#it’s adorable and for once i’m not incensed at people watching videos without headphones because it’s funny
aisatsana441 · 3 months
I’m on a train to New Jersey right now and the two girls behind me are watching Riverdale on their phone, but one girl is not familiar with the lore so the other girl is explaining it all to her. “They broke up when he left but now Veronica wants him back. That’s FP Jones, he was in Scream. Oh, Betty’s dad was a serial killer.” #friendship goals
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BMC Headcanons
I have literally been thinking about this all day so
Christine knows sign language and taught Jeremy and Michael some and now they wont stop signing “i love you” at each other
(Rich doesnt know sign language and thinks theyre pretending to be at a rock concert)
Christine loves Disney and makes references all the time but Rich doesnt understand them bc hes never seen a Disney movie so she makes him watch a bunch of them
(his favorite it “Tangled”)
Michael drinks weed tea bc “I’m a refined stoner”
Rich is a musical buff so he and Christine sing musicals all the time together
Christine is also a history buff and her favorite musical is “Hamilton”
Rich is actually really good at sewing/cooking/etc bc his dad wont do any of that so he had to learn himself
Michael cronches bathbombs
(like if he and Jared existed in the same universe they would bond over cronching bathbombs)
sometimes Jeremy cries himself awake bc he misses his mom
Christine spends her weekends volunteering at the animal shelter and she spends so much time there they keep offering to pay her but she wont let them
Jake is actually really good at school he’s just kind of a ditz
(like he’s a complete math whiz and can recite the entire Constitution w/o hesitation but he forgets things like the role of Juliet in “Romeo and Juliet”)
Michael plays the saxophone
Brooke drinks five cups of tea per day
(during midterms and finals she pours monster into her tea)
Brooke and Michael are really good friends
Jenna has a bunch of hamsters and has dedicated almost her entire room to them
Chloe is a cat person and her parents got her a ragdoll kitten for her eleventh birthday and they are literally inseperable
(she taught it little tricks and everything and it likes walks and baths but it will literally only listen to her)
Brooke is totally more of a dog person and her family owns a chihuahua and a newfie
(they like to sit on her lap specifically chihuahua on top of newfie on top of Brooke)
Rich is a complete nerd and loves things like “Lord of the Rings” and “Harry Potter”
Rich has a bearded dragon named Voltron and he likes to put wings he made himself on it
(Jake thought Voltron was a band)
every Halloween the squip squad gets together to go trick-or-treating and watch “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
(Jake refuses to throw anymore Halloween parties)
despite burning his house down Jake doesn’t care and he and Rich are still best buds
when the squip squad has sleepovers Brooke and Chloe do everyone’s makeup
(the guys get more excited about it than the girls)
Jake wears crop tops
Rich exclusively wears tank tops even in the winter
Rich also almost exclusively listens to 2000s bops and literally prays to Beyonce
Christine’s favorite scents are citrus
Chloe writes faster in cursive than she does in print
Michael has terrible handwriting whether it’s cursive or print
(like to the point that even he cant read it)
Rich and Michael watch anime together (especially “Voltron”)
Rich is terrible at video games without his squip
Jake calls Michael “Mike” even though he initially told him not to
“Michael’s gotten so used to it that he doesn’t care anymore and is actually surprised if he calls him anything else)
Christine and Jenna get really really excited about the holidays and buy everyone gifts
everyone celebrates Hanukkah with Jeremy
Rich absolutely hates eggnog because he only knows about the alcoholic kind that his dad drinks and he’s actually a little scared of it
once Rich becomes friends w/ the rest of the squip squad he celebrates the holidays with them every year
(before he didnt really celebrate bc his home life kind of sucks)
(also after he first celebrates with the rest of the squip squad he lovesthe holidays as much as Christine and Jenna)
without his squip Rich has no idea how to flirt of be in a relationship so he is incredibly awkward
Jake doesnt know how to dab and cant seem to get it right
(like this vine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Hl6Rx-n_s )
Chloe insists on Brooke carrying her and it’s to the point that she’ll just lift up her arms and Brooke will pick her up
Jenna and Christine are the groups’ moms
Rich and Jake play Wii Sports together
if Michael and Jeremy are playing a game against each other Michael lets Jeremy win sometimes
Jenna runs a blog and is working on starting a project to save the bees
Chloe plays soccer
Brooke sometimes insists that she and Chloe have a movie marathon
(their marathons can span days)
Jenna and Christine are the Platonic Power Couple™ that everyone thinks is dating but really theyre just good friends
(both of them are hella ace)
(Christine is aro/ace and Jenna is an ace lesbian)
the group would go to pride together
(Rich would wear the bi flag as a cape)
(Brooke would paint everyone’s faces w/ their flags)
Jake’s the kind of person that would casually mention he’s not straight and then be surprised that youre surprised
Jake would fist fight anyone who made his friends upset
(except for Rich because Rich would have already fought them)
Rich wants to open a bakery when he’s older
Brooke wears a pan-colored beanie
(even at school bc the teachers dont care enough to tell her to take it off)
Jake has his left ear pierced
Brooke is really good at drawing and runs an art blog
Brooke is very empathetic and acts as the group’s counselor
Mr. Heere’s first name is Greg
(don’t ask why it’s mostly cause he reminds me of Greg from “Steven Universe”)
on father’s day everyone gives Mr. Heere a little gift cause he acts like everyone’s dad
Jenna is a fanfic writer
sometimes the squip squad gets together to play Kahoot
(it gets really competitive and friendships are tested)
Jeremy understands that grades are meaningless in the long run but still gets really stressed when he’s not doing well in school
Michael likes to quote really obscure movies that no one knows
Jake owns a melodica
(he also knows how to play the piano really well)
Michael insists that he and Jeremy take pictures together to put on holiday cards and send them to all their friends
(Jeremy wears a Hanukkah sweater and Michael wears a sweater that says “HO HO HOMO”)
Rich likes to stand on top of things to feel taller
Michael wears light-up heelys
Michael always forgets which is left and right but instead of making Ls with his hands he checks his headphones
Rich believes in leprechauns
(every St. Patrick’s Day he makes Jake go leprechaun hunting with him)
(Jake anticipates it every year and keeps the day free so they can)
Jake is actually really bad at using electronics
Rich insults Jeremy affectionately
(one of his favorite’s is “noodle-boy”)
(at first Jeremy was offended but now he doesnt care)
Jake has owned his jacket for a really long time and it’s falling apart but he refuses to get rid of it
whenever Michael has to say the word “squip” he purposefully mispronounces it (ie squemp)
Rich calls people “godfucker”
the squip squad celebrates the fourth of July and Jeremy’s house because Mr. Heere likes to grill hamburgers and hot dogs for them
(Rich likes to help him cook)
Brooke has two moms
Michael drinks milk straight out of the gallon
Jeremy keeps buying new patches for Michael’s hoodie
Christine has an obsession with button pins so everyone pitches in to buy her a button maker for her birthday
the girls like to go to the Ren Faire
Chloe makes her own incense
Rich has Jake help him make snowmen in the winter because he always makes the bodies too big for him to reach to put its head on
Jenna runs a joke tumblr blog that posts cringey facebook memes
Brooke taught Chloe everything she knows about makeup
Christine stays up late sometimes to surprise her friends with gifts she made
Rich asks Michael to teach him curse words in Spanish
Jenna basically lives in Barnes and Noble
(Christine would but she doesnt have as much spending money so she lives in the library)
Michael likes “Undertale” because it’s got a cool storyline and he adores the animation
(he and Jeremy do voices for it when they play)
Rich bakes cookies for everyone during the holiday season
everyone has gifted Michael a new hoodie at least once but he only ever wears his red one and no one can figure out why
Jenna is in the color guard
after joining the play that one time Brooke found that she actually really likes acting
I am so sorry for such a long post, but feel free to add on if you want
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