#it’s of a little girl and a blind dog I thought it was really cute
miammey · 2 years
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She’s trying her best
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mingsolo · 10 months
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yeosang x reader (f) / g: crime au, arranged marriage, angst, smut / wc: 6.5k / warnings: guns, blood mentions, descriptions of violence, minor character death, general 'mafia' and crime references, language, sexual content / r: 18+
another fic for another now defunct collab that i decided to write anyways! ps. sorry for the banner, i had a free editor and a dream :')
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It's a beautiful Saturday. 
The bushes and trees glow with that yellowish green shade proper to late summer. The sun is warm and it makes everything shine with a golden hue. You glance quickly towards your mother, she really knows how to choose the right date for the right parties.
As you bring your champagne glass closer to your lips, not sipping on it yet, the sight of the handsome man coming down the patio stairs behind your mom grabs your attention. He’s greeting and smiling warmly to everyone who gets closer to congratulate him. 
Kang Yeosang, son of your father’s biggest and longest associate; soon to be one, if not— the most influential name of crime in South Korea.
And now, your husband.
“You can’t deny he knows how to look happy,” the voice of your younger brother interrupts your thoughts as he slides beside you, taking a champagne glass for himself from the waiter's tray as they pass by. “But you still think he is too...” Chan makes a pause reflecting on his words, “Soft?.” 
You remain silent, your upper lip still slightly pressed into your glass. Your eyes don't leave your husband for a moment. Now he’s talking amusedly with your, barely older than you — stepmother, smiling and petting the two pomeranians she refused to leave at home for the wedding. He carries them like babies, smiles at them as your father’s wife shamelessly strokes his shoulder and smiles widely at the act. He puts the little dogs back in the ground and the furry things sprint around his feet as if he was their owner. He laughs heartily at the cute scene and it can be heard through the whole party. His laugh was low but gentle, warm and contagious. 
“He does seem, maybe too nice...” Chan adds, before getting distracted by the giggles of his new girlfriend coming from a few feet away. “Shit.” He says and sprints away to her. You glance over the scene, the barely overage girl drunk as a skunk hovering over one of your cousins. You chuckle as Chan disappears into the main house draggin the girl away from your cousin. Immediately your eyes go back to Yeosang. 
The more you stare at him the more he seems a stranger to the life you were used to living. He acts and looks softer and purer than every man in the room. You can hardly believe he has seen the surface of what this kind of life has to offer. But again, his father was one of the most ruthless men of the country, it was equally hard to believe he hadn't.
Barely a month ago, when your father gave you the ultimatum to marry someone powerful in the city, you had thought of Jeong Yunho first. Yunho, son of the chief of security of the capital, and an agent of the government himself. Both of them are corrupted and dirty even more than your own family, and half the “criminals” they swore to catch everyday. 
Yunho was also your classmate back at law school, your party sidekick and your tennis partner, one with an incredible hit. You both had a long relationship of business and pleasure. Sadly, he was already engaged to the Governor's god-daughter. Everyone knew your family and he had a long history of running dirty business under the table, but marrying? That would be too much for Yunho’s bosses at the government to turn a blind eye to.
So after a short thought, all cards fall back into the Kang family, the only family beside yours with enough influence and power in Seoul. When you were told the son of Boss Kang was back in Korea after spending most of his twenties overseas, you had no chance but to accept he was the one. 
It was a little troublesome, not knowing what to expect from him. But you would find out soon enough, or so you thought. 
You didn’t meet Yeosang until a week before the wedding, at a rushed dinner arranged by both families. 
The first time you laid eyes on him, all you could see was sincerity. He was polite, bright, witty and surprisingly fun. He had deep brown eyes and fine lips. On the left side of his face, he spotted a rather big beauty mark of peculiar shape. Beauty marks of that kind are usually unwanted and something to keep hidden, worse than scars, but the ones on his face framed it gracefully, like a fine accessory.
On him, there was none of the somber demeanor the people who have seen it all in this lifestyle usually had. At one moment he turned to you and smiled, understanding you might be cautious around him, and that confused you. You weren’t used to having emphatic men around you. 
“Here’s to an union that brings out the best for both our families.” He had said with a toast, and for a moment when he smiled softly at you, it seemed like the life you were about to have by his side was a normal, risk free kind of one. 
That was the first time you saw your now husband. This day, the wedding, was the second. 
“Lovely wedding,” a soft voice came from behind you. You recognized it instantly, looking over your shoulder to see the tall frame of Yunho getting closer. “You look so beautiful as a bride”. He raised his glass and both made a silent toast, still looking ahead to the patio. “I heard you are going to Greece for your honeymoon?.” he pouted slightly. “Very romantic.” 
“Now, who told you that?.” your eyes roll at him. You took the chance to glance at the expensive tuxedo he was wearing and how it looked maybe too good on him. It was really a shame you weren’t marrying Yunho instead, that trip to Greece probably wouldn’t have to go to waste.
“Chan did, but you knew that.” He smiled.
You glanced at your brother, who was now dragging his girlfriend back to the party, saying a few curses to your cousin as they passed by him. “Didn’t see you at the ceremony.” you turned to Yunho, who was shamelessly eyeing your cleavage. 
“Oh I just came to the party,” He licks his bottom lip “I couldn’t bear seeing you swore true love to another man, tears are not a good look on me.” 
You scoffed. “Doubt so.” 
He smiled, biting his bottom lip. “So, have you had time to get to know more about him?.” 
The sudden question made you arch your eyebrows. “Well, he is Kang Yeosang, soon leader of the entire Kang clan, owner of half of the dirty business in South Korea, what am I missing?.” 
“I guess there’s nothing else worth knowing?.”
You look back at your now husband, pursing your lips when you find him staring directly at you. He was a few feet away but you could feel his eyes on yours, it was just a second but it sent shivers down your spine. He then immediately turned his attention to his father beside him. 
“You alright?.” Yunho asks, raising his voice lightly as you zoned out for a moment.
You shook your head, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“When are you coming back from Greece?.” Yunho knows better than to try to push an answer out of you.
“Uh, we both need to get back quickly, so a week or so.”
Yunho hummed. “Will you call me when you get back?.” He said sipping on his drink without taking his eyes from you. You shook the sensation from before and chuckled. Men were really like kids. “Please?.” he added with a pout. 
“You got balls huh? You really don’t care, I'm married to a Kang now?.” 
Yunho turned to see Yeosang, now leaning attentively, as his father spoke to him closely. “Not really, should I?.” 
“No, I don’t think so.” you turned to your husband again, not really believing he was entirely harmless. His kind laugh resonated again. Comforting, contagious, and you smiled.
That same night you and your husband flew to Greece. You got there together, to the mansion owned by Yeosang’s father, a house big enough to fit a couple of families without a chance for them to cross paths for a few days. 
Yeosang gave you a brief tour of the mansion and said that every person there was your disposition for everything you needed. The only rule was not to get out to the city alone. He had business to attend to, of course, so after showing you around he left you and told you he would be back late that night.
He never did. So you spent the night getting familiar with the place, didn’t even bother to unpack except for your bathing suit and some toiletries as you knew you would spend all the time at the pool or sunbathing at the private beach, with your body guards close by all the time.
You got mad at first, as you too had matters to attend back home and decided to put them on pause for the trip. If he had stayed at least you could get to know him better, get an idea of who he was as a person, but he didn't show up for the next two days. 
You planned to return back to Seoul alone on a tantrum, but decided to just stay and enjoy the comfort of the mansion and the sea. Whatever the case, you needed a week of relaxation before going back to normal business. Yeosang or not, you knew people in the city and you could go out to the club or something. You had an arsenal of armed bodyguards to feel safe despite what Yeosang had warned you about.
On top of that, the thought of calling Yunho once you were back home ringed in the back of your head, so the wait was worth enduring. 
By the end of the week, after daily sunbathing and catching up with a few books, you decided it was time to have at least a night of real fun. You called a couple of friends, letting them know you were in the city and were in need for a night out. 
The night finally came, only a few minutes past nine.  Your shiniest and shortest dress is waiting for you lying on the bed. Right now in just your silk nightgown you were finishing with your makeup, when a sudden loud blast made you roll the tip of the lip gloss applicator over your cheek. Reflexes abruptly make you take out your revolver from the nightstand, walking slowly to the door paying attention to any noise. 
You glance outside through the glass windows, the garden lights illuminating the roundabout at the entrance of the mansion. There you spot the men guarding the entrance getting in an alert position, running towards the door. 
A couple of loud blasts more and you see two of them dropping on the ground. Quickly you turn the lights off and hide in the back of the room, the moonlight giving you enough vision to see if someone gets inside, your gun closer to your face pointing ahead.
Alerted, you hear steps getting closer. “Mrs. Kang, are you hurt?!”. A voice you couldn’t recognize shouted. Yeosang’s men were still pretty unfamiliar to you and this was definitely not one of your guards. 
You cautiously got closer to the door, gun still ready to shoot. “I’m fine.” you said. The handle of the door twisted as the man outside tried to get it open. “Tell me what is happening.” 
“Someone tried to get into the house, they are probably looking for you or the boss, they got the ones at the entrance.” 
You recalled one of your guards dropping on the ground a few moments back at the roundabout, and you sighed. “How many inside?.”
“A lot ma'am, we need to move quickly, please come out.” you could sense the man’s hurried tone on his voice.
“Where is my husband?.” 
The man got silent for a moment before shouting. “He’s on his way, but right now we need to take you to a safer place, they are probably after you as well.” 
Suddenly your cell phone began vibrating, it was over your bed, so you went to pick it up quickly. It was Yeosang calling. 
“Mrs. Kang?!” the man shouted.
You tapped to answer the call. “Don’t open the door. I’m close.” your husband's voice was calm and clear, you didn’t respond and he hung up.
The man kept calling you as he knocked on the door. Desperation showing with the force and pacing with each knock. You hid inside the back of the room pointing out again. After a few seconds of silence you got startled by the man kicking the door, opening it widely. You pointed at him silently, thinking the dim lights were hiding you and giving you time to have the upper hand.
The man jumped at you, having seen your reflection by the wall mirror against where you were hiding. You shooted and missed, he took the chance to tackle you down. He roughly rolls your body facing the ground, hands at your back, gun point to your head. 
“You should have just opened.” he whispered to your ear, making you grin in disgust. 
“You better let go of me.” you glared at him, as he made you stand up and guided you to the door with so much force your arm was getting numb. 
“Or what?,” he chuckled, pressing the gun to your temple, hurting you. 
“Or I will blow your brains out”. 
Both the man and you looked up, the shape of Yeosang entering the room from the door frame, gun pointed at the latter. Two of his men behind him.
In the background, the shooting had ceased, apparently this man holding you was the last of the ones that had entered the house. 
“There’s none of your friends left here,” Yeosang said, confirming your suspicions. The man tensed against you, now practically choking you by having his arm on your neck. “Let her go. I won’t repeat myself.”
“Fuck you Kang, here’s a little message from-” 
The man’s last words were interrupted by Yeosang shooting his gun to his head, just a couple inches from your own. The loud noise made your ears ring, as the sudden force the man was applying to your neck vanished completely as he dropped dead. Blood and brain matter covered the top of your head. The cheek you had ruined with your lip gloss now covered in red. 
For a moment you groaned in disgust, falling on your knees trying to breathe normally again, soothing your neck from where the dead man was choking you.
“Get up. We need to go.” Yeosang gave you his hand and helped you up. The blood dripping down your neck made you nauseous and you couldn’t hold it any more. The last thing you saw before fainting was Yeosang’s eyes on yours, your name sounding muffled as you closed your eyes on him. 
When you woke up, you couldn’t recognize the room you were in. It was almost the same as the room you were in before. Big glass windows that reached the ceiling, greek decor and furniture. The light coming through the white curtains blinded you for a moment. When your eyes adjust to the sunlight, you look out, the Greece sea reflecting the sun rays back at it. 
Your head was spinning. Instinctively you caressed your neck. Carefully you got up towards the big vanity mirror placed in front of the bed you were laying on. No trace of blood or the rest of that ashole’s brain over you, yet remembering how it felt made you nauseous again. A few faded yellow and purple bruises painted on your neck. 
“You should go and take a proper shower.” 
Yeosang’s voice came from the door frame, where he was leaning on. He walked slowly inside the room, passing you by and looking outside through the window glass.
“Who cleaned me?.” was the first thing you asked.
“The maids.” He said calmly. “How are you feeling?.”
“My head is killing me. And now I have these ugly bruises all over my neck, definitely not the good kind.” 
Yeosang hummed, arching his eyebrows slightly. “How many times have you been in that kind of situation?.”
“A few.”
He remained silent, looking at you as you poured water into a tall glass. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, getting closer. “One of your guys from Korea told them where we were, I should have been there.” 
“Jung Taein?.”
“Jung? No fucking way.” you chuckled bitterly.
“It’s my fault. You alone at the house made you an easy target.” He said ashamed, looking away. “It won’t happen again.” 
“Do you know who sent them?.” 
“Would you take care of that?.”
“It’s done.” 
“Alright.” you added, finishing the water. 
“Let me know when you are ready. We are flying back to Seoul as soon as you are.” 
With that, Yeosang left the room, leaving you for the time being. 
The flight back was a silent one. Yeosang spent the whole time on the phone -yours was turned off. That was for the better. Your parents must be calling you non stop all morning. You took the chance to sleep more, since you were still a little shaken by the attack. 
As soon as you put foot at home, the whole day was turbulent. Both your mother and Chan were already waiting for you in the living room of your new mansion. They asked all kinds of questions again and again, making you dizzy. They both questioned Yeosang as well, making him swear that the guy who had planned the attack was more than dead. 
Your father showed up later that evening, and the whole thing repeated itself. He spent most of the time in Yeosang’s office, briefly asking if you were okay when he arrived. When he was ready to leave he stroked your head saying “The pig is dead, your husband took care of that himself.”
That night, laying alone in your new bed, feeling cold and anxious more than ever, you replayed the scene in your head over and over. 
“These mercenaries and their speeches, always thinking of themselves as movie villains.” Your father had said to you once when you were little. “Once they start talking, you have to shoot them.” 
As you remembered this, you felt like smiling. 
The next morning you got downstairs to have breakfast, surprisingly finding Yeosang at the table.
“Good morning.” He greets.
“Morning, oh what do we have here?.” you yawn, siting and finding a plate of pancakes and fresh fruit already served.
“You need energy.” 
“Mmh,” you giggle cutely, catching a glimpse of Yeosang's smile. He notices you noticed the gesture and he quickly goes back to his breakfast. “How are you feeling?. ' he adds, eyeing his plate.
“Way better.” you said, shoving a big piece of pancake on your mouth, “I need to get ready to go to my office.” 
Yoesang clears his throat, pensive. “I think you should lay low for a while.” 
“Isn’t the guy that attacked me dead now?.” you asked, stuffing a strawberry on your mouth as one of the maids poured orange juice on a tall glass for you.
“Yes.” Yeosang pressed his back against his chair. “But there’s other guys.” 
“What about you? Are you going to stay home as well?” your voice sounds annoyed but you don’t care. Yeosang looks briefly at you and then away. “So what should I do then? Stay hidden for the rest of the year here?.” 
“Just a few weeks, until we are sure no one else is onto us anymore.” He said standing up.
“You know, there will always be someone “onto us”.” you huff, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Let me know if you need something.” he said, giving you a nod and walking away.
“Seems like it's going to be you and me, girls.” you said to the two maids when he disappeared from the room. The women gave you a polite smile and you sigh.
That morning was the last time you saw him in almost four weeks.
Handling work stuff from the house was mad boring, and you started to feel claustrophobic. Rounded by security, you only had visits from your mom and Chan, sometimes your father or your new in-laws. The house was full of people all the time yet you felt completely alone in it. Suddenly you missed your office, your old apartment, your friends, anything but that strange house who you could barely call yours. 
But oddly and mostly, you were desperate to get laid. It was a bothersome sensation inside you, not being able to release the stress from everything that had happened within the last month from being recently married to a stranger to almost being killed on your supposed honeymoon.
So you did what you planned to do in the first place as soon as you were back, the only thing that would make you release the stress and clear your mind. 
Yunho called first, a few days after you arrived back at Seoul. The conversation was brief but he let you know he was available for whenever you wanted to see him. A month ago it seemed too recent to meet with him, but now it felt just about right. 
Finally tonight, after having spent a full month trapped inside your house, you and your friend decide to meet up.
Both knew you needed to be cautious; you are a recently married woman —and he, an engaged man. 
You decided to meet up downtown. You had an apartment there in one of the biggest hotels at the center of a prestigious but quiet district. You used it mostly to crash on when you partied regularly, so it was a familiar place to your guards. Yunho let you know he already booked one of the suits for the night, so he could just knock on your door without any trouble. 
Yeosang hadn’t called for a few nights, apparently he was attending some business in Tokyo with both your father and his. It was the perfect timing.
The night arrived and you finally went out. As you got ready in front of the mirror in the bedroom, anticipation started to build as you waited for Yunho.
You changed into a casual dress, and your favorite jewelry; a long pearl necklace that ended up in the right place at your cleavage. Hair styled in a messy bun, the best hairstyle to try when you knew it was going to end up disheveled — a trick you learned from your mother’s long sessions in front of the mirror when you were maybe too young to even understand the tip. 
You sprayed your favorite perfume on the right spots and poured a few drinks, preparing yourself to loosen up to finally enjoy a good night since you married, even if it wasn’t with your own husband. 
Midnight, and Yunho hadn’t shown up. You started to get annoyed. Sending him a couple of texts like; ‘Where the fuck are you?.’ and ‘Are you serious right now?.’ 
You were growing impatient, desperate. He had said late night but this was just too much. And why wasn’t he answering your texts?. 
You blew raspberries, lying back on the bed. Incorporating a little, you saw yourself in the tall mirror at the corner of the room. Your backless dress, makeup… you looked so good and now it was going to get to waste.
It was ridiculous that with all the power, money, a damn husband and a friend like Yunho, you were really struggling this much to get laid. 
Being almost killed —again, having your family on your neck all the time, the pressure of the business and people — had to deal with, and an absent husband you barely knew on top of that was starting to get to you for good.
Grabbing your phone ready to call Yunho, something you would never do being in your right senses, you hear a knock on your door. 
You sit on the bed automatically, fixing the wrinkles of your dress. “Fucking finally.” 
Walking towards the door, you looked through the peephole, immediately taking a few steps back. The man at the door wasn’t Yunho.
“What is he doing here?,” you muttered to yourself. 
“Are you going to open?.” Yeosang’s voice coming from outside made you come to your senses, he sounded different from the other times you two had spoken. Hesitating, you opened the door. His hair was down and parted in the middle, wavy strands falling at the sides of his ears. He was dressed casually, not in the usual business attire you have seen him in so far. 
Yeosang walked in, closing the door behind him. You looked nervously around, feeling suddenly exposed by your little outfit, and he seemingly read your mind, as he took his sweet time looking at your clothes, or the lack of them.
“What are you doing here?.” you ask, trying to sound casual. Suddenly the thought of Yunho knocking on the door any moment made your stomach turn upside down. “Weren’t you in Tokyo?.”
“I remember telling you no to go out yet, so the question is what are you doing here?.” 
You shrugged, feeling his gaze all over you. “I- was, going out…”
“If you wanted to fuck, you just had to ask,” he looked at you with a dark shine on his eyes. “I never told you you were allowed to be playing whore with other men, did I?”.
Your chest started to thump. This wasn’t the Yeosang you have known so far. He spoke harshly, but with a slight hurt pride that confused you.
“The fuck that’s supposed to mean?.” you glared back at him. “You haven’t talked to me properly since we married, you don’t even sleep at home.” you said, mimicking quoting the last word with your fingers. He glared at you too, walking towards you and hovering you against the wall. “Seriously, you won't even allow me one normal dinner and you think you have the right to tell me what to do?.” 
“I'm your husband.” he said dryly, “That should be enough.”
“A husband who hasn’t even fucked his wife once.” 
Yeosang scoffed. He looked at you with big eyes, deep brown eyes that shone differently from back when you saw them at the wedding. You were tense, that wasn’t what you wanted to reproach him for, but your brain was letting the words come out from your mouth without a second thought. “Were you waiting for that Jeong bastard to come here and fuck you? Are you that desperate?.” 
“Yes. Maybe I fucking am.” 
Just then, Yeosang tugged your chin with his hand, brushing the hem of your skirt with his fingers, slowly getting them underneath. His breath was hot and it burned against your neck. He leaned forward, brushing your throat with his lips, and then the tip of his tongue. 
“Well look at you, being all eager.” He whispered with a voice so dark you couldn’t recognize it belonged to him. 
His hand was now fully under your skirt, and his thumb brushed softly where you needed him the most. Your hips start rolling towards the contact, desperate for more friction. You pressed your lips together, restraining yourself from giving in so easily, but the truth was that you needed to be touched. Yeosang rolled his thumb over your damped spot, his gaze got cloudy, tongue resting on his bottom lip as he rubbed in circles on your clothed clit. He slides the lacy fabric to the side, gently pressing two fingers inside you. 
You let out a whimper, biting your bottom lip. Surprised at how he knows exactly how to curl his fingers upward, his fingers caress your center so sweetly, feeling as familiar as your own.
“You feel just like I imagined.” He brushes his words over your lips, kissing you softly. His tongue finally lands against yours, sending tingles all the way to your lower stomach. 
“You imagined?.” you moan against his mouth, and he slowly wraps his hand on your neck, making just the right pressure to make your closed eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“Mmhh.” his voice vibrates over your lips, while he kisses you roughly and sloppily. He’s now adding a third finger deep inside you. You throw your arms at his neck and lift your leg onto his hip to give him more access. He grabs your leg with the hand that isn’t inside you, and continues fingering you with faster pace without stopping kissing you.
“Oh my god…” you cry when he begins scissoring and curling his fingers inside you. You let out a loud moan knowing you are done for and he stops kissing to see you as you come. His fingers keep going, gaze fixated on you as you shut your eyes and roll your hips making his fingers touch you even deeper. “Fuck, oh fuck!.” you whimper when he doesn’t stop and you start squirting all over his fingers. He looks down cheekily, seeing how you coat his fingers with your arousal.
Yeosang smiles, removing his fingers from inside you and making you open your mouth so you can taste yourself on them, when you finish he goes back to your lips, kissing you again. “So sweet.” he whispers, lowering your leg and helping you walk to the bed. 
He makes you lay on your back, taking your panties off and throwing them aside. He lifts the skirt of your dress and places himself between your legs. “Let me taste more of that.” He says, licking your entrance with one strip, as he starts devouring you entirely until there’s no trace of your release but the sweet sensation inside you.
“Fuck, Yeosang.” you moan, feeling the familiar knot yet again. He keeps sucking on you, your hand tugging his hair from the overstimulation. 
“Are you going to come again?.” 
“Yes!.” you cry, but whine immediately after when he stops eating you up. 
“Not like that.” He helps you get up, walking backwards as he sits on the armless chair next to your vanity, taking his belt off and opening the zipper on his jeans. He helps you sit on his lap, always looking at you as he does. Your heavy lids fall on him, admiring just how beautiful he is, and you wonder for a second if you have had a man like that before him. 
Your mind is still foggy, you feel breathless but you indulge in his instructions, glad he’s telling you what to do next. 
Yeosang guides you on top of him, and you observe patiently how he takes out his length and strokes himself a few times, making sure you look. He then tugs your dress down to expose your tits. He licks his bottom lip and goes to kiss one of them sweetly, one hand stroking himself and the other squeezing and licking your nips. You hear his quiet moans and whimpers, giving each of your breasts delicate attention. When he’s had enough, he aligns you on him and slowly pushes you until he has bottomed inside you.
“You really needed this huh?,” He chuckles darkly. “Such a tiny cunt.”
You whine at first, feeling stretched so deliciously for the first time in so long. You lean and kiss him, both your tongues tasting and savoring each other. The pearls of your necklace hang over his chest, the silver of your rings shine between his hair as you dishevel it. Yeosang squeeze and massage your nips with his palm as you take the time adjusting to his length inside you.
He stops kissing your nipple and signals you to look to the side, where you find both your reflections in the big mirror of your vanity, seeing your almost naked form sitting on his lap makes the sensation on your lower abdomen intensify. Yeosang slips your dress over your head, and you remove his jacket and unbutton his shirt hastily. 
“Show me,” his tone is low, hoarse. He cups your chin with force, so you are now looking straight at him. You flutter your eyelashes confused. “What were you planning to do with him?.” he asks, heavy lids eying your bottom lip. 
You bit your lip with force, somehow embarrassed that you already forgot you were supposed to be on top of Yunho. Yeosang smirks slightly, and even if the lights in the room are dim you catch that smile and it drives you mad how confident he is, but also makes you eager to show him. 
“Yeosang, please” you whisper breathlessly, kissing him again. A big open kiss on the mouth first, then going down to his neck, his shoulder blades. You were marking every inch of skin your lips could reach in your position. It felt as if he could suddenly evaporate if you didn’t. 
You start rolling your hips back and forth on top of him, moaning everytime the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot. Yeosang had both hands on your waist, keeping you in place as you rocked your hips at a slow but steady pace, not wanting to come too fast and just enjoy the sensation of having him buried deep inside you.
Yeosang’s whimpers quietly, but intensely. He lets a dry chuckle every time you remove yourself almost completely from him only to go down in one motion over and over. Your hands are on his hair, pulling the strands everytime the pleasure was too much.
He grabs your face and kisses you, biting your bottom lip and coating your entire mouth with his tongue, desperate to fill you connected to him in every way. He groans when you bite back, enjoying every little cry and whimper you let out. “All of this for him?,” he tugs your hair making you face him. 
“Right now I’m fucking you and you only.” you tell him, eyes falling down on you unable to keep them open. “You fill me up so well.”
Yeosang smiled cockily, going to your clit and rubbing his thumb in circles again, making you bury your head on his neck. “Like that? Is that what you wanted?.” 
“Yes!” you cried out loud, not caring at all if the guards outside could hear. His thumb and cock both send incredible sensations through your body, your release building up again ready to break out at any second. “Don’t stop please, I’m gonna-” 
You couldn't finish, feeling the knot in your lower abdomen explode inside you. Yeosang was quick to grab your hips so you stayed in place, and he helped you rock them faster, chasing his own. He looked at your reflection in the mirror. Head thrown back, nails digging on his shoulders, eyes closed and mouth full of whimpers and heavy breathing. You came and Yeosang followed right behind you, letting out the loudest moan since you started. His hands were now on your ass as you wrapped your arms around his neck, having come from your high. He bit your shoulder as he painted your walls with his load. Yeosang cursed under his breath, finally stopping until he finished inside you. 
“Yeosang,” you phanted, caressing his face and making him look at you. His eyelids were heavy, long strands of wavy black hair falling on his face, lips half open trying to catch his breath. “I needed that, fuck.” You waited until he was breathing regularly and kissed him roughly again, taking his breath away once more. 
Yeosang smiled widely and you recognized the sweet man that you married a month ago. The same soft and cute eye smile and seemingly innocent aura came back, transforming from the one that was guiding your hips as you rode him to oblivion mere seconds before.
“I've wanted to have you on top of me since I saw you at the dinner,” He said sweetly, brushing his nose against yours. “Wanted to have you cry my name and brush away that condescending look you gave me at the wedding.” 
You chuckled. “I didn’t know what to expect from you,” you paused, choosing your words carefully. “You seemed too nice for this kind of life, too pure.” 
Yeosang chuckled lightly, helping you stand up, finally removing himself from you. “Seemed?” He kissed your chin gently. “Not anymore?.” 
“Someone who fucks like this?, no way.” 
He lets out a loud laugh, hand covering his mouth. “Y/n, you should know no man is pure. Crime life or not.” 
“Yeah, I guess so.” 
You stood up from his lap, looking around for your panties on the floor, but Yeosang pulled you against him, wrapping his hands on your waist, hiding his face in the space between your shoulders and neck. He kissed the skin there and you hummed, content and relaxed feeling the warmth of his lips. 
He guided you to the bed, laying beside you and leaning over you. 
“Why didn't you want to spend time with me until now?.” you asked, his big eyes shone brightly. “I thought you were avoiding me on purpose, no one is that busy.” 
Yeosang laughed. “Oh but I am. And soon you will be too, as my wife and associate, you will have to deal with a lot.” He lowered his eyes for a second. “I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention to you, I wanted to, but after what happened in Greece I needed to make sure you were always protected.” 
“Did my father intervene?”
“I almost let his only daughter get killed mere days after our wedding, how does that make me look in front of him, of everyone?.”
You hummed but remained silent. You knew your father had already told him everything he needed to hear. “So I’ve been under surveillance all this time?.” You arch your brows, realizing that’s how he knew about your meeting with Yunho tonight. “Shit! Yunho… is he…?.” 
Yeosang chuckled again and this time it was an amused one. “He’s not dead, I still need eyes and ears close to the police,” His lips turned upwards into a mischievous smile. “But he won’t dare to come close to you with certain intentions, ever again.”
“Oh.” you said, pouting. “But he’s an excellent tennis partner though.” 
“I can be your new tennis partner, I can be everything you need me to be.” 
Yeosang kissed you softly, thumb caressing your ear. Your hands traveled over his chest, throwing a leg over his waist and you smiled on the kiss. He let out a soft “Oh” like a shy boy getting his first kiss and it made your heart incredibly warm.
“Who would thought we only needed to fuck each other dumb to break the ice huh?”. You joked, letting him keep kissing your neck and start all over again.
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©mingsolo / please do not edit, repost, translate
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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the basic idea of romeo and juliet's balcony scene is the feeling of loving someone you aren't supposed to love. so why is idol kim seungmin knocking on your second - story window? why does he keep coming to you even though he knows it's forbidden?
PAIRING kim seungmin x fem!reader WC 1.7k TAGS forbidden love trope. friends to lovers. fluff. angst if you squint. intense kissing. cussing. OMI NOTE my first work here <3 i really enjoyed writing this but it's definitely not proofread aha.
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the tragedy of romeo and juliet, a play written by william shakespeare. there’s a famous scene within the sonnet, where juliet sits atop the balcony that connects to her bedroom; where ultimately she ponders as to why must her one true love, romeo, be apart of her rival family. they’re forbidden to be together, yet their love for one another is so immense.
it was almost as if you were living some parts of the story when you found out kim seungmin was a well - known idol. you felt like the two of you were destined to be together, like it was written in the stars. but it wasn’t going to work out, you knew that.
you heard him calling behind you that night he got recognized by two girls. you were internally grateful that they didn’t even notice you because of how blinded they were by him. the pavement was damp with nightly mist, and the sound of your heavy footsteps ultimately drowning out his voice.
as soon as you arrived home, you kicked off your shoes at the door and ignored your parents’ questions such as, “where have you been, y/n? your curfew ended ten minutes ago.”
you never entered your bedroom with such a heavy heart. pulling out your laptop and violently typing up the name kim seungmin, only to be met with millions of search results.
kinfo.com: kim seungmin is one of the eight members of south korean boy group stray kids, under the company jyp, leader in entertainment.
straykidsupdates.com: has everyone seen seungmin in the most recent comeback? he’s totally cute and definitely carried that s-class pre chorus! instagram.com/realstraykids: stray kids (스트레이 키즈) official instagram
you closed your laptop before falling back into the pillows on your bed and letting out a heavy sigh. heartbroken was an understatement, you were so upset. if he had told you earlier you wouldn’t have let yourself fall in love with him.
the day you met seungmin was a run in at a small cafe you were wanting to try out (which now made so much more sense considering it was across the street from the jyp building). he wasn’t paying attention to where he was looking, causing him to bump into you and make you drop your food. you were not looking for any payment whatsoever, but he was insistent.
before you knew it, he was paying for your food and sitting down in front of you to make small talk and apologize. 
the conversation you had with him went on until the sun barely peaked over the horizon. it was starting to get dark outside and the cafe cashier was getting very sick of the two of you. with full stomachs and happy grins, he walked you home.
afterwards, you met almost every week for months just to talk and hang out. you grew to love the person he was, and the feeling was most definitely mutual. despite this, he never bothered to share his work life and you never bothered to look him up on google.
now, you sat extremely frustrated and crying. your pillows grew a wet patch from your tears. how could you forget him? the blankets you snuggled with did an adequate job at comforting you, though you knew seungmin was the best at that.
barely an hour passed before there was a quiet knock at your window. at first you thought it was the wind, but your suspicions were proved wrong when it knocked a little harder and less infrequent.
you got up from you bed and trudged to open your curtains, being met with a very familiar, puppy - dog - like boy. your eyes went wide.
“what the fuck? seungmin what are you doing at my window?” you whisper shout, feeling the cool air blow through your bedroom as you opened the window.
“you weren’t answering your phone, and you never let me explain.” seungmin panted a little, lodging himself between two thick tree branches.
“it’s unsafe to be climbing this tree! it’s been here longer than i’ve been alive. what happened to the front door?” you pulled him into your bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible.
“we both know you’ve broken curfew three times this past week, your parents would never let me inside to talk to you.” he sighed, sitting on your windowsill.
���jeez, seungmin. you’re such an idiot…” you mumble with defeat.
“listen, i’m so sorry i haven’t told you about being a whole idol thing. i was going to, trust me, i just never got around to it.” “way to go for an explanation. you know we can’t do this min.” “why do you think i never told you? so i could lose the one person that actually liked me for the person i am, rather than the things i could provide?” he admit.
“i don’t think i can mentally date a kpop idol, seungmin. i really really like you but, theres so many complications.” you turn your back to him so he can’t get too close of a look at your puffy face.
suddenly his hand interlocked with yours, pulling you back a little.
“y/n, come out with me. let me show you that we can work. that this is worth it.” 
you couldn’t bring yourself to fully look at him, scared that his cute pouty face would convince you. “i can’t sneak out seungmin… my parents would kill me.” “then let them kill you, don’t give up on us, please. just this one night for me to show you how dear you are to me.” he lifts your chin up with his hand, frowning at the tear marks on your face. 
“but i’ve never done this before, will you teach me?” you sniff sadly.
“i won’t let you get caught. just follow my lead okay?” seungmin let go of your face and went to stuff pillows under your blankets, making a somewhat believable body. whilst doing so, you slipped on a different pair of shoes quickly.
he made sure to click off your lights before leading you towards the window. it wasn’t too bad of a climb down, but you were nervous nonetheless. 
“hold onto my hand, i’ll tell you where to step.” he gently held onto you so you could safely get down with him. as soon as your shoes hit the grass, a sense of euphoria overcomes you. there was so much excitement about disobeying the strict rules your parents laid on you, but you couldn’t hide the underlying worry.
“see? and that was the hard part.” he smiles at you, still hand and hand.
seungmin takes you to a parked car a few houses down from your own. the top was pulled down and there was an extremely prominent bouquet of lilies in the passenger seat. when it came into view, you squeezed his hand and grinned.
“how’d you know i liked lilies?” you replaced yourself with the flowers, sitting down comfortably with them in your lap.
“i didn’t, but i’m glad i made the right choice.”
the houses of your neighborhood passed by in a blur, all of them merging together as the car sped up. the breeze was cold, but you didn’t seem to mind. there was a feeling of warmth you felt when you were with seungmin, and this wasn’t any different.
there was a comfortable silence between you guys. neither of you bothered to say anything, basking in the presence of one another.
when he pulled up to the parking lot of a nearby park, you finally spoke.
“you took me to a park in the middle of the night to prove how much you want to be with me?” you ask.
“here, you’ll see.” seungmin took off his seatbelt and crawled into the back seat, motioning you to join him. 
you abide, leaning over the center console towards him, still being careful not to ruin anything. as you plop yourself next to him, he pulls you to snuggle up against his chest. you could hear his heart beating a thousand miles per minute, but you could argue that yours was beating faster.
“look up.” he points towards the sky and your gaze follows.
stars. they dazzled, lightening the velvety night sky. they vary in size and brightness, forming intricate patterns that make you dizzy. 
“it’s beautiful, seungmin.” you look over at his face, illuminated by the moonlight above. his features look much more perfect when you’re close.
“we’re all so similar to stars, y/n.” he started, rubbing circles into one of your hands, “there are so many that shine brightly in the sky, but you’re the only one i really care about.”
“gosh seungmin, you’re such a flirt.” you laugh, “but you’re an idol, you were trained to be charming.”
“i’m serious, y/n. you’re right in the sense that dating as an idol is really fucking hard. but my love for you is so real. shouldn’t that overpower it? nobody but my friends and the company have to know.”
you move your head away from his chest to look at him,”you love me?”
“of course i love you, y/n. i would be a fool not to.” he lifts you closer to him so you’re straddling his lap. when you move your hands up to cover your blushing face, he stops you. “you’re so pretty.” he whispers. “we’ll figure out everything i promise. i just need to be with you.”
“then be with me.” you affirmed, taking a small step closer to his face.
the distance between you and seungmin narrows slowly, and you can smell the sweet scent of his cologne, making you even more aware of his presence.
there are butterflies swarming in your stomach, convincing you that none of this is real. but as soon as his lips connected with yours, you were absolutely sure it was.
for the first few seconds, it was sweet. but the overwhelming feeling of so much love quickly turned into desperation. 
something that he’s been waiting for in all the months of knowing you finally was his. the kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, evident by the redder your lips became.
it wasn’t until you were interrupted by a buzzing that shook the car seat. a mere string of saliva connected the two of your bruised lips. you looked around cluelessly before your phone, before seeing recognizable caller id.
“fuck, my dad’s calling me.”
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internetaddict104 · 2 months
My live thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine
* I’m torn between wanting to fangirl over the fight scene and wanting to sing and dance to *NSYNC
* Also I’m crying at the shots of DP doing the Bye Bye Bye choreo cut into the fight 😂
* The Iron Man helmet covering Tom in the photo with RDJ 😂
* Hearing Matthew Macfayden’s natural British accent is so jarring after watching Succession
* Wait I’m so confused on how Wade was interviewing for an Avengers position with Happy on Earth 616 and then it cuts to 6 years later on Earth 10005
* Wambsgans being the villain is insane
* This movie takes place within 3 days?
* The little cgi Logan is so jarring
* *turns around* “I’m Marvel Jesus you dull creature and I-“ *gets bitch slapped by the Hulk and dies*
* CHRIS EVANS?!?!?!?!?!
* Did he just die
* I knew Wolverine was gonna just slice Sabretooth’s head off but I’m still sad there wasn’t any real fight
* Oh thank God Johnny is still alive
* Wait where’s the rest of the og FF? Where is my Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, and Michael Chiklis???
* Fuck she killed Chris 😭 I knew it was coming but it still hurts
* Why do I lowkey feel like whatever this Logan did to fuck up his world is gonna be something jokey and/or stupid
* Lady in Red playing during Dogpool’s intro 😂
* Also I did not know Dogpool was a girl
* The intro to The Greatest Show on the radio 😂
* There’s a lot of random music in this movie and idk if I’m really feeling it
* I saw a Scarlet Witch statue… 👀
* Oh shit Garner Elektra
* My jaw literally dropped for these 3 I’m dead serious
* Oh this is where X23 comes in
* Wait is this Laura the same one from Logan or is she a variant
* So he’s the worst Logan because he went to a bar and the rest of the XMen got killed by humans? That’s so stupid he wasn’t even there like he didn’t lead the humans to them or run away
* Should I know who the purple girl with Cassandra is bc I feel like I should they keep focusing on her
* Should I know the bearded guy in the striped tank top bc they keep focusing on him too and I don’t recognize him
* Wait so Logan did run away when the XMen were attacked?
* Wait Logan betrayed the XMen?
* Huh so the portal was just white anyway it wasn’t an editing trick to hide anything in the trailer
* I know I should know who Pyro is but I don’t 😭
* Did they digitally elongate Emma Corrin’s fingers bc they look way too long
* Cassandra without the coat looks so sickly idk why the coat made her look fuller
* Logan’s disgusted look when Wade and Dogpool reunite 😂
* Oh I was wondering when Ladypool would show up
* I need to know if any famous actor is in the Deadpool Corps
* Logan holding Dogpool as far away from him as possible like a dirty dishrag 😂 he’s so disgusted by this dog
* Why is Kidpool a girl
* Cowboy Deadpool sounds familiar too who is he
* THE COWL 😭❤️
* I can’t make out what Blind Al says during the Deadpool fight and I really wanna know what she says 😭
* So Logan is gonna sacrifice himself isn’t he
* Yeah I knew Wade would go in Logan’s place over the heartfelt speeches began
* And Wade isn’t gonna die he can’t he’s too popular
* Oh they both went
* Logan’s top disintegrating 😂
* “You look damn good in that suit” “I’m so sorry” I love Peter
* Wait that’s so cute they’re all in the main universe now (or Wade’s universe idk if they’re the same yet or not)
* I need to find the post credits scenes apparently they were leaked online but I can’t find them anywhere please I wanna watch them I read what they are but I still wanna see them myself
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flufallo · 4 months
Some random, out of context lines from only the best show in the world
"YOU are the brawn?"
"If she'd died last night, I'd have no problem with her being here!" "Well that got dark"
"We've met phychics before, but none as fit as you" "HAH. Did that work on girls back in the 80s?"
"Are you ready to talk to her shoes?"
"And those girls are staring..." "Mabye it's your outfit" *middle finger*
"I don't care how old you are. Go to bed"
"Well, I'm very open minded and also very concerned about bursting open" "honestly I just find her so charming"
"Are you insane?"
"so I'm a... Tree?"
"Cute? Thats offensive"
"It smells like dog shit in there"
"I'll make sure to jot that down in my journal of opinions I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT"
"Luckily, love requires no logic"
"MONTY! JESUS! I'm tryna... Threaten some kids"
"Are you ready to talk to her shoes?"
"Fuck off, the kid had a sardine"
"she's always... Changing outfits"
"Are you being threatening or is this a sexy choking?"
"In my experience, uptight boys like a bit of rough play" "... Right" (my poor innocent Edwin has no idea what that means)
"Hello, um, cute little friend with the bow tie"
"Teethface, what the fuck?"
"I'm just a really old man who lives in a fish"
"Specificity is key"
*Girls react sword death* "was that good? Were you scared?" "Pff, no. The sword would of punctured the lung, leaving her *gasping noises* unable to scream. Not to mention the sheer amount of blood filling her mouth. Very disappointing girls"
"You guys are like a dead married couple on acid"
"Is that my left or your left?" "We have the same left!"
"No, it is the blue book on the top left corner" *picks up pink book* "does that look blue to you, Charles?"(Colour blind Charles yaas)
"Well, that's harsh. But also charmingly stubborn. Capricorn?"
"Were not living anywhere, because your not living"
"This detective work is much measure than it ever looked on scooby doo"
"Two boys can like like each other, you know. I have a lot of manga about it. It's very sweet, and explicit"
"Again, a handshake would suffice"
"Yes, your highness"
"What is a hand job?"
"Well have to investigate further into this Molly character"
"At least one of you is in school, right?"
"You've been spending a lot of time with that one... Monty... You... A lot of time?" "Hmm? Merely swapping books is all"
"Oh my fucking fuck"
"I thought you were like a meat robber or a meat pervert or something"
"If you need anything, just shout. But don't actually shout. It's a library"
"Are you always a woman, is Charles ever a woman, can you change your eyes and nose like Mr potato head, do you know who mr potato head is?"
"Your such a whore"
"You don't look like a walrus"
"this looks like the places in those fish stick commercials I like"
"Charles, be less British. Edwin, be less Edwin"
"oh no, it's porn. It's all just porn"
"there are 142 cats" "142? That's way off!" (It's four off)
"and when he gets back from hell, I'll be waiting. God, I am such a romantic I hate it!"
"do you and Charles.. um... Have a special friendship?" "We are best friends, if you must know." (Keep him innocent guys)
"have you seen a Victrola anywhere?" "What?"
"oh, I think I'm gonna be sick!" "You are a ghost, Charles. You cannot get sick"
"well, maybe karma's just a bitch"
"I heard they died in some gay suicide pact"
"I have never wanted to get back inside someone more" (out of context this one just sounds so wrong lmao)
"are you saying my ghost friend isn't going to die? Super, thanks."
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cairavende · 5 months
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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i-heart-emos · 4 months
R𝑖ght p𝑙ace R𝑖ght t𝑖me/ Gerard way
Pairing: Gerard way x fem!reader
Warnings: little cussing, nothing really where this is a safe haven today
Summary: while working at Barnes and noble Gerard runs into what he calls “the girl of his dreams”
A/N” I know shit about comics so I’m just gonna to books I’ve read and think Gerard would like please don’t come for me
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You briskly walk through the busy city watching all the street lamps start to turn on.
“Crap” you mutter under your breath. You can tell if it just getting darker earlier cause its winter up north or if it’s just late. You really wanna make it in time before Barnes and noble closes.
To say this weak has been shit is an understatement. First your stupid car broke down so you’ve basically been walking everywhere,Then your dog ran away,and you just started your period. So your only solution books.
You round the corner greeted by the bright lights of the dark brown building. Barnes and noble you read smiling brightly. You run to the door to check the sign
“Open yes” you exclaim hearing the chime of the door as it opens up
“Hello welcome” you hear a monotone voice say
You look up to be greeted by a brunette with bangs and glasses nose in a book not paying much attention. You do wanna ask about a book but don’t want to interrupt so you look for another employee.
As you walk the store you see another man he seems a little older than the other boy maybe 3-4 and he has longer black hair. You see he’s not preoccupied so you feel fine going up to him
You walk up slightly tapping on his shoulder.
“Hi don’t mean to be a bother but can you help me find a book” I say smiling brightly
He turns to a small smile adorning his face “oh yes totally what are you looking for” he asks
“The secret history by Donna tart” you ask
“Oh that one’s great right over here” he says guiding you
“Right it is I heard you guys have a new cover in stock so I thought I might as well come see” you smile “maybe it’ll make my week better” I mutter the last part to myself not think he heard
“Sorry you had a bad week” he says sympathetically
“Oh no it’s really fine life’s life” I say laughing slightly
“Yea I get well here’s the book and” he looks at like he wants to say something but the words are stuck
“And” I say smiling expectantly
“Wanna get coffee when I get off in like 20 mins” he says smiling
“Yes sure I’d love too” I say
“Good cause there’s like a Starbucks connected I mean you probably noticed your not blind but we can go there or anywhere else if you don’t like them” he says rambling in you giggle finding it quite cute
“Yes Starbucks sounds great thanks” I respond “is it alright if I just hand with you till you close then since it’s only 20 mins we can talk more about the book” you say holding up your copy
“Yes totally” he say smiling widely
“Alright im gonna go pay for this and ill be right back” I say smiling walking over to the checkout
“Wait what’s your name” he hollers grabbing the attention of some of the customers
You laugh a little “Y/N how about you”
“Gerard” he yells at the same level making you smile widely
Gerard quickly runs to Mikey smiling brightly
“What got you smiling like that you but another actions figure” Mikey say continuing to swipe threw his pages
“No I just met the love of my life” Gerard sighs like a teenage girl
“Wow a female is interested in you” Mikey says suprised
“Fuck you” Gerard laughs knocking Mikey’s book over
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A/N: sorry if this is shit I just really wanted to get it out hope you enjoyed and please request for mcr fics I love writing them
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darlingsfandom · 3 months
Window Shopping
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requested: Kitten sees you nervously standing outside a lingerie store. The more you talk to her, the less you feel the need to buy something to impress your (rude) partner. Maybe you deserve someone better.
The sun was setting, people were walking all over the street and you? You were standing outside a lingerie and sex shop holding your purse for dear life like someone was going to rob you blind. This wasn’t your first time taking a peek through the window, it was something you did at least once a week for the last five week. It’s not that you didn’t want to go in or had anything against it, you were just nervous.
“You know, there’s lots of good stuff in here.” A soft voice filled your ears . You looked around and seen the small woman standing in the doorway with a smile on her pink lips. All the words in your brain had left the building as you stood there with your mouth hanging open. “Come in, I won’t bite you… unless you’re into that.” She gave you a wink making your heart skip a beat. You clutched the handle of your purse and made your way inside.
It was bigger on the inside than you had thought. You looked around , a small blush shading your cheeks as you walked down an aisle filled with different types of rope. This is more than you thought but you had to try it.
“I’ve noticed you.” Her voice broke your concentration. “Looking in the window , checking out what new lingerie is on display each week.” You looked over to see her leaning on the counter with that smirk still plastered on her lips.
“I uh.. I…” you couldn’t make a sentence and just froze. A small giggle left her lips before she walked out from behind the counter and met you in the middle of the toy section.
“My names Patricia but you can call me Kitten.” She put out her hand for you to shake and instead you grabbed it and kissed it making her blush .
“I’m sorry!” You blurted out. Her laugh made you laugh as she slowly pulled you closer by your hand.
“No need to be sorry, it was cute. A proper lady you are.” Kitten ran her hand up your wrist making you shiver a little. “Something tells me that you’re a good girl who obeys hmm?” Her nail scratched gently under your chin making you look her in the eye. All you could do is nod along with her. “Hmm that’s what I like to hear.” Her lips curved into a devilish grin before locking her fingers into yours and dragging you over to the lingerie section. It was filled with so many colors, sizes, textures! Leather, lace, feathers! You stood in silence for a moment before Kitten disappeared only to return with her hands behind her back.
“I think… you’d look really pretty in this!” She pulled out a simple lilac onesie that was crotchless. Your mouth hung open as she handed you the outfit.
“I… don’t know , I’ve never worn anything like this before .” You stumbled while playing with the fabric. Kitten gave you a soft pout.
“At least try it on?” She gave you the saddest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen and so you found yourself standing in the middle of a changing room with her on the other side. Your hands ran over your body as you stripped down to nothing and started to put the fabric on.
“Uh kitten? How do I … get this on?” Before you could speak another word she was already in there with you.
“Hold my shoulders.” Kitten held the fabric in her hands for a minute. “Honey your panties might be in the way, this is a crotchless one anyway .” She watched how you slid your panties down slowly and quickly tried to cover yourself with your hand which made her giggle. “Don’t be shy honey, from what I can see… you have a pretty little pussy.” Her tone made you clench your thighs together. No one has ever talked to you that not even your partner, who was the last thing on your mind.
Your partner has been with you for almost six months and it felt longer because of the way the day dragged on. What kitten has made you feel in twenty minutes doesn’t even compare to what your partner made you feel. It always “when are you coming back? I’m starving !” “Are you done crying about your issue?” “God you need to leave me alone!” It always sex for them but never you, once they finished it was over whether you finished or not! You started to let those thoughts swirl around in your mind until you felt her hands on your hips as she turned you to look in the mirror.
“Look at you! So pretty!” She swooned at you while rubbing small circles on your hips. You shouldn’t be turned on , your thighs shouldn’t be clenching and your nipples shouldn’t be hard against the soft material. “I think you like it too!” Kitten ran her finger tips over your nipples making you whine. “Seems like you haven’t been taken care of in awhile, what a shame. Pretty girls like you need to cum.” Her words struck your core.
“I um… I .. my partner…”
“Doesn’t satisfy you?” She asked pinning you against the wall. All you could do was shake your head as she ran her fingers down your breasts. “And you’re letting a stranger feel you up in a dressing room?” You nodded.
“Oh honey, let me take care of you.” Her hands ran over your stomach as her lips brushed against yours slowly. Her lips were soft and sweet as honey before you relaxed your body and allowed this to happen. Her lips moved against yours slowly while you wrapped your arms around her neck pulling her in closer. Kitten moved her lips along the side of your neck making you whine quietly. She sucked on the warm skin before letting it go with a loud popping sound. “No need to worry your pretty little head about thing now, no one’s going to come in and bother us , I own the store . It’s just you and me.” Her voice made you melt.
Kitten stood up straight and held you as she undressed you. You stood before her fully naked making goose bumps cover your skin as she circled you. Her finger tips trailed along your spine before she helped you back into your clothes.
“I thought we were going to…” you bit your bottom lip as she opened the door. Kitten looked over her shoulder and winked before grabbing your hand. She held it tight as the two of you walked down a small hallway until she stopped at a door, unlocked it and lead you up the stairs to her apartment.
“I know you want me to take care of you honey and you deserve the softest sheets to properly taken care of. I’m not going to fuck you like some whore in the dressing room, no! I’m going to spoil you!” Her hands were on your shoulders before she took you into her room and laid you down on her bed. “I’ve wanted you for so long , you timid little thing, you’re going to be taken care of for once” Kitten sat down next to you and gave your knee a squeeze before kissing you again. Her hands rested on your thigh before she laid you down and followed through on her promise to take care of you .
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singukieee · 2 years
'23 A R C H I V E
—or recs of fics I’ve read and been reading.
[back to NAVIGATION]
♡ : works im following closely
☆ : my ultimate favorites (mostly finished)
① : oneshots
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Safe and Sound ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Combined Beings ☆☆
mafia!ceo!bts x chubby!reader
You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. the bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentions you to the other 6.
Little Love
human seokjin! x human!oc x hybrid!ot6
Seokjin and Ayana are an engaged couple who are completely in love with each other. Then one day they stumbled upon two hybrids in need. They decided to help them, not knowing there were four others waiting for their mates to come back.
Snow Angel ♡
alphas!bts x omega!reader
After Yoongi and Jimin find a distressed omega in the mall they take her home in an attempt to settle her. Quickly getting attached, the whole all-alpha pack starts to wish to keep the girl around, going completely soft for her.
Emerald Gem
hybrid!bts x reader
Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Stay Alive ♡
myth creatures!bts x reader
When you started working at a pharmaceutical company, you didn’t realize where it was your life was heading. After getting a patient mix up, you meet seven men who would didn’t seem to want any other nurse that wasn’t you. When you start to know them, you notice things that made you question if they were really human. No matter what excuse they would give though, you would always go home with a heavy heart. The day the truth is revealed to you, things take a turn for the worst.
(Un)natural Instincts
ot7 x ceo!reader
You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Masked Miracles ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. A quick in and out. Infiltrate and bring down a hybrid trafficking ring. Saving lives while we're at it. But things hardly ever go to plan. And being locked in with seven hybrids that meant more to me than victims forced into a life they didn't deserve was definitely not according to the plan.
A Cute Blind Soul
ot7 x blind!oc | soulmate au
Selia Jones is blind since birth. After her parents were taken away, she has to live a completely different life and to make it worse, the universe had given her soulmates.
About Love ♡
hybrid!bts x writer!reader
Becoming a best selling thriller author? Part of the plan. Living in the city and isolating yourself from everyone? Part of the plan. Inheriting your late uncles home in the woods, his sassy assistant and fortune after he died mysteriously? Not part of the plan. Oh, and he failed to mention the 7 ‘surprises’ he left you as well.  And come to think of it… was his death an accident? Or is your imagination going wild again?
Prologue | CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3
The Way Of a Criminal
gangster!bts x reader | mafia au
Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Tongue Tied ♡
wolf hybrid!bts x dog hybrid!reader
In which you're not supposed to be the solution for all of the problems- but maybe you're just that; the missing piece.
Lone Wolf
bts x reader | abo au
In a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Boyfriend For Hire ☆
bts x reader
Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you'd least expected.
The Old Guard
demon!bts x witch!reader | soulmates au
You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Let The Light In ♡
hybrid!bts x author!reader
In which you’re a famous children’s book writer, one evening after coming home from a diner with your parents you find seven unknown hybrids making themselves comfortable in your living room, what do you do now?
Protectors ①
mafia!bts x reader
Your boyfriends loved you very much. that being said, they promised to always be there to shield you in frightening situations - to be your protector, for the rest of your lifetime.
Little Dove ①
mafia!bts x reader
You were gentle, innocent, and pure. In simple words, the exact opposite of the cold-hearted and callous mafia members who fell for you in such a cliché manner.
Redamancy ♡
hybrid!bts x oc
When a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
The Little Things ①
idol!bts x reader
You've never been more glad to have seven men by your side to help with your recovery. Even when times get tough you know they have your back.
The Plot Twist ♡
idol!bts x reader | soulmates au
Once upon a time you would have jumped at the chance to live the idol girlfriend life. The cameras, the action, the whirlwind romance. But what was once a dream has now become your worst nightmare, and you fully intend to fight the universe as it repeatedly conspires to set you up with your seven perfectly good soulmates from Bangtan Sonyeondan.In which we punt Y/N into all the fanfiction tropes and you do your feral best to subvert the love story.Because nani the fuck, you are The Plot Twist.
Hoodies ①
idol!bts x celeb!reader
When the boys are doing a v live, you know to keep away from the camera and stay quiet. and you never failed to do so before. so why is it that the time they all do a v live together, you accidentally leave your custom hoodie on the bed behind them?
Snowball Princess
bts x hybrid!reader
In which you've evolved from being a mere PR-stunt to becoming the most important thing in the lives of seven idols and millions of fans alike.
Like Crazy ♡
bts x reader
The story of seven loves across eight lives.
Mi Casa
bts x alpha!reader | omegaverse au
Sometimes you find your home, sometimes your home finds you.
The Fate of Hybrids ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
Fruits, Daisies, and a Sprinkle of Love ♡
bts x reader | soulmates au
A soul bond's archives is a shared space between soulmates, a safe space that allows the fated ones to share memories between themselves, a method commonly used to find each other without having to wait endlessly for luck to play its part. But when your own archives get tainted with pain due to bullies with too much time on their hands… Needless to say that despite you not knowing if you have soulmates, you begin to believe that maybe it's a good thing if you don't have any.
hybrid!bts x reader
In a world where hybrids are both the hottest commodity and largely exploited, a recent shortage of hybrids nationwide due to the wealthy adopting for sport hunting dominates the news headlines. More than ever, stray hybrids are whisked off the streets and taken into shelters to meet the demand. Mistreated, neglected, forgotten – in a notoriously disreputable hybrid shelter in a pocket of downtown Boston, seven “aggressive” hybrids await their inevitable fate of being sold for sport.After years of trying to distance herself from her mystical past and upbringing, Y/N finds herself quitting her emotionally-draining job and is forced to face past mistakes. While accompanying her friends looking to adopt a child hybrid into their newly-formed family, Y/N inadvertently finds herself face-to-face with seven hybrids doomed to die. In a spur of the moment epiphany, Y/N decides to change the course of fate for the better; though bringing seven aggressive hybrids into her life and the darkening spiritual energy of her old home is trickier to navigate than she originally thought.
dom!bts x sub!reader
You weren’t good at taking care of yourself. You knew it, everyone knows it. Too nervous, anxious, getting overwhelmed way too quickly…It was easy hiding it from the public eye, but they could see right through you. And they were decided on being your steadying hands.
The Love That You Want
idol!bts x death eater!reader | harry potter au
Your worst kept secret? You come from a long line of pureblood elitists.
Outside of the Fox
bts x reader
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Doughnuts and Shell Casings ♡
mafia!bts x reader | soulmates au
You finally gather the courage to leave your routine and do something different. your expectations are blown out of the water as you meet your soulmates in a less-than-expected way. 
Nymphet Garden ♡
fans!bts x idol!reader
He was just a fanboy, they got dragged into it, and so blooms your love story.
Do Not Tumble Dry ①
bts x reader | super fluff content
A spa day for the Bangtan pets.
Baby (you complete us) ♡
idol!bts x disabled MC | soulmates au
Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.  Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Dance of Time
vampire!bts x human reincarnated!reader
You were finally back in the hometown you left right after graduation, researching the mysterious manor that laid outside of the town limits. Your family was acting weird, and the owner of the manor seemed to know more about you than he should. Everything changed when you entered the manor, and you weren’t sure your dance with time was going to last very long.
Death Valley
bts x reader
A summer internship at a famous record label turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize.
Guys that I'd kind of be into
idol!bts x broadway actress!reader
Being on broadway has always been your dream, and now that you’ve achieved just that as christine in “be more chill,” you’ve found it to be a lot harder than your younger self had expected. like, for example, the fact that dating might as well be out of the question. you definitely did not leave college to get distracted from your work... it kind of sucks that seven k-pop idols that you may or may not really like came to see your show and took a liking to you.
A Deal's a Deal
idol!bts x demon!reader
Before BTS became BTS in an act of desperation Jungkook makes a deal with you, a demon. After Namjoon finds out you’re the reason behind a significant number of unfortunate events they’ve gone through over the years he decides to take back their future by binding you under their control until they can figure out how to save Jungkook’s soul. Regardless, you’re going to feed off of their insecurities, lust, and souls to return your powers to you so you can make them all pay.
Wait, Little Rabbit!
bts x bunny hybrid!reader
You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
Until Death ①
demon!bts x human!reader
Until death do you part, you are theirs and they are yours.
Wolves are (NOT) Scary
werewolf!bts x reader
All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Pastel Snowflake Kisses ①
bts x reader
They had never made much of a fuss about christmas...until you came into the picture.
hybrid!bts x reader
Out of Love ♡
bts x f!reader
Everything was perfect, or at least you thought it was. What happens when you break up with your 7 boyfriends and have to deal with the aftermath of it all?
To Love Min Yoongi
idol!ot7 x witch!reader | yoongi focus x reader
You were a villainess destined to be with seven stars. Your cliche Reincarnation AU.
Can't Wait to See You Again ♡
idol!fan!bts x youtuber!reader
The one where Jungkook develops a huge crush on a Youtuber he found after falling into the rabbit hole of his recommended videos. Unbeknownst to him, you were also recommended to his hyungs.
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The A-Listers
actor!jin x famous!reader
Meet Y/N and Jin, two of Hollywood's hottest celebrities and couple — or are they? Media and fans have been wanting to hear a confirmation for years now. But you two are always good at confusing everyone. Watch as everyone else play this guessing game of what's the relationship between Y/N and Jin.
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What yoongi wants, yoongi gets ①
idol!yoongi x reader
The one where the cat is actually yours, but yoongi somehow worms his way into the family.
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Filtering Light ♡
human!jimin x bunny-hybrid!reader x human!jungkook
The reader is a bunny hybrid with a past that has left her traumatized and struggling to heal. some things can be helped with therapy, but some things can only be fixed through realizing you're not all of the things that hurt you—you are, in fact, just loved.
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Hold On ①
jungkook x reader | established relationship
A night where jungkook just wants to give, give and give and he wants you to realize that you can take it all.
At Your Service ☆
escort!jeongguk x ceo!reader | strangers-to-lovers au
Filtering Light
human!jungkook x bunny-hybrid!reader x human!jimin
The reader is a bunny hybrid with a past that has left her traumatized and struggling to heal. some things can be helped with therapy, but some things can only be fixed through realizing you're not all of the things that hurt you—you are, in fact, just loved.
In Which | collection 1 | collection 2 ♡
idol!jungkook x reader | drabble collection
Domestic Daydreams ①
influencer!jk x f. reader
A window into the life of jeon jungkook
Fish-wife or No-wife ①
idol!jk x f.reader
Did Jungkook have a wife? The rumor mill had been churning for years, divided on this one topic. He was a successful worldwide pop star who was always seen with a different lady on his arm, as he flitted from country to country enjoying his prolific career. The reason for the lingering suspicion was a cryptic social media post showing a picture of 2 kids who shared the same exact eyes and smile as him. So in fact, if he truly did have a wife, who was she? And why had the public never seen her? Perhaps she didn't wish to be seen.
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['21 ARCHIVE] | ['22 ARCHIVE] | ['24 ARCHIVE]
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hello! I am obsessed w ur Maze runner fics omgggg. could I request a Gally x female reader where shes autistic and the gladers think shes just a little strange but he thinks her quirkiness is cute!! love you 😇
FINALLY I get to write for my boy Gally.
I'd like to preface this by saying I am probably neurodivergent myself, but I am not diagnosed or an expert and I have researched into autistic traits in girls for this piece. I am sorry for any inaccuracies.
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SUMMARY: See above. Track-hoe! Fem! Autistic! Reader x Gally. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some of the Gladers acting like dicks, my potentially slightly inaccurate depiction of autism. That's it.
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You aren't quite like the other Gladers.
Well, the obvious is that you're a girl- a very rare occurrence in the Glade since you're the only one.
Though, you're not the kind of girl the Gladers expected (*cough* wanted *cough*). Based off of their very limited and slightly stereotypical knowledge of women.
When you came up in the Box, you panicked more than most. Which can easily be because you were a girl surrounded by a dozen boys. Which is terrifying.
But then you didn't speak.
The emotions and stress of it all led to you becoming completely non-verbal. It wasn't that you didn't want to speak, but it was like every time you tried, no words came out.
Most of the boys tried talking to you at least once, but they have no understanding of personal space and you hated how loud they spoke all the time.
A lot of them gave up after a while.
They thought you were weird. You avoided eye contact, weren't really sure how to read their emotions and hated the boisterous nature of the majority of the population.
Even when you did regain your voice, you took little interest in their conversations and they took your blank state as being rude. But you weren't being rude; you would listen and nod but you didn't take interest in them, so you didn't act like you did.
Things got better when you got a job as a Track-hoe. You found an affinity for plants and very quickly gave Zart a run for his money in the Gardens. Through experience and writing down all your findings in a small notebook Minho gave you during your first week or so when you wouldn't speak- you now know everything about the Gardens.
All of the plants name, their ideal growing conditions, all the uses they possess and even how to cook them properly. Frypan's veg stew has greatly improved since your arrival.
You could spend hours talking about the Gardens, though most of the boys don't really care about that.
A lot of the boys find you strange, like I previously said. There are a few that keep an eye on you and extend their kindness. Newt and Frypan amongst that crowd with Minho turning a blind eye to the robbery of his Map supplies so you can use them for your notes. It keeps your interactions brief and it means he doesn't have to endorce your plant rambles. The man is far too busy.
Though, not all the Gladers are simply being polite.
The first time you met Gally was when one of the boys stole your book and was teasing you about it. He punched him squared in the jaw, scaring the shit out of you and landing Gally a twenty-four hour hold in the Slammer.
You decided to approach him at his work after that, thanking him for looking out for you.
And you actually kind of became friends after that.
You held back at first, but when Gally started asking you about your job, you started telling him everything.
He actually genuinely enjoys hearing what you have to say. And he finds your blunt and occasionally out of pocket comments amusing.
He thinks it's cute. He doesn't really know when he started crushing on you. But your quirks and mannerisms always bring a smile to his face.
He also becomes your guard dog. Absolutely no one is going to mess with you, especially when the machine that is Gally is glaring at them from a few feet away.
You don't like Bonfire nights. Sure, it's great that you have another boy to add to the population, but you don't enjoy the celebrations. They're loud and the fires burn bright and everyone is touching or fighting. It makes your chest feel tight and you can hear the blood pumping around your skull. You hate it.
So, you sit away from the commotion, your legs crossed as you doodle another sketch of a plant, labelling the different parts.
"Yo, Green-thumb," you look up to find Gally approaching, two glasses of his suspicious liquid in hand. "Fancy a drink?"
Green-thumb is something he called you jokingly once, and now it's kind of stuck.
"Sure," you smile at him as he sits down next to you, passing you a drink. "Wouldn't you rather be enjoying the Bonfire?"
"Nah, I've kicked enough Greenie butt for one day." You scoff, putting your book down for a second to take a sip.
You visibly cringe at the harsh taste. You don't like the drink, but Gally's made it, so some small part of you is determined to drink it.
"Whatcha writing about today?" He picks up your book, admiring your handwork. "Yarrow, eh?"
"Mhm," you nod, fiddling with your pencil. "It's good for headaches and sickness. It's a wildflower I found in the Deadheads and moved some here so the Medjacks have easy access to it. It'll probably be useful in the morning if everything keeps drinking this klunk." You swill the drink around the jar and Gally chuckles.
"You don't have to drink it."
"I know," you unintentionally snap, "I want to. You made it."
Gally's heart flutters at this comment, even if it is just plain honesty to you. He looks away, blinking as he looks at your perfectly organised Gardens.
"What?" You ask.
"What what?"
"You look flustered."
"I'm not."
He hesitates, deciding to finally ask a question he's been meaning to ask. He clears his throat. "Would you, uh, would you ever consider dating someone?"
You tilt you head, looking at him whilst he avoids eye contact. "In the Glade?"
"Uh, yeah, if someone's caught your eye?"
You shrug. "Maybe. But you're the only person here I like."
There's a pause as Gally processes that. He knows you well enough by now that you don't mean it that way; you're just blunt.
"Yeah, but you like me as a friend, right?"
Now, you pause. Honestly, you're not really sure. You think Gally is attractive, but it's not like you're friends with many people to compare how you feel about Gally to how you feel about other friends.
So, you shrug.
The line of questioning is starting to make you panic, though.
Gally raises his eyebrow. "You... don't know?"
"Yeah, I don't know." He doesn't know what to say to this. "But it doesn't really matter, right?"
Friendships and relationships aren't that different. It's just a close friendship with some physical attributes.
That's it, really.
Gally knows you. But he's still learning to see things how you see them.
"Yeah, I guess."
This is the conversation that plagued Gally's mind for a long time.
He didn't mean to start acting like a dick. But Gally is Gally, and he isn't the best at expressing his emotions in a healthy way.
So, he unintentionally starts avoiding you.
Somehow, saying you don't know if you like him is worse than flat out rejecting him. And he'd rather go without.
You, however, are taking this horrendously.
It's been days now and safe far you've thrown a trowel at someone and ripped some fiddly vines off of one of the support growers.
The Glade is starting to notice your rise in temper, which ends up resulting in a confrontation.
You don't like confrontation, but it's been a week and you don't know what you've done wrong.
"Did I do something?" You ask Gally.
He's in the middle of his work, fixing one off the old shacks with a couple of other boys.
They all freeze.
It's rare for you to be away from the Gardens in the middle of the day, and they don't want to see why.
"Uh, give us a moment," Gally instructs his colleagues and they don't hesitate to listen. "Look, (Y/N)-"
"What did I do? Are you mad at me?"
"Wha- no." He sighs. "I'm not mad at you."
"Then what's wrong? Why are you avoiding me?" He goes silent for a moment. "Gally, what did I do? Do you not like me, anymore? Did I-"
"I like you."
You're perplexed. "I like you, too? So, why are you being a dick?"
"No," he scoffs, throwing his head back. "I like like you. Like, I wanna go on dates and klunk. A-and you said you didn't know how you felt about me and it was like you didn't even care."
You stand there, blinking at him.
In his absence, you realised that you do like Gally. You didn't think you'd miss talking to someone, you definitely don't care when don't hear from Newt or Frypan for weeks.
But you missed Gally.
He opens his mouth again to speak, but he doesn't get the chance when you rush towards him. Throwing your arms around him, you hug him, which completely startles him and knocks him backwards.
You've never hugged him before.
"I think I like you, too," you mumble as his arms come to loosely hang around your waist. You pull back slightly, looking at him.
He grins. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you nod.
His eyes flicker to your lips and you do the same before meeting his gaze again. "Can I kiss you?" You ask, forward as always.
He chuckles. "Please."
You lean forward, not quite sure what you're doing but it's a peck that sparks a fire inside you.
You pull away, resting your foreheads against each other, enjoying the peaceful moment.
"Oi," Alby makes you both jump from a few feet away, "get back to work, shanks. The shuck are you doing?"
You awkwardly step back, feeling heat rush to your face as you sheepishly look at the floor.
Gally, however, is grinning from ear to ear.
You like him.
And that's more than enough for him.
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First Gally fic done. A bit shorter than some others but I wasn't quite sure what else to do with this.
I hope you enjoyed anyway :))
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sssigil · 2 years
Hi can I request Ethan x fem reader.The reader loves Ethan but he is dating this other girl.The other girl treats him wrong but he to blind to see.The core four comes up with a plan to break them up and get ethan with the reader.(Thanks)
Ty 4 this request love I really appreciate it <333 if you guys want something written always feel free to request hehe ^_*
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Warnings: mentions of cheating (cheaters suck), core 4 calls reader bub, core 4 literally love you, Ethan calls you bun/bunny, angel/angel face, gets a little steamy at the end but nothing explicit.
These past few weeks had been a burden for you and the core four. Ever since Ethan had gotten together with that girl you don't even know the name of, I mean he never introduced her and doesn't even hang out with you guys. You rarely seen him around.
It hurt it really fucking hurt when Chad told you Ethan was seeing someone and he hated seeing you like this. They knew you liked Ethan ever since you both met, I mean you couldn't help it. He had the prettiest face that came with the cutest pair of puppy dog eyes with the softest brown curls and he's so tall and so, so fucking strong. It made your brain melt at the thought of him you just wanted him.
You believed that he knew, it felt as if he also liked you back. He would always hold your hand going to classes and he always helped you with those classes, he would never leave you with out saying goodbye with a forehead kiss. Ethan would talk to you as if you were the most delicate thing always making sure you were comfortable anywhere you guys went. His hands always rubbed at your knee or thigh calming you down, cuddling you when you felt sad and always taking care of you when you had your bad days. He just was always there.
You were dumb enough to think he liked you and would choose you, but no, he choose a girl who didn't even care for him. Every time you saw her she wasn't with him she was with some dude who she called her 'best friend' hand and hand with him they were always all up on each other. You tried to tell Ethan but he just blew you off telling you "Don't be stupid you're seeing shit stop trying to ruin my relationship" Ethan was getting brainwashed by this girl and he didn't even notice.
"Im telling you guys E is getting played and he doesn't even realize it" you told your friends who came rushing to your dorm when you told them you needed help.
"you're telling me this 'emergency' is Ethan getting cheated on" Mindy spoke up first quoting the emergency. "guys please help me, you know you secretly care for him" you whined at them plopping down on your bed. "Chad please your his roommate, pretty please" you rambled even more now sitting up from your bed facing Chad lightly punching him on his chest.
"I mean guys Ethans too stupid to even realize this, sorry bub" he spoke apologizing when he called Ethan stupid. "See chads with me please tara Mindy, please please please" you begged now dropping to your knees begging the girls "Fine. fuck you're lucky we love you" Mindy spoke lifting you up to your feet.
"yea and like we all thought it was gonna be you and him ever since you guys met, you guys were like all lovey dovey and shit it was gross but cute but really really gross" spoke tara putting her arm around your shoulder pulling you out your dorm, behind you two the wrest of the twins followed behind.
That whole week Chad had been taking photos for proof anytime he had the chance. He had scored a picture of Sarah kissing her so called best friend. Of course he made sure she got her face there's no way Ethan could deny it, even if this hurt him he had to know. No way he was gonna let Ethan get played by this girl, not when he already had you, you guys are perfect for each other.
Mindy had tried to talk to Ethan about you. She would ask, him things like Don't you miss her? I thought you guys were planning to watch ant man? What happened between both you guys? why aren't you close anymore? I thought you liked her e? Now that one threw him off. He didn't like that one, how could she ask him that while he was already in a happy and 'healthy' relationship. That ended the conversation with him telling her how he had to go, but that last question had him up all night.
Tara had managed to befriend Sarah. She had her in one of her classes, she sat right by her using her friendly manners to coax her into a slight friendship and boom. She spilled everything. Told her how she was only dating Ethan for the purpose to get back with her ex. She called him needy nerdy and annoying the only good thing about him was his looks and his muscles. She never wanted to punch someone so bad. Yea she didn't really like Ethan but she loved you. She wanted to see you happy and Ethan made you happy, you deserved that.
Once all of them got this information they had to do the hardest part. Tell Ethan.
"how are we gonna do this again" asked Chad looking at his sister who had already explained how it was gonna go down. "I swear to fucking god. We get him here by telling him how our sweet bub here is very sick and doesn't want to talk to any of us, I mean there's no way he won't come right" Mindy questioned everyone petting your head as you nod.
"I hope so" you spoke in a small voice, you really didn't want to see how hurt he was gonna be but you knew it had to be done. You cared for him and you knew your friends only did all this for you so there's no backing up now that all of the work had been done.
"ok I texted him" Chad yelled making you look up fast in a panic. "Wait were doing this now" you spoke loud making every one look at you "Bub it has to be done now, its Saturday night there's no way he's busy right now" tara told you caressing your hair making you relax.
And he indeed did not ignore that message. He got up immediately once he saw chads message, see he still cared for you. He knew how you got when you got really sick it was always him who knew what to do so he just HAD to be there. Taking his coat off the rack and putting it on along with his shoes rushing out his dorm and making his way to yours. He walked no ran to your dorm, he had to know you were alright, he couldn't stand you being alone all by yourself hurting, he just couldn't.
"BUN! you okay in there? I brought you some chocolate please open the door" Ethan yelled knocking on your door. He expected to see your tired sad eyes but instead was greeted with Mindy who was smiling. ''Hey E" she spoke laughing awkwardly "Come in" she said pulling him in by his sleeve.
"What's going on? where is she?'' he spoke looking for you, face softening when he saw you sitting criss cross on your bed head low fiddling with your fingers.
"We brought you here to prove to you that we were right, and we don't want to see you get hurt anymore" Chad told him showing him the pictures he took and the screenshots of the convo between tara and Sarah making sure to show the phone number. He stood there blank stare looking at the images and messages. Mouth agape, opening and closing like a fish, one of his hands went to rub his temple looking at all your faces then back to the phone.
"Fuck, you see I knew it was happening but fuck. That's fucked up." Ethan spoke laughing softly. He felt betrayed but at the same time he felt relief. He didn't like her, yea at the beginning he did it was cool or whatever but towards the end he felt drained, he didn't like it. He never liked her, he finally felt his mind start to clear up. Of course the question Mindy had asked a while ago still lingering in his mind this whole time and he finally knew the answer.
"Uh can I, can you guys please leave" Ethan asked not expecting a no as he turned around to open your door standing to the side. They all agreed getting up making there way out the door, Mindy turned to look at you winking before leaving the room closing the door behind her.
"I'm sorry E but I warned you I told you and you didn't listen" you said looking up at him hands still in your lap but you were now sitting up on your knees. Hand reaching out to grab his big hand into your small ones. "I know bun, I'm sorry for not listening" you felt relief at his words, no longer feeling burden.
"Should had listen to you, should always listen to you angel. You're too good for me" he spoke softly at you hand leaving yours as he went to touch your soft cheek settling himself on your bed pulling you to his lap, you felt him get closer now that you sat on him. Eyes looking deep into yours and you could feel his breath on your lips. His minty vanilla smell was the only thing you could smell. You could feel your eyes slowly began to open and close the closer he got. And finally you felt it, You felt his lips on yours and you heard him groan softly at the taste of your mouth, tongue playing with yours, mouth moving slow but sloppy taking in everything you gave him. You felt the hand on your cheek move to the back of your head pulling you even closer to him. He loved this he wanted to stay like this forever.
"E cant- can't breath" you told him through each kiss he could hear how out of breath you were so he let go with one last kiss, kissing your cheek then your jawline then your neck leaving a trail of soft wet kisses, you didn't even notice how you started to rock your hips on his lap but he did and he loved it, he loved how needy you got at his actions helping you rock into him even more. He finally stopped his kisses on your collarbone biting you softly making you whine. Laughing at the noise you made opening his eyes to look at your dazed face.
"Damn bunny we make out for a little and you already looked fucked stupid" he teased you making you giggle at his words punching his shoulder, but you did look a little stupid. Your cheeks were red and so were your lips, they had a little drool on them too your hair was a little messy from his hands and you were breathing a little too loud.
"Can't help it you're really good at making me feel that way" you giggled even more looking at him hand on his cheek urging him closer to you to have him kiss you again just like he had before.
"wait does this mean you like me back" you said abruptly stoping the kiss.
"Yes angel face I like you so so so much don't be a dummy" he spoke laughing at your cluelessness pushing you to your back and kissing you once again.
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ravenadottir · 20 days
i'm going totally blind into this one, i have no idea what is what and what this is about, and why the title sounds like a coleen hoover's book... BUT, i'm very willing to give it a chance because i'm b-o-r-e-d.
so, i played episode 1, and i have thoughts.
and yes, i know i'm late but i didn't even know there was a new season out because work and personal life have been pretty insane. and apparently there were two seasons released in one year? but i'm not sure if it was now or 2023, let me know!
and this is what i'm gonna do: i'm not gonna play the episode more than once. the first impression i get is what's gonna stick. and since the season is over i'm kinda glad i don't have to wait around for episodes. i'm currently on license from work due to an accident, so let me talk about the season, 'cause i have the time lol
let's start with the characters.
jin. um, he's fucking adorable! i do enjoy guys that are humorous but i'm afraid i see a lot of bobby's personality in him. granted, he's WAAAAAAAAAAAAY sassier with his attitude towards us, which i like a lot. i was a little upset about the kyle xy bellybutton but hey, nobody's perfect. overall i like him, he's really cute!
luna. hot. oh my god, and she seems like a really cool person, especially given jin is interested in somebody else and she doesn't pull a lottie, you know? but i have to make an observation about her design: the head doesn't match the body. the position, the shading, the coloring, they don't match, BUT, again, nobody's perfect. but i do hope she becomes an LI because she's EXACTLY MY TYPE. cool fashion (although that panty is... questionable), cool style, cool hair, tattoos, beautiful, chill... right up my alley.
claudia. listen, i've dated a couple of claudia's before, and i like her. very assertive without being intense. her design is really good, she's beautiful as fuck, and that little crumb about being bi? i'm invested. i'm on board with her, but her taste is questionable because that guy? NO FROM ME BABES.
jack. no. i don't like him because i keep forgetting he's here, and when he is? annoying. i don't care for his looks either. i'm usually into guys with long hair but he's just... not attractive lol
mold-man. i don't remember his name but he's coupled up with claudia. he's acting like i'm out here spreading my legs and squirting for him. why? i haven't said anything remotely sexual or romantic to him and he keeps repeating he's affirmingly fucking claudia. ok, moldy bitch? stay away from me, i only touch mold to clean it.
oakley. HOT. oh my god, very attractive, chill and kinda cheeky, i like him. i prefer people like him, that can flirt without talking too much. i will say, his painted on abs kinda made me laugh a bit, but i still think he's very up there on my list. personality and looks just like i like it.
sour-face-girl. i don't remember her name, she's coupled up with oakley. let me just be vulnerable for a bit... i kinda live lol she's annoying, sure, but like, yeah, i get it. a hotter girl just walked in and your partner is drooling like a dog, work lol i hope she becomes mc's nemesis, something comparable to priya, personality wise, but if i get an allegra? i don't mind it. we need drama that makes sense and she makes perfect sense!
sophie. she reminds me of someone who has body modification to look like a lion or something. she was definitely touched by an angel, not that there's anything wrong with that, but if your personality is grating as hers is, i'm out. i don't care for her, so much that i had to go back into this post and add her, and i just remembered she's insecure over fucking jack??? bitch, you can do better than that.
we're bombshells again, i like that. i'm not sure if there was a bombshell MC after that first time, but i don't mind it. i like that they keep a little mystery about what happened on the first few days, but here's my thing: stop repeating it. i get it, you want to keep us playing and engaged, but you can be a little more... subtle with it.
the thing is, i do enjoey the fact that not everybody likes mc, from both sides, because it's not realistic. oakley is chill, jin is invested, jack is... there, and mold man is not into it, I LIKE THAT.
i also like that we get multiple reactions from the girls about their partners being interested. we have a chill one, one that seems a little more intense, one that is looking around scared like she's in a slasher movie lol
it's fun!
one thing that kinda grinded my gears because there's no reason for them to put it there: NON-ALCOHOLIC BEERS. can someone explain to me why a bunch of twenty-something-year-olds would drink something that tastes like piss if it's not gonna give them a buzz? sorry, i need the drinks, i need the cocktails, i need the you know, pop up the bubbly or whatever. it was so funny to me they referred to it like three times, just to remind us they are non-alcoholic. i don't get it, what did i miss??
as far as the first episode goes, i thought it was decent. it's not gripping but it's definitely fun, enough for me to play episode 2 and going forward.
ah! i forgot, another thing that got me a bit annoyed: the diamond choices!! these were wild! 17 diamonds to talk to your wanted boy? that seems like a lot for the first time! i'm just getting to know these people and i don't have any grips about not talking to y'all if it's gonna cost that much! and i remember saying this back when they changed the number of diamonds on different choices. don't vibe with that, and WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT PAY FOR IT, 'cause i know it doesn't interfere with your relationships in the villa.
but i also will hunt them down on tumblr later lol
i also have to give a little praise about the "watching ads to get diamonds". it's a good option. i'm not doing all that, but it's nice we can.
so, overall i'll keep playing and talking about it.
also, also, let me say this: i missed tumblr a lot! i really did! it had been so long i wasn't here that my last draft was from last year, like november or something! this is crazy, time is going by really fucking quickly! so you know, i missed you guys and i missed posting. i'll try to do it more and get back to writing chapters for w.i.p's
that is all, have a great day!
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wanderinghedgehog · 5 days
Another high school Les Mis. Live reaction:
Oooo they got actors in the aisles. I like that.
Good singing so far.
This Javert seems oddly timid. Like even as a prison guard, he’s not especially scary. He does seems to be rather tall though.
Valjean seems good. I wish they let him sing that one verse from his soliloquy but, alas, it’s cut from the school versions.
This ensemble seems more coordinated than others I’ve seen. That might be because there’s not quite so many of them. This doesn’t seem like a very large cast for a Les Mis production.
Fantine is very sweet and her voice is lovely.
I like that her dress is decently period accurate. They gave her a modesty cloth and everything.
She also doesn’t seem to have a jarringly awful wig like usual.
I think they brought Javert in a little early during Fantine’s arrest. It was a little odd.
There’s some guy in the ensemble with a lovely red waistcoat.
Amazing runaway cart scene. Javert was so embarrassed on “forgive me sir I would dare” that he tried to just leave. He did skip a line though. But I’ll forgive :)
Valjean putting his heart and soul into Who Am I.
Awwwww they gave Champmathieu a friend or something who gave him a hug when he was let go. I like that they didn’t just leave him to stand there.
HOLY SHIT THE CONFRONTATION WAS AMAZING!!!!! Okay the last fight section was a bit disappointing, but the rest of it was fucking phenomenal. I’m screaming! Javert was such a fucking drama queen too. Fantastic.
Lil’ Cosette :)
I think this Madame T could do to spice up her vocals a little. She sounds a little too pretty maybe. Go nuts, babe!
Red waistcoat guy is back!!!!
This Thenardier couple is kinda all over each other. It’s goofy
Don’t throw the child!!!!!
I love this stage setup. Very versatile.
Living for these background actors.
Eponine should keep Marius’s hat. It’s a good look.
They need to stop making Javert show up from one of the side entrances. It’s awkward staging.
Thernardier gets all obnoxious during “in the absence of a victim…” and Javert just lightly shoved him. I’m dead. You really just have to see it.
This Javert is kinda… doing to much I guess. He just doesn’t show quite enough restraint in my opinion.
Stars was cute. He could’ve done more on the line “and so it must be.” But it was good otherwise.
This Grantaire has stolen my heart. Adorable guy.
I can’t see very clearly, but there’s a pattern on the front of Enjolras’s waistcoat and I thought it was leopard print for a second.
IS THAT FANTINE’S ACTOR AGAIN??????? Or does Cosette just look something like her?
Marius should’ve hopped over the gate. It’s really low anyway.
This Marius is so damn pale. Ghost fella
Eponine pushed three people consecutively. Go girl!
This Gavroche is absolutely adorable. I just know I’m gonna go catatonic when he’s killed.
Still no “shoot me now or shoot me later.” I like that line :(
Bestie Valjean has returned to the plot :)
Damn look at all that smoke.
Javert is back to being oddly timid. I feel kinda bad for him this time. He has such a sad look.
Nice little Drink With Me moment :)
Bring him hooooooooooooooome
Seriously that kid was fantastic
That’s a nice tablueo
Go in the floor
Really dragging Marius around. Ouch.
two four six oh ooooooooone
Little line fuck up BUT WE FORGIVE AND MOVE ON
That jump was pretty smooth. I approve.
That was a damn good rendition.
Good harmonies in Turning.
Damn. They really put people in those empty chairs at the empty tables and then took them away again.
Cane time for Valjean.
Bishop actor spotted at the wedding.
Saddest onstage punch ever. Sorry Marius.
Is Madame T holding a real little dog? I can’t see very well.
Old man Valjean.
I think that wicker wheelchair he’s in is being loud.
Oh my god they are different actresses. Do they just have the same hairstyle? I might be a little face blind.
Yes! Actors in the aisles!
I think that’s a Javert in the finale!
Final thoughts:
Standout performance was a Gavroche. That child was brilliant so very cute. I hope he keeps doing theater.
All the singing was wonderful.
Things ran very smoothly which is impressive for any high school production.
As always, the show suffers from the amount of lines that are cut. But that’s definitely not the fault of this production.
In some ways, it was too good. Maybe it was just too traditional. I often watch school productions for the weirdness and interesting choices, but they just didn’t really take anything all that far in this production.
I loved that they had an extra bit of stage in front of the orchestra pit. That really gave a set some extra pizzazz.
I called this Javert “cute” too many times. Not sure why. I just thought this actor looked oddly sweet. Not especially intimidating I guess.
Valjean really put his all into this and he gave a fantastic performance. I just need him to get weirder with it.
I’m so sorry to Fantine and Cosette’s actors for thinking they were the same person.
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Blind Trust OC Interview!
I got tagged by @mk-writes-stuff, and this sounded like fun so I'm down!
I've been thinking of an upcoming plot thread where I delve into Scott and Edgar's friendship as children, so I'll be answering as both of them at that age (so, like, 4-8). It'll be good practice to write their kid personalities.
Enjoy some casual conversations between two very different children who love each other very much.
(edit: this turned out way longer than i expected it to be but it's very cute in my brain so i'm letting it happen. i also tag @ivaspinoza and @rkmoon and @thegreatbeargod-writes if they're down!)
Are you named after anyone?
Scott: I'm named after my dad! My dad's name was Scott so now my name is Scott. Mom says that if I decide I want to change it she can help me, but I don't think I will. I might be a girl named Scott and I think that's cool because then I can still tell people about how important my dad was!
Eddie: I think - um. I'm sorry, I'm not sure. I think there was a little boy named Edgar in a children's book I used to have. I don't know if that's right, though. I'm sorry.
Scott: You know sometimes people aren't named after anybody. Sometimes you just get a name off a list. Sometimes you make up special new names to give to kids when they're born.
Eddie: I think Edgar was already a name before me.
Scott: Maybe.
When was the last time you cried?
Scott: This morning! I thought about a duck I saw in the river last year that was smaller than the other ducks and couldn't swim as fast. But its little duck family made sure to wait for it to catch up. It was really nice.
Eddie: You told me about that last night.
Scott: Yeah, it made you cry too.
Eddie: I'm sorry.
Scott: No, it makes sense! It's really beautiful. It's important.
Do you have kids?
Scott: I read in one of my dad's books that I might not be able to have kids myself, and it made me really sad because I thought it meant I wouldn't be able to have a family. But then mom told me - well, she explained a lot of things I didn't really get. I think it just meant that I was wrong before, and if I want I can have a really big family when I'm older.
Eddie: How big?
Scott: Probably a hundred. They can be kids and uncles and aunts and cousins and friends and dogs -
Eddie: You'd need a really big house.
Scott: Don't worry. We'll find one.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Scott: I'm not really good at telling when people are being sarcastic. I don't understand how it's different than lying. I think it's a special kind of lying that everyone knows about but me. And that's kind of hard, but I think it's probably okay!
Eddie: It's not good when people are mean.
Scott: Some people feel like they have to be, I think.
Eddie: Why?
Scott: I don't know. But it must be hard for them.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eddie: I'm - well - I can tell if someone's going to be a bad person pretty quickly.
Scott: Wow.
Eddie: It's not really...it's hard to explain. Bad people - grownups, usually - get a look. In their eyes? Sometimes other people don't see it, but I do. I'm...really good at it.
Scott: That's amazing. Like a superpower!
What’s your eye colour?
Eddie: Scott's eyes are blue like, um...the sky in summer after I wake up from a nightmare.
Scott: Oh man.
Eddie: Okay it's your turn.
Scott: Um. Right. I - Eddie has brown eyes. Like...hang on, let me think. Like dirt? Yeah. Good, soft dirt. Mine's not as good as yours was.
Eddie: No, I liked it. I like soft dirt. Thank you.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scott: I'm not allowed to watch scary movies because some of my older cousins put on Jurassic Park and I cried so hard I threw up.
Eddie: It is pretty scary, I think.
Scott: They say the dinosaurs aren't even real.
Eddie: Yeah.
Scott: How'd they get them to work on the movie, then?
Eddie: I think they made them up. With - uh - technology. Like a special effect.
Scott: Is Air Bud a special effect?
Eddie: I...I'm not sure.
Scott: I prefer Air Bud.
Eddie: I do too, I think.
Any special talents?
Eddie: Um, Scott is really, really good at the piano -
Scott: Eddie knows everything about every bird.
Eddie: Oh no. Oh no, Scott, that's not true.
Scott: Quick, name the best bird.
Eddie: That's not - Scott, that isn't really -
Scott: Come on I bet you know.
Eddie: American Goldfinch.
Scott: I knew it.
Where were you born?
Scott: I was born in Bluerose, Oregon!
Eddie: I was born in the Shreveport Academy in Louisiana.
Scott: That's really far away.
Eddie: Yeah. Yes. It is.
Scott: It doesn't feel far at all when I talk to you at night.
Eddie: ...No. I guess it doesn't.
Do you have any pets?
Scott: I'm friends with all the farm cats in town. Sometimes they'll follow me around to make sure I get home okay.
Eddie: That's nice of them.
Scott: You should talk about your pet!
Eddie: I don't have a pet.
Scott: There's that lizard in your yard.
Eddie: Oh, the skink? I'm not sure if that counts.
Scott: You named him Buster.
Eddie: I did. His name is Buster.
Scott: I like that. Buster seems nice.
What sort of sports do you play?
Eddie: I'm on the Academy little league team, but I'm not very good at soccer.
Scott: I don't play any sports, but I like to skateboard. It makes it a lot easier to get around town.
Eddie: Can you do any tricks?
Scott: Sometimes I can almost do a kickflip but if I keep practicing I think I can learn how to do a hardflip.
Eddie: What's that?
Scott: It's - different. It's cooler.
How tall are you?
Eddie: Short. I wish I was taller.
Scott: Why? I like that I'm short.
Eddie: Sure, but you might be a girl. It's okay if girls are short.
Scott: Well if you keep being a boy, I don't mind if you grow up to be short.
Eddie: I'll...probably get a little taller when I'm older.
Scott: Oh! That works for me too.
What was your favourite subject in school?
Scott: Eddie's really smart. He tells me all about his homework and tests and it all sounds really important.
Eddie: i don't really think school is fun, though. And you're smart, Scott. You're really smart.
Scott: I think science is neat.
Eddie: I thought there were only three types of matter -
Scott: No there are so many.
Eddie: Yeah, you're the one that told me about that.
Scott: Time crystals.
Eddie: Which one is that?
Scott: I can't remember. But they're there.
What is your dream job?
Scott: I want to be a professional zookeeper. And I would be friends with all the animals and take care of them.
Eddie: And you'd play the piano too, right?
Scott: Sure, but that won't be my job. That's just something I'd do for you and our family.
Eddie: Oh. Hah! Okay.
Scott: What about you, Eddie?
Eddie: Uh. Maybe I could be a Scout Leader. Like in the Boy Scouts!
Scott: You can take them to the zoo and - and I can tell them about anteaters.
Eddie: I'd like that.
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goldyluna · 2 months
Bingo game 💖 Sent, Emu, Toph 💖
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I knew you would ask me about Sent, because you fell in love with them. I don't really have a lot to say about Sent. I like them, they are a good character. I can't imagine anyone else instead of them. And I really love seeing your reactions when he is affectionate, you magnet for praise. And I truly would love to have them as a pet.
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Emu is such a cute character. At first I thought she is loud and chaotic.... And she is. But we love her for that. Her design and personality are great, I wouldn't change anything in her. Her love for the Phoenix Wonderland, her grandpa and the smilef of others is precious. I would give this girl everything.
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Toph is so coooool and badassss. Toph is one of the best characters, she is strong and funny. She really is an inspiration to never give up and to be the best you. While watching atla, there was not even a moment where I didn't think she is a great character.
I would love to carry her as my purse dog but I don't think she would let me lol but if, she would be my little mean and blind guard doggo.
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bigdealsgoddog · 2 years
Lookism characters as father p 3
Dg ‘James Lee’ (kang dagyum)
I feel like there might be a little nervousness once you become pregnant. Out of everything he can handle as the first gen leader, kpop star and all there’s still be some anxiousness whether that be from you or him
Mostly because your relationship as is is hidden, he knows you’d be hounded by his fans if they knew about you. Let alone if they found out he had a kid? Thats just stirring for all kinds of trouble
He’d definitely try to take some time off when your kid is first born. Tell his fans it’s a much needed ‘vacational song writing trip’
He’d definitely spoil his kid too tbh
Like shit tons of outfits, jewelry, toys. He does try to spend time with the kid of course but he’s very busy so it’s partly to make up for the time lost since he can’t always be there
Ok but if he had a daughter imagine him writing a song about her, so many people think he’s talking about some girl he fell in love with or at least that’s what the song seems like it’s supposed to be about just another love song
But you know better. You listen to the lyrics a little closer and you can tell he’s talking about his baby girl at home with a ‘beautiful mama at home’
Johan seong (seong yohan)
I think he’s also on the doesn’t want kids train but that’s also partly due to his trauma and his eyesight.
He knows he got it from his mama and it almost seems like it affected him at a younger age than it did his mom. What if it’s even faster on his kid? What if his kid ends up born blind?
Once you’re kiddo is born though and he gets to hold them for the first time he made a silent vow to himself even if he’s old and blind he will spend every day protecting his kid
You know how sometimes animals/pets will take in their owners new babies like their own kids and almost help ‘raise them’ because of pack mentality?
Eden absolutely does that for your guys’ kiddo. The four of you would be taking a nice walk to the park and anytime someone got close to your kids stroller Eden would immediately put herself between the stroller and the person
Family photos with Eden would be so cute oml
There’s at some point you had walked in on johan holding your kiddo up, wrapped up in his old god dog jacket just dead face serious “you. You, are god dog.” And held them up like that monkey from the lion king while Eden howled
He really never thought he’d be in a committed relationship let alone a father. Especially with how Mitsuri always turned him down, his ‘little guy’ problem
But oh boy did that change with you. He thought something must’ve been wrong with him by how quick he popped a woody after he saw your positive results
He was on and off the fence for a while though whether or not he actually wanted the kid but once the kid was born he was all over that kid. You had to stop him from installing a ‘baby seat’ on his motor bike
He almost acts like an older brother more than a father especially with how he play fights with his kid
Thankfully you haven’t had to bring your kid to any emergency clinics because of it. Yet.
I feel like all the executives of the second branch’s kids would all have play dates, mostly because Eugene would want them all focusing on work so he’d pay for a employees daycare center
Ryuheis kid is more often than not in time out because they somehow keep coming into daycare with ‘weapons’ (heavy sticks, rulers, a small wooden toy bat) and tries starting fights with the other kids
Ryuhei is the one who keeps giving them to his kiddo and encouraging them with ice cream afterwards
You’ve come home a few times with ryuhei sleeping on the couch and the kiddo sitting on his lap staring at the tv that was playing one of the violent adult cartoons like family or South Park
You told him if your kids first word was some form of swear because of those shows that his special bat was going somewhere he would not like
The kids first word was fuck
Eugene (yoogin)
Ok so we already know he would’ve organized a daycare center for the fellow workers and their kids but I feel like he’s probably just try to make sure you’re the one mainly caring for the kiddo (of course if you’re ok with it) but if you can’t he’ll probably try to hire a specific nanny or something for your kiddo
Of course he’ll occasionally bring them to the daycare so they get some social interaction with kids their age but after seeing ryuheis kid try to beat the crap out of magamis kid with the wooden blocks they were playing with he’d seriously reconsider it
Ok but he’s a twin so it’s also much more likely you’ll end up having twins. Your kiddos are very similar to yoojin and his brother, the silent protector and the brains
Bring your kiddo to work day! It would be hilarious if yoojin and his brother dressed exactly the same and dressed the kiddos the same way just to fuck with the workers
They just saw yoojin and his son walk down the hall-wait when did yoojin and his son get in the conference room?
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