#it’s okay I’ll complain abt it with my other friend tonight he’s great
exopelagic · 11 months
why am I haunted by this fucking guy from first year
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
tattoo artist!yuta x reader
a/n: i legit know nothing abt tattoos i have none, so don’t think whatever i wrote abt getting tattoos is real. it’s all fiCtion children, please be nice to me 🥺🥺🥺
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your friend, taeil, got drunk af and was dared to get a tattoo… and well,,, he needed a lot of support
and a huge push from you
ofc you told the man to just tell whoever he got drunk with to call the deal off because well,,, they were drunk
well turns out moon taeil has too much pride in himself
and besides,,,, lee haechan apparently got his eyebrow pierced when he was dared to do it
you were usually the type to laugh at such stupidity
but taeil cooks for you and helps you clean, so laughing at his being dumbfuck of a brain was probably the last thing you wanted to do
so the two of you were in front of the tattoo shop. while taeil was probably dying internally and regretting all of his life choices, you were thinking of ways of keeping his ass down on that chair and ensuring that the tattoo artist won’t sue your friend for being a loud and uncooperative customer
i mean have ya’ll seen that video where the 127 boys were playing the ‘find my belly button game’ and taeil was abt to motherfucking burst
‘hello, welcome to neo ink. how may i help you?’
fuck was the man a whole ass meal
silvers of different sizes decorated both his ears, platinum hair perfectly styled underneath the maroon beanie he wore. the man in front of you also had the prettiest set of eyes you’ve seen, almost similar to a cat’s. in other words, he was a living anime character, and you were living for it.
what got your attention the most was his tattoos, beautifully drawn on his tan skin. although he had his long sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the black ink imprinted on both his forearms told you that he had a tattoo sleeve on both his arms.
a pretty man with tattoos and piercings and dyed hair
you were so glad you came along with taeil
your friend was probably shaking harder than when he was standing in front of the store. right, you had to take care of him and distract him until the tattoo was done.
so you told the man in front of you about your friend’s situation,
and tbh mr. handsome tattoo guy wasn’t really impressed or fond with your explanation, but he needed the cash so who was he to complain
so the two of you were there, and as much you wanted to stare and admire at this ethereal man’s face, taeil was freaking the fuck out, and being the good friend you were, ofc you enjoyed watching him suffer calmed him down
‘moon taeil sit your ass down! if i can chase around a man with a rolling pin definitely not a yes chef reference without any shame and was publicised, a tattoo is notHIng!!!!! you’re literally getting a semi circle on your nape—‘
‘IT’S A HALF MOON __________’
platinum-haired tattoo artist was definitely enjoying your banter about how it looks nothing like a half moon (you knew it was, but to get shit done quicker) while taeil insisted; honestly thanks to you, he actually started to ink his skin without taeil noticing
good job ________, you’re a godsend
‘_______ my name legiterally ends with moon, how hard is to connect the dots—‘
‘mr. moon your tattoo is done’
and you sighed in relief, mentally patting yourself for constantly coming up with arguments against your friend’s point just so the pretty tattoo artist can do his work without a screaming moon taeil
well he was screaming, but it wasn’t because of him
while your friend was shook and ran to the mirror and checked it out by himself,
ofc, pretty tattoo guy walked towards you
‘thank you so much for your help, i was quite close to giving him a popsicle or smth while i was working’ he says to you.
yes, he spoke to you
and he thanked you for keeping up with your bullshit
________.exe has stopped working bRUHHHHHHHHHHhHhhHhhHhhh
tattoo boy knew he was pretty, and he definitely smirked at your sudden flustered state
bitCh if you don’t wipe off that smirk im going to kiss you
‘i’m yuta by the way, you were great help today’ he says, stretching his arms towards you
even if you wanted to hesitate, you didn’t. you just immediately shook his hand, softly whispering your name even if it was just the two of you, while taeil was jumping around like a little kid being so proud of himself for completing a drunken dare
the bitch was still smiling
‘did you really not know it was a half moon though?’
‘the more appropriate term is a “waning crescent” actually, but honestly the only way to distract him is to be stubborn with your thoughts and force it on him’ you reply while yuta just smiles at you
DaMn his smile was pretty as fuck what the hell did you do to meet such angel
and just like that, ya’ll talked pretty naturally talking more about taeil’s shenanigans, as well as your own lifestyle
you learned that he initially was a transfer student from japan, but he ended up liking south korea more than he thought. so here he is: a bilingual tattoo artist in seoul.
‘i work as a stripper in the nearby bar actually’ you say with a straight face, just to see his reaction
people would either turn red or stutter a lot, usually both at the same time.
‘well i guess I’ll see you tonight then’ *wink*
‘u-uhhh, okay not the reaction i expected. i usually say it to see if people were judgemental or not because you’re already such a knowledgeable guy and really pretty, i didn’t want to fool myself and… wow i really should think before speaking’
thanks stupid brain and hormones, thanks
yuta laughed at you, throwing his head back slightly at your flushed self pt.2
he found you cute, and you seemed like a good natured person for supporting your friend
‘i knew you were kidding, don’t worry. my shift ends in about 2 hours, so if you’re interested, would you like to have a coffee or something?’
if you weren’t blushing before, well you were now
‘y-yeah i-i’d like t-tha—‘
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Broken arm
A/N: This was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think! Also this is like my worst fear, like that sounds dumb but breaking something sounds absolutely disgusting to me. In movies if they do like sound effects of bones breaking and I know it’s coming, I mute the sound. 
summary:  i was wondering if you could write a reddie x daughter where the losers club all go out and the daughter gets hurt (maybe breaks an arm) so they all freak out and take her to the hospital, and it’s just rlly cute at the end. i just feel like i could image richie and eddie just freaking out abt what to do and not actually doing anything so the rest of the losers have to step in
warnings: mentions of a broken arm and surgories (not graphic), mentions of throwing up (but also not graphic) and some curse words and your mom joke
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At least once a month, all the losers have a reunion that usually either takes place in Ben and Bev’s lake house, or in their boat. The reason it does, is because Ben and Bev combined have enough money to restore any damages that may or may not occur during these times, more often than not Richie fault.
This time however, by some unlucky draw of the hat, everyone agrees to meet up in Richie and Eddie’s home, because their daughter Alexa isn’t feeling too great, and Richie not Eddie felt comfortable relocating with her for a few days.
She had nothing major, just a stomach bug that causes her to throw up from time to time, but Both Eddie and Richie were more than ready to postponed the losers’ meeting. Alexa insisted that all the plans continued on as normal despite her feeling unwell, since she loved spending time with her uncles and aunt any time she could, and when she showed signs of her health improving, nobody cancelled anything.
With the first knock on the door, Alexa jumps up, rushing to welcome whoever has made it to their house first, ignoring how her stomach was protesting the flash movement, and she’s greeted by the sight of her best-loved aunt, which happened to be Aunty Bev. Six months into the pregnancy made Bev look bloated and tired, but her eyes lit up as soon as Alexa opened the door, bending down as best as she could to hug her back twice as hard. She’s alone, Ben had had a meeting over in Portland, and agreed to meet Bev here.
‘How’s my favorite girl doing?’ Bev asks with a huge smile on her face, her hand resting on the top of her belly softly rubbing up and down.
‘I’m okay’, Alexa insists, even though her face still looks a little pale. Eddie, who had joined the two of them at the front door, rolled his eyes begrudgingly. Insisting that she’s fine even though she isn’t must be a trait she picked up from Richie.
Staying silent however, he brings Bev into an embrace, an; ‘hey Bev’ falling from his lips in the process.
‘Richie’s out back, come in, I’ll go get him.’ Before Eddie has the chance, the next guests arrive, in the form of Patty and Stan. Stan was holding a stuffed animal, a bunny in his hands, smirking as if he already knew that he was going to be the ‘chosen’ one today.
Eddie laughs out loud, watching as his daughter’s eyes grow bigger and wide, and she excitedly begins the bounce up and down, seemingly forgetting about the sickness for a little while. In his mind, Eddie is already praising Stan, for the few moments of rest this allows his daughter to have. Sleep is nothing something that has come in large doses to her in the last two days, every single waking minute of the day being consumed with sitting next to a toilet bowl, and brushing her teeth afterwards.
Eddie also praises Stan for basically knocking down the competition before the rest of them even have a chance.
At two years old, Alexa figured out how to play her family like the harp she later maintained she wanted to practice, giving up after only two lessons. She used to go around the room and beg her uncles and aunt to play a game with her, any kind, and when they relented, the first person who did would be her go to person for the rest of the evening.
Endearing everyone’s heart, but also resulting in a rivalry, where many presents were tossed around, and Alexa was in danger of becoming a bit spoiled. Now at twelve, she’s stopped crowning anyone as her winner, yet the losers still  arranges bets on her, as if their daughter is something to bet on.
It’s all in good fun of course, and Richie himself joins in on the gamble from time to time, but for whatever reason he never guesses correctly, but Eddie has a burning suspicion it has something to do with manipulating Stan to lose. Not that his schemes work, Stan is much too smart for that.
In rapid succession, Ben follows Stan and Patty, and after him Mike emerges, and finally Bill and Audra appear from the end of the streets. A loud and ugly snort forces its way out of Eddie, when he sees the exact some bear clutched to Bill’s chests, the annoying, cocky smirk on his face he mirrored from Stan, the same one that vanishes as soon as he steps through the door, and lays his eyes upon Alexa, clasping Stan’s gift.
Richie, who had since joined the rest of the group, could not contain his laughter, finding in Bill the perfect victim to tease throughout the entire night.
Rice and chicken were on the menu tonight, a light meal that was decided in light of Alexa, but nobody complained. Despite popular belief, Richie was a very good cook, and when he prepared any meal, it was guaranteed that it would taste delicious.
Alexa ate a bit, more than she had eaten in the last few days, and Eddie sighed a breath of relief.  Years of conditioning that any sickness was going to get him killed did not disappear off the bat, so he was immensely glad his daughter was starting to feel better, even if he knew her ailment was not that serious to begin with.
After dinner, the group resides to the living room, watching a movie that Alexa had her mind set on viewing, and secretive adult talk concealed in a child appropriate package so she wouldn’t notice, making a way across each other. A normal reunion like any other.
At nine pm, unsurprisingly, Alexa got up from her seat. ‘I’m going to bed dad,’ she explains, her hand stroking Bev’s baby bump one last time, and then waving at everyone. The spot next to Beverly, the one that Alexa had claimed, so she could discuss her new best friend as she lovingly called the new baby that was yet to be burn, remains achingly open. A weird feeling creeps up the back of Eddie’s neck, ridiculously.
The losers club just doesn’t seem complete without her, even if she has only been there for twelve years. Her bedtime was around eight, but when they go on a trip, she is allowed to stay up as long she want, the fact that she turns in for the night so early, is a testimony to how bad she suffers.  
Richie started to make his way up from the sofa too, ready to tuck her in, as he did every night, but she shook her head. ‘I can go to bed alone, Pops, don’t worry.’
She gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then scampered off to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Bill chocked on his drink in laughter when he saw the fallen look on Richie’s face, disappointment coating his expressions in a grey attire.
When he dejectedly resumed his place next to Eddie, the latter patted him on the arm in sympathy. ‘It’s just because there are others here Rich. You know how ashamed she gets of you.’ The smirk cannot be contained when the words leave his mouth, even though he means nothing but lies with them.
‘And they say my jokes suck? Spaghetti, come up with new and innovated humor, like mine. Thank god she’s got some of my qualities-‘
‘she’s adopted.’
‘- don’t interrupt me Eds that’s just bad manners. I’m so sorry your mom was to busy teaching me the way around her body to teach you how to be polite but-‘
‘Beep beep asshole.’ A murmur of agreement rose up from the group, Richie flipping them the bird.
‘Whatever, you losers have no taste at all.’
Deciding to check up on her after about fifteen minutes, Eddie settles back in his seat, joining in on the conversation to his right, where Ben and Stan discuss the different plants they have in their garden, listing a bunch of flowers Eddie will never know the meaning off.  
The movie clutters on in the background, almost like a lullaby, and Eddie yawns significantly. Richie’s hand presses in the small of his back, a grounding warm signal that he was safe, even though he doesn’t mean too, he zones out, not asleep, but also not as awake as he should be.
That happens to be a mistake when he hears something slam on the floor above them, the sound of the toilet being flushed a second after. He makes eye contact with Richie, both of them realizing that that is probably the result of Alexa throwing up again.
‘Dad, Pops’, and then a loud bang, proceeded by a few thuds that can be relocated to their stairs, and a pained yell.
Richie and Eddie scramble up faster than they have ever done before, even more hurried than when Pennywise was chasing them in Neibolt. Stan, Bill and Bev scurry alongside them, to the place of the accident, every single one of them in a panicked haze.
It only takes a second to get there, in their haste, and no other sounds emerge anymore, until They run into the hallway.
Alexa is spread out across the bottom of the stairs, her arm bend in a weird position, her legs propped up as she looks around the space dazedly, as if she’s not sure what just happened.
Her faces goes through a couple of emotions, intensifying when she takes a look at her arm, but not yet crying.
Eddie is the first to reach her, and when she sees him, her lips open slightly and a wail falls out. It proves to him that she is in real, and agonizing pain. Back when she learned how to ride her bike for the first time, she had fallen many times, as kids do, but if she cried, Eddie refused to indulge her. He wouldn’t let leave or abandon her, but he would tell her that everything was fine, and that it only stung a little, and there was no need to cry.
He mostly did this to stop himself from becoming like his mother, and to allow Alexa to discover her own boundaries and which one hurt enough to actually ask help for. He never shamed her for crying either, he just tried to teach her the difference between actual pain, and being shocked from a fall.  Ever since, is she saw Eddie walk towards her, her tears stopped if it barely stung, or begin to cry if help was needed.
Now she sobs, heavy and with snot, hiccuping to catch her breaths. It only takes a look to tell Eddie everything he needs to know, she is suffering from an open fracture. The bone is not stuck outside the skin, but the bump is visible from the outside, in the same way that his bone was when he broke his arm.
All previous training flies out the window when it’s his daughter that is the one who is harmed, nothing of the medical terms he surrounded himself with in his childhood sticking, like liquid dropping from his head.
He stands there, blankly as he gazes upon his daughters still laying form, until he gets pushed back by Bill. Richie too stands frozen, trembling from head to toe, but Bev and Stan launch into action, dropping down next to Alexa, each on opposites sides.
‘What do we do, what do we do?’ Richie inquires frantically, pushing against Bills hands, to get to her, trusting Eddie for guidement. Eddie subconsciously reaches for his inhaler, and curses once he remembers that he threw his placebo away.
‘Fuck, fuck, Eddie should we snap the bone back in? It worked last time right?’ Richie reflects Eddie’s frantic, ignoring Bill’s pleas to calm down, the cries of Alexa deafening their ears, and making their heartstrings cave in.
‘What? What the fuck asshole no. That was a terrible thing to do, and you were lucky that my arm got back to normal, are you fucking kidding me you absolute moron?’
He doesn’t mean to snap at his husband the way he does, but the mantra of; this is your fault, she’s going to die, get her to a hospital now, more careful, you should force her to be more safe, in a voice that sounds an awful lot likes his mother hisses in his mind. The panic is very nearly all consuming.
‘What the fuck was I supposed to do then huh Eds? I was fucking twelve.’ Their panic-stricken words grow louder and louder, until even Alexa’s cries of agony sound quieter than theirs, they’re so consumed with worry, being oblivious to notice what Beverly and Stan are so desperately trying to convey.
‘I don’t know, not that. And you’re 43 years old, by now you should now better dickwad.’
‘Stop it’, Bill yells in the same determined leader voice that lured them into the house on Neibolt street, effectively silencing them and focusing their attention on him.
‘Your daughter needs you right now, so shut up, and do what we ask you too okay. Richie get her cloths, Eddie retrieve anything she has that helps calm her down. Alright? Okay go.’
Richie hurries to get the car as fast he can, but Eddie hesitates when he gapes at Alexa. He doesn’t want to leave her without her parents. ‘Hey’, Bill places on of his hands on Eddie shoulder, ‘we’ll take care of her for a minute okay?’
Her cries have turned into loud whimpers, her face hidden behind Stan’s body, which stops her from seeing Eddie anyway. Bev is calmly shushing her, on the phone with what must be the hospital, carefully checking her arm. Stan is trying to distract her, his cardigan being discarded towards Bev, who uses is to carefully cover the injured arm.
It looks painful, and Eddie can’t stand to think of her in pain, so he too complies with Bill’s demands, searching for the plush toy she got as a gift, and her soft blanket that she sleeps with during the winter.
When he comes back, he hears the blaring sirens of the ambulance stop outside their door, and his stomach falls when he realizes that a few hours ago, Alexa was standing in that exact spot, excited for the night.
Audra and Patty lead the paramedics into the home, apparently they had been waiting outside to help, Patty grabbing Eddie’s arm to steady herself, and maybe even Eddie, who is swaying dangerously from side to side.
He’s been through all of this before, in a way, but that seemed somehow less scary than it is now. Back then, Eddie had been glad none of his friends got hurt, so it didn’t matter that he did. Now, it’s different, but if he could somehow switch places with Alexa, he would do so in a heartbeat.
They insert an IV line and administer pain relief, Eddie assumes, since his ears seem like they’ve been stuffed full of cotton. He vaguely registers Richie’s hand in his own, all his attention pointed to watching Alexa’s face for any discomfort.
She’s placed upon a trauma board, Stan and Ben aiding to help her jolts as minimal as possible, before they carry her to the ambulance as fast as humanly possible. Eddie hopes to god, something he hasn’t believed in since he started dating Richie, that the medicine she has received knock her out, just so she’s painless the rest of the ride.
‘Dad, pops’, she wails, extending her uninjured arm to reach for the both of them. Next to him, Richie cries too.
Eddie speed walks to be by her side, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to it. ‘It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re going to be fine.’ He can’t help the way his voice cracks as he tries to keep his own tears at bay.
Richie also hast himself to get to her, brushing away her tears as best he can, but new ones continue to leave wet rivers on her cheeks.
After consideration, Eddie says to Richie; ‘You need to go with her,’ his words lacking any really conviction.
Richie gazes up to him in surprise. ‘Eddie?’
‘I can’t be in there, in a hospital or ambulance, but I would feel so much better if you were with her.’ The trauma lingers around Eddie like a bad stench, and he hates himself for the fact that he can’t be with his daughter. He knows Richie will keep her safe though, so if he were to go with her, maybe the grip guilt has on him will loosen.
Richie says nothing and stares for just a split second, before one of the EMT’s says they need to hurry. Then he nods, climbing on board with Alexa, but pressing his lips against Eddie’s quickly before his does.
He’s trying to convey Eddie into believing everything will be okay, but Richie isn’t sure if he believes it himself.
They have to leave then, and Eddie stares as the ambulance disappears into the distance. When he can’t see it no longer, he allows himself five seconds, and he uses those five seconds to cry upon Mike’s sturdy statues the waterfalls flowing from his eyes like they’re a rives. He can sense the others coming closer, each laying a hand on a part of his body, their silent way of telling him they’re here for them.
He feels bad for making Richie having to be the one to hold it all together, since he can’t break down in front of Alexa, but Eddie honestly didn’t have any resolution left to sit in an ambulance.
When his five seconds are up, he begs someone to drive him to the hospital, ignoring his next door neighbor who comes to check up on the commotion that was happening.
He ends up driving with Stan and Patty, in the middle backseat, where he can feel their worried gazes on him. In his mind, he is trying to recall any information about what he had to go through with his arm, but all he really remembers is that he had to have surgery.
As predicted, that is the first thing Richie tells Eddie when he finally gets to the emergency room, Richie waiting near the entrance, his hands trembling when he reaches forward to pull Eddie against him in a tight hug.
‘She needs to have surgery Eds, you have to come quick. They’re about to put her under.’ Richie informs him when he pulls back, this time reaching for his hands and pulling him in the direction of the room Alexa is in. Eddie wants to say something to his friends, but he’s already whisked away, and he just figures he’ll tell them later.
Upon entering the room, Eddie can smell the disinfected in the room, the whole room is drenched in it, but he refuses to let it deter him, so he pulls through, pulling a chair to the side of the hospital bed, resting his hand on Alexa’s shoulder. Richie goes for her hand on her good arm, his thumb sweeping the back of her hand back and forth.
‘hey, honey, how are you?’
Alexa lets her head fall sideways, her eyes dropped with exhaustion, she hasn’t received any anesthetic, so Eddie assumes that it’s the adrenaline that has worked off.
‘I’m scared dad,’ she tells him truthfully, squeezing Richie’s hand tight while not looking him in the eyes.
‘It’s okay to be scared baby,’ Eddie soothes her, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. ‘I had to same thing happen to me when I was little.’
Her lips tug upwards in a faint smile. ‘I know, pops told me.’
‘It wasn’t that scary anymore. Not when getting into the hospital. I just fell right asleep, and when I woke up, the pain was dulled.’
‘I’m not in so much pain right now though, can I not avoid the surgery?’ Eddie’s heart breaks once again, and he wishes so bad he could heed his daughter from this, but it has to happen, there’s no other option.
‘That’s cause you’re on a lot op pain medication kiddo, but as soon as they’re worn off, you’ll feel it again.’  Richie heavily admits, the lines on his face have turned more prominent, the night taking ten years of their lives away from them.
‘Like I said, you’ll just go to sleep, and when you wake up, we’ll be here.’ Eddie tries to convince her one last time, and with a heaved sigh, she relents.
Just in time, for the nurse sticks her head through the door, her smile apologetic.
‘Alexa Tozier-Kaspbrak? I’m sorry, but we really have to get her upstairs now.
‘You’ll be fine bucko, We won’t be fare okay?’
‘And remember we love you okay?’
‘I know dad, Pops, I love you too.’
When they wheel Alexa away in her hospital bag, the other losers wave at her from behind the glass door, sticking their thumbs up in good luck, while Alexa waves at them as best she can.
‘She’ll be okay’, Richie insists as he pulls Eddie close to him by the waist, pressing his nose in his hair to comfort himself.
‘I really hope so Rich, I’m scared.’
‘Don’t be Eds, she’s your kid, she’s so strong, this is just a minor setback. I love okay, we’ll get through this together.’
‘I love you too.’
Later, when Alexa is back in her room, falling asleep on her own this time, and Eddie watches Richie’s lanky from twist in half to rest his head on the bed, the rest of his body in an uncomfortable hospital chair just to be close to their daughter, he thanks whoever is listening that he got this family; He would never trade them for anything in the world.
He’s mumbling to the both of them, a stupid story about Richie and his childhood, because Alexa had once told him she slept best with some background noise. Twirling the same piece of hair over and over again, he presses another kiss to her head, thankful that’s okay. 
He nearly thinks of his mother, and how much he would have loved to see her face if she ever saw him like this. Gay, married, with a child and in a hospital. But then he banishes her to the back of his mind. She is not worth any ounce of his thoughts. 
 Alexa shifts in her sleep, relaxing into the movements, and Eddie can’t do anything but mumble out in pure adoration; ‘I promise, I’ll never be like my mom, I love you and your pops too much for that.’ 
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sugako · 5 years
synopsis:  You transfer to Belgrave and become a grad assistant with Hamish. The two of you plan on grading papers together at his apartment (not the den) make it a drinking game, get drunk, and makeout.
word count: 2811 (abt 6 pages juicy stuff happens after 3rd space break) 
pairing: hamish duke x reader
warnings: drinking (A LOT), kissing & making out, some sad test grades 
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Hamish had been very wrong. Although you had suggested this, it was, indeed, a very horrible idea. You were fully gone before you had finished four out of the fifteen exams you had. Hamish, on the other hand, was going strong and finishing up his seventh exam. 
 A really good essay answer or super insightful response got you a sip of water or a cracker if you wanted.  Simple mistakes were a shot of orange liqueur.   
Average to slightly bad mistakes were a shot of vodka. 
 Horrible, ridiculous mistakes were a drop of absinthe with some water.
“They asked for another exam!” You huffed. “They just bitched about having to read twenty pages for this week and they want a whole exam?!”
Hamish chuckled, barely glancing up from his book.
Okay. So it wasn’t as if you were really furious with this group of underclassmen who nearly cried every time they had a quiz. To be fairer, it was really only two of them that caused an issue, the rest remained silent or voiced their disdain for the complainers which you didn’t openly condone, but did appreciate. You didn’t think they realized it was more work for you and Hamish though. With the regular professor on sudden sabbatical, the two of you were fully in charge of the class now. Although it was merely an intro philosophy class, the school had thankfully compensated you for it.
1 Week Later: Immediately Following the Exam
“Do you want to grade these together to make sure we mark the same things?” You asked nonchalantly, grabbing your lunch from the faculty fridge. Hamish was a nice, handsome, single man with a great personality and a brilliant mind to boot. Not ready to truly shoot your shot, you decided to be more subtle.
“That is a fantastic idea. Where and when were you thinking?” He sat adjacent to you sipping an espresso. It was like he only lived off of booze and coffee.
“Tonight is my best free night unless you have a better Friday night planned. And probably not at my apartment, my roommate is going to have some guy over and she loves to just stay out in the living room and let everything out in the open.” You said.
“Then my apartment sounds like a much better place. We can meet at the Chalice and walk to my place from there?”
“That sounds great! I’ll see you then.”
When you walked into the bar you spotted Hamish with two other people in the back. Keeping your eyes trained on just him you made your way to the table, but one of them saw you first.
The girl whipped around, anger and defensiveness in her eyes already.
“What do you want?” She snipped.
Cocking your head you pointed at Hamish, who was already trying to quell her.
“I’m just here to grade some exams.”
“She’s here for me, Lilith. This is Y/N, I was telling you all about her earlier.” He was using his teacher's voice. “We can get going now. We’ll be at my apartment if any of you need anything.” He said, scooting from the booth seat holding his messenger bag close. Lilith and the other boy at the table nodded and grumbled something along the lines of ‘thanks dad’.
He straightened out his vest and posture, flashing you a kind grin. “Ready to go?”
“Oh, Hamish!” The other boy cried out. “Do you...if you’re not busy can you help me study tomorrow? I have this huge phys lab practical in a couple days and an RA training session this week…” he trailed off.
“Of course, Randall.”
“Wait!” Lilith yelped. “Why can’t I help you?!”
Randall rolled his eyes. “Do you really want to quiz me on all the muscle structures and organ stuff?”
She pursed her lips. “No, that’s gross.”
Hamish wrapped his hand around your shoulder. “Let’s go before they actually start arguing and we get asked to be third-party witnesses.”
You nodded vigorously, happy to be leaving.
His apartment was only a short walk away in the main city. It was small and minimal, but immaculately well-decorated. Not that you would expect anything less from Hamish. He thrived on aesthetics.
“Wow, it looks so nice in here.” You breathed out. He truly had some beautiful vintage furniture accompanied by incredible artwork and pieces hung on the wall.
“Thank you, I do try my best. I’m not exactly home very often so I like for it to be nice when I am.” He nodded toward the coffee table. “Well, we can get set up and just get to it then.”
You sighed lightly, dreading the results. Hamish smiled, knowingly.
“Would you like a drink before we start?”
It was like a plug flipped in you. You went from exhaustion to excitement in seconds.
“I’m fairly well stocked on anything you can think of so name a drink.”
“Oh wow, full bar service, huh?” You chuckled, hunkering into the soft brown couch. “I think that you’re really the expert so what drink do you think really screams the concept of truth in modern society?”
“I know exactly what you want.” He grinned, rushing toward the open kitchenette to the side of the living room. Listening to glass clanking a liquid pouring, you began to unload your laptop and answer key onto the table. Just as you began to glance at the exams that had spilled out from Hamish’s bag onto the couch, he strode back out to the living room with two deep green drinks in highball glasses. “Truth Serum, itself.”
“I don’t see why you don’t just become a bartender. You could really make bank at one of those bougier places in a city somewhere.”
“And have all the joy sucked out of making drinks? No thanks.”
You tried to hold back a smile as he handed you the glass. “I suppose you don’t have to commodify and exploit all of your talents to survive this economy.”
“Of course not,” he said, “just most of them.”
Together, you sighed.
“Anyway, tonight is about truth and validity not Marxist theory so let’s get on with it.”
You nodded, reaching out to clink your glass against his before taking a sip.
This wasn’t exactly your first, third, or hundredth drink. But somehow, you choked a little as it burned down your throat.
“What is in this?” You asked through tearful eyes, mouth tightly pursed.
“Just some vodka, curacao, absinthe, midori, and ice of cour--”
“There’s absinthe in this?” You asked, incredulously. Hamish nodded once. “Where did you even find absinthe? How much is in here? Oh my gosh nothing on you, this is super well-balanced but holy fuck.”
“I bought it a while ago on a study abroad trip to Germany, but yes I suppose the whole only liquor and liqueurs taste can be a bit...striking when you don’t know what’s coming.”
You nodded, taking another, bigger sip this time. He passed you the first exam. As soon as you looked down you already saw wrong answers. He began marking away at the one in front of him while you stared down at the paper before you. Claire G. was in for lots of red ink.
“Hey Hamish, wanna hear a really horrible idea?” You asked, taking another even longer sip from your glass.
“Why not?”
“What if we take a sip or a shot whenever we mark a point off. Like a drinking game, but at the expense and grade of the kids.” Slowly you glanced over at him, fully expecting him to shoot down your idea. “And whoever finishes first doesn’t have to grade the midterm essay.”
“I think that you misspoke when you said horrible, Y/N. That is a great idea.”
Hamish had been very wrong. Although you had suggested this, it was, indeed, a very horrible idea.
You were fully gone before you had finished four out of the fifteen exams you had. Hamish, on the other hand, was going strong and finishing up his seventh exam.
A really good essay answer or super insightful response got you a sip of water or a cracker if you wanted.
Simple mistakes were a shot of orange liqueur.  
Average to slightly bad mistakes were a shot of vodka.
Horrible, ridiculous mistakes were a drop of absinthe with some water.
It was beginning to dawn on you that somehow you had gotten all of the awful exams. That or Hamish could really pack in the booze without any indication that he was remotely tipsy.
You finished another exam, sloppily circling the grade at the top in big swoopy letters.
“Oh my god, Hamish.”
“What is it?” How could he sound so chill and okay when he had nearly down a bottle of vodka.
“I know why professors have such bad handwriting now. We’re those professors. Oh my god…” You trailed off, staring at the paper in front of you. With that one finished you only had ten more to go. It looked like he had closer to five or six. It was hopeless.
“We are indeed.” He chuckled.
Maybe it was because you had more absinthe in your body now than you had ever in your entire life, but something about his laugh made your stomach light up with butterflies. You had always thought that Hamish was handsome and kind and brilliant, but had never made any move for him. Not that you weren’t attracted to him, but he was so distant so much of the time, it was difficult to even be casual friends with him really. But now you were here with him in his apartment and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
You body, already flush from the alcohol began to heat up as you realized how close you were to him.
“Hamish,” you sighed, “Can we take a break?” You stretched back brushing your arm against his.
“Of course, it is getting late and as much fun as this is I’m sure the students would like to us to pay a great deal of attention to their work.” He said gently, setting his own papers down and moving them to a folder.
“Are you saying I can’t give my full attention to detail right now?” You joked, moving to face him.
“Not necessarily, but you are...well…”
“Because if you are then you’d be totally right. It’s awful, if I even get tipsy I have the attention span of a chihuahua puppy which is really saying a lot because they’re pretty unaware of their surroundings and not that smart, but you’re not even a little bit drunk which is wild because you’re just drinking for fun at this point. And the only way you could do that is if you do this a lot which is even more wild because you’re like fully in shape and so cute all the time. If I do anything even like this a little bit I get so hungover and I’ll be that tomorrow because I’m so stupid and wow I feel like I’ve been talking for a long time I’m so sorry I’m annoying when I’m like this.”
You slumped back into the couch, face bright red. Hamish didn’t say anything for a moment.
“Firstly, you are not stupid. You’re brilliant and well-spoken - when you’re sober. Secondly, I am a little drunk I’ve been drinking more absinthe just for fun I’m just good at hiding it I guess. We’ll drink water and I’ll cook breakfast tomorrow so you won’t be hungover very badly.” He chuckled deeply and you could swear there was a blush dusting his cheeks. “I’m not saying this merely to reciprocate your compliment to me, but you’re very beautiful.”
You didn’t know if your facer could heat up anymore, but it felt like it was.
“Hamish, you don’t have to say that.” You said quietly.
He was fully facing you now, arm draped on the back of the couch and his other hand reaching out to rest on your thigh.
“It’s true,” he smiled, “Even in the strange and specific way some of these essays explain it.”
You laughed and his smile brightened. His palm was burning a hole through your jeans. Only moving on instinct and alcohol you leaned in and wrapped your arms around him to securely embrace him. Distracted by your own thoughts you didn’t even hear what he lightly whispered into your ear. You pulled back, nearly nose to nose with him.
“What? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
The pink dusting on his cheeks was a deep red. “May I kiss you?”
“Ohh! Um, really?” You mentally slapped yourself for asking a question. As he opened his mouth to answer you cut him off. “You’re very handsome and I would like that very much, so yes.”
Before the ‘yes’ had fully dropped from your lips his mouth was on yours. Hamish’s hands snaked up to your waist, lightly pulling you closer. You worked your hands into his hair playfully and gave it a small tug. He moaned quietly in response.
His lips slowed against yours placing small, chaste kisses at the edge of your mouth and down your neck. Gasping for breath, you leaned back into the couch and let him continue. After it seemed he had caught his breath again he lifted his eyes to meet yours and leaned in once again to kiss you.
This time was slower and more passionate. Something about how he felt against you was too perfect. His lips were soft and moved with great ease against yours. The grossly sweet liqueurs and stark vodka you had been drinking mixed with his, making it all the more intoxicating. You could feel your heart still pounding around your chest and banging in your ears as you leaned even closer into his chest.
Then, all at once, you got very tired. Your kisses slowed and his did in response until you lazily pulled back with a tired smile plastered on your face. Still, you remained close, forehead pressed against his.
“You can ask to kiss me whenever.” You said, trying so hard to sound cool, but instead, you just sounded tired. “But right now I think I need to sleep.”
“Then let’s get you to bed.”
You stood, still able to be on two feet, although leaning heavily on him for most of your support.
“I’ll leave a full glass of water and some pills on the table for you to take whenever. Try to drink the water all before you fall asleep. Don’t worry about sleeping in, take as much time as you need. I’ll be here until whenever and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Hamish. That’s too much.”
“Nonsense, it’s just polite.”
You nodded, really unable to argue with him. Slumping through a door he placed you on the edge of a comfortable and very large bed in another well-decorated bedroom. You eased into the dark and lavish sheets, pulling off your socks in order to tuck yourself in.
“Here,” he sighed eyeing your jeans, “I’ll leave you some clothes that should be more comfortable, okay?”
You nodded and hummed, desperately wanting to get out of your pants and sweater.
He tossed an old t-shirt toward you along with a pair of joggers that appeared to be even too large to him. You mumbled your thanks, aware enough now to not start stripping in front of him.
“I’m going to go get some water and then I’ll be back.”
You muttered another ‘thanks’ and tried to rub the sleep from your eyes. Glancing at your phone you realized it was nearly the morning. You hadn’t stayed up this late since writing your undergrad thesis.
As soon as he had vacated the room you began to shed your clothes. Moments later, two soft knocks came from the partially shut door to which you answered a small ‘come in’.
His jaw tightened at the sight of you relaxed, curling into his bed with his clothes on. He brushed away the feeling, moving to the bed to sit on the side beside you. Hamish placed a small array of Advil and ibuprofen-type pills on the nightstand with post-it labels beside each one so you could decide in the morning. You sighed softly from behind him and began tracing small lines up his back. He could feel Tundra bristle under his skin in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time.
You laughed quietly and sleepily from behind him. “I’m sorry, I was trying to follow the pattern on your shirt.”
Finally, he turned toward you, handing you the glass of water which you graciously accepted and quickly gulped down. The entire time Hamish sat quietly on the edge of the bed, staring down at his hands. You left just a sip of water at the bottom, just enough to get you out of bed tomorrow, and reached past him to set the glass beside the pills. As you pulled back he turned to face you once again. Wordlessly, he helped you melt into the bed, pulling the comforter over you and slightly fluffing the pillow under your head.
He lingered for a moment over you, eventually leaning down to place one last, soft kiss against your mouth.
“Goodnight, Hamish.” You said with closed eyes and a heavy sigh.
“Goodnight.” He answered.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Don’t Play
Im Youngmin is your brother’s best friend. You happen to have a huge crush on him.
angst and fluff ish?
some weird non idol au
kim donghyun is your older brother
warning: this includes unsafe/underage (?) drinking and sexual harassment. 
part two
You sighed, staring up at the white ceiling of your bedroom. It was hot—too hot—and all you wanted was some ice cream. You could get up and go to the corner store a block away to get some, but it was too hot to even go outside.
You rolled over onto your stomach, kicking your bare legs up to try and get some cool air on them. Normally you didn’t wear shorts, but this heat made you bend the rules a bit.
“Yah, Kim Donghyun, can you go get some ice cream?” You shouted loudly to the room across from yours. Donghyun, your brother, was always bugging you to go buy food, citing your younger age as a reason for you to go.
“I’m playing Overwatch!” He yelled back, making you roll your eyes.
“Okay, and?”
“And that means no!”
You groaned, shoving your face into your pillow. Even that was hot.
“It’s fine, I can go,” you heard Im Youngmin say quietly with a chuckle, making you freeze. You had no idea that Youngmin was over today, despite the fact that he practically lived at your house. Youngmin, Donghyun’s best friend, was quite possibly the most handsome guy you’d seen in your life, and you’d been crushing on him for as long as you could remember.
“(Y/N), I’m going to the store,” Youngmin knocked before sticking his head into your room (something Donghyun would never do). “You want me to pick up anything for you?”
“Yeah, just some chocolate ice cream,” you replied, rolling off the bed with a thump to grab your wallet.
“Oh no, it’s fine, I can pay,” Youngmin sent you a smile, “it’s a thank you for all the times Donghyun’s forced you to buy food.”
Youngmin rolled his eyes at Donghyun’s words before sending you another smile. “I’ll be right back!”
You waited breathlessly for Youngmin to leave the house before dragging yourself over to Donghyun’s room.
“For the love of God, Buddha and anyone else out there, can you please not embarrass me like that?” You hissed furiously as he mashed the keys on his keyboard, eyes glued to his computer screen.
“What?” Donghyun shrugged, “you like him, he likes you. I’m just out here doing my baby sister a favor.”
“No, you’re embarrassing me,” you replied, slapping him on the back of the head, “I hope you lose.”
“What harsh words for a man who’s just trying to help,” Donghyun called after you as you left his room, slamming the door after you.
Donghyun knew about your crush on Youngmin, and kept insisting that Youngmin liked you back, but it never seemed to make sense. Yeah, Youngmin was nice to you and all, but he was just a nice guy—it didn’t mean that he liked you romantically.
“One chocolate ice cream for the lady,” Youngmin knocked on the door again, making you scurry over and grab the ice cream, thanking him profusely. He smiled down at you as you pressed the cool container against your flushed cheeks.
“Thanks again, Youngmin,” you thanked him with a smile, already shoving a spoon of ice cream into your mouth. He was about to re-enter Donghyun’s room when he paused, turning to face you.
“Hey, by the way, there’s this party later tonight, over at Ong Seongwoo’s house,” he said casually. You could have sworn that his cheeks were turning a bit pink, but you chalked it up to the heat. “I’m assuming that Donghyun didn’t tell you, so I was wondering if you’d want to go.”
“Who’s going?” You asked through your mouthful of ice cream.
“THE USUAL PEOPLE,” Donghyun yelled loudly, “YOUNGMIN, PLEASE STOP ASKING MY SISTER ON DATES SO THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY BEAT THIS LEVEL.” Youngmin shot you an annoyed look, to which you snickered in response.
“So I’ll see you there?” Youngmin asked hopefully.
“What do you mean, see you there?” You joked, punching him in the arm, “you’re probably gonna stay here and eat our food until it’s time to leave.”
Youngmin sighed in exasperation, “I should probably get back to the five year old,” he grinned at you, “it’ll be fun, I promise.”
Even though you’d told Youngmin that you’d stay home before the party, you ended up going over to one of your friend’s house to get ready with her (Youngmin and Donghyun had been too caught up in their video game to really grasp that you were leaving).
Yoojung, Doyeon and Sohye were already at Somi’s house by the time you got there.
“You took forever, (Y/N),” Yoojung complained, shoving the clothes she’d picked out for you at you.
“And you didn’t even do your makeup?” Somi giggled.
“Hey, I brought my makeup bag with me,” you protested, wriggling into the ripped black jean shorts that Yoojung had picked. After yanking on the loose white tank top, you let Somi apply the makeup to your face.
“I hope Woojin’s there,” Sohye sighed from her position sprawled out on Somi’s bed.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Doyeon snickered at Sohye’s dreamy face.
“Um, yes I do?” Sohye sat up, glaring at your best friend, “he’s amazing, a great dancer, and adorable.”
“Hey, (Y/N), is your brother going?” Yoojung asked.
“Yes, and you are not hitting on my brother,” you replied, closing your eyes to let Somi carefully line them.
“If your brother’s going, doesn’t that mean Youngmin’s going too?” Sohye asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Guys, maybe tonight’s the night?” Yoojung teased you, “maybe the lovebirds will finally get together.”
“Aw, leave her alone,” Somi giggled, “she’s blushing.”
You rolled your eyes, letting the girls tease you a bit more before it was time to head out. You pulled on the black ankle boots that you’d arrived in, heading over to where Yoojung’s car was parked haphazardly in the Jeon’s driveway.
new text from: youngminnie^^
>>so I guess we are meeting you there?
Haha yeah
My friends wanted me to come over
So that’s what I ended up doing
>>wow lame
>>u highkey ditched me
>>and now im stuck with donghyun the five year old
Hahaha im sorry
Pls forgive me
>>lol we got here abt five mins ago
>>find us when you get the chance!
“(y/n), get off your phone, we’re here!” Yoojung exclaimed, carefully parking her car at the curb. Even a block away, you could hear the loud bass of the music playing at Seongwoo’s house.
Like all of Ong Seongwoo’s parties, there were copious amounts of booze, dancing and making out. Everyone had a beer or Solo cup in hand, and you could have sworn you saw a group of people doing body shots in the kitchen.
“Let’s go get some drinks,” Doyeon yelled over the loud music. You all nodded, heading to the kitchen.
“Hey ladies,” Choi Minki greeted you all from where he stood at the kitchen counter mixing drinks. You accepted the offered red cup filled with some sort of unknown alcohol, taking small sips of it as your friends made their way back to the dance floor.
The music, as usual, was good—Seongwoo had good music taste, if nothing else. You spent a good portion of the night just dancing with your friends, completely forgetting about finding Youngmin.
“Hey,” Yoojung giggled in your ear, obviously tipsy, “where’s your brother? I wanna say hi!”
“Oh, I dunno, actually,” you realized that you hadn’t seen him the whole night, “stay with the girls, I’ll go find him.” You detached yourself from Yoojung in pursuit of your brother, trying the kitchen first.
“Hey, Minki, have you seen Donghyun or Youngmin recently?” you asked the blond, who was chatting with Jonghyun, Aron and Dongho.
“I think I saw them with the other guys out on the back patio,” Dongho mentioned helpfully, jabbing his thumb in that general direction.
“Thanks dude,” you sent him a smile, setting off towards the back patio. A bunch of guys were sitting out there—your brother, Youngmin, Park Jihoon, Bae Jinyoung, Ha Minho, Park Woojin, Ahn Hyeongseob, Zhu Jung Jung, Huang Justin, and Lee Euiwoong, to name a few.
“She’s hot,” you heard Jihoon agree, as a few of the guys laughed.
“(Y/N), though,” Ha Minho said appreciatively, “would smash.”
You felt yourself bristle at the way you, and apparently other girls, were being talked about. Some of the guys you could see would partake in something like this, but Youngmin? Your brother?
“Dude, hands off, she’s Youngmin’s,” Hyeongseob joked, making you freeze.
“I totally forgot about that,” Minho chuckled, “Youngmin, whatever happened to that bet?”
Donghyun turned to Youngmin, a deadly look on his face. “What bet?”
“Yeah, Im Youngmin,” you snapped, drawing attention to yourself from where you stood by the back door, arms closed across his chest. “What bet?”
“Oh, you don’t know?” Minho smirked evilly, “I would have thought loverboy here would have told you something. He had a bet with a few guys about when you two would get together.”
“What the hell, dude,” Donghyun hissed. However, you couldn’t tear your eyes from Youngmin, and couldn’t ignore the swirl of emotions in your stomach.
“I can’t believe I ever thought you were nice,” you snapped before storming back into the house, trying to hold back tears.
“Hey (Y/N), did you find them?” Minki asked cheerfully.
“Yeah, I found them,” you replied shakily, leaning against the kitchen counter. “What kind of drinks do you have?”
“Hey, you okay?” Jonghyun asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at his concern, still a bit numb from that whole interaction.
“I’m fine,” you said quietly, spotting a bottle of tequila and grabbing it.
“Woah, woah, that’s way more than one shot,” Dongho reached out to slow the speed at which you were pouring, trading a look with his friends.
“That’s kind of the idea,” you replied, downing the tequila quickly, relishing the burn in your chest. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of your friends, abandoning your cup and the boys in favor of them.
As soon as your friends saw you, they dragged you out to the dancefloor and you began moving to the beat easily, taking sips from Doyeon’s cup occasionally. You rocketed straight past tipsy to straight-up drunk, eager to forget what had happened earlier that night.
“Hey, babe,” you heard someone say into your ear, coming up behind you as you danced, “what do you say to coming home with me tonight?”
“Hm?” you turned around in confusion, not really sure what was going on. Ha Minho stood there, one arm around your waist. “Hey, I don’t want your hand there.” You tried to bat his hand away, but he maintained his grip.
“Come on, don’t be a tease,” Minho smirked at you, and you barely registered him coming closer and closer to you before you reacted.
“Get the hell away from her, punk!”
Just as you kneed Minho clumsily in the groin, Youngmin came up behind him, yanking him off you and delivering a strong punch to his jaw. Minho laid on the floor, one hand on his crotch, the other on his jaw.
“You okay?” He asked breathlessly, taking your face into his hands. You frowned up at him, vision getting a bit fuzzy.
“You don’t even care about me,” you slurred, feeling tears begin to well up. Youngmin sighed, leading you off of the dance floor.
“(Y/N), I care about you more than you know,” he said quietly, eyes scanning over your frame to make sure you weren’t hurt in any way. You stood there in Seongwoo’s hall, wiping your eyes and sniffling, not really aware of the world around you. “Youngmin-ah, can you take me home please?” You asked softly, reaching out to take his hand. “I just want to go home.”
“Yeah, let’s go,” Youngmin squeezed your hand, leading you out of the house carefully. The night air washed over your skin, making you shiver.
“Wow, the stars look like…” you trailed off, pointing up at the sky, “like rice! It’s like rice, in the sky!” Youngmin handed you his sweatshirt, giving you one of his small smiles. After tugging the large sweatshirt on, you took his hand again, sighing. “Youngminnie, why do you have to be so perfect? Why did I have to go and like you?”
“(Y/N), you’re drunk,” Youngmin said quietly as you turned a corner. A car crept by slowly, its headlights casting a golden light on the two of you. You groaned at the bright light, covering your eyes with the sleeves of Youngmin’s sweatshirt.
“Just because I’m drunk doesn’t mean I don’t like you,” you replied grumpily, glaring up at him.
“Why don’t we talk about this tomorrow morning when you’re sober?” Youngmin asked, carefully straightening the sweatshirt so that it was on your body correctly. “I can give you a piggyback ride if you want?”
“Yes, please,” you muttered, clamboring onto his back when he bent over. As he lifted you up, you nuzzled your nose into his neck, sniffing deeply.
“(Y/N), are you smelling me?” Youngmin asked with a laugh, looking back at you.
“Yes,” you replied defiantly, “you smell good!”
“Sniff away, I guess,” Youngmin smiled at your cute mannerisms. The gentle scent of Youngmin’s cologne and the steady rhythm of his walking lulled you to sleep, already exhausted by everything that had happened that day.
“She’s still not awake yet?” You heard Donghyun’s incredibly annoying voice snicker.
“Let her sleep, I put her through a lot last night,” Youngmin’s much lower voice responded, “also, could you get out? I was planning on this being romantic, not nerdy.”
Slowly, you rolled over and opened your eyes to face Youngmin and Donghyun; Donghyun was sprawled out on your beanbag, and Youngmin was pacing back and forth nervously, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“She’s awake dude, she’s awake,” Donghyun hissed, before sending you a sickly sweet smile, “good morning, my lovely sister.”
“Get the hell out.”
“Message received, Jesus Christ,” Donghyun grumbled, heaving himself out of the beanbag and out the door. Youngmin stared down at you, cheeks a bit red.
“I assume it’s pretty obvious as to why I’m here,” Youngmin said nervously, still pacing back and forth. “You remember what happened last night, right?”
“Just way what you wanted to say, Youngmin,” you said in exasperation.
“Well, first off, I like you,” Youngmin said bluntly, “and it’s true that I had that bet.” You frowned, not really sure where this was going. “And it’s going to sound like I’m making excuses, but I did it to protect you.”
“Are you serious?” You groaned, flopping back so that your head hit the pillow. “You’re going with the “it was to protect your honor”?”
“Believe it or not, yeah,” Youngmin sighed, taking the seat at your desk. “See, all of us guys know Ha Minho will go after any girl with a cute face, and obviously, you have a cute face. I started to notice that he was taking interest in you, and I had Woojin get him to think about the idea of starting a bet with me, cuz I know how seriously Minho takes the whole masculine pride thing. As soon as he thought he came up with the idea, I knew he was going to stay away from you.”
“That makes no sense,” you responded, forehead wrinkled in confusion.
“Basically, Minho thought that he was the one who came up with betting with me when I’d get together with you,” Youngmin explained, “I knew he wouldn’t try any shit with you, since he wanted to win the bet himself.”
“Oh.” You pondered his explanation for a moment. “Donghyun knows about this?”
“He knows now,” Youngmin replied, “I knew he wouldn’t be down for it if I just told him, but I didn’t want to see you get hurt by Ha Minho.”
“And you didn’t once think that maybe I could take care of myself?” You asked, arms folded across your chest.
“No, no, no, that’s not it at all!” Youngmin shook his head desperately, “I have no doubt in my mind that you can take care of yourself, but I didn’t even want it to get to that; I would rather protect you my own way than for you to have to waste energy protecting yourself.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” you sniffed, not meeting his eyes. Youngmin visibly perked up.
“Does that mean that you forgive me?” He asked excitedly, adorable smile melting your insides.
Conceal, don’t feel (Y/N)!
“Maybe,” you replied coolly, “I’ll forgive you if—and only if—you buy me chocolate ice cream.”
“How about we go get ice cream for our first date?” Youngmin asked, winking at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and you threw your pillow at him.
“Yah, who said anything about a first date?”
“Oh, Youngminnie, why do you have to be so perfect?” He imitated in a high-pitched voice.
“I do not sound like that!” You yelled, grabbing the flowers that he’d gotten and hitting him with it.
“FUCK OFF, LOSER,” you yelled back, before turning back to the eager boy in front of you. “Fine. One date. No roasting me about last night and what I said, though.” Youngmin grinned, grabbing one of your hands and placing a delicate kiss there.
“I promise you won’t regret it, (Y/N).” Youngmin promised with a smile. “I’ll do my best to never hurt you again.”
Read Part Two here
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bwicblog · 7 years
EE: Wheeew, ånyone else feeling the recent heåtwåve?
EE: I just wånnå weår tånk-tops ålreådy but I cån't, so i'm DYING
ID: fuck the heat. seriously i traveled out of the desert to just end up in a muggier hot hellpit.
EE: Ugh muggy is even worse EE: So får the heåt here hås been dry, but I know we're in for å night of humidity ånd I dreåd it!!!
ID: it's like being in some giant's sweaty armpit around here. =:I definitely take dry heat any day.
EE: Omg, truuuueeeee
ID: ...fuck why didn't i think of that.
ID: you're a genius, uh.
ID: ...whatever your name is.
EE: Båsill!
ID: basill then. you're a genius.
EE: å genius tråpped in å not-cold-enough office TToTT
ID: complain to the boss about getting a better ac. that's something you can do, right? i've never worked in an office. you are working there. right? and just. slacking off talking to a chatroom?
EE: I åm the boss :'( EE: I'm on my lunch breåk
EE: ånd the åir works fine, but everyone else gets cold ånd complåins
AA: A N D R O U N D O N E B E G I N S.
AA: haha, j/k, they'rne fucking w/ each othern rnight now.
AA: fyi, loserns, name's siparna and i am yrn friendly neighornbornhood brnokern forn tonight! AA: pls place yrn bets now on if you think scrnuffy ass jade is gonna win, orn bighorns mcgee. AA: caegarns, beetles and chip trnansferns arne A L L accepted. >:}
AC: Ø .u. phew, I don't want to miss it Ø
SA: i believe in hadean.
AC: Ø .n. I don't want to bet against Emerel but I feel like it'd be mean to bet against Hadean too Ø
SA: I put all the money in my pocket on Hadean.
SA: which is a large amount, apparently.
SA: I will be seated on a different part of the stands, by the way.
EE: I'm not much of å gåmbling gål
AA: lmfao, phern's not paying attention, maidel. AA: he's too busy seething and wrninging his mitts in the stands. >:P
AA: you can T O T E S bet on whoevern you want.
AA: and wait, prni, wherne arne you sitting?? AA: come sit w/ us!!
AC: Ø .u.! yes! I'm with Sipara Ø
AC: Ø On the sitting with us thing Ø
EE: Go sit with them, it's good to måke friends!
SA: but we're using text to chat anyways...
AC: Ø and pfft. .u. that's true, Sipara, but Emerel might backread and he would never forgive me if I bet against him Ø
AA: and ee, yrn lame and that's fucking ternrnible. AA: wtf's the point of having blue cash if you ain't gonna flash?
AC: Ø bragging rights? .u. Ø
EE: I håve bills to påy :(
AA: and we arneee, prni, but, like. AA: if you sit overn herne, you can sharne ourn F O O D.
SA: ...
SA: okay, i will come.
AA: fuck yrn bills. AA: who needs bills? AA: go sleep in a
SA: wait a moment. I will find you.
EE: ånd I owe PP å nice lunch bc låst time I took å bet I lost
AC: Ø ouo!!! Ø
SA: here i am. feed e.
SA: love me marginally less.
AP: My money's on the red guy.
AP: Please make him less pretty, red guy.
EE: Shoot, lunch is over :'( EE: Hope the fight goes well
AA: y, y. dnw abt my hearnt level, brnah, we arne thrnowing food into you until we rnaise Y RN S. AA: rned hearnt orn fucking bust. >:}
AA: and aww, ty. AA: it will.
AA: i mean, not forn emernel, lmao.
AA: >:}
VA: Hey
VA: I fŏrgŏT T'say, buT i'm aT The faire righT nŏw
AA: !!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: come see the fight!!
VA: ŏk, where ya aT?
AA: we'rne up in the AA: uh, bottom rnow, by the gate. >:}
VA: I'll head ŏver Then
VA: And I'm gŏnna say iT nŏw. VA: I am nŏT wearing a cŏsTume, sŏ yŏu're jusT gŏnna lŏŏk like an ass if yŏu Tell me hŏw "auThenTic" ŏr "rusTic" I lŏŏk
AC: Ø .n. I hope nobody does that! Though...most people are dressed up pretty fancy, hopefully not? Ø
AA: lmfao. AA: y, y, we will rmemebern. you arne always abt that 24/7 cosplay life. >:}
VA: ŏhhh my gŏd
VA: A Tunic dŏesn'T mean cŏsTume
SA: to some people it is.
SA: I don't think anyone will, though, AC.
VA: They're cŏmfy
VA: I Think I see yŏu guys
AP: It depends on who you ask. AP: A tunic is a costume piece, at least.
AP: Maidel, are you here?
AP: A ...very sparkly seadweller bought most of my stock, but I saved you a few things.
AA: n, she's watching the fight, dude, keep up.
AP: I'd like her to answer that, thank you.
AA: lmfao, 'kay, enjoy yrn rnesponse in the next thirnty.
AP: I will.
AA: a~and looks like they'rne actually.. mb.. gonna stop shit-talking and starnt fighting. AA: gee whiz. AA: ... n, false alarnm, still gabbing.
AA: booooooooo.
SS: (Oh em gee, the natterin's the best part, pal!)
SS: (Why you gotta be a killjoy?)
AC: Ø I am! I'm talking to a lot of people though. .u. Ø
AC: Ø but ooh! thank you Ø
AC: Ø ...oh, I think I see Gliese talking to that seadweller Ø
AC: Ø Huh Ø
AA: dude, n, shhhh. AA: say hern name thrnee times and she'll pop out of the ethern to bug us!!
AP: Gliese, Gliese, Gliese.
AA: jokes on you, dude, gotta have hern last name in therne, too. AA: but good trny, herne's a starn forn effornt. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.13056045.3033/flat,800x800,075,f.jpg
SA: that star makes me angry.
SA: Look at it.
SA: It can't even try itself.
AP: I think that's a good star.
AA: awww. AA: chillax, brnah. AA: let me, like, ftfy.
AA: http://i.imgur.com/cGIay9e.png
AC: Ø I...don't think so, she looks pretty busy with that seadweller. And pffft. Those are some sad stars. Ø
VA: This is jusT awful
SS: (Sipa, negl... http://i.imgur.com/iRDM4n8.png )
AA: oh my god.
AA: O H M Y G O D.
AA: y. amazing. a+. prni will fucking love it.
VA: WhaT dŏes iT say?
SS: ( http://i.imgur.com/I4Ktcaf.jpg )
AA: but also, considern. AA: https://68.media.tumblr.com/8e2668725f5bdbf4a68f95a179462600/tumblr_inline_nxkqgwmYFJ1tn0tli_540.png
AC: Ø these are some rude stars, my goodness Ø
AA: which one, vatty?? >:}
VA: Dŏ nŏT
LL: ( http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/325/925/ca7.png )
AAA: don'tcha see how darnk they arne, maidel? AA: this is what happens when you don't have a pale, dude.
SS: ( https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTg6TYtpdVKWz85f1ZkRS2TamK5gQDIQPIrh62UQrNgl9Kr_C4 )
VA: And any ŏf The picTures hŏnesTly, I can'T read a single ŏne
AA: yrn language gets | Positively | Drneadful | >:P
AC: Ø ... .u. I have no idea what my not having a pale has to - PFFF Ø
AC: Ø Oh now I get it Ø
AA: >:}}}}}}}}}
AC: Ø Don't worry, Vatrra, they don't say anything important. Ø
AC: Ø Sipara's just being silly. Along with SS. Ø
VA: Sŏunds dangerŏus
AC: Ø the stars can't hurt you, only insult you umu Ø
AC: Ø they're just sad and mean Ø
VA: I meanT Sipara being silly
AC: Ø OH, hahaha Ø
AA: http://cdn2-www.craveonline.com/assets/mandatory/legacy/2013/02/man_file_1042548_3dc.png
AA: >:}
AA: okay, okay, enough starns. AA: we want nemorne, therne's lals fucking head herne.
AA: he's got, like, what...
AA: five horns herne.
AA: that's prnactically enough forn a starn. >:P
SS: (Nah, pal, don't you remember? Last time you checked, I have eight. (\eue/) )
VA: Hŏly shiT
AA: y, well, that's bc i counted beforne i snatched 'em off, duh.
AA: c'merne and i'll snatch the rnest of 'em, too. >:}
AC: Ø but Sipara, we're already about to watch a fight .u. Ø
AC: Ø I'm sure they can make space in the ring for that one later. Ø
SS: (Also, like, I totes can't fight. (\qnq/) It'd up and mess up the face you made me. Too bad, totes sad, mb next time. (\unu/) )
AA: well, shit, i didn't sprnay you w/ sealant, did i?? AA: gdi. >:{
AA: w/e, w/e, we'll fight L A T E RN, obvs.
SS: (Insert obnoxiously unsubtle fist pump at my narrow escape from certain death.)
AC: Ø huzzaaaaaah ouo Ø
AA: help, help, i'm being smotherned by a woolbeast.
VA: Happens sŏmeTimes
AA: >:"{
VA: Cry all yŏu wanT, ThaT's yŏur lŏT in life nŏw
VA: An armchair
AA: wherne the fucks' yrn rnusty solidarnity? herne i am, being, like, supern crnuelly C U L L E D in frnont of yrn verny own gandernbulbs, and yrn like. AA: trnoll darnth vadern. all stoic and shit. THIS IS YOUR LOT IN LIFE. AA: CRY ALL YOU WANT.
AA: well, jsyk, i am fucking weeping. AA: you just can't see it b/c my faces bein' eaten by hairn.
VA: Dŏ yŏu see hŏw much hair I have?
VA: I am nŏT sympaTheTic Tŏ yŏur siTuaTiŏn
VA: AT leasT yŏu have sŏmewhere cŏmfy Tŏ die, ThaT's nŏT sŏ bad righT?
SS: (Nm, I take it back! Pheres can up and help me defeat Sipa, she's clearly no match for us.)
AA: wtf is this trneacherny??
AA: someone narnrnate the fight forn me, i can't see shi.t
AA: shit.
AA: ffs.
SS: (It ain't treachery, it's tactics.)
AC: Ø They haven't come to blows yet but they're both holding out their weapons at each other. Ø
SS: (LOL. I'll be your oculars, pal. (\eue/) )
AC: Ø Probably not long now. Ø
SA: it is very disappointing.
AA: lmfao. AA: y, get the fuck down therne, lal. AA: be my seeing eye trnoll.
SA: I wish they would just get to the quick.
VA: Me Tŏŏ
AA: you and me both, prni.
AA: and v.
AA: wherne's the blood??
AC: Ø In the future. .u. Ø
AA: , , . n .
AC: Ø .M. Ø
AA: ònó
AC: Ø hahaha Ø
AC: Ø that's a great face Ø
AA: i am helping you make yrn emojis GRN8, dude. >:P
VA: -M-
VA: Was ThaT an emŏji
AA: omg, yes.
AA: gj, gj. >:D
AC: Ø that was a great emoji ^m^ Ø
SA: Oh, there they finally go.
SA: a miracle.
AC: Ø Red vs. green, dun dun dunnnn Ø
SA: the battle of ugly christmas colors.
AC: Ø Prisma, oh my god Ø
AC: Ø ...not wrong though .m. Ø
SA: are they not--
SA: see.
AC: Ø I feel _bad_ calling Em an ugly christmas color but .m. Ø
AC: Ø I mean Ø
AA: hey, girnl, don't feel bad forn telling the trnuth. >:}
AC: Ø .m. I mean he's not an ugly christmas color but. it is kind of funny in that context. Ø
AC: Ø ... .n. I hope he doesn't read this and get mad Ø
AC: Ø I mean, I'm green too, I can't really talk Ø
SA: yes but your green is more tolerable.
AC: Ø Em's chrome is nice...I mean, jade is better than olive. but. that's really nice of you to say!...I'm conflicted. .n. Ø
SA: embrace it. who cares what emerel feels about it.
AC: Ø .n. he's my friend Ø
AC: Ø I don't want to upset him Ø
SA: everyone here makes fun of everyone else.
SA: I dont think they will mind.
AC: Ø .n. I try not to though. I always feel bad. Ø
AC: Ø I don't mind if people make fun of me but I always worry about hurting someone. Ø
AA: giiiiiirnl. boy. bb.
AA: em dgaf.
AA: prnomise. >:}
AC: Ø ... .m. how long have you known him Sipara? Ø
AA: dude, have you hearnd phernes talk abt him??
AA: haven't even met him, and i feel like I'M the one quadded to the guy by now. >:P
AC: Ø Sometimes! Ø
AC: Ø Pfffff Ø
AC: Ø he's so tall, I think you'd have to like, get on a stepstool .m. Ø
AC: Ø ...though he's not nearly as tall as Riccin I guess Ø
AC: Ø I don't know _anyone_ as tall as Riccin Ø
AC: Ø ...except for one troll but I'd rather forget she ever existed Ø
AC: Ø So, Riccin Ø
SA: they are too tall.
SA: This is troublesome.
AC: Ø .u.! you know Riccin? Ø
SA: oh, no, but if they are taller than emerel they are too tall.
SA: I meant the fight, also.
AC: Ø Pfff - oooh crap. and Riccin is _much_ taller than Emerel, by...gosh, must be a foot, or almost Ø
AC: Ø and they're yellow! it's surprising Ø
SA: oh, he's bleeding.
SA: oh.
AP: Oh.
AA: welp!
AP: Shit.
SA: good.
SA: i enjoy this turn of events.
AA: L M A O.
AA: wow, didn't think you werne the blood thirnsty kind.
SA: it means Hadean is winning, doesn't it?
SA: surely no one expected this to be clean. that isn't how fights work with sharpened weapons.
AC: Ø ;N; Em Ø
SA: he will be fine. surely there are doctors here.
AC: Ø I saw a yellowblooded one .n. Ø
SA: he could have moved anyways, but he decided to unwisely make an offensive move when it would have been more intelligent to disengage or release the weapon and counter another way.
SA: Unfortunate.
AA: don't lose yrn shit, maidel, we alrndy got one mess on the stands. >:P AA: calm down, he's a mossball, he'll be fine.
AC: Ø ... .n. I guess Ø
SA: you can also look away if you wish, Maidel.
SA: I will give you a play by play.
AA: chilllll. he's obvs a totes bb at this, but eyy. AA: look on the brnight side, he'll be total pity-bait with that sornt of scarn.
AC: Ø I wouldn't. Em is my friend. Ø
SA: You can even hide in my shoulder if that helps.
AA: lmao, oh my god.
AA: prni. prni, if they'rne hiding theirn face, you don't wanna AA: give them AA: no, n/m, go ahead.
SA: emerel is the real winner of the fight emotionally.
AC: Ø .n. Emerel is the winner of first knife wound, more like. Ø
AA: c'moooooon, don't think of that.
AA: think of how much money some suckern made betting on the jade forn firnst chrnome. >:}
AC: Ø .n. wheeeeee Ø
SA: why do people call it chrome...
AA: awww.
SA: why not blood.
AC: Ø ...why didn't he dodge... Ø
AA: bc he's a newbie, duh.
AA: classic rnookie mistake. think yrn tough shit and get a knife to the gut.
AA: happens to, like, half of 'em. >:}
SA: did you make that mistake sipara.
AA: .. and blood's a highblood ternm, dornklornd.
AC: Ø But Em does these fights all the time. Ø
AA: lmfao, y, i totes did. AA: when i was S I X. >:P
SA: oh see that's a much more resonable time frame.
AA: ikrn?
AA: that's when yrn supposed to get all yrn gutwounds overn and done with.
AA: when yve still got yrn entirne pre-adolescent pupation to carnrny it off. >:}
SA: oh right. you all pupated.
SA: hm.
AA: ..........................
SA: regardless, Maidel, i am sure they both knew what they were signing up for.
SA: so just enjoy it.
AA: what, did you grnow in a vat, clonebb?? >:P
SA: shh... the fight.
AA: 😢 AA: 🤐
SA: is he stepping on his hair?
AA: y.
SA: couldn't that break his neck?
AA: naaaaaaaaaaaaah. who the fuck goes into an arnena w/o like, a detachable brnaid??
SS: (Sure, pal, if Hads up and tried real hard-like!)
AA: hads prnobs took a rnazorn to the frnonds just forn that.
SA: someone who is very attached to their hair.
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Mother grub's saggy chesticles, HAH)
AA: i am in fucking love. AA: soz, lal, you arne eternally rneplaced, that was the wornst fucking thing i have evern hearnd and i fucking love it.
SS: (Best fight ever.)
AC: Ø ...you know, I can't even pretend to be surprised Ø
AC: Ø this is just how this is going Ø
SS: (S'cool, pal, but we're officially on for fightin on accounta: n, fuck you, he's mine.)
AC: Ø I am resigned now Ø
SA: I am greatly beginning to wonder who it was that decided that this was a nonlethal fight and yet allowed a psion with lethal abilities and unblunted weapons to be used.
SA: this is strange, and unnecessary.
SA: it would be like telling a soldier to go easy on a street fighter and yet standing by in horror as the injuries escalate.
AA: is anyone herne hornrnified?? AA: nobody uses blunted weapons in fights, dude. therne's no point to 'em if _someone_ ain't bleedin'. >:P
AA: no one's gonna pay to watch two fuckerns stand arnound in a cornern and hit each othern w/ sticks. AA: it's like, idk, cirncle rnacing. ppl pay forn the opporntunity to see someone get fucked up!
SA: what's the point of bleeding if someone doesn't die.
SA: it's a waste of time amd resources.
AH: to have fun, you goddamn twat
AH: ever heard of that
AH: though I'm fucking let down by Em right now
AA: lmfao. you bet on him?
AH: Lol, no
AH: I didn't know what Hadean's psi was until now, I'm no fool
AA: also, stfu beforne i crnam those twigs you call horns up yrn ass. AA: don't use that language w/ prni. he's fucking delicate.
AH: oh shit, my fucking bad
AH: Lol, big words coming from nubs almighty
AH: did you steal those from a wriggler?
SS: (Shit, pal, s'called 'wait your damn turn'!)
SS: (FIght's ongoing rn, ain't no need to be disrespectful-like.)
SS: (I'm sure there's, like, a proper queue somewhere.)
AA: y. you found me out. gotta steal all my mean jibes frnom the wrnigglerns. AA: i'm just sweet as fucking sugarn w/o it. >:'{
AA: and lmfao. y, rnight.
VA: IT's a gŏŏd fighT, nŏbŏdy is dyin'
AH: I meant your horns, brainless
AH: considering how minuscule they are
SA: oh, yes, because the chat needed another edgy pissbaby.
SA: tell me more about how much of a badass you are, AH.
AH: nah
SS: (LOL) SS: (Super delicate, y.)
AH: you don't deserve stories of my cool stunts
AA: he's got a delicate constitution, brnah.
AA: >:P
VA: SA is cŏŏl
SS: (Hey, pal, I ain't said nothin disagreeable!)
SS: ( (\uwu/) )
VA: I wasn'T direcTing ThaT aT yŏu SS, yŏu're fine
SS: (What? You sayin I ain't cool??)
SS: (Hashtag rude.)
VA: I'll leT yŏu knŏw when I reach a decisiŏn
VA: I'll send yŏu a cerTificaTe even
SS: (That ish better be notarized, pal, or else I ain't gonna know it's legit!)
VA: Yŏu knŏw iT will be
SA: regardless, i mean more to say that fun and practice can be attained with sparring with equal effort exerted and just as much skill gained.
SA: this is borderlining blood sport. it's painful to watch two people hold themselves back for the sake of attrition.
AH: lmao why'd you even come then
AA: y. to the cull matches arne way bettern, tbh.
AA: and pay bettern.
SA: When we sparred on the colonies it was either murder or handicapped practice.
SA: Because Hadean is my friend, and I will be there for him.
AA: but eyyy, therne's totally a benefit to, like, shitshows like this, dude. AA: it takes S K I L L to maim someone w/o just culling them.
VA: I like Th'nŏn-leThal ŏnes beTTer
AA: shit's a goddamn arntfornm.
AH: wow that's the first thing you've said that isn't just blah blah blah
SA: i suppose so Sipara. But i am hard pressed to see this drag on.
AH: fair enough
VA: Sipara has a gŏŏd pŏinT, maiming wiThŏuT culling is a fine line
AA: you need to hide yrn face in someone's shouldern?
SA: It just seems illogical to me. but that is fine.
AA: bc the left one's frnee. >:P
SA: no, it isn't like that.
SA: it doesn't make me sick it just makes me sick.
SA: ?
AA: >:?
VA: yŏu cŏuld Try Tŏ Think ŏf iT as sparring if iT helps
AA: prnotip, dude, squeamishness ain't just puking in the bushes.
VA: I dŏubT eiTher ŏne 's Them will cŏme away frŏm This wiThŏuT learning sŏmeThing
AA: .. also, lbrn herne, it's less funny now that, like, hads is getting hit.
AA: booooooo.
AA: and y, va, i agr
SS: (I mean, I'm up and learnin plenty tonight, vocab-wise.)
SS: ( (\eue/ ))
VA: Likewise
SS: (But, shit, all I ever learned from fightin's that you gotta get 'em down afore they get their fronds on you.) SS: (Idk what the pointa sparrin is when you end up effed up permanent-like if you ever let someone get that close irl proper-like.)
SA: usually violent stabbing and battering isn't part of sparring.
VA: IT can be if yŏu're dedicaTed
SA: dedicated or foolish.
VA: Usually ya have armŏr ŏn if yŏu're gŏing fŏr blŏŏd Thŏugh
VA: Like, armŏr armŏr
0 notes