#it's a firefly au since it's not obvious from this section
milieumarch · 6 days
It felt like a shame to let Rebelcaptain week go by and not post anything, now that I've rediscovered the ability to write, but I unfortunately do not have anything complete. So enjoy a sneak peek at the (unedited) beginning of the RC fic I'm working on.
Jyn was almost finished with the last tumbler when she heard footsteps in the hall outside the room.  At last, the lock clicked under her fingertips, and she yanked the safe open.  She grabbed her quarry, a gold statuette, and shoved it into the satchel at her hip.  Then, she jumped up to her feet and snuck over to the door.
Stopping for a second to listen, she heard a voice on the other side say “Intruder located on first floor.  Send back-up.”
“E chu ta,” Jyn muttered and pressed herself up against the wall next to the closed door.
The door flew open, and a guard pushed through.  Jyn jumped at him, kneeing in the stomach as she brought her baton down on his back.  With a couple hits, he was down, and Jyn stepped over him to face the second guard who had come running up.
With a quick baton to the stomach and a swipe of her leg against his, she brought the second guard to the floor.
Jyn ran to the door at the end of the hallway, the way she’d come in, but heard more footsteps from that direction before she even touched the handle.  She spun around and raced to the other end.  She wrapped her hand around the handle and jerked, but the door only wobbled in its frame.
Locked, fucking hell, she griped to herself.
The door on the other end burst open with a kick from a guard, and two more guards jumped in behind him.
Jyn dove to her left and caught the window clasp.  With a twist of her fingers, the window was unlatched, and Jyn heaved the window open.
Cassian is going to be so mad, she thought as she eyed the ground ten feet below her.
Then, she jumped.
“One of these days, you’re going to have to learn how to take a fall, little sister,” Baze joked, as he moved his fingers across the brace around her left wrist.
“One of these days, she’s going to learn to take back-up in these kinds of situations,” Cassian snapped.
Jyn took a gulp from her drink and patted Cassian’s shoulder playfully.  “I got the job done, Captain Andor.  The precious statue is reunited with its owner.”  She would never understand why someone would pay thousands of credits for the return of a trinket no bigger than her forearm, but she wasn’t known to question transfers that cleared.
“You’re going to be down an arm for at least a week,” Cassian replied.  He reached across the table and pulled her injured arm towards him, curling and uncurling the fingers with one hand.
“Nah, give it a couple days,” Jyn said flippantly and hoped Cassian missed the wince as he pressed her thumb.  He didn’t, karking spy.  “Besides, I won’t need it for a week, as we’ve now got enough to kick back on some beach planet with fruity little drinks.”
“You want a fruity little drink?” Kay asked skeptically, inclining his head towards her current drink, which could strip paint off a speeder.
“We’ll leave you on the ship,” Jyn spat.
“It, it would be nice to go somewhere less, less rainy,” Bodhi piped in, his eyes gazing towards the water-streaked window of the cantina.
Jyn lifted her drink in toast to him.
“Kay, we need a list of parts that need replacing on Stardust.  Can you split it into must—”
“No, absolutely not, Andor,” Jyn interrupted.  “Work talk tomorrow.  Tonight we celebrate a successful job and see if I can finally outdrink Baze.”
“I wouldn’t try, little sister,” Baze replied, right as Chirrut commented, “I have faith in Jyn.”
“Are we, are we shipping out tomorrow?” Bodhi asked.
“Nah, we’ll go the day after tomorrow.  Cassian and Kay can make their list and see what we can find while we’re somewhere close to civilization.”
“We’d find better-quality parts on a core world, if you didn’t insist—” Kay started.
“Absolutely not,” Jyn growled.  Cassian laid a placating hand on her shoulder and rubbed his thumb across her collarbone.  Jyn turned to give him a smile, just in time to see two men in jumpsuits step up behind Cassian.
“Captain Andor?” a stern voice asked from one of the men.
“What’s it to you?” Jyn responded icily.
“Captain Andor, you need to come with us,” the man said again, this time not a question.
Jyn started to rise out of her seat, but Cassian moved his hand from her shoulder to her thigh to still her.  “There’s no trouble, gentlemen.”  He rose from his seat and surreptitiously tapped his first two fingers twice where they lay against Jyn’s thigh.
As Cassian followed the two men to a hallway at the back of the cantina, Chirrut remarked, “I don’t think we’ll be getting that beach vacation you were hoping for.”
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here are the notes for the tsukki soulmate!au
my idea for this was originally VERY different and went down a more conventional route, but the idea of “incompatible” soulmates was there from the start. it wasn’t until i was rewatching season three and got to tsukki’s “blocking is systematic” line that this concept came along
i didn’t know whether i wanted to make the reader an artist or a writer. i settled on writer because it’s easier for me to describe disjointed writing—than to describe art in general, which i don’t have a background in. you can see what could have been artist!reader in the painting on the arm bit
but I realized that it would be very difficult to only describe parts of this poem and still have you see how it works in the end, so i decided to write the actual poem. It’s been well over a year since i’ve written one, and even longer since i’ve written one that i liked the beginnings of and want to come back and work on it
so this is very much a rough first draft of it, hence why it’s so obvious as well. it would take a very long time before a polished version would be done, and that doesn’t quite jibe with filling requests. that being said, i’ll probably be reworking this poem into something i can use outside the context of the series
takeda wasn’t involved in this at first, but i used his cog metaphor at first without realizing that the reader would have no way of knowing about it. but let’s be real! takeda is a modern literature teacher and that’s the reader’s thing, so him being their favorite teacher and helping out with his student’s writing makes a lot of sense. including a scene about it would have made this even longer, but i will say he has used the cog metaphor around the reader, because the they ask how to volleyball team is doing from time-to-time
also, he does not know that you and tsukishima are soulmates or at least he doesn’t ask. it’s possible that he’s seen words on your arms that are also on tuskki’s, so he might know. i like to think he doesn’t know anything about them, only that you believe yourself to be incompatible with them, and he won’t pry.
basically i want to write a takeda thing and also he is the literature teacher students deserve
outside of takeda, furudate-sensei uses some very poetic visuals and has characters say surprisingly poetic things (“i’m hinata shouyou and i sprouted from the concrete” makes me so mad because i wish i had written it!!!!!!) i wanted to play around with the tsukki brothers given names as well as the imagery and symbols used for other characters. the moon motif is already used a lot—and understandably so—so the firefly and light concepts were things i wanted to explore
the systems having numbers was more or less my way of splitting the poems into parts without doing that thing a lot of poets--myself included--where you just write a number and then write whatever is part of that section and then move on to the next one
anyway, that’s it. i’m sorry i took the bad writing route by posting commentary and telling you things instead of letting you figure things out on your own or putting it in the piece from the start, but sometimes i need to scream out my asshole and sometimes things in my writing are not clear and i’m not going to be a jerk and not try to clarify for anyone who might need it
i kept trying to use the “albatross around the neck” metaphor when i started the oikawa soulmate!au but it never worked no matter how i tried to frame it there. it ended up working better here
i wanted to account for the fact that tsukki’s sun sign is libra, and give a sense of “balance” that he would bring to his soulmate and vice versa. but as far as features in his natal chart (or any of the characters for that matter), i can’t know them for sure because that would require knowing a birth year, birth time, and birth location. which we don’t have. sensei probably doesn’t either and they wouldn’t need to??? as far as where venus would be in his chart (how we’d know what one is like in a relationship and what they like and need in one as well) basing it only on what we know of him from the series, i’d say his venus is either in taurus or in capricorn, but i didn’t factor in his soulmate’s venus sign because, well, that would be yours to fill in, friendo
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