#it’s cute how Katsuki is the one behind and watching his back in this shot
oshiawaseni · 2 years
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Soft boy & pining after soft boy 😭❤️
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 2 months
heyy I saw u we’re accepting requests and ur blog looks so cute!!
was wondering if u could do a one-shot of either pro hero bkg or izuku saving u from a villain holding u hostage to get to get revenge on either of them?
tysm xxx
*Coughs* Thank youuu <3!
My my, I see we're playing the role of damsel in distress. This will be fun~
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"Let me go!" you screamed, thrashing against the chair you were tied to.
"Shut up, you little-!" the female sneered, about to slash her knife across your face when a bulky guy stepped in. He whispered something in her ear, and her face twisted into a nasty grin.
"Wonderful!" she smiled, putting the knife back in the holder strapped to her thigh. "Your wonderful boyfriend is here." She cackled, walking up to the door. "Let's give him a little surprise, shall we?"
Your eyes widened, tears brimming. "Please... don't hurt him," you whispered, head hanging low.
"Oh, I won't hurt him, silly! Not physically at least! I want to see his reaction when the blood seeps from your veins and he’s forced to watch, knowing there’s nothing he can do to save you." She laughed, exiting the room.
The redhead grabbed your phone and sent Katsuki a picture of you, terrified and tied up with a red handprint on your face. Katsuki’s blood boiled when he saw it.
His hands trembled with rage, his mind racing. No time to waste. He launched himself into action, explosions propelling him through the air.
You sat tied to the chair, heart pounding as the female villain re-entered, dragging a chair to the middle of the room and casually sitting in it. She toyed with her knife, tracing patterns on the floor.
A loud explosion rocked the building. Smoke and debris filled the air as Katsuki landed with a thunderous crash. His carmine eyes blazed with fury, locking onto the female villain. "Get away from her!"
She cackled, rushing behind you, yanking your hair back and pressing the sharp blade to your neck. "One wrong move and she dies," she hissed, her eyes turning to slits.
Katsuki froze, explosions dying down. "What do you want?" he spat, nostrils flaring.
"A long, long time ago," she started, pressing the blade deeper, making you wince. Katsuki could see you were hurting, your eyes screwed shut, fingernails digging into your palms. His mind raced, searching for a solution.
"I was a happy teenage girl with a normal life, living with my boyfriend," she continued, eyes flashing black. "He was the most wonderful person out there. The only one who understood me... the only one who cared about me." She sighed.
"I remember you," Katsuki growled, his eyes zeroing in on the tattoo on her neck, the mark of the Vipers.
"So you remember how you hurt him? How you killed him?" she seethed, pressing the blade harder, drawing blood. Tears streamed down your face.
"He was selling kids, for fuck's sake!" Katsuki snarled, trying to buy time. Where the hell was Shitty Hair when you needed him?
"They would end up dying anyways! At least we put them into homes!" she roared back, black lightning surrounding her. It almost made him flinch, almost.
The female villain's grip tightened on your hair as she stared daggers at Katsuki. "He did what he had for us to survive," she spat, eyes filled with hatred.
"He was a scumbag," Katsuki retorted, his mind still working furiously for a way out of this. "And you're no better."
Her eyes flashed with anger. "You'll pay for what you did," she hissed, dragging the blade a bit deeper. You let out a whimper, and Katsuki's heart clenched.
"Don't you dare touch her," Katsuki growled, taking a cautious step forward. His hands sparked, small explosions crackling at his palms, ready to strike.
"Stay back!" she screeched, pressing the blade deeper until a thin line of blood trickled down your neck. "One more step and I'll slice her throat."
Katsuki stopped, fists clenching at his sides. "Alright, alright," he said, his voice dangerously calm. "Just... tell me what you want. We can talk about this."
She let out a bitter laugh. "Talk? You think talking will bring him back? You think talking will make up for all the pain you caused?"
Katsuki's jaw tightened. "Nothing will bring him back. But killing her won't change anything either."
The woman scoffed. "Say goodbye, Dynamite."
It was then that Kirishima burst into the room, his Red Riot form activated. "Bakugo!"
The distraction was all Katsuki needed. He lunged forward, a powerful explosion propelling him across the room. The force knocked the knife from the villain's hand and sent her sprawling.
He held onto your sobbing form tightly. "You okay?" he asked, hands rubbing circles into your hips.
"I'm fine. Just hurts a bit." you whisper. He snarled, about to give the villain a piece of his mind.
Fortunately for her, Kirishima had already rendered her unconscious and slapped quirk-cancelling cuffs on her.
"I got her Bakubro. Paramedics are outside. Take care of your girl." he nodded to the blond and Katsuki nodded back to him in thanks.
"I'm so sorry Kats." you whispered into his chest as he planted a kiss ontop of your head. "Sorry? Whatchu gotta be sorry for?" he grumbled, tilting your head up to look at him.
You looked up at him and smiled, giving him a peck on the lips. "Not knowing what to do."
He rolled his eyes. "That's why ya got me, dollface." Looking down at you made him feel like the happiest man alive.
"So... how 'bout another kiss?"
"My neck is bleeding."
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Hope you liked this one, anon!
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
Dating Kirishima
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A/N: Hey!!! I've been having Kirishima brain rot of months now so it's y'all problem now lol
He is the definition of a gentleman; he holds doors open for you, helps you up steps, and walks outside the sidewalk closer to the street.
The first time he took you out on a date, he almost threw himself across the hood of his truck to stop you from opening the car's door to get out.
"W-Wait holds on; I'll get it for you!"
He is so polite with your folks.
Tries real hard to impress them, brings flowers for your mama, and gives your pa a firm handshake and compliments that beat up on racing car his been "fixin' " for years.
He's shaking the whole time; you have to hold his hand to get him to relax.
"I just don't want to mess this up."
He LOVES to show you off.
He'll take you out and strut around with you on his arm like he won the lottery. (If you ask him, he'll say he did)
He was so excited for you to meet his friends he grew up with; he told you so many stories of them from high school you can't help but feel a little intimidated.
"Hey, look at me; they're going to love you, okay?"
And they do!
Mina and Danki would gang up on him and tell you the stupid shit he did when they were teens.
Sero would crack a joke at Kirishima's expense, and everything was fine!
You got along with everyone and felt really welcomed by them; the only one that worried you was Bakugou.
"Then he crashed his head through this guy's window-"
"H-hey! Maybe we don't let her that one."
He sat there all night quietly watching you and every move you made; it felt like he was staring you down by the time the two of you left.
Eijiro noticed how quiet you were returning to the house and asked what was wrong.
You told him you were worried about what bakugou thought of you; you know the two of them are best friends, and you didn't want to cause problems.
He stared at you in the corner of his eye and told you that you didn't need to worry about that.
Later that night, you heard him on the phone with the blond when he thought you had gone ahead and gone to sleep.
You could see a grin split across his face.
"So, what do you think about her?"
"She's nice, man. Sweet."
"Yeah? Yeah, she is; she's the best, bro. I mean, like, did you hear how she laughs? Oh god, don't get me started on her nose and -"
He could go on and on about how much he loves you to anyone who would listen.
The lady scanning his items at the store? He's talking about how his surprising you with your favorite ice cream.
The old woman his helping cross the street? He's talking about how cute you were playing with your little cousins at your last family reunion.
"I just love her so much."
He does adore you; you are his main drive in life, and he absolutely would do anything for you.
He once stopped what he was doing mid-guys night and RAN all the way home from across town because you called him that you watched a scary movie by yourself. You swear to god you saw something outside your window.
"Don't worry! I'm here!"
He's knocked motherfuckers out over you; one time at a club, your shared friend group dragged the two of you too, and he decided to hang back as Mina pulled you onto the dance floor.
He hung back with the boys and was shooting shots when he felt Katsuki nudge his arm; he looked up at his friend, whose eyes were glued on the dance floor.
He looked over to see these two guys pressed up against you, front and back, you clearly distressed, pushing on the guy in front of yous chest, while the guy behind you pressed up against you even more, sandwiching you between them.
He's never moved faster in his life; he flew out of his chair and was tearing them both off you before they could even open their mouths; he had them on the floor rumbling.
At some point, Katsuki, Kaminari, and Hanta, as well as Mina, had jumped in to whip their asses which caused all six of you to get kicked out.
You were apologizing the whole ride home when he pulled over and cupped your face.
"As long as I am alive, no one will ever touch you like that again."
And you believed him.
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gabrielleraven28 · 11 months
Dear Deku,
Tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Middle School Student Midoriya Izuku, Middle School Student Bakugou Katsuki, Sweet Bakugou Katsuki, Tsundere Bakugou Katsuki, Fluff, First Dates, Emotionally Constipated Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku
‘Stupid Nerd, Ice Cream at *inter parlor here* after school.’
‘Deku, Please, go on a date with me.’
Definitely not.
Ew, gross, no.
‘Ice Cream, afterschool, I’ll walk you. -K’
It’ll have to do……. ++++++++++++++++++++
Or, A cute one-shot of Bakugou asking Izuku on a first date
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44658727
‘Dear Deku, Go out with me, Nerd!’ , Bakugou Katsuki scribbled down on a small, torn piece of paper.
“You can ask like that, Brat!” his mom shouts from behind him.
“Fuck off!” Katsuki shouts back before mumbling, “Then what should I write?”
“HuH? Are you, my brat of a son, asking what to write to ask out poor little Izkuk?”
“Tch, whatever. Fuck off, old Hag!” he shouts as he stomps away.
The elder blonde just sighs in defeat as her husband places a hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to push him like that”
“It's okay, love. He knows.”
‘Stupid Nerd, Ice Cream at *inter parlor here* after school.’
‘Deku, Please, go on a date with me.’
Definitely not.
Ew, gross, no.
‘Ice Cream, after school, I’ll walk you. -K’
It’ll have to do…….
When Izuku walked into his homeroom five minutes until the starting bell rang, he was relatively calm. He was early, and who could be upset with the sunny sun outside and cool weather that day? Definitely not him.
Everything seemed normal, at least for a Monday morning. Tired students sat in their seats loudly talking with their desk neighbors as he made his way to his slightly dirty desk with scratches of mean words on its surface. At this point in his life, he didn’t even see the writing as he got ready for his day to begin; but all of a sudden his eyes landed on a slip of paper that was taped to the pencil pouch he had lost a week ago.
‘Ice Cream, after school, I’ll walk you. -K’ Izuku knew that handwriting, hell he would know that tone of writing out of a hundred types of writing similar to it. Kacchan had written this. His Kacchan. The one that has been ignoring and pushing him away for years.
How could anyone be unhappy on a day like this? His Kacchan has finally reached out to him, without his insistence! A smile so bright it could be compared to the sun stretched out across his face as he put the note in a protected place before sitting in his seat and fidgeting with excitement.
The only slight flaw in my plan was that I could not see my nerd’s face or reaction to the note. Luckily no one dared to go to Deku’s desk to ruin the present I had found in the lost and found a few days ago with the glare and growl I sent to anyone who got near to it. But still, I could feel the smile Deku was sending to me from behind me all day and could do nothing about it. Stupid, goddam nerd!
But finally, the day had ended, and I stood alone by the entrance gates waiting for my little nerd to meet me for their first date. He had not left a time to meet but surely Deku would not leave him here without any kind of response, but it was already twenty-five minutes past the last bell of the day and there was no nerd in sight. ‘Tch, whatever, I’ll give him five more minutes before I leave,’ I think, convincing myself I was only slightly hurt.
Slowly five minutes had antagonistically passed and the last few students were trickling out one by one. “Tch!” I grumpily breathe out as I turn around to head home, but a distinctive shout stops me.
“Kacchan! Wait!” My little nerd runs at a surprisingly fast pace before slightly bumping into my chest as he stops. I watch his little chest rapidly go up and down as he catches his breath, but after two or so minutes he catches his breath just enough to start rambling. “Sorry, I made Kacchan wait! Hana-senpai held me back to talk about-”
“It’s fine, nerd. Stop rambling.” The comment seemed to break the nerd out of his head as he looked up from the pavement he was facing and finally meet my red eyes with his wide, vibrant green eyes.
“W-we-we better h-head to the p-parlor b-be-before they cl-close?”
“Huh?” I question as I tilt my head.
‘W-we-well I’m not sure when the pa-parlor closes-s, b-bu-but it will b-be dark in a-abo-about an hour and a half s-s-so..” “Come on, nerd!” I command as his speech drifts off and head to the small ice cream parlor down the street from our houses.
The small step to a fixed relationship starts there with the two teens walking to their houses in the sunset as they joke around. And years later the two would fight over if this was their first date and make jabs about Katsuki's lack of social ability, as they retold their story to their friends and family.
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bbykeijis · 3 years
# shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoryia
summary: when you & the main three take a late night trip to mcdonald’s to be faced with a tired and over it employee… (genderneutral!reader)
author’s note: this is set in a random timeline lmaooo, don’t think too hard about this. the fic is a remake of a special one shot i wrote for one of my old series back on wattpad lmao,, tbh i like this one way bettaaa
genre & warnings: crack ! comedy ! fluff ! language !
"not dabi working the midnight shift at mcdonald's..."
the freezing midnight air that was once a bother suddenly disappeared as the four of you stared confused into the empty fast food chain. the todoroki, a man that had caused so much bullshit for ua and the pros last year, was right in front of you... mopping the floor.
"isn't he meant to be in prison painting his toenails pink with shigaraki right now?”
izuku, shoto, and bakugou turned to face you slowly in disbelief. you shrugged your coated shoulders.
“what?” you asked, “is it something i said?”
shoto shook his head solemnly as he dramatically placed his hand onto the cold glass of the window.
he sighed, "working the night shift in a mcdonald’s is a punishment worse than life in prison.”
izuku and bakugou eyed each other, bored and hungry, as they watched the two of you stare emotionally at an unknowing touya, the ex-villain now standing half-asleep at the tills.
the blonde cleared his throat and pointed to the entrance: impatient, insatiable, and irritated.
"chicken. nuggets. and. ice. cream," he announced monotone. deku glared at his friend and the blonde paused before adding a weak 'please' to the end of his demand.
“alright, sorry kacchan.”
“shut up, y/n.”
"so!” you clapped your hands together with a smirk and pointed to the entrance. “should i be a sensible person and not make a big deal out of this or should i be myself?”
“y/n, i love you, but don’t be yourself.”
"okayyyyy, i get it,” you answered shuffling towards the entrance. izuku let out a sigh of relief before hearing your next words.
“i’ll be myself.”
you ignored izuku’s panicked cursing as you strolled up to the till with a confident grin. the white haired individual hadn't noticed you yet but he definitely did once you accidentally slammed your hand onto the white counter... accidentally.
"good evening," you greeted sweetly with a smile, "how are you doing tonight, bae?"
bakugou hushed midoryia, the boys stood inside now but remaining a few metres away, all huddled up and nervous to see how dabi would react to your teasing.
touya froze before looking up from his screen, his deep blue eyes meeting yours with... a smile?
your confidence dissipated; you truly thought you were going to die.
the tall man stared at you in silence, plotting surely, before answering.
"uhm… i'm doing alright, thanks.” the todoroki said warmly, "so, what can i get you?"
your confidence was now completely gone; you knew you were going to die.
"nah, this can’t be real?” you whispered to yourself, "this is a prank!” you looked around paranoid. "maybe all for one came back from the dead! i know you're hiding somewhere! cut the cameras!"
the boys snuck closer, hiding behind a self-order machine staring at the kind dabi in shock. shoto, with his thousands of online followers, slowly raised his phone to livestream whatever bloodbath would occur next.
“you're doing great sweetie!" he mouthed.
with a shaky thumbs up, you faced his older brother once more. his lazy smile remained as he waited expectedly for your mcdonald's order.
you frowned. "touya, are you feeling alright?" you asked. "how are you so chill right now? don’t you want to… i don’t know… threaten my life or something cute like that?”
“no?” he rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his palm looking up at you. “but i do wanna get paid so make an order or leave you dumbass’.”
touya peered behind you to see the boys watching on, the man sending a quick middle finger to shoto’s camera. the younger todoroki looked down with a small smile reading the comments.
“dad said you should be nicer.”
“yeah, well dad’s a dick.”
“dad said that’s valid.”
bakugou rolled his eyes walking up to counter hungry and unamused. "can we get 2 boxes of 20 piece chicken nuggets and 4 mcflurries," he ordered.
midoryia came forward too, lightly kicking his leg. bakugou rolled his eyes once more before uttering a simple “please?"
“sure,” touya said. “that will cost you… your lives.”
it was silent for a moment until shoto broke the silence by reading out a comment from his 10 thousand viewer instagram livestream.
"dad said you should reconsider your career in food and hospitality."
© all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to me, bbykeijis. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works. i do not allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Prelude - This is all @dearestdynamight ‘s fault okay I take no responsibility for the horny..... or do I? aha Sorry I said I’d write a drabble but it turned into a one shot whoops
Pairing - Yandere Bakugou Katsuki X Fem Reader
Warnings - NSFW, noncon, predator/prey dynamics, unsafe sex, 
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/3R8PKPTPgHApBhCt3NUJ0q?si=uLON1Rw_RHaEpH2WaCfYBA (This music has a great runnin tempo/ it made me think of heartbeats skippin like outta fear so)
“Alright-” Bakugou has you by the arm, dragging you past the threshold of the cabin he keeps you in.
You’re scared. Sometimes he lets you outside, to feel the sunshine and the nice breeze, to go for a walk down to the creek, hiding his smile as you gawk at all the pretty flowers.
But he seems... agitated today. Restless.
“-Here’s how this is gonna go.” He shoves you down the front steps, and you barely catch yourself from falling, turning to look at the blonde while he sits himself down on the top step, legs stretching out. “I’ll give you hm, five minutes -  got that? You got five minutes to fuckin’ run, and then I let myself loose.”
“Wh-what?” You’re not understanding, hands anxiously twisting at each other. There’s a predatory look in Bakugou’s eyes.
“We’re gonna play tag. I’m fuckin’ bored and I wanna get a nice little workout in. Chasing your pretty little ass through the forest should be enough to get my blood pumping.” Is his simple explanation.
He’s letting you run?
You don’t dare to hope for a second that you’ll actually be able to get away, escape from the monster of a man that’s lounging on the steps in front of you. 
He’s hurt you, abused you, kept you locked away from society, far enough that no one’s able to hear when you scream every time Bakugou fucks you.  
“I..... I don’t want to play.” Your bottom lip quivers, but you can’t tell if you’re going to cry out of frustration or nervousness. You can’t believe that you’re nothing more than a toy to Bakugou, something he can play with when he’s bored, keep tucked away in the dark when he has better things to do.
Bakugou leans back, rests on an elbow, lets his crimson eyes rake up your form before they reach your gaze. “Yeah? You don’t wanna play? Is that cause you know you’ll fuckin’ lose? I bet you’ll cry like a little bitch when I catch you.”
There’s nothing that you want to say to him. He’s trying to egg you on, but you won’t fall for his mean tricks.
“Fucking fine.” He shifts, smug smile appearing. “Time starts now. I don’t care if you don’t run, but know that I don’t have any qualms about fuckin’ you right here after your five minutes are up.” His gaze his burning into you.
At least if you run, you won’t just be sitting here, waiting as Katsuki counts down the minutes.
You take off, down towards the creek behind the cabin, grateful that Bakugou let you keep your sneakers when he had first dragged you here, all those months ago.
They’re practically falling apart, squishing through the mud by the creek, and you almost lose your footing, scrambling to right yourself, splash across to the other side.
It doesn’t matter that your shoes are all wet now, that the bottom of your dress is dripping. Truthfully, you hate the dresses Katsuki brings home for you to wear. Hate that they’re clothes you’d love under normal circumstances, flowy dresses and cute patterns, fitting in so nicely to a cottage core aesthetic.
Branches snap underfoot as you crash through the brush, panting, focused on one thing and one thing only; getting as far away as you could, as fast as you can.
You don’t want to think about what’s going to happen when if Katsuki catches you, this twisted little game of tag he wants to play. You want to scream, this isn’t even how you play tag, he’s just using it as an excuse to hunt you down, to take pleasure out of your fear.
Moving too close to a tree had you yelping as your shoulder collided, the rough bark scratching up your skin, tearing your dress. No matter, you just needed to keep going, keep running, keep moving.
It was starting to hurt to breathe, lifting your legs was tiring, burning. You’d never been much of a runner, and being kept under lock and key at Bakugou’s cabin hadn’t exactly done wonders for your endurance.
You found yourself cursing that fact as a loud shout rang through the forest, words indiscernible. But you knew it was the blonde, could recognize raspy, manic voice that comprised the shout.
Five minutes was up.
Wheezing now, you pushed on. You briefly considered hiding, but quickly discarded that idea. Bakugou could track you, and you didn’t have enough time. You would have to worry that he’d be even rougher when if he caught you, hiding instead of running like he had wanted.
No time to rest, but you wanted to, lungs burning. You had a stitch in your side, your shoulder hurt from scraping against the tree, and your mouth was dry, throat parched.
It wasn’t long before you began to hear noises behind you, brush crashing, branches snapping, pleased laughter. You knew Bakugou was toying with you, knew that he could track you silently if he so chose. But no, he wanted you to know that he was coming, chasing you down, relentless.
It hurt to push your legs faster, muscles fatigued, cramping. Your left calf seized up, and you held in a shriek, pleading, begging your body to keep moving as you limped on, hurriedly dragging your cramping leg, refusing to stop.
“Keep on runnin’, I’ve almost fucking got you!” Bakugou crowed, and you spared a glance behind you, thankfully seeing nothing but an empty forest behind you. It meant you still had time.
But not enough time.
With a start, you realized the noises behind you had stopped, which meant that Katsuki was beginning to actually hunt, silent and ruthless.
You don’t know where he is now, nothing left to do but urge your body forward still, exhausted and terrified.
Then a weight’s pushing against your back, and you’re hitting the dirt, tackled by Bakugou, pinned down.
“I knew I’d fuckin’ get you.” He whispers to you, breath coming out in proud, ragged pants.
You whimper into the dirt, body already aching, your own breath knocked completely out of your chest because of the way the male had tackled you. You hurt all over, and now you were dirty, and Bakugou wouldn’t get off.
“Goddamn, you gave me a run for my money there. Didn’t think you’d be that fuckin’ fast, Jesus Christ.” You can tell he’s almost proud of you, proud of his ability to choose a partner.
He pushes his weight off of you, rising to his knees, and you quickly try to follow him, not fond of being splayed out on the ground underneath him.
But Bakugou doesn’t let you get far.
You’ve gathered your legs underneath you, pushing up off the ground, but the man curls a hand around your hip, the other gripping at your uninjured shoulder. You don’t even have time to draw in a breath to ask him what he was doing before he’s shoving your face back in the dirt, lifting your hips.
“Bakugou, wait!” You screeched, hands fumbling backwards as you try to grab at him, push him off you.
The man just laughs, loud and rough, shuffles closer so he can push his crotch against your ass, let you feel the sizable bulge he’s sporting. “What’s wrong princess? I won fair n’d square, now let me take my fuckin’ prize.”
A part of you knew, knew that this is how things would end. But you had wanted to believe, had hoped that it’d be different. 
“Please, wait, not here-not out here.” You choked, feeling him shift the fabric of your dress up over your ass, just enough so that he could tug at the fabric of your panties, snap the edges against your skin.
“N’d why the fuck not? ‘S not like anybody’ll hear you when you start screamin’.” The reality behind his words made your stomach curl, legs trembling as Katsuki snickered.
“Look at you, shakin’ like a scared little deer.”
Your panties get tugged down to your knees, and you hear the slight squish of Bakugou gathering his saliva in his mouth seconds before you hear him spit, seconds before you feel the glob of wet land on one of your cheeks.
Fingers swipe through the mess, before trailing down to your pussy, spreading Bakugou’s spit against your folds.
He apparently isn’t satisfied with that though, because you can feel him shifting, right before he grips a cheek in each hand and spreads you wide, pulls your hips backwards at the same time so you’re angled just right.
Just right for his spit to land directly on your cunt this time.
“S-stop it, please-” You shudder, giving up on trying to push him off. It’s never worked for you in the past, and you’re tired from running, sweaty body yearning to go limp.
A finger enters you, too soon, with not enough spit to ease its way. You yelp at the burning stretch, but Bakugou snarls at you too shut up, take what he’s given’ you as he slaps your ass.
You can feel the burn of his gaze as he watches your flesh jiggle from the force of his slap. 
He works fast, doesn’t have enough patience to go slow, to open you up properly for him. The mans riled up from the chase, full of adrenaline that has no where to go, and he wants to hammer away at your little body until you break. Bakugou knows he can build you back up again when you do.
It’s alarming when you feel fingers pull free, feel the hot, spongy head of a dick pressing up against your entrance. You aren’t ready, nowhere near wet enough. “Bakugou-Bakugou wait, wait! Bakug-oh!!” The scream that leaves your mouth is loud enough to startle birds, cause them to rise from their resting places in the trees.
Bakugou laughs a little at that, the sound quickly tapering off into a groan as he works his cock deeper into you, wiggling his hips from side to side so he can fully seat himself into your cunt, balls snug up against your clit.
“Yeah, go ahead and scream princess, lemme hear you.” He encourages, pulling out just an inch or two so he can slam back in, hear you sob, watch your shoulder shake. with each heaving breath.
He’s fucking you into the dirt like an animal, feral and uncontrolled, wild. You barely have the coordination to try and protect your face with your forearms, keep your sensitive skin from being scraped raw on the ground.
You can’t protect your knees though, or the places that Katsuki holds you from, his grip too tight, blunt nails pressing so deep into your flesh that they draw blood, the pressure biting.
It’s impossible to hold back your noises, tearful, fearful screams reverberating into the forest, choked off as you’re rocked back and forth by vicious thrusts.
The man moves easily, fucks you with the strength of a stallion, growling out your name, letting out throaty groans as he chases his release.
And it hurts, so much, your body battered and becoming scratched and bruised; it hurts so much. Until heat pools in your gut, Katsuki hitting a special spot inside you. It makes your toes curl in your sneakers, has the slide of his cock going just a bit easier as you get that much wetter.
“Unh, n-no-ooh, please, ah! Please, ohh, Bak-Bakug-” You can’t even finish your sentence, not with the blonde reaching around, hand creeping across your stomach, down to where his balls keep smacking against your skin so he can rub tight little circles around your clit.
“Fuck-fuck yeah princess, there we go. Feelin’ good now? Shit, you’re squeezing me so goddamn tight.”
You hated his voice, hated how deep and raspy it was, how his gruff moans of pleasure made your stomach jolt with arousal.
“You tryin’ t’ milk my cock or somethin’? You want my cum that fucking bad?” The man pounding you into the dirt laughed, changing his posture so that he was curled over you, chest pressed to your back.
His hips rabbited into you, and you sobbed freely at the sensation, at his horrible fingers that wouldn’t stop drawing shapes on your little clit, making you feel hot and too close to cumming.
“No, no, no-” You whimpered, trying to hold back your orgasm, but it was too little, too late.
Bakugou’s hips stuttered as you gushed around his cock, barely managing three more full thrusts before burying himself deep, cock twitching inside of you, spurting out his warm cum.
You were too tired, too spent to care how long the two of you spent on the ground, regaining your breath.
When Bakugou peeled himself away from your body, soft cock slipping easily from your warmth, you couldn’t help but cringe at the wetness that spilled against your thigh, no longer plugged in your cunt.
“That was real fucking good.”
Yeah, maybe for him.
Your panties were pulled back up, Bakugou smoothing them down before flipping your dress back into place as he rose to his feet.
He urged you up, supporting most of your weight as he easily tugged you upright. “Knew you’d be too much of a baby to walk back.” He grouched as your knees trembled, almost sending you crashing back to the ground if not for his firm arm around your waist, holding you up.
The next second, you were being lifted into the air, easily swung up into Katsuki’s arms, carried bridal style.
You felt his eyes on you, scanning over your face, your arms, your legs. Cataloging the various scratches and bruises marring your form. “You look like shit.”
You didn’t have a smart retort, just rested your head against his chest, grateful that he wasn’t making you walk, legs weak and jelly-like.
Your throat hurt from screaming.
Bakugou took you home, back to his cabin, to the cottage core life that you’d think was perfect... if only he wasn’t in it.
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liyawritesss · 3 years
This is just a cute yet funny one-shot request I have. Bakugo’s all tough and shit but he’s such a closeted affectionate person with his gf. He makes her sound/seem like she’s the only affectionate one in the relationship since she initiates the hand holding. But behind closed doors, he’s such a cuddle bug. Calling her cute nicknames, caressing her skin, gently feeling her hair, and just wanting to be around her.
Class 1-a decides to leave their rooms to the common room and to their surprise, they see Bakugo cuddled up to Y/N with his head on her chest and arms wrapped tight around her on the couch as she’s rubbing his hair with one hand and has her other arm wrapped around his shoulder. (They don’t notice everyone yet since Bakugo said the extras won’t come out while they’re like that). Bakugo’s saying the sweetest things in a soft voice and pouts when y/n doesn’t give him a kiss on his lips after kissing his face. She gives him a kiss and he’s happy n shit. However, Kaminari chose death and tried to take a picture of them to mess with Bakugo later but he left the flash on and the couple noticed. Bakugo’s neck damn near snaps when he sees the extras and everyone had to run like Iida to avoid his wrath.
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: One Shot
Synopsis: Bakugo Katsuki is not a simp, but when it comes to his loving girlfriend, he can’t deny that he turns into a completely different person.
Warnings: cursing
A/N: got this request a while back and i thought it was actually pretty cute. Bakugo is a piece of shit but lets pretend he’s capable of more than batshit craziness here, shall we?
  Bakugo Katsuki is not a simp.
    He’s fifteen years of roughed out anger and hormonal teenage angst that hates everything he sees. Picks fights where its unnecessary, is a complete nuisance, and over all a symbolism of new-aged chaos that the world has yet found the means to deal with.
    So then, how in the fuck, did he get into a relationship?
    He’ll blow things up for fun, and yet, he’s wrapped around the finger of someone who’s his complete opposite. He’ll have a yelling contest with Gordon Ramsey, but the minute you step into the room, it’s quiet - no back talk. How can Bakugo Katsuki go from raging hero-wannabe to idle boyfriend in the span of 5 seconds? It’s a world mystery, another Wonder of the World amongst the students of Class 1-A. 
    He’s still an ass, still loud and rambunctious, still a little shit to anyone and everyone around him, but as soon as you come into the picture, he goes just a bit more docile, a bit more quiet, a bit more tolerable. He denies these accusations, of course, even with video proof of his sudden change in antics, because Bakugo Katsuki is not a simp.
    He may be able to deny it around everyone else, but with you, he can’t ignore the fact. He actually likes another human, so of course, he isn’t going to half-ass his affections. So, when you ask him - albeit nervously - if the two of you could hang out in the common room later that day, of course he obliged. Even though you repeatedly asked if he was sure, in light of everyone else in the building, Katsuki still says yes. He’s been meaning to spend time with you anyway, so what other perfect opportunity than this?
“Everyone’s in their room for the night, they won’t bother,” He says, and it brings you some relief, even though you’re still a bit unsure. You know how your boyfriend is around everyone else, and would hate to see him flip out and be embarrassed.
    You continuously check if Bakugo is alright as he leans back into your chest, watching something on the common room’s TV. You rest against the front of the couch, with the upper part of his body against your chest. With one hand you play with the blonde locks that rest just under your chin, the other lays over his shoulder, draped onto his chest, loosely tangled with one of his.
    It’s a quiet, serene feeling that Katsuki adores to have with you. You laugh, you smile, you joke around just the slightest because Katsuki could never do this around other people. He has a reputation to keep, and having extras see him in such a state of vulnerability is a definite no in his book.
    But you’ve proven worthy of his time and energy and vulnerability, so maybe he can allow it. Maybe he can allow you to hold him, maybe he can allow you to kiss him, maybe he can allow you to love on him like he so desperately craves. 
    Oh, but your little bubble of serenity was burst by the loud snap sound of a camera and the not so quick two-step flash from a certain blond’s cellphone.
    Both of you turn to see Kaminari, wearing a face of regret, and behind him almost every other student in Class 1-A, save the few who actually do mind their business. Oh, Kaminari has done it this time. He tried to catch Bakugo in a vulnerable state, and now, he has to pay the price.
    For a solid hour, Bakugo hunts down Kaminari in every way possible, with Deku and Iida trying to capture the angry, shouting teen from demolishing his honorary friend, or at least, stop him from wreaking havoc at eleven pm. You just sit and shake your head, knowing that the night will surely end with Aizawa making sure and well that everyone is shut in their rooms until class the next day.
    “Bakugo Katsuki is a simp! Kacchan is a simp!” Kaminari boasts, furthering his impending doom. And as much as he denies every last word that flies out of Kaminari’s mouth, Bakugo Katsuki knows that he is, in fact, a simp, and only for you.
If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don't be shy to send a request!
Tags: @blazedbakugou @sobaluvr @todorkihoe @somberess @tobi-momo
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Bakugou, Shinsou, Todoroki, Dabi and Shigaraki checking out their s/o
Request: Pretty pls hcs for Shinsou, Shoto, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Bakugou getting caught checking out their s/o? thank you! - anonymous
Pretty boys you’ve got there sweet anon. Pretty boys with a capital P. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warning: some suggestive thoughts, swearing
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Bakugou doesn’t like showing his feelings. 
-Like to no one. 
-Not even to you sometimes.
-So when you started to officially date you understood why he would want to keep our relationship a secret.
-He was good at keep it that way.
-Like really good.
-You got no extra attention or special treatment, he never lost his poker face around you and would never NEVER stare at you.
-So you never really checked on him to see if his eyes wondered to ...places. 
-Today your skirt had ridden up your thighs while you were bouncing around the room along side Mina.
-Your favorite band was coming near you guys since they were on tour and you both were ecstatic. 
-The skin of your thighs looked so soft and plum who wouldn’t stare?
-You did mind when people stared at you but now dealing with your excitement was a priority. 
-Your boyfriend had gotten excited by something else though. 
-His eyes were glued to your thighs, his red orbs following your every movement.
-Kaminari and Kirishima were telling him something about Mineta but he couldn’t focus on them. 
-His head was constantly turned to you to the point that Kaminari had to shake his shoulder to get him to look at them.
- “Yo what are you looking at?”
-His head was again turned to you his eyes widening only by a fraction while he mumbled something to the two boys. 
-Kaminari followed his gaze and his own jaw dropped for a moment before a smirk formed on his face. 
- “Well he IS drooling over Y/N like a dog.....”
-At the sound of your name on Kami’s lips, Bakugou’s attention was fully on the boys his right eye twitching at the comment. 
-He let out a snarl and raised his hand creating a few small explosions. 
- “And what if I am drooling sparky boy?? She wouldn’t mind me looking anyways.” 
- “And why is that Bakubro?”
-His smirk widened as he said proudly. 
- “Because she’s my fucking girlfriend.”
-Way to be secretive Bakugou.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Baby doesn’t want to show his true emotions to the outside world. 
-Heart been broken too many times.. *isn’t that how the meme goes?*
-He shows it to you because you are HIS and he adores you. 
-He knows you won’t hurt him so he gives you his all.
-Such a sweetheart OMG!!!!!!!
-While you two are in school grounds there is not many things that would indicate that you two are together. 
-People would have to watch closely to see the sings of your relationship. 
-How he sits really close to you during lunch. 
-How you tend to come to school sporting his hoodie during cold days. 
-It’s all cute and fluffy but so so on the down low. 
-Yall are out on a date and you decided to go to the arcade.
-You convinced him to have a dance off with you and now you are both sweaty and panting while you are jumping up and down to the rhythm of ‘Party anthem”. 
-Shisnou kinda gave up after a while and he is now just staring at you. 
-You on the other hand are giving it your all trying to get everything right. 
-You are sweaty and feeling gross which is not cute at all since you are on a date but he promised you ice cream if you beat him with a significant difference. 
-You are not letting this slide. 
-Hitoshi’s eyes are on your chest that is em...going along with your jumping. 
-He is stuck and he is already dreading that you’ll look at him and call him out.
-But he can’t stop. 
-He really wishes you were at your dorm right now, the things he would do. 
-His blush is getting darker as his thoughts are getting dirtier by the minute until the music stops and you are left panting. 
-There’s another thing to add to the list of things to add to his small fantasy. 
-You notice that he has been silent for some time now and you try to meet his eyes but you see where they are glued. 
-Waltzing up to him you leave a kiss to his cheek and another right under his ear, making him shiver. 
- “Stop being so dirty we will be back soon.” 
-Winking you walked out of the arcade leaving a very turned on Shinsou behind. 
Todoroki Shouto 
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-Baby boy is slow.
-Yall aren’t together yet.
-He really can’t understand what is going on whenever you enter the room.
-His heart starts to race, his palms get sweaty and he has a weird tendency to smile. 
-He wants to be the reason you are laughing. 
-He wants to talk to you non stop.
-He wants to be around you 25/8, 366 days a year. 
-But he doesn’t understand why this is happening so he just plain out ignores it. 
-You have a massive crush on him so it kinda hurts when he doesn’t take any hints. 
-You dress up just a little bit while you are out with your friend group since he is part of it. 
-You cook for him.
-You offer help or ask for help with studies.
-But nothing. 
-You were chilling in the common room.
-You were spread out on the couch, your t-shirt exposed your stomach as you were hanging half off the actual couch and just a pair of short shorts underneath. 
-Shoto was coming back from his father’s agency, his nerves were everywhere and his mind wouldn’t shut you out. 
-Your soothing voice was there when his father yelled at him that afternoon and even though you weren’t there you helped him get through the day.
-So when the poor thing walked through the door and was met with you hanging off the couch in such a suggestive position, his mind ran wild. 
-He couldn’t stop the blush that irrupted on his face as his cheeks and ears became the same color as his scar. 
-He almost choked on his spit when you giggled at something on your phone. 
-Midoriya came through the door next and was shocked when he saw his friend beat red and eyes wide. 
- “Todoroki-kun are you alright?”
- “She’s hot- It’s IT’S hot in here.”
-You turned at his voice, sitting up as your shorts rode up your thighs ever so slightly. 
-Todoroki saw and he couldn’t take it any longer, covering his red face with his hand as he mumbled a small ‘excuse me’ and left the room. 
-He certainly had an image that would get him through the night.....
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-Salty boy™.
-Him and Tsukishima would have been best buds I swear. 
-He is VERY vocal about his attraction to you. 
-Like legit non stop flirting even after you are exclusive.
-Compliments, dirty remarks, dirty promises, dirty actions, dirty dirty dirty things in general. 
-He won’t hesitate to make a dirty remark in front of the rest of the league. 
-He has NO shame whatsoever. 
-Look he finally grew the balls to make you HIS okay?
-He wants to show off. 
-But he knows when to not look at you like he wants to devour you. 
-He is respectful of Kurogiri so he isn’t a horny bastard while he is around. 
-But one day he slipped. 
-His hold on his horniness snapped. 
-Poor guy. 
-Actually scratch that poor you, you are the one who is gonna get it rough later so yeah. 
-You had just returned from a mission that had gone sideways.
-Your clothes were ripped and your pants were half burned off. 
-Your pretty face had smudges on it and you looked exhausted. 
-Immediately you went to take a shower not letting Dabi ogle at you.
-When your shower was over you came back downstairs and order a strong drink, rubbing your temples in an attempt to ease your headache. 
-Your hair was wet and sticking to your shirt making it wet and Dabi could SENSE that you weren’t wearing a bra. 
-That’s his sixth sense. 
-The shirt was black so nothing showed. 
-That’s why you couldn’t understand why Dabi was giving you that smirk and glancing down your shirt. 
-You rolled your eyes at him and shoved him away from you only for him to grip your waist and set you on his lap. 
-He left a kiss on your neck and smirked as you shivered. 
-His eyes were right on your chest since he could see EVERYTHING from this angle.
-That’s when Kurogiri stepped back in the room, the drink you ordered in hand. 
-He almost YEETED you off of him as a blush bloomed on the few patches of unscathed skin that he had. 
-Kurogiri *being the Nomu he is IFHOQOASB I RUINED IT* didn’t really respond to the position you were in. 
-He just gave you your drink and went back to polishing the shot glasses. 
-Dabi wanted to crawl into a whole and die even though Kurogiri said nothing. 
-Poor guy every thought and scenario he made about that night was out the window. 
-He cuddled you to drown his shame. 
Shigaraki Tomura
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-I dare you to try and make him check you out in public. 
-Sure he might stare at you ass in the DIM LIT bar yall are staying in but that’s just because no one can see his eyes. 
-He is beyond shy when it comes to these matters and unlike Dabi even after you are together he wouldn’t stare at you like a crazy person. 
-He is very very careful with his glances and calculates when would be the right time to stare. 
-Meetings are easy.
-You all are sitting down so how hard could it be to keep his horny side in check?
-Well most of the time is easy. 
-You are usually wearing your civilian clothes which are very casual and comfy. 
-Nothing is showing and nothing really makes him want to rip your clothes off. 
-He wants to cuddle at the sight. 
-The problem appears when one day you had to go out on a mission and were called into an emergency meeting by Shiggy. 
-Your costume is um... sexy to say the least. 
-Everything you are wearing is hugging your body in all the right places and the mask you wear shades your eyes just right. 
-You look seductive as hell. 
-Shiggy rarely sees you in your villain costume. 
-He sees you while you are getting ready and might make a comment or go for a quick round. 
-But now it was unexpected. 
-He didn’t remember you were to go on a mission. 
-Totally forgot. 
-So when you come down and since all the seats are taken you have to stay standing, Shiggy is in trouble. 
-His eyes won’t leave your thighs and he can’t really form coherent words.
-Dabi is drooling over you and so is Toga. 
-They keep pointing out how good you look and how sexy your costume makes you. 
-More than you already are. 
-Shigaraki has to really one up his self control and not cancel  the meeting and drag you to the nearest closet. 
-He’s so disoriented during the meeting. 
-Kurogiri points it out after the meeting ended and you left for your mission. 
-Shiggy had the darkest blush the LoV had ever seen and he had to leave the room. 
-Took a cold shower afterwards. 
-Waits for you like a lost puppy..... which turns feral once you step into the room. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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babyloposts · 3 years
Summary: How my favorite boys would react to their child having a nightmare. Some single dad head cannons because my baby fever is back
Includes: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Takami Keigo
Warnings: none, fluff, aged up characters, references to GN parent titles
He was up and down the hall as quickly as the first wail left his daughter’s mouth. He was desperately hoping that the screams were not from a villain trying to kidnap her.
He was relieved for only a second as he saw her safely tucked into bed as he left her earlier that night, but the worry came back as he saw her broken out in a cold sweat.
Careful not to startle her awake Katsuki rubbed her forehead gingerly removing the sweat and bangs from its place matted on the top of her head.
“Kid. Wake up.” His tone soft. The one he reserved only for her.
“Daddy?” Her brows furrowed and her eyelashes fluttered open to see a stoic yet comforting face.
“You okay? I think you were having a nightmare. Scared the hell out of me.” He chuckled, still soothing her as her breathing slowed.
“M-me too. I was so scared Dad. The monsters were trying to get me.”
“What monsters?” Katsuki feared the worst. What if she had seen a villain and they knew she was his kid. That could mean she was being watched and in danger. He couldn’t let anything happen to her.
“From the movie dad. The one I watched when hanging out with the Midoriya’s.” Bakugou’s face scrunched and his daughter winced in fear of being in trouble for watching a PG-13 movie.
“What’d I tell you about watching scary movies with Deku’s kid. Now look at you all scared with nightmares.” Bakugou scolded, but his expression softened. He was just glad she was safe.
“I’m sorry Dad. I won’t watch scary movies anymore. I don’t want any monsters to get me.”
“It’s okay. I promise I won’t let any monsters get you. They have to go through me first, alright squirt.” She nodded and gave Bakugou a small smile, knowing she was safe and in the most capable hands of the #2 hero.
Bakugou smoothed her hair back and placed a kiss to her forehead. “Love you squirt. Sweet Dreams.”
“I love you too Dad.”
Izuku is no stranger to weird dreams, but he had never expected his One for All induced visions to transfer to his daughter as well.
He wouldn’t even know if she hadn’t been weeping by his bedside at one in the morning.
“D-daddy.” A small voice warbled out next to Midoriya. His eyes shot open not expecting to see a teary eyed five year old only a few inches away from his face.
“What’s wrong Bubby?” Izuku quickly sat up in bed and moved to the edge of the bed, scooping the crying child into his arms.
“I had a bad dream.” She whimpered as he wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Aww I’m sorry.” He hugged her tightly to his chest rocking slightly to soothe her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She nodded slightly before starting. “I was so scared Daddy. You were there and somebody—a bad man—stole your quirk away from you. He was too strong. And nobody would help you. Not even All Might. And I was too little to help you, Daddy and I’m so sorry.” And just like that the tears were flowing from her tear ducts again.
Izuku shushed her and started back trying to soothe her again. “Don’t worry, I’m right here, okay? I’m not going anywhere.” He brought his daughter back to her bedroom and tucked her into her Princess themed bed. “Are you comfy?” She asked and she nodded.
Izuku gave her a kiss to her temple before getting up to move to a bookshelf on the far side of the room. “Would you like to hear a story?” She nodded and Izuku climbed into the side of the bed and wrapped his arm around her.
Midoriya read the story book to her that were more kiddie versions of some of All Might’s best missions (even in fatherhood he was a total fanboy).
His daughter was knocked before he was even halfway through the book, the tales of heroism and safety lulling her into a peaceful sleep. Although she was peaceful and very cute Izuku had realized his grave mistake far too late.
His daughter was the lightest sleeper he knew. It would be almost impossible to remove himself from the bed without waking her up.
He tried several times to stand from the bed without causing her to stir, but ultimately failed and gave in to the reality that he’d be spending the night on the edge of a twin bed.
It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but Izuku would give up anything for his little girl, even the comforts of his own bed, to make her feel safe.
It took a lot to get Denki up, which wasn’t always a good thing having such a young child to look after. He was finally awoken by the third kick to his ribs by a little foot in bed.
“Ouch, what the-?” Denki whipped the blanket down to reveal a small body in the fetal position hunched against his side.
“Wha- hey Little Man. What happened? Why aren’t you sleeping in your big kid bed?”
The small boy was unmoving, pretending to be asleep to prevent being bothered or moved from his comfortable position.
“I know you’re not sleep, Buddy. Tell me what’s wrong. Please?” Finally Denki’s son’s head poked up from his arm shields and showed off his pouty face.
“I don’t want to sleep in my big kid. It’s too dark and scary in there. I don’t want to have bad dreams.” The child’s eyes started to water.
Denki sighed. “Bud, I thought we agreed that when you turned four you’d stop sleeping in Papa’s bed and sleep by yourself.”
“I don’t want to anymore. I’m scared. It’s too dark and you are too far away.” He whined. Denki knew that he was the age where he needed to start being able to self-soothe and sleep by himself, but he couldn’t deny his son. He was a good kid, maybe with a bit of separation anxiety, but all around he was pretty easy.
Denki’s nanny would probably scold him for babying his son, but he didn’t care. It’s not like Denki liked sleeping alone anyway.
“Bud, you can’t sleep down in the covers like that. You’ll get way too hot.” A small smile spread over Denki’s lips as his son shuffled his way up onto Denki’s chest with his arms wrapped around his neck in a death grip.
Denki chuckled once the grip loosened and rubbed his son’s back as he slipped into sleep. “Can we try sleeping in your big kid bed tomorrow night?” Denki whispered.
“I’ll try Papa, but no promises.” Denki chuckled and closed his eyes in content.
“That’s okay Buddy. I love you.”
“Love you too, Papa.”
Takami Keigo:
Keigo really hoped that an intruder wasn’t in the house right now. He knew it was irrational to think, but stranger things have happened, plus he was already worked up from the last patrol he went on last night where he fought a surprisingly difficult villain.
Stealthily Kei climbed out of bed and sent a feather flying into the kitchen where the noise was coming from to scope out the intruder.
When he heard a high pitched scream and low thud he was actually more relieved than worried.
He rushed from behind his bedroom door out to see his son sat on the ground in front of the open refrigerator.
“The hell are you doing up? It’s 2 AM!” Keigo whisper yelled to ensure he didn’t bother the neighbors.
“Sorry Dad. I was hungry.”
“What are you still hungry for? You basically ate a whole chicken by yourself for dinner. At this rate keeping up with your eating habits cost more than the rent.” Takami chided, but he couldn’t be too mad, his son was a growing boy and they needed their sustenance.
“I’m sorry Dad. I just woke up and wanted a snack that’s all.” That’s what he said, but the glossiness in his son’s eyes gave him away.
Keigo bent over to pick up the food that had fallen out of the fridge and grab a carton of ice cream out of the freezer along with two spoons. His son watched his father intently as he moved to the kitchen island to sit and patted the stool next to him.
“Come sit down and have your snack.” Keigo sighed. Reluctantly his son sat down beside him and grabbed a spoon scooping into the slightly freezer burnt cookies and cream.
“So tell me what’s really going on. You wouldn’t tear up just from me knocking you on your ass earlier.” His son’s eyes grew wide, surprised that his dad had noticed that small detail.
“There’s nothing wrong.”
“I know when you’re lying to me Kid. So just go ahead and tell me.” Kei said wrapping an arm around his son’s shoulders.
He took a deep breath before finally caving. “I... I had a dream about Baba. When they died.” Keigo’s usual cocky demeanor faded away and his eyes softened as he recalled the painful memory.
“Wow.” Keigo said as he cleared his throat. “That uh... hasn’t happened for a while. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Dad. I just wished... I don’t know. I just miss them a lot.” He began to tear up again. Keigo sighed. It has been almost seven years since his significant other died tragically from cancer. Their son was just a kid then. What Five year old can really comprehend that and grieve a parent properly. Since then Kei’s been doing his best as a single Dad, but maybe he should have talked about them more.
“I know you miss them Kid. I do too. I miss them everyday, but you remind me of them. You’ve got the same face and spirit they had, so it’s like a little piece of ‘em is always with us. They’re in you.” Keigo’s grip tightened around his son’s shoulder and he left a comforting rub up and down his forearm.
“I know sayin all this isn’t going to bring them back, but just know they’re always in your heart and they loved you very much.”
“Thanks Dad.”
“No problem Kid. Just finish your ice cream and get to bed. I don’t want you late for school in the morning.”
His son nodded. Keigo stood from the island and ruffled the hair of his son before depositing his dirty spoon in the sink. Before he made it all the way to his bedroom a voice rang out behind him.
“I love you Dad.”
Keigo smiled softly. “Love you too Kid.”
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levworship · 3 years
cw: dom!reader, fem reader, mommy kink, degrading, dirty talk, oral (fem rec), slight mind break, reader is a lil manipulative. just a bit. probably had errors
summary: you find out while on another blind date with one of mina’s friends that kirishima is just the man for you. he wants to be used, and you’re more than willing to use him.
word count: approx 2.9k
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“fuckin’ mina. i’m gonna beat her ass.”
this wasn’t the first time your best friend has tried to set you up with one of her friends. and honestly, knowing her, it more than likely wouldn’t be the last time, either. “but he’s so nice” she’d promise, or “she’s just a little shy,” and perhaps the most common line of “you just have to be a little patient with them”
patient my ass.
your damn patience was beginning to run thinner and thinner the longer you sat waiting at the table for your date to arrive. you’re used to mina’s friends not being the most punctual, but to not show up at all? it was almost insulting. here you were, taking the time out of your busy day to spare some of your sweet time with some rando and—
“hey there, beautiful.” your eyes quickly tore away from the spot you’d been staring at for the past few minutes during your internal rant. part of you wished you hadn’t, because you damn near stopped breathing. typically, you’d never allow a man the satisfaction of hindering you speechless, but fuck. the man before you stood tall and strong, the white fabric of his dress shirt clinging onto his muscles in the most delicious way possible. his hair was slicked up in a style that you could only describe as goofy, and his smile? it was so contagious that you couldn’t help but to toss away the piping hot insults you’d been preparing to shoot his way.
“sorry i’m late. was searching all over town to find these for ya. i know mina said they were your favorite, and well—“ pulling his arms from behind his back, the red-haired man handed you a comically large bouquet of flowers. were they your favorite? no, not at all. but you couldn’t help but to be flattered anyway. “had to look all over town for them. turns out they’re actually pretty hard to find around here. can you believe that?” he chuckled to himself as he scratched at the back of his neck. an unfittingly cute gesture for a man of his build.
you grin sweetly as you grab the bouquet from his large hands, setting them down on the table in front of you and batting your lashes. “these are very beautiful! thank you so much, ...um?”
mina always purposely hid the names of her friends away before setting you up, mostly in fears that you’ll end up googling them and find some not so pretty things, just as you had that time when she tried to set you up with katsuki bakugou. (you noted to yourself that day, stay away from him at all costs.)
“ah- eijirou kirishima!” he filled in for you and held a hand out for you to shake. your eyebrows shot up in realization, leaning forward a bit on the table to shake his hand. you don’t miss the way his eyes shamelessly drift down to your cleavage when you do so. the sight made you laugh.
now you saw why he seemed so familiar at first glance. you’d heard mina talk to you about him on numerous occasions. big, handsome, and dumb. that’s how you’ve always perceived him from listening to her stories and descriptions. and if there was one thing you actually enjoyed about a man, it was how simple they could be. perfect for a woman with your desires.
you open your mouth to return his introduction, but he’s already cutting you off with perhaps a little too much eagerness. “and you’re y/n? did i say that right?” he quirks an eyebrow. “uh- i may have asked mina about you already. a lot.” he flashed you a sheepish smile.
talking to him felt like being a kid in a loaded candy shop. he’d be in the palm of your hand in no time.
the rest of dinner went on moderately better than your previous experiences with these stupid dates. kirishima was a bit of a talker, but you didn’t mind listening if it meant you got to watch the way those puppy dog eyes lit up a little more every time he’d begin telling you a story from his hero work (turns out you were just really behind on the latest hero news), only to quickly become side tracked by one details of his story and trail his way to another mini rant.
finally, you figure you’ve had enough of him rambling. it was time to cut to the point. “does it get lonely?” you asked him suddenly, trying your best to hold in a smile at the way he looked at you confusedly. “i mean- not really? i’m a hero so i’m with people all of the time-“ “that’s not what i meant, red.” hearing you refer to him by his hero name sent visible chills down his spine. just the effect you were wishing to have on him. something about your change in tone knocked him from a highly energetic and charismatic sweetheart, to a blushing and stuttering mess who suddenly couldn’t sit still in his seat. and from just one question, too?
he was almost too good to be true.
“no? i-i mean, yes but... i dunno. i’m busy a lot, a-and i don’t really have time for... yaknow.” “what kind of women do you like? in bed, i mean.” you managed to knock his brain around for a second time as he fumbled around his head for an answer.
“i-i guess it depends?” “hm? what do y’mean?” the way he continued to respond to your nasty questions had you licking your lips. you wanted him. badly. in the most selfish ways possible.
“depends on what the chick is into. i mean- they usually like when i’m on top. but..” you don’t respond this time. instead you look at him expectantly and wait for him to continue his previous statement. something about seeing such a grown man grow so embarrassed that quickly does something to you.
“i guess i wouldn’t mind... having someone take control for once?”
everything from that point felt like a blurred flash. you quickly abandoned the bouquet and called for the bill (which he so generously covered for the two of you) and were stumbling out of the door in no time, speedily walking all the way to your humble apartment. the door had just swung open when you were already shoving him inside.
kirishima spent nearly the entirety of the walk psyching himself up for this. did you know he wanted to experiment with this? had mina told you? how would mina even know? did he even really want this? because by the way he was struggling to catch his breath and connect dots in his mind, maybe he’d gotten too far ahead of himself.
but it was too late for that now. you’d already shoved him all the way down the hall, into your bedroom, and onto your bed before he knew it. you were fierce and impatient. and honestly? he found it quite intriguing.
“red...” you drew him back from falling into his thoughts once again, dragging your knuckles across the rough skin of his cheek. “i said, are you sure you want this?” and he swears he’s never nodded faster in his life, already grabbing onto your waist and hoisting you onto his lap. “yes! yes, i’m sure. please y/n?” and with that, a thread in you snapped.
you pushed him roughly until his head rested comfortably against the pillows, muttering a quick ‘stay’ as you began to fumble with his belt. you’d barely even touched him, yet he still lied staring at you with those same big adoring eyes. he was just too cute for his own good.
it made you want to wreck him.
you practically ripped away his pants and boxers before gently palming at his cock. you had expected him to be big, but not this big. he was long and thick, your hand barely managing to wrap completely around it. wordlessly you crouched down and pressed a gentle peck to his swollen tip, the precum that’d gathered there now sticking deliciously to your lips.
kirishima was getting so restless above you that you could’ve mistaken him for a virgin, hands fisting at your sheets with countless pleas tumbling from his lips. “so impatient, cutie. dont you want to be taken care of?” “i do! i do!” it seemed as if he was completely unashamed of how desperate he must’ve looked right now.
but rather than provide the sweet sweet release you knew he was craving, you tsked and backed away from his cock. much to his disappointment. “you know something, red? i didn’t take you for the selfish type. want me to make you feel good when you haven’t even touched me yet? and i thought you were a gentleman...”
kirishima thrashed below you, fingers digging hard into your hips. “i’m a gentleman! i’ll be a gentleman! i promise!” his lip wobbled cutely. you almost felt bad for having to deny such a pretty face.
he observed closely as you leaned back on your knees, sliding down the straps of your dress and tugging until your lacy bra was revealed to him. you were going to be the fucking death of him. you couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the way he eyed your chest. “i’ll tell you what.” you said as you reached out and pressed a finger under his chin, forcing him to meet your intense eyes.
“be a good boy for me and maybe, maybe, i’ll let you touch. deal?” and kirishima nodded giddily. truly an obedient little thing, he was.
you gave him a large smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes before patting him on the cheek, moving up to straddle his face and... shit. you weren’t wearing any panties under your dress. the smell of your arousal right in front of his face nearly made him overload, wanting nothing more but to bury his face between your legs until you’re heaving and begging for a break. but he had to be good for you. wanted you to rake your fingers through his hair and call him your good boy while he plays with your pretty tits.
“well? dont you want a tas—” you gasp when his mouth is suddenly on you, every sense of restraint abandoned as his tongue slid across and pressed against your poor clit. it was messy, no real technique behind his frantic movements, but he still had your eyes crossing and your thighs squeezing the sides of his head as ear muffs, his fingers squeezing and prodding at the flesh to keep himself grounded.
the sounds that came from your cunt and his mouth were embarrassingly lewd, the sound of his slurping making your entire body go hot. you were so close to losing your composure and letting him have you the way he wants, but you couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. not when you’ve been craving this for this long.
“kiri..” you couldnt tell if you were whispering or yelling at this point, brain all scrambled from the amount of pleasure you were receiving. you nearly doubled over from the vibrations of the small ‘hmm’ of acknowledgment he gave you. your fingers tangle themselves in his stiff red locks, holding his face still to allow you to grind yourself on his mouth just the way you wanted.
your breath hitched in your throat each time his nose bumped against your clit, his tongue buried deep in your hole as he was desperate to taste all of your juices. you could already feel your orgasm creeping up on you..
“oh, shit! just like that. good- fuck! such a good boy” the praise sends him into a frenzy, now using the pad of his thumb to rub viciously at your clit as his tongue fucked into you so nicely.
“‘m cumming, cumming, oh my god!” you’re hunched over now, eyes screwed shut when your orgasm suddenly rips through you. kirishima’s tongue continued its assault on your spasming pussy, the overstimulation becoming almost unbearable. you tried everything to get him off of you to make it stop. tugging his hair, lifting yourself up- but nothing seemed to be able to separate him from you until you literally shouted his name.
he released you in an instant and allowed you to back away to fully take in his form. everything about the sight was downright sinful. your juices covered the entire lower half of his face, and his hair remained matted with sweat against his forehead. and most delicious of all? he still looked hungry. you nearly said ‘fuck it’ and climbed back on top of him again...
but he needed to be punished.
and it seemed that he knew this too, because the moment your eyes met he was already begging for mercy. “‘m sorry! p-“ “i thought you promised you’d be a good boy? yaknow, i’m not exactly a big fan of liars, red. how could i let you have me when you can’t even follow simple instructions?” he’s silent at this point, eyes glued to the ground with an unreadable emotion splayed across his face.
you huffed as you climbed off of the bed, standing on wobbly legs with your back turned to him. you shook your head as you quickly slid your dress back into place. you originally planned on leaving it at this and sending him home, and perhaps you’d consider giving him a second shot if he begged you pretty enough. but kiri had other plans.
he wasn’t quite sure what came over him, but when he realized that you were planning on leaving him like that he couldn’t help but to jump up, gripping onto your waist once again. “kiri! what are you doing?” “please.” he whimpered into your ear, hard chest pressing into your back and his painfully hard cock rutting against your ass.
you probably would’ve collapsed right there if it weren’t for his tight grasp. “please don’t leave! ‘m so hard for you. want you so fucking bad. i’ll do anything, just- please let me cum. mommy.” the word rolled off of his tongue so sweetly, so heavenly, you couldn’t stop yourself from shoving him back onto the bed and tearing off his shirt.
you licked your lips when he was left completely bare to you finally, hand already working at pumping his cock. “suck a dirty boy. men like you are scum, you know that? getting so upset that you didn’t get your way after being so disobedient? i should tie you up and edge you for the rest of the night just for that” he began to mindlessly shake his head, muttering quiet a ‘no, no..’
“however,” you began to drag your fingernail across his chest, playing with the hairs that rested there, “think i’m gonna let it slide this time. well, only if you thank me properly..”
“thank you mommy!” the way there wasn’t even an ounce of hesitation or shame in his voice had you clenching around nothing. denying him any longer was beginning to be just as much torture to yourself as it was to him. biting down on your lip, you grabbed his cock and started pressing the tip to your entrance.
you began to feel as though you’ve managed to completely break him, watching as he continued to sputter out ‘thank you’s even as you struggled to take his cock in your dripping cunt. the stretch was nearly unbearable at first, but you were never one to back down from a challenge.
you weren’t going to stop until you knew you’ve completely broken him down into a blubbering mess for you. until you were the only thing he could think of. until you had him quivering and begging just for you. the thought of making him into your slave had you bouncing on his dick with energetic vigor.
kirishima was a sight to behold, too. eyes crossed and occasionally fluttering shut, panting like a dog as every bit of his stamina oozed out of him and he had to hold himself back from cumming too quickly.
at one point you caught his eyes glued on to the way your covered tits bounced while you rode him, still clad in your tight dress. you smirked devilishly before reaching behind your back and unclasping your bra, tugging it down with the dress once again and toying with your puffy nipples for his viewing pleasure.
that seemed to be the final straw for kiri, as he was now bucking up into you like a horny mutt. “gonna cum so hard, mommy. please let me cum in you. g’nna fill you up so good. wanna make you a mommy. i want it- i want it- i want it...” with all of his babbling you weren’t quite sure if he was aware of what he was saying right now, but the lewd words still had you spiraling closer and closer.
“cum in me, baby. be a good boy for mommy and give her your babies, okay?” you told him as you gripped his face in your hands.
and like the obedient little thing he is,, he did exactly that.
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thirsts and requests for haikyuu and bnha are open.
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craftycheetah · 2 years
Brain and Brawn pt. 4
CW: mentions of past relationships
Taglist: @wh0reforlevi
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 5
“So, you and that guy?” Hitoshi can’t help but chuckle.
“Ugh, yeah. It was just for sophomore year. Turns out he wanted ‘brownie points’ if you know what I mean.”
Hitoshi nods, “What a creep. And he says I’m the weirdo. Such a hypocrite.”
Once the six of you made it to the arcade, you bought about 40 dollars worth of tokens. You started wandering around the arcade with Hitoshi. “So you wanna play some skeeball? Ooh, there's an angry birds game if you want to play that instead!”
Hitoshi chuckled at how ecstatic you were and found it adorable. “So I assume you like video games then?”
“I love them. I just never got the chance to play cause of the team. I do catch up during the off season though.”
“Cool. Well, I'd love to play skee ball and maybe we can try one of those ticket games?”
“Sure. Maybe they have Speed of Light?”
“What’s that?” “Only one of the best reflex games ever created!”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.”
“Yeah, let's go!”
After a couple rounds of skeeball, you stood behind Hitoshi as he was at the angry birds' coin tower. Watching as he adds tokens when necessary, you internally swoon as he calculates when to do it and creates the most giant coin tower you've ever seen. Watching it fall into the slot, you grin eagerly as tickets rapidly print out from the machine slot. “You did it 'toshi!! You beat the high score!”
“‘You beat the high score~’. Pfft, I could do that!”
Shindō pushed Hitoshi aside and started playing the game, eventually losing. Turning around, he noticed you making your way to that light game you mentioned.
“Yeah, she left….” Katsuki chuckles.
“You're not helping.”
“I could do better than you.”
“Fne, try to beat her at that game then.” Yo points at the mini basketball game in the corner.
“Dude, I play football. I’m not beating her.”
“Fuck you,” Katsuki stomps towards you and Hitoshi. “Yo, y/n, play me.”
You look at him, confused, “Huh?”
“The hoops, play me.”
“I'm kinda curious to see that, actually,” Hitoshi chuckles.
You groan, “Fine, one round.”
Both of you make your way over and put the coins inside. The balls drop down, and you pick one up, tossing it in the air a few times, “Lighter than what I'm used to.”
Mina, Eijirou, and Yo, come over to watch Mina rooting for you.
When the buzzer sounds, you effortlessly throw the ball up, and it goes in the basket. Meanwhile, Katsuki is struggling to make a point.
Hitoshi watches you concentrate on point after point, thoroughly impressed.
“I’m kinda getting bored,” you chuckle as you make another point, “You doing alright, Suki?”
“Shut the fuck up,” he growls, missing the next shot.
When the buzzer finally goes off, you’re the winner naturally. A stream of tickets flies out of the machine slot.
“Fun. Better luck next time, Suki” you gather up the tickets and fold them neatly together before going towards another game.
“Bitch” he huffs and stuffs his hands in his jean pockets.
“That was interesting,” Eijiro snickers.
“Shut up, dye job!”
After about an hour or two in the arcade, you held a medium-sized pale green stuffed bear that Hitoshi sacrificed his tickets to get you as you left.
Walking out of the arcade, you hugged the bear close to your chest, squeezing it tightly in your arms.
“Aww, that bear Hitoshi got you’s pretty cute,” Mina coos.
“Yeah, he is,” you sigh dreamily.
“Yeah, you’re definitely not talking about the bear,” she giggles.
“Not at all. It is cute though,” you poke its nose, “Can't wait for it to gather dust on my bed.”
“So, you see what the two idiots are doing?”
“Ugh, they’re so fucking weird. It’s ruining my night, I just want some alone time with Hitoshi.”
Mina thinks for a second, “We could distract them so the two of you can sneak off.”
“Mina…..I could kiss you.”
“Gross, be right back.”
She walks over to where the guys are standing in front of the vending machine.
“Hey fellas, whatcha doing?”
“Shitty hair can’t decide what he wants,” Katsuki scoffs
“There’s just so many options!” Eijirou whines, looking inside the machine.
Yo looks around, “Where’s y/n?” 
“Ummm, she went to get some air. You should go join her, Hitoshi.”
“Fuck no, freak. I’m going” Yo shoves Hitoshi aside, but Eijirou grabs him by his collar.
“You’re not on a date, so lay off. Go ahead, dude” he nods at Hitoshi, who quickly scurries off towards the arcade door.
Hitoshi spots you standing next to the wall, holding the bear, “Hey.”
“Hi,” you smile at him, “Finally escaped?”
He rubs the back of his neck shyly, “Yeah, those guys are intense.”
“That’s definitely one word to describe them.” “So, you got a name for it yet?” He points at the bear
Looking into the brown-eyed plush, you squeeze its head childishly. “It’s just so fucking cute I want to eat it.”
Hitoshi chuckles at your response. Cute. 
“I’ll name him…..Slime”
“Duh, cause it’s green” you hug the bear again.
“Slime it is then. What do you wanna do now?”
You look towards the door, “Those two can’t be held back for long, wanna go watch that movie?”
“Yeah,” he grins. “You know which one you wanna watch?”
“Something scary”
“You wanna go to the theater or watch one at my place?” “Your place works. We can buy popcorn on the way back.”
“That sounds great, come on” he bends his elbow out for you to hold. He’s such a gentleman. Swooning internally, you hold his elbow and walk with him back to your dorm.
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miridiums-writing · 4 years
Barbarian Bakugou x Plus-sized!Villager!Reader
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Summary ; reader loves in village that is ravaged by bararians, bakugou catches them and finds out they are mates
Warnings ; violence, there is implied sexual assault but it never happens kinda like a passing thought. I never actually state gender though reader does wear a dress, so if your someone who doesn’t like wearing dresses then you might have trouble fitting into the narrative. REMEMBER ANYONE CAN WEAR A DRESS, I WILL HYPE YOU UP. They eat in it, also they eat meat so if you’re vegetarian or anything of the sort you probably won’t relate, Bakugou yes he is a warning, swearing it is Bakugou after all.
AUTHORS NOTE ; ill have part 2 out hopefully in a few days, ill link both the petite reader version and the plus-sized reader to each other so whichever suits you better you can read.
Tag list : @squishytenya
Petite!reader version part 1
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The village was alight, red ran rampant through the streets, the screams of young and old mixing to create a noise that would give anyone a headache. You were running as fast as you could, no shoes on, trying to pick up your skirts as you ran. You had been woken by a scream and hadn’t thought to put on shoes before you ran to escape the sea of arrows shot at your home. People dragged younger ones through the wreckage, others cried, others shouting for loved ones. Nobody seemed to be left unscathed.
Your feet were in tatters at this point, having ran through rocks and glass to get here. Your only motivation that got you this far, even with the pain you were in, was the orphanage at the top on town. On a slight hill further away from the village, secluded in a way. You hoped against hope the children were ok. You dodged through fire, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You had to make it. You had to keep them safe. Though in your blind panic you didn’t notice the figure stealthily following after you.
You were running up the hill now, twigs that littered the woods floor poking into your poor feet, causing you to slow slightly, but your determination kept you from walking. Just as the orphanage came into sight arms wrapped around your waist. You kicked in attempt to get away, hoping against hope you could escape, get to them. Those kids did nothing to deserve the pain. Your attempts did nothing but tire you more, your hope of escape starting to slip from your grasp. “Stay still dammit” a gruff voice stated. He moved you both back, further into the woods, blocking your view of the orphanage and kept you still.
“Oi Kirishima! Keep those idiots away from the orphanage” He called out further into the woods, not second later a muscular man with spiky hair and even spikier teeth seemed to appear in an instant and disappear just as quickly. With the disappearance of the other man he moved you so you could finally see his face, though his grip on you never loosened. If you were honest with yourself, he was rather pretty. Hard red eyes stared into yours and seemed to judge your appearance as you gaped at him. His blonde locks spiked out, much more naturally than the other mans, he had a defined jawline, and a look that screamed danger. In your curiosity you failed to notice how odd this whole situation was. Here you were being held down by an intimidation and rather frightening man, but you felt no fear towards him.
“Found you” he said, looking at you with a smirk as his face moved closer to yours. Just as you thought he was going to kiss you his face moved lower to your neck and started to pepper kisses and nips into the sensitive skin. You tensed in his hold, not sure what he was about to do, and scared for the outcome that seemed inevitable. Just then he roughly bit into your neck, causing you to shriek at the vast difference from what he was doing before and the pain that started to thump against your neck like a drum. When he was satisfied, he started to lick at your neck, no doubt cleaning up the blood. “There, now that’s sorted time to clean you up and get moving” He tightly grabbed a hold of your hand, pulling you close to his body. “If you try and run you wouldn’t like to know the fate of those kids you so wish to protect so behave.” You didn’t want to know what he could to, so you allowed him to pull you away from the orphanage.
He pulled you both down the hill and towards the town, he hadn’t told you his name and didn’t seem in the mood for light conversation, so you stayed quiet, not wanting to anger the man further than he already seemed to be. When you both got back to the village it was silent. A stark difference between the village you had left behind, and it set you on edge. He must have noticed how you had started to shake a little, though he didn’t say anything on it. “Hide you face into my back, quickly” he said, his voice slightly softer than earlier, though it didn’t stop the unease. Just as you opened your mouth to question it, he gave you a glare that made you close it instantly. You ducked your head down into his back behind him and tried to ignore the strares, questions swarming your mind. “right let’s move out” he shouted, his voice seeming even more loud now you were against his back, making you cringe slightly. With one hand now taking your weight he hoisted onto a horse, repositioning you in front of him to lean against his chest. “Get some sleep, its gonna be a long ride teddy bear”
When you woke you were still in his arms, though you were now wrapped up in a fur coat, keeping you warm from the wind. If you didn’t think about the fact he basically kidnapped you it could almost be sweet. He had positioned you in a way that meant the brunt of the wind was hitting against the fur coat, keeping you toasty warm. He was looking ahead, no doubt keeping control of the horse, though you did notice how he would glance down at you. Due to your position you couldn’t really see anything, giving in to the temptation of going back to sleep for now, who knew when you would be able to sleep again, you let your eyes closed and allowed yourself to relax, your head snuggling into his warm chest.
Your eyes fluttered open at a loud shout, startling you from the fragile sleep you had managed to get. “We’re almost there” He claimed, glancing down at your sleepy form curled into him. Cute. The thought was a fleeting one, but it made him freeze up slightly, he hoped you didn’t notice. This mate stuff was making him soft. The horse abruptly came to a stop and the man carefully gave you his hand to help you jump down. You noticed almost immediately this was much gentler than he had been previously, and honestly threw you for a loop. On one hand this was much nicer treatment than previously, even if he hadn’t been particularly bad, on the other hand what does this entail, does he want something in return? The man pulled you inside what looked like a large tent and pointed towards the bed to sit down, it was covered with fur blankets and looked rather nice and warm to cuddle up in.
“Look here’s the deal,” he said, sitting down on the floor before you, making your face in line with his. “You’re my mate, kinda like a soulmate, I guess. It’s a feeling. My name’s Bakugou Katsuki by the way. Call my Katsuki though, it’ll just piss me off if you call me anything else. Just, listen to what I say. Ill go get you some food, you look like you need it.” As Katsuki walks away you could hear him mutter under his breath “Skinny as anything” When he had officially left, and you decided he was far enough away you started to look around. The tent was rather spacious, but not to the point it was cold. If anything, it was so warm in here. Like an invisible fire was somewhere in the room keeping it warm. The tent itself smelled like wood pine and honeysuckle, and a hint of caramel, it felt more homely than your old village ever did. You knew you had to think through what he had told you, but you didn’t want to even think about it. Taken away from your home after it having been destroyed by them and he tells you you’re his soulmate and you need to listen him.
When Katsuki got back you were cocooned in the blankets, sure the room was warm, but as the night air drew in the rooms temperature seemed to drop drastically, so you had taken it upon yourself to collect all the blankets and pile them onto of yourself. Katsuki stood at the entrance dumbfounded at the sight, as in comparison he stood tall in his trousers and fur coat, with his necklace and earrings to adorn the look. He wasn’t used to feeling cold. He would need to thank his parents later for getting on at him to make sure he had enough blankets for his mate when it got cold. He placed the food down on the table and started picking apart the blankets until he revealed you, cuddling into yourself. “Look, I know its cold but you gotta eat, come on” He allows you to get yourself up, though you take one of the smaller blankets with you to combat the cold.
The meal itself wasn’t anything special. A meat of some kind with potatoes and asparagus. You were so hungry you ate it without question, too hungry to care. He watched you from the other side of the table, it made you slightly self-conscious but brushed it off as his thing, he had a habit of watching you. When you finished you made sure to tidy up your area as best as you could, not wanting to seem impolite. This made Katsuki scoff at you, your insecurity coming back quickly.
“Bed time” was all he said, even though you had been sleeping most of the day, the thought of curling up into the blanket seemed heavenly. As you climbed into the bed, securing yourself under the furs Katsuki came in behind you. He simply brought your body to his, circling his body around yours in a protective manner. With him so close to you, you found it hard to fall asleep. Though Katsuki seemed to find it easy, simply snuggling his face into your neck and falling asleep. You decided to go through your options. Option one, stay still and go to sleep unknowing to what could happen tomorrow, though by his current attitude and behaviour you now highly doubted it being too dangerous, or option two, somehow manage to escape his iron grip and run out of the tent, with no knowledge of where you were, how far from home, or what could be outside the tent. The thought of meeting something worse than Katsuki made you shiver and slightly move closer to him. At least you knew what he was capable of, plus you had the added protection that he claimed you as his mate, those usually ended happily. No one wanted to endanger their mate, it went against Barbarian law. Something you vaguely remembered researching when you were young and curious. With those thoughts in mind you allowed yourself to succumb to the warmth Katsuki provided and fall into a broken sleep.
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
The One Where They All Find Out
Bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: You and Bakugou have been dating for the last few months, but you have kept it a secret from the class. What happens when someone overhears a conversation that they weren’t supposed to, or finds a missing eyelash curler? And what happens when their classmates want to have a little fun after learning their secret.
~ this is heavily based on the tv show friends, if you know what happens in this episode then you know how this story is going to go.
~ fluff, w/ ⚠️ bad language and mentions of sex
~ characters are third years & 18
Not proof read, sorry not sorry, I’m lazy and this shit took me over a week.
~ word count: 5.8k
Moments like these were perfect. The two of you spending time together alone whether it’s in his dorm or yours. Either way the both of you would spend as much time together as you could without raising suspicion.
You and Bakugou have been keeping your relationship a secret for the past few months. It’s not that you didn’t want other people to know, it’s just that class 1-a can be, how shall we put this? Nosy and prone to teasing.
You especially didn’t want anyone to tease you guys and want to know all your business when the relationship first started and you and Bakugou were still figuring things out. But now it’s become kind of a habit to keep it a secret and you guys liked how much privacy you got.
The two of you had just gotten off of school and immediately bolted to Katsuki's dorm. You dropped your backpack onto the floor when you stepped in. He then came up from behind you, grabbed you and tossed the both of you onto his bed. “I’ve wanted to do this all day,'' he mumbled into your neck. “Me too,” you smiled. You spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in each other's embrace and watching Netflix on your laptop.
When it came time for dinner you grabbed your opened bag and placed your laptop back inside. Katsuki cracked open the door to make sure the hallway was empty. You pecked his cheek and slipped out of his room and across the hall into yours.
Shortly after you had sneaked out of his room, Denki and kiri came by Katsuki’s. Kiri opened the door and the pair stepped inside. “Yo Kachan you coming downstairs, dinner is almost ready!”
“Don’t rush me dune face!” Bakugou replied.
Kiri glanced around the room and noticed something on the floor that caught his eye. He picked it up to examine. “Uh bakugou, why do you have an eyelash curler on your floor?”
Bakugou’s eyes widened, shit, that’s y/n’s. He was baffled, how the hell did she leave that in his room. Until he remembered that she left her bag open and threw it around. Crap, now what’s he gonna say, sorry my girlfriend, our classmate, left that in my room.
Instead he said,
“Why are you asking me? I don’t know who’s that is.”
Denki raised an eyebrow as he exchanged a glance with kiri. “That still doesn’t explain how you got it though. I mean it’s cool if it is actually yours, but I’ve never seen you wear anything other than eyeliner so I'm assuming it’s not.” Kirishima began.
“Or are you fooling around with someone in secret and they left it behind?” Denki smirked.
He was cornered. Just act angry and they’ll stop asking about it. “Will you just shut up already? Geez you wanted to go down to dinner so badly and now you can’t shut up about some stupid eye makeup thing!” He yelled as he got up to walk out of his dorm. He looked back at Denki and Kiri, who were still standing in his room.
“Well? Are you coming or what?” He glared at the pair. They quickly rushed out of his room as to not anger him further and just decided to drop the eyelash curler incident.
Although that conversation was far from over.
Shortly after everyone had gotten down to the kitchen you walked up to momo who was bringing over a plate of food to the table. “Hey Yaomomo, can ask you for a favor?”
She smiled, ”yes of course, what is it?”
You answered “can you make me an eyelash curler with your quirk? I lost mine earlier and I’ve been looking for it, but couldn’t find it.”
Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugou’s heads all shot up immediately after hearing your request. The gears in Kiri and Kami’s brains started turning. Momo replied, “yea sure it’s not a problem.” She then generated an eyelash curler out of her arm with her quirk and handed it to you.
Kiri and Kami’s eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. “WHAT?!?” They both pointed at you and your boyfriend. At that moment Bakugou jolted out of his seat, grabbed kiri and denki by their shirts and dragged them out of the common area and into the hall. You didn’t know what was going on but you assumed it might have to do with your relationship considering they were pointing at you and your boyfriend and screaming. You looked at your classmates who were more confused than you and said “better make sure he doesn’t kill those two,” and ran over into their direction.
When you met with them in the hall Kiri and Denki whisper screamed “you? And you? Are you guys hooking up?” Bakugou placed his hands on their mouths and growled, “will you two extras shut up.”
It looked like Kirishima and Kaminaris lives had just flashed before their eyes. They anxiously nodded their heads and complied with their angry friend. Bakugou removed his grip on them but kept his glare.
“We’re not hooking up, were dating, but you can’t tell anyone.” You sighed. Denki looked like a kicked puppy, “what? Why not?” Bakugou swatted him in the arm. “Ow” Denki winced in pain.
“Because if you do tell anyone I’ll blow your ass up so bad they’ll. . .”
“Katsuki stop it” you interrupted him with a reprimanding tone.
He huffed and shut his mouth glaring at your two friends. Kirishima started giggling, “Woah! You told him what to do and he actually listened! How’d you do that?” Katsuki was about to explode, his eyes boiled with rage and he grabbed onto his best friend's t-shirt.
You frantically pushed his hand away and placed yourself in between your friends. “ALRIGHT! Katsuki, can you please not kill our friends? And you guys, can you please, please not tell anybody that we are dating?” They all seemed to calm down.
“But why are you guys keeping this a secret?” Kirishima questioned. You sighed, “Well at first it was just so we could figure things out in private when we first got together. You glanced at your boyfriend, “but after a while we really liked the privacy and we both aren’t good with talking about our feelings and having that privacy made it easier. Also we didn’t want to make it a big deal”
“But it is a big deal! It’s you guys! I mean no where in a million years would we have thought you guys would end up together.” Denki added. He’s not lying though. You and Katsuki’s personalities didn’t exactly mesh well at the beginning of your friendship.
“But still, can you guys please promise to keep this a secret?” You asked.
“We promise, we won’t tell anybody”
You smiled, “Thank you.”
It had been about a week since the first two found out your secret.
Jiro was in Uraraka’s room studying. At one point Uraraka heard something from the other side of her wall, in your room. She couldn’t make out what it was and blew it off. Until she heard the voice louder this time, but it was still fuzzy and she still couldn’t make out what it was.
She assumed you were trying to talk to her because sometimes the two of you would yell through the walls if you needed something or had to ask a question. She tapped jiro on the shoulder and asked “Hey Kyoka, I think y/n is trying to yell through the wall but I can’t hear her. Can you use your earphones and tell me what she’s saying?”
She nodded her head and responded “Yeah sure.” She used her quirk and placed her earphone jack in the wall that was shared with your room. To her surprise she heard more than one voice.
“I think tomorrow I could sneak over to your room after I’m done studying with Momo and Tsu. I’ll just tell them I’m doing laundry or something,” you said.
Jiro heard a chuckle from a low voice, “laundry is that my new nickname?” Wait a second. WAS THAT BAKUGOU?
“No, you know what your nickname is jackass,” you giggled in return.
“Yea but I’m your jackass,” Bakugou added.
Jiro unplugged her headphone Jack from the wall. Her jaw was dropped and eyes wide. “What happened? What did you hear?” Uraraka asked worriedly.
“I think y/n and bakugou are dating,” she replied.
“What?” Ochako was stunned.
“Yea, I um, I heard her tell him that she would sneak over to his dorm tomorrow after studying but she was going to use laundry as an excuse. Then he said laundry is that my new nickname? And she said no you know your nickname is jackass.” Jiro continued.
“Oh my god! Seriously?”
“There’s more. The last bit I heard was bakugou saying, but I’m your jackass.” She finished. Ochako squealed, “Aww that’s so cute, wait, that's odd hearing bakugou act all . . . well . . . somewhat sweetly.”
Jiro nodded her head in agreement, “I know right. But more importantly y/n and bakugou are dating!”
The two girls continued their conversation about their friend's new found relationship. They decided to take a break from studying, mostly because they couldn’t focus on anything other than you and Katsuki. They walked downstairs to the kitchen to get drinks and snacks. Surprisingly there weren’t that many people in the common room. Momo and Deku were in the lounge area playing uno, while Kirishima and Kaminari were in the kitchen getting snacks as well. They tried to keep their voices as low as possible so as to not attract the attention of their fellow classmates, it did not work.
“It’s pretty funny how affectionate he sounded, like there’s know way he would say “but I’m your jackass” in front of other people.” Ochako whispered.
“Yea, who knows maybe y/n brings out that side of him. Which is still weird to think about because they didn’t speak or get along for the longest. They only just started to become friendly, and now all of a sudden they're together.” Jiro replied. However, in their efforts to try and keep quiet, the boys still overheard their conversation. They started to freak out. How did the girls find out about you and bakugou? Kirishima was the first to speak, “you guys know about y/n and Bakugou?”
The girls froze in their tracks. “YOU KNOW?” They both yelled in shock. Shit, he didn’t think that through. He placed his hand on the back of his neck, “yea we know,” he answered. His classmates were even more surprised, “WE?”
He was really bad at this. “Yeah me and Denki know. How do you guys know?” He asked. Jiro replied, “We thought y/n was trying to yell through the wall so I used my quirk to hear her better and we heard them talking.”
All the yelling caught the attention of Momo and Deku. “What’s going on with Kachan and y/n? Are they ok?” Deku questioned the group. They all froze like deer in headlights.
“Um uh . . .” The boys didn’t know what to say.
So, Ochako answered for them, “Bakugou and y/n are dating.”
There was a lot more yelling, wide eyes, and confusion that followed Uraraka’s previous statement. Kiri and Denki explained how they figured it out and the girls explained more thoroughly how they accidentally found out. None of them knew what to do with this information but they all agreed on one thing. Do not say a word to anyone.
That almost went according to plan. Until the final person found out, Mina.
Kaminari, Mina and Uraraka were outside doing some after school training. Uraraka wanted to practice floating others with her quirk and Kami and Mina eagerly volunteered to help her practice.
“Ok! Who wants to go first?” Uraraka asked. Mina raised her hand and excitedly waved it in the air. “Me! Me! Can I go first!” She cheered.
Uraraka smilled, “Yea sure!” She walked up to Mina and raised her hand a few inches away from Mina’s shoulder. “So I’m going to float you to about the third or fourth floor. You’ll stay there for a moment and then I’m going to bring you down. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or scared, please tell me and I’ll bring you down,” She explained.
Mina smiled and gave ochako a thumbs up, “Got it, and don’t worry I trust you.” Ochako then placed her hand on Mina’s shoulder and activated her quirk. The pink haired girl started to slowly float up into the sky.
“This is so much fun, I can see everything from up here!” She shouted in excitement. Mina had a beautiful view of the campus. The other dorm buildings, the UA building, and all the training fields. She turned around and glanced towards their dorm building. It turned out she had been floating at the same height as your dorm. You had left your blinds open and Mina had a clear shot of you through the window.
“I can see y/n’s dorm from here,” she shouted to her friends on the ground.
Mina tried to get your attention by yelling and waving her hands around. “Hey y/n! It’s Mina!” She then saw bakugou enter the view from the window. That’s weird, why is he in your dorm. You two were kinda friends, but definitely not the type to hang out alone together.
“Wait, why is he in her room,” she mumbled to herself.
What she saw next would stick in her memory forever. Bakugou wrapped his arms around you and placed his hands on the small of your back as you leaned in to kiss him.
You placed your hands in his hair to deepen the kiss. “OH MY GOD!” Mina yelled. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Bakugou then moved his hands down to grope your ass. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist while his hands rested on your upper thighs and ass. He then walked over to your bed and . . . “OH MY GOD!”
“MY EYES! MY EYES! BRING ME DOWN! BRING ME DOWN!” Mina yelled down to her friends.
Uraraka slowly brought her down and deactivated her quirk once Mina’s feet hit the ground. “What happened?” “What did you see?” Uraraka and Kaminari asked worriedly. They knew Mina could be a little dramatic from time to time but it seemed like whatever she saw must have really startled her.
“THEY’RE DOING IT!” Mina shouted frantically. “Bakugou and y/n! Bakugou and y/n!”
“I know!” Ochako added.
Mina raised her eyebrows, “You know?”
“Yes! I know, Kaminari knows and a few others but you have to stop screaming. Someone’s gonna hear you.” Ochako responded. Mina was now aware of how loud she was. Thankfully she was far enough from the window so the two of you wouldn’t hear her; however if someone else was outside, they would definitely hear.
“So just to recap, they know that Kiri and Denki know, but they don’t know that the other four know?” Mina asked.
After the whole situation outside happened, Ochako and Denki brought Mina inside to tell her the whole story. “Yup,” Denki answered. “But you know what, didn’t doesn’t matter who knows what. Because now enough of us know, and we can just tell them that we know. Now all the secrets and the lying will finally be over.”
“Or we don’t tell them that we know and have a little fun of our own,” Mina suggested. “Quick text the others to come over, I have an idea.”
The next day you woke up in a horrible mood. When you woke up it was like you hadn’t gotten any rest at all. It felt exhausting just to get out of bed and you were moving sluggishly all morning. You had stopped by the cafeteria to grab some coffee before class to try and wake you up.
Your energy was low, very low. Whenever you were tired it was easy to irritate you. You walked into your homeroom class, only about half the students were there. But then again you did have a few minutes till class. You sat down at your desk in the last row and took a large sip of your drink.
You put your arms on your desk and rested your head. You knew you wouldn’t get any sleep but at least you could relax for a bit before class.
Although your relaxation abruptly ended.
You were still awake so you heard everything going on around you. Including a conversation between your boyfriend and Mina Ashido.
“Hi bakugou! What’s up,” she said cheerfully.
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “Leave me alone raccoon eyes.” Typical bakugou as always.
“Aw come on, what do you mean we're friends aren’t we?” He scoffed while avoiding eye contact. “Unless you wanna be something more.”
Your head shot up so fast you felt dizzy. You couldn’t see straight but you could make out that Bakugou's head snapped towards Mina. “What?” He furrowed his brows in confusion. “I’m just kidding,” she giggled as she playfully pushed his shoulder. He stared at her like she had lost her mind. “Although you are pretty handsome if I do say so myself.”
What the hell? Since when was Mina interested in Katsuki? You remember her saying that he was like a gremlin with anger issues. Which ya know is kinda true but, HELLO, he is your angry gremlin.
Aizawa walked in with his famous yellow sleeping bag and Mina walked back to her desk. “What the hell was that?” You whispered to yourself. That must have caught the attention of Deku because he turned around to face you. “Hey, you ok?” He asked.
“Yea it’s just, did you see that?” You replied.
“See what?” You’ve got to be kidding me. He seriously didn’t notice that. His childhood friend that sits RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. being hit on by his classmate. “Mina um hitting on bakugou.” You answered.
“Oh yea, I heard she really likes him.” Oh no. This was it, you had to tell them now. Well no not this second. But later today you had to break the news to Mina. You felt bad for her, but if she really did like him, you had to tell her the truth.
Later that day in the dorms you pulled bakugou to the side and hid in the hallway on the first floor. “Listen, we need to talk.”
“You’re not gonna break up with me are you?” He asked. “No no, of course not . . It’s um. . It’s Mina.” You answered.
“You mean this morning? Yea that was weird as shit.”
“I know right. I never would have imagined her liking you. I mean, I wouldn’t have pictured me liking you either. But Mina has never, and I mean never even shown interest in you. Usually whenever she saw me fawning over you before we started dating she said that you looked like an angry gremlin.” You ranted.
“WHAT DID SHE SAY ABOUT . . .” You placed your hand on his mouth and backed him against the wall. “Are you nuts, someone’s gonna hear you jackass.” As it turns out someone did hear you guys. Right when you released your hold on him you heard a chuckle from around the corner.
Bakugou turned to walk around the corner and all you heard was an explosion and a shriek. He came back dragging a defeated Kaminari by the collar of his shirt. “What’s so funny?” Bakugou sneered.
Denki put his shaky hands up in surrender, “Nothing. I swear.” Before bakugou could threaten him with another explosion, you interrupted. “Denki, do you know something?” He zipped his guilty eyes to you. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Whatever he was going to say next you knew would be a lie.
“No, what do you mean?” He tried to reply nonchalantly, but failed.
“Answer the question!” Katsuki growled. If it was even possible, Kaminari looked even more guilty. He had trouble looking the two of you in the eyes and was shaking. He sighed, “Alright fine. Mina knows about you guys.”
“What? How the hell did she find out?” You asked. Denki shook his head. “I didn’t tell them.”
Bakugou was filled with rage at his friend's statement. He grabbed denkis collar with both hands. “They? Who's They?”
All color drained from denkis face. “Mina and . . . Me.” Bakugou’s grip on his friends shirt tightened. “Uraraka, Jiro, Midoriya, and Yaoyorozu,” Denki trembled. ”EVEN DEKU KNOWS!” Bakugou nearly screamed.
“Katsuki let go of him! How do that many people know?” You asked. Your boyfriend released his right grip on your friend. Denki sighed with relief and replied, “Well everyone else kinda just found out by accident. Most of them overheard you guys or us talking about it. While Mina on the other hand . . . let’s just say you guys should keep your blinds closed when being . . . affectionate.”
You and Bakugou froze. A deep red blush danced across both of your faces. “Aww you guys are all blushy,” denki added. Bakugou looked him dead in the eyes while making sparks go off in his hand. Denki averted his eyes in fear.
But wait, that still doesn’t make sense. You replayed the events of this morning in your head. If Mina knew about you guys all along then why would she deliberately flirt with your boyfriend. Even Midoriya said that Mina might have liked Bakugou after watching her flirt. Then again he was one of the people that knew and was probably playing a part like Mina.
“Wait Denki, if Mina knew that we are dating, then why did she flirt with Bakugou?”
His lips turned to a flat line and placed his hand on the back of his neck. “Well funny story, we all thought it would be fun if we messed with you guys a little bit about your secret and had one of us flirt with one of you. We chose bakugou because he’s emotionally constipated and we chose Mina because she is the smoothest and the only one that was good at flirting.”
You could practically see the smoke pouring out of Bakugou's ears. he made his angry gremlin face and you knew he was going to murder Kaminari. You placed a hand on his arm to try and calm him. He looked at you and his expression eased a little. At that moment his mood changed. Not from angry to relaxed, but more like angry to scheming. Instead of blasting his friend to Mars he balled his fists and loudly sighed. “Well, sense they took it spoon themselves to mess with us, I say we have some fun too.” He smirked.
You were expecting a lot of things for him to say.
That was not one of them. “Huh?” You asked.
“They thought it would be fun to flirt with me to mess with us. How about we play their game?”
It was the day after you had found out a handful of your friends had discovered your secret. You were really hoping that your plan would go accordingly. It took a little convincing but Bakugou roped you into playing your classmates' game of let's freak out the secret couple. You waited anxiously as Mina walked over to the desk two seats in front of you.
“Hey bakugou. How’s your morning been?” Mina said with a cheery smile. Bakugou kept a pretty neutral expression. “Good.”
“Ya know, did anyone ever tell you you have nice eyes?” Mina continued as she played with her hair.
“No, but thanks. You're not so bad yourself.”
You could’ve sworn Mina pulled a Denki and short circuited. You glanced around the room and saw everyone else, except of course the short circuiting man himself, with the same reaction. You looked back at Mina and she was a stuttering mess. “Oh um . . really? . . that's uh nice of you to say.”
Although it was all just fun and games, it did sting that your boyfriend was so flirty with your bestie. Mina awkwardly shuffled back to her desk and quickly whispered something to Uraraka. The first part of the plan was set, now it was your turn.
You gazed at the seat in front of you to make sure that your green haired classmate was watching the interaction before you. You leaned forward to his ear and whispered, “I guess Mina’s feelings aren’t one sided.” He looked back at you as if you told him you killed somebody. “Yea I guess so.” He replied. He quickly glanced at Momo who was seated behind you before slowly turning to face the front.
Later that day, during lunch the little group that knew your secret were all seated together. There were also a couple of new members after what happened this morning before class. Now the group included Todoroki, Sero, Tsu, and Hagakure. Of course the whole class knew something must have been going on. However these four in particular needed to know what that something was and knew exactly who to go to.
“Ok so now that we’ve explained the story of how we all found out for the millionth time, can we please discuss the freak show that was this morning?” Jiro began.
Kirishima face palmed, “This makes no sense. Bakugou may have the emotions of a crouton and anger problems, but there is no way he is a cheater.”
“Yeah I agree. Kachan is a lot of things but he isn’t a cheater,” Deku added.
The group didn’t know what to do. A few of them looked over to you and Bakugou sitting across from each other at another table.
Deku spoke again. “So, I’m pretty sure that the both of them found out yesterday after school. Yesterday after Mina flirted with Kachan, I turned to talk to y/n and she looked like she had been hit with a truck. Her reaction seemed pretty genuine. But then today, she reacted calm and cool, a complete 180 to yesterday,” He rambled like always.
“It still doesn't make sense how they would have found out,” Uraraka added. While everyone was trying to figure out how the two of you found out, Denki was practically shaking in his seat with guilt. Thanks to his nerves, he accidentally made a small spark go off and zap a nearby Sero.
“Ow! Kaminari, your quirk is all sparky,” Sero winced in pain.
Denki zoned back in from his endless stream of thoughts and apologized profusely. After Denki caught Mina’s attention she remembered something. “Hey Kaminari. Didn’t you try to eavesdropp on them yesterday to see if they were freaked out by our prank? Did they say anything to you or something?” She asked.
“Nope,” He said a little to loud. “They didn’t say anything.” He kept darting his eyes from Mina to the very couple they were discussing. Everyone furrowed their eyebrows and gave him questioning looks.
“Kaminari, do Bakugou and y/n know we’re pranking them?” Jiro asked. He wouldn’t look at them, just kept his eyes on the ceiling.
“Denki” she insisted.
She continued to stare him down. It felt like she was drilling holes in his skull with her eyes. He knew he was cornered, nowhere to run. He looked back at all his friends and his stomach dropped. He put his shaky hands up in defeat. “Alright, alright they know ok. Just stop looking at me like I killed somebody, it’s freaking me out.”
The group's tension deflated. Mina rested her head on her chin. “So what do we do now?” She asked.
“I think we should still do it. See how far it will go until someone cracks first.” Todoroki proposed. Everyone turned to look at him. He had been silent during the entirety of this discussion and has made very few reactions as well. Most of them forgot he was even there he was so silent. “Why do you say that?” Momo questioned.
“Because bakugou isn’t the type to give up. And he especially doesn’t like to lose. He is going to keep playing along with this prank until you guys crack.” He explained.
“Ooooh I like Todoroki’s idea! Let’s do that.” Mina responded excitedly.
“You do realize you’re going to be the one doing the flirting right?” Kirishima added. Mina’s former bubbly excitement deflated and turned to dread. “Oh no.” She turned to survey the table you and bakugou were eating at. “I did not think this through.”
After lunch Mina didn’t get a chance to talk to bakugou. However, now that classes are done for the day, the fun can begin. Almost the entire class was in the common area, waiting to see something happen.
You were especially on edge. You knew that your friends had probably figured out that you knew their little plan. You also knew that they would specifically target Bakugou more than you because he was a difficult target. Bakugou had determination that was matched by few and he especially did not like to lose. It also ticked you off every time you saw Mina, one of your best friends, flirt with the man that was yours and only yours. Of course it was fake and didn’t mean anything; but on the other hand it worried you a little bit.
Why was Bakugou so comfortable with playing their game and flirting back? Was it because it was fake? Or maybe it was his competitive spirit and turning their practical joke into a competition. Either way, you didn’t want to lose either. Let the games continue.
You were seated on the couch watching tv with a few others. From where you were seated, you could see Mina follow Bakugou into the Kitchen when he left to get a drink.
“Hey Bakugou! How’s your day been” She started off in a cheery tone. He turned to face her, “pretty boring until you showed up.”
You could tell Mina was on edge. You’ve seen her be quick and composed during missions, but right now seemed like she was one wrong move away from cracking. It seems like you guys won’t lose after all.
“Aww who knew the big and strong Bakugou was a softy,” she playfully pushed his shoulder. You could see his jaw clenched. Bakugou was putting in all of his self control to not scream his ass off like normal.
Mina leaned her elbows on the counter and rested her head on her hands. “So are you doing anything later? Because I was thinking maybe the two of us could hang out or something.” She proposed.
He plastered on a fake smile. “Sure, I’ll do whatever you want.” He replied.
She leaned forward, “how about we do something now? Maybe go somewhere a little more private?”
“Where um did you have in mind?” He hesitated.
She started to lose her cool, she moved her hands to the sleeves of her hoodie and started fidgeting with it. “How about my room?” She asked with the fakest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Absolutely.” The color was slowly draining from his face.
Your heart was racing as you noticed them walk away. Your boyfriend gazed at you, you don’t even know what kind of eyes. He just looked like he was going to snap within the next 30 seconds. You couldn’t believe Mina was being so forward. They definitely were pulling all the stops to get the two of you to crack.
You slipped your phone in your back pocket and stood up from the couch. You looked up and everyone was staring at you, probably waiting for you to admit defeat, WHICH YOU WERENT. However, you did want to make sure your friend wasn’t trying to be sneaky and make out with your boyfriend, even if it’s fake.
“I’ll be right back I need to get my charger from my room,” you blurted out and practically ran to the elevator.
By the time you got up to the floor with Mina’s dorm you saw the whole Scooby gang come out of the stairwell. You stared at them and they stared back.
“What are you guys doing up here?”
“we want to spy on them,” Todoroki replied calmly. The whole group froze and turned all their attention to him. “Roki! You don’t tell her that.” Denki scolded.
You clenched your fists, “whatever.” You walked to Mina’s door and everyone followed. A handful of you had your ears pressed to the door. Because of the walk and the detour in the hall you probably missed most of the conversation.
“So um, I guess we’re really gonna do this Huh?” Mina started. That the first thing you all heard. Her voice was shaky and high pitched.
“I um, I guess so,” he replied.
You were about to throw open the door. This has gone way too far. It was ok with you to have your boyfriend flirt with Mina for the sake of the prank and getting back at your classmates. HOWEVER, kissing her was going way out of line. Your jaw and fists clenched and your blood was boiling. You were seconds away from activating your quirk and sending this door flying when
“AHHH ALRIGHT FINE I CAVE! Get off my raccoon eyes! I can’t kiss you!” Bakugou screamed.
Mina giggled in surprise, “AH HA! And why not? She asked.
“Because I’m in love with y/n.”
“You you WHAT?” She gasped.
Huh? What did he say? Did he say that word. The word you guys haven’t said to each other yet? Everyone around you froze and landed their eyes on you. All of your faces went pale. You shakily opened the door and stepped inside.
“You what?” You mumbled.
Bakugou’s eyes softened when he turned his gaze to you. He walked over to your direction and placed his hand in yours. “I love you dumbass.” He said confidently.
“I love you too jackass,” you replied as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.
Although as touching as this moment was, the loud screaming and cheers from 2/3rds of your class was kind of killing the vibe.
“YOOOO! “Holy Shit!”
“Oh My God, was that their first I love you?”
“Sero owes me $15”
“I thought you guys were just hooking up, I didn’t know you were in love!”
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bukojuiice · 4 years
What happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? (Dad! Katsuki Bakugo x Mom! Reader) Headcanons + One-shot
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ೃ pairing: (dad! katsuki bakugo x mom! reader)
ೃ  warnings: none
ೃ genre: fluff overload, parent fic/hcs
ೃ word count: 5,141 words
ೃ 1/4 of @bukojuiice’s 800 followers special!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ   A  sequel in the form of headcanons + one-shot to my dad! Bakugo fic “like the soul of honey” I recommend reading that first before going through this! Don’t worry if you don’t want to though! Both are standalone and not really connected with each other. 
ೃ   This was originally just going to be headcanons, but I didn’t want to keep writing it in hcs style halfway through so be treated to both headcanons + a one-shot instead! as you can tell already, this was so so much fun to write and i felt so soft after writing this uwu
ೃ  shoutout to two of my loves @sparkykatsuki for coming up with this idea!  I just knew i had to do it bc i love bakusquad sm!! they give me such a serotonin boost and I find it really fun writing about them!! Thank you for having such big brain energy and for conspiring this concept franz!  And to @chibishae34​ bc i know she loves baby fics as much as I do HSHSHSH
ೃ   your daughter’s name is hikari which means light. bakugo thought of that name because light is essentially a part of his quirk and hikari is a part of him.
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!) ♡
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—  Hikari is blessed with the best uncles and aunts she could ever ask for!!
—  Both Bakusquad and Dekusquad take turns in helping you and Katsuki get your well deserved rest and relaxation at least once a month ever since Hikari turned 6 as... she became quite the feisty girl. Too feisty to handle actually.
—  She was energetic and playful 24/7. And so, it was hard to keep up with her energy most of the time.
—  She still remained kind and obedient yet she was also an absolute bundle of joy who would just run around the house, play with her toys, and go on roleplaying adventures with you and Katsuki. She had absolutely no idea how much she would tire you and Katsuki, however, and sometimes she would go on for hours and hours just running around the house and interacting with everything she sees.
—  She had an inquisitive mind, and although you always encourage her to be smart and be intrigued with everything, she tends to question almost everything she lays her eyes on and you end up having to come up with a witty and a very childlike answer for her to understand.
—  A good example of this is when she asked you ever so innocently about where babies come from and your husband was ABOUT TO TAKE HER QUESTION LITERALLY and give her the science talk about sexual reproduction. When the two of you agreed to only give her that talk when she turns 8 as she might not even entirely understand it in the first place.
—  “Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from?”
—  “I guess it’s time for the talk.” Bakugo shrugs, remarking sternly. He takes his daughter’s little hand in his and bringing her to the living room. “You see, Hikari, babies come from the wo-”
—  “Storks!” You cut Bakugo off before he could say another word, nudging him on the elbow. “Hikari-chan, the babies are brought down to this world by the white and strong birds in the sky!” You whisper the last bits of information to her ear. “The storks told me that once you get older, they’ll tell you the secret of where they actually pick up the babies.”
—  “Really!?” She says in disbelief, her eyes gleaming in excitement. “YAY! YAY! YAY! I can’t wait!” She goes back to running around the house looking for even more things to ask about and you breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she leaves.
—  Although it was nice that you are able to bond as a family, it does get pretty tiring sometimes. Of course your weariness is worth the risk if it’s just to see Hikari smile.
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— Especially since you and Bakugo were both pro-heroes (although you mostly do stand by pro hero work meaning you work from home almost all the time.) You found it much more enriching if both you and bakugo are guiding her and working together to create a loving and supportive family for Hikari.
— Both of your respective friend groups, whomst you remained close to ever since high school, noticed how the both of you looked tremendously exhausted and looked like you were in dire need to have 9 cups of coffee every time you would meet up with each other in between your pro hero duties.
—  And so both squads came into an agreement, that they would help the two of you out by giving you a 48 hour day off every month to do whatever the heck married couples do as they would babysit Hikari and have fun.
—  This was also a great way to get closer with their niece even if they dote on her so much already.  As you and Bakugo are the first persons in your friend groups who got married and have a child together.
—  This month, the Bakusquad is in charge of taking care of Hikari and just from the fact that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero are going to babysit your daughter alone, you know it’s going to be chaotic.
—  Things didn’t go swimmingly last time (literally), as only Kirisihima and Kaminari were the only ones available the last time they came to babysit. They took Hikari to a community pool, and she came back with a missing tooth and some scratches on her legs from playing too much. Katsuki was NOT pleased and you had to restrain your husband from trying to obliterate his best friends even if Hikari had little to no injuries and it was normal for kids her age to have these things happens to them at least once in their childhood.
—  With your assurance and the look that was on Hikari’s face and how she would not shut up about how she loved spending time with Uncle Eijiro and Uncle Denki, Katsuki eventually let it slide and just gave his friends the usual “Katsuki Bakugo treatment” where he acts cold and angry at them, paired with his easily irritated and idgaf attitude.
—  This month however, was going to be different because Mina and Sero are finally joining along and making sure that Hikari has the best weekend since they weren’t able to babysit last time.
—  Hikari loved her Aunt Mina because she would braid her hair and style her with different cute outfits that only Mina, with her love for fashion and all things girly and pink could attempt to do and end up doing perfectly. She also taught Hikari all the dances to disney songs and nursery rhymes she knows how to do so far. Hikari affectionately refers to her Aunt Pinkie whenever Mina isn’t around.
—  Kirishima, who was the most frequent to visit the 3 of you, out of all of the Bakusquad, considers Hikari as his new #1 best friend. Dethroning and kicking her very own father from that spot. Hikari is a much more gentle and sweet version of her explosive father, and so Eijiro is able to interact and play with Hikari because he already knows Bakugo and his mannerisms very well. Hikari calls him Uncle Sharkie and she always asks her dad about how he and Kirishima became such good friends. To which Katsuki would reply with, “It’s a long story princess.”
—  Kaminari was the fun uncle. He always gave off those vibes ever since high school anyway. Giving Hikari candy behind Katsuki’s back (although you made sure Kaminari didn’t give her any that were tooth rotting sweet ones) Buying her ice cream whenever he came to drop by, and bringing her to the nearby playground amongst many other things. He spoils her a lot (in a good way) and Hikari calls her the fun “sparkie” uncle.
— Then, there was Sero. He retained his love for Spiderman since he was a kid, and he was able to pass that on to Hikari. His way of playing with her was cute since Sero is super tall, he would let Hikari ride on his shoulders, trying to imitate airplane noises as they would “fly” around the house. He gifted Hikari some child-friendly comic books for you and Katsuki to read to her before. bed. Although she never fails to say that the best heroes are her mommy and daddy. She calls Sero her Uncle Spidey.  
—  Uncle Sharkie, Uncle Sparkie, Aunt Pinkie, and Uncle Spidey. The Holy Quaternity.
(One-shot starts below this!)
“AUNT MINA! UNCLE EIJIRO! UNCLE DENKI! UNCLE SEROOO!” Hikari rushes to the door as soon as she hears the doorbell ring, she jumps into Eijiro’s arms and the red-haired pro hero twirls her around. The rest of the Bakusquad forms a circle around her, and can’t help but look at her adoringly.
“How’s my little ball of sunshine!?” Mina squeezes Hikari’s cheekies, earning giggles from the little girl. “I’m fine Aunt Mina! I mished chu!” She begins to talk in a cute accent as she just can’t contain her excitement.
“Hikari-chan! Do you still remember our little handshake?” Sero kneels down to the little girl’s height, offering her his hand. The little girl nods, shakes it and their thumbs twiddle together, as if they were thumb wrestling. They do a few more quirky hand shakes and then end it with a bang by saying “BOOM!” Sparks suddenly fly out from Hikari’s hands, her aunt and uncles coo since noticing how much her quirk has developed ever since they started babysitting.
“Okay you two!” Mina turns to you and Katsuki, as she had noticed you had some distinct luggage packed for a quick hot spring getaway, she practically pushes the two of you out of the door when Katsuki stops in his tracks, turning to his friends.
He glares at them and points his fingers to his eyes in a “I’m watching you” type of gesture. “Not one single scratch on her or all of you are dead to me.”
Kaminari laughs, patting his friend on the back, “We gotchu buddy. Your little ball of sunshine is safe in our hands. She’ll have the best time with us!”
Hikari quickly runs to you and Katsuki, giving you both a tight hug. “We love you Hikari. We’ll just be gone for two days oki? Your uncles and your aunt here will keep you safe this weekend alright? We love you!” You peck her lightly on the cheek, a pout forming on your daughter’s face.
“I’ll miss you Mommy. Daddy.” She doesn’t let go, hugging the two of you even tighter. “I loaf you! See you soon!”
“Be a good girl okay Hikari?” Katsuki kneels down to meet his daughter’s eyes, orbs that were as passionate as his, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll miss you kiddo.”
You could hear Kaminari and Sero silently snicker in the background since they still can’t wrap their head around the fact that their friend could become so soft when in front of his child as opposed to his usual rough demeanor he shows to everyone else.
Katsuki wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly, with you dragging along the luggage that the two of you were going to bring on this trip. You bid your final goodbyes with ease and relief, knowing that your daughter will be in “safe hands” the entire weekend.
“We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squeezes Hikari and the rest of the  Bakusquad into a hug. “What do you want to do first Hikari-chan?”
“Oh! Um! I don’t know if I should ask this b-but..” The blonde little girl hides her hands in her pockets, her feet tapping the floor. “I actually want to know how Mommy and Daddy met! Not the marry or the lovey thing! Just how they met and fell in love!”
“Hikari-chan!! You’re so cuteeeeeeee!” Kaminari begins to weep crocodile tears, pulling Hikari into another hug. “If that’s what you want to do for today, then we’ll gladly tell the story of how your mom and dad met!”
The Bakusquad formed and sat in a circle on the floor. Hikari was sitting on Mina’s lap as the latter braided her hair into what was called a Fishtail braid. Kirishima, with the help of Sato, baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago for all of them to snack on while they babysit Hikari.
Sero clears his voice and begins the story. “Your mom and your dad met each other in High School. Along with all of us and your Uncle Izuku, Uncle Tenya, Uncle Shoto, Aunt Ochaco, Aunt Tsuyu-” He continues to recall the names of all the other people Hikari know and love. “They were total opposites actually.”
“O-opposithes?” Hikari tilts her head, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to process what her Uncle Sero had just said. “D-does that mean that Daddy didn’t like Mommy?”
“It’s not like that Hikari-chan. Don’t worry.” Kirishima saves Sero from making the little girl misinterpret what he had just said, nudging his raven-haired friend in the arm. “It’s just that your dad was hot-headed and angry all the time, but he fell in love with your mom because she was sweet, patient and understanding!” Kirishima reiterates, a soft look on his face, looking back on the sweet sentimental memories of high school. “They were perfect for each other!”
“Oh! So daddy was angy all the time? Since mommy is really nice she told Daddy to be nice and they fell in love!?”
Mina giggles, continuing to style Hikari’s hair. “Yes Hikari-chan. That’s exactly what happened! You’re so good!”
“I am!?” Yay!” She claps her hands together, a wide smile present on her face, she was becoming more and more intrigued. “Tell me more please!”
“Well...” Kaminari continued where Kirishima had left off, “Your mom and dad got closer because they got teamed up to fight our pro hero teacher for our exam! They fought and they had a hard time talking to each other but they passed the exam in the end! It was hard at first. Your dad kept on telling us that he didn’t like your mom in a lovey way but we kept on pushing him until he accidentally said that he liked her! Your mommy heard what he said and then she told him that she liked him too!”
“F-fight? I thought Daddy only fights bad guys...” Her voice begins to crack as if she was about to cry. The Bakusquad were about to speak up and explain but failed to because as soon as Mina was done braiding her hair, Hikari immediately stands up and bows politely to the four adults. “I’m going to play with Mr. Rilakkuma for a while. See you later!” She grabs a cookie from the plate and rushes into her room, locking the door behind her.
“See you later Hikari-chan!” Kaminari waves cluelessly, not realizing what he had just said that prompted Hikari to leave the room in the first place. Mina stands up on her knees, shooting him a glare and flicking his forehead, “Did you not realize what you just did!?”
“Ahh what did I do!?” He rubs the spot on his forehead that Mina had just hit, and looks at his two other friends for a clue as to why they were ganging up with him.
“I guess Chargedolt will always be Chargedolt.” Sero shrugs, shaking his head in disappointment.. “Hikari misinterpreted what you said. She thinks that Bakubro used to fight (Y/N) like she’s a villain or something back when we were in High School.”
“Guys. Guys. There’s nothing we can do about it. Both of you slipped, so let’s give Hikari-chan some space first then talk to her later.” Kirishima cuts Kaminari off before he and Sero would start an argument,  which would prompt Hikari to further think more negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) said that Hikari-chan’s been liking Tonkotsu Ramen recently, so I think it’s best if all of us help out in cooking her favorite comfort food to cheer her up.” Mina sighs deeply, crossing her arms. She heads straight to the kitchen without uttering another word, the three other guys follow suit.
After several hours, it was finally night time and time for dinner! At the orders of Mina, Sero and Kaminari came to pick up Hikari from her room.
Sero knocked softly. “Hikari-chan? It’s time for dinner!”
“We cooked your favoriteee Tonkatsu Ramen!” Kaminari added in a playful voice.
No reply.
“Hikari-chan?” Sero knocks again, a bit louder this time. He then turns to Denki and whispers, “Maybe she’s asleep?”
Before the two men were to retreat and go back to the living room, the door to the little girl’s room was unlocked with a long click, as if there was hesitance..
Denki quickly turns the knob to be surprised at the sight of Hikari... packing her clothes into a cute backpack?
“Hikari-chan! W-what are you doing?” Kaminari runs to her, trying to stop her from folding her clothes.
“I’m going to go see Mommy and Daddy! I’ll go take a bus and find them!” She wipes the tears streaking down her cheeks, sniffing her nose while attempting to stuff her teddy bear inside her backpack. “Daddy took Mommy so that they’re going to fight aren’t they!? I don’t want that!”
“No no no no no Hikari. It’s not like that!” Kaminari wipes the little girl’s tears with a handkerchief, he gestures Sero to call Kirishima and Mina whilst he tries to comfort the girl. “Your dad took your mom out because today is their lovey anniversary! It wasn’t because they were going to fight!”
“Ah! Owkay!” Hikari suddenly raises her head, taking the handkerchief from Denki and wiping her tears.  “Can I visit Daddy and Mommy then!?”
“O-oh well...”
“Of course we can go Hikari-chan!” Kirishima barges in, Sero and Mina close behind him. “Let’s surprise them!”
“Yay! Surprising them! I love surprises!” The little girl jumps up and down in her place. “What time do we go!? What time do we goooo!?”
“After dinner you little cutie.” Mina smiles at the younger Bakugo’s sudden shift in mood. “We cooked your favorite Tonkotsu Ramen!”
“AH! TONKOTSU RAMEN TONKOTSU RAMEN!” Hikari wiggles her arms, slightly pushing the adults out of the way and runs out of her room, Sero catches up to her, only to find her sitting properly on the dining table. “I’m ready to eat now! Just waiting for all of you!” She shouts from outside.
“She’s absolutely fricking adorable.” Kaminari remarks. “But Kiri.. are you serious? We’re actually going all the way to a prefecture and bring her to her parents? Isn’t our job supposed to be keeping her here while they rest and relax in the onsen?”
“W-well... It’s not like we can do anything about it right?” Eijiro shrugs off Denki’s concern, holding on to a stress ball that Hikari had in her room. “She’ll be moping around and going back to overthinking about what her parents are doing right now. We’ll take her there and besides, once we do get there, (Y/N) and Bakugo already had a day’s worth of rest. And I think it’s time for us to take Hikari on a road trip and have fun with her!”
“Uncle Eijiro.. Aunt Mina... Uncle Denki... what’s taking you so long?” Hikari yawns and rubs her eyes, still holding on to her chopsticks. “The ramen is going to get cold...”
“Oh no! It is!?” Mina reacts quickly, taking Hikari’s hand and leading her to the table. “Let’s get there before Elsa makes it even colder!”
“NOOOOOO!! Elsa’s going to do that!? Whyyyyyy!?”
“Let’s just hope that this isn’t a repeat of what happened when we took her to the community pool.” Kaminari shakes his head, recalling the past event. “Bakugo almost killed us if it weren’t for (Y/N).”
“I don’t think it will. Besides, Sero and Mina will be with us, so the more the merrier!”
Oh and the merrier it was.
“HAKUNA MATATA! WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE!” Bakusquad along with Hikari, sing in unison. Bopping along to the iconic song from Lion King.
“IT MEANS NO WORRIES! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Hikari belts out, the others clapping along to her singing, doing their best to hype her up
Kirishima was singing Timone’s lines, Kaminari was singing Pumba’s, Sero and Mina were the background vocals and and Hikari was singing Simba’s lines.
It was 6 am in the morning and they were finally on the road and on the way to a Hot Springs Resort in Chiba Prefecture, where you and Bakugo were staying in for the weekend.
Kirishima was driving the SUV that he immediately bought when he got his first Pro Hero paycheck, Denki was riding shotgun, and Hikari was seated at the middle squeezed in by both Mina and Sero.
Disney Songs were set to be played for the entire morning to tire out Hikari and so that she can sleep peacefully and rid Bakusquad of the slight annoyance they will receive when she asks “Are we there yet?” every 2 minutes.
Denki had unfortunately messed up the spotify playlist that Jiro had given him, and the piano opening of A Thousand Miles begins to play.
“OMG IT’S OUR SQUAD SONG!” Mina’s eyes lit up as soon as the well-known piano keys blared out from the speakers. “MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND I’M HOMEBOUND!”
The iconic part before the chorus begins to play and the boys sing along, “AND I NEED YOU! AND I MISS YOUUU!” They shake their shoulders to the beat, and Hikari giggles along.
“CAUSE YOU KNOW I’D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I CAN JUST SEE YOU TONIGHTTTTT.” Bakusquad sings dramatically in unison, raising their hands up high and just vibing to the beat.
“Hikari-chan! You should totally hear your dad sing this! He loves this song!” Mina turns to the little girl who continued to laugh at how chaotic her aunt and uncles were being. “Really!? I want to learn it then so that Mommy and Daddy would know that I can be a singer too!”
The song ends and yet everyone else was still vibing. After the current song, the hype and the energy has died down and Hikari is fast asleep on Mina’s lap and her feet were lying on a pillow that was placed on Sero’s lap.
“She really is a spitting image of both (Y/N) and Bakugo. They’re really great parents.” said Sero, who wanted to break the silence and keep the atmosphere lively.
“My mind is still shook over the fact that Bakubro would turn so soft every time he’s in the same room as his daughter. It’s a complete 180 on his personality, and I really wanna tease him about it when we finally get the chance.” Kaminari interjects. “Do you think Bakugo would get mad when we arrive there?”
“Trust me on this guys.” Kirishima says casually, stepping on the gas pedal, as they go up the highway. “Bakugo won’t. In fact, I think both he and (Y/N) would be delighted to see their daughter travel for 180 miles just because of a misunderstanding.”
“Suki-kun... do you think I should call up Mina to ask how Hikari’s doing?” You reach for your phone on the bedside table. “It’s 6 AM maybe Hikari forgot to drink her gummmy vitamins-”
“She’s going to be fine.” Katsuki murmurs in his bedhead voice, turning to your side of the bed to spoon you and nestle his head on your neck. “I trust Kirishima and the others.”
“This is surprising. You’re very casual about this now. What happened to your skepticism? Weren’t you too worried about how they were going to babysit Hikari after the pool incident?”
“To hell with that. If Hikari loves them, and they love her back just as much, might as well just roll with it. They’re my friends anyway and it’s better than Ilda scolding her for eating 4 M&Ms at 9 in the evening.”
You chuckle, holding his hands that were wrapped around your waist. “That’s harsh but you got a point. Although Hikari loves my friends and yours equally, they do think of Hikari as a little Bakugo so, they’re able to connect with her more.”
“What time do the private mixed gender hot springs open up again?” He grumbles suggestively and you giggle. “They open at 9 am. Should I reserve that time slot?”
“You should.” He growls but before you could even reply, he falls back to sleep.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kirishima announces, waking Kaminari, Mina and Sero up from their sleep.
“W-what if this isn’t the right onsen?” Denki yawns, looking around to take in the view.
“I asked (Y/N) last night where they were staying. This is the place! She even gave me their room number for some reason.” Mina stretches her arms then pats Hikari on the forehead lightly. “Hikari we’re here...”
The little girl slowly opens her eyes, sitting up, then looks out the window.
“HOT SPRINGS! ONSEN!” She hastily tidies up her backpack and gets down the car as soon as Sero opens the door.
“Hikari-chan! Wait for us first!” Sero runs after her, making sure she doesn’t get too far.
“It’s 9 AM... I wonder if those two lovebirds are awake already.” Kaminari looks at the watch on his wrist, as he brings down their stuff from the trunk of the car.
“I looked this place up last night. It’s a family friendly hot springs resort, but it’s famed for it’s private mixed gender onsen. I wonder why though...” Mina mused, helping Denki out with bringing their stuff down.
Kirishima gets out of the car and bobs his head up as soon as he heard what Mina had said. He looks at Kaminari trying to tell him something through his stare. The mustard-haired man’s eyes widened when he realized why Kirishima was looking at him, then he turns to Mina who finally realizes what the mixed gender onsen meant.
They enter the beautiful and lush resort, spotting Sero and Hikari who were sitting near the reception area, waiting for their reservation and for the rooms to be confirmed.
“Can’t believe we had to pay double the price for a standard room.” Kaminari pouts, whispering to Kirishima as the red-haired man hands him over the credit cards of each of his friends and then he hands it over to the concierge. He notices how excited Hikari looked and couldn’t help but smile.
As soon as the reservation was confirmed, Bakusquad and Hikari were able to check in immediately. Mina takes Hikari to her room while the three other boys were sharing their room with each other.
“Hikari before you can surprise your parents, you have to wear this Yukata first okay?” Mina helps fasten the bath robe on Hikari, but the little girl can’t help but be energetic and start dancing in her place. “Have you memorized the A Thousand Miles chorus already to sing to your mommy and daddy?”
“I have!”
Mina takes Hikari outside, the other boys were already out too and were wearing their bath robes.
“I saw (Y/N) enter this onsen. Maybe that’s where she and Bakugo are in? Should we take Hikari there?” Kaminari asks his three other friends, sipping on a fruit-flavored ramune, and handing one to Hikari.
“Yes please! I want to see Mommy and Daddy as soon as possible and then surprise them!” She sips on her ramune, looking at her aunt and uncles pleadingly, begging them to bring her there.
“I could have sworn I heard Kaminari-kun’s voice outside.” You tell Katsuki, closing the screen door to the open air bath. You were holding a plate full of sliced Watermelon. Your robe was still on and you wanted to eat something first before getting in.
“Tch. Probably just your imagination.” Bakugo breathes a sigh of relief, slipping in further in the hot water. “I could get used to something like this every month.”
“Oh really?” You raise your eyebrow, and lick your lips. “Could you get used to-”
“If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass us ByYYY?”
You jolt up at the sweet and all too familiar voice that was echoing from the outside. Before you could even react properly, someone knocks on the door to reveal...
“Mommy! Daddy!”
She jumps to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “I missed you so much! I thought you and Daddy were fighting that’s why you left!”
“Fighting!?” You look back and forth to Bakusquad then to your daughter. “Of course not! Why would we-”
“Uncle Sewo and Uncle Denki told me that you guys would always fight when you were in school! That’s why I thought that-”
“They did... what?” Bakugo’s tone becomes slightly irritated at the mention of Kaminari and Hanta’s name. The Bakusquad were about to face death and the consequences until...
“Oh! But! They also taught me a song today! It’s called A Thousand Miles! They said it was Daddy’s favorite!” She then turns to her father with such admiration in her eyes as she begins to sing the chorus. “Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles just to see youuu~”
“Nice one sunshine. Did you learn that for me?” He gestures Hikari to approach him, ruffling her hair as she kneels down to peck him on the cheek. “I did!”
“It’s your favorite song! So, I also traveled a thousand miles to see you and Mommy!”
“Not necessarily a thousand miles, dear. But you’re close enough! You still traveled to see us! Yay!” You clap at the genius remark your daughter had made. You turn to the Bakusquad, nodding your head at them and smile. “Thank you for taking care of Hikari and bringing her here just because she wanted to. We’ll see you later at lunch?”
“Of course! Of course!” Mina waves goodbye, a tired but loving smile formed on her face. “We had a fun time with Hikari and we just couldn’t help but bring her here. But, you have Kiri to thank for all of this though!”
“No, I shouldn’t get all of the credit. This is a Bakusquad group effort, if Kaminari and Sero didn’t slip and if Hikari didn’t misunderstand their words, then we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Kirishima cuts Mina off in a respectful way. He claps his hands together and pulls your other friends out of the room. “See ya guys later!”
“Thanks guys.” Bakugo nods generously to his friends. It was something he didn’t always do, but when he does, well, it’s worth seeing.
“Bye Uncle Sharkie, Aunt Pinkie, Uncle Sparkie and Uncle Spidey!” Hikari waves goodbye jovially, not realizing that she just called them the affectionate nicknames that she’s too embarrassed to say in front of them.
The four laugh at the little girl’s slip-up and they leave the hot springs in good spirits.
After that wonderful weekend, you explained to Hikari about why you’re taking a rest every month in the first place. She didn’t quite get the concept at first but after a little bit more of explaining, she came up with the idea that the two of you get four rest days in a month. One weekend just for you and Katsuki then the other weekend is for the three of you and if any of the Bakusquad or Dekusquad would want to come along.
It was the perfect agreement and if Hikari was going to grow up in an environment where she had the best aunts and uncles in the universe, then she’s going to grow up to be a great kid. Just like the adults in her life once were.
The End.
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544 notes · View notes
birdsandspades · 4 years
Bedtime Routine (A Bakugou Katsuki Oneshot)
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-Bakugou drags home his drunk girlfriend after his friend Kirishima's wedding, how much babying will she need as the night goes by? Only the sake will tell!
Word Count - 4,516
- I honestly didn't know how to feel about this oneshot, but I wanted to write one for Bakugou and I felt like some of the parts were cute. So with that, enjoy some soft domestic Bakugou.
The keys once again slipped out of your hand, clinking together as they hit the ground. Leaning over, you grabbed the hand next to you as you reached down to pick them up again. 
“Just give me those, i’m tired of watching you miss the keyhole.” Bakugou pulled the pile of keys from your hand, annoyance evident in his eyes. He fiddled with the lock for a moment before shoving the door open for you to walk inside.
“Katsuki, I'm drunk.” You giggled, the dissipating warmth still present in the apples of your cheeks. You have him a spacy smile before turning your attention back to the door. It was a small gap between the level of your front porch and the door frame, nothing menacing to the normal person. But the longer you looked at the door, the higher up it seemed. The ground spinning at a dizzying speed as you gathered the mental aptitude to move your already wobbly feet over it. 
A soft hand on your back gave you the last boost of courage you needed to attempt the monumental feet of getting your damned foot inside of your apartment. You lifted your foot, placing it over the door frame. Mission accomplished, now you just needed to get the last foot over. You lifted it, trying to follow the same path you had taken with your other appendage. Your heel barely nicked the doors threshold, the movement stopping as you jolted forward.  You attempted to grab the wall next to you, hand grasping at air as the floor came rushing towards you. 
Bakugou grabbed the back of your arm, pulling you upright and back onto your wobbly legs.  “I know that dumbass, now move so I can come inside.” He pushed you gently once you had your footing again, squeezing past you before closing the door. He reached a hand around you, flipping the switch next to the door. 
You squinted, scrunching your nose at the bright lights. A hand tugged at the end of your coat sleeve, pulling each one off of you. You watched as Bakugou took it to the nearby hallways closet with his own, hanging them up neatly. 
He gave you a confused glance, the corner of his mouth turning up in an awkward smile as you continued to stare at him. “You good space cadet? Did all that sake finally get to you?” 
Your face soured as the ghost of alcohol's past hit your tongue. You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the bad taste mentally and physically. 
Bakugou couldn’t help but laugh at his light weight of a girlfriend, absolutely wasted after four shots and two beers. He had warned you not to drink with him and his friend at the ceremony, he knew this was bound to happen. He had suggested staying with the girls instead, “You won’t be able to keep up princess, go giggle and gossip with the other girls.” He had ment it in a loving way, only wanting you to enjoy your night. But he knew you had taken it a bit too serious when you shoved your way in between Denki and Sero at the table, hands folded over your chest like a disobedient child. 
By the time the reception had ended and everyone was ready to head home you were way past your limit. Bakugou had found you sitting in the middle of the dance floor with an equally drunk Mirio trying to play a card game neither of you knew the rules too.
Bakugou had to resort to carrying you out of the reception hall over his shoulder, you frantically waving goodbye to his drunken friends as he threw you in the rideshare home. But your drunken shenanigans hadn’t ended there. 
He loved how social you were, making friends just came easy to you. He would bring you to his hero event, relying on your bright and bubbly nature to mask his social lackings, happy that he could just leave all the questions to his likeable side kick and lover. But it was that same loveable attitude that was killing him in the car. 
You had started the conversation off light with the driver, reminiscing on the beautiful wedding you had just attended with your very handsome boyfriend (you made sure to tell her that as well). But once she asked about music for the car trip home Bakugou knew he was in for a long ride. If he had to pick one thing to change about you (and he would have to be held at gunpoint to say this) it would be your music taste. It was his (un)lucky night that the drive and you just happened to share the same love for 2000’s club hits, and that's just what he got to listen to the entire ride home. 
Now you were home, safe and sound. With the perfect night coming to a close he recalled the beautiful wedding he had attended for his best friend, and the wonderful night he had shared with the one he loved most. Bakugou smiled to himself as he slipped off his shoes, he hoped he could spend the rest of his life like this with you. You made him feel loved every second he was with you. Whether it be random flowers on his desk after a long patrol, your soft fingers tangled with his under the table at meetings, or that stupidly cute grin on your face as you stared at him for no apparent reason, he was absolutely smitten with you. 
You reached a hand out, placing it on the wall next to you. Holding on for what felt like dear life you leaned down, slipping off your heels before attempting to neatly place them next to the door. A familiar hand wrapped around your middle, holding you steady as you stood back up. Your eyes trailed up the man in front of you, taking in all the ways his black dress shirt strained against his muscles. You ran a hand down the length of his arm, feeling the way it flexed against your fingers as he pulled you closer. 
Your eyes finally met his, the auburn hues starting to match the color creeping across your cheeks. You tangled your fingers in the soft fabric of his shirt, pulling yourself to your toes. He wrapped another arm around your middle, giving you the last boost you needed to finally meet his lips. You melted into the warmth he emitted as your lips lazily danced along his own. 
Smirking, he pulled away from your drunken grip. “Go get undressed, i’ll be there in a minute.” He turned you towards the bedroom before giving your ass a light pat. He shook his head, chuckling as he watched you walk down the hallway, skipping slightly as you rounded the corner to your shared bedroom.
Walking into the kitchen he peaked down the hallway one more time, smiling to himself once he saw the bedroom light turn on. He reached up, opening the cabinet and pulling out a glass. Turning it over in his hand, he ran his thumb over the upraised lettering branded on the glass. 
You had brought it back for him when you returned from your year in America. It was one of the worst years of his life, the distance between you and him only reassuring him that he would never let you be that far away ever again. When he had seen you running down the stairs at the airport the day you came home, this glass in hand he knew he was keeping your forever. “You're gone for a year and you bring me back a shitty pint glass from MY american fanclub?” He couldn’t believe you had wasted money on his fan merchandise, let alone bought it for him. 
“I saw it in one of the store windows when I was on patrol and I thought it was cute. They made you look so much nicer than you really are, look you're smiling!” You beamed, pointing out the happy look on his artificial face.
He chased you out of the airport, ready to ship you back to America with your shit present. You could only laugh, paying no attention to the string of curses that echoed behind you as you ran for the car. You instead focused on the slight blush your words brought to the apples of his cheeks, happy to know he liked the gift. 
Turning on the sink he filled up the glass before making his way down the hallway towards the bedroom. “You better be on your side of the bed. It’s not my fault you bought a shitty pillow, and i’m not fucking sharing again.” He opened the door to your body lazily laid out across the entirety of the bed, still fully dressed and already snoring. “Hey, no! Get the fuck up, your not falling asleep with all your fucking makeup on!” He kicked the side of the bed, trying to wake you up. 
You peeled open your eyes, sitting up on to look at your very aggravated boyfriend standing above you. “Katsuki i’m so tired…” You whined, attempting to lay back down.
A firm hand grabbed your forearm, forcing you to stay upright. “Drink this, don’t fall back asleep.” Bakugou forcefully handed you the glass of water, glaring down at you before walking to the connected bathroom. 
You listened to him rummage around for a moment, drawers opening and closing while you drank your water. Your eyes drifted to the large picture that hung on the wall above your bed. It was of you and him on your last day of school at UA, smiling at one another, diplomas in hand. His mother had taken it after the graduation ceremony before you went to your rooms to pack up your belongings. What no one knew was right after that picture was when he had asked you to move in with him. He had already picked out an apartment located in between both of your agencies months before, keys in hand when you walked into the dorm building. 
“Come here.” Bakugou yelled from the bathroom, pulling you out of your reminiscing. 
The shower started as you stood up, the warm steam already seeping out from underneath the door. You pushed open the bathroom door, tired eyes roaming over the man waiting for you. You walked over to him, a soft smile adorning your face as you looked over his own. “Hi Kacchan.”
“Hi princess.” He droned, reached for the empty glass in your hands. Setting it down he swapped it for the makeup wipes on the bathroom counter. He peeled open the package, pulling one out before throwing the rest back on the counter top. 
He placed his hands on your waist, lifting you up to sit on the counter in front of him. “You yelled at me last time I let you fall asleep with all this shit on. I don’t want to deal with it tomorrow.” Reaching up, he drew your chin between his finger and thumb. He held you still as he started to wipe off the nights makeup, tilting your head back and forth gently as he ran the cold cloth over your skin. 
Your eyes scanned over the hardened lines of his face, taking in the small details as he concentrated on getting the glittery eyeshadow off your eyelids. You reached your hand up, tracing over his bottom lip. “Don’t you think the wedding was beautiful Katsuki, Kiri looked so happy today.” You hummed, looking back on the night you had just shared with him. 
Bakugou remained silent as he pulled out another wipe, his focus firm on getting every bit of makeup off your face. 
“I hope if we ever get married our wedding is that beautiful. I would say yes if you asked me, because I love you.” You flashed your boyfriend a cheesy smile, your hand resting on his waist as you scooted yourself closer to him. 
“I love you too, now shut up.” He readjusted your head in his hand as he started on your red adorned lips. The long lasting lipstick doing just as it promised as he struggled to wipe it off. 
“I think Tsu-chan would be my maid of honor because she’s my…” You wrinkle your brow, pulling away from the red stained makeup wipe. “Katsuki, you got it in my mouth.” You shook your head, the taste still lingering on the tip of your tongue.
“Then stop talking.” He pulled you closer again, holding your head still as he attempted to wipe off the residual color.
You stuck your tongue out at the frustrated man, taunting him. He responded with another wipe across your tastebuds, laughing as you recoiled from the taste.
Once he was satisfied with your now cleaner face he gathered the dirty wipes, throwing them in the bathroom trash can. He reached a hand down, tugging at the hem of your dress. 
You lifted your arms above your head, letting him pull the dress off of you. It hit the floor, a soft plop sounding as Bakugou pulled you down from the counter. Turning you around to face the mirror, he ran a hand over the gathered condensation. You watched through the foggy glass as his hands found the mess of curls pinned together on the top of your head. 
He took his time finding all the bobby pins hidden inside your hair, fingers grazing your scalp as he slowly uncovered all their hiding places. Each one he would find was placed on the countertop next to you, the pile slowly growing as each curl fell out of it's restrictions. Once he had found them all, he pulled the unraveled ponytail gingerly, freeing your messy hair. 
You handed him the brush, causing him to scoff. You could have brushed your hair yourself, but you were enjoying the feeling of your boyfriend's loving touch as he ran his fingers through your hair checking for any tangles. You watched him through the mirror, your loving gaze falling on his attentive hands as they smoothed over your hair as he brushed it out. The curls on your head increasing in volume as they separated. You hummed, enjoying the feeling of his warm touch.
Once he was done he set the brush down, pushing it back into it's respective place. “Now take a shower.” Bakugou looped a finger around the side of your panites, pulling them down around your ankles. His other hand pinched your bra clasp, undoing it for your convenience. Turning around, he walked back into the bedroom.
You kicked your underwear to the side, the pile of clothing growing in the corner of the room. Stepping over the side of the tub you let the water run over your back as you pulled the curtain closed.  After a moment you leaned back on the side of the shower, sliding down the wet wall until you were seated under the stream of running water. The warmth sank into your skin, relaxing you as you let the water run over your head.
Bakugou returned after a few minutes comfortably dressed in his pajamas. He pulled open the shower curtain slightly, chuckling as you turned around, still seated on the tub floor. “Are you not going to wash yourself, you’ve been dancing all night.” He rolled his eyes, as you shook your head. “Come here.” He sat down near the side of the bathtub, motioning for you to scoot over. 
He pressed down the pump of the shampoo, gathering a bit in his hand as you moved to sit next to him. He smoothed it down the back of your head, fingers digging into your wet hair as he lathered it. He tilted his head, looking around your shoulder as you pushed into his fingers. Your eyes closed in enjoyment as he scrubbed the hair spray from your wet locks. 
Standing up, he pulled the shower head off the stand, giving you a playful spray before sitting back down. He titled your head back, careful not to get any runoff in your eyes as he rinsed the shampoo from your hair. The bubbles building up around the drain as he pumped some conditioner into his free hand. He handed you the shower head, caulking his eyebrow when he saw the amusement dancing in your eyes. “You better not spray me F/N.”
You could see the line in front of you, and if it had been any other day you would have crossed it. But you were tired and so was Bakugou, now wasn’t the time to start another bathroom war. But you would put it on your to do list. You leaned over the side of the tub, pressing a wet kiss against his cheek. You giggled when he recoiled, wiping the wet mark dramatically before picking up the shower head to spray you again. 
He turned you around, shaking his head as you continued to giggle. He smoothed the conditioner into the ends of your hair, massaging it in. He took his time washing it out of your hair, taking in your peaceful presence. He rarely got moments like this with you, your hero work had kept the both of you busy. He would be lying if he said he didn’t wish for a normal domestic life with you from time to time. But he loved hero work, and he knew you would never ask for anything different. 
He reached for the blue bottle of face wash, popping the cap open and squeezing a small amount into the palm of his hand. He rubbed them together, forming a layer of bubbles as you turned around to face him. The same spacey smile lingering on your lips. He transferred the foam onto your wet cheeks, the pads of his fingers worked it into a lather on your face as he washed away the remaining makeup.
You once again fixed your eyes on the man before you, your heart swelling as he carefully rinsed the residual bubbled off your skin. Your mind repeating over and over the adorations you had for the love of your life. “Thank you Katsuki.” You whispered, tilting your head to meet his crimson gaze.  
“Come on princess.” He stood up, reaching over to shut off the shower. His fingers laced with yours as he helped you to stand, his other hand reaching for the towel that hung neatly on the rack. Draping it over your head, a soft smile flashed across his face before the towel dropped over your eyes. His hands gingerly held the sides of your head before roughly shaking it back and forth in an attempt to dry your dripping hair. 
Your hand shot up, pushing him off of you. You pulled the towel off your head, blinking a few times. You were sure the sudden whiplash had sobered you up a bit. “Jesus Kacchan, you’ll rip off my head doing it like that.” You complained, glaring at your boyfriend. 
“Do you want to do it yourself?” He threatened, meeting your glare.
You stuck out your bottom lip, shaking your head slightly. Your boyfriend hardly pampered you and you weren't ready to give up the sweet treatment just yet. You handed him back the towel, blushing as a deep chuckled bubbled up from his chest.
He wiped at the ends of your hair, collecting the dripping water. His hand reached around you grabbing at the loose end of the towel before tightly wrapping it around your frame. You took his open hand as he helped you step over the tub, the pad of his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand as he guided you out of the bathroom. 
He sat you down on your side of the bed as he let go of your hand. “Stay put.” Bakugou pulled the towel tighter around you as you settled into the bed in an attempt to keep you warm. He made his way towards your shared closet, turning on the light. His fingers grazed over your clothing feeling the different textures of the fabric that peaked out. He turned to his side, flipping to his night time shirts as he searched for your favorite UA shirt.
The shirt had a long history between you two, it had been with his as long as you had. It all started with your first day at UA together, you were standing next to him as they handed out the shirts for gym. You had been a last minute addition to the class transfering from a different school earlier in the year. They had to guess on your size when they ordered the shirts, and sadly they had guessed wrong. The shirt you got was far too small for you, or really anyone in the class. You had looked so disheartened telling your teacher it was ok, but you had really looked forward to finally having a piece of the school you dreamed of attending. 
It wasn’t until the year after that you and Bakugou had gotten together. Late after class you and him were walking back from the gym after a sparring session. You had sprung the question on him, “Bakugou, do you want to go out?” He tried to play it off like he didn’t care, but he could have thrown up from the nerves. When he got back to his dorm he unzipped his practice jacket and that was the shirt he was wearing. 
It was also the shirt he was wearing when he kissed you for the first time, the first time you spent the night, and the day he told you he loved you. It had been through it all and so had you. He retired the shirt years ago, throwing it to the back of the closet with his other mementos. But when you had moved in, it took you no time to find the heathered grey ball stuffed in the far corner of his belongings. He had come home from work one day to find you sitting on the bed with it in your arms. “I didn’t know you still had this.” You smiled up at him, hugging the old shirt.
He again played it off like he didn’t care, it was his usual approach to life. But he was pleasantly surprised to see you remembered it as fondly as he did. It quickly turned into your favorite item of clothing, finally having the shirt of your dreams in your grasp. He didn’t mind seeing you in it after a long day either. 
He thumbed over the cracked school lettering, a smile tugging at his lips as he remembered all the times you had forced him to keep the ratty thing. Finally he had just given it to you, it wasn’t his problem anymore. Or so he thought, you still hung it up on his side of the closet. 
“Put this on and let's go to…” He trailed off as he caught sight of you fast asleep on his side of the bed. Your soft snores barely audible as he set the shirt on the nightstand. “You were wide awake not even five minutes ago…” He groaned. He looked between the shirt and the towel loosely wrapped around your body. After a moment of debate he decided to let you sleep in the towel, the thought of wrestling you into some actual clothing giving him a headache. 
He was ready to crawl into bed when he realized you had yet to do your skincare routine for the night. You had an extensive routine, the products taking up much of the bathroom counter space. You swore by them, stating that image was an important part of being a hero. He reached over to wake you up, hand stopping a few inches from your shoulder. “Tch, idiot.”
He now found himself looking over the stack of products shoved in the corner of the counter top, trying to remember all the items you used for this process. “Why do you have so much shit Y/N?” He grumbled, pulling out everything he faintly remembered ,carrying it to the bedroom.
He sat down on the bed next to you, the mattress dipping as he let the products rest in his lap. He hated the fact that he would do anything for you, this included. You were definitely going to hear about it in the morning. He picked up the pink spray bottle first, recalling it as the first item in your multistep night time routine. He gave your face a few spaced out sprays, retracting the bottle when you stirred.
“Uh, next is this green shit I think…” He mumbled, mentally recalling all the nights you had tried to force this on his face. Picked up the small green glass bottle, he looked over the bright pink lettering on the front. He unscrewed the top, resting his finger over the entrance as he turned it over. He dabbed the liquid left on his finger over your face, smoothing it into your skin. 
He set down the green bottle, his fingers still lingering on the underside of your jaw as he reached for the next product. He fumbled with a tall blue pump serum, his hands slick from the remaining skin product. He had bought this last bottle for you when he went in for hair gel, the price almost sending him into cardiac arrest. He never understood the price differences and why you couldn’t just buy the “knock off”, but it was your money. He repeated the process with the milky liquid, making sure to spread it evenly over your now dewy skin. He traced over your freckles that dotted your nose, his finger trailing down the bridge lightly. They had become more vivid since the beginning of summer, he loved the fact that he was lucky enough to be close enough to you day after day to notice something like that. 
“Almost done with this stupid shit…” Bakugou grumbled, unscrewed the lid of your moisturizer before dipping his fingers in the thick mixture. He dotted it around your soft skin, rubbing it in as he counted his blessings that you didn’t have more to do. 
He stood up again, holding the products against his chest. He gave you one last look over, smiling to himself. “Dumbass.” He softly chuckled, making his way towards the bathroom.
Once everything was put away he made his way back into the room. Shutting off the lights as he made his way towards the bed. Crawling in beside you he pushed you over to your side of the bed. As he sank into the sheets he thought of the black velvet box tucked inside of his coat pocket in the hallway closet. His fingers grazed your own under the comforter, tangling together. “You're gonna say yes huh?” He let his eyelids close as he chuckled to himself, thinking of the weekend ahead. 
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
Can you imagine borrowing your man katsuki’s phone real quick since yours is dead and you happen to stumble on a photo album completely dedicated to you. This man has saved every picture you’ve ever sent him under the sun. And of course he done saved every sex video y’all have made as well. Of course he’s annoyed when he realizes and tries to act like it’s no big deal but when you go to delete one, he flips his shit lolol
You always noticed that Bakugou seemed to change his lockscreen quite frequently, almost on a weekly basis he'd have a new candid picture of you that you didn't remember even being taken or a cute couple picture of you both together. You never questioned it, thinking it was cute that he even thought about his lockscreen that much. The guy that didn't give a shit about technology, was useless at texting more than concise, one-word replies, and never continued Snapchat streaks with you; focusing on his lockscreen. It made you smile, and honestly, you felt really fucking loved that he'd go to that much effort. 
You'd caught him on more than one occasion lifting the phone up to stare at the photograph on the screen, a small smile on his face as he'd allow his thumb to brush against the glass. Of course, if you called him out on it he'd grumble and tell you he was checking for notifications or expecting a call from work, but you knew better. 
When you asked Bakugou to use his phone he didn't even bat an eyelid, his eyes glaring at the screen as you held it up to his face, using Face ID to unlock it. The phone screen immediately moved to the last app that he was on which happened to be his camera roll. Your eyes widening as you began to see picture after picture of you. Some of them were cute couple shots, but a lot were just candids of you. Some really, really unattractive ones too, cringing at the ones that made you look like you had a double chin where you were ugly laughing.
"Katsuki, what is this?" You held the phone up as he tried to swipe it from your hands, a faint blush appearing across the apples of his cheeks as he slunk back against the sofa, trying to hide the bottom of his face in his oversized hoodie.
"Pictures." You turned to the side to see his eyes widen in shock that you’d discovered his secret collection, but he tried to remain nonchalant as he shrugged his shoulders. Pretending to keep watching the television, but his eyes were focused on you.
"I can see that," You laughed, "But why?"
"You keep sending me them so I keep them." He mumbled underneath the fabric as you continued searching through the pictures. 
"What about these?" You held up the phone to show him a picture that you hadn't realised he'd taken, you were asleep in your bed and he'd obviously managed to snap a picture.
"It's not a big deal."
"You've got so many-" You continued to scroll, stopping at a video as you pressed play the sounds filling the speakers were from an occasion you remembered all too well. Your ass poised high in the air as Bakugou's thick cock pounded into your tight cunt from behind. Blushing at the way his thick fingers grasped your ass cheek, spreading it slightly as he focused the camera towards where both your bodies were connected.
"How often do you watch these?" You clicked onto another one where you were on your knees between his legs, running your tongue along his length while looking into the camera with wide eyes, his hand carding through your hair.
"Gotta have something for when you're not around." He smirked when you continued to scroll down, seeing some of the lewd photographs you'd sent him previously to try and rile him up when he was at work or out for drinks with the guys. He'd kept everything.
"Katsuki, this one is hideous when did you take this?" You held up the phone to his face and he smiled when he looked at the photograph. It was a candid picture of you at home in your pyjamas, a bowl of ramen held up to your face as your mouth opened wide as you held the chopsticks to your face. You had at least six chins and you looked awful.
Bakugou had tried to pretend not to care the entire way through, but when he saw your fingers move towards the delete button, the banner on the screen flashing to confirm he panicked.
"What the fuck are you doing?" His body was on top of yours, pinning you down against the couch as he wrestled the phone from your hands.
"It's a disgusting picture, Katsuki." You cried, trying to delete it. How anyone could find you attractive in that was beyond you.
"Fuck off, it's not." He managed to get the phone out of your hands, immediately pressing 'cancel' on the action as he locked the phone again, "You're perfect."
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