#it would be kinda weird if you recognized a masculine mii but not a feminine one wouldn't it? they're all in the plaza (I'd hope) :T
mewkwota · 10 months
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I had a Big Thinking Moment today. A lot of the discussion (or rather argument) around Smash Bros and their playable fighters tend to revolve around "popularity"-- which I've come to learn really means "personal familiarity which in turn determines their worth to you".
So I thought with my siblings as to how many of these characters we actually knew prior to any instance of them being mentioned in Smash, this includes if they were placed in discussion as a potential fighter. And I got a, I guess, fairly-decent score for myself.
It's very interesting to see all this now that I have it down on "paper". (With little tidbits on particular Yes-n-No's below.)
To note, my first Smash game was Melee. And I did not own an N64. That in turn already shapes how familiar I am with certain titles.
A lot of the big-mascot characters I knew in passing, save for Mario who I was first exposed through Super Mario World Advanced, and so everyone following after would be seen in passing-- or through Mario Kart.
My first Zelda game was Twilight Princess on the Wii... Very late, I know. I remembered seeing Toon Link from a Windwaker Wii Ad.
I first remembered seeing Kirby in some ad for Nightmare in Dreamland. For some reason I thought he was a badguy.
I first saw Meta-Knight, Dedede, and K.Rool as trophies in Melee.
I recognized Snake in his trailer as "the guy who my cousin showed me throw up on-screen". I do not know which title it was.
I grew up on A Lot of bootlegs. These included titles like Mario Land, Duck Hunt, and Rockman World.
Dark Pit makes no sense because Pit has a palette swap in Brawl that Dark Pit could be based from, but it's also not him exactly. I gave him a pass since he only existed so recently.
I believe my most early memory of Simon would be from some Newgrounds-esque video where he appears for a portion of the video. I would not know more about him until Captain N and after.
I was introduced to Richter's name through a friend's fan-fiction.
I have absolutely no recollection of Banjo's existence prior to discussion of people wanting him in Smash.
I have practically grown up with a majority of the Fighter Passes. My big childhood games include Tekken, Xeno(saga), and Kingdom Hearts-- it would be surprising if I did not recognize someone from a fighting game, I've played so many.
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