#it’s so salieri coded fight me
hanakihan · 4 months
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‘Unfortunately, people talk. They don’t know what they’re talking about.’
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ziracona · 3 years
Out of Ritsukas servants from the kid I think the most likely to kill or seriously maim people who insult her are Cu and Robin, she'd have to interviene to stop them unlike Billy or Emiya who I think would not immediately murder someone who upsets her.
I don’t think any of them would kill someone just for being insulting—none of them are like, unprincipled or rabid. (Lol Mori would though). Though most of them would threaten or hit someone. They’re tired, angy, and passionate. I actually think Billy is the most likely to kill someone on her behalf overall, because in UBW Cú holds back against Shinji and only injures him even though he was absolutely going to assault Rin/starting to, since he’s a teenager, so while he’s rabid af and I love it, he seems to have a code where Youths™️ are involved. Emiya dislikes killing and avoids it when pragmatically possible. Robin is ready to throw hands, but also is level-headed. Technically I guess the most likely is Salieri because it’s in his DNA now, but if he was acting only as himself, he’d be slow to violence and dislike killing. Amadeus is a cat in personality and would be like ‘but if they’re dead they can’t know you’ve won :3’ if he really hated someone I think. Billy straight up point blank guns down a human teen in LB1 for Ritsuka though with 0 hesitation and no orders to do so.
He acts super fun and lighthearted, but his history is pretty messed up, and I think his kind of added hardness edge is he became a criminal when a kid, and he’s still only 21, so he has less age and experience hesitation, and he’s very ready to do what he has to for the people he loves and himself, because that’s how he lived his life. IRL when he got arrested and sentenced to death for a murder he didn’t do, because he’s Irish and this was back when Irish was a hated minority in the US, he petitioned the governor and wrote letters, but was flat out turned down, and only after that killed people to escape prison. Even as a kid, his experience was ‘no one will help me inside the law no matter what I did or didn’t do, so to survive I will have to act on my own,’ and I think he’s still very much got a ‘life ain’t fair seeing people get what they deserve, but I’m about to be’ kind of morality to him. That said, he’s also more respectful of Ritsuka’s wishes than almost any of them because having a very personal code means he’s not as pragmatic as Robin or Emiya and prioritizes what he believes he should do over highest likelihood of correct results. So if she said don’t he only would if something real bad was gonna happen. So determinately Billy is the most likely, but if Ritsuka said ‘don’t kill someone’ Cú Chulainn shoots up to most likely because he’s the
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Like he wouldn’t even actively be like “Haha I don’t care she said don’t murder” — a fight hits and his brain is empty except the urge to beat into the ground. He does this in UBW like he happily promises Rin he’ll beat Archer and take him alive for her and 30 seconds later he slams the man in the face with Gae Bolg trying to end his life and Archer only survives by sheer fortune of having the Ais. It’s not even like he changed his mind; Fight Cú and regular Cú don’t share processing power it’s just who he is.
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atopearth · 5 years
Steins;Gate 0 Part 2 - Maho Ending
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Guess it’s time for the find Shiina Kagari arc?😆 I wonder who is following Maho… Hmmmm I honestly don’t really see the resemblance between the girl and Kurisu, I guess it’s just the hair colour and stuff? Lol. She’s probably Kagari I guess with that hair colour lol. She looks good though🥰 Hmmm does “Kana” have real or fake amnesia~ And yep Kagari it is~ Nice to see her bond with her future mother Mayushii, I loved it when Kagari said tutturu~ back to Mayuri hahaha. I never realised Luka has a sister…. LOL at Leskinen wanting to go to the shrine to see shaman girls aka shrine priestesses hahaha. I’m surprised Suzuha went along lol. Hmmmm, Yuki wasn’t there in the lab when they got attacked by armed people trying to kidnap Kagari so I guess that woman in the rider suit was her? Not sure if I feel it was necessary for Okabe to reveal to Tennouji he knew he was a SERN Rounder but I guess we’ll see how it goes. K620 refers to The Magic Flute song written by Mozart, and the K is following the Kochel numbering system where Kochel chronologically numbered all Mozart’s pieces huh? Why’s everything related to Mozart though? Amadeus and now this? So then what would K6205 stand for? Why did Amadeus shut down? Hmmmm~
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Maho Ending I’m not sure what to think of this new timeline change again, does it happen every time he ignores Kurisu lol. I feel so sorry for Faris’ butler! Faris offered Maho and Moeka a room to stay in at her place since Maho’s hotel room got ransacked by some random probably wanting the control codes to access [Kurisu] and her secret “diary” so they can control her (since even if you get control normally, if you don’t change her own space where her diary is, she’ll always know if the person is lying etc, so I guess it’s kinda like extra security to protect Amadeus), and now they’ve legit trashed the guest room lolll, they’re very comfortable haha. It’s kinda nice to know that I knew the frame problem but never knew it had such a name (AI can’t differentiate what’s normal etc, so they need simple and specific instructions, but that means you need to take into account all sorts of possibilities for them to make an action that they can follow). Btw it was such a weak excuse to make Okabe stay for this interview lol, Moeka may have issues with talking since she likes to message instead, but when she needed to talk, she usually would imo. Also, I’m starting to find Okabe’s anxiety rather…overused? It reminds me of the MC in Tate no Yuusha Nariagari/Rising of the Shield Hero, where the cause of their trauma is legitimate and heartbreaking, but the writer chose to overuse it to suit their situation, and that’s kind of how I feel towards it now; that it’s just an excuse to emphasise some things rather needlessly imo. Lmao, I sound so unsympathetic, sigh.
Anyway, It’s nice that they added the piano sonata as a BGM, Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, 1st Movement really is rather peaceful, and pleasant to the ears whilst feeling kinda curious haha. I guess the fact that Kurisu and Maho started talking because of this song just makes her account name even more understandable. I have to say though, the slice of life moments have been rather…dull and lacklustre. Nae as Sergeant Clean ordering them to clean Faris’ house (at the request of Faris etc after Maho and Moeka trashed it) was rather cute though, especially with her hat lol. Kinda funny how everyone got into her “new cleaning personality’s” rhythm and would call her Nae-sama as they listened to her instructions haha. Honestly though, I’m pretty disappointed and apathetic towards this ending. It played out rather predictably, which is fine, but it honestly had no impact for me. Whether it be the reveal that Professor Reyes was behind the attacks to get Amadeus and killing anyone to get to that, or how Maho finally realised that just as she admired and respected Kurisu, so did she. It was obvious that Kurisu felt the same, and I did think it was nice that they had a sweet relationship, but at the same time, I couldn’t care less because it just wasn’t very…interesting? It’s like they dragged out this whole ending to establish something that was immediately obvious and didn’t add anything significant that made me think, yeah, that was really nice or eye opening lol. Tbh, the only things I found were kinda fun was learning about Mozart and Salieri, and seeing how friendly Maho and Moeka became. Since Moeka is who she is, and I guess that goes for Maho too lol, but yeah, it’s nice to see them be able to bond as such good friends and understand each other so well. I’m still baffled as to how careless Moeka could be to turn her back to Reyes and let Maho handle the situation when Maho obviously can’t fight even if she has a gun, and Reyes wasn’t even tied up yet, but whatever, that’s probably the least of the problems I had with this ending lol.
The ending was okay and I guess the talk she had before [Kurisu] was deleted was nice, but otherwise, quite lacklustre. I’d say the whole game so far has been rather weak and uninteresting. The characters are much more two dimensional than the previous imo, maybe because there’s so many of them now, so everyone is really just their “personalities” and nothing else, Maho is the one that’s focused on, but I’m not really into her, and it’s sometimes kinda tedious how the game relies on riding your feelings for Kurisu to really work out, so if you don’t even care for Kurisu, it can be problematic to connect with this game lol. It definitely doesn’t have the same “magic” as the original, but I guess I’ve only done one ending haha, maybe the rest will change my mind and the characters will develop better.
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“Dead Week” is here since I’ve gotten most of the relevant materials from the shop... So been busy clearing up some strengthening quest too!
Both Quetz-chan and BB grailed like every other non 5* Extra Class Servants to level 90! Got grails to spare so might as well work on these two before jumping back at Arash
Speaking of Arash, finished both maxing his level and his strengthening quest. I’ll work on his skill... Another time, I’m going broke again OTL
Red Hare got an NP upgrade from Enkidu’s pickup rate yesterday! And... They didn’t come home expectedly, but consolation is the horse
My good tanker George blessing me with his golden apple for bountiful grinding. Because NA grinding event now is a real piece of work compared to JP
Finally the challenge quest... That I went blind yesterday after it got released to do it
Setup: Jeanne Alter & Salieri as DPS, Merlin as support, Leonidas & George as Tanker, Herc-chan last resort DPS
Immediately buffs himself with permanent reduce damage received from Noble Phantasms & defense up for 5 turns
First HP break:
Buff himself with Arts Performance up every turn, stacking up to 5 at MAX & Permanent Critical Damage up
Second HP break:
Removes the first buff on his first HP break, all arts buff he has is still permanent buff
Attack damage up
Similar to one of LB3 bosses despite it being an “easier” CQ... Sherlock is still one fucking hell of a critfest Ruler that kills your Avenger within 1 turn
He didn’t kill Jeanne or Salieri... But that 1 turn when I look away, Leonidas already died OTL
Like every bosses, his frequent use of skill is debuff immunity, a problem when you want to use buff block on his NP
I admit this isn’t bad for a blind run... But I nearly shit myself when Jeanne Alter becomes last one standing against him on his last HP break at 1/2 HP OTL
Jeanne Alter: Your best recommended Servant to borrow thanks to her buff block NP effect, preventing Sherlock to buff himself on his NP. But as said above, using her NP needs both luck and timing because he’ll use his debuff immunity to prevent that from happening
Salieri: The budget Servant against Sherlock, if you’re able to get at least one copy of him to use as DPS. Despite an AOE NP Servant, he’s still good to use when you got a team revolving around him to buff and keep him alive
Other Avenger Servants: Your best DPS to bring against him... But beware that his critfest is repeat of LB3, where he’s able to one-shot your Avenger at unexpected moments. Find a team revolving your DPS to keep them alive
ST Berserker: At your own risk, because his NP buff definitely can also one-shot them to death
Tankers: Avoiding crifest to land on your DPS and support
Buff removal/Buff block Servants: Both for before and/or after his NP activated, or your AOE defensive buff Servant can’t protect them from him for 3 turns 
Male: Euryale, Medb, Orion, Stheno (useful as support with her NP upgraded to remove his NP buff), Tamamo Lancer
Kiyohime CE
Holy Shroud of Magdalene
Ignore Evasion CE: Sherlock doesn’t use his evasion skill often for my fight... But guess for precaution situation if needed?
NP Seal CE: Definitely to delay his NP, but may not really work if his debuff immunity is up there
Command Code:
The Lost Casket: This particular CC that’s released from this event is practically your most recommended CC to equip on your DPS. An effect that removes 1 Debuff immunity from an enemy, and increase damage against Good Servants... Dapper Gentleman James is all willing to give you this CC to aid you in beating his eternal rival
Motivation to go back to Gudaguda grinding... I’m waiting for the all bronze currency quest before starting up my grind fest. I’m nowhere near half of the point ladder, but at least I’m already done with unlocking Nobunaga as permanent Servant
How the fuck is this even lite, Aniplex?!
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