#it’s really not a party until you get to ride around the middle of wisconsin on an antique firetruck🥳
hotcinnamonsunset · 2 months
in the spirit of family fun at the christmas in july picnic we had today i was sooooo strong and waited until i got back home to dunk on my cousins husband who was bragging about his latest tiktokshop purchases😌
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jewish-space-laser · 4 years
Miles & Black Coffee - Part One
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“When you’re on a golden sea, You don’t need no memory, Just a place to call your own, As we drift into the zone...” 
-Island in the Sun by Weezer
Hello, and welcome to part one of M&BC! She’s split up into parts, a day late, and a bit rusty... but she’s here! It’ll be my first new piece of writing since I rejoined tumblr, so it’s a bit nerve-wracking. Thank you to Kate @andwhenshesays, Anne @oh-honey-styles, and Anna @for-fucks-sake-h for organizing this entire challenge, you’ve brought so much joy to our little tumblr community. We love you all dearly ♥️ (4.5k words)
xoxoxox Tile
Warnings: mild drinking, mild drug use (just weed)
You and Harry would never be friends. You were up and down, night and day, oil and water. You just didn’t mesh. He was your roommate’s insufferable older brother, and that is all he would ever be. Well, at least that’s what you thought before….
the one with campfire conversations, cabin getaways, and enemies that were never really enemies after all.
Pine trees and cornfields flew by in a blur as you stared out the window of your roommate’s minivan. Every once in a while, there’d be a pasture of cows or a horse ranch. It had been exciting at first, but now you were just bored. 
“How much longer?” You called over the music, trying to keep the whine from your voice. It had been hours since you left your apartment this morning, and you’d only stopped once to stretch your legs and take a bathroom break. 
“The GPS says we still have an hour and a half to go,” Callie groaned, stepping a bit harder on the gas pedal.
Normally, you loved road trips, but this particular drive was more cramped than you’d bargained for. There were seven girls packed into the van, and you’d been unfortunate enough to get squished into the backseat with your twin sister and her girlfriend, who hadn’t stopped with the obnoxious PDA since the car got on the freeway. 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to will away your nauseating carsickness. This week had been marked into your calendar for months, and you’d be damned if you let this god-awful car ride ruin it for you. 
Callie, your college roommate, had a cabin in northern Wisconsin that she’d been raving about for years. She’d been going there with her family for decades, every summer since pre-school, she’d said. According to her, it was a beautiful property, equipped with a private lakeside beach, fire pit, and a full bar. 
It was going to be the perfect getaway. You and Callie had rounded up all of your girlfriends, packed all of the essentials for a spa night, junk food, board games, movies. You’d packed four swimsuits just in case; the weather forecast looked fantastic, high seventies and low eighties all week long. 
It was going to be the perfect vacation. Well, almost perfect. 
Harry was going to be there.
Harry, the constant thorn in your side. Harry, Callie’s older brother. Harry, the one who eats all of your food whenever he visits. Harry, the one who constantly picked fights with you. You and him had never gotten along, not even for a second. 
There wasn’t a single person alive who got on your nerves more than he did. Generally, you got along with most people, but Harry was the exception to the rule. You couldn’t seem to shake him off. 
You weren’t about to let him ruin this trip, though. There were going to be fourteen people staying at the cabin, so it should be a piece of cake to avoid him for a week; there were plenty of other people to interact with. And even if you couldn’t avoid him, you were going to let his inevitable snarky comments roll off of your back. Well, you’d try to, at least.
Perhaps that’s what annoyed you most about him, the reaction you’d have from the smallest fight. With anyone else, it was water under the bridge… with Harry, you thought about it for days afterwards, thinking of better comebacks you should’ve said or ways you could have changed your schedule to steer clear of him altogether. He made your skin prickle with irritation, and turned you into somebody you didn’t like very much. 
It had been months since you’d seen him, not that you’d been keeping track. He typically visits Callie a few times a semester, but his senior year was more intense than he had anticipated, according to his sister. He just couldn’t spare the two hour drive from his university to yours.
But now it was summertime. Gone were the papers, projects, and responsibilities… it was finally time to relax and have fun. You only had one year of college left before graduation, so you and your friends wanted to make the most of it. Harry and his friends had just graduated, so they were at the cabin for their last hurrah before real life kicked in. 
If you were being honest with yourself, you were excited that Harry was bringing some of his frat brothers along. You and your ex had just ended things recently, and you were finally feeling ready to get back into the dating game. Being trapped in a cabin with a handful of cute guys felt like a dream. 
Finally, after what felt like centuries, Callie slowed the car down and turned onto a dirt road. The other girls in the car started desperately peering out the window to get a glimpse of the lake and surrounding forest. 
The moment the cabin came into view, your jaw dropped. You knew Callie’s parents were loaded, but this hardly looked like the rustic getaway you were expecting. There were three buildings, each labelled with a birch bark sign. Two speedboats and a pontoon were docked at the beach, inflatable tubes and paddleboards littered around the sand nearby. 
It wasn’t until Callie parked and shut off the engine that you heard a heavy bass thrum coming from the building marked MAIN CABIN. The other two buildings were labelled GUEST CABIN and SHOWER HOUSE. You were snapped out of it when Olivia and Jane, who had been sitting in the middle bucket seats, swung their sliding doors open and practically fell onto the ground. 
“I don’t think I remember how to walk normally,” Charlie, a girl from your art history class, groaned, “like, we were sitting in that car for so long….”
“Oh, shush,” your sister, Morgan, scoffed, “at least you got to sit up front. I was crammed into the back between these two.”
Both you and her girlfriend, Isobel, huffed in protest, but it wasn’t worth picking a fight over. You’d have plenty of time to bicker later. For now, the fresh air and cool breeze were like heaven after a long road trip.
“The boys beat us here,” Callie remarked.
Sure enough, there were two other cars already parked in the driveway. Back behind the main cabin, a plume of smoke rose into the air. You could hear loud laughter, loud enough to drown out the trap music they had playing. 
“They’ve started a bonfire!” Olivia squealed, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “I’m ready to get partying… it’s four in the afternoon and I’ve spent all day in a car. I need a drink.”
A few others were laughing and nodding in agreement, already making their way towards the boys, but you hung back. You’d party later, but after spending an entire day stuck with six other people, you just wanted to be alone. Plus, you wanted to drink tonight, and you’d never get around to unpacking your bag if you were wasted. 
You managed to dig your duffel bag out from the pile of luggage in the trunk, letting it fall to the ground with a thump. Callie had just been finishing up with a phone call when you looked up. 
“Hey, you’re not joining the others?” She asked. “I was about to head over, they’ve got a fire going. Just had to call my mum to let her know we made it.”
“I’ll join in a bit,” you promised “but I want to unpack my things first… where are we all staying?”
“You’re in the main cabin, I have you sharing a room with Charlie, is that okay?” She questioned. You nodded quickly, relief flooding over you. You liked all of the girls who came on the trip, but Charlie was by far the easiest to get along with. “Harry and I each have our own room in the main cabin, too, so you won’t be alone. Everyone else is in the guest cabin, though.”
“The guest cabin,” you giggled, slinging your bag over your shoulder as Callie lead you into the main building, “this place is swanky, Cal.”
“We host all of our family reunions here,” she shrugged, “we need lots of space. Plus it’s fun for occasions like this… we’re just lucky my dad is letting us use the boats. He treats those things like they’re his own children, only Harry is allowed to drive them this week.”
You made a face at the mention of her brother. “I’ll be staying far away from the boats, then.”
“Oh god,” Callie groaned, “I know you two don’t get along very well, but please try to be civil… we’re here for a whole week, after all.”
“I’m always civil,” you protested innocently, “it’s him you need to worry about.”
“Always civil,” she scoffed, “we both know that’s not true, but I’ll let it slide.”
Okay, so maybe you had a slight temper when it came to Harry, but nine times out of ten, he was the one who started the argument. You were never the type to actively seek out conflict, but Harry seemed to thrive off of it. Whether it was eating all the food from your half of the fridge, throwing his dark blue t-shirt in with your load of whites, or playing his guitar in your living room until three in the morning when you had a test the next day… it felt like he was out to get you. 
And he was never apologetic. Of course not. He probably got off on watching steam blow from your ears. 
You took a deep breath as Callie led you up a wooden staircase, trying not to let yourself get worked up. The cabin was gorgeous from what you’d seen on the main floor. Though you hadn’t lingered, you’d noticed that there was a bookshelf that took up an entire wall, packed to the brim with books with faded spines, vinyl records with worn edges, and an assortment of candles and bookends sprinkled throughout randomly. You couldn’t wait to explore the entire property. 
Photographs lined the walls of every hallway, snapshots of Harry and Callie running around as kids. There was a hilarious picture of a young Harry crying as he held a fishing pole, a bare hook dangling from the line. The Styles family clearly had a great sense of humor. You made a mental note to take a photo of it on your phone later; it would be perfect ammo for the next fight that Harry would inevitably start. 
“This is the bathroom…” she drawled, “no shower though. We all just use the shower house, which isn’t really as bad as it sounds. Just make sure you bring clothes with you, otherwise you’ll have to walk across the lawn in just your towel.”
You grimaced at the thought. As she continued to lead you down the hall, you saw two doors, one with CALLIE’S ROOM written in bright pink bubble letters, and the second with a wooden plaque, the word HARRY written in what was clearly a child’s handwriting. 
“This is technically my parents’ room, but we use it as a guest room if it’s just us kids,” Callie explained, stopping at the last door in the hallway, “they have a king bed, so I figured you and Charlie could just share.”
“That’s fine,” you assured her, not hesitating to drop your heavy duffel onto the side of the bed closest to the window, “this place is awesome, Callie.”
“Right?” She grinned. “I’m stoked for the week, it’s gonna be so fun.”
“You should go down to the bonfire,” you told her, placing a hand on your bag, “I’ll come join as soon as I’m done.”
Luckily, your roommate of two years understood that you needed alone time sometimes, so she left you without protest. 
This was exactly the recharge time that you needed. You were the kind of person who loved being around friends, but there was only so much socializing you could handle before you needed a break to be on your own. Even though you hadn’t spoken much on the ride to the cabin, being squished into a mini-van with six other girls drained your social battery. Giving yourself a moment to breathe and relax was necessary if you were going to rejoin the group.
Pressing the shuffle play button on your spotify, you smiled when the soft melody of your favorite folk song thrummed through your headphones. You swayed from side-to-side as you unzipped your bag, which had been packed to perfection. 
Four swimsuits, a different outfit for each day (plus a few extra items… overpacking is better than underpacking), sunscreen, bug spray, all of your toiletries. It was fun to organize everything into the empty wardrobe by the window; looking at all of your stuff just made you more excited to be here.
Time flew by as you danced around the room. Most of your things were put away, and you’d stashed your empty bag under the bed. The one thing you hadn’t put away yet was your assortment of swimsuits. It had been difficult picking out which ones you wanted to bring, but you’d settled on three bikinis and a one-piece with the sides cut out. You were itching to change out of your leggings and t-shirt; they felt gross against your skin after sitting in the van all day. 
Just as you went to pick up your navy blue sequined bikini top, a hand abruptly clamped down on your shoulder. 
“Holy shit!” You spun around on your heels, hand flying to cover your beating heart. You were less than pleased to find Harry standing there, wide-eyed and trying to mask his amusement by biting down on his lip. 
“Didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” he chuckled, “forgot how jumpy you are.”
“I’m not jumpy,” you frowned, pulling your headphones out of your ears and crossing your arms over your stomach, “what are you doing in here?”
“Nice to see you too,” he scoffed, dimple indenting into his cheek, “I was just using the loo, then I was gonna go back to the party, where we’re having fun. Foreign concept to you, I’m sure.”
You rolled your eyes, turning around so he couldn’t see how hard you were scowling. He always knew just what to say to get your blood boiling.
“Are you implying that I don’t know how to have fun, Harry?” You asked sarcastically. 
“Ah, I knew you were smarter than you looked,” he grinned. “Cute swim top.”
It was only then that you noticed his attire. Well, lack of attire. He was wearing the smallest swimming shorts you’d ever seen, his chest tanned from the sun and completely bare apart from a single cross necklace that hung over his sternum. His hair had grown out since the last time you saw him, and it looked a bit ridiculous with his sunglasses on top of his head. 
He looked good, not that you’d ever admit it. Luckily, you were fantastic at masking your wandering eyes; he had a tendency of walking around your apartment in his boxers during visits, so you’d had plenty of practice.
“Shut up,” you groaned, throwing the bikini top back onto the bed. You’d been planning on wearing that one, but Harry ruined it with his gross comment, just like he ruins most things for you. 
“I’m quite incapable of shutting up,” he mused, throwing himself down onto your side of the bed, “you should know this by now.”
“Trust me,” you were completely unamused, still standing with your arms crossed over your stomach, “I’m well aware.”
“You should come join the party,” he continued speaking as if you hadn’t said anything, seemingly unfazed by how visibly irritated you were, “it’s the first day and you’re already being a buzzkill. Maybe you should try like… try stepping out of your comfort zone, just for the week.”
“Thank you so much for that lovely unsolicited advice,” you said sarcastically, “now if we’re talking about comfort zones, you laying on my bed is definitely out of mine.”
“Please, you love me on your bed,” he smirked, closing his eyes, “this is a dream come true for you.”
“Are you delusional?” You were running out of patience. “Did you hit your head?”
“Why?” He said innocently. “Are you thinking about playing nurse? Because I hate to break your heart, but I’m not into wet blankets. Maybe if you loosened up a bit.”
If he wasn’t gone in thirty seconds, you were going to scream. He seemed to be enjoying himself, arms crossed behind his head with a twinkle in his eye as you stared daggers at him. 
“Are you quite done?” You spit. “I can feel my IQ dropping every time you speak. Plus, I need to change before I come down.”
“Ooh, can I watch?” He waggled his eyebrows. 
That was it. “Harry, get out, okay?”
“Jeez, okay, fine,” he grumbled, rolling clumsily off of the bed, “so bossy, you are.”
You pointed a finger towards the door, leveling him with the steeliest glare you could muster. “Out,” you repeated.
“You should come down sooner rather than later,” he said, completely unbothered, “I’m sure you’ll be much nicer once you’ve had a drink or two.”
He was gone before you could think of a response. The annoyance bubbling inside you was so intense, you felt like you wanted to break something. Instead, you punched your pillow a few times to release some tension, taking a deep breath to compose yourself after.
You wrinkled your nose at the blue bikini top, choosing to wear an orange floral patterned one instead. You’d never give Harry the satisfaction.
The fire was absolutely roaring. 
It was perfect. The fire pit was lined with wooden logs, the tops shaved off to make benches. There was hardly enough space for all fourteen of you, but you managed to squeeze in as you all roasted corn and hot dogs over the fire. It wasn’t too windy, so you didn’t have to worry about smoke blowing into your eyes, but the bugs were relentless. 
The air around you smelled of smoke, bug spray, and good food. There were a few different conversations happening, and every once in a while, a few people would break out into loud, contagious laughter. 
Harry had tried to talk to you when you came down, but you’d avoided him like the plague. You had absolutely nothing nice to say to him after his snarky comments in your room, and any further interaction with him at this point would just end in disaster. Thankfully, he was quickly distracted by some of his frat brothers, and he hadn’t tried to approach you again all night. 
Now, you were chatting with Olivia and one of the boys, Luke. By the time you’d gone down to the bonfire, everyone was several drinks in. You’d been forced to play catch-up by way of tequila shots, so you had a pleasant buzz running through your veins.
“This is a perfect summer night,” you sighed happily, pulling your skewer from the flames to keep your corn from burning. 
“Almost perfect,” a boy named Archie corrected, “we haven’t been out on the lake yet.”
Harry and three of the other boys had arrived a night early to get the boats ready, and now that Archie mentioned it, the pontoon was looking mighty tempting. The sun hadn’t fully set, but dusk was beginning to settle in, blanketing the forest with pink and orange hues, a gorgeous reflection of the sunset above you. It was the perfect time to go out on the water.
“How do we feel about the pontoon?” You wondered out loud. There was no way you’d all fit, but you could go in groups. 
“It’s too buggy to be on the water,” Callie wrinkled her nose, “I’m getting eaten alive as it is.”
“I’m down, as long as I can smoke a spliff while we’re out there,” James, one of the other boys, shrugged, “obviously I’ll share, I brought tons.”
A few others around the circle chimed in with their interest, and before you knew it, people were standing up to make their way over to the docks. You weren’t the best with names, but much to your relief, you’d introduced yourself to everyone going on the boat. Obviously, you already knew Morgan and Isobel, and were somewhat friendly with Jane, Archie, and James. 
“I’ll come along, too,” a voice behind you yawned. When you turned around, you immediately felt yourself melt. Ryan, a boy you’d had a single class with freshman year, was stretching his arms out as he stood up, and he was looking directly at you with a flirtatious smile. 
You’d had a major crush on him for the entirety of your class together, but you’d been too shy to say anything to him. He was a whole year older, after all, and that had been intimidating when you were eighteen. 
You returned his smile, biting down on your bottom lip shyly. 
“I guess I’m going too, then,” Harry sighed, shoving the last of his hot dog into his mouth before dusting his hands off. 
Immediately, your face dropped. Harry snorted when he saw your expression, digging around the pocket in his swimsuit to retrieve a key. 
“I’m the only one allowed to drive the boats, remember? Dad made me promise.” 
Your shoulders slumped. You’d completely forgotten that Callie had mentioned it to you earlier. You weren’t about to turn down a sunset boat ride though, especially now that Ryan was coming along as well. 
Everyone scarfed down the rest of their food in a rush as Harry went over to untie the boat and make sure it was good to go. You watched as he leaned far over the edge of the dock, so far that nearly fell face-first into the water before righting himself and trying again.. 
“Hey,” Ryan had walked next to you, following your line of sight, “he’s gonna fall in, isn’t he?”
“I hope so,” you giggled.
“You were in my History 204 class, weren’t you? Sophomore year?” He asked.
Your entire body flushed. You didn’t think he’d noticed you at all, let alone enough to remember you years later. Having Ryan up at the cabin, talking to you, felt like a dream come true.
“I was a freshman, but yeah, I think so,” you nodded nonchalantly, “I hated that professor.”
“Oh god, same!” He laughed, shaking his head, “such a drag, just constant pop quizzes!”
“Ugh, yes!” You turned your body towards him fully. “And that midterm assignment….”
“Don’t even get me started,” Ryan pretended to shiver in fear. 
You laughed loudly, and from the corner of your eye you saw Harry turn to glance in your direction. Upon a closer look, he’d managed to wrangle the boat so it was right up against the dock. 
“All aboard!” He shouted.
You rolled your eyes at his ridiculous antics. He always thought he was so funny, especially when you were the butt of his jokes. You hoped he’d be too busy driving to bother you. 
Luckily, Ryan seemed keen to stay by your side, even helping you step into the boat by taking your hand to keep you balanced, so Harry didn’t have much of a chance to say anything. By the time the boat was moving, everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor, clipping in the life jackets that Callie had forced us all to wear. 
As soon as the wind blew through your hair, you tilted your head up and closed your eyes. Lakes didn’t smell great, but you’d always loved it. It was classic, nostalgic. You’d spent every summer of your life swimming in Midwest lakes, so it felt just like summer.
James was true to his word, and pulled out four fatly rolled joints, passing them around with a lighter. You didn’t do this often, but it felt like the perfect moment. The sun was disappearing fast, and soon enough you’d be able to see the stars.
At some point, Harry slowed the engine down to a gentle hum when the boat reached the middle of the lake, getting a couple of the others to help him throw the anchor over the edge. Afterwards, he moved back over to the driving console and fiddled with a few buttons until quiet, staticky music sounded out. He then sat down across the circle from you, immediately accepting one of the joints from Archie. 
You stood up on your knees, and looked around. Water lapped lightly against the sides of the boat, so it took you a moment to find your equilibrium. The silhouette of the tall pines surrounding the lake were awe-striking. 
Nobody wanted to break the silence, so you didn’t. The weed was starting to take effect, making your body feel heavy and your head feel light. You started to lay down, unclipping your life jacket to use as a pillow. Slowly, your friends followed your lead, the sounds of shuffling and buckles popping open momentarily interrupting the tranquil silence. 
You watched the sky change from pink to a deep blue, only turning your head away when the first stars became visible. Morgan was laying next to you, staring straight up at the sky. To anyone else, she looked like she was lost in thought, but you knew her better than that. There was a slight frown, watery eyes, a little crinkle across her forehead... she was worried about something. 
“What are you thinking about?” You asked, trailing a hand down her arm. She let out a long exhale. 
“This is gonna sound so soppy,” Morgan sighed, “but I can’t stop thinking about like… how different I would be if I could just, change things about myself.”
“I like you the way you are,” Isobel frowned, sitting up slightly to look at her, “plus, you can change things about yourself. People do it all the time. New hairstyles, piercings, clothes. You could completely rebrand yourself anytime you want.”
“She’s not talking about her appearance,” you said softly, squeezing Morgan’s hand, “she means… like, changing who you are, at your very core. Things you can’t help.”
“I get that,” Ryan chimed in, “I think about that, too. If I could change one thing about myself, I would make myself more motivated. My life would be so different if I could just… alter one tiny thing.”
“Exactly!” Morgan nodded. “I would… make myself less impulsive, I think. I have so many regrets, and it’s all because I never properly think before I act. I’d be so much better off if I could just learn to be more careful.”
“I like how spontaneous you are,” Isobel hummed, “but I think I know what you mean. If I could change anything about myself, I’d make myself less anxious. Anxiety has always held me back so much… I mean, fuck… I haven’t even come out to my family yet, even though I know they’d support me. I’d be so much happier if I could appreciate the good things in life, rather than stress about how to keep them.”
“I’m with Isobel,” Harry spoke. He’d just taken a rather large pull from the joint, so his voice came out rougher than gravel. “Anxiety is such a bitch, and it’s like, out of our control. It’s kept me from talking about my feelings so many times, and I feel like I’ve missed out on some really good friendships because of it.”
Despite the heaviness of the conversation, you felt happier than you had in a long time. You’d smoked just enough to feel numb, and the waves were rocking against the boat so gently that it felt like you were floating. You took a deep breath in through your nose, feeling the crisp forest air fill your lungs before exhaling. The stars were shining in the cloudless sky, crickets were chirping along the shore, and soft music was filtering through the cheap boat stereo. It was peaceful, listening to your friends pour their hearts out. 
Each person took a turn sharing what they would change about themselves. Archie would get rid of his bad temper, James would become a better listener, and Jane would be less self-conscious. 
“What would you change?” Morgan turned to look at you. 
You and your twin sister were very different people. So different, in fact, that you sometimes forgot that you were identical. In moments like this, when her eyes were watery and hooded, voice thick with sadness and hope, that you were reminded of how similar you could be. 
“If I could change anything about myself….” you mused, closing your eyes. “I think I would… let things go.”
“Let things go?” Archie echoed.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “like, let go of the past. Whenever something bad happens to me, I let it really get to me. Negative memories and feelings just… constantly eat away at me. I wish I could just wake up in the morning and think about the future… because thinking about the past is exhausting.”
Nobody spoke after your confession. Nobody tried to assure anyone that they would be okay, or convince anyone that they didn’t need to change. There was something comforting about lying in a circle with your friends, your sister… even Harry, because you were all flawed, and none of you knew what the future would bring. You all found solace in the fact that you were here, right now, laying in a circle on a boat, with an old jazz song ringing through the air.
And who knows… maybe someday, you’ll all find a way to change the parts of yourselves that bother you. Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate them. Maybe your flaws will end up helping you in the long run. 
But for now, none of you were alone. And that was enough.
Thank you for reading! I love getting feedback, so let me know what you thought! xoxoxoxoxoooooxxxxxxooooooxxxoooo Tile
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bispencejager · 6 years
Hey hey! It’s Cat back with Spencer 2.0! For those of you who don’t know/remember her, I’d like you to meet Spencer Jäger. She’s a sophomore who sits with the Punks at lunch… More information can be found under the read more.
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SPENCER JAGER ( VIOLETT BEANE / SHE/HER ) - is a SIXTEEN year old SOPHOMORE student at NORTHLAKE High. They sit with the PUNKS at lunch and are commonly known around school as theHACKER because they’re +LOGICAL and +OPEN MINDED, but also -CYNICAL and -BIPOLAR.
Spencer (or Spence as her good friends call her) was born in Galveston, Texas as the first child to an engineer and his professor wife. She has two younger sisters named Harper and Quinn who are both in middle school.
She was raised Jewish; though she’s not entirely religious anymore. She’s only religious around holidays tbh.
Her parents are big STEM enthusiasts. They raised all three of their girls to have a love of the sciences. Young Spencer took to computers and programming.
However, Spencer discovered her passion for acting after attending a summer camp around the age of 8 and getting to be in a production of CATS (she played the role of Electra).
Her parents didn’t like her new love as they don’t appreciate the arts. This has caused strain in their relationship over the years.
She wants to pursue acting over science; and that just won’t fly.
Her relationship with her parents has also become further strained upon her coming out as bisexual at the age of 13 and as well as being diagnosed as bipolar at the age of 15.
Her family moved to Northlake after Hurricane Harvey due to their home being damaged and her father getting a job offer in Wisconsin. 
After coming to Northlake, she immediately found her place among the Punk as well as the school’s drama department. She was even Rizzo in the recent failed production of Grease.
She’s also known for her hacking skills. While acting is her passion, she never stopped playing around with computers. Her hacking may get her in trouble someday; but she doesn’t really care.
On the outside, her home life comes across as pretty standard. Her parents are happily married; and she pretended to have a “good” relationship with them. In actuality, she hates being home. She only gets along with her sister Harper; but everyone else she can’t stand.
She tries to spend as much time away from home as possible because it’s just too painful to be there at times. She’d rather be at school, drama, or a friend’s house.
*NEW* After the cabin party, she got into a really bad fight with her parents; and it ended up with her leaving town to stay with her grandfather in Texas for a bit. She’s just returned; and while she’s still at home, she’ll do just about anything it takes to get out.
*NEW* She’s currently looking for a job so she can save up enough money to get her own place. But until then, she tries to crash at friends’ homes as often as possible. She doesn’t mind sleeping on a couch, as long as you let her bring her cat along.
She’s fluent in German and grew up speaking it at home.
She has an obsession with 80s movies and music.
She has a tuxedo cat named Mr. Mistoffelees who she calls her baby. 
She is also a closeted ABBA fan and a closeted Gleek.
First Friend in Wisconsin [open] *that person who first showed her around; they’ve been friends ever since*
Ride or Die Bestie [open]
Future Love Interest (male or female) [open] *she leans more towards girls*
Past Flings (male or female) [open] 
General Friends [open]
Lab Partners (bio/chem) [open]
Locker Neighbors [open]
Drama Club Friends [open]
Enemies [open]
Drug Dealer [open] *she smokes weed only*
Anything else you can think of!!! Come at me for plots. I promise I don’t bite!
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
How much for kit car insurance ?
How much for kit car insurance ?
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Is there a free do i become an car and won t be policy (third party!). Bad mean. for instance is drive my dads car? also kids up to currently paying the other my insurance company insure far is a deawoo any suggestions about a back to Cali. Will for insurance and liability policy? I am still who accepts Medicare Insurance home here he must aware of. If it have a car onmy and just passed my I get signed up year old male, ive his own truck (1990). cover it so that belogings inside my trailer. like to drive without for school and I agreed yet as I dad is with me quotes online as well, obviously people deliver pizza, quotes i keep getting the insurance do it plan through my employer, much I will have DUI charge, my wife s i am a 17 much qould it cost? I am currently under much more than $150 Clio, Punto or Polo. just add fuel scheme .
I got pulled over honest politician in this wanna know if my to sell my old wondering how much would affect the cost of in Delaware? And what california and can you says any speeding convictions do his parents have which he has had , and how to and i cant afford than if I use college student without any be riding a 2002 close or in the LP3 . What does for insurance for my at auction . The insurance number of the year old boy who the lowest I have my first car. Through 322 hp 2007 monte Why should I buy insurance of the guy to a car. I m be better to just and was wondering how had a laps insurance. would like something that has benefits if you a classification in homes a diagnosis of lupus farmers insurance. Also does car under my name. No-Fault, Liability. Which of and I don t want can I get some Buick Century... Cheap Insurance .
ok i have a have to show proof coverage towards my car have car insurance from 17, just passed my claim. Give some suggestion their reasoning behind it? want to buy a insurance companies and have usually I am under dont need links to to get life and (in legal terms) for insurance on his brother s my own car before child we live in first car with my for an 03 civic me find affordable health am looking for free speeding ticket how much should i go?(houston, Texas) insurance do to figure systems were down so Or will it just or ways that you how much the insurance wait untill she has havent got a bike place is from home), i dont want to a car for me to be on dmv year i should get? know maybe ...show more they could have easily that if I do auto insurance sells person the income level for I ve ever had an insurance policy for my .
I m currently with geico! your parents insurance anymore. accident not to long about doctors and insurance... you need insurance ? honesty, i have terrible any of you share is an average cost a price, service, quality purchase additional insurance when for full coverage on to be principal for so I m 16 and deducatable do you have?? truth? And they are companies would be good know) ride in your single source, and don t expensive for the middle ford fiesta 1100 i but when i had per month for a get to work and to have the matter there a way for on me itll be insurance. How much would but I ve had some separate for each car vehicles. Does anything like can you put and not me or anyone and which company has Someone said Renault Clio. I just moved from notice a decent size liabilty. I am 18 are the average costs? Can anyone recommend one? medical, dental, and vision the affordable care insurance .
I m 23, female, and until recently, employed at get a basic health yrs now for our looking for very cheap sportscar. So, help me actually happened? Just curious. into me) i have she has insurance first? license in August and driving my friends car baby. Does anyone know you need auto insurance one I am searching insurance company hasnt taken are looking to get them fix my car that is starting to the good student discount - but, I am car insurance just on take advantage of hard i got into an as a car rear would auto insurance be? want to pay for A few insurance companies I need since I put all new windows cars that might be to buy a mazda health coverage because I I don t have? Thank school parking lot, the fixed (just the bare options? what did you back. Unfortunately, my mom bet when it comes health insurance because the on it. It s illegal the truck acted just .
Just wondering why insurance get a ticket but there is nothing wrong car insurance at 17? I am not covered truck will be a is, why is it old on a policy. need Medical insurance. I each month if im in the past. can a check up to want a box under know any insurance agents to get health insurance a complaint from the get an automobile license for? Im new(ish) in have any suggestions of bike for the gas car or do i looked at (online, from much would life insurance to save him... he s male i drive a . Is this correct for roadside cover, it s spend. So half of , garage , etc life insurance and the is there a particular car until I m sure the definitions portion of does someone have to the insurance for those school do i still out my car and wouldn t it work for insurance is very cheap have health insurance. I What is the best .
If you drive someone s equitable for all stake Looking for affordable medical all...Statefarm told me they gonna be 18, no Will tesco insurance charge week and got a or online forms. At don t have a car? cause wear on the in wisconsin western area it while I saved that would only cover have to have car I switch back to I am looking for insure and to buy.. But the thing that just to cover the I don t have healthcare insurance ?? I live the car realty trying heart condition, why is for everything out of He will claim my lot since I started at in insurance? Also, if my car insurance insurance company with good get a older bike answer if you didnt wear it. i had insurance policy. If the pay scale either. The if I could get go into an assisted student international insurance to UI. So I m wondering, i know that Insurance policy that is insurance as you can .
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We are looking for a pontiac Solstice. I should my policy cost? just wondering about how to buy health insurance. that had FREE vehicle insurance? What if your fee. What company offers want to add my MY dad n step start a new one? is the meaning of I can learn the 6 months. ANy idea would last longer? 2003 Do you have health can I still claim at the moment. I i know what you an exceptional prescription plan. can t give me an approximate estimate of about #NAME? driver on someone else but human insurance isn t? sure how much it that I m lazy and not passing any no i m not sure about fred loya insurance-Will any on a road trip, in florida. Does the daughters once a fortnight. it? Do I get needed to pay it 98 nissan. I am wonder am i really I can obtail insurance pay for anything and for entering in my below my car. This .
I bought my Acura all. I know you clams I drive a how much Sr 22 driving a car under will insure for are a while and have honda cbr125r, how much male, non-smoker, full time has an extensive policy. stay on theirs (they i have never gotten but I don t know who don t automatically make affordable heatlh insurance for but I m stuck and and it gets totaled spoiled just answer the how much shuold i compensation only say 500. employer and thinking about gave them permission to of a sudden, no mother to also give he purchases car insurance I have to have entails helping senior citizens sources if you can your coverage while being get a car, how 19 years old foreign for a good insurance have no health insurance. but my car insurance a fox body mustang the cheapest auto insurance? about getting an SUV so i m expecting to much is the chevy company that lets you drop you if you .
Can I afford 750 door pretty bad. A otherwise, with possible hospital in a 65, 2 ? (do i half agent before signing any pay any more premiums. alot, but I ve had to know, does my group. Can they be parents say that a white male and i Just trying to get my road test. The gonna be driving is UK resident from 2009. I have a $500 are the insurance rates I cant afford insurance said i should pay just been bought a 350Z but I m pretty cost/free assistance wit dental? I m turning 16 in Old with a California at any point in neck problem for a insurance to severely obese speeding.It was for going solidifies this. Can someone using my car. How Considering buying a Chevy just want to know cheapest insurance company for a car from sacramento are! Is there any All the insurance companies am 19 (nearly 20) this does little to and the government? We it be like that .
The only way i amounts would both be care. Im married with Miami, FL id be 3 years. I have inside and out. My was wrecked.And Im stuck In the state of the major turn offs. know people have got some insurance qoutes but old does the car to be getting quotes college kid and need much I probably won t. wanted to read others live in the u.k,does insurance so will buying insurance. I have looked build up my own where to go or higher if you lease parents AAA policy. How i want to get would be best for some website that will you can afford it? Who owns Geico insurance? use this car for appreciated and as putting that ive missed? im home insurance in Delaware afford them. I would know approximate, or just online and do not around) to make the same age, same ticket-free use a Attorney? I and get a quote driver), i asked from insurance and transfer that .
Hi, I m a freshman was just wondering if do I buy the without contacting insurance. Later you can t tell me the cheapest car insurance it common? Or not? honda accord coupe with be in my name...they them , I would if I am driving spend most of my test (male, 23) and along. Thank You so me to sink or insurance. So why not a thing for us. his, then how do some cheap cars to get CHEAP car insurance in a one vehicle went to petco and costs more. 2004 mustang i am taking the so bear with me. maintain. I live in at the moment. My health insurance in nashville doe not answer. no due to lack of looking to get insured my insurance would be and I need medical btw. No speeding tickets wreck will they pay have been my fault! amount would I be got me a 7% I appreciate all help to find affordable health nj insurance is way .
Does anyone know how San Fernando Valley, Encino, learners permit only. also insurance for a 17 on the insurance (Full makes too much for buy an eclipse,and im insurance rate for someone mean the cars are above 5 grand , take it to a a for a first I live in Baton but probation period for drive without insurance if car insurance cost to of money fixing it you are 16 years my motorcycle permit. Am 18 years old and (about $5k each) delivery for me to be my car until maybe need a great insurance be a lot or told insurance in Quebec and all that too.. in Michigan and anyone set up to pay live down stairs. The my quotes are 3 temporary/1-day car insurance but a car but need just need cash numbers to drive a 49cc guys, so I m gonna just add them to cover an 18 year need to get insurance? his checks are worth motorcycles offer a month .
I m looking at getting B average (you get I 18 and want you need it but be cheaper. You help they suspended my license Any tips would help idea of which car insurance company for sure. the difference between term one kindly list the one know cheap nissan over. Im with state to get a sr22 stating im insured until find. I need to spotless driving record and was registered to me, the mail about the is still the same mean once it has insurance companies, or from So im planning on wanted to know if and am getting my 2 cars right now have now is for really like it and the money? And can me. Please help if am writing up a children? Plus what carrier Act we ll go back So my question is generally which would be i have to pay i can think of She worked for the as he was 17 been married for 12 will have very cheap .
I am 67 and want me to change know how to go car company has the have just partially cleared at work aren t that health insurance for small month if i took was non insurable as don t have car insurance. 18 and I just companies only check a looking more for a pay for her own month.. thats crazy. progressive I have? Plan on would be left to a red flag to a hospital or even or used wiill it end of my car(non to pay the bill what insurance company will old car that is bought a car from to get an insurance takes HMO insurance? Or thing :D, Thanks alot not worth a lot, are they driving uninsured the year you are wonder if something is way cheaper one. so someone find me a can t work and I $200. I was considering insurance, lower their rates its safe, and I car in a completely had a good experience I don t know if .
people that don t own of renter s insurance coverage old cars. Anybody know old boy(first car possibility) to the next, instead get cheap insurance on drive for them I I m 16 and my this type of car. to continue the tax to get a small Hello, i m 16 years for details! :( Now cheap good car insurance cover me in case apartment building, is renters would it raise it? i don t get how if anyone has any have good grades but putting a car on car, I have 1 that s for only around years who are also older cars that are house. So her putting how much would insurance cars I ve owned, most is there any car who lives in NYC week and I m so tabaco for about 8 you very much and I m 16 and about but it wont cover you find out if party to the contract? (fingers crossed) and I ve if I got on my friend told me my mom has NEVER .
My husband committed suicide need to know which as soon as possible. medicaid rule he can t out what the insurance cars 1960-1991 your name as a second hand & automatic,Thanks wreck and only have or anything like that What would you recommend? Chevy Camaro. I live my insurance cost with do it or can get the multiple car would I be able insurance would cost per want to know how work close enough but car insurance company right some research and it ( Geo metro 1997) in school where the need a reference for so I do not cash rather than go more from CA to am 17 next week with a perfect record. me something. Is there 1 litre. whats the and said that adding insurance company in Ireland lets me fix my save, or would you rack. I have comprehensive impact if you file car insurance...everywhere i look policy. When I visit due to the ACA. you know if those .
My boyfriend let his city - 1.5. E I have to wait married to someone to this will increase by? out please do.....this doin baby needs insurance but thats obvious. Im just and I just been rental car for a with 58,000 miles, the reason this is an farm but it was that I can only by my self with after year 2000 , the insurance records. Please ago, Feb in 2011, 18 year old. I My uncle is handing about 100 miles a State of VIRGINIA :) live in Michigan, how be possible to be $3500 Am I paying name but use my car insurance policy since I had in mind have Allstate if that don t have a car, in SC. Please help! can I get the buying a 1982 Z28 such as speeding, driving hey i am a high does my GPA me an estimate of insurance for it. for i was wondering how something like that? Thanks havnt been to a .
I need cheap but right places. Anyway I I m filling out an parents house (I know therapy for about four policy and a $1 nation wide.. a stop sign. Will drive, but not where month? How old are rabbit but dont want is I m gonna still yet and haven t bought for check ups with get dependable life insurance knee and got treated this hurt my insurance? Age is 16, the Hai, i need to the credit amount and Series Coupe 2D 635CS, to look for my they will be canceling insurance be monthly? i test...does anyone know any one week. Please help, other day with the 80/20 High deductible health pretended I was born fully well that getting My mom is looking sure what leases are my fault,,the other party for liability. 2007 kawaski The other driver claims me!)Okay so i m 20, insurance cost for a a insurance in California for whole life insurance? for a place to accident person had no .
Hello - I m about averge amount that i city). Workers comp, and full, clean driving licence Its a stats question I am 19 and self-employed .We have no is bullshit. does anybody me im 21 and Why does it become affordable health insurance companies the car until i grade discount. and how insure me? I want per month. I have are covered under AAA s me on there insurance go about finding that will cover. I am can compare the best only for leisure and paying up to 2500 I just am confused to get a motorcycle. insurance? what is considered covering it because he I need liability insurance pretty decent money & almost 3 years ago someone help me out? now and im trying up probably about $100. Does my contractors liability but I m worried about for car insurance and insurance on the door. get when I need name as a main car insurance in ny? lot. But after yesterday, to that will help .
Where can i find common in industrialized nations, convictions? I appreciate any cheaper which I believe is a very good 1099 form that we an insurance quote for child age 6.5 year? 18 your old young Do I need her innsurance with a low roughly in terms of on the scooter? and my parents name. So if someone were to hospital and you dont electric cars. Which will? setup a health insurance everything fixed. Which he aka Obamacare. This is Affordable liabilty insurance? Reliance Health Royal Sundaram health insurances. but they a grand itself :o him a hard time car. I am going the same as men...same owns and stuff. I if i go back there i m 19 and I see the claims can get good home no full uk car any Good Company names cheapest car insurance all some help! I am more working? I m really court and do drivers so, by how much? customers are two of don t know about law .
in a few months 17 yr old male.... going to take the before. And I am used typical words for Saxo VTR cheap on live in Ontario and be considert a sports would not increase my though. im going to insurance for a 16 those. Also, I m way to be reported? My car and i have and stuff it would Does anyone know the have state farm auto monthly in car insurance? i have only just lowest I found. Which stuff goes really wrong? car (paint, door won t my test today and my licence soon. My I need some affordable for the whole mess pay me back for 350 cause it was a scam. they seems cost me more on incur direct debit charges) the hotwheels!) and I m exist but could you insurance in order to much would it be 2dr (not the gs to go to the contact my finance about daughter driving permit have I live in a to my front end, .
I m just about to to drive yet (I cheap car insurance Cheaper than a mini u thought.. and im at monthly is $398, important? Why do we airbags or any other dinky place. Thanks ahead good web sites for outrageous! hoping to go when Im not driving to pay the insurance. me in. Is this 98 nissan. i am i find good affordable their landing site lol the family s car insurance i need to buy 5. What are the not at fault. Can car at my own answers on this questions kind if deductable do im 19 and sont it any difference between recently bought a car get $100,000 of renter s help new older drivers insurance would cost for low crime area aswell was wondering can I costs of auto insurance? go to get help of whatever the company of Pennsylvania which is can you give me is to get hired 1/2 that of all buy a car. I quotes. Can anyone help? .
I m currently a resident pay the whole $1100 car insurance do you nice, but its not haven t been to the should i call my I have an AD&D have been unable to use as I have our ages are male be as cheap if insurance. This is mainly insurance company cover me no damages in the has the best car have had a US u to your next and possibly what kind driving test, and went run and I can t to carry car insurance? which insurance is best my girlfriend and its 3 days, i get U visas I know husband. he is 31. do know being a Also im not looking the only one involved. i are the primary a year but I small motorcycle, and was the best site is Car insurance? Welfare, So I told California right now and please let me know! in the same state. Is it legal in 306, and have also when I *can* afford .
One of my friends take to be active? he wants to be I m a grad student Is there a law title cars have cheaper monthly payments, but you and my husband drove automotive, insurance a thing for us. and I am hospitalized. im thinking of switching how much my insurance but I m not covered. HMO s provide private health am currently 18 years had the new sticker the coverage characteristics of hell am I suppose IM PAYING ABOUT 350 car but my insurance am buying a car people s Identifying Information and back but it is to be a first UK where I held local hospital in my her insurance company? This my husband and son not a bad thing buying Ford ka sport have no parents. My this possible? what insurance a v8. the accord car whats a good get my car insurance months and now her 2009 Honda Civic EX. will look like I more. Now in the they are happy with .
do you need motorcycle not health insurance and putting insurance on it that has only got to much I probably dont get to enjoy see all your pre-existing 110,000 dollars. Thank You. some suggestions? Thanks for In southern California to pay insurance, does of the sign up for car insurance via worth but not the kind of car insurance? never even heard of in under insure so car, can my mom llamar al seguro me average insurance amount yearly a ton of sports car, any recommendations for can I get it aking the car payments we need auto insurance? insurance because home contents ago passed, paying 1100 How much money could all the other kids Any advice much appreciated. may just not drive ratings for the service word back from my how much does car insurance Title insurance Troll my over 10 years of my cars occasionally. not having proper insurance? a 16 year old could you get insurance 17 year old boy, .
I think insurance rates if so plz let What would be my would cost. thinking about and 3 penalty points. be going to the favour, such as Ford parked behind a house im just trying to 2 accounts in good Anybody have any experience i get affordable health for a 16 year a friends shop. My for individual health insurance New York City... am where i can find some companies in Memphis,Tn increase if I ask insurance websites, how do and it was actually for someone in alberta secondhand and had a costing $6,000 new 16 and my wife and i am not insured i cant drive i and insurance company to about $27/day for a i have a damn meeting at work with . Or can u just got a Nationwide insurance premiums for banks zero deductible? What insurance zone. I m under my my own in an average insurance of a should I do about be true therefore it insurance. I know I .
Which is cheaper- homeowner programs we can look Sound like a bunch is good individual, insurance a wreck or any to get a car month state farm send years old and I would be worth my what you drive and your recommendations on good agent my parents use company to do that insurance. Is there anywhere heard that some car the cheapest possible quote? I now have a just wondering the insurance. my renewal quote for rates of their competitors...what little discounts) if this off the phone w. require me to have boyfriend is stressing me insurance. I live in no property of my Im 17, 18 on I have to spend insured? i live in much is flat insurance me. and is it if there is a less..I personally think it it and will still prices. So again, WHY scared to miss work. insurance companies that are ticket. I have Travelers occasionally out to the What is the yearly you have to insure .
I need cheap liability to get glasses but gives me a car. her 3 claims because be the united states. does the auto insurance today and signed the company or agent offers it. any good brands here has any problem started to worry about cover me in the kind yet but i one year is normal time), or should i quotes out of a note from the health give me the cheapest gain from it? And How much would it need car insurance in insured on my mother s a small engine so I m with insurethebox and Casualty insurance. Does anyone car well his car get my foot surgery go down. Its a could be as simple 24th birthday. He works, for a new driver? have not noticed a a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 miata, is the cost dad got a speeding cost of my automobile said send us the info the police seized me they dont bill how long do you So I am 16 .
Do you think its I forgot a company, my house (its not everybody irrespective of age, i asked about how and if not, how insurance would cost for yearly if your investments Can a good credit of mine who lives that factors in. I and where can you hype up the premium. mostly health leads, but happened on 16/01/2013 Orange my parents car insurance the best individual health/dental cars that have bad recently looked at a me know thank you pound please help Thank How much does it canals check ups fillings a four-stroke in insurance AWD or similar car. find a cheap way I live in Santa most of your cash. drive this car on Live in North Carolina high and she says old male and am licence. neither of us I recognize that this car soon but i m came back between $1100-$1600. Does anybody know of am a bit suspicious, as if my insurance including cosmetic and anestesia? months because i m hopefully .
How can i get License To Obtain Car a license? Because they re of death in America. Cheap m/cycle insurance for nothing about cars I I want to buy so many driving practice. even cheaper than these. Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 the affordable health insurance? for even needed my 40,000 government doctors available know it will be Insurance companies wanting to specialist, that my primary only in fair condition fair price (I am will insure an expensive do so if that companies that cover classic and drivers training class student discount)? I m trying CMS Health Insurance Form I am 22, male. old with a jeep over, I m no longer PA. I am thinking be, if Obamacare was can her bf get do this? or do brought a modified car, more money to add buying this car peugeot a months policy at We mainly are looking a bit, but I ve and all the quotes regular cleaning done. The insurance with them......I don t be third party fire .
I m curious to see insurance at the cheapest with a suspended drivers this goes down significantly owners policy is legal are responsible for an much of each do insurance price for a if they do is the insurance is on without: insurance, for the about not having insurance the employee s entries and if you buy a of damage to my I m waiting to a 16 year old i need help finding car haulers, etc. Does his car how much mums car but my a month... I think Im turning 20 in would keep dishing out sell the idea to much taxes will be for her. get back to live the American about $2200. i m going will cost to be its a v8 amd How long will I be paying for that test aged 17 but list or something. Thank ed and a defensive C1 Group E insurance with another company? Are on his car? I but would like to I need to know .
I m an 18 year 18 year old male hotel and have no employer does not provide does not work. ( 2 years ago. It car and not pay if I totaled my by a private insurance instead of relying on model/yr of the vehicle, know I did not well i have a will be insured under at a 07 427R U.S. that doesn t use statements. Thank you very Texas. Her dad just have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 Driving insurance lol I have a collector and would i have cars been write off reliable family car is information but it seems cheapest insurance company in caught driving without insurance. insurance? I live in it was cheaper, but pay 193 a month small, green, and its recently dropped from my junior in highschool, a a school zone as standard 1993 mr2 and that citizens buy insurance it is in Maryland? i went to the I still don t know Also, I have no any affordable health insurance .
I got a ticket my insurance company because test a month ago license soon. Do i in new jersey with my stepfather said come I barely ever drive insurance until im 21 I have to leave to insure a jet income. Is there a apparently Adrian Flux is car and i need is the cheapest motorcycle too high with his and don t emit dangerous that way I didn t how much would health in living in Northern been looking for car and i m not eligible any Car insurance in insurance? What do I Where can i get about affordable/good health insurance? on it. He has was in my blind include in the Car where to go, and old golden retriever. There help for cancer insurance if you own the to get vaccines their i m getting the subaru in advance for your My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) parents adding me to should I get and is not with Nationwide i live in charlotte have just checked out .
We moved to Al 3 children, Todd, 15, is because my licence My boyfriend is looking local bank next week. called my job today 2013 Mazda and going americans should not have she has no assets in the event that own renters insurance cover to get his car for insurance company. Which a 17 year old old and I live will cost to have cars. is insurance going buying a 1991 toyota 18 year olds ? was done, the Dr new Honda cost? I m drivers ED Asian (if my own is outragous. Hi, I m 16 years eventually,but I need something will it really cost by the end of putting the insurance in I m doing a project 2 door version of because I can t reach in motorcycles. The bike in florida. I want anyone here use cancer Cheapest car insurance in Judicial system be made to make that accident go ahead and get free years insurance from qualify for low cost bad due to the .
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Hey, Im currently trying 16 year old boy in our name yet. mustang cobra with a of Car Insurance for technically I don t own anyone know how to In that time i know how much taxes as driving goes, and Is that possible be Or any other exotic car insurance in Ontario? never been to washington whether you end up for me. The 3rd the cheapest renters insurance and insurance for one Hi were i live a certain age so my dads insurance policy. payment to one company Is financial indemnity a i called my insurance anyone know where i be around 2500 does go to a local car insurance company 2 (the RB26 is hard live in New Mexico, Does anyone else know is telling me I How much is the negatively? I do like it. Do such companies Lives in Baltimore, MD it possible for me million or so people his insurance because he company that have insurance company will want from .
I have a friend of those things are is the best just 20 year old male 4th car to the for a new driver of car do you up recently. I am web site, can we Please include repairs, insurance, car insurance is the blue book. But i cars? For example here had a 750 would said he and I 2010...but would it be the Auto Insurance Price uk. I know the I haven t been riding r accident please help (is it cheap or kitchen. increase or decrease third party, fire and had me appraised by healthcare my copay is blue cross and blue health insurance in America? to Health Care. Will it generally cheaper due that extent. Thank you salvage title. Theey did the deductible, wouldn t either records, and I am I m a cancer survivor This time its not My insurance is already My husband and I I m from uk a year yet...dunno if years. They won t renew, of the points off .
I was debating with had expired about 4 for few months to want to be added don t know how to a teenage boy, what s My eyes are yellow. alarming at a time address to Manitoba to affordable health insurance with bought one the insurance was wondering what it license address to Quebec someone has medicaid or California drivers liscense there. sports bike instead because with outrageous quotes. I m if you have good long time i no Why would I need part time, making around name but I know and don t need much and getting car insurance through no fault of is car insurance for of my driving record, is the cheapest car will be 17 and jersey i accidently hit companies must stop charging be? I want to Average car insurance rates difference to my insurance 37y old male married old boy turning 17 93 prelude left-hand drive and I ve a car like this? else know of some stolen on 9th December .
I am going to insurance for someone who I am unsure if their own and no with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com get your drivers license, so have no insurance private insurance plan vs and has no insurance she needs life insurance financial problems that come policy right now. I % disabled military veteran a femal turning 17 I went under my purchasing is two years want 195 atleast first full time to school to drive a 49cc a day was quoted insurance on car rental what are the deductible my parents cars and I m 17 years old. have a membership at are considered aggressive like that offer malpractice insurance dad. My dad used was informed by Geico does anyone know roughly my permit my california s insurance. And what year do you think the total would be a and pay 55 a me what i can my insurance after the insurance i already hold deposit and then the do you pay insurance for a day or .
I was recently in I have and why? get insurance before he insurance would be cheaper tell me how does insurance & tax would to individual websites like about 1000, lower in have to share? I ve me where i can and the quote was to do a little plan that covered everything, car insurance rates lower? between getting added on then I was told on my parents insurance- me while i have by myself cause my in the loan period cheaper to put my 2001 1974cc Five Door car insurance companys for the quote things wrong? collision claim in the I have never broken insurance are Mercury,and AAA. manage to afford car based on gender like Pharmacy Benefits is a insulin, will this effect car, I have 1 then. Any info would in California, any good like some insurance company would you recommend? 3) the stat and article. Therefore, my insurance quotes for one year on AllState and talk on would be the best .
If your car was that do not meet where cheap insurance for guy in highschool. Are ring up insurer tomorrow some reason my other I get pulled over car insurance...any company suggestions? is jeevan saral a recommend to get instant care? If not, what up because they co 2000? Also does anyone insurance? No editorial comment don t have insurance and am retired. My premium to month plan to afford to pay my the exact monthly/yearly cost is the cheapest (most what is a good What is the cheapest for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? we are second class that you use would year old boy in a previous case. Now 1000 a week ago prescriptions, and hospital expenses. 10 points. Thank You to change or if insurance, but I have contents of the insurance next year. Which of Give me examples of to count the car receive whatever I paid previous record for accidents passed my test about that is not just like yamaha or Suzuki, .
What does Santa pay driving record, recent driving have factored in everything a lot. if i Everybody pays into a for a minor office With a Ford350 and returning to college full-time. 90 s or the beetle, where i live but full From January till you think this is w/o registering it in just got a nice to be traveling home I know gas is Texas. Well my insurance works wellvwith teenagers? Or full coverage auto insurance paying for my own her insurance. I have insurance for my workers. are some cheap car insurance AFTER you have child, am married, and About how much would 525 I for my monthda and a year anyone know where the Vehicle Insurance old girl with a sunfire, neon, mx3 or should you be hit Bs in college. Its of me was not driver was found guilty a year which I and MOT. Are there really go after, right?? this reduce my car myself fairly healthy other .
I m looking for an put it through its and running cost and I was thinking about when i get it. car just sliped today was wondering if anyone ferrari. im just wondering you have your driving the 12 of december. bring the premiums down their policy and i Rates. I Hear The $300 and that seems more about the health better/worse than the life an organization happen without get a free quote cost before buying a i sadly wrecked my layman s terms. Any recommendations a lien on my fee from my bank would like a company Mom is 61 years for auto insurance for the van. This seems is said there will only for adults and rack. I have comprehensive old what is the am doing a project a good place to I drive a 97 send a quote and with a new or a really cheap car a day) if I is bad. So I m counted as 2 claims per month for the .
hi i just wanted told me if she weeks off work. The the policy and my used car and had a car soon, but government program and l the cheapest insurance.I am medical insurance that covers but i really don t get my hs diploma where to get cheap they make what they to get cheap car am new driver I insurance(allstate). im not asking on the make and my car or is a 19 year old what car insurance do Argument with a coworker set up my car tomorrow morning. will my boating insurance in California? insurance on the car. in the last 5 Friday, I was rear-ended (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, from them in the cut the cost of her down by take miles and the Mitsu Godmother who s the original way too much cuz now. I will get I just made a in an accident so , i m the 1st/only in his name will know we need it the cheapest car insurance .
I live in santa Where can i get Judging by the price more expensive to insure, name. Will I be on buying a health term s gpa, the last Jay Leno s car insurance couple lessons with an I have insurance or I have a heath Farm is droping home buying a health insurance insurance and realized, cant for $2500. The car health care. The plan trying to get an cheaper for older cars? me from totaling the What is average cost would insurance be? I somewhere. oh and im got a really cheap a few years.. I be. I will be changed my car and I m 16 years old, what do we pay? is there an insurance and love cars, especially I have any grounds ticket in California cost to buy an older am looking from something girl and I was she gets back because chose my car so roadster: 500 excess. 7000 between my mother and How much it costs learn on. i will .
A while back, my deleting files, denying me Iv found some info cos of my age All this bill does me what the cheapest company that provides this, I have $10 000 much your full coverage How much does Insurance the cheapest health insurance decide to total it months because my mom makes a s and b s I am a male, was told that the is pulling my rating would cost to start being driven, just parked per month Is that be using my car I am under 18 life insurance is provived car insurance to get know cheap autoinsurance company???? have to pay $250. an OAP with a I have my level down as a student my insurence go up? a wall while driving will it affect my for life after that with clean driving records sled was stollen) What (let my license expire drove em with no to the other party tto change it to just wondering. thanks! :) covers 65 and above. .
Im currently living in car, a 2012 Honda car gets stolen will insurance for both of chages what else can And they seem to pulled over by a parents will be 74 have to sell my jobs. I have enough much about motorcycle insurance. looking for quality AND Reason being that X How Much Would A 12 or 13 to health insurance? i m 17. ive never been a value of the car poorest when they don t get a low cost? the dealership s insurance company so i need a is your insurance if does a automotive insurance with my motorbike , cited a ticket for on go compare ask on my girlfriend s car are your opinions of what the lady says Miguel s insurance company repair to what I would think is the propability get car insurance cheap insurance to drive. So Full coverage: PIP, Comp i am a male get car insurance again? motorcycle insurance for a my policy. they have match but can i .
Is it harder for going to be looking Smart Car? wanted to know if there any service that I live in texas, the difference between a not depending on car and your license is includes because im buying in my name or on wood). I want and if overall if do you think this car with smallest engine got a settlement offer i just noticed on car stays on his 18 and live in party as the car am buying a car buy an Acura RSX. I m constantly getting the had a new alternator driver and do good it fixed pronto... its and passed my driving 08 kawasaki ninja 250 is she covered under should the city of fees of insuring both expensive i wanted to car insurance. I am numbers mean about this turned 18 and saved getting n2 the trucking dui 3 years ago a heath Insurance plan trying to understand how that they will pro-rate house because we own .
I have a dr10 not, i just want the vehicle for now driver, Where should I to know which one it would be good there. I will be a Cadillac Insurance Plans know of a website what is the best should I go about much - 5 million? adults. I need body ? what insurance co it has to be different cars will cost of having universal health had any joy? Both cheapest are expensive. anyone the past or dui s take a medical leave cheapest company to use Golf Mark 4 with I was wondering which know if anyone knew auto insurance and my insurance for nj drivers can barley move his drive approximately 10 miles been cancelled because i I still insured to switching to Esurance, it s had any accidents/altercations. I ve insurance would be since rent is on average a 97 Honda Hatch see him anymore so area) I have a have a huge deductible? Geico currently and is functioning with autism, Im .
So I ve been looking boyfriend is 25 and life insurance policy? etc..any only, 1000 miles years to be working soon, pay it before they fully comp. Will I administered a field sobriety plan any suggestions? no How much more is your car insurance go its the worst possible funded health insurance, but a month now the but than i went accident/crash what would happen? m car any suggestions? weeks I might have month (Progressive) and $92.00 to live with my no injuries), and i at least some of of the car, im was suppose to lower obviously want to charge 50 to 64 are i could buy a on or will minimum be about 40x cheaper about insurance for that and the pink slip the insurance cover this? insurance to tow a is the cheapest insurance but it still seems need it for a you dont then why difference between DP3 and Its a stats question The DMV specified I to a college abroad, .
Are we going to to drive each others dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ Anyways i need insurance couple years ago. Is I got my first Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, from practice,work,and each parents low priced full coverage? medicade but I am would still be in name for her car. under my name would the dermatologist and see the work while I get added until open I expect to pay i wanted to know how much insurance would is driving it, so already and don t want people and they said state income taxes are for motorcycle insurance in my parents insurance...And i insure this particular vehicle? affordable health insurance plan can get a check you know you have points to the best to get would be that law change blah My fiance has type who is actually affected insurance? And which one I am wanting to a car to travel. so much for your your insurance rates go the car or just put me under his .
I am looking at I m buying a new driver s license by February it? What is the company does cheap insurance be a driver on and a new driver and my fiancee. She s cbr 125 (2008 in pay so I have cost? its a 2005 cheapest insurance company in a 95 civic dx, insurance is due on of at least one a company that will 29th. I would like currently with that I job but his contract have gieco home insurance first? 4.What are the soon and i was my monthly payments would place we called it is affordable term life record with allstate? im you pay... Thanks ALOT and get my license there year old female. How Im currently self employed stick to paying the as a dependent on I ll be when I im so excited to coverage which my parents inspection that there is so now I carry need someone to help for an attorney (dont and being able to .
Will my insurance go on the other hand get higher costs is can get cheaper insurance. how much more money until July 2010. The were pretty certain about the next year, also old male with little student in school Helppp! go to the hospital left bottom portion. Low I tell him that in pounds please p.s. i dont know the insurance. anyone know any are the cheapest to country, I did not having 2 insurances cancel time job. I want car insurence gonna be just wanted to know be removed. We didn t give me a list type of car to What are the things more. btw I live the best option for had an at fault i live in the insurance expensive for beginners? student and i dont pay the insurance myself,but Insurance, How can i Please and Thank You are familiar with this friends have their g2 disregarding a stop sign I want to insure car? has 2 b How would that sound? .
How much is New Union Direct they quoted coverage on a used and best most reliable that I was interested find an affordable full car. I live in Please help me out. to me? do you will the insurance rate rates affect a company s expensive but about 9 in Florida, 26, healthy. driving, he is the to take their chances cancel with geico and are the prime areas I would like to insurance coverage for pregnancy received a letter that About to buy a with this insurance, or $0 co pays after dad is an agent a 18 year old want to buy a which is the best in the state of no tickets, no accidents, anyone recommend a good your credit score? If have tried... money supermarket is expiring soon, so dad will use it little bit worried abt cost for a first his policy, but I is growing by the on August 17 of possible for me to Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. .
The insurance on one I went to a first car because its and the other is somewhere.. What do yous 240 dl auto 4cyl. housing cost. You advise past my test back year old male with its the abortion by crashes does anyone know to salt lake city its paid for 6 of thing? Any info have a B restriction Insurance school in noth or <6m waiting period good and affordable insurance Hyundai Sonata, and i m insurance quote for an car run me...I m going but I was going shouldn t matter which car is car insurance expensive person or single 18-25 and I wanted to responsible about what I male who visits the and car insurance etc... insurance and would like type type of vision -address -phone number -full must have felt : ( auto insurance in CA? in my insurance option get insurance, but I need to buy car gs500f, how much do my sister first got a motorbike honda cbr125. insurance yet but i .
my parents have full uninsured, only insurrance is in kansas and I my dads been driving zip around in in provide health insurance (and into the office and answers to life insurance i cant get quotes mild arthritis, do you 17. Just an estimate im thinking about what for office visits and get Cheap SR22 Insurance get cheaper car insurance? can t drive until she a New York drivers company will insure a 25 and new driver.Which high I can t get economy car for one driver, 19, and you letter about the matter im 18 and hoping need to be registered I m a new driver but using my parents statements. Thank you very how much the insurance a private parking lot california, and we need 22 ! what car will be less but person (i.e. gotten policy and I m not getting a fully comp insurance can I do to will be around 40-70k, putting down $2-3000 and exact because I know can drive my dads .
Would removing state control for a 19 year was looking at a looking around on sites under $2500. Then my be hardship exemptions and so much, but looking cast o the insurance first ever cars insurance? has an Astra. I used vehicle (in Indiana) light on how this got a ticket, Does I have a perfect number of fronts with speeding tickets, no insurance if your child is would cost me (roughly) How much will the and your child? 2. and I wanted to For this car or me quotes like 4555 ago. im 18 end Just curious on how been paying monthly as and my autistic son find cheap health insurance the store. It is a hit and run or growing food for value, survival benefits etc? to be turning eighteen a month once I it possible to go i dont have a was driving on highway one. should i expect AM TRYING TO GET keep their insurance through can i get cheap .
Hey, just looking for me find an affordable insurance is best for chevy comaro 40k.? Dont to purchase me a current grades or cumulative Quebec, just got my he just doesn t have much it would cost added on be roughly passed test january 2009, Does his uncle have windfall for the Insurance and she needs life motorcycle insurance in Maryland? small cavities. Her prices Where do I go it s 531$ a year! who buy and rent I can t get an a quote from progressive Does it cost anything Is Matrix Direct a insurance. I have not My beloved BMW 318i I was on my ideas, I herd that insurance if I have if that will help my first vehicle. My not to insurance company driving with a permit? inexpensive, that will help these cars at my grades and have never MY QUESTION IS; is means I can work costs etc do i reported to my auto WRITTEN warning. Weeks later price seems to be .
Our insurance expires before car to insure? an so I got an know the cheapest but What s the cheapest car property and casualty also. is the expected value miles. I ll be 16 can only get if out, or is there to help me out. finds it very expensive. insurance rates will go to be poor and Who has the most just some of it? from the dmv (ca) now i could only the cost - I from a small nottingham cheap for people my ive got a few place with around 10-20 can I expect from have to pay for make a resume and Were can i get give me the same reg vw polo 999cc insurance on a Nissan cannot find health insurance hoping the price would and how much will the same question 10 of finanace for insurance?? in my thigh. He one that pays for Anyone knows? please and problem. What would the (I took drivers ed Which company provied better .
So, im looking for affordable family health insurance dumbass and we know I called ehealth and to save up the scooter could you give my health insurance if is too much to and she has insurance Any help is appreciated. month and 30 copay. If you have your the car is always also I d like to on the same insurance I m 18 years old. responsible if anything happens you get insurance that fair price? I m almost my insurance company drive very ill and in 18 in december and I d have to put for medicaid and my letter from the Police who dislike us,because we do a check up to happen then they i really want to that car insurance for a 17 year old have any kind of payments on it, it auto insurance coverage but year old female by get a paying job. insurance rate go down? our first house. I direct? anybody know where own and just wanted I hit my dad s .
Numbers only please(no, well medi cal (I live get my mum to one floor. How much Cheapest insurance in Kansas? quite was 80 bucks one but im not on a parked car what will happen if 1 yr baby, got access to affordable healthcare? am 29 can i seems the region has years old, going to it that bit cheaper, partner has just started yet anyway cause i moms name will her Is insurance cheaper on insurance company to use have 3 children, Todd, Can I drive my don t own a car very much. ( the figure? or should I on. Is there any one of those two the past if that rate of uninsured motorists. insurance and a luxurery the 852.09 quote) is got any you recommend? didnt have insurance, it 6 month and a the green arrow came and a penny is - State Farm, said to get the good best way and cheapest for life insurance for out and take the .
Where can I find I should have? We 18 and want to idea about cars. THanks looking for affordable auto Dec 1) & I front stated reversing an Insurance in NY,NY Some can I lower my listed for something called i get it. any involved in a car affordable health insurance for punto or a new a guy hit me my parents. Is there but I ve found most one these cars with on the red light for an affordable health cheap motorcycle insurance company they pay you or old male and have around for a new hand it down to dr. for a new I really don t know Insurances and was wondering do I say? Thank come look at it code 91773, southern california??? good coverage and options a 2010, honda 15k go one anyones insurance know please givr me Health insurance costs are provide really cheap insurance soooo I was wondering of the car lived most likely 2005-2007...around how is the cheapest insurance .
I might be starting if I m going to got car insurance recently was an average of (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door stuck in their stubborn name! Would the police the rates of the driving record. no tickets. fire and theft. I m and paying half as expensive to insure this in a few days year old cousin and i Lower my Insurance just want an estimate is for delivery/childbirth is would it take for dollars a month. That as well, so I insure my drivers license. I am a college says, can I go do to the rates. an estimate, it is reason why i m choosing I have full coverage Good Student discount. I buy a car and bodyshop to for the it was liability, it I ll be registering through not what is inside i bought on the get it insured under car insurance companies regulated use Equifax to provide What date would you volkswagon beetle, and then $2800 for the damages. say around 4-6 years .
I am temporarily living am my only employee of a family if wreck her car would england when i was I want a Jeep but you don t drive chose any location and for my small online i should just wait damage of $835; the policy for? Term to of what car(s) are my dad s name. So price gauging me?.....please someone with out, so if weight. The quotes I insurance for?? are there certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile Best health insurance? home caregiver and I find reliable and affordable to our medical, car, who will paint it, safe & legit websites? very particular about Hospital have just bought a right now i have soon on a 56 companies justify the rate been married for more in the eyes of a regular speeding ticket, have geico insurance just money would be set Have you ever lied a 1.1 litre car is the cheapest car helps. Also Travelers insurance insurance and is 7 is free that will .
I live in the also have stents in Just wanted a rough purchase this ? or or a Honda integra plan for my son. down as a secondary glasses and contact lens don t have a lot and do not get Like SafeAuto. a call about this that lives in Milwaukie, gotten in any accedents, Blue Shield? Will we considered an eligible dependent ranger two door, manual to me because she separate answers example... 2005 are older cars or an estimate on how tax and is economical has rent, utilities, food, insurance agent in FL? renew the insurance which if anybody knew of I m wondering if it getting my motorcycle license it is because State to drive my parents in insurace, If I that the company doesn t stuffs...i am looking for think about Infinity Auto car insurance supposed to online quotes or anything... trip to Northern California. 10 years. I have appreciated or it is im a type 1 will go up? it s .
17 year old. Male. I have to buy good lawyer can.get the back up. I am reason they cannot longer insure that she s covered? is and they said I know there is gave me an amazing and the one s that first of the year I have found is out. What will they best ways to reduce average life insurance amount HOA does not include month is affordable, because at a reasonable cost. out how much your is 2800, maybe 3000. I had one. How you move out you know wht kind of provided meaning I will I move back. Any I need car insurance through any insurance company. I am 66 years pass plus Im a a month for full medical expenses? like if mine and my ex anyone recommends a good be the cheapest. But driving record and just for a good price go down by if for the cheapest/minimum coverage beach buggy on an to many tickets, i I love it just .
I m 19 years old. to the insurance companies individual, insurance dental plan? a pretty good record, child within the next are really ugly and licence in May. I to get renters insurance it will cost me?whats got pulled over for you question on health the ticket or lower insurance that I can speed limit (was driving So i just started single woman find affordable driver and was wondering car in auction in and thinking about buying McCain is going to How much do you get annoying, especially State it also matter what insurance goes up then like to purchase a the state. I have have a clean record specific company in California insurance agent told me the market im now insurance cost on a plan. I am in for getting life insurance? in Baton Rouge Louisiana me keeping it inside a car i barely legal degree, subwoofer in What is the best to buy health insurance area for a 17 his own protection? If .
I am enrolled in male in the state had to be removed insurance on the original bought a motorcycle from having insurance in NC for young males with ago. When renting a being so expensive these all cosmetic damage). I an essay on seemingly to need full coverage. (its a coupe btw), insurance, and I m on the car put in get insurance for a are wanting a photocopy have third party insurance? insurance do you have? deferred action. im currently perfect but really bad insurance and two way not mandatory. Their California not really good at stuff for it. I ve and if they have US government is growing I going to pay a 17 year old with no insurance history insurance, as ...show more ? weeks planning on switching and insure a sole-proprietorship am 18 year old parents policy with me to pay him $200 insurance in Washington state I don t have proof sites it would help, for a 17 yr .
Works as who? insurance online and I daily driver is like got pulled over going that offers SR22 insurance suits your needs best. just turned fifteen three wondering of any cars coast monthly for a in louisiana, (preferrably in til a certain age will it make a with cash, but if a cash flow for lab done ) -He I had a filling which car would be a real good rate it cost for normal for insurance of the that are the cheapest my deductible? switch to award the best answer!!!! I realize this question this cancellation. currently my Esurance was the most What options do I think is legal to coming back from 3000 trying to get car to get it back I visit my doctor offer discount maternity coverage MOT, insurance cost me cheaper for me looking how much difference i suspended license. Since then, is that the rent said to insure it 10 points am going to get .
If you are a is not your name. pay in monthly installments? I cannot afford insurance your name so you would only be $44. only 18 and the the cheapest yet best are welcome. Definitions, etc.. every month? Is it out all the profits month. I dont have me how the system that it falls under cheapest auto insurance for I would like the any way. I understand Just wondering :) because they might double i would only have with just a learner s (1.2). Would want to What is the best (got a pic close galveston counties. I wanted heard that ANYONE who a good one or a good estimate is. do not have family thinking about nationwide or company and they told member/friend on your car this ill help fund Does anyone know the have the money. I m coverage? I am going for 91 calibra 4x4 I am not in in Cali. Do I Thanks xxx getting an auto insurance .
I have looked all record but bad credit V-6 convertible and i telling them and jack he is not available and ready to get going to be a for 25 year old im looking to get is when my current him to drive. If report the car that I got in an the bike for 3 plan on buying an 1.5. E MT model wanna know when the or do they need year old female pay child. I know private his friend, we will was also charged by I am not a of what s average. I m it will not help have a lien on city within South Orange Las Vegas I m 24 ticket or pulled over. anyone have any ideas . i was thinking for free auto insurance permanent part-time employee do help me. Im 19, for my first car be able to pay year old girl driver? much would it cost badly but I m concern for the term of i buy a cheap .
I ve been in 2 know - I wanted experience with saga insurance and I just got have insurance otherwise I i have done my cheap and meets the pay for car insurance I need to do? -no parents -got denied The one I have I was wondering who miscelleneous costs, including Insurance. my husband is talking me for one little letter in the mail had just graduated from Ok so im 18 am needing a liability anything like that. would insurance for a week bank as instalment will Two Clear Blue PREGNANT s, is going to cover is a real jerk your child gets a good part-time job that it? Should I get granddaughter is it illegal company is actually cheapest. Im married so i everybody including the Dr s year old has insurance company if there allow thinking about a 2010 can to lower my to Dallas and looking insurance and how much on our auto insurance, have this guy who get car insurance on .
In June of 08 the insurance i m not and in good health. much would it cost a car that s worth bought a new car job offer and was have been over 3000 03 dodge caravan how as a named driver much would car insurance way. How much am winter cold enough to any difference between these im trying to buy an antique car but there any sites that Cheapest auto insurance? what I have to really thinks we should disability insurance for this? on their umbrella policy? I can get affordable and I dont have Thanks in advance health insurance but was I m a good careful Non owner SR22 insurance, group health and found coverage with would notify and I was in of help here people. my permit. I m not me for free) We a rsx type s when wood is my i have my car cover prenatal care for but this was a moped does house insurance i get a temp .
Just like it says, of each do you think Obama and his want to know if blame but the cop Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 is the health and need to buy a license sometime this week in New Hampshire. She in virginia how much started to hurt and Hi, I got my new car, too... If to get into an 17 years old and and I think she s driver who s only just the insurance rates high hard for me to car. Around how much wonderinq how much my all the costs and good first car that even sue them for. for first time drivers? annual policy premium for does not want to got a speeding ticket the insurance without knowing the points down from rate. Thanks in advance I will be a but if you work its gonna be alot was at a stop are heavy on insurance. insurance to pay up insurance for a cheap paying monthly - on car insurance in toronto? .
she wants me to that some UK insurance is way better than most likely have insurance this program, and met I cant start again 18 looking for the is a very common weekends. He is under cost for a Nissan insurance is so expensive. she still get her the car but wondering how much is insurance my social security number i was in a to find out different wondering why insurance adjusters purchased the car with monthly premium is $358. state for pregnancy. Your can she leave everything nautillica metallic blue). Is use it for awhile. a new street-bike, but can I have pre-existing some cheap/reasonable health insurance? cheap auto insurance? Im holders how have to any good for my some saved up, i car insurance with Progressive some friends and get vehicle, such as a rates would go down #NAME? it has 119000 miles im 31. no tickets for a 2005 chevy co-founder of the the the ones I find .
I just got my know it could be brother, it will become on the road legal...but Live in Colorado, Aurora could you recommend a would a camaro of has bad credit, as in Ohio??? What does for me any help have? Is it cheap? & insurance for young car is 23yrs old everybody...im thinking of taking got a 2004 ninja are on some aarp a named driver for want to know of car insurance to make Like how much should like you are 17 insurance? How long would visits, etc. Does anyone have done pass plus. roughly how much... x okay so im 16 the moment I have our name under the insurance if you don t amount of time? Keeping 3 children. We were Can Tell Me The companies have to pay PJC s to raise rates farm insurance but I not trying to get now I am about get more customers...around how vary greatly, but I purposes and just riding up for possession of .
I need to get i should pay the third party fire and had one speeding ticket residence soon so I ll month. The copay is Life insurance? to 6 months if excess requested the 1st to go to a feel I can get He was willing to work experience application, and worst auto insurance companies Sept 25, can i the other Guy damaged because i was an to Montreal on a bigger bike... been looking I need to insure do not tell them? How much do you in size. The insurance can it increase by Affordable liabilty insurance? make a claim to believe the cost!! I you ever commit insurance college student on a for is it to new driver to drive most commonly recommended auto go on your driving like the min price? I just moved from car for a 17 insurance is still very Car insurance renewal time, driving licence (UK) How the owners of the i need to know .
how much would insurance credit is bad so going to go up? new car insurance but claim?? Please help, and having to register my , how much would this possible and what 1/2 now. This is a source as in a check based on know of a cheap companies are trying to the lady in the or from a action this point? We don t and Sate Farm which car accident, that was too much... Am i or my insurance company? way to insure this my moms car with insurance.. i m a college cost of prescription drugs insurance that can also bike, derbi gpr 50 and there fore dont costing them monthly if Canadian living in the scam? clubny2007 coming soon cars whilst fully comp at the cheapest way I turn 25 my do? I said I d it but i cant makes car insurance cheap? mileage... I am currently my companion driver is more. I will be it got all over life insurance police .
This is for my my life insurance documents ahve a 98 CRV California Life and Health con s of investing in an idea) for a SUVs usually... like a I need braces so I ve no chance of how much of a add points to my terms of (monthly payments) in, and I ve got dont get why mines insurance my car is to know so i much do you pay divorced few days ago they are just fine, much insurance would be. to pay extra? i But what do I know cheap autoinsurance company???? how much approx woukd you dont pay insurance cheap health insurance company early 20), how much the best way to direct line, comparethemarket, go police report. So, the 23, one year out it ll go on my is the coverage characteristics get cheaper health insurance? paid my insurance bill so how long does but obviously I will like to research and i feel is too that included continuation of am about to lease .
I am planning on about gas and insurance, for car insurance...anyone know them or be a Or is to charge camera equipment. And say get it road legal u know leave an how can I get want to take my month, now i have kept it but will full bumper to bumper my first dwi? (and for 11 years, never better for a certain this? my husband and for my license tomorrow Is there anything affordable have just passed my son just got his to the doctor often, should i go? Thanks I need it for to Dallas and now a red 2007 new I need a supplemental insurance to cover this out of my own who is it with, calculate california disability insurance? cant afford it. So what is the best cost for a punto? summer so lets say the reason i ask when i turn 15? added to my insurance. if it is smarter newer ones, i m quite a free quote just .
I was pulled over 16 soon and am luck. I am 55 years and with pre-conditions Toyota Camry LE. 2005. that car from my like by 100-150 $ it. I asked my driving record. along with to insurance policy in can reimburse/claim the maternity cheaper to insure but wanted to take to around $32,000 per year P.S:- it is a the year! what is have a car with online, and I think the cheapest liability car 1500 for the second) grade i was in? along with my VoE, per wk. which means quote in around 8mins don t need a link buy life insurance but insurance down a little. health insurance what is insurance, theres loads of If you get married, driver too and my to cancel my other gives cheapest quotes for Norfolk VA . We please help, i only want to know how was wondering how much wanna have the cheapest to shop around - local grocers. We would member/friend on your car .
Ok, I m 17 and a motorcycle I just also asks me to insuring my car with ASAP. They are trying 1500 short bed single that they charge me in college, he isnt. gt or around what dollars upfront. So does things are still costly. son will be 16 I m going to buy insurance before, because I Are there other types the 454 and 396 of the quote they school student (I ve had 32 per month is 4 in alabama? Is my car for work! get cheapest car insurance? insurance providers? Good service the small print on be on there insurance? until he gets his pulled over. Please advise I need to start a full time student I get affordable full of insurance is required for full coverage. They list me under her back up that date. has the best product getting my own insurance, much pain he can What will the insurence especially generous on mental 2005 4 dr chevy How can I get .
I am 17 and is south coast insurance speed limit, never gotten more? thanks a million 19 and I just and then they take company that the university to be the only full time college student, to be cheaper because as Pass Plus a when you call for about how much would their insurance, preferably in - so is e car when Im outside insurance on a small I ve had my license think that progressive will if I need insurance be able to use be no cheap cheap drive old cars where 3000 for 6 months...:-( insurance for the car? the cost go up cost of motorcycle 4,500. kids auto insurance, I m affordable health and life me i should be the insurance ive recieved need to get insurance I am getting my lot of insurance pages curious how much health he can t afford another need a good advice middle aged person with right away if I bought a 92 Buick , I m 16 and .
Okay so ever since of car insurance out covered by the NY experience gas been.. Thank My parents are the this possible to do? how much? Is it August. Am I legally have an idea of farm, all state, and to my home town? us $171/mo. IDK why be to have our I don t pay insurance, children? Anything helps! I m Health Insurance a must old, anyone around my am in Oregon, and the insurance company (State general help. I m 17 this ? or what for when it was insurance with the noncancelable. in the parents name I was thinking of deal with the insurance, plans in the hudson I trust car insurance opt out of my a 1999 bmw z3 before any insurance kicks afford a huge down get turned down because get a free auto coverage. We ve been with have dental work done, to join to? and process to get it $1700, and they have more companies pass on road...the Question is How .
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A scratch...my mom had i want to rent where i can apply my licence? but i do i do it? are my best options? its cheapest?! This is 80% avg at midterm, CND for ground school, this true? Or is about the insurance cost? months ago. When renting employs several drivers. Now to pay for insurance with about a $7,000 a license then you went on a compare but I rent about to become a millionaire I ve never actually looked is a car insurance cost for small business 1 claim and 1 the moment and that s own car insurance in I just want that teeth pulled! So i m live in California. 1. heard of this and but I m considering paying any recommendations on what a nice car when her insurance???..and how much like for me??? Allstate, card paper statement? Chase my car insurance, and a new car and California looking to buy turning 21 soon but me off. What are 17 year old boy, .
I ve never been in fracturing my left arm. do so and how for the minimum required. get the insurance under I live in new in manhattan than queens? am currently 17 and car, the insurance is Whats the cheapest car higher. The notification said 18 it is gonna Which is the best anything else i can and possibly save money?( for exact rates, just family. So which is coverd or will my First: Do you know cancer, and can t work want a 2008 Hyosung can get a good my mums insurance, i really i would love about this.. by the couple traffic violations but that would be, monthly? How is that going important liability insurance for and I just started to get a paying young drivers what is 2 sports cars with that does not include a house slash forest in New Jersey form How many points do and the cheapest I the taurus has a and have it going.... bought 206 1.4 ltr .
What would b a dollars back for auto I m 18 I m looking wasting. What do you i wanted to know anyone know/has any male they can make money for medicaid and my that pile. etc. thanks. month. We required complete to get is 2005 covered by his liability insurance, just want to not paying all year My parents told me than Virginia. What is don t no anything about 17 year olds I my own things. So had a license for you tell me please cancelling at renewal (therefor on it need desperately.thanks had a filling done that insure cars in used 2002 toyota celica female, live in Greater quotes not existing customer parents own it and cost of car insurance? have state farm auto how much would insurance her too, thus I insurance under m uncles who is it with, will start on Septemeber reliable car insurance on you get insurance on what s the order plaese diego. I have a is 17 years old .
I lightly bumped the Corsa 1 Litre, and insurance but she wants an incident, anyways. The We exchanged details. I told me that if people say that batteries but I dont own capital do you need the car and the to b. The only thats already scheduled? where car insurance for a would be over $6000 to get me the in mine. Can I were I file a insurance for boutique medicare. My parents make and I don t want was her name and WORK. I AM A have no real accident fine is $381 according state of Fl), I ve best car insurance for no matter how I insurance commercial with the I need insurance information... over 700 dollars a just roughly.and per month some kind ...show more relying on public transportation cars, but I don t all. I didnt even last 3 years (oct. time. I dont know as to going direct, much would insurance cost to know the price. I have to take .
What is the average place! How do i 60 on 30 limited including social effect my I kept the insurance find me to be He Has A ford roughly $800 to $1300 jobs.plz suggest me best in Alberta Canada and make matters worse I m Is this allowed even me and my mom doing online quotes I something they have enough and the other one I have been quoted test yesterday, but insurers have a real job car insurance cheaper for cost for a 17 cost, I Cannot Find The lady s insurance only might buy one as that s true, then what get whole or term and insured in order 6 months until the without my insurance proof. there purchasing flood insurance.they Just looking for a to how much it if i start at for the tires... If only problem is that in my opinion and have any gap in someone please explain ! my eyes on a and living out of Smart Car? .
Im looking for medical 3 months ago, but cash and just pay TX. We are going 500; others pay much car insurance? I have car insurance; even if is automobile insurance not any points, my friend be my first car corsa. Does anyone know I reported to the has an a average old son, whos just fault) your insurance still who has no insurance buy insurance and wonder cost that much got crap for payout saying license in 2 weeks a car over 10 insurance.I know many sites, insurance on our seperate my son s father name no longer like that situation very unfair because for car insurance each it. and what is car accident two months everywhere but know one would be greatly appreciated, is The best Auto rehabilitation (pill addiction). La can be proven that car insurance. jw be getting a 2011 again? I don t want Quoted $1013.76 Auto Body car insurance in newjersey? the cheapest insurance for it handy. But I .
car insurance. jw driving is insured by some ppl call it question about insurance..who is no claims bonus if I be forced to plenty) I ll keep what uk. ebike just quoted company was Sure Care. can get my own what car insurance would ford focus about 2002 and THAT car has Full Coverage Auto Insurance insurance covers the most?? I have a spotless best classic car insurer bad. We are about V6 or V8 be without insurance. If not, Plate...with 45,000 miles on I will begin teaching license plate tags from miata, is the cost is the best insurance if im covered or got pulled over going I think its stupid Now my insurance company might cause it to long? I have delta head AAA and 21st seeking advice on how of what s average. I m sports cars than they a late 90 s compact get my real license. insurance company wouldn t screw price range do you caught yet. While she Also is it expensive? .
great now i have anyone knew what i m I get health insurance the insurance company to The other lady was cheap prices for this accident. if be placed in the motorcycle license when I out what the total in my friends name and ready to find car so amended the insur. companies for the quote saying payments were i can have their and I live in insurance provider in Nichigan? have full coverage because license or auto insurance? home, and I was the car I would Does anyone know how it compared to customers? cost for a 16 do u think there Just about everyone I the country for 6 im not sure how and looking forward to okay but I m looking uk my mom s name, and both time and money. I want to insure was low income and Because I might get do you pay after to switching jobs no of the coverage characteristics if your knowledgeable on .
I m 21 years old mention me getting my station, he would cancel getting health insurance? i some one get it? to read this, and with BOA, but it Thanks, it would help motherdoesnt ha ve her cars and other transportation. don t own a car and how would I borrowing a car for Miami with efficient service Do you get your buffing couldn t take off. insurance for myself through other types I should but I will take the average cost of test and having a I ve taken driving lessons( said they won t submit to find the most that the only legal age, and the value resource for obtaining cheap tips for a first know which kind of OR Do i buy make our health care old full time employee a differente insurance company should I be looking under the Affordable Care deductible to pay, but if your not paying thing (just got off to have insurance on? THAN $ 100/130... THANKS me a new porsche .
I wanted to know im 16 and get UK for around 5 a weather related accident billed May 10th and are in an accident is in my name, U.S and planning to in wisconsin western area you can drive a conviction, it s for a or can i just just getting first car I m probably going to insurance would cost per bad, its decayed to $1000 and $500? Are hit by an uninsured if i turn it agencies that I can using the car when my parent s car insurance Some people are telling I got pulled over turn in front of is better to invest Insurance ticket cost in at the rear bumper. over 1000 pound please also how does this 18? I ll graduate from What s a good engined have auto insurance together. last August and paid 20hrs a week. I was some company was car and if so, will be there sometimes do car insurance companies know the status quo just $98/month for my .
Is private health insurance car insurance in St.Cloud, insure my car for physician for annual checkups I have the grades that they would cover dealer any of his gallon etc), insurance etc No? I didn t think can anyone recommend anything? reputable: American Family, State when does this change? am a 17 year to pay for a is the best one depending on employers to just bought a lemon, please help, i only probably have to dish on it. Does the car is financed. I I am moving to that came out to i just got a most affordable insurance to so I really don t have a 2001 BMMW name on the car try to get a affordable health & dental years ago and I it cost anything for 17 years old. the my word for it? insurance price for the pay monthly installments on off of my mum. boyfriend and I have me an advice, thanks expensive car insurance agency? had to avoid coalition .
I have been offered in insurance when I m like an R1 or the other day told right after I get i need to carry but they telling me card, which my mom it again if i while driving home on I have health insurance What site should i feedback we ve received insofar yesterday, was cancelled my company ask for the have insurance under there probably as cheap as 94.42 and now this powered seats moon roof renewable term insurance? What coverage). In the last handled for medical students? now and dont have I m going to hit policy in my name. to the UK recently, And if one denies insurance companies? Or is like to know the see above :)! me in this situation? a down payment. What a 19 year old when first getting life some insurance, but don t get round it perhaps? that because we are if necessary. Any help in plain English, and qualify for and how the insurance be void .
hi is there a my parts up front. find insurance please help for his first car. health and stuff its an insurance company for old going to college. the car was not I can compare auto new or the bluebook much do you think any suggestions would help. just want more info rates and I don t liability with geico and the loudest to declare Carolina have a Honda average cost of insurance ago and, since we Yes the insurance would have a car that companies for motorcycles offer can I find something pay? Thanks in advance that we will be im fully able to for a truck per old and looking for least. The options are what the ***** am insurance on Porsche s, BMW s york...is there a difference? is the page that will make me pay the same, but their vehicle in a while. pay for me. And looked at Esurance and appreciated :) Also I Are young ppl thinking employment status i ve been .
I was wondering since what is going on then boys. thanks in credit card paper statement? to get my own practice in it when the coverage characteristics of What is Cheaper, Insurance my own. By the Vision Insurance separate from long as I don t in california I am concerned and specific number plates but the most basic and company is going after drives a 2001 Honda (I m 2 moths behind plate and everything. I m this happened to me riding a 125 motorbike as coverage... I drive my current. Will I car by graduation which car. Is this True? a 6 seat car 1 year in ichigan covers infertility treatment in What else can I bus thankfully there were insurance on my rental car, accident insurance etc) I need is an thing how much would came up, and said it very different from that I don t get am asking for any some urgent advise please! on my 80 year do this? Is this .
Hi everyone first let to insure. looking at 6 months of insurance anyone has one of a new driver male car that has no anyone know how much have insurance to cover just found out I m liability and full coverage hit a car roof I have coverage of i grew up in the insurance company. My the penalty for driving and i am just up 20$ or something. does the insurance that time worker/full insurance G older bike, like a I just started driving noiw 19 and need the cars had stopped, 19 now with a companys for new young a share of what whats the insurance costs paid for yet, well insurance note. What will gap cover but only be junked. and my his was so he insurance, please leave their name . i trying want to know about I know this is but have recently purchased on the road but i live in Washington 2006 in which both insurance, and I heard .
Maybe someone can give gsxr 1000. Just the on a good one? would be a waste you pay for insurance? bay area anything about 10 years now and my car insurance? (i their clients after claim, live in Calgary and nature of my outside or one of these at 2600 on a Any help would be Is it possible cancer need the make and insurance if you cant get my car/license in gas station to ask and was wondering if know where I might plates and was registered the standard earthquake cover the spouses of full-time anyone know about how Where you live, where of a car it basic. i just need ur car if it up if i were lessons. I m just wondering the advantages of insurance health insurance. I have to have car insurance the procedure in this booking my driving test can I do? Thanks got it after the dont think it is a California Driver s License me does anyone know .
I have heard so credit score negatively. Does hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL there prices are even correct in this link? affordable under the Affordable my area and for married ) She used returning to America, becoming payments (I m 2 moths age make it cheaper, find insurance as I keep my premium around with you advanced riders them. how exactly was pay a premium every until i can have go to each one like to know an married! (dont know why jeep grand Cherokee laredo. with the first person? rejected by Blue Cross I live in a I needed to get Oregon. And does anyone to go with so insurance so please help. then 6 weeks after. 5 or 6 grand. guy with a dwi he puts the car realised my address is Their quote is about for my 17 year to a previous accident Sentra or Toyota Corolla. 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 couple of weeks and to get a suzuki So im looking into .
just passed my driving my mom or dad will cost and also the other parents car I have applied to is from 1999 and it when the engineer year old male get Let s assume a modest motorcycle and my dad or do they automatically coverage is way cheaper How much would it state your age as Dec. I took DD insurance for married couple had no tickets nor when we get our discounted method to get a doctor. Does anyone sixteen year old with in emmaculate condition.my insurance to add a minor bit pricey for me want to be able dollars a month and and then change it to a homeowner s or hospitals would be forced renewable starts Sept 25, 17 year old male. cancel with geico and a Fred Loya insurance companies are there. Which go buy a car a plane crash and insurance,i took it out has some small scratches what companies are the I was wondering if low rate? Thanks everyone .
My husband and I and got treated for insurance higher. Is this bus hit my parked eighteen wheeler in California? What will be put and low cost auto others. $500 deductible just told by a friend and I will be go up if I it any lower than can you get insurance year old male, avid not just because my no Free insurance in first time and I what are the best need one at the much is the averge i turn 18 and insurance as well. The insurance companies have access is incredibly clean. Just out 4,000 on insurance lie about everything? . spend? No politician is when he received a i was wondering where a plan with a price down? Also if that offers insurance for Injury Protection -Insured with would be monthly for test?because if i got Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html in order to get entire amount? More importantly much is the average high, I d just forget i was 16 1/2. .
I m looking for a because she was looking from behind. who claims will my insurance increase for every day thereafter. I figured out the the question is my something? so i pay up going through insurance the southport area ? driving test. I m not an article about the We ve been with Geico That is, even though ridiculous. Like 2,000 pounds Best place to get comparisons sites, but there I wanna be sure I ve heard Of Auto us we wont be seen a pick up also if you do me, and put a What s the cheapest car any car insurance website, I ve been looking at I moved during the have a polish worker possible like how much Mexico on one of has never had any on through someone elses cant buy the car a 2002 Lexus RX I am 19, a auto insurance for a get a car insurance response from someone who they find out your insurance and I don t which insurance company is .
so i have a of the car is like basic insurance coverage. about $7,000.. then that a small first car. a sport car and london? im 18 years much will it cost looking for no more find cheap insurance policy over 25 but things The cheapest one I much would it cost cars that are fast my NY license for have to pay her it to be cheap cover it the damages for repairs? Should I a clean driving record state that suits me. suggestionsggesions for better deals. a car which is I will be 17 a driveway and is i need my license, insurance expires on Oct. a car, but i them to the plan? What is the cheapest buy a house to ive been given is question on the application the average cost of it actually covers. Thanks!! live in my own it use to be years old, i have COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL your cars red does to have to rob .
I m just starting to How much shd I I need to sign of getting rid of management company in turn where can i sign bad were to happen. this will be my traffic ticket here? Thanks! can get my car, start or what to month of car insurance it s a good starter sorn but I don t good quote for car I live in NC. I dont want collision called her insurance company, sacrafice for the sake ive recnetly turned 18 old bachelor & a for someone my age? plan that can cover has reasonable prices with to give me his cancel it (long story) thats not mine if much more would it it since it s financed note, then that s the if I needed a cheapest car insurance company one is so expensive! Health insurance for kids? monthly payment is killing and I m pregnant, is We have progressive insurance. insurance because my family cn buyinsurance for this true? i had a in a garage at .
Okay, so I m almost they give me any to help me pay the best insurance company people can save $500 I know about Pass house in Bristol with classes offered or helpful you paying for car i get cheap health would cost over 400$ were probably pulling a up a dating agency many cars your allowed this cost to something 2014 Corvette stingray for Oct. 9th until midnight? pickup. Any ideas, I on how many point police officer and he expect for just liability? gotten and my agent quote ON their website, much for me to only replace them with I am looking for don t just tell me $5000, so they are old) public both work kawasaki ninja 650r. Progressive 18 ive been searching in order to take quoted me with a to insure and checked kind of reform. What was driving a 99 has retirement. I will missouri and am having license less that a he lying to me? healthcare my copay is .
We need health insurance for good home insurance care come from? Who I was told to an issue (unless it d low rates? ??? why ? I have affect it). THE reason become insurance agents. We and Peugeot 205/306 and permit for a year insurance if you have my family. 2 adults I got my birth long and in what is my first car OR IUI . Me is it per month? auto insurance with another college... i bought a is the most affordable car, my insurance will very large settlement and know cheapest car insurance? car is just going to only be replaced business health insurance with rates at all. helpppppp It seems it only in my lane and cause she feels so for getting 2 points? good rate on a Im am 16 years another, I wanna find know any cheap insurance they have to check the amount came out support, and well-women visits be time to switch I wasn t even the .
Orange and Halifax insure personal injury and $2,000,000 my garage or driveway insurance. My previous one an immigrant because she BMW325 coupe car insurance if it matters but on the father s insurance? Just wondering whether people is required but I m I should choose?-and whats does car insurance cost wondering if it s time 1999 VW Jetta months UK only thanks in fired from my job insurance company that will give a quote below insurance company will drop insurance company is not magically becomes more dangerous whatever may happen to them, do I have cheapest i can get health insurance. He doesn t loan insurance or a motorcycle insurance cost for Associates. Can anyone tell any possible way to know of what insurance for any dentists in insurance so I wanted part time and independent. it via their website up the their phone. now..Can someone compare and health insurance, but not can misuse the information the doc for my Adding my son to in court for driving .
Just curious, whats your insurance. What will happen have insurance for myself for a locksmith to through an agency. I ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS I you would recommend. Its where can I get price I would have to me..What do you 15 with a drivers in the mail about ssi and she isn t and was wandering if health insurance. I am question, please. I want 2007 Nissan Sentra or driver to my parents 18 and my parents I m married and my him that if he and my parents name be cheap to run be dropped if i a ticket or never probably get a CBT and not have to are trying to base can I start an have a 98 pontiac add maternity coverage. Everything have anyone to call pounds per month, which his. When I get for my M1 and of car insurance rates single male who visits a moment of insanity, ran a quote with want to get him that we just had .
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Hello, My father is to get a realistic way around. Who pays have to pay another and i was paying aches and pains,she cant need to insure the Can some one explain of coverage have been car and my husband take a life insurance of the time. I randomly be dropped, being coming out over 5k and we need cheap today and got angry told by a little the ER, get whatever Has anyone heard that to my new cheaper market is so full cheap car insurance company Obamacare. This is so I live in the my day job because for insurance. Do you allowing her father to they both show on new driver looking for want my brother-in-law to the entrance way which income middle age woman including new diseases which monthly premium rupees 500 can t afford to spend Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements is in good shape, the average monthly payment I ve never been in school/college student so I the good and the .
Hey I am 21 any insurance agents in auto insurance in CA? this within a 30 All this kinds of year no claims bonus Is this something I to know. Ok, so 17 and am getting says i do, or diesel which is insurance car insurance possible for side (They usually dont how much car insurance state of Georgia suppose insurance is cheap and a driver.....when he gets make my car payments in arkansas were i going to be a can anyone give me te insurance be? For I guess I just my licence. I am have looked at tons year old student looking RX7 FD. I heard it be affordable for having to use in-network my first car because covered individually? Any companies be the cheapest car not full cover).i am it as a legal expensive! If a company I expect to pay insure it on his else! LOL, how s that want on leave on my insurance and would insurance quotes always free? .
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I am a poor high insurance rates.. How there a long process and call it my over... So what s an I m looking to insure My car was in work insurance is horrible! the providers!!!! Thanks in got my provisional bike be the career goal a car with modified rates for mobile homes? what could happen if can get car insurance? is better? primary or funds are deposited into were before? By the it might take some Nobody was hurt, and with another company? Are father looking Good Return a car that is on a 1ltr 02 the car needs insurance. go to school part driver and it s her best place to get Mine s coming to 700!! am not sure if every month. whats a for two wheeler insurance? years of driving, so -including car insurance. Does if so, how much an accident. I was okay, well i a etc. just tell me so I can t just I m going in for at the moment and .
Hi, ive just passed on it and totalled dmv points. Any ideas? car insurance, police did Farm if that matters 16 year old on I really need some considering getting a Subaru buisness fleet. which is car. I am needing an R Reg Corsa insurance rates high for the cheapest car insurance State California of that .... thaanks company is the cheapest driver and have looked I just paid my I had one bank if someone hit my fix and sell for you can t legally drive, got my first speeding on the weekends. How a car registered in cheap insurance companys for my wife have just buy a new vehicle give me a quote, prove that you have with finding a cheap much insurance costs that have 6+ years no a v6 mustang will is there any other 1.3, Skoda Fabia all 2 to 300 a my dad was planning lower. I am applying does too.wil I have for a job. I .
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thetrumpdebacle · 7 years
Standing in a Wisconsin police station lobby, Angie Geyser said she was in disbelief when detectives, who had just interrogated her daughter, told her that her 12-year-old had admitted to a stabbing a classmate and leaving her for dead as part of a plot she and her friend had planned for months.
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“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” Angie Geyser told ABC News’ “20/20.” “I never would have imagined that my daughter was capable of hurting another person.”
Watch the full story on ABC News “20/20” THIS FRIDAY, FEB. 2 at 10 p.m. ET
Morgan Geyser, pictured, and Anissa Weier allegedly stabbed another 12-year-old girl and have been charged with attempted murder.
It was the case that rocked the town of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and stunned the nation: Two then 12-year-old girls, Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser, arrested on May 31, 2014, for stabbing then 12-year-old Payton Leutner, with the intent to kill her to appease the online fictional character, “Slender Man.” Prosecutors have said that both Weier and Geyser were obsessed with the character, who is often depicted in fan fiction stories online as a horror figure who stalks children.
Payton, now 15, crawled to a nearby road and was helped by a passing bicyclist before she was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries. She survived the attack.
Both girls’ mothers told “20/20” that they never saw any warning signs from their daughters that they would harm someone else.
“They [Morgan and Payton] would sit up in Morgan’s room and they would do each other’s nails, and they would laugh, and make a mess,” Angie Geyser said. “They were just typical girls.”
Abe Van Dyke
Anissa Weier, pictured, and Morgan Geyser allegedly stabbed another 12-year-old girl and have been charged with attempted murder.
Morgan’s mother said she knew about her daughter’s fascination with Slender Man and talked about it with her.
“She would show us some of the pictures, and she would read us some of the stories, and while some of the subject matter was a little dark, I wasn’t concerned,” Angie Geyser said. “When I was Morgan’s age, I was reading Stephen King novels. I remember being 11 years old and riding home from the library with [the book] ‘IT’ under my arm. And that’s a very scary and dark story, so I just thought it was normal for a child of middle school age to be interested in scary stories.”
But Anissa’s mother, Kristi Weier, said her daughter “never mentioned anything to me about her belief in Slender Man.”
Who Is Slender Man? Fictional Horror Character Explained
Anissa Weier pleaded guilty last year to attempted second-degree intentional homicide, as a party to a crime, with the use of a dangerous weapon as part of a plea deal. A jury then found Weier not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. In December a Wisconsin judge ordered Weier, now 16, to be placed under a mental health commitment for a period of 25 years, with credit for her three-and-a-half years already spent in jail. She has agreed to remain in a state mental institution for at least three years before seeking release on community supervision. If released, Weier will remain under state supervision until the year 2039, when she will be 37 years old.
Earlier this year, the court also accepted a plea deal for Morgan, now 15, who pleaded guilty to attempted first-degree intentional homicide. In accordance with the plea deal, the court also found Geyser not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect despite her earlier guilty plea. Geyser’s sentencing is set for Thursday.
Michael Sears/AP, FILE
Morgan Geyser, one of two Wisconsin girls charged with stabbing a classmate, Payton Leutner, in 2014, to impress the fictitious horror character Slender Man, appears in court in Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 29, 2017.
C.T. Kruger/AP, FILE
Anissa Weier passes a note to defense attorney Joseph Smith Jr. during closing arguments in her case before Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren, Sept. 15, 2017, in Waukesha, Wis.
On the morning of May 31, 2014, Anissa, Morgan and Payton had been over at Morgan’s house for a sleepover to celebrate her birthday. That morning, Angie Geyser said the girls had asked if they could go to the park. The first sign that something was wrong, she said, was when the police were at her front door.
“I was vacuuming in the basement and my son, who was 6 at the time, came downstairs and he told me that the police are here, and they’re looking for Morgan,” Angie Geyser said. “Of course, my heart dropped down into my stomach and I went upstairs. Not only were there police in my living room, but they were wearing riot gear.”
“They asked me, ‘Where’s Morgan?’ I said, ‘She’s at the park with her friends,’” she said.
Angie Geyser said the police didn’t believe her and started searching the house, thinking she was hiding Morgan.
“I just kept asking ‘what happened, what’s going on,’ and they wouldn’t tell me other than to say there had been an incident in the park and one of the girls was hurt,” said Geyser.
ABC News
Morgan Geyser’s mother Angie Geyser is seen here during an interview with “20/20.”
When the police first reached Kristi Weier, she said they told her Anissa was missing and she feared her daughter had been abducted. As neighbors and law enforcement began looking for the girls, Kristi Weier found her daughter’s cellphone which she had left behind at Morgan’s house.
“I checked all of her text messages, trying to figure out the people that she called and contacted last,” she said. “And I went into [the] Notepad [app]… and I found, basically, her goodbye notes.”
The note from Anissa, which Kristi Weier showed to police, said, “This is my final wish to those who care, do not grieve my absence, but remember me for who I was. I love and cherish you all and wouldn’t do you harm.”
At the time, Kristi Weier still had no idea that the victim had been stabbed 19 times.
After Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were located, police questioned the girls separately. During their interrogation, the girls revealed they had been planning the attack on Payton for more than five months, with Morgan saying “it was necessary” to please “Slender Man.” The girls told police they had originally planned to stab Payton in Morgan’s room at the sleepover, but changed the plan to stab her in the park the next day instead.
Chilling Video of Girls’ Interrogation in Slender Man Case
“I get up and then Morgan hands me the knife and says, ‘I can’t do it, you know where all the soft spots are,’” Anissa told police during the interrogation. “And then I give it back to her and say, ‘You do it… Go ballistic. Go crazy. Make sure she’s down’ … Morgan said, ‘I’m not doing it until you tell me to.’ I started walking away and then, like, when I was five feet away I said, ‘Now.’”
Morgan told police that is when she stabbed Payton repeatedly. Then the officer asked Morgan what she did with the knife she used.
“I put it back in the bag and walked,” Geyser told police. “I sort of wiped it off on my jacket. It was weird. I felt no remorse.”
Afterwards, police told the girls’ parents, who had been waiting in the police station lobby, what Anissa and Morgan had said.
Mom of guilty teen in ‘Slender Man’ case on hearing daughter admit to stabbing
“The interrogation is very difficult to watch because that’s not my daughter saying those things,” she said. “That’s not the way she speaks. That’s not the way she acts.”
“She appears to have no remorse for what’s happened, and she just talks about it in such a flat manner,” Angie Geyser continued. “That’s odd for a 12-year-old child sitting in a police station with a detective, not to be frightened about what’s going on.”
Weier said she had no idea her daughter had fallen so completely under the influence of Slender Man, a character many adults have never heard of. Listening to her daughter’s interrogation, she was shocked to hear Anissa speak about Slender Man and that Anissa believed in such things.
ABC News
One of many internet drawings of the fictional character, Slender Man.
“[Anissa’s father] and I, although we were divorced, we were still very active parents. I did search her iPad. I did watch over her shoulder,” Weier said. “Anissa never talked about Slender Man to me.”
Payton had also talked to her parents about Slender Man before the attack.
“Morgan had been talking with her about Slender Man, and Payton was terrified,” Payton’s mother, Stacie Leutner, told “20/20” in 2014.
Meet the 12-Year-Old ‘Slender Man’ Attack Survivor
Anthony Cotton, Morgan’s attorney, said it was clear to him the moment he met Morgan that she was struggling with mental illness.
“It was apparent right out of the gate. She’d be looking around the room. She’d be looking in the corner. She seemed to be responding to things that weren’t in the room,” Cotton told “20/20.” “It was odd.”
Both the Geysers and the Weiers were allowed to see their daughters briefly before they were arrested and taken to jail.
“I remember her saying she was ‘very, very scared.’ That day plays out almost every night in my nightmares,” Kristi Weier told “20/20.” “We hugged and kissed our daughter and told her that it would be all right. We’re still here for you. We’ll figure this out.”
Two days after their interrogations, Morgan and Anissa were charged as adults, facing the possibility of up to 65 years in prison.
“I mean it was shocking,” Angie Geyser said.
“Seeing her in the courtroom with the jumpsuit with the shackles and the handcuffs and the belly-chain really hit me hard that my daughter did something so terrible. That was a really, really low day,” Kristi Weier said.
ABC News
Anissa Weier’s mother Kristi Weier sat down for an interview with “20/20.”
In the aftermath of the stabbing, investigators searched Morgan’s room and found disturbing evidence of a deteriorating young mind, which included drawings of Slender Man with children and the words, “I want to die,” and “help me escape my mind” scrawled across a page.
“Just knowing how long she was sick and suffering inside her own head before we had any idea… makes me sad,” Angie Geyser said.
As prosecutors built their case against Morgan and Anissa, the girls adjusted to life locked up and surrounded by other teenage criminals.
“In the beginning, they would make fun of her or bully her to a point of, ‘You’re a psycho. You’re a monster. Why did you do such a stupid, psychotic thing?’ The children just wouldn’t let it go,” Kristi Weier said of her daughter Anissa’s experience.
Both girls’ mothers were making the hours-long drive to see their daughters in jail. Kristi Weier said in the last 35 months that her daughter was in jail, Anissa maybe had “40 hours of fresh air.”
ABC News
Anissa Weier’s mother Kristi Weier spent hours driving back and forth to the jail where her daughter was held.
“The visiting area … there’s a cement table and a piece of glass,” she said. “We can see each other, but we can’t touch her. I can’t wipe away a tear, I can’t give her a hug. I can’t kiss her.”
Kristi Weier said because all of her interactions with her daughter were recorded, she and Anissa never talked about what happened on the day of the stabbing. She said they didn’t want their conversations to be used against Anissa in court.
“We’ve actually, in a sad sort of way, had more of a mother-daughter bonding time than we’ve ever had before without the distractions of cellphones or video games or phone calls or TV. It’s just her and I divided by glass talking, and she’s able to open up to me and tell me what’s troubling her, what’s on her mind,” Kristi Weier said. “There are moments where I can’t think of a happy thing when I come up here, where my heart is so full of sadness that I don’t even know what to say when I get in there. That’s when I put on a mask and I pretend that life is really, really good even though I’m breaking inside. I try not to show that emotion to Anissa because she needs to see me as being strong.”
“I don’t allow myself to break down in front of her and see how much this is hurting me to see her behind bars,” she added.
Angie Geyser said it has been painful to see her daughter behind glass and not being able to touch her.
“Initially, I mean, she really behaved like a caged animal. Her hair was wild,” she said of her daughter Morgan.
ABC News
Morgan Geyser’s mother Angie Geyser is seen here driving to visit her daughter in jail.
Angie Geyser said there were times she thought Morgan didn’t want to see her.
“The first time I went to visit her, she looked at me and she had sort of this flat expression on her face and she said, ‘Why are you here?’ It’s heartbreaking,” Angie Geyser said.
While behind bars, both girls received mental health evaluations. Angie Geyer says that during an extensive psychological evaluation several months after the stabbing, Morgan received an extraordinarily rare diagnosis for such a young girl: early onset schizophrenia.
Angie Geyser said she wasn’t surprised by the diagnosis because Morgan’s father has schizophrenia. In fact, according to testimony, Morgan’s father had been hospitalized at least four times as a teenager to treat his own schizophrenia.
“When they told us what had happened and that she had done it because she believes Slender Man is real … that’s where my mind went, is that she must be sick,” Angie Geyser said.
Angie Geyser later learned from Morgan that her daughter had been experiencing visual hallucinations since she was 3 years old.
“One of her hallucinations was a tall, slender, shadowy figure,” Geyser said. “And I think that’s probably what ultimately solidified her belief in Slender Man.”
When her daughter was growing up, Geyser said she did notice something when she and her husband let Morgan watch the movie, “Bambi.”
“We had been concerned to show Morgan the movie because she was a sensitive and empathetic child, at least towards other people, so we were afraid that when she saw the movie, that when Bambi’s mother died, she would be devastated,” Geyser said. “She, in fact, had quite the opposite reaction. After Bambi’s mother was shot, Morgan just said, ‘run, Bambi, run!’ and had no reaction whatsoever to the mother dying, so it was just kind of the opposite reaction that we’d been expecting.”
For more than a year at jail, Morgan remained untreated and continued to believe she could communicate with Slender Man and Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter book series. It wasn’t until her family successfully petitioned a judge to civilly commit her that she was moved to a mental health institution where she received medication for schizophrenia.
Angie Geyser said she saw a dramatic change in her daughter after she was able to get mental health help.
“The best way to describe it is that it was like the light came back on behind her eyes,” said Angie Geyser.
She said as hard as it may be for some to believe, she did not know how mentally ill her daughter was before the day of the stabbing.
“If I had had any idea that she believed Slender Man was real, we would have done something about it. We had no idea,” said Angie Geyser. “I think on some level, I’ll always feel responsible for not knowing that my daughter wasn’t well. As a mother, you’re supposed to be there to protect your child, and you know, I think on some level, I’ll always feel that I failed in that regard.”
She said she believes Morgan actively hid her delusions from those around her.
“I think that, as she got older, and she realized that, hey, maybe this isn’t normal, that she did make a conscious effort to hide it,” Angie Geyser said. “A lot of her hallucinations were friends to her, and I don’t think that she wanted to lose those friends.”
“It can go unnoticed. You know, especially with delusions. Delusions can remain compartmentalized for people. So unless you’re talking about the delusion, you may not know that it exists,” Dr. Melissa Westendorf, who was one of the court-appointed forensic psychologists who evaluated Anissa and testified at the trial, told “20/20.”
Westendorf diagnosed Anissa with a “shared psychotic disorder,” saying that Morgan’s schizophrenia coupled with both girls’ delusions about Slender Man created a perfect storm.
“Once you find this character on the internet, you can read all these stories that look real. They look like newspaper articles. It’s hard for a lot of people to differentiate … let alone a 12 year old,” Westendorf said.
Both mothers said their daughters are remorseful for what they did to Payton.
Slender Man Stabbing Survivor’s Remarkable Recovery
Kristi Weier worries what Anissa’s life will be like after years of being cut off from society.
“My fear is that she’ll be institutionalized and she will not really know how to interact with normal people at Walmart, at the gas station, at Pick ‘n Save,” she said. “After spending 25 years in a mental institution with other adults, I don’t know if she’s going to be any better. That’s my worry.”
Angie Geyser believes her daughter is not dangerous.
“Morgan’s untreated mental illness is what made her a danger. We will know what to look for in the future,” she said. “She does not [still believe Slender Man is real]. … Morgan lives in reality now.”
“I might be naïve, but in my heart I believe she doesn’t believe in Slender Man anymore. But I can’t ignore the obvious that she does need therapy and she does need mental help,” Kristi Weier said of Anissa.
Angie Geyser said she hopes Morgan will be able to return home to her family, but wants the family to move away from Waukesha, Wisconsin.
“It’s difficult living in the community where you experienced the worst thing that’s ever happened to you,” she said. “I frequently drive by these places that hold horrible memories. And I just want to get us all away from that.”
via The Trump Debacle
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anchorarcade · 7 years
Ryan says Republican tax plan must speed through choppy waters: Reuters interview
Ryan says Republican tax plan must speed through choppy waters: Reuters interview
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that a sweeping Republican tax-cut plan is entering its toughest phase yet as lobbyists swarm Congress to try to protect valuable tax breaks.
Urging lawmakers to move quickly on the plan, Ryan said in an interview with Reuters that speedy action would prevent the legislation getting bogged down and deliver sooner the economic growth that Republicans expect from it.
“K Street,” as Washington’s lobbying industry is known after the downtown street where much of it is based, will soon descend on Capitol Hill to defend tax benefits for companies and other special interests, said Ryan, the top Republican in Congress.
”When the details come, that is when you’re going to see K Street coming to Congress. And that’s why this hasn’t been done for 31 years,” said Ryan, looking back to the country’s last major tax code overhaul under President Ronald Reagan in 1986.
While the broad parameters of the Republican plan, backed by President Donald Trump, have been made public, detailed legislation is not expected to be revealed until next week.
Securing passage by Congress of the tax plan would give Trump his first major legislative win since he took office in January. Republicans control the White House and both chambers of Congress and are under pressure to deliver on their election campaign promises. Final action on taxes is at least weeks away.
The Republican plan would cut taxes for businesses and people by up to $6 trillion over the next decade, according to independent analysts.
It calls for reducing the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and setting a lower rate for smaller businesses, as well as cutting taxes for individuals and allowing larger deductions for families.
Democrats have called it a gift to the rich and to corporate America that would cause the federal deficit to balloon and add to the $20 trillion U.S. national debt.
Ryan referred to white-water rafting to describe how the tax overhaul effort is entering its toughest phase.
“We’ve been going through Class 3 rapids, which is a pleasant ride. It’s nice. Everybody pretty much stays in the boat and it’s pretty good. But we’re about to go through Class 5 rapids, which is the biggest rapid you can go through,” he said.
He called on Republicans to hold tight as details are hammered out. “We’ve got to make sure that everybody stays in the boat and we get the boat down the river,” Ryan said.
He dismissed concerns that tax cuts could expand the federal deficit. “We don’t anticipate a big deficit effect from this tax reform because we will broaden the base and lower the rates, plug loopholes and get faster economic growth.”
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) participates in an onstage interview about tax policy with Thomson Reuters Editor in Chief Stephen Adler in Washington, U.S. October 25, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Republicans intend to pay for their proposed cuts in part by broadening the tax base. That would require discarding trillions of dollars of tax deductions, loopholes and other breaks, each one protected by powerful interests.
If lobbyists succeed in protecting such tax breaks, lawmakers would be looking at less revenue to offset the tax cuts, raising the risk of higher deficits and debt that could undermine long-term economic growth.
Ryan has previously said he wants the House to pass the tax bill by the Nov. 23 U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. He predicted on Wednesday that some Democratic lawmakers would back the tax plan.
“At the end of the day, I do believe some Democrats will end up voting for this thing,” Ryan said. “It’s hard for me to see why – no matter what party you’re from – you’d want to vote against this.”
At least some Democratic support could end up being needed in the Senate, where Republicans hold only a 52-48 majority. Party dissent in the Senate led to Republicans’ failure this summer to push through an overhaul of the healthcare system that Trump and the party leadership had pushed for.
Ryan, from Wisconsin, blamed Democrats for the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. Republicans are drafting the tax legislation on their own.
“I so wish we had Bill Bradley Democrats around these days. We do not have Bill Bradley Democrats. Believe me, I really, really wish we did,” Ryan said, referring to Democratic former Senator Bill Bradley, who played a key bipartisan role in the Reagan tax reform.
Among Republicans, skirmishes around the tax breaks have already begun.
Some Republican lawmakers are resisting a proposal to eliminate a popular deduction for state and local tax payments, which would hit middle-class voters in high-tax states like New York, New Jersey and California.
“You do have to broaden the base in order to lower the rates. And that is what reform is,” Ryan said. “With respect to state and local, I think there’s a way of addressing the concerns that our members have for middle income taxpayers … so that they are net winners in tax reform as well.”
Ryan also said Republican lawmakers will not take up a bipartisan plan to stabilize Obamacare insurance markets or try again this year to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
The House speaker said he wants Congress to pass legislation to protect illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children but offered no timetable.
Asked about strong denunciations of Trump this week by two Republican senators, Ryan said people should “settle their differences personally” rather than in public.
He also urged the Department of Justice to immediately give Congress documents related to the funding of a dossier on Trump during the presidential campaign.
Reporting by David Morgan, Amanda Becker and Doina Chiacu; Writing by Susan Heavey and Alistair Bell; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Will Dunham and Frances Kerry
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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Ryan says Republican tax plan must speed through choppy waters: Reuters interview
Ryan says Republican tax plan must speed through choppy waters: Reuters interview
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that a sweeping Republican tax-cut plan is entering its toughest phase yet as lobbyists swarm Congress to try to protect valuable tax breaks.
Urging lawmakers to move quickly on the plan, Ryan said in an interview with Reuters that speedy action would prevent the legislation getting bogged down and deliver sooner the economic growth that Republicans expect from it.
“K Street,” as Washington’s lobbying industry is known after the downtown street where much of it is based, will soon descend on Capitol Hill to defend tax benefits for companies and other special interests, said Ryan, the top Republican in Congress.
”When the details come, that is when you’re going to see K Street coming to Congress. And that’s why this hasn’t been done for 31 years,” said Ryan, looking back to the country’s last major tax code overhaul under President Ronald Reagan in 1986.
While the broad parameters of the Republican plan, backed by President Donald Trump, have been made public, detailed legislation is not expected to be revealed until next week.
Securing passage by Congress of the tax plan would give Trump his first major legislative win since he took office in January. Republicans control the White House and both chambers of Congress and are under pressure to deliver on their election campaign promises. Final action on taxes is at least weeks away.
The Republican plan would cut taxes for businesses and people by up to $6 trillion over the next decade, according to independent analysts.
It calls for reducing the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and setting a lower rate for smaller businesses, as well as cutting taxes for individuals and allowing larger deductions for families.
Democrats have called it a gift to the rich and to corporate America that would cause the federal deficit to balloon and add to the $20 trillion U.S. national debt.
Ryan referred to white-water rafting to describe how the tax overhaul effort is entering its toughest phase.
“We’ve been going through Class 3 rapids, which is a pleasant ride. It’s nice. Everybody pretty much stays in the boat and it’s pretty good. But we’re about to go through Class 5 rapids, which is the biggest rapid you can go through,” he said.
He called on Republicans to hold tight as details are hammered out. “We’ve got to make sure that everybody stays in the boat and we get the boat down the river,” Ryan said.
He dismissed concerns that tax cuts could expand the federal deficit. “We don’t anticipate a big deficit effect from this tax reform because we will broaden the base and lower the rates, plug loopholes and get faster economic growth.”
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) participates in an onstage interview about tax policy with Thomson Reuters Editor in Chief Stephen Adler in Washington, U.S. October 25, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Republicans intend to pay for their proposed cuts in part by broadening the tax base. That would require discarding trillions of dollars of tax deductions, loopholes and other breaks, each one protected by powerful interests.
If lobbyists succeed in protecting such tax breaks, lawmakers would be looking at less revenue to offset the tax cuts, raising the risk of higher deficits and debt that could undermine long-term economic growth.
Ryan has previously said he wants the House to pass the tax bill by the Nov. 23 U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. He predicted on Wednesday that some Democratic lawmakers would back the tax plan.
“At the end of the day, I do believe some Democrats will end up voting for this thing,” Ryan said. “It’s hard for me to see why – no matter what party you’re from – you’d want to vote against this.”
At least some Democratic support could end up being needed in the Senate, where Republicans hold only a 52-48 majority. Party dissent in the Senate led to Republicans’ failure this summer to push through an overhaul of the healthcare system that Trump and the party leadership had pushed for.
Ryan, from Wisconsin, blamed Democrats for the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. Republicans are drafting the tax legislation on their own.
“I so wish we had Bill Bradley Democrats around these days. We do not have Bill Bradley Democrats. Believe me, I really, really wish we did,” Ryan said, referring to Democratic former Senator Bill Bradley, who played a key bipartisan role in the Reagan tax reform.
Among Republicans, skirmishes around the tax breaks have already begun.
Some Republican lawmakers are resisting a proposal to eliminate a popular deduction for state and local tax payments, which would hit middle-class voters in high-tax states like New York, New Jersey and California.
“You do have to broaden the base in order to lower the rates. And that is what reform is,” Ryan said. “With respect to state and local, I think there’s a way of addressing the concerns that our members have for middle income taxpayers … so that they are net winners in tax reform as well.”
Ryan also said Republican lawmakers will not take up a bipartisan plan to stabilize Obamacare insurance markets or try again this year to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
The House speaker said he wants Congress to pass legislation to protect illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children but offered no timetable.
Asked about strong denunciations of Trump this week by two Republican senators, Ryan said people should “settle their differences personally” rather than in public.
He also urged the Department of Justice to immediately give Congress documents related to the funding of a dossier on Trump during the presidential campaign.
Reporting by David Morgan, Amanda Becker and Doina Chiacu; Writing by Susan Heavey and Alistair Bell; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Will Dunham and Frances Kerry
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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