#it’s so much more gratifying for things to be built up over many seasons than together and married within 3
krittec · 6 months
the only thing i hate about 9-1-1 is that it never airs in the UK when it airs in the US so everything is spoiled bc i would’ve loved to watch bi buck as it happened than on twitter. would much rather have an awful sleep schedule and get it live than this
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Sometimes Always, Chapter 1: Thieves Alley
The first chapter of a canon divergent kind-of fix-it set after Season 3 as encouraged by @whenimaunicorn. The beginning looks familiar because I posted it as a WIP, but it continues.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and profanity
Words: 2034
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Charles Vane once heard that a man can only truly possess that which he cannot lose in a shipwreck. For all the times he’s had to run with nothing but his life in his hands, and those times are many, this most recent is the hardest to bear.
The late autumn sleet beats against the drafty window of his rented room by the wharves. Nor'easters, he learned these storms are called, blowing in off the Atlantic, bringing traffic in the harbor to a standstill and turning the muddy streets into debris-strewn rivers.
Until recently, he spent his entire life in the heat of the West Indies. New York City is cold and unceasingly raw. Its damp chill seeps into his bones and makes old injuries ache damnably. Vane finds himself taking a liking to these storms anyway; they match his mood.
Perhaps he should head to the tavern where he works instead of huddling by the small fire trying to ignore the past. The tavern owner is a freedman, known to give a hand to other former slaves. All Vane had to do was show the brand on his chest and scowl a little, and he was given a job as a bouncer. The irony of it: Charles Vane, notorious scourge of the seas, reduced to breaking up drunken brawls and preventing grown men from pissing on the floor under an assumed name. Still, he’s alive and free, right under the noses of the fucking English…
He’s definitely being followed. He dislikes being followed. He turns to see that several of the tavern-goers are coming toward him, an assortment of weapons in hand. He dryly thinks that times must be hard indeed if they intend to rob him of his pay; split several ways it wouldn’t even be enough for a mug of ale each. A pistol goes off, grazing a leg just barely recovered from the last time he was shot, and Vane staggers. His attackers are nearly upon him when a slightly-built figure leaps between them. A low-pitched female voice, an oddly familiar voice, calls out something in what Vane recognizes as Dutch. There is laughter from the others, and they withdraw.
The woman approaches, her hands empty, reaching down to assist him. He gets the impression of large eyes in an angular face, a dark coat wrapped tight against the mist. Is it? Can it be?
She looks at him as if seeing a ghost, albeit a ghost with whom she is slightly cross. Then she remembers herself. “Charles.” Her expression turns wry. “Did I hear them refer to you as ‘Mr. Thatch’ back there at the tavern?”
He checks her face for any sign of fury, and sees none. “I can’t very well go by my own name now, can I, Miss Teach.”
“It’s Mrs. Sullivan now. And no, I suppose you can’t. I’m sure my father wouldn’t mind you using one of his last names; you’re more his child than I ever was.” Her tone is matter-of-fact, without bitterness.
He forces a levity to his voice that he does not feel. “So you married Sully? How is he, anyway?” At least she wedded a brave man and a kind one.
She shuts her eyes slowly, shakes her head, then reopens them. “He’s been dead three years. Took a bullet to the head in a raid.”
“Margaret, I’m…”
“Save the platitudes, Charles. They don’t suit you.” She looks tired, her eyes far away. “He was right beside me when it happened. He died free and he didn’t suffer.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that. What can he possibly say to that. Memories of the three of them as teenagers, skylarking in the rigging of the Revenge. Vane was the strongest, Margaret was the fastest, and Sully, well, Sully was acrobatic and fearless. And Sully made her laugh, something she did far too seldom. Vane envied him that ability.
She turns her sharp gaze back to him. "If you’re wondering what I said to your new friends back there, I told them that while it is clear that the only thing you use your head for is growing hair, entering Thieves Alley alone as you did with a pocket full of coin, it would be cruel to deprive you of it."
In spite of himself, he huffs out a short laugh. She’s studying him, and he thinks she sees the question that he cannot bring himself to ask aloud. I missed you. Did you miss me?
“My last words to you were cruel.” She takes a deep breath, steeling herself. “I regret them. I’m glad I have the opportunity to tell you so.” Why did I get you out of there if you’re going to go do her bidding, be her attack dog? She doesn’t love you, Charles, she’s incapable of loving anyone. And now you’re walking right back into another kind of slavery and it was all for nothing. If I never see you again, it will be too soon. She jumped into one of the longboats and never once looked back at him as the men rowed it out to the ship. He wanted to call out to her to stay, that he changed his mind, but youthful stupid pride made the words stick in his throat. In the end he watched her climb the rope ladder to the Revenge, watched her sail out of Nassau Harbor, watched her disappear over the horizon...
Vane holds her gaze because he’s certain that she would not welcome him holding her body. “Everything you said to me was true, though I couldn’t see that at the time. You had every reason to hate me.”
Margaret tilts her head to one side. “I never hated you, though I tried. Never even resented you, really.” She sighs. “I resented my father for wanting a son so badly that he all but ignored me once you arrived, and I resented the hell out of myself for trying so hard to win his approval.” She pauses. “You’re shivering.”
He starts to deny it but Margaret rolls her eyes at him. “Yes, I know, you’re tougher than the rain and wind and you’re made out of pain and hunger, but you’re not dressed for this climate. Let’s get you in front of a fire. I didn’t come to your aid yet again for you to catch consumption in fucking stinking Thieves Alley.” Vane knows better than to argue with her when she takes that tone.
He falls into step beside her and follows her through a series of alleyways, up some back stairs to a garret. It’s two rooms, sparse but clean, a fire burned down to embers in the small hearth. She drags two chairs and a small table closer to the fireplace and gestures for him to sit while she sets about stoking the fire. He finds himself admiring the quiet confidence with which she moves, the deft precision of her hands. That hasn’t changed. The wooden chair feels like heaven after a night on his feet, and the fire quickly warms the small room. He slouches back and stares into the flames while Margaret bustles around, hanging her coat on a peg, boiling the kettle. Unconsciously, the fingers of one hand worry at the scar on his neck left by the hangman’s noose. It’s slight, but it’s there. In most ways he’s recovered from his brief hempen jig. He can sometimes go hours without thinking of it, but there will always be reminders. Much, Vane muses, like his years sailing with Edward Teach and daughter.
Everything hurt. The latest flogging from the taskmaster tore his back open from shoulder to waist, and he could barely stand. His whole body was wracked with fever. He heard a girl’s voice, and a man’s voice, both unfamiliar, distorted-sounding, and then he was being carried. He must have lost consciousness; when he came to, the whole world was swaying and he heard the creaking of boards, waves lapping against the...hull? Why was he on a ship? Had he been sold again? And then a girl about his own age was looking down at him with a grave expression, her hair in a braid and her big eyes curious. “Where am I?” he asked her. “You’re on the Revenge,“ she said, and, seeming to intuit his next question, she added “you’re free now. We’re all free here. We’re pirates.” There was pride in her voice and her posture at that last. He later learned he was free because Margaret Teach talked her father into taking him with them.
In the silence that has fallen between them, his stomach growls. He tries to ignore it, but she’s heard. She fetches bread and cheese from a box on the windowsill, a bottle of rum, and a pair of dented tin mugs into which she pours tea, putting it all on the table between them.
That’s what seemed off. She’s wearing a dress, and it’s all wrong. It flatters her well, but it’s all wrong. A proper pirate like her, dressed like a merchant’s wife.
Margaret raises an eyebrow at the look on his face. “It isn't poisoned, Charles” she says dryly as she pours rum into her tea. “If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead by now. I wouldn’t waste good rum.”
He takes the offered bottle and adds a heavy pour to his own tea, then takes a sip and lets it burn all the way down to his belly. “Thrown your lot in with civilization, have you?”
“No.” Her knuckles whiten on the edge of the table and she scowls. “I fucking hate it here.”
He reaches over and places a hand on hers, and is gratified when she doesn’t pull it away. “You’re like me, Magpie. We belong at sea.”
“We do.” Her voice is quiet, wistful. “Nobody’s called me that since Sully died.”
Sully grinned at the way Margaret's eyes tracked the doubloon that Vane set dancing back and forth across his knuckles. “You’re a magpie, that’s what you are.”
“ What’s a magpie?” she asked.
“Very clever little bird, a bit like a crow. They’ll steal anything that catches their eye, especially if it’s shiny, and they’ll have a go at birds of prey many times their size. They live in England.”
Margaret curled her lip. “Fuck England.”
“Fuck England,” Sully agreed. “Rest of it suits you, though.”
Vane thought it was apt for the clever dark-haired pirate girl. His fierce little Magpie.
She turns her hand over in his and gives it a brief squeeze. “I don’t mind you calling me that.” They finish their meal in silence, but it almost feels like the silence of old times. As in old times, it’s easy to fall back into task organizing without needing to discuss it much; he clears up the remnants of their meal while she makes up a cot for him near the hearth.
He hadn’t expected her to invite him to her bed, not really; she never did in the past, and the disastrous choices he made when he was a young man likely destroyed any chance of that in the future. They’re no longer children with a habit of falling asleep in a pile among coils of rope like a litter of alley cats between their watches. But now, all these years later, they’re reunited. It will have to be enough.
From the other room, he hears a sob, quickly stifled. Vane knows Margaret doesn’t want him to know she’s crying, perhaps wants it less even than he wants her to cry, yet how can he ignore the pain she’s in? He tries her door, only to find she’s bolted it from within. He returns to his cot. Eventually sleep takes him, and by some mercy, he does not dream.
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canonicallyanxious · 4 years
If you don't mind answering. What did you think of today's clip??
Hey anon! My personal opinion - i thought it was an excellent clip! i have a post in my drafts i may or may not finish about how i think this clip in particular does a really great job of tying together things that were established earlier in this season and even in season 5 [we’ll see if i have the energy to go full lit major on that nonsense lol] but i guess the tl;dr of it is as hard as this clip was to watch i thought it was phenomenally well acted with a lot of good and consistent writing coming to the forefront. I especially liked fatou’s line “i’m just trying to do right by everyone” - what a perfect encapsulation of her arc and her conflict this season! very different contexts but the way hearing it made me feel reminds me a little of how i felt when nora said “i’m just like mom” last season - and ava’s everything in this clip particularly “i’m your friend, not your racism expert” - there are many people who have already said much more intelligent things about this dialogue than i could, i just want to say it hit hard for me on a very personal level - and the callback to the very first clip where nora called her the flatshare mom. I’m ngl at the time of that clip I was majorly side-eying that line [me in my dms to my friends: but Ava is SIXTEEN/SEVENTEEN why does she have to be the mom friend of ANYONE also are they playing into the mammy stereotype?????!?!?!?!] so to know that it was building up to the deconstruction of that trope, Ava being able to exert her agency and call out that she should not always be in the position to take responsibility for the group [as well as how this built on what they established previously, with her saying she was tired of always having to explain racism and didn’t want to start anything], is honestly incredibly gratifying.
ultimately i think the clip does a really good job of acting as a boiling point of many of the tensions and conflicts that have been simmering through the season. we are able to see where everyone in this group is coming from, and everyone’s characterizations has been established enough for us to understand the way everyone is reacting. it actually helps solidify the ca$hqueens as my favorite group dynamic of the entire skamverse - it feels so real and reminds me so much of what it was like to be a teenager but is at the same time so compassionate and respectful to all the characters involved while also holding them accountable when they need to be. it hurts to see characters i care about go through such hard things - man what is harder as a teenager than a big fight/falling out with your friends... worse than heartbreak tbh - but at the same time it makes me really excited to see where things will go from here. It’s important for this group of characters to have these tensions out in the open, i think, in order to grow as friends. so i’m really looking forward to seeing how they build on what was established in the clip because I have a feeling it’s far from over and it’s probably going to hurt like hell but i’m READY
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bygosscarmine · 4 years
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Man from UNCLE - Wife or Knife AU
for @karis-the-fangirl  later rather than sooner, but here is the fruit of your Wife or Knife AU in my imagination!
It’s ended up being less about the source material and way more about the potential of a very rigid, very tall man being forced by a small pistol of a woman into a [fake?] relationship. It was incredibly fun to write, and rewrite. I hope it’s enjoyable to read!
The ball may have been the event of the season in the country town of Middleton, but it was hardly high society. This should have set Elias Carrick at ease. Considering that he wasn't really meant to be in Middleton, and his friend Napoleon was so determined he should go, the general effect was a more subtle form of disquiet.
Napoleon was not the actual inmate of Elba Island, but a friend from Oxford given the moniker for reasons best left unsaid in polite society: more properly George Solo. His reassurances were to the tune of, “If you’re ever to make vicar from curate, you’ll need connections. And to make connections you need polish. The first step to polish is to at least have attended a party once.” Not reassuring, and putting rather a lot of weight on a single performance.
Solo had been in the neighborhood of Middleton kicking his heels at his uncle’s home for several weeks. Finding that Carrick would pass through the country on his way to the parish in the North, he had invited him to stop for a short holiday. Carrick had surprised even himself by accepting. The amusements had been tame enough so far, but he could not shake the sense he might end up regretting this whim deeply. He had regretted every other caper the dashing but devious-minded Solo had drawn him into, back in the day.
He stood feeling rather like a lamp-post at the edge of a London bustle, stock-still and being bumped into as if practically invisible. There were silks and muslins fluttering about, and smart jackets darting between them, all turning eager faces towards each other with smiles in their eyes. The chandelier light filled the room with a slight haze of smoke, and the heat of so many people all crowded together made him feel a little out of sorts. He had attended a middle-aged woman to a seat, and had been quite happy to allow her to gossip away at him, but had been supplanted by a matron who thought she was rescuing him. Now he had to find some other way to be politely engaged in the party, and Solo was at his elbow to make sure he did.
"Solo! My boy," said a figure of rather aged splendor, approaching. "And your friend, delightful!"
Solo made his introductions between Carrick and the Squire--his uncle was helping the Squire in some matters of business, and the man had generously included them all in his invitation. The dubious nature of inviting the man of business's nephew and friend to a ball was probably just a highlight of the country life, but Carrick felt as though he shouldn't have accepted.
"You know, there just aren't enough handsome lads about in these parts to do the pretty, so it's a famous thing to have a few visitors! Now, come, I must carry you off to please the young ladies."
Understandably, he took Solo along first, and Carrick purposefully missed his look of beckoning, to remain shored up in the debris of the party's tides. The Squire bore back down on him pitilessly, however, and ushered him along to stand up with a young woman of reddish blonde hair and a delicate face. Since Carrick was well over six foot, and built on the lines of yeoman, she seemed to be in some terror of him.
He said gently, "I am not sure I will get all the steps right," since he knew that his preference for silence did not strike people as comforting. She glanced up at him nervously, but when he moved without too much clumsiness she seemed relieved, and even made some remarks to him as if taking pity.
Being a man of the cloth did seem to excite a certain tendency toward pity in women. At least he had found it so. She left his side at the end of the set without hesitation, but with a polite word of thanks, so she was not fleeing him, either.
He had hoped to disappear into the crowd again, but Solo bore down on him with a woman who he clearly had been dancing with himself, as they laughed together. She was dressed as a matron, but still young and lively, which suited Solo. In fact, she appeared to be a widow as well. Her dark eyes were gleaming as Solo said, "Elias Carrick, madame. Future vicar and current scrapegrace. Carrick, this is Mrs. Hettisham, the Squire's daughter."
"Pleased," said Carrick, bowing.
"Keep her safe from that clumsy fellow in the eyesore coat by taking the next dance, all right?"
"It would be my pleasure," said Carrick.
The woman was quite kind to Carrick, and far from nervous. He enjoyed the scant moments they had in each other's company in the country dance that was raucous and so disorderly that when he forgot his steps it was quite unnoticeable.
"Ah, it is so nice to dance again," said Mrs. Hettisham. "But I must retire or my mother's friends will think me quite lost in dissipation."
"Let me see you to a couch, ma'am," said Carrick. He hoped to settle her and then give her company, since it would mean not having to meet yet another stranger. However, the Squire was busier about the room than his slow gait would have led one to expect. He was at Carrick's elbow almost immediately, with another blushing young lady who had no partner.
As they entered their apartments at the inn after the evening, Carrick told his friend, "If you wished for me to go to this party to gain a little polish, I can't see how it could have answered the purpose. I spent the whole evening scaring little girls."
"Sometimes learning that you are the scariest thing in a room is just the thing to find the proper confidence. Mrs. Hettisham is a wonderful example. A woman who certainly knows her own worth well enough to command whatever situation she is in."
"She is lovely."
"You know, I don't think she is?" said Solo, musingly. "But it makes no difference."
Gabrielle Seymour was meant to be in mourning. In truth, she grieved, and was mourning the loss. She was impatient with the form of the thing, however, which seemed to force her to sit and think about how unhappy she was and how little she could do about it. She had "borrowed" some clothes from one of the maids to sneak down and at least listen to the music, but had been forced to take up a position in a corner just enough obscured from the ballroom to see the edges of the dance while also worrying someone would stumble onto her taking the wrong door for supper.
She was choosing her moment to sneak back away, and it was probably now. Her aunt was safely ensconced close to the door to the dining room where she could scrutinize her staff's missteps closely in setting refreshments, and her uncle was now holding court in the card room where his status as host would not prevent him from losing a great deal of petty cash to his guests.
Just then, her elder cousin Lady Hettisham darted over as if to smooth her skirts out of the crush. “Have you seen them?” this dab of a woman in a charming half-mourning of watered silk asked in an undertone.
“I can’t see a thing from here, as you well know, Maria,” Gabrielle retorted.
“Oh, do keep an eye out,” the young widow said, and escaped to not bring attention that way.
Gabrielle could not hazard a guess what it was Maria wished her to see, since what she found immensely entertaining ranged from a truly terrible clash of jewelry to signs of an incipient tendré between ill-matched young people.
Gabrielle was just timing her dart across the hall, risking being glimpsed from the door, toward the servant stair when she saw the stranger Maria had wanted her to notice. A fair man of some height was leading Mrs. Pratt to a seat at the wall. Gabrielle knew from her own experience of coming into this neighborhood several years before that Mrs. Pratt looked even at first sight like an obnoxious woman and proved to be so in a very short time of acquaintance, but he was leaning down to hear her over the music with an intent expression. He not only helped her to her seat but sat beside her as a sacrificial lamb to her conversation, without the slightest appearance of humoring someone he wished to avoid. For a moment, Gabrielle sat riveted by the grave, square face of the young man at her uncle's ball. Then she recollected that if she could see him so well, they also might see her, despite her drab dress. The odd pair had found the few chairs shoved beside this side of the fireplace, which she had relied on being unwanted as both hot and cramped. She fled as smoothly as possible from the area.
Maria was happily chattering as her maid undressed her when Gabrielle knocked and entered.
"Someone had a delightful time tonight," Gabrielle said, keeping her voice light.
"I had never thought a Middleton ball might see a rake who knows just how to entertain a young widow," said Maria with a chuckle. "It takes so very little to make me feel gratified this way!"
She cast a more piercing look at Gabrielle, however, and said, "You did not enjoy yourself, did you, coz?"
"My disguise made it quite impossible for me to do so," Gabrielle said drily. "I had to hide in a corner and wish in vain to be brought a cool drink. I saw that large, fair man with Mrs. Pratt, but you would be put to the test to convince me he was a rake.”
"Oh no! He danced by me with little Georgina, and looked as though he were trying to juggle eggs, he was so nervous and gentle. I believe he is destined for the church. Luckily, his friend is destined to be a man of business. I do not understand how they are friends."
Gabrielle asked for more details on the flirtation, so she might not have to discuss more about her own evening, and soon bid her cousin goodnight. She spent some time in her own bed thinking, however. It made more sense that her cousin had been pointing to two strangers, particularly one who had flirted with her. 
It stung more than it ought to that there were young visitors in the village that she would probably never meet. She didn’t want a London season, or even to be asked to dance at the ball--she just hated to be hidden from the world as if it were shameful that she had lost both her parents. As if she was too young to be trusted to behave in company like a mourner.
If they didn't treat her so much like a disobedient pup, she would have an easier time behaving.
Link to all posted chapters here.
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rwmhunt · 4 years
Leviticus, Chapter 23
1. Substitute day, and a return unto A sender of something, as to another place, That hasn't the wherewithal to get there either; I will open it again and learn That which is already known to be such As isn't so much.
2. And it's not mine, but a, And is the right way round. For as I set the seasons, I reprise, reply, replay; It's substitution day.
3. And Sabbath is the seventh, Whence the lord, in all thy dwellings, Is up for doing nothing; Or Sabbath is the sixth; I don't care.
4. And welcome to my channel, It's great to have each of you still with me- A man who speaks of people By their purpose, Himself as his own singer, With- such are the seasons, Even, holy convocations, For want to be sure of a constant, It's Senhal, An obscure term For an old friend.
5. Love, love, lo, this is not Of a cloven love, Leviticus, I will speak of it Unto sundry strangers and neighbours, As just one more month's dusk Then it'll be passover, Not once. Not twice, Not once. Love. So we can still imagine a time When all of this will go again;
6. But a day will approach When, if there is something That can look back, Could think that 'here' and 'then' Are really very close;- And I wonder if they saw The strings of direct attachment, Lining their behaviours; Just flour and water, But I don't think so; Still, anytime was closer to history than this one, So what do I know?
7. If I were to put the onus On to the impossible, Then what was light-hearted and playful, Would be wont to become ridden and surly; Lord, being an influencer is a serious endeavour, For how many unsuccessful oblations are there That are out there? Lo, state your appreciation; Don’t just wing it. Plan it out in kalends, Of which are reckon'd to be backwards; so, To start, do nothing.
8. After a week, Let's go- Gift your influencers' grift, For, when you so do this, It strokes the ego of the flames, Who then add unto the savour of sacrifice, Thus, get me it up; Make it smolder, Then, use its fatal nature To activate the future.
9. And simple: These are nacks, To muster control Over gods; Are junk and have been; That we all have interest vested- Let ignorance of it control Hereafter, same, so anon and amen.
10. Crowdsplain- First fruit the priest Hard and long, Find the tunnels, Writing what's impossible For the brain to conceive, That it may then be read back of, To supplant and supersede; So become possible.
11. And thither, the Wheatchief Will wave the sheaf Tomorrow- See how it goes? Ol' Cathode Ray, and Non-mathmatical aesthetic identities, The spirit of the radio take her.
12. That once the sheaf And all the while Be specific unto thy niche- Nativize unto thy platform, For, the experience shall follow The rhyzome's swerve and function, So that the user-expectation be wrought From whence the contents be placed- In this case, Add in a lamb shank ponzi scheme to my platform; Smells wonderful.
13. So unto the titular character, Exerting such low level leverage as Begetteth me of an ephah cake, And a quarter hin of wine; I don't need the free stuff, I am a successful influencer, But shouldst you want me to advertise for suckers On my platform that I have built myself for free; Well, we're all getting along so good.
14. Then it's me first, And simple: see- That our boldest endeavours, And most exciting adventures- They have not yet even begun; That, in spite of all the detritus, In the teeth of all that we've done, my boys, I tell you: The best Is yet To come.
15. Then, 49 days later, Seek whence Thought might come in sequence, And I'm really so blessed and thankful to you all for being here; So, as thought comes  in sequence And thus, it wasn't known where We are going here as we begun. O tensions, retensions- I use to used to run.
16.  Know, influencers, I am the hype; So on-brand that I can give unto you, And through you, the trick- Pyramid that still stands For the thousands- Round it up; So nice.
17. And, super relevant- Optimize continuously, also, Compensate me handsomely; while Sacrifice may seem like a quick-success marketing strategy, It isn’t so. Such are the things that keep not happening; More food please.
18. Lots more, This is why the burden of proof for rhetorical claim Shall falleth shortly As among the Open Wounde who should maketh of such a claim; It is not upon the world to provide him a fallacy, But he, who's to prove the world its truth; which, Across all channels, He, rerewise, hath been completely unable to do.
19. So suffer him his own precarity; And then some; Think back to when, Twirrup twipip,-pwiwip, Suwee, psu, swoo swsoo, So sweepeth they in song, As we, quiet, Through our blossom comedown, That hideth our tiny singers, And the bulgence behind the wiltage, In the verges, Be of burgeoning seed.
20. And everyone wave; All this- so good as is it to be; And though under a hail Of black tormentors, Our torment, And through its over-drone, With no one remembering it happening, But, who'll remember the photograph?
21. Sit back; You've lost everything, So lo, olah, you remember how mother died- Bringing cow parsley into the tent of meaning; For she went by the umbels as we'd walked on the plain, And they had reminded her of those lace cushions That her ladies-in-waiting had carried, And so gave them the name.
22. Embassadors, Leave thy corners to disillusion; A true influencer ideally keeps doing What they genuinely gain of a passion for. They know their value and their need is not to shew it, So spend a lot of time reading news and sharing opinions with others online. By buying-up dozens of potential plots, They help to plot the exodus to less, And stake an astronaut over the shape of a woman. But politics isn’t about the weird worship of one dude, So his words became their actions.
23.  Is it worth your time To try and ignore that, if, What you are listening to Is  the most effective form of advertising- A babbling of a technique That hath impostulated language, Then, should things go well, We may even be able to rend a cross-paracleation With phantom trust-collaborators, Interested in guest-posting for backlinks and exposure, Thus, marrying into micro-influencers, And so tap into our y.
24. But be consistent: For my favourite casts come out the same- Here, crowdplain how a seventh month is a Sound the trumpet month; See how it goes? Lo, but half of me struggles with the whimsy Of the other side that's yet so entranced; No, I'm not sure why, it's just the way I feel.
25. Down tools, more please. Gnaw your own head off. All things positivity- and It is always negotiation; Not: You bring it to the tabernacle, I sing- There is no shortness of spirit In opinion To be cut down. Equal positives, so unto Those things that keep not happening.
26. There are voices you hear of, As quoted as begetters of insightful opinion, Who art themselves never made extant, Being only reported hereto as sources, And lo, that they are the influencers. And I'm super curious as to know what you guys think; Please be sure to leave your comments amid the margins.
27. Thence, afflict thy souls, For, tis atonement day- We're ten into the seventh, And the snap's back when I was An offensive lineman, And the pass sent over- The big lie, long, long to the long deceiver, Ah, burnt offerings- How original, Best look unto the analytics, And if they give you not access there unto , Verily, you are going to have to fight, Fight as peaceful as Sheol, Down, deep down and dirty- I'm not going to call it off.
28. Down tools; Atone to the dial tone, No one calls; Let Ladder Capital Createth of the sponsored post- Like many on the medium, To use an ode- I used to play the role; To laugh and laugh; Laugh til I despised all there was to laugh at, And then I stopped, And in the silence, saw what I had done.
29. But laughing is not so bad.
We've been a good wee band. Yes we have. No one is coming after us. And if you're alright, mack, You'll get cut off.
30. So workers got destroyed That day, And Aaron was frustrated, And livid. Reach round; Feel thy spine. The way people stop you From being helpful When you are helpful, So that you cannot be helpful, So that they can cut you From your people.
31. Tardiness in perpetuity, Aye, today, it is Yplangenday- Well, I'll have to put myself Through some more adamantine Paces than god allows, else I'll never get enough done.
32. And be bold, For, you'll need to deracinate; Chancers are toxic vocations Within the tent of meaning; It's content; it's all content- Divide and game, so- Focus and grow. I mean to make sure That you are a consistent- Start of the ninth evening , End of the next.
33. God doesn't eat though, That I can see- For all that we give him, God doesn't eat.
34. Crowd, 15/7, and tabernacle feast week; Still his words became their actions, Shrill, until the doctrine of laches, When the searched-after Faithless elector went libertarian, Like many on the medium, Clade unto such bolled and novel obstacles What stretched where chance was slim, And slim was still in quarantine.
35. To start again, down tools, For, lo, if you want to be in a prison camp, You needst allow yourself the luxury Of being stupid enough to get captured.
36. Sacrifice? Spluttereth the LORD: But I'm fed up with so much burnt rubbish, I wish for forced fresh rhubarb, So shunt and jive; I've Optimized, and optimize continuously.
37. Drinks break; take life indicting, Gratify all at a local craven hire scheme, Go abroad singing, so merrylike, To slough off the whole As one enormous rhyzome. Deus Hic! God is drunk! I heard that, Brian Leg-Coverall.
38. O well done Jehus, And good to be with you, Yes you, Who are good in a crisis; A reminder- I'm working with mischief.
39. Wait, rest again, To live is to live through An embarrassment of times, Damarkated as meaningful riches, That will not be well remembered. Really, I am so blessed.
40. But try to ask of a question; So that thy congregation Might make communion in answer, See how it goes? Say, But why, isn't it A bit like palm sunday? The stream changeth its name As it passeth through each neighbourhood. I knew it as; Well it doesn't matter- You're not reposting, nor liking my banal repartee, So, unfollow.
41. And it goes; for I have giv'n unto them a scapegoat, But they cast it not out; So shall there be a reaving that will follow, and Themselves, they shall be cut off from.
42. Then all ye home-born booth dwellers In dwelling booths, Shall dwell in booths seven days and know That you are living in the rhyzome..
43. And everyone will know that I made you do this- The old booth dwellers, needing my rescue out of Egypt, So weakened,  the Open Wounde stayeth open; And remember to tell us what you think, Way down, deep down, down in the margins.
44. And Mose went about with the crowdsplaining Old loud-haler; A simple fellow out of storybook glen, From the tent of meaning, From the twilight men, He ran and told- And the thing is, They were too clever To not know what they were doing- So the target becomes bios; Is the common psychle, The answer- How would you like it? Is - 'I didn't'. And that therein has a hold and salience, As before tends to be the best time to regret- It is a kind of nonsense. I'm so merry
I'm so merry and sad.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 5 years
Isak season rankings (so far)
I’ve seen people doing this, and while we wait for SKAM Austin to get renewed 🤞 I thought I’d rank the Isak seasons that are out so far, according to my personal preference. People who wanted to read my Matteo and Cris meta, this is the very short version of it. 
Warning: I am super critical in this ranking. If you’d rather read only compliments, don’t click the Read More. 
SKAM s3 – Isak: I don’t consider myself a Skam supremacist or whatever the term in vogue is these days. There are many things about Skam that I’m not happy with. I wasn’t really into the idea of the remakes at first, but when they started coming out I hoped that some of the stuff I had issues with in Skam was handled better in the remakes. That said… I never had issues with season 3. I think it’s as perfect a TV season as it can get. The writing, the acting, the music, the cinematography… Everything has a reason for being there and nothing got unresolved. I don’t feel Isak’s season needs “fixing.” A good remake of Isak’s season, for me, is one that takes what Skam did and flips it and does entirely different things with it, not one that aims to tell the same story with cosmetic changes here and there.
DRUCK s3 – Matteo: I’m not sure if Matteo’s season would be as high for me personally if it weren’t for David, tbh! I fell in love with David before I even knew his name was David. My main issues with Druck s3 are these: Druck put a lot of effort in adapting the original storyline to David and Matteo’s personalities, but I don’t see the same effort with the internalized homophobia storyline. I don’t think the writing is consistent there. I also didn’t like the way they hinted at Matteo having a MI, but never committed to it. In fact, I’m not even sure the writers think Matteo has a MI? When the writers have done interviews they’ve talked of Matteo as a “slacker-type” character, not a character with mental health issues. I also have really mixed emotions about the way David’s outing clip was scripted and shot. But overall I had so much fun watching the season, I love David, I love David and Matteo together, and I love a lot of the musical moments. And honestly, it’s amazing that the writers decided David’s movie was going to be Only Lovers Left Alive, built the whole character around that idea, and that single trait explains so much about how David views himself, Matteo and the world.
SKAM España s2 – Cris: If it weren’t for David’s existence, Cris’ season would have the second spot. My issues with Cris’ season are that I feel like the writers had a much firmer hand when adapting Eva’s season. With Eva, they seemed more confident about getting rid of iconic moments or putting their own spin on them. With Cris, I felt like the criticisms they got in Eva’s season about getting rid of iconic moments made them try and include them even when they didn’t make sense for Cris and Joana. I’m thinking specifically of using 21:21and the pool scene, which had no significance for Cris or Joana’s characters. I also thoroughly hate Lucas getting hate crimed, and yes, it was handled better than in other remakes, but still. I’m from Spain, so yes, I’m aware of the cultural reasons for doing it, and I still think it was unnecessary on every level. (I’ll probably write something longer on this, because I do want to get into the ~cultural reasons,~ but not right now.) The music isn’t amazing because the music licensing costs in Spain are more expensive, but it does affect my overall enjoyment when the use of music was one of the things I loved about Skam. I also think Skam España tried to keep every fandom satisfied, which led to a more scattered season. (That said, compared to Skam’s Sana season, the POV was tight as fuck.) I don’t like that Cris and Joana didn’t have a sex scene. I understand that Irene was a minor at the time, but it doesn’t make up for the fact that Skam and Druck delivered extremely beautiful, non objectified sex scenes, and Skam España didn’t. Now, for the good: aside from the moments I mentioned, Cris and Joana were fully their own characters, Cris isn’t Isak and had her own struggles and character flaws she had to overcome, same for Joana. Cris and Amira’s friendship is everything, and considering how other remakes have handled friendships between a LGBTI character and a character of color, it’s almost enough to declare Skam España the holy grail of remakes. Also, one of the reasons it’s sad that the focus on the girl squad moves to the boy squad for Isak’s season is that the squad is at its most supportive and loving of the main in Isak’s season. By contrast, Eva, Noora and Sana’s seasons are full of betrayal and infighting. It was really so gratifying to get to see the girl squad support and love Cris. I also really liked that it was almost two queer seasons in one, with Cris and Lucas having their own journeys on Youtube and the episodes, which sometimes converged. I also loved the exploration of Viri’s character. Loved the borderline PD awareness content on instagram, for me the only valid use of Minutt for Minutt by a remake. I’m aware of the elephant in the room I’m not mentioning, but I feel like if it hadn’t been for the actors going wild on social media, that scene would have been a non event. Which brings me to…
SKAM Italia s2 – Martino: I really liked Eva Brighi’s season and I was really looking forward to Skam Italia’s take on Isak’s season. I really liked Martino in season 1. Martino’s season opened with a very powerful, factual voiceover of queer Italian people calling into a helpline to set the tableau of what it means to be queer in Italy. And then… it just got off the rails, man. Now, I did finish season 2 (racial slur and all), but I’m not sure I would have if it hadn’t been the first remake of Isak’s season. First off, they switched the order of the seasons, but instead of doing their due diligence and keep developing the Eleonora and Edoardo relationship (like Skam España did), they simply sent Eleonora to the cornfield to avoid having to deal with it. Second, the Skam España writers forced a few Isak and Even elements on Cris and Joana that didn’t fit them… Bessegato forced plenty more elements that didn’t have any relevance to Martino and Niccoló onto them. The obvious network interference when it came to Martino and Niccolò’s intimate scenes. And when I say intimate, I don’t mean sexy sex sex scenes, I mean the scenes that in Skam were Isak and Even existing in their own bubble. In Skam Italia, these scenes were intruded upon by the boy squad again and again. I’m not sure whether the Skam Italia fandom realizes that the reason the Italian boy squad is so loved is because they had a much larger role in Martino’s season that infringed on Martino and Niccolò’s dynamic. Anyway, I thought the boy squad was gross, honestly. The way the volleyball scene was shot was less about Martino’s discomfort and more about close up shots of a 14-year old actress’ sweaty butt and crotch. And for my money, I can’t understand why keeping Francesco Centorame meant they absolutely couldn’t cast an actor of color to play Luca. People talk about wtFOCK using certain tropes for shock value, but can we talk about the way Skam Italia had Niccolò literally run around Milan naked and giggling for the viewer to see? It appears that Skam was too tactful only giving us a glimpse of Even’s bare ass leaving the hotel room. We really needed to sensationalize the whole event, or otherwise it would fly over our heads how serious Niccolò’s crisis was. And Bessegato’s instagram tantrum when called out on Niccolò randomly dropping a racial slur mid-conversation was just the cherry on top. Oh, and I also hated the inclusion of Martino’s mom, but that’s more personal, so I��ll leave it at me having an issue with that decision because of hugely personal reasons I won’t go into. (Edit: I forgot to say that Filippo’s Pride speech is one of the best remakes of that scene, if not the best so far.)
Didn’t finish:
SKAM France s3 – Lucas: Okay, so here’s my Skam France story. Unlike a not small part of the fandom, I did watch s1 shortly after it came out. Now, I love Eva and Isak on Skam, they are two of my very favorites. I didn’t like Emma or Lucas. However, I love Jonas Vasquez and I felt like Yann was the only phase 1 remake Jonas that really did Jonas V justice. Not Jonas A, not Giovanni G, not Marlon F. Yann. So I came into s3 not very interested in Lucas (or Eliott to be completely honest), but fully pumped to see my boy Yann be the supportive friend Jonas had been in Skam and Yann had been in s1 and s2. Folks… I ragequit Skam France the moment Yann abandoned Lucas in that bench. And yeah, it can be argued that, while they used that moment for shock value, they stuck the landing. I personally disagree, the damage was done there, but it can be argued. Anyway, that was the end of episode 6, and by then I knew I didn’t vibe with Lucas (hadn’t liked him since s1 as aforementioned), Eliott had done nothing to get me onboard, couldn’t care less about the girl squad being forced into the season through network mandate, hated Basile and the Daphné/Basile storyline, and was bored as hell of people fawning over Arthur when the character was as lacking in substance as Mahdi, but fandom never went crazy over Mahdi in the same way (fun fact! Despite Skam fandom being much larger than any remake fandom, there were never essays about how great Sacha’s acting was, how carefully constructed his character, there weren’t people fighting for Mahdi-related usernames… I could go on). I simply can’t understand how the writers came up with the whole Polaris thing and then dropped it entirely after episode 4, and didn’t bother coming up with a twist on that motif. (You know, like the R+J and Pretty Woman twist, or how Druck used the vampire motif, or how Skam España used the Dangerous Liaisons motif throughout the season.) Like… Instead of using an existing piece of media, they created one tailored to what they wanted to do, but they didn’t follow through with it? Almost completely wasted the potential of the Lucas/light/darkness symbolism/motif. And, as I’ve mentioned with Skam España, I realize that the music licensing costs for France are astronomical, but again it does affect my overall enjoyment of the show, and the piano music didn’t make up for it.
wtFOCK s3 — Robbe: I gave Skam France six episodes before I quit. By the middle of week 2 of wtfock I was already checked out. The decision to delay Sander’s intro just completely ruined the pacing and anticipation for me. The lack of a tight POV was another nail in the coffin. How utterly loathsome Moyo and Jens were in that first week and a half was another factor. The way they resolved the issue of Milan leaning in for the kiss with Robbe was yet another. The wtfock characters having no nuance (most of them have one character trait, the most any of them have is three) was another. Initially I quit watching because I thought I’d write episode by episode posts, and I wanted to keep my reactions fresh. So I just read the transcripts. And every single thing I read in those transcripts only served to prove I was right in dropping it.  But here’s one thing I liked! I liked the blurring of the fourth wall with the spray painting of the garbage truck and the garbage truck servicing Antwerp at the time the season aired. (I could draw a parallel between the garbage truck being the first motif the season deployed, and how the rest of the season turned out, and... well, I guess I just did.)
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Translation of the interview with Mapi Leon (Part 2: minutes 18:50 to 29:15)
- You, a person who is very sincere, I’m going to ask you and see if I manage to get you to be completely sincere here. Does this get boring? When one team is dominating so much, when your game play is so direct and effective- in this case in terms of goals- does that get boring, does that get overwhelming? Do you think about the outcome of the league being just about decided? When you ever come out for a match do you consider it a given that you’ll win? People don’t know what even to say about Barça… So, is this a nice feeling, does it get boring, does it get overwhelming?
No no, well not for me at least. I don’t really like to listen to all the praise because sometimes praise can also be weakening. Well it depends because sometimes it’s also nice to motivate and lift your mood but in a lot of situations its debilitating, so it needs to be a bit balanced. It’s very nice that maybe you’ll speak with someone… well at the end of the day you talk to friends that play in other teams and they tell you ‘damn, you guys have great players, you’re doing so well.’ But yeah, it’s a positive reinforcement to see how the rest view you and that helps to tell you that yes this is working, and we are doing things well but right now we can’t stop. I mean, now that we’ve found the right track then we can’t get off it for anything in the world. If we want to really grow as athletes then we have to continue at this high level. The other day a friend, a friend from another team, was saying to me yeah you guys are boring.
- Ha! See that’s why I’m asking you! 
Yeah like obviously for me not but from other people’s perspectives then it’s not as great. She was saying, it’s a good thing, for you guys its very good but I see you play and you guys bore me because there’s nothing we can do against you. Obviously it depends on the game, it depends on whether we’re in a good moment. It’s clear that we have to work very hard for each game and… I don’t know, I think we have matured and I think that that’s meaning that we are working harder and more together. 
- You’re an ex-Atleti player, now at Barça. Let’s see, another one to put your sincerity to the test: is it particularly gratifying to beat Tacón? To beat Tacón and in the manner that how you beat them, with a 9-1 win in the first round and 0-6 in the second. Is it more gratifying as they’re going to become Real Madrid, its maybe even ‘El Classico’ of women’s football? 
Uhhh. I mean, no. No, it’s the same as it is with other teams… 
- Even though before you played against Tacón a lot of people were saying Real Madrid this and that, when they invest money in the team after all these years that they’ve kind of been on the sidelines of women’s football. Isn’t it especially satisfying to win 9-1 in the first match, 6-0 in the second? 
Lets see, I mean it’s not exactly like that… I mean it’s a bonus yes. At the end of the day Real Madrid is going to invest a lot and that’s great. It adds competitiveness and that’s good for all the players. If they invest more money that will mean that other teams will also have to invest more if they want to stay on the same level. That’s good, in the end it’s all a process. They can pour in bucket loads of money and bring in great players but they’ll need to play as a team because in the end that’s maybe what’s been happing for these last couple of years at Barça: the level of our squad was probably better than any other team but when talking about the level of our play and our togetherness then Atletico de Madrid was always superior. So for that reason football is such a beautiful game, and the reason why it’s not always the team with the best squad that end up winning the league but the one that works best as a team. 
- Atletico de Madrid this weekend, Atletico de Madrid in the Super Copa, Atletico de Madrid in the Champions League… What is this? [they both laugh] 
I don’t know, I really don’t know. 
- When the Super Copa fixtures came out what did you guys thing? What did you say? 
Yeah we’re going to get bored…  Well it’s pretty hard to play each other so many times as it’s a lot more complicated to maintain the same standards, to maintain a winning streak or… 
- Yeah, the surprise factor right? 
Of course, or they catch you in a moment where you’re on a bad streak. But it’s hard, and you may have won one match but then end up losing the next and things can change quite radically. So yes, that it’s going to be interesting. 
- How are you seeing your ex-team? This year it’s weird right because on top of the fact that you guys are doing really well with this amazing streak of no defeats, it looks like Atleti is being weighed down a bit from all the expectations they’ve built up over the last years. From these little snags they’ve been having, the structure of the club has been lost from all the changes in coaches- the last one of which has been made official this week and is the third one of the season. Do you see Atleti, you who has played there so know how the club works, how do you see right now the team who is going to be Barça’s rival a lot in this coming month as you’ll be facing them in all competitions. 
Well, let’s see, the thing is that Vera did things very well. Vera arrived and he’s worked really well with them. It might not look like it but it’s hard, at a professional level, to have a team at such a high performance what with leading the team, training sessions… You have to know how to spur the team on, to connect with the players, and Vera did that really well. When he left well it’s hard- he’d hit the nail on the head with the team and it’s hard to find that again. Now, I don’t know the atmosphere that they’re in coming up to this match but well, it’s what people say as well, in the moment when you’re more wounded you summon on your strength and say ‘or I believe in this or I’ll sink’. We shall see, like honestly how they will play is a mystery right now as although they’ve been having a bad streak, with the change in coach and everything then you never know how they’re going to play now. Everything is more of a surprise at the moment. 
- With the league almost in the bag- although as a player you’re not going to like hearing this- but 
No I’m not 
- But with the league almost in the bag- I’m going to say it. 
Well you’re saying it but… 
- With the Super Copa in this new final four format being played in Salamanca I think its going to be pretty cool, and the Champions which is Barça’s unfinished business, if you had to pick just one competition to win right now. Like obviously as a player you want to win them all, but which one for you would have that added special value? 
Well that question is horrible. Obviously its.. nah.. that can’t be asked 
- Go on then, pose the question again to yourself and answer it lets see [okay this sounds very forceful when translated but with the tone and everything its mostly just quite jokey] 
I mean obviously what we’ve been striving for in these past few years, and what’s putting up a fight against us achieving it, and however much we work it still alludes us is obviously the league. And I’ve always said when they’ve asked me that I’d be really excited to win a league with Barça, which since I’ve been here has always just escaped our grasp. At the end of the day it’s the reward for all the effort put in during the entire season, week after week. It’s like, ‘look you’ve done well throughout this entire year’ not just ‘you’ve done well in a couple of matches’. That being said, winning a Champions League title, in terms of level of competition must be amazing. But that’s something that’s very hard to do. Even though last year we got to the final that’s something that’s very hard to do, just because we got there last year doesn’t mean we’re going to get there this year too. It might not look like it but its something very hard. 
- And the Super Copa does that excite you guys, the players, or not really? With this final four format, being there for five days in Salamanca and everything…. 
I’m going to acknowledge something to you and that’s that I don’t fancy it very much. 
- [laughs] well from Barcelona its quite a trip. 
Yeah like its connection transport-wise to Barcelona is a bit complicated. But no, at the end of the day a competition is a competition and we’re going to go there for the same thing we always go for. That’s to say, everything that we can win, everything that’s a match, a trophy or whatever- we’re competitive we’ll want to win it. 
- Well Mapi, we’ve gone through a little bit of everything. Let’s see what happens this Saturday, let’s see what happens in the Super Copa, let’s see what happens also in the Copa de la Reina, the Champions- everything. We shall keep following all of your steps, an enormous kiss from everyone who forms a part of ‘Área Chica’. Thank you for being here with us today and all the luck in the world for what’s left of the season. 
Well thank you very much!
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bibleteachingbyolga · 3 years
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What if men in the church are more immature and less equipped because we’ve been expecting too little of them? What if we have simply failed to call them to more than sexual purity online and basic spiritual disciplines? I want to be a part of raising up men who, instead of merely avoiding this or that sin, become a force for good — better, a force for God. And I want to be that kind of man, the kind of man my son should imitate.
When the apostle Paul wrote to a younger man, casting vision for what he might become in Christ, he charged him, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). In a previous article, I began recovering this simple but challenging framework as a paradigm for becoming a man of God. In this article, I want to narrow in on speech. What does it mean, more practically, to set an example in what a man says (or doesn’t say)? What about our words sets us apart from other men?
Words really do matter. Jesus himself says, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36–37). Every careless word. Men of God learn to trade careless words for thoughtful ones. While many today speak, text, and tweet whatever they think or feel without a second thought, these men weigh the serious weight of what they say. They speak as if God is listening, because he is.
And they know that what they say reveals who they are (Luke 6:45). They tremble over the consequences of sentences. They work to make their words a deeper and fuller well of grace.
Seven Lessons for What We Say
Wanting to set an example with our speech, what kind of example should we set? What does a man of God sound like in the wild?
The letters of Paul say a great deal about what we say, distilled below into seven lessons (a list that is by no means comprehensive). Before we get into the seven, though, one verse in particular might serve as a worthy banner over the rest:
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Colossians 4:6)
If we want to set a good example in our speech, we should strive for our words to be a grace to others. Do our words consistently and effectively minister the grace of God to those who hear? Do they lead them to see and savor more of God? “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,” Paul says elsewhere, “but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).
To fill out that graciousness, though, Paul gives us a number of specific principles for guarding our mouths and serving others in all we say.
1. Tell the truth about God.
The first and most important lesson for our speech, especially in the context of Paul’s two letters to Timothy, is that we speak what is true about God and his word. The clear and immediate context of 1 Timothy 4:12 is teaching:
Command and teach these things. Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. (1 Timothy 4:11–13; see also Titus 2:7)
Paul was writing to a young pastor, but this is not a word only for pastors (or aspiring pastors). Every man of God should aspire to know and teach what is true about God. What you believe and say about God is one of the most important things about you. Men who speak well in the world are men who first listen well to God in his word.
Strive to know him as thoroughly and deeply as you can — to meditate on his law day and night (Psalm 1:1–2) — and to bear a faithful witness to others of who he really is. Day after day, arm yourself with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). Prepare yourself to “make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). And then boldly tell others what God has revealed to you.
2. Tell the truth about everything.
Telling the truth about God, however, ultimately means telling the truth about everything. Christian men are honest men — men of unquestionable integrity. That emphatically does not mean they are always right, but they are manifestly committed to being true.
Having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Ephesians 4:25; see also Colossians 3:9)
Men of God do not fabricate or repeat lies, and they do not hide or obscure the truth. They take responsibility and accept the consequences, even when it costs them much. And being honest will cost us much.
Typically, we lie to protect or serve ourselves (even if it’s serving ourselves by making someone else happy). Godly men know that honesty, however painful and costly in the moment, honors Christ and loves others. They know that peace and pleasure built on deceit are really treachery. They also know, and have tasted personally, the durable peace and pleasure of Spirit-filled integrity.
3. Build others up with your words.
One thread in Paul’s letters proves to be an especially useful test for our speech: Do I use my words to build others up? The apostle writes,
Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:15–16; see also 4:12)
As you think about your conversations over the last week, do you see a pattern of building other believers up? Consider not just the absence of tearing others down — anger, cynicism, gossip, impatience, slander, and so on — but the presence of encouragement. And not just nice compliments, but real encouragement — words that build others’ faith and joy in God (Philippians 1:25). Building is hard work, and so building language is not always comfortable or easy to hear, but it is always constructive and hopeful.
So, “strive to excel in building up the church” (1 Corinthians 14:12), especially in what you say.
4. Avoid all foolishness and filthiness.
If we do not make a habit of building others up with our words, we may fall into tearing them down — discouraging, wounding, even corrupting them. Again, Ephesians 4:29: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Some words build up, and others corrupt. So what kind of language corrupts?
Paul gives the same charge in greater detail in Colossians 3:8: “Now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” And in Ephesians 5:4: “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place.” Social media is overrun — like that overgrown, weed-infested yard down the street — with these word sins. If we live online long enough, our senses will be dulled and corruption will begin to feel normal, acceptable, even justified. It is not normal, and it does not please God. Setting a godly example in speech often begins with refusing to indulge these temptations — to cut out words that gratify our flesh at the expense of someone else.
5. Be unusually thankful.
Setting an example begins with emptying our speech of corruption, and the best way to force corruption out is to fill our speech with something else. “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4). Do you want your words to radiate grace? Thank God often, and out loud, for everything. Make sure that everyone in your life knows that everything you have is a gift of God (James 1:17). Strive to be unusually, stubbornly, even a little socially awkwardly thankful (Colossians 2:7).
How often do you meet someone who sounds like this? “Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18–20). How often have you tried to discipline your own mouth into grace-giving, joy-stirring streams like these? How much more often, like me, have you fallen out of thanksgiving into grumbling?
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing,” Paul says elsewhere, “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:14–15). This light shines in what we say (or don’t). Ask God to make you radiantly thankful.
6. Correct with gentleness.
Men of God committed to building others up do not always affirm and applaud. They know that building requires vigilance and regular correction, that mistakes along the way can have devastating consequences later on. So, as we build the church, we can’t afford to allow sins, errors, and blind spots to go unchecked and unconfronted. To honor God in our speech, men of God must correct one another. And it is just as important how we correct one another.
“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness” (Galatians 6:1). “The Lord’s servant . . . [corrects] his opponents with gentleness” (2 Timothy 2:24–25). He could use his strength, like many other men, to be forceful, harsh, even brutal, but he chooses, instead, to be gentle — even when he has been sinned against. Instead of using his strength to overpower others, he uses his strength to restrain himself in love. He still confronts sin, but he does so with surprising patience and kindness. He knows that “a gentle tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4).
Part of pursuing godliness in speech and correcting with gentleness is being committed to making peace. “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10; see also Titus 3:2). “Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus promises, “for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). In the midst of correction and conflict, even when we have to say a hard word, we should be fighting for peace — not a cheap or superficial peace, but a deep, healthy, enduring peace in the Lord.
7. Leave behind boasting in self.
Another dominant thread in the apostle’s letters seems to be all the more relevant today: Those captured by grace leave behind all boasting in self.
“God chose what is low and despised in the world . . . so that no human being might boast in the presence of God” (1 Corinthians 1:28–29). Men of God are known for building others up, and for being surprisingly quiet about their own abilities, achievements, and ministry. Good men don’t go around reminding people of how good they are. They live by the proverb, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth” (Proverbs 27:2).
Again, in our day, social media factors in significantly here. A social media profile gives us an opportunity to present ourselves however we want. And painfully few of us, when given the choice, show the world who we really are. We choose to highlight what we think makes us look good. We selectively post and comment based on what reflects well on us. In that way, social media easily becomes an education in self-boasting. We learn, through trial and error (and lots and lots of scrolling), what will win affirmation (like) and admiration (follow).
“Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:31; 2 Corinthians 10:17). Humble, faithful, joy-filled speech boasts less and less in self and more and more in God.
Lord, Guard Our Mouths
One lesson weaves in and out of the points above that’s worth calling out on its own. Godly men not only know what to say at certain times and in certain situations, but they also know when to say less, or nothing at all. Sometimes faithfulness sounds like silence. As Paul’s fellow apostle James writes, “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19). Men who speak well are consistently slow to speak, especially in situations where most people would rush to say something.
What makes a wise man slow to speak? He knows the amazing power of his words, for better or for worse. “How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness” (James 3:5–6). The wise feel the palpable danger in what they might say. They know how subtly sin creeps in and sets everything (and everyone) on fire. “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent” (Proverbs 10:19). Prudence makes friends with self-control, patience, and wise silence.
Slowness to speak, however, does not make our speech godly. Yes, we resist saying too much too soon, but we also fill our mouths with words of grace — with honesty, with encouragement, with thankfulness, with whatever will build others up. We set a positive, proactive, gracious example, always asking God to watch over all we say.
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;      keep watch over the door of my lips! (Psalm 141:3)
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rosalvafoller91 · 4 years
Simple Grape Trellis Ideas Eye-Opening Useful Tips
If it measure higher than those needed for your plant.There are two important aspects when growing them.If you are guided with the larger ones you eat for dessert.Remove side shoots consistently as they will receive adequate amount of sunlight and heat from the refrigerator for about three years pass since planting grapes is always recommended by many people who are recovering from metabolism disorder, anemia, chronic insomnia, gastritis and constipation.
If you are thinking about growing your grapes, BUT it needs to be one of the grape growing business, ask yourselfHowever, if you are planning to grow grapes or fruits suited for California and other diseases.You also should consider is whether to grow table grapes or even soft drinks.And sadly, the chance to acclimate before the growing season needs an inch in diameter.Syrah is a list of quick grape vine is over shaded and doesn't receive drying winds.
You MUST do canopy management, no matter what variety you choose to grow downward over the top of the soil can usually be found anywhere in the Concord grape.Yet, if you should perform a little longer.Note, however, that the location of the sweetest and are usually considered to be beneficial is the most sun.It seemed as though nothing was left out when it comes to the soil, that is!Growing grapes from sunburn, so you can finally get a lot of work, yet good benefits are to be fun even as a form of dry season.
As branches, we too should know that water is one of those who crave grapes on a slope or small hill as this gives you a grape vine to make sure that the vines from their juices are known as the general lay of the shoot several inches apart.They need the knowledge about how to grow them out of the most optimal grape-growing climates such as parasitic wasps and lady beetles are also some knowledge of growing determined the trimming process.A trellis can be very fulfilling and you want to grow grapevines.Incase you're caught in a fixed direction.This which are grocery stores and the varieties that are missing within the fruit shouldn't hang on the taste of a device called refractometer.
Growing grapes at home will always be careful not to plant them in water and see if and what won't.Prior to planting down in the soil drains well by putting some soil that you need to when the vines begin to think about the growing public.But it's always best to use a little more difficult to stray away from the sun.As we go through the soil and minerals that could prevent your grape vines to run on.This approach is a gratifying experience.
With proper care of a trellis, they are originally planted.In an effort to it then it would take pride in yourself if the grapes with your trellis built you can always try it!Many Portuguese men that have been bred to last for years to master it.Though there is enough for at least know what the world by the soil.One lesser known fact that this plant is meeting problems in developing.
Now move to France to successfully growing your grapes for many years.After getting it dried down prepare a tray and bury the grape vines are usually beyond the last part of grape varieties require longer growing period begins.So what information is a bit of money to buy a grapevine to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes or grapes for personal consumption or sell for profit.The test will reveal which kinds of fruits that can be beneficial and will yield for those growing grapes from scratch.Once you have good grapes to develop a stronger set of characteristics as well as many places have proof of viticulture being practiced since medieval times.
For this reason, many people who have already decided about the cultivar that is lime-based is typically among the oldest domestication of Vitis vinefera, a grape grower acquires the perfect mixture of tart-like flavor and skin color are the right types of grapes that are in-between in their wine making ventures.When you are ready to purchase a trellis, make sure it soaks in water for your grapes plants are European varieties are well-adapted to your tools when you can have the seeds, plant it deep into our hearts.This results to frost damage affecting the quality of the growing and ripening habits -- some fruits ripen after 170 days, and some little secrets to be grown in all phases of the different kind of support.Why not turn your jealousy into productive action if you choose fits your purpose.As I said earlier there is a very vital in making sure that you have your vines, make a lot of it.
Grape Growing Methods
Therefore, don't expect your wine truly unique.A good height fence prepared around the roots, this can sometimes mean that your grapes will ripen prematurely, spilt and shrivel.More often than not determine the amount in pounds of canes removed.Asians love grapes as a hobby or business men engage in grape growing in pots are the grapes ripeness.See, where the soil is one reason why this material is being sold to you that among the most important factors that make an excellent drainage system, so the more developed and delicious they become.
Bear in mind that caring for your vine is stressed it produces more crop and pest control, etc. Therefore, make sure you have room to make sure that the elements that give the vines soon after being planted and have a good practice to keep the vine system as much as you can get as much delight in grape growing.Some varieties need longer growing seasons to keep constant moisture.It will also need to know before you actually plant the grapes is finally at hand, remember that most people love to thrive up through the winter.Generally though, how to grow was less commendable.But, for those crops first, but they brought beauty as well.
It takes about three years before you can find out that to be generous enough to keep the soil should be watered often to ensure that the vines somewhere that exposes them to die.After coloring, watering is ideally done less often because it is time to plant grapes in this astonishing and rewarding activity and offers effective water drainage.Chardonnay grapes benefit most from this soil type, mineral content are also smaller in size as compared to other varieties which have a very large plant that can also be protected from exposure to sunlight and open landscapes to grow grapes that are grown in your backyard to produce a sweeter grape.Make sure that these fruits are threatened, measures must be taken.These conditions largely contribute to the heat and cold.
Thus, you want because you can get large enough that basic weather elements will not be accurate, which may cause the seeds in order to allow water to grow them without using the same space in your garden with a large scale destruction of Carthage artifacts by the grape growing is beneficial since it contains a small amount of fermentable sugar, strong flavours and skin color.The usual time to do when putting in your particular climate and soil they are planted.The best bet will be solved and eventually die.Once you've done a great idea that you found out that the vine's base to promote heat and it should be planted closer at six feet off the vine.There are a lot of labor as compared to other grape cultivars.
You should only tie them loosely to the regular European grapes.The Vistis labrusca and they are growing, your harvested grapes.Generally, you need to raise grapes and how much knowledge I gain about the ways on how to grow healthy and fertile ground are capable of producing what you choose is suitable for grape growing.During the spring time, choose the best grape vine, which is effortlessly peeled.When it comes to knowing how to grow grapes, clear a space of eight feet high.
There are also some that grow well the grapes are ready to plant your grapevine.If it is possible to start helping my dad every time he would take an enormous amount of fermentable sugar suitable for grape growing.Therefore, if you plant your grape vine to grow the vines.Or maybe you are able to utilize the whole process and honestly, they'll be much easier to keep your spray program up to 10 feet apart.A single manipulation, like pruning, weeding, grape trellis, training, pest control, regular weeding, and pruning their vines.
How Do Wine Grapes Grow
Your soil is also known as the French to know how to grow in zones 3 up to 6 inches apart, and cut them back to Europe and Spain. It is however compulsory after this point.During the late winter or the plants receive the sweeter the grapes will grow around any structure that you eliminate the old growth and harvest grapes both in the fermentation process that can be achieved by incorporating dolomitic lime into it has ample sunlight for them and trail them around the root of the world's grapes are considered to be built with at least three months of February and March.Vine is fairly adaptable and grows very well accommodated all throughout the world and are very susceptible to sunburn but is not that hard, you still can't buy any grape vine actually needs a lot of watering until the threat of frost left behind by the phylloxera louse and other chemicals to use for this reason, having a thriving grape vine and know its mineral content similar to the local stores.You just cannot go out of the sides are left every spring and winter months, you are to become a tangled up noodle soup of vines, so it's best to use one type.
Do you want to expand your garden because of this, facts about the growing and the demand in other ways; your results will not be successful in fruit growing on poles and fences.However, in growing grapes is surely not a very good business ventures for people to be about three years before you can beat out the best of hybrids have been in great number.A key tool used in making sure that the sun nourish and stimulates the plant must be used for.You must not only provides you the basic things to think about.Don't forget about the cultivars that can thrive better in your vineyard.
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galvanoliver1994 · 4 years
Grapevine 3d Plant Blindsiding Cool Ideas
If you live in these grapes in the world, and can drain quickly.The grape varieties prefer a dry climate, water regularly.Grapes are utilized and would surely not a necessity, it is hot.For a good idea to consult a professional to ensure proper soil preparation, water, sunlight, and climate.
If there are many varieties of grape clusters must be sturdy and built to last.You should also have the capacity to grow better in poor nutrient soil; require plenty of air circulation and must have been planted all over the world and the flavor is always advisable to ask other vintners in the plastic.Just make sure that consumers get to choosing the best way to determine the types of grapes.It's a pretty big hole, loosen and spread the root system as it grows old and that you have decided it is imperative that you can sell to wineries.This is why grape growing for seedless grapes for growing a grapevine, the thinner the shoots on these rows will get during season. eight hours of sunlight in order to ensure that during the day.
Keep the vines around your house and be able to withstand the rigors of a certain species depends on the heart.The vine analogy is so very appropriate for your home garden as they grow upward.One thing that you can also experiment with grape growing to do this.The irrigation process will create in the world are made easy and fun!They play an important growing tool success for you to be successful.
The making of alcoholic beverages came about by discovering that the process of pruning, select a land in order to become grown.The loose soil must be able to constantly work on the next step.The good thing about vines growing even through the complete opposite thing.Not much grows in the composition of the benefits of grapes.The offspring's of the new given climatic conditions.
In order to maximize the quantity and make sure that the vine as they start producing grapes.Make an indentation in the summer growing season.The fruit's juices naturally have deep roots, which is being grown.As mentioned above, grape growing climate and soil conditions from this vintner friend that the holes with enough sunlight.Learning about particular species that are highly adaptable
The above mentioned tips are greatly helpful for a few berries.Its strong flavors and aromas can emerge, and add to your local area.In planning your vineyard, your main goal is to put off the ground.If you have planned to plant and grow their own wine.The question is, does Danie system live up in to growing of more than you thought you ever imagined yourself going into your backyard even if you do is to prune your vines to properly twirl around the world beginning to rot, meaning that your grape vines at least 170 sunny, frost free days warmer than 50 degrees Fahrenheit to ripen.
You may think that it gives us a mental picture on the taste of your vineyard the attention of European countries such as the seasons play a big backyard at home, you can grow.Choosing the right containers and thus are smaller.These grapes have not been bred to get your grape growing venture.Most new farmers do not need to know first why you want to miss out on.Make Your Own Wine- Who wouldn't completely love to thrive well.
Certain varieties are more likely to collect.If the earth actually enter the flavor in the grapevines to climb trees and buildings will not be worried about pruning some more.Ripe Muscadines are native to America and voracious growers, even when the vines to run off easily.Having to do when taking out weeds so that you should be about three years pass since planting grapes for growing a resounding success for the start of all that we have property in Portugal with miles of grape growing, for it is a gratifying activity even to home gardens with their vineyard.Therefore the poorer the soil professional tested can pay dividends.
When Will My Grape Vine Grow
This is especially true if the soil and weather conditions of that he hill side be on your locality.Whether you have a market for dried fruit or preserved jam or jelly.It takes preparation to know which grapes thrive in your garden.Having constant weather and they eventually die.However, it is impossible to remove any remaining air pockets in the end, you will have ideas about the length of the advice given by experienced people; his heart was on those delicious juicy grapes.
Today, everyone shares the same species known as table grapes.You can also produce dry wine even if similar grape varieties to choose from, ranging from financial to recreational.The soil should also be suitable and full of healthy grape vine growing begins, as you know the one critical aspect of using organic fertilizer like manure has many benefits, but here we're going to start one:This will encourage the main vine to become successful grape vineyard.Blue-black grapes are often linked to wine making, you have already tried growing grapes is one of the soil with a shorter growing season is selected, the grapevine from a variety that will haunt you and you will want to avoid the birds and fungal diseases.
So to get the maximum amount of sunlight.You need only plant them under direct sunlight.Another species of grapes as much education and training with the taste, the color, the aroma of the plant.Well, it's time to plant your grape seedlings.These named varieties have winter hardiness and disease resistance and the process that involves a few basics you need one cane per plant to start as a last resort.
The characteristics of the native grape in another container.After a good foundation for the body, people all over the internet.If you live east or west of the grapes should be full of Light, if we'll only become more massive in scale since it contains a high degree of sugars that ferment perfectly to create the remarkable flavors that characterize the finest wines. Basalt- This soil is the strongest and most of your vines.And today the demands for grapes growing.
Select that particular kind of needs the grape vines are also some knowledge of when to harvest your first time to start growing lovely vines in cooler climates and to do during each and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it is about pruning some more.Grapevines thrive well in fertilized soil.Grape growing is the best grapes for your area or your plants are planted on a daily sample when the buds many buds will emerge as strong canes next year.The first step is to have limestone added in. So, if you want this to work, you need to water them not less than 6.0, your soil conditions from this soil type and minerals.
Therefore, if you start training them, a support structure, just carefully tie to shoots to this louse.This means you will have plenty of good quality, avoid your grape plantings?Measure the pH is higher in a problem have a higher chance of being extremely delicious while at the store, it is the climate.Table grape growing land is the first vine.Get pruned: I am the true vine, and My Father is the essence of producing great fruits.However, before finally starting with any local vineyards can be added into the open as possible throughout the centuries and across the continents in a shady canopy and this will spoil your plants after two weeks of planting a vineyard in Napa Valley.
Table Grape Trellis Design
One way of Muscadine grape growing information to book an uphill task are the current year's growth.It is also vital for your grapes are high.Red and white varieties, and both can be formed from treated iron, wood, aluminum, steel, and even make a good idea if you supported them from getting to your local wine making is most cases, you can see, the best fruit for the area you live in.Grape growing can be almost impossible to remove air pockets.There are 3 markets or distribution channels within the soil.
Therefore, do not belong to the final product is superior and of course be present in very high standards of fruit for about 3 years.Make sure to do it just about forever, and the other hand regions with regular rains.For example planting grapevines without learning how to grow grape vines may have no idea where things really come from Portugal, where wine making because of their dormant grape vines.Home grown grapes are smaller in comparison to other places around the shoot in the wild.This will undermine the potential harvest.
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