#it's a bringer of death too!!! but also that's kind of what god is doesn't it? with the same hand he distributes love and mercy
gothicastles · 6 months
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arkiwii · 11 months
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my god it took too long for literally just a fullbody. usually i do them so fast but i guess here i was lazy. anyway information and stuff and story and whatever below!!
Real name Fortuna, code name Kochosen, is a Liberi (azure-winged magpie) born in Laterano. She had been growing up and thriving to become a doctor. However, after contracting Oripathy in an accident, she has been forced to leave Laterano. Surviving in the wastelands on her own, she discovered her Originium Arts, to manipulate water, which greatly helped her in her journey. She finally joined Yan, where she was able to find some help for her cause, then later, joined Higashi, after helping a whole village from a Catastrophe.
She later accepted to help Rhodes Island as a Medic operator, precisely an Incantation Medic.
Fortuna is what can be said a bad omen... And also a good omen. Back in Laterano, due to her clumsiness, she quickly won the reputation of bringing bad luck around. Her Infection is what truly made her the nemesis of the Leterans, and due to the rules in the city, has been seen as an occasion to get rid of a bad luck bringer. This convinced her that she was indeed one who only cause suffering around, bringing her morale and self confidence to the lowest as she barely managed to survive in the wilderness.
However, when she arrived in Higashi, after catching the first signs of an incoming Catastrophe and having alerted the nearby village, she has been seen as a savior and a good omen. Her help and contribution to the village as a doctor also contribued to this good reputation, and the villagers quickly started to appreciate her presence. After this event, and seeing that her powers and own hands were able to save lives and not hurt them, she questioned herself.
But she doesn't remain less clumsy. It seems all the worst happen to her, like a bad luck magnet. But it seems like it happens to her and only her, and nobody around, quite the opposite even - people around her seem to live rather fortunate events. Maybe by attracting the bad luck to her, the other persons around are left with only good luck...
It's because of her clumsiness that her body is rather... In a bad state. Under the layers of clothes she wears is a wounded, bandaged body, covered in minor scars, bruises, and of Originum crystals. She seems to be used to this however, her only complains are about how her sleep is uncomfortable.
Despite her serious and calm personality, she's not one to be on the smarter side. She still struggles a lot with Yanese for example, and the culture of Higashi. After all, as a Lateran, she finds the food of Higashi "dull", and would much prefer their sweetest snacks instead.
As well, it seems that her Oripathy has caused kleptomania, as she was often caught taking on objects of her interest for no other reason that she felt the urge to take them.
i love birds, i love magpies, i love arknights, boom
here she is
The main ideas for her design and story is... Well, about how Magpies are absolutely dual?? in occidental cultures, they are seen as bringer of death, bad luck, nasty, quite like crows. but in oriental cultures, it's the total opposite, they're seen as a symbol of luck, of love, of balance and such! that's why i wanted to make her being so contradictory. she seems serious but is dumb. she came laterano where she was seen as bad luck, she moved to higashi where she is seen as good luck. her outfit is quite literally a mix of lateran and higashi culture
as for water arts, it's a reference to how luck and fate are like a river, but also to how water arts are both very dangerous and benefic, and also it's a reference to the magpie bridge in chinese culture
anyway, she tries her best, and that she's clumsy and a bit strange doesn't change that she has a very kind heart
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hyena-frog · 1 year
Light Bringer predictions post
I’ve been jotting down notes all day, trying to remember all my big and little predictions for Light Bringer. Some of these have already been discussed to death, some have been idle thoughts floating in my head. But I want to write it all out before LB finally comes out, so I can look back on this and either laugh at my naivete or feel vindicated by my genius.
I’m sure I’m still forgetting some things, so I may end up editing this later.
The new POV is either Diomedes or Volga.
Two or more POVs interact.
Light Bringer starts off in some way no one has theorized, because that's what Pierce Brown does best. (This happened with Dark Age too.)
Pierce Brown introduces even more plot points that won't be resolved until Red God.
There will absolutely be at least three huge things happen that no one predicted or even considered might happen. This is how Pierce Brown do.
Not everything will be resolved by the end of Light Bringer. (This is a given of course; I mean some of the things people are theorizing or want won't happen until next book.)
The Morning Star was originally commissioned by Octavia as a gift to Lysander. Since it is now in enemy hands, it is repaired and handed over to Lysander, as the "rightful" owner.
Cicero becomes important.
Someone we don't expect is sympathetic to the Republic, or is otherwise an unexpected Reformer (ie not Diomedes because everyone suspects him).
There is an epic showdown at Lorn's castle, or on Europa in general.
Rhonna and Char survived and fight on Mercury still.
Holiday remains true to the ideals of the Republic; she was never a traitor, and the people who keep repeating that theory despite having zero evidence will finally shut the fuck up.
We learn more about whatever Oculus is and what Quicksilver's intentions are.
Mickey comes back.
Evey comes back.
Evey is working with the remaining Sons in the Rim.
Faust/The Duke of Hands comes back.
Deanna dies. Holiday dies. Screwface, Pebble, and/or Clown die. I don’t want these to happen but I also don’t want to think about what kind of death made Pierce Brown cry. I don’t truly think any of these would really make him cry, but this is as close as I want to get to considering what the real answer is.
Lysander plots to kill Atalantia.
Atalantia becomes pregnant with Lysander's child but dies by DNA poison backfire.
Atalantia dies, Atlas remains alive to deal with in Red God.
Lysander gets worse, despite the guilt over Cassius.
Lysander doesn't face consequences yet but the winds shift against him.
Ajax seeks revenge on Lysander.
Ajax and Diomedes bond as cousins. Alternatively, they duel, but I think that is too obvious.
Ajax joins Darrow (out of revenge against Atalantia, not love for the Republic).
Cassius confronts Lysander. In person? Over holos? It is epic and emotional.
Pytha turns against Lysander and returns to the Archimedes. Alternatively, she remains with Lysander as a spy for Cassius.
Darrow and Cassius have a heart to heart.
Cassius talks to his mom. For better or worse. Julia will help Cassius despite hating the Republic because he is her only remaining family.
Cassius finds closure with Virginia.
Diomedes/Cassius or Screwface/Cassius becomes canon. Listen, I know these have a snowball's chance in hell, but I can dream.
We get a detailed explanation of how Cassius escaped the Rim. Either Diomedes and Aurae worked together, or Aurae worked independently. There’s not enough information yet to guess.
Cassius meets Pax and Electra; Pax has a celebrity crush on him but Electra is not happy, since Cassius literally murdered her grandpa.
Cassius demonstrates that he has matured as a person.
Cassius faces consequences for killing Fitchner or otherwise expresses regret for doing so.
Cassius returns to Eagle Rest. He repairs it and the city ransacked by Fa.
Lyria finds Volga and they kick Fa's ass together.
Lyria and Volga fall in love.
Volga is changed by her time with Fa, more hardened, but Lyria brings out her kindness again.
Volga gets that damn farm, and a womb, and has a child.
Volga’s heart being on the opposite side becomes plot relevant when Fa tries to kill her but goes for the wrong side of her chest.
Volga becomes queen of the Obsidian.
Valdir shows up again and joins Darrow.
Valdir is confirmed to love Darrow romantically.
Fa is being slowly poisoned by the DNA poison in Sefi after eating her heart. Alternatively, Fa does not get sick, proving he is not her real father.
Pax is involved in the war effort somehow. Maybe helping Lyria? Darrow has complex emotions about this.
Darrow is able to show Pax that he still has his hoverbike key and it's a touching father/son moment.
Darrow and Pax ride the hoverbike together again -- for fun? In battle?
Pax makes more friends his age. Diomedes' younger siblings? Baldur comes back??
Pax struggles with the weight of essentially sending Ephraim to his death; logically he knows it’s not his fault, and that Ephraim knew the risks, but by god, Pax is only a child. Darrow is able to help ease his distress with an epic dad speech or something.
Pax kicks the Abomination's ass.
The Abomination becomes good, or otherwise decides being the Jackal sucks, actually
Lilath dies for real. Painfully. But definitively.
Atlas is the big bad; a blind spot even in the Jackal's plans.
Virginia and Victra save Sevro.
Darrow and Cassius save Sevro.
Sevro is brainwashed by the Jackal and Virginia has to fix him.
Sevro learns what happened to Ulysses. Pierce Brown writes this scene in such a profoundly sad way, the entire the fandom dies instantly.
Darrow and Sevro have a heart to heart.
The Darrow/Sevro/Cassius trio do something epic again, like they did when they stole the Minerva standard in the first book. I am starving for these three.
Cassius is jealous of Darrow/Sevro. I think that would be very funny.
Virginia and Victra bash sisters moment.
Virginia and Victra actually become friends, not friends by virtue of their husbands being best friends.
Mars becomes the capital of the Republic under Virginia.
PsychoSpike tech comes back in a big way, as either a boon or a detriment to the Republic.
Victra is called on by Volga and Lyria to fulfill her promise to aid them whenever they need it.
Darrow and/or Victra will face (or at least be threatened with) consequences for the destruction of the Docks of Ganymede.
Eagle Rest becomes a campus to teach lowcolors important life skills they might lack, following what Sefi was doing for Obsidians, but expanding the idea.
Rhea is resurrected and becomes habitable again; possibly a new home for the Obsidian, depending on how the Rim ends up.
Diomedes joins the Republic/Darrow.
Diomedes is captured by Darrow's crew and comes to an understanding with them while in captivity.
Diomedes discovers Atlas' plans, which include destroying the Rim, which motivates him to join Darrow.
Diomedes becomes Sovereign of the Rim.
Aurae joins the Republic/Darrow with Diomedes. Alternatively, Aurae is revealed to be a Sons of Ares agent, perhaps one of the survivors of the SOA purge in the Rim.
In Iron Gold, Aurae played music during the dinner scene. So my predication is, if she joins Darrow's crew, she will entertain them with music. idk I just think that would be a nice moment.
Diomedes is confirmed to love Aurae (beyond Lysander assuming so for a brief sentence), or at least this is expanded on in some way.
Apollonius tries to duel Diomedes but the latter is Not Interested in a moment of comedy.
Reaperstang reunion??? Please???
We see more of the Raa family, and get to know established members better. Vela, Gaia, Diomedes' remaining siblings, etc.
Virginia, Diomedes, and Volga become a Triumvirate, ruling over Republic, Rim, and Obsidian factions respectfully, in a peaceful political alliance, rather than warring to get everyone under the same empire banner again.
Big damn Reaperstang reunion kiss.
At the end of it all, somehow Darrow's banishment is the only way to maintain peace.
Darrow is believed to be dead throughout Light Bringer, until an epic reveal at the very end. This miraculous second resurrection is why he is the Red God.
Darrow lives. He lives and he is happy. (Shh I know there is another book coming, let me have this.)
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grokebaby · 1 year
WAIT HELLO LASSI'S DAD KILLED MOST OF THE PLAGUES ?? I wanna hear THAT story 👁👁 does Lassi himself know about that ? What does he think about his dad with that added context ?
(in response to this post)
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[The Incident™ has been mentioned before in this. Also I drew a thing related to it]
(cracks my knuckles) alright buckle down kids time to hate on this shithead. Press like to explode him now press reblog to explode him now comment to explode him now
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To get into the issue with the Plagues there's a few layers of lore to peel back. I prefer to be vague bc this involves some characters that are really close to my heart and I prefer to not talk about them too publicly.
Flashcards go! There's this deity who's the creator of this demon kind - which Lassi, Siru and everyone belongs to. Also the creator of a huge portion of the plagues (intentionally or not). We shall refer to this deity as The Mistress (hen/hens or she) but long story short: hen is the deity of the duality between life and death, deprivation and prosperity, and all that jazz. Big deal. Has two forms, and the death form is horrific and unstoppable (and extremely tortuous on the mistress henself btw). It can literally ruin lands from being fertile again bc it's in a constant state of desperate starvation and so will eat any living thing it comes across. I'm telling this to emphasize how serious shit can get if you summon the death form (which is understandably a major taboo, and obviously avoided at all costs).
- Also relevant: The Plagues are divided into "Courts" (fin: Piirit), based mostly on what their whole Deal is. There's a separate court for sicknesses, another for suffering (like, pain), one for pests (like Pesticinger and Margaretta) and so on. There is also a court associated with Plentiness and prosperity (often also called The Mistress' court, for reasons you can probably gleen?). They range from benevolent bringers of good fortune, to greedy entities capable of consuming endlessly. Often both.
Onto The Incident🕴️
The Mistress was throwing a huge feast in honor of spring. Lots of people were invited - notably, pretty much the entire court of Plentiness (and some pests bc there's alot of bugs who like to eat in there). Many demons were also invited, such as P, Mr Varpunen and Nan. Lassi and Siru were little babies at the time so they stayed home.
Since Mr. Varpunen has shitbrain manbaby disease (cannot shut up and let go when something doesn't go his way), he decided to cause a scene in the midst of the feast (not bc of the feast itself but as mentioned earlier on, he's mad bc his wives don't wanna go along with a huge decision he wants to make. For all of them.)
The Mistress of course publicly called out his behavior and scolded him in front of everybody (you stepped on this soap box, now lay in it). Manbaby storms off to sulk and perhaps find the nearest item that can substitute for a summoning device..
After some time he comes back and talks the absolute shit out of The Mistress, and to prove his superiority, forces hen to shift to the death form via amateur summoning. It wasn't graceful so the whole process was messy and not fun for anybody. Yes, people tried to stop him, which made it all the more messy. You can probably guess that all hell unfolded upon the feast after that.
We can at least be satisfied in knowing that when the perpetually starving (and mighty pissed off) death God emerged, Mr. Varpunen was the first to be gulped down. Unfortunately, P (Mrs. Varpunen) was very quickly after, since she was frozen in shock.
Soooo (pulls out a long scroll that keeps rolling a mile ahead of me) this ofc had lots of immediate and far reaching consequences. Here's a little overview on the overall damage list (not even mentioning the fact that the feast, which used alot of resources and effort to put together, was completely ruined):
- About 90% of the court of Plentiness were eaten, bc nothing more tasty than fortune bringers when you're a starving deity. There are only a handful of survivors, and most of them got away bc they ran as far as they could and didn't stop running until they no longer recognized the world around them. There is a certain Mx. Kuhilas who has lived in the human realm for the past 30yrs since..
- Most of the bug pests from the pest court also died. Did you know Margaretta was invited to this feast? Did you know the only reason she survived is bc she's a bit of a ditz and she was hours late?
- Damn near all demon villagers who were invited. Dead. Definitely every single one who was at the big table during the Incident. The village lost almost a whole generation to this.
- SO much livestock. So much food. Gone.
- Did you know the death form attracts plagues that are also related to all things destruction and taking away?
- This was a fucking nightmare. The whole rampage was only stopped bc the hassle caused a certain plague to be summoned, and this certain plague has the expertise of making people vomit. It wasn't enough to save any of the people already eaten (when eaten their souls literally disintegrate), but it did prevent anyone else from being eaten bc it caused the death deity to collapse from exhaustion and go comatose.
Now, believe it or not there was at least a little unselfish motivation behind Mr. V's actions. There were claims and tales that people who've managed to escape the death form are able to "cheat death", so to speak. Since evading this deity at all in the first place is kinda like cheating death, rumor has it that survivors could do it again. This isn't a very concrete claim however and it's a very flimsy excuse to fuck over everyone this badly. See, Mr. V thought since Lassi and Siru would obviously dodge the Wrath of the deity, they'd be granted this special fate. However, most people involved enough to know about this stuff, are aware that it's a false belief - often much like the warmth that hypothermia victims feel seconds before their death.
[Sad trumpet sfx]
No, Lassi is not aware of this whole incident. Siru is, bc Nan told her when she was old enough (which is unfortunately sometime around after Lassi moved away from home). Nan didn't talk about the Incident for YEARS after it happened since she was traumatized (unsurprisingly). Before she really talked about everything, the general consensus was "Mr and Mrs. Varpunen died bc of something horrible he did. Alot more people also died that same day."
Lassi and Siru did gleen some hints when they were young - ykno, from disdainful whispers and pitying looks their family received for a while. Also the momentary flinching terror that people had when they saw Lassi's eyes, or the almost expectant shame when seeing Siru's hair (the curse.. Manifests on both kids in some way).
Boy, if Lassi did find out.... Alot of pieces would fall into place let's say that. He'd understand why people were so weird about him looking alot like his dad. He'd understand why it was wrong of him to sell that silver bell for money all those years ago. Ykno the silver bell that the Mistress gave Nan as an apology, which is a protective artefact? Yeah. Oh jeez. He'd probably feel like an even shittier person than he is but also a victim bc. C'mon. He didn't know. He didn't deserve to be treated like the ghost of a monster when younger. Have everyone hover around him as if he could grow up to be capable of the same. He didn't know..
It'd be heavy to shoulder, considering everything he's went through in the big world. And one thing's for sure...
He'd be even more insistent that his underlings never call him Mr. Varpunen.
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