#it’s obvious what luffy added himself lol
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xraiyax · 1 year ago
LawLuffy’s counter list why dating Luffy would be a bad good idea:
Nr. 1:
It’s almost impossible to make plans with him. You never know what’s going to happen and in the end a simple shopping trip ends in another town taking down the shitty rulers.
You can make them but if things go wrong and they always do I’ll reach our final goal. Shopping is boring and beating up shitty rulers is fun.
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lawslessons · 4 years ago
Hi may I request a one shot with female!reader x Ace where she is a childhood friend of Luffy, Ace and Sabo. But now in the present, she is dating Ace. So when they visit Luffy and tell him the news, he feels excluded and starts to interrumpt the couple in every chance he gets. For example, Ace and the reader are taking a bath toguether and suddenly Luffy barges through the door and throws himself into the tub so they all can bathe toguether like when they were kids. I just thought about it and its so funny to me lol
Oh my gosh! I love this! This got a good chuckle out of me and I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Three can be a crowd, Ace and his girlfriend found this the hard way when they told Luffy about them being together. It seems as if they can never get a moment alone together, but neither of them are aware of the true reason for Luffy interrupting them constantly. 
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“Are we safe here?” She asked as she removed her shirt and dropped it to the side of the bathroom floor. Ace glanced around the large bathhouse on board of the ship and nodded his head, no one would interrupt them here.
“Yeah, I think so,” Ace said as he removed his shorts and went about sitting in the hot water with his girlfriend. He was exhausted and he could tell that she was too. It had only been a week since they had told Luffy the news of them being together and while it looked like he was accepting and excited for them, it was becoming obvious that something was happening with the youngest brother.
“Finally, peace and quiet,” She smiled as she sunk further into the water, down to where her mouth was under the warm water so she could blow bubbles. Ace laughed at her ridiculous behavior and smiled to himself. Ever since they were little, he had known there was something special about her. Her energy, her spunk, her charisma. She felt like the opposite of him in so many ways, but on the same hand it felt like they were the same person. They clicked so well with one another that it scared him. But,  because of how close they always seemed to be, it only felt natural that they got together and made their feelings for one another official, and that was what happened almost a year ago. They had waited a while to tell Luffy because they were worried he would be confused, or that it would distract him from his own journey. Like always, Ace was selflessly worried about his own brother rather than his own feelings, so she felt like it was her responsibility to remind him that he needed to also look out for himself and not people please too much.
“I’m worried about him,” Ace finally said. She sighed, she knew this was going to come up soon.
“I know you are, this is a lot to process. He’s known us for so many years, his whole life. We’re his big sister and brother, it must be weird for him to see us together like this.” She said as she started to clean her hair off.
This week had been a lot for them to handle. Luffy had interrupted quite a few moments between them. When she was talking with Ace on the deck, Luffy would walk in between them and join their conversation without asking. When they were on the island, he would always go with them. Heck, Ace even allowed Luffy to go on one of their dates which she wasn’t so happy about. Moments that she wanted to have between only Ace and herself were being disrupted by the youngest brother of Ace. She had to admit that so far the worst was when her and Ace were trying to have a more couple moment together somewhere private and Luffy seemingly jumped in out of no where. But now, they finally had the peace she so craved and wished for.
“I hope he isn’t mad at us,” Ace said as he used his fire powers to warm the water a little more to his liking.
“Mad? No, Why would he be mad at us?” She asked him as she relaxed more in the water and let some of her stress melt away.
“I don’t know, he’s just acting weird, that’s all I know,” Ace said as he rinsed his own hair off and moved to sit closer to her so they wouldn’t have to talk so loud.
“Yeah, he — “ before she could finish what she wanted to say, the door to the bathhouse burst open and in came someone. The person who came in laughed and jumped into the bathwater and splashed it all over the floor.
“Hi!” The person said as he stood up to look at Ace and his girlfriend. It was of course Luffy, no one could mistake his signature laugh for anyone else’s. She gasped and sunk further into the water so she wouldn’t expose herself and Ace did his best to cover her up by somewhat sitting in front of her.
“Luffy, what are you doing in here?” Ace sternly asked as he stared up at his grinning brother.
“Taking a bath with you! We used to do this all the time,” Luffy reminded him as he sat down in front of Ace and tried to smile at the woman behind him. He waved at her again and crossed his arms over his chest.
“You’re both acting weird,” Luffy pouted. A vein popped into Ace’s head when he said that.
“Us? What about you? After we told you that we’re together, you started to act really strange,” Ace pointed out to his younger brother. And just for a second, she swore she saw the youngest brother tense up as he looked away.
“No. I’m not being weird,” Luffy grumbled childishly as he looked down at the water.
“Luffy…” She softly said before she moved away from behind Ace to look at the younger boy. He wasn’t much of a boy anymore, he was a captain of his own crew and a man of great ambition. “Are you perhaps jealous?” She asked with a sympathetic smile.
“What does that mean?” Luffy asked with a small tilt of his head, in that moment she knew that Luffy was jealous but wasn’tt consciously aware of it.
“Luffy, even though me and her are together, that doesn’t mean we love you any less, you’re still our little brother, we’re still going to be close like always,” Ace assured him as he roughly patted his brother’s shoulder and laughed when he almost fell into the water again.
“So I can stay here then?” Luffy asked with a small grin.
“As if! Go!” She scolded as she swatted Luffy’s arm and watched as Luffy ran out of the bath with a laugh. “Did he even bring a towel?” She asked, and a feminine scream outside and a loud punch answered his question. “I guess he didn’t,” she laughed. As she laughed, Ace smiled at her and moved to hug her from behind.
“Hopefully he understand now,” Ace mumbled.
As the rest of their visit went on, they started to notice a difference in Luffy. He wasn’t pushy to go with them everywhere and somewhat respected their space when they were in their room and the bathroom together. And when the time came for Ace and his girlfriend to leave, Luffy smiled at them and gave them both a tight squeeze.
“Bye, I love you guys!” Luffy said as he pulled away from the hug.
“We love you too Luffy,” Ace smiled.
“So much,” She added on as she squeezed Ace’s hand. That seemed to be all the reassurance Luffy needed from the two. With that, he waved them off and went to continue his own adventure while they continued their own.
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heady-senpai · 6 years ago
One Piece 955: Enma
I took all day to write this up just so much to talk about from this chapter!
Let me just start by saying what a chapter!! 8.75/10
I was not expecting it to drop a day early & had no idea what to expect of this chapter until I saw the title...Enma 🤔😏
First things first. I believe Bege & company just stumbled upon Dressrosa. He mentioned they were stopping there for supplies. I wonder if any Straw Hat supporters are still around and if a conversation will strike up about Luffy.
Ok now to the chapter...
It starts off with Hiyori telling Zoro & Kawamatsu that she will not meet up with the rest of the alliance in order to not stir unneccessary emotions before the battle. Her brother stated this before so it wasn't a surprise. What surprised me was that Kawamatsu told the rest of the Scabbards that Hiyori was still alive & well.
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I guess it's a morale booster but I have this weird feeling that something bad will happen to her now that everyone knows she's ok.
A couple random facts about Hiyori:
• She puts up a coarse attitude but is actually a crybaby
• She was a Tomboy who didn't typically speak refined & politely
(So funny how Momo was like, "A flying kick from someone 18yrs older would really hurt." Lol ik the struggle of being terrorized by a little sister hahah)
Now we get to the crazy good stuff!!!
O-Kiku might be one of the MVPs for finding the randomly lost Nidai Kitetsu. I had no idea where it was. Thought Kaido must've done something with it when Luffy was thrown into the Udon Prison Mines like kept it in a storage within the prison or something. Zoro states that he knew it was a Meito (famous/named blade) I guess with Sandai at his side he could feel the cursed vibes.
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Rarely does Oda show us the actual tying of loose ends.
I guess Hiyori didn't go off to retrieve Enma & Orochi doesn't have Ame no Habakiri...Hitetsu Tenguyama had them both the whole time. That's why he had been patiently awaiting the return of the Kozuki Family.
I love every aspect of the design especially the sheath.
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Seems as if both swords are of the same grade level as Shusui, O Wazamono, 21 Great Grade Swords. So Zoro won't be getting one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords, Saijo O Wazamono, just yet and I'm fine with that.
Hitetsu tells Zoro only Oden was ever able to tame Enma & ODEN MUST'VE BEEN A BEAST because this sword is crazzyyyyy powerful. Kin'emon even said he himself would not even want to take the blade.
When testing out the sword Zoro tried to cut a tree but ended up cut off part of the cliff/island they were all on! Just insane lmao like I was not expecting that much of a power boost at all!
In the next panel we see the blade going black, coating in haki as Zoro's arm is also clad in haki, but looks drained & frail.
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(Sanji's face was hilarious but damn I feel his pain lol Sanji is my favorite Straw Hat & just got a power boost now Zoro's power up makes Sanji's Raid Suit, look not as powerful so I have mixed feelings hahhaha but I love reading Zoro moments.)
So the thing with Enma is that it draws out its wielders haki to maximum extremes by itself. Any average sword wielder would've been drained completely and left dead.
Typically we've seen Zoro have swords with minds of their own but this one is just on another level.
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Zoro yells for the sword to give him back his Ryou and takes it all back. Then we get that crazy Zoro smile like he knows this is going to be a challenge to tame the blade but he's ready to take that on to become even stronger. Hitetsu asks Zoro does he want another sword & obviously Zoro says he's keeping Enma, further impressing Kawamatsu.
[Now the text heavy part because I don't want to make 2 seperate posts for this review and want to only use my favorite images from the chapter]
Robin, Ashura Doji, & Kin'emon are discussing the sheer numbers that the alliance and their opposition have. Seems as if there will be approx. 30,000 enemies on Onigashima vs their 4000.
We then get quick panels of :
Franky yelling at his workers to prepare the boat to hold 10,000 men
(made me think hmmm Straw Hat Grand Fleet's over 5000 + the 4000+ men they already have...maybeeeee *Spongebob voice)
Luffy practicing Ryuo in Gear 4th stating that he used too much physical force
Zoro and Momo training in the forest and Zoro states an old man from his village is where he first heard Sunnachi (Snatch) & this surprises Momo.
With two days left before the raid Chopper, O-Tama, and Luffy return to meet with everyone else & the Yakuza bosses have added another 200 men to the resistance's ranks. (~4200 vs ~30,000)
Kin'emon states there hasn't been any word from Law (it's been a few days since he's been free & still hasn't contacted the group....hmmmm)
Silly Shinobu tells Kin'emon to forget about Law and Chopper has to speak some truth like hey Law is super strong. Law clearly makes a substantial difference, he's a cheat code in most situations!
There are still many men locked up in the Capital that wish to fight. I'm guessing only a few hundred more but still any help matters at this point. We also get to see many of the Wano townspeople discussing Yasu's encrypted message. Of course some still don't have faith but they will be proved wrong.
The alliance splits into its respective groups with the Scabbards, Shinobu, and Momo headed to the harbor, meeting Luffy there later.
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The literature used here to describe the Scabbards and their shadows as the walked was magnificent. I also loved how the spelling for frost was shimo as in Shimotsuki. 🤔🤔
We see Pedro's & Lord Yasu's grave in the graveyard of Oden & his retainers. We also see Wanda & O-Toko shedding tears at theory loved one's graves. Carrot looks hardened & ready to go.
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Hitetsu reveals to Zoro that he was the bladesmith of the Sandai Kitetsu. And states Enma & the Sandai cannot be wielded by the weak. Hitetsu also reveals why Zoro has had a quick take to Enma: the bladesmith who made Enma also created Zoro's main sword, the Wado Ichimonji. It was crafted by Yusaburo Shimotsuki, who fled Wano illegally over 50 years ago. Hiyori probably saw what swords Zoro held (Shusui, Wado Ichimonji, & Sandai Kitetsu) and decided he was worthy of her father's keepsake.
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I just cannot believe that Hitetsu said that IN ZORO'S HANDS ENMA COULD RISE IN RANK & BECOME A BLACK BLADE! So then would it become O Saijo Wazamono???? Hmmmm I wonder.
It seems like Luffy has gotten a hell of a lot stronger! Didn't even get close to the tree and destroyed it from the other side (almost reminded me of that scene in Naruto when him and Sasuke battled on the roof of the hospital haha if you know you knowwww)
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Law is definitely not the traitor. Like it's too obvious. Simply because Oda telegraphed this traitor vibe a couple times;I swear he's just messing with us.
Will Kyoshiro be revealed to be Denjiro soon?
I just wonder how Orochi found out this info.
And now we get a closing to Act II.
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Just an epic chapter.
I swear Oda is hinting that Zoro may be a descendant/relative of the Shimotsuki family along with his teacher Koushirou.
Could even be a family tree like Hinata/Neji but I'm probably reaching there. Very interesting how bits and pieces of his past is flashed in front of us.
I guess only time will tell, but I bet Koushirou's father was Yusaburo Shimotsuki.
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