#it’s just a stupid criticism. & people still talk about the vocaloids!!!! lots of people love them! more people just want to talk about
ssruis · 4 months
Saw a tweet going around like “people are like pjsk is the next project diva but everyone who plays pjsk ignores the vocaloids and talks about some pink bitch named emu” &
1) I want to live in your world I wish everyone talked about emu maybe then people would gaf about her character
2) tf did you expect. it’s a game where they want you to get attached to the characters so you spend money. Why would people not talk about the characters. Shocking and world shattering news: fans of visual novel game like to talk about the characters in the visual novel game. It’s never happened before. I know.
3) Love and light but by virtue of essentially being instruments who can fit any song/story told through song, the vocaloids have very few canon traits. Cfm doesn’t want their special little guys to have major flaws or issues. They don’t have canon ages. The kagamines aren’t even canonically related. Because that would get in the way of using the characters as instruments. Did you learn nothing from the “rabbit hole is problematic because miku was once stated to be 16 (not even true anymore) Pjsk gets around this by having 5 different versions of each virtual singer (6 if you count their portrayals outside of the sekais) with vastly different relationships/personalities that remain separate from their real world characters, but they still exist as very flat static likable characters to preserve their images so giving them a main character moment would be boring.
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serenawitchwriter · 4 years
BNHA fusion (Bakusquad/Deku)
is so insecure tho, don’t tell anyone
really wants to be friends with everyone though, please?
kinda hates himself, but in an apathetic way
possibly Undyne from Undertale?
cries when frustrated
gets strangely flustered around people he admires, comes across as tsundere
freckles and shark teeth
explosion of red fluffy hair, green roots
is very private with their insecurity. will go quiet and thoughtful when left alone
unshakably kind
has this weird habit of headbutting things and breaking them?
Bakugou hates but tolerates them? he acts more like a wet cat than sparky sparky boom man
they are LITERALLY the only person who can get away with hugging him
(Bakugou secretly loves them)
prone towards depression but makes himself feel better by helping people
gives off a strangely unattainable vibe
watermelon, freckled pink skin, green fluffy hair that is amazingly curly. horns
green eyes, with black sclara
cute beyond reason
really really excitable
#1 friend, always knows when something is wrong and how to cheer people up
socially conscious. can hang out with basically anyone and be liked
an ambivert
loves dancing and moving and fighting. incredibly flexible but also muscular. sorta Mirko physique only unmatured
has sick kicks and flips
hates bullies and will punch clocks out without hesitation
can be kinda obnoxious, especially because they don’t know how to shut up
will tease you accurately if you call them out. they’re not mean, but can pick out what’s actually wrong. getting called out when you’re trying to be mad is also obnoxious
extremely tactile and clingy. loves hugging and just touching their friends. Mido never felt like he had permission before, but combined with Mina they give out touches freely
slightly dark, self-depreciating humor but you can never tell if they’re serious
both intentionally and unintentionally funny
clumsy, a bit of a space case
makes fun of Bakugou the most
gets really creative in the type of acid they make and how they use it, particularly combined with the tentacle quirk
has no fashion sense. Mina might be able to claim her bright colors and patterns are an aesthetic. but DekuMina can make no such claim. they are an eyesore and they love it. ugly is their aesthetic and they will not apologize
unironically wears eye-searing Hawaiian shirts, bakugou hates this about them
unironically finger guns at every opportunity
oh man, they are not okay
chronic pain
trying to cover up that anything is wrong with smiles and humor x2
yellow hair with more than once green lightning streak
electric green eyes that glow constantly
attacks with green lightning in general. it’s overpowered but they can control where it’s going now.
unafraid to go all out in a fight and suffers physically and mentally for it
really hard on themselves, low confidence
the kind of adhd where they have a million interest and skill-sets. they’ve learned so much, they genuinely are really smart. but they remember absolutely nothing
they get really frustrated and will often cry because of this. they know the information is there but they can never find it when they need it. they’re just reaching into their brain and finding nothing when they know something is supposed to be there. they hate it
pretty depressed
an incredibly loyal friend, always trying to help no matter how worn out they are
is genuinely really funny. they know how to do critical and aware humor, situational humor, improv. they could do standup if they tried.
probably eats really weird food. i see them combining bizarre food items together and really liking it. will put garbage into their body, shaggy style
easygoing when they don’t have any stressors
but extremely anxious when there are stressors (note: there are a lot of stressors)
stims with their hands a lot. their hands just can’t hold still. will flap twiddle, twitch, tap, anything
the friend that will try to put all the focus on you when it’s clear that they’re the one having a meltdown.
is baby
the friend groups come out in force for this one. they will not let them feel alone or bad. kamideku is getting the support they need
loves cuddles
Jirou brings out Mido’s attitude, so honestly they are mean and sassy and sarcastic. they’d insult you and you’d thank them for it
straight green and purple hair in an gradient, keeps the earlobes.
trying and succeeding to be punk rock but is also adorable. like you know they can and will kick your ass, but they are also so short and they have chubby cheeks and freckles. they’re adorable
a short and compensating for it vibe except they are legitimately edgy
they might be nb, but they are also absolutely still a sword lesbian
sonic boom quirk. they will destroy building with their quirk, they will destroy eardrums
absolutely in a punk band and capable of rapping
probably does vocaloid/computer based music
could also see them using a gun
I could see them being into arson, too, hopefully only for good reasons 
is wild and chaotic. they are genuinely having a lot of fun.
their grin is absolutely feral and a threat, and honestly that’s very valid and sexy of them
pretty chill when they aren’t up to shit, 
constantly listening to music, always has a pair of good headphones around their neck
vibes  with Bakugou more than Jirou does alone.
big sister to most of the class
probably kicks doors open
weird, not in an artistic or intentional way. they just have an off vibe
unsettling smile, freckles, eyes that are a bit to big. curly black hair.
on the plain side
lanky and scarred
can shoots energy, tentacles, and tape from elbows.
great a parkour, has fantastic mobility
full of nervous energy, but still 100% down to fuck with people
secretly a sadist.
will call anyone out when they’re being stupid or reckless
pretty social
loves fruits and vegetables
loves tv, could probably tell you everything about the show he’s watching
pretty bashful
besties with Kaminari and Kirishima
a great hype man
insane, slightly scary pranks
it’s hard to tell what they’re thinking, especially in a fight
fantastic at creating traps and pushing people into them
tries to pretend he’s not as dangerous or confident as he really is. would prefer to be underestimated
tends to talk down his achievements as a result
but knows exactly how powerful they are
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salty-dracon · 4 years
Some thoughts on The Caligula Effect 2
So I joke about this game getting a second remake to my friends online and the next moment I learn THIS was announced during the Japanese Nintendo Direct. Let me spill out my thoughts to spark discussion as well as provide a record to myself if this game actually does get localized.
Everything is under the cut!
My thoughts on Overdose were that it has a fantastic world... and that’s it. Out of the game’s cast, there were maybe four characters I liked, and the rest had moments that made me lose all sympathy for them. I recall it was common for some Let’s Players to like the villains better than the protagonists, and I’d agree on that front. I actually think the anime is the best iteration of this game’s story, changing up the formula enough to provide a really solid characterization arc to everyone. But Overdose suffers from poor writing issues (killing Eiji offscreen in the best ending was one of the worst decisions they made), rough handling of certain topics, boring and monotonous dungeons, and 500 social links you’re never going to do. I’m incredibly critical of this game, and I’d never recommend it to someone without a LOT of disclaimers, but somehow I still love it.
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Already this game looks CRAZY good visually. It doesn’t look like a reskinned Vita game anymore, with something a little more reminiscent of say, the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth games. That’s not to say that the game doesn’t still implement its fantastic character art, which still show up next to the speech bubbles. (At least the models have moving jaws. That’s important.)
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Here’s to really hoping this game won’t be another Caligula 1 reskin, because uh... the game is about a protagonist who realizes that the world is a virtual one created by a Vocaloid who won’t let anyone out and joins up with a group of teenagers who also want to get out despite the fact that their real world lives were horrible so that they can set things right and they call themselves the Go-Home club (and also a Vocaloid gives them weapons made out of black stuff) but the people that are stopping them are basically the servants and guardians of the Vocaloid keeping them trapped in, who also happen to be humans who can’t return to the real world because their real world lives were so horrible, and so they have to fight because the Vocaloid won’t let them out otherwise. I mean, of course it won’t be a reskin, but I’m surprised at just how much of the original story they kept.
As for things they absolutely did NOT keep, DAMN this game looks dark! I was once remarking to a friend about how Caligula’s story would appeal better to me specifically if they’d gone with a religious pressure rather than idol stan theme, and they appear to have really pulled through with that religious pressure. I just realized, while writing this, that the image I showed off above actually has an image of an angel in the stained glass window being worshiped by fans with glow sticks. Furthermore, there’s a gothic cathedral-like altar, a halo behind Regret’s head, and this whole exchange looks like it takes place in a church. While I’m not religious myself, I can talk a lot about church architecture (see: my Fire Force livetweet) and I’m interested to see how this game handles it.
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Not only that, most of the character designs seem darker and very different from the original game’s. Take a look at this game’s idol goddess:
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Is μ going through an emo phase? I wouldn’t blame her lol. I think she still has a fantastic design that is in equal parts dreary and beautiful, while perfectly matching the color scheme of the new game.
And what a color scheme it is! The world of Caligula 1 had a gorgeous white, black, pink, brown, and gray color scheme framing bold pops of color in the form of flowers. Caligula 2 changes things up by making black the primary color framing everything else. The pops of color are so much bolder, too, from Noto’s bright yellow sweatshirt to basically everything χ is wearing. Do these changes reflect the story’s potential darker tone too? Or are they representative of something else?
We don’t know too much about the characters, but Caligula 2 looks like it’s giving them different weapons. It looks like the protagonists wield double knives instead of double shotguns. As for the other weapons, I see shortswords, katanas, chains, pistols (much smaller than Shogo’s), canes, and Qiyana’s ohmlatl from League of Legends. Definitely a shift from the original game’s weapons. I wonder if they’ll make a comeback? That giant gun was unique to say the least.
The Obbligato (I think?) are this game’s Ostinato Musicians. Italian for “obliged”, they are the ones who defend Regret from any threats. The one shown off most in the trailer is this guy who looks like the 1010 dudes from No Straight Roads. Man, he really looks like Shadow Knife in that image up there...
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Also we get a, um, clown astronaut and a crazy high school yandere. Just to name a few. Definitely not the first time I’ve beat up a clown in a video game. Pretty unique as far as villains go, though. I hope this game has its own villain route, where you learn more about them. I’d really like that.
Social links! Looks like you rank up social links the same way you do in the original game. Do you want to make this character spill out all their trauma? Are you SURE about that, despite there being no negative consequences to you, the player? Awesome. Get ready to be sad.
The battle system is, from what I’ve read, similar, but not the same, as the battle system in Overdose. I’m not going to give too many details on that. They still seem to be time-based with combo chains, but they’re pretty vague. Looks like you still get to unleash crazy special attacks against your enemies. And they in turn can unleash crazy special attacks against you.
I absolutely want to see a. better characters and b. better overall writing. In my opinion these were the two weakest points of Caligula 1. Despite the protagonists’ tragedies, some of the little things they did made me sort of hate them. I did not like how everyone in the original Go-Home Club used Kotaro (who you learn is FOURTEEN!) as a verbal punching bag despite him being one of the kindest characters in the club. As for better overall writing, I stated before that I preferred the anime’s interpretation of events, because I thought they were in a better order overall. Besides killing Eiji offscreen, I hated how they wrote μ to be such a monumentally stupid character (I often point to Persona 5 Royal on how to write a villain like her well) and their, in my opinion, poor handling of certain topics like fatphobia. And though the character episodes sort of redeem them, it’s like... not really? The way I described it to a friend was that while the moral of Caligula 1′s story may have been “We live in a society and everyone’s dealing with their own hardships, but you can’t run away from them forever and you can at least be sympathetic to those facing them”, the character interactions end up dumbing it down to “We live in a society”.
Also an anime adaptation would be really sick. The anime just had so much better writing.
As for what I’m really curious about:
1. Who is Regret and how is she related to μ and Aria? We already know she’s a Virtuadoll like them, but if I recall correctly μ and Aria had some more concreteness to their backstories. Specifically, the human characters remember them existing as vocal synthesizer programs before they became the rules of Mobius. Regret’s backstory is that she just kind of showed up one day. Does she have different origins from μ and Aria? By the same merit, who is χ and how is she related to Regret, μ, and Aria? We know that χ opposes Regret and gives the Go-Home club the power to fight back against her, kind of like what Aria did in Caligula 1, but was she a co-creator of Redo like Aria was, or was her role completely different? The fact that she isn’t a little sparkle like Aria was (as a result of losing all of her power) indicates that their roles might be a little different.
2. What relationship does Redo have to Mobius? We know Mobius was created because Aria and μ wanted a place for humans to live without the sorrows they experienced in the real world. However, eventually μ was manipulated by everyone’s negative emotions and Thorn’s actions. This caused her to prevent anyone from leaving, and also the plot of the first game. Is Redo a second, improved iteration of Mobius, or a completely new virtual space? Were the goals behind its creation the same as in the first game? Or was there another force at work? Is Regret trying to copy μ or improve on her work? Or is she doing what μ did independently? I don’t think there’s enough information to predict the answer to this, but from what I’ve seen, there are a lot of similarities between the two worlds, from the high school to the end goal. However, there are some differences in tone. Mobius was a place to escape suffering, while Redo is being marketed as a place to escape regret. Redo also has a more religious bend than the idol theme of the first game.
3. What other links do the first and second games have to each other? People have been theorizing that Marie Mizuguchi/Wicked from the first game may return as Marie Amabuki (I think) in the second due to them having the same VA. There’s obviously the shared artstyle, symbolism, Catharsis Effect, glitchy NPC faces, and general setting. I also suspect that this game takes place after the events of Caligula 1. Not much I can say about this right now, but I wonder how everything joins up. Or if it even matters that they do. I haven’t seen too much on whether or not this game is being marketed as a standalone or a sequel, or if you even need to play Caligula 1 to enjoy Caligula 2.
Conclusion: While the Caligula series isn’t one I’d recommend to everyone, for the way it handles a number of sensitive topics, I will still be checking out Caligula 2 if it comes to the West. Though very little has been revealed thus far, so far I’m interested in the religious iconography used as well as the darker tone and colors presented in the game. As well as the characters, who have more varied and interesting designs including super unique weapons. I’m a bit disappointed that the plot, as it has been revealed, is an exact copy of Caligula 1′s plot, right down to the names of the protagonists’ faction. I was hoping for a bigger evolution to the story, but considering so little has been revealed in the first place, this may be a bit of a preemptive judgement.
That’s it. I hope you enjoyed my discussion of what I’ve learned so far.
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gyoomie · 6 years
divided we stand (please don’t fall) —len, implied mikurin; vocaloid drabble • drama/friendship • 889 words
‘I like her,’ Rin admits. She runs her tongue over the swell of her upper lip, a careless thing she does when she’s lost in thought. ‘I like her a lot.’
Len searches his mind for something, anything to say, but ultimately – bitterly – draws a blank. He’s spent the better part of the year busy with university, busy with family, busy with life, and the more he thinks about it the more he realises he hasn’t talked to Rin in ages. This is the probably the first time they’ve had a proper conversation in over half a year.
He doesn’t know Rin anymore. Perhaps he did, once, back when they used to talk every single day, back when everything was bright and happy and nothing hurt. But they’ve drawn that line between them for a reason, a stark black against the colour of their hearts, and now he can’t get too close.
He’s revoked the right to.
‘Yeah?’ Len manages a small smile. It feels like flaking paint on a wall, but Rin doesn’t notice; a mere year ago she would’ve seen right through it. ‘What’s she like?’
Rin’s eyes soften with a glow he hasn’t seen in a long time. ‘Lovely,’ she says, her voice lowering to a whisper. ‘She’s just – Miku, you know? She’s so cool, she – she’s such a talented singer, she’s got all these people surrounding her, and they all love her, she’s so popular, and I don’t even know how we became friends, but we did. We are. Friends, that is. Maybe even close friends, I don’t know.’
She takes in a breath, an inhale so sharp that even Len’s bones rattle. ‘I don’t know what she sees in me. I’m just – I’m stupid, and insecure, and scared, and I feel like I’m going to fuck it all up somehow. I feel like I’m waiting for her to realise I’m not worth the effort. To lose all interest.’ A laugh escapes her, tinny and humourless. ‘To stop talking to me entirely.’
Len frowns, a familiar prickle of irritation stirring at his chest. He remembers now: it was this same self-doubt, ink-dark and cruel and all-encompassing, that coloured the stark line between them, that dyed the insides of her soul and blotted away at his patience. ‘You can’t know that for sure.’
‘But there’s a possibility, isn’t there.’
‘A possibility is far from a definitive conclusion,’ Len reasons. He doesn’t know this Miku character – hell, Rin might as well be a stranger at this point, too – but he does know one thing: ‘If you both give your all to this relationship, I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work.’
‘Relationship? What relationship?’ Rin’s expression, previously morose and riddled with insecurities, suddenly twists with the derisive curl of her lip. It runs over the line between them, bolds it, makes it all the more obvious that they’re worlds apart now. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
Wrong. Len can’t help tensing. He’s said the wrong thing again.
‘This is probably just temporary, until Miku finds new, better friends. I mean – what do I have to offer?’ Rin sneers at her own expense; she’s her own harshest critic. ‘I’m boring, I suck at small talk, my jokes are shitty as hell, and no matter how hard I try it’s just – it’s like it doesn’t even matter. It doesn’t matter what I do, it’s useless. Everyone leaves eventually.’ Almost scathingly, she adds, ‘Everyone does.’
Even you.
The words go unspoken, but Len hears them, loud and clear. And in spite of the hurt, in spite of everything they’ve put each other through, he wants nothing more than to shake her by the shoulders, to shake some sense into her. To tell her: I’m still here. I’d leap over there in a heartbeat, if you wanted me to. You only have to ask.
But that would defeat the purpose of drawing the line in the first place, so he stares at his shoes and keeps this to himself, even as it burns at the back of his throat.
‘If you say so,’ Len murmurs. There’s nothing more he can say without coming off as impersonal or patronising, and he’s always putting his foot in his mouth but damn if he doesn’t try anyway: ‘For what it’s worth, Rin, all these things – relationships, ties, whatever you want to call them – they don’t define you. These failures don’t make you any less of a person, even if you think otherwise.
‘I just...’ he exhales, feeling drained all of a sudden. ‘...hope it works out. Between you and Miku, I mean. Maybe it sounds stupid to you, maybe it sounds like I don’t understand what you’re going through, but – yeah. Yeah.’
That’s all he can do: look on from afar, and hope for the best.
Rin doesn’t say anything for the longest time, just looks down at her feet, and Len wonders if she sees it too, this line between them, the way it holds their friendship together as much as it keeps them apart, leaving so many things unsaid for the sake of growing up.
But it’s for the best, isn’t it.
‘Yeah,’ Rin says finally. The defeat in her voice is like hammered glass, a breath away from breaking, but the smile she gives him is a promise. ‘I hope so too.’
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