#it’s the balancing of identities and and raw acceptance !!!!!!! it’s the protection and cultivation of trust and reliance and THE PATIENCE
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if I think about katniss and peeta too long my vision starts to look like when you take damage in a cod game
#I’m not exaggerating that it’s one of the most profound and moving depictions of romantic love like it’s masterful idc if it’s a kids book#the hype that love triangles in its hey day were annoying is fair but i actually think it was a really poignant and relevant story telling#device in this case#it’s the enduring kindness with no agenda because of genuine chosen dedication and admiration and understanding#it’s the balancing of identities and and raw acceptance !!!!!!! it’s the protection and cultivation of trust and reliance and THE PATIENCE#UDHEHDHSHDHDHD THE ANTITHETICALS TO HOW GALE PERCEIVES AND ATTEMPTS TO CARE FOR HER AND HIS INABILITY TO RECOGNIZE IT AS DESTRUCTIVE AND NOT#TRULY VULNERABLE#“what I need is the dandelion in the spring.’ frankly HAUNTS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#the impact this line had on my brain development cannot be overstated#it’s just…….the idea of hope carefully and lovingly cultivated out of dedication to the heart of another ……. oh I’m kmsing#and only peeta can give me that …….. BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK#I could go ON about how much of an incredible and multifaceted and quietly fascinating katniss is in so many ways rhat don’t get much talk#but just thinking about like the ways in which peeta saw to the heart of her and showed her a fondness and appreciation and CHOICEEEEE to#defend (figuratively and literally) and love her in whatever ways he could and would not be a burden to her while she was dealing with so#much pain and distrust and disillusionment so that she felt incapable or even didn’t WANT to feel that or fully understand it#and then watching that grow more and more complicated for her until she’s suddenly knowing the true heart of HIM and it’s beginning to#change HER and then all of the sudden the roles are reversed and he is now the one who is so emotionally far away and closed off and#traumatized and her sudden crashing understanding of what he served in her life and to her understanding of love when it’s suddenly gone#and the point where SHEEEEE is now making that same choice to patiently and vulnerably be there and see any dark part and love and protect#despite it and do for him what she didn’t fully realize he had done for her like my god. my god.#DO ANY OF YALL GET THE VISION……..EVERYONE LEFT I STAYED HERE ‼️‼️‼️
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Cancer Sun and Moon Combinations
Planets represent different energetic principals in the life of an individual – the signs show how these energies express themselves.
Having an inner planet (or luminary) in the sign of Cancer gives the personality a softness, a caring quality. No matter what other placements the person has, the sensitivity and protectiveness is going to come through.
To simplify;
The Sun represents individuation, ideal self-expression and conscious self-actualization.
The Moon represents instinct, emotional nature and needs.
Cancer Sun – Capricorn Moon
The Cancer identity is sensitive to emotional stimuli and copes by retreating physically or emotionally into a ”shell” of safety in between necessary excursions out into the world. With a Capricorn Moon, there’s a need to compensate for innate lack or guilt of not being good enough through fierce ambition. The emotional resiliency and capacity to keep working through rough times is not how the personality expresses itself – it is careful and too touchy to take on the expression of unwavering competence. Cancer Suns are very human in that there are obvious fears and worries in their lives, but paired up with a Cap Moon, this emotionality gets modified slightly by a strategic and stoic temperament that is perfectly suited to face limitation and restriction. These signs are in opposition and complementary at the same time – The Cancer identity accommodates for weakness and worry, the Capricorn temperament is determined and practical – there’s little room for ”irrational” emotion. The person could be a very good preserver and protector of stability, a rock through thick and thin. Letting loose might not come naturally, because there’s too much emphasis on the consequences and the longevity of things. However, it might pay off to withhold temporary pleasure for a sense of security and trust in one’s ability to survive throughout time. Defensiveness and emotional coldness could be potential negative factors – people might have a hard time making sense of a person that is both moody and fuzzy as well as unaffected, controlled and inhibited. The emotionality would come off as more of a personality expression than genuine feeling that stems from one’s core. This double sided individual could put people off, and even more so as they get to know the person’s serious and somber temperament more intimately. The split is difficult to deal with for the person, and for people in their vicinity. None the less, there’s realness to this person, and that’s likely to be appreciated - no glamour or extravagance or godliness to inflate ordinary human existence with.
Cancer Sun – Aries Moon
A feisty temperament that wants to assert it’s own emotions and impose it’s perspective on the environment doesn’t always work in harmony with a sensitive and careful Cancer personality. Emotions rise to the surface with the speed of lightening, coming out before any inhibitory function has begun to set in. This might make the overall identity uneasy, uncertain of the ability to control impulses that might cause trouble. Cancer’s agenda is to avoid emotional harm and discomfort, it’s instinct is to preserve and protect. The Aries Moon is just out to walk it’s own path with courage and is not prone to feel lingering, debilitating emotion. Emotions peak, but they are symbols of one’s potency and power, of oneself as an individual. This combo creates a person who is full of energy but is likely concerned about how to handle the amount of force that wants out. The personality navigates to find comfort and soothing, not to compete or be the best. The two signs are conflicting, but from a positive perspective, there might be a great ability to advocate for gentleness and humility with passion. However, it can backfire and make the person react violently to the tiniest stimuli, making it difficult to socialize and not take offense from the things people say. The Aries temperament is enthusiastic and passionate, while the Cancer personality prefers to handle things indirectly without living and breathing their life’s mission. This presents a problem and the person might switch between being extremely invested in something to downplaying their involvement. Underneath the timid personality lies a fiery instinct that is quick to anger and frustration. It can be constructively used to assert boundaries and provide the Cancer personality with a bit a directness that it originally lacks. The Cancer identity can serve to direct the strong impulses of the Aries Moon as to stand up for things they care about and think are important. Compassion that is so important to Cancer can be disregarded in favor of the Aries Moon need to confront and assert. In the best of worlds, these can be integrated and lived as to add to one another.
Cancer Sun – Libra Moon
The Libra Moon temperament is designed to modify and balance out anything that is not socially appropriate. It operates from the standpoint of actualizing an ideal. Emotions are primarily dependent upon the fulfillment or unfulfillment of this ideal – if something is off, there’s dissatisfaction, if something is on point, there’s satisfaction. Within the context of a Cancer personality this temperament poses a bit of a conflict. Cancer relates to the feeling nature, the fluctuation of moods while Libra likes to keep things balanced and polished at all times. The person would inevitably feel as if it’s impossible to have an emotionally shifting personality with ups and downs and still satisfy the need for harmony. Seeking to have interdependent, emotional, intellectual and spiritually balanced relationship contradicts the Cancerian priority of being cared for and care for others through the overwhelming harshness of life. The personality is protective and the instinct is idealistic. The cyclical changes and phases are part of the person’s identity, while the emotional nature has the tendency to look to the thought scape for constant perfection. If it’s possible to find a creative solution to these conflicting energies, it would look something like working towards cultivating an ideal of beauty that involves inconstancy, to live out romance through mutual care and emotional intimacy, to seek to preserve a positive social image, to not seek to judge and label but allow for honest expression without too much censoring. This person has the potential to be very romantic and indulgent of the sweet and tender in life. It would be wise to watch out for laziness and avoidance of challenges, certain things require head-on confrontation and this is not the person’s strong suit. This combo screams indirectness, which is not to say that the person is passive, but the person would always attempt to flow around obstacles instead of attacking them honestly and directly.
Cancer Sun – Cancer Moon
The double combo reflect an immensely caring person – not only as a personality expression that stems from identification, but on a deeper, instinctual level as well. The ability to be in touch with the changes in the emotional atmosphere is superb which makes this person extremely attentive to other people’s needs. On the downside, it also makes them super sensitive, defensive and protective of their own needs. Cancer is not the one to glorify excessive independence, especially not a Cancer Moon. The person would absolutely need a support network and be a valued member among their associates. The person would probably not play out the role of the archetypal victim, but they could allow themselves to lean on trust-worthy people and provide support in return. Emotions are a natural part of life – especially for a person with this setup. They would be dead set on providing comfort for themselves and doing the same for others. If the situation requires, they might prioritize others needs as a way of manipulating them to extend services to them later on. Cancerians always appear very innocent - sometimes even fragile as to compel other people to treat them nicely. A face that reflects the capacity to be hurt can sometimes work as a defense against attack. This kind of person requires emotional intimacy and reacts strongly to attempts to create separation and distance. A glance, a tone of voice, a gesture or any other subtle indicator that one has lost emotional communion with another might cause a rage to be stirred. This is true of Cancer Suns, but especially of Cancer Moons as the Moon is the raw, instinctual nature. Clinginess and inability to accept rejection would not be unlikely. Dwelling in emotions and being unable to get out of the excruciating feeling of loneliness could sink the person quite badly. Detrimental coping mechanisms might be employed, from food, sleep, video games, exercise or anything else – chances are that they start off as comforting routines and end up consuming the person’s life. The person would not set out to overcome anything, but rather, get away from things. At the core, Cancer is protective and not provocative. There’s no aggressive imposing, but rather a powerful defensiveness in the face of threats.
Cancer Sun – Taurus Moon
The earthy Taurus Moon gives a sense of stability and grounding to the emotional personality. The instinctual nature of a Taurus Moon is in need of comfort and stability – but more as a sensual pleasure as opposed to emotional cocooning. The need to feel valuable and able to provide the things one wants to experience is strong with this temperament. Preferences and taste is important, as is control over one’s physical situation. The Cancer personality facilitates this through creating emotional connections with people, through defending and preserving personal possessions and resources. This is combo points to a person a great emotional sensitivity to physical threat. The person would have a hard time coping with changes imposed on them. Change implies uncertainty, which makes the Cancerian personality stressed and worried while the Taurean foundation for calmness is uprooted. It takes a while for a fixed earthy temperament to adjust to new situations, the person might be quietly frustrated and shed a tear or two while slowly but surely transitioning into a new normal. There’s serious attachment to people and things with these placements. The safety is in the routines with a Taurus Moon and in knowing what to expect. The Cancer personality will indirectly and subtly make sure to satisfy this need by tying close bonds to people and places. Buying people gifts, making other people food, welcoming people into their home and securing a safe base on a physical and emotional level is what the person’s life is centered around. There’s no risk taking in the person’s life, there are way too much attachments present to prioritize freedom at any cost. Even if the person is emotional and indirect, they would stand in the way of threat and protect their safety, - not their individuality however. The Cancer personality would defend through using their leverage on the emotional level, subtly coercing people to get their way. There’s little to no room for escaping up into the clouds with this combo, the person lives squarely in the reality of the physical and emotional, which can make it difficult to take a broader, more expansive perspective on life.
Cancer Sun – Leo Moon
Emotions starts to glitter and glimmer with this combo. The Leo temperament is radiant, craves attention and glamour. The person feels themselves to be important somehow, a child of the gods or the divine. This person has the capacity to own everything they go through, like a star in a movie they are enhanced through their experiences even if they’re difficult and sad. Paired with the sentimentality and emotional clinginess of Cancer, the person lives proudly in their constant moodiness, creating art out of everything. The Leo temperament gives the Cancer emotionality a rightful place in the spotlight. This can be done with a small circle of friends or on a larger scale. The fire Moon provides an inner source of light that can be drawn upon in the most depressing times, but it can also serve to inflate the ego, to dominate the atmosphere with suffocating stickiness. There’s great capacity to love and honor people, to be drawn to people in need of care and attention. However, Leo Moon is proud and would never diminish their own light for someone else. Cancer Sun, might not care about standing out which could present a problem. Insecurity and shyness could dominate and cause the more extroverted needs to take a back seat. It would be worth exploring ways of combining the two energies – to allow creativity to flow without having to be in full view all the time. Safety and comfort would be important, but the person would not want things to turn mundane and boring. There would have to be a sense of magnificence and specialness in daily life for these people – and it’s not difficult for them to create. The way they carry themselves, dress and behave says it all. Drawing inspiration and comfort from the past could be a thing since Cancer Sun tend to be very sentimental. The bitter sweet moments are like food to the soul. The person would be prone to fantasize about things that could’ve been, past connections and abandoned dreams. The feeling of being undeservingly robbed of their grandeur could break their heart – and the Cancer personality would dwell in the emotions of it, potentially try to calm themselves down with food or love or any other mildly addictive substance.
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Cancer Sun – Aquarius Moon
The Aquarius instinctual nature is intellectual and emotionally detached while the Cancer identity is emotionally fluctuating. This combo presents a conflict because it combines rationality and objectivity with the desire to protect and preserve what’s safe and familiar. Both signs contribute to create a reserved person with a lot going on inside. On an instinctual level, there’s a need to do things their own way, to think for themselves and believe that they’re right in thinking what they’re thinking. There’s strong attachments to being smart and reasonable, but the Cancer emotionality could skew one’s objectivity and confuse the need for comfort with correctness. Other people might be hesitant to trust the Aquarian vision when they see it in the same person who changes their opinions based on their moods and is desperately clingy at times. The person might deny any tendency to be emotional and crave distance while secretly yearning for closeness. The Aquarius temperament appears to be beyond human nature – coldly dealing with emotionally loaded topics like a surgeon using metal instruments to operate on a body. All the while the Cancer identity is emotionally unstable and need reassurance and mothering. Ideally, the person would find someone with whom they can bond over shared interests and causes while being emotionally contained. It might be that the person find is ok to show weakness and concern in relation to a concept rather than a personal experience. For example, the person might get emotional about the concept of friendships dying rather than the actual personal experience of loosing a friend. Generalization is the greatest tool in the tool box for these people. On another note, they would get a thrill out of novelty – anything unpredictable or mentally exciting would make them feel emotionally satisfied. However, unless the timing is right it might just make them upset, for Cancers it’s all about the timing. Originality is usually associated with an Aquarian temperament and the person would prefer to exist out of the norm. The person would probably have great compassion and fondness for the little quirks in others.
Cancer Sun – Scorpio Moon
This combo is indicative of a person that lives in the emotional realm. They live through the intangible, the subtle shifts and movements of the tides in the atmosphere. However, on an instinctual level there’s the compulsive need to be in control. Whereas Cancer Moon would more easily display weakness and lean on others, the Scorpio Moon would seem more detached and composed at the core, unwilling to share their inner lives. This individual could seek to gain power through portioning themselves off from the emotional happenings – while being caring and emotionally reflective on a more general level. The primary need is to be able to make an impact but remain unaffected oneself. Defenses could be quite strong and rigid with this combo. Not many people would be trusted and not many would manage to figure them out even if they tried. The person is equipped with an eye for detecting dishonesty and manipulative tactics, as well as using them to secure their own needs. While the person is dependent and whiny and in need of reassuring, they instinctively prefer solitude before unpleasant company. The needy nature of Cancer is counteracted a bit by the desire to remain in power and not lay all the cards on the table for everyone to see. With people they trust, however, there’s great love and support of emotional needs. There’s the potential to have an intensely intimate connection with this kind of person. Not everyone is capable of seeing through all the barriers of the personality structure and get down to the bottom of existence, but this person would. The deepness of the Scorpio Moon would be nicely complemented by the Cancer’s proclivity for softness and compassion. ”It’s safe to be vulnerable” is the goal of the Cancer personality, ”it’s ok to be gentle”. The Scorpio temperament would make it possible for self-containment and resilience rather than complete dependence. But, the paranoia of being screwed or out-maneuvered could become excessive and the fear of getting hurt could make the person walled-off. There’s a sharpness to this Cancer personality that is capable of direct attack if needed. In the midst of general moodiness there could be a sharp remark or stinging glance that is directed on purpose.
Cancer Sun – Virgo Moon
A very sweet, caring and practically oriented individual is indicated by this combo. The Virgo temperament is analytical and detail oriented– it needs to process things until it makes sense. Since Cancer Suns are all about preserving and protecting what they’re emotionally attached to, the Virgo Moon would facilitate this through organizing and structuring life in order to make it possible. If the person feels neglected or mistreated by the people in their life, the Virgo instinct might be to add to this by finding little annoyances and faults in their concrete behavior. Some little thing taken out of context could be very upsetting. Not bothering to give them a hug or not looking them in the eye could be be a big deal even though it might mean nothing to certain people. The little everyday things have a lot of impact on these people – it can either make or break their day. This individual would feel seen through acts of service – it would melt their heart to know that someone notices their preferences and attempts to accommodate for them. There could be a tendency to get lost in over-thinking and worry. The person’s might not be able to relax because they must get everything right to a T – their emotional well-being depends on it. This would not only make them exhausted but other people around them would suffer as well. Yet, they can’t help it, because the details matters. The person would be adept at sensing what others need and seek to provide it in material form. There might be discomfort around confronting emotions directly and a tendency to deal with them in practical terms. ”I can’t cry right now because it would be inconvenient” is their stance. There’s a time for everything in Virgo Moon’s book, and spontaneous self-expression is too risky. It’s the details that are important, not the big picture. If they can’t get a grip on things on a micro-scale these people are prone to freak out and distrust that things are going to work out. Reassurance and protection from stress is what these people need, yet their nature kind of works against them on that point.
Cancer Sun – Sagittarius Moon
The emotional Cancer personality is complemented by a scattered and restless spirit. Life is exciting and full of potential, yet one worries and whines over minor discomforts. It’s difficult to be adventurous and careful at the same time – there’s no room for taking risks in the name of freedom, yet this is what this person would do, impulsively. Chances are that efter the mess is caused, there’s deep regret and insecurity – the person didn’t really want to say that thing or do that thing. When reality catches up, the person doesn’t want to deal with it and seeks to hide at a safe distance. The person is bold at times but overall surprisingly needy and clingy. Instinctually, the person is casual and arrogant, but the personality is quite humble and meak. When acting consciously, there’s great care and respect for others and themselves, but when on auto-pilot anything could come out of the person’s mouth and destroy the intimacy that the person craves. If there’s not enough awareness around this tendency, other people could feel deceived and gaslighted. Carefully planned trips in the company of people that can be trusted is what this person craves. They would need some padding and cushioning from the harsh outside world while still being able to explore it. Cancer’s need to retreat into a private world could suit the Sagittarian temperament well if it involved some kind of exploration of interests. Home life is always likely to be important for a Cancer Sun, however, it might be difficult for the Sagittarius Moon to take on the responsibility required to create a safe and caring environment. Sagittarius likes to speak the truth and does so without consideration of the cosequences. The intactness of the family unit might suffer because emotional boundaries are not respected and there’s no effort extended to create intimacy. The Cancerian need to secure permanent relationships can be difficult to fulfill, as the person’s instinct is to be inconsiderate and impatient. There’s the potential for great understanding and sympathy, but it’s on a more abstract level than what is usually required to sustain close personal relations. Adjustment is needed in order to not lose what one values and still satisfy one’s free spirit.
Cancer Sun – Gemini Moon
This combo screams scatteredness and moodiness. While the personality navigates the emotional realm, the instinctual nature is cerebral and intellectual. There’s a capacity to detach and play different roles but there’s also the conscious desire of wanting to create lasting relationships, be supported and offer support to others. The innocent dishonesty that comes with a Gemini temperament could sabotage the deep loyalty that the Cancer Sun is cultivating. The need to spice things up, to play with people and pull little tricks is irresistible. Usually they’re smart and playful enough to get away with it. This type of Cancer Sun combo has the potential to be very fun. Amidst the caring and gentle personality there’s a mischievous streak. The person is likely to be talkative and constantly active mentally. This person might love to satisfy the Cancerian need to escape by reading or watching interesting documentaries. Anything that stimulates the mind and is nuanced enough to be exciting would be satisfying. Relationships could work quite well, given the Cancer Sun intuition and attentiveness to emotion in combo with the Gemini Moon craving for interaction and communication. However, anything that stagnates will bore the Gemini temperament and there’s little patience for this experience. If there’s no movement, the person might attempt to set things in motion. The person is likely very resourceful and clever at coming up with creative solutions. On the downside, the capacity to manipulate and lie is quite advanced. On a deeper level, these people have no sincere feelings and can easily be immoral and cruel. On a general level, these people might be very caring, but subconsciously they have a hard time feeling remorse. What happens in the intellectual realm is not necessarily real, thought is potential and these people might fail to recognize that if thought is put into practice, it sometimes has serious consequences. On an up note, the emotional tides that Cancers can get stuck in is easier to see oneself out of with a Gemini Moon.
Cancer Sun – Pisces Moon
This is the kind of person that can see into your soul. There’s great sensitivity to this combo and a deepness that is immeasurable in comparison to the other Moon placements. There’s a lot of mood swings and one might want to crawl back to a state of pre-birth and pre-existence in order to find comfort. It’s difficult for this person to deal with the harshness of the world. One wants to protect and defend goodness and innocence at all costs. There’s the risk of falling prey to all consuming experiences and be overwhelmed on a daily basis. The person would need a soft environment that is designed to heal and sooth and might be surprisingly vicious in this pursuit. Insensitivity is a crime to this person, but at the same time there’s the understanding that every attack is a cry for love. Cancer Suns are not quick to forgive but a Pisces Moon might not have the stomach to hold grudges for long. It hurts them to not feel at one with other people and the world – and grudges is a sign of separation. The solution might be to extend love from a distance, while still keeping oneself safe through exercising healthy boundaries. Although Cancer and Pisces are softhearted signs, they have a hidden cruelty to them. Their aggressiveness often comes through emotional blackmail, identifying as a victim or a martyr. They’d want to be seen as harmless and brave in the face of injustice, to be the bigger person and take the high road of non-resistance. There’s no doubt that this person feel strongly and wants closeness and acceptance at all costs. Other people might appreciate this or shy away from their suffocating clinginess. Instinctively, there’s the pull to merge with the environment, to dissolve and let go of separateness. This need might not be completely conscious. Cancer Suns want support and care, but it’s not as keen on letting go of individuality and go with the flow. Cancer Suns have a lot of attachments – to the body, to their family, to their memories and belongings. They seek to preserve these, not to give them away or let them wither away.
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