#it’s like i get it in deanstudies but i want dean to stop being to jack in casgirl and i love it in deancas edu and hate it bc it hurts
slashercastiel · 4 years
widower arc dean thoughts dean was raised on a revenge fantasy, from the ages of like four to twenty-eight it was drilled into him to kill the thing that killed his mother under the orders of a widower with a revenge fantasy...what is a widower raised on a revenge fantasy going to turn into if not a widower with a revenge fantasy, it’s another way to echo his father but it’s not performance like the car and the jacket and the music and the masculinity, but it is the only thing he knows. you kill the things that kill those you love so what do you do when that ‘thing’ is an innocent and a newborn and a teenager and your lovers son and the antichrist there is no playbook for this and who is dean if he is not someone else except anger and loss and broken parts
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