for creating something so incredible <3
I've gotta say this is one of the most repayable games I've ever played, if not the most. Usually after i do a playthrough or two of a game i have to wait awhile before playing again otherwise it feels stale. But i haven't had that problem with our life because of the sheer ammount of player agency. Everyone who works on tbe game should feel incredibly proud of themselves because you've created something amazing.
I just wanted to say thank you for Our Life. I'm sure you get this a lot, but it really pulled me out of a mentally tough spot in my life. So thank you.
who needs therapy when you have our life: beginnings and always? haha no but seriously this game is my comfort game, and even though i can’t join your patreon at the moment please know i am always supporting you and i am so excited to see everything you have in store! everyone who works on the games is so so talented
All DLCs have nice content. 😡😡
And I love them all!!💗💗💗💖💖💖💕💕💕
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dulcetgames · 4 years ago
About our Discord Server
Hello everyone!
It has come to our attention that we haven’t been clear enough with our community management vision. Therefore, I’m going to address the big talking points one by one.
1) The moderation team + Negative criticism claim
For all of our server’s existence, I have never seen a mod abuse of their power or shut down negative criticism. Ever. I’ve asked around plenty and have confirmed with our discord members that this is, in fact, a false claim. Nobody has been able to provide proof of this so far.
It’s important to note that mod team’s job has been and will continue to be the safety and well-being of this server’s members. These people have put themselves on the frontlines of so many things to keep you guys safe from doxxers, racists, and general unsavory people. They’re not perfect, but they’ve been doing their job spectacularly well so far.
On that note, this is why when a mod tells you to drop something, they have their reasons. But I know for a fact that you giving negative feedback is not one of them. In fact, multiple people have given us negative reviews here, and none of them have been reprimanded. Why? Because the one and only rule is to keep it civil and constructive. If you do that, then there’s no problem. If you’re being rude, then yes, of course, the mods are going to come after you.
That being said, if ever you spot an issue with a mod, you think they’re being too harsh, toxic or abusing perms, then please contact an Admin. Admins are here to deal with this behavior and stop it. We’re here for you. 
2) The switch from Tumblr to Discord for interactivity
Our discord server has been created by fans to facilitate interactions with each other. Recently, it got given to me in order to make this server into an official community server. That being said, the purpose stays the same: this server is meant for fans to interact and engage with them in a more efficient manner, as well as for us, the devs to do so. The point of this is to grow the community.
Our social media accounts are the window by which the outside world sees us. They’re here to give announcements and get traction to our games. Those two platforms are extremely different, and it is nearly impossible to re-create the same vibe and environment of discord on our SM platforms (and vice-versa).
Furthermore, with Dulcet about to host three games made by three different creators with three different release schedules, conducting events on our Tumblr and Insta is pretty much a logistical nightmare. For now, it’s a lot more efficient to do so on Discord.
That being said, with the addition of our new community manager, all of our social media platforms should be a lot more active. In fact, I’m sure you guys saw this already with our launch campaign for Black Tarot. We’re not abandoning our outside social media guys. But if it happens that our get a lot more engagement here (and we do), you can’t blame our content creators for the next point…
3) Discord exclusives + Celebrity cult (???)
Let’s get something clear: If any, and I mean any (yes, that includes me) Dulcet creator involves themselves in this kinda celebrity worship cult behavior as claimed, I will be the first to nip it in the bud. But to be honest? I haven’t seen it happen so far. All I’ve seen is people uplifting each other, and that is regardless of whether they are devs or players. If you pay a little bit attention, you’ll see that people get complimented left and right on this server. That’s just the nature of this (incredible) community.
Furthermore, I know that @the-andy-world @zenothemanager and I gone out of our way to treat you guys like our friends and stay approachable to the fans. It’s important to us that everyone is treated equally.
On that note: None of our creators are obligated to give you exclusives. They’re human. They’re doing this out of the joy of their hearts, and they’re doing this for free. Literally all you need to do is be slightly active here in order to reach level 1, and you get access to exclusive stuff. I’d like to point out that other developers will literally only do this through Patreon… and even then. I understand that you guys want content, but please, let’s not get entitled towards to people who produce that content. Especially when they don’t have to do it.
4) Fandom content creators
Fandom content creators do not owe you anything. Fanartists and fanwriters do not need to post their content on Tumblr or any other platform. They don’t even need to post it on our discord. It’s their content, their time, their effort… and they’re sharing this from the heart. Please be thankful for that, because I know I am.
If they decide to be active here. That’s their choice. If they decide to only be active on social media? Also their choice. It’s in no way Dulcet Games’ responsibility as to where they post their stuff. Just like we don’t have the right to tell them what to do, please know that you don’t either.
Also, if a fan content maker decides to post here but not on social media… They most likely have good reasons for that. Please consider that.
Lastly, I want to re-iterate that everyone here is open to your opinion, as long as it is said respectfully. Feel free to DM me, the mods or the admins for further clarification.
Thank you all for reading and happy playing!
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