#it’s giving your grandma waiting for her fiancé to come home from the war
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Does anyone else’s mom seemingly want them to dress like a Mormon child bride or is it just mine
#every single one of my dresses is apparently ‘too short’ or ‘shows too much cleavage’#and the cleavage thing is subjective anyway but most of all NO ONE MINDS#i have great boobs. shut up. i’ll put on a scarf if i sense i’ve walked into somewhere where people should be dressing modestly#the too short thing though.. she is fully gaslighting me because she doesn’t want me to wear these dresses#like tell me why the other day i wore this one dress and she was like ‘no that’s way too short’#so i argued with her for a bit and then changed into another dress (that is longer than that one but that she’s previously said is too short#and she was like ‘that’s perfect’ lmao. like make it make sense??????#i’ve taught classes in that dress. i’ve gotten high at parties with that dress. i have had tea with somebody’s grandma in that dress#what i have not done in that dress is expose myself#and today… i mean this is just ridiculous. i’m wearing my most conservative dress#it has a v-neck so there is like. two square inches of cleavage#also it’s nearly knee length. i picked it specifically because it nearly hides my knee brace#and why is the first thing she says to me ‘don’t bend over’ like?? i know??? thanks????? i know how dresses work#‘it’s just a bit short is all’ it literally isn’t. i have no idea what you’re talking about#when i tell you this is one of my safest dresses. it’s giving primary school teacher. it’s giving pastor’s wife#it’s giving your grandma waiting for her fiancé to come home from the war#what it’s NOT doing is threatening to expose my underwear. which; btw; is enormous anyway so it’s not like anyone is going to see something?#anyway i’m going swimming today. like does it matter what people see me in beforehand if i’m changing into a swimsuit anyway??#i might change though. :/ i just feel like she’s ruined the dress for me#i was going to wear my long skirt but i don’t have a good shirt to wear with it lol#i might just do a big summer clothes order and put it on my credit card. i literally donated like 3 massive bags of clothes in march#and i’ve bought about 3 pairs of shorts and 2 dresses since then and half of my wardrobe is empty.#i think i can fit in a few things lol. especially since i was planning on throwing away the jeans i had the accident in#because they’re all ripped and torn and covered in blood and it’s just generally a bad memory#like i washed them but it’s still not great. :/#personal
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 31
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina and Darkling Aleksander Morozova/ General Kirigan
Word count: 2030
Someone came over saying there was a problem with the other summoners, Aleksander looked like he could care less at that moment yet he brought my hand up kissing the top of it. I knew he'd done it before but I blushed at how much chivalry he could show. More I believe I blushed due to it being in front of my family, some respect I suppose he had instead of kissing me in front of the others.
"Ivan will show you back to your room and your family to some rooms." Aleksander said 
"Does it have to be Ivan?" I asked looking past him for a second at the heartrender then at Aleksander. "Do I sense some disdain in your voice for my heartrender?" Aleksander asked. I knew I had quite a bit on Ivan, for one I was always avoiding him because of his behavior. I disliked the heartrender because he was the one who pressured me the most about the fold. I knew Nina was not family and a heartrender as I smiled. "I would prefer Nina Zenik to show us back to our rooms." I said firmly to make sure it was known that I disliked his heartrender. 
Aleksander seemed to take my tone of voice and my body language as he was needed elsewhere, he had no idea what Ivan was doing. He looked at Nina as she showed respect to him and I figured it out pretty quickly she was working for him. There were talks of a female heartrender who may or may not have been a spy but she never compromised my location. "Nina, you used to live at the little palace. Show them the best rooms to her family, her guards Marie and Naida have their own rooms and for my fiancé stays in the room meant for my sun summoner in the wing that my war room is in." Aleksander said as he looked at me seeing that I was unhappy he mentioned the sun but he let go of my hand placing it on my cheek "It was meant for the one who was the sun summoner, and I found something better than just a sun summoner. The only Dual Summoner who is a tidemaker and Sun Summoner." 
I smiled knowing he appreciated that but I knew that there was so much more than what he was saying. Once he left I relaxed as we went about our walk, Ivan was the least of my concerns when it came to what was going on. Nina led us in and my family took in our location as we walked. Nina seemed a bit confused so I said "Etheraleki are normally in the west wing of the little palace. General's war room and the other room are on the East wing, Corporaleki are behind the red door in the south wing and Materialeki are in the north wing of the little palace. Guest rooms are in the middle or mixed with the Etheraleki." I said
"You seem to know the little palace well." Grandma Catalina said as I nod, "ten years so I know the layout. The Corporaleki and Materialeki have their own color doors as Etheraleki are in blue. The other two are red or purple." I said, Nina nodded as she led the way. "With the exception of the General, he wears black and you being who you are have been allowed to wear it." Nina said 
We found my family rooms while Nadia and Marie went to their rooms. I was done with the day already and it wasn't even over. I'd gone through a fight and traveled back here in such a short time but I felt it. The stag's antlers were probably made in to a necklace for me to wear someday. We were almost to my room when we heard running and I looked to see Genya. Genya hugged me and I was surprised as she looked at me.
"The little palace hasn't been the same since you left, who has been working on you? You look awful." Genya said I laughed a bit. "My grandmother's tailor friend, she did well enough so I could enjoy the festival." I said, "ten years of being stuck inside and I finally got to see what it's like to just be normal." 
My words struck a chord with Genya and for a moment I felt guilty for leaving the way I did. She'd still been dealing with the king and the rumors she was being bedded by him, I wanted to accidentally blind the royals to help her get revenge but I couldn't. I knew with everything I needed a refresher from a tailor so Genya took me inside my room and then started her work. When I looked in the mirror I looked like myself but the one who I was before I left the little palace.
"I guess I'll have to go to the Materialeki to have a wedding dress made." I said, Geny chucked "they'll insist on a white Kefta." Genya said and I gave a slight gag on white Kefta. If I saw another Kefta that was new I was gonna throw it somewhere. "No, I want a dress. I want to feel normal, not some 2nd army big wedding and besides White is your color, not mine. I'm getting a promotion out of my marriage, I'll be encouraging other Dual Summoners to come out of hiding." 
Genya seemed to like the idea that there were going to be more Dual Summoners, I'd promised my cousin a life where he didn't have to hide. Where he could follow me if he desired and I was going to make that come true. She took me instantly to see the Materaleki and when we walked in she started to explain things.
"A white Kefta with her design?" One of them asked and Genya shook her head no. "Amira, wants a white or ombre white to black wedding dress with her design on it. She doesn't want another Kefta but she will need something to show she's not a 2nd army soldier afterwards." Genya said. I knew this was a big request and they seemed to not understand why I needed to be seen as different from the 2nd army. "Who is the groom for this wedding dress?" The Materaleki soldier asked and I smiled.
"General Kirigan, I believe he'd want a happy bride, not one who would be upset with what she wears on her wedding day." I said
They were shocked but said they would figure out something but that they would be making a new black Kefta to represent my promotion.  I didn't like the idea that there would be a new kefta but what could I really say. When I left I was walking back to my room where I saw Aleksander waiting at his war room doors. He motioned me to come with him and I ran over going quickly as we walked in. I saw it there on the table waiting for us as I walked over to the necklace and then I saw the piece with the symbol of sun summoner on it.
"What are you going to do with these?" I asked
"they're for us, someday." Aleksander said as he walked over, "Amira, I need you to make a tunnel in the fold. Nobles need to start heading back home and they wish to see the sun summoner show her powers within the fold." 
I backed up knowing that I wasn't ready for the fold, at least I thought I wasn't. I didn't want that thing on me because of what it would mean, what he could do with it. Yet I knew I needed to have it to get the rest of the stag's power. A tear fell down my cheek as I remembered that stag was a magnificent creature and he killed it without any regard to its life. I felt his hand on my shoulder as I turned and looked at him. He seemed to notice as he wiped my eyes from where I'd begun to cry.
"You were thinking of the stag." Aleksander said 
"I'm not a killer, I can't...I can't kill for power. There was another way to get the stag's power..I could have had that power already instead of you having this now." I said motioning to the necklace and the piece that looked like it would go on a hand, "I don't want to be bound by a collar. If that is your intention tell me now because this only works if we trust each other. You killed the stag, the power is yours not mine." A lie that I knew he didn't have all the power, it was partly already within me but if I couldn't prove I could build enough light for a path he'd put it on me. So quickly I put my hands together on my own and created light using my power and some of the power I'd absorbed expanding it till it covered the little palace as he walked, overseeing the light. "For now you can do it on your own but what happens when you need more power?" Aleksander asked
"I can make Grisha safe, We can make Grisha safe together but only if we have trust." I said, "I will help you get rid of our Fjerdan problem but you have to promise me no innocents are going to be harmed." Aleksander was quiet and I knew there was still the matter of what happened the night of the Winter Fete, we had been on the verge of going to the next level. I knew he'd tumbled with others before and something had gotten in the way that night. "If you won't promise me that then what happened at the Winter Fete?" I asked, knowing if he'd have never left Baghra couldn't have sent me away.
"Your stand-in was attacked, slaughtered by the conductor. A million Kruge bounty has been put on your head to bring you to Ketterdam but that same price was offered to the conductor for you to be killed." Aleksander said I was in shock hearing that one of my fellow tidemakers had been killed over me. My legs started to give in and I heard him rush towards me as I hid my face in his black kefta and started to cry. I never wanted to be the cause of someone's death, nor did I wish for anyone to be hurt because of me.
"How many were hurt that night?" I asked through tears, "The Tidemaker and one of our Inferni was stabbed in the head. I thought you were kidnapped but you clearly were not. Mr. Brekker said you wanted to get far away and another Inferni was killed that night." Aleksander said 
Three of our 2nd army are dead. I thought
I blamed myself in a way when it came to the fact only one was because of me, the others were attending the party. How could I have known that there was a bounty on me and who would have thought it was going to be this way. 
"It's getting late, stay here with me tonight." Aleksander said as I looked at him surprised, "I think you've been through enough for one day. We can discuss wedding plans tomorrow and you can see some of our new members of the 2nd army."
I wasn't in the mood to argue with him so I just nodded as he led me to the bed and I laid down remembering the feeling of these sheets when he'd brought me in that one night. I felt the other side dip and his arms wrap around me. His hold was secure like he was making sure he never let me go again. I wondered after someone was alone for four hundred years burying friends and allies over that time how much hurt he kept hidden and maybe that's why he was making sure he didn't lose me. 
Maybe that's why I get it..I understand how lonely being different is. I thought 
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mustangshelby04 · 5 years
Boston Boy - Chapter 16
A/N All right guys, there’s only one more chapter after this! But don’t worry your beautiful heads off, I’ll be doing some one shots to continue the story. Let me know what you want to see. I would love to get your ideas for the future of this beautiful couple!
Kate sat in the nursery with Gally curled up next to her and Dodger sitting with his head on her leg.  She looked around the room and admired hers and Chris’ handiwork.  They had gone with a Winnie the Pooh theme, using the original drawings of the characters since the colors were softer.  Chris had bought a beautiful and very plush, white and gray glider with a gliding foot rest for the nursery and it was Kate’s favorite place in the penthouse now.  She would spend hours rocking in the chair and dreaming up what her child’s life would be.
The glider was the only piece of furniture in the room beyond a bookshelf that was already starting to collect books.  The travel system from Ellen was sitting in one corner of the room with a large box full of the rest of the amazing gifts from her.  The rest of the furniture hadn’t been bought yet.  She and Chris were ordered not to buy anything beyond the glider.
Kate was now four weeks away from her due date and was beyond ready for it to be over with.  The world tour she’d joined Chris for had taken a lot out of her.  While she had had a ton of fun, her body just hadn’t been up to the task of that much fun and growing a small human at the same time. She had taken another week off and then gone back to work.  Unfortunately, the doctor was worried about her blood pressure and her showing some early warning signs of preeclampsia, so he had asked her to stop working as much as she had been.
Danielle had been amazing about everything.  She had two kids of her own and understood what Kate needed better than Kate herself did.  She had promised that Kate’s job was secure when she was ready to come back full time. Until then, she would only work part time if she felt up to it.
Chris walked into the nursery and chuckled. “You know, you can’t hide forever.”
“Who says I can’t try?” Kate retorted.
He just held his hands out to help her stand up. “Everyone is downstairs waiting.”
She took his hands and let him lift her to her feet. “I hate baby showers. And bridal showers for future reference.”
“Noted.  Not like I can do anything about it.  You’ve met my mother.  And my sisters and my brother.  You’re welcome to fight that.”
“Chicken shit.”  
“But hey, the cake is really pretty.”
“You weren’t supposed to go downstairs.”
“I needed something to drink.  They kicked me out pretty quickly.”
Lisa, Carly, Shanna, Scott, and Helena had all decided that they were going to decorate and Kate and Chris weren’t allowed to see any of it.  They didn’t even know who was on the guestlist. The whole thing had been kept hush-hush from the parents-to-be.
“I can’t wait to get our place to ourselves again.”
“It is feeling a bit crowded this week.  Careful!” Since the doctor had mentioned the preeclampsia (and Chris had done research on it), he had been hyperactively protective of her.  He freaked out if she tried to walk up and down stairs by herself.  She just rolled her eyes at him.
“Happy baby shower!” Everyone yelled and Chris and Kate came down the stairs.
There were so many people there!  Helena, Bill and Jan, and Lisa, Carly, Shanna, and Scott were obviously there; Chris’ dad, Bob and his wife; Kate’s aunt Charlotte had come up from Virginia and her uncle Ron and aunt Debbie had come in from Chicago; Scarlett Johansson had come; Downey and his wife were there; Chris’ best friend, Tara, had made it down; April was there; Danielle had come with her husband, Charles; Amy had driven up for the occasion; Sebastian Stan had shown up; and Megan was there, too.  The place was decorated with pink and blue streamers and balloons that said, “It’s a Boy” and “It’s A Girl” on them.  There were a few that said, “Boy or Girl?”  There was a massive pile of presents in the living room.  The cake and food had been set up in a beautiful display on the kitchen island and a drink station with a blue punch and a pink punch was set up on the kitchen counter.  There were little woodland creature decorations everywhere, too.
Carly and Scott walked over to Kate and Chris.  Carly draped a “Mommy-To-Be” sash over Kate while Scott pinned a “Daddy-To-Be” button to Chris’ shirt.  Lisa and Helena were both wearing pins that said “Grandma-To-Be.”  Someone had made a diaper cake and set it next to the actual cake, which was two tiers of cutesy woodland creatures running amok.  There was a photobooth area with different props for the pictures that Danielle had kindly set up and offered to run.
“Happy baby shower!” Carly squealed, kissing Kate’s cheek.
“That is a fuckton of presents.” Kate said.
“We’ll get to those.  Right now, we want pictures!”
Chris and Kate were stood at the photobooth and the guests that wanted pictures were allowed to pick the props.  It took a good half hour before they were allowed to get food.  Chris fixed her a plate so she could go sit down.  The love seat had been decorated with blue and pink streamers and someone had created the backs of thrones out of cardboard. One said Daddy and was painted blue and the other said Mommy and was painted pink.  There were even fake pink and blue jewels glued to both of them to make them even more throne-like.
Carly made Chris and Kate sit in their respective seats while people ate and Shanna hosted the three games they had planned.  April won the game where the guests had to use string to guess how big around Kate’s stomach was.  She received a gift bag filled with home spa items.  The second game was where the guests had to guess what candy bar was melted in the different diapers.  Tara had won that game and was given a gift bag filled with candles, an engraved picture frame, and various candies.  The third and final game was called “My Water Broke” where everyone had been given an ice cube with a plastic baby in it.  The first person who’s baby was free of the ice had to yell that their water broke. Sebastian had been overenthusiastic when yelling it, startling everyone in the room.  He had walked away with a $50 VISA gift card.
While everyone started throwing their plates away, Helena had Chris and Kate cut the cake.  She stayed to serve the pieces to everyone while the parents-to-be took their love seat thrones again.  Carly, Shanna, and Scott had begun moving presents closer to the love seat to be passed over to Chris and Kate.  While they waited for everyone to get their slices of cake and eat them, Scarlett came over and sat down next to Kate on Chris’ side of the loveseat.  Chris had gotten up and was across the room talking with his father and Bill.  Probably getting some dad advice.
“You’re not having any fun, are you?” Scarlett said conspiratorially to Kate.
“Not in the slightest.” Kate said. “I hate showers.  And I feel like a bloated whale.”
“I hate these things, too.  Just give me the presents and don’t make a fuss.”
“And for the record, you don’t look like a bloated whale.” She held her hand out to Kate. “Your fiancé sucks at introductions.  I’m Scarlett.” “Kate.”
“I’m sorry we’re just now meeting.  I wanted to come along on the Civil War tour, but I had some prior engagements.”
“It’s ok.”
“Chris has talked almost non-stop about you and the baby.  I’m so happy for you guys.”
“I’ve actually been kind of nervous to meet you.”
“Yeah?  Why’s that?”
“Chris talks so highly of you.  You’re one of his closest friends.”
“Oh, I’m not that scary.”
“I didn’t think you would be, and hey, I survived meeting Tara.”
“She’s a cool chick.”
“If I’m being honest, I’ve been kind of nervous to meet you, too.”
Kate laughed. “Me?  Oh god, why?”
“Well, I’ve met a few of Chris’ girlfriends.  None of them, in my opinion, have measured up to what I think my friend deserves.  I can be a little protective of him.  I was a little nervous that you wouldn’t measure up, too.”
“That scares me.” “Don’t worry.  From what I can tell, you exceed expectations.  Chris looks genuinely happier than I’ve ever seen him. Downey, Mackie, Lizzie, and Hemmy all sing your praises.”
“They’re sweet.”
“So how are you feeling?”
“Um…. Done.  I’m feeling done.  If Jelly Bean wants to vacate the premises, I won’t stop him or her.”
“I remember those days.  They pretty much sucked.”
“Yes.  Yes, they do.”
“You’re in the home stretch now.”
“Any contractions yet?”
“Lots of Braxton Hicks.  They’ve been happening a lot on and off today.”
“It’s all the excitement.”
“That’s what I figured.”
“Oh god, have you started nesting yet?”
“Yes!  It’s insane! It’s been driving me batty not to have the furniture we need to finish the nursery.  We were told to hold off on the big stuff.”
“I would love to see it.”
“Yeah?” Kate started the struggle to get up and Scarlett helped her to her feet. The two women headed around into the kitchen and started up the stairs.
“Whoa, hey.” Chris came rushing over. “Where are you going?”
“To show Scarlett the nursery.”
“I’ll come with.”
“Chris, baby, I can walk up the stairs without help.”
“Go back to the party, Evans.” Scarlett joked. “You’re being a helicopter mom right now.”
Chris looked at them with wide, puppy dog eyes. “I’m immune to those things now.” Kate said. “Put them away before you strain your eyes.  I’ll be fine.”
Scarlett laughed and followed Kate upstairs, turning briefly to mouth to Chris, “I really like her.”
Ten minutes later, the two walked back downstairs arm in arm and laughing. It made Chris happy to see that they had hit it off and seemed as thick as thieves already.  Lisa walked over and apologized to Scarlett before taking Kate away. She and Chris spent the next hour and a half opening all of the presents that their guests had brought and ones that had been sent from friends that couldn’t make it to the shower.  Carly was writing down what they got and who sent it so Chris and Kate could send out thank you cards later.
When the shower finally wound down and people began leaving, they were given cute little gift bags with travel-sized hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works, mini-jar candles from Yankee Candle, some butter mints in a little baby bottle, and little engraved frames holding a picture from Chris’ and Kate’s maternity shoot that Danielle had insisted on doing.  The only ones left at the end of the night were Amy, Lisa, and Scott.  Helena and Bill had declined the offer to stay at the penthouse and had gotten a hotel nearby.  Lisa and Amy were staying at the penthouse in the two guest rooms while Scott was taking the couch from Kate’s garage apartment that Chris had put in the downstairs guest room that they had turned into an office for him and Kate.  Carly and Shanna had driven back to Sudbury so Carly could get back to her kids and Shanna could get to work in the morning.
“We’ll start working on putting this all together tomorrow.” Lisa said.
“I can’t believe we got all of this stuff!” Chris said. “Everyone is so sweet for doing this.” Kate let out a heavy breath and rubbed her stomach. “What’s wrong?” Chris was on instant high alert.
“Braxton-Hicks.” Kate said. “They’ve been happening on and off all day.”
“Are you sure?  Should we call the doctor?”
“I have an appointment tomorrow.  I’ll be fine.”
“Do you need anything?” Lisa asked.
“Actually, I’ve got a headache and I’m feeling kind of tired.  I want to go upstairs and lay down.”
Chris stood up and helped her to her feet. “I’ll be back down in a little bit.”
“Go on up and stay with her.” Lisa said. “We’ll clean up down here.”
“Thanks, ma.”
Kate sighed as Chris helped her change into her usual oversized T-shirt she slept in, take her contacts out, and lay down on their bed. “Thanks.”
“Are you ok?”
“Could you grab some Tylenol for me?”
“Of course.” Chris rushed into the bathroom and came out with Tylenol and a glass of water.  He set to work massaging her feet, but stopped when he noticed how swollen they were. “Babe, are you sure you’re ok?”
“I’m a little dizzy, but I think that’s cause of the headache and all the fun today.”
“Kat, your feet and legs are really swollen.  That’s a sign of preeclampsia.  So are headaches and dizziness.”
“The doctor did say I was at risk.  We’re going tomorrow, so we can ask then.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to call now?”
“Chris, it’s late.”
“It’s nine at night.”
“Well, that’s late enough.” Kate curled up on her side. “I’m going to sleep.”
“I’m going to brush my teeth and take my contacts out, then I’ll join you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” He leaned over and kissed her.
Chris woke up to the sounds of his name being called between gagging coming from the bathroom.  The clock said it was around three in the morning.  He quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.  Kate was clinging to the toilet, shaking and crying. “Hey….” He moved to her side and let out a curse when he saw the blood in the toilet. “Kate!”
“Chris, I don’t feel good.” Kate sobbed.
“We’re going to the hospital.” He jumped up and ran out of the room. “MA!” Chris burst through the guest bedroom door, startling his mother awake. “Ma, it’s Kate!  Help!”
Lisa was up like a shot.  She followed Chris into the bedroom and then pushed past him when she heard Kate. “Oh no! Sweetheart…. Chris, get her some clothes.”
“What’s going on?” Amy asked from the doorway to the bedroom.
“I’m taking Kate to the hospital.” Chris said, grabbing a pair of yoga pants out of one of Kate’s drawers while dialing the number to a car service on his cell phone. “Can you go wake up Scott?”
“Yeah!” Amy turned and ran downstairs.
Lisa was running a washrag over Kate’s face, whispering comforting words to her. “Come on, Katie.  Let’s get your clothes on.” Chris came over and gave his mother the yoga pants as he dialed the emergency number to Kate’s doctor.
Scott ran in, throwing a shirt on. “What’s going on?”
“Scott, come help me.” Scott rushed over and helped his mother get Kate into her pants and shoes. “Amy, honey, do you have Helena’s phone number?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Amy said. “I’ll call her.  Where are you going?  I mean, what hospital?”
“New York Presbyterian.” Chris said. “It’s not far.”
“Ok. I’ll call her.”
“Here,” Chris grabbed the pen and notepad out of Kate’s nightstand drawer. He quickly wrote down a number for the car service and another number underneath it. “Call this number and give them this account number.  Send a car for her family, they’re at the Millennium Hilton, and then get one for yourself.  I’ve already got one on the way.” He turned and swept Kate up into his arms.  Scott and Lisa helped steady them as they walked down the stairs.
Kate looked around the private birthing suite and sighed.  She had been poked with needles and had an IV in her arm, ready to administer drugs if needed.  They had brought in an ultrasound and had hooked her up to a fetal monitor after taking her for a CT scan.  Chris sat on the bed next to her, holding her hand.  He was the only one allowed in with her right now.
“I just want to go home.” Kate said, laying her head down on Chris’ shoulder.
He kissed the top of her head. “I know, baby.”
Doctor Beauchamp walked into the room and looked at the waiting couple. “Well, the blood in your vomit is from a small tear in the lining of your esophagus. Sometimes this happens with the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.  It’s manageable if we can control the nausea and get you to eat soft foods for seven to ten days.  What concerns me is the protein in your urine, Kate, and how high your blood pressure is.  We talked about you being preeclamptic and you’re showing enough of the signs right now.”
“So, what’s the plan, Doc?” Chris asked.
“I want you, Kate, to try and make it to 39 weeks.  Right now, you’re still within reason to give birth naturally like you want, so what I’m going to do is keep you here for the next two weeks so we can monitor you, but you’re on strict bedrest.”
“You’re not going to induce?” Kate asked.
“I could and I might even be able to do it more naturally than giving you Pitocin since you’re dilated to one, but I don’t want to and I know you want to avoid the Pitocin at all costs.”
“I want Jelly Bean to bake for a little longer, so two weeks here on bedrest. You’re only allowed out of that bed to go to the bathroom and to take very quick showers.  Chris, you may want to go home and pack some of Kate’s stuff. Comfortable, loose fitting clothes, please.”
“You got it.” Chris said. “Anything.”
“Ok. I’m going to go discuss with the nurses everything they need to know and I’ll be back later with a list of some super fun bedrest rules.” Doctor Beauchamp walked out and Kate burst into tears.
“Hey,” Chris pulled Kate to him tightly. “Shh, it’s ok.  It’s only two weeks and then we’ll meet our little Jelly Bean.”
“But there’s so much to get done before then!”
“Ma isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and neither is Scott.  I’m pretty sure your mom isn’t leaving now.  I can call in whoever else we need to get the stuff put together before the baby arrives.”
“But I won’t get to help.”
“I can bring some stuff here for you to work on.”
“I just want to go home.”
“You will.  And when you do, you’ll be holding Jelly Bean.” Chris kissed her sweetly. “I’m going to go let everyone know what’s going on and see if we can have anyone back here besides us.”
Over the next week, Kate didn’t show much change.  Which wasn’t a bad thing.  She had started to dilate some more, so the doctor was happy that she might even give birth without any help.  Bill and Jan had gone home, but Helena had decided to stay to be there with her daughter.  She and Lisa were staying at the penthouse with Scott.  They Facetimed with Chris and Kate so the couple could help finish decorating the nursery with the furniture they had gotten.  
On her twelfth day there, July 8th, Dr. Beauchamp had decided they didn’t need to wait any longer.  She decided to try the more natural induction of labor by going in and stripping the membranes.  It was extremely painful, and Chris had no idea how that much of the doctor’s arm fit up inside his fiancée, but it was effective.  Kate’s contractions had set in and she went into active labor.  Chris was by her side for every single minute with Lisa and Helena taking turns on Kate’s free side.  Kate labored for fourteen hours before it was finally time to push. Dr. Beauchamp allowed Kate to move around and try to find more comfortable positions to deliver the baby in, but nothing was working.
“Kate, the baby is stuck and going into distress.” Dr. Beauchamp announced. “We need to get this baby out now.  I’m going to have to do a c-section.”
“No.” Kate growled, trying to push again.
“Kate, you need to stop pushing.  This baby isn’t going to come out naturally and you’re only going to hurt yourself and the baby if you keep trying.”
Kate let out a scream as another contraction bore down on her. “I need to push!”
“Kate, your blood pressure is through the roof.  You need to calm down.��
Chris tried soothing Kate, but nothing helped.  Doctor Beauchamp called for the anesthesiologist to meet them in the OR with a spinal tap while she administered an anti-anxiety medicine. Kate was so scared and so worked up that the medicine didn’t have much of an effect.  Chris was made to stay in the room while they got Kate prepped for surgery.  He paced the floor, waiting for them to come get him.  They had told him it wouldn’t take more than ten minutes.  It had now been thirty minutes.  He was about to start kicking doors in when a nurse came to get him.
Kate was strapped down to the OR table with a sheet pinned up as a screen. She was still panicking and gripped his hand tightly.  He whispered comforting words and tried to keep her focus on him.  She kept complaining about how bad her upper back was hurting and she couldn’t get comfortable.  The doctor and nurses begged her to stop writhing, but she was in too much pain. They gave her a booster on her spinal tap and that seemed to do the trick some.  The doctor took advantage to quickly perform the c-section.  Chris stood up to peer over the curtain to see the baby come slithering out of the open wound.  The baby’s cry echoed in the room and Kate closed her eyes in relief.
“It’s a girl!” Doctor Beauchamp announced.
Chris turned to Kate and started to say something, but the words died on his lips as the sound of the alarm on the heart monitor went off.  The nurses came up and told him to leave, but he refused.  He began yelling at them to help Kate and security was brought in to physically remove him from the room.  They took him back to the birthing suite where his mother and Helena were waiting.  They jumped up and he started to sob.
“I don’t know what’s happening!” Chris cried. “They won’t tell me anything. She was in pain and they gave her more drugs and just after the baby was born, her heart rate dropped.”
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and-imagines · 6 years
Sign of The Times (1940s Bucky x reader)
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Just stop your crying/It's a sign of the times/Welcome to the final show/Hope you're wearing your best clothes
Me and Bucky were in the middle of the living room of my apartment, slow dancing. We had music playing on the record player in the corner of the room. It was his last night. He was shipping out tomorrow morning, we had gone out with some friends earlier in the evening. He was still wearing his uniform and I was in one of my nicest dresses. He held me close to him and my face rested against his chest, where a small wet spot had formed. I tried to stay quiet but my sniffling gave me away. Bucky pulled away slightly and gently lifted my head.
“Please don’t cry, doll. It’s just going to remind us even more that I have to leave tomorrow.” He said sadly.
“I know, I can’t help it. I’m going to miss you so much. And it’s going to be difficult to write to one another because we don’t know where either of us is going to be stationed.” I said. I was a special agent, Bucky knew this, and I had been asked to go across seas to help with the war. I of course agreed, that’s when Bucky told me he had enlisted. I don’t leave for another week, but I’m not sure where to. It’s confidential.
*Time Skip*
I’ve been away from home for a few months now. I’ve jumped from camp to camp training soldiers. Every time I get a new list of names I check for Bucky’s I also check my mail frequently, as well as the list of fallen soldiers for his name. I was currently on my way to yet a new station, usually I’d have my list by now but they were a bit behind, with all the hoopla about Captain America. I’ve never actually seen him in person only fuzzy images ever now and then, but he does look quite familiar.
Once I finally arrived, I was given my list. I scanned through it and a name caught my eye, Steven Rogers. I shook my head in disbelief, surely it wasn’t the frail man from Brooklyn, that Bucky had introduced me to. I continued through the list and then I saw it, James Barnes. It couldn’t be, some had to have the same name as him. What were the odds? I was taken to where I’d be staying. I had to set my stuff down quickly and get to where the soldiers were waiting for their training. I rushed to the field where they were. And that’s when I saw him. His face was scruffy from not shaving for a few weeks, but other than that he was the same man. He hadn’t noticed me yet, he was talking to some other men. I had reached the group and cleared my throat the get their attention. They all looked at me with slightly shocked faces. Mainly because they were not expecting a female. Bucky looked my way to and his mouth hung open a slight bit. I had to stand strong and act professional. I ordered them to start running and that I’d follow in the truck.
After training every headed to the hall for lunch. Bucky had gotten lost in the jumble. I waited for it to die down before going to grab my food. Once I did sat with some of the other agents, their was a mix males and females, after my attempt to locate Bucky failed. I didn’t really eat just picked at my food. Being so close to him but so far was killing me. When I decided I was finished I got up and began to head to my temporary set to get some work done before I have to do training with my other group. I walked down the center of the room down the aisle that lead to the exit. Most people were still eating and didn’t pay me any thought. Then I heard him, calling my name. I turned to see him standing a few yards behind me. A smile crept onto both of our faces. I stood in shock as he cleared the distance between us. When he was right in front of me he wrapped his arms around me, and kissed the top of my head. Clapping erupted from the direction he had come from. His buddies there knew our story and were glad to see us back together, despite the circumstances.
Time skip.
Just stop your crying/Have the time of your life/Breaking through the atmosphere/And things are pretty good from here/Remember everything will be alright/We can meet again somewhere/Somewhere far away from here/We never learn, we been here before/Why are we always stuck and running from/The bullets?
Tonight was the night right before Bucky has to head out on a mission. I had been a reck all day trying not to cry, this happened every time he had to leave. There was just always the uncertainty of him not coming back. Bucky found me sitting on my cot crying.
“Doll, why do you this to yourself every time?” He asked as he sat next to me.
“I don’t know I’m just always so worried. I can’t lose you Bucky.” I said.
“You won’t.” He said. We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke up again, “Come on, let’s go have the time of our lives tonight. Every ones drinking and celebrating, we’re going to end this war tomorrow. And were both going to go back home, get far away from here. Everything’s going to be alright.” He said standing up and reaching his out to me. I took and he lead me to where all the guys were at drinking and having a good time.
The next morning*
Just stop your crying/It's a sign of the times/We gotta get away from here/We gotta get away from here/Stop your crying/Baby, it will be alright/They told me that the end is near/We gotta get away from here
The Howling Comandos were about to head out. I stood with Bucky as we said our goodbyes. My eyes began to water. Bucky hugged me. He let out a slight chuckle and we both pulled away slightly and I gave him a confused look since this was nothing to laugh about.
“This just reminds me of when I first left for the war. And now the end is near, it’s like we’ve come full circle.” He said and I smiled at the realization. Bucky’s face got a lot more serious, “I know I’ve said everything would be alright, but can you promise me that even if it ends up not being that you’ll find a way to happy?”
I bit my lip but nodded still. “Yes, but I don’t have to worry about that because the war is ending and we’re going home.”
Stop your crying, baby/It's a sign of the times
Bucky’s POV and time skip to modern day
I can’t help but wonder what happened to her. The girl I loved. I’ve come to terms that’s she’s probably dead, but I just want to know what did she make of her self after I was captured and announced as dead. Did she get married, have kids and get a dog like she always wanted. I asked Steve he knew anything but he said he didn’t. So I decided to try my best and figure it out. After days of research and going through many old agent files I found hers. She didn’t have any children, but did have a great nephew who might know something about her. I reached out to him and he agreed to meet with me after I had to lie and say that someone in my family knew her and we had some old pictures of her and I just wanted to know more about who she was. He told me about the stories his grandmother would tell him about her sister. I finally got the courage to ask if he knew how and when she died.
“Yeah, my grandma told this story a lot, although it’s pretty sad.” He began, “she was an agent in the war and her boyfriend or fiancé, can’t quite remember but his name was James, was fighting in the war. They were stationed at the same place, one day James had to go out on a mission and she stayed at the camp, well about twelve hours after he left, their camp was invaded and she was killed. They found her body and it was sent back to America. The only thing they sent with her was, a dog tag with James’s information on it that she was wearing, the clothes she was wearing and the letters that were in her pocket. She a total of three, one was a love letter from James, one was a message to James and the last was kinda like her dying wish. It just said to put these words on her grave. I can’t remember what it says exactly but she’s buried in a small cemetery just out the city. I can give you the address if you want to go check it out.”
“Yeah, that’s be nice.” I said. I was struggling to keep it together. Right after I left and I told her we’d be back home soon, they were invaded and she was killed. The hardest part was she knew it was coming too, she had to of to have written the letters. He wrote down the address of the cemetery and told me the general location of her grave. We said our goodbyes and I made way out there to see her.
I walked up and down the rows of headstones and didn’t see her name. I almost gave up hope until I saw something that I couldn’t believe. A grey headstone with the faded name “Y/n Barnes” I did have doubts that it was her until I saw the words below the name. In equally warn letters was “Just stop your crying, it’s a sign of the times.” And I knew it was her.
I fell to my keens right there and cried.
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I added a smirking Bucky at the end to cheer you up.
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