#it’s a bug with the layers panel so it’s basically unusable rn
marmotish · 3 years
If that's something you'd like and if you have any story or fact to share, I'd like to see more or Freyja's metamorphmagus enemy... they're so cool, in a terrifying way. I never even had the idea of being frightened about metamorphagus before - they're Tonks, they're the embodiment of nice and awesome. But since I read about yours I regularly think about it and the very idea creeps me out like a real chicken muggle 🐓💦 (<- dats me and my cold sweats)
when i tell you i nearly bit through my fist getting this ask !!!
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((AI-generated art from WOMBO Dream App - because Procreate is unusable right now))
i’ve been thinking on and off about this character for the past few months and have written down a bunch of stuff about them but i’m not going to dump it all here because tbh i’m still refining it but i can give you some bits and pieces
I wanted to make a character who shared some similarities in life circumstance with Freyja, but was also her opposite in many ways which meant they would never be friends. I also liked the idea of trying to make a Ravenclaw villain - like “knowledge is power” in a mind-games sense
Lior was a Ravenclaw in the same year as Freyja. Who remembers them? Nobody.
reasonably academically gifted but nothing newsworthy. being “adequate” infuriated them.
could psychologically destroy you but would probably also go down like a sack of spuds with one good solid punch
remembers everything (negative) about everyone. that one time you bumped into them and didn’t say anything? written in stone
spent most of their school life just silently hating the “popular and powerful” kids like srsly just go outside and smell some flowers or make a friend
drawn in by pureblood elitism ideology during their later years at hogwarts. less for the idea of blood purity, more for the idea of enforcing a hierarchy where they would never be at the bottom
evaded capture at the end of the second wizarding war - relying on the fact that nobody knows what they look like or what their real name is
shrinks back into the shadows post-war, more bitter than ever.
kind of inspired by shapeshifters in general sci-fi media, and the terror about not knowing whether the person with you is actually who they appear to be
combined with their ability to probe through thoughts and memories, they’re able to convincingly act as the person they’re appearing as
they’ve learned to push the limits of Legilimency. They can appear in dreams and manipulate them to a certain point, induce visual hallucinations while their target’s awake, and with enough time/effort, manipulate memories.
your mind is basically their playground.
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