#it’s easier to put a bullet thru ur head then live another day
navarice · 2 years
ellie staggering out of the warehouse on her own. bloodied, broken, and bruised. yet another tally to the ever lengthening list of utter bullshit she has to put up with just for a measly chance to cure people who will neither be grateful for her sacrifice nor deserving of it. her love for the people she lost drives her, but joel knows that no one deserves her kindness, not when he’s seen the hell she’s going through. not when he can’t protect her from even this.
joel had every right to take her out of that hospital. the choice was selfish and cruel, but ellie…funny, capable, and kind ellie. the closest person he has to a daughter, a single tether to his humanity, does not deserve to be a sacrifice to an already broken world hellbent on destroying themselves on their own.
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gldtarnish · 6 years
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the loveliest angels make the cruelest demons. 
 — ✧ that looks like ROSALIND SNART! they’re the TWENTY SIX YEAR OLD DAUGHTER of GOLDEN GLIDER. [ they are also a SKATEWORLD ROLLER RINK EMPLOYEE. ] i hear they’re INSIGHTFUL & TACTILE, but tend to be MANIPULATIVE & SARCASTIC. her file says that her power is ASTRAL PROJECTION & INTANGIBILITY.
            some people’s stories are written before they are born:    sometimes, being born on the wrong side of the track can feel like a noose around the neck, not yet tightened.
    your father is never in the question; it could be anyone. you had your money bet on another rogue, but every time you asked your mother, she’d simply reply with a side smile and a half shrug.   she’d always say,    ‘ fathers aren’t worth the trouble. ‘      you just nodded your head.
lisa tried to be a good mother ;    loving her daughter dearly, doing whatever she could to protect her pride and joy.      to give golden haired rosalind the childhood that had been robbed from her.   unfortunately,    as a super villain -- that was easier said than done. lisa tried to go straight for a while, but the duo struggled to keep their head above waters, and the more lisa began to dabble in thievery, crookery, and straight up villainy, the more she learnt if you loved something you have to let it go. and sometimes, that constitutes putting your kid in the foster system.      or, she was partially.               it was an initial attempt to give rosalind a better life; a different family name;   it lasted roughly a year in the foster home, occasional visits from her mother every now and again to check up, occasionally having other parents come to see her to see if she would fit. but every time a whisper of a name. a statement would be exchanged;    a  side eye glance and a sorry expression as the parents moved on for a less ‘troublesome’ canidate.
the last ditch effort ; sending rosalind to gotham academy.  if she couldn’t get a new shot at life, away from all the villainy,   than she may as well get a good education.   she got more than that; good friends, a backbone to her voice, as well as finding out how athletically gifted she was.
people dubbed her ‘the golden girl.’ though, she mostly thought they were just mocking her mom.  perhaps not straight 4.0 level, but golden hair, shimmering smile, and also the star of the lacrosse team and ice skating champion.    she was still a snart; but she actually had a future ahead of her. of an olympic athlete, or at least, someone who may be able to keep their head above the water.
friendly; lovely; wouldn’t hurt a fly unless adequately provoked; they got her far in life, a lot of connections, a lot of friends.    they didn’t get her that far in court however.  if anyone questions rosalind anything about ‘ the incident ‘ she is adamant that it wasn’t her ; that she wasn’t even near a bank, that she had a perfectly valid alibi, the facts didn’t add up on anyone’s side, but once you have a name on your back, it might as well be a target. a name was whispered, a theory was suggested, and it spread like wildfire through the audience that of course golden glider’s kid would be responsible. because villainy? it’s genetic. absolutely no good scientists would tell you that.  ( to this day, rosalind is still adamant the jury was bought up.  she would defend her innocence till air has forever left her lungs. ) 
the golden girl fallen from grace ;
 once again, a name was whispered, and the gavel fell. 7 years with the chance of parol on good behaviour.   it’s a heavy sentence on a 22 years old head. and she definitely didn’t take it lying down. but with nothing she could do to fight it, she realised there was other things she could fight instead. the government. heroes and the law and justice was make believe, so if they were going to send her to jail for doing nothing ? well, then she may as well break it in that case. she managed three extra counts of robbery ( all undetected ) before finding herself behind bars. she also found herself;     or more specifically, she found the one benefit that came with her name. super powers.
what she thought was just lucid dreaming and out of body experiences ? turned out to be astral projection, with a form that only people vibrating at a high enough frequency could see. suddenly, the wimpy little angel could fall from grace, straight to slumming it with the devils.   being able to covertly see and hear everything that happened ( whilst she was sleeping, at least ) gave her enough black mail material. ( at least enough to get her on the parole board. )
it took 4 years; but she made it on parole. they gave her either the option of effective house arrest, or get set up with a job at paragon.  she took the latter, and felt almost at home at the roller rink. it just needed a little chaos. 
her current status ?   :  legally, a law abiding citizen who works at the roller rink. and in actuality ?   a fledgling super villain, perhaps slightly without aim, but looking for the right people to get angry at, and a group of ragtags she can call her own rogues.
ok !!! that’s my girl rosa’s history !!! here r some bullet point tl;dr’s \
daughter of lisa snart aka. golden glider
cousin of axel snart
basically the same powers as her mum ( from prime earth !! )
she used to be the sweetest fucking angel ( always morally grey, but u know ), and now she can genuinely not give 2 shits and is just here to cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble. fuck the police coming straight from the underground
used to have a squad at gotham academy, which is where she started to learn to be edgy to fit in better. but she was very much ur heathers/regina george kind of ‘popular, but almost untouchable and could very much kill u’ kind of vibe. the people who seem flawless, the people that everyone wants to see crash n burn
was nikki’s cellmate ! the real ride n DIE’s
anyway WC’S! 
here’s the 1 i’m submitting to the main ! 
ROSALIND SNART, our HALSTON SAGE fc is looking for a HIGH SCHOOL EX’s connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE, who is  29-23 YEARS OLD.  you DON’T  have to contact prior to applying at ( but if u want to @ gldtarnish ). ( any gender /   idea background is your standard high school relationship/teen flick, just your standard teens trying to live through a world of gods and monsters without falling off the track. rosa broke it off just before she got falsely accused of arson, breaking and entering, and arson. went to jail without telling them, and came back the exact opposite of the golden girl sweetheart she was growing up!!  )
also looking for ( and will be submitting when i get the fucking time to write it up ) FRIEND WITH BENEFITS ( current/ within the past year ! ) just emotionally fucked people lookin to fuck n mayb do some illegal substances/shit ! ( any gender - but rosa is male leaning bi)
also lookin for another RIDE OR DIE. ( someone who knew her since she was like 20, and totally believed in her and supported her thru the trial / whether or not they like her change in character ? )
ON THAT NOTE: in general, friends or people she knew growing  up / before she went to jail.    because damn this bitch could be an entirely different person.
also criminal buddies pls come n    . . . . . . . . .. .    be evil ? get that bread ????
those r my particular  i would love these fuckn connections but also loving: friends in general hero kids who side eye the hell out of her bc bitch what the fUCK someone who is the elmo to her kermit in this one video PLEASe.  also ppl who she hates ? u got a soft kid or someone who easily gets on someone else’s nerves ? ? ? ???? bitch step the fuck up n be ready to fIGTE. and also the person that framed her is also    open   👀 if anyone ‘s    👀 👀 👀
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