#it’s just funny how these three get so mixed up all the time pff
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chloesimaginationthings · 7 months ago
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The more circus babies in FNAF the better,,
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sunny-mercya · 11 months ago
Red Water
Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x FTMale Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> Anon
Warning: Mention of Period and Blood,
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The clean water, with a bit added soap, in the bathtub, once scorching hot—frogging up the window and mirror, leaving glistening droplets on the tiles behind—had long ago turned cold—creating goosebumps on the naked skin and the red water couldn't be any redder anymore, a strong smell of iron lingering in the air.
The first two days—in your monthly week of still remaining Period, a deadweight to endure till it could be finally removed—were always the easiest to manage with barley any pain nor blood, but once the third day hits the mark, it comes crashing in like a unseen flood.
Skyrocketing high waves of pain, so unbearable and uncomfortable that not even four pills of heavy dosed painkillers seemed to help—letting you go into a hysteria of crying and screaming, wanting nothing more but to stab yourself into the stomach and ripping out that reminder of former—of something which you never were to begin with—anatomy still existing inside of you.
And with the pain, so comes the blood and it surely was way more blood than it should be—causing still a great worry for your older siblings, Doctor and Boyfriends—because the amount of blood you're losing within the next three days—when your period has their actual start—could be almost considered of needing a constant transfusion to keep you stable.
So you thought, because sometimes it seemed to help, a good hot bath could soothe your pain—but today it just didn't work and so you continued to lay in the bathtub till the water turned cold and became a murky smelly red.
»[Name]? Did you fall asleep in there?« Billy knocked on the bathroom door for a third time, annoyance mixing with worry—as you had been in the bathroom for over four hours now and that was never a good sign to begin with.
Billy thought, when you had announced, hours ago—in a small barley audible whisper—you would take a bath, he could do a quick grocery trip—but like said before, that was hours ago and now he's back in your home and you're still in the bathroom.
Billy knocked again, hand sliding up to the doorknob, ready to burst in—if the door is locked, which shouldn't even be—and for once ignoring the boundary of respecting privacy.
It wasn't like Billy or Stu hadn't seen you naked, just not completely nude as it was always only your chest—which after your breast surgery, you liked to show proudly and with a good amount of self confidence and love—and sometimes your and only your ass, when Stu felt like being a naughty silly little shit—and nothing more, after all you had made it pretty clear to them how much you valued the privacy of your body.
»Still no response? Maybe he really did fall asleep?« comment Stu, leaning against the wall and arms slightly crossed.
»Sleeping in cold water for damn four hours? I don't think so. [Name]! We're coming in now!« Billy turned the knob, opening the door and once the ironing smell comes into his nose—Billy was close to recoil, holding back a gag.
Of course Billy had seen blood before, knew that irony smell well, but this was something else—this smell was more foul and more intense, leaving a taste of disgust behind.
»Pff, looks like the red sea, doesn't it?« Stu snorted a bit at his own joke, getting hit in the stomach by Billy within minutes later.
»Not funny Stu. Not the damn time.« gritted Billy out, glaring at Stu slightly—pushing the lanky tall frame of his boyfriend a bit out of way.
»[Name]? Still with us?« Billy asked, getting near the tub, crouching down and poking a finger at your cheek.
You didn't respond, reacted at all, even though you heard your boyfriends very clearly, you just couldn't answer—brain feeling numb and tongue tied up.
Billy sighed out through his nose, dunking his hands into the murky red water and under your armpits—practically fishing you up and out of the tub, waiting for Stu to put the bathrobe around you, before carrying you into your bedroom.
The texture of the bathrobe and towels, which grazed your naked skin—especially your ass—felt rough and unpleasant, not so soft as they once were before.
There was no other choice of way though, with the heavy bleeding you do, your older sister had long ago established the rule—after you had stained all your underwear, pants and a lot of bedsheets into a mass pile of red colour—that you have to lay on these large towels and wear—when at home—a bathrobe, because you could stain them as much as you want—as your sister didn't need to wash so often than (or rebuy bedsheets and clothes again)
What's even worse to feel, besides the rough texture, is the knowing flowing wetness of blood—which you could practically feel dripping—down there, making you grimace in discomfort.
Stu, not completely aware of your distressing situation—because that's more Billy's area of knowledge—pressed the two hot water bottles a bit harder onto your stomach, believing the pain is the reason for your grimacing face.
»Did he already took painkillers? Maybe we should add up to like ten, maybe than those cramps are going down,« Stu mused out his thoughts, perking up when something akin to an sniffle or small cry like sound emitting from your lips.
»Sometimes, Stu, I'm really question your ability of mind.« Billy looked absolutely done with Stu's nonsense, raising a brow—scowling in slight annoyance.
Stu had the mind of a gutter, when it comes to human senses and the ability of emotional intelligence (and empathy)—but when it comes to mathematics, physics and science, he's a real genius for such subjects (Billy find absolutely boring)
»Just saying, doubling the medications might do wonders of reduce« shrugging his shoulders, Stu turned his attention back to you, grinning brightly he leaned down—pecking your lips.
There was no doubt though, that Stu was way better in showing affection than Billy—as Stu is more extrovert, a people and party person.
Billy shook his head, taking also a seat next to you—forcing a straw to your lips, knowing very well that you have to stay hydrated and having to intake more sugar into your bloodstream, otherwise you would collapse and being send to the hospital.
»C'mon [Nickname] drink up.« Billy said it like a command and when you took a few sips, Billy praised you with a compliment of „Good boy“
Some week in the months might be hard, but with two Boyfriends, like Billy and Stu, at your side—you knew you're in good hands as these two make sure that you're feeling good and comfortable, treating you like a prince.
Simply because, if you can give them love—showering them in a bliss of affection—they can give you comfort in return.
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years ago
Magical Creatures (George Weasley x reader)
A/N: I am so sorry if it took this long but this week had me going crazy. I start posting them during this weekend even though I need to read three books till Monday but I really hope you guys like this and I know the title doesn’t make any sense to this. //GIF not mine//
Requested by @smoothdonatello-radmichelangelo: Well hello there, how about an imagine were George feels jealous over the fact that the reader practically fangirls over Charlie whenever he’s brought up due to their avid love of magical creatures? Thank Ya kindly mi'dear
Warning: I don’t write smut and it’s not written in this BUT this is kind of leaning towards it. I don’t really know. 
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Being a girlfriend to one of the biggest pranksters in Hogwarts can be fun, but it can also be a downfall. How, you ask? Well, you were standing in front of proffesor Snape, the Potions Master, and right beside you were standing your boyfriend George and his brother Fred. They were trying so hard not to laugh, but you could still feel them bouncing behind you.They were in trouble and everybody in this room knew it. The only thing that was standing between them being caught or not, was you. A simple girl, trying to be the perfect student but also the perfect girlfriend.
Snape’s eyes were observing your every move. Will you break? Will you lie to him and protect your boyfriend? Are going to get in a bad relationship with this proffesor. “So?” his voice spoke, cold and monotone
You knew this. Of course you will back up your boyfriend, you repeated and played this story a million times. “They couldn’t have done it proffesor. George was with me the whole day. Of course he always brings his brother so Fred couldn’t have done it either.” you lied, perfectly, getting every line correct.
“Do you have any proof?” he asked, not removing his black eyes from yours.
“No, I do not. But proffesor, you don’t either.” you replied trying not to show too much of your attitude.
“That is correct miss (y/l/n). But when I do find proof, I will make sure your house has the least points and you three have detention till the end of school year.” he sneered. “That will be all.” he added and waved his hand.
As soon as you walked out of the class, the twins started laughing. George gave you a kiss on the cheek and wrapped his arm around you. “You were fantastic in there mi’ dear.” said George.
“Honestly, (y/n). You could make a great actress one day.” said Fred as you all entered the portret hole.
“Well I can say goodbye to my good grades at Potions because there is no way I’ll pass now.” you said and threw your books on the table.
George sat down on the couch and opened his arms. “Come ‘ere love. ” Even though you were mad at him, you still sat on his lap and wrapped yourself in his arms. You loved his touch, his warmth… He gave you the feeling of safety and home and you loved it.
While you guys were talking of what just happened down in potions, Hermoine walked down with a letter in her hands. “There you are. Your stupid owl delivered this letter to Ron instead of you, Fred. Its from Charlie.” she said handing over the envelope and turning her heel back to her dorm.
“Charlie?” you asked, breaking free from George’s grip and sitting up.
Fred opened up the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. “Oi George. It’s for both of us.” smiled Fred and started to read the letter.
‘Dear Fred and George,
I really didn’t expect to get a letter from you so soon but I am sure the questions you asked me, weren’t yours.
Mom sent me a jumper, as usual, with a dragon shaped in a letter C. It really isn’t much to look at but I love it anyway. It was quite odd to get a letter from the two of you. The only reason you write to me is when you want to know about some special pranking monster, which I am not going to tell you about. Mom explained everything to me about George’s new girlfriend (y/n)…’
You grabbed George’s arm at the mentioning of your name. “That’s me!” you squeaked of excitment.
‘She also told me she is interested into magical creatures and I would love to answer every single one of her questions, but I can’t in this letter or you would be facing 5 to 8 scrolls. I can’t wait to meet (y/n) in person. 
Anyways I miss you guys and I can’t wait to see you at the Triwirzard tournament. Also say hi to Ron and Ginny for me.
Love, Charlie.’
After Fred finished reading the letter he looked at you. You were just about to expload of happiness. The fact that Charlie was Dragonologist and was elected to take Care of the Magical Creatures in his third year. Third year! It was your dream to become a Dragonologist just like him. “Oh my god. He wants to meet me!” you squeaked even higher than before. “Did you know he became a prefect in his fifth year and a Seeker on the Quidditch team. I mean of course you did, you guys are his brothers but still. Imagine having to deal with Care of Magical Creatures, Prefect duties and a Seeker on a Quidditch team.” you babled without even trying to catch some breath. You got on your feet. “Oh Merlin! I have to prepare myself for the meeting. I need to ask him about Romania, basically everything. And about Norbert! Oh and Merlin he is coming to a Triwizard tournament. How will I look!?” you yelled through the whole common room and ran upstairs.
Fred chuckled at your bubbliness and looked at George. He wasn’t to happy about this. You could see how tense he was or the fact, that he was staring at the empty cup for 5 minutes straight. “Looks like you have some competition coming and the funny thing is, its your nerd of a brother.” teased Fred.
“Charles? My competition? Pff? I’m not worried. Its not like they are going to start writing each other letters or something.” said George.
God, was he wrong.
You ran down the hall towards your favorite twins. You jumped from behind, wrapping an arm around each’ s shoulder. “Bloody hell (y/n). You want to give me a heart attack.” said Fred.
 You started giggling and jumping up and down fro all of the excitment. “Whats that in your hands?” asked George, pointing to three pieces of paper in your hand.
“This!” you started waving with the papers. “Are all his answers to my questions I asked in that letter. He sent me these like right now and I wanted to tell you first. You guys have the best brother in the world. I wish I had a cool brother like you.” you said jumping up and down.
“You have me.” said Fred, wiggling his eyevrows. 
“Wait.” said George seriously. “He wrote you letters?” 
“Yeah! And I am going to write him back, like right now! I need to ask him more about Norbert. Hagrid said he wants to know how he’s holding up.” you jumped and gave George a kiss on the cheek. You than looked at Fred and noticed how tense he was. “Fred. Why are you so tense?” you asked. “Loosen up a bit.” you added before walking away.
Only you didn’t tell Fred that and it wasn’t George that you kissed. They were both red in the face, but the only difference was Fred was blushing and George was fuming. “She never mixes us up! EVER!” yelled George.
“She is just excited George.” said Fred, trying to calm down George.
“She just kissed you! This is not okay! She is blinded by her obsession with my brother!” he yelled and ran off.
You were cuddling with your boyfriend in the Common room. Even though you were excited to meet Charlie, you weren’t thinking about him now. You were exhausted with your running around Hogwarts, especially since Snape sent you to get proffesor Sprout three times on the other side of the school. Three times! George on the other hand was finally relaxed. You didn’t talk about his nerdy brother or running around the common room searching for the perfect dress to wear. He enjoyed having you in his arms and smelling your amazing parfume. “I missed you.” he whispered in your ear.
You lifted your head to meet his gorgeous brown eyes looking back down on you. “Hows that love?”
“It’s just that with all of your -”
“George! What did you do to Crookshanks?!” yelled Hermoine, holding her cat in her arms.
“I have no clue what you are talking about?” said George.
“Don’t play daft! He’s green! Green!” yelled Hermoine.
“Green.”reasured George. “I didn’t do it.” he looked at her, trying to hide his grinn.
“Yes you did!” argued Hermoine.
“You have no proof.” said George.
Hermoine glowered at George and suddenly, out of nowhere, she relaxed. She calmed down, put Crookshanks on the ground and eyed you. “Yeah. You are right. I don’t have any proof. I shouldn’t have wasted my time blaming someone who didn’t do it. I need to do my Care of Magical Creatures homework anyway.” she said calmly. After she noticed Geroge immediately tensing up, a smirk appeared on her lips. “I heard Charlie is coming to Hogwarts. Are you excited (y/n). I heard he wanted to meet you.”
You quickly got up and sat over to Hermoine. “I can’t wait to meet him. He is everything I want to be when I grow up. Being a romanian Dragonologist. It must be an amazing job to have.” you started to talk, making George slowly sit up and glower at Hermonie.
“Its not that great actually. He always comes home with a new scar.” said George, trying to force a smile.
“Yes, George but that looks hot on a boy. Right (y/n)?” continued Hermoine.
“There must be loads of stories behind those scars.” you started babbling again. “It must be from the new dragons he brings back. Do you know how brave you must be to actually stand in front of a dragon? Do you think Norbert was like that when he arrived to Romania? Being seperated from  Hagrid, who was basically his mom....”
“After Hermoine mentioned Charlie, it was like I didn’t exists. Hours of hours I tried to get her attention and it’s like I am talking to a wall.” complained George.
“Well, Georgie. I told you at the beggining you’ve got competition.” teased Fred. “I mean, maybe she’ll marry him instead of you.” he continued.
“Not helping Fred.” frowned George, stepping up his pace.
“Oh come on Georgie. Don’t pout over this. Remember when it will pass she will be all yours. Just don’t think about it too much.” said Fred.
“Thanks Fred. And I’m not thinking about it too much.” And just after they finished their conversation you appeared around the corner, filled with papers and with a big smile on your face. Merlin, did George love that smile. Your smile was everything to him. And your laugh. When he makes you laugh it’s like whole world stops for a moment and in that moment all he wants to do is be with you, hell, he even wants to marry you instantly that moment. “And what did make that beautiful smile appear on my gorgeous, geooorgeous girlfriend?” he said leaning down to kiss you. “You may notice I only said what and not who, because I am the only one who wants to make you smile like that.” he grinned.m not thinking
You were looking at your papers before looking up. “Oh. Hey love. I was just about to carry these papers to Hagrid. Something about Norbet. Charlie sent them to me, he knew I would deliver them. But I’ll see you later?” And with that you walked away.
George was furious. Not only you didn’t kiss him back but you were actually talking to his brother instead of him. For the second time! You never mix him up! And he wasn’t only fuming over you mixing him up with his brother, but he was angry at Charlie for sending you this kind of stuff. I mean he knows how much you love Magical Creatures but that was over the line. Fred noticed how his brother was getting redder and redder. “George?” he asked carefully.
“This happened the second time. Second! SHE NEVER DOES THAT! I AM GOING TO KILL CHARLIE!!” yelled George and bolted out.
“Sure you ain’t thinking about it too much.2 sighed Fred and walked after his brother.
George was in his room, scribbling down his letter to Charlie angrly. ‘I can’t believe he has more attention than me! I mean I am funny and I am good looking and he is a nerdy guy, who only cares about his dragons! He is making us drift apart. I don’t want to lose her to my own brother. Not like this, not to him!’ he thought, when he was scribbling down on the paper. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, making him jump instantly. He stood up from his chair and looked at the person furiously. When he saw your shocked reaction he quickly calmed down. “Blimely (y/n). Don’t sneak up on me like that? What are you even doing here?”
You stepped back and looked at him. “ You love when I do that.” you smiled. “And what do you mean what am I doing here? This is my boyfriend’s dorm.Isn’t it?” you said approaching him again. 
“Really? Well where is he, because its definetly not me.” he said, his tone growing angrier.
You felt your heart stop for a minute. “What?” you said quietly. “George?” you continued, your voice starting to shake. You couldn’t say it, but you had to know. “Do-do you want to break up with me?”
After hearing those words he immediately calmed down. He saw your expression. Your eyes weren’t happy anymore, they were on the verge of crying. Your lips were, instead of your beautiful smile, turned into a frown and slightly shaking.What has he done? “What? No, of course not!” he said coming closer to you but you backed away.
“Than tell me what’s wrong?” you asked him, feeling a bit mad.
He didn’t reply. To be honest he didn’t know how to say the right thing at this moment. You looked at his hands, which were red and covered in ink. You looked down at his table to see a terrible handwriting on a piece of paper and more than four crumbled balls of paper next to it. You looked at George and pointed to his table.
“What is this?” you asked him.
“It’s a letter.” he replied.
“I know what it is, George. Why are you writing to Charlie about me?” you asked furiously. He didn’t move a centimeter. He just stood there, looking at you and feeling guilty. You approached him step by step and when you were close enough, you cuped his chin. “ I need to know what’s happening with my boyfriend, George. I can’t do that if he doesn’t talk.” you said, your voice suddenly turning soft and caring.
He slowly ran his hands from your shoulders to your hands. He gently removed them from his cheeks and brushed his thumb on the back of your hand. He couldn’t even look at you when he spoke. He still felt angry at himself for snapping at you like that. I mean all you did was follow your dreams to be a Dragonologist and he was not even a bit supportive of that. “I just haven’t felt like your boyfriend for the past week. ”
“What do you mean?” you perplexed.
I mean you knew you were busy this week about Charlie and all, but you couldn’t have been that bad of a girlfriend this week. Could you? “ I feel like I’ve been losing you.” he said quietly, still not removing his eyes from your hands. “ And the worst part is, that it was to my nerd of a brother.”
“Who? Charlie?” you said shockingly and feet a big rock roll off your chest. You couldn’t believe what he was worried about. But now that you think about it you really were acting like a total geek for dragons and Charlie this whole week.
“Yeah. Ever since you found out about him coming here its like I don’t exist. He’s got all the attention, day after day and I just couldn’t tell you because it’s your dream to become a Dragonologist. And I….” he took a deep sigh after he realized what he has been angry about. “…I have no clue about dragons or how to get you there. And the fact that you get along with Charlie more than me, I don’t know. I felt kind of jealus.”
After hearing that, you lifted his chin and smiled. “George Weasley… You are the stupidest kind of idiot I have ever met.” His eyes quickly jumped to meet yours. “ You have been the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. You have been supporting of my dreams since day one. You have nothing to be jealous about. Jealus of Charlie? Yes, he is a great guy. But you are funnier…” a smile appeared on his lips. “Braver…” you gave him a soft kiss on the lips. You looked at him to see his smile turn into a wide grinn. “Loving…” you said runing your fingers through his gorgeous ginger hair and giving him another kiss. His eyes narrowed down a bit and his hands slowly lowering themselfs down your waist.
“What else?” he asked, kissing your neck.
“Well you are definetly sexier.” you continued. You felt his lips slowly brushing against your jaw. Merlin, his touch turned you on. You gripped his hair a bit tighter, kissing him passionately. His tounge played with yours, making the moment perfect to the mood. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he cupped your butt. Not breaking your kiss he walked over to his bed and slowly layed you on it. As he moved his lips back to your neck, down to your collarbone, Fred walked in with a bag of chips in his hand. “Oh, Merlin!” he yelled putting up his hand to block the view. George stopped only to laugh to his brother walking in on you. “Dammit George. Couldn’t wait till tomorrow, when I’m leaving with Lee to Hogsmeade.”
Both you and George laughed and sat up on the end of the bed. Fred put down his hand and started to eat his chips. “Sorry Freddie, should have put a sock on the handle.” said George.
“Yes you should have.” said Fred, putting his hand down and leaning on the door. “So...I see you fixed the Charlie problem.” he grinned and continued to eat his chips. “I mean thank god. Being George for another day is exhausting. It’s like being me, but uglier.” he teased and left the room.
You looked at George confused, ignoring Fred’s last sentance. “What does he mean, being George for another day?”
George felt a bit awkward telling you this, but you did need to know. “You…um….you kind of mixed Fred and me up on Tuesday and Thursday. ”
You couldn’t believe it. You thought he was joking. “Yeah sure. I never mix the two of you up.” you said confidently, but seeing George’s expression you felt that confidence slide away. “No?” you said shockingly. “Twice?” you asked him, if you heard him correctly and he nodded. “Oh my god.” you sighed, leaning your forehead on his chest and smelling his cologne. “I am a terrible girlfriend.” you said, feeling guilty and burriying your face into his shirt.
He chuckled, wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head “ I love you, (y/n).”
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