#it’s timestamped as 2019 in my google drive
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cap10wilson · 26 days ago
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yall i know this picture didn’t just appear out of nowhere i’m trying to find where it’s from and even google reverse image search came up with nothing. seriously trying to find out if it’s canon and if it is is it from the comics or the mcu (tho i am resolved to accept that it’s not canon at all rip)
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selfcareparker · 4 years ago
(lovely anon) i'm so happy to finally be answering this oh my goodness hi gorgeous human being i feel that it has been too long 🥲 SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE WRITTEN ONE OF THESE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN
to answer the things you have said most recently- i'm so mad that spring break is over bc now i have to go back to life??? like dancing and school and shit that feels so unnessacry 😭 and like i can't just do nothing anymore? i was so used to it and now...... ugh. i STILL haven't played sims (i think it's because ✨depression✨ be hitting sometimes) lol but MWAHAH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR!AU AND THAT THEY HAD LITTLE BABY LEO!! i feel the name thing.. i just come up with something that sounds nice? i think leo is a nice name, it makes me think about lea michele and the fact that her son's name is Ever Leo but anyway. i don't name my sims after what i want to name my children irl either... idk why though. (i don't know why i'm telling you this but for boy names i love Liam🥰 and if i had twin boys i think i would do Liam and Peter though i am not married to the name Peter.... anywho)
LMAOOO the therpaist coming made me laugh thank you :)) i hope it's helpful? this may be tmi but i've only really had negative thoughts recently and not many healthy outlets so i'm hoping crossing one thing off this sad list will make me feel better :') i think during spring break my anxiety and my depression really spiked? idk, it comes in episodes but yeah THIS GOT REALLY SAD
i think a lot of things when i read your posts but i never say them hahaha so imma say it now: i googled what bon appetit meant ( i also just had to google how to spell it ) but ur right, i feel like bone apple tea makes more sense than bone apple teeth.. the "th" is throwing me off bc how i say it bone appa (like app-a) teet (like you're saying tit but teet lol) so bone apple tea makes more sense to me lol
i never know really know the time difference for anything lmao but est to germany (that's not gmt is it?) is like 6 hours wOAH so it's like 9pm while it’s 3pm here? wowee
i feel mega weird after watching this show called hollywood (darren criss is in it, so is laura harrier and a bunch of other people) but i don't like it💀 i feel really icky rn and idk why but reading your last response to my ask (?) always makes me feel better :')
i am doing what you said btw, i'm typing this on my computer first then gonna transfer it to my phone's tumblr lol but when you said a digital detox, it's interesting cuz i feel like i've been having one since tom's new project was announced? gOD i don't wanna get into it bc i get so triggered but i've been off of instagram since then bc instagram stans literally stand by tom through whatever even when something ain't right- i’m just gonna leave it there bc i’ll continue the rant, but yeah so i took a break lol
also heard abt your driving lesson thing (?) was it that bad? i can't find the old post but someone asked if you hooked up with your lesson person and i was sOOO CONFUSED LMAOO LIKE OK ARIA GET SOME BUT UHH HUH?
now to address the actual response HAHA the way you touch my heart :') by :') bringing :') up :') halle :') being ariel :') (i honest to God don't remember if i brought this up first, forgive me if i did, it's been a minute lmao) i'm always talking about it and i'm pretty sure my family is so tired of me talking about it lmao, but YEAH when i found out they weren't twins i was so surprised but idk why i always thought they were twins? but YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE WITH THE DISNEY TALK- everyone is always like "tiana is my favorite princess" and yea she's strong and stuff but...... she was a frog. for almost the whole time. it's about time we got another one!! i do agree with some people on the fact that disney should just make another black princess but halle is adorable and i was ariel on stage so it's already really special to me :')
yeah lol there are good times with my brothers but they make me mad for a good portion of the time (there's the 12yo vincent and the 7yo daniel but vincent??? psshhh he is a piece of work and i'm not sure how much longer i can put up with him HAJAH AND YES VINCENT IS THE ONE WHO WAS 👁👄👁WHEN I CRIED AND THE ONE WHO DOESN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC- writing this now makes it sound like vincent is awful. which he isn't... we're working on him ig. not to add to the awfulness but no, he listens to obnoxious loud VIDEO GAME MUSIC and won't stop when we ask him to stop... he gets beat up a lot) anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌
yeah let me know if you end up watching it (wandavision)! i think it's great but if you like it lmk!! tfatws is sooo good like PHEW i am honestly loving it. sidenote: j*hn w*lker makes me wanna jump through the screen and choke him to the ground. i was thinking right, and the falcon and the winter soldier (THATS SO MUCH EASIER FAJHKDAH) would techinally be like a 10 hour movie right? because every episode is an hour long and there'll be 10 episodes? like wow. i get what you mean though, abt the racism in the show etc, like looking forward to it but not like..... no i get what you mean i will not try and give another example lol but you make me wanna learn more languages like really badly (bc of what you said about the german to american translation) & if you end up watching hamilton PLEASE LMK ABT THAT TOO HAHAHA i love it so much, same thing with lion king lmaoo
speaking of germany, i was at lunch on saturday with my mom and her friend and we were talking about my schooling and like-- she planted this idea in my head lol like what if i just got my GED and went around the world (to england probably) to get a theatre experience??? and i think it sounds so cool but no where near practical lol, it's just..... the dream haha and i would then try and learn a language 😉
uh yes we absolutely should order basically a resturant meal at a cinema, how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?
also about cherry (which i still haven't watched yet lol) i got the timestamps from tumblr😌 i couldn't find them anywhere else, but i agree, i probably wouldn't even look twice at cherry if tom wasn't in it? like i liked tdatt a lot, but it's not a movie i would be itching to see ya know?
HAHAHAHA THE 24 HOUR NOTIFICATION- i think i have around 1030 hours on sims? but i've had it since 2019 lmao (reading the screenshots, yes u are 100% a genuis, i take screenshots too but on anon you can't upload them so i just read them and retype what i wrote lmao) i think the university experience in the game is fun, but time consuming and it's all work imo. idk why i do it so often tho 😭😭😭
and agreed!! when you're making good money in the game you have to find other ways to make it interesting. my cousins who play it just continously do "motherlode" and i'm like.... then what do you do in your game?? it just sounds boring to me... my current sims household, i had a famous comedian sim, her name was dylan, aND SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS BC ITS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE UNI THING UNLESS IM JUST DUMB, she went to college for communications when i wanted her to be a comedian and when she graduated i realized that degree did nothing for the career 🥲 so yeah, i think i'm just dumb. but she had a kid in college, guy didn't stick around and she was pretty broke HA but then she got married to this (great) guy named steve, made good bank, had 5 more kids (two sets of twins and one more lol) but then she passed. uhm... yeah that's still an open wound . lol i'm kidding, but when you get rich like that, you have to find a way to make the game interesting and i chose a million kids.
(this was one giant paragraph until i broke it up uhh yeah) i seriously don't pay attention to the sims prices and just end up spending way too much money and not being able to finish the rest of the house😭 but then again, i'm so used to having sims live in apartments... if i end up building a house FIRST OF ALL it'll look like what you explained before lmao but i'll tell you if i actually end up building a house HAHA & planning out your sims game is so fun to me lol, did enisa and michael take in his daughter yet? i may be thinking too far ahead lol and i love that they fucked woohooed (i say woo woo lol) in celebration HAHA but when i was playing with this one couple i had them woo woo every night hoping the dude would have horrible pull out game and they would concieve, but one night they were too tired and i was like why? get back in there man. if i was in college and lived with my partner we would be fucking every night homie. be grateful. i have been talking a lot about sims, and like you said: enough 💀 i just love this game a lot 😭😭
SORRY LAST THING i think the sims romantic and sexual stuff is so nice bc its what i want?? LMAO IDK like the whole hot tub thing you're talking about- puh lease ITS JUST NICE TO SEE OKAY
i'm reading the german section over again and i said aloud "my german friend is so cool" lol (i was saying that to my brothers & i know they don't care LMAO) (& i'm glad the uni zoom call went well!!) so on a form, in german, it could possibily say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer because you would be a participant to an introductory event? i swear german sounds so cool 😌 but i love reading your german lessons!! it's really interesting, most of the time my brain can't comprehend it tho?? like that word makes sense to you, but i need a translation. like to be able to look at that and know what it says.... its just appealing and seems so cool lol i kinda wanna write something out in german but i feel that google translate will fail me. während googeln "google übersetzen" mein Computer war so verdammt langsam und es fühlte sich einfach wie etwas Gutes auf Deutsch zu sagen. ich bin nicht sicher, welches Wort ist "fucking", aber ich mag es lmao (did it fail me like i thought it would??)
LMAOOO THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP JUSTIN BC WHILE AT THE RESTURANT THEY PLAYED A JUSTIN SONG AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU AND THIS STORY😭 lol i was thinking it's depending on your age but not even that either... i really don't know.... but tom's fans are hollanders💀 i would consider myself one? he's the only person i'm really into like that (like a lot lol) so idk lmao (directioners 💔💔the pain is real)
LMAOOO (both of these paragraphs started off with “lmaooo” smh) "i like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death" PLEASE, i don't like pete's blonde hair... i just don't. i'm not sure if i wasn't watching the most recent snls but yea. my mom thinks he looks like trash, but i think he's okay? like he said staten island people just look like trash LMAO and I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN KING OF STATEN ISLAND GIRL I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! now i'm gonna make plans to watch it lmao, & yes agreed i find pete hot, don't ask why i really couldn't explain it to someone he's just .
my favorite songs from rex are from pony oh my goodness 🥺 anywho i'm gonna go eat cereal (i ended up eating bun and cheese instead) and listen to the Stormzy songs you recommended... aria. aria aria aria. i would like to thank you for introducing me to stormzy i- i don't have any words or any emojis to express HOW GOOD STORMZY IS. i hope he's popular in germany/the uk because i haven't heard of him but GURLLLL
one second - delicious i love it. it's really good. it’s not my favorite from the album, but its great.
superheroes - at first i played the non-explicit one (on accident) and wondered why the words weren't playing but i was reading them in the lyrics??? THIS ONE THOUGH??? IS THE BEST SONG I THINK I'VE EVER HEARD. i am so SO SO into black people empowering songs (like brown skin girl by beyonce) and this song???? PHEW I CRYYYYY ITS SO GOOD.... i was gonna quote some lyrics BUT THERS TOO MANY I LOVE, "i am young, black, beautiful, and brave" "black queen, you're immaculate, it's coming at the world, they ain't ready for your magic yet, and that was never your fault" THAT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT- I ALMOST CRIED THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i played it twice lol)
lessons is another beautiful one, like its slow and it feels intimate and nurturing and just OO chefs kiss, beautiful . like you can feel the apology and the regret... it’s so good
own it - OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT IS AMAZING!! swear you would catch me dancing to this song, this song is so fucking good i cannot comprehend like this one might be my favorite for real... "it's the way you wind up your waist, i'm so in awe, you never have to worry abt nothing, you know its yours, you know you own it" 🥲 i played it two or three times honestly
rachael's little brother - YES I DID LISTEN TO IT LMAO AND YES I LIKE IT, its a very complex song and it's very layered in terms of emotions i think and i really like that about it. i probably won't listen to it that often, but its really good. i would recommend this song to my "older brother" bc he would just absolutely love this
shut up - i was taking this song seriously (also very good) until i heard him say shu-T up LMAO, this one is good, i probably wouldn't listen to it 24/7 like rachael's little brother but honestly its still fire
before listening to blinded by your grace and vossi bop, i know you brought up the religion bit, i definitely don't mind that, especially because i'm Christian lol and i actually liked that he brought up God in some of his songs like idk i just like it🥰🥰
(i then went to bed after that lol but first thing in the morning i listened to superheroes and... that song is probably my favorite tbh, i was gonna write MORE quotes that i loved from it but, yeah no there's too many. if you want i'll tell you lmao but this is already so long i would just be quoting the whole friggin song)
VOSSI BOP IS A BOP (lol) I CANT EVEN LIE, i love a song that hypes up a dude's girl so the line- i love that my phone decided to fail to load the lyrics, lemme google it, okay the lyric "looking at my girl like what a goddess" i was like AYEEE its honestly just really good. and no one in america says "sauce" like "i've got the sauce" but now i do (thanks to love island and Nas from last season) and now stormzy so (also im gonna watch the music video for superheroes bc it looks great so 😛)
(because this is already so long i feel like i shouldn't finish the rest but . no i'm gonna do it)
now for blinded by your grace pt2 idk why i’m nervous lmaoo PAUSE I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE SONG GIRL THIS SONG IS *chefs kiss* no words, speechless PHEW y'all gon make me start jumping around. why did i not know about stormzy before, he is amazing i- ok yeah i finished the song, all i have to say is that Stormzy is immaclucate. period. i am literally sending his music to all my friends he is..... amazing
you want my song recommendations 🥺🥺 hmm uh okay lol i listen to a lot of old music, whitney houston, marvin gaye, queen, celine dion, i love "more than words" by extreme uhmm okay, but for actual music i listen to on the daily? (this is a lot of different music like.... they do not go together lmao so be prepared) a song about being sad by rex orange county, betty by taylor swift and lover by taylor swift and... most of that album lol, treasure by bruno mars lmao, OOOO and versace on the floor by bruno as well, lazybaby by dove cameron, creep by tlc has been on repeat lol, deja vu by olivia rodrigo (i saw what you said about drivers license and AGREED LMAO but i like deja vu a lot more haha) and two albums that i listen to in general, rare by selena gomez and ungodly hour by chloe x halle 🥰 you don't have to listen to all of them or any of them lol but that's a sense of what i'm into :) so basically everything haha, i'm into literally every single kind of music really so i wasn't too surprised that i enjoyed stormzy :’)
HAHASBSJHAHA your h20 story cracked me up,, like "wow these actors are so dedicated, learning german just for us" 😭 the beauty of overdubbing
once again, math and maths, in my mind maths makes sense because its mathmatics, but saying maths doesn't feel right to me lol, like if i said maths i feel like everyone would look at me like ??? and yea i was taught it as math so its just more natural for me. but yes math/maths is disgusting, easily one of my least favorite subjects so .
mkay. i- the first time i read this i could not contain my laughter when you said the only pollen you know is sex pollen LMAOKOOSHBABJFAJF STOPPP I'M EVEN LAUGHING WRITING THIS,, anyway. wow! that's interesting, my dad (<<< mostly anything else) gets migraines from the sun and the heat and stuff, yesterday (sunday, i was outside for like hours watching my brothers play football, the american kind lol) i was in the sun for like ever and i got a headache😔
summer clothes🥲 i need to go shopping fr fr. for my birthday my mom and dad got me a giftcard like dedicated to a shopping spree and we've yet to go so..... i should bring it up to my mom lol, but!! i went bra shopping (ended up returning literally all of them cuz they honestly didn't work for day to day work? its a long story) and if i could i would walk around in this new "summer bra" i got, i would. it's so fricking cute and its really light fabric (which isn't perfect for my nipples but still) so i don't get hot in it, but that bra and some shorts would be perfect. its the closest thing to being naked so
IS THE BIRD STILL BOTHERING U ARIA, TELL ME NOW ISTG, i laughed really hard that the bird isn't stupid and is really trying to torture you LMAOO like i was rolling, it wants you to suffer, badly
when you said "mensus" it was still close to mens!!! latin speaking queen 😌😌
okay STORYTIME i was reading back your response and started (fake) crying bc i love you lol and my youngest brother (daniel) gon say "oh man, catherine's crying about something we don't care about, again" I--- i swear when i tell you about them they sound awful, but they aren't that bad, just the stuff i say about them is sounds really mean LMAO
but the thing you said about being kind, same, what i always say is: don't be the person that makes people say "i hate people" ya know? like there's no reason to be a jerk or anything.... but its true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are really kind and every time i talk to you i would like to personally fly to germany and give you a hug 💖💕💞💗💓💝💖💘
& i'm gonna show my stretch marks some love bc of you 🥺😭 i really hate how men have basically everyone conditioned that you can't love your own body </3 fuck them, y'all beautiful :')
also thanks for what you said :')) you literally are the kindest, sweetest person i think i've ever spoken to and i love you 🥰🥺🥲💓💗
READING YOUR TAGS HAHAHHAHA the spelling errors makes everything so much funnier. once again, i like your german lessons & yea!! i'm gonna play sims after writing this hahah
#catherine's tags are back #i don't think i've told you my name before?? #anyway it's catherine🥰🥰🥰 #i'm typing this on my computer (without emojis) and if i didn't edit this you would be reading shit shite like #heartface and pout and cry LMAO #yeah abt the tattoos #some stuff with my parents i'm like deal with it??? lol #my mom tells me "if there's something you enjoy or you like but i don't have the same opinion on it... why would my (my mom's) opinion matter? #and i love that #like i'm not gonna go and do whatever i want #but if my mom doesn't like that i swear (which isn't true just an example) #its like okay.... #but whatever #and your tattoo ideas sound really cute!! #and yeah @ your parents, i mean you aren't getting something wild #and the tattoo album>>> #i'm gonna look up ariana's butterfly tattoos just so i know what you mean lol #but i'm guessing you don't want something so incredibily simple, but not super like over the top? #correct me if i'm wrong lol #LMAO the tags were in order don't worry ! #and yeah lol ily2 <33 #and once again, again, sorry for this post JSHJS ITS A MESS AND LONG AS HELL #and you don't need to go in order of my post its literally longer than your german compound words #u're fine #also !!! while writing this the birds were chirping outside and i was like 😳 #and one of your fics (i’ve read all of them, i don’t remember lol) that valentine’s day one where y/n had lingerie on (the pancake one lol) #inspired me to buy lingerie #like when i look back on me “growing up” #that fic & basically you lol really helped with that #that made no sense and i don’t know how to make it make sense... but... yeah. like ily
hiiiiiiiiiii <3333
Dear catherine, 😌
(you have said your name before, but it wasn‘t like an introduction or anything i think you were talking about .... was it possibly the incident at the cinema??? And you said something like ‘calm down catherine‘ like you were telling yourself to calm down idkd dkdkkdkd anyway i didn‘t mention it cause i wasn‘t sure if it was an accident or not dkdjd but now i know 😌❤️ Catherine is such a cute and lovely name btw omg and so are your brothers‘s names 🥰
Sorry that I‘m answering this so late, it‘s been an emotional rollercoaster for me since last week but i‘ll get to that in a second lol
Sksklssk girl i haven‘t played sims in like 2 weeks now ekejdkdlldld ok that‘s not that long at all actually but i keep wanting to play but then i end up not playing for whatever reason, so no news about my sims game 😔 but i love the names Liam and Peter and for twins!!! That sounds really nice actually
okay i‘m trying to answer your ask in chronological answer even though i wanted to wait for the depressing stuff and write it at the end or something OKAY so. i thought that i‘d feel so good when i start uni and that i‘ll like... have a purpose in life again and just be happy (cause in the last year i didn‘t do much and i was depressed like half of the time lol).... anyway i kind of feel even worse now? 😭 i think it‘s because in my brain it‘s like: university!!! that means your life will change and it‘ll all be so exciting. and don‘t get me wrong it is exciting butttt..... idk the online thing is so weird cause you‘re not meeting any new people (i‘m introverted anyway but still lol) and it doesn‘t feel like you‘re listening to/talking to actual people cause it feels the same as just watching a video?
also i thought i‘d be busy again but i only have one lecture (90mins) a day and theres one day where i dont have any lectures at all and just one day where i have 3 hours but.... idk i mean i shouldn‘t complain about having so much free time but i just don‘t know what to do all day and in a pandemic there really is nothing to do but i also can‘t relax bc it‘s like during the week and i know i have uni the next day and .... yeah.
There‘s also this one assignment i had to do that took me AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING????? so that was the only thing i‘ve been doing besides “going to“ lectures. for this one course we have to read two (really really long) texts (like it literally took me 3 hours to read them) and we‘re supposed to post it on this website that all the professors in our uni use. So after 5 days of anxiety (✌🏼) i posted mine this morning bc last night i realised that i didn‘t even know why i was having anxiety so i just posted mine today. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 and no one except me has posted theirs yet........ so i have anxiety again 🥰 cause idk if i‘m the only one who did it or if i even did it correctly
Edit while i‘m rereading this: my anxiety about uni is a lot better and i‘m not as d*pressed anymore maybe it was just hormones? idk but i‘m better so that‘s good
(I started writing this like 5 hours ago and then i randomly completely forgot lol)
I‘m in a better mood now though so let‘s move on from that (oh wait also, i think i‘m gonna see if i can find a psychiatrist bc with my anxiety symptoms (long story) i need to go to a psychiatrist, and so far i‘ve only gone to like psycholgists and it didn‘t help but i think that‘s just bc i was meant to go to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist so dldjdjsj
n e ways but yes you‘re not alone, ily, things will get better and yes i love you (i‘m not good at this type of thing🥲 but i‘d hug you right now if i could <3)
Yess i think the time difference between est and me is 6hours but gmt is uk time i believe? i think mine is called.... cet? For central european time? I could be completely wrong though lmao
Oof i completely forgot about hollywood, i remember when laura kept posting about it on instagram but i never actually watched it and i definitely won‘t now lmaodkdksjsn
Okay my driving lesson LEBDJDKDK I DID NOT HOOK UP WITH ANYONE AKSJSKSMMLM especially not my 40 or 50 year old driving instructor lol i like her but NOT LIKE THAT, the lesson was really really really good actually and i think i‘ll have my driving test soon, but i don‘t even remember why the anon would have thought that??? Oh wait now i remember okay KEKSKDLDL so during the lesson my instructor was like do you mind if i turn on some music? AND THIS WOMAN TURNED ON ONE DIRECTION I LOVE HER so i made a post about it and i said something about the song up all night and i guess i phrased it in a .... idk in a dumb way 💀 so the anon made a joke that i stayed up with my driving instructor all night and NO. No.
Wait did i read that right? YOU WERE ARIEL ON STAGE? SIALDBDJDKSLMSBDKDMDMDKDJSLSMDJFJJEDMBFEKLEFBJDLDVSIDLESKSKWKDKDJDOWNYUEKWNDUWLNSUFLWVSUDLEHDOENSIDBEISBEHENJELBSIEMWUDNRIW KB WOBE JO ON SBEUU HIII S HWS LV W ICH US KB okay this keyboard smash is getting out of hand but uh please do elaborate on that 💘😌???? Like you can‘t just drop that information and not say more??? I forgot if you‘re in like your school‘s drama group (is that a thing? lol idk anything about acting) or in an independent group? Either way - ARIEL that is so fucking cool
Your brothers loooooool, no i get it though obviously you love them and stuff but esp at their age children are so annoying so good luck with them 😭😭😭lmao
Yeah “anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌“ yeah just me and my parents who constantly fight 🥰 lmao no i like being an only child, like i cannot imagine having siblings but i feel like if i had siblings i would be saying that i can‘t imagine being an only child so? but i do think it‘s quite different like i‘m trying to imagine having siblings and WHAT that‘s just so different omg i‘ve never really thought about it like properly ???
I saw a tik tok the other day that was like “sometimes i forget that my siblings have a life of their own. like i see them as side characters in my life“ and even though i can‘t relate obviously i felt that. lol, like i can really imagine how it feels idk what i‘m talking about like shut the fuck up, daria
(also my actual name is daria not aria but i dont like it, and also i wanted to be more anonymous on tumblr so now i‘m aria lmao. pls don‘t mention it though cause no one knows except for you and mel (peterbenjiparker) dkdkdkdnkdnd. but i‘m starting to identify with the name cause everyone keeps calling me that looool😭😭😭 (but i like the name, more than daria anyway? well it also depends on the accent, cause the way germans say daria is okay. the was Americans say it is also okay, but some of my family in England are from the north of england and i don‘t like how they say my name 💀 no offence to them(?) but yeah pls don‘t mention the name in your ask cause the chance of people seeing it is higher then (or if you want to say something about it just send a separate ask and i just won‘t post it (IDK what you‘d want to say about my name but yeah just in case slsldlldmsndnsns)
I‘m loving falcon and winter soldier so much but when i was watching an episode the week before last week (?) my laptop broke😭😭😭😭 during the scene where the dora milaje came at the end my laptop just shut down? And it had these lines all over the screen and i had to bring it to the shop where i bought it and they said it‘ll take 6-8 weeks to repair 💔💔💔 but at least it‘ll be for free, cause if i brought it back to apple it would cost like 400€ (i think that‘s nearly 500$) so yeah. but it sucks cause now i‘m “going to uni“ on a really old rusty laptop and on my phone which kinda sucks. oh yeah and also i can‘t watch anything on there 😭 i definitely want to watch wandavision but it‘ll have to wait🤧
Yessss you should def get your GED! I googled and I‘m still not entirely sure what it is dldks but from how you described it- YES!!!!!!
Idk if you know this? Like no idea if I‘ve told you this already (hmmm wait i feel like we talked about it actually?) anyway i was originally gonna go study in England, but for loads of reasons I ended up staying in Germany and I‘m def happy with my decision, but I definitely want to go to England sometime even if it‘s just for six months or maybe for my masters or something? And (obviously everyone is different) but i think everyone should go abroad and live in a different country once in their life, no matter if it‘s for school or what, and even if it‘s just for a few weeks. But i think that‘s something that you‘d never ever forget! And combining that with your acting/theatre??? You really would be living the dream 💘💘😌
how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?— sounds good see you soon 🥰🥰🥰
i used to be one of the people who‘d just do motherlode motherlode motherlode and just... what did i do? Why did i do that??? But not anymore lol. Like I said i haven‘t played sims in a few weeks but i‘ve been watching a few legacy challenge let‘s plays and usually i play with the aging off. So my sims just don‘t age 💀 but i could (should) turn aging on so that it stays exciting and i have limited time and everything. and once i get bored with my current sims i can just make them have kids and continue playing as their children when they get older- like recently i remembered that i haven‘t played the acting career in ages? and i haven‘t had a shop in ages? and i think you can even become a vet right??? like those are definitely some things i want to do in the next weeks!!! Also yes sksksjs i have a few hundred hours on sims as well (if not thousands 😭) it was just that one household that i‘d been playing with for 24hrs
AND GIRL SSKSKJD THE UNIVERSITY THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO, it was a while ago so i don‘t remember what degree and what job it was about but i made my sim study something for aaaaaages so she‘d get a better job from the beginning (you know what i mean like get in at a higher level)...... and i apparently studied the wrong thing cause i didn‘t get any benefits from studying and still had to start at level 1 and shit 🥴🥲
Oh also (this was like 2 weeks ago) Enisa and Michael did take in Michael‘s daughter and i think Enisa currently even has a higher/better relationship with the daughter than Michael but um💀💀💀 also i was hoping (since michael and enisa married (in their back yard i think lol) that the daughter (i forget what her name is😭) would have enisa as her step mom? Like you know how you can see the relationship and it says daughter or son or sister.. and i was hoping that it would say step mom but it doesn‘t say anything 🥲 but in my mind (and if the sims had proper family relations) she is her step mom😌 also Leo is a teenager now???? I mean I aged him up lol dkdk he was being too annoying as a toddler but i don‘t like children so i aged him up twice in one day and now he‘s a teen, but that means he can look after his half sister when she becomes a toddler which is good (the game recognises them as siblings tho even if they‘re just half siblings? why can‘t they have step family members in the sims🥲) okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
I‘ve been a bit sick these past few days and now i‘m getting a headache so i have to finish this response tomorrow 😭😭😭 </3
It‘s not tomorrow, it‘s 3 hours later but i‘m better lol
oooff when sims are ungrateful and won‘t woo woo (lol i like that) cause they‘re too tired like?? Be grateful that you‘re not living with your parents anymore 🙄 no okay dkdkdkdl idk if you play with mods (i don‘t) but i know there is a mod (or it‘s part of a mod idk maybe wicked whims?) where you can adjust the percentage of how risky a normal woo woo is, like you still click woo woo (3dksksks okay i‘ll say woohoo again— wait is that what’s it called? 😭) but there‘s like a 25% chance that your sim can still get pregnant just like in real life there‘s always a chance of getting pregnant even if you‘re using protection (just not 25% lmao) but yeah i personally don‘t play with mods sksk and you can always just click try for baby but it would be cool if you could add stuff like risky woohoo to the game without mods (i have no idea how to download mods and i play sims on a really really old laptop and sims is literally tje only thing that works on it anyway so—) i repeat my words from earlier: okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
okay i‘m so sorry i‘m gonna watch fast & furious 1 now cause i need to watch f&f 1-5 until the 30th of april cause they‘re only on netflix til then (i mean i could watch them somewhere else but the quality is never as good) so i will finish this tomorrow after all😭
it is now 1 am, i finished the film, can feel a new obsession coming up again (i always have these f&f obsessions for six months before and after a new film comes out)
THE GOOGLE TRANSLATE wkekdjdj tbh it sounds like someone is speaking with some kind of foreign accent i guess that‘s probably because it just is a direct translation and so anyway slsjsj i don‘t know if you asked me what the word fucking is in german? like idk cause the translation is a bit weird but in case you asked lol sidjsjs theres not really a good translation like we just say fuck for fuck lmao, i don‘t know if you typed in fucking in google translate and it came out as verdammt? cause that means damn (or damned sksjjs) ummm yeah idek if/what you asked so imma move on🤧
I‘m not gonna comment on what you said about every stormzy song cause you already said all the important things but SKSKSJSJSKNSNDBDUDOENWBSLSKKHSULSLSKSBSJSKSK I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR RESPONSE FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally i know someone who loves him as much as i do 💘💘💘 also since you brought it up, i‘m pretty sure he‘s considered the most successful UK rapper or if not then at least top 3 so he‘s defffffffffinitely big in the uk, in germany more and more people are listening to uk rap too but not as much stormzy cause theyre dumb apparently 🙄 but anywY i‘m sooooo sooo happy that you like him. i think hith came out end of 2019 (i could be wrong but i think it came out on the 13th of december so (in a european way) you‘d write the date: 13.12 and obviously i don‘t KNOW this but i can definitely imagine that he chose that date because ACAB and yes, Michael. Yes. But he hasn‘t made too much music since then so i hope he‘s working on some new stuff 🤞🏼
Also i ordered the stormzy poster😌 also a nicki minaj one bc i decided i‘m gonna have one wall with red-ish posters (i already have two kinda red ones) and one with blue/green-ish posters (already have two) and i can add stormzy to the blue one and nicki to the red one, but i think that‘s it cause if my walls are tooo full it could look cluttered? I‘m not sure how that type of thing works lmao but my room is generally untidy so i don‘t want the walls to look unorganised too so i think that‘s it for now
I really want to finish this now but my brain is getting kinda slow and i need to sleep soon so this will have to wait till later after all 🥺🥴 (not that it makes and difference to you bc you‘ll see this whenever i post it buttttt i wanted you to know that i want to talk to you again but with my slow brain i‘m just taking too long to do it in one day😭😭😭 and i‘m so busy tomorrow hmm but i‘m sure i‘ll have 30 minutes to finish this then <3)
Okay wait I‘m so dumb I didn‘t realise I‘d nearly answered everything i could have posted this yesterday 😭😭
Oooohh that summer bra sounds so nice like if i was confident enough i literally would just wear a top that resembles a bra (or really is a bra lol) cause my tiddies always be looking amazing i‘m just insecure about my stomach sometimes 🙄🙄🙄 but recently i‘ve been loving myself more and more tbh 😌
also i hope you can go shopping for some nice clothes soon ✨😌
I‘ll be honest I haven‘t listened to your song recs YET but only because i wanna take my time with them and i‘ve been so busy and slso AJ tracey‘s album came out last week and I haven‘t listened to that one yet either so ekdkdj (he‘s also a uk rapper like quite popular and successful as well, but i feel like i‘m not gonna like his album cause whenever i‘m looking forward to an album it ends up being really bad and the albums where you weren‘t expecting it turn out to be bangers.... so yeah but i‘ll let you know when i listen to your songs!!!! :)
Omg i keep having to scroll up all the way to see the next thing you said so sorry if I completely miss some of the things you said😭😭
So when you sent this the bird was still bothering me oh my FUCK DKDLDMMDMDMD but now i‘ve been going to bed at like 1-2am so the bird is probably still asleep lool
Okay and for the rest of your ask my response is: 💘💖❣️💚❣️💛❣️💛💕💞❤️💓💟💞💕💕💖💘💝💟💟🧡❤️🧡💞💛💚💓💚💚💚❣️🧡💖💘🧡💝🧡💕💘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘 (okay that looked cuter in my head i don‘t really like the green hearts dldkkdksndnd)
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obsessiveviewer · 4 years ago
OV328 - Ebert's Great Movies Part 4: Rear Window (1954) & Vertigo (1958) - Heartland Film Fest Hitchcock Night, Awards Season 2020, Picture Character, Sophie Jones, and The Outside Story
OV328 - Ebert's Great Movies Part 4: Rear Window (1954) & Vertigo (1958) - Heartland Film Fest Hitchcock Night, Awards Season 2020, Picture Character, Sophie Jones, and The Outside Story
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In this episode, Ben and I continue our journey through Roger Ebert’s Great Movies list with a special Heartland Film Festival edition of our review series. We discuss two Hitchcock films on the list that were part of Heartland’s lineup of special drive-in screenings. First, we review 1954’s Rear Window and then follow it with 1958’s Vertigo.
This week’s stinger comes from our Patreon-exclusive recording: 096 - OV B-Roll - “Carving Out Time to B Positive” - Criterion Shopping, Patreon Restructuring, Time (2020), B Positive, TV Homes - Nov 10, 2020
Show Start - 00:32
HIFF2020 - 01:50
Awards Season 2020 - 09:30
Roger Ebert’s Great Movies - 22:06
Hitchcock Night at HIFF2020 - 23:27
Rear Window (1954) - 30:40
Vertigo (1958) - 58:20
Rebecca and Selections for Part 5 - 1:21:08
Closing the Ep - 1:24:30
Stinger: “Carving Out Time to B Positive” - 1:27:47
Pre-Recorded Outro - 1:30:32
Matt’s Recent Reviews
HIFF2020: In Case of Emergency (2020) - 5 stars
HIFF2020: All for My Mother (2019) - 5 stars
HIFF2020: Song Without a Name (2019) - 4 stars
HIFF2020: 76 Days (2020) - 4 stars
No Sleep October: The Mist (2007) - Guest Essay at Midwest Film Journal
Totally Under Control (2020) - 5 stars
Fail Safe (1964) - 5 stars
Ben’s Recent Reviews
Ben’s Happy Valley Essay Series - Midwest Film Journal
HIFF2020: The Outside Story (2020) - 3 stars
HIFF2020: Picture Character (2020) - 5 stars
HIFF2020: Molto Bella (2020) - 5 stars
Related Links 
Roger Ebert's Great Movies Masterlist - Letterboxd
Rear Window (1954) - Ebert’s Essay
Vertigo (1958) - Ebert’s Essay
Bright Wall/Dark Room November 2015: "Possessed: 'Vertigo' Through Her Eyes" by Lauren Wilford - RogerEbert.com 
Bee Window - Indianapolis Commercial 1994 - YouTube
Dismissive Jimmy Stewart - YouTube 
Matt's Letterboxd Litterbox 2020 List
Ben's Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash 2020 Fundraiser 
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Episode Homepage: http://www.obsessiveviewer.com/OV328
Check out this episode!
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ryangonzales928 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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eduardokingsley89 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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ccrider1000 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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marilynreinhold21 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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raulaustin70 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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patrickrandolph33 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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wellnessandrelief18 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB September 16, 2019 at 03:06AM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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obsessiveviewer · 4 years ago
OV327 - HIFF2020: 76 Days (2020), In Case of Emergency (2020), Belly of the Beast (2020), and When My Time Comes (2020)
OV327 - HIFF2020: 76 Days (2020), In Case of Emergency (2020), Belly of the Beast (2020), and When My Time Comes (2020)
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Direct Download Link
Recorded October 15, 2020: In this episode, Tiny and I review some of the stuff we watched at the 29th Annual Heartland Film Festival! We covered the documentaries 76 Days, In Case of Emergency, Belly of the Beast, and When My Time Comes. We also touch on The Comey Rule, All In: The Fight for Democracy and more.
This week’s stinger comes from our Patreon-exclusive recording: 095 - OV B-Roll - “I Real Good Kitty” - Friday the 13th, Kyle Rittenhouse, Gun Rights, Trick ‘r Treat, Halloween(x3), Apostle, and Drive in Movies - Oct 15, 2020
Show Start - 00:47
Housekeeping - 02:00
Recommendations - 08:00 
HIFF2020 - 16:48
76 Days (2020) - 21:28
In Case of Emergency (2020) - 46:42
Belly of the Beast (2020) - 51:11
When My Time Comes (2020) - 1:08:44 
Closing the Ep - 1:13:16
Stinger: "I Real Good Kitty" - 1:13:53
Pre-Recorded Outro - 1:15:02
Matt’s Recent Reviews
HIFF2020: In Case of Emergency (2020) - 3.5 stars
HIFF2020: All for My Mother (2019) - 3.5 stars
HIFF2020: Song Without a Name (2019) - 4 stars
HIFF2020: 76 Days (2020) - 4 stars
No Sleep October: The Mist (2007) - Guest Essay at Midwest Film Journal
Totally Under Control (2020) - 4.5 stars
Fail Safe (1964) - 5 stars
Contributor Ben Sears’ Recent Reviews
The Boys in the Band (2020) - 3.5 stars
HIFF2020: The Outside Story (2020) - 3 stars
HIFF2020: Picture Character (2020) - 3.5 stars
HIFF2020: Molto Bella (2020) - 3.5 stars
On the Rocks (2020) - 4 stars
David Byrne’s American Utopia (2020) - 5 stars
Related Links
MTV Documentary Films Acquires Toronto Docu ’76 Days’ On COVID Outbreak In Wuhan, China - Deadline
As Good As It Gets Patreon - Patreon
Comedy Bang Bang: A Tear Down - YouTube
The Kingcast - 11 - The Gunslinger with Damien Echols 
Matt's Letterboxd Litterbox 2020 List
Ben's Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash 2020 Fundraiser 
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Episode Homepage: http://www.obsessiveviewer.com/OV327
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michaelowens713 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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johnwathen21 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
POFU Live. Join the mastermind.
Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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onlineinvesting18 · 6 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 253
Click on the video above to watch Episode 253 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, cool. And we are welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts today is the 11th of September 2019. And we’ve got almost everybody here. We’re going to do a quick, quick little introduction. But and then we’ve got some really good announcements before we dive into the questions which looked and it looks like you’ve already got some really good ones today. So we’re going to dive into that. But start with Bradley on the top left. How are you doing, man?
Bradley: I’m good. Happy to be here. Excited because we’re about a month away from POFU Live. So excited but nervous at the same time because I can’t stand flying and I have to fly again. I know for you guys is no big deal. But for me, I hate it. So I can start getting nervous about a month out. But it’ll be a good event. So I’m excited about say,
Adam: Denver’s a little bit of a drive. Definitely want to fly there. Yeah. Well, somebody had a birthday this weekend, I think right.
Bradley: They shall remain unmentioned.
Adam: smoothly over that Bradley did not have a birthday. I repeat. Again, well, you know, in case somebody did have a birthday, happy birthday. So Chris, how are you doing? Good.
Chris: Doing good. Little, some of it is we’re going into autumn. But yeah, like same as you excited for POFU Live, it’s coming.
Adam: Definitely. And for those of you who are new, that’s awesome. Thanks for watching. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s gonna be our second year running live event in Denver this year, you can go to pofulive.com to find out some more about that. And we’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. But last and certainly not least Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, man, I’m excited. We have a webinar tonight with Peter Drew. And we’ve been doing his stuff for quite a while. And now we’re going to go into his group and share some of our knowledge. And you know, I’m going to be sharing, actually one of my clients, you know, you guys I don’t like, doing that. Not Not Not the name. But but but the numbers and, and, and like, for example, without giving the farmer whale or what the webinar tonight is about, you know, 2000 actions or whatever Google calls it. With over 1000 visits to the website, almost 200 calls are just incredible shit that’s still going on. With GMB. It’s not dead, I haven’t died. It just the verification is very difficult. But if you can get a client who has a legitimate GMB that you can work on, you can still get phenomenal results. And this is someone going back a year that is going back now what two years is it? Since this came out almost. So I’m not sharing those numbers. But those are even bigger. Maybe I should have but I don’t know. I didn’t want people to think I was lying. Like, like I’m lying if I share that, but anyway, it still works phenomenally well, everything we do still work. Imagine that. Imagine that? What is it six years in for Semantic Mastery. And they still work?
Adam: On that’s good. Gonna go talk to Peter Drew’s people, show them what’s up. So definitely be a good webinar for them. For anyone who’s interested in what they’re going to be covering. It’s going to be stuff that you know, we talk about a lot. So if you’re interested, we could either get you a replay, we can point you in the direction of some other content that we have that’ll help you out over there.
Marco: Join us for the webinar. Yeah, it’s at eight Eastern.
Adam: Yeah. You parents tip will drop the registration link.
Marco: Yeah, drop the registration link and join us and it’ll be fun. I might give something away. I don’t know. I might just get loose mouth.
Adam: All right, real quick, everyone. Thanks for being here today. If you are new, you’re in the right place. We’re about to hop in and start answering your questions. you’re checking out the replay, you can always ask questions ahead of time and go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask them there we’d love it if you’re live but we get it life gets in the way, you may have to step away you got a client call whatever it is you’re doing. But you can always ask your questions we just ask that you limited try to ask one question. You know, we get like those really crazy long, like five-part questions, we sometimes have to skip through them to make sure that we get to other people’s but then you can come to check out the replay on our YouTube channel. And then where to start with Semantic Mastery. This is definitely a question we get a lot. And you know, people are like, Well, what do you do if you have a new site? Or what do you do when you’re setting up a YouTube channel or you have an aged domain. And all of that stuff is covered in the Battle Plan, right? It’s a step by step, Battle Plan for processes for getting results and all those different areas and a bunch of other stuff that I haven’t even mentioned a bunch of crazy frickin bonuses that are really awesome that we put together over the years and we keep this updated.
You know, we update it from time to time we don’t you know, relaunch it, we just put it out once a year for a huge update, but throughout the year we’re constantly updating it if you don’t have that yet, highly recommend you go over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com, pick it up. And then the next step from there if you’re ready to grow or start your own digital marketing business, then join us in the mastermind, right that’s you hear us talk about it from time to time it’s great not only for the information but to the access to other people you get, right it’s people who are serious about as Marco would say, doing the do or walking the walk and you want to be around those people as well as learning from them. And so if you’re interested in that Find out more at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And then last but certainly not least save time and money. We tell people to do this regardless if you’re doing this with clients if you’re doing it for your own projects. But you know user done for you services, if it fits into your project, go over to mgyb.co, find out what can help you get started there in terms of syndication networks are always strive to x press releases link building embeds whatever, right, we constantly preach us, this is the stuff we use for our own projects so that we can speed up results. So we’re not down there in the trenches doing it all the time. I’m on my end, I think that’s about it, guys, do we have anything else we want to cover besides telling people to come to POFU Live in October, we really want to see as many people there as possible, and you can grab your ticket at pofulive.com
I just want to mention that quickly Marco, I just want to mention that, you know, POFU Live is is about kind of a multi-angled approach to getting results for your business, whatever that business maybe, you could be a digital marketing consultant, or own an agency or even just own your own business. For that matter. It doesn’t even have to be you don’t even have to be a marketing consultant, you just want to grow your own business and could be offline business or not online business. What we’re going to be talking about is a combination of, of course, digital marketing strategies. That’s what we primarily taught for over all the years. But through my own experience recently, with my new business, I found more of holistic marketing, which actually has a significant impact on digital presence, which I would have never known had I not started this business of mine that has a traditional marketing component to it. And so it’s really interesting to be able to see results with my own new business, how much how you can create a strong brand, very, very quickly using a combination of marketing methods, not just strictly or purely digital marketing methods, which is what I have been using in preaching for even my own clients for many years now. And it’s on, it’s very interesting to see the results that I’ve been able to achieve in just a few months it’s in and also implementing with some of my clients now because of the significant results I’ve seen. But on top of just the marketing training that you’re going to get, it’s also the mindset training and the networking along with others that are, you know, savvy business owners of their own. And it’s just creating that, that kind of that all-encompassing environment where you can really learn and grow and learn how to get better results for whatever business you may be in. So I would encourage you guys if you’re really in need of, you know, an edge in your own business, you see, you’re kind of stagnant, you want to see significant growth, the growth we live is probably your best opportunity. Come check us out.
Marco: For people who are on the fence. Right? And I don’t know some people, is it really going to be worth it? Should I go to Denver? Why should I go to Denver, I would say go to the sales page, watch the videos, those are people who were at last year’s POFU Live event. Listen to what they have to say because this some seasoned marketers in their guys that are saying that that it was a lot of stuff shared that they just didn’t know or would never have thought of. So even if you’re a seasoned marketer, you think already know what I need to know, I would say Come join us, come join us because I am going to especially what I’m going to talk about, its to me. And my approach, it’s life-changing for me, and how I see things and how I look at things and how I deal with things. So I mean, it could be what you need to get you not only on the path to POFU but even closer, whatever your POFU is, right? Doesn’t have to be mine doesn’t have to be bread, you should have you should know what your goals are, you should know where you want to be, what your revenue monthly recurring revenue should be or where you want it to be. But you need a way to get there. And that’s what we want to do for you. We want you to want to help you stop that path and keep you on that path.
Bradley: Okay, very well said should we jump into questions or what? Yeah. All right. Let me grab the screen. Okay, you guys should be seeing my full screen. Correct. Please confirm? Anybody?
Marco: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Thank you. Alright, so we’re going to start with Greg. And then we’ve got this very long multi-part question. Guys, we’ve tried to tell you to remind you guys on a regular basis. We can’t assume everybody’s heard it, though. But please, Brett, split your questions up? You know, ask one. If it’s a question that has maybe one or two parts to it. Ask that and then allow some other people to post questions before posting your next question. Because that’s a lot. That’s going to take a few minutes to get through. But we’ll, we’ll try to run through it. We can. Or just break it up. We can come back to it. Yeah, we might have to.
Do You Have A New Strategy In Verifying GMB Pages?
So we’ll start with Greg though he’s first up. He says, Marco when you are testing a new strategy? How do you verify it works? How do you ensure it is because of that new strategy? And how do you track results these days with Google showing everyone individualized search answers or search results?
Marco: All right, to me, it’s very simple. Does it affect the bottom line? The end result to me has increased visits to the website, which means more form feels, more, and especially if I’m in GMB, it means more phone calls, means more visits from GMB to the website, it means more requests for directions. And that should reflect month to month on how much the client is making. From my efforts. I keep a really close eye on my clients. It has to be transparent, right? I have a really good relationship with clients. When I take on a new client. It’s a must. It has to be transparent, I have to be able to see if you try to hide something from me that it means that you’re trying to fuck me out of money. And there’s no way that we’re going to work. I don’t care about Google showing people individualized search results, simply because at the end of the day, it transfers into a metric that I can measure it. For example, another thing about GMB is that it affects organic. It has a cause and effect relationship between what you do in GMB and your organic so does RYS. Like everything that we do, it’s like a domino effect. One pushes the other until the very end. And at the very end, what you see is results. You know, we call it to pay per result, right?
Or performance – pay per performance, PPR, however, you want to call it, how is my client going to know what my performance is. And whether I’m getting results? Well, I’m going to track everything I’m going, I’m going to track that phone that I’m going to have access to it. So I can track it. I’m going to track that GMB, I’m going to have them in analytics, I’m going to have them in Google Search Console, I’m going to know the keywords that are pushing upon them, I’m going to know the traffic that’s coming into the website, I’m going to know what happens to the traffic when it gets to the website. And I am going to know where that traffic drops off. So it’s an overall approach. Now, I know month to month, what’s happening with my client, when I try something new, it has to have either a positive, negative or neutral effect on every day, but it does not affect and I track it over several months that you can’t just be one month, because that could just be a bump. But if there’s a steady, steady growth or a steady drop, I know I did something right or I did something wrong. So to me, it’s very simple to keep track of I don’t need 1000 SEO tools and 1000 thing to keep track of what’s happening with my clients or to know whether I’m getting results. Now, if it’s on something new that I’m trying, then I might just try that one thing. So that’s isolation, right? That’s not a single variable test, because it could have several variables involved. But that test is going to be done in isolation so that it’s going to be absent everything else that we do and in Semantic Mastery so that I know whether we can add it to our arsenal, which is how GMB came into being right. It’s just for me testing and seeing what I’m getting results in isolation meaning within the GMB ecosystem, and I started seeing a bounce in Search Console or Webmaster Tools, whatever you want to call it. And so I knew the only thing that I was doing was I was working inside the GMB. The only thing that could be happening is my whatever work I did had the effect that I wanted to have some of it is just serendipity. Right? It just happened. You come across you stumble across it, and you say, holy crap, this is the day I gotta go see what’s happening, what’s going on? What did I change? What did I do? But that’s how I do it, Greg.
Bradley: Thank you for that answer. And I agree with that. For me the same thing. It’s more about what is the end result? I don’t really, you know, I still do provide rank reports for clients. But rank reports are typically I’ve conditioned all of my clients to understand that rank reports are just an indication of what their search presence looks like. It’s not like the law, like it used to be years ago because of more individualized or personalized search results being displayed now. Because what we track more is analytics, and traffic and conversions. Essentially, that’s what we’re those are the primary metrics. And those all affect the bottom line. So what we’re looking for is the number of leads generated the number of visits to the website, but not even that it’s more or less, I mean, we still look at that. But it’s more about the conversions, the number of conversions created, whether those are phone calls, or web form submissions, or whatever the conversion goal is, obviously most of my clients are looking for leads. So we track basically the number of leads, however, that lead came in whether it was a phone call, or web form, submission, or whatever the case is. But that could also apply to people that are you know, for example, ecommerce or when you’re looking to make sales online or whatever that is that those same type of metrics. It’s not necessarily for local businesses, it’s more in my opinion, it’s not necessarily searched results. It might be for ecommerce, but not necessarily for local businesses. And I don’t know why this thing is making me reconnect. Let me see if I can get it to load. As far as what do I do for testing? To determine if something Why is this not loading son of a bitch if I can’t read the questions, um, when it comes to testing for me, I’ve got a ton of lead gen sites. So I usually do testing on my lead gen sites first. And once I’ve discovered something that works, then I repeat it and try it or try to duplicate it on another lead gen site. And if I can duplicate it and get similar results from the same process or same method. And as Marco said, it’s not really isolation because there are other components, other methods that have been applied. So it could be a combination of the thing that I’m testing, in association with other things that have already been applied. So what I try to do is find another property that has, you know, had similar things done to it. And again, I’ve got a ton of lead gen property. So I got a lot of testing sites, or testing projects, in other words, that you know, projects I can test against, and then I apply the same thing. And if I’m able to get similar results, then I will start to apply those to client sites as well. So I usually prove everything prior to applying anything to a client site. Those are good questions are great.
So the next one is from Lloyd. And it’s actually it’s, it’s actually seven full questions squeezed into there. So we’re not going to go through all seven. It looks like it’s only three. But three. Part number three has got four parts to it. It’s seven questions. So we’ll, we’ll come back to and Lloyd if we have time. We’ll start with the first two. How about that?
Which DFY SEO Services Would You Recommend To Rank A Local Real Estate Lead Gen Site Faster?
So the first one is which of your done for you services, would you recommend for the following scenarios to rank fast local lead gen. Number one local lead gen for an agent working within a certain radius rank for a main keyword and subdomains for each city. Again, it’s done for you services, and we would recommend are the same that we talked about in Battle Plan. You know, there’s and I mean, I kind of all kind of run through them right now very quickly. But it’s the same process and eat, whether it’s for local or for even national type terms. It’s just for national type terms, you’re typically going to require more of the some of the things whatever they are, right so but for local, I always recommend a syndication network that’s branded for the brand name of the company, period. You know,  that’s the first thing we do is syndication network, then once that’s delivered, then we end up ordering us a drive stack and RYS drive stack because that’s how you can build that association between brand name and keywords that you’re trying to target and or locations as well. And then blogging to your money site if you have a money site blogging to that to feed the syndication network, but you’re going to include the syndication network URLs in your drive stack order. So that does get built into the profile, press release announcing the new business. And then what I like to do is use blog posts as an excuse to publish new additional press releases. For example, you know, if you get on a on a regular basis of maybe let’s just use an example of two press releases per month. So you you’d highlight or promote two different blog posts per month with a press release if that makes sense. Because then you can do a whole bunch of what we call PR silo stacking. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go to our YouTube channel and search PR silo stacking, or press release SEO. Either one of those will work and you’ll be able to find a webinar where we talked about that. From there, you’ve got you we got the embed packages, especially for local it works really, really well. If you go to mgyb.co and you can embed your GMB map URL or your map excuse me and do an embed blast for that and and link building to that that works really well link building to your drive stack, the @ID local iframe loop, that’s something else that works very well. So just putting all of those components together, and then being consistent, again, blogging consistently. If it’s GMB, you want to be doing GMB posts consistently, those are all things that once you get the Get Started, you just keep them going. It’s like keeping your foot on the gas, and it starts to build momentum. And once you piece all these, once you put all these pieces together, then you should start to see significant results. My timeframe for getting significant results with it with the GMB, it depends on the competition, if it’s kind of a, you know, suburb area with low competition, I can usually get results within 30 days. But if it’s a more competitive area, then I usually tell a client they act, the timeline to expect significant results is three months. But I usually end up getting results within about 60 days, just putting all of those pieces together. And those you know pretty much the same. And I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver, then try to tell a client, you know, I can get your results in 60 days and have something happen where I don’t get results in 60 days, and then i’ve you know have not delivered upon what I promised. So I always try to set expectations for 90 days. And just by putting all those pieces to gather and start to build momentum, then it ends up usually within 60 days I get significant results only the most competitive areas does it take usually 90 days to get significant results. Marco would say you on that?
Marco: I say that local a relative? We do the same thing. For both for anything, the foundation is the same just how much of it is is the only question right some some some need more power. And even at the local level, I’ve come across keywords that are just a bitch to get to that that man, it’s just rough, but then you just have to keep hammering it. I you know, I brute force sht. So if if something doesn’t work the way that I want, I just give it more of it and force it to work. The way that we do it though is how we approach the entity at a local level. And at the national, global affiliate, whatever it is level, if you have to at a little bit different. And that’s all throughout our training. We did a webinar, the entity webinar in MGYB be right, it’s one of the update webinars, we did that. And we showed how it’s done. So I suggest go start going through, start going through our stuff, take a look at everything, we have tons of resources, our YouTube channel is a great resource for free information. And we have I don’t know how many thousands of hours of training in there and webinars and just things that we go over and maybe we update or we’ll do a training webinar, whatever it is that we do, plus, the mastermind, doesn’t matter Mastery mastermind, that’s where we really get down and get to the nitty gritty and give people the best tools and the best way to approach whatever it is that they’re doing. But at this level and what you’re looking to do, I don’t treat them any differently, man. That was the only thing that my approach is a little bit different as far as the entity that I’m going to show Google.
What’s The Best DFY SEO Service To Rank National Lead Gen Keywords Like Life Insurance Or Life Insurance Quote?
So number two is National lead gen for so he’s asking about which MGYB services would get the best result quickest results for a national lead gen for a keyword like life insurance or Life Insurance Quote? Again, I stand by my first comment and so so well Marco, I’m sure in that it’s the same thing, we still build the entity as you met. That’s part of like what I call an entity loop. We’ve talked about that in various locations, and pretty much any one of our paid member paid courses, we’ve talked about the iframe loop, or entity loop, pretty much the same thing. And and that’s it’s just building that out first, and then it’s how much power you inject into it. So whether you’re I mean, now remember life insurance life insurance, quote, that’s going to be a bitch to rank for, you can do it, but it’s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of work because those are very, very, you know, competitive terms. And they have been for many, many years. So that’s like going after gold or you know, gold IRA or something like that very similar in that it’s going to be very difficult for something like that. But it can be done with enough. Enough power, right and enough effort. So again, say is pretty much the same common as number one, it’s just a matter of how much you put into those, that when you’re building that out. Again, Marco, you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, I would just caution that you have to gauge the time and effort, that it takes time, effort and money versus the return that you’re going to get on it sure. Because if if you have limited resources, and you’re trying to rank for life insurance, it’s likely not going to happen, although it can be done if you do it correctly. And it’s something that we would only guide you through again, in our Semantic Mastery mastermind, we had that a case study that Darya presented, and he explained exactly how he got the result and what it took. Right, which included, Of course, our methods. And in it, they’re available in mgyb.coso that you don’t have to do it. And so that it Believe it or not, although people see it as an expense, ordering something from MGYB, you’re actually investing, right and it saves you It saves you money in the long run because you don’t have to spend all that time first. Trying to figure out how to do it. Second, implementing it.
Third, are you doing it correctly so that you could follow the Battle Plan? Right. But that that only takes you so far? I always tell people look, if you want to know how, if you want direct answers, if you want to go in depth, if you want us to look at your website, the mastermind is the place to be there is no other place where we’re going to give you what you’re looking for, which is information on how to rank locally and nationally outside of the mastermind. Although we do give you a lot of information, you put it together. And we’ve had people Paul Fussell is one one of the people who created a an entire business, just from our Hump Day hangouts where we sharing in Hump Day Hangouts, we’ve had people come to us with business already that they built from listening to us and Hump Day Hangouts, and going through our free training. So I mean, that’s one way of putting it all together. But imagine how much time and effort that’s going to take versus joining the mastermind with which, to me, the price that we’re charging monthly is ridiculous. It’s not enough, but it is what it is, and get the guidance that you need, get the done for you services, and learn how it’s done. Once you once you know how, then it’s just lather, rinse, repeat. That’s the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: Alright, so Lloyd, if we have time, we’ll come back. But we spent a lot of time on your first two questions. And there’s several more. So I think the same answer goes from number three. I’m not going to read the question, but it’s pretty much the exact same thing that we just mentioned for number one and number two, if we come back for A, B, C, and D or whatever, what if we have time? We’ll come back to that. Okay.
Is It A Bad Idea To Build Out An Existing Drive Stack/GSite If The New Drive Elements Are Based On Other Business’ Brand Name Keywords?
Kyle says is that a bad idea to build out an existing drive stack and G site if the new drive stack elements and G site pages are based on other businesses, brand name keywords, for example, you have an affiliate site and one of your money sites pages is Bowflex review, or Playstation review? Thanks. I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, that’s, it is a brand name. But it’s also cute. I mean, there’s a brand name part of it, but it’s also a keyword, right? People look for that kind of stuff. There are sometimes you can’t create ads when you’re using a trademark name. But as far as and again, I’ll let Marco clarify what his error put, you know, tell you what his thoughts are. But in my opinion for SEO, I don’t see why that would create any problem, especially within a drive property or Google, you know, drive stack and G site. Marco, what, what do you think?
Marco: it’s only a problem when you’re trying to run a trademark ad, I can’t do you can’t do it, you have to get around Google’s Terms of Service. And they’re going to probably block that ad from showing because you’re using something that’s a trademark. But if you’re doing a review of the product. Now, here’s the caveat. Unless you’re doing a bad review of the product, if you do a bad review, you better make sure that you write in case they come after you. Because if you can’t show how you write about your bad review, you could get into a lot of trouble that way. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to sell Bowflex through Amazon, or whatever it is, or sell a PlayStation through Amazon, Playstation welcomes you selling for them. Why not that they’ll pay that glad that Amazon will gladly pay the commission, could they make money both ways, so they don’t care?
Bradley: Yeah, just keep in mind that if you’re using those for like affiliate, you also got to check the affiliate agreements for those types of products, guys, because sometimes they will be you’ll be in violation of their affiliate agreement. If you’re using their terms in like SEO titles and things like that, you have to look most of the time, it’s just for ads for paid traffic. However, just keep that in mind, you really need to read the affiliate agreements for that kind of stuff. Because if you put time and effort into building out, you know, a website with that, that you’re going to put se you know, a bunch of time and effort into SEO as well as a drive stack and all that other stuff. And you are doing something against their affiliate Terms of Service, by using their brand name and your titles and things like that, then you can end up getting your term your affiliate agreement terminated or suspended from being able to promote that. So just keep that in mind. You want to be really careful about that. I don’t know that that’s the case with either one of these examples. But just make sure that you’re aware of what’s in the affiliate agreement. Okay.
Google Limiting 20 GMB Listings
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, can’t thank you enough for all the help you provide on hump days. Thank you very much. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says I’m sure you probably know this already. But Google is now limiting the total number of GMB listings shown to just 20. You must mean within the Manage locations part of your dashboard. Isn’t it just page needed? Like in other words, it doesn’t just restrict you to 20? Maybe I’ve got some grandfathered accounts, then because I know that I was just in my jammies today, a couple of them that have well over 20. So I’m not sure what that means. Maybe newer accounts, I’m not sure what that means exactly what you’re talking about. But you should even if it only shows 20 as far as I know.
Marco: Hey, Bradley. Oh, it’s it’s it’s not in the UK. He’s talking about it in in search results. But that was just something that was published the other day by some idiot who jumped the gun. It’s back. Google is always testing Google’s always putting, Oh, you mean in front of people showing their wish? When you when you did, the more? It was, it was limiting it to 20 rather than the endless scroll that you were getting? Yeah. Night or pagination, as you said. But is there back to normal? As far as I know, because, guys, I never jumped the gun when Google does something. I again, talking about the mastermind. It’s something I always tell it my my mastermind, people. When Google is out there changing shit, you don’t do a fucking thing other than what you usually do. Because there’s usually Google out there looking for idiots. We just I’m sorry, I’m not that I’m calling Kyle. I’m sorry, Gordon an idiot, but not by any stretch of the imagination. Because you’re always here. You’re always asking questions. I appreciate you coming in here and asking the question, I’m talking about these idiots who jumped the gun, put out information that that you know, it could have been just a glitch in Google that happens guy Google is so huge. It’s unimaginable how huge Google is there bound to have glitches. When that happens? You do? Nothing? nothing other than what you usually do. You let things settle once they settle? And you know for sure, that’s what’s happening. That’s when you say, Okay, let me go and figure out what it is that I need to do. Since Google is limiting. so so sorry for interrupting, but for interrupting you. But I just had to get that off my chest. Because I saw that I saw that. Look at this idiot. No, no, no, give Google a chance to work it out and see how this is going to settle before you start talking about what Google is doing.
Bradley: Yeah, well, you know how writers on these big magazines and blogs and stuff are they they need, they need, they need shit to write about. So as soon as they see something, they say, oh, Google’s made a change. And it could just be like Marco said, a lot of times Google’s testing different layouts and things like that when it comes to the search search or the search results. And a lot of times, that’s just it’s just a test. So it’ll it’ll be here today and gone tomorrow that that happens a lot. Speaking of which, how many of you guys, and this is just kind of a rhetorical question, but how many you guys are seeing now two ads in the maps three packs. So the maps three pack is turning into a maps five pack with the first two listings being ads. Those are advertisers, people paying for Google ads, search ads that have the location extension enabled, which means they have a GMB that is connected or linked to their Google Ads account. And I’m starting to see more and more two ads placements above the three maps pack. So in other words, in the maps pack, it’s now a five pack, where the first two placements are ads. So even if you’re in the number one organic spot in the maps, pack, you’re still in number three position. Think about that. And so that’s why again, I’ve really pushed most of my clients. Well, I pushed all of my clients with some of them won’t have any part of Google ads. But I’ve pushed most of my clients into letting me manage an ads campaign for them whether they wanted to or not, because of that reason, it’s just guys, Google’s pushing us more and more into the advertising space where we got to pay for the pay to play basically, and I’m not going to fight it anymore for strictly SEO, because I feel like the, you know, and again, for mostly local, I feel like we’re losing, we continually get pushed further and further down the page with just strictly SEO results. And so I’m, again, I’m mentioning to all of my clients to do a blend of both SEO as well as paid ads, because also the results that it can produce are phenomenal.
Is YouTube A Good Backlink Source For GMB Since It’s Authoritative And Is Owned By Google?
So anyway, back to Gordon’s questions. He says anyway since YouTube is a Google property with lots of authority power, I guess I’m guessing that it would be a good idea to include it as a backlink source to help a GMB listing rank in the three-pack. Is that correct? And if so, other than updating a few niche related videos to a up other than uploading a few niche related videos to a niche optimized YouTube channel and including the GMB URL in the descriptions, what else if anything can you do to use YouTube to help rank a GMB listing, run ads, run ads and push traffic in your GMB listing through YouTube? You know, that’s one of the things you can do you can you know, also like you said, you putting your GMB your NAP your name, address and phone number in the video description. As well as a link to your GMB maps URL that not the share URL. I mean, it’s going to be a three on one through YouTube in the description area anyways, but grab that www.google.com/maps?@ID=version of your maps listing right and use that in the description. As well as put that in the comments the first comment underneath the video and then pin that comment as the channel owner you can pin comments, right so put that link as the first comment, then run traffic via Google ads to that YouTube video targeted geo targeted and preferably audience targeting relate, you know, relevant, relevant audience targeting as well. So because now what happens is, you’re going to get traffic to that video that are good signals. And in that the description of the video and then in the comment link underneath, which is a dofollow link. Although that’ll be a topic for another day where we talk about nofollow stuff.
Based on an article that was released today, actually, by getting geo targeted traffic and prop and preferably audience route, you know, relevant audience targeting traffic to it as well, you that’s going to help get help the video to rank better. But that’s also a good signal to the link within the video description. So in other words, it’s a good signal to the GMB and some people especially like I said, if it’s geo targeted, and it’s a relevant audience, what you want to look for in market audiences or life event audiences if possible, then a small portion of those viewers the video viewers, which is what you’re buying, you’re buying views will actually click through and those clicks are are extremely weighted, because they’re relevant clicks. And Google knows it because you’re buying those that traffic from Google. So Google knows which audience buckets you’re buying traffic from, again, geo targeted, and topical or excuse me, relevant audience buckets. So those types of engagement signals as Marco was calls it art, right? activity, relevance, trusting or excuse me, authority, activity, relevance, trust and authority art, right. So you’re, you’re you’re actually providing two of those first two signals, active activity and relevancy through those engagement signals that you’re buying from YouTube. So remember, yes, that on a strictly SEO basis, building links from YouTube can also help especially to other Google properties. But it’s also the activity and the relevant signals that you can buy directly from YouTube. And plus, you’ll get some organic, maybe some organic traffic, which will be helpful to but you can buy it, and really kind of force everything. What do you have anything to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, actually, YouTube ads carry all three activity, relevance, and the trust and authority that you’re moving from YouTube to your website, through that, through that visitor right through that person clicking on that ad coming through. Google is trusting you with that person. And then when that person if they finish the goal that you’ve set for them, then that just senses the trust and authority transferred over to your website. And the more that that happens, the more trust and authority that you accrue.
Wow, we’re getting a hell of a storm brewing out there, guys. So we’ll try to get through another 20 minutes without losing power. We’ll see what happens.
How Do We Know If Our Ranking Efforts Have An Impact On Moving The Listing Closer In The 3-Pack?
Okay, so the next question, he says, By the way, you mentioned previously that the order of the GMB listings that show up after you click the more places at the bottom and three pack is primarily based on their proximity to the searcher and not as much on the ranking signals. But if ranking signals are a significant factor and getting into the three pack, why isn’t it the same for the listings that aren’t in the three pack? And how do we check if our ranking efforts are having any impact on moving the listing closer being a three pack? Well, again, it’s it proximity is a significant issue. So there’s only really the only way that I know of how to do that is to check is if you are using a Rank Tracker that can simulate a location based search, like for example, bright local does that. But as we talked about in the past, even a simulated location based search is not going to be the same as somebody searching from a, like a mobile device that’s actually in the area. And again, it’s because of the history, their browsing history, their preferences, their you know, the where they’ve traveled within that area, you know, all those kind of things, because Google has built a profile for that searcher, those results are likely going to be different than what you would see in a search that was simulated from within that particular area, from you know, servers, if that makes sense. Because the servers aren’t going to have a Google profile built a local, like a relevant profile built for that particular area. So it can give you an indication of your ranking of what type of if you’re getting any movement. In other words, if you are doing SEO work, and you’re using something like Bright Local, I know there’s other rank trackers out there guys that do location based rank tracking. But remember, it’s still just simulated, so it’s not going to be 100% accurate, there’s just no way they can be anymore. But it can still give you an indication as if you’re if you’re getting if you’re improving the rank positioning of whatever it is you’re working on, because you should see it start to move based on you know, whatever keywords it is that you’re tracking. Although, like I said, it’s not likely going to be exactly what somebody’s searching from that particular area is going to see on a mobile device. That’s a real bona fide you know, genuine person, it can still give you an indication of if you’re getting results or not. Right, if you’re moving the needle, so to speak.
And come comments on that?
Marco: Yeah, ART trumps anything Gordon, active read was trusted authority. It can even trumps proximity if you push enough power. So don’t don’t just you’re isolating, you say one versus the other. And actually, one includes the other take take two listings, that are in close proximity to the searcher, the one who has done the better job of optimizing and giving Google the right the right signals will probably be delivered to that person. I mean, it’s an all in one, it or I don’t know it’s a component with many different parts, one of the most important being proximity. But if I had GMBs that weren’t optimized, and with no activity, no nothing delivered to a person, simply because of the proximity. But then once you start fleshing it out, once it starts getting activity, once you start getting posts and images and everything else in there that you’re supposed to, it gets even better better. So you know that that an optimized GMB will probably get more action than something that’s not optimized. Unless, you know, it’s just right next door to the to the searcher, and it just makes sense for rank rank to deliver that search to the person doing the period.
Bradley: Amen.
Did You Update Your Press Releases With The Recent Roll Out Of Rel=”Sponsored” And Rel=”UGC” Tags?
So the next question is, and this is fun, it’s kind of when I started talking about earlier, how our press releases affected and change changing with the new tags sponsored or UGC tags, which stands for user generated content in search quality, rather guy rater guy, excuse me search quality rater guidelines Google just introduced. Did you update your submissions already? Hell no. First of all, that was just announced that that it for people that don’t know you can do a search on this. Google, I’ve just announced that starting today, they’re going to start treating nofollow links differently. And they’ve introduced to New Relic equals or, or essentially tags for LinkedIn tag, tag links with they called one one sponsor to one UGC, which stands for user generated content. First of all, was just announced today. And because Google announced it, I’m no way what I ever recommend anybody go out and start changing shit that’s already been published on the web, because Google published a new announcement. Like if you do that, you’re just setting yourself there fishing. Google is oftentimes fishing when they announced stuff like this, if you marker just talked about this, if you freak out and go start changing based upon some changing stuff that’s already been published based upon something that Google announced, you’re literally raising the red flag and saying, hey, come look at me, come look at me. I’m an SEO and everything that I’m touching right now has been SEO. Right. So it’s like you’re inviting penalty, or scrutiny anyways. Right? So again, I would never after one single announcement when I go out and start changing shit. First, I want to see what kind of effect it has by not doing anything. Right. If If I start to see significant drops or changes and existing projects and things like that, then I’ll start working through what the fixes are, what the recommendations are, but as Margaret just said in an earlier comment, to an earlier question, don’t we don’t we don’t want when somebody makes an announcement, whatever it is, even penalties or new algorithm updates, things like that, while everyone else is scrambling, we recommend and we’ve been in this game for a long, long time, recommend waiting and letting the dust settle and letting it kind of the process play out. Because a lot of the times there’s an initial overreaction, like a knee jerk reaction, and that’s what ends up causing more harm than good. If you just wait and see what happens. A lot of the times you can find start figuring out logically, if anything changes at all, just Just so you know, knock on wood. For the multiple, multiple updates. We haven’t seen any for using the methods that I know my team and I use and the same ones that we teach, haven’t seen a lot of time, we don’t even know, an update has occurred until somebody comes on like Hump Day Hangouts, for example, and says, By the way, what did you think? What kind of changes? Have you seen because of the new update? Oh, yeah, there was an update, because I don’t read a lot of the SEO blogs, because I think most of them are full of shit, you know, based upon, you know, their proprietary metrics and all this other stuff. So I just honestly, I don’t stay plugged into that stuff until somebody comes to me with, you know, and brings it to my attention. And if I see any differences in any of my existing projects, then I’ll dig into it and try to figure out what, you know what occurred Exactly. But again, I would, I am certainly not going to go out and start changing stuff just because of an announcement that Google made today. First, I want to see what kind of an effect it has, if any, before I try to determine what changes to make, and it was at that time, that’s when I would start to make suggestions. But right now, it’s way too early to tell. And honestly, I’m not I’m not really even concerned about it at the moment.
Marco: Firstly, what we have, we have six months, we’ve been given some six months to see how to implement any of these changes, if at all, because Google didn’t did not say that you had to make changes. And the only thing that’s different about nofollow links is that now they’re being considered a hint. And in quotes, but if you’re using nofollow so that you don’t pass a vote or trust and authority over to somebody else, then you don’t worry if that’s how you using your nofollow, then why worry about it? What are you worrying about? There’s nothing to worry, go read the article, again, go to Google, don’t read somebody else’s fucking opinion about what Google said, or what somebody said that Google said or what somebody might have said, about what Google could have said, That’s bullshit. Go read the blog post in Google. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you need to change the tags, at some point, go change them. If you have people it might affect you’re doing, what a blog comments and all that bullshit, we don’t do any of that we this post to be, I saw it. And because I didn’t think that it was worth my time. I just blew it. I’m sorry, I blew it away, because it had nothing to do with anything that we’re doing. Because we don’t do any of that we don’t go and do blog comments or any other chit. We do our own links and our own link building. And it works perfectly well. It’s not user generated content. We don’t get into any of that. We know follow, we use that strategically. But we’re mostly looking after day after do follow. And that’s just how we do it.
Chris: Or you go as one more thing, I think it was mostly related to press releases if I understood the question correctly.
Bradley: Well, he was asked, yes, yes. Okay.
Press Advantage, the fabulous thing is that Jeremy wants to know a lot about SEO, we’re in constant contact. He’s, he’s developing some awesome stuff for us. And it’s based on my training right on on RYS and the principles behind RYS, so we’re not even going to worry about it. Because if he changes the the tags, or if he has to change the tags, because it’s a press release service, and it falls within the categories that Google is going to look for, it’s not going to make any difference, because we have some awesome shit in our press advantage. Press releases that are workaround guys, we got to realize something Semantic Mastery, two minutes fast three steps ahead of everybody else in the game. That’s how we do the dude, you haven’t realized it, that you better start really researching and understanding what it is that we teach, because we don’t care. How long have we been out? Six years Syndication Academy still working? Or is Academy still working? Everything that we teach is still working through every update and penalty, whatever, you could think of Google rolls something out and oh, yeah, really? Now we didn’t we didn’t see anything happened to whatever it is that we’re doing. That’s our usual answer. No, that didn’t happen. So we go and we test. So yeah, Google’s doing that. But it doesn’t affect what we’re doing. And it hasn’t yet. And I said Bradley said knock on wood into the future. We’ve created an SEO shield.
How To Get The Embed Code From The GMB Listing Mini Website?
Okay, so the next question is Brian, he says, Can you show us how to get the embed code from the GMB Mini website? So that’s the Google My Business or the business site. And yeah, that’s very simple. Just go to https://www.iframe-generator.com/ and just put your, you know, you can set some parameters here as to like, how, why do you want it and all that kind of stuff, I this is all I use, we never got to create an iframe. This one I use, it’s very, very simple. So for example, here’s a Semantic Mastery, GMB website, all I would do is come here, paste this in. Again, this is https://www.iframe-generator.com/, I would put my keyword or my name brand in there, depending on what it is that you’re trying to do. So in this case, I put Semantic Mastery. Usually, depending on where you’re going to embed it, you can adjust the width and the height. If you want for a scroll bar, you can show a scroll bar, all of that doesn’t really matter. Again, you can just adjust those parameters. And you click Generate right there is your iframe embed code. That’s it you can use for embedding wherever you want. Really, I mean, it’s really very simple to do. OK, so again, I just use https://www.iframe-generator.com/, very easy. Alright.
The next question is, by the way, BK doses can’t wait for Boku. Awesome, glad you’re coming. Where can I see? Wait a minute, I thought there was another question I just missed.
Where Can You See The Webinar About Agencies Who Want To Ramp Up?
Okay, another one is down here. I saw it. I was trying to figure out where I read it. Where can I see a recent webinar you did for agencies who want to ramp up I couldn’t make it it was hoping for replay. That is probably the Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar. I see that you talked about down here the growth solution I believe that’s our mastermind webinar, where basically Hernan walks through why the mastermind is going to help you to grow your agency so if you need to get a replay just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you a replay for that specifically. I’m not sure where Hernan has that replay. Boyd is getting it is pounding out there.
What URL Should You Use When Ordering The RYS Stack?
Alright, so the next question is Ernest says what URL should I use for GMB when ordering the RYS stack, and this is why I brought this up as well. So I’m going to give you a quick way to grab this. The best way to do it that I know and the quickest way is either go into your GMB and on the right, and on the Home tab, or so the management dashboard, your Google My Business dashboard, and you can right-click where it says view on maps or view on search. If you click right click on view on maps and copy the link URL, right and then paste it into a notepad file. It’ll give you a specific version of it that then needs to be edited slightly. I’m going to show you how to do that. Or the other way that you can do it is using this pretty cool tool. Excuse me, let me pull it up and I’ll show you what I mean. It’s called GMB reviews or gmb.reviewsmaker.com. If you go there. And then you just go visit the GMB that you’re wanting to promote right this all you guys got to do is this one time and then you know, put this URL correctly formatted in your workbook or your spreadsheet for that particular project. And that’s the URL you want to use for link building and for everything else. So guy, because it’s straight, it’s not even, it’s not even a redirect URL. It’s really crazy. It’s the straight URL that once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly maps URL. And so let me show you what I mean. If you go to gmb.reviewsmaker.com. And you see over here, you can either start to type the business aim and if it comes up, you can click on it. Or you can just click DD code place ID right there. Just go visit your maps listing, right, so you can search for it in Google and then click on the map icon when you if it pops a knowledge panel and it will open in maps or you can just go directly to maps and search for the company or the business. And then you want to copy that long, ugly URL, right. As soon as you do that, you’re going to come over to this click decode place ID paste that in and click decode place ID will take a second. Then you’re going to scroll down to this part here where it says review generation URLs where it says maps URL, copy that link address. And then what you do is put this, I just put it into a notepad file, because this shows you this particular format. However, if you take a look at this format, in a redirect checker like where it goes, for example, you’ll see that this is actually a redirect URL also. So it’s still not a good, it’s still a 302 redirect. So what you want to do, and you can see that’s the final URL that it redirects to. And then once the page loads, it turns into this big long, ugly URL. So what you can either come to where it goes and just paste that in and then just copy this version of it or a quick edit in a text file would be this, this is the correct way to do it. You just changed the subdomain from maps to www, and then you add maps to just be on that first. forward slash and there you go. That is the straight URL direct to your maps listing is not even a 301 redirect, it’s for whatever reason, like I said, just when the page loads, it turns into the ugly. But look, you’ll see it’s a no redirect, see how it just says trace complete. And if we go take a look at open up Firefox, and we paste this in, you’ll see it’s going to go directly to Semantic Mastery. And then once the page finishes loading, it’s going to switch directly to that long ugly URL, as you just saw. Okay, so that’s the best URL to use. And again, the easiest way to do to get that is either go into your GMB dashboard, right-click on where it says view on maps, and then copy link address, paste it into a notepad file, change it from maps dot google. com to www.google.com/mapscid?= and then it’s your basically your see ID code is your maps identifier code. Right? And that’s all it is, is that that particular version of that URL is the best format for you to use for link building for drive stack orders and all that other stuff. Okay.
All right. I think we’re out of time. old school way. Yeah. Brian Marco, does it the old school or he just creates an iframe on his own? You can do that too. Last question or last comment really is Duke says yes. I have seen two ads in the GMB section, especially for services that have Google certified services like plumbers. Yeah. And what’s crazy is the Google certified service keywords where the keywords that will produce the certified services or the Google guaranteed services, right, that has a carousel of ads at the top, then the maps pack which will have to paid ads before it gets to any organic and organic maps listings, so to speak. And so I mean, it’s like the whole top of the page is nothing but paid ads. So that’s why I said you know, I think it’s it’s silly to not also be doing paid ads, guys, in my opinion. I think you’re missing out on a lot if you’re not doing a combination of both. So all right, any final comments, guys before I wrap it up?
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Alright guys, thanks for being here. We will see you guys next week.
Bye, everybody. Bye bye.
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 239
Click on the video above to watch Episode 239 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
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Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts, the one where you hear the weird sound of Hernan rubbing his hands together.
Hernan: We’re live, Adam!
Adam: cómo estás
Hernan: I’m good. Thank you.
Adam: Gotcha. Well, welcome everybody to Episode 239 of Hump Day hangout today is the fifth of June 2019. And we have got some good stuff for you today. But real quick, we’re going to run down the line and say hello to everybody. So Chris, how you doing, man?
Chris: Excellent as always, super good to be here.
Adam: It’s good. Your audio sound super good today, man. Do you have any mic?
Chris: No, no. Yeah, books. Yeah, sounds good. All right. Or not? How about you? How are you doing?
Hernan: Good, man. I’m just freezing my ass off down here. So I’m drinking tea. You guys are having the nice part this time of the year. But other than that good. Happy to be here. Happy to hang out with you guys a little bit. So good stuff coming up.
Adam: Outstanding! Marco, how about yourself, man?
Marco: What’s up? You know, about six weeks ago, I was listening to the temptations. I wish that it would rain. And it hasn’t stopped since that day. Red rain. Yeah, I’m gonna stop listening to that spot maybe to stop raining.
Adam: Awesome. Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. I’m happy to be here. Excited. I gotta we gotta run it. I gotta be out for like, right at five today, though. My daughter’s graduating eighth grade and going into high school next year. And so I want this big, like award ceremony this evening and all that and can’t believe she’s gonna be fucking High School man.
Hernan: You don’t sound super excited.
Bradley: Yeah, she grew up too damn fast. And that means I’m getting old as a problem.
Adam: Yeah, that’s crazy. I’m trying to think when we met her. What was that like three or four years ago? or? Yeah, man. That’s crazy. Anyways, Long Time Time flies. Alright, well, getting back to the hump day hangouts topic. If you’re watching us for the first time. That’s awesome. You’re in the right place. Thanks for watching. Whether you’re watching us live at https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions or if you’re checking out the replay on YouTube. This is the place to be you can ask the questions at again https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. That’s where we’ve got the form the little chat box for all the questions, you can ask your questions ahead of time, you know if you aren’t gonna be able to make it live or you just want to make sure it gets answered because it is first come first serve. Beyond that, we get asked a lot you know, where should I start with semantic mastery Well, this is the place to start. You know, we’re here every week we’re answering questions. We’re watching Hernan choke to death on his drink. And but then we tell people after watching that, don’t grab the Battle Plan. All right. And that’s what you want to grab. You know, if you want to get better repeatable results, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But if you’re past that you’re kind of wanting, either you’re ready to start or you really want to grow your digital marketing business, then, you know, joining an experienced community with faster access to real-world info and testing with the Semantic Mastery Mastermind is the place for you. And again, you can find out more about that at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and for those of you who liked using done for you services and like to speed things up and over to mgyb.co, and I’m almost done, I do want to say that if you can subscribe to our YouTube channel helps us grow helps us get our word out there. And if you come across any videos or clips that you like, please share them. You know, if you find something particularly helpful, there’s probably someone you know who might like that as well. And real quick, I wanted to say because Hernan just kind of glossed over this I bet he can actually talk now maybe he’s recovered from his drinking. I know. Yeah, kind of. But I think heard on you’re going to be doing some live q&a for our mastermind members. Kind of a live thing if you call direct
Hernan: Oh, yeah, I’m gonna be starting. I’m going to be starting I tried to start last week, but it was up kind of a problem because I wasn’t in the country. So I was given a traffic workshop. So but these Friday, I’m going to start doing kind of a serious about paid traffic, specifically Facebook ads, and Instagram ads. We’re focused on local, we can talk about pretty much anything you guys want to lead gen. In general, you know, CPA e-commerce, what do you guys want, it’s going to be exclusive for the mastermind is going to be on the Facebook group. So you need to be part of the Facebook group, if you’re in the Mastermind, you haven’t been joining or visiting the Facebook group, that’s where the magic happens pretty much besides the calls and whatnot, that’s where, you know, we get a lot of action happening or whatnot. So head over there, I think I’m gonna be doing it. Let me actually confirm you guys the time. So it’s going to be Friday, the seventh and it’s going to be at 11 am. Eastern. So it’s going to be there, it’s got to be live, it’s got to be awesome. So you know, it’s got a bit I’m going to be testing it out as well to see what kind of response we get. And you know, if you guys agree with that, that could have become a cycle. So just jump in live like, once or twice a month, just answering Facebook stuff. That’s part of the commitment that we have with the mastermind people that we want to give them as many tools as possible to grow their business. And Facebook ads is a powerful tool indeed. So
Adam: sounds good. Yeah. And that’s on top of all the regular training, everyone gets in the mastermind as well as the community. So if you’re interested, head over to https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and join up before Hernan goes live. So you can attend the
Bradley: speaking of which I’ve got YouTube ads training that I’m going to be doing over the next several weeks in there. Because I’m doing several YouTube ads campaigns for Semantic Mastery I’ve just been recording several videos over the last couple days. In fact, we’re going to try to grow our YouTube channel subscriber base to above 10,000. So I’m setting up several campaigns using in-stream ads and YouTube for that, and I’m going to be kind of documenting and sharing, you know, the process for that kind of stuff, as well as we’re going to start increasing our Hump Day hangout attendance to and I want to use YouTube ads for that, because there’s an enormous amount of traffic to be had from YouTube, if you know how to do it, right. And it just takes consistent effort and you know, trial and error to figure out the best recipe so to speak for the ads and the messaging to get that right. And so I’m going to be doing a lot of that I also started another business that I finally revealed to the mastermind last week, I’ve been teasing it for a month, I’m not going to talk about here, but I’m going to be using YouTube ads a lot for that business as well. And it’s just, it’s going to be cool, because it’s going to be slightly different from just our standard, you know, local lead gen stuff that we’ve been kind of pushing for the last, you know, six or eight months, because it was you know, there was so much opportunity in that. But, you know, we’ve kind of done all that. And so now we’re going to kind of broaden out a little bit and do some, I think it’s really good timing that is Don’s gonna be doing some Facebook, and Instagram paid traffic training. And I’m going to be doing some paid traffic training on YouTube ads and how to get traffic that can be applied for you know, affiliate type businesses or local businesses or, you know, just getting like branding and awareness and all that kind of stuff, building up an email list, building your subscribers, lead generation, it’s just going to be kind of all-encompassing, so I think it’s a really good time to be in the mastermind.
Adam: Awesome. All right. Well, if we don’t have anything else, or rather, is there anything else? You guys, are we good to go? To one. All right, we’re good to go. Let’s hop into it.
Bradley: Alright, let me grab the screen. And we’ll get into the questions. Sweet. All right, where are we? Seven days ago. Okay.
How Do You Use The Embeds Service At MGYB?
So it looks like to Tushar is first he says embeds service at MGYB. Why be how do you recommend using this? Is it for tier one links or money sites or the embeds on niche relevant sites? Well, the embed network is for embedding pretty much any sort of iframe. Typically, people think of embed services as being used for just videos. But it can be used for Maps, Google Maps, Google, Google, my business maps, you can, you can actually iframe pretty much almost any website unless it has an iframe breaker. So you can use it for any number of things. We use it specifically for videos GMB or Google My Business map embeds as well as RYS you know, RYS Reloaded methods or tactics session, say. So, if you’re not familiar with that, it’s really powerful to do with your drive stack stuff, your files and folders and things like that, that you can embed, which is great, because, you know, if you order a drive stack to be built from MGYB and then you can use parts of that as part with the embed service. And the same thing goes with maps and beds or video embed. So it can be used for pretty much any sort of thing and embeds or actually, I don’t know how much Marco would want to get into this year. But embeds are like a do follow link even on nofollow sites. So they’re very, very powerful. And they work very well. Marco, what do you want to say about?
Marco: That said, it’s like getting a link, but it doesn’t count against your link profile.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s raining again.
Marco: Yeah, it’s raining really hard, and the thunder coming through and all kinds of good stuff. You can hear it. But anyway, that’s just the way it is. And embeds are really simple. It’s a display of your page. on somebody else’s, it’s a tunnel. And all the credit goes back to the source. And that’s just what it is. It’s a way to get a link that doesn’t get counted as a link. So if it’s not counted as a link, it cannot incur a penalty.
Bradley: Yeah, and they’re really powerful and the embed networks are primarily web to auto-embed networks that are link building manager has been building for years now. So they are themed networks. In other words, he’s been building and seasoning these links, or excuse me, these web 2.0 embed networks for I’d say, at least three years, maybe even four years now. So a lot, I mean, first of all, it’s a massive network. And second of all, a lot of these are their aged and themed well, because he’s been building and building and building. I mean, he’s got hundreds of thousands, if not over a million properties built specifically for this kind of stuff. So again, they are themed, very, a lot of them are aged. So it’s it is a very powerful thing. We’ve seen quite a lot of movement, using the embed service for like GMB map embeds. You know, I don’t do a whole whole lot of video SEO stuff, or at least a haven’t been recent. But I’m going to be over the next several months because I’m going to be doing a lot of YouTube stuff right now. But I’m doing paid traffic as well. So I’ll be testing that some more. I know it works well for videos, but I have been doing a shit ton of map stuff, Google Maps, and GMB stuff. And I’ve been using that embed service for that as well as like we, we teach in any one of our paid training courses about @ID pages, again, can’t go into that here in a free setting. But in our paid courses, we talked about @ID pages. And they’re very, very powerful to embed in some of the biggest movements that I’ve seen, are using just traditional link building like, again, the same service that we have an MGYB and an embedded service or combination of both, where you embed a property and then hit the embedded the properties where it’s embedded with additional links. And that tends to really move the needle. And what I like about that service is that it’s easy, it’s easy for us, right? Because we all we have to do is place an order, you know, and in our link building manager and his team take care of all of that. So it’s easy on me, I just have to submit details. And then you know, a few weeks later, I get the report. And I can usually see depending on the obviously level of competition, but you can usually see the results will move the needle just from the link building and the embed services combined. So it’s a very powerful service. And it’s simple, simple to fulfill.
How To Build Citations For Multiple Cities Website?
Next is he says how to build citations for multiple cities website. Do you offer GMB verification for your local clients? I asked this because I’m not sure if this is risky. And we should limit this to our own properties. Should we do this for a client with a service business that can serve multiple cities? Yeah, you can I mean, that’s something I up sold to a lot of my clients was adding additional locations and I’m using air quotes because they didn’t a lot of my clients didn’t actually go get physical, you know, additional office spaces or, or shops, because most of them are contractors. But we did add additional maps listings for a lot of my clients. However, I don’t, you know, I always recommend taking precautions if you’re going to do that for businesses like if you’re doing it for lead gen stuff, you understand the risks, right? So so that, you know, use them at your own risk. But when you’re dealing with a client, you have to be more careful, right, you do not want to do anything that could essentially pass a penalty to their main brand or their main domain, their main location. So whenever I’ve up sold maps expansion or location expansion to existing clients, then what I would do is either just use subdomains from their root domain for each location or I would avoid using their domains alt altogether and just use GMB assets, which would be the GMB website GMB posts, the map itself, that kind of stuff, and then obviously would be branded still for the main company. And if they would all have their own unique tracking numbers that would go to what I’ll forward to the, you know, main phone number for that company. Typically, they would either have an in house receptionist that would answer the phone or I would set up an answering service like like, like I’ve been doing for my lead gen stuff forever. And so all the locations would go to the same destination phone number, but all of the individual locations would have a unique physical address a unique phone number and a unique web address.
If it was going to be used with their branded domain, we would, we would always use subdomains, not inner pages. So not like location pages, it would always be subdomains. And typically I wouldn’t even build websites on them on the subdomains, I would just do a redirect from the subdomain to the GMB website. That makes sense. But in some cases, I recommended not even and it’s just again, for those clients that were worried about it, I said, you know, we don’t even need to use your domain, we can just use this the GMB website as the main website for each location. The idea is to get the leads to go to the main, you know, the leads back to your client, you’re the business, it doesn’t necessarily mean as long as you can brand it with the same logo and same like the header image. So the GMB website image, that kind of stuff that you know, the header image on that, all of that, that’s all that you really need to brand it. And the rest of it can still be left within just GMB, which is what I recommend. So it really depends on the level of risk that your clients are willing to take, I always recommend trying to reduce or eliminate risk as much as possible. So the only thing that would stay the same would be their name. But we’ve actually had a discussion recently in the mastermind, I’m not going to get too much into it but adding a pending an additional term to the actual business name to make it more unique. So for example, if you had four locations in one city, you could name it like north, south, east and west. So company name North company name, East company name, South company name West. And that actually helps to add a little bit of diversity to the business name to prevent any potential pigeon issues. But like I said, it’s still it would still be I still wouldn’t recommend actually connecting any of those assets directly to the primary businesses location or websites because you want to reduce any risk. That makes sense. Okay.
As far as building citations, I don’t build citations to GMB assets unless they are real bona fide businesses that I have x or addresses excuse me that I have access to collect mail from and I’ve talked about that on for many, many months. Now. If you’re buying GMB verify, you know, verified GMB locations. That means it’s it’s a spam address, or it’s an address that you do not have access to collect mail from or at. Does that make sense? So the problem with getting building citations is the moment that you start building citations because most citation directories or business directories require a physical street address in order to build the listing. And the moment that you start adding your business or publishing a listing on a business directory with the street address. Okay, you’re going to start you’re going to get on that that street address is going to be put on a marketing mailing list for physical mail via United States Postal Service. And what happens is that location, that address that you use will start to receive business-related mail that’s addressed to the company that you have listed as the GMB. And so if it’s going to an actual building that or to somebody’s house, God forbid, I recommend that nobody ever uses somebody’s house address, unless that’s their own house, or they got permission to do it. But if it’s going to a building or a house, and somebody starts getting email, or excuse me physical mail, with solicitation offers from marketing companies and Vista print and, you know, list providers like info USA and like all these different I know, because I get a ton of them myself, you start getting all these marketing, e mails, these solicitation mails for offers for the business, then it’s likely that somebody’s going to report that business is not being actually at that location. So I highly recommend that you don’t do that you can get results without citations. If you have a physical address that you can accept mail that then I absolutely recommend using citations because it is still very powerful and effective. But you can still get results without using citations. And if you’re using GMBs that are not, you don’t have access to the actual physical address, and I recommend that you do not. Okay. Do other things.
What Is The Best Way To Keep Up The Rankings If You Need To Change The Phone Number Of A GMB Listing?
Dustin said Hey guys, I need to change the telephone number on my GMB. What’s the best way to keep the GMB rankings only delete the old number and add the new number in my RYS tack or to adding the new number. And keeping also the old number and RYS stack. Um, well. Actually what I would do?
Bradley: Well depends. If because if you’re going to change the phone number, if you mean any properties that you have access to edit, I would want to change to add the new phone number in. But think about if you do have citations, we were just talking about those. But if you do have citations out there, that’s a real pain in the ass to go change the phone number. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend doing that yourself at all, I would hire service for that there’s a great service for that. But from Loganix, if you go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/loganix, then that’s the best service. I know for citation cleanup work. It’s more expensive than some of the other services but they’re really really, really thorough, I’ve had really good results with them. So if you have to do if you have citations, it’s a real bitch because you’re going to want to update the phone number on those. However, if you’re not going to lose the old number entirely right, then you can keep that phone number in the GMB as a secondary phone number.
So what you can do is actually go in and add or essentially click to add another phone number into the GMB dashboard. And then cut and paste the existing phone number into the second position and put the new phone number in the first position and then click Save. That way Google understands that that old phone number is still associated with that profile. However, if that old phone number is not going to receive calls any more than it being listed on a bunch of other business directories, in the event that people do try to contact the business on this business from this business directory listings, it’s going to be an invalid number. For the SEO purposes, it would still be okay because you left the old number in the GMB dashboard is a secondary number. It won’t be published. But Google will recognize that it’s associated with that business. But like I said, if you have existing NAP or citations published on the web, then I would recommend that you try to update those as possible. And again, if it’s something you have access to like drive stacks, yeah, absolutely update the number. But when it comes to citations and things like that, it’s a real bitch. It takes time and consistent effort. And so I recommend you hire a service for that. So but I want to comment on that.
Adam: No.
Bradley: okay.
Does The Semantic Mastery Battle Plan Help In Setting Up A Local Lead Gen Business?
Now, Rob says, I just recently purchased a franchise product that provides SEO Services. It’s not from you guys. Well, then we’re skipping this question. Now. I’m kidding. He says in that from you guys, the company gave some exhausted training on how to sell the services but seems like everything was leaning towards cold calling and door knocking in order to get clients somehow came across you guys on the internet purchased the Battle Plan. I have a website that franchise gave two for lead gen gave to me for lead gen but was not familiar with how to set it up for lead gen does the Battle Plan product up with that. And if there’s something else I could use with your product to get the ball rolling a little faster, sorry, for the long text. Okay, um, well, as far as lead gen using for lead gen for like getting clients really all you need is a, you know, a landing page that you know, describes your services and has a real big strong call to action to contact you. Right? Typically, it’s going to be you know, your phone number real big, perhaps your email address, if you want to publish that, I don’t like to do that or contact form. Right? You know, once, once more information, contact us, or contact me, depending on how your branding your business, contact me here and you know, have a little contact form. But so that’s just standard, right? That’s just a standard lead gen type web page. So you can set your own. Like, for example, my own agency website is just a one-page site. That’s all it is. It just says what I do. And there’s you know, a contact form at the bottom. So if there are contact buttons, you know, in several locations, if they click it, it just scrolls down to the bottom right where the form is. That’s it. That’s all I do.
Because it that’s for inbound marketing, right. So typically, you’re going to be driving people to a landing page, if you’re doing if you’re if you know if you’ve got inbound marketing setup. So that’s like settings, running ads to drive traffic to your landing page. Or it could be organic stuff. But what I found is as-as a marketing consultant myself, right, running my own agency, I found that most of the time that I’ve been able to secure clients is when I’m going out and doing outbound marketing, where I’m, I’m contacting them, right, I know, you can get inbound leads, but personally, for my own business, I don’t get a lot of inbound leads, most of the inbound leads, I do get offers from referrals from existing clients. But you know, I don’t get a whole lot of cold leads coming from Google, or you know, I don’t do a lot of pay per click marketing to get clients, but from just straight SEO, you know, I rank well for SEO, Virginia and things like that. But I don’t typically get a lot of leads from that. What I’ve gotten most of my leads from was me doing the outreach. And you’re right, I hate cold calling, I hate door knocking I hate it, I absolutely despise it. So we developed a product called video lead gen system, which I’ve been using since 2012, to build my own agency. And I recently streamlined it because we built a whole bunch of lead gen assets, I needed to find a way to get service providers to monetize our lead gen assets. And so I needed a way to streamline the video lead gen, or video email prospecting method that I had always been using because it was time-consuming, very effective, but time-consuming. So we created lead gen video lead gen system and an updated it recently, and just relaunched it. So if you’re interested in that, I’m sure Adam, you probably already dropped the link to it. But I would recommend that you try that for him because that’s a great way to get people to get noticed or to get a conversation or a dialogue started with potential prospects. Because you got to think about this, if you just recently are starting to try to build your own agency, I’m going to tell you now that it is a saturated market out there when dealing with local businesses or business owners period, it doesn’t have to be local businesses. But business owners get hammered relentlessly by marketing and advertising companies all the time, they’re getting solicitations via cold emails via cold calls, you know, by people knocking on their door seriously, like walking in and pitching them just like what your franchise company is telling you to do. That’s like the norm now. And so you really need to differentiate yourself, you need to be able to make yourself stand above the competitors or get noticed, through all that noise. And so that’s why I said the video lead gen system is a great way to separate yourself from the rest of the pack and just becoming another solicitor. Right. And so again, guys, I’m not discouraging anybody from getting into, you know, providing Client Services or becoming an agency and all that. But I will tell you that it’s a lot harder now than it was five years ago, to get clients attention or prospects attention. And that’s because of you know, it’s just an absolute feeding frenzy out there people the businesses get hammered nonstop with solicitation calls, emails and offers all the time. And so you have to really be able to stand up, stand out from that crowd. So the video lead gen system is a great way to do that it does require some work, it’s not a magic bullet. And it requires consistent follow up but we talked about all of that in the training and if you implement that, you’ll see that you will start to get much much higher response rates than you would from typical cold calls or not, you know walking in the door and calling on think about this guy’s and I’ve done door to door sales in the past, think about you know, as a business owner it like I work from home, and I can’t stand it when somebody knocks on my door like to try to, you know, whether it’s a Jehovah’s Witness or some a census purse, somebody wanting to ask questions for the Census Bureau or anything like that somebody comes in beats on my door, and I’m in the middle of working or recording a video or something like that. It it’s an interruption it pisses me off, I also don’t answer the phone unless I know who the phone calls from. And I’m really if I’m only if I’m expecting the call, as a business owner, myself, I don’t want to be interrupted. So think about when you cold call somebody or you go walk in their door, and you know, knock on their door to say that you try to sell them something, what you’re doing is interrupting them. And that pisses a lot of people off. So I don’t recommend that at all. I recommend you get more creative on your pitch and your approach and make it easy for them and convenient for them to hear your message. And that’s part of the reason why the video lead gen system works so well. Because you can send them a personalized video that explains why you reached out to them, and they can watch it when it’s convenient for them. And when you set up notifications properly, you’ll know exactly when they’re watching your video, so you can follow up with them immediately. Right. So that was a really good question. But like I said, when it comes down to the Battle Plan, no Battle Plan is going to tell you how to get results from like, get your getting your websites seen and get traffic to them and get better results for them for SEO and all that kind of stuff. But lead gen, standard lead gen templates, very simple, you can just look at like go to Google and look up lead gen. You know landing page templates and things like that and get an idea of what your basic elements are that you should have. And then the rest of it is really about honing your message right crafting your message and finding an approach that’s going to get people’s attention and get them to want to follow back up with you. Okay, turn a cold lead into a warm lead. And that’s what the video lead gen system is all about.
Marco: In our free Facebook group, Adam did a post on the 31st. of May. And he talked to us about this, how he uses the video, little video lead gen system with Loom to follow up. So he says it makes it more personal, right? They’re used to video so he sends them a video. And it says his conversions are way higher. Why don’t you talk about that, Adam?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. It’s such an easy system to use. And it’s funny because videos used to be tough to do. And I remember I copied Bradley’s method from the first version of lead gen system and using images and this that the other thing but now these tools like loom have made this so much easier, where I can put the video it plays natively in Gmail. And even if it didn’t, if it looks like an image is there, and then not only that because I went ahead, that’s just the free version, the paid I went ahead and paid for it when you know, brought out their pro version or whatever. And I can put an overlay link that goes anywhere I want on there, which is awesome. So the conversions on this stuff are super high. Like Bradley says, and anyone who’s gone through the course and put it to us knows how well this works. I mean, it’s crazy getting 3040 plus percent conversion rates and, and the method that most people get 1% or less. And then the follow up is super important. at poker we live in 2018 and DC, did a little exercise. I had people stand up. And they said, you know, assuming everybody here is involved in some sort of business where they talk with customers. I said, you guys all in this room, everybody does some sort of follow up, right? You know, everybody nodded their heads. Yep. Okay, so I said, Everybody, stand up. And I’m going to talk I’m going to say a number starting with one and working my way up and say how many, you know, automated follow up either calls or emails do you have in your business right now. So started at one. And you know, everybody was pretty much still standing up said too few people said they only got two, three more people sitting down by four, there are very few people standing and I may have this wrong, but I think by the time I got to six, there was one person in the entire room standing up, I didn’t even have six, which I’m since fixed. But your rate of response from people goes up hugely as you keep going and we all know this, you know the over supposed to maintain this contact and we’re supposed to follow up with people. But if you don’t have this process or this method to do it, you know, you get busy, you got other things you want to do, it’s not fun, but this is what gets results. So you know, highly encourage anyone who doesn’t have a great method for doing this that isn’t already giving you fantastic results to just go grab video lead gen system put it to work. And this is one of the fastest courses to return your money and then probably 10 or 100 fold over time.
Bradley: Yeah. And last thing I want to say about that is also if you’re going to be pitching or prospecting for your new business, I recommend that you really do niche down to a particular industry, because you’ll get really, really good being able to talk speak directly to that that type of business owner as opposed to being all over the place where if you’re going to be marketing to pretty much just to businesses in general, you have to really understand what’s important to every business industry and and and speak to those owners with their VA with their own vocabulary. It’s very difficult and it takes a lot of time and a lot of experience to get good at being a general marketer. It’s much easier and much more scalable to become you know, a specialist or like a boutique marketing professional in other words, where you really niche down and become an industry-specific professional. Because then you can you really only need to come up with like learn to function Have you, Larry, the pain points, the hot buttons, know what the customers for that particular business are looking for what their needs are all of that it makes it so much easier to scale. And then you can just expand your business by targeting more locations, right? expand your service area, essentially. But you’re still targeting the same business owner, same business type, I would recommend that highly. Alright, so
Does Google Favor An Authority Site With Specific Niche And Location Over A Lead Gen Site With Powerful Backlinks In It?
next Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, as usual, your Hump Day hang Hump Day help is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon. He says, I’m not sure how Google search algorithm works in one particular instance, when it comes to local search, be taking a standard lead gen site that is branded with specific business NAP actual or made up as well as having links to citations in the major directories and a GMB listing and compare it to an authority site that is targeted to a specific business niche in location. But without any of the items just mentioned, for the lead gen site. They’re both equally easy to rank or would Google’s search algorithm favor one type of site over the other? And if so, in what way? Um, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, unless you mean like, a local lead gen site versus like, a Yelp page or something, if that’s what you mean, or a big authority type site like Well, I mean, Yelp would be one of those. But like home advisor would be another one or Angie’s List or, and I’m talking contractor type stuff, but like in the real estate market, it would be like, you know, long and foster century 21 or, you know, REMAX and things like that versus a local lead gen site. Right. So my point is, it really depends when it comes to maps listings maps rankings, I found that a local lead gen site, you can typically rank, you know, better than those type of sites, because a lot of those sites won’t have a maps listing like a physical location in their particular area. But when it comes to organic rankings, yeah, it’s tough. If it’s a search with local intent, especially if there are directories. You know, if you go to a search in Google right now, guys, you’ll see that the I think Google’s broken again, and I’ve talked about this in recent Hump Day Hangout, because there are, you know, Google is nothing but an index of links, right, Google doesn’t search results are indexed results, the search engine results pages of the SERPs is nothing but an A list of indexed results, right. So page one is the top 10 results as indexed by Google, according to Google’s algorithm. But if you take a search to do something like plumber, Fairfax, VA for Virginia, right, so plumber, Fairfax, VA, you do that search, and you’ll see that there are the maps listings, which is great. And you might see a couple of local business, local businesses ranking organic listings, but you’re primarily going to see business directories, that are indexed in the organic section that when clicked upon, go to another index page. We talked about this recently. Right. And it’s very difficult to compete with that kind of stuff. So let’s just take a look real quick. If I say, plumber, Fairfax VA.
Alright, we’re going to scroll down. Let me zoom in a little bit. Okay. And you can see there blue because it’s still cooking from the last time I was I was here, but you’re going to see ads. All right, let’s make sure that we’re spelled right. Okay, so we’re going to see ads, and then we’re going to see the maps rankings, which I find are easier to do when competing in this type of space, right? Because take a look that, you know, the top three, there’s one actual company website, right? That out of the top three, so number one, and number three, our index pages have on other So essentially, when click, when you click through to this guy’s all it does is take you to another damn index, which is what Google’s pages, right, it’s an index. And then you take a look at this. And if you click through, and it’s nothing but another index of plumbers on Yelp, and that is in Fairfax. And the same thing goes for Angie’s List, right? Then you’ll see Michael and sons, Okay, number four, so that’s another company. But then home advisor, that’s another index page. So out of the top five, three out of the top five, are actually index pages. And so again, even though they don’t have a physical location there, which is why they’re not in maps, you can see that those are authoritative sites. And they are their authority is why they rank so well, organically, even if they’re not super optimized, right, specifically like data. If you take a look at the Yellow Page, it doesn’t have a ton of content here about plumbing and the plumbing services, or the services that plumbers offer and all that kind of stuff. All it is is a freakin index page. Right? That’s all it is. And so it’s not content rich at all. Yet, it’s ranking very, very well. Number one, in fact, that makes sense. So when it comes to actual, you know, which one is easier and which one’s harder, that’s why I’ve always recommended for local lead gen focus on maps. Because it’s gotten over the years, it’s gotten harder and harder to rank in organics, the organic section, excuse me, because of the business directories. And Google is gone through phases where sometimes it will this index page again, I I think it’s stupid, think about that. You go from one index to another index. That’s dumb. I don’t think that’s useful to anybody. Right? I mean, that’s just my opinion. But I really don’t think that’s useful to anybody. Why would you want to go from one index to another index, when you click through now you’re, you’re just you’ve added an additional step to find your solution. Right. So again, I think that’s done. But over the years, we’ve seen that happen with Google where they get rid of the index, the directory listings, the indexed directory listings, it’s okay to have a Yelp page for a specific company ranked in the top 10. You know, that’s fine, because that means that company had probably proof done really well at filling out their profile optimizing it, well, they probably got a lot of engagement, that kind of stuff, that would be fine. But to go to another index page, unfortunately, that’s kind of where we’re back to now. And I don’t know that it’s going to change or when it will change, it may, like I said, it’s gone in cycles over the years. So when it comes to what I think is easier to do, I think you’re much better off focusing on maps, for local lead gen stuff, then trying to do though, you know, trying to fight or compete with the authority sites in the organic rankings. And I know, some people might have differing opinions. But you know, fighting with Yelp and their authority, excuse me over here, it’s very, very difficult. The same thing with Angie’s List, home advisor, you know, it’s very, very difficult. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Not I’m going to agree with that. But I would also say that in SERPs now, what really matters is the entity and how well you are how much you’ve taken care of the entity, how much power you’re pushing to the entity, so that so that you’re presented to Google, as trusted and authoritative also, in a niche. If you don’t do that correctly, then you have no hope of trying to rank in the, in the SERPs, right? Especially, again, against these are powerhouses. But you can as he, as you’ve shown that there is one, there is a company that’s right in there. And the way that you do that is power, you should first of all, we went through the entity webinar, right, we did that in Syndication Academy, where we showed the steps that you need to take that to solidify the entity or what I call the end game. So that when you push power into the entity, Google is going to take all of that power, as trust and authority for your entity so that you can go against these, these powerhouses and get in there. But it does take a lot of power. It does take a lot of creativity and you know, your schema has to be right. There are many things that come into play when you’re trying to do this. And as you said, it’s easier to go after the maps.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with what you’re saying, though. I mean, my point is to get results and get, you know, I start with maps, there’s no question. But always definitely you want to evaluate solidify that entity, you want to try to build brand authority for that particular entity. Because it’s not that you can’t rank in the organic section, it’s just going to take you longer and more effort. And so my point is start with maps. Once you start getting, you know, leads coming in for your lead gen business or for your client, then you can focus on all the other stuff that you’re going to need to do to get ranked. And you’re going to try to attempt to rank in the organic section as well, which all the stuff that Marco just mentioned is absolutely correct. So do both, but start in my opinion with the map stuff. And that’s what you know, that’s why I’ve run my business for years.
Okay, so next one, he says is would it make a positive difference if you listed one or two random local business and a piece from that niche on the authority site to give Google a local business name, address, and phone number? Thanks again? Would it make a positive difference if you listed one or two random local business and a piece from that niche on the authority site? I’m not sure I understand that one. If you’re trying to rank order, actually what it makes? Maybe the way I’m interpreting this, as you’re saying, if you’re trying to rank organically by including any piece from other businesses, perhaps it would make it more like an authority site. I wouldn’t recommend that. I mean, it depends what depends on what you’re doing. But it unless you’re building a directory site, I wouldn’t do that. Right. I mean, I wouldn’t want to push authority over to anybody else’s site, especially competitors. So I’m not sure I understand that part of the question. I’m going to move on.
How Do You Pick What Links To Use When You’re Adding The Service Post Links On The City Page For The Second County?
Don says thanks for Hump Day Hangouts. Two questions for Bradley and your complex silo YouTube video, use the following structure. Okay, when adding the second County, it seems that the post name should be slightly different. Yes, it should be. Those videos were recorded many years ago. So I’d have to I don’t even really remember what I said in those videos. But yes, the post name should be unique, forever, all the way down to that level. However, let me just clarify something right now. There’s no need to use the physical silo structure anymore, which is what you’re looking at. And that URL structure there, which is where you know, the category slash post name permalink structure in WordPress, you don’t need to do that anymore. You didn’t need to do it back then. But I preferred it back then because I liked seeing the hierarchy of the silo structure within the URL. But we’ve tested over and over again, and you know, I haven’t done any hard tests in the last few years. But it’s not necessary to have that as a physical silo, you can do what’s called a virtual silo, which is just using the post name permalink structure. So it makes your URLs much cleaner, much shorter. Right, it’s, it’s still, you still want to build your categories correctly. And you know, your sub your subcategories. If you’re doing a complex solid structure, you’re going to have categories and subcategories, right? And pages and child pages, and then post right, which is your third level deep. But yes, when it comes to the permalink, or the slug, for the post you want to have that is unique for each post, you can’t duplicate Leak Repair, for example, as a post slug on two different posts, because it will, but WordPress, by default will put a dash two for the second one, right.
And so on the post level, I’ve always recommended that you would on the post level or even on a subcategory level. But my point is, you’re going to need to have unique slugs, right. And so that’s why it’s not necessary to have the physical silo. Because let’s say that let’s say if you were going to have Fairfax County and Prince William County, and then you were going to go directly to like, I don’t know, plumbing, let’s say, let’s just say you’re going to try to use plumbing as a subcategory for both. They’re two different parent categories, then you’re going to have plumbing and plumbing dash two, right, because the second time you try to create that subcategory, it’s going to have the same slug, it’s not going to work. So my point is, you know, I stopped using the physical silo structure, which is where you see everything in the link. And it started using virtual solid because I don’t care if there’s a plumbing dash to as a subcategory. As long as it stacked within the higher the way that you build it out in the silo structure. The bots will crawl it correctly to where it won’t bleed over from one plumber like plumbing dash to to plumbing, you know, the regular plumbing if that makes sense. They will all be separate containers basically. But you don’t have to look at that ugly URL was my point. So it makes sense. So I’ve switched to just doing virtual silo structure, which again, is just using the post name permalink because that way you can hide all of that stuff that’s hard or impossible to reconcile within WordPress. However, that said, there is another way to silo and I can’t obviously I’m not going to get into that here because it would take the rest of the time, I’d have to get out my snag and start drawing side siloed diagrams and all that. And anybody that’s been in the mastermind knows what an abomination that is. But you can silo also using categories and tags, guys, you can use tags as a way to add for especially for complex silos where you’ve got perhaps multiple locations, but you’ve got the same service that’s going to be provided in each location. Right? So instead of having location silos, via categories, and in-service silos via categories, which is difficult to do, you can, you can actually use tags to create silos too, right? So you can have like location silos or service or product or service categories, and then use tags as a way to create location silos. And there’s, there’s a way to do all of that, which is a little bit cleaner. It still takes some planning out guys, a complex silo structure is just what the name says it is. It’s complex. And so I always recommend if you’re going to do that, that you map it out first because it will take some thought to be able to do it correctly. Marco, were you gonna say something or somebody? Not? Good. Already popping might pop.
Okay, so But yeah, as far as when it goes down to the post level, yeah, make always recommended that the posts be more like conversational type titles, and the person the link structure can reflect the more like what the title of the post is, right? But if you’re just using the permalink, the post name permalink, which is just a simple, excuse me a virtual silo, then it’s not going to matter. Because your URLs are going to be rude calm, you know, root domain, com slash posting, even all the way down to the post level, which is deep into the siloed. Right? That it’s just going to be posting and at your, at your earlier pages higher up in the silo at subcategory level, it’ll be, you know, root domain.com, slash subcategory, or at the category level root domain, com slash category. Right. So it’s always just going to be whatever that page that you’re landing on is going to be as bright past the first, you know, the first level past the domain itself. And so that’s a much cleaner way to build a silo In my opinion, because then you know, it doesn’t matter. Because even if you’re permalinks, or have the dash twos and things like that, which are ugly, and I always had a hard time reconciling that with the physical silo structure was very difficult. But over the years, I learned that it’s absolutely not necessary, you can do it with a virtual silo. So you can hide all that ugly URL shit that happens when trying to do that with a complex silo, it doesn’t matter the but still crawls it the way that you build it. Right? So regardless of how ugly the URL is, if you’re hiding all that shit, it won’t matter. That makes sense.
Where Do You Typically Include The Links To The County Silo Index Pages?
Okay, question two do you typically include the links to the county silo index pages in the site-wide header, navigation footer nav link on the homepage content. Other know, and we talked about this in mastermind, I can’t get into this very deep here either, because once again, it’s we don’t have the time number one. Number two, this is something that we this is kind of stuff we cover in the mastermind. But no, essentially, with a silo structure you want from the navigation, you want to be able to link to your top-level category, pages, right, which are pages, also categories. And then on the category, the top level silo pages, you can link to subcategories. If you have them, then your subcategory pages, you don’t want to really link to anything from there, except for perhaps back up to the root domain, like the homepage, and then all of your supporting articles will be stacked or placed underneath each subcategory. And you’d want to daisy chain those together, or link from the subcategory back up to the homepage or to the top level category but not the subcategory. You don’t want to create what Marco calls a reciprocal link even on the same domain. And that’s about as far as I can get into that right here. Okay. That’s changed recently, too, by the way. So again, those are old, old videos, that the principles are still remain valid. But I have absolutely changed my strategy slightly on how I build those type of solid structures out now. And maybe it’s time for an update on that.
Should You Create Two Different GMB Assets For Two-Related Keywords Or Separate Them?
Gabriel’s up he says, Hey, guys, thanks again, for all the great content plus one here. Missing g plus, yeah, I’m currently working on building a GMB asset for solar panel installation services and solar panel installation course. Should I create two different GMB assets? Or should I use one big asset to rank for both keywords best solar panel installation? A solar panel? Oh, I see what you’re saying. So one, is it services? And one is, of course, that’s a good question. I mean, if it’s a local course, where only people that aren’t you’re going to be marketing the course to local people then like like, you know, for people to come to a school or a location to learn how to install solar panels, then yeah, I guess you could use it, I would recommend doing it for both. But if you’re going to if the course is if you’re trying to market that, well, you can always still have a GMB. But yeah, I would probably come if it’s for the same company and everything that I don’t, I would just keep it all under one entity, one asset. That’s my thoughts. But that’s just because you can actually accrue more authority that way, then try a separate them. Marco, what do you say?
Yeah, I wouldn’t separate them either going to have them on the same website. I don’t see why you would need two different GMB. They’re totally relevant. So there’s relevance there. That’s everything that you need. And then pushing those two. I mean, in the course, and I don’t want to get into it too much. We show that we show a way where you can do both just through posts. Right. And it’s still in in the same GMB. But you know, you post about the course and you post about the service. And you can keep them separate. Yeah.
Yeah, I agree. And again, I would I, you know, I try to reduce assets, if possible, when it comes to stuff like that, try to keep them all housed on one entity, essentially one web entity, right, which would be, you know, a website that you could add, like, we were just talking about silos, for example, right, instead of having two separate assets, it’s more work to maintain two separate assets, and you’re actually, it’s going to take longer to build the authority to each individual asset than it would be to have the cumulative effect of having both of them under one asset.
And if he’s using the GMB auto poster or the briefcase, then he can get the RSS feed out and actually going to his T one and use both post right both types of posts, and power up his tier one that way, and create the relevance for both throughout his tier one assets. And, of course, you have to do our way as reloaded, you have to do the drive stack. And you can also stack it in there right to stack targeting each of the what would be top level categories.
How To Keep The Domain Authority (DA) Of Previous Citations Without Confusing Google With Different NAP Data Of A New Citation?
Yeah, um, so the next question was from Steve, he says, Hey, guys, thanks for your time. If I register a domain, and when I go to do the citation, see that it already has citations from the previous owner? What is the quickest way to keep the domain authority and build new citations without confusing you? Okay, so when you say citations, that leads me to believe that you bought a domain that was being used for a local business, right? Because local businesses are the ones that typically get citations being published in business directories, right. So name, address, phone number plus website URL. And so as far as keeping domain authority, I don’t care about domain authority. So I’m not, you know, honestly, I’m not going to recommend how to keep the domain authority because I just don’t care about that metric. I stopped caring about that metric years ago, it doesn’t make any fucking difference. I swear to you if you know how to build relevancy, domain authority doesn’t mean shit, right? Unless you have incredibly high domain authority numbers, in which case, then it does have an effect. But for anything below 80, you’re not it’s not going to make a difference whether you have domain authority or not if you know how to build relevancy. So that’s irrelevant, right. But as far as you talking about citations, if you mean, if you just mean links, there’s not much you can do. But if you’re talking about site, because they’re, they’re already built to the site, you could disavow them. I know, there’s going to be conflicting opinions on that. But, you know, I would also check to see if they’re toxic or spammy links, that kind of stuff. But if you’re talking about citations, where that domain was being used by different business, and just published citations on the web name, address, phone number, and web and web address, that are linking to that, and now you’re going to use it for a new business with a new name, new address, new phone number, new brand, then I would recommend that you would hire a citation cleanup service. Again, I talked about that earlier, like Loganix, or Loganix. I don’t know whether I’m saying it right or not. But uh, semanticmastery.com/loganix, that will get you to it’s, like I said, it’s a bit expensive, but it’s hands down the best service I’ve used for, for cleaning up inconsistent NAP issues, right. So they’ll go out and contact all the directories where they find that now incorrect. citation and name, address and phone number. And the requests that be updated, they’ll submit the new details. And they’ll do that for I think, a total of four rounds. So they’ll do it like every two weeks for a total of eight weeks, or something like that, to were like, because sometimes you have to contact those directories multiple times to get them to actually do it. So that’s what they do. It’s expensive, but it works. And it works, you know, about 70% of the citations that are found that to be incorrect, will be updated. And that’s that, I found that to be really, really high compared to a lot of the other services out there that say they can do it that get are pretty much lackluster results. So again, if you’re talking about that, when you’re saying citations, if you’re using that term correctly, and it’s listed that web, that domain is listed with another name, address and phone number from another business, and now you’re going to use it for a new business with a new brand new name, new phone number, new address, all of that, then you are going to need really clean that up out there. Because otherwise, you’re going to create ambiguity. And it’s going to dilute your efforts and build new citations is going to make it hard to get results. It’s always more important to clean up bad data than it is to build new data, which just dilutes bad data. Does that make sense? Start with that start with the cleanup.
Would You Recommend That The Inner City Pages Have The Same Style As The Homepage?
JOHN says one cousin is a good idea to make the other pages on the site the same style is the homepage. I’m trying to rank the homepage city page for a city but I’m also trying to rank other pages for other cities. Now, do you think it’s a good idea to just copy my site tone page style? Not the content, just the style? And if I copy the content, just rewrite? Or is that a good idea? Yeah, I mean, that’s fine. As far as like the layout of the page, I don’t think that makes much of a difference. I could be wrong. But in my opinion, it’s more about having the content unique and optimized for the specific cities that you’re trying to rank rewrites are fine. I’ve done that a lot, especially for lead gen stuff where I’ll go out and like by an article, or by five articles, and I’ll have each article rewritten three times. Right. So now I’ve got 15 articles. And it’s a lot to have an article rewritten and have a new article written. Right. So that’s what I would do is go buy authority content, pay a lot of money for an 800 or 1000 word article. And then I would send that to an article rewriting service and have them rewrite it, you know, three, four or five times. And now I’ve got multiple versions of that one article. By the way, I always would put in tokens into the article, like for the location name, just put it in brackets put in, you know, in brackets, location, or city or something like that, as opposed to actually putting a city name in there. And that makes it easy to just use, Find and Replace, to be able to swap out location names. Once you know when you have it all rewritten with those tokens as opposed to city names. And then you have multiple versions of the article, each version, you can use the Find and Replace function to replace with a new city name. So it makes sense. It’s much easier to do that. So yeah, as far as the layout, that shouldn’t make any difference. It’s more about the content and what it’s optimized for. Okay, and why the web is coming up? Yep. Monday, June 10. 3pm.
Can You Embed A GMB Post?
Can you embed a GMB post Marco says you can. I haven’t tried it but Marco says you can.
Marco: I have and still can. Okay, cool.
Bradley: Got a shirt today. Look at that. That’s cool. We got to wrap it up in about three minutes. Looks like we’re about done anyway.
How Do You Recover A 3-Pack Rankings?
So last question, says a real business with a physical location GMB was ranked in three pack for multiple keywords but is now outside of top 10 only changes where we started GMB post press advantage prs and sent money robot links to and embed to add ID page and G site but never directly to the money site. It may be in Google dance. So we have stopped money robot links in embeds. We will continue to make GMB posts and press releases would appreciate your input and suggestions to try and recover three pack rankings. Um, yeah, that I don’t I mean, I don’t know without having more detail on it. It could just be a dance, but I doubt it that typically doesn’t happen for what you’re talking about. Like it was in the top three, and now it’s outside of the top 10. Got it something had to have been triggered. See, embed to add ID page and G site but never directly to money site. Yeah, I don’t. And also depends on how you set up we had a long discussion going on in the mastermind just recently about how the ad ID page is connected to a money site if you’re using a self hosted website for the money site, as opposed to just GMB assets. Guys, remember, if you’re just using GMB assets, you can get away with absolute murder. Right? If you’re using a self hosted website is the primary website though you have to be more careful because you can’t just spam the shit out of your, your your assets that are going to be all linked and pointed back to a self hosted website. Right? Because the rules are different. So it depends on how you have your ad ID page setup is the canonical setup to your homepage. If so, and you’re spamming that, which is what money robot is, then you’re essentially passing spam back to your money site. Right? So there’s other ways to do that break that chain to where it’s not spam isn’t being pointed directly to your money site, run it through a Google Site instead. Right? So you can canonical lies your ad ID page to your G site that’s part of your drive stack, and you’re in your money site be linked from within your dive stack, right, so that all your spam links to your ad ID page and your embeds and all that other stuff that you’re using total spam for, which is fine if you’ve got the structure if you got it set up correctly. But if you got it canonicalization to your homepage, where do you think that all that credit is being that credit from the spam is being passed to? Right? So you think about that. So you got it, you really got to know how what you’re doing when you’re going to use Spam. Spam is perfectly effective. But you got to know how and when to use it properly. Right. So again, I can’t without knowing more specifics of your project. I don’t know how you’ve got all your this chain set up. But my guess is you probably have somewhere your spam links are actually being passed directly to your money site somehow some way, which could be through a canonical from the ad ID page. Could be that simple. But it could be more than that to are you embedding your money site into your ad ID page and in spamming the shit out of it. Don’t do that. Right. Use your Google properties, which is what we teach. So again, there’s without more detail on this specifically, which by the way, if you are in the mastermind, we can take a look at it and analyze it and help you figure out the problem and fix it. Right That’s what we do. But can’t do that here on Hump Day. Hang out. Anyways, looks like we’re done. That was perfect timing. Everybody. Thank you for being here. No mastermind webinar this week, but we will see you guys next week.
Thanks, guys.
Alright man. Bye, everybody. Later
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 239 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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