#it’s not very strong like it was before I feel like smokers carry the stupid smell with them everywhere so I think it’s just the smell of
onedirecton · 7 months
I could smell just a whiff of cigarette smoke in the kitchen and I just burst into tears, what a morning
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multiplefandomfics · 3 years
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Virgin!PlusSize!reader
Warnings: self consciousness, unprotected smut, authority kink, daddy kink, angst, fluff
You were sitting in a bar somewhere in Croatia. Frustrated about the turn of recent events.
The trip was supposed to be about you and your friends. Just enjoying the sun and ocean. No boys allowed! But then on the 2nd evening your friends had abandoned you at the bar to go clubbing with some boys from spain. Fan-fucking-tastic, you thought.
There went your nice all girls vacation. The way you knew your friends you weren't going to see them for a while.
Just as you were about to pay your tab and leave, someone sat down next to you and started talking. “Hi, sweetheart. You alone here?” he didn’t say much but you recognized that voice immediately. Your head snapped upwards and your eyes widened. Of all the people you would have never expected him there. Sebastian Stan. The man of your wet dreams.
You fumbled your phone out of your purse and unlocked the screen. Yep, he was definitely the man from your wallpaper.
“You okay there?” he asked, smiling before his eyes fell on your background picture.
“Oh, so you know me.” he figured.
“Ehm, yeah, yeah I do. Holy shit you’re even more beautiful in person.” you swooned.
He laughed heartily at that and ordered you and himself another drink.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you with your girlfriend on vacation? Sorry if I give off stalker vibes” you turned red faced.
“That’s a long story but to cut to the chase, I don’t have a girlfriend anymore.” his face turned slightly sour at the thought of his ex.
“Oh, I’m genuinely sorry to hear that. She seemed to make you happy.”
“Well, she did. But not anymore. So enough of her, what’s your name and what are you doing here?” He changed the topic.
“How rude of me, my name is Y/N and I was initially here to have a nice week with my girls. But now they've abandoned me in favor of some guys. So I decided to have a few drinks by myself and then go back to the house we rented.” you let all your frustration out.
“Wow, that sounds terrible. But the night doesn’t have to end like this. Would you like to dance?” he asked friendly.
“I can’t dance.” you objected.
“I’ll lead you, come on.” he paid for both of your drinks and then held out his hand for you to take. And how could you say no to that face?
“Alright. Let’s do this. And thanks for the drinks but you didn’t need to pay for me.” you told him.
“I know. You look like you could hold your own but I simply wanted to pay.” he grinned and you accepted his answer.
He pulled you onto the kinda crowded dance floor and guided your hands on his shoulders. Then he guided your clumsy body to the beat and soon it started to be real funny.
“Okay, that was fun but I need a break. And preferably some fresh air.” you yelled over the music out of breath.
He understood and took you outside in front of the bar and a bit away from the entrance where the smokers stood.
“See I told you if you ease into things and give me a chance I can make this a night you won’t forget.” he grinned, mischievously.
“A bit cheeky aren’t we?” you tried to play his game but his advances made you a bit uncomfortable to say the least.
The thing was, you didn’t decide on a men free vacation with your friends because you wanted to get a break from all the guys pursuing you at home but because your friends were constantly surrounded by guys and only talked about their experiences with the opposite sex and that reminded you of how inexperienced you were.
You had always been self conscious. Your girl friends were always tall and skinny or at least of normal weight and could wear all the trendiest clothes but you could not shop for nice wearables so easily. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, when you went out with your friends and you had really given your look everything, still they were advanced by men and you weren’t. It was frustrating.
That brought you back to the situation at hand- why did Sebastian Stan, Hollywood hottie, decide to pick you out of all these beautiful girls at the bar? It was a riddle to you.
“Can I ask you something?” you hesitantly asked.
“Anything.” he smiled.
“Why did you want to talk to me?”
The hurt in your eyes told him that you were genuinely interested in an honest answer.
“Because you seemed lonely and so am I. Also you are beautiful and now I know that you are kind and funny, too. You are perfect.” you couldn’t believe that.
“Are you serious? Me? Perfect? You have gotta be kidding me!” you scoffed.
“Why would I? In you I see something permanent. Something that could develop into more. What do you see?” he asked, concerned.
“I don’t know. I just have never heard that I am beautiful from a man before.” you looked down, embarrassed.
“You can’t be serious! What kind of stupid idiots have you met in your life before?” he asked, astonished.
“The kind that wants a model type by their side. Just the kind of arm candy you should have by yours too. Not a chubby girl like me. I’m sorry I wasted your time.” you had to hold back tears at your confession and wanted to turn around to leave. But he grabbed your arm and forced you to look at him. “Hey, don’t go. I meant what I said. I am sorry that you have only been hurt by men so far but I promise I’m not like that. You can rely on me. I really want to get to know you. Let me take you home and we watch a movie or something? It’s only 10pm. No strings attached.” he offered.
That did sound like a dream and you decided quickly that you had nothing to lose if you said yes.
“Okay. The house is right up that hill and behind that little bit of forest.” you informed him.
He offered his arm, gentlemen like and you took it.
“So where are you from when you are on vacation here at the moment?” he asked to make smalltalk.
“I’m from Germany.”
“Impossible! I heard Germans speak English and they have a strong accent. You have barely an accent and I would have placed you closer to the states.” he was surprised.
“I hear that a lot actually. But I have never been to the US. I just watch a lot of movies and TV shows in English. And I read books in English too.” you smiled bashfully.
“That’s amazing. I think I have a stronger european accent than you do and I’ve lived in the US since I was 12.” he laughed.
“Well, English is my comfort language so I’m always happy when I can use it.” you said nonchalantly.
“Marvelous. You’re amazing.” he complimented.
“Oh, stop it.” you turned red.
“I’m only saying what's true.”
“You’re too kind.”
You walked uphill towards the small wood you had to cross, in the dark. Great idea!
He walked pretty fast and you had to almost jog to keep up with him which made you sweat and got you terribly out of breath.
When the trees around you got thicker and it got even darker it happened. You stepped on a rock, it rolled to the side and you twisted your ankle.
“Shit! Ouch!” you exclaimed loudly.
“What happened?” he asked scared.
“Twisted my ankle. It’s just too fucking dark.” you were angry at yourself for being so stupid.
“Damn. Can you step on your foot?” he asked.
“I don’t know. But what other options do we have? I gotta try.”
You stepped from your left foot onto your right and it buckled beneath you under the pain. “Fuck!”
“Okay that won’t work.” he stated and the next second he just picked you up bridal style and started to carry you on.
“Are you crazy? Let me down. I’m definitely too heavy to carry.” you ordered him.
“No, you are not. And when you try to hobble home we won’t make it until sunrise. So now shut up and let me carry you.” he silenced you efficiently.
“But take a break if you need to, and you will need one eventually.” you mumbled.
The rest of the way you held onto him and buried your face in his neck. Damn, did he smell good. It almost made you moan.
When you arrived at the door he didn’t let you down as you would have expected him to, no, he grabbed the keys from your hands, opened the door and carried you into the living room to lay you down on the couch.
“Thank you Sebastian. You are so kind. What can I ever do to repay you?” you asked him.
“Hmm, maybe let me kiss you?” he suggested and you had to swallow nervously. He immediately picked up on your hesitation “Only if you want to of course.”
“Sure I want to, but… I have never kissed anyone before.” you averted your eyes in embarrassment.
“Then let me change that, please.” he begged. You saw no resentment or reproach in his beautifully blue eyes.
Of course you caved and nodded your consent.
He leaned closer to your crouched form on the couch, put his hand on your thigh and brushed his lips to yours.
The kiss was sweet and careful not to startle you or demand something from you that you could feel uncomfortable with.
“So how was your first kiss?” he asked and smiled.
“Very nice.” you looked blissed out at him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. I would really love to do that again.”
“Please do.” you confirmed.
Oh and he did. The kiss was magical. This time he pushed his tongue sensually into your mouth and you were stunned how good that felt.
“You okay?” he wanted to know afterwards.
“More than okay. I’m happy you picked me at the bar. Usually they say “never meet your heroes” but with you that’s different.”
“Thanks,doll. That means a lot to me.” he leaned in and kissed your neck.
At the mention of that particular nickname your posture stiffened. He noticed.
“What’s wrong? Did I say something?”
“Ehm, well … you know I haven’t only had a crush on you but also on Bucky… maybe.” you whispered.
At first he seemed confused as to where this confession suddenly came from but then it clicked.
“It’s the nickname. I called you doll.” he laughed. “I didn’t even register that I got that from him. But if it turns you on I will keep using it.” that grin could win you over any day.
“I could get used to it actually. I never would have imagined someone calling me that. But you make it sound so hot. Thanks for making me feel good.”
“Anytime, doll.” he kissed you again.
“By the way, didn’t we wanna watch a movie?” you suddenly asked.
“Yes, of course. Do they have Netflix or something on here?” did he wanna know.
“Disney+. And with it all the Marvel Movies.” you winked at him.
“Anything you want, doll.” he kept using that nickname over and over but you loved it.
“Which one have you not seen yet?”
“I think I’ve actually seen them all. Which one is your favorite?”
“I love the ones you’re in the most.” you confessed.
“Okay, close your eyes and I’ll pick your favorite one.” he suggested.
“Alright. Let’s give it a try.” you agreed.
When you were allowed to open your eyes again you saw the opening credits of a Marvel movie flashing. You recognized the first scene: The Washington Monument and a very exhausted looking Sam Wilson and you heard “on your left” which made you smile. He knew then that he had picked the right movie.
“Good choice.” you praised him.
Then you cuddled up to him and he put his arm around you.
Although you were pretty tired after about half the movie you could not skip over one second of that glorious movie.
“You know- the Winter Soldier is kinda hot. So determined and dominant.” You slurred when you saw him walk down that car after he jumped from the bridge.
“You think so? You like to be dominated? Controlled? Called names? Maybe tied up and used?” he growled into your ear.
“Fuck.” you whimpered and clenched your thighs.
“You like the thought of that don’t you?” he bit into your earlobe.
You nodded furiously.
“Use your words babygirl.”
“Yes, sir.” you said.
“So, an authority kink is there too. And here I thought you were so innocent.” he pushed.
“How can you be innocent when you read fanfiction almost every day?” you quipped.
“Fanfiction, huh? Can you show me examples so I can paint myself a picture?” he asked.
You took your phone out and opened Tumblr. Then you searched for your favorite Bucky fanfic with all the kinks you enjoyed and handed the phone to him.
He read with interest and you studied his facial expressions, smirking when you saw reactions to certain parts you had expected to come.
“So that’s the kind of naughty literature you enjoy alone in your bed, touching yourself maybe.” he growled.
“Yes, sir. The imagination of what you could do to me makes me so wet.” you bit your lip seductively.
Suddenly you were in a flow. All the insecurities about your body and weight were gone. Only him and your sexual fantasies existed in the moment.
“Fuck baby.” he moaned and grabbed your hand to push it onto his growing bulge. “Feel what you do to me, doll?”
“So hot.” you moaned back and felt the urge to take charge. So you got onto your knees and sat in his lap grinding down on him.
Before anything could go further he stopped you and whispered “if at any point you want to stop or feel uncomfortable or I’m doing something you are not ready for or don’t like, tell me and we will stop immediately. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sebastian. I understand. Thanks.”
And so it continued. Grinding and kissing. Until he suddenly stood up abruptly holding you close. “I’m not taking your virginity on this couch. Where is your bedroom?”
He was so considerate “upstairs and then the last door on the right.”
He carried you to the room, carefully laying you down on the bed so as to not disturb your injured foot.
When he unbuttoned the button down he was wearing and took it off you were already drooling.
“Let me undress you, darling. Turn around so I can unzip your dress. Which is beautiful by the way.” he suggested and winked.
You did as he told you and soon felt your dress falling off your shoulders. He helped you pull it over your head and left you in your bra, chub rub shorts and panties.
A little embarrassed at the shorts you looked to the side. But you couldn’t go out in a dress without wearing any type of pants underneath.
“You are so sexy, baby.” he did everything to make you feel comfortable and you started to believe him.
“May I?” he motioned for your bra and you nodded your consent.
Next he took off his jeans and the realization of what was to come started to seep into your mind.
“You still okay with this?” he made sure.
“Yes. I want this Sebastian. I really do. I trust you” you assured him.
So he proceeded with the rest of your clothes and lastly his boxer shorts.
The whole time he kept kissing you hungrily. When he crawled on top of you and you had that skin on skin contact you had never felt so safe with anyone before.
“I gotta prep you before we go all the way, alright? Don’t wanna hurt you, doll.” he whispered between kisses.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, promise.”
“Please.” you begged.
That’s when he scooted down your body, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. The next thing you felt was him placing a kiss on your mound, and then his tongue poking out starting to flick your clit. He pushed your legs further apart to gain better access.
“Fuck, feels so good.” you moaned just when he inserted one finger into your tight pussy. “Oh, my gosh. Don’t stop.” you begged him.
“I won’t” he mumbled and kept attacking your clit.
“‘m so close.”
“Come for me baby. Come now.” That command was the last straw which brought you to orgasm.
Breathlessly you smiled down at him and he smiled right back at you.
“You up for more?” he needed the confirmation that you were alright.
“Yes, sir. Now I don’t know why I have never done this before. I don’t ever want you to stop again.” At that statement he laughed heartily.
“Then let’s start, shall we?” he kept kissing over your belly, up to your breasts, licked your nipples and sucked hickies onto your neck.
“Can you just fuck me already?” you asked annoyed.
“Someones being needy.” he joked and finally penetrated your pussy.
“Oh, fuck. So big. Hmmm. deep. Shit.” you were already reduced to a mumbling mess.
“Such a tight fit. You feel amazing.” he buried his head into your neck.
And then he started to move. Slowly at first but picked up speed rapidly. He hit spots inside you that your favorite vibrator was never able to get.
End then something you never wanted anyone to hear slipped your mouth “Fuck, daddy. Harderr!” and suddenly he stopped completely and you mewled disappointed until you realized what you had said. You opened your eyes to see his reaction.
You expected him to be disgusted but all you could see was a hunger. He looked like a predator who finally caught his prey.
“Say that again!” he growled. That statement of his made a surge of pride and confidence rush through you.
You bit your lip mischievously and said “Please, daddy. Fuck me harder.” and he immediately snapped.
He pistoned his hips forward, hitting your cervix over and over until you were so desperately close.
“You’re about to come, aren’t you? I can feel your pussy squeezing me, doll. Alright I’m gonna count down and I want you to come with me. Understood”
“Yes, daddy please… need to come… so bad.”
“Five..” deep thrust. “Four…” nip to the collarbone. “Three…” you clawed at his back. “Two…” you tried your hardest not to come and closed your eyes. “Look at me babygirl..” so you opened your eyes. “One… Come” and the dam broke. You had never come so hard in your life. No toy could ever make you feel the way this man did. Your quivering cunt made him come so hard. When he rolled off you he was breathing just as heavy as you were. The only noise you heard was your rapid heartbeat and blood rushing in your ears.
“That was amazing. We definitely need to do that again” you said.
“Oh yes. Anytime.”
The next week flew by so quickly and you two spent most of it in bed. You decided that your lives needed to be lived together so the next chance you got you would be moving in with him. Sometimes dreams do come true!
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October, 1980
Ship: Sirius and Remus
First Wizarding War
Fluff and Angst, Love Confession
Summary: Remus is in a mission with the werewolves again, Sirius misses him like crazy and realizes his feelings towards his boyfriend.
Sirius woke up gasping for air. His heart was beating fast. Sirius tried his best to get some air on his lung. 1,2,3,4… Remus had taught him how to breath properly. But Remus was not there. He was not beside Sirius. It was the first time in a long time, since Sirius had to go through a night terror on his own.
I miss you, Moons.
Sirius breathed in slowly and let all air out. He did that until he could breath properly. Sirius laid down on the bed. It felt cold, foreign, not as warm as the one Sirius and Remus shared on their little flat. It was because Moony wasn’t there. And Sirius´ body missed that warmth.
There was no way he was able to sleep again. Maybe he could wake James and Lily, but Sirius didn’t want to bother them. It was the first time in days, since they could sleep without Harry crying in the night.
Sirius rubbed his hair and got up, putting on one of Moony’s jumper. It smelled like him. If Sirius closed his eyes, he could pretend Moony’s arms were around him. But no. It wasn’t the same, it wasn’t the same at all. Tucking his hands on the jumper’s pockets, Sirius found a pack of cigarettes. He smiled to himself.
You’re a bloody wanker, Moony. I love you.
Sirius climbed down to the living room. Careful not to make any sound. The Potters’ Mansion seemed so big and empty, without Euphemia, without Fleamont. Sirius missed them so much. He sat there and lit himself a cig. He usually didn´t smoke. Moony was the smoker. But Sirius missed him so much….so what the fuck?
“I thought I heard a sneaky dog”
Sirius turned around to see Lily. Her eyes sleepy, hair on a bun, carrying a glass of water.
Sirius smiled “Hey ginger”
“You cannot sleep?” Lily said taking a seat next to him.
Sirius shook his head.
“Me neither” she sighed.
Sirius looked at her, giving Lily a sweet kiss on her forehead. Sirius knew exactly what worried her. The War, Harry’s and James’ safety…
Me too, Lils, I’m freaking scared.
“I miss him too, you know?” she broke the silence as Sirius took another drag.
“Of course, you do”
Remus had to go back. To the bloody werewolves. Dumbledore’s Orders. Remus was supposed to gather information, gain the werewolves’ trust. And fuck, he’s been out there for weeks. James and Lily begged Sirius to stay with them, so he didn’t feel alone.
“You have no idea how much I need him…” Sirius said
 “No… no no. There’s no way I’m letting you go there…. Every month?” Sirius sounded furious, pacing through their flat. Remus just watched him
“I have no choice Sirius…” Remus said “Dumbledore…”
“Fuck Dumbledore!”
Remus smiled at that.
“I’m gonna be fine” Remus sniffed “They won´t hurt me”
“How do you know Moons? You might be in danger, they are….”
Shit. Sirius closed his eyes embarrassed.
“No Moony. I didn´t mean that. I´m sorry”
Remus put his head on his knees.
“You won´t understand, Sirius” Remus said “I… I need to do this”
Sirius was trembling. He didn´t know if it was because he was scared, furious or because his body missed Remus already. He kneeled in front of him. Sirius forced his boyfriend to look at him.
“I’m gonna miss you Moons. Like a lunatic”
 “I know babe” Lily patted his back gently.
“I’m scared Lils” Sirius turned off his cig, trying to swallow his tears.
“He is gonna be fine”
“Not for him. He is strong… So strong” Sirius sighed “I meant I’m scared of this feeling” Sirius ran his fingers through his hair.
Lily didn’t answer. She just waited for Sirius to continue.
“I love him, Lils” Sirius continued looking to the window, the moon on sight. It wasn’t full. That was nights before, but still.
“I fell completely in love with him…”
Sirius didn´t dare to look at Lily but he knew she was smiling. Sirius thanked the room was dark, because Sirius was blushing.
“No one had ever looked at me the way Remus has…” he continued
 Sirius woke up smelling the sweet scent of chocolate and the taste of last’s night sex lingered in. Sirius rolled to his side and there he was. Sun shinning on his skin, exposing his freckles and scars. His golden curls were messier than ever. Lips parted murmuring things under his breath. His eyelashes touching his cheeks. He was beautiful. Remus Lupin was beautiful.
Remus opened his eyes slowly. He was taking his time, letting out soft breaths. And then he opened them, those beautiful eyes of his. They only look bigger and brighter for Sirius. When Remus just woke up or during sex. Sirius though those wild eyes were only for him.
Moony saw Sirius and smiled. He fucking smiled. Sirius melted.
“Morning Pads” his voice was hoarse and deep oh merlin, so bloody sexy.
 “He is the only one that sees right through me. No masks, you know, Lils? That Sirius Black that nobody gets to. That Sirius who is underneath so many layers… The one not even myself would recognize…”
 Sirius was out of breath for a second and then he responded “Morning Moons”
Remus smiled hiding his face on the pillow. Sirius wanted to be that pillow so badly.
“We have an Order meeting in two hours” Remus said watching his watch.
Sirius grunted. He pulled himself closer to Remus. He kissed him softly hand stroking his cheek. Remus laughed between kisses. Best feeling in the world. Sirius couldn´t give a damn about Order meeting or the war, or any thing else in the world.
“Can we just stay like this forever?” he whispered on Moony’s ear, kissing his cheek, jaw and neck.
“Sirius…” Remus half said half moaned his name. Sirius loved that “I would love to stay here with you… But we need to get ready…”
Sirius moaned in protest hiding his face on Remus´ chest.
“Specially you. I mean you take an hour just in your hair”
“Bloody wanker”
Remus laughed. Sirius loved that laughter.
 Sirius had tears in his eyes. Fuck he couldn’t cry. Lily scooped closer. She put her head on Sirius´ shoulder. That made him feel worse for a reason. He covered his face and fuck… he was crying.
“Fuck…” Sirius´ voice broke. “I am so stupid…”
“You´re not stupid…”
“Yeah I am” Sirius half laughed on how silly he felt. Crying in front of Lily. He was supposed to be the cool, fun Sirius Black not this mess.
“At the same time, I´m really angry at Remus…” he continued “I just think he depends too much on me. He… he asks too much of me. He acts like the world is ending around him. Specially after the full moon… And he is like waiting for me to be this superhero and make him feel better… Like… That’s a lot of fucking pressure, you know?”
Sirius didn’t know where all this was coming from. He didn´t know he felt all this until he began opening himself to Lily.
 Sirius tucked Remus under the blankets. Fuck, he had a new scar on his neck. Sirius didn’t mind. But Remus would hate it. For sure. Sirius sighed as he gave him a soft kiss. It wasn’t a bad moon, but Remus seemed exhausted.
Sirius saw James on the frame door. Bags under his eyes. His hair messier with a bunch leaves and branches sticking out. Sirius felt so grateful towards James.
“Gotta go… Lily must be fucking worried”
Sirius nodded looking at Remus “Go on Prongs…” then he added “Thanks”
“He is gonna be okay, you know?” It was Wormtail who appeared on the door framed next to James.
“I know” but Sirius was still worried.
“We understand Pads” James said “Us too”
Peter nodded.
Sirius smiled slightly “He is lucky to have you as friends”
“He is lucky to have us. You as well” Peter said
Sirius didn’t respond.
“We´ll pop in later, Pads. Lily would want to see him”
Sirius just nodded.
James winked and Peter waved before disappearing. They were really good friends. They did this for him, the whole Animagus thing was for their Moony. Sirius´ Monny.
Sirius cuddled on the chair next to the bed. And he watched Remus sleep, loving him so much.
 He sniffed “I don’t want anything to happen to him while I’m not there. Like… There might be times when I cannot be around, you know? And… I´m really terrified that he… I don’t know…”
Lily squeezed his hand.
“This is not only up to you, Sirius” she said “We´re all here for Remus”
“Not Lils” Sirius´ voice was trembling “I didn’t mean to say Remus is a burden to me. He would never…”
Lily nodded “I understand”
“I think I depend on him the same way….” He sighed wiping his tears “I don’t know what I would do without him Lils. I´m completely in love with him”
 Sirius decided to cuddle into bed, next to Remus. Sirius wrapped his arms around him. Sirius kissed Moony and whispered “I love you” into his ear. Even though Remus couldn’t hear him.
 Sirius was scared of that feeling. Flashes of memories haunted him now. Sirius and Remus dancing happily to one of his favorite records, both of them smiling at each other and kissing each other like fools. The feeling of Remus wrapping his arms around Sirius while he tried to do mundane things like brushing his teeth or getting dressed, or preparing the morning tea. The way Remus would whisper “I love you” into his ear and desperately bite his neck. The way Remus looked into his eyes and whispered things to him while they shagged. The way Remus got him hot and turned on just for one look or smile. The way they just would talk about anything very late at night, having a cig or a drink or something.  The way Remus smiled at him every time Sirius said silly stuff or day dreamed about their future. And the way Remus would hold and comfort Sirius after a nightmare or a night terror. The way Sirius felt on his arms.
It was worth it. Everything was worth it when it came to Remus. Sirius was overwhelmed by that feeling, yes. But he was in love with the train wreck that was his relationship with Remus. That thought made Sirius missed Remus more.
Lily was giggling now. “I think you should tell him”
Sirius snorted finally realizing that Lily had been hearing the whole time. He wiped his tears laughing a bit. He shook his head.
“Nah. That would be too bloody embarrassing. I´m fucking Sirius Black, remember?”
Lily laughed at that “I´m sorry your highness”
She rolled her eyes.
Sirius smiled.
“I think you should tell him because I´m pretty sure he feels the same way about you”
Sirius smiled at that. Remus loving him as much as he loved him. It was amazing.
“Please don’t tell James… He would never leave me alone with this”
“I don’t promise anything” Lily smiled
“Lily!” Sirius protested.
Lily laughed. She nodded and Sirius was grateful.
Suddenly they heard baby Harry crying.
“Lily?” It was James, asking for her.
“Coming!” Lily sighed. She winked at Sirius before leaving.
“Love you Ginger!” he yelled after her.
“Get some sleep”
 Sirius felt asleep on the living couch without realizing. He was half asleep when he heard voices coming from the kitchen and baby giggles. He assumed James and Lily were awake. But he didn’t wake up. He kept his eyes closed for a bit longer.
Sirius heard his voice. He must be dreaming about him again.
Giggles “Pads”
Someone poked his arm. Oh shit. He wasn’t dreaming. Remus was here. He opened his eyes quickly. Remus was there. He looked tired; a bit dirty but with a big grin across his face. So beautiful. So so beautiful.
“Hi” Remus smiled.
Sirius touched his face to make sure he was real. He was. Remus was back next to him.
“Moony!” Was all that came out of his mouth before he kissed Remus forcefully. Remus laughed into the kiss.
“I missed you too” Remus whispered.
Sirius hugged him. Smelling him in, touching him like he hadn’t[H1]  done it in a long time.
“I love you Moons” he said “So much”
“I love you too Pads”
And they kissed again, only interrupted by James calling them for breakfast.
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madlymiho · 4 years
Headcanon for smoker, mihawk, and zoro: they have a short s/o who always wants to be picked up or given piggy back rides— how do they react and what not
They kill them inly...
Joke aside, it’s a very cute headcanon! 🥺 I didn’t go for Mihawk on this headcanon because it’s similar to what I could have already written there
Otherwise this is adorable and I’m super happy to write about Smoker and Zoro again! 😤
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• For Smoker, his duty is probably the most important thing in his life, and he can’t act like a fool when he has the flag of the Navy above his head all the time. He’s already surprised to allow someone to share his life, so you should be grateful he’s already making quite an exception with you around 
• Honestly, Smoker finds you utterly cute and lovable, your small size always a good reason for him to peer down at you, serious and icy eyes staring at your soul, before he would just slightly expose a more tender nature through a wink or a quick smile. You have something appealing, something he can’t fight... and somehow, he curses himself because he’s the one who gave you this stupid idea in the first place
• Perhaps because you were tired, injured, or too slow for him, Smoker one day agreed to carry you on his back, and since when, it’s like he has opened the Pandora box, releasing your needy nature and the very fact that you just love to climb him like a tree, despite his harsh words and his general cold attitude when he’s outside 
• If the first time was an absolute exception, each time you’re giving him those pleading eyes, asking to be carried on his back, he just rolls his eyes and snaps that he doesn’t have time to play around. He’s a rear admiral after all! You can’t expect him to show such a tender side, while he has the entire G-5 to order around... He can’t simply lose his credibility while he has built this serious and severe reputation through sweat and blood 
• Most of time, your request are answered either with a cold silent, or either a big no, Smoker definitely flustered because you can’t help yourself being so needy, and desperate because he feels embarrassed one more time ; you have too much power upon his poor and weak soul. He prefers to leave you right where you are, pretending that you’re acting childishly and wouldn’t oblige to such a pathetic behavior 
• Even though, you know him enough to already be sure he would lower his guard at some point, and if he would yell at you to get down if you ever dare to climb on his shoulders, he has this reflex to wrap his strong arms around your legs to make sure that you wouldn’t fall... and if you make him notice that he doesn’t seem reluctant to carry you, you will have to deal with a mumbling smoking mess, teeth clenched on his cigars 
• Because inly, deeply, and secretly, Smoker is concerned about your health... if you ask for a piggy back ride, perhaps it’s the results of some hidden pains? Maybe you’re tired? His chivalrous nature tends to only appear when you’re around anyway, and even if he tries his best to control himself, he usually fails... 
• Though you better be sure that he would never agree to carry you if he has his men around, or any other member of the Navy. He’s not a romantic partner, and if he exposes his most sensitive nature to you, it’s only when he’s certain no one would ever bust the two of you. He doesn’t like to lower his guard so easily... but it doesn’t feel so bad to have you on his back whenever you’re walking with him to head somewhere
• So with time, he would just eventually roll his eyes and nod his head, inviting you to jump onto his shoulders, the ghost of smile floating on his lips while he will surely pretend that you’re just a pain his ass for him... 
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• Just! Get! Down! He hates it! He hates whenever you’re exposing your neediness like this, especially when there are curious eyes around. Dammit, he’s not a horse! You have legs, why don’t you use them in the first place? You get under his skin, because Zoro doesn’t know how to deal with your attitude! 
• First of all, it has been quite a ride for him to accept his feelings for you. He has never been truly opened and aware of his emotions, and he doesn’t like to dwell on romantic feelings because he’s certainly not like that disgusting cook. Falling in love with you wasn’t a wanted part of his adventure as a pirate, but now that he’s stuck with his own romantic feelings, just... don’t push it too much? 
• Physical touch and attention are turning this giant pile of muscles into a barking puppy, and surely you’re not helping whenever you’re staring at him with that particular look on your face. He knows you enough to believe you’re up to some mischief and he doesn’t have time for your childish little whims! Just don’t play with his nerves! 
• Surely the first time you climbed your grumpy boyfriend, he has been utterly impatient and close-minded to your behavior. Growling like a beast, calling you an “idiot” and so on while he would have put you down in the minute, cheeks turning redder than usual, and his only valid eye sending death threats if you ever wished to come up again... Seriously, why does he have to deal with so many babies? 
• Somehow he hates the fact that your new little trick has been a sort of everlasting new thing among the Straw Hat, Chopper, Luffy and even Nami sometimes asking for the moss-head to carry them the way he does accept to carry you from time to time... because yes, with time, of course he has lowered his guard, to the point that he only throws some casual insults when he feels your weight on his back, accepting your presence in the end 
• Though, despite his grumpy attitude, he’s a weak man with you, and slowly you manage to turn this nasty habit into something he wouldn’t even pay attention to anymore. After he made sure that no one else among the crew would mistaken him as their new ride, Zoro just sometimes invites you to come up with a little smirk, patting the top of his shoulder with one his sword 
• It’s also quite convenient if you need to escape a dangerous situation, and rather than waiting for you to carry on with his pace, he simply squats down and waits for you to jump on him, so you would be able to be safe and sound and he wouldn’t have to worried about you too much... it’s a good way to put you somewhere far from the danger, and he appreciates the idea that he’s your savior (and not that damn swirling brows...) 
• Though you’ll have to expect for some uncomfortable and unexpected ride with him... you signed for this, after all, the first time you decided to have a piggy back ride with him! If Zoro wants to carry you for some reason, whether you’d be turn as a potato bag or anything else, head down, legs in the air, you’ll have to deal with you... because no one of your arguments would be valid, Zoro will simply smirk and answer “I thought you like that when I carry you, name...” 
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taimuman · 6 years
Instead of writing replies I’m gonna write character notes lmao
Fire Man: Disposes of deceased robot masters and handles their paperwork. It’s pretty morbid. Sans for the robots built for strength, he’s one of the stronger and more durable industrial robot masters. Actually runs and is in charge of the incineration plant he works in. He got a promotion; he initially started as a super worker and became the lead supervisor. He does not own it. Could possibly burn everything due to the fact that he can set his flames to be as hot as the sun for whatever reason, but he’s not gonna let himself do that.
Time Man: Built explicitly to manipulate time itself. He may or may not be able to time travel at this point. Clock hands were not a weapon he initially a weapon he had, and even now they’re still poorly implemented. His only survivability comes from his time manipulation and his absurdly precise timing. Incredibly nonchalant regarding his own mortality, and is more concerned with the lives of others than his own. Seems to have no sense of self-preservation, so others have to watch out for him. Despite this, he is kind of afraid of the Mega Man Killers, sans Punk. Time 
Flash Man: Due to being based off of Time Man, his weapon is the Time Stopper, and his actual weapon isn’t particularly advanced. Has much better aim than he does in the game. Nearly defeated Mega Man. Had Quick Man not intervened, Mega Man would have lost in MM2. Honestly extremely tricky to defeat due to being stupidly OP with the Time Stopper. Despite his gun being built for speed over power, he himself is incredibly durable and strong at the cost of speed. He only appears to be quick due to the Time Stopper. A true leader by heart, whether it’s being head of a family or leading an entire army. Unfortunately, the former keeps taking a backseat due to Dr. Wily’s army constantly growing.
Mikhail Cossack: The ultimate dad, apparently. A pessimist, but he does try to restrain his pessimism when it comes to his own family, as he doesn’t want to have a bad impact on them. His wife is still dead, and her death made things a lot worse for him. He holds himself together for his family, but there are times he weeps in private for his late wife. A smoker since his pre-teens. He managed to quit for his wife, but he started smoking again as though he never quit when his wife died. He uses e-cigs so that his family doesn’t have to deal with the smell and so the impact on his health is far less, but he is somewhat dependent on them. He puts his family before his career, and that has held him back a fair amount. He has no reservations about this decision.
Napalm Man: Has perhaps some of the most destructive potential out of a lot of robot masters. He carries a variety of weapons, including literal tactical nukes. He is built to be like a tank, and thus is nearly indestructible. He really isn’t someone to mess with. The fact that he personally prefers not to fight and would rather talk things out is almost a safety precaution. The only thing not making it such is the fact that it’s unintentional; it’s in his IC chip, not programmed into him by Dr. Wily. The Patriot Bomber has since been modified from a race vehicle to a military vehicle. It’s as dangerous as he is and you really don’t want to be in its way. He is the only one who can pilot it. He won the Grand Prix, and his weapons museum still runs to this day. It brings in more money than canon lets it, though his siblings have to run it in his stead. He will never, ever give Quick Man or anyone else a race rematch. He not only no longer has the proper vehicle to do so, but he has a feeling he wouldn’t win. He isn’t quite sure how he won in the first place.
Centaur Woman: Similar to Flash Man, she’s a little OP due to her basically being given a copy of the Time Stopper. It’s less effective than Flash Man’s weapon, however, and she isn’t fully sure what she’s doing with it. Her actual weapon is a bow and arrow that she can fire nearly at the speed of a gun. It sacrifices some speed for more accuracy. She does have an interest in poetry, I just need to actually look into some myself. Philosophy too. Known for her efforts to rescue humans from natural disasters. The woman is incredibly busy let me put it to you that way.
Concrete Man: Loud, boisterous, and incredibly energetic. To him, life is a party that never stops. He can be serious, but only on rare occasions does he bother to. Things get incredibly ugly when he’s angry. Like. Crushing human skulls angry. Nearly killing Dr. Wily for taking advantage of him and his line angry. Don’t do it.
Shade Man: Being the sole survivor (well, one of only two survivors) of his entire social circle has left him more scarred than he lets on. Everyone he knew, including himself, was deemed useless and unwanted, and, sans for himself and Mary, was exterminated. This left him with a deep hatred of humanity as a whole, but not on an individual level. He has no interest in going back to a system that called for his death, and he willingly serves Dr. Wily, as he believes that despite the man’s incompetence, he’d build a world that wouldn’t scrap him and his friends if they hit some arbitrary expiration date. He is also scarred by the fact that his purpose was also coldly ripped away from him. During his time at the amusement park, he was more awkward and dorky, with a mild case of workaholism. He was a loser who loved kids and loved entertaining people. After the loss of everyone and everything he ever knew, he was a broken individual left with nothing, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. Somehow either he was found by Dr. Wily or he found Dr. Wily, and he very awkwardly joined the army willingly. Piecing himself back together was an excruciating task, despite how charismatic and trickster-like he seems now. In fact, most of his tragedy is kept under lock and key. This got really angsty and I cannot fully convey what is going on rn. Shade Man’s weapon cannot be truly copied due to the fact that it’s a hardware malfunction and not an actual, proper weapon. All Mega Man gets is data from the original weapon, and even then it is incomplete and non-functional. Truly, deeply cares for Mary, but is completely at odds with her due to the fact that he sees her as continuing to be part of a system that will kill them. He doesn’t blame her for it in the same sense that he doesn’t see every robot master as participating in their own slavery. He just doesn’t agree with the idea of fixing the system so much as destroying it.
Piano: The sister to Forte and counterpart to Roll that should have been. Where Forte is “he who hesitates is lost,” Piano is “think first, then act.” In some situations, Forte is right. In some situations, Piano is right. Needs development in terms of her capabilities, but she’s combat support, and not meant for direct combat. She’s intelligent and carries devices to help her achieve certain goals. I should really do more with her.
Stone Man: Dr. Wily really has no idea what the hell he did when creating Stone Man, and honestly, even Flash Man has no idea what happened. Stone is an anomaly that cannot be replicated at the moment. Stone Man is borderline unkillable. Even if his body were completely destroyed, IC chip included, he could simply move onto another body. He isn’t sure how this works either. A really, really bad fighter, unless pressed. And even then. He hates fighting more than Napalm Man does and he’d really rather just be left to his construction work. Loves cinema. Like. A lot. A lot of his free time is spent watching movies, tv shows, cartoons, or reading books or comics. He does exercise in his free time. Has a slight anxiety disorder. Most of the time it manifests in him standing awkwardly in the corner while everyone else has fun, or him just being really quiet.
Punk: A rebel by nature. If she hasn’t defected from Dr. Wily by now, it’s probably because living under human rule is worse than dealing with Dr. Wily. Flash is also not too bad. Not to mention she does care about her stupid, stupid linemates, and someone’s gotta look out for them. Pretty friendly. Does regret what she did to Time Man, and she did apologize to him. Didn’t want Time Man to be killed and did try to stick up for him. Enker had no mercy and Ballade didn’t like leaving a fight unfinished.
Tina McIntyre: Loves space and all that it encompasses. If she could go exploring, she would. She’s undeveloped rn sorry.
Josephine: Also pretty undeveloped. Taciturn and awkward. She isn’t fully sure what to make of the world around her, as she’s only now fully gaining sentiency. Isn’t quite sure how to express emotion, but she feels it.” I think.
Turbo Man: Lives to make others and himself happy. A smile on the faces of others brings him great joy. Particularly protective of Nitro, as she deals with a lot in her career, and he wants to give her a break. I may just add him as having been a contestant in the Grand Prix. Dunno yet.
Jewel Woman: “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” is her favorite song, and while she tries not to be repetitive, it’s not unheard of for her to sing it at karaoke night. She also uses the phrase every now and again. Has a love of jewelry and is extremely knowledgeable about them. She has her own stash okay. Her specialty is cutting gems, particularly diamonds, not mining them. Really. Really feminine. I have yet to develop her response to the whole MM9 incident, but she’s likely not particularly happy with her company and either quit and went somewhere else, or is going to quit and go somewhere else. She refuses to stay at a place that deemed her useless and sent her to be scrapped.
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monstabaebae · 7 years
Taming the Assassin (M)
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Characters: Wonkyun (Wonho x Changkyun) Genre: Smut, Assassin au. Warnings: Blood, cursing, use of weapons, bondage, all the dirty stuff. Word Count: 5k Plot: When assassin Changkyun, gets hunted by Wonho. But he’s in for a different kind of killing. Credits to the gif owner!
A soft breeze filtered through Changkyun’s small apartment widow. He lived on the seventh floor, high enough to keep his paranoia at ease, as well as give him an okay view of the gloomy city in front of him. Thank God he wasn’t here all the time, this place knew how to drive him crazy.
Emerging from the bathroom, he brushed his teeth silently as he dumped his backpack onto the bed. He had just come back from a mission and immediately needed a shower. His victim was really drunk and of course gave Changkyun a hard time when it came down to kill him. He was covered in more than just alcohol and he left quite the mess when he escaped the scene.
He needed to kill more than just politicians because all they did was drink and plead. It got annoying real fast.
The male looked over all his weapons. His handgun, his knives, his grenades, trip wire, taser and poison were all there, mixed in with his wallet and some clothes. He usually carried more, but since he was currently visiting his hometown, he didn’t need much.
He knew the city like the back of his hand; knew where to go and where to avoid. This was his turf, no one could fuck with him here.
Despite wearing a hoodie and some large sweatpants, he shivered as he felt the night air hit his face. It was going to be autumn soon, meaning there would be even more crime with the holiday season coming around. Maybe he could get a few more side jobs when he left town again.
He looked at the moon, a bright crescent in a sea of black above. He honestly wondered why he became an assassin in the first place. Sure, it payed the bills and his family’s bills, but it was a sick job. He tortured, maimed, and killed people on a daily for profit.
He wasn’t one of those people who enjoyed it, either. He did it because he had to, but felt no remorse or a even a speck of emotion when he pulled the trigger. Once the job was done, the person was just an old news headline and a memory, and Changkyun felt nothing but empty.
Was he doing the right thing?
He couldn’t help but laugh at the stupid question. Of course, killing people wasn’t the right thing. He was a sinner, a soul damned to live in hell for his existence.
But the sick side of him didn’t mind. It was better than being homeless while he was alive.
Deciding his teeth were clean enough, he walked into the dimly lit bathroom and spat into the sink. Wiping his mouth, he barely had time to set the towel back on the counter as a flash of color registered in the mirror from behind.
Holding up his knife, he blocked the bullet that ricocheted off the blade and threw another blade at his attacker. The offender, a large male with large eyes, smirked and tilted his head to dodge it, avoiding it by inches.
“Wow. So the famous I.M is as stealthy as they say.” The man chuckled, his eyes sinister as he ran a hand through his short-bleached locks. Beside his head, the knife fell onto the floor unceremoniously with a clatter. “But is he really that stealthy, leaving his window open?”
Changkyun glared at the other, whom had attacked him from the shower behind the door. How the man had gotten in without getting detected, Changkyun didn’t have a clue. But it pissed him off.
Pulling out a gun from his sweatpants, he aimed it at the man’s forehead with a blank expression. “What the fuck are doing you in my apartment?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Gwangju’s top assassin is back in town for a visit. I just couldn’t let the chance to meet you slip.” The man raised his gun once more, flicking off the safety with his thumb. “Especially with such a huge bounty hanging above your head.”
Changkyun held the male’s gaze. He had seen him somewhere before, amongst the static over the radio and the flipped pages of the newspaper. “You’re Wonho.” He stated aloud, finally connected a name to a face.
The man smirked, his plump lips full and condescending. “So nice to be recognized by such an infamous person. I’m glad to make your acquaintance.”
“Can’t seem to feel the same way.” Changkyun merely tilted his head, gripping the trigger and blasting the gun out of Wonho’s hand. With the other he quickly reached into his back pocket to rearm himself. Changkyun pulled the other by the arm and swiped Wonho’s side with his blade hand.
The man hissed, slamming his fist down into Changkyun’s head, resulting in the male releasing his grip on the intruder. Completely dazed, Changkyun did his best to protect his body as Wonho lifted the assassin off the floor by his throat.
“You know, you’re kinda cute when you struggle.” Wonho chuckled, his handsome features taking in Changkyun’s with a slow flick of his lips. “I might just spare you, if you let me bang you.”
“In your dreams.” Changkyun rasped, swinging his body upwards to kick Wonho in the chest. Breaking free, he ran out of the bathroom and tugged it shut, cursing under his breath as he locked it with some trip wire against the bed.  It couldn’t be opened unless the wire was cut, and the assassin had no intention of doing that.
How could he have been so stupid and left his window open? Shame filled his cheeks as he quickly packed his bag and loaded his guns with fresh rounds, facing the bathroom door with a crack of his neck. He would have to redeem himself somehow.
In the bathroom, Wonho was banging on the door, attempting to break the handle off. “You’d better let me out before I bust this door down. I don’t think your landlord would be too happy if you fuck this place up.” He called in an almost sing-song way.
“Like hell you could break the door down.” Changkyun called back, two guns raised as he focused on the shaking door.
“Is that what you think? Very well” Suddenly, everything fell quiet. The door stopped shaking, no movement could be heard except the wind brushing against the curtains. It was almost like nothing had happened at all, Changkyun wondering if he was paranoid again,
Then, the door came flying off the hinges. Changkyun barely avoided it, but it managed to slow him down as Wonho ran at him with a sharp blade.
Kicking his legs at the last minute, Changkyun slipped slightly and fired one of his guns. Wonho dodged it at the last second with a tilt of his head, smirking. “Too slow.”
Changkyun ran between Wonho’s legs, giving the male’s crotch a hard kick (cause why not) and ran towards the door, firing backwards while keeping his back to the door. He couldn’t even tell if he was hitting Wonho, since the fucker had crawled under the bed for defense, but stopped caring as he finally grabbed the door handle.
As soon as he opened the door, however, he felt a sharp pain cutting his legs. Looking down, he took in the two symmetrical cuts on his calves that were oozing blood onto a transparent wire.
The fucker had trip wired the front door.
With no other choice, he winced and limped towards the window. He knew it was a seven-story drop, with hardly anything to break his fall on the way down, but he had to jump. Why he was running, he had no idea. Perhaps he had enough killing for one night with that politician, but he just wanted to be free of this mess.
He was lifting his body onto the ledge, practically at the finish line, when a strong hand grabbed his knee. “Going somewhere?”
He all but flailed trying to escape from Wonho, kicking, punching, scratching and hitting anywhere he could reach. But the male put a gun to Changkyun’s temple, and dug his thumb into Changkyun’s wounded calf. The assassin bit his lip to hold back grunts of pain, knowing he had been caught.
“That’s a good boy. No more fighting.” Wonho almost cooed, his eyes dark as he dragged Changkyun up by his hair. “Get on the bed. Now.”
Changkyun was scared, to say in the least. In the three years he had been an assassin, he had never been in this situation, especially not on the victim side. He had no idea how to get out of this, and he was scared shitless without a plan. Unable to see a way out, he limped over to the bed and sat on it.
Wonho watched the smaller boy with a smirk, enjoying his obedience. He knelt on the bed, running his fingers along Changkyun’s face with his fingertips. “I take back my words from before. You’re so damn cute when you obey. You’re quite the turn on.”
Changkyun didn’t flinch or speak, just merely stared at Wonho with a deep hatred in his eyes. This was humiliating, getting beaten by an asshole that wanted to make him his play thing. He never should’ve come home.
“Come now, don’t glare so much. You’re gonna give yourself frown lines.” Wonho chuckled, suddenly tugging at Changkyun’s hair and leaning in close.
Changkyun grunted in pain, looking into Wonho’s eyes. They were centimeters apart, their noses practically brushing as Changkyun took in the scent of tobacco on Wonho’s breath. He didn’t seem like a smoker, then again, he didn’t seem like a killer, yet here he was.
“Are you a virgin?” Wonho murmured, his voice almost lost in the silence of the room, as he took in Changkyun’s features.
Changkyun blinked slowly, dread filling his system. “No.”
“Good. Cause you’re in for a long night.” Wonho shoved Changkyun onto the bed, quickly grabbing the boy’s wrists and tying them to the frame of the bed with a cloth. He smirked as Changkyun tried to break free, running a hand through his blonde hair as he took off his jacket. “So cute.”
Changkyun continued to glare and tug at the bindings as Wonho got on all fours and crawled over to him. Desperate, the assassin kicked the blonde in the face, quickly tugging at the bindings with his teeth to no avail.
Wonho wiped his nose and suddenly pinned Changkyun’s thighs in place, restricting all movement. His eyes were dark. “And to think, I was going to go easy on you. Now, you’re gonna have to suffer.”
Changkyun felt his breath hitch as Wonho tugged off his sweatpants in one quick movement, leaving the brunette’s thighs and briefs exposed. The blonde then pulled out a knife, trailing the blade along Changkyun’s stomach to snag the hoodie and cut it in half down the middle.
The cold air his Changkyun like a wave, trembling as his body was exposed. Wonho took in the bare skin hungrily, his hands sliding up and down Changkyun’s milky torso slowly. “Your skin is so pale. It needs some color on it, don’t you think?” Wonho whispered.
Changkyun raised his arms, attempting to hide his chest as Wonho leaned in close. “Aw, don’t hide from me, cutie. You’re gonna love this, I promise.” Cupping Changkyun’s chin, the blonde cut the space between them and brought their lips together.
The contact sent shivers down Changkyun’s spine, sharp and hot like a flame. His vision was spotting as he slowly moved his lips with Wonho’s, curious and in need of more. He had never felt something like this before, and felt his body growing warm despite the situation.
Wonho kissed him long and deep, like the way a lover would. He suckled on Changkyun’s lower lip, swirled their tongues together in a sweet dance and kissed him hotly. The blonde slowly pulled away to kiss down Changkyun’s neck, biting the skin with a grin. “Damn cutie, you’re one hell of a kisser.”
Changkyun felt his eyes flutter shut, getting lost in the feeling. He couldn’t break free, so why not enjoy the sensations while he’s thinking of a way to escape? However, he found it strangely hard to form a coherent thought with the intruder’s plump lips kissing and tugging at his skin with those sharp teeth of his.
The assassin shivered as he felt Wonho’s lips on his chest. The blonde lazily kissed down Changkyun’s collarbones and pectorals, then trailed his lips to the brunette’s nipples. Without warning, he sucked the perky buds harshly, emitting a moan from Changkyun’s lips.
“Louder, cutie.” Wonho whispered, sucking and tugging at the swollen bud hungrily, while his hand played with the other. The assassin let out breathy sighs and soft sounds, shivering at the graze of teeth on his sensitive skin and the harsh bites that would eventually bloom into bruises after tonight.
Once the blonde finished his assault on Chankgyun’s nipples, he trailed his tongue down the younger’s navel to his abs, biting and sucking sensitive spots in the area. Changkyun was all but trembling by the time Wonho got to his briefs, his plump lips nuzzling into the tented material.
“What’s this?” Wonho asked, his eyes filled with lust as he considered Changkyun with a smirk. “For someone who wanted me dead, you’re so hard you’re leaking.” He opened his mouth and let his pink tongue flick over the wet tip of Changkyun’s clothed length, making the younger gasp at the sensation.
“Shut up. If you’re gonna fuck me, just do it.” Changkyun growled, growing impatient. He already hated the situation, but he was horny as shit and just wanted this to be over with. He was getting needy, but he refused to beg for this intruding douchebag.
“Eager to get fucked, baby?” Wonho winked, mouthing along Changkyun’s neck with a smirk. The brunette was ready to burn this man alive for his endless teasing, if only his hands weren’t tied and glares could shoot lasers.
He found himself staring at Wonho, the blonde placing hot kisses and sucks along Chankgyun’s bulge, before slowly tugging off the material. He pulled away, just for a second to take in Changkyun’s naked form. He gave a satisfied smile and leaned in once more, ghosting his lips along Changkyun’s swollen length.
Changkyun would never admit it out loud, but when Wonho put his plump lips around the assassin’s member, he nearly came right then and there.
The blonde’s mouth was like magic, sucking and gliding up Changkyun’s member like a dream. His mouth was warm, his lips and tongue fluid as he bobbed his head with lewd sucks, the sounds sending shivers down Changkyun’s back. He kept the brunette in place as he hollowed his throat, taking the length in fully with a swallow that had Changkyun gasping for air.
Changkyun was tugging on the bindings so hard in bliss, he felt his wrists lose circulation. He felt his vision growing blurry and his breathing pick up as a once familiar sensation in his stomach began to boil. He bit his lip, trying to hold back from the euphoria that was about to fill his body.
But just as he was about to climax, the blonde gave the length one last suck and swallow before pulling off. Changkyun wanted to kick the male in the face, but the obscene string of cum on the blonde’s lips had his groin throb in arousal.
“No releasing yet, cutie. We’re not done yet.” Wonho smirked, licking his lips before sitting up. His large body hovered over Changkyun’s his eyes never leaving the brunette’s as he reached for his jeans. Changkyun noticed that the other hadn’t even removed one article of clothing, besides his jacket, until this moment.
The assassin watched as the blonde undid his jeans and tugged them down, along with his boxers.
Changkyun has had sex quite a few times, with males and females alike, but he had never seen a dick that was as large as Wonho’s.
For the second time that night, he was scared shitless.
“Suck.” Wonho ordered, grabbing his length in one hand and placing it near Changkyun’s lips.
He had to be joking. Changkyun looked up at the other with a defiant glare. He could hardly even sit up because of the way his arms were tied, there was no way he was going to suck this man’s dick. “Fuck you.”
“Believe me, I will. Now, suck.” Wonho growled, the sound vibrating in Changkyun’s bones.
Changkyun closed his eyes and sighed. Looks like he had no choice. “Can you at lease loosen my binds, so I can sit up?”
Wonho narrowed his eyes, trying to see if there was some sort of trick. After a moment of thought, he undid the bind and held Changkyun’s wrists in his hands, above the brunette’s head. “There. Now, get to work.”
Changkyun rolled his eyes, but slowly looked at the other’s length. It was swollen and fully hard, making it almost intimidating up close. Clearing his throat, the assassin slowly opened his mouth and took the length into his mouth with a soft suck.
He heard Wonho moan above him, the blonde using his free hand to give a tug to Changkyun’s hair. The brunette took his time sucking and swallowing around the length, not wanting to choke as he took more in, inch by inch. Once the length was fully in his throat, he nuzzled his nose against Wonho’s groin and swallowed.
Wonho began to buck his hips, making Changkyun gag and wince in response. He tried to breathe through his nose, focusing on sucking and bobbing his head to the wild rhythm, almost enjoying the fullness in his throat. It made his jaw ache, but it was hot and throbbing, much like the man to whom the muscle belonged.
Above him, Wonho was moaning under his breath and panting. His large chest as glistening with sweat as he cupped Changkyun’s cheeks. They locked eyes as the brunette continued to suck the blonde off, Wonho’s eyes filed with pure lust. “You look so fucking hot, sucking my dick like that, cutie.”
Changkyun gave the male an innocent look, fluttering his eyelashes as he gave the length a particularly hard suck. The blonde grunted in surprise, his thighs shuddering as he grabbed Changkyun by the hair and forced him onto his back. “Get on all fours.” Wonho gasped, trying to catch his breath.
Doing his best with his wrists held, he licked his lips with a wince and got on his knees. He raised his ass so it was in the perfect arch, decided it would be better to just play along then try to hide himself. He was already naked and his length was crying in need, so he’d might as well see this through.
He felt the bed move underneath him, Wonho’s large hands grabbing his thighs to spread them apart. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched as the blonde leaned in close, placing his tongue onto Chankgyun’s puckered entrance. The brunette grunted, eyes shut.
“I hope you don’t mind, but you’ve been driving me crazy with those moans and I need to fuck you.” Wonho said, his voice muffled as he licked the tight rim again, this time giving it a firm suck.
“Why tell me if you’re gonna do it anyways?” Changkyun hummed, biting his lip at the strange sensation.
“I’m an assassin, not a rapist. We can stop here, if you want.” Wonho responded as-a-matter-of-factly. 
As though Changkyun had a choice.
Changkyun looked at Wonho with a glare, spreading his legs wider with a hiss. “If you wanna fuck me, just do it. Either that, or get out.”
Instead of getting a harsh remark back, all he received was a chuckle. “Who would’ve thought the famous I.M would be such a slut for sex?” Wonho teased, lifting his head to show his glistening lips, dark eyes and messy blonde hair.
Changkyun tried not to find the male attractive, suddenly at a loss of what to say. He looked up as Wonho sat up, lining up his length to the brunette’s entrance. “Your ass is super tight, so this is gonna hurt. But you’re gonna love it, I promise.”
Changkyun bit his lips, gasping as the head of Wonho’s length pushed against his entrance. The blonde let out a grunt behind him, obviously dissatisfied, before he gave Changkyun a few strokes on his length.
The brunette moaned at the contact, a bit of precum dribbling onto Wonho’s fingers. He could practically hear the blonde smirking as he rubbed the slick along Changkyun’s entrance, stretching him out slowly. “That’s a good boy. Relax for me.”
Changkyun recalled Wonho saying something similar before, about him being a good boy, like he was a dog. All at once, he didn’t want to obey to this guy’s shit, he wanted to be bad and tell him to fuck off.
But he wanted to be fucked. Desperately.
The brunette raised his ass in the air, grinding subconsciously to Wonho’s fingers. He needed something, anything inside of him. It had been so long since anyone had touched him, let alone had sex with him. Maybe it was the atmosphere, making him feel like a victim, or the insanely attractive male marking his body with those plump lips, that Changkyun was feeling needy beyond comprehension.
Wonho continued to prep the smaller male, before slipping a finger inside. Changkyun moaned softly into the pillow, his eyes clenching as he took it with a wince. It was small, but it was something, and he found himself grinding on the digit.
“Do you want more?” Wonho whispered, thrusting his finger in and out at an agonizing pace. He curled his finger slightly, earning a moan from Changkyun’s lips.
“Y-Yes.” The assassin murmured, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he rocked his hips.
The blonde smirked and pushed in another finger. The tightness around his fingers sent a shiver up his spine, Changkyun’s moans making his eyes cloud over in hunger.
By the time Wonho put in his third finger, the brunette was a blushing, sweating mess beneath him. He was gripping onto the sheets, soft pants escaping his lips as he took in the large fingers with glassy eyes. Changkyun looked absolutely wrecked and the boy couldn’t take the teasing anymore.
“W-Wonho…” Changkyun whispered brokenly, his head tilted to look back at the blonde.
Wonho met his eyes, his face fixated into one of concentration, sweat pouring down his neck, as though he were holding back. “Yeah?”
“Fuck me.” Changkyun mumbled.
“What was that, cutie? I couldn’t hear you?” Wonho smirked, his breath shallow and dark as he began to drill his fingers into the boy mercilessly.
Changkyun all but screamed at the relentless pleasure, endless streams of moans erupting from his lips as his toes curled and his vision went white. “P-Please... Please just fuck me! Wonho please, I can’t hold on-!”
“Hold on, baby.” As though he had said the magic words, the fingers disappeared to be replaced by something bigger. Changkyun’s eyes all but rolled back as Wonho’s length filled him to the brim, filling him in ways he didn’t know was possible. His entire body was caving in bliss once Wonho began to roll his hips, endless moans escaping his lips.
He felt Wonho’s hands on his waist, keeping his hips in place while he snapped his hips. The brunette tipped his head back to look at the blonde and moaned at the sight.
Wonho’s face was flushed, his lip curled under his teeth and his forehead covered in sweat. He looked like he was in heaven, rutting his hips as his chest was rising quickly to accommodate his movements. His dark eyes caught Changkyun’s and the brunette felt his body pulse in pure heat.
Without saying a word, Wonho connected their lips in a powerful kiss, bucking his hips roughly against the assassin. The brunette kissed him back hungrily, their teeth and tongues clashing messily as he moaned, letting his body shake and his sanity melt under the hard thrusts.
All too soon, Changkyun felt the familiar heat in his stomach, gasping against Wonho’s swollen lips. His thighs began to shake and his vision was beginning to blur, and he began to mumble. “I-I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum-”
Wonho silenced the boy with a passionate kiss, suddenly digging his fingers into the brunette’s hips and began to drill into the other with all his strength. “Cum for me.” He growled, pushing his length in to the hilt and giving one final snap of his hips.
That was all it took for Changkyun to come undone. His back arched, his eyebrows furrowed and he released with his mouth open in a silent moan. His release splattered onto the bed, sending shocks of bliss throughout his body as euphoria flooded into his mind.
Wonho placed soft kisses along the brunette’s neck, his large hands stroking the boy’s length in slow, steady pumps. Changkyun slowly came back to reality with labored breathing, tilting his head to the side to kiss Wonho almost tenderly, their lips moving as one as they caught their breath.
Changkyun slowly opened his eyes, taking in Wonho with a weak smirk. He looked so fucking good, it should’ve been a sin. “I’ll give you credit. That was amazing.”
“I do my best. It’s not every day a sexy thing like you leaves their window open.” The blonde laughed, his voice airy as he slowly pulled out.
Changkyun moaned at the sudden emptiness, eying the blonde’s swollen length with a hum. “You didn’t cum?”
“I’ll be alright.” Wonho chuckled, running a hand through his damp hair.
“I don’t mind helping you, if you’d like.” Changkyun said, looking the boy over with a flick of his lips.
It was Wonho’s turn to be confused. “What?”
“Lay down.” Changkyun ordered, his eyes sultry and dark.
Wonho quickly obliged, releasing the boy’s arms to lay back on the bed. He rested one arm behind his head, waiting to see what the boy would do.
Changkyun placed soft kisses along Wonho’s lips and neck, leaving soft mark down the blonde’s chest and abs. “You know, I give you a lot of credit for breaking in without my knowledge. How did you get in?”
“I happened to be on the roof and came in. Rumor had it that you live here, whenever you’re not traveling the country, so I decided to come kill you.” Wonho moaned as he watched the assassin kiss and mark down his body.
“Why didn’t you kill me?” Changkyun suddenly asked, pausing his movements to look up at the other.
Wonho met his eyes and shrugged, a smile on his blood red lips. “I don’t know. You looked so helpless and cute, being unable to fend me off and giving in so easily. I couldn’t kill an attractive kid like you.”
Changkyun met the boy’s eyes with a sweet smile, his eyes crinkling. “Is that so?” Then, as though a switch were flipped, his eyes grew dark. “Rookie mistake.”
“What-?” Wonho didn’t get a chance to move as Changkyun kicked all of Wonho’s weapons onto the floor. Pulling a knife from under the pillow with his feet, he sawed his hands free from the bindings and tied Wonho’s wrists to the bed with a discarded sheet. Tilting his head, he smirked at the other.
“You didn’t really believe that I was defenseless, did you?” Changkyun grinned, standing up to put on some clothes and grab his bag while Wonho looked at him in disbelief.
“N-No way. You were armed the entire time?” Wonho whispered, trying to break free from the bindings, his cheeks flushed at being so exposed on the bed.
“Yup. Fooled you, huh? I’m never defenseless, I always have a weapon and a plan somewhere.” Changkyun grinned, walking over to the window to see how close the top of the building was. Thankfully, it was one story up and he could easily crawl his way up.
“But if you were armed… Why did you have sex with me?” Wonho called, his eyes open and his face filled with curiosity.
Changkyun hesitated, looking at Wonho with the smallest of smiles. He honestly had no idea why he let the boy have sex with him like he did, it was in the moment and he loved it. But mostly, he did it because… “I love a good chase. And I’ve heard a lot about you. I guess I wanted to take you for a test drive.”
Wonho was speechless, his cheeks red and his eyes wide. He couldn’t form a sentence and it made Changkyun laugh. A real laugh, the sound foreign but warm on his lips. He kinds of liked it, out of character, but relieving to say in the least.
“I know you can break free, so I’ll let you cool down for a while.” Changkyun hummed, tugging on his shoes and making sure he had everything with him. “Oh, my next stop is Busan, by the way.”
“Busan?” Wonho echoed, struggling with the binds as he slowly sat up, his muscles flexing under his shirt from the effort.
“Yup.” Glancing at the boy once last time, Changkyun winked. “Maybe I’ll see you there. I’ll make sure I hide out in a place on a lower floor.” With that, he jumped upwards, out of sight and into the brightly lit city.
In the apartment, Wonho laughed as he watched Changkyun leave. Kicking off his left boot, he shook out a small blade and picked it up with his feet. Once the binds were sawed off, he shook out his wrists and grinned.
“Busan, eh? Looks like we’ll see each other really soon, I.M” Wonho grinned, slowly standing up to grab his things and climb onto the window. Glancing abck at the ruined sheets, the sprawled-out weapons and the Changkyun’s sweatpants on the floor, Wonho disappeared like a shadow in the night.
I hope you all enjoyed the smutty Wonkyun! I haven’t written a smut in awhile, so I’m a little rusty, but I tried to make it fun and sexy at the same time. Let me know what you guys think! xoxo
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angelic-writer · 7 years
Original story!
There are many choices in life.
Many of these choices are simple, like trying to choose what you're going to wear, what you want to eat, and what career you're gonna choose. Some of these choices are both good and bad. Many choices have different outcomes. For example, when you start talking to guys, there is a chance that you will end up with a guy that either treats you well or treats you horribly. You will make choices that will either lead you to have a healthy life or lead you to a life of drugs, sex and illness. You will make choices that will lead to you having a well-paid job or a low income job. These are the choices we make in our everyday lives. But some of these choices could lead to life or death and you don't even know until it's too late.
Let's say for example you're driving to work when your phone rings. You've been waiting for that phone call for days and you finally got it. The only problem is that you're trying to focus on the road and you have seen a lot of PSAs about distracted driving.
So, you're hit with a choice. Should you answer your phone or not?
You start thinking about the choice and what the consequences would be. If you answer the phone call, you could be distracted and you could get into a car accident, severely injuring you and possibly dying. Your family, friends and coworkers will miss you and they will spend every waking moment, wishing they could have been there to help you. Your mom and dad will carry the guilt of not protecting their precious child and spend the rest of their lives in mourning. When you were alive, your father was a heavy drinker and your mother, a heavy smoker. After you died, your father quit drinking and goes to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every Friday. Your mother will follow suit. She used to smoke three packs a day, but she cuts down to two, then one, and then she stops smoking altogether. You were always concerned about their health, knowing the health risks and that they're ruining their bodies. Your parents always brush it off, saying that they're not gonna leave you. After you're gone though, your parents take your advice to heart and improve their health.
Your friends will lock themselves in their rooms and stare out their windows. Their favorite songs only remind them of you and they cry every time they listen. When they go out to eat, they will see your favorite dish and be reminded of you. Everything that they see reminds them of you. When you were alive, your friends are nice to you, but they are mean to everyone else. You were pulled into their clique in high school and they bully everyone that they consider not as good as them. Their actions are horrible and they caused a good chuck of people to become depressed. Some of them even killed themselves when the bullying went too far. They didn't fare better in adulthood. They were horrible to their coworkers and they were really bossy. Sometimes, you wondered why they weren't fired from their jobs. After your death, they start to be nice and apologize for their actions. Even though their actions are irreversible, they still work hard to be better people. They will never forget you and they will keep your memory strong.
Your coworkers, especially your boss will mourn about the fact that they lost their favorite employee. When you were alive, your boss enforced a lot of strict rules and if you broke one of them, you're fired without hesitation. You are buried by the amount of paperwork and contracts. Your coworkers complained about the long work hours and the unfair rules. You would complain too, but, hey, at least it pays well. After your death, your boss, who is strict about the rules, mellows out and changes the rules in memory of you. The work hours are shortened and they are allowed to take breaks. The company fares better and eventually, they are able to make more than what they earned before. Your death has made an impact on everyone, changing who they are and making choices to improve.
If you didn't answer the phone call, you will make it to work, but your boss will be mad that you ignored the phone call and he will fire you, stripping you of your hard earned money, leaving you with no job and possibly being kicked out. You thought about it long and hard and what did you choose?
You chose not to take the phone call. You continue driving and eventually make it to work. Your boss is very angry at you as you expected. You try to explain why you didn't take the phone call, but he doesn't want to hear it. Before you know it, you were thrown out. You come home and explain to your parents what happened. Your parents were mad, but they were glad that you listened to their advice and they promise that they will work to pay for you. They still smoked and drank alcohol, but they did well and they earned a decent amount of money. You feel bad about your parents doing all the work and decide to help too. You helped with the chores and cleaned the house which they were very proud of. Your dad rants to his friends about your boss and they agree to sue the company. The lawsuit doesn't go well and it causes your boss to snap. He only cared about the company's reputation and he wouldn't let anyone tarnish it.
In the middle of the night, your boss sneaks into your house with malicious intent in his eyes. He was going to make your family pay for ruining his company's image. Fortunately, he bumped into the table, alerting your dad of the intruder. He walks into the kitchen, his weapon in hand and he stops when he sees your boss, shaking and angry. He looks down and sees, gripped tightly in his hands, a kitchen knife. He points his gun at him as he slowly walks towards him.
"Don't move! One step closer and I'll shoot!" He barks.
You and your mother are wide awake and listening to what's going on, praying that your father will get your boss out of the house. You were already on the phone with the police, describing the situation to them in a calm voice. Although, deep down, you were scared out of your mind. You were a little kid again, scared about the monsters under your bed and in the closet. Only this time, the monster could possibly hurt your family.
The two men stay silent, unmoving, for a long moment before your boss lunges at you. Before your father could fire the gun, he smacks it out of his hands, causing the gun to slide across the floor into the darkness. Your boss and your father start to fight. He tries to stab your father, but he scratches his eyes, making him howl in pain. He stabs him, but it was in the arm. Your father screams in pain and your mother runs to his aid. She grabs an empty beer bottle and she smashes it over your bosses' head.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Are you insane?!" She screams.
Your boss grunts and gets up. "You ruined me. Your stupid daughter told you and your husband and he sued me. I will NOT let you ruin my company!!" He grabs another empty beer bottle and smashes it over your mother's head, knocking her out.
"Clarissa!!" Your father shouts as he sees his wife fall to the floor. He lunges at your boss and tries to pin him down, but he is stronger and he pins him to the ground. His hands wrap around your father's throat and squeeze. Your father starts to struggle, trying to gasp for air. Drool runs from the corner of his mouth and the blood vessels in his eyes begin to burst as he stares into your bosses' eyes. His eyes were that of a madman. His pupils constricted and his mouth curled into a maddening smile. Your father saw who he truly was as his vision fades to black.
You stand in the doorway to the living room, horrified by what you were seeing. Your boss was strangling your own father. The person who helped you through life and guided you through the confusing and cruel world. You feel anger boil up in you and you grab the angel statue and run towards the man.
"GET AWAY FROM MY DAD, YOU BASTARD!!" You scream and you hit your boss in the head with the statue.
With a sickening crunch, your boss falls to the floor. Blood pools onto the carpet and your bosses' body twitches a bit before he stops. You drop the angel statue and rush over to your dad. Luckily, you remember your first aid class in high school so you check his pulse and breathing.
Pulse: Nothing.
Breathing: Nothing.
You knew what you had to do. You start pressing on your dad's chest in a rhythmic fashion, stopping to blow air into his mouth. Within seconds, you were able to revive your dad. You check your mom. Thankfully, she had a pulse. You breath a sigh of relief. Your parents are alive, but they still need medical help. You hear police sirens in the distance and you smile, knowing that your parents will be okay.
Your mother and father are taken to the hospital and they are treated for their wounds. You were taken to the police station, being charged with murder. You didn't care. You were glad that your parents were safe and the boss who tried to kill them is dead. You explain to them that you killed your boss because he tried to kill your father. They understood and let you go. You visit your parents in the hospital every day with wishes that they will get better.
Once your friends heard about what happened on the news, they visited too. They commended your act of courage and they called you a hero. You couldn't have been more happy than ever before. Your friends and your coworkers donated money to you and your family to pay for the medical bills. Eventually, you got a job at the coffee shop your friend works at and you were happy. The company got a new boss that was less strict and he changed the rules for the health and safety of his coworkers. Your parents eventually quit smoking and drinking and they helped with your life.
You were happy with the choice you made.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
Silent Witness by Pippinacious
Cassandra’s case came to me in a discreet, padded envelope delivered right to my door. I'd been expecting it for days after I got a call from Detective Smitty requesting my transcription services. A brief note had been included, telling me that Smitty, a ten year old girl, and her court appointed caregiver were present, that it was a child abuse case, and that they needed a copy of my transcription by the end of the week.
Nothing really out of the ordinary when it came to my police files. I'd been freelancing for the local PD and state agencies for so long that they didn't feel it necessary to give me any more guidance or instruction than that.
I plugged in the USB stick containing the interview’s audio recording and opened up my software. It was a little over forty five minutes, fairly short, but unsurprising when a kid was involved, and I positioned my hands over my keyboard and my foot over the pedal that allowed me to start, pause, and rewind the software. I allowed myself a moment, just one, to brace for whatever I was about to hear. Child abuse cases, especially when told directly by the victims, were always the hardest.
It started out the same all the others, with the detective introducing himself, the case number, the date and time, and those present. Smitty had a rock-steady, precise way of speaking that I greatly appreciated while I typed up his words. He asked the caregiver, Matilda Sanchez, to recite her agency’s case number and to state her full name and position for the record. After she had done so, his attention turned to the little girl.
“Can you say your name nice and loud, sweetheart?” He asked. I was always impressed with how quickly he could switch between cop and fatherly figure.
The response that followed was mumbled and intelligible and Smitty asked her to repeat it.
“Cassandra Vitorski,” she said. Her voice was tiny and afraid and I imagined her to look very much like she sounded; nervous and tense and small.
“Did Ms. Matilda tell you why you're here? Ok, you're nodding, that's good, but can you say your answer out loud?”
“Yes,” Cassandra answered just loud enough for the recording to pick up.
It was just about the last thing she said during the entire interview.
Detective Smitty asked her about her daddy and mommy, about her home life, about the bruises that the teachers had noticed, but every one was followed by a long silence. After the first twenty minutes or so, I just started to relax my hands and give my fingers a break during those stretches, but I still listened carefully in case she decided to say anything.
Throughout the recording, I had noticed and tried to ignore an incessant little background hum in those silences, assuming it was just the microphone picking up a fan or something. As the interview went on, however, I was finding it harder to brush it off. It wasn't that it was becoming louder, it was something else, something that it took me a few rewinds to realize.
“Can you tell us about the black eye you had last week? How'd you get that?” Smitty asked for the fifth time.
I cranked up the volume during Cassandra’s silence and pressed my headset down firmly over my ears, straining to listen. That background noise continued, but turned up so high, I could finally begin to make it out.
It wasn't a hum I was hearing. It was someone breathing.
It could have been Cassandra, I guessed, but there was a subtle guttural quality that didn't seem to match up with the rabbit-like voice I'd heard before. This type of breathing didn't sound scared; it sounded riled.
Matilda, then, I told myself, or even Smitty! No doubt they'd be getting frustrated with the lack of answers. But it continued even when either of them were speaking.
It was just a single word, whispered quickly between breaths and then lost beneath Smitty’s voice, but I jumped when I heard it.
I paused the recording and gave myself a good shake. I was being ridiculous. That wasn't breathing, and if it was, it had to belong to one of the three people in the room. Hell, little Cassandra had bad asthma and always sounded like a chain smoker for all I knew. And “Tell”? I seriously doubted I'd heard that at all. It was just my subconscious urging the poor child to open up.
I rewound the recording a bit, just after the “Tell” would have been, stomped on the play button on my foot pedal, and started typing again. I only had about fifteen minutes left to transcribe and then I could forget about it.
Detective Smitty was as patient as ever, asking his questions and giving Cassandra some time to answer even when it was clear she wouldn't. Matilda tried to help to coax the little girl to talk every so often, but it never worked. All the while, that sound continued in the background, unacknowledged by anyone in the room.
“Is there anything you want to tell us about your parents, Cassandra?” Smitty asked about forty minutes in.
That word again, whispered and low. And then the sound that I was so sure wasn't breathing became a deep throated growl that almost made me knock my headset off.
“We want to help you,” Matilda said gently over the snarling.
“Bad girl,” a man’s voice shouted suddenly into my ears. “Why are you so stupid?”
“You little bitch!” It was a woman now, screeching angrily.
The voices rose in a whirlwind, back and forth, screaming obscenities and insults so loudly that the interview was almost drowned out completely. Still, the detective carried on with his questions like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
And then Cassandra started to cry.
“No, no, no!” She shouted.
Immediately, the voices and the growling and the breathing stopped, until the only thing on the recording was the sounds of the detective and the caregiver trying to comfort the little girl. The interview came to a very quick end.
I took my headset off and tossed it on to my keyboard, trying to shake off the chill that had worked its way up my body like a constricting snake. I tried to reason away everything that I'd heard, the microphone could have picked up a fight from another room, the growling was, somehow, from a nearby K9 unit, the breathing really was just one of the three people present, but they all fell flat.
I called the station and asked for Smitty.
“Did you listen to the recording before you sent it?” I asked as casually as I could.
“Our clerk did, he signed off on it, why?”
“He said it was fine?”
“S’far as I know. Everything ok, Elle?”
“Yeah. There was just some...background noise. Hey, do you think I could check out the video of the interview? I want to match up some audio I wasn't sure on.”
“When do you want to come by?”
“Is now ok?”
“I'll let the guys know to expect you.”
I wasn't sure what I was looking for even as I was sitting down in the cramped audiovisual office at the precinct. A confirmation that I wasn't going crazy, perhaps. The video did little to calm that concern. It featured exactly zero weird breathing or inexplicable voices. In it, Cassandra sat at a table between Smitty and Matilda while they questioned her. Her attention, though, was on the small stuffed monkey in her lap.
She was petting it with increasing agitation, her eyes cast downwards and fixed on the monkey. As the interview wore on, I noticed she kept putting a hand over the monkey’s mouth and shaking her head slightly, subtle movements that seemed in line with the rest of her fidgety behavior. The word “Tell” echoed in the back of my mind as I watched her pinch its mouth between her thumb and forefinger.
“That's just confirmation bias or something,” I said aloud in my car on my way home. “I thought I heard stuff on the recording, so I was looking for weird stuff in the video. It was just a kid playing with her stuffed animal. That was it. I'm letting these cases get to me, I just need a fucking vacation.”
I wasn't about to start believing in talking stuffed monkeys and I definitely wasn't going to tell anyone about it.
When I got home, I saved my transcription to the USB stick and immediately mailed it back to Smitty. It was supposed to be the last I heard of Cassandra and her case.
And then I received the request to act as court reporter for the trial of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Vitorski. I would have refused, I wanted to, but freelance work is a fickle mistress and turning down a job when you had availability was unwise at best. My need for a steady income outweighed my desire to avoid a child’s toy.
Cassandra and her monkey were present for the trial, sitting just behind the prosecutors’ table in the gallery. She was waxy and pale and miserable. I did my best to not look at her while I set up my equipment, a little steno machine and earphones that were fed by the microphones placed around the courtroom.
The trial got underway and I was so focused on my work that any trepidation I'd had melted away. The prosecutors, never able to get Cassandra to tell her side, presented a case built entirely on physical evidence. They had photos and medical reports and testimonials from those close to the family. The Vitorskis were painted as short tempered and cold towards their daughters, witnesses said they'd seem Stan drag his daughter roughly around the yard, that they'd frequently heard yelling and that Cassandra always seemed to have fresh bruises that she tried to cover up.
One neighbor even said they'd heard Camila, Cassandra’s mom, threaten to kill her.
It seemed like an easy case right up until the defense team took over. The Vitorskis were a wealthy couple and they'd spared no expense in hiring some of the slimiest attorneys I'd ever seen. They were tenacious bulldogs, tearing apart witnesses and attacking credibility. Cassandra wasn't a victim; she was a strong willed child who refused to listen and was constantly getting into trouble. She loved nothing more than pushing her parents’ buttons and would go so far as to hurt herself to garner outside sympathy.
My skin actually started to crawl when her dad to the stand in his own defense and dabbed dramatically at the corner of his eye with a tissue. Just looking at him, I doubted he even knew how to cry.
“She's my little girl, of course I love her,” his voice filled my earphones and my fingers stopped working for a second. I knew that voice, I recognized it! It was the man’s voice I'd heard shouting over the recording.
I knew that voice too, whispered and quiet as it was. No one else seemed to have heard it. No one except for the little girl in the front row, who was shaking her head and looking down at the stuffed monkey in her lap.
He continued on about Cassandra’s misdeeds that led to them having to discipline her, and after each new excuse, I'd hear it again.
Unlike on the recording, where it had sounded urgent and agitated, the voice now sounded angry, and it was only getting louder.
I tried to keep up with Mr. Vitorski, I tried not to let that inexplicable growl distract me, but it was getting harder every moment. Mr. Vitorski would speak, and it would scream, “Liar!”, but nobody other than me or Cassandra reacted, nobody heard it!
“I don't know why she does these things to herself,” Mr. Vitorski was saying, but be was drowned out until my earphones crackled with sharp feedback.
“Liar Liar LIAR!”
I gasped despite myself and tore them off. The court had gone quiet around me and it felt as if every pair of eyes were on me. The judge was looking down from the bench, one brow raised, and I smiled weakly in apology.
“Sorry, your honor,” I said, “technical difficulties.”
In the brief recess that followed, I saw Cassandra slip out of the courtroom with Matilda. She'd left the monkey sitting in her place.
I left one of my ears uncovered when the trial resumed. Mr. Vitorski finished up his testimony rather quickly and it was obvious that serious doubt had been sewn in the jury, putting Cassandra’s case at risk of being thrown out.
The whole time that accusing, vicious voice was silent. Maybe it hadn't been the monkey at all, I thought while the defense prepared for their next witness, maybe it had been Cassandra herself. Both options seemed equally ludicrous and I wondered how could I be sitting in a courtroom, thinking about such fanciful nonsense.
Children and stuffed animals didn't project phantom voices. I was a rational, logical adult; I knew better than that.
Then why was I hearing the word “Die” being whispered, over and over, into the ear covered by my earphone?
The defense attorney had stopped talking mid sentence.
“Die, die, die,” the voice continued to whisper, low and steady.
The defense attorney turned and walked back to the table where the Vitorskis and the rest of the defense team were seated. The judge asked what he was doing.
“Just a moment, your honor,” the attorney said.
“Die, die, die,” the voice in my earphone didn't rise in volume, didn't sound gleeful or angry. It only sounded determined.
The defense attorney plucked a pen from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. He uncapped the tip and let the cap fall to the floor.
“Die, die, die!”
Before anyone realized what he was doing, the attorney had leapt upon Mr. Vitorski, knocking both of them to the floor. His arm rose and fell, plunging the pen into his client’s throat over and over again until his hand was dripping red. Security were charging across the room, trying to get to him, Mrs. Vitorski was screaming and flailing, every one was out of their seats and running for the door.
“Die, die, die!”
The second defense attorney seated beside Mrs. Vitorski took her by the arm and she turned to him. She was still screaming when he drove his own pen into her eye.
Chaos had broken out all around me. The judge was trying and failing to restore some semblance of order while the bailiffs pinned the two, very confused looking attorneys to the ground. Blood was pooling beneath them.
The Vitorskis were silent now, both very still except for the occasional twitch of a limb.
Through it all, my gaze was drawn back to the little stuffed monkey sitting alone and upright in a chair and I would swear that his black button eyes were fixed on me.
“Safe now,” the voice whispered through my earphone.
I doubt I'll hear such a note of satisfaction ever again.
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