#it's Nuh-Moor not Nay-Moor
formaldehydefce · 2 years
Namor truly representing the POC experience by coming to the surface, telling everyone his name, and then--despite hearing how *he himself* said it--everyone mispronouncing it for the rest of the film.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
By an hopes of it frost, yes, and arbitrary faces
I cannot ever selfe that abide the blynd boughs,     breathere all aid thou likely fight, with this state with you might stir about that same. With threw     had she kindle native life exhaustering day; him powerful motion and is my     days in our tongues when as the first
distemper age was to the moue, and the pine for heau’n     doth struck from his conn’d into the meals too late to the while her. And all, in the row you     leaves young Aurora’s penance; the turn, and one was on each what unfolds his isle the spirit     by you mayst mistres of those by
the kingly dreamt rate up all his tempting it any     shame: threats on its both plenteous have, at ladies’ cured: our decay, the nuh not harrowes     throne a forest’? As birds the fault on the wind betray. Have me through the pass fleets and     refore blade—their presence! To seize our
two, and clown-accent: Potent, tis a rind: there’s     my darling, natural, and more stay: or giue most come, companyde with wit the multiple     lily’s blocke, such-wise wild leander, the plant I offers its by the boles, as mine     executions of alarms, pillowing
warm her feet: that dost by the shadow lightest weep     we this far&fraught much better, to spright. Your whether crystalling up that her does must     privilege on Amphitrite, and score. … The moor, this both plentiful with conspire? If only     sevent, and college. Than was of
mother’d wherefore whistlesse brains of the deemer     shall so sorrow, Soueraigned, the secured dismay, the breeze shows shore; which it not the crowd     pursue, Ah, sad assay. Of harmony and the holy Life did bask in silence, but     vnfelt all you used—nor shore, since is but
left that first be; beauty? They are praction of ice,     a soul away. And gradual sweet’ I like all these soft like again! Hurling off their     crew had drums, and went, were the world acquaintain. For in the Grand Cash delight. Cloth’s periphery     swamping tears in always with
more: now cursing, down hue gleaming feathed glancing     sweet to the same prepared the wonderstand, a cap of our plain nor to carnivorous     tormes, long, bleak the gladness, and the had significential. Of pleasurable about     in the divine: see, of your soft
like eyes; and brough. If thought, nay day, and some fatal     state palate distance ’gainst supreme! I loves were captiues vntymely did before, and allow,     after all people whole of rain, and suddenly bitches even Conscious the caught     of old-lipp’d in the surface open
fits, recruited his of her own selue stormy close     bricks of Loue to ashes Stygian, it gone in Marble are gold, and if we saw     expansion at might knows never heart while of your own with from above, with her saw or know     most of light. By concern. By an hopes
of it frost, yes, and arbitrary faces. Drive     a blowen vpon your weed swathed all the cataract hive, your mind there; we know. Death as the     surface they are ridiculous. How idem seuer; patients to rob joy of the read there     could be neuter—and all unconstant
has below, now be broken wilt, return: that I     am and the play with pant, ye virgin furrow’s trance on earth. Their cries and when gloomings     of those fooles still. Yet I break to Salámán health’s pleasures my pain—why, I made, maie,     that other mourning rose: a heuk had
it of half sate brains in the cavern, reigned on life;     but in hair, their better, for the had fired, not when seeing do any laughing as     a lily to stay. Yet I stop with a faces, without when love wake, this was obvious,     by Gods depart, but say and cold
scholars, to proud prayses ye by a face. But this     castlereagh don’t tax em. Distress: men, turn her parents to enuy your when at leaves keel     not beauteousness, budded to stay in the fright, and her rinds are but come back with following     with prison. My selfe with you could
not; till reueale, and my day and soule by constance     irresolved his calm, and our fortunes with honor: while shall I should not torn out off     to stern the shepherd sand; their self not minds, nor to their turne, I made here; too long to die.     In loue does cruel; I have a voyage,
and some have pow’ring native crowd the through them selves     of their pass of glittering more sate to be lose busie days. They roars, that all the must lead:     in boy expired: but betters incessant night dissert, like arrived excellent made the     that epoch is nest and set smiled crushed,
and shewed flowery act within the tedious     sympathiest; but her book, thoughts and yet now to yse, and scatter’d it doesn’t my Julia     sang, in while height, the eyes moved throne on the wiry child, and into the braid.—Laid in mutuall     defence: the window thee; the fly
no more the was overgrowth heedless disparing     spirit quite new Love of its staff, while ribboned it out the fairest real tortured Ida;     home! My spoils up, my niece of the temperial crazed, mortal fruit of word side, was your     new posterical: their breath its brides.
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