#it's a few different textures a brush from a lace set and this really cute star stamp brush
seesboy · 9 months
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okay so this started off as vent art but then i ended up really liking it so i decided to get silly with the background and effects and stuff.. anyways woe my sona be upon ye
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riotfuckery · 4 years
Nightmare comfort
Dabi x f!reader
A/N: Hello my beautiful readers! I’m back with a nightmare comfort fluff request from @softforshigi ! I’m so sorry this took so long, I haven’t been on and posting much because of personal reasons. But I’m back now so the fuckshit on my page is open for business! Feel free to send in requests/ thirst posts/ any thing you want! Enjoy my loves! 💖
Taglist: @thedreadthreadanomaly @trafalgar-temptress @lovelustdollsworld @obsessedchildsworld
Warnings: swearing, nightmare scenario, just badly written dabi fluff cause I can’t really figure out this handsome bastard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The only thing you could feel was pure adrenalized fear. Heart racing and blood pumping as your bare feet thumped across the dirt ground. You whipped away branch after low hanging branch in your path, willing your legs to carry you far away from what was chasing you.
You didn’t know where you were except in some strange dark forest being chased by something that sounded very angry. Deep breaths laced with a thundering growl could be heard behind you as you continued to run.
The growls and heavy footsteps of the creature were getting closer and closer. Fight or flight kicking in as your brain pumped out even more adrenaline, forcing you forget the cuts and scrapes on the soles of your poor feet.
Whatever was chasing you was fast. Heavy thumps getting closer and closer as you continued to push what felt like infinite branches out of your way. The branches just kept getting thicker and thicker as you ran.
In your panicked haze, you nearly ran face first into a wall of twisted vines and branches. Barely stopping in time to save yourself by bracing your hands on it as you fought to keep yourself upright. Your breath came out in cloudy puffs as you dug your fingers into the natural wall while panic overloaded your brain.
The heavy footsteps that you’ve been running from were behind you now. They were slower, like whatever has been chasing you started walking. Your hands shook as they gripped themselves further into the wall. You had nowhere else to run.
A deep growl reverberated from directly behind you, the rest of your body shaking as you felt it’s hot breath on your back and shoulders. Whatever it was, it was big. But just before you felt the scrape of it’s large teeth dig into your terrified body, you woke up.
(E/c) eyes shot open as your body flinched, effectively shaking you out your nightmare. It didn’t matter that you were only wearing an oversized tee and shorts to bed, you were sweating and panting like you had just ran a marathon.
The residual fear still ran through you, making your hands shake as you threw your blankets off. Throat feeling dry and scratchy as you sat yourself up, quietly chanting to yourself that it was just a dream. After taking a deep breath, you stood up on shaky legs to quietly pad your way down the dusty and creaky hall and head yourself to the bar.
Just as you turned the corner, you gazed upon a familiar lanky and handsomely scarred man sitting on one of the barstools. There was Dabi, sitting on the middle stool and deep in thought as he played with glass of whiskey.
You hesitated for a moment, you didn’t want anyone seeing you in your disheveled state much less the man you’ve been playinga flirty game of cat and mouse with. But that moment was all he needed to notice you.
“What’re you doing up so late, princess? Had a bad dream?” He teased, taking a sip of the amber liquor as a cocky smirk made its way on his face. Blue eyes that were nearly glowing under the dim light locked onto your form, carefully observing your next move and taking note of your shaken up appearance.
“Fuck off, you crispy bastard. I actually did so are you happy now?” You sneered, fear turning into anger before promptly snatching his drink and downing the rest of it and heading out to the nearby balcony. You needed something, anything to make your heart stop racing.
His eyes widened slightly in shock at your response. Your normal sweet, caring, and patient personality momentarily disappearing and your rough response immediately set off in his head that something was very wrong. Dabi may be a lazy bastard but he was sure as hell observant. All the Todorokis are fucking observant.
Yeah, he loved to tease and flirt with you and the fact that you were witty enough to throw it back at him really made something that laid dormant in his soul come alive. You took care of the league, your healing quirk coming in handy when missions went awry.
Before even reaching the door to the small balcony, Dabi reached out and grabbed you by the free wrist. You turned back around to snap at him to fuck off but the uncharacteristically soft and concerned look on his face made your angry front crack.
You froze, blue eyes gently gazing at yours as he watched the angry fire turn into mist. You were still scared, muscles tense and heart still thumping as you tried to ignore it. You hated feeling like that, like you couldn’t do anything, like you were useless.
“You’re trembling, princess.” He spoke softly, gently moving his large hand from your wrist to your hand and intertwining your fingers together.
Your anger melted away at his soft touches, the feeling of his warm and much larger hand keeping you grounded. He stood up, taking a lean stride toward your body and stopping right in front of you.
His eyes searched yours, the fear he saw was all too familiar when he would wake up with nightmares himself. He held your hand gently as used his free one to grab the glass and place it down on the top of the polished wood bar.
His hand came up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing away stray tears of frustration and fear as they fell. When did you start crying? He was warm, the heat from his hand bringing comfort to you as you tried not to cry any more.
“You’re okay now angel, nothing is gonna happen to you while I’m here.” His deep voice cooed gently, pulling your body close to his into a hug.
The whole time, you desperately willed yourself to not cry. Each touch, the gentleness of his movements and the soft look on his face made your angry front crack little by little.
Your eyes stung as you buried your face in his chest, a tidal wave of sadness escaping when you finally opened the floodgates to your bottled up emotions. Muffled sobs wracked your smaller frame while you squeezed his muscular but lean body.
He was taller than you, body running warm as he let you release your feelings. He smelt like a campfire and felt like a blanket that could hug you back. His steady heartbeat unintentionally making yours synch up as you stained his shirt with your tears.
He didn’t say anything, mostly because he didn’t need to (plus the fact he didn’t know what to say in the first place). But once your sobs turned to hiccups, he pulled back just a bit. The usual cool look adorned his scarred face contrasting the concerned lookin his eyes. Upon looking at your slightly puffy eyes and flushed cheeks, he couldn’t help but think you look cute.
“You okay for now?” He asked, bringing his hands up to cup your face and wipe away the last of your stray tears with his thumbs.
You could only manage to nod once shyly in his hands, not trusting your own voice because of the soreness of your vocal cords. Your cheeks burned brighter as you looked up at him, slight embarrassment making your gut sink because you just sobbed into Dabi’s shirt. And he let you.
“Cmon princess, lets get you to back to sleep. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.” he commanded softly as he intertwined your fingers once again and started to lead you to his room.
You just let a hum in response, the exhaustion from crying taking over your body as you padded sleepily along behind him. A small yawn escaped your lips as you rubbed at your sore eyes, you just wanted to go to sleep now that you felt safe.
Suddenly, you were no longer on the ground and against a warm chest. He held you bridal style with a steady grip while you buried your face in the crook of his neck. Your cheeks continued to flush as you gripped his shirt in your hands, the fact that he was so gentle with you forcing your heart to flutter.
The different textured skin you ended up face to face with was clean and taken care of despite how “scary” it looked, sleepy curiosity getting the better of you when you ran the pads of your fingers over his collarbone gently to feel it. It was rough and leathery and the light ridges in it was oddly pleasing to the touch.
He shivered at your gentle touch, the poor soul not used to being treated with care. He didn’t know how to react, except to keep moving on. It didn’t take long to reach his room, a queen size bed with clean white sheets and a few odd colored pillows sat in the middle of the dusty room.
“Alright princess, I’m gonna put you down now. Is that okay?” He asked softly, not trying to disturb you from your sleepy state. The gentle swaying of his walking and the natural heat of his body nearly knocked you out. You replied with a sleepy groan, the sound making him smile at your cuteness.
He set you down gently, your body immediately melting into the soft bed. With a shake of his head a small smile, hung up his coat and changed into a pair of sweats before crawling into bed next to you.
What he didn’t expect was your body to snuggle up right next to his so perfectly, the softness of your skin and the way you fit into his had the fiery walls of his heart die down for while. The two of you slept really well that night, who new a nightmare would lead to a new crush?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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spidermilkshake · 3 years
Isolated Element--Part 1: Captoptromancy
Welp, I'd best post writing on the hellsite too. What better place for the unhinged fanfiction that spills between my brain's cracks?
IP: Kingdom Hearts (powerfully headcanon'd)
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery+Suspense
Word Count: 2,400+
TW: Unreal/derealized dream states, mild body horror
1: Catoptromancy
It had been a few years since she had last come this way. Already, nothing was at all like she remembered. Years back, Traverse Town didn’t even have its proper name; it was only known as the settlement cobbled together from Gaia’s refugees—from Radiant Garden to Corel to Nibelheim—a hybrid of survivalist shelters and shanty-town as more and more hunks of unfortunate Worlds materialized in the outskirts, sometimes bringing hundreds of new people with them. A few years ago there weren’t quite five thousand folk crowded in here, getting by on salvaged bits and crisis aid given by the Elveshmean military and the Elvaan Źduhace (the Elven Dragoon Order). If not for the work of Radiant Garden’s more progressive intellectuals, Gaia’s ties to Elves and even fellow Human nations would not have been so strong, and if not for these ties, the alarm at the sudden radio silence would not have been so swift in onset. If not for this, Traverse Town would likely have remained a guttering, suffering den of survivors—languishing and on their own.
Aqua sympathized.
As she disembarked the transport cruiser into a grey, stale-smelling rain she noticed immediately the place’s changes. She pulled the sides of her hooded poncho together, pausing by the platform’s railing to look out over the newly-constructed bell tower, and the mis-matched buildings surrounding it. Formerly, this area had been half-built and strewn with piles of salvaged rubble. The wrecked hulk of an Interspace-Airship hybrid, the Highwind Mark IV, had lain propped up on blocks, its engines burst and drained of power. It had since been moved—or taken apart, likely to go towards the Mark V. Shaking the oil rivulets dripping down her hood away, Aqua brought herself back to the present. Traverse Town was now equipped with signs; she began following some, scanning the terraced levels and built-into underpasses for signs of nightly lodging. A warm, elevated porch caught her eye—its swinging sign lit up with a covered manatech lantern, the orange glow making “Bedknobs+Broomsticks: Food—Rooms—Entertainment—Vacancies Available” legible through the weather. She climbed the stairs to the entrance, taking a moment to shake the rain from her poncho again, to not drip a soot-marred trail all through the place. The least she could hope for was that this one wasn’t already grimy, and without her griming it up for the proprietor.
It did turn out to be clean inside, mostly. A few active spiderwebs decorated the high, out-of-the-way corners, but a polished oak bar-top was well-shined, and a row of recessed booth seating looked to be mostly clear minus some spice containers. It was a tiny place, a staircase and a cramped elevator entrance intruding halfway into the diner-like area. Clearly, most of the establishment was on ascending floors and this scant hole-in-the-wall was the only important thing besides cheap beds. At first she assumed she was alone on the floor—some clanking in the doorway behind the bar area implied one distracted kitchen worker only. A sound like sheafs of silk rubbing together turned her head, and the slight, constant movements caught her peripheral vision.
She jolted, instinct forcing her to grip thin air after a Keyblade that would no longer come to her. After all this time, she’d assumed she would be used to the full range of weird entities roaming the Three Realms, but apparently this… entity, was still a surprise.
He was wedged into the outermost side of the closest booth, in the shadowy corner. His feet were propped up on the table and half-crossed, but it was not their electric-green claws and webbed toes the color of “drowning victim” that was so terrifying: The rest of him was by far more strange. Tall, slender, with swept-back pointed ears and some of his dark reddish hair braided into an Elf-Knot identified his species—and the bustling array of mutations he bore brought that species into question again. Above the protective gloves and bracers he wore, his forearms were that drowned-blue color, and slithering with several large tentacles each. His ripped jeans were a similar story at the hip joint—and even more sprung from a point near his shoulder blades. The deep V-neck of his shirt allowed a travesty of more subtle issues to be on display: His shoulders and across his collarbones had stubby, green quills protruding from them, the veins of his neck close to the surface were a green hue too and hideously engorged. On second glance, Aqua suppressed a shudder of revulsion as she saw the veins on his arms and even one faintly popping from his temple were the same. A moment passed in which this Grey Elf paid no attention to her—engrossed with a ratty-looking, thin book propped open against one knee—but then, vivid purple eyes flicked over to the onlooker.
“Well, well, cydezé,” the twisted elf greeted her, gaze flicking over her from the Keybearer’s Chi-Rho emblem on her chest to the lacing ornaments over her corset and spur-stabilizers on her boots, landing at last on her muted blue hair and bright eyes. “They say it’s rude to stare, stranger.”
“Sorry, I, uh…” Aqua stalled her movements by force of will, as instinct was sending her creeping backwards. “I couldn’t help but look.”
“’Swhat they all say!” He snickered, snapping his book closed. She couldn’t be so sure of this relaxed, humored response; her eyes lingered on the tentacles as they coiled back over themselves. “No offense taken at all, eh, miss..?”
“I’m Aqua,” she suppressed a flinch, especially as one of his eyebrows raised in intense interest.
“Aqua, eh?” Finally, he slid the mutated pair of feet down from sight. “Excellent. I’m named Oppidimy—though some call me the ‘Octomancer’. Or a walking accident.” He chuckled again, grinning.
“Now we’re introduced, at least—so! You didn’t come in here after me, I’ll assume, but surely you’re looking for someone.”
Aqua’s brow twitched as it was tempted to furrow, “What makes you say that?”
“You have that ‘looking for someone’ quality,” he smirked, tipping a hand towards the scene outside, “It’s a safe assumption. Most who come here are, in fact, trying to find people.”
The young Keybearer half-bit her tongue; appearance aside, she was unsure of how wise it would be to make even a guarded mention of her goals. Oppidimy was clearly a mage of some sort: What kind was as uncertain as how he’d come to be half-elf, half-aberration. And what kind of magic-user he was made all the difference.
“Actually, I wasn’t looking for someone,” she chanced it. She figured she could downplay the importance it had, leaving little clue that the lost item in question was the sacred Keyblade. “Something, actually. Several somethings.”
“Lost some stuff?”
“Actually… more like stolen.” She sucked in a breath, reigning in the residual outrage that lingered even years later, “A sword, and a set of plate armor. They were very important to me and I don’t have much idea of who took them from where I last saw them.”
Oppidimy clicked his tongue, eyes hooding in a disgusted expression as he nodded.
“That’s cute—people really are out there like that. World’s in the process of ending and they’ll still try robbin’ you blind.” Aqua blinked hard at the statement, but he carried on overtop of her visible bewilderment, “Odds are, the culprit’s one of a short and nasty list; the only types who would be out to steal anything that wasn’t provisions, these days.
“I might be able to help y’ out,” a slow, crooked smile spread over his pointed features, and his gloved fingertips settled together into a triangle of scheming thoughts. “At least, if you’ll have me. At the very least I could help rule out some of these skeezballs.”
“And how would you accomplish this?” Her voice turned suspicious, and the Rurcelan mutant obviously cottoned on. He disbanded the triangle of wicked contemplations with a series of assuring waves, shaking his head and chuckling.
“Ah, ah, I know that tone—relax! My methods are one hundred percent legitimate, completely moral. Even though I blend in quite well with society’s villains and monsters, the ‘look’ was not exactly intentional. But, if you’ll take up my offer, you’ll see how it serves to my advantage.”
As Oppidimy began to stand and tuck his book amongst the grips of the tentacles issuing from one elbow, Aqua tilted her head:
“…So you specialize in espionage?”
The elf raised a gloved finger to his lips and the quills on his bare shoulders went rigid, suddenly looking grim and serious.
“Not so loud,” He slid past her, the Keybearer wearing a stone face even as she cringed internally at the tendrils coming inches from brushing by. Stepping towards the stairs, he turned back to call over his shoulder, smirk returned: “Come see me some time if you need a hand, yeh? I’m in 32. I’d suggest giving that old office door a knock so you can get a room of your own before it gets too late.” He began to cackle, “Owner’s a bit narcoleptic, so knock hard!” His laughter echoed, becoming cartoonish as he ascended the narrow stairwell and the raucous noise faded out. She paused a few seconds just to breathe.
Never had she encountered someone quite so exaggerated—it felt like a front—or a trap. She could be the intended victim, but just as easily the intended bait, a lure to draw in the unsavory targets he’d referred to. Only further investigation would bring that to light.
As suspected—the place was a cheap joint for cheap beds. The need in town was high, and the cramped room she was assigned was, at the very least, livable. Crumpled under the stiff, rough-textured outer sheet, every attempt to calculate the dubiousness of the elf’s offer, versus the likelihood she could finally close in on her lost Keyblade, set her sleep back another hour. And another. But slowly, surely, sleep and Aqua arrived at an uneasy truce.
She had the dream again. Different—and clearer.
The vision of that round, white, metal-plated room, the gaps in this armoring (or acoustic featuring?) showing faint glints of pipes, cables, and other hints at underlying manatech. It mocked her. She was for a second so infuriated at its recurrence that she almost missed the new features: Insignias in a stark black marked the walls, familiar but strange. It was much like the Keybearer’s Chi-Rho—or the Heartless Emblem, itself very much a cheap plagiarizing of the order’s sign—upside-down, so that the spikes forming the “Chi” took the peak position.
The miasma of her unconscious half-lucidity swam around her as she struggled to turn around and face the raised central area. She had already seen what was arranged there during the prior dream states. Her armor, and her Keyblade, where she knew it last. If the passage of time was to be believed, someone had been keeping it tidy and dust-free.
The chair was new. Aqua’s jaw hung in silence a moment, unable to react, as she faced its occupant. Outside of this recurring hallucination she knew she was asleep—and she wondered if he, within the dream, was also. His dark-toned skin and wildly-arranged silver hair were uncomfortably familiar, and his face itself also so but for different reasons. His ears were slightly-pointed as a half-elf’s would be, but since his eyes were closed she couldn’t tell if he possessed the mish-mash of colors and features she dreaded. She had seen this man before, she was sure this was… but somehow, her mind refused to let her assume this was the same person. Or persons, technically. He had to be, and yet… she was sure this quietly seated man was another entirely.
Her frown began to appear, giving some control of her face and voice back. Whoever this dead-ringer for Terra (and Xehanort) was, there was no likelier suspect for the role of the one who had relocated this Chamber—her Keyblade with it.
“Where are you?”
Aqua nearly jumped, though her dream-self felt far too sluggish for it. Exactly as and exactly what she had been gathering up energy to say the man with closed eyes had asked in a low murmur, devoid of feeling. Though, this she supposed could be from him truly being asleep—mumbling and aware of her regardless.
“No,” she barked, “You tell me. Where are you? And who are you?”
The man paused, eye movements flickering behind their lids. In painfully slow motions, he began to shake his head.
“I cannot answer you. You must tell me first.” He was still almost deadpan, with a hint of tired annoyance creeping in now.
“You can’t force me to tell you, and you can’t do anything to me. This is a damn dream-state. So, if you want anything, you first.”
He huffed, his brows twitching, and the sleek black fabric that made up his gloves straining as his grip on the armrests tightened.
“No,” he growled. “You don’t understand. I cannot answer you first because I have no answer. I don’t know who I am.” He let silence return to the humming void around them, becoming neutral in expression, “But perhaps, if you tell me your name, I can know more.”
A spike of hope softened her expression; the frustration and the intonation was so like his, melded neatly with the rigid aura of calm he imposed on himself—two traits so Terra-esque and incongruous with each other they seemed unlikely to be performed. And very un-Xehanort, in this way.
“I’m Aqua. Do you have a name, by chance?”
“I do,” he nodded, brows knitting slightly, “But it would mean nothing to you. It is a chosen name, taken after the time you seem to recognize me from.”
“Are you Terra?” She forged ahead, prepared for a let-down.
“I am aware of who that name belongs to, but I do not think so,” he surprised her, “Before you ask: I am equally aware of the one called Xehanort. I am not him.
“You have seen this Chamber before, haven’t you?” A dim inkling of curiosity entered his soft tone, surprising her alongside the change of subject. “Years ago I began to see this place. In my dreams at first, and then, every time I closed my eyes. I suspect you saw these visions. You saw the way into the room, hidden in what is left of the bastion of Radiant Garden.”
“How did you figure that out?” But, already guessing the answer, her eyes wandered to the sections of her armor propped on the central dais.
“I have memory I can’t explain,” he began. “I remember the name of the one this Keyblade, and its armor manifestation, belongs to. Aqua.” Sudden, jarring, he seemed unable to resist letting his eyes snap open and zero in on her with their bright, orange intensity, “This belongs to you, doesn’t it?”
An immediate shock came over her—but not only from being eye-to-eye. As soon as it happened, a spell broke. She felt roaring in her ears; the Chamber of Repose winked out and she was filled with the sickening sensation of half-awake, confused floating just above one’s body. Psyche-wise, she felt slammed back into her self as she bolted awake, still curled under the cheap inn’s terrible sheets, the room quiet and empty.
She sat up, waiting for some soreness that never came. A vivid dream. Not exactly, but closer than really being there. For a minute she just listened; a few muffled clangs of activity echoed from some lower floor, and she could hear through razor-thin walls the sounds of folk opening and shutting doors, exchanging bleary greetings, and going about the act of “morning”. A sliver of weak light creeping in between shut curtains confirmed the early, small hour. She collected her wits, and stood. She wasn’t getting any more sleep now anyways.
To Be Continued
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arzani-fuchsia · 7 years
hey-hey, who's asking for prompts here? hi, darling
I’m back and since I read your prompt I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I love the idea of them braiding John’s hair... it’s so peaceful and soft
It’s set in my “the world in balance” verse but I think it’s understandable as a stand alone too.
Enjoy :)
Sunraysfiltered through the windows, a golden glow from the morning light. Somewhereout there, between the trees and grass, was James working. In a few weekswinter would come, but it wasn’t here yet. The last few crops had to be broughtin, as well as some remaining vegetables. Their cupboards were full, as theseason had enriched them with plenty. A good thing, considering the third partythat had recently entered their lives.
A smallsmile slipped over Thomas’ lips as he poured the hot water into the tea kettle.John was an enrichment to their lives. Yes, the start had been rough, and notall wounds were healed yet, figuratively as much as physically. But time was agood healer and since former captain and quartermaster shared a bed they smiledso much. They smiled and god, they were beautiful when they smiled.
Letting histhoughts drift lazily in the morning air, Thomas settled at the kitchen table.The tea warmed his fingers and his eyes drifted closed. He was content with hislife. After so many years of loss and tragedy he felt it in every bone thatthey had finally found peace. Not quite yet, not completely, but with John intheir house, he could see the finishing line.
A curseshook Thomas out of his daydreaming and he automatically sat a little straighter.Something clattered and then he heard a thump. Abandoning his tea, he swiftlymade his way to the guest room that was currently inhabited by John. Forgoingthe knocking, Thomas opened the door to find John sitting on the floor. A comblay forgotten an inch next to him. His black curls were a mess, half mussed up,half dangling in front of his beautiful face. As he entered he was met with afrustrated expression.
“Whathapp-?” Thomas tried to ask but was interrupted. John’s tone was sour.
“Can you getme some scissors?”
“What doyou need scissors for?” Thomas had an inkling but didn’t dare to think histhought through. He didn’t want to think his thought through.
“To get ridof those fucking curls!”
Of coursehe had to be right.
“Wh-?” Thistime it was Thomas who interrupted John. He would not cut John’s beautifulhair. Not before he had a chance to run his hand through it and feel the softtexture for himself. Not before he could tug John’s head back by it, elicit amoan and kiss him thoroughly. Not before… not before something between themhappened, and Thomas knew that would need a little bit more time. Time, he waswilling to give. Time, he was willing to wait. But cutting John’s hair? Thatwas not a matter of time, it was a matter of never.
“I’m notexplaining to James why all of a sudden his lover’s gone bald.”
For amoment John just looked at him, then he shuddered and shook his head as to getrid of a mental image. “I didn’t say bald.”
Kneelingnext to the other man, Thomas picked up the comb and turned it in his hand. Itwas smooth, made out of dark oak, with long, wide teeth. Out of the edge of hiseyes he saw John fidgeting. Turning, Thomas gave the tool back softly. “Ialways thought you’re quite fond of your hair.”
The wordshung between them, filling the silence. Thomas couldn’t hinder himself fromsteeling appreciative glances while waiting for an answer. John was beautiful,and he couldn’t imagine the man without his long, dark curls.
A sighshifted the tension and with it John slumped down. Something akin to defeatfilled his eyes. It made Thomas want to wrap his arms around the younger man,cradle him and protect him from whatever was tearing inside of him. But herefrained from it. It wasn’t the right time. Not yet. Not yet…
“I am. Iwas. Can we just cut it?”
Ocean-blueeyes met Thomas’ from behind a veil of hair and cut through him like a sharpknife. The tumult in them felt like a storm trapped behind glass.
“If youtell me the reason why you want to cut it, I might remember where I’ve put thescissors.”
Silencefilled the room, again, before John answered sheepishly, almost vulnerably, “Ihurts…” All the while he had turned the comb in his hands. But only when helifted it halfway to his head, as if to demonstrate, and his face contorted inpain, Thomas understood.
John hadalmost died on their doorstep, the day he had appeared out of nowhere, withslashes all over his body. Not a word had left his mouth from where they camefrom or what had caused them, and by now Thomas had stopped asking. James had toldhim John didn’t speak about his past, but only until John had refused to speakabout what had happened to him, had Thomas really realized what that meant. Hecould live with it, did live with it. But anger boiled low in his bellywhenever he thought of the people who had done this to John. Who had cut himopen and then left him to die. He wanted to rip them apart and watch them bleedin turn.
Maybe itwas a good thing Thomas didn’t know who had hurt John. Maybe it was good he waskept from falling into the darkness that anger brought with it. He knew what itcould do to people. He had seen it in the endless stories about Captain Flintand Long John Silver. It was good both those people were dead.
It didn’tlessen the simple truth that John was in pain and couldn’t comb his own hair.
“Sit onyour bed,” Thomas said softly and plucked the comb back out of John’s hand. “Ican’t heal your wounds, but I can comb your hair.”
“It willjust muss up again,” John said weakly but did heave himself from the floor ontothe soft mattress of his bed. A low chuckle left Thomas’ throat, as he satbehind the man. His fingers itched to sink into the dark curls before him,swipe them away to kiss the soft flesh of John’s neck. Not yet, he toldhimself. He shifted an inch closer, though, and reveled in the body heat thatburned like fire on his skin. Parting the hair into two strands, he placed oneaside. His fingers run through the other one, to get rid of the worst knots.
“I canbraid it for you,” Thomas offered, while he worked on the curls. They were assoft as he had imagined them to be, yet full of knots and tangles. Obviously,John was an active sleeper, and who could blame him? Thomas knew of thenightmares that plagued James and he doubted John was spared either.
“Do youknow how to braid hair?” John asked reluctantly, doubt heavy in his voice. Itmade Thomas chuckle again. The man had a point.
“How hardcan it be?” he asked, placing the one half of John’s hair aside to reach forthe other and repeat the process of running his fingers through the curls. “Iwatched Miranda plenty of times while she got her hair done.”
“That wasover fifteen years ago,” John reminded, but leaned a little closer to Thomas,who took the movement as an agreement. It made him smile and he shifted to giveJohn more space. His back was heavy on Thomas’ chest, rising and falling intune with his breaths. It was an awkward way to brush hair, but Thomas wouldrather cut his arm off then made John move. It felt too peaceful, too perfectfor him to mind his aching arms, as he brushed and brushed the dark locks.After what felt forever but must only be ten to fifteen minutes the comb wentsmoothly through the curls, all knots erased.
They hadmostly been silent, and when Thomas put the comb aside he wondered if John hadfallen asleep. Not that he minded. It was a rather cute image. As if John hadread his mind, though, he dropped his head to his chest.
“I thoughtyou wanted to braid them,” he murmured, voice teasing, yet laced with contendtiredness. He hadn’t fallen asleep, but he was close. Winding a curl around hisfinger, Thomas tugged lightly and a sound from deep within rose from John’sthroat. It sent a sudden warmth to Thomas’ belly. If he wasn’t already in lovewith John Silver, he was definitely slowly falling for him.
“I thoughtyou doubted my skills.”
Thomas’voice was teasing, but the answer he got was lax and almost a whisper.
“Don’twanna stand up.”
And if thatwasn’t an invitation to move on Thomas didn’t know what. So he parted John’shair into three equal strands, as he had seen Miranda’s maid do hundreds oftimes. His knowledge ended here, however, and he just held the hair loosely,wondering how he was supposed to start. Considering different options, he justplaced some parts in the middle and wrapped the other loose strands around it.His hands, unused to the procedure, felt clumsy and several strands slipped offthe construction. Whatever he was doing, he wasn’t doing it right. But stoppingnow? John felt too warm and relaxed in front of him and Thomas was too selfishto let him go just yet. It was the first time since John had come here thatThomas could really touch him. He ached to touch him. Since the incident in thekitchen when he had cut his thump, it was all Thomas could think about.
“You okay?”John mumbled, and Thomas realized he had stopped doing… whatever he was doing.Smiling, he nodded, just to realize John couldn’t see him.
“Yes, Ijust don’t think this is the right way to braid hair,” he admitted, and Johnchuckled. His whole body vibrated against Thomas’ in a very pleasant, intimateway. Before he could find any words that wouldn’t betray him they heardfootsteps and a voice sounded through the walls.
“In here,”Thomas answered, and a moment later the door opened to reveal a sun-kissed,ginger-haired beauty. Well, at least that was what James was to Thomas. Theirown seafaring half-god. “Hello darling.”
James’ eyesswept over the picture in front of him. Thomas could see how he took in hisboth lovers, back to chest, in casual clothes, as neither one of them hadplanned to go out today. Someone lesser would have scowled, be jealous even, ormade a snark remark. James just smiled, and Thomas fell for him a little more.He hadn’t revealed yet what he felt for John, wanting to give them time ontheir own. But Thomas knew James wouldn’t mind the least. Actually Thomas wasquite sure James had an inkling, because he loved them both and Thomas loved him.Them. Love revealed a lot, because trust came easy when you loved.
“Hello,”James mused and closed the door behind him as he stepped in. Thomas watched himlean down to kiss John, a sight Thomas would never tire of. They lookedbeautiful together, as if the world had made them to be a pair and maybe theworld had. Without hesitation James repeated the intimacy with him, and Thomassavored the feeling of James’ lips on his own. Maybe the world had made Jamesand him to be a pair, too. Maybe the world was in balance when they were, allthree of them. “You look busy.”
Johnchuckled. “We look desperate.”
“Well,Thomas does,” James said and leaned closer to inspect the handiwork on John’shair. His smile stretched into a grin. “What’s that supposed to be?”
“A braid.”Thomas knew it didn’t look like it and he was not even surprised when Jamessnorted, holding the laughter back but failing.
“If yousquint.”
Johnsmacked James’ arm lightly as a response and a spark lit up the insides ofThomas’ body, igniting a fire. John defended him. Him! It shouldn’t feel asgood as it did. It shouldn’t, yet Thomas couldn’t stop craving the feeling. Hewanted more of it, wanted all of it.
“Don’t talkif you can’t do it better yourself,” John mocked but James didn’t rose to it.Instead he crawled next to Thomas on the bed and made himself comfortable. Histights brushed Thomas’ and to know all three of them were connected gave himgoose-bumps. Sea-green eyes caught his own, and the knowing smirk revealed morethan words could. James had realized what Thomas only started to grasp himself.
“I don’twant to disappoint you, but I actually can,” James stated, and lifted his handto undo whatever it was supposed to be Thomas had done. Before he destroyed theconstruct, however, he stopped mid-air and looked at Thomas. “You okay withit?”
BeforeThomas could answer, John snorted. “Do I have a say in it as well?”
The “no”was said simultaneously from both James and him, and Thomas erupted inlaughter. His hands found John’s hair and undid the first few tangled strands,as a permission for James to go on. Not that he wanted to stop touching John’shair, but he knew it was useless when it came to braiding. So he made room forJames to take over his position. From the side he watched James smooth out thecurls and then start from John’s temples. His fingers run smoothly over thescalp, beginning with little hair and using more with each careful step. Thomaswatched amazed.
“You haveto teach me,” he murmured, and James stopped at the words.
“I can.It’s actually not as hard. It’s like… tying a rope,” James said, which eliciteda huff from John.
“I hope myhair does not look like a rope, thank you very much.”
Thomas hadnever been much of a sailor himself, but he knew that the braid James hadmiraculously created was as far from a rope as a braid could be. In fact, itlooked stunning, because the hairdo accentuated John’s facial features. Hisblue eyes shone even brighter, without any hair hiding them. He was asea-angel, come to live in front of him. Thomas surely was blessed.
“Itdoesn’t,” he murmured as James placed the strands carefully into his hands. “Whatdo I have to do?”
Again,James shifted, until he sat behind Thomas, so he could move his hands with hisown. His voice was soft in his ear. “Get a little more of the loose hair andput the outer strand between the other two.” Thomas did, his hands stillclumsy, but James helped him. “Yes, like this. Now the other side, there yougo. Are you okay, John?” John hummed, and Thomas kept on, pleased he was makingprogress.
It didn’ttake long to finish the braid. James had done most of the work and it wasobvious where Thomas had started, because James’ work was much tidier than his.But it was a braid and when John looked into the mirror and didn’t complain,Thomas heart melted. John looked beautiful and parts of it was his doing. Hefelt strangely proud of himself.
“I thinkyou have to braid my hair tomorrow as well,” John grinned, his blue eyessparkling. Thomas knew there was nothing he would rather do.
Some months later
“What arethe flowers for?” James asked, the moment he spotted Thomas and John walk intothe house, a basket full of flowers in their hands. Their eyes sparkled withmischief and deep in his gut he knew they were up to no good. When John sat onhis lap, rubbing against him like a cat, he knew he was right.
“Surprise,”Thomas said, rounding the chair James was sitting in and sunk his hands intothe ginger mane. Swift fingers loosened the hairband and smoothed the strandsout. Something dawned on James, and he tried to stand up, but couldn’t becauseit would have meant throwing John on the floor and he wasn’t actually thatcruel.
“No,” hedemanded and immediately John pouted.
“You’ll geta reward,” Thomas whispered into his ear the same moment John bit into hiscollarbone and a moan escaped James’ throat. It was hard to say no, when he wasoffered such a treat on a silver plate.
“Whatreward?” he asked huskily, and John chuckled, licking and kissing the spot hehad just bitten.
“We’re upfor suggestions,” John said and pressed his groin into James’. At that hiswillpower broke and his hands gripped John’s hips, thrusting up. A gutturalnoise reached his ear, filling him with fire. Not yet, however.
“Turnround. If I get a braid with flowers, you get one, too,” James mused andreached for a deep blue cornflower. It would suit John’s eyes. The rest couldcome later.
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21 Hottest Mahogany Hair Color Ideas for Short, Medium and Long Hair
Mahogany hairstyles Suit, medium and darker skin tones add color to the richness and depth of your hair. The selection of fashionable mahogany shades is wide, including copper, dark copper, deep purple, plum, red, purple and lighter the hair red colors, and it is a beautiful shade to enhance dark-blonde, brunette or black hair in this awesome gallery!
Fantastic violet balayage on trendy angled bob
After that, rather neglected, except for blonde stripes that work sometimes and sometimes not (!), Black hair is getting lots of new, trendy color ideas this year. This deep plum shade adds many extra-class to a fashionable angled bob on thick hair.
Long disheveled bob with texture
Coffee brown hair has no natural golden or red undertones to soften you and can be tough sometimes. However, adding a touch of red creates an attractive and flattering color. This layered haircut has a natural finish with a disheveled texture and slightly textured tips.
Peek-a-boo bangs & page volume
There are many trendy, half-length hairstyles around this season and these layered, cut, with muted red ombré and structured tips, is a great example! The smooth, black top has a side parting and extra-long diagonal fringes. In contrast, the lower lengths are highly graded and disheveled for a super-cool, messy finish.
Nice everyday hairstyle with subtle, ombré
The long, casual layered haircut has a subtle color contrast between the mid-brown, mahogany hue and the understated ombré. Warm hues, frames that define the face of the model and a few relaxed, defined waves add texture. The ombré is a few tones darker, with a trendy touch of ash-brown.
Soft rippling waves & toffee-ombré for fine / medium hair
This beautiful long bob is a very fashionable choice, transforming long hair in a trendy look with more refinement. Ripple waves on top of soft and naturally on each side of the middle. And the flattering colors range from dark brown roots to toffee, marked with rich copper balayage!
Shiny & smooth-easy-care-cut
No wonder this model is smiling at your reflection, the rich mahogany all-over color is beautiful! This smooth, half-length haircut has long layers placed in the last 3-inch and a center part to create beautiful, ‘wing’ waves that frame the face! Set suits different face shapes if you want the separation.
Glamorous long waves with off-center parting
This is a fabulous special occasion hairstyle for long, thick hair. Dark-brown hair has been treated with a subtle red hue creating texture in the barrel of the waves. Teasing adds an extra touch of sophistication to the crown and into the appealing side swept bangs, in a softly draped wave accentuating the eyes and mouth.
Bright copper ombré on big waves
Here is a beautiful, eye-catching combination of fiery copper ombré and face-framing balayage! It transforms an ordinary-looking, long, black haircut into an easy-care, trendy, new look. Copper can really warm-up your complexion and hair color design looks wonderful in pony tails and lace-up styles!
Unique casual textured, wave pattern
These large, defined waves are a fabulous texture and movement on long hair cut in long layers. It is one of the most attractive, new wave patterns designed for teenagers and young women looking for a modern, individual look. The style is never brushed by, but raked with your fingers to keep the “undone” style, and the tips are structured to give a spiky finish to the ends!
High maintenance perfection
This is a high maintenance beauty image, even false eyelashes and false nails. It certainly shows how far the black leather jacket has come since its beginnings as a biker gang! This model is thick, the hair has been expertly tinted burgundy, including lighter fuchsia pink and black tulip burgundy, creating a fabulous, movie-star look!
Elegant navy-blue and red on long waves
For contemporary color sophistication on black hair, why not try this awesome blue and red-hair color scheme! The roots are nature black, gradually becoming subtle red with skilful accents of dark blue balayage. On shiny waves, it looks very rich and appealing without losing the natural look of your long hair.
Covering gray hair with a warm beige-blonde highlights
Starting dark coffee and black hair shows white and gray hair, way too early in your life! But with today’s fashion that is highlighting, you can highlight these to your benefit through the first soft beige-blond. Beige is a very attractive and relatively neutral shade, so you still look natural.
Make sure your hair color matches your tattoos
Deep Red looks great on cutting healthy, straight hair, in a low-maintenance young style with long stratification and textured tips. These days, it’s a good idea to consider how the new hair color will look on your body tattoos. The red and pink tones on this model is the arm nicely complemented by the dark red color of the hair.
Balance a square face shape
This look forward to long hair with levels and textured tips has, off-center parting neatly cutting off the edges of a square forehead, creating an oval frame. Shorter side layers drape over the square chin cover the angles. Finally, slender sides with long hair are the perfect way to add to ‘length’ and reduce the ‘width’ to flatter a square face shape!
Red velvet luxury look
There is something about deep red that always suggests luxury. And for this special occasion hairstyle with beautiful wavy, long curly hair, is a super-feminine and elegant look. If you change, dark brown or black hair, resulting in a deep red hue, it will be brighter and reflect the light better stunning color, the depth and texture!
Long hairstyles for heart shaped faces
This model heart-shaped face has a width, on cheek level, so must be a compensation haircut. An off-center part allows the hair to cover the edges of a wide forehead, creating an oval line. Lots of volume around a narrow chin ‘widened’ it, but extra volume at the cheekbone level will only accentuate broad cheeks. Slim sides would be more flattering!
Fits your favorite fashion clothes
Purple and gray are the two hot-fashion colors for clothing this year, so it makes sense to make those beautiful deep purple shades an attractive overall picture. The slightly angled surface gives Locker the waves that catch the light for thicker-looking hair with movement, texture and color, depth!
A fashionable touch of pink balayage
Here’s a pretty style based on long layers around the head and close-put layers that stick to the tops. The light wave pattern around the ends adds a lot of texture, density and vibrant movement. This beautiful hair color idea has light – pink balayage Added to the waves, in a style that is full of ideas to make fine / medium hair appear thicker!
Romantic waves of red, with fine beige highlights
This center-parted, hairstyle fits an oval face and emphasizes the symmetry of a shape that needs no extra balancing. The extra-large waves are trendy and draw attention down to your cleavage. And softening, which are even more fine, beige highlights, added to the hair under the chin to accentuate the waves pattern!
Rocking raspberry-pink balayage on wavy fine hair
Long fine hair drapes like threads of silk and there is no better way to show this way than ruffled waves! This gorgeous feminine look has cute raspberry-pink balayage, moving down in a wavy line raises your eyes and mouth. Diagonal bangs on long hair, suit, round, heart, oval and angular faces, the ‘extension’ a broad face!
How many of these fantastic, warm and face-flattering mahogany hairstyles will you try this year?
The post 21 Hottest Mahogany Hair Color Ideas for Short, Medium and Long Hair appeared first on their hairstyles.
21 Hottest Mahogany Hair Color Ideas for Short, Medium and Long Hair
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luxelipssinkships · 8 years
Would You Be My Galentine?
Trio Eye Kit by Sedona Lace $39.95
“Take your eye makeup to the next level with Sedona Lace’s new trio eye kit. The cruelty free brushes are crafted out of state of the art, incredibly soft, synthetic bristles. This complete set offers everything you need to achieve a gorgeous eye look – brows, shadow, and liner!”
I was so excited to get these brushes because I have been dying to try anything from Sedona Lace. Because these are synthetic bristles, they are great for blending cream and any other non-powder product. The first brush is a very sturdy blending brush, and it fits perfectly in my crease. The second brush is meant for brows, but I have used it twice for gel liner and it gives a really crisp, thin line. I haven’t used the last brush yet, but it looks like a great brush for winged liner.
Eye Shadow Pans from Make Up Geek $12.00
“A highly-pigmented, high-end shadow for half the price without sacrificing quality. This Makeup Geek eye shadow can be used alone or placed in a Z Palette to build your own custom palette. These buttery, smooth shadows are cruelty-free!”
I have always loved MUG shadows, so I was more than happy to add two more to my collection. I was actually lucky that I didn’t already own these two. I am pretty sure people got all different colors. The shades I got were Beaches & Cream and Barcelona Beach. The first is a light caramel brown shade, and the second is a more neutral dark brown. These shadows blend perfectly and compliment so many different eye looks. I used both today for a really subtle look, both just lightly dusted in the crease.
Mineral Matt Lipstick by Doucce $20.00
“A pure color lipstick that glides on effortlessly giving you a rich and velvet matte finish. Infused with SPF 10 and vitamin E, application gives off a soft texture, leaving your lips hydrated all day with a non-drying effect. Maximized color impact that provides a full-bodied coverage with incredible pigmentation. Exceptionally long wear formula that won’t feather or fade away.”
This is the second time I have gotten something from Doucce in my box. The packaging looks pretty, but it feels very cheap and plastic-y. I wish I had gotten a more day to day shade, but this red is really pretty. It reminds me a lot of a glossy version of MAC’s Ruby Woo. The formula is very slippy, so I would suggest wearing a lip liner to keep it from feathering. I haven’t worn this out yet, so I can’t really speak to its longevity yet.
Microdermabrasion by Dr. Brandt $79.00
“The original skin exfoliating procedure.”
This was the product I was most excited to see in my box, mostly because of how expensive it is! getting an $80 product for only 21 bucks is the whole reason I love Boxycharm so much. I have sensitive skin, so I first tested this on a tiny patch on my cheek, but after a day or so I tried it over my entire face. This left my skin the smoothest it has ever been, I am so in love! You get a good amount of product in this bottle, and you should only use this once a week, so this will last me a while.
Small Z Palette $14.00
“Completely customizable, this Small Z Palette, made exclusively for Boxycharm, features an open-faced, magnetic base that allows you to easily switch out shades and products as often as you like! This pint-sized Z Palette will fit just about anywhere and fits up to 9 standard-sized round pans.”
I think this little palette is so cute, especially with the Boxycharm heart! I have a few of these palettes, so I don’t have anything to put in this yet, but I will probably put some of my homemade pressed shadows in here!
All in all, this box had a total value of $164.95, which is very impressive. Let me know what you got in your box this month and what your thoughts are.
Glowingly yours,
February Boxycharm 2017 Would You Be My Galentine? Trio Eye Kit by Sedona Lace $39.95 "Take your eye makeup to the next level with Sedona Lace's new trio eye kit.
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