#it’s just that—prongsfoot is such a balanced dynamic for me that it’s so hard for me imagine anything that breaks that hehe
padfootastic · 1 year
hello miss padfootastic I am here to see if you have ever considered writing age gap prongsfoot???? idk how that would work, but I am leaving this prompt in your inbox and running away.
miss imp!!!
i have not considered this but i am absolutely listening. age gaps are…*chefs kiss*
so, i’m thinking it can go two ways.
1. mythical monsterfucking
one of them, say sirius, is like a hundred year old vampire—bit of a crotchety old man stereotype who doesn’t really like humans and keeps to himself, travelling the world in luxury and generally doing what he wants. cue like, 20-21 year old james potter who stumbles into his path and never lets go. he’s so fascinated by sirius, sirius is a bit baffled by this small, fragile human who isn’t scared of him??? even after finding out the truth??? it’s peak sunshine-grump dynamics where j slowly breaks his barriers down until sirius is practically worshipping this little human, becoming unbearable protective & not letting anyone touch him. james goes to university with a 300 year old figure of legend as his bodyguard, nbd. gets fucked by a dick older than his family lineage. ykno, that sort of thing.
(also,,,,if u really wanna go all the way,,,,think kraken!james with multiple limbs/tentacles who’s been isolated & othered for his very long life for being different and along comes sirius, coming right up to the sea just to talk to him, hang out, tell him stories. never once being intimidated or making him feel like a freak. just—smol, human sirius teaching love and tenderness and affection to a scarred, lonely monster. that’s all)
2. the normal, perhaps more scandalous, human route.
of course, the only valid option here is a sugar daddy dynamic. let’s see. i know sirius as the older one feels more typical, but i’m thinking…businessman james encountering teenage/young adult rebel sirius who runs away from his home. james offers to give him a house and food, all above the board. over time, sirius obv falls in love with him but j is an honourable man, turns down his advances bc he doesn’t want to take advantage of someone so vulnerable. of course, there’s some dubious notions of power imbalance & stuff here but arguably, that’s what makes it fun. it’ll be a very classic younger-person-chasing-the-older-one bc i’m a sucker for that trope and i can just see sirius being a little minx, eroding all of james’ self control using whatever means he could and not even feeling a little guilty about it.
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