#it’s genuinely very eye opening to explore sexually focused environments outside of mainstream filmed pornography I think
as someone with an eclectic taste in video games something that’s really fascinated me is seeing that there’s actually a very large amount of the audience for pornographic video games that aren’t perisex cishet men. like, that’s the stereotype right? but it’s just not true. if catered to, the audience ends up being way more diverse than that. if there’s pornography that centres a female pov, women like it. if there’s pornography that allows for all sexualities to be represented, people of all sexualities will like it. if there’s pornography that experiments with gender, gender roles, and binary ideas of such trans and intersex people will enjoy it.
and like, i think that’s something that’s sorely missing in conversations about the ethics of pornography? pornography isn't naturally something that only appeals to perisex cishet men, because you can find pornography that appeals to way more people than that easily if you look outside of the mainstream industry and into indie projects, like video games. because those projects actually allow all people to have a seat at the table and be catered to, not just to exist in ways specifically designed to appeal to perisex cishet men.
our ideas on sexuality are constructed, not inherent. sex and sexuality are normal parts of humanity that everyone can enjoy if they wish. enjoying sex and sexually explicit content is something any group of people can do (and not enjoying it is also fair and valid). but society constructs sexual desire as something that exists to benefit cishet perisex men and objectify anyone who isn’t that. it’s a whole sector of the human experience that is denied to them.
and like. idk i think that’s why the idea that sexuality is inherently violent and oppressive strikes me as inherently conducive to the status quo of oppression itself. culturally, sexual desire and enjoyment of sexuality is something cishet perisex men are granted and everyone else is denied, and bc heterosexual men aren’t into each other it means only one party is permitted to enjoy it, and that is violence and oppression, but it’s not something solved by demonising sexuality. sexuality is a privilege in that it is a basic part of humanity denied to people, instead of being something harmful certain people are granted. and the solution to that is to allow sexuality and desire to be a mutual, fun thing for everyone, not to treat it as inherently bad in and of itself. sex doesn’t need to be exploitative. it should be a positive experience people of any gender, sexuality, and whatever else can mutually engage with if they wish and not do so if they wish not to.
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