#it’s also just funny to watch baby mike farell with the cast that’s been on there for three seasons because sometimes his timing is awkward
hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
i wanna say i really believe in your ability to become a beejlover 😋 i think bc BJ sticks around for so long and theres such a significant tone shift in the later seasons he tends to be a more serious goose, but his character arc is soo 🙏🙏 being forced to abandon his child and then watching his family move on without him while hes stuck in the same place for eternity!!! plus the BJ hawkeye dynamic is so strong to me bc they are so different and really compliment each other
wanted to make my case as the world's #1 beejgirl 😁😁 have fun watching!!
your case has been made beejgirl <3
no yeah like i said earlier i remember liking early seasons beej as a kid , so baby s4 bj is so familiar and likable and nostalgic even !! and i intend on keeping an open mind as i watch , it’s completely possible that i’ve been just a wee bit rough on the guy !! also like i’ve said before it’s literally been FOREVER since i’ve watched the later seasons , and when i did watch the later seasons it was with my mom who certainly had … some opinions on the beej . so he’s getting a lot of slack here and i don’t doubt for a second that i’ll probably like him better than i do atm when i get farther in / to the end of my rewatch .
anyway i say ALL THAT to say im not watching it with the intent of hating him , pinky promise 🤙 i definitely HOPE the jaybird will grow on me :] <3
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