#it’s a fanfic based off my favorite hotd fanfic!
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 2 years ago
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fandomsbyladymelodrama · 10 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I haven't been tagged in this one (yet) but I'm in a major procrastination mood this morning so answering tumblr questions is currently way more appealing than actual writing so let's do this XD
How many works do you have on AO3? 67 1/2 - the 1/2 is because I have a very little Obidala-ish thing which is currently sitting in my files waiting to be published when I find an extra minute (like right now, for instance, except that I'm doing a survey instead oops ;))
What's your total AO3 word count? Ummm...let's just say if I had a dollar for every word of fanfic I've ever written, my bank account would be very, very happy.
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Game of Thrones. But my full fandoms list has 25 unique fandoms, some major, some minor, and some where the entire tag is owned by me.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Île Aux Ours, Jamais T'oublier, Sunrise on the Jade Sea, La Nuit Venait, The Heir of Riverrun which are all Jorleesi fics except for THOR, which I'm pleasantly surprised to find so high in the rankings (although to be fair there's Jorleesi in that one too :)). And just because I was curious, my top five excluding any Jorleesi content are: New World Symphony (Vicbourne - oh I loved them so, history be damned), Dreams and Dragonglass (Viserys x Alicent from HotD), A Girl, A Drowned Man (ahem, Jaime Lannister x Arya Stark - don't even ask XD), over time and tide and death leaping (Obidala4Ever <3), and Easily onward, thorough flowers and weed (Siegfried x Audrey from the new All Creatures Great & Small - S5 is our season friends, I can feel it)
Do you respond to comments? Yes, all of them (except for the obvious trolls). I heart my readers and have had such good times in the comment section <3 Speaking of which, I'm behind with replies again. Just know my inbox is glaring at me.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ummm, that's a hard one because I usually reach for the fluff endings with both hands. But I suppose...right now it's got to be my Hunger Games fic, and she gained the willow tree. I mean, it's intensely angsty, even more so than the source material, and may remain that way forever (at least until I update it and fix what I broke lol)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my Jorleesi fics have unabashedly happy endings but I think Île Aux Ours edges out the others just because basically everyone (spoiler alert: except for Viserys, Rhaegar and the Night King) live! And all my ships survive! And House Mormont is flourishing! And the Seven Kingdoms are at peace for once! (at least until I write the sequel ;))
Do you get hate on fics? Only on the Game of Thrones fics, and relatively speaking, very, very rarely. It was slightly more common right at the end of Game of Thrones (people had feelings) but it's almost completely died off in recent years...which is a relief. Because trolls are easily ignored but they don't make anyone's day brighter.
Do you write smut? Again, rarely. But, ya know, sometimes things happen ;)
Do you write crossovers? Yes, but usually it's not what I would consider a true crossover. More me adapting one film/series to the setting/plot/characters of another. The only true crossover I've ever written is, I believe, this one: light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling (where Tom Bombadil and Melisandre of Asshai meet up and make a trade - sometimes writing brains are weird)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I know of? Although I had a reader request permission to translate a couple of my Jorleesi fics into Russian so that may have happened and I just never received a link from them.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ohhhh, yesssssss. My forever partner-in-Jorleesi-crime is @salzrand <3 9 fics and counting :)
What's your all-time favorite ship? Based on my writing activity over the last 5-6 years, I think there's really only one correct answer here and it's the lobsters. A bear and his dragon-girl. A princess and her steadfast knight. They're perfect, they're dreamy. And forever inspiring. I cannot. But other than Jorleesi, I have to give top billing to Jane/Lisbon, Obi-Wan/Padme, Dickon/Mary, Jean Valjean/Fantine, Christy/Neil, Lexie/Mark because these are ships that have stayed with me for at least a decade or longer and are part of my DNA at this point.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ugh. Don't talk to me about unfinished fics. They judge me with their Chapter 1/? eyes. They glare at me disapprovingly each time I log into AO3. And I know that there are a few that have been waiting on an update for a long, long time (and some of you have probably given up hope that I'll ever return to them), but never say never...at least until I'm dead XD
What are your writing strengths? I think I have a flair for writing scenery and believable multi-generational family dynamics. I also think I'm fairly good at fixing canon disappointments with some fun and unique twists (it's the soap opera training, I swear XD). I try to keep dialogue very natural, characterization at least partly canon-based and do a lot of research for my fics on time-period details, with mostly successful results...lol well, that's the hope anyway. And I think another strength that has made me successful in writing age-gap ships especially is that I can write character relationships in a way that might go beyond the whole attraction thing and touch on deeper connections (or something).
What are your writing weaknesses? Endings. Aren't they everyone's? Titles. And my pacing can be off sometimes. I think I get away with it in fic-writing for the most part but I have a few fics that aren't as "tight" as they could be. There are a few words/phrases that I rely on too much. And I'm sure I have a bunch of others that I'm unaware of.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I haven't done this much and I really don't venture outside French if I try it. I rely on friends who are native speakers to make sure I'm not saying anything off the wall.
First fandom you wrote for? Titanic 😍 I had to save Thomas Andrews. He looked so sad and despairing winding that clock at the end. I should have probably saved Leo too but let's just assume in my version, Kate scooched over let him share the door XD
Favorite fic you've written? Impossible to choose. I love them all. Okay, okay, Sunrise on the Jade Sea. But only because you're forcing me to answer <3
Tagging: @clarasimone @gettingovergreta @toas-tea @bridgr6 @crushermyheart @heatherfield <3 Or be like me and tag yourself ;)
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jaimeslanisters · 2 years ago
I have a feeling HOTD season 2 is gonna be pro team black; I've read the script and it's atrocious(the people wanting throwing stuff at Helaena(who had lost his child) and Alicent)
And the worst thing is that many people are getting excited for Bloode and Cheese-THAT SCENE IS TRAGIC, Not something to praise but you know, if Daemon does the most atrocious things, it's fine because it's a morally gray character;however if Alicent snaps and wants justice for her son, SHE DESERVES TO DIE, SHE'S A BITCH.
Alicent betrays Rhaenyra
Alicent has always advocated for Rhaenyra until you know what happens, and she chose her children over Rhaenyra, because her kids and herself MAY DIE
Team black has never said that!$%
Daemon who is an open hater of Hightowers, the mastermind of blood and cheese and has murdered Vaemond Velaryon because he has spoken the truth.
Rhaenyra who has shown zero concerns regard Aemond losing an eye and wants him to be tortured...
The green children have all the right to be scared and to prepare for war
Ah also...Daemon who will abandon his wife to save a teenager(rumored his lover-Ew-) and people blaming a 16 year old and call her his daughter to deny Daemon is a groomer
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if people throw shit at helaena and alicent at a baby’s funeral, aegon needs to burn king’s landing down idc idc get rid of it all. i’m trying to be optimistic and say it won’t happen but who knows after the first season was a mess and a half 😭😭😭
i’ve come to terms that team green won’t get the nuance and care it deserves. i’m slightly hopeful tho that blood and cheese will kill daemon’s popularity tho. that scene is going to be absolutely brutal and visceral and while helaena and alicent aren’t exactly fan favorites in the general population, watching someone threaten rape and then brutal murder a literal toddler is going to dent any goodwill the gp has towards daemon. i know i’m optimistic esp since most of team green on twt thinks the opposite but i’m hopeful 🥲 (i’m basing this off the fact that my mom, someone who knows less than zero abt stan twt antics, will become a violent daemon anti after that but then again, she already doesn’t like him and is an alicent stan so maybe she’s not the best litmus)
stan twitter will be stan twitter abt the dance but i’m comfortable saying that the next season won’t be kind to daemon at least. condal and co seem pretty firm in their belief that daemon is a groomer and the inclusion of nettles (who will definitely not be a daughter but even if she is his child…. i don’t exactly see that stopping him) is all but set in stone by now
it’s hard for us greenie girlies out here 🥲 even if shit goes down hill, we have fanfics 🙏🏼
but if they don’t give us daeron im burning down hbo lol
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cambion-companion · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,891 times in 2022
That's 1,765 more posts than 2021!
739 posts created (39%)
1,152 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,590 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#aemond targaryen - 934 posts
#house of the dragon - 474 posts
#answered ask - 437 posts
#aemond stannies - 360 posts
#aemond one eye - 354 posts
#aemond fanfic - 283 posts
#aemond x reader - 258 posts
#aemond imagine - 246 posts
#hotd - 215 posts
#pro aemond targaryen - 203 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#honestly this is my favorite picture of aemond to date and i will never get tired of posting it
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi!! could we maybe pretty please get a drabble of aemond and female!reader taking a bath together and her taking care of his beautiful hair? just aemond being so in love and letting himself be vulnerable around his lover 🥹 (ive just envisioned him letting out his iconic 'mhm' as he's having his scalp massaged and squealed out loud he's too much for meee) thank you have a nice day!!!
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2,146 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Comedy of Errors Pt. 1
Based off this post, I had to write a short drabble haha it's been eating at my brain ALL DAY.
Part 2 here
Aemond x drunk!reader | hilarity ensues
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You were very drunk.
It wasn't often you indulged, but tonight Aegon had successfully persuaded you to down goblet after goblet of wine until the hour grew late and your vision swam before your bleary eyes.
Your husband, throwing a last exasperated look to his elder brother, helped you rise from the table. "Y/N, put your arm around my shoulders. No, my shoulders, Y/N."
With a long-suffering sigh, Aemond grabbed your limp wrist, pulling your arm over his shoulders himself. You giggled madly, egged on by Aegon's tipsy cackles. It was just the three of you remaining in the dining hall, Helaena had long since made her escape back to her chambers.
It was with difficulty Aemond maneuvered you both around the oaken table and to the door. "Good night you two!" Aegon called after your retreating forms, raising another full cup to toast a farewell, sitting now alone inside the firelit hall.
Aemond had indulged in one glass of wine, switching to water for the rest of the evening. He had watched with increasing alarm at how quickly you'd inhaled each refill of your own drink, casting warning glares to his brother whenever Aegon refilled your cup enthusiastically.
You were having a tough time walking, much less being able to see the details of where you were being led. Your voice slurred as you tried to speak to the man helping you to your rooms. "I can quite manage on my own, thank you oh generous lord...lady...whoever you are." You ran a hand along Aemond's chest letting out a giggle. "Lord it is. You're a man."
"Last time I checked." Aemond said dryly, hoisting you back upright as your knees buckled slightly, opening the door to your shared bedroom and guiding you through before relinquishing his hold on you. "I am also your husband."
You collapsed onto the couch. "My husband." You smiled dreamily; eyes taken in by the dancing flames of the fireplace. "My husband is a dragon, you know."
"Is he indeed." Aemond crouched before you to unlace your shoes, smiling slightly as you continued.
"Oh yes." You lifted a heavy foot to aid in the removal of your shoes, your feet aching. "He's tall, like this tall." You raised a limp hand into the air above your head. "His hair is gorgeous. It's ridiculous really, he refuses to tell me the secret."
"Mhm. Go on."
"Yeah...so silky and long...it's not fair. He's smart, like book smart you know?" You tapped your temple with a finger.
"I do." Aemond was making a valiant effort to keep a straight face as he looked up at you from the rug, kneading small circles into the arch of your foot.
"He's brave, he rides Vhagar." You lowered your voice to a whisper at the dragon's name. "The biggest lizard in all the world."
Aemond laughed loudly at that, his voice filling the room. "Does he now? Sounds like quite a man."
"Oh he is." You laid back against the cushions, sighing dreamily, a little trickle of drool running down the corner of your mouth. "He is absolute magic in bed." You sat up again suddenly, swaying as your vision spun. "His cock is about the size of a Pentosi-"
"I think," Aemond interrupted, wiping your mouth with his thumb. "It is quite time for bed, don't you?"
"Mmm, bed." You agreed, trying to stand only to fall back against the sofa, laughing helplessly.
"Here, my love." Aemond, ever patient with you, sat you upright, reaching around your waist to pull at the laces of your dress.
You slapped his hands away, a frown upon your flushed features. "No, no, no, for my husband only."
"Y/N I-"
"No, his hands only touch." You gestured to yourself before raising your arms like a marionette doll. "Help me to bed, Clive."
"I'm having words with Aegon tomorrow." Aemond murmured, knowing that arguing would be useless as he helped you stand and make your stumbling way to the bed.
He tried once more to assist you out of your heavy gown, but you hit at his chest weakly with loose fists. "I'll tell my husband of this behavior; he'll have something to say to you when he finds out."
"Of that, I have no doubt." Aemond sighed, relenting as you shook a stern finger at the bedpost.
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2,236 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
I am mind blown at how good your writing is! Absolutely mind blown! Your portrayal of Aemond in every single piece is just 👌🥹
I do have a teency little request if you’re still taking them and that’s Aemond all frustrated with you, seeing as you’ve been teasing him constantly throughout a feast, which is when he demands/drags you away into a dark corner which he then proceeds to absolutely annihilate you from behind, I’m talking slapping your ass, literally pounding you that hard you’ll have fingerprint bruises all over your hips and thighs, wrapping his hands around your neck and making sure you realise that you BELONG to him. No one else… Please excuse me as I go and fan myself 🥵🔥
I hope this is what you were thinking of!
Pure filth
I held off tagging anyone because I won't do that for nsfw fics
Word count: 1233
Aemond x f!reader | smut | lots of smut | possessive Aemond
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You were dreadfully bored.
The dinner was dragging on longer than you had the patience for. Hours seemed to have passed since you’d finished eating. The droning conversation around the long table sounding much like the buzzing of lazy bees.
You glanced at your husband out of the corner of your eye, mischief twisting in your pleasantly full stomach.  He certainly looked polished, poised, and ever so handsome.  His long silver hair falling over his shoulders, glimmering in the candlelight.  His violet eye, surveying the chattering crowd with mild disinterest; the other side of his face covered by a leather eyepatch, giving him a roguish appearance.  You wished to run your fingers along his sharp jawline, gripping his strong chin with your fingers and…ah he’d caught you staring.
Aemond’s eye had alighted upon your face, seeming to sense the intensity of your gaze.  His curved lips quirked slightly in a debonair smirk.
He could see right through you.
By the dilation of his pupil, he was feeling much the same upon surveying your own alluring features.
Under the pretense of raising your goblet of wine to your mouth, you reached with your free hand under the table, caressing Aemond’s knee.  He shot you a warning glance, but did not move away, enabling you to continue tracing a wandering path higher up his leg.
You felt his long fingers grip your playful hand as you reached toward the inside of his upper thigh, stilling your progress.  You pouted at him over the rim of your glass.
His eye smoldered violet fire, grip tightening.
You moved your foot then, gently rubbing it up and down his calf. Aemond looked briefly up to the ceiling, as if searching for strength amongst the vaulted beams there, before moving just out of reach of your exploratory foot, his hand still restraining your own.
Servants approached, bringing with them desserts which they placed on the table before you.  You returned your hands to where decorum dictated, helping yourself to a portion of chocolate pudding.
You caught Aemond’s gaze as you raised a spoonful to your lips, making sure not to break eye contact as you slowly sucked the delectable mousse into your mouth.
His lips parted, the prince was barely able to conceal the desire and aggravation warring across his face.  His hands, resting now beside his plate, clenched into fists.
Abruptly, he stood.
You glanced down but his tunic was long enough to conceal any evidence of your hard work from prying eyes.
Aemond extended a hand to you. “May I have a word, dear wife?”
“Of course, loving husband.”  You took his proffered hand, his fingers instantly vicelike upon yours.
With barely restrained haste, Aemond practically dragged you from your seat and out the door into the cooler air of the empty corridor.  
It was a large, long hallway, framed on either side by stone columns, behind one of which your husband pulled you.  The breath left your lungs in a rush as he pushed you roughly back against the cool surface, his lips hot upon your own.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth, tasting the dessert you had sampled.
You returned his embrace with fervor, tangling your fingers into his long hair, pulling him harder against you.  
Aemond broke away to look at your face, his hands gripping your waist. “You think you can torment me, and suffer no consequences?”
“I was actually hoping there’d be some repercussions.”  You breathed out, gasping as Aemond spun you around, your hands rising to support your weight upon the red stone pillar.
See the full post
2,425 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
"Can I sit here?" "Y/N, that's my lap."
Yep! Inspired by this post haha I couldn't RESIST
Aemond x reader | drunk tipsy reader
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“May I sit here?”  
“Y/N…that’s my lap.”
You pouted at Aemond, your lower lip jutting out. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Tipsy.”  You corrected, raising a finger in delicate objection, swaying on the spot. “In fact, I feel quite unbalanced…oh no…”  With a sigh of false distress, you sank to sit upon Aemond’s thigh, grinning as his hands came up instinctively to support your waist.
“You’re insufferable.”  The prince fought down the smile tugging at his lips.  Your faces were very close as you leaned against his chest, gliding your fingers through his long silver hair.
“You love me anyway.”  You skimmed your lips along his forehead, before planting a sloppy kiss to the side of his face.
Aemond took hold of your face, gripping your chin between two long fingers. “Indeed.  For some odd reason, I do.”  He pulled you in for a kiss, teasing your lower lip with light nibbles.
You scooted to a more secure position in your lover’s lap, wrapping your arms tighter about his shoulders.  Aemond’s head tilted back as you deepened the kiss, sweeping your eager tongue against his.
“You taste of several different ales.”  Aemond observed, pulling away enough to measure your expressions with his keen violet eye.
“Tipsy.”  You repeated, feeling it necessary to defend your current blurry state of mind. “And horny.” You giggled.
Aemond sucked in a sharp breath, pressing his finger to your lips to shush you.  You took it upon yourself to take that digit into your mouth, laving it with your tongue in the way you wished to suck on a different member of his.
“Y/N, by the hells.”  Aemond tried to be cross with you, but his eye crinkled as he looked up at you. “You are in a state.”
“You could help me…out of a state.”  You wiggled suggestively where you perched upon his legs.
“Not while you’re inebriated.”  Aemond shook his head, his mouth thinning into a line. “That’s out of the question.  Go drink some water, then come back and woo me.”
“Woo you?”  You laughed raucously, throwing your head back. “I never dreamt I’d hear you say the word ‘woo’. Woo!”  Your laughter caught in your throat as Aemond raked his teeth across your exposed neck, nipping at your delicate flesh.  You looked back down at him, the pout back on your face. “That’s not playing fair, Aemond.”
“Hmm.  Rich coming from you, my lady.”  
You scooped your hair to one side, arching your neck for him. “Do that again.”
“No.”  Aemond practically growled, gripping your waist tighter, making to move you off his lap.
You clung tighter to him, refusing to be removed.  Aemond only struggled momentarily before falling back against his seat, a bemused expression upon his face. “I’ll make a deal with you, though I don’t usually bargain with drunkards.”
“Go drink some water, enough to sober up and I will take you back to our chambers where we may resume…whatever this is.”  Aemond gestured with his free hand to your entwined bodies. “If you still wish to.”
His words almost sobered you on their own, you tilted your head looking at him, a warm emotion spreading through your chest. Carefully, you rose back to your feet, placing a delicate kiss to the palm of Aemond’s hand. “Alright.”  
The prince seemed genuinely surprised at your sudden shift in demeanor.  He closed his fingers around where you’d kissed, rubbing the skin there lightly.  You wanted to kiss him everywhere your lips could reach, but first you’d need to find where they had put all the water.
3,668 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hear me out, mild but super passionate after sex where aemond lets reader braid his hair 😩 while keeping her on his lap (her straddling him), caressing her body, holding her for dear life and softly kissing every inch of skin he can reach… just please I could die for thisss (specially if you make him use valyrian here and there), he deserves the purest, most desperate love
GOD I had to address this one real quick good lord over here fanning myself! This is a shorter drabble, but I plan on revisiting very often in future fics.
Aemond x female!reader | Smut leading to fluff...leading back to smut I got carried away | post-coital bliss | Breeding kink?
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"Aemond!" His name spilled from your lips, as it had many times during the course of that warm night. You came undone around him as he thrusted erratically up into your heated core, spilling his warm seed deep inside you. Your hands pressed against his chest, Aemond gripping your hips so tight you expected marks would show the next day. You straddled him, milking his cock as you rode out the last of your orgasm.
"Y/N." Aemond breathed your name like a prayer, staring up at you, his silver hair splayed on the pillow. It was one of those rare, vulnerable moments he allowed you to be on top. With a shift, and his arms coming to hold you against him, Aemond sat up, so your chests brushed, his member still deep within you. He pressed a searing kiss to your lips. "Issa jorrāelagon, you were wonderful."
You took a lock of his hair in your fingers, pulling it over his shoulder as you began to braid. "I'm a natural at dragon riding."
Aemond snorted, not seeming to mind your attention to his hair as he littered kisses along your neck and shoulder. His arms were tight around you, holding you against him as though he wished to mold your bodies together. You chuckled wickedly as you felt him growing hard inside you once more, his cock twitching as you moved your hips teasingly. Aemond groaned, sucking the skin at your throat, his teeth and tongue working to mark you as his.
You continued weaving small braids into his long hair. "You have the loveliest hair, Aemond. It's quite unfair."
"Hmm." Was your only reply, he was busy kissing each freckle you had within reach of his lips. You let out a breathy gasp of pleasure as he began rutting gently into you. With firm hands at your back, Aemond guided you backwards to lay beneath him as he continued moving againt you with languid strokes.
He grabbed your legs, encouraging you to hook them around his torso, opening you further to his administrations. Aemond placed sloppy kisses to your breasts, his pace quickening, angled just right to hit the most sensitive part of you. Already you felt your core tightening with anticipation, your eyes rolling back as your mouth fell open, uttering a blissful sound halfway between his name and a moan.
"Aemond, I don't think I can." The sensation was so overwhelming, you could hardly think much less breathe, your vision going blurry as he drove himself deeper into you.
"You can, again. As many times as I will have you." Aemond's hand encircled your throat gently, his violet eye hooded as he looked down at your enraptured face. His pace was punishing now, the sound of your heavy breathing accompanied by the lewd wetness of your cunt already full from his last climax. "Take me, Y/N. I want you to bear me a child." Aemond was close, you could tell by the way his words slurred as he spoke. Your walls tightened around him, the feeling of overstimulation giving way to blinding ecstasy as you reached your limit. "I want to see your belly swell with my seed."
Those low, rasped words sent you over the edge. You cried out his name, falling apart once again, taking Aemond with you as he pumped more of his cum deep inside your aching core. His movements stilled, hand moving to cup the swell of your breast, kneading your plump flesh. After savoring the feel of your heat around him several more moments, Aemond reluctantly pulled out, leaving you feeling oddly empty.
"My, we've made quite a mess." Aemond got off the bed, walking to the water basin, grabbing a washcloth and soap as well.
You smiled with ardent affection for the man, watching him clean your body with tender care. He finished, frowning at the bedspread. "Yes, these sheets are quite ruined." Setting the bowl of soapy water aside, Aemond joined you on the mattress once more. "Does my little dragon rider desire a bath?" He placed a warm hand upon your stomach, ghosting his lips against your ear.
You reached up to comb your fingers through his hair, undoing the loosened braids you had made there. "I would love to bathe, but only if my dragon joins me."
"Hmm, you are in luck then, my love." Aemond chuckled softly, bringing your hand up to place soft kisses against your wrist. "Now you've claimed me, I will never leave your side."
4,302 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 2 years ago
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 1 year ago
Mini-masterlist of my favorite fics I have written
Never anticipated I would get back into fic writing to almost the same level of output as when I was in middle school lmao but it's been so fun and I can't wait to keep it going!
Here are my favorites, the ones I'm most proud of so far:
Life Eternal, an HOTD fanfic based off another incredible HOTD fanfic, Second Sons by @avengingangelfanfic (HIGHLY recommend reading theirs first, its huge tho like 50+ chapters so make sure you clear your schedule if you're gonna read it lol), my first multi-chapter fic after literal years!
Come Go With Me, a Michael Gavey x Alt OC oneshot fic that I had to rewrite before publishing it because I had begun it *before* we had several clips of Michael Gavey released but it all worked out in the end! Love this one and I'm super proud of it!
Spillways, an ongoing work taking place in the show universe of The Gilded Age! Main focus is on Marian and Agnes both finding love! Genuinely think this is my best so far, I I do say so myself lol
Happy reading!
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