#it’ll prob be one of the last times i go to these charity shops
lesbian-hannibal · 2 years
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charity shop haul. no one talk to me
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spectrvls · 6 years
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— ✧ KEHLANI PARRISH ??  no, that’s just REEVA MZUZI SUMMERS !!  she’s the TWENTY FOUR year old adoptive daughter of SCOTT SUMMERS / biological daughter of T’CHALLA, and is, in addition to being an ASTRONOMY MAJOR & TA at paragon academy, a SHOP ASSISTANT at a local mystic store. i hear she’s RESILIENT & EMPATHETIC, but tends to be OBSTINATE & CHAOTIC. her file says that her powers are MYSTICISM & EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. you can check out her stats HERE & her pinterest board HERE.
       she’s in to SUPERSTITIONS,                    black cats & voodoo dolls.
SECTION ONE OF THREE: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warning for talk of cults, death and mass suicide
she came into this world on the 22nd of december, 1994. the winter solstice. her lungs fillled with air for the very first time as the sun set upon eliye springs, kenya, and as she was laid upon her mothers chest, the group around mother and child chanted that MAUTI ( swahili ; death. fate. ) had arrived.
her mother was a charity worker. her father was a king. she was the result of sun meeting moon, gold meeting cubic zirconia, riches meet ruin. she was an accident. she was SPECIAL. the leaders of the “kanisa” prophesied the coming of a child born from two different worlds that would herald in the end of times. a child that was a reckoning, an end, the final death between two chubby fists. and they found their holy figure in her. 
her mother - she thinks of her this way, always ; her name is as lost to her as the lines upon her face, the only lasting memory being the way she held her a little too tightly, during prayer. she doesn’t know that once, she was soft - her mother was YOUNG. naive. alone. in the cult ( they don’t like this word ) kanisa, she saw a way out of a dire situation. when they approached her, too in the know for her to be comfortable, too in the know for her to think she had a choice, they promised everything that didn’t have for the life growing inside her womb. the master bedroom, at the commune. first pick of all the food, at meal times. pride of place, during prayer. a small bit of new world religion for a roof above her head and food to fill her stomach - she didn’t know the price she would really be paying until it was too late. 
they say that if you drop a frog into boiling water, it’ll jump right out immediately because it knows what you’re trying to do. but if you place the frog into colder waters, and gradually heat the pot - it won’t suspect a thing, and by the time it does, it’ll be too late. her mother was innocent once, a fact that the baby will never know. she didn’t believe in what they were selling - she was just trying to do what was right, trying to make something for her baby to be born into. nine months with the kanisa changed everything. nine months indoctrinated her. by the time her daughter wailed her way into this world, it was too late. 
she’s named mauti because bringing DEATH is her fate. her mother, once, wanted to name her asha. with group thinking, she never gets the chance. 
she, of course, doesn’t remember these early years herself. she gets flashes, sometimes, but she doesn’t feel a connect to them. it was a different time. a different life. the cult ( she likes this word, it grounds her past in a reality that she could never find, without ) believed in a lot of things. mauti was the bringer of death. if they served well, in life, then they would be the members of her spectral court, in the next. it was their responsibility to tend to her and nurture her and push her to her powers. the things they did to her as a newborn in order to make her mutations present were vile and cruel and the only thing that, now, she flinches when she recalls. but they WORKED, and with them a reality...- in their minds, it made the prophecy true. she was death. 
they did other things, too. horrible things, all in the name that they gave her. mutants that scouts found in nearby towns and villages were brought back to the commune. on the full moon, they were sacrificed. mauti would absorb their powers, at least, that’s what they believed, and their spirits would be bound to her, more unwilling servants, for the afterlife. it was the disappearance of mutants, too many to be anything but suspect, that led to the x-men traveling to eliye when she was just two years old.
they found the commune. the chaos of their arrival led the leaders to believe that the end was upon him far sooner, than expected. they gave the order for the group to follow what they had trained for, in this endgame scenario - and one by one, each died by their own hands. bodies began to drop within minutes of the x-mens arrival.
scott found her. he’s never said to this day - probably because he feels she couldn’t handle it - but, she doesn’t imagine anyone other than her own mother was preparing to take her life as well as her own, in that moment. he saved her. little mauti. bringer of doom. two years old and surrounded by so much death, just like had been prophesied. she didn’t cry. everyone on the plane back to the states thought that it was strange, she didn’t. instead, she remained nestled in scott’s arms - falling asleep before they had even taken off, and waking up somewhere over the atlantic with a smile, just for him. it was like the events of the night hadn’t even touched her. 
this was, for a brief time, the only quiet sleep that the baby he named REEVA and gave a home to had. in her dreams, she was tormented by the dead - the ones that had died for her, willing and unwilling. when she woke, it was all the same. she was too young to be able to communicate the hell that she was going through, but when she woke screaming and spent most of her days hysterical, it didn’t take long for certain telepathics to delve into her mind and see what it was she was seeing from her own eyes. she was being driven insane. tortured. she was too YOUNG for her mutations, and there wasn’t much that they could think to do.
scott wanted it to be jean. he just... couldn’t figure out how to ask her to do that, and knew without doing so what her answer would be. it had to be charles, and since he had done it before, placing a block on reeva’s mind so she could have a chance to live normally, for once, wasn’t a hard task. still. it never seemed to fully stick. she remained sane - saved from the worst of it. but as she got older, it was obvious that her interests lay in the OCCULT. she was always an odd girl, too much for many, too little for others - never entirely there in reality, always somewhat stuck to the other side. it was a joke, at first, when someone said that sometimes, they thought she might be more GHOST than she was girl. it lost its humor, over time.
but her father ( and she thinks of him, always, as this ) saved her. his action, while done without her choice, allowed her mutations to mature at a rate that would ensure her continued sanity. she owes him a lot more than just a home. she always will.
because she still, technically, has something of a block on her mind, she’s yet to really realize that the fact she has actual SUCCESS with spells she casts / summoning partakes in / etc is because she’s got a secondary mutation in the form of actual mysticism. in reeva’s eyes, she’s simply harnessing a force that’s already present - she doesn’t realize she creates, too, and connects with a purer form of magic that only a select few can. her extrasensory perception is the only mutation she’s fully aware of, and with it comes the retrocognition and spirit awareness that she’s more KNOWN for.
she knows that t’challa is her biological father. if anyone else said they simply “saw it in a dream” it would sound insane, but when its reeva...- it’s usually something MORE. she doesn’t really have any feelings towards what must have went down between him and her birth mother. she doesn’t resent him, and she doesn’t really want to connect with him, either. she’d love to get to know her birth siblings - but she doesn’t want to get that skewed with inserting herself into their, or t’challa’s, NARRATIVES, either. scott is her father. kaia, amy and felix are her siblings. she was two years old when she joined the family, and they’re all she really KNOWS. 
like i said. for a lot of people, reeva is a lot. she’s far more in touch with “the other side” than she is with reality, and when she was in her teen years, people thought that was pretty weird - rightly so, though it led to her relying on the spirits more than she did real people. she tries not to be weird. she fails, but... that’s also because she stops trying pretty quick. she is who she is and she’s always been this way, so at this point she figures everyone else better just .. get used to that. 
she has two cats, salem and kyteler, and a single rat - his name is pistachio, because the spooky pet name trend only counts for cats, i guess. 
x-kids. she’s been in scott’s care since she was two and she’s turning 25 in a couple months, so... yeah. she’s been around the x-men FOREVER. come @ me
best friends. or just. friends, in general. reeva connected solely with ghosts for a really long time because her teen years were rough and people didn’t vibe with who she was - i still rly want her to have a few people who actually do like her tho, and actually ... are her friends. for better or worse.
worst enemies. this kinda connects to the next connection, but also, can be sort of on its own - there are probably so many people who just HATE reeva because of who she is or how she is, and she prob doesn’t feel too good towards them, either. 
disbelievers. is reeva full of shit? actually, no. she’s a little over the top sometimes just cause she can be, but for the most part, what you see is truly what you get - but that doesn’t mean there aren’t many people out there who think otherwise. give them to me.
regular customers. either they’re regulars at the mystic store she works at, or, they’re regulars on the side. for a small price, reeva will do pretty much anything - read your palms, look into a crystal ball, do a tarot reading, check the stars, let you choose a divination stone or three, interpret your magic 8 ball reading. it’s whatever, but it means she probably has a few dozen people she sees on a more regular basis - so hit her up !
coven. incls selene constantine. every witch needs their coven, and that goes double for reeva, who only really finds the likemindedness she’s searching for in other people who practice the craft. just imagine for a second the kinda sh*t this group could get themselves into because its spooky season and spells are ten times more potent...and then let me know if ya wanna be w the in crowd. ( thats us )
paranormal investigation squad / three spots ( one taken by jeannie drake kent ). this is separate to the above because its so wildly contrary to all reeva is. she BELIEVES. she knows ghosts are real. she knows that a lot of things are real, actually - and still, she’s got this little squad on the side. i actually kind of really want this to be a small group of friends ( i’m gonna say ... five people, incl reeva ) who are pRETTY tight knit and have been since they got into college ( slash... whatever. honestly, it’s not outlandish to say some people have known each other for longer than others ) and basically, they just... they visit haunted / spooky / folklore shrouded places together and investigate them. i hate to be that annoying bitch BUT i do kinda want reeva to be defacto leader because i have some neat ideas for threads we could do + i think ?? she could have been someone really gunning for this, herself??? but i’d be p open to seeing how it evolves and whatever, and there’s so many other spots that could be filled. think of the cute little gc we could have !! think about the way they could decide to become youtubers w this !! think of !! the threads !! and gimme. thanks ! 
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Survey #157
hey instead of lyrics, there’s a warning for a religiously offensive answer.
How many kids do you want to have?  Only too many scaly and furry ones. <3 Who’s the last person you smoked weed with?  I've never smoked it. Who is the person you have hurt the most?  Probably Mom. Who is the person that has hurt you the most?  Jason. Who was the last person who cried around you?  Mom when she found out about my cousin Brenna. What was the last thing you cried about?  Emotional conversation with Sara. What’s your current problem?  Just friendship stuff after breaking apart from Colleen again and being ignored when I've been reaching out to old friends, something I've been putting a lot of effort into lately.  I just don't get what's wrong with me/what's that damn unlikable about me that I can't make or maintain friendships. What brand of face wash do you use?  Biore.  Or I think Neutrogena if I have a pimple. Do you know anyone who owns a boat?  Dad. Did you get carded the last time you ordered an alcoholic drink?  I surprisingly didn't.  Nor did I get carded when I bought something from the liquor store for Mom and me.  Do I look 30 or something now that my hair's cut. Did your parents give you an allowance as a kid? No. Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? No, thankfully. Are you (or have you ever been) a vegetarian?  I am.  Took a brief break for weight loss purposes but seeing as that did nothing, I went back to it and plan on staying that way. Do you ever use Snapchat?  No. What was the last show that you watched a full episode of? The Good Doctor. Do you get your feelings hurt easily?  Yup. When you go to McDonalds, what drink do you usually get?  Coke. What’s the nickname of your home state?  The Tar Heel State. What’s the worst type of weather in your opinion?  Hot and humid. Do you have a Kindle or iPad or neither?  Neither. Would you rather read or write? Write. Is there a dead end road near where you live?  Most likely. Have you ever had to call and complain about a product you bought?  No. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex?  YUP. Are you at risk for any medical issues?  Heart issues run in my family, and I'm finding out if I have hypoglycemia like.  Tomorrow. Is there an upcoming concert you want to go to?  Metallica in January, desperately. Do you own a robe?  No.  Don't really need one.  I get dressed right after showering. What is your favorite mark of punctuation?  Question mark. How many deep dark secrets do you have?  I don't really keep it a secret, but I don't just happily share it either.  One. Where is your father right now?  I'd assume at work. How comfy is your bed on a scale of 1-10?  I guess like... 7? What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  Hot wings at BWW doused in like the... fourth-hottest sauce. Who last called you sexy?  The only one who is insane enough to call me that is Sara. Do you want any more piercings?  Collarbones when they're prominent again, more in my ears, and then if/when I lose enough weight probably lower back dermals and bellybutton. Do you believe in heaven and hell?  Not in the Christian concept, but in some manner, probably.  Certainly a heaven of some sort for the good.  I don't know about a hell, but maybe purgatory as earth-bound spirits?  I mean there's no way the evil are going to a lovely place. Which do you think you're most likely to go to?  Hopefully a heaven, but if it turns out the Christian god is real, happily to Hell because fuck him for a multitude of reasons. How will the world end?  A meteor strike seems logical.  Flooding from global warming (I don't know how much it actually would cover if all ice melted, but).  The sun dying, if Earth is lucky enough to possibly survive that long. Are you scared of the dark?  No. How many true friends would you say you had?  Like 2-3, lol. Do you have a motto?  Not really. When was the last time you went on a trampoline?  Couldn't guess. What’s your best memory with each of your parents?  Dad, maybe him teaching me to ride a bike.  Or playing softball.  As for Mom, maybe the time we were driving around one night, grabbed some milkshakes, and jammed out to Judas Priest way too loud lol. Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?  I mean, sure.  If you truly loved your s/o, you wouldn't even consider someone else.  Better than cheating. Is it possible to ‘fix’ a ‘broken’ relationship?  I'm not sure, honestly.  This will never in any universe happen, but let's just say Jason and I got back together.  It wouldn't work.  At all.  Our relationship was Heaven to me until it ended, and I know it could never be repaired. If you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?  Nope.  I could never take on the role of a parent figure for a child.  Nevermind one that wasn't mine or Sara's. Is it possible to ‘fall out of love’?  Yeah, been there. Why do you think people choose to get married?  Some people just enjoy the idea of a legal union with each other to signify their love, some don't want sex or kids before marriage, etc. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?  We're both girls, but if it was physically possible, definitely. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?  Mom or Sara, depending on the subject. Who was the last person you danced with?  Sara. How many tattoos would you get?  Arms covered, hands, knuckles, neck, sternum, hips, back, ribs... lots.  The only place I'm not very interested in tattooing are my legs, but it'll probably happen if I find something I love and also to balance things out.  Might look kinda weird to have so many but then none below my hips. Abusive relationship: leave him/her or keep it a secret?  TELL.  SOMEONE.  I'm sure the idea is terrifying, but what's scarier is staying with someone abusive.  Tell someone who can do something. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?  Breasts. Who was the last member of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with?  Jason. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus?  I like the broccoli, the latter is disgusting. Do you like gore?  Sometimes it's aesthetically pleasing to me, sometimes it gives me a quick gag if it's something real gross with humans because then I can actually imagine it on myself. Have you ever read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov?  No.  Pretty sure I know the basis of it, though, if it's about the lolita fashion.  My friend had a phase where she was deeeep into it and told me about a book of that name.  Gross. Do serial killers fascinate you?  Not especially, but sometimes it is intriguing to learn just how fucked they can be.  I wonder how the mind can make up some shit. Besides your own, what’s your favorite country?  That I'm at least somewhat aware of, I find Japanese culture quite interesting. Would you ever get a septum piercing?  Nah, don't think it'll look good on me. Are you lactose intolerant?  No. Are you allergic to gluten?  No. Do you know anyone who is missing a toe?  No. Do any lights stay on while you sleep?  My snake's and iguana's lamps. If you have a notepad in your phone, what do you use it for the most?  Lmao tattoo ideas. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender?  At least three girls.  Two before I even realized I was bi lmao.  Just looking back, my bond with them on my end wasn't straight, Alon especially. What store do you shop at the most for clothes?  HotTopic. Would you ever get your nipples pierced?  I very recently actually briefly considered it lmao.  I wouldn't tho.  Tbfh mainly just because of foreplay reasons shhhh. How many pets do you own?  Six. What’s your least favorite season? I loathe summer. Do you like tacos? Omg no. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert. Do you like to play board games?  Not really, no. Are you fond of romantic novels? When I read, I wouldn't actively seek them out, but I enjoyed quite a few. Fruit Loops or Cocopops?  Fruit Loops = Good Shit. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars? Biiiitch yes for that much. Do you believe in aliens? I've been more open to the possibility lately.  Maybe. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?  My Sara Jane. Dogs or cats?  Cats. Do you like cotton candy?  I can only manage a couple bites.  Too sweet. Would you ever use a dating site? I like to pretend that never happened lmao neeeever again. Do you believe in ghosts?  Absolutely. Rap or pop? Pop, if I had to pick between the two. Do you like Lady Gaga?  Some of her songs are super catchy. What about Nick Minaj?  She's very talented in her genre, but I'm not a fan of her music. How many pairs of jeans do you own? None. Do you have an addiction to anything?  Technology. Do you like cheeseburgers?  Probably what I miss most being a vegetarian.  I love burgers. Do you have a Flickr? Yes. When did you last vacuum your room? Few days back. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?  Mom. Do you have a favorite flower?  Orchids. Do you like to cuddle with your S.O. or do you prefer your space?  Depends on how comfortable I am in the relationship.  In my current one, I am like.  Soooo cuddly. Do you like being called pet names or not?  Depends on the person.  Parents, s/o, friends, sure. Do you care if your produce is organic or not?  Not really, but I mean if I was to pick between something organic or not and I was aware, I'd certainly pick the organic. Do you get enough calcium?  I love milk, bro. Who is it that you’re in love with?  Sara 100% 100% 100% my babygirl. Is your significant other of the same ethnicity as you?  Yes. Do you have any friends in a band?  An old friend is the guitarist of a pretty nice metal band. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip?  Classic, probs. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?  Suicidal depression. Do you ever donate money to charity? If so, which charity and why? Once I have a source of income, I plan on donating to every charity livestream Mark does.  One, because it's just being a generous human, but also because I try to actively support everything he does. How many are too many partners for one person, in your opinion? Basically, I only support monogamy. What has been the most exciting moment of your life thus far? Meeting Sara. What’re your plans for your next birthday?  Lemme get my Mark tattoo, man.  Go out to my favorite restaurant.  Family time. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tongue ring?  No. Thinking back to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on their bed?  Yeah. Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed?  Yeah. Thinking back to the last person you really, truly passionately kissed, how many times have you cried because of them?  Waaaaaaaay too many times. How cold does it have to be before you put on a sweater?  Like low 50s. Has anyone ever pulled a gun on you?  Whoa no. Kisses on the cheek or the neck?  If you're not in the mood to make out, don't kiss me on the neck lmao. One word to describe your most recent ex? Hilarious. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? I only like scrambled. Have you ever gotten into a club, whilst being underage?  Never been to one. When do you plan on moving out?  When Sara and I are ready to move in together. Before Facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site like Bebo or MySpace?  I had MySpace. Do you think when someone says “I love you” that you are obliged to say it back?  Definitely not.  Those are strong words. Which Disney princess do you think is the most beautiful and why?  Hmmm, I think Pocahontas.  I just think she's very pretty. What’s the best food to have at a sleepover?  PIZZA. How did you meet the last person you shared a bed with?  YouTube. Do you have any half-siblings?  Four. When going shopping for junk food, what’s the first thing you pick up?  Usually chips. At sleepovers, do you usually stay up all night or actually go to sleep?  Go to sleep. Is there anything in the room you’re in that’s really dusty?  I neeeed to dust my fan. Do you know anybody with different colored eyes?  No. Are any of your relatives vets?  Not to my knowledge. How many minutes do you consider late?  More than 5. What kinds of food do you dunk into milk?  Just cookies. Do you have any current or past teachers on your Facebook friends?  Yes. How much sugar do you like in your tea/coffee?  I hate both. Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk?  Yeah. After seeing a movie, do you go to a site to enter a review about it?  No. Do your parents vote?  I know Mom does.  Guessing Dad does. How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant?  My best friend is my girlfriend, and I'd support whatever she decided.  She doesn't want kids at all, nor do I think her body could handle it, so I'd understand if she aborted, and if she didn't, I'd try damn hard to be an amazing parent. What restaurant has the best fries?  Bojangle's fries got all her challengers SHOOK. What does your mailbox look like?  Just a normal 'ole mailbox. Would your mom make a good president?  No. What’s your favorite thing to eat during a movie?  Popcorn. Do you consider cooking to be an art?  Sure, it can be. What browser do you prefer to use?  Chrome. What genre of films do you like the best? Paranormal horror. Have you ever had a crush on someone several years older than yourself?  No. Does your best friend have any tattoos?  No. Who was the last person you were rude to? Did you have a good reason?  Probably Mom.  There's never a good reason to be rude.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Do you look good today, or do you look shitty (in your opinion)? ohhh definitely the latter. I’m quarantined by myself so there is zero effort happening. even though I’d love there to be more effort, I’m so exhausted over the simplest things.
Do you enjoy reading murder mysteries? oh heck’n yeah
Would you ever want to be a detective who solves crimes? perhaps-- I’m not against it.
Have you ever hallucinated? No.
What was the last picture you uploaded to social media of? a series of pictures from my birthday weekend.
What is one thing that makes you itch? bug bites.
Have you been in your pajamas all day? yeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.
What do your favorite pair of flannel pajamas look like? I don’t have any flannel pjs, they’re way too hot. I do have flannel pj pants just for fun.
When was the last time you scrapbooked? my sisters wedding gift.
Are you currently working on an art project? i am always mid-art
Do you like to make lists? I loooooooove to make lists.
When was that last time you dyed your hair? when I visited my sister.
If applicable, what color are you planning to dye your hair next? not sure. It’ll be some time.
Do you have a sibling who looks like your twin? Not at all. I don’t look like any of my siblings.
Are you disorganized? no. Right now my room looks extremely disheveled, which is unusual for me. but 1. I can’t leave my room which makes cleaning difficult. 2. I am super weak rn.
Do you read more New Arrivals or historical fiction? New Arrivals.
Do you frequent the library? I used to. especially when in school, I am always at the library.
Do you frequent a coffee shop? no. I don’t drink coffee. But man I’d love to have a routine place i go to.
Who do you look like the most in your family? probably mom only for the dimples. but beyond that, we don’t look alike at all.
Do you think you'd make a good actor or actress? No.
Do you believe you have a lot of potential? absolutely.
Do you believe in God-given talents? I do. I think it’s a really cool aspect of life. 
Are you gifted? In what areas are you the most gifted? hmm. academics. 
Do you compare yourself to other people? naturally.
How often do you eat candy? not that often. 
Do you have a sweet tooth? yesssssssssssssssssss. very much so.
Would you rather visit Paris or Tokyo? Paris.
What are five careers you've considered? SLP, neuro rehabilitation, psych, foster care worker, trauma care worker.
What are five things you want to accomplish before you're 30? hm. my plans have changed soooooo much and thats only like a year away. I have to think about that.
At what age do you want to go gray? good question! probs 60s 
Are you the same height and weight as your mom? Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool no.
Have you ever donated blood? yep
If so, have you ever had a bad experience donating blood? nah. it always takes them like the max 4 pricks and digging around to find my vein. 
Do you have any severe allergies? gluten gives me a pretty horrific reaction.
Are you allergic to any trees? Nope
What is your favorite type of tree in the spring? literally every single one. 
What is your favorite type of tree in the fall? literally every single one.
What is your favorite type of tree in the summer? okay. you know where this is going.
Do you like winter? I love wintertime. it is my faaaaaaaavorite.
What is your favorite season? winter
Would you like to be rich and own a vacation home? that’d be cooooooool.
Are you at your ideal weight right now? No, definitely not. I’ve lost a lot of weight from being sick, but im not where id love to be.
Do you have a favorite lipstick? oh yeah.
What eyeshadow color do you think looks best on you? browns and light creamy colors.
What color are your eyes? Blue/navy/gray
Did you do anything productive today? Nope. but it’s only like 9am.
What is your favorite Halloween costume that you've worn? I have worn like 2.
Do you like Snoopy? Yeah.
What's the biggest store in your town? ummmmm, jewel
Do you eat out a lot? depends on your definition of a lot. 
Do you take medication every day? no.
Favorite nail polish color(s)? it depends on the season.right now dark colors.
Are you someone who loves paper? i mean, sure.
Are you a runner? No. I used to in HS but once I got sick and my lungs weakened, now it’s nottttttttt a good situation for me.
Have you ever run a race for charity? No.
Do you set goals for yourself? continuously. 
Who was your valentine this year? it was supposed to be kile. he didn’t do a powerpoint, plus he belonged to someone else -- but I didn’t know that. So i guess even tho i felt it was him, it was really no one.
Will you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? I usually incorporate something green just for fun. < same
Will you celebrate Easter? absolutely.
What is your favorite spring holiday? Easter.
Do you celebrate Good Friday? I mean i don’t throw a party or anything, but i think its a special day.
What is your favorite type of filling for a chocolate egg? literally whatever cadbury wants to throw my way.
Have you bought any new shorts for summer yet? summer is ending, but I have an enormous amount of shorts. 
Do you own any light-colored jeggings or skinny jeans? sure
Would you ever wear pastel-colored pants? I have previously, but its really not my style.
Do you write in calligraphy? i am capable and sometimes will for like a title or if I’m taking notes and want to separate the subjects, but typically i print.
Do you collect journals? No, but  I do love them.
Do you like avocado? in most respects.
Have you ever moved to another state? No. but maybe soon.
Would you ever move to another country? absolutely.
If you HAD to move to another country, which one would you pick? probably like switzerland, ireland, somewhere where english is used.
Do you want any tattoos? Nah.
Do you feel relaxed today? No. I’m exceptionally weak rn for some reason.
Name 5 girl's names that start with R. Reagan, Rebecca, Riley, Ruth, Rose
What is your favorite middle name? it all depends on the first name.
Do you like the feeling of the warm sun on your face? um no, pretty much never. It always makes me sweat which i loathe. I do not like being warm. 
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