#it’s very barebones for now but rest assured I will add to it as time goes on
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dustcollectingbones · 4 months ago
Intro post time!
General stuff:
Hi I’m Dust Collecting Bones a.k.a. Thomas! I’m like a court jester except I’m also attracted a little too much by bones.
I also now have a sideblog for my manic rants and ramblings, she’s called @manicassandra!
Please block this person, they are a horrible person and have ruined my life and will likely ruin yours.
You will often see me reblogging cool stuff, ranting about strange things, or getting much too invested in random posts. I don’t like to participate in many controversies or extreme beliefs and even if I did I will likely not post about it.
Fun facts:
I am Bisexual/Pan-questioning and Grey-Ace
I am okay with all pronouns, but female ones are preferred (very small preference)!
I speak English and Mongolian, am learning Japanese and Korean, and know a small amount of Russian and Spanish
I play the piano (quite badly mind you)
Despite spending the majority of my life in none of these countries, I speak with a mix of Californian, British, and Irish accents
I have audhd, and probably other undiagnosed stuff
Warnings/non-fun facts:
I am extremely queer and proud about it
I (though you likely won’t see much posting about it) sh and have an ed
I have an ed, sh, and several anxiety issues so please tag gore/sh/ed/su1c1d3 related content and use tone indicators!!!
I don’t have OSDD, but function in a similar manner (if you really must know dm and I can explain)
I am very defensive of my moots and will not tolerate any hate towards them
Nsfw and porn accounts (though I can forgive posting about it I won’t interact with accounts solely centred around it)
Transphobes, homophobes, TERFs, racists, queerphobes, and any other uncool people
Adults in dms
I dibble and dabble I’m several fields of study, such as physics, both quantum and applied, engineering (though one could argue that’s just really applied physics), chemistry, medicine, psychology, biology, and many more.
I love learning about new strange things so feel free to send me just cool stuff you find out about. I also have an extensive collection of useless or obscure information you’ll likely never need.
Music taste:
I love almost any genre, but my favourite musicians are as follows in no particular order:
Will Wood, IDKHBTFM, Waitress, Liability Luke, Changeline, Machinery of the Human Heart, Issbrokie/Shteppie, Lightnin’ Luke, Crispin de Sade (a.k.a. @outlying-hyppocrate), Kendrick Lamar, Femtanyl, That Handsome Devil, Shayfer James, Isiah Rashad, Dib Dooley, Teddy Hyde, Bear Ghost, and Aaron May.
There are much more mind you these are just my most prominent listens (pls feel free to dm me for music recommendations).
Music writing
Piano & singing
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
I consume podcast dramas at a voracious pace but if I could name my favourites it would be TMA/TMagP, The Penumbra, The Silt Verses, Hymns for the Road, Midnight Burger, Malevolent, We Fix Space Junk, and Ch&T especially
Other fandoms include: Rick Riordan books, Good Omens, Doctor Who, Arcane, Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Fear and Hunger, Mouthwashing, etc
Why Dust Collecting Bones?:
It's both (at the risk of sounding self-absorbed) clever wordplay and a vague description of my hobbies. It can mean bones that collect dust (i.e. old bones), or dust (as in myself) that collects bones (my Vulture-esque habits), and bones (as in myself) that collects old things (also my strange habits).
It's mainly because I have a fascination with all things old, dead, or in various stages of decay. From collecting antiques, to preserving specimens, if it's old, I like it!
User boxes under the cut!
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #377
“Karla’s Anxiety, Hg's Dress, Trender Steps in, Time for Pirates and Suspicious Words”
[Splender] Teleports into Lie's backyard, having been shouted at by Trender for not checking on Pinwheel- Pinwheel!
[Pinwheel] Lifts her head with a slight irritated flick of her tail, she's grown again and is laying in the shade of Karla's house-
[Karla] Looks up from the book she's reading on the porch. - Someone is calling for you.
[Pinwheel] - It's Splendy
[Karla] Puts the book away - Are you hiding from him?
[Pinwheel] - He's gonna get huggy
[Karla] Well he did raise you. And he is more then a little fond of you. Despite the biting.
[Pinwheel] Huffs-
[Splender] Spots her and teleports right over, squealing over the fact that she's grown- YOU GOT BIGGER!
[Karla] She's a fine dragon. You should be proud.
[Splender] Goes for the hug-
[Pinwheel] Bites-
[Splender] Oh you're getting so big and pretty!
[Karla] I presume that's much less painful then it looks?
[Splender] - Oh!  I'm sorry, I'm being rude, I didn't even see you there.  No, it's not painful at all for me
[Karla] I'm Dr. Emmerich. Karla is fine though. And I presume from your rather impressive stature; you're one of the Slenders?
[Splender] - Yes!  I'm Splender!  The youngest!
[Karla] And I'm guessing the happiest? I met your brother Offender briefly as well. How's your mother adjusting? I heard she'd joined you.
[Splender] - Well!  Trender is currently watching her
[Pinwheel] - Splendy!  Let go!
[Splender] - Awwww, but you're so soft and fluffy
[Karla] Stands a bit closer - She might need a little air there?
[Splender] Finally lets go and Pinwheel scrambles up onto the roof-
[Karla] Chuckles - She can move quickly when the mood strikes her. I find her most pleasant company.
[Splender] - I'm glad, she needs more friends
[Karla] I think Ever is trying as well, but with less success.
[Splender] - I'm sorry, I don't believe I've met him
[Karla] Blonde fluffy hair? Cat ears and a tail currently?
[Splender] - I'm sorry, I've been busy trying to keep my mother happy so I don't think I've seen him, but I do appreciate you looking after Pinwheel
[Karla] Ah, you'll run into him eventually. He said he was going to the village a little while ago. And I've just been providing a bit of shelter in between her playing with Crim. They've become quite close.
[Splender] - I do need to head over there to feed soon, have you been?
[Karla] Shifts uncomfortably- no... I have not... I have had rather bad luck with small towns in the past. I don't want to upset anyone...
[Splender] - Then come with me!
[Karla] Waffling-
[Splender] Grabs Karla's wrist- Be good Pinwheel!- He then teleports them into the village
-There's a bit of commotion as they pop in but the people quickly relax and wave before going about their business.
[Karla] That was... unusual...
[Splender] - They're used to it- Children are now spotting him and gathering excitedly, wondering what sort of treats he has for them this time
[Karla] Is edging away from the kids uncomfortably-
[Pinapple] Are you new here? You don't look like a brine or an Alex?
[Karla] I'm not...
[Splender] - She's a doctor!  And she's been keeping an eye on Pinwheel for me- He's passing out some candy
[Pinapple] Another one? Are you going to work out of Doc's office?
[Coffi] What's your specialty?
[Karla] I wasn't planning on it.... And I'm a field medic...
[CN] Comes in through the gate, making the vanilla delivery for Lie-
[Creme] Spots him- Oh! It's the teeny NOTCH. Hello Cn.
[Karla] Is very unsettled and it's showing-
[Pinapple] Are you okay miss?
[Karla] Too fast nod-
[CN] - Hi!  Lie wanted me to bring in the vanilla since she can't leave the house according to the Big Meanie
[Splender] - Calm yourself Karla, you're in no danger, they're just curious
[Karla] Shoots him a look that's very slightly panicked.
[Coffi] Is a bit too close and she scoots away from him-
[Splender] Glances at the testificates sending a bit of happy energy to them to distract them a little-
[Creme] Breaks out in a blissful expression-
[Pinapple] Gets distracted by the playing children and smiles-
[Karla] -jimmies definetly rustled-
[CN] - Crème?  Where does Lie usually put the vanilla?
[Splender] Creates some small toys- Would you like a tour Karla?
[Creme] She usually gives it to Eggg since him and Basquet run the kids cafe. He portions it out so the other places with food get some too.
[CN] - Where are they?
[Creme] Stands on tiptoes and looks past the crowd of kids- Go through the gate and it's the building on the right.
[CN] - Okay- He starts making his way through the crowd
[Karla] Has backed up against a wall and is nervously watching everyone.
[Splender] Notices this and sends happy energy directly to Karla, hoping it will relax her a little-
[HG] -runs into the dessert kicking up sand as he goes-
[Mix] -Is out in a skirt, no shirt. She's just working on some building with a bit of shade.-
[HG] -sees mix and stops- hello mix
[Mix] Hey.. HG? Why you coming through the desert?
[Mix] -Wipes sweat-
[HG] Just wanted to see if I could water some cacti while I think
[Mix] Oh sure! There's a whole bunch over there! -Gestures at a collection of Cacti off to the side-
[HG] -waters them- so what are you doing?
[Mix] Been thinking of building some more so I figured I'd start!  -Gestures at the barebones design-  And I couldn't be bothered to actually get dressed so! Skirt
[HG] what are those full body flowy outfits gem wears one all the time but I don't know what it is called
[Mix] A dress?
[HG] is that right I don't know but I wanted to get one a soft pretty one with flowers
[Mix] I could make you one if you want? I have some left over fabric at home...
[HG] you can? Oh thank you mix - is clearly excited to get their own dress-
[Mix] I'll go get my stuff and come back, that way you can see it while I make it. I need a bit of a break anyway. -Starts off toward her house-
[HG] - is bouncing in place because he is super excited-
[Mix] -Is gone for a bit before returning with a handful of cloth and some tools.-
[HG] - watched mix work-
[Mix] -Soon has a rough dress made, it's got some flowers along the hem and is a soft green shade.- How's this look so far?
[HG] it's so pretty so far
[Mix] Any changes you want?
[HG] uh can you please make it have a very easy sleeve in the top part?
[Mix] Of course! Anything else?
[HG] could it also have a belt?
[Mix] Uhhh.. Sure! -Making the changes-
[HG] Your very good at this mix
[HG] I can't wait to wear It - HG is getting suepr excited again-
[Mix] I've had a lot of practice! -Is adding finishing touches before giving it to HG-
[HG] -holds the dress- it's so perfect thank you -back away from mix and kicks up a mini cloud of dust enough to switch into the dress with-
[Mix] -Puts things away- How's it feel?
[HG] I love it feels so soft and it fits perfectly thank you mix for helping
[Mix] No problem! Enjoy it! -Big smile-
[HG] -offers Mix one of the ice cream saplings because they would help keep her cool in the hot sun-
[Karla] Feels Splender's energy and tries to shake it off, she's not comfortable being influenced.
-As Karla becomes more uncomfortable she feels something else grab her and teleport her to a different part of the village, a quiet corner of the villages park-
[Trender] - Discomfort does not suit you
[Karla] Shudders- Who are you?
[Trender] - I am Trender, one of Splender's older brothers.
[Karla] Brushes herself off a bit- Thank you then. Too long avoiding people makes one immediately unhappy in a crowd.
[Trender] - So I could feel, but I assure you, my brother meant no harm in bringing you here.  He likes to make people happy, that is all
[Karla] I've noticed. He's much my opposite. I prefer making people delightfully uncomfortable.
[Trender] - You'd get along with Offender then, and possibly our eldest brother too
[Karla] Offender I've met. He seems rather charming in a dangerous way. I believe I've met your eldest brother too, though I was rather... we'll say in an excited and rather blood splattered mood.
[Trender] - It wouldn't have been with Herobrine, would it?
[Karla] Smiles in a rather predatory way - Yes indeed. He and I seem to be getting along decently well too. If only because he likes me being around to help care for his wife.
[Trender] - Is his wife ill?
[Karla] Quite the contrary, she's great with his child.
[Trender] Is silent for a moment- ...  I need a door
[Karla] Why?
[Trender] - To get to my workshop
[Karla] Ah, wanting to add to the pile of baby things? Their friends threw them quite a lavish shower with all the pastel trimmings.
[Trender] - Making outfits is most certainly a hobby of mine, but I suspect they only have baby clothing, they will need clothes for as it grows- He settles on one of the doors to the post office and focuses a bit of power on it.  It opens to reveal his workshop on the other side, the massive room stretching into the distance and a more recent work resting on a mannequin nearby
[Karla] Peers in, obviously interested. - Ah a fellow of the cloth. I like sewing as well. Though it's usually not so wholesome in form.
[Trender] - Nor is mine always, ah, Scarfy, did you need something?- There's a bit of movement in a shadow as Trender's proxy steps out and shakes his head.  He wears a mask which looks like a mime's face and a bright red scarf is wrapped around his neck
[Karla] How interesting.... I see your assistant is equally unusual.
[Trender] - He is my proxy, just as Ringleader is for Splender- He begins searching the shelves for just the right fabrics
[Karla] Follows him, she's obviously marvelling at his horde. - Any love for... leather? [She slips slightly as she speaks] It's one of mein favorites.
[Trender] - The section that is kept in is a few aisles that way- He motions with a tendril towards his right- I have at least a sample of everything I can possibly get, including some things from the game we are currently in
[Karla] Examines her hands - Not quite real, but closer in here. How strange. My... assistant is rather enamored with the enchanted cloths. Heh. My work is often done with real hide, feathers and sometimes bones.
[Trender] - Those I have by practically the mountain load if you ever need some
[Karla] I used to take commissions, but it seems pointless in a world where massive diamonds and pure gold is there for anyone willing to spend a few hours digging them up.
[Trender] - But that shouldn't stop you from doing it simply out of enjoyment, plus it would allow you to have money for out there
[Karla] Oh, I am doing it just for fun. Perhaps when I venture out again I'll put those works up for sale. If I tire of viewing them myself. It's nice to have so much free time. But I don't have easy access to travel back and forth. I'm not a creepypasta that can make portals.
[Trender] - You could always just have Herobrine scare them by dropping it off on their door step- He's sewing now and cutting fabric at the same time
[Karla] That's a delightful thought, but again, I don't want to put him out. It's difficult for anyone to entice him to leave Lie's side for even a moment. Even with her fluctuating mood.
[Trender] - Yes, that is one of the things about pasta's and their mates, the bond shared is nigh unbreakable, although it is possible
[Karla] It's fortunate. I suspect that their progeny will have a mix of their powers. I think it may take both of them and several helpful friends merely to babysit the child.
[Trender] - It should be entertaining- He folds several now finished articles of clothing up and puts them into a bag- We should be getting back to my brother, before he gets into a worried frenzy
[Karla] Gracefully gestures - Lead the way my good Slender.
[Trender] As he leads her out they pass the mannequin and a whimper escapes it as pleading eyes follow Karla's retreating form-
[Karla] Glances and wonders, but doesn't say anything.
[Trender] Holds the door for her- It was a pleasure spending some time with you
[Karla] Thank you. You as well.
[Yaunfen] Is running egarly with a book in one hand and Waffles trailing behind them-
[Lj] Sees them pass and follows curiously-
[Yaunfen] Spots Cn coming back from the village- Hey Cn!
[CN] - Oh, hey!
[Yaunfen] Are you busy? Would Lie care if we played for a while?
[Lj] Perks a little at the word play-
[CN] - I don't think she'd mind, I just finished delivering some vanilla for her...
[Yaunfen] Okay! I'll tell her so she doesn't get mad again- chats to Lie- can Cn play for a while?
[Waffles] Sniffs out LJ- mrrrrr [Lj] hi... - he's a bit uncomfortable
[Lie] - Sure, just be back before dark
[CN] - So what do you want to play?- He glances at LJ briefly
[Yaunfen] This! I've been reading a really cool book- he holds it out for Cn to look at the inside, there's an illustration of a pirate with a smoldering twists in his beard and a sword held high on the front of an old sailing ship-
[CN] - What is it?
[Yaunfen] Pirates! They were really interesting. And they had the first dem-o-cracy! But they used to sail in big ships and steal stuff from navy ships-
[Lj] ...
[CN] - There's some big ships in the water!
[Yaunfen] Yeah! And I have a boat so we can get there.
[Waffles] Looks annoyed at the prospect of water.
[Lj] Is trying to restrain himself from asking because of how small Cn looks -
[Yaunfen] Lj? Do you want to play too?
[Lj] Maybe...
[Yaunfen] It's okay! Cn isn't a little kid. He's just a really short NOTCH!
[Lj] Looks skeptical-
[CN] - Yeah! I've been around for awhile!
[Yaunfen] He's a midget.
[Lj] Still skeptical but willing to suspend disbelief. His words are barely a whisper- Issac used to like to play pirates... When he was so young....
[CN] - You know how to play pirates?
[Lj] Absolutely!
[Yster] Is lounging and exhausted. - you're true to your words... That was amazing...
[Locklear] - Well, I have had plenty of time to practice the craft
[Yster] Curls against him, tangling her fingers in his hair - Happy we came?
[Locklear] - I don't know, perhaps a bit more convincing needs to happen- He teases her gently
-Slowly the two of them become aware of the sound of children playing on the deck above, and an adult voice with a slight accent singing -
"Farewell and adieu to ye young maids of Valen
Oderin and Presque, Fox Hole and Bruley
I'm bound for the westward to the wall with the hole in
I can't marry all or it's yokey I'll be
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Newfoundlanders
We'll rant and we'll roar on deck and below
Until we strikes bottom inside the two sunkers
When straight through the channel to Toslow we'll go!"
[Locklear] Groans- I know that voice...
[Yster] Whoever he is, he's got a pretty good singing voice-
-There's the sound of two younger voices belting out the chrous with most of the words correct and giggling-
[Locklear] - That would be Laughing Jack and some children
[Yster] Then I guess I should put my gown back on, for the sake of modesty.
[Locklear] - Yes we wouldn't want to ruin the children's innocence
[Yster] That sounds slightly sarcastic. Would we be inturrupting something that should be inturupted?
[Locklear] - Laughing is a child murderer
[Yster] Dresses quickly- Then we should- we should- Just to be safe, check on them!
[Locklear] - Precisely- He pulls his own clothing on as well.  As he pulls on his coat he heads up the stairs
[Lj] Is wearing a small paper hat and waving a stick around in lieu of a sword, he freezes at the sight of Locklear.
[Yster] Yaunfen? Does Doc know you're here?
[Yaunfen] Pulls up a bandana that was covering one eye - Yster? Um... Mama knows where I am. She kinda knows where everyone is.
[Locklear] - Laughing, what are you doing?
[CN] - Lie knows that I'm here!
[Yster] [Didn't see Cn right away] And she said it was okay?
[Lj] Deflates a little- Just playing...
[CN] - So long as we came home before dark
[Locklear] - With children Laughing?
[Yaunfen] Yeah, I don't want to get him in trouble again.
[Lj] Small voice - They're not exactly children....
[Locklear] - They most certainly look like children to me, plus they still seem young enough to enjoy partaking in make believe
[Yaunfen] Mada says you're never too old to imagine stuff. It helps you be more creative. And Cn is a NOTCH. He's super important in guarding our friend Lie.
[Lj] And this one's a dragon...
[Locklear] - Yes, but I also know your penchant for adding to your circus
[Lj] The circus is empty now...
[Yaunfen] Oh, you mean his house?
[Locklear] - Is that so?
[Lj] Some of them are in town, most of them are gone forever.
[CN] - Yeah, there's lots of kids in the town!
[Yaunfen] Very proud- Mada fixed them.
[Lj] Ashamed and guilty- It's true.
[Locklear] - I doubt that
[Yaunfen] But it's true!
[Yster] Actually this sounds familar. I wasn't there for it obviously. But something about a bunch of zombie children being healed.
[Lj] Shrinks in shame.
[Yaunfen] I wasn't hatched yet, but mama said that mada made everyone who was there help. You can fix zombies here.
[CN] - I hadn't been let onto the server yet...
[Locklear] - Yet I doubt that's made you stop using your...  Special, candies
[Lj] But I haven't! And I especially wouldn't hurt these two. I mean, I knocked out Steffan once because he was panicking, but I didn't hurt him!
[Yaunfen] Mada said that Lj had a withdraw and he's okay now. Besides. Mama would catch me.
[Locklear] - I still don't trust this
[Lj] It's okay Locklear, she doesn't talk to me anymore. Issac... he's gone too.
[Locklear] - Well yes, Isaac has been dead for a very long time now
[Yaunfen] Hushed whisper- I heard he went to a bad place...
[CN] - Like the Nether?
[Yaunfen] Maybe!
[Lj] He's just gone. I watched Death himself banish him.
This message has been removed.
[Lj] No.
[CN] - But deaths not permanent here?  Or did you go somewhere else?
[Lj] We went outside Cn, irl. And Death has a face, and wings, and a daughter.
[Yaunfen] Oooooh! You met Dawn's dad?
[Yster] I was there. He's quite impressive.
[Locklear] - You were there?
[Yster] It was uh.... when Doc grabbed me... they took me along because I was already here and well... how often does one get the opportunity to rub elbows with the Death angel?
[Locklear] Just sighs and rubs his face a little before turning back towards the children- We should be getting these two back to land
[Yaunfen] Awww....
[Waffles] Scratching on the side of the wheelhouse-
[CN] - Why?
[Locklear] - Because I don't trust the clown being out here with the two of you alone
[Lj] I deserve that.
[Yaunfen] But he's okay. He doesn't have the crazy anymore.
[Yster] Suddenly gets in between them- crazy....! Shit! Don't touch him Locklear!
[Yaunfen] Wide eyes and backs away from Locklear a bit- Is he still infected?
[Locklear] - Touching him?
[Yster] He's one of Doc's carriers!
[Lj] Yes...  Not only is my Insanity gone, I can drive her out of others as well. It's why I stayed away from the manor.
[Locklear] - How interesting, and I assume that might be why your colors have returned?
[Lj] Nods-
[Yaunfen] Stands close to Lj- Are you okay Yster? You can't trust him if he still has Insanity, she's a mean lady and she hates mada!
[Locklear] - I would never harm my mate
[Lj] I thought she was scared of you anyway? I heard she ran away from you, what, twice?
[Yster] Well.... he's kinda grown on me....
[Locklear] Scowls and his hands tighten into fists-
[Lj] Smiles faintly- better not touch me Locklear. I see that look in your eyes.
[Yaunfen] Please don't fight.
[Locklear] - You absolute prat!  Perhaps you should have been burned in that box of yours!  At least I focus on saving children, can you say the same?
[Lj] I'm getting better. I haven't killed anyone since I came here.
[Yaunfen] He can't be all bad. Waffles likes him!
[Locklear] - Judging by how they look I'n going to guess that's because of diet
[Yaunfen] It's the same stuff I eat too.
[Locklear] - Still, you shouldn't trust the clown
[Lj] I fully expect to that I'll have to earn what trust I'm given. But Yaunfen knows at least second-hand how far I've come. And as aggravating as Doc can be occasionally... they have helped me.
[Locklear] - That doesn't erase what I know you're capable of
[Lj] It was fun because Issac thought it was fun, with him gone I feel... differently. It's nice to be around people.
[Yster] I'm glad the going gave you some closure.
[Locklear] - And just how certain can you be that a taste of blood won't return you to how you were?  I've seen it happen before
[Lj] I can't be certain of anything. I've been... oddly empty. But lighter to be sure.
[Locklear] - Then maybe you should go and find something other than children to fill that empty space
[Lj] Actually I've been doing some gardening.
[Yaunfen] He's pretty good at it!
[Yster] Let me guess, is it stuff from your seed?
[Yaunfen] Yep!
[CN] - His seed is fun!
[Locklear] - That is not what I'm concerned about
[Yaunfen] You worry like Cp.
[Yster] Little snort- Considering how he's been all over Lie worrying, that's kind of a compliment.
[Locklear] - Well she is his mate and pregnant
[Lj] Yeah, I know, he warned me away in no uncertain terms and I have abided by that. I don't care to be set on fire. Even if I know it won't kill me.
[Locklear] - He does enjoy his fire
[Yaunfen] Looks up - Awww... it's getting late. We should head back.
[Locklear] - Yes, you should
[CN] - Lie probably needs help with her animals too...
[Yaunfen] Oh! Cn! I know what would be fun! - they turn to Lj quickly- Can you take Waffles so they don't get wet?
[Lj] Nods with a small smile. - I'll get your kitty to shore.
[Yaunfen] Thanks- They climb up on the railing and reach back for Cn-
[CN] - What is it?- Takes their hand
[Yaunfen] Big smile and they just fall off the rail with Cn-
[Yster] Runs to the rail in a panic-  Yaunfen!
[Yaunfen] Twists artfully and shifts as they hit the water, Cn plopping down between their horns as they paddle for the shore. - Bye Locklear, Yster!
[Locklear] Sighs- Children
[Lj] They learned that one from Doc.
[Locklear] - We should be heading back towards shore ourselves- He watches the retreating forms as they go through the water
[CN] Shrieks in delight-
[Lj] Heads for the sabertooth which is rolling contentedly on the deck- Come on Waffles-
[Locklear] - Stay away from the children Laughing
[Lj] Just gives him a cold look- You're not in charge of me Locklear. Not you or Issac or Insanity. I'm my own person now.
[Locklear] - We'll see, after all, you and I have always been at odds
[Lj] Yes, we shall. I've been welcomed here, and I don't intend to make anyone sorry for doing so intentionally. - Picks up the cat with his arms wrapped around them twice.
[Waffles] ???????
[Locklear] Scoffs and turns away-
[Lj] And we'll see how long it takes you to emotionally scar your 'mate' with Insanity still inside you.
[Yster] Her mouth is a hard line, but she can't deny his words. She was scared to see him murder up close.
[Locklear] Draws Yster closer to himself as he watches LJ leave-
[Yster] Do you... do you really have it under control Locklear?
[Locklear] - I believe I do
[Yster] I hope you're right
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fandoms-archive-blog · 8 years ago
All Was Well
Credence Barebone ~ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
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Prompt: Newt sees someone he didn’t expect to be alive still.
Requested by: My heart
Written by: Head Honcho
Warning: Mentions of abuse
AN: I just want Credence to be happy. Also, a slight AU that everything is all calm in the Wizarding World. Maybe part 2?
1936 (Give or take a few years) Ireland Evening
“Newt, slow down!” Tina calls, trying to keep up with the fast magzoologist.
“Let him be, Teenie. He’s just excited.” Queenie rests a hand on her sister’s arm. “It’s the first time in a while he’s seen a moke.”
“I know but he’s gonna bum--”
“I’m so sorry!” Newt’s voice echoes throughout the streets as turns the corner and collides with someone. The other person drops the stuff that they were carrying with a subtle crash.
“It’s fine.” They assure, squatting down and closing the binder that opened. Thankfully no papers flew out but the box of mug did take some damage.
“Oh, that looks terrible.” Newt lets out a breath at the box of shattered ceramic. “Lemme fix them and get them back to you.” He offers, shyly keeping his eyes at the mess.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s an easy fix.” The other person chuckles, closing the box and standing back up. “Look on the bright side, all my papers aren’t flying in the wind right no--”
“Credence?” Tina questions, almost not recognizing him. The raven hair boy’s, well man’s now, snaps from the box to her. Credence just stands there, mouth agape while he stares at her. Once he places her face to the memory a small painful smile spreads crossed his face.
“I’m-I’m sorry, I never got your name.” Credence lets out a breathy laugh, tucking the box under his arm and the binder on top of it.
“Tina.” She answers while taking a stand next to Newt. “Tina Goldstein.”
“Tina Goldstein.” He repeats with a large grin on his face. “And weren’t you...” He snaps his fingers, trying to remember back to that unfaithful day to what Tina was calling him. “Mr. Salamander?”
“Scamander.” The auburn wizard corrects. “But you can call me Newt.” He sends him his infamous one-second smile to straight face look.
The three of them semi-awkwardly stand there. Well, Credence awkwardly stands there as the pair takes a slow glance at his appearance. His hair has grown out to a bit longer than they last saw it, styled to look slightly mess but kept. His usual all black has transformed into a maroon sweater with a collar and tie peeking out the neck; black pants, a grey blazer, and a nice pair of oxfords.
Credence clears his throat causing their eyes to snap up to his.
“Sorry, you just...” Tina shakes her head. “You look good, Credence.”
“Thank you.” He timidly says, still a bit shy on compliments.
The three of them stand there again but this time in more comfortable silence. It’s soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind them.
“Oh, right!” Tina looks back at her sister and brother-in-law. She takes a step aside, gesturing to them. “This is my sister, Queenie...” The strawberry blonde gives him his famous beaming smile. “and her husband, Jacob.”
“Nice to meet ya.” The baker extends his hand out, Credence gladly accepts it.
“Nice to meet you too.” He smiles. dropping his hand after a few shakes. “So, what brings you guys to Ireland?”
“Uhh...” Newt gives Tina an unsure look, not knowing what to say.
“Business.” She answers for him.
“Oh.” He nods. “Fun.”
“Yea.” She sighs.
“Well, if you guys have some free time I would love for you guys to come over and have dinner for a sort of thank you.” He offers.
“For what?” Tina furrows his eyebrows.
“What you guys did for me in New York.” He starts to get a bit shy with his words. “The only people who were kind to me when I was living there were you guys... this is literally the least I can do to start repaying you.”
Tina’s lips turn up into a big, bright smile. “We would love to have dinner with you, Credence.”
“Fantastic.” He mimics her grin with one of his own. “My car is right over here...”
Timeskip Credence Resident
Tina’s eyes widen once they turn down Credence’s driveway. She was definitely not expecting a house-house. She was expecting a small one bedroom apartment near where they bumped into him, not a cottage house with brick detailing on a small farm.
“And here we are.” Credence announces, taking the key out of the ignition and slipping it into his pocket. He then grabs his binder and box off of Newt’s lap with a quiet ‘thank you’ before getting out of the car.
The boys soon get out followed by the girls. While Newt and Jacob follow Credence towards the door, Tina stands there, taking in everything.
“Teenie.” Queenie comes up next to her sister. “Close your mouth, you’re gonna get flies.” She smirks. Tina just glares at her causing her to giggle.
“Come on, girls!” Jacob yells back at them.
Credence carefully sets his stuff on top of the storage bench lined against the wall left to the door near the coat rack. He informs the quartet they can take their jacket off and leave it on said rack.
“Ooo, it smells delicious.” Credence comments when he gets a whiff of whatever is cooking.
“I hope so.” An unfamiliar feminine voice chuckles, Tina and Newt share a look as they take off their coats.
“Sorry I’m late, got held up at the diner. Some trainees had questions and I was gathering the books.” He explains to her, she says it’s fine.
Tina furrows her eyebrows and leans back a bit, just enough to see Credence with his hand rested on the lower back of a (Y/H/C). What surprises her, even more, is when he leans down and pecks the woman’s lips.
“I brought some friends home, by the way.” He informs, the woman perks up.
“Friends?” She sounds surprised. “You have those?” Tina can hear a teasing tone in her voice.
“More than you.” He retorts, her jaw drops as he lightly slaps him on the chest. “I’m kidding!” He holds his hands up in defense.
“Sure you are.” She mumbles. By now, the quartet has moved into the kitchen and just admire the loving encounter they just saw. They all have smiles on their face, seeing how far the Salem boy has come.
“Anyways.” Credence turns around to face the three wizards and muggle. When the (Y/H/C) doesn’t turn around with him, he grabs the knife she was using and puts a charm on it to continue cutting the potatoes on its own. He then grabs her by the waist and turns her around, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to pull her into his side. “These are my friends from New York--”
“New York?” She questions, looking up at him with a very confused look on her face. She knows about New York but she didn’t think he would talk to anyone from there still.
“Yes.” He sends her an uneasy smile. “These were the people who tried to help me.” Her face lights up as she turns back to them. “(Y/N), these are my friends Tina, Newt, Queenie and Jacob.”
“Hello.” She waves at them, Queenie and Jacob wave back as Tina stares and Newt gives a polite smile.
“Tina, Newt, Queenie, and Jacob, this is my wife, (Y/N).” He introduces.
“Wife?” Tina mumbles.
“Nice to meet you.” Jacob smiles.
“You have a lovely home.” Queenie adds after a long while of silence.
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mbaljeetsingh · 8 years ago
15 Best Ionic App Templates
With Ionic, creating a high-performance, cross-platform mobile app is as easy as creating a website. In fact, if you are a seasoned web developer who wants to become an Android or iOS app developer overnight, all you have to do is install and start using Ionic. I assure you, you'll take to it like a fish to water.
Building a feature-rich Ionic app with an elegant user interface, however, can be challenging—even more so if it is to look native on multiple platforms. Fortunately, by using an Ionic template you can save substantial amounts of time and effort.
CodeCanyon is one of the largest online marketplaces for Ionic templates. No matter what your app's requirements are, there's a good chance that CodeCanyon has a template for it. In this article, I'm going to list 15 outstanding Ionic templates you should consider using this year.
1. Ionic Mobile App Builder
Developed by CodeGenerator, Ionic Mobile App Builder, or IMA builder for short, is an award-winning template that lets you create both static and dynamic Ionic apps without writing any code whatsoever. It offers a very intuitive web-based interface you can use to define every aspect of your app. More precisely, it allows you to simply fill out a few forms in your browser to create and configure all the components of your app's user interface, including navigation drawers, menus, popovers, tables, and pages.
The best thing about this template, however, is that the apps you build with it will be capable of interacting with a variety of data sources, such as WordPress, WooCommerce, and any other content management system that has a JSON API.
2. IonWordpress
IonWordpress, developed by elite author IonicThemes, is the template to use if you want to convert your WordPress blog into a stunning Android or iOS app. This is one of the most popular themes on CodeCanyon, and for a good reason—it has more features than you can imagine, great documentation, and easy-to-read code.
In addition to WordPress-related functionality, this template also offers push notifications, mobile advertisements via Google AdMob and Apple iAd, and an in-app browser.
3. Material Design UI Ionic
This template, developed by elite author CreativeForm, is for Ionic developers who don't want to spend time designing their apps. It offers over 60 commonly used screen layouts and five beautiful UI themes. It also has a well-organized Sass file containing dozens of variables you can change to further customize your app's looks.
To help you avoid dealing with multiple resolutions of images, this template includes icon fonts with over 800 icons. If you must use images, it also supports several blending modes for them.
4. IonStore
IonStore, developed by ionicpremium, is a template you should definitely consider using if you are creating an e-commerce app. It allows you to quickly create a beautiful app that can connect to your WooCommerce website and pull data and settings from it. It supports multiple payment methods, languages, and currencies. It is also highly customizable, offering you fine-grained control over the looks of your app. And as if that wasn't enough, it also supports discount badges, user registration, order tracking, and push notifications.
It is also worth mentioning that this template is very well-documented, and sees regular updates and bug fixes.
5. Catalogue Ionic
Catalogue Ionic, developed by appseed, is a generic business-oriented template. If you run a business and are trying to build an app that can showcase your products, this template might be just what you need. It also allows you to display useful information such as your shop's opening hours and your contact options. If you're using WooCommerce already, this template can be configured to read data from it.
Catalogue Ionic's architecture is extremely modular. Furthermore, because it was built using a very popular Yeoman generator for the Ionic framework, you can be sure that it follows several best practices.
6. Barebone Ionic
Barebone Ionic is a large, feature-rich starter template developed by appseed. As a developer, you can use it to kickstart almost any kind of Ionic app. For example, it allows you to effortlessly create apps that can read data from various content management systems, such as WordPress and Drupal. It can also serve as a good foundation for CRUD-oriented apps, instant messaging apps, and e-commerce apps.
I should also add that this template is fully integrated with the APIs of several popular websites, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Vimeo.
7. IonChat
IonChat, as its name suggests, is a template that lets you build cross-platform instant messaging apps. Developed by IonCoder, this is a large template offering dozens of powerful features, such as support for group conversations, social login, and friend management.
Not only is this template easily customizable, the apps you create with it will be powered by Firebase, a cloud-based platform that's owned by Google. That means you can use the Firebase console to manage your app data.
8. Ionic Framework App
If you are looking for a modern template with dozens of beautiful pages and a wide variety of useful features, this template, created by gtsopour, is for you. Built with Ionic 3, it is very modular and extremely easy to extend. In fact, it has over 20 modules and over 35 components!
The apps you create with this template will be able to communicate with your WordPress blog using its REST API. They'll also be able to display charts, YouTube videos, Google maps, and RSS feeds. Another impressive fact about the template is that it offers a barcode scanner module, which you can use to scan several types of barcodes.
9. TapShop
By using TapShop, a template created by tapgadget, you can effortlessly create an e-commerce app that allows your users to buy and sell products. It has all the features you'd expect from this type of template. 
For instance, it has screens for buyers to browse through available products, make offers to vendors, and even chat with vendors. Similarly, it has screens for vendors to post new products, upload photos of those products, and handle offers made by buyers. 
But there's more to this template than just that. It supports push notifications, and is fully integrated with AdMob too, allowing you to easily monetize the apps you create with it.
10. Restaurant Ionic
Restaurant Ionic, developed by appseed, is a template that's bound to entice any restaurant owner. Apps created with it are feature-packed, and have intuitive user interfaces that let customers view menus, place customized orders, read about special offers, and choose delivery methods. They'll also allow you to communicate with your customers using push notifications.
Setting this template up is a breeze. So is customizing it, because you can dramatically change the looks of your app by simply selecting one of the several beautiful Material Design-inspired color themes it offers.
11. Ionium
Ionium is a multi-purpose starter template created by ionicpremium. Whether you are building an e-commerce app, a hotel booking app, a news reader, or even a social media app, this template has got you covered. It also allows you to quickly create CRUD-oriented apps, which support both local and remote storage.
Because this template uses Material Design components, animations, and gestures, you can be sure that the apps you create with it will look very modern and polished.
12. IonSocialApp
Apps with social features tend to be more successful on both Google Play and Apple's App Store. If you are interested in creating one yourself, IonSocialApp, another template developed by IonicThemes, has everything you need to get started. It offers screens that allow users to sign up, sign in, create posts, write comments, and even browse through trending topics.
This template also includes several useful features that can improve your app's user interface. For instance, it supports the pull-to-refresh gesture, infinite scrolling, and native sharing functionality.
13. Mobionic
Mobionic, developed by gtsopour, is another multipurpose template with a host of useful features. It is integrated with WordPress and supports server-side pagination of posts. It also has multiple layouts for your app's home screen. The latest version of this template is fully integrated with the YouTube API too, allowing you to create video-based apps.
Additionally, it supports push notifications for both the Android and iOS platforms.
14. IcyMobi
IcyMobi, from inspitheme, is a one-stop shop for all your e-commerce app development needs. With this template, you can create apps that support many popular payment methods, order tracking, inventory management, and push notifications.
They'll also be able to interact with multiple e-commerce platforms, such as PrestaShop, WooCommerce, and Magento. Furthermore, if you want your app to display posts from your WordPress blog, this template allows that too.
15. Daily News
Developed by tdmobile, this is an easy-to-use template that lets you create WordPress-based news apps. In addition to a beautiful home-screen, this template has screens to display photo galleries, search results, comments, bookmarks, and more.
It also has several notifications-related features, such as delivery tracking, analytics, and segmented targeting.
In this article, you learned about 15 premium Ionic templates you can use to jumpstart your app development process. But don't limit yourself to just them because CodeCanyon has hundreds more of such templates. So what are you waiting for? Grab a template now and get building!
And if you want to learn more about Ionic or app templates, we've got lots of great tutorials and courses right here at Envato Tuts+!
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