#it’s always like ‘why is this somewhat Chinese looking persons Chinese so … like ‘that’ 🤔’ kind of vibe
chynandri · 1 year
Honestly can’t tell if I prefer it when other Chinese ppl tell me my Chinese is good (possibly patronizing) or if they tell me it fking sucks (also patronizing but at least it’s honest)
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🥯🥪🍛🤔👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 + klara :]
OMG THANK U SM <3 obsessed w the food asks btw i have too many thoughts about Klara and her food preferences :3c
details about ocs ask game
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
On normal mornings, Klara is a fan of scrambled eggs for breakfast :3 She eats it after her short morning workout/stretch thing and usually has a cup of coffee and a glass of apple juice with it. Additionally, if there is any in the fridge, she also eats leftover pizza or whatever pastry they may have had yesterday.
THAT SAID she does have very busy days sometimes (or, like, work emergencies), which kinda ruin her schedule and so she has learned to just enjoy a musli bar or something. She also keeps one w herself in her bag in case she has to basically leave as soon as she wakes up. Working for a megacorporation be like 😔
On weekends or vacations she reaaaaally loves brunches with Toby (because he wakes up very late tbh). They either order something from their favorite cafe (and then wonder why they have money issues every now and then) or just cook something together, in which case it's something simple like the previously mentioned scrambled eggs, but also some kind of porridge, fruits, sandwiches (or just bread w something, or garkic bread), yoghurt and nuts. Sometimes if they're not doing the brunch thing, she makes a nice oat porridge with strawberry :3 And if Toby manages to wake up earlier, he makes her pancakes.
🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
At work (no meetings) she mostly goes for salads!!!! She's been very much into salad bars since high school and that habit has been a big part of her personality LMAO. She especially likes to add either salmon, shrimp or chicken in it, and also tends to have pasta w sweet chili sauce there.
THAT SAID she has meeting/discussion lunches very often. She & the person/ppl she's meeting go to some restaurant, depending on locatiob of the office or the other meeting place or who the ppl she's meeting are working for. She usually orders something with fish, her favorite dish to order is definitely salmon with potatoes, but the restaurants rarely have them. She'd mostly go for some kind of pasta or risotto, or a soup if it's something she likes. Wouldn't say no to a fancy burger either.
Sometimes her 'meeting lunch' actually means meeting up with Tobias for lunch. They usually go to their favorite little restaurant that's quite quiet during lunch time. Klara often orders their sweet potato soup or smoked tofu stir fry.
If Klara's having a lunch at home, she either makes a sweet potato soup or a mushroom pasta. If she's feeling lazy, she just does mac & cheese (happens more often than you'd think).
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Fun thing about Klara and dinners is that she Never Cooks Dinners. Not because her skills aren't enough but bc she is often exhausted after work and comes home much later than Tobias, which means that 1) they either order something together and then go lay on the couch, Klara watching tv and trying to relax or something OF 2) Toby cooks something. He's A Bit better cook but isn't good either so he sticks to safe, easy recipes. Most of the time it's a cheese pasta or fried rice, sometimes a butternut squash steak or a noodle soup. If they're ordering, Klara tends to either order tikka masala or a
Late work evenings usually mean quick chinese food (Klara's always buying dumplings) or pizza :3 Sometimes she manages to find time and go to some local sandwich shop and buy some kind of stuffed bread. She's somewhat fond of them for some reason.
Sometimes Klara & Toby go out for a dinner for fun, and she tends to order something light but warming. Like carbonara or baked potatoes.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Klara definitely tends to cross her hands a lot when talking, or place them on her sides. She also tends to walk around while speaking for long, and taps her foot when she's standing still.
She also tends to play with her hair a lot when not doing anything, sometimes not even noticing she is doing it.
Klara also may seem a bit intimidating if you don't know her or aren't a friend of hers, or if she's at work, bc she always looks a bit over-determined when she walks and says her opinions out loud quite easily. I'd also say she rarely ever actually smiles in situations where she's not with people she does not know.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Out of blood relatives, she has her two moms Anna and Susie, and two brothers, Måns & Elliott. Of course, her immidiate family is also her spouse, Toby, and honestly she would definitely count their cat Melody as immidiate family.
Klara's family is quite big and tends to meet up every now and then, but Klara tends to skip the big events and goes to smaller ones, specifically the ones her aunt tends to visit, bc she has always been like Klara's babysitter and taight Klara lots of things. They work in the same department, though in different places and positions, and like to tell each other workplace rumors.
Klara has several cousins too, but they don't talk that much. She doesn't really know her grandparents, tho :/
She is veeeery close to her group of friends, I'd say even cmoser than she is to her family, bc they seem to be much closer and they aren't as strict about everything. :]
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