#it’s not snowing anymore but there’s at least 2 cm of snow on the ground which is nothing I don’t care
yoohyeon · 11 months
I wasn’t expecting snow this morning
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curtishoney · 5 years
the twelve days of christmas
requested by @lemonypink: The twelve days of Christmas with Spencer Reid. So each day it’s cute Spencer-y things that go with Christmas
notes: merry Christmas everyone!! hope you’re having a great holiday season! I won’t be taking anymore Spencer/CM requests, but that will probably be temporary! I just don’t have much motivation to write for him or any of the BAU atm. also ik the 12 days of Christmas are during and after Christmas, not before but w/e. and non-BAU!reader
warnings: a swear word I think
On the first day of Christmas, you picked out a tree with your boyfriend Spencer.
You got it later than most people did because of your busy lifestyles. Spencer was usually in a different state every other week and you had work. But finally, the two of you were able to go since you were both off for the holidays.
After looking at what seemed like the hundredth tree, you found one. It was tall. But not too gigantic that it wouldn’t fit in your house. It wasn’t too wide either and was the perfect shade of green. You stopped abruptly, causing Spencer to almost trip because of your connected hands. But you hadn’t noticed, too busy staring at the tree before you.
“Found one?” Spencer laughed.
You looked at him and grinned, nodding eagerly.
On the second day of Christmas, you decorated.
After you cut your tree, you headed to Walmart to buy ornaments and lights to hang on it. You decided to decorate the tree the next day though. Rossi was hosting a Christmas party that night and you both knew you couldn’t miss it. Even though you weren’t on the team, you still hold a special bond with each of the members. And that made Spencer so happy.
Spencer and you spent the morning in bed together, wishing it would last forever. But then you really wanted to decorate the Christmas tree. So you and Spencer, though begrudgingly, left your cozy bed. You spent the next two hours hanging lights, candy canes, and ornaments on the tree. It wouldn’t have taken that long if Spencer didn’t trap you in his arms halfway through.
Not that you minded too much.
On the third day of Christmas, you and Spencer went with JJ and Will to take their kids to see Santa.
Henry was excited to see Santa and couldn’t wait. He held onto his parents’ hands, dragging them through the crowds of people.
The displays at the mall distracted you several times. Spencer thought it was adorable how childlike you became during the holidays. Your love of it was always shown.
On the fourth day of Christmas, you baked sugar cookies.
Sugar cookies were obviously a must during the holiday season. They were delicious and also fun to make. You and Spencer spent a couple of hours baking and decorating your cookies. And you made extra for all of your friends.
On the fifth day of Christmas, you made a gingerbread house.
It had been years since you’ve made a gingerbread house. Or tried to. You aren’t the greatest at it. The walls would never stay up or your decorations weren’t the best. You can’t say you’ve built a gingerbread house successfully.
Spencer didn’t really do these things growing up and you were excited to show him. He ended up making a better gingerbread house than you ever could.
On the sixth day of Christmas, Spencer read you A Christmas Story.
Thick layers of snow covered the ground outside. It was beautiful. At the beginning of the day, you and Spencer weren’t too sure of what to do. But then something caught Spencer’s eye. He walked over and picked a book from the shelf. It was A Christmas Carol. A classic.
Spencer sat down and patted the seat next to him, wordlessly telling you to sit down with him. You laid your head in his lap as he began to open to the first page of the book. With shut eyes, you absentmindedly played with the hem of your sweater. His smooth, gentle voice radiated throughout the room, sending you into a deep, warm slumber.
On the seventh day of Christmas, you made hot chocolate.
You’ve never made hot chocolate from scratch before.
The only kind of hot chocolate you made was from milk or water with hot cocoa powder. But you and Spencer were going to try it. And hopefully not fuck it up. How do you even mess up hot chocolate?
Well, apparently, you can.
The first attempt burned. Like almost-burned-down-the-house kind of burnt. Neither of you paid any mind to the boiling chocolatey concoction in front of you until it bubbled and burst everywhere. It was a mess.
The second time you put way too much sugar. It wasn’t bad, but you weren’t planning on getting diabetes anytime soon. You couldn’t speak for Spencer though who had his “sugar with a hint of coffee” coffee - as you liked to call it - in hand.
But the final attempt had been successful. Sweet, but not overly sugary. Not too watery or thick either. It was arguably the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had. And you would definitely be making more in the future.
On the eighth day of Christmas, you danced to old Christmas music with Spencer.
You carefully set your record down on the platter. Your favorite Christmas song began to play and fill the room. You took Spencer’s hand and guided him to your living room. The two of you began to dance and laugh, enjoying the night with each other.
On the ninth day of Christmas, you and Spencer built a snowman.
“Okay, what should we do today?” you asked, fiddling with the teabag inside your mug.
Spencer looked up at you from his book. “I’m not sure.”
“Hm, we could... build a snowman?”
“I’ve never done that before.”
“Seriously? Then we must!”
Setting your cup down, you dragged Spencer from his chair to grab your coats and walked out of the house. You began to build the body, occasionally throwing balls of snow at your boyfriend. He retaliated each time. Or, at least tried to. Sports or more generally any physical activity isn’t Spencer’s strong suit. So almost every shot he made at you he missed.
But in the end, you had built a snowman. Though it wasn’t really decorated with much other than with rocks for eyes and a mouth. It was still fun and you both enjoyed it.
On the tenth day of Christmas, you went ice-skating.
“This was a bad idea!” you said, trying to balance yourself on the ice.
Spencer grabbed onto your arm. “I couldn’t agree more.”
Both of you slipped and fell onto the ice. And it hurt. A lot.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, you watched Christmas movies.
After the ice-skating mishap, you and Spencer decided to stay indoors. The two of you rented Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Elf, and A Christmas Story. They were all classics, so it was a no-brainer. The entire evening was spent on the couch in each other’s arms, watching Christmas movies.
Every now and then Spencer would spew a fact he thought of about the logic and physics of it all. Ex: how does Kevin set all his traps up so quickly, it would take blah amount of time to do all of that, etc. You laughed, telling him he was thinking about it too much.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, you and Spencer exchanged presents.
It was Christmas morning and you practically dragged Spencer out of bed. All the presents were under the tree. Some were from family and others from friends. You decided to open your gifts to each other first.
Your gift was beautifully wrapped with a small bow tied onto it. The writing on it was messy and you recognized it as Spencer’s.
“It’s really pretty.”
“I, uh, had JJ wrap it for me,” he said anxiously.
Spencer hoped you would like his present.
You smiled, tearing the paper off. It was a sleek black journal with dotted pages.
“I know you always watch those bullet journal videos, so I thought I’d get you one.”
You hugged Spencer tightly. “Thank you, I love it.”
Spencer opened your gift for him after. It was the DVD box set of Doctor Who. Every season of it. He loved it. He pulled you to him, pressing his lips to yours.
“Merry Christmas, Spence.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
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Yongguk - Dangerously Innocent ♥ [Part 14]
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Member: B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk
Pairing: MafiaLeader!Yongguk &  You
Genre: Angst-ish
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Shooting and other Mafia stuff. SMUT (WILL MAKE A LINE BEFORE AND AFTER SO YOU CAN SKIP)
Words: 3,016
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Epilogue.
A/N: I just finished the Epilogue. I hate to say good bye.
“Us. I need to save this. Save us.”
A shiver runs down your spine. “Yongguk. You don’t need to feel forced to make this between us happen.  I won’t leave and I won’t tell anyone. I won’t endanger any of you.” Suddenly you’re pressed against a wall and Yongguks left hand is pressed against the wall, one of his crutches on the floor. “Listen Y/N. every single second you weren’t with me was a fucking nightmare. I hated it. When you left I felt like my life broke apart. You didn’t trust me anymore. You thought that I had cheated on you.” You can feel his breath on your skin. “I don’t want you to ever think of me not loving. You. I love you. So goddamn fucking much. I can’t even put it into words. When Youngjae told me that they had kidnapped you I wanted to storm out of that room and safe you. Only Himchan stopped me because he told me that they’d be waiting for us. That they might kill you.” His eyes are staring at you intensely. “When I saw you on that floor I thought you were dead for a second and I swear to whoever is holy to you that I would have killed myself right then and there if you wouldn’t have been breathing.”  You touch his cheek softly. “Yongguk.. .” his second crutch falls to the floor and the other hand slams against the wall next to you. “I don’t want you to ever doubt my love for you again. I will never let you leave like that again. That was the biggest mistake in my live and I will never be able to forgive myself.” You raise your second hand to caress his cheek and just a second later you gasp for air. “Yongguk. . ” It’s only a murmur against his lips. You hesitate for a second but then you kiss him back with so much force. He tries to lift you up but winces in pain. “Stop!”You gasp and look at him in panic. “I’m fine. I’m just. . Not myself yet. . ”He looks at you and you kiss his nose. “Soon.”
It has been 2 months since the two of you made up and it’s almost Christmas. You wake up in Yongguks arms and look at him for a second. The last two months have been good for him. He has gained weight and muscle mass and is slowly returning to his old self. But those two months have been hard on the two of you. Because of his injuries you told him you wouldn’t sleep with him until Himchan gave you the okay. They hit his liver and other internal organs and Himchan told you in the beginning that it would take months for Yongguk to return to his old self. He’s mostly back there but there are times when you notice that something’s wrong, although he’s trying to hide it. You unwrap yourself from the blanket and look at the alarm on your nightstand. It’s 4 am. Ever since the kidnapping it has been hard for you to sleep through the entire night.  You once told Yongguk that going outside relaxes you(He insisted you should wake him up but you told him that you couldn’t) so he replaced the glass in his room with bulletproof glass doors and the blinds with thick curtains that keep any light out as long as they are closed. You walk over to the windows and carefully push the blinds aside. It’s almost full moon and you have to blink a few times to adjust to the light. A small squeal escapes you and you turn around to see if you woke up Yongguk but sigh in relieve when you see that he is still asleep. You turn back around and fumble with the heavy door that leads to a balcony he built for you. The balcony doubles as a safe space. In case of an emergency it will transform into a sort of bunker with water, food and blankets. As soon as it transformed into the bunker you can crawl into the actual bunker of the building through a small tunnel with a ladder. But today you won’t need to use it as a bunker.  The first thing you feel is the cold air, but that doesn’t stop you from placing your feet into the soft, white snow. It started snowing last night, but you expected it to melt again. Thick snowflakes are falling from the sky and the snow is at least 15 – 20 cm high. A gasp escapes your lips when you feel the coldness on your feet. You’re only wearing one of Yongguks shirts that reaches your mid-thigh. You try to catch a snowflake with your tongue and when you turn around you see Yongguk standing in the doorframe, smiling at you. “You’re silly.” He says, but he’s smiling. “It’s snowing!” you squeal again and he starts laughing. “I see. And you’re trying to get Pneumonia. ” He reaches out for you and you quickly run inside, shivering. “I can’t touch you! I’m really fucking cold!” You say, giggling the entire time; Yongguks only wearing boxer shorts and you stare in awe at the tattooed god in front of you. “Stop staring and go to the bathroom.” He slaps your butt and you run to the en-suite bathroom.  You hear him close the door and pull the curtains shut. “Turn on the shower!” You do as he says and strip yourself naked. “God you’re so hot.” His voice sounds raspier than usual and you shiver. He takes off his boxer shorts and you can see that he thinks you’re hot. “Go inside.” He says with authority and you do as he said, the scalding water almost burning your skin. You gasp in pain and feel him pull you out of the shower again. The floor in front of the shower is now soaking wet and he brushes your hair aside with one hand while the other hand turns the temperature down. You can feel his arousal against your stomach. He lifts you into the shower and this time the water is actually quite nice. The shower is quite large and actually requires two huge showerheads. Most of it is ground level but there is one spot that is a lot higher. It’s large enough for you to sit on it, maybe even lie down and curl up. He sets you down on that spot and kisses the tip of your nose. “You have to be careful.” He scolds you lovingly and carefully turns the temperature up step by step so your body can get used to it first. “I’m sorry for messing up the bathroom.” You pout and he shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll call the cleaning personnel. They’ll clean everything up.”
He kisses your jawline and you sigh in pleasure. “Yongguk… we still have to wait.” By now, your willpower is almost nonexistent. “But I feel great. I just want to feel you again.” he kisses his way down to your breasts and leaves hickeys all over them. Then he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks, causing you to become wet instantly. “Yongguk.” It’s only a whisper but it must have sparked something inside him as he immediately presses his lush lips to your core. You moan in pleasure and lean back against the shower wall, granting him better access. “You’re so goddamn fucking wet. Tell me that it’s for me.”  You raise your hips. “I’m only wet for you.” You put your hands in his hair to keep him in place but he carefully moves back, making you groan. “Are you fucking serious?!”  You almost shout and he leans back to let out a laugh. “You have to be patient baby.” One of his hands glides down your body to your core, playing with your clit  and then he carefully and slowly inserts a finger. “God. You’re so fucking tight. I can’t wait to be inside you.” You can almost feel yourself cuming already just from his words. It has been more than four months since the last time Yongguk and you had sex and touching yourself just didn’t have the same effect. You gasp and Yongguk immediately knows that you are close.  “Nu-uh.” He pulls the finger out and you sigh in disappointment. He raises the hand to his mouth and puts the finger in there, eyes locked on yours. You squirm in front of him and he smiles. “We have to wait. . ” you try one last time to do the right thing, but when Yongguk brushes the tip of his finger over your lip, opening your mouth carefully, your head turns off. The finger carefully slides between your lips. “Suck baby.” You do as he says and hear him gasp “You definitely have to do that to my dick later. Your soft lips wrapped around me. ..”. He removes the finger from your mouth and picks you up, pressing you against the wall. “Fuck this.” He says breathlessly and you giggle for a second because he will fuck this and you but your giggle is replaces by a gasp when you feel him enter you. “Oh god! I forgot how huge you are!” He stops moving for a second and gives you a chance to adjust to him before he starts moving. “I won’t last long. .” worry is written on his face. “I don’t care.” You kiss him and he enters you completely. He moves quickly and you can feel him stretch you. You actually need to stop a few times because the two of you are so close. He presses you against the wall, his moves hard and quick. His mouth is on your breasts again and when he takes your nipple into his mouth, you feel weak again. “I can’t anymore. . .” you say in-between moans and he presses you harder into the shower wall, his moves now more precise. Trying to hit your sweet spot – and he does. You fall apart around him and he follows you shortly after. He stays inside you a little longer and when he sets you down his eyes are sparkling with mischief. “You remember me. . .” he doesn’t even need to end his sentence. You’re already on your knees and take his dick into your hand, looking up to see his eyes fixed on you. “I missed seeing you do that. . ” He whispers and you lick his full length once, making him moan. “Be a good girl and suck.” The entire sentence is said with a sweet voice until the last word. You take him into your mouth and start sucking him. He moves his hands into your hair and guides you, but you notice that he’s a bit shy and doesn’t want you to take him in deeply after not doing it for so long. You look up at him, lock eyes and take him in as deeply as you can, you can feel yourself gag but try to suppress it as much as you can. He leans into the shower wall behind him and you can feel him grab your hair fast, a sign that he’s really close. Move back a bit, only his tip in your mouth and swallow every single bit of his cum. A few drops run out of the corner of your mouth and he looks back down at you, moves his finger to catch it and removes his dick out of your mouth, just to replace it with his finger. You smile at him as you suck him clean, swirling your tongue around it, making him remove it immediately. “Stop babe. Now it’s your turn.”Yongguk has always been really persistent that you should be pleased as well. “I’m fine.” You smile and go onto your tiptoes to reach his lips. “But Now that I’m warm again and hopefully won’t get pneumonia, I’d like to go to bed, have some after sex cuddles and sleep some more to continue in the morning. After we spoke to Himchan ” he sighs at your response and turns around once.. “See. I’m still in one piece.” He says cockily and immediately grasps his stomach. The romantic atmosphere is replaced by panic “Yongguk!” you look at him and touch his shoulder, trying to stay calm. He stands up straight again, mischief in his eyes. “Just kidding. I’m fine.” You hit his shoulder and he laughs. “Don’t scare me!” The pout in your voice is obvious. “I’m fine babe. Good as new.”
He kisses you and starts washing your hair, massaging your scalp. When is done with you he starts washing himself and then turns off the shower. “Let’s dry your hair and get you to bed.” He dries your body and takes your hand, pulling you back to the bed. Your wet feet leave small prints on the hardwood floor and you hesitate for a second but he just says “don’t worry” and pushes you onto the bed. “Lift your arms.” He commands and you do as you are told. He pulls a thick pullover over your head “we don’t want you to become sick.” He carefully rubs your hair dry and you hum in pleasure. “You like me playing with your hair?” you giggle carefully. “I like you touching me.” at first it hurts when he brushes your hair but as soon as it’s untangled you enjoy him brushing your hair. “Do you have a hair tie?” Nodding, you point at the nightstand. His slender fingers take one out of it and he starts French braiding your hair. Melody fell in love with him on first sight and she made him braid her hair many times. By now he is actually quite good at it and likes to try on you too. He ties the end and you touch the braid, impressed by his skill. “Thank you. ” You whisper and kiss his soft lips “let’s go back to sleep.” He lies down beneath the blanket and pulls you down next to his naked glory.”No clothes?” You ask and he shakes his head. “I want to feel your skin.” You smile, kiss him and fall asleep with your head resting on his shoulder.
 “What do you mean we could have had sex for weeks?!” Yongguk almost screams at Himchan and you actually have to physically hold him back from attacking the doctor. “I thought the two of you would last a week, maybe two. So I didn’t say anything. You lasted 8 weeks. That must have been a new record Yongguk. 4 month without sex.” You look at him “4 months?” Yongguk scratches the back of his head. “He wouldn’t even look at another woman. Let alone touch one.” You are surprised but pleased. “Don’t act so surprised. I love you. I can’t sleep with another woman.” His voice is low and you lean over to kiss him. “I love you too.”
 “Thank got you’re back. I don’t know how you’re able to do this, but I am not!” Zelo slaps Yongguk on the shoulder and presses a kiss to my cheeks. I’ve grown quite close to the other members over the past few months. “Leave my woman alone.” Yongguk growls and you look at him judgingly. “Your woman?” He looks at you sheepishly. “Not like that. Just saying that you’re my girlfriend. Not his.” You shake your head and run your hand through his hair. “Idiot.” He smiles at you. “Your Idiot.”
 “Yongguk brush my hair!” You sit in a chair on the other side of the room and watch Yongguk play with Melody. “But I have been brushing your hair all day!” He exclaims but grabs the brush and starts. The young girl has a serious crush on him and you hope that she falls for someone else soon. You’re not jealous of her, but you’d like to have your boyfriend back. “What about Y/N?” Yongguk asks and Melody looks at you. “Y/N brush Yongguks hair!”She instructs and you stand up. Today you are particularly tired since Yongguk kept you awake for the entire night, pleasing you in every way possible. “I think Y/n should go to bed. She seems tired.” You laugh and look at him. “I don’t know why I would be tired.” You reply sarcastically. You still feel sore and grimace when it stings a bit. Yongguk tips his finger on his lips, showing you to kiss him. “I’m sorry.” He whispers and looks you in the eyes. He hates seeing you in pain. “It’s fine. We’ll have to be careful tonight.” He nods and kisses you once more, before Melody reminds you that you are supposed to brush his hair. This almost feels like a small family and you ask yourself if this might be you, Yongguk and you daughter one day in the future.
“We have to leave now.” Yongguk voice booms through the big room.  It’s Christmas eve, almost Christmas day, and Yongguk walks over to you. “Why?”You were talking to Himchan about something you read in a medical book. “Because Santa will be here soon.”  He grins and bends down in front of you. You expect him to lift you up as usual, but he actually throws you over his shoulder. “Yongguk! Are you insane! I’m wearing a dress!”You scream and smack his butt. He holds your dress in place and carries you to his room and throws you onto his bed.
This might not be the dream of every single girl. And if someone would have asked you months ago, you would have said that it’s definitely not your dream. But now you can’t imagine anything other than your life with Yongguk. Your life as a part of this mess.
In the beginning you were 100% certain that you were at the wrong place at the time, but now you are sure that it was actually the right place and the right time.
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theguardianyaksha · 5 years
21 Questions
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
Tagged by @thelampisaflashlight​
Nicknames: Dark, Darkling at least that is all I can remember.  My memmory isn’t good.
Zodiac Sign: I’m a Pisces
Height: I’m 5 feet 2 inches(157.48 cm)
Hogwarts House: I’m Ravenclaw and borderline Slytherin
The last thing I googled: I googled tabby cat.
Favorite musicians: Um well.  I just listen to whatever is on the radio honestly.  I don’t have a favorite.
Some song stuck in my head: Natural by Imagine Dragons
Following: 510
Followers: 110
Do you get asks: I rarely get asks.
Amount of sleep: It varies.  My sleep schedule isn’t good.
Lucky number: 8?  I’m not sure...
What you’re wearing: Right now, I am wearing gray tights, a striped black and white long sleeve shirt, a maroon jacket, and purple glasses.
Dream job: I’m thinking about something to do with animals honestly...
Dream trip: I want to go to Japan!
Instruments: I can’t play an instrument.  I am not musically talented.
Languages: English, a little French, and some Chinese.  More Chinese than French.  For specific type of Chinese, Cantonese.  I know some Mandarin though.
Favorite songs: I don’t really have a favorite. ._.  Am boring.
Random fact: I actually have a poor depth perception.  Most of the friends I made irl met me because they stopped to check on me after seeing me trip over a hole in the ground.  The tripping has also inadvertently resulted in a messed up small toe on my right foot.  It can’t bend anymore.  Instead, it sorta slides over the other toes when I do try to curl my toes.
Aesthetic: I love nature, kittens, purple, anything soft and fluffy, snow, snowflakes, and sparkles.
Tag 21 people: I don’t remember urls... so anyone who wants to can
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