#it’s always the jace anons smh
shameanon · 2 days
idk i love jace as much as the next gal but can yall pls touch grass or something nd stop sending hate anons to my mutuals/accounts i Like ?? 😭😭 yall are so delusional if u think 1.) a FICTIONAL character that’s DEAD is going to care/want You 2.) this situations in said fan FICTION are going to happen to you
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whichwoods · 1 year
Who do each of the children take after? (In terms of looks and personality)♥️
anon i am kissing on the cheek for this <3 physical descriptions for people specifically is like my achilles's heel in my writing but i tried lmfao :') here are some messy thoughts about their babies!
has wave-y platinum hair and brown eyes, gets freckles in the summer. has a bit of aemond's aquiline nose (sort of looks like a young rhaenyra with darker eyes and freckles?)
the happiest, most-loved baby girl on the planet <33333 so are her siblings but she gets the full early-20-somethings, naive and excited new parents experience
once she's like, 6ish months?? luke and aemond just start bringing her everywhere :') she gets comfortable around new people, places, and LOVES dragons (vhagar and arrax love her too, and so does her own hatchling, even if she's not allowed to get too close to her yet)
whip-smart like both her parents!! she develops a talent for high valyrian linguistics like luke has. she's also a complete nerd for history like aemond and luke
in general she's interested in so! many! things!! she has a habit of spreading herself a bit too thin a lot of the time but she's one of those academic weapon people that always pulls through :') her parents are Concerned but Proud because they can relate
remembers everything her siblings say ever
she was too young to remember aerea being born but she recalls being brought to the hospital by uncle jace to meet baelon after he's born as one of the most exciting days of her life <3
has curly pale hair and brown eyes, freckles are a little more persistent :) people say she resembles luke a LOT
her egg doesn't hatch and she definitely has the same Kid Whose Egg Didn't Hatch Syndrome that aemond did 🥲 as well as that urge to Be The Best once she actually claims a dragon (more on that later!!)
(i will add though that luke and aemond are better parents than what they had by miles, and she's never made to feel less than by them or her siblings. feels important <3)
without fail will fall asleep on nae's shoulder during any car ride longer than 1.5 hours (like luke used to always do on aemond or jace)
definitely a bit of a shit-stirrer (luke and aemond are adamant she gets that from the other LMAO) it's okay because most of the incidents she causes are objectively funny
she tends to underplay her academic achievements like luke despite everything :') but she's wicked smart like both her parents; they wish she'd talk more about it
she's really into dance when she's little!! she's that kid who's always losing a shoe or prop in the middle of a group routine (but dancing through to earn them extra points 🫶🏻) cue aemond targaryen, prince of westeros, awkwardly shuffling through a crowd of moms like "excuse me, i think that's my daughter's shoe..."
looks like a little aemond with dark hair and luke's eyes!!
thinks the world of his big sisters and parents <3 luke and aemond don't know where he got that from
he's also bad at high valyrian like aemond. when he's a kid he has to spend extra time with luke doing worksheets and drills on breaks and summer vacation :') luke's determined to get him fluent if it kills him (as in kills luke, not his son)
can talk a mile a minute when he's excited about something (both his parents), which is kind of... all the time. luckily he has adults in his life who are very interested in what he has to say (picture aemond double-tasking as he's feeding the dragons, "oh, really? wow. tell me what else happened at school")
when he's little he either sleeps spread-eagle or slumped over with his butt in the air like a cartoon character 😭 he's kicked aemond in the throat multiple times when they've let him in the bed (daeron has also done this to him when they were kids :// and ty that one time)
he is SCRAPPY like both of them smh luke has to put him in hockey and there are entire photo albums dedicated to their littlest baby in the mini penalty box <3 he's also literally the sweetest though?? so he somehow gets away with it
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laufire · 3 years
top 5 'toxic ships' that got you hate?
In order of the quantity/vitriol of the hate received:
1. I think the ship I’ve gotten most hate over is Isabelle/Raphael on Shadowhunters, bless.
2. Most of the hate I’ve received over ship was in this fandom, actually Camille/Magnus is the runner up. Then Alec/Jace, which... I don’t even ship... My anon haters couldn’t even get my preferences right smh.
3. Cersei/James in GOT, hilariously before I shipped-shipped it (it was their last episode that did it for me lmfao. I hadn’t really shipped anything in GOT, although I always found them interesting).
4. Caroline/Klaus in TVD.
5. Emori/Murphy from The 100 which. wtf is the threshold for “toxic” this days smh. I have ships (albeit maybe not otps granted) that are far more ~problematic than these? With the exception of Lannicest lol, since it is a.) incest, and b.) Jaime raped Cersei.
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
ok but 5 least favourite sh characters 👀
Hahahaha dear anon, it’s like you’re reading my mind. When you asked about my five favorite characters (I’m just gonna go ahead and assume these asks are all from the same person) I did think about who my five least favorite characters are as well, so I’m actually prepared this time! :D
1. Raziel. The most pointless, annoying character I’ve ever encountered. “It’s not the wish of heaven to erase all demon blooded creatures but since I made a binding pinky promise a millennium ago to do any idiot’s bidding who summons me at midnight over a stupid lake when the moon is in the seventh house I’ll still go ahead and do it. I mean it’s genocide but what can you do if someone asks nicely, amiright? Oh wait, what is that? There’s a battle going on at the shores of the stupid lake. Seems like someone wants to stop that genocide. Should I get involved?? Hmmmmmm no, I’m just gonna keep flapping in the background like the useless prop I am and dim the lights a bit for more dramatic wrestling in the half-dark.”I can’t even.
2. Helen Blackthorn. Oh, how I hate her. She’s the perfect example of moral stupidity where an action is right and good as long as she does it to others but becomes outrageous and wrong as soon as someone attempts to do the same to her. And on top of that she’s framed as a courageous heroine by the show with literally no one calling her out on her bullshit and self-absorbed behavior.(A more detailed explanation can be found in my 3x17 reaction post, just ctrl+f “sob story”)
3. Max Lightwood. UGH. Nothing drives me up the wall like spoiled and entitled kids who think they’re always the smartest person in the room. He’s insolent but everyone around him accepts it without rebuke (except Jace that one time in 2x08, that’s why I love you Jace, stick it to the little devil!)Max thinks he’s oh so grown-up and knows better than anyone else, and while he has his moments like figuring out then-Sebastian’s real identity he’s also dumb enough to flat out confront him without a plan or calling backup first. Smh.(I was so hyped in 3B when Jonathan attacked the Institute Max was staying at only to be devastatingly disappointed when he didn’t finish the job he started back in 2B. I wanted to dance on Max’s grave, dammit.)
4. Raj. He honestly doesn’t have a single redeeming quality. He’s racist, he’s a coward, he makes tasteless jokes over the corpse of a fellow Shadowhunter, he wants to kick Magnus out of the Institute when he’s the only thing keeping Alec, also a fellow Shadowhunter, alive.The only moment Raj had where I didn’t completely despise him was when he went behind Alec’s back in 3x02 and logged him out of the system. Going against orders because you believe you’re protecting your comrades from a reckless, irrational decision your leader made is a motivation I can appreciate.
5. Madzie. Yes, before you start wondering, I have rarely met a child character I didn’t hate. I still have nightmares from that Orphan Black brat. Give a character scenes that scream “I’m the cute kid/sidekick!” and have everyone else fawn over them and it’s 80% sure I’ll hate them.Anyway, Madzie. One thing that annoys me about her is that she’s very obviously a cute accessory for Malec. Remember that ice cream flashback? As soon as she served her purpose she just, vanishes from the scene.The other thing that annoys me about her is that whole thing with Iris. They had a good relationship where Iris took care of her and (very likely) kept Madzie in the dark about the gory details of how she came to be. Valentine uses Iris as leverage to get Madzie to cooperate and that works. But later in 3x11 when Iris wants to take her back Madzie protests loudly and it doesn’t make sense. They didn’t even tell Madzie about Magnus’s magic loss, am I supposed to believe they told her what the heck sick shit Iris was up to? Probably not, if they didn’t want to traumatize her further. Even if they told her that Iris is evil and has to rot in prison I find it hard to believe that Madzie would immediately joing Team Anti Iris.So yeah, Madzie is nothing but an accessory kid and a plot device, and I don’t have the patience for either.
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anthony-kate · 7 years
TBH I'm going to be pretty pissed if we don't get any sort of thing to show that Jace can feel Alec's heartbreak through their parabatai bond next episode. I feel like the writers only care about the bond when it's a big deal (aka Jace dying soon) and not little things like Jace comforting Alec after the breakup. Which sucks cuz I love Jace & Alec's relationship.
Not to be that person but I doubt it, Anon. As you said, we will most likely see Alec suffering again, which is something we haven’t seen all through season 2. smh
I mean, I really like the bond and the whole parabatai thing is interesting to begin with, but it always ends up, as you said, with only Alec comforting Jace and feeling his pain and such. I thought it would be different after 2x03 and they would explore this more and there were some tiny bits but overall it was kind of disappointing because the bond still has so much potential.
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themagnusbane · 7 years
2, 4 and 13 for the top 5 female characters meme
seOooooh. Thanks for asking anon!!! 
Top 5 Female:
2. Villains: O-Ren Ishii (that shot of her running on the table and taking off that Japanese asshole’s head and then ending it with “now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, NOW’S THE FUCKING TIME!” is EPIC, LEGENDARY, in a world of its own); Gogo Yubari (yes I have a thing for Kill Bill. Gogo took crazy to a whole new level. And that creepy smile of hers. Girl be absolute loco); Cersei Lannister(All that crazy, all that power, goddamn I love to hate her!); Kathryn Merteuil (Grade A bitch but I love her), Ursula (to everyone who blamed her, Ariel should have learned to read that fucking document before she signed. *smh*. Let this be a lesson folks. Don’t because of a boy lose all reasoning and your fins in one go.
4. Magical Girls: Prue and Piper Halliwell (having the power to free time and being telekinetic is complete goals. Plus, they’re my favourite of the Halliwell sisters so yeah, top 2); Hela (so much power, so much ambition, her thirst to best Odin and Thor always makes my day); Willow Rosenberg (any witch who can flay the asshole who shot her girlfriend with a flick of her fingers has to be in my top 5. Duh); Korra (strong, powerful and her multi-bending abilities. Plus she and Asami are leaving their happy ending in gay paradise. What’s not to love?)
13. I wish had better development/writing: Clary Fray (because although the other characters have gotten quite the different development from their book counterparts--I’m looking at you Jace--Clary’s basically still stuck in the same rut of white saviorism and strong-headed independence that is rarely made to feel the repercussions of her headlong plunge into things), MCEU’s black Widow (need I say more? We still don’t have the possibility of a feature film and other than having Natasha talk about the red room, we still haven’t learned anything about her. Like come on! We know more about Hawkeye than we do Black Widow. What sort of injustice is that?!!!); Parvati and Padma Patil (two Desi girls who deserve better than the horrible dressed JK put them in for the Yule ball and who were then relegated to the shadows, never to be seen from or mentioned again. Gods, I wanted to know about those two girls and how they felt after that horrid night. Did they spend sufficient time thinking of what spells to cast on Harry and Ron to turn them into toads? Did they?!!!), Cho Chang (I swear the Harry Potter series treated the WOC horribly. I wanted to know so much about Cho. How she held up after grieving Cedric. Yes they gave us a view of her conflict when she realized she liked Harry in fifth year but that wasn’t even from her perspective. Also, how did she hold up during the war. What did she do after it was all over? Telling us she married a muggle but not even the muggle’s name or what work she did just felt like a cop out. Urgh!)
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