#it’s just steve beating the shit out of fellow homophobes
mossytrashcan · 2 years
steve winchell is the funniest homophobic character ever created. like why is he inexplicably cool with trans people. why the fuck is he a testosterone dealer. does that make him an ally to the trans community, or an ally to buck specifically. what’s going on with him.
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elmaxheadquaters · 5 years
Thrown Out (Rough Idea)
The rain poured harder and harder with each passing minute, the smack of the tiny droplets of water hitting the ground around her became more intrusive to her head with each second Max trudged through it. With nothing but her supercomm that was safely stowed away under some random clothes she grabbed and pushed into her old backpack without thinking, and that string of photos she took with El carefully placed on top of it all. They were definitely more important than anything else in there… At Least they were more important her…
She knew the day she’d either runaway or be kicked out was coming soon when Neil grew more and more open about his distaste for anything he saw as “wrong”. She just wished it wasn’t she had left herself and not be thrown out literally...Her cheek stung from when Neil slapped her almost immediately upon as she walked through the door of her “home, `` with the letter in his other hand. It was for for El if she ever sent it... her feet ached from walking all day and night in her old and worn converse, and god did her head hurt. Everything hurt, but that was normal now, something always was hurting...
There’s only two places she knew she could go, El’s or Robin and Steve’s. And with El still living so far away it seemed like Robin and Steve’s would be the place she’d be going tonight.
She forgot her skateboard… The thought of going back to get it raced by her mind like all the other thoughts that were either flying like paper in the wind or were beating the walls of her mind… But she’s too far now, it’s not worth it…
She wasn’t going to send that letter, but maybe it’d be better if she did… Then Neil wouldn’t have found it, and she wouldn’t be walking through the rain, crying… Goddamnit she’s crying now.
“I love you” were probably the words that sealed her fate, she could’ve at least tried to hide it. But no, she left it on her dresser. Free for a homophobic, racist, pedophilic, and abusive man that had been plaguing her life for so long to just go and grab, giving him the chance kick her out of the only “safe” spot she had sence El had left…
Who wouldn’t be crying? Who wouldn’t be crying in a time like this? And yet it felt so sickening to cry in someplace that wasn’t her room, she used to be so good at hiding the things that hurt her… Now it seemed like after Billy’s death she became weak, scared, jumpy, and broken. Yeah, she was strong enough to hide it from her friends but once that door closed she’d be to scared to leave until the next day. For only she knew the horrors that roamed right outside them.
Her trek soon became trudge as what was happening around her turned into a blur… A crying, hurting, and a scared blur that were only broken when she fell silent to the sight of the old and busted sign of Westport Apartments
Please be home…
Before she walked into the glass doors she tried her best to stop crying. But she had to walk through the doors eventually, and when she did she just looked down. If anyone was looking or if anyone was even there she didn’t care… Well she did, she just had to make it look like she didn’t care..
Thank god they lived on the first floor. The elevator had been broken before Robin and Steve moved in and Max would’ve rather slept on the floor than walk up several flights of stairs.
Room 12… As Max knocked on the door she regretted it immediately, she wouldn’t let that show though. What if they were asleep? What if they weren’t home? What if they couldn’t help her…
“Who the f-“ Robin opened the door. Seeing the little redhead she had grown so fond of staring up at her, sopping wet, crying, and wounded…
Max just stood there, her whole body tensed as she saw Robin’s face grow from an annoyed and tired state to a worried expression. the tears she developed that must’ve come out of nowhere fell to the floor…
“Who is it?” Steve said groggily as he poked his head out of his room.
“What happened?” Robin ignored her roommate, this was more important than her roommate’s baked ass.
Max couldn’t speak, and she couldn’t put into words what had happened even if she could, she just hugged her… She was wet, cold, and scared, and if she let go she didn’t want to know what would happen…
As Max sobbed into Max’s shirt she just hugged her. Robin didn’t care if she was getting wet from the rain that stuck to Max, she cared about Max, she cared about the girl with the battered face, the girl with the hurting body, the girl with nothing but the things she was carrying, the girl who was thrown out...
Robin lead Max into the apartment, as soon as Steve saw that his child was the one at the door he snapped into parental mode instantly. He slid over to her and knelt down to meet her level, resting his giant hand on Max’s shoulder. Causing her to flinch from pain and fear that only resulted in more sirens to go off in Steve’s head.
“Are you okay? Who did this to you?”
She just sobbed, she sobbed when Robin wrapped her in a blanket, she cried when Steve ran her a bath, she just cried… Her throat hurt, she didn’t want to talk, she just wanted it to be over…
She wanted to go back to the day when she fell for El… But she couldn’t… She was sitting on the couch of two college kids with a blanket she hugged for dear life around her, with the girl she fell for god knows how far away, and the only parent she liked even farther…
Robin sat next to her wrapped an arm around her, Max leaned into her. Robin’s side was still wet from when Max hugged her, she was tired from Max breaking her late nights of making sure Steve was still breathing by the ramblings she could hear him spew through the walls, and she wasn’t happy… Not because of Max, but whoever in their right mind hurt her…
Steve once again knelt down on one knee like a gym coach to a bunch of little league footballers and said, “If you don’t want to tell us you don’t have too. Whatever happened… It’s over now, you’re safe kid.” Steve’s words broke Max’s cries, she looked at him. With the faintest smile spread across her bruised face..
She’s safe…
I’m safe...
1.) I’ve wanted to start dabbling in writing... And I wanna expand on this idea! By the way,
2.) don’t ship Stobin... If you do, than good luck with that my fellow non-canon shipper! Safe travels! They just live together to cut the rent in half with their sad college kid money... But by all means! If you wanna see it as Stobin shipping go right ahead!
3.) This is my first time writing something like this, so if you have any advice I’d love to hear it!
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