#it’d be subtle. just a lil thing but also i wanna get over my fear of tattoos and just get it done
angelmichelangelo · 1 year
do i. do i get a turtle tattoo 😳
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baka-monarch · 4 years
How about just like,,, the FLUFFIEST g/t you can do, like I don't even care about the pairing or whatever but like,,, fluff is GOOD and your writing is GOOD soooo them combined would be *chefs kiss*
We're Simply Meant To Be
(Lol, I'm not good at writing pure fluff, I'm sorry if it's bad)
Virgil stared up at the giant house anxiously, as Patton pulled up outside of it. Last week his friend, Roman, had invited him over to spend the night, and he would've been happy to go except that Roman was a giant, not only that but... Virgil had a crush on said giant. Apart from the fact that Virgil was terrified of being around a giant all night and embarrassing himself in front of his crush, he was also the only one Roman had invited to come over, with the only other people going to be there being his family...of giants.
"Alrighty Kiddo, we're here!" His older brother chirped happily.
"Patton, you're also friends with Ro. You sure you don't wanna come?" Virgil prayed he'd say yes so he'd at least have some support there with him.
"Sorry Virgil, but you're the one he invited." Patton gave his lil bro a sympathetic look, knowing what Virgil really meant. "Remember, if you don't want to go you don't have to."
"No! I-I mean," Virgil corrected. "I want to go, it's just..."
"It's okay Virgil." Patton gently placed a supportive hand on his brother's shoulder. "Just remember, if you ever want to leave just call me. I'll be here on an instant." Virgil nodded slowly in response, then wrapped Patton in a tight hug.
"Thanks Pat, you're the best." He mumbled through Patton's shirt.
"I know." He smiled. "Now get going! You can't keep your prince charming waiting!"
"Patton!" He whined but it was all in good fun, making Patton chuckle. Virgil huffed. "I'll see you tomorrow." He finally got out of the car.
"See you then kiddo!" With that the car door was closed and Patton drove off.
No backing out now. Virgil swallowed his emotions and approached the ginormous door before him. Near the bottom, far enough down for a human to reach, there was a human sized doorbell. He took a deep breath, pushed the doorbell, then let it out. There was a loud ringing from inside the house followed by the sound of movement and booming footsteps that shook the ground as they got closer. He stared up at the door nervously waiting to see who would answer.
Suddenly the door opened, without warning causing Virgil to jump back in fear. When he looked at who it was, he only felt his fear intensify slightly, as the person who opened the door was Roman's brother. Remus. The infamous school jock who didn't think twice about the consequence of his actions. Virgil's body shook as he breathed, trying to stay calm.
"Hellooooo?" Remus called out as he looked around, making Virgil realize that he couldn't see him. Did Roman not tell them that he was coming?
"I-I'm down here!" Virgil called out through cupped hands. He took a step back as his eyes widened when Remus' eyes spotted his minuscule form.
"Oh, it's you." The giant shrugged as he turned back inside. "HEY RO! YOU'RE HUMAN'S HERE COME PICK THEM UP!!!" He shouted so loud that Virgil had to cover his ears. There was a muffled shout from inside and some shuffling. Remus gave a salute to Virgil, then left.
Virgil waited patiently as the pounding of footsteps got louder, making the ground under him shake. Soon there was Roman huffing for breath at the door.
"Hey"-huff-"Virgil." Roman greeted out of breath. "Sorry about that, I didn't know when you'd get here and I didn't want Remus to do anything." He scratched the back of his neck nervously as he apologized.
"It's fine Princey," Virgil shrugged. "so this is your place?" As Virgil spoke Roman lowered a hand for him to climb onto.
"Yeah, the ole Princeton residance!" Roman said as he watched his tiny friend accept the offer and climb on.
"Huh, house of the mayor's family..." Virgil spoke while being lifted by his friend's hand. "Thought it'd be bigger." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Hey!" Roman made a few noises of offense that Virgil knew as offended princey noises. "It's big enough Tom Thumb!" He huffed.
"Whatever you say Jolly Green Giant." Virgil smirked as Roman gawked in mock offense.
"Exscuse you! If anything I'm Scott Lang when he grows!" Roman spoke proudly as he carried Virgil inside.
"Whatever you tell yourself Jack The Beanstalk." Virgil barely held in his laughter at Roman's response.
"Well I never-" Roman shook his head as he did a southern bell impression finally getting a small chuckle from Virgil. Roman smiled at that, proud that he was able to keep his small friend calm. Truth is, little did Virgil know that Roman had a crush on him and had known that Virgil was going to be nervous, witch is why he was going to do anything to keep Virgil happy until midnight. For at midnight, he planned to finally do something...
"So what's the plan tonight, Prince Armpit-Stink?" Virgil snapped Roman out of his thoughts, just as they arrived at his room.
"Well, for starters, you stop calling me that." Roman smiled as Virgil laughed. "Then we'll do the usual sleepover stuff." He shrugged.
"What's "the usual sleepover stuff"?" Virgil used airquotes.
"Well... I don't really know." Roman chuckled to himself as the little emo shook his head. Roman sat Virgil down on his bed and closed his bedroom door as he thought. While Roman was doing that, Virgil noti6his TV and Disney collection.
"We could watch a movie?" Virgil shrugged.
"Excellent idea!" Roman exclaimed. "Any preferences?"
"Tim Burton's always good." Virgil sat down on Roman's pillow and got comfortable.
"Of course you would say that." Roman tutted lovingly. He pulled out his copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas Collectors Edition. He popped the disk into his DVD player and set up the TV. Once Roman finished he carefully got onto the bed with Virgil.
Then the movie began.
At some point during the movie Roman had laid down, his head on the pillow behind Virgil, and Virgil had snuggled up against Roman's nose. It was getting late and by the song Kidnap Mr. Sandycaws Roman's mom had come by to drop off some pizza for them, witch was now discarded on the floor. Neither of them really spoke throughout the movie, just enjoying each others company.
That is until Roman heard a small voice singing beautifully, yet quietly, along to Sally's Song. "I sense there's something in the wind. That feels like tragedy's at hand. And though I'd like to stand by him. Can't shake this feeling that I have." Their voice was beautiful as they harmonized with Sally.
"The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice. My feelings for him? And will he see How much he means to me? I think it's not to be." As Roman listened, he knew it was Virgil singing, and was amazed by it. Causing him to fall even deeper for the emo.
"What will become of my dear friend? Where will his actions lead us then? Although I'd like to join the crowd. In their enthusiastic cloud." Virgil avoided looking at Roman. What would he think? Why was he even friends with Virgil? He was popular and Virgil was... not. Why did Roman like him?
"Try as I may, it doesn't last. And will we ever. End up together? No, I think not. It's never to become. For I am not the one" Virgil let his head hand on the last note, sadly. He tried to subtly glance at Roman. Why did he stick around? This is all going to end someday and he's just going to get hurt when the day comes that Roman realizes that he doesn't need him anymore. He turned back to the TV and stared at it as he willed himself not to cry.
"My dearest freind, if you don't mind. I'd like to join you by your side." A louder, more confident voice sang the reprise out lovingly from behind Virgil.
"Where we could gaze into the stars. And sit together now and forever. For it is plain as anyone could see." Virgil turned around to see Roman staring at him with a deep longing, as he sang. Although Virgil had tried to be subtle when he had looked at Roman and when he had tried to hold his tears back, Roman had still noticed. It had hurt to notice that Virgil wasn't just sining to sing, but from a deeper feeling.
They smiled lovingly at each other as they both thought the same thing and sang the last line together in perfect harmony.
"We're simply meant to be."
They both leand forward, Roman less than Roman but still enough. Virgil pressed his lips against Roman's large ones as they both closed their eyes. When they both pulled away Virgil's eyes widened.
"Oh my God! Roman I'm so sorry!" Virgil rushed out embarrassed.
"No, no, hey, it's fine." Roman comforted his little emo. "I love you Virgil." Roman smiled warmly.
Virgil hesitated for a moment, and then leaned in and kissed Roman again.
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notwxrriors · 5 years
You wanna break down “let me down easy” verse by verse like you talked about? Cause I wanna read it
yeAH i do actually, thank u !!!! im pumped!!!!
this song is a bit over 5 minutes long and it is SO GOOD, holy FUCK, here��s the link to it if u wanna listen to it bc i meAN IT
i really love this song for awtto. i think it captures a lot of their relationship, the feelings of being young and a little outcasted but finding someone who understands you, even if things are a bit strange. anyway. let’s get into it
the way i’m analysing this song is Not what the song is written about, obviously, but music is meant to have many meanings and i love the meanings this song can have.
“You want someone to want you for who you are I want someone to try, then let me down easy, easy tonight Easy, easy tonight“
the first line is so otto @ awsten,,, it feels really tongue-in-cheek, about how aws always wants to be Different. i sorta feel like the song goes through the years that they know each other, so it’d start at the very beginning, with scene aws and them starting to get to become familiar with one another, start having deeper conversations, esp about romantic stuff. to “want someone to try, then let me down easy” is kinda like...otto just accepting that this isn’t going to last. it’s a one night thing, and that’s okay.
“Honey, it’s no secret that with matters of the heart I’m reserved, I’m irrational and rarely ever start But since the world’s dark and often inhumane Relish our condition, come drinking in the rain”
THOSE FIRST TWO LINES...SO otto. the awkwardness he has, especially with awsten, he just...doesn’t try. but the next two are a bit more optimistic, maybe a bit of aws rubbing off on him
“‘Cause you remember when, after Paris We all decided the best way to fight it was Drink wine, dance here and pray And make love that lasts with a vengeance”
i don’t think paris is a particular thing here, it’s sorta more the concept of traveling together, getting into messes, falling in love and trying to not fall in love. also they fuck, so,
“So you can join the cowards all aboard the outrage train You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave And scratch the little itch 'til you’re moving like a motherfucker Up in this bitch”
i love this verse. the subtle aggression in it, the being done with being closeted/secret in this situation. otto trying to get awsten out of whatever shell he’s put himself in, telling him he can stay scared or get over it
“You wanted to fight for a cause Then go out and fall in love Don’t stop, don’t stop believing In truth and grace in the grievance”
another sorta jab at awsten tbh, wanting to fight for a cause and all that. teenage rebellion. but isn’t the biggest rebellion, in conservative ass texas, loving another man openly? freely? truth and grace in the grievance is a lil self-explanatory in this context, just keep believing in whatever cause you’re fighting for even if it’s hard
“So look at me and tell me what I already know That I trialled and I failed and it’s good to let it go Sometimes life sucks, everything is lame Not everything’s as easy as making lemonade”
i loVE these first two lines. it’s like “yeah, you screwed up, but that’s okay. just keep moving on”, that’s a very awsten headspace and he’d love to remind otto that he’s not just his mistakes. the next two lines are jus cute
“And so dismembering our state of balance With lust requited, a gaze undivided With a cool mind and warmth in your face A good heart, a grace under pressure”
this is. so gorgeous. just commentary on awsten, really. “warmth in your face” is so Cute considering how rosy aws always is, and a good heart and grace under pressure (see: chorus)
“You give me a good reason to be heartsick again To be here, to be strong, to be oddly and boldly estranged From the loss and bitter years I found myself descending into tedium and fear”
maybe my favorite verse in this whole fuckin song?? in this context, awsten giving him a reason to be strong and bold, to be heartsick again. to love him. from the “loss and bitter years” of being younger, of guilt and shame around sexuality, and awsten just...helps him come to terms to it, even if it hurts sometimes, even if they dont ever actually date
“If it’s late, you’re drunk and wanting A reason, some reason to live I always, I always say Just put on some Whitesnake”
aws and otto both don’t drink, so the alcohol refs in this song are sorta moot, but i think by here we’ve moved into more recent times with them (and honestly this falls in well w the c**r* thing, like this verse takes place right after theyve broken up). awsten’s...worse, honestly, mental-health wise, but otto’s always his comfort person. he calls otto when they’re not together, and they stay on the phone long into the night, sometimes without even talking, just soft music playing from one of their ends
“Honey, it’s no secret that I’ve been losing my way In the weirdest of moments and the stupidest of ways But hey, I’m still young and it’s gonna be okay I got solipsism, baby, and I brought lemonade”
and hell, maybe otto isn’t doing too well, either. it comes in different ways than awsten’s. and the third line is so sweet, that optimism that wasn’t there at the beginning is now present and he’s using it to help aws this time instead of vise versa.
“I’ll surrender then, all my balance And be excited and drink to tonight It’s not a, a bad time, time spent with you There’s cool lights and songs with good lyrics”
seeing each other again in a romantic context, after a few years of awsten’s ex. awsten’s in houston, otto’s with him, and they’re alone. it’s like being barely-adults again, and otto lets down those walls he’s been building the past few years, and things settle right back into place
“We never have to talk again, whatever, up to you But since you’re putting up with me Here’s another toast just to you Let’s dance, off the beat Then mosey out together and say goodbye on the street”
the thought of awsten “putting up with” otto is sorta laughable, considering their respective personalities, but sometimes otto really does feel like that. also, them dancing together is a VERY sweet thought, and seperating at the end of the night like they’ve done many times before, feeling okay about it
“Don’t stop, don’t stop believing In truth and personal freedom I want someone to want me for who I am I want someone to try, or let me down easy, easy tonight”
the last chorus is a bit different. instead of “grace and the grievance”, we’ve developed into “personal freedom”, and thats. fuckin beautiful, honestly, with aws getting out of his last relationship and he and otto rekindling things again. and for otto, “i want someone to want me for who i am”, is a bit of a realization that maybe awsten is the only one who does. i think it’s kinda on brand though, to still feel like someone has to try with him, and that he’s going to be let down, even all these years later.
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lalinbri111 · 7 years
Haikyuu Valetine Exchange Fic Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Shoking Revelation my Haikyuu VAlentine Exchange gift for @doggonneit        
Summary:The finale! I hope you all enjoy it! I'm sorry for the delay, but I hope it was worth the wait!
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
   Kuroo had pulled back as quick as possible, hand still tingling. It was such a weird sensation he couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at his hand before looking over at Tsukishima expecting a reaction, or for him to have jumped.
Except he was still just standing there looking at Kuroo like he was crazy. Kuroo felt his heart drop. He wasn't crazy, right? He had definitely felt the shock, he was positive he had felt it.
"Sorry," he told Tsukishima, holding out his hand again. Tsukishima looked at it, hummed then reached out and took his hand in a firm grip as he shook it. This time when the shock came he was prepared and trying his hardest not to jerk.
Once again though Tsukishima didn't react at all and Kuroo couldn't help but feel like the world was holding it against him that all he wanted to find was someone who loved him, soulmate or not. He bit down his fear, and smiled at the boy pulling back his hand. This time he turned back to Hinata. "Were you guys heading in?"
Hinata nodded. "Yeah! Do you wanna join us?"
Kuroo weighed his options. It'd look pretty dumb if he went to a festival alone, but, he didn't know if he could handle being around his soulmate? Not-soulmate? Whatever the blondie was to him?
Well, he might as well try to get to know him, right? Come tomorrow he could find someone to talk to about what had happened, but for now there wasn't much he could think of besides panicking and Kuroo Tetsurou was too cool to panic thank you very much.
 So, he did what any sane person would do and nodded. "Sure!"
 (He was sure things would go well)
He was so, so, SO screwed.
It had actually gone better than he had thought it would.
At first, he and Tsukishima (he had listened for his name whenever the freak duo called upon him) had been at the back of the group when Yachi and Yamaguchi went off to get food.
Yamaguchi asked Tsukki if he wanted to join them, giving not so subtle looks at Kuroo. Tsukishima loved his best friend but sometimes he worried too much about how he'd handle himself being around strangers.
While he was walking side by side with Kuroo the freak duo were also there so he wasn't too concerned. Tsukishima gave the couple a small shake of the head. Yamaguchi walked away looking concerned, but Yachi didn't seemed faze giving 'Kei-kun' a small wave and dragging her boyfriend along with her.
"He's a good friend," Kuroo told Tsukishima, turning to face him slightly as they walked through the crowd. He thought the blonde looked even better with the lights from the lanterns on him, his face still passive as ever.
Tsukishima hummed a bit but to Kuroo's shock responded. "Yeah..."
Once all 3 seconds of shock wore off Kuroo smirked a bit. "Almost like he was a parent." he had been hoping to stir a bit of a reaction from the boy, and he was not disappointed. Tsukishima's eyebrow twitched a bit.
"You have no idea," Tsukishima sighed, trying to keep his eyes on the freak duo that was busy jumping about and talking in loud voices. He was surprised with himself. Usually he was more reserved around strangers, but in a way he felt like he had known Kuroo for a while.
At first, Kei had been shocked at the way the man's hair seemed intent on escaping Kuroo, going as far as to defy gravity trying to get away. Once the shock from seeing such a weird haircut, he actually looked the boy over. If he was honest, he didn't look like he was ready for a festival, dressed in only a shirt and jeans.
But man, those jeans were a gift. They fit Kuroo so well, showing off how long his legs were as well as showing those thighs and calves some love. While his shirt wasn't too tight, it was enough that you could tell his had a lean but well-built body, with broad shoulders and all. The sleeves were rolled up and you couldn't help but wonder how much he worked out with the definition his forearms and biceps had.
But beyond his appearance, he could tell Kuroo had a pretty sarcastic and dry sense of humor when in the first ten minutes of them being in the festival, he had stared cracking jokes left and right almost as if when a pun- good or bad- came to mind he had to say it. It was amusing to say the least and when Kei had put in a few dry remarks himself, Kuroo would grin, never once offended.
Then there was the fact that he had heard of the boy before, seeing as his friend group interacted with the boy on a daily it seemed. So that also eased him a bit knowing so many of his friends were also friends with him. Though, with his friend choice he wouldn't be surprised if Kuroo had turned out to be another one of the crazy ones.
(Not that Kei really minded but he'd never admit it)
They had kept on walking, eventually losing the Freak Duo, but to their surprise they never really seemed to run out of stuff to talk about. Even when Tsukishima didn't have much to say, it never turned awkward and Kuroo filled the gap easily.
A few times Kuroo would pull him aside to play a game or two. They found out Kuroo was the stronger of the two while Tsukishima had better aim. At the hammer game, Kuroo had won a cat plushie and had given it to Tsukishima.
 Holding the cat at arm’s length he had given Kuroo a questioning look. "Why exactly are you giving it to me?" The toy itself wasn't bigger than two feet tall with big brown eyes and black fur, the occasional splotch of white on it as well. It was pretty cute truth be told.
Kuroo had his arms behind his head which was tilted so he could stare up at the sky, the sun having long set. "Well, Daichi and I have a cat and while she's pretty tame she loves clawing stuffed animals. Bokuto forgot his favorite owl one time after a sleepover and Mackerel destroyed it. He refuses to pet her now."
Tsukishima did his best to cover his chuckle with a cough. He knew Bokuto very well considering he was dating Akaashi who was Tsukishima's senpai in the History department so this was very welcome blackmail.
Tsukishima tucked the toy under his arm. He'd have to hide it from Yamaguchi to avoid teasing, but he figured he could find someplace to put it.
"I do get rights to see him on the weekends, right?" Kuroo turned to him grinning now. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"You gave up all rights the moment you handed him over Kuroo-san."
Kuroo pouted. "But he needs his dad around!"
An eye roll was all he got as Tsukishima kept walking on.
They ended up sitting below a tree with the plush between them for the fireworks display. After the show was over, Kuroo walked Tsukishima up to the entrance they had come in. Yamaguchi had texted Tsukishima to let them know that he and Yachi would be leaving soon and would meet him at the front gate.
Before he left Kuroo made sure to get Tsukishima's phone number, taking a picture of the plush to set as his contact picture. Once he was sure he had everything saved, Kuroo texted him. Tsukishima saved his number as well, only making a joke that he was gonna block it once.
Not long after, Yamaguchi and Yachi arrived. Kuroo decided to take his departure.
"See ya later Tsukki," Kuroo waved as he walked away.
Tsukishima lifted his hand in acknowledgement.
Kuroo felt so lively for the first time in a while walking down the street with a huge grin on his face and a pep in his step.
(He wanted for Tsukishima to be his soulmate so bad)
To MoonBoi: tsukkiiiiiiiiii have u named our child yet????
From MoonBoi: I don't know what you're talking about we have no children together Kuroo-san and we never will.
From Moonboi: The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected. Service Error: 404
To MoonBoi: (T-T)
The next few weeks found Kuroo trying to find out about what he had experienced whenever he touched Tsukki. In the first few days he hadn’t had much luck but one book he found on soulmates kind of shined some light on what might be happening.
Essentially, it explained that Tsukki was probably a “non-believer of love or soulmates”. The one stung Kuroo. That whole day he hadn’t been responding to Tsukki’s texts since he was trying hard to process what was going on.
The way the book put it was that the connection couldn’t be complete if one person didn’t believe in it or that they were at least capable of loving someone or being in love. Therefore, if two people thought like this and had met their soulmates they would never know because their connection couldn’t be complete and neither would feel a shock.
Because destiny decided it loved Kuroo so much, his situation just had to be the smallest percentage of soulmate relations ever recorded alongside having the smallest percentage of success rates. Most times, for the handful of cases reported, the one who felt the shock would try to convince the other that they were soulmates but the one who couldn’t feel the shock would dismiss the idea.
Kuroo didn’t want Tsukki to throw him away. Even if they didn’t end up together, he didn’t want to lose his friend. They had gotten along so well, he couldn’t even imagine going back to life without his firefly around.
But what if he slipped up? What if he accidentally told him about what he felt? Not just physically, but emotionally? That he was so smitten with the boy it wasn’t even funny.
Could he do that? Could he suffer knowing he lo-liked this boy a lot and would probably never get to tell him how he felt?
Kuroo wondered about all these questions as he curled up under his blanket feeling absolutely miserable. It felt like no matter what he did, he’d still be the bad guy.
Tsukki had been so worried about Kuroo not responding to his texts he came by Kuroo’s and Daichi’s apartment. He held Kuroo who was both delighted that Tsukki really did care but also feeling guilty because he didn’t know if he wanted to keep getting closer with Tsukki because of them being soulmates.
The shock was a warm buzzing, a constant reminder where ever he and Tsukki were touching as the blonde held him gently.
(It was the place he wanted to be but it was tearing him apart)
To MoonBoi: hey im free after 11 wanna meet up 4 lunch???????
From MoonBoi: And be seen with a loser like you?
To MoonBoi: ill wait outside all ur classes & sing nyan cat if u dont
From MoonBoi: Fine. Meet you at the usual table.
To MoonBoi: <3 <3<3
Touching was nearly unavoidable. From little touches, to being pressed side by side, as time went on the closer Tsukki and Kuroo grew. They started by meeting up a day or two every week and not even two months later they were nearly inseparable.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays they met for a late lunch at the cafeteria as long as both their classes ran on time. Most times some of their other friends would join them and other times they’d be there alone sitting side by side talking about anything and everything from volleyball to weird philosophical questions.
Fridays were their official kickback day, after their last class of the day they’d meet up at Kuroo’s and Daichi’s apartment, and being the ‘Party animal’ (coughNetflixaddictcough) he was, Kuroo invited Tsukki to watch Netfilx with him. They’d usually have a ton of snacks and order some food and just had a lazy day to relax. Mackerel would join most times, having taken a liking to Tsukki.
(“Is this your way of trying to get me to Netflix and chill with you Kuroo?” “YOU KNOW MEMES? OH BLESSED DAY!”)
Today, they were curled up on the couch watching a supposed horror movie with Mackerel having taken her place of honor on Tsukki’s chest enjoying the occasional scratch behind the ears. Tsukki was as comfortable as could be, half pressed against Kuroo who had fallen asleep partway through the movie.
Tsukki watched him for a bit, allowing himself to take in the handsome features of the man beside him. Seriously, once you got passed the bad hair Kuroo wasn’t all that bad looking. Tsukki treasured moments like these that were quiet yet spoke volumes all at once.
The ones where happiness seemed attainable thanks to a bedheaded dork.
Tsukki smirked as he ran his fingers through Kuroo’s hair. He’d let him sleep for now, but Kuroo couldn’t be mad if he woke up with a dick or two drawn on his face.
(Okay, so maybe they were paw prints. It still looked funny…and somewhat cute)
A few days later a staring match was happening in front of Tsukishima’s doorway. Said blonde was standing in the doorway arms crossed over his chest, Littlefoot cradled in them as he stared down Kuroo who was standing in the apartment hallway.
Littlefoot looked adorable, he had a new shirt that read “I love dinos” courtesy of Yachi who had found him when Tsukki had forgotten him in the living room one night. Yamaguchi had teased him relentlessly but it was well worth it.
“C’mon Tsukki, Littlefoot needs a normal parental figure! Otherwise he’ll start acting like those alley cats!!” Kuroo was almost pouting at this point, but the slight twitch of his lip gave him away as he tried not to grin. He wanted to see Littlefoot, the little cat plushie he’d given Tsukki, joking around about his duties as Littlefoot’s “Daddy”.
 Tsukishima turned his face at this point, lip between his teeth and a blush rising on his face. “He’ll be fine. I only had one parent and I turned out okay.”
It took Kuroo a full second for him to process what Tsukishima had just told him. Without hesitation, he pulled the blonde into a hug. “Damn right you did.” He tightened his hold and ignored the parts of his shirt that slowly grew wet.
Eventually, he got Kei into his room where he held him, his back pressed against Kuroo’s chest, the rumble of his voice could be felt, their fingers interlaced as Kei talked, and talked.
(It was his dad. He had left despite being his mother’s soulmate)
Kuroo and Tsukki were sitting in a booth at a bar, having come with their friends in celebration of being young (“We’re only young once afterall,” Bokuto told them, beer swinging dangerously in his hand). From where Kuroo was he could easily see Bokuto and Akaashi, both laughing softly as they swayed in each other’s arms, in a bubble all their own.
Kenma was also dancing with Hinata, having agreed since it was a slow song-the promise rings that they each had on both their fingers glinting whenever a light hit them. It always caught Kuroo’s eyes when he looked their way.
His heart was buzzing, warm from happiness for his best friend. He turned away from the couple, wanting to give them their privacy as they leaned in close, foreheads pressed against each other and small smiles on their lips.
He turned to look at Tsukki, startled to find he was already looking at him a small blush on his face. Kuroo lifted an eyebrow, giving the boy his slanted smirk before he held his hand out. Hesitating for only a second, Tsukki took it and let Kuroo pull him close and onto the dance floor.
They didn’t even try keeping time, Kuroo giggling like a little school girl. Before he could help himself he leaned in close, lips close to Tsukki’s. Tsukki raised his eyebrow this time, head tilting a little and eyes challenging.
“I bet you won’t even kiss me,” Tsukki taunted, wetting his lips.
Kuroo followed the movement, his adam’s apple bobbing before he tilted his head as well. “Well, you bet wrong sweetheart.” He whispered softly, leaning up to press his lips against Tsukki’s.
Tsukki was way too smug to keep the smile off his face.
Kuroo’s lips were as soft as he imagined, his hand moving from Kuroo’s shoulder and into his hair, pulling him closer. He had waited a long time for this there was no way he was going to settle for some soft peck of the lips.
He felt Kuroo grin, before he pulled back still beaming.
“Is that all you got?” Kuroo whispered, hand cradling his cheek now. Tsukki’s lips were back on his in a heartbeat.
(They both pretended that there wasn’t tears rolling down Kuroo’s face. Kuroo was overwhelmed, the shock that came from their kiss was so sweet and warm and he just wished he wasn’t experiencing this alone.)
Tsukishima was avoiding Kuroo.
At first, Kuroo didn’t want to believe it. But the first time had come about two days after their first kiss, when they were supposed to have their weekly Netflix night and Tsukki never showed.
He didn’t respond to his texts or calls and when he had gone by Yamaguchi’s and Tsukki’s apartment all he got was a “He doesn’t want to talk to you.” Yamaguchi looked sorry as he said it, but he would protect his best friend from anyone or anything and Kuroo could respect that. He had only nodded, hoping he didn’t look too heartbroken as he walked away.
He knew he shouldn’t have messed with destiny. While he wouldn’t give up the time he and Tsukki had together for anything in the world, he just wished he hadn’t hurt the boy he loved.
(A broken heart hurt more than he could’ve ever imagined)
Tadashi closed the door a frown on his face. Kei sat on the couch looking at the door in shock. Without a word, Tadashi walked over and lifted Kei’s glasses before he wiped his friend’s cheek. He was so shocked he didn’t even realize he was crying.
“Maybe you should try talking to him Kei,” Tadashi put his glasses back down as the blonde pulled away and shook his head.
“I can’t! He won’t believe me!” Kei pulled his glasses off angrily and rubbed at them with the bottom of his shirt.
“Well, have you thought that maybe he will believe you?” Tadashi asked, full on serious. He hated seeing both his best friend and another close friend hurting so much. “Have you thought of giving him the benefit of the doubt? I know you’ve had a lot of trust issues because of your dad, but you have to realize Kuroo is Kuroo, not your dad.”
Kei took a deep breath, trying hard to keep his anger, frustration and fear at bay. Tadashi was only trying to help, he knew that. But it was easier for him because he wasn’t in Kei’s position. How in hell was he supposed to explain to the guy he loved that out of nowhere the day after they had had their first kiss he had started feeling a shock whenever they touched.
Hell, the first time they kissed was the first time he had really thought that he could actually be in love with Kuroo for all he had bad hair and even worse science jokes. It was scary to realize that he was capable of feeling such a thing and possibly being able to make others feel the same as well.
“…But what if he has a soulmate already,” Kei whispered, looking lost his hands locked together in front of him. He wanted it to work out so desperately. But he and Kuroo had never really talked about soulmates before the only time being when Kei had talked about his parents and just because they had kissed a few times didn’t mean they were exactly exclusive.
Kuroo could have someone out there who was more deserving of him and Kei didn’t want to get in the way of that.
Tadashi put his hand on Kei’s shoulder. It was a small comfort. “You’ll never know unless you ask. I know you’re not used to going above for stuff, but it Kuroo is really worth it you should give it a shot. You’ll never know if you don’t ask after all.”
Kei hated when Tadashi made sense.
(Maybe love could make him brave)
To Kei: I hope you’re okay. I’m sorry if I hurt you. If you don’t want to be friends I understand.
From Kei: Can you come over to mine at 5?
To Kei: Yes. To Kei: See you then.
Kuroo was scared. What if Tsukki really did hate him and never wanted anything to do with him again? His hand was shaking slightly as he let out a breath and knocked on the door in front of him. Almost immediately the door was opened.
Kuroo’s heart clenched at the sight of Tsukki. He looked absolutely miserable. His hair was messy and his eyes were red rimmed and broken looking. Kuroo figured he wasn’t one to talk, he hadn’t shaved in days, and his eyes were almost as red from lack of sleep. He hadn’t even tried to dress up still in sweats and a plain t-shirt.
“Come in,” Tsukki told him, stepping aside. Kuroo nodded, walking past him whispering a soft “pardon the intrusion”. Tsukki closed the door, shoulders tense before he made to sit on the armchair. Kuroo followed but sat on the couch directly across from the boy.
They sat silently for a bit, looking everywhere but each other the tension palpable.
Kuroo couldn’t stand it. If Tsukki didn’t want anything to do with him he’d rather it be done quickly. He finally stared at the boy, taking in how his hands were clasped in front of him in the tell all sign that Tsukki was nervous.
“Tsukki,” Kuroo started, voice soft. “What’s going on? Did I upset you?”
Tsukki clasped his hands tighter. He had always had issues with talking stuff out, but he already knew he could trust Kuroo. He did want Kuroo. He wanted to fight for them and he would do his best to push his fears aside for now.
“It wasn’t you,” Tsukki replied, now facing Kuroo. “I-I…I just. Kuroo, do you believe in the whole soulmate thing?”
Kuroo frowned. Why would he bring that up right now? Kuroo wasn’t against answering the question just…it was a weird one when Tsukki had never asked about soulmates before.
“…I believe in them in a way. I’ve never really been opposed to it, but I wasn’t gonna spend all my time looking for someone. If I find them, that’s fine and if not that’s fine too. I just want to find someone who I love and who loves me.”
Tsukki seemed to relax a bit at that, pulling off his glasses to rub at his eyes. Before he could stop himself, Kuroo went over to the blonde on reflex, kneeling in front of him worriedly.
“Kei?” he reached out to touch him, his had pressing against Tsukki’s for a split second before Tsukki was leaning back from him a look of shock on his face. Kuroo looked almost the same. This time, the shock had been different way more intense, more burning. Kuroo looked up eyes wide.
Tsukki had leaned back.
/Tsukki had leaned back./
Not when they touched initially, but when they both processed the shock.
Kuroo was shocked, both literally and physically. He looked up at the blonde, voice awed. “Did you feel that Kei?”
Tsukki’s eyebrows furrowed, eyes averted bashfully before he nodded. “That’s why I was afraid.” He was playing with his fingers again a blush making its way his face. “I felt it the day after we were at the bar. That’s why I left your apartment so early.”
Kuroo couldn’t help but grin as he stood and pulled Tsukki up with him, the boy squeaking a bit at the shock. Kuroo pulled him close, tears rolling down his face.
“You’re my everything Tsukishima Kei! Don’t you forget that, okay?” Tsukki nodded as he buried his face in Kuroo’s chest. Kuroo kissed the top of his head savoring the feeling of holding Tsukki close knowing he could feel everything now.
(Kei had never felt more loved than he had in that moment, cradled in the arms of the man he loved)
Tsukishima Kei was hopelessly in love, and he was absolutely happy.
Yes, his soulmate could be a dork but he was Tsukki’s dork and that was all that mattered.
Special thanks to @StarJem for keeping me motivated and giving me feedback everytime I lost something and had to rewrite it <3 You're the real M.V.P hun, thanks so much for all yout support <3 I would additionally like to thank @ToastySilverLinings @Ivyfics and @ladysaya as well for their support and encouragement as well. I love you all so much and apprecitate it sm!!!
Feel free to bug me on Tumblr or Twitter!!! Especially if you love memes. We'll probabaly get along great lol. Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookGirl124 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/momomirasaki124
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